#lowered shades superhero!AU
i-like-the-eyes · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Corinthian/Original Male Character Characters: The Corinthian (Sandman), Vitus (OC), Dream of the Endless Additional Tags: Hero!Dream, Sidekick!Corinthian, Villain!Vitus, Smut, sidekick x villain, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Lovers, Superhero!AU, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers Summary:
"The Nightmare" - sidekick of the local super hero - get's kidnapped by one of their enemies - "The Demon" The two had fought and flirted in the past whenever they had met. Now being at the mercy of the pretty villain the Nightmare is struggling between his attraction towards his enemy and the loyalty towards his boss...
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
Day 5 -
Characters - Etho & Joel (Cub & Scar play smaller part; Grian mention) Words - 1,592 Time - 60 mins Content - Superhero AU | unlikely allies
This was all about competition. 
Well, not his competition, really. Not to brag, but as a hero, Joel was great. Amazing, the best of the best. There wasn’t any real competition for number one, after all, their whole deal was saving lives and protecting the people. That, he was plenty good at. Although he wasn’t allies or friends with all heroes, they all shared the same goal, and sharing space was easy. 
But villains? Now that was an interesting dynamic. Joel heard about it, turf wars, the city cut up in sections, warnings and consequences of crossing those invisible yet written lines. 
It got ugly when it happened. Those were the days he and other heroes allied, finding strength in numbers. 
Unlike them, villains rarely worked together. 
But when they did—
“Aw, you hurt me, am I boring you?”
Stratos snapped back into situation, Shade looking down at him with a raised brow, and a very loud smirk on his covered lips. He yanked on the shadows, felt how they dug into his arms, his wrists. But a spark ran down his arms into the pavement, then it ran back into his arms, and he yanked again, breaking the shadows for his freedom. 
Electricity concentrated in his hand soon becoming a lighting ball. He threw it—Shade evaded it on the last second, but not fast enough to escape the field of electricity. Stratos smirked when he heard him groan, smirked wider when Shade glared at him. 
“You’ve got my attention now!”
Stratos laughed, and the chase began. More than a fight, this was a… well, like Grian called it, ‘play fighting’. He chased after Shade, attacks thrown but they were too weak to cause more than a zap. This was their deal, unspoken, but it was present between them. They could do whatever to each other, but they couldn’t touch the city. Not that Shade cared about property damage, Shade tended to lay on the more cautious side, on the shadows. 
And it was Stratos, it was Joel, who brought him into the light. 
So they would fight. So they would play. 
Really, if Joel stopped to think about it for more than a minute, he’d realize how stupid their whole arrangement was. Maybe he truly fried his braincells with all those stupid stunts he pulled as a teen. 
A whip materialized in his hand, sparking and bright, feeling solid in his hand. He lassoed Shade’s arms to his sides, causing him to yell out when he shocked him. As he pulled him in, both of them standing on different buildings, blinded by his momentary victory, he failed to see Shade raised his hand. It was too late, only realizing when something punched him in the back, enough to knock him forward and letting go of the whip. 
Before Stratos could recover, he was hit again, much stronger and solid now. He toppled over the edge of the building.
A wire shot out from his left, hooking into the building. He grabbed it, grunting as he pulled a muscle. He looked up, Shade peeking over the edge then disappearing before he could say anything. He turned to the other side, HotGuy standing on a ledge, lowering his bow as he also realized Shade was gone. 
“Need a hand?” HotGuy asked, playfully, securing his bow behind him. 
“I just might!” Stratos laughed back. 
“Watch out!” Stratos yelled, materializing a weapon too late, watching a robotic tentacle swipe HotGuy down. He growled, concentrated his electricity and attacked, throwing a lighting ball onto the robot. 
It was supposed to work. But it didn’t. Cub on comms yelled that it wasn’t made of metal, even though it looked like goddamn metal to him. Everyone thought this was going to be an easy fight, but his powers were rendered useless unless he could charge up enough to shock it down. 
Which he couldn’t do. 
There were too many of them, overwhelming HotGuy and him. 
“Cub! When are the bloomin’ back-up coming?!” He shouted on his comm, jumping out of the way from a tentacle. His eyes followed its path, watched how it decimated a car into the side of the building. He prayed the city got evacuated fast enough, that he and Scar distracted the damn robots long enough for evacuation. 
‘CuteGuy is still five minutes away. Everyone else is ten, coming as fast as they can.’ Cub replied, and Joel could hear the desperation in his voice too. The feeling of exasperation, the powerless feeling of not being able to do more. It was all the same through him, and everyone. 
“Damnit, Cub, I’m almost out of arrows here!” Scar yelled on the other side, gasping for air. Joel was breathless too, whole body aching. They were exhausted, had been holding their ground for almost an hour. It was incredibly— “Oh god, I think there is an—”
Both screamed at the same time. Joel ran up a tentacle, got high ground and desperately looked for Scar. The military were doing their best too, shooting rockets and whatever explosives they could throw. It was chaos, the city being destroyed slowly right in front of them. And them, the only ones available, were in the middle of it all. 
“HotGuy!” Stratos called, gathered enough electricity to punch the head of one robot. Its whole body shook and sparked, overheated then shut off, smoke coming out of joints. The tentacles exploded, from the body outwards, and Joel jumped onto a nearby helicopter, barely grabbing onto the landing skids before they flew away from the explosion. The blast pushed the vehicle, created yet another crater on the ground, but they survived. 
Stratos climbed inside, took a moment to gather himself. He held onto the handrail, looked out in search for Scar. His heart was pounding, his mind racing. His comms crackled, surprisingly still working after another shock he released. 
‘EVeryone is on scene now—’
“Where?! I don’t see—”
‘It spread much further, Stratos. They are fighting the nearest robot. CuteGuy is closing in. Stay in the air, recharge. CuteGuy will look for HotGuy. This is an order, Stratos.’
Before Joel could argue, Cub was gone, and he watched as the world below him became smaller as they flew higher up. He understood why he needed to be away, but he couldn’t simply ignore the impotence, the feeling of uselessness being in the air doing nothing while everyone else fought underneath. 
Maybe, when all this was over, Joel would get someone like The Puppeteer or False or Stress to smack him right in the head, because the next thing he knew was that he was grabbing the pilot and jumping out of their falling helicopter. 
He had barely any time to grab the parachute and the unconscious pilot, so actually triggering the parachute was no easy tasked. Their fall slowed, but they were still falling too fast, too dangerously fast.
What a stupid way to go—
The world, everything blacked-out. He wasn’t falling, or maybe he was, he wasn’t sure. Involuntarily, his body sparked up, electricity running through him, stronger than he could control. And he panicked, which made it worse. The pilot— No— 
“Let me out!” He yelled into the void, and it listened. It listened. Light poured in, fire and destruction consuming the world, so not dead at least. He rushed to find the nearest military vehicle, passed the unconscious pilot to them, ripping the parachute and bag off himself. 
He didn’t know what prompted him to call, but he did. 
He called and he answered. 
“Kinda busy!”
Joel turned in the voice’s direction, finding Shade behind a shadow shield. Before he could help him, the shield vanished and Shade ducked, the tentacles shooting above him. With a swift uppercut, shadows rose and cut the tentacle, causing the remaining bits to retreat.
Their eyes found each other, and it was like they had a whole conversation. Shade rushed to him, blocking him the shadows, protecting him from attacks. When they were close enough, the black-out happened again, the void surrounded them—
“You need to get out if we’re doing this,” Joel said quickly, sparks and electricity running through him already. It circled his limbs like vines, grew stronger and stronger. He stared at Shade, stared into those icy eyes. “You will die!”
“It’s fine!” Shade yelled back, closer now. And Joel could see determination in his eyes, the fire of a good fight, the moment someone realized they needed to put their lives on the line to save everyone else. “It’s more stable like this, with me here. Can’t risk it bursting. Name’s Etho, by the way.”
Shade chuckled, “Yeah, sure, Eefo.”
“Shut up! And I’m Joel!”
So they stayed there for a moment, neither sure how much time passed. Joel gathered energy, Etho contained it inside the void, both determined to see this attack through. Joel never thought he’d work alongside a villain, or anti-hero, or whatever Etho was, but he wasn’t going to start rejecting help right now. 
Then it was becoming stable, Joel was, too much energy he couldn’t contained. They needed to time it right—Etho needed to open the bubble at the right time, Joel needed to strike the ground at the right time. With a stranger, but not quite. 
Without conversation, as their hearts become on in the void, they made their respective moves.
Joel didn’t see much, the world lighting up too suddenly, so bright, but he vaguely remembered seeing the pride in Etho’s eyes as he striked down. 
ive been having some action packed writing these past few days, so you get some action too. also, boat boys because ao3 upset me ealier and wouldnt let me publish a fic. but yknow how it is. we cope also, like, i dont know if i mentioned this, but this is barely edited lol also also, i rushed this, posted like 2 minutes before midnight ;n;
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its-muffin-tyme · 29 days
Fic Prompt of the Day
AU where Scar is Hotguy but in the Clockers universe and also Shade-E-E's exists
Imagine being one of the most well known superheroes on the server, and the guy with the totally-not-a-scam shop who keeps causing trouble is your whole dad
imagine Hotguy at headquarters and a lower level hero gets a ping and is like "Oh, we've got a complaint about Shade-E-E's again..."
And Hotguy just has to bury his head in his hands like "no.... why...."
Hotguy, showing up in person, in hopes of getting Shade-E-E's to actually stop their scams once and for all: :) Etho, gearing up to address Scar as his son one time in his entire life: >:)
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watcheraurora · 4 months
I just wanted you to know that I have developed so many short story continuations of like, all of your fanfics its not even funny. Like, I gave sheriff jimmy a whole ARC where he ends up in conflicts with Joel and then flees the division. BRUH!! you've given me brain rot, I demand compensation, I'm loosing actual sleep over these AU'S XD
Oh my goodness! I'm so honored that I've inspired you so much! <3
You're actually Dangerously Close to Tango's history with Joel when he left the division. Because they did end up in major conflicts around the time Tango left! But I'm very happy that you've created more based on something I made!
May I offer you a piece of the as-yet-untitled Even Ice Walls Fall Down Role Swap I'm working on as compensation? XD
For context: When I first thought of the idea of "superhero and villain AU for the Ranchers" I really loved Deepfrost and Sheriff as a villain and a hero respectively, but my friend who I ranted to about it (@soemthingsparkly who also did Deepfrost and Sheriff art in the fic :-D) really loved the idea of hero!Tango and villain!Jimmy instead. And I promised them I'd work on a version where Tango is the superhero Blaze and Jimmy is the villain Canary because as Ice Walls demonstrates, I am Not Creative™ at coming up with hero or villain aliases. And I'm still working on it but I do enjoy it
AKA the version of the story where if they manifested different powers, they might have taken different paths?
"Blaze, watch out! There are civilians nearby!" Joel barked in Blaze's earpiece as he loosed a wheel of fire. Canary squawked in alarm as Poultry Man tackled him out of the way of the wheel. The two hurtled to one side in a tangle of white and yellow feathers.
"I know that," Blaze ground out as he focused on conjuring another wheel. He liked wheels of fire more than fireballs, due to being a little more precise and effective, in his opinion. "So maybe step off my back a little."
"I will when you stop acting like you're out of control!" Joel snapped.
Blaze's whole body went rigid, the fire wheel spinning around his fist. "Out of control?" he demanded, his other hand holding the earpiece firmer in his ear as he ducked behind a concrete barrier to hide. "I am never out of control, and I resent the implication otherwise." An animalistic growl built in his throat. "Do you understand how much I work to remain in control with powers like mine?"
"N-n-n-n-no. Between the two of us, only one of us has the one-hundred-and-sixty IQ. And that would be me. So don't you dare lecture me about not knowing how to use my own powers. I'm not you, Lore. I'm not a danger to myself and others because I don't know how to leash myself. So shut up and let me do my work." He ripped his earpiece out of his ear and vaulted the concrete barrier to throw himself back into the fight, hurling the fire wheel in Poultry Man's general direction. The villain squawked like a chicken and dodged out of the way.
"Blaze! What are you doing?!" HoTGuY shouted as Blaze lowered his head a little and charged forward. His Blaze Rods appeared around his head, orbiting fast. They lifted him off the ground and he was flying, his gold-blond hair turning into pure flame. It would return to normal later.
Canary saw him in the air and snapped out his wings—enormous and vibrant, rich yellow. They beat the air once and shot him up to be almost level with Blaze. "Look who we pissed off!" Canary teased, voice singsong and high-pitched. "You here to play games, Fire Boy?"
Blaze's eyes were entirely the same shade of red while his fire powers were active and his Blaze Rods orbited his head. Iris, sclera, pupil—all the same. It was why he didn't bother wearing a mask. No one expected the green-eyed nerd to be Blaze because everyone assumed Blaze was red-eyed all the time.
Blaze bared his teeth in a frustrated snarl, sparks shooting between the gaps. He spun two fire wheels into existence. One spinning around each hand. "Let's see how playful you are when your flight feathers are ash, birdie," he spat. The inside of his mouth glowed like there was fire in his throat, its light reflecting outward.
Blaze had a temper. Blaze knew he had a temper. A bad one. One with a short fuse and a big explosion. He knew it was a side-effect of his powers. He didn't used to be so easy to set off. He used to be a lot more patient with people and situations.
But here he was, eleven years after his powers manifested, ready to burn a whole city block down and trying to stop himself from actually doing so.
But man did Canary piss him off. Even more than Poultry Man. Poultry Man was a pain in the neck. He was chaotic and antagonistically playful. He took nothing seriously. But Canary—Canary was little more than Poultry Man's lackey. But he targeted Blaze like it was his life goal to see how much fire he could withstand.
Canary's eyes widened behind his mask.
"Take the shot, you idiot!" Poultry Man shouted.
Canary moved to aim his crossbow, but Blaze's fire wheel spun into existence faster. He hurled it across the distance like a chakram. Canary's wings flapped hard to go over it and avoid it. Blaze rushed after.
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cookieeks-art · 11 months
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I’m still somewhat lacking the energy to really throw myself into being as active and social online as I was last year sadly, but I am going to try to share the art I make / have made when I’m able to, since that’s something I really like doing. So! Here’s two superhero au related things I’ve done!
(IDs in alt and under cut)
Two images
The first is a digital in-part line-less drawing of Arthur from Red shoes and my oc Edda (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes), specifically from my superhero au where Edda has short hair that just past her chin. Arthur is wearing a orange t-shirt, and has his hand placed on Eddas shoulder. Edda is wearing a dark red button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and her hair is cut a little bit lover then her chin. She is turned to the left, holding a vial on her hand. They are both looking to the right, with wide plotting grins and their faces thrown in dramatic shadows. The background is a gradient that makes it seem like light is coming from the upper right.The signature in the corner reads “Cookieek”.
The second is a collection of pencil sketches that have been photographed and digitally shaded with warm grey tones. In the upper left corner is text reading “Superhero! AU”. Bellow the text is a sketch of Edda and Arthur. Edda is dressed in formalwear, a button up shirt with a type of winged collar that are pointed upwards, a vest with dark lapels, and a dark cravat. Her hair is pushed back with a hairband and she’s looking up at Arthur with a grin on her face, one hand holding the collar of his armour. Arthur is dressed in full armour, including helmet and cape, and is standing with one arm on his back and one over his stomach, looking down at Edda with a surprised expression. To the upper right is another sketch of Arthur and Edda. Arthur is still in full armour, but Edda is dressed in work clothes, a simple dark button up and pants and with her hair loose. Arthur is holding her side as he kisses the back of her hand from behind her with a blush on his face. Eddas looking at him also blushing and with a confused expression. On the lower right is yet another sketch of Arthur and Edda. Arthur is in full armour and Edda is wearing work clothes, this time with light pants. Arthur is holding her bridal style and smiling down at her with hearts around his head. Edda is looking up at him appearing perplexed. Finally to the lower right is a sketch depicting a magazine cover with Arthur on it. Arthur on the image is in full armour, but excluding the helmet, he has a hand on his neck and is grinning smugly. The title of the magazine isn’t visible aside from a p and s at the end, a textbox in one corner is visible reading “Nr 10 2037”. There’s a few other text boxes surrounding Arthur reading “Exclusive interview!” “The Knight of Camelots training routine!” “10 Hot new villain sightings” “Tribulations of dating superhero’s”. Someone has written with a pen on the cover, one reading “What” with an arrow pointing to the villain sightings text block, and one reading “Smuggest prick” with an arrow pointing to Arthur. A cup of tea or coffee is visible beside the magazine alongside an uncapped pen. In the lower left corner is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
End if ID]
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butchrobin · 1 year
i belong with you, you belong with me (byler au)
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excerpt below the cut
The air was particularly cold that evening, the wind had started to pick up a little, what had been a delicate breeze moments before had now turned into what felt like a thousand icy needles pricking against Will's skin. The cold had never bothered him before, but that had been prior to becoming a superhero. Apparently being granted powers by a mystical, tiny goddess in the form of what resembled a Ladybug came with some disadvantages – those being a ladybug's lack of (word) to the cold. Winter had become exceptionally hard for Will, seeing as if his body temperature now fell lower than a specific level he was more likely to fall sick. Or in a worse case scenario, faint and seize up completely. Sometimes he worried he might freeze to death, but Tikki had quickly assured him that would not happen.
Pros of being the superhero, Crimson Beetle; the powers of luck and creation gifted by the magic of a tiny mystical being. Cons? Winter – besides the constant looming threat of villains on a daily basis – was Will's worst enemy.
Tikki had explained to him that this was part of the “bonding” process, that when a kwami and their holder became more attuned to each other, with time the holder would soon develop characteristics or traits of their little animal-like companion. Meaning Will now had to live with the consequences of staying out too long in the cold, as it now affected him more than he liked. Which evidently sucked, he had loved sitting outside in the middle of winter, watching the snowfall and kicking around in the thick, soft layers of it. Now he couldn't be out in the snow for more than ten minutes without feeling it. Like now, for example. He'd decided to take a peaceful walk around the city, taking in all the different sights and sounds that helped him relax – with how everything looked, it was almost easy to forget that there was a supervillain hidden within the shadows, targeting people's negative emotions and twisting them into darker versions of themselves to use as pawns to his advantage.
Almost. Though it was up to Will to reverse and repair all the damage caused by One's so called “Champions” there were something's even a charm couldn't fix. Tikki told him he did everything he could, but it still didn't feel like enough. Enough would be removing the threat of One once and for all, but even that seemed impossible, he worked unseen – there was no way to find him. Maybe he was hypocritical to call him a coward for forcing others to fight his own battles, since Will himself was terrified. The constant fear had him on edge, it didn't make the cold any more bearable either. 
Hugging his arms close to his chest as much as he could manage, Will ended up slipping into his targeted destination, which happened to be the coffee shop he and his friends tended to hang around in the most. Not to mention Max worked there and if she was feeling nice on a certain day she'd give them a discount, though, that was a rare occasion. He strode up the counter, the shop was mostly deserted save for the odd couple sitting in the corners – reading the papers and doing their work, sipping idly at their drinks as they waited out the snow. Upon seeing the familiar shade of ginger hair he knew so well, Will's face split into a grin when Max turned and feigned a look of irritation at his arrival.
“Byers.” She sighed, “I knew you'd show eventually. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
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ppangjae · 3 years
the stages.
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SUMMARY. The stages of falling in love with your roommate slash best friend, according to Jeong Jaehyun.
GENRE. roommate!au + friends to lovers!au | fluff (lots of it)
WORD COUNT. 2.4k+ words
author’s note. here’s a small, short drabble or whatever this is. hope you enjoy it!
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Jaehyun wakes up with his head pounding with immense pain. He reaches out to his bedside table for the bottle of painkillers. Surprisingly, his fingertips don’t come into contact with a small plastic bottle. Instead, his fingertips lightly graze a paper bag. He peeps one eye open, glancing towards the object which indeed turns out to be a paper bag. A takeout paper bag, to be exact.
He quirks an eyebrow, slowing sitting up. Carefully reaching out and grabbing the bag, he gets a strong whiff of samgyetang. A warm smile spreads across his lips. Opening up the bag, the first thing he sees plastered right on top of the takeout container is a post-it note.
get well soon. just text me if you need anything. i also did your laundry, it’s all folded up in the basket right next to your bathroom. have some soup! it will help you feel better. thank me later, i guess. - superhero y/n
Jaehyun chuckles, pulling out the takeout containers and beginning to dive into his meal. After devouring his meal, he places the empty container back onto his bedside table, your post-it note catching his eye.
Suddenly, he feels his heart skip a beat. It’s an odd feeling. It’s a new feeling to him. Grabbing the post-it note, he reads your note over and over again, a faint smile unknowingly spread across his lips.
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The first thing Jaehyun hears after stepping one foot into his shared apartment is a loud clatter. Followed by the loud clatter is a soft yelp and Jaehyun immediately rushes over to the kitchen. As he reaches the kitchen, he finds you crouched down on the floor, cleaning up flour with a dustpan. 
There it is again, the faint smile that unknowingly spreads across his lips. There it is again, the light fluttering and skipping of his heartbeat. There it is again, that odd but new feeling. 
His eyes scan across the kitchen, noting some specific observations. Set up on the kitchen countertop are ingredients for what seems to be for cupcakes. His eyes land back on you. You’re completely oblivious of his presence. You rub your cheek, not knowing that you’ve smudged some flour on it. Jaehyun’s heart softens at the sight. He can’t even form the right words to announce his arrival back home. What is this feeling?
After moments of pondering on what he should say, you suddenly get back up onto your two feet, dustpan filled with dirty flour, turning around and—
“Holy flipping cows—Jaehyun?! When did you get home?” You’re startled, but luckily enough, you didn’t drop the dustpan filled with flour you just cleaned up. 
Infatuation. That’s the feeling that Jaehyun’s experiencing.
You quirk an eyebrow when he doesn’t seem to answer you. He stands there, eyebrows slightly raised, lips slightly parted in awe, eyes lost in a trance, and ears a very dark shade of red. 
“Uh—I—uh—” He struggles to utter a single word out.
Your gaze softens and you flash him a warm smile. “Welcome back home, Jaehyun. Do you want to bake some cupcakes with me?”
“Yeah, I saw this really cool recipe that I wanted to try out—”
“And they looked so delicious that my stomach started to grumble—”
“Y/N, you have some flour—”
“And then I thought, let me make these cupcakes for Jaehyun before he gets home because I had a lot of free time—”
Jaehyun closes the gap between the two of you and he leans in to rub the flour off of your cheeks. Jaehyun’s eyes begin to trail lower down your face, landing right on your plump lips. He slowly gulps. Your mouth clamps shut at the sudden gesture. You can feel your cheeks heat up and your hands begin to grow clammy, especially when you notice where his line of sight has focused on.
It takes him a quick second to realize how close he is standing in front of you. He quickly pulls away, clearing his throat to ease the awkwardness. 
“You had uh—You had—” He stammers. “You had—had flour... on your face... I’ll uh... I’ll—I’ll go change and come back to help you bake the cupcakes.”
“R-Right!” You exclaim, quickly turning around, your back facing him. “I’ll continue, get yourself settled first!”
Jaehyun speedwalks to his bedroom and slowly shuts the door behind him. He lets out a sigh. 
What’s wrong with him?
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There’s something wrong with him.
You’re transferring wet clothes from the washing machine into the drying machine. You have your back facing him, completely oblivious that he’s standing at the doorway in a daze and his laundry basket in his arms. 
Have you always been this pretty? He thought to himself. Why is he seeing you in a different light? You have your hair tied up into a ponytail, wearing an oversized university t-shirt that stops right above your knees. You have strands of hair sticking out of your updo. At one point, you’re sniffing a wet t-shirt with a satisfied smile on your face before tossing it into the drying machine. 
He clears his throat, catching your attention. You look over your shoulder to greet him, flashing him a warm smile. “Are you going to do the laundry?”
He nods his head. “Are you done using the washing machine?”
You squint your eyes with suspicion. Why isn’t Jaehyun looking directly into your eyes? You shrug off the thought, moving to the side to give him some space.
Jaehyun’s bending down to grab his dirty clothes to put into the washing machine. Meanwhile, you’re taking all of your clothes out of the washing machine. When Jaehyun bends down for his clothes, you’re getting up onto your feet. 
Suddenly, when you grab a shirt, it slips from your fingertips and falls onto the hardwood floors. At the same exact time, Jaehyun’s bending down to grab more clothes from his laundry basket. The both of you lightly nudge foreheads.
Jaehyun’s breath hitches in his throat. Your face is inches away from his. You’re just as surprised as he is. He could feel your breath lightly fanning his reddening cheeks. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down at Y/N’s lips. He thinks to himself. His heart is beating so fast. He looks into your eyes and notices that you’re not looking back at him. Your eyes are trailing down to his lips. Jaehyun begins to panic, and out of instinct, wets his dry lips.
He’s the first one to look away, grabbing the shirt that you dropped and handing it to you. “Here’s your shirt.”
“Uh... thanks.” You scratch the back of your neck nervously, getting back up to toss it into the drying machine. 
The two of you don’t utter a single word. 
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“When are you going to find yourself a boyfriend, Y/N?”
You stab your mushroom with your fork, shoulders tensing up with everyone’s eyes on you. Your younger sister looks at you with a shit-eating grin and your father is busying himself by cutting himself a bite-sized piece of steak, but you know he’s curious of your answer. Your mother is looking directly at you with an eyebrow quirked. Sitting right next to you is your roommate and best friend since the seventh grade, Jaehyun, who’s taking a sip of water. Both of your eyes meet and you give him an apologetic gaze. Every time your parents are over at your apartment for dinner, it’s the same conversation of when you’ll start “mingling” or “meeting new people” or “step outside of the apartment for once”.
“I think she just needs to start accepting applications.” Jaehyun cuts you off. You look at him confusedly. “I know a couple of guys who are interested in submitting their applications.”
You laugh, playfully slapping his arm. Not buying a single word coming out of his mouth. “Yeah? And who do you think will submit an application?”
Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders, shoving a forkful of steak into his mouth. “Me.”
Your younger sister chokes on her water. “You?”
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Jaehyun asks you. You’re not sure whether you should believe him or believe that he might just be playing mind tricks on you. “You’re quite likeable, Y/N. Girlfriend material. Who wouldn’t like you?”
“But you’re my best friend—”
“And I’m your best friend—”
You squint your eyes at him, folding your arms. “You’re being mysterious and secretive. I don’t like it.”
“Love you.” He sends you a wink.
Your parents watch the entire bickering session unfold, looking at each other with expressions they only seem to understand.
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“Would that be all, sir?”
“Yes, thank you—” Jaehyun’s in the middle of fishing out his wallet when something catches his eye. A pastry chef comes out of the back kitchen with a tray of freshly baked strawberry danish. As the pastry chef is placing the tray onto the countertop for sale, Jaehyun stares at them for a brief moment. “Actually—”
The cashier stops packing Jaehyun’s pastries and quirks an eyebrow at him. She follows his gaze that lands on the tray of strawberry danish. “Would you like to—”
“Yes, please.” Jaehyun smiles. “Could I get two of the strawberry danish?”
“Sure. That’ll be—”
“Actually, make that three—”
“Three? Alright—”
“Sorry, make that five.” Jaehyun chuckles sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. 
The cashier giggles, packing each pastry into a separate wrap. She glances up at him and finds him funny. “You must like our strawberry danish a lot.”
“Oh, no, it’s for my best friend—” Jaehyun stops himself. 
Best friend. Why did it sound weird coming out of his mouth? Why did it feel off? You and Jaehyun have been best friends for a long time, why is it now that Jaehyun feels this way? Why do you suddenly flood his thoughts? Why does he go out of his way for you?
Jaehyun snaps out of his thoughts. He laughs it off.
“It’s for my best friend. She loves your pastries, especially the strawberry danish. It’s her favourite.”
The cashier smiles. “That’s nice of you to think about her. I’m sure you made the rest of her day.”
That’s nice of you to think about her. Right. These feelings that Jaehyun experiences are different. He finds himself thinking about you more and more. The littlest things remind him of you. 
You’re definitely not just a best friend to him.
He’s sure that he’s beginning to see you something more than that.
But he’s so sure that he’s had these feelings for you inside of him all along.
It was just hidden somewhere deep in his heart.
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“Fuck, I’m late.”
Jaehyun hops off the bus and rushes towards the stoplight. He’s late for work. He’s not even sure if he has his tie on right. He’s not even sure if his hair is gelled properly. He’s not even sure if he brought his company ID card with him. All he’s sure of is that he’s late. Super late.
The pedestrian crossing light changes to green and Jaehyun’s dashing across the street. His hair is moving with the wind in different directions and he’s beginning to sweat from all the movement. He’s pushing past people and apologizing at the same time. 
Right when he reaches his workplace, he stops a couple of metres before the entrance doors to catch his breath. He bends over, catching his breath. Suddenly, he hears his name being called from a far distance. 
He looks over his shoulder to find— “Y/N?”
You’re running over towards him with his— “Your lunch! You forgot your lunch!”
Jaehyun slowly straightens up his posture, falling into a trance as you catch up to him. You’re out of breath. Once you reach him, you hold up his lunch for him to grab which was prepared in a paper bag. 
Jaehyun’s late for work.
Jaehyun forgot to bring his lunch.
Jaehyun has to travel to work for roughly an hour and a half.
You travelled an hour and a half just to give him his lunch that he had forgotten to bring. He could’ve just bought himself lunch during his lunch break. You had gone out of your way for him.
You notice that Jaehyun’s not grabbing the paper bag from you. When you look up, Jaehyun grabs the paper bag and your arm. It all happens fast. You’re being pulled close to him and he leans in to press a chaste kiss on your lips. With eyebrows raised, you both pull away, completely surprised. You stand there, frozen, unable to find the right words to say.
Jaehyun feels his cheeks heat him. He clears his throat, losing the courage to look you directly in the eye. “T-Thanks. You didn’t have to come all the way after me. Sorry for being such a burden—”
Jaehyun’s sentence stops halfway when you pull him in for another kiss. He’s taken aback that he almost drops his lunch. He pulls you in closer to deepen the kiss, his free arm wrapping around your waist. 
When you pull away, you smile and reach up to fix his hair that’s been ruined by the wind. Patting his shoulders and fixing his tie, you gesture the entrance doors to his work.
“You wouldn’t want to be more late than you already are, right?” You bite your lip. 
Jaehyun blinks. Still in a daze.
You smile, turning him around and slapping his butt. “Go on in. I’ll see you later.”
He hesitantly walks towards the doors. But before he walks in, he turns back around to find you still standing there. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll see you later—”
“I love you.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat. “Jae—”
“I’m so late. I’ll see you later, Y/N—”
“I love you too.”
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“What is this?”
You look down at a sheet of paper that Jaehyun handed to you. He doesn’t utter a word and nods for you to take a look at it. You unfold the paper, scanning the contents of the paper before letting out a snort.
“Are you seriously going to laugh at me right now? I’m being serious.”
“An application? For what?”
“I’m applying to be your boyfriend. This is my submission.” Jaehyun explains.
You fold the sheet of paper and place it back down onto the dining table. “Well, I’m not taking applications right now.”
“What? Why?! You didn’t even wait for me to submit my application—”
“I already found the perfect candidate.”
“Already?!” Jaehyun panics. “Who is he—”
“He’s my roommate—”
“What’s his name—”
“Jeong Jaehyun—”
“Jeong Jaehyun? Oh—” Jaehyun breaks out into a smile that he can’t contain. “That’s... That’s me.”
“It is you, indeed.” You grin. 
“Perfect candidate, huh?”
“Shut up.”
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imerdwarf · 4 years
Sworn To Secrecy
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Requested by @imagine-all-the-fandoms: Hey colleague ❤️ I really love your writing! So I also thought to send you an idea 😊 The reader is Bucky’s girlfriend but just a normal civilian and he keeps it a secret at the compound. One day she visits him but crosses the other Avengers and Sam is immediately flirting with you but Bucky just comes, swoops you in his arms and kisses you. The others are shocked and confused and later that day they finally tell them they’ve been together for a while now and they are all happy for you two? 😊
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x Civilian!Reader (Modern AU)
Warnings: Absolutely none! Just a lot of fluff 🥰
Author's Notes: Thank you so much my dear friend for sending in this beautiful request, I hope you like it and please let me know if there's anything you want me to change! 💜
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Your phone vibrated in the palm of your hand and your smile reached both corners of your eyes when you saw the name light up your screen.
Bucky: I can't wait to see you, how long until you get here?
Your fingers flew quickly over the touch sensitive keyboard to reply back, without any typos might I add.
Y/N: I'm five minutes away. Patience! ;)
The wind blew in your face as you tilted your head upwards and sighed. Your relationship with Bucky Barnes was absolutely not the easiest thing in the world. He had made you sworn to secrecy about it, to protect yourself and him from potential haters and enemies.
You were grateful that you were able to spend a lot of time together when he didn't have month-long missions to go on. The sunny afternoons were spent in your small apartment on the couch watching movies with a blanket draped over the two of you, often accompanied by a hot chocolate made from his secret recipe.
Everything about Bucky screamed safety; his big beefy frame, bulging biceps that he just knew you loved and deliberately bought small sizes to show them off, his thick thighs were a dream for you whenever you draped your legs over them to get comfortable. Nothing about him scared you, not even that matte black and gold Wakandan inspired arm of his. It did wonders when you were burning up with fevers.
You met Bucky by chance at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. It was a cliché moment when you accidentally turned around too quickly and spilled your hot drink over his white shirt. Endless apologies spilled from your lips while Bucky was too busy admiring your beautiful features that your words simply fell on deaf ears. To Bucky, it felt as though time had temporarily stopped ticking, and the only people in the coffee shop at that moment was you and him.
The two of you exchanged numbers with your promises of buying him a brand new shirt to replace the one you ruined. You texted each other every second of every day. The more you talked, the easier and the flirty-er the texts became.
A month after the coffee shop incident, you almost keeled over when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. He regretted he couldn't take you on a date because of his status, and that never really bothered you.
You didn't date him because he was a popular avenger, with a staggering 100 million followers on his Instagram. For your protection, he couldn't follow you either, but that too didn't bother you. You dated him because you loved his personality and you loved him.
You zig-zagged past the oncoming pedestrians as the tower came into view. Outside of the gates there was already a crowd of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the avengers.
The security guard in the booth next to the gate was trying to reason with the crowd, sadly a building this well known attracted all kinds of attention and tourism. You were told that people from Australia would come to visit.
You approached the guard with a friendly smile. "Good afternoon sir," you greeted politely, pulling some I.D out from your purse.
"Good afternoon! Are you expected here today?" The guard smiled but looked over your shoulder to see the crowd was now taking pictures of the front of the tower. He shooed them away and brought his attention back to you.
"Yes, Sergeant James Barnes is expecting me." The way his name rolled off your tongue was like drops of honey. Smooth and sweet.
The guard checked the list of visitors expected today and hummed with a smile.
"So he is. So what you do is, go to the front desk with your visitor badge and they'll direct you to his floor."
With a quiet thanks and holding on tightly to the badge, you walk through the screeching iron gates. Your shoes crunch underneath the gravel and the wind howls through the trees that gives off extra privacy.
The lady at reception greets you warmly and you relax when you give her your name and show her your visitor badge as directed by the security guard.
"Take the elevator and go to floor 13. Sergeant Barnes is currently in a meeting but he won't be too long." Another thank you passes through your lips as you head off towards the glass and chrome elevator.
The ride up to the 13 floors was agonisingly slow. Classical music filled the emptiness of the elevator. The glass casing gave you a beautiful view overlooking the grounds of the compound. A rose garden of all different shades of roses up the far left of the green garden surrounded by cherry blossoms and hydrangeas. Benches scattered across the grounds that you hoped to one day have the pleasure of sitting on and watch the bumblebees.
This was another reason Bucky loved you so much, you were so passionate and kind against wildlife and nature.
Finally, after god knows how long you've been staring out into the garden daydreaming, the elevator doors ding open and you're greeted with a muscular blond God with a red Cape hung over his back and a creepy wide grin on his face. His scruffy hair made you think he hadn't washed it in a few days.
"I was expecting someone else, but hello!" His voice seemed to boom throughout the space of whatever room this actually was. Some kind of hallway, but you're pretty sure you would hear his voice from all the way from that beautiful garden.
"Uh hello!" You stuttered, taken by surprise that there would be other people here.
"I am Thor, the God of Thunder!" His arms went wide and so did his smile. Your mouth gaped open and closed when you recognised the name. Thor. God of thunder. Of course, you read about these gods and how he ruled Asgard. Or was set to.
"Thor! Of course," you chuckled nervously, stretching your hand out in front of you, "I'm Y/N."
"It's a pleasure to meet you! Please follow me and allow me to introduce you to my mortal friends," you chuckled at that line, and adjusted your sweater.
"Friends, mortals! We have a guest, this is Y/N, A human of Earth." Thor stepped aside and your eyes widened; you were only standing in the same room as the avengers, the same people Bucky spoke so highly of. Thor told you the names of the people in front of you, everyone was there and you wondered where the hell Bucky was.
Tony was the first one to step forward and looked you up and down by moving his tinted glasses to the bridge of his nose. You relaxed when he smiled, but only slightly. You realised they had not asked why some stranger was standing in their living room.
"You know who I am?" Tony asked smugly, his arms folded over his chest.
You nodded, your eyes flickered down his chest, his arc reactor lit up in a bright blue. You almost reached out to touch it but stopped yourself before you could.
"Uh yes. You're Tony I believe?" You blushed under their gazes. Bucky told you they were the best people, but to you they were very intimidating.
"Very good. What brings you to my tower?"
"I'm here to see—"
"Wow! Who is this?" A voice yelled out from behind you. A guy you recognised as Sam, or Falcon, or Birdbrain as Bucky liked to call him.
"Y/N!" Thor answered before you could, the rest of the avengers took a seat on the couch.
"Yeah, hi," a small laugh came out and it made your cheeks heat up when his eyes raked over your form.
"My, my. You are gorgeous!" He kept that grin on his lips as he stepped closer. His over-sprayed cologne was suffocating you. "Beautiful, just perfect, just—"
"Mine!" Bucky yelled from the doorway as he stormed past Sam to get to you. You bit your lip to hide the growing grin and failed, he swooped you up in his arms, your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he spun the two of you around and kissed you.
Cat calls sounded from the couch and you smiled into the kiss. When you pulled away for air, the expressions on everyone's faces told you they needed and wanted an explanation.
You could only imagine the questions they wanted to ask; how did you know Bucky Barnes? How did a soldier and an assassin manage to keep a relationship so hidden under the eyes of a mind-reader and a super intelligent spy? How did Bucky not slip up to Steve about having a girlfriend? All valid questions of course.
Bucky lowered you back down on your feet and pressed his forehead against yours. Without giving the team an answer, he slipped his hand in yours and pulled you away, leaving the superheroes with confusion etched upon their faces.
Bucky gave you a thorough tour of the tower. He showed you the gym, the kitchen where he made you his favourite sandwich, he even showed you his room. It was painted in a light blue with white curtains and blinds, thick, soft cream carpet covered the floor and his bed was as soft as a cloud. It was a lot more comfortable than your bed, that's for sure.
Later that day, Tony ordered a takeout and invited everyone to the dining room to eat, including you. The way Bucky's hand was slung protectively around your shoulder didn't go amiss by anyone in the room. It was when he finally sat down did the questions start.
"Alright, what's the deal with you two? Is this a prank? Is he paying you darling?" Sam fired off first, pointing his fork at the two of you opposite him.
Bucky glared at him from calling you 'darling', from where you were sat you could hear the heavy breathing. Your hand slipped into your lap and into his, giving his thigh a firm squeeze to keep calm.
"Y/N is not being paid!" Bucky defended, outraged he could even think such a thing.
You cleared your throat and took a sip of water before speaking, "it's true and I understand it's a shock but Bucky is actually my boyfriend and has been for the past couple of months," you smiled, proud of the fact you were in a relationship with this man and it was no longer secret.
"How the hell did that happen?" Tony queried, waving his chopsticks in the air, flabbergasted by the whole situation.
"What, you think I'm not capable of meeting people?" Bucky challenged, not really enjoying the interrogation which was the whole reason he didn't want to say anything at the beginning.
"Well of course I wouldn't be surprised if it was Capsicle here but it's you," Tony snorted.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bucky was yelling and turning red with anger when Nat sought the opportunity to take the heat off the two men.
"So, Y/N. Tell us about yourself."
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Tags: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016
659 notes · View notes
thran-duils · 4 years
Use All of Me (P.15 -- final)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Fifteen, Final) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 2,591 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death Author’s Note: I had a lot of extra things I wanted to add in (not mentioning the two other ways I considered taking the fic) but they were fleeting and not conducive to the plot. Just day to day things and I didn’t want to drag it out more than it needed to be. I am satisfied with this and I hope you guys are too.
Part Fourteen || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Steve shook his head, scrolling through his phone across the table from you. His dinner was barely touched he was so engrossed in what he was reading. He must have felt you staring because he looked up, making eye contact with you.
You swallowed and asked now that you had his attention, “What is making you so upset?”
Reluctantly, Steve told you, “Gossip columns. About us. About you.”
“Well, I don’t know about that because I don’t have my phone… or internet access at that.” Steve’s face was stoic at your remark and you shrugged, unable to mask your scorn “You’re the one who put my face out there. Can’t blame people for being concerned about one of their stars.”
“You forced my hand,” Steve told you in a low voice. “Did you not?”
You took another bite of your food, knowing you were toeing a line.
Steve put his phone down, scooting his chair closer to yours, invading your space. “Did you not?” he repeated with more force.
“I did,” you whispered.
His fingers ghosted along the side of your face. “Like I told you… you don’t think about the repercussions of your actions. You were acting unstable. Nothing like yourself. I had to do it to bring you back. I had to do it to keep you safe.”
He was so insistent in his chivalry about whisking you back home, keeping you barred inside. You blocked out what he was saying about you, like he was blaming you for reacting perfectly normally to being kept in a cage. You wanted to move onto something else.
“Did you pay that person… who turned me in?”
“Are Yua and Natalie back at their jobs?”
You proposed honestly, “How can I be sure? That you’re telling me the truth? When I cannot even check on them myself?”
“You don’t trust me?” Steve’s eyes were hard, challenging you.
What a loaded question.
“I don’t see any reason why you would lie to me about it,” you lied yourself in response.
Steve looked tickled by your response, but you also sensed displeasure in his tone. “Y/N… I have enough money and power to ruin them if I wanted to. And I wouldn’t keep it a secret from you because there would be a damn good reason I would have done so. And I would want you to know what lesson you were supposed to learn. So, darling, trust me when I tell you that they are okay. I listened to what you requested. I can be reasonable when you behave.” He leaned back, eyes searching your face. He let out a small sigh seeing the meek expression on your face, “Over time you’ll get your phone back... your friends coming around to visit again.”
He was waiting expectantly for you to answer, to say anything.
“I understand.”
Steve’s hand was warm, grasping yours. “You did good, doll face…” he praised gently. “You came back to me. You brought the babies back. I am desperate to see you mothering our children… swelling with more of them.” He reached over, picking up an envelope on top of the stack of papers near him. He held it up to you and said, “And I intend to make good on my word about making it official.”
Steve handed it to you and you took it from him gingerly. Unfolding the papers inside, you looked down at the paper, seeing it was a marriage application.
Confused, you asked, “You… you don’t even want to have a ceremony?”
“Do you want a ceremony?” Steve asked seriously.
“Yes,” you breathed. If you were going to get married, you wanted to at least celebrate it. Have something to look forward to if you were going to be legally bound to him.
“Hmm.” Steve looked contemplative. “I didn’t think you would be interested in that.” He paused, chewing on the thought. He blew a small raspberry, reaching for his phone. “Well, maybe it is a good thing I did float the idea.” He began to hand the phone to you but paused, cocking his head slightly. “Now… I’m gonna let you look at this because Wanda was able to find some beautiful maternity gowns. Tell me what you think of them. Don’t search anything else. Understand?” You nodded and he handed you his phone and you stared down at it, shocked to see wedding gowns.
Being pregnant was not something you had considered for the ceremony. Or particularly wanted for your wedding day photos.
“Do we have to move so quickly?”
“Yes,” Steve responded curtly.
“Because I want it to all be settled before the babies get here.”
The only reason he would want that… he had to have an angle. There must be something that he wanted.
“Can I—”
“Small ceremony, Y/N,” Steve cut you off, as if he knew exactly what you were going to ask. And you could not fathom how he could just read you like a book. It unnerved you. He was observant and it was detrimental to you. “I already have the list and the venue was set.”
“The v-venue?”
He threw you a smirk, “I was banking on you wanting a ceremony.”
So that is what Tony had been talking about.
Your hands ran over the gown. The beaded sheer top above your bustline glittered in the light. You were a little chilly with your bare arms, but you barely noticed above your nerves. Surprisingly, you had been left alone in the room serving as the bridal suite. Not that you could make a run for it anyway in this dress and with your stomach. You snorted at the thought of you running down the street; it did calm you down a little.
Yet, you still wished your friends had been able to attend but it was ‘family’ only as Steve had said. And that family meant the team.
The door opened, drawing your attention.
Wanda was standing there, and she stopped, seeing you done up.
“You look lovely,” she said gently, a sincere smile on her face.
You returned her smile, giving a quick nod. You found yourself more often than not, cradling your stomach, and here you were again. You grimaced when one of the twins gave a particularly hard kick and Wanda noticed.
She was at your side immediately, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” you breathed, nodding. “Would be terrible to have the babies at 28 weeks… far too early.”
“Not uncommon though.” Wanda still sounded unsure.
You waved her off. “I’m fine. Really. They’re just kicking and moving around.”
Wanda relaxed a little and said, “Alright, if you’re sure. Well, they’re ready. Are you?”
Shakily, you told her, “Yes. Yes, of course.”
The room was bright, draped in shades of sky blues. White petals were scattered along the aisle down to where Steve was standing. You breath caught at the sight of him, causing you to hesitate in your stride. Steve looked handsome, so very handsome. Somehow you made it to the end of the aisle, coming to stand in front of him. You hardly could contain the smile that came to you, unable to block out the happiness you felt coming off of him in waves. He looked so sure, so satisfied as he took your hand in his.
His words were sweet, loving. You tried to breathe easy as he slipped the ring on your finger, noticing the hungry look on his eyes. When you were told to kiss, Steve guided you, his lips dominating yours.
Signing away on the marriage certificate, you noticed his lips twitch watching you. He was elated. He was getting exactly what he wanted… you. Forever.
The night would have gone smoothly if you had not felt another hard kick from the babies. It felt different. It was not a normal kick.
Your fork clattered to your plate over your dinner at the bridal table. Your hand came to your stomach, your face twinged in pain.
Steve’s laugh faltered, his attention drawn from Bucky next to him.
“Y/N?” he asked, his tone suddenly serious. Bucky was leaning forward, sharing Steve’s look of concern.
Trying to play it off, you nodded with difficulty. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Another kick hit and you grimaced, a sharp gasp leaving your mouth. “Okay, maybe I’m not.”
Steve was standing and staring down at you in worry. The rest of the team had noticed and were hanging in suspension as they realized there was something wrong.
“I’ll get the car,” Steve declared. “Tony, Bucky, can you help her outside? I’m getting the car.”
Without waiting for them to answer, Steve was already halfway to the door, his stride quick.
Tony and Bucky were there, hands holding you as they helped you stand. You whimpered, your belly tight, soreness swirling in your hips and lower back. You had had period cramps before but this was something else entirely.
You felt wet and looked down at your legs. Your dress was soaked in a stream and you let out a strangled noise. Your water was broken and panic began to set in.
“Oh, boy, yeah,” Tony said sounding like he was trying to keep himself calm since he noticed it as well as him and Bucky helped you walk towards the door.
“I’m not ready,” you begged, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. “I’m not ready!”
“I don’t think you’ve got much of a say in the matter,” Tony told you, trying to make a joke. He gave a small laugh, but you could tell he was nervous. You cried out and he quickly held to you as your knees threatened to buckle underneath you. “Oh, shit. Okay. Keep steady, sweetheart.”
“I can’t!” you snapped at him.
Tony closed his mouth.
Bucky grunted as your legs quivered and you leaned into him as you reached the door. They helped you down the stairs as carefully as they could as you heard tires squeal to a stop at the curb. Steve had been speeding from the parking garage.
Steve got halfway out of the car, but Bucky said, “We got it. Don’t worry.”
They helped you get into the front seat of the car and you gripped the sides of the chair, closing your eyes as another contraction rumbled through you. You heard Bucky get into the backseat of the car and slam the door closed.
Steve took off quickly, promising you he would get you to the hospital as quickly as possible. He was doing well hiding his anxiousness, channeling it into assuring you and telling you it was going to be okay.
“It was the goddamn stress!” Steve grated furiously. “She should have stayed home! She shouldn’t have run off! Why was she so stupid?”
He was pacing angrily in one of the waiting rooms down the hallway. Y/N had given birth to both of the babies, far prematurely. They had both been whisked away to the NICU without Y/N and Steve both given much time to see them, let alone hold them. They were reassured they would be able to visit once the babies were set up safely. It did not sit well with Steve. Y/N was exhausted and was having trouble staying awake, so he had left the room when he was sure she was alright. She needed rest.
But now that he was out of the height of the situation, anger began swirling at the risk she had been put at along with the babies.
The team had shown up, still dressed in their wedding attire.
No one argued with Steve. He might very well have a valid point about it and saying anything to the contrary was not going to calm him down.
Steve ground his teeth, hands coming to his hips in frustration.
“They said the babies are alright though?” Natasha finally spoke.
Steve looked over at her and shrugged, “I think. I don’t know. They said they needed to be put on oxygen. That doesn’t sound good to me.”
“It’s probably precautionary, Steve,” Pepper offered gently.
Finding an empty chair, Steve sat down in it heavily, resting his elbows on his thighs. His eyes swept around the room, taking everyone in. He could see the unquiet in their expressions, their worry for him. He was supposed to be the one keeping everyone levelheaded; that was his job. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for just a moment. He just needed a moment to compose himself and be strong for everyone else.
When he opened them again, he said, “It better be. It’s gotta be.”
Steve was there when your eyes fluttered open. It took a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the light in the room, even though it was dimmed. You focused in on the sheets and your gown. And then you felt the remnants of pain in your lower half, even though it was dull now.
It all hit you at once and you tried to sit up too quickly. You gasped in pain and Steve was halfway out of his chair.
“You’re fine,” he said in a rush, his hands coming to your arms. His eyes were swimming with worry. “Don’t get up, Y/N. You need to rest.”
Breathing erratically, you looked at him in alarm. “T-the babies?”
“They’re in the NICU,” Steve assured you quickly. “One is breathing on her own, the other is on tubes. But they think that he will be able to breath on his own soon.”
You stared at him and demanded, “You’ve seen them?”
“Yes. You did too. Briefly.”
That came back to you too. You had seen them. You had been awake for everything. But the exhaustion had taken over.
“But… you saw them? Without me?” you asked weakly.
“Yeah,” Steve admitted, slowly sitting back down in his chair. “I haven’t held them, but I’ve seen them. Through the window.” His hands rubbed your arms affectionately. “Y/N, doll face, really. You need to lie back. You lost a lot of blood.” That’s when you noticed the IV and everything attached to you. “They treated you and replaced but you’re still going to be weak.”
You did as he asked, lying back on the plethora of pillows behind you. He physically relaxed at you reclined, but he was still leaning towards you, ever watchful.
His tone was sympathetic, “I don’t like you sick. I don’t like worrying about you. I’m supposed to protect you.” His thumb traced across your lips, concern swimming in his eyes now. “I hope though you’ll take something from this… that you’ll think twice about being reckless. I don’t want our future children being put through this, Y/N. I don’t want you being put through this. I want you to be secure, relaxed… safe under my watch.”
Steve’s other hand came to rest on your stomach and you felt a sense of foreboding flooding in. His closed mouth smile conveyed confidence, his hand gently caressing. “Despite all of that stress though… you pulled through. You are special, Y/N. I can’t wait to watch you swell again.” He was sincere, gaze intense, and his fingers holding you close. “You are the most important thing to me. I’ll make sure next time goes more smoothly for you. I’ll be there every step of the way next time.”
He leaned in close now, his lips brushing against your ear, “You’re all in my custody now. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Tags: @imsonick , @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @roxyfan14-blog @mrsnegan25 @coconutqueen21
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i-like-the-eyes · 3 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Corinthian/Original Male Character Characters: The Corinthian (Sandman), Vitus (OC), Dream of the Endless Additional Tags: Hero!Dream, Sidekick!Corinthian, Villain!Vitus, Smut, sidekick x villain, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Lovers, Superhero!AU, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers Summary:
"The Nightmare" - sidekick of the local super hero - get's kidnapped by one of their enemies - "The Demon" The two had fought and flirted in the past whenever they had met. Now being at the mercy of the pretty villain the Nightmare is torn between his attraction towards his enemy and the loyalty towards his boss...
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days-until-burnout · 29 days
Anon from day 11 again. Prompt ideas (feel free to pick whatever you want): Spy thriller involving the snails, Continuation of day 5 superhero AU, or murder camel (ft. Shiny duo)
**semi-threatening gremlin voice** Break a leg
wdym day 11 😭 how has it been that long damn anyways. here is my rare-pair (with a side of my fav pair). i know nothing about them other that yes. also, there was another story that i mixed up with this prompt. so there's that too. enjoy 😌 _____
📧 Day 62 -
Characters - Skizz + Cleo (ft. Cub, Etho/Joel) Words - 1,940 Time - 75 mins Content - Spy Thriller ft. The Snails
‘Systems connected. At your mark.’
Cub’s words are steady in her ear-piece, prompting Cleo to breathe out the tension on her shoulders. The building is relatively quiet, no man-made sounds she can hear and none Cub can pick up either. They pull at the cuffs of her gloves to secure them, closing and opening her fists a couple times. The textile of their gloves feel familiar, a sensation that only further reminds them of where she is, what she is doing, and the consequences of failure. Her eyes fall on their fist, the tension ever present through the impressive gloves, feeling a very faint whirl in their irises. It focuses the image, not hers but Cub’s, like a camera shutter. 
“Through the vent, yeah?”
‘Yes. I have the map in front of me, and I can send it over if you’d prefer.’
There is a quiet buzz in her ear and she can faintly hear tapping, but she pushes that aside as she begins to work on the vent. With her multitool, she unscrews the corners, her palm flat against the vent door as they let each screw down. Then another buzz and Cub is back online, though he waits until she carefully glides the vent door down, prying at the corners to put it aside. Their entry point, and the rest is up to whatever information the exploration team managed to get. 
They flick their right wrist up, the watch on her wrist taking a second before turning on, projecting up a dim blue screen. The logo then a loading screen, then a simplified map appears before their eyes. They find themselves quickly, a red dot in place. 
Cleo flicks her wrist again, “Show time.”
With practiced agility, Cleo lowers one foot in first until she finds ground before climbing in. She does not bother to cover the vent, trusting that Cub and the rest of the team are right about this place being hard to find and inaccessible by the great majority of people. Even with the additional weight, the vents seem steady enough, no whines or clangs, her lucky day. Without their action, their goggles kick into action, switching from normal to night-vision, everything a familiar shade of green now. 
She passes other vent doors, peeking at them even though she is not near the destination point. There is not much to see on the other side of the grills, mostly empty offices in darkness. Although the building appears to be empty, she does notice the cameras in the corners of some rooms and corridors, their red light a big sign. 
“Is the security building here?”
‘It’s a hybrid mod–’
Cleo stops in her tracks when Cub cuts out, biting back hushed words as she waits. A breath, another, another, then a click. Communication is compromised. Quickly, she flicks her wrist, the map appearing again, though there is no sign of interference. She hears another click, opens her mouth to call out to Cub, but the other gets ahead of them. 
‘Hey, angel.’
“Please, tell me this isn’t happening,” they mutter, blinking back vision. They lower her wrist, continuing her path as the goggles guide her. She hears a snicker on the other side, quiet and comforting, but no less exasperating. “You’re back. That’s too soon.”
‘Aw, missed you too, angel. Or I hope you’ve missed me.’
“Get my lead back on the line.”
‘No can do, ma’am. Kid’s got brains, and hacked the communication systems recently, out of boredom. You’re still connected, and they’ve got control still, I’m just the spokesperson now.’
“That’s awful.”
Skizz laughs, ‘Too bad.’
With the reassurance that Cub is still on the line, they continue on. Sadly, she says goodbye to their quiet run as Skizz wastes no time filling in the silence. And his draw gets them talking too, word by word, he pries them from her tongue. No real force behind his words or message, just the right ones to kick their mind into motion, sharp tones and sighs and eye-rolls. 
“You’ve come back just to bother me?” She asks eventually, after getting bored of hearing about another stealth mission that is not her own. “Go home, idiot. Get some rest with your team.”
‘No can do, ma’am. Drove out here as soon as I hear you were out on a mission.’
“Are you my getaway driver?”
‘Nope. Just your driver. You’ve got this.’
She huffs, but her lips are a permanent smile. The thought that Skizz is out there, vehicle hidden, kicking back as they chat; it really is an odd feeling. Her mind takes a while to decide on a feeling, leaving the rest of the mission to muscle memory. Though the space is cramped, there are gusts of cold air that brush past their face, through their hair, and it lazily leads back to him. Late night drives are always good, better when she is not the one driving even if she rarely lets anyone drive them. 
‘There’s a dip coming up soon. Also, how’s your son?’
Cleo peeks over the edge for a moment. According to the map, it might be a long slide down, which is never a fun activity. Carefully, she places her left palm on the wall across from her, pushing against it as she lowers her left leg too. The sole of their boots make contact, and she slowly lowers half of their body first, free hand hanging on the ledge as their other leg glides to the edge until it digs into muscle through the clothes. The second sole touches the opposite wall, then her palm, and she is ready to make her way down. 
“Doing his best,” she replies after a couple steps down, not even bothering to correct Skizz about Joel’s title in her life. Regardless, that is one of the last things she wants to think about in their current situation, though it does make good conversation. “Probably on the moon, now that his little boyfriend is back too.”
‘Hey, hey, wasn’t my idea for him to come with.’
She smiles, “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
‘Mean angel.’
“The meanest.”
They talk about Joel mostly, which is something that they are willing to discuss. Mostly to fill in the silence, mostly because they know Skizz cares too much. This little something they have. In the back of her mind, they are reminded to sit down one day and talk about it. In the present, however, she tunes out Skizz’ words for a moment as she catches movement through the grills. Meticulously, she tilts her back towards the wall with the grills, both hands in front of her as they kick their leg under their hands. The actions make him quiet down, and everything goes silent for a while. 
Night vision switches off, her world falling into momentary darkness before it leisurely lights up. Artificial lights seep through the grills, lights that cut off sometimes, so she leans closer in, blinded for a couple seconds at the sudden exposure to light. 
‘Underground lab? Original.’
Cleo grins, but gives no response. Their eyes are Cub’s, so more than ever, this is a moment of interest they need to be paying attention to. 
There is a big bench with various items, from organic fruits and vegetables to a wooden chair to flasks and other miscellaneous items. A random assortment of items, and they make sure to look at all of them, hoping someone else can find a connection. In time, her eyes flicker as movement enters the scene, someone wearing a white coat with sandy-colored hair. 
“Gem, bring in the specimens.”
Her heart sinks twice. 
Merely a couple seconds after, someone with copper hair walks in, pushing a flatbed trolley, two huge capsules in it. Grian joins her at the side of the bench, both opening the capsules with hisses, delicately lifting the contents. She cringes at the slime, the mucus that covers their arms and coats and clothes, and she feels a knot in their throat when the snails uncurl. Pink and cyan. Bigger than any normal snail, almost a baby rhinos’ size. Awful things. Horrible things. Pests. 
‘I thought we got rid of those,’ Skizz says on the other end, their thoughts in his tongue. 
Cleo watches, frozen in place, as Grian and Gem offer various items to the snails. And like paper under water, the snails devour everything with inimaginable ease. It has to be toxic related, nothing can break down materials at such speed. That is a new development, not part of the previous cases. The snails would break down matter slower, much slower, and they had never gotten to this size before. What have Grian and Gem been up to?
Gem squeals, a joyful glee that made Cleo want to punch both of them, “Look! They are so fast now. Isn’t that amazing? Gosh. They are even eating the table.”
“It’s good,” Grian nods. He steps back, a little further to bring another container. Cleo pushes into the grills, staring at the container, just hoping the logo is clear enough. “Now, the final test,” he says calmly, and Gem only looks at him with a wide smile. Inhumane smile. There is something wrong with the both of them, though her mind struggles to shine a light on it. Maybe, maybe because they are still stuck on the betrayal. 
‘Oh god,’ Skizz lets out breathlessly. Cleo’s eyes go wide. 
Organic matter. Red. 
Grian tosses a piece at the cyan snail, and they stare at it for a moment, everything holding their breaths in wait. Cleo thinks she heard a hiss, the same hiss when heavily acidic liquids come in contact with metals. 
Gem cheers. Grian tosses another piece. Success on their end. 
‘How are you going to tell him?’
Cleo startles at the sound of Skizz’ voice, blinking back to reality, only to catch the two turning the lights off and leaving. Everything sinks into darkness, her shoes squeak as she slides. Instinctively, she pushes against the walls, heart beating loud in her head. She wants Cub on the line, they want logic and the mission only, they need the outlet, the moment to turn off Cleo and simply be a spy. They slide, her knee digs into the metal. 
“I’m not going to,” they mutter, more breath than words. Even heartbeats, the ringing in their ears. The hissing. The hissing. Anything but words. Gem’s high-pitched laugh haunts their mind. “I’m not going to,” she repeats, a little louder though it makes no difference. 
‘You’re spiraling.’
“Traitor. They are traitors.”
‘I know. I know. Please, just come out of there, and we’ll go home.’
There is no way she is going home right now. Joel is home, probably. And Etho. They are most likely home, fooling and being idiots, unaware. How can Cleo tell Joel about Grian and Gem? After Jimmy… After Jimmy’s disappearance, how can they tell him his remaining best friends are… conspiring. Working with the enemy. Playing with things they should not be playing with. How are the snails still alive? They had gotten rid of all of them. She is sure. She is sure. They were there. Helping. Cleaning up. Killing those things. Yet, yet… Did her eyes deceive her? Maybe, maybe it was someone else. Stolen identities are common practice. Right. That has to be it. Someone stole Gem and Grian’s face, and that is something she can tell Joel, because that will not crush him. That will not hurt him. 
That’s it. 
That’s it.
There is no other explanation. 
“God, I can’t tell him that—”
there is a lot of lore. but yeah. idk if i will write more. eh. it's fun but idk if i have the commitment. but who knows, one of these old days, this might pop-up on ao3 fully fledged (partial lies) also, i dont think these two have a ship name >.> but hey, if they do, that'd be great
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sweetsmalldog · 3 years
*Slides a single dollar bill over that table*
*Lowers shades*
About your superhero au……. Tell me more
Also two things about it, do only superheroes/ villains have powers or is like bnha where a lot of ppl have them.
And, does Lizzie have powers??
*slides the dollar back*
Keep asking questions
A few people have powers it’s not insanely uncommon but they usually aren’t the most notable, they can be genetic but that’s rare. Scott and Xornoth get them from their respective stag horns. Gem, Fwhip, and Sausage’s powers are genetic but only Fwhip got the dragon wings (which can make existing in regular society a chore sometimes). Shubble got her’s when she let her dog’s soul into her body as a child. Pix was chosen by the Vigil and it gave him lightening powers. Jimmy and Lizzie have genetic powers of increased speed, strength, and durability as well as water breathing and talking to fish. Then Joel, Kathrine, Joey, and Pearl don’t have powers.
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snowdice · 4 years
A Twist of Fate {Part 2} (Everything’s Fine Universe) [Dice Roll 13]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Remus & Janus & Patton, Remy & Patton
Characters: Janus, Patton, Remus, Remy
Summary: It wasn’t unheard of for people to gain soulmarks later in life, but it was quite rare. Usually fate was set in stone. Yet, when one’s fated death was prevented, fate had to make some adjustments.
As he fell, Patton may have felt a strange prickling feeling across his skin. He however, was not paying attention to that, far too distracted and confused. All he knew was that by the time he hit the ground, both of his hands were covered with marks. Later when he went home he’d notice even more in other places, but the ones he noticed when he hit the ground were the obvious ones on his hands.
Then, there was Janus. Janus had only one soulmark on his body. At least. He had only one soulmark that hadn’t been burnt off years ago. When he landed on top of Patton, he did not notice the marks that suddenly appeared on his arms and face. Patton did, however, notice two little designs appear on him: one along the side of his nose and the other right below the scaring on the left side of his face. The second was already colored in by the time they hit the ground.
Universe: Soulmate AU and Superhero AU
Genre: The Dice Roll said fluff and it is… but… it’s more fluff and angst, hurt/comfort-ish
Notes: Child abuse, homelessness, malnutrition, acid burns, platonic soulmates
My Master Post Part 1
Patton could not keep the small wistful smile off his face when Jimmy and his… brother? uncle? guardian? (He almost certainly wasn’t the kid’s father because there were no soulmarks on Jimmy’s face. He’d seen the mark on Jimmy’s forearm though that matched the colored in one on the man’s wrist. Perhaps he was a much older brother.)… left. Patton liked the little boy who frequently came into the bakery even though Jimmy sometimes said weird or scary things. Patton did not know the boy’s story but considering the absence of any parental soulmarks that would typically mark a person’s face, he imagined there was a reason for the way his mind seemed to stray to darker thoughts. At least he seemed happy with his guardian now. The man barely ever spoke, a quiet contrast to the little boy who seemed unable to stop talking for five seconds without exploding, but he clearly loved Jimmy. They were sweet together.
“You are so soft for kids,” a voice said from next to him, making him startle a bit. He had not noticed Remy leave the table he’d been camped out at all day.
Patton smiled at him once he’d calmed down from the small fright. “More coffee, Remy?” he asked.
Remy made the twirling motion with his pointer finger that translated to him rolling his eyes since he couldn’t remove his sunglasses. “How long have we known each other, babe?” he asked.
Patton rolled his own eyes for real and took his offered coffee cup. “Want anything to eat?”
“Nah, just the caffeine.”
Patton nodded and absentmindedly went about filling the coffee cop, but then he paused when he caught sight of the clock and spun around. He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ve been studying since breakfast time. I don’t remember you ordering any lunch.”
“I’ll get lunch in a bit,” Remy said, waving him off.
“Remy, it’s an hour ‘til closing.”
Patton sighed and shook his head, finishing up getting him his refill before turning to grab him a bacon and cheese croissant out of the display case. “Eat,” Patton said, shoving the food and drink at him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say dad.”
Patton smiled slightly even as he felt his heart twinge at that word. Remy seemed to notice his discontent and reached across the counter to give him a soft punch on the shoulder. “Bad day?” he asked.
Patton shrugged. It was always a bit of a sore spot, but usually not so much that Remy joking with him in that way would sting.
“Sorry Pat,” Remy said. “Didn’t meant to make it worse.”
“It’s fine Remy,” Patton promised. “I’m fine.”
Remy studied him for a moment with a frown, and Patton squirmed under the intensity of his gaze even if it was hidden behind the dark shades. “No, you’re not,” he said bluntly and maybe that’s why he and Remy were soulmates. He was willing to say it unlike everyone else who either politely avoided the subject when they were being nice and when they weren’t… well, let’s just say, Patton had heard the term “unloved” far too many times in his life.
Remy had always done his best, but ever since Patton’s parents had died two years ago dwindling his number of soulmates from a measly three down to one, the insult had started stinging more and more.
It did not help that Patton could see the writing on the wall (or perhaps on the skin would be more accurate) when it came to Remy. Remy was his platonic soulmate, and Patton loved him so, so much, but, well, Patton was aware that… Remy had a lot of life to live outside of Patton.
Remy wasn’t quite what one would call a “well-loved,” but his number of soulmates was in the higher range of normal. There were three on his face: two from his parents and a “blessing mark” from his grandmother. One dotted his wrist for his baby sister who was still in middle school who he’d practically helped raise. There were five that littered his back in different places, only two filled in so far including the one from Patton. (Patton’s had filled in long ago when they were in 3rd grade, and at least Patton had that. Patton could claim the spot of Remy’s first non-familiar soulmate. It made him a little bit special even if… even if Patton could tell it wouldn’t last.) The one soulmark on his chest waited to be filled in by his romantic soulmate, and Patton had to imagine the two on his hands for future children would follow after that.
Patton was happy for him. He was! He’d have a lot of love in his life and Patton loved him so much he couldn’t resent that. The thing was, usually, people had some overlapping soulmates. Maybe Patton wouldn’t have all of Remy’s friends as soulmates, but he should at least have one indicating he would get to know the romantic one, right? One would think he’d have something for Remy’s future kids, because he already knew he would love them if he ever met them. Even just… even just one overlapping friendship soulmate would make Patton feel better. Patton should have some sign of being a part of Remy’s future social circle engraved onto his skin.
Unless, well, unless Patton ended up not mattering much in the end.
It hurt to think about. It hurt to know that Patton was likely just an important childhood friend whom he would eventually drift away from as his life moved on without him. Yet, Patton had no one else. Patton would never have anyone else. He had three soulmates. All of them met. Two of them gone.
It didn’t sound much like a happy ending.
“I’ll be fine,” Patton replied. “It’s just a bad day. I’ll be right as rain tomorrow.”
Remy’s fingertips tapped on the rim of his coffee cup a few times. “You should adopt.”
Patton blinked at the suddenness and ludicrousness of that suggestion. He almost laughed. “Who is going to let me adopt anyone?” Patton asked, waving both of his hands around sadly.
“Adopt a soulless kid.”
“Don’t call them that,” he hissed, immediately.
Remy jerked at the sudden venom in his tone. “It’s just what they’re called Pat,” he said. “I wasn’t being mean. It’s their government designation…”
“I know…” Patton said. “It just seems so… mean.” Like ‘unloved,’ but at least ‘unloved’ didn’t make it onto his driver’s license. At least he had the option to pull on a cardigan and go around under the radar with most people not even knowing how many soulmarks he had.
“See,” Remy said. “You’d be perfect to take one in. You’d be thoughtful and patient even with their status. It’s probably what a lot of them need.”
“I don’t even know if people can adopt them,” Patton said.
“Well, someone has to take care of them:” Remy pointed out, “adoption or fostering or some other thing special to them. Maybe you could do that.”
“I still don’t know if they’d allow me to. You can adopt people who aren’t your soulmates, but they don’t usually allow people like me to…” He’d looked up adopting once when he was a teenager on one of the nights when his heart ached too much to sleep, just to see if he’d ever be able to. He’d found one couldn’t even apply for adoption without a hand or lower arm soulmark, a biological relationship to the child, or a soulmate who had a biological relationship to the child. Yet… people with no soulmarks were treated differently by the government, usually for the worse, but… maybe they’d let someone they thought was incapable of giving parental love foster someone who they thought was incapable of receiving any love at all. “Maybe I’ll look into it.”
“You should,” Remy said. “I know you’d make a great dad.”
Patton chuckled humorlessly, looking down at his blank hands. “Clearly.”
“Don’t be like that, Pat. Even if it wouldn’t be exactly what everyone else has, that wouldn’t make it necessarily bad. You don’t have to be someone’s soulmate to love them.” Patton knew that. He knew that very well. He’d loved or wanted to love so many people in his life. They’d just never seemed to want to accept that love let alone love him back.
He smiled at Remy sadly. “Like I said, I’ll think about it.” He shook the thought away. “Not eat your croissant and then go home and get some rest, Rem. I know you’re worried about your exam tomorrow, but passing out from exhaustion and/or low blood sugar in the middle of it won’t help you finish med school.”
“That’s what coffee’s for.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” he grumbled, sticking half of the croissant into his mouth. Having a full mouth did not stop him from talking however, “but afterwards I’m coming straight to your house and we’re going to eat pizza and watch horrible romantic comedies until the sun comes up the next morning.”
Patton chuckled. “It’s a good thing I don’t work until Sunday.” Remy nodded, already finishing the rest of the croissant. He grabbed his coffee cup and went to take a big gulp. “Remy that’s hot!”
He set the cup down on the table once he was finished downing about 1/3 of it. “I fear no god. Put it in a to-go cup for me?”
He turned to wander back to his table as Patton grabbed a to-go cup from under the counter. Patton watched as he opened his backpack and slid all of his study materials into it in a disorganized mess before slinging it over his shoulder. “Don’t give me that look,” he said when he saw Patton watching. “I have to keep up my image of a hot mess.” Patton handed him his coffee cup when he came back over. “See you later Pat.” He leaned forward to give Patton a smooch on the nose, and Patton batted him away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Remy.” Remy turned around and shot him finger guns, almost walking straight into someone as he exited the bakery door. “And watch where you’re going! You’ll get hit by a car if you’re not careful.”
He turned the finger guns into birds knowing he was too far away for Patton to chide him. He was gone in the next moment. Patton shook his head. There wasn’t anyone left sitting in the bakery. He decided to go ahead and start prepping to close. Maybe he’d be able to go home early.
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 3
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Blight | Epilogue
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Jeon Jungkook/Reader [F]
Genre: Dragon/Shapeshifter AU, Magic AU, Enemies to Lovers
Warning(s): a very very brief mention of phantom pain, that’s it! 
Rated: PG-13
Words: 5.5k
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“Babe, we have to get up,” a distinctive voice grumbled from behind you after their fit of arm swings to knock the alarm clock off its perch on the bedside table ended. Although a sentence of action, both you and the man laying behind you were reluctant to move a single inch. The mattress too soft, the morning sun from the window too warm and the small, soft hum of the music playing from his phone too tempting to fall back asleep to. 
You felt him move around behind you.  His legs that were between yours like zipper teeth moved to untangle and left your skin cold. You grumbled when he moved and took his arms away from your waist next and rolled so the warmth of his chest left your back.  
The box spring whined under the weight movement on the mattress as he sat up and stretched behind you.  He planted his hands beside him as he looked at you, still not moving.  He was tempted to set the alarm back off.  It used to take an army to get him up, but after living with you and sleeping beside you for so long- he’s learned that you were harder to wake up than he was.  He chuckled and you heard him and pushed your chin under the blanket that was over your shoulder.  Content on ignoring him and going back to bed. 
“Y/n, seriously.  We have to go to Jimin’s today.  If we don’t we may not see our son again for another week,” Jungkook teased behind you.  You finally squint open your eyes as you looked over your shoulder to your dragon husband.  His golden, shirtless body fresh of sleep gleaming too brilliantly for the early hour.
When you both finally graduated, Jungkook had already been making plans on where you would live after you both got booted out of the dorms after graduation. Yoongi had already moved back in with his dad until he got his own place and Jimin also joined the little family in the small cottage.  You didn’t want to impose on Parrish- who you finally stopped calling Uncle and started calling dad- and overfill the house. 
Instead, Jungkook offered to get a place together.  It wasn’t so surprising seeing as Jungkook had been your boyfriend for 3 years by that time.  It took nearly two weeks before you both were sitting down and signing a lease for a suburban house in the city. Along with that, you both chose to take on typical human jobs in the city you lived in as opposed to magic-based jobs most bewitched graduates aim for. 
When you first started moving in, Yoongi and Jimin had come to help.  Jimin helped you set things up while Yoongi and Jungkook carried in boxes and furniture. Jimin quite enjoyed it, so much that when he convinced Yoongi to move to the same city as you and Jungkook with him, he applied to a company in need of an interior designer.  Yoongi got a small-time job at some edgy-teen shop but was somehow contacted by some clothes designer to be used as a model.  He’s been with them ever since. 
Now, later and you still lived in that same house you got with Jungkook.  You were currently out of a job, since your last one laid you off- the assholes- and Jungkook worked at a small daycare about 10 minutes down the main road. You never actually knew the extent of how much Jungkook liked kids until you went to bring him the lunch he forgot at home on the counter and saw him with two kids tucked under each arm, swinging in circles like an out of control carousel. 
He was also one out of only a few men who worked there, the remaining staff of females all had nothing but good things to say about your hubby.  He was good with kids and they said he had a special knack for getting them to stop crying. Some say it was because his rosy pink hair made the kids feel like their talking to a superhero. Of course, the staff also knew about him being a dragon- he accidentally let it slip when he was caught blowing fire into the oven to heat it up faster- not the wisest idea. 
However, his dragon traits worked out- especially in the case of the little girls who wanted to play ‘princess’ in the fake, plastic castle outside by the sandbox. Jungkook was always the dragon and was always being ‘slain’ by the little boy who came to rescue the princess. They gave him a cookie each time they played though- as a reward. 
To follow, you remember when you got engaged to Jungkook who was right now nudging your shoulder to wake you up. He had dressed up to impress- an ironed button-up shirt in the softest shade of yellow, tucked into light jeans that complimented his lower half almost too well.  The belt around his waist reminded you just how small it was. His hair was brushed and pulled just out of his face enough to show his forehead- you knew he had to have gone to the salon for that. 
He urged you to get dressed because he was taking you on a spontaneous date with the reason being ‘he just wanted to’.  You, having no reason to argue, went with him before he was taking you outside and walking around.  
Down past downtown, there was a giant park for people to visit and walkthrough.  With hedges of flowers, to circles paths with fountains and benches, a playground for kids and even a small theatre for outside performances. Of course, the entire place was littered with trees and being the middle of autumn at the time, leaves of all colors were being blown off branches and onto the ground for someone to step on them with a satisfying crunch. 
He asked you to marry him when he stopped you in front of one of the fountains with a small, silver ring to offer you.  You cried and so did he before he was calling Jimin to say that you had said yes to him.  Of course, all he got from Yoongi was a short congratulations and a threat to not do anything to you or else the warlock would be after some new, shiny pink scales. 
However, when Yoongi texted you later that evening, he unraveled a long, heartfelt congratulations to you.  Ending it with the fact that you deserved to be happy and if it had to be anyone, he was glad you were marrying Jungkook. 
“Oh please,” you slurred, finally starting to wake up against your will. “Jimin loves Eli,” you finished.  For the past three days, Jimin and Yoongi had been babysitting their nephew, your son, simply because Jimin whined he didn’t get to see him enough.  With the argument of ‘what if he grows up and doesn’t know me, that cannot happen!’, you yield and allowed the sleepover for 3 days to commence. It had been an extended weekend, so your 6-year-old son didn’t have school until tomorrow. Which is precisely why you needed to pick him up to bring him home today. 
“I know,” Jungkook chuckled.  “That’s what worries me.  If he spends a fourth day over there, he’s gonna get re-adopted by Jimin.” 
You rolled your eyes, but nonetheless, started to get up. The possibility of Jungkook’s joke is a little bit too accurate.  Jungkook moved swiftly, grabbing under your arm to lift you to sit up as he held your hand.  He had this thing about looking at your wedding band every morning when he woke up.  He still laughs remembering the fit you put up when you realized you couldn’t put a wedding ring on your left hand if you don’t have a left hand.  So, he had to swap out your engagement ring with your wedding one on your right hand.  
You yawned again, checking the time.  Almost 9am.  You run your hand over your face before flipping your hair out of your face and beginning to scoot out of bed, inch by inch.  Jungkook bounded out of bed quicker than you did as he jogged to your side and helped you stand.  
You had pretty much got used to your life with only your right arm.  You’ve had many people say that you could always work something out to get a prosthetic or even a whole new arm with magic, but you always refused. You had made a decision a long time ago, and your price was paid.  You wouldn’t go back on that- you’re too stubborn. 
Jungkook had you on your feet in moments as he pushed your hair out of your eyes and behind your head.  He could still see the sleep clouding in your eyes as he smiled and kissed your forehead.  
“Take a shower first,” he told you as he moved to take you out of the bedroom with a hand on your back. “We can go get Eli and take him out for lunch or something, I’ll call Jimin to tell him.” You wordlessly nodded, biting back another yawn as you both separated in the hall as Jungkook pat your ass.  You went to the bathroom as Jungkook went to the kitchen. 
You washed your sleepiness away in the warm shower that steamed up the bathroom before you were washing your hair.  An everyday chore that became a talent when you learned how to do it all one-handed.  You had to relearn a lot of things one-handed, but you thought of yourself as a talented woman if you could do all that and more with one arm.  
When you got out and wrapped a towel around your chest, you padded back into your bedroom to go through your clothes to get something decent to wear out.  You’ve been a bum the past 3 days.  Without Eli begging to go somewhere and not picking him up from places, as well as Jungkook being the only working parent at the moment, you had no reason to leave the house. So it had been pj's and messy hair for 3 straight days.  
Slipping on the least sexy pair of underwear you owned, but the most comfortable of all, you clipped on your bra and paraded around your room to your closet with your hair up in a towel wad.  It was warm out now, the threshold between spring and summer getting closer each passing day.  
Shrugging, you pulled out an off-shoulder white blouse with ruffles along the top of the fabric and a pair of black and white, pen-stripped shorts you had practically drooled at the moment you saw them in the store.  Your blouse made it openly obvious to any onlooker you were missing your arm, yet the frills that hung off the sleeves and across the chest were just long enough to hide the scar left behind where your arm used to be. 
The open shoulders also let anyone who happened to look at you see the bright, white tattoo on your shoulder and down your chest.  An open display of your connection with your husband who happened to double as your familiar.  
Pulling on some black socks one by one, you took your brush from your dresser top (you had two, one you kept in the bathroom and the other in the bedroom for your random urges to brush your tangled hair) and made your way to Jungkook. Following the sounds of clanking dishes in the kitchen along with the smell of borderline burnt toast. 
Walking around the corner, you saw Jungkook snatch the toast just as soon as it popped up out of the toaster.  Plopping it on his plate and smearing on an absurd amount of butter that melted almost immediately, you almost rolled your eyes.  You eyed his back in silence, looking at the large, blotched scar on his back. The same scar you have nightmares about- the scar from the thunderbolt your father threw into his back all those years ago. 
You also moved to look at the large tattoo of white on his left arm.  Looking at it always made the vile bitterness in your mouth fade with the memory of his scar.  That tattoo made you feel like there were all sorts of candies in your mouth as the butterflies fluttered in your gut. 
“I can feel you staring at me,” he chuckled as he turned around.  He bit into the corner of his toast, crumbs falling and catching onto the tassels of his sweats he wore as pjs.  His face nearly split in half as he smiled and chewed, giggling between bites before the entire piece of bread was gone.  He still gets as giddy as he did the first day he saw that tattoo each time he sees it.  
“Can you tie my hair up for me today?” you asked him, a small pull on your lip as he was starting to move around the island counter towards you before you stopped him. “Ah! Wash your hands first, butterfingers.” He just rolled his eyes and made a dramatic scene of him washing his hands, using wayyyy too much soap and then drying them off before he was making grabby hands for your hairbrush. “You are such a child,” you laughed at him as you handed it over.  
“I know,” he confirmed as he led you to a stool and sat you down, going behind you to pull your hair back and out of your face. “That’s what makes me such a catch.” He took a hair tie from the handle of the brush and put it between his teeth as he brushed with both the brush and his fingers.  “How do you want it?” He asked.  
You shrugged. “However? Just off my neck please.” He nodded, not that you could see it.  He knew that you didn’t like your hair on your neck when you were going out in what would shape up to be a hot afternoon.  Pinning it up first, he pushed your shoulders down when you moved to get up presuming he was done. 
“M’not done,” he murmured in concentration.  He had gotten a lot of practice doing hair from playing with the little girls at work.  Working with hair from sleeky and blonde to frizzy and untamable and curled beyond belief. You just sat still, letting him work.  He ran off once to grab something before he was back and was twisting and twirling your hair around his hand. He was pinning it with something before he was stepping back and clapping for himself for a job well done. “Alright, you can get up now.” 
You did so and automatically moved to the living room where a small mirror hung beside a photo of Jungkook, Eli and you from last year’s family photo shoot.  He had rolled your hair up into a bun behind your head and pinned it up with chopsticks. Well, one chopstick and a No.2 yellow pencil.  You bit back a laugh and just smiled at him.  
“It’s lovely, Jungkook,” you complimented.  The smile on his face made you happy to wear his chopstick and pencil hair-do.  “Go, get dressed and shower now.” You told him before he was kissing your cheek and running off to get ready for the day. 
Coming back out with a white t-shirt, jeans and boots that made him at least 3 inches taller. Along with a black bomber jacket on. His hair only partially brushed, but whatever. It worked. 
“Jimin! Hey, we’re here! I hope my son is too!” You called into the house as you and Jungkook walked inside.  You had a third key to Yoongi and Jimin’s apartment- Yoongi giving you one when he lost a bet with you. What bet? Well, the bet that Jimin wouldn’t ask him out on a date before valentine's day.  You bet that he would Yoongi was doubtful, but on February 13th, Jimin asked him to go on a date to the zoo (of all places). 
Of course, the relinquishment of their third key wasn’t all that bad, I mean Yoongi lucked out with a hot, hellhound boyfriend by the end of the day. He wouldn’t miss that key anyways. 
“Of course he is!” Yoongi yelled back. “He’s coloring with Jimin on the balcony!” He shouted in addition.  You and Jungkook took off your shoes as you both waltz into the familiar apartment.  Yoongi sat at his desk out in the living room, open tabs with words and photos on it.  You padded up behind your brother, peering over his shoulder.  Pictures of him in leather jackets and fishnet ripped jeans showing on the screen. 
“Oh, are these from your last photoshoot with- uh, what’s her name?” 
“It’s, Lily, and yes, it is. She wanted to do a greasy look, not sure how I’m feeling about it though.” He hummed as he pushed his knuckles into his cheek, bouncing his opinion of himself in his head.  
“I think it looks really good on you.” You told him as Jungkook popped up on his brother-in-law’s other side and smirked. 
“You look like a playboy,” he teased as Yoongi glared over his shoulder.  You nudged Jungkook with a hushed ‘don’t be mean’. “I mean it in the most attractive, positive and encouraging way possible. I promise.” 
“Whatever, snake boy.” Yoongi moved from his desk, closing the pictures and other windows before he was getting out of his chair and moving to the glass doors to the outside balcony.  It was surprisingly spacious and large.  Big enough for a small round table, two chairs and a little toy box with outside toys the boys kept at their place for when Eli does come over. 
He knocked on the glass to get the attention of the two boys outside that were out of sight.  He opened the door a bit before sticking his head out. 
“Hey, little man.  Mom and pops are here for you,” he spoke, a smile on his face. Yoongi opened the door fully as from around the corner, a small little ball of fury ran inside.  Jimin came into the glass door’s view right after.  His previous silver hair from school turned jet black due to his True Contract he formed with Yoongi. His eyes a permanent shade of silver as well.  
“Mama! Papa!” Your son, Eli, shouted as he ran from outside to inside and caught sight of his parents.  Jungkook knelt as Eli ran full force into his father’s arms as Jungkook didn’t hesitate to pick him up and swing him around.  Lowering him back down to sit at his waist and against his chest, Jungkook chuckled as Eli clung to him, wrapping his small arms around his dad to hug him.  
Jungkook set him down then as Eli turned to you as you knelt, hugging him on the ground.  It was harder for you to pick him up with one arm now that he was growing.  When he was younger it was easier.  
Jungkook and you both decided to adopt Eli 3 years ago.  When he was 3, he was chosen to be a part of your family.  He wasn’t a full human, but he was bewitched just like the rest of your family.  He wasn’t a Shifter like Jungkookor Jimin and he wasn’t a witch or warlock like you or Yoongi.  Instead, he was a sunsprite half-blood.  
His full head of blonde hair and golden eyes were enchanting and innocent to look at with his child demeanor.  His nose and cheeks dotted with freckles as his skin was tanned even darker than Jungkook’s.  He was the sweetest boy and you were happier every passing day that he was yours.  Eli knew that Jungkook and you weren’t his real mom and dad, but he still loved you anyway.  
You let go of your son as he moved to run back to Jimin outside who was talking to Yoongi at the glass door.  Jimin looked down at him, smiling as he bent down to talk to him as you raise yourself back to your feet. 
“What’s up?” Jimin asked. 
“I have to clean up my toys!” Eli chirped.  He was such a well behaved boy.  Jimin nodded as he stood back up, taking Eli’s hand. 
“Alright! Uncle Jimin will help you!” He giggled as the two disappeared behind the wall and ran back and forth with the toys that previously littered the balcony.  Yoongi moved to sit on the couch and picked up a book he had bookmarked on the coffee table next to a mug of cold coffee.  Or, well previously cold coffee that he heated up with magic as he took a sip.  
For such a well-rounded warlock, graduating the top of his class and getting the rank of A-Class warlock, he sure decided to forego and use his magic for mundane things.  Heating up his cold beverages just being one of the many things he does.  
Jungkook moved to sit down on a recliner as you moved to sit beside Yoongi, asking him about his book before asking how Eli was over the course of his stay. 
“He’s been fine, Y/n.  You and Jungkook do a good job teaching him things.  He’s not a hard kid,” Yoongi reassured.  You often wondered if you were doing a good job raising Eli, seeing as you didn’t have the best upbringing. The fear always struck hardest when you were waking up in the middle of the night or just randomly jumping into pain in the living room.  The moments your arm burned with phantom pain and when Eli was crying holding his sun warm hands to your arm as Jungkook held you. You son asking over and over ‘is mama okay?’. That’s when it was hardest.  
Jungkook always reassured you every time though.  “He always went to bed without a fuss and Jimin read to him when he wasn’t sleepy.  He picked up after himself and he didn’t splash when he took a bath. All is well with the world and Eli,” Yoongi finished.  
“Okay. I just get worried, you know.” You smiled.  Yoongi pat your leg before he was pinching your cheek.  
“I know,” he told you with that flat, soft smile that pushed at his cheeks he only gave to you- his little sister.  
“Hey,” Jungkook interrupted the conversation, getting you and Yoongi to look at him. “We’re gonna take Eli to lunch, do you and Jimin want to come with us?” Jungkook offered.  You smiled before looking at Yoongi.  It took a long time for Jungkook to actually get accustomed to Yoongi’s presence once again.  After you and him began a couple and the True Contract was finalized, Yoongi seemed to glare at him every time he saw him.  Jungkook was the teensiest bit scared of the overpowered warlock and his overkill familiar- not that he’d admit it.  
Him asking your brother and his boyfriend out to lunch with you- his wife- and his child was a big step from where he was years ago.  Yoongi seemed to think a bit before he smiled and shut his eyes, shaking his head. 
“Nah, we’ll let the happy family have their own lunchtime together.  We spent 3 days with him, you can have him back.” You felt a little disappointed. A big family lunch was always fun, but you didn’t force him.  You missed having quality time outside with your husband and child anyways.  So, you won in the end regardless. 
Soon, Jimin came back inside with Eli on his back. The toys picked up and back into the box outside. The glass door was shut and locked, the yellow drapes being pulled shut as Jimin let the young boy slide down his back to his feet. Yoongi got up off the couch as he started to make his way down the hall into the bedroom Eli had been staying in.  
“Come on, little man. Let’s get your stuff.  Your mom and pops are gonna take you out today.” Eli’s little face lit up with a glow that mimicked the sun as he ran to his uncle’s side and grabbed his hand.  Holding it as they walked into his room and started getting his things together.  Yoongi denied it, but he was so good with kids.  
Jimin walked to you, plopping down beside you, opposite of where Yoongi was sitting before.  He smiled, his wrinkled t-shirt obviously the same one he woke up in and never changed out of.  
“You look nice today, Y/n.”  He complimented as you smiled.  
“Thanks.  You look comfy.” 
“I am!” He laughed as he slouched back on the couch’s arm.  Jungkook behind him rolled his eyes at his best friend’s lazy behavior. The three of you started talking and somehow the conversation devolved to one about Yoongi’s photoshoot far too quickly.  Jungkook told him about how he looked like a heartbreaker and how you thought he looked nice.  Jimin began to go on and on about how he thought the look in question looked great on him and that leather looked especially good on his boyfriend.  
“‘Cuse me, how about you stop this conversation now,” Yoongi piped up with a heated face as he came back into the room with Eli.  A small, ninja turtle backpack on his shoulders and a spiderman lunch box filled with coloring books and crayons at his side. Yoongi never did take compliments well, especially when they're coming from his boyfriend about the way he looks in leather. 
When Jungkook started teasing him, Yoongi told Eli to cover his eyes, in which the child did promptly, and then slim ribbons of black lifted Jungkook to the ceiling, hanging him upside down until he apologized.  To which, Yoongi unsympathetically dropped him on his back.  When Eli uncovered his eyes, he laughed loudly at his dad upside down on the recliner.  
Soon, the trio were standing at the front door.  Eli helping his mom put her flats on, even if she didn't need the help and Jungkook strapping on his boots.  Jimin and Yoongi stood with them, Yoongi’s arm casually around Jimin’s shoulders. 
Eli pulled on his shoes, singing a little song he learned at school on what shoe to put on which foot.  The weak, led lights under his feet when he stomped lighting up a shade of red when he stood up and hopped.  Eli waved to Yoongi as he high-fived Jimin’s outstretched hand. 
“Bye-bye Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jimin!” Eli cheered as he was soon ushered out the door by Jungkook who was already starting the car and racing Eli to the back seat to put him in his booster seat.  He was still too small to be without one. You turned to the two men. 
“Thanks for watching him, I think he enjoyed himself,” you giggled.  You had no doubt lunch and the car ride home would be filled with stories of what he did with his two uncles.  
“I love having him over, any longer and I would’ve just adopted him myself,” Jimin joked.  
“Yeah, Jungkook said that too,” you told him.  Jimin opened his mouth in offense as Yoongi laughed.  Shooing you out before Jimin really does march outside and take your child from Jungkook and locks the front door.  
As you knew, once you were in the passenger seat and Jungkook started driving, Eli started yammering on about all the fun he had.  He talked about the shadow plays Yoongi put on about fairy tales.  Or how Jimin would shift into his hellhound form and would carry Eli on his back- something Jimin would need to stop doing before Eli got too much bigger. 
You watched him through the rearview mirror as Jungkook was part of the conversation while diligently watching the road.  One hand of his was on the wheel, the other in your lap.  
When you three pulled up to Eli’s favorite little fast food place with a giant play area, he was nothing but cheers and promises to behave. While you and Jungkook were easy-going parents, you’ve taken him home a handful of times due to his behavior or the occasional temper tantrum.  Jungkook turned off the car and turned in his seat to look at the sparkling, gold eyes of his son. 
“You promise not to be a bad kid? You’re gonna listen to Mama and Papa today?” Jungkook asked as Eli nodded fervently.  Jungkook reached out to him, offering his pink. “You promise Papa?” Eli quickly promised his dad with his pink as Jungkook smiled. “Alright. Then, let’s go eat and have some fun.” You got out of the car as Jungkook unlatched Eli from his seat and the three of you went inside.  
Eli spent over an hour playing with the other kids who were playing in the play area. Climbing walls, going down slides, and speaking through connected, plastic bullhorns. He loved coming here and you didn’t mind him blowing off his energy.  He’d sleep well at least.  Jungkook sat beside you on the bench for parents that ran along the room’s perimeter, his arm over your shoulders long the top of the bench.  
You both spoke with other parents about how the kids always had fun.  Even a few staff members spoke to you, you both being here often due to Eli’s love of the place you got familiar with some staff.  You’ve even gotten a few coupons for your next visit too. Sometimes it pays to be a regular.  
When Eli was done playing, Jungkook drove to the park when Eli asked if he could go see the flowers.  He loved the flowers in the park because that’s where his mama and papa adopted him- or so they told him. He was too young to remember- only being three.  
When the three of them got out Eli watched as Jungkook walked to your right.  Eli opened his mouth, but shut it and whined.  You turned around as your son was soon motioning for Jungkook.  Jungkook looked at you before he knelt and let his son whisper in his ear.  Jungkook rolled his lips over his teeth as he smiled and ruffled his son's sunny, blonde hair. 
“Of course you can hold Mama’s hand, silly kid.” Jungkook chuckled as he poked Eli’s stomach.  He had left his backpack and lunch box in the car as Jungkook locked it up and Eli jumped to your side.  He grabbed your right hand with his left before he reached out his empty right hand. He smiled. 
“Papa can hold my hand too!” He cheered as Jungkook nearly fell to his knees.  The sunny smile of his cute son almost too much to handle.  He took his son’s hand as the three of you started walking through the park.  The two of you swung him from time to time before he wanted to sit down because his feet hurt.  
The three of you sat on a bench in front of the same fountain Jungkook asked you to marry you at. Before long, Eli- still holding both of your hands- hand slumped against your chest, falling asleep.  Before long he was passed out in a small nap as you just smiled at him.  Jungkook brushed his child’s hair from his face before he leaned over and kissed his head.  
“I think he had fun today,” you softly spoke.  Jungkook nodded.  
“He’ll be out for a while, but we’ll wake him up soon so he can sleep tonight,” Jungkook recalled he had school and ran through a checklist of what to do when they all got home.  Empty out his backpack of fun weekend toys and storybooks and refill it with his pencil box and letter books for school.  
“That’s true,” you replied. “You get to wake him up through,” you teased.  Leaving the job of ‘bad parent’ to Jungkook.  He gasped lightly before he sneered at you with a smile.  His nose scrunching up before he was kissing your cheek again.  
He leaned his head on your shoulder as he kept brushing his fingers through his son’s blonde head of soft hair.  Poking his freckled cheek on occasion as Eli kept a firm hold on both yours and Jungkook’s hands. 
“Are you happy, Y/n?” He asked out of nowhere.  You looked at the crown of his rosy dragon hair.  You smiled as you kissed his head to which you felt his cheeks lift as he smiled against your shoulder.  “I’m making you happy right? We’re making you happy?” He gestured to Eli. 
“You both make me more than happy. It’s hardly even a question.” You assured as he relaxed more on your shoulder.  Before long you were having to wake up both your son and your husband who fell asleep on your shoulder on the park he proposed in. The park where you started your own family.  
Yes, you were oh so happy. 
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trouvelle · 4 years
For DCMK Emogust 2020 — 18.08: Next Door Neighbour. @dcmkemogust20xx (also kinda late, sorry TAT) Just a bite-sized superhero AU.
Fandom: Detective Conan Pairing: Shinichi/Ran Rating: G Genre/Tags: Humor, superhero AU Summary: Iron Man did say his ass looks great in this new Captain America suit. Shinichi’s glad he took at least that one advice from him.
“Here you go,” says Shinichi as he sets Ran down from his arms carefully on the roof of a tall building overlooking a five-star restaurant.
The superhero really has no idea how his childhood friend has managed to stroll casually into the middle of an armed robbery. He knows Ran can take care of herself but he panics when he sees her at the crime scene because he wants her out of danger, at all times. Then he realizes he has been staring deep into her eyes and blushes a shade of crimson that would have put the red rims of his vibranium shield to shame.
Thankfully he is clad in his blue Captain America mask, so the blush on his face is quite well-hidden. Shinichi tries to tear his eyes away from Ran's lips which parted slightly like a rose bud in the cusp of spring. Perhaps a kiss...
“Thank you.” Ran's voice is surprisingly steady for someone who has been held at gunpoint only to instead be swung around the city from buildings to buildings. She has also been clinging tightly to Shinichi's torso which is something that wouldn't be forgotten soon.
“No problem. All in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood superhero.”
“Neighborhood? Does that mean you live in the same neighborhood as I do?” Shinichi watches as Ran’s eyes dart to left and right. “Ah! What if you’re my next door neighbor? I live on the 5th block in the City. Although if you’re actually my neighbor, you would’ve known that.”
Shinichi blinks. Just… where does she even get that from?
He waves his hands in front of him as a gesture of dismissal, taking a step back from her. “Ah, no. I don’t mean that I’m actually from your neighborhood. It just means that I’m a local here and this is sort of a community service, if you will.”
Ran nods mutely. Her eyes ran down his figure and he couldn't help but grin—Iron Man did say his ass looks great in this new Captain suit after all. Shinichi’s glad he took at least that one advice from him.
An awkward silence falls between them. He considers the possibility of ripping off his mask and watching her eyes widen to see that the Captain America has been her Shinichi all along. Maybe she will be so overwhelmed when she realizes that Shinichi always loved her. Maybe—
“Yo Cap! You okay here?”
Shinichi looks up to see Iron Man hovering above the building they’re on, waving at them a little too cheerfully. “Yup, we’re good.” He shouts back, shooing Iron Man away and inwardly groaning because.. of course, Iron Man just has to come and disrupt what could be a romantic night of revelation for him and Ran.
He turns his gaze to her, wanting to reach for her soft hands.
“So.......that's really spandex huh.”
Shinichi coughs and straightens up in an attempt to cover up the fact that he has almost leaned into her face. “Ah yeah, great for its flexibility and aerodynamic properties.”
“Y-you know… maybe you should, um, you should... try to wear underwear next time.”
“Huh?” Usually when Shinichi has imagined Ran talking about underwear, he has imagined it to be in slightly different circumstances and usually about the removal of it.
“You-you can kinda see everything,” Ran mumbles almost incoherently, gesturing to his lower region with her face boiling red. In a split second, she turns to run to the exit door at a speed he’s never realized she could achieve before. 
Shinichi glances down and realizes with a lurch of his stomach that yes, indeed, not much was left to the imagination. He splutters in an attempt to explain himself but Ran has already disappeared down the fire escape stairs. The love of Shinichi's young life is gone, just like that.
Iron Man lands next to him, patting him on the shoulder, out of pity or pride, Shinichi doesn’t know. 
“Nothin’ to worry about, Cap. You've got some nice junk in the trunk.”
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kayabred · 4 years
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Yeosang and you as Art Students!au not proof read and short but also I like this vdehbssu
Oh no I'm gonna be late.
You let out a tsk , messily stuffing a few Sketchbooks in your bag and keeping your pencils away.
Realising time was ticking away faster than you thought , you muttered a curse under your breath and swung your tote bag over your shoulder , not bothering to look back before running to class.
“We will not be late again !” you repeated under your breath , racing up the stairs a little too fast to notice the boy who was trying to tell you two very important things you'd forgotten.
One , that class had been cancelled for today .
And two , that you'd dropped your notebook. Which he figured was why you didn't know class was cancelled.
He shrugged , flipping the page to see a name written in partially scratchy hand writing.
“Oh , her name's --- ,” he smiled and checked the class ,“and she really needs to improve her handwriting,”
He sighed , flipping the page to see if they shared any other classes but instead , the pages were filled with beautiful drawings and doodles—some rather cartoony—and notes about everything.
His jaw lowered in awe as he flipped , eyes scanning each and every page to admire each work of art , reading each little scribble.
Your favourite colours that went well with each other , your bubble tea order and even the note for the cancellation of the class you were rushing too.
He thought back to the last time he was in that class and tried to remember if he had any memories with you .
Wait a minute , wasn't she the girl that used to draw on the whiteboard every day ?
He remembered with a fond smile how before each lesson , as students poured into the class , they'd catch you finishing up some kind of master piece on the board.
First , it had been a superhero . Then , a flower .
Then , he remembered , you'd started drawing the members of the class.
Ah yes , how could I have forgotten her name ?
He remembered watching you with a smile every lesson , starting to come earlier just so he could watch you draw ; wondering every single day when you'd draw him.
Then his heart sank.
You never did . You suddenly stopped and everyone collectively sighed , bugging you and making you laugh as they asked you to continue.
“We could do a rotation. We're all art students after all !” you laughed and then more memories came back to him.
Of your grin , your face in the sunlight , the laughter that echoed through the halls.
How on earth did he forget ?
He flipped the page and his eyes widened. His body tensed , freezing at the shock before all at once , it loosened and it calmed.
His heart was beating faster than ever , as he admired your drawing. Each line and curve , each bit of shading that all worked together to create such a beautiful drawing .
A drawing of him. Staring out the window with a small smile , head resting on the hilt of his hand . It was impossible to not recognise himself , what with the details you drew in .
He flipped the page and it was all him.
Kang Yeosang , drawn on the pages. His smile , when his eyes were in crescents . While he was in the midst of laughing , even when he was paying attention in class .
It was him.
She did draw me.
He smiled slightly , admiring your works before flipping the page to see dancers twirling , geese , a drawing of you with a gummy smile that was slightly lopsided.
Closing the notebook , he ran up to where he knew you were headed to
I'll give the notebook back
He grinned , knowing it wasn't just because of the notebook. Well , sure , he was excited to give the notebook back but most of all , he wanted to meet the artist who had drawn their world so beautifully.
“--- !” he cried , entering the empty classroom to see you , standing at the whiteboard , in the midst of finishing a drawing.
“you dropped your notebook,” he didn't see what you were drawing , eyes on you. He handed the notebook over , noticing your coloured cheeks.
“Thank you,” you bowed softly and he smiled , a little out of breath because of the run and you.
You were stunning.
Just like the art you created , he thought.
You looked a little self conscious though , as your gaze switched between him and the whiteboard.
He hummed , turning his head to see what was your latest masterpiece.
Lo and behold,
It was him.
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