#low functioning autism isnt a thing
caged-canines · 1 year
hi daily PSA because people piss me off
it's a myth made by ableists who think autism is a line spectrum, when every aspect of it is a spectrum.
if anyone argues w me I'm not gonna bother and just am gonna block /srs
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foggyroseblood · 2 years
I don't remember who said it but whoever suggested to use "high masking" and "low masking" instead of low and high functioning i love you so much. Its the only words I feel really work for me. I was diagnosed with "high functioning autism/aspergers" which the 1st one just didnt fit me i felt bc it just isnt true and the 2nd word has nazi history so um no thanks. Lots of people use low and high support needs now but those don't work for me either. Like i would be considered low support needs i guess but I do need lots of support with daily things i definitely do not have low support needs if i take the definition litterally. I am high masking.
High masking suggets that i look like i am high functioning and okay although i am not and that's very validating
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
Hello, I hope it's not rude but I'm REALLY REALLY fond of your art!!!!! I was scrolling through your blog from new to old and found that you have Bpd,,,. I only heard about this condition, what is it like? If it's ok to know,,,!
hello, thank u! uhm it's something? HAHAHAHA idk how to explain it 😭🏳 lemme try to be as direct as possible
I'm high-functioning, but there are points I seriously just start showing symptoms.
Emotions: INTENSE as it can get while FEELING 99 PERCENT EMPTY. Something just- keeps you so.. hungry (not literally). Sensory is also another factor, and honestly I burn out a lot, tend to get overwhelmed n meltdown like shit
Identity: I either have BEEF WITH it, feel GODLY, or be so LOW, really low. I live with both passion and hate. I'm very confused. But I can say I'm just tired!
Attachments: Relationships are so hard to maintain bc of how much I fear abandonment, like bro I can't even leave my family as much as I want to. I'm more scared of getting disowned or losing my name. Love is a concept I long to grasp at the same time scared of it, I don't understand jackshit about " love ".
> I tend to self-Isolate with or without reason
> ...I used to test other people whether they can handle me or not, whether they'd leave or not. Not anymore though, but the thought lingers.
> Very- paranoid- about.. perception, neglect and invalidity HAHA.
Mindset: They call it Black and White, or generally just two categories to label my perception of things. However, I try to understand AS MUCH AS I CAN about a situation, etc. See what's in-between before I decide. that's really hard for me to do LOL.
> I always do my best to think and be nice
> I can be so fucking bad at the same time, only to regret it the next second or so
> My mind is scattered all over the place, It's exhausting
Trauma: I have memory problems and a lot to connect with that. Hate and fear is what I'm accustomed to. I live with a fuck ton of active predicaments like hell. Old wounds keeps reopening, and new ones never closes.
Impulse: shows in speech more than in action (THANK GOD LMAO I'D DIE IF I LET MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS WIN)
Habits: uhm. Ranging from sunshine and rainbows to SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. I get obsessive, like.. really obsessive.
Coping mechanisms: Usually I have mood stabilizers and anti-depressants n shit, but I don't rely on them anymore (bc I can't keep buying). I don't have good coping mechanisms even for physical needs. It's so bad bro. So I just end up drawing. that's the only good one I can list.
Living with it: Exhausting and an internal war 24/7. Does it affect me physically? Yes. Does it come with other mental factors and conditions? Also yes! But as one of God's most tired soldiers, nothing I can do but keep walking.
What I'm confused about: dawg last time, i kept searching about how conditions co exists like— Thats normal?? N the last diagnosis I was in confirms it does and nothing to worry about. BLUD I AM DEF WORRYING. Autism n bpd? u mean my behavior and shit isnt meant to be invalid as most people perceive — u mean these fckass experiences built that bpd? ☠️ WHAT AM I THEN—
(I'm having a hard time believing it bc as an adult, it's harder to process information like these)
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number1blueoakfan · 6 months
red from pokemon is autistic
this isnt a new thing i js like psychoanalyzing him ok.
Red, in both the games and manga, show traits of ASD, or Autism spectrum disorder, or just Autism. In the games, it is much easier to spot, however.
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1; Speech
In the games, he is completely nonverbal, with the exception of a few times where Red is shown to speak. (Copycat, Masters EX, etc) Masters EX timeline is… Confusing, though in the games, he only speaks once. (Copycat) In the manga, he is shown to speak a lot, though it is harder to see it as autism, it is a spectrum disorder, and one side of the spectrum is never being quiet/having trouble being quiet.
2; Special interests
In the games AND manga, Red very obviously has a special interest in pokemon, given he has caught every type in Kanto and completed the pokedex, he is very intent and interested in pokemon battles, and overall, that's just his major special interest.
3; Sensory issues
Though we don't see much explicit proof of this, I believe that Red has fabric related sensory issues. The reason being, he doesn't change his clothing at all until Masters EX and generation 7, excluding the original red and blue games. In fire red/leaf green, he is 11, in gold/silver/crystal, he is 14. In the pokemon world tournament, he is 19. Why do I mention this? Well, that's because Red wears the exact same outfit for 8 whole years, as opposed to Blue, who changes his outfit throughout the series. A lot, if not all autistic people struggle with fabric related sensory issues, and struggle to find clothing they like the texture of, which causes them to wear the same clothes over and over again.
4; repetition/patterns
Pokemon battles, in my opinion, especially pokemon type advantages and disadvantages, deal with pattern recognition. This is a trait of autism, which leads me to believe, with Red's special interest in pokemon and battling, he has some form of pattern recognition when it comes to typing of pokemon.
In the manga, he is also shown to repeat movements, pick up on phrases a few times, etc, which can count for repetition. The phrases can also count for echolalia in a sense, a common thing with autism. This can also apply to the copycat thing.
5; Stimming/Stimulation
For Red, this is a difficult thing to see. Since in most of his appearances, the sprites don't move, or do not move much, it's hard to decide if he is shown to stim. It's also hard, given he cannot vocal stim, since he is non-verbal. (Games) This is where the manga comes into play, since the manga is more expressive, since that is the point of the manga. To show scenes in more detail. In the manga, he is shown to flail his arms when he's frustrated, (entering saffron city, etc) repeat phrases, which ties into echolalia, etc. Also, in the games, he is shown to have little/no facial expressions.
I feel like him disappearing on Mt. Silver was because he was so overwhelmed and overstimulated all the time with being champion- And thus, ran away with little/no explanation.
6; Over or under empathetic?
Red is shown to be very empathetic towards pokemon, a few people, and that's it. In the manga, however, he is shown to be both overly empathetic and under-empathetic. While he is not super emotional, he still is a bit emotional in the manga. Tying into this, autistic people have a very strong sense of justice. This is shown in both the games and the manga, given team rocket.
7; high or low functioning?
Red is obviously a very high functioning character. He is intelligent, and strategic, given he enjoys pokemon battles.
8; Social
I feel like he was isolated for displaying autistic traits as a kid, hence why Blue(m) was (presumably) his only friend. Also, the scene in the manga where he calls Misty an idiot and gets confused on why she's upset- Peak bluntness, chat. (A trait of autism) He's very blunt and straightforward throughout the manga, as well.
9; overall overview– Is this character autistic?
Very obviously, yes! Red is autistic. He checks out a lot of the boxes, and definitely shows signs of ASD, the most prominent ones being him being non-verbal, his pokemon special interest, and the whole sensory issue thing.
EDIT: also the fact satoshi (THE CREATOR OF POKEMON) is autistic and i believe has stated that red and i believe ash were based off him. quirks brow
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
On that post about autism winning you put in the tags how cannibalism isn't a great survival food source can you elaborate more on that because I'm genuinely curious
yes actually !!
So there are a few reasons for this
The first one, which im pretty sure i mentioned in the tags, is that human flesh is actually really low on calories.
And i know
"calories bad 😡😡😡 high calorie food isnt good for you etc. etc."
This is a diet culture myth
Calories are actually the human body's main source of long term energy your body converts it into fat to store it and then burns the fat to make energy when food is scarce/when you're using a lot of it at once.
Having a high calorie diet is like pretty good for people in stamina sports because it means they won't burn out too quickly.
When you're in a survival situation where food is scarce, you're gonna want foods either high in sugar so you can get your energy boost straight away (humans are not this because we burn through sugar like its gasoline) or high in calories so that you can preserve your energy and live longer, and so you can last off the same bit of food for longer. Food that is high in calories tend to be filling because your body is getting a bunch of storable energy really quickly and you do not need as much of it at once to live.
Because humans store energy as fat, though, a lot of the calories in it tend to burn when you would be cooking human flesh, meaning that most of the useful survival nutrients likely will be wasted. And making the assumption that this is a city person who is resorting to cannibalism as a final option, they probably would not be able to stomach raw human/not a hundred percent but it could possibly kill you? I know human meat gets compared to pork/chicken quite often and they're both white meats, which you can't eat raw. So in the basic sense of getting energy off of the food you're eating, humans just don't have the correct nutritional balance to sustainably keep you alive you'd have kill and eat another person every like two-three days whereas animals like pigs/goats/sheep you could live off for at least a week before they start to spoil (and even then if you cook it thoroughly uts still technically safe to eat for like almost a month) so if you can find something similar in your wilderness environment do so
Also don't quote me on this but pretty sure a good way to tell for meat with decent calorie intake is muscle vs fat
Beef cows are often bred for muscle as opposed to fat because the fat just lacks nutrients and doesnt satisfy hunger very well
So if you have a himbo friend they're going first just saying
But also humans aren't really naturally built to build muscle as well as they build fat, so either way chances are you'll still end up lacking calorie intake.
Reason number two !!
A pretty fuckin big one
Kuru is a protien disease (i think thats the word). I dont know all the sciency shit but basically inside your brain you have these little chemicals and theyre unique to you. They like float around your body a little and vibe idrk why they're there.
When you ingest human flesh
The other persons little protein things attack your ones.
Most of what i know about the symptoms of kuru come from this one zombie game my dad used to play (z nation or gen z or some shit like that it was a super hardcore survival game) so like dont quote me too much on this
But basically it deteriorates your brain functions. You like start getting forgetful/judgement/risk evaluation gets affected/emotional management fucks off completely (you get all manic sometimes i think and like hysterical laughing is common in later stages) and eventually your brain just kind of in general stops functioning and you die.
And it takes a little while like a couple weeks or something i think depending on the amount of human flesh you consume.
And like you won't always contract a lethal level of kuru i think, like generally the further away from the brain you are the better off you'll be? Like if you eat a human brain you're practically dead on arrival but if youre munching on toes you have to eat like four or five people's worth to die
Fun fact: the penis is the only place on the human body this protein isnt found which means eating dick is safe.
But yeah kuru is nasty and i do not recommend to the average tumblr user.
Please bear in mind that i am not a science nerd do like the more scientific shit i am not a hundred percent on and you should probably take this with a lil grai of salt because i might have oversimplified or misunderstood something
But this is more or less why cannibalism is not a great survival tactic and should definitely be the last of last resorts
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zephyrusreturns · 1 year
autigender huh.
mans went to the social meetup thing because humans need social contact and all that jazz. and people were sharing their stories and something started chewing at the back of my mind until i was most of the way home.
ive always had this sense of internal gender. its not changed over time. ive always had a box thats Me. its not What I Want To Be- its just. a part of what i am. it informs how i present myself, and how id like my body to look and function. to some extent this is affected by external stimulus- know the rules so you can break them.
mostly, its affected by how i see the rest of my self. i cant present exactly how i want to right now because i have tits, etc.
and its. my access and relationship to this box has changed over time- my level of engagement, and to some extent my ability to engage with it.
because the thing i realized, that im processing now, is that i put my parents box of what i should be before my own. for all of it. presentation, career, ALL of it.
and i could have objected, i could have put myself first. and perhaps it wouldve hurt in different ways- more fights, more pushback, feeling more like myself, more self hatred, less passivity.
but i didnt. and i dont mean this in a "oh you couldnt have you were a kid" self deprecation spiral- no, limited agency is not NO agency, despite not being FULL agency- i could have, and i didnt, and i cannot change that, and i regret it.
i regret that i didnt push back on my mothers clothing opinions, disagreeing for the sake of it. i regret that i didnt take my grandmothers offers on bday shopping trips to get myself cooler clothes i LIKED. i regret that i did not live for myself, by my own standards, that young.
so. gender. my box has never been easily defined by Boy or Girl. its not boy, or girl, or "or" or nonbinary or agender or multigender or pan or bigender or any of the niche attachments to elements or objects or creatures or ideas- except maybe autism.
i want to be seen as a man, just casually wearing a dress. but im no man. im just some guy. i only have titles if theyre funny.
my identity is made of wants- what i find desirable in the world, what i find uncomfortable, what i want for myself, what i want gone. theres no pinnacle of masculinity or femininity or androgyny i aspire to. i want to be me- but that goes beyond my gender.
my gender is top surgery and testosterone. its cool patterns and weird v-necks and button ups without stiff collars. its spinny skirts and long dresses and pockets. its backpacks and short messy hair and dying tshirts with onion peels and vinegar in the bathtub. its very specific socks and worn in shoes i havent replaced in years. its doing gymnastics and weightlifting and sprints and karate. its eating whenever i want because i like to eat, and making faces at how inconsistent sizing is everywhere. its wearing sleeves long enough to flop over my arms. its scars and contacts and chains on my glasses. its bitten down nails and unshaved legs and people using they for me by default. its speaking with my weird queer lilts and jumping around high and low intonation based on my emotional state. its mastering a smirk that makes my partner beg me to stop because its too creepy. its smearing makeup on purpose and painting rainbows and fire and snake scales out of eyeshadow and lipstick.
my gender is intimately tied to my sense of self, my sensory needs and preferences, and my... sense of indulgence, is the closest i can get.
and my relationship to that changes. do i feel safe? how safe? what do people assume about me as i am? what do i want them to think? i dont know if ill want any bottom surgeries. i think i might, but i want to see how top changes things for me first.
just. wanting to be seen as a man by default right now isnt the same as being a man.
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krispiecake · 2 years
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and ppl have the nerve to call me ‘high functioning’ and tell me i have ‘mild autism’
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gibbearish · 3 years
i do think a lot of issues on here come from like. Everyone On Here Only Knowing Other Online People. like a lot of the issues people talk about on here as if theyre the end of the world make Literally No Difference irl and some things are completely ignored on here when they have actual real life consequences
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suicideskin · 5 years
Stop fucking using functioning labels for autistic people
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mueritos · 2 years
more about possible autism thoughts...
i didnt mention it til now but my last therapy appt went kind of weird. it was obvious that my therapist doesnt have a well rounded knowledge on autism, and her examples were of the “low functioning”, and she kept saying that I would be “high functioning” and therefore dont have autism/autistic traits. again, she was using very outdated terms and language that ive learned from autistic folks to be generally frowned upon. having functioning labels pushed on to me, along side not really getting a word in to what i was feeling, make me feel like there was no point in even trying to bring up the autistic traits i related to. im still struggling to understand myself and why now its all catching up to me, the anxiety and the sensory issues ive had, the social exhaustion and irritability...wouldn’t it have been more productive to talk about the reasons why i felt connected to autistic experiences rather than go through every way i dont? or, at the very least, why my therapist thinks I dont despite me feeling like the person i am in office is highly curated just for that social context.
sigh. either way, she gave me hw to keep track of my symptoms or things I notice to b more autistic but like. man that whole session really turned me off. now i dont even want to keep figuring this out with her if its just going to be weird. and im not even saying that i know for sure that i have autism! i just wanted a session that felt safe and welcoming to question myself based on my own experiences. and it just wasnt. which is weird because i never had an issue with her til now.
anyway. my classes started today but i didnt have any actual classes until tomorrow. and i like school, i really do, but now that im more aware of my sensory issues and my social needs, im starting to feel more anxiety than dread. like how loud will spaces be? will i let myself rock in public? will i have time to transition better between classes and social events? its just mostly anxiety about going outside and being seen. idk, it freaks me out. wear a mask and feel good that no ones looking at my face, or get stared at for wearing one when everyone else isnt. idk idk it all just sucks in my brain rn and maybe it wont be as bad. but i really dont like this limbo im in. I love being alone and i really crave it more than ever, but what if its more anxiety than social exhuastion? but i still get exhuasted even after being with people all day, especially if i dont have my low sensory hours. idk idk ughhh its just so frustrating trying to understand myself, especially because now i feel weird about going back to therapy. i wud appreciate any insight or tips for how to regulate better <3
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sodadotzip · 3 years
hey so theres something really annoying me right now and i wanna talk about it . for context, i have an autistic brother who just started school, he has trouble with eating and isnt very talkative. now, to the actual bad stuff. in my family, we have a ""visibly autistic"" person. yknow, the ones that dont talk much, usually stay alone at family gatherings, yeah yeah all that stuff. and lately my other family members are accusing my brother of not being autistic because the ""visibly autistic"" person is nothing like him. and that gets me SO mad. these stupid stereotypes neurotypicals make for autistic people are driving me insane. NO, KAREN, AUTISM DOESNT ACTUALLY HAVE A LOOK. OH MY GOD. GO READ A BOOK. HOLY SHIT. the fact that these people know nothing about autism is driving me so crazy. i bet they support autism speaks. holy shit. im so fucking mad. im so pissed. FIRST OF ALL. WHO DO THEY EVEN THINK THEY ARE ?? TO CASUALLY GO TO MY PARENTS AND SAY "ermm ur kid doesnt look autistic so ermm uhmm he isnt! lol" ?????? HELLO??? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND ??? oh my god. seriously, not enough people understand how bad these weird stereotypes are for us. allistics are for real seeing us as "unintelligent" and "weird". what the hell. how is this ok. this is not ok in the slightest. "ohh but your kid isnt weird like mine is so ermmm yea thats not rlly autism" SUCK MY NUTS YOU FUCKING PRICK holy fuck holy shit. oh my god. most people react with a "oh really? but youre so normal" everytime i tell them i'm autistic and i'm TIRED. i am TIRED of these WEIRD PEOPLE thinking that AUTISM has a LOOK. WE JUST EXPERIENCE THINGS DIFFERENTLY??? LEAVE US ALONE???? shut the actual fuck up with your stupid "high functioning" and "low functioning" WE ARE A SPECTRUM YOU FUCKING IDIOT if you dont know autism is considered a spectrum why are you even talking about it in the first place. are you out of your mind. are you fr rn. wow. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT YKNOW??? those creepy stereotypes are so so SO harmful to our community, seriously, its way worse than it seems. i DREAM of the day i can tell someone i'm autistic and they dont give me a weird look or say something awkward. we are not the same. i cant stress this enough. we are not the same. i see PROFESSIONALS under-diagnosing autism cuz the people just "dont look autistic enough" seriously i am so upset. what about synesthesia?? sensory overload?? being brutally honest??? dyslexia?? autism is SO much more than "appearing autistic" and not enough people get this.
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magioffire · 3 years
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...ugh. why is it always *this shit*, and never: humans are becoming actually healthier overall, which allows us to hit puberty earlier (another thing that they blame on the nebulous idea of ‘’’’chemicals’’’’) and stay fertile longer, and its been proven that the later in your life your have children, the more likely your children will have neurodivergency like autism. im sure this video has good points and yes, there are a variety of environmental, genetic and neurological factors that go into someone being autistic. YES, AUTISM CAN BE DEBILITATING BUT HONESTLY??? most of the time when i see ‘’’’low functioning’’’’ autistic people its more often the fault of their caretakers never alllowing them to be themselves, never allowing any independence because of preconcieved ideas of autistic people being childlike and useless, and never giving them the proper accomodations and treating them like some kind of freak of a nature and ‘having the mental age of __insert age here___’ that shit is so damaging to ANYONE, you treat anyone like a failure and a freak of nature and like something is wrong with them and that they will always be non-functional, guess what, you just created a self fullfilling prophecy!!!!
but i hate that autism is always treated like the horrible end result of modern society and it didnt exist before ‘chemicals’ and ‘vaccines’. also no one ever mentions autistic people have always been around, it just went from ‘little jimmy isnt talking so we abandoned him in the forest so the fae will take him back and give us back our normal child’ to ...sadly not much better “my child is autistic and so im going to torment them into being what i see as a ‘normal’ child...omg why does my autistic child hate me????’ but my point is that we have the knowledge and the vocabulary to actually label autism instead of just blaming the local forest spirits and killing your kid. (sadly people are still killing their autistic children thinking they are curing them. like giving your autistic kid bleach enemas....) we are not just being born more often, we have always existed, its just now for the first time we are actually given a chance to exist as who we are. 
/rant over im just sick of this mentality everywhere that autism is this horrible travesty that needs to be stopped and that its solely the result of nebulous concepts like ‘vaccines cause autism’ and ‘chemicals are bad for you’. 
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autistic--rory-blog · 5 years
writing autistic characters
a lot of people ask me about writing autistic characters and specifically nonverbal ones so heres some tips
avoid functioning labels. high/low functioning are harmful labels and are used to silence autistics. high functioning is used to say that “you arent autistic enough to have a say” and low functioning is used to say that “you cant think for yourself”
aspergers is the same as autism. it is usually used as another way to say “high functioning” but autism is autism. some people do identify with the asperger/aspie label more then autism and thats ok as long as they arent using it for aspie supremacy stuff (thinking aspies are better then the “other” autistics or using that label to not be associated with autistic people)
being nonverbal and stimming are not the only traits. there is a massive range of traits autistic people can have. look at atypical traits for good long lists that arent just the stereotypical traits
not everyone is a savant or is really good at maths. i honestly dont know any autistic savants and i only know a few people who are exremely good at maths. there are a lot of autistic people who were considered “gifted” at school and if you want to look into that research twice exceptional. but i also know a lot of autistic people who arent good at school at all
we do not “suffer” from autism. yes there are some autistic traits that suck but that doesnt mean we suffer from it. “autistic person” is most commonly prefered but some do prefer “person with autism” or not have a preference
autistic people are born autistic. we do not “develop” autism at any age. we are born that way but might not show it obviously until later on. diagnosis doesnt change who we are either. were still the same person just with a label for things now
not understanding anything. this is one that is commonly applied to nonverbal people but we really do understand what your saying even if we dont always show it. 
lack of feelings/emotions. another one commonly applied to nonverbal people but can also be used for verbal ones. we all have feelings but it can be hard to show them. it can also be hard to identify which emotion you are feeling (alexithymia)
autism is not a illness. autism is a developmental disability or neurodevelopmental disorder
avoid mental ages. this is one that almost every noverbal person has had as a label. it is extremely ableist and not good. someone does not have the mind of an “x” year old. they are the age they are but with a developmental disorder or intellectual disability (or both) or whatever else
avoid aba unless it is specifically said that its a bad thing. aba  is abuse and torture and causes massive amounts of trauma. it is not a good thing
stimming and infodumping is a good thing. stimming is our way to regulate our emotions and help our sensory issues (but it can have no reason and thats fine) and without it we can have destructive behaviours. infodumping is a good part of having special interests (another good thing) and treating it as a bad thing is not good
being nonverbal isnt a bad thing. it took me a long time to accept that i am nonverbal so you can have internal badness or whatever but other people should not see being nonverbal as a bad thing (whether temporarily or not)
young white nonverbal people are not the only autistics. literally anyone can be autistic. that means people from every culture from every race from every gender from every sexuality from every age
nonverbal people dont communicate. even if people dont use aac they still communicate with their behaviours. and there are so many forms of aac as well that a lot of nonverbal people do end up communicating with one but if they dont then thats fine to
we all have no empathy. almost all of the autistic people i know have really high empathy even though i have almost none. also adding on to this were not all rude and mean to everyone like some media shows. ive never met any autistic person like that (but unfortunately they do exist) so please dont write that because it just pushes the stereotype further
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iowntheworldandyou · 4 years
Welcome to the Bad Zone lets get this stuff out the way
Stuff i post/reblog:
-majority undertale as of right now
-occassionally sprinkles off other stuff like pokemon and phineas and ferb
-cute animals
-lots of food (mostly deserts)
-sometimes nsfw jokes (untagged) but no actual nsfw material
-politics, though only on a ‘when i see it’ basis
-over 20
-bigot- racist, LGBTphobe, ableist ect.
-you use terms like ‘high/low functioning’ ‘mild/severe autism’ or aspergers (support lables are fine)
-terfs and exclusionists
-you defend/support self harm (includes eating disorders and self deprication)
-pedophile (YES YOU MAPs + NOMAPs)
-‘pro-shipper’, ‘anti-anti’, ‘anyone can interact’
-you refused to vote for biden
-fans of south park, yandere simulator, steven universe, adventure time or mlp (if ur over 18) (may add to)
-you believe chara is evil
Trigger tagging system:
-My tagging system is ‘*blank* tw’
-I tag mentions of things where they’re not the main point as ‘*blank* mention tw’ but i often add the main tag as well to be sure
-I tag slurs ‘*first letter*-slur’ (for example ‘r-slur tw’) and ‘slurs tw’.
This means the ‘n-word’ gets tagged ‘n-slur’ instead of the former more common phrasing and a word like ‘p*cho’ will be tagged ‘p-slur’ so keep that in mind. I also tag words that have been used or reclaimed by certain members their communities such as the afformentioned n word or the q word (‘q-slur tw’). This isnt a statement on how those communities can use these words, its so this blog is safe for people with trauma connected to these words
-i spell pedophilia the american way in all contexts because its easier to spell and more widely used (from what i’ve seen). Pedophilia is tagged ‘pedophilia tw’ only
-If you need something tagged send an ask and i will do so (preferably with how you’d like me to word the tag). Nothing is too silly for me to tag if you need it
I feel the need to mention if you scroll back far enough my system was ‘tw: *blank*’ and ‘tw: *letter*-slur’ so if you plan on spending a lot of time here it might be worth getting both types blacklisted as a precaution-however i dont think it’ll be a problem unless you plan on trawling through my entire blog. I understand that changing your tagging system is a pain and i only did so because i saw some outdated information that lead me to believe changing it would make it more effective and blindly believed it. This was my fault for not checking and i apologise. However, i’ve been using the newer taging system enough i feel it would just cause more hastle and cause more inconsistancies in my tagging to switch back. Again, im sorry
Please tag if we’re mutuals (italics are most needed to be tagged):
-blood (mentions dont need tagging but descriptions of injuries do)
-medical needles/injections (including mention)
-veins (including mention)
-iv drips
-genital mutilation (including mention)
-school and school related stress (specifically in regards to being overworked)
-archive of our own/ao3
-r-slur in case it needs to be said (it shouldnt)
-vent posts
-posts involving tumblr user musashi
-april fools jokes
-donation posts related to immediate medical stress
Tag according to your own systems or ask me directly if you’re unsure how to word the tag. None of these will cause a flashback or anything severe so dont feel bad if you havent seen this/havent been tagging these- if something bothers me i will usually just ask you to tag it myself anyway
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blindkite · 5 years
While it's none of my business, may I inquire about what ails you?
I’ve actually been pretty open about my illnesses (since it affects my commissions work and anything schedule related) so I don’t mind! 
Some of them need a little explaining as to what they are, and it’s kinda a long list. I have alot of health problems.
Hashimoto’s disease is my main issue, its a type of autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism, aka, i regularly have to get blood tests and up meds to keep up with its fast progression. Not fatal, but its a fuckin pain in the ass i tell you.
Normally it isnt such havoc to deal with, but I’ve actually had symptoms of this since childhood, so I was ALWAYS being tested for thyroid issues, but nothing came up, so it was chalked up as whiny kid just complaining and faking sick for attention. 
I went an extremely long time misdiagnosed because i had a rare variant of it that required a nonstandard test to find, (It’s called Test Negative Hashimoto’s, cause it shows as negative on general tests)  so by the time i was finally diagnosed and put on meds, alot of damage had already been done to my body and there was no reversing it. If it had been caught sooner, I would never of become this sick, there’s even a chance it could of been stopped entirely. All it would of taken was one doctor to think to try the alternate test, instead of just blaming it on being a whiny kid.
As you can tell, I’m extremely salty about this.
Next up,
Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS), I have the hyper-mobility type, which means my joints love to lock and dislocate over literally nothing. washing dishes? not anymore, now your fingers refuse to move. walking? hope you didnt need that knee to bend. again, its more annoying than anything. I do sound like a box of rice krispies whenever i move tho (snap crackle pop)
Fibromyalgia is also in the mix, this is a recent diagnosis since it was kinda hiding behind the EDS, since they have similar all pain all the time. Tho this has the bonus of hurting a fuck ton if you poke me, and pain in random places for no reason! Also I’m young and in a state that fears opioid/pain medication abuse so, all i get is some Alleve and a prayer!!!!
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also a newbie diagnosis, because it was hiding behind the hashimoto’s, which also causes digestive issues. Also I have the annoying version you can’t take medication for, I either strictly control my diet or i fucking suffer. I’m basically in a constant state of, the more they treat, the more they find wrong, which is not great.
Last up is Circadian rhythm disorder, aka, I was born naturally nocturnal. And no, it is not a matter of a strict schedule and some melatonin to fix. Been there, tried that. Because of the life long sleep issues (i was literally like this as a baby), i’m prone to insomnia if my natural sleep is fucked with, with the bonus of getting super vivid hallucinations! FUN!!! So yeah, I fuck with that as little as possible. It does what it wants, and I’m just along for the ride.
As it is, i already have Anxiety + ADHD (or High functioning Autism, as my doctor recently realized it might actually be??) so bad its like i have boss music playin 24/7, so my very spanish soap opera like family who loves to find trouble no matter where they go, makes it very hard to NOT be stressed. Which means my health very often spins out of control. And when its out of control, they all eat into each other.
Which results in an extremely shit a immune system, pain, dangerously low amounts of sleep and fevers on a weekly basis.
None of it is fun, its very complicated and just an all around not great time.
Thanks for coming to my TED TALK 
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autistic-dragonkid · 4 years
I saw you mention functioning labels, and I understood it as you don't mind them? I'm autistic too (level 2), and personally it frustrates me when people say "don't use functioning labels!". To me, it gives off the same vibe as "you're not 'autistic', you're 'a person with autism'." Functioning labels aren't perfect (a lot of the time people use them when they just mean verbal/nonverbal), but I don't see it as big of a deal as people act like it is. It's the quickest descriptor for me.
i feel like a lot of people’s problems with functioning labels come from how ableists weaponize them against us. like “you’re high functioning, so you’re not REALLY autistic and your problems are all made up.” or “you’re low functioning so you must be stupid and useless.” that’s the part they think about whenever someone brings up functioning labels.
But I don’t believe they’re inherently bad. they’re just a descriptor to help people get a quick idea of what your experiences are like. if an autistic person strongly identifies with “low functioning” and that label is what they feel describes them best I think they should totally be allowed to call themselves that. autism is a super huge spectrum and I think that calling everyone JUST autistic is confusing. My experiences and challenges as a high functioning person are super different from an autistic who identifies with low functioning. We’re still both on the autism spectrum and things in common, neither of us is a better or worse person than the other, but it’s totally false to spread the idea that all autism is the same, because it just isnt all the same. A lot of the challenges we face in daily life are totally different. 
 Every autistic person has unique experiences and they should be able to describe themselves with the terms that they feel comfortable with. Policing what autistic people are “allowed” to call themselves is wrong.
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