#luca dimartino
patti-campani · 5 months
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Patti Campani Testo di presentazione a Luca Dimartino Vintage age "Il moltiplicarsi all'infinito delle fotografie che colgono solo il fuori della vita può contribuire alla fine del mondo. Ma alcuni fotografi, grandi in questo, cercano di salvarlo".  Poesia e fotografia – Yves Bonnefoy
La bellezza dell’arte e del paesaggio è patrimonio comune, ma in questo contemporaneo che la ignora e la priva di senso, la distrugge come un vandalo terribile e ce la rende in un fluire di immagini irrimediabilmente superficiale e continuo di allettanti mete per le vacanze, è ancora possibile percepire  il senso della sua presenza, del suo essere splendida, della sua singolarità? Per preservarla è necessario uno sguardo che sappia non solo coglierla, ma anche e soprattutto divenire dispiegamento del visibile. Bonnefoy suggerisce  che “il fotografo come i veri poeti, percepisce nelle cose ciò che oltrepassa il loro senso mondano” e ancora “Come il poeta, solo il fotografo è colui che accoglie e custodisce la presenza, dialogando con il tempo e lo spazio, presentificando anche il nulla, allontanando l'orrore attraverso lo sguardo meravigliato del primo giorno, strappando al non senso un frammento di senso.” La fotografia può mostrare il lampo della presenza nella distruzione che la modernità ha perseguito e lo sguardo poetico sulle cose dell’arte, del paesaggio, di noi stessi, è una forma di custodia attiva, una custodia che permette di sentirsi parte di un mondo che anziché distruggerle, le moltiplica. Luca Dimartino, artista e poeta, ricerca da sempre questa prossimità alle cose, in un rapporto poetico che lo conduce al loro mostrarsi essenziale e quindi denso di esistenza. Ne accoglie la presenza, ne percepisce l’istante,  le pensa e le rende a noi con gesto artistico. In alcuni precedenti progetti che abbiamo realizzato insieme (Luca Dimartino, personale a Walk about, Post Cards, collettiva a Fiorile+De Diseno)  le immagini fotografiche erano strettamente fuse alla parola, brevi versi che ne definivano la durata  termine inteso qui - sui magnifici versi  di P. Handke in Canto alla durata -  come il momento in cui ci si pone  in ascolto, mutando il momento in meditazione e restituendo l’immagine in una nuova apparenza: libera da ogni simbolizzazione e allo stesso tempo non ridotta alla lettera. Così pure per il ciclo dedicato al Teatro (presentato per Accrochage, collettiva) nel quale il gesto degli attori era di fatto il fluire stesso della durata. In  Vintage age   Luca Dimartino accompagna una preziosità altra e realizza una serie di scatti dedicati all’arte e al paesaggio della sua terra: emulsioni dipinte su carta da incisione Rosaspina.  Una tecnica antica quella dell’ emulsione, lenta, che si appropria di visibilità ad ogni singolo passaggio per arrivare ad essere un unico irripetibile pezzo.  Riporto le parole, che lo stesso Dimartino mi ha inviato: - Le emulsioni sono una tecnica che, se usata come faccio io stesa su carta da incisione Rosaspina, cerca di ritrovare la texture delle Albumine di fine ottocento (…) io le utilizzo perche come le albumine mi riportano ad una sorta di prima Impronta (...) cioè ripercorrendo tutti i procedimenti per emulsionare la carta, per stendere col pennello l'emulsione alla luce rossa, lasciarla asciugare e poi stampare (...) ripercorro, dicevo, le fasi iniziali della stampa; perciò produco immagini uniche, irripetibili. Poi una cosa importante del testo (cioè l'emulsione è come la pagina di un romanzo) è che, sotto la cadenza del  japonisme, viene dipinto a mano,  acquerellato. Queste sono da sempre le sue funzioni nel mio lavoro; le  immagini agresti, le architetture (che simulano i viaggiatori del Grand Tour, le vedute e i particolari) e le marine (…) riportare la fotografia da dove i  fotografi dell800 l'avevano lasciata (...). -
In Vintage age  la parola è sostituita dalla lentezza preziosa della tecnica di stampa, per ricondurre il qui ad essere un luogo dotato di valore, nella consapevolezza che questo  luogo fissato nell’immagine ha rifrazioni infinite, resta dentro di noi ed ha il ritmo della durata. Vintage age ci rende la presenza di una parte di ciò che ci circonda, la sottolinea e ne esalta la presenza e singolarità e lo sguardo poetico di Luca Dimartino ci riporta questa presenza, fino ad un istante prima immersa ancora nel buio della disattenzione, situandola in un nuovo significato, in una nuova sorprendente luce.
Patti Campani
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affogonellamarmellata · 4 months
uno che tocca l'altro che ride sono così stanca
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rei-the-head-shaker · 2 years
Sanremo non finisce mai!
Continua per settimane!
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enbyzutara · 6 months
Aang x Luke Skywalker Parallels: How Aang’s Hero’s Journey Wasn't Properly Finished
I read this post by @lovegrowsart and I couldn't get it out of my mind how Aang and Luke Skywalker's journeys have so much in common, yet only one of these arcs feels like it has come to a properly finished conclusion. Meanwhile, the other one feels like the character didn't learn what he was supposed to in order to fulfill his Hero's Journey arc. So, in this post, I want to expand more on why “Aang was supposed to be the Luke Skywalker of Avatar: The Last Airbender”, but the creators of A:TLA failed to properly finish his story.
Firstly, it’s important to point out that the Star Wars saga and universe are widely famous in pop and nerd culture, including Luke Skywalker, the Jedi protagonist, who himself is one of the most famous and beloved characters from the saga. So, it’s not really a reach to assume that the creators and writers of Avatar: The Last Airbender were - at some level - inspired by this famous universe and character. By doing a quick research, we can confirm this assumption, because Bryan Konietzko, one of the co-creators of A:TLA, said in a podcast that Dave Filoni helped to shape A:TLA and its story. Also, both creators said that Joseph Campbell’s writing about mythology helped them to create the Hero’s Journey and the other storylines for their show, and George Lucas was also heavily inspired by Campbell when he was writing Star Wars.
(I will refer to the Star Wars episodes of the original trilogy as one, two and three - even though, nowadays, they are the numbers four, five and six).
Bryke (Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, the co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender) and George Lucas share a lot of tropes and narratives in the stories that each one of them created. Both protagonists of the sagas are the '"chosen one" of their universe: both are the last of their kind (even though in the Star Wars universe, initially there were two more older Jedi) who have the weight of the world’s future on their shoulders. Aang needs to fight against the Fire Lord and Luke, initially, against Darth Vader. By doing this, they would bring balance to the world/galaxy.
It’s also important to emphasize how Luke Skywalker and Aang are not only the saviors of the story, they are also the last of their kind. In A:TLA and in Star Wars, we have populations that suffered genocide: the Airbenders were brutally exterminated by the Fire Nation during Sozin’s Comet, and initially, it was revealed in the original Star Wars trilogy that the Jedi were wiped out of the galaxy when Order 66 happened. So, Luke and Aang not only have the destiny of the world/galaxy on their shoulders, they also are the only ones who can continue the legacy, the culture, and the survival of their own kind.
Another parallel between Luke Skywalker and Aang is that both have a Mentor From Beyond. Luke Skywalker was able to seek knowledge from the Jedis who had passed away in the original trilogy. Firstly, it was Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was his first mentor; Luke was able to communicate with him, and Obi-Wan would give him advice and directions to follow. Later, Yoda also appeared to him. For Aang, due to the fact that he’s the Avatar (and to be the Avatar means that you are the reincarnation of someone who already died), he was able to contact the Avatars from his past incarnations. In the show, Roku is the past Avatar with whom Aang most often connects, but he also seeks knowledge from Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen.
In Book One: Water and A New Hope, both characters are presented as more naive, and the narrative is not as tense as in the later seasons/episodes. However, the sequel presents a "darker" version of its universe as both characters grow and face emotional dilemmas and more hardships. The Empire Strikes Back and Book Two: Earth explore, even more, the ongoing war in their respective universes, and by the end of these sequels, things go wrong for the heroes. And what I really want to discuss is the similarity between the second episode of Star Wars and the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
At some point in the second episode/season, Luke and Aang had to separate from their group of friends in order to learn more and to train. They had to seek knowledge of what they are and what they represent, because by doing this, they would be a step closer to fulfilling their duties and saving the galaxy/world. At this moment in the narrative, Luke and Aang have an older and wiser mentor who will try to help them achieve this: Yoda and Guru Pathik.
But neither Luke nor Aang finish these training sessions that they started, because during their training, they have a vision of people who are special to them currently in danger. So, even though Yoda and Guru Pathik advise them not to leave and to finish what they started, they leave. Luke goes to Cloud City to save his friends (Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C3PO) and Aang goes to Ba Sing Se to save Katara. And as stated before, in this episode/season finale, things go wrong for the heroes, including to the protagonists who are supposed to be the saviors of both universes. Luke and Aang left their training even though they were advised otherwise, they went to fight without properly learning what they needed to learn. So when they faced the enemy, they lost. Both at the end were defeated: Aang quite literally dies and Luke has a metaphorical death when he learns about his parentage and loses one of his arms. He also "commits suicide" when he decides to jump instead of aligning himself with the Dark Side.
Now, something really important here is to talk about how Luke and Aang's attachments to people who are dear to them made them run away from what they should have been doing, instead of bringing them closer to their duties and destiny. It was understandable the reasons why they left their training, but it still was wrong in the sense that things went wrong and it ended tragically for both characters. And, it’s never portrayed in both sagas that loving someone is wrong, but being attached to someone is. Both of their Hero’s Journeys required them to learn the difference between what is love and what is attachment, because both concepts are different and one of them (attachment) is portrayed in both sagas as wrong, especially for the protagonists.
Although I’m not Buddhist, nor was I raised as one, it’s clear that Star Wars (1) (2) and Avatar: The Last Airbender (1) (2) both were inspired, to some extent, by this religion and its philosophy. (I tried searching for articles and videos made by Buddhist people, but, unfortunately, I couldn't really find many, so if anyone wants to link more content, please, feel free). And one thing that appears to be inspired by this religion and philosophy in both sagas was the concept of attachment in contrast to love (1) (2). Before delving into the topic of attachment in the show and movie, it’s ideal to understand what attachment means from a Buddhist perspective:
In Buddhism, attachment is called upādāna, which means grasping or clinging. It refers to the human tendency to cling to people, things, or ideas in the mistaken belief that they will bring us lasting happiness and fulfillment. Attachment arises from our desire to feel secure, comfortable, and control of our lives. (...) Attachment to people: Attachment to people can become a source of suffering, as we can become overly dependent on them for our happiness, identity, and sense of security. This attachment can take many forms, from romantic relationships to friendships and family bonds.
While searching for what would be the difference between love vs attachment in Buddhism, this quote also brought my attention (I'll definitely come back to this later): 
Any kind of relationship which imagines that we can fulfill ourselves through another is bound to be very tricky. Ideally people would come together already feeling fulfilled within themselves and just therefore appreciating that in the other, rather than expecting the other to supply that sense of well-being.
George Lucas seemed to understand this concept better than Bryke. In Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker a) trusts his group of friends way more than he did in The Empire Strikes Back, b) he was also able to let go of his anger for Darth Vader because he genuinely loved Anakin, his father. George Lucas was very vocal about how he wanted to portray attachment as a bad thing, and when it comes to this topic, he never intended to make the Jedi philosophy something wrong. Strict? Maybe, but not wrong. And in the end, as the episode’s title suggests, Luke "returns", as he also returns to Dagobah to contact his master, Yoda, one last time. (The title of this episode can also refer to Anakin returning to the Light Side, but art can be interpreted in different and many ways).
In contrast, Avatar: The Last Airbender presented Aang’s attachment to Katara in a bad light. The Guru episode shows that Aang's attachment to Katara, not his feelings, is what is making him fail to open his chakra and not being able to enter into the Avatar State. 
Pathik: The Thought Chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy, and is blocked by earthly attachment. Meditate on what attaches you to this world. [Images of Katara appear before Aang.] Now, let all of those attachments go. Let them flow down the river, forgotten.
It’s even more important to understand that what Aang feels for Katara is not genuine love, at least in this episode, it’s pretty much stated that he is attached to her in a way that he needs to learn to let go. To expand a little bit on this, it’s necessary to analyze two Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes and how they portray what Aang feels for Katara:
Firstly, 'The Fortuneteller' episode portrays Aang’s feelings for Katara as just a childish crush. There's nothing wrong with a childish crush in general, especially because Aang is, in fact, a child, so he's bound to be childish. But in this episode, what he feels for Katara is paralleled with what Meng feels for him: something that was one-sided and lacked "emotional maturity and self-awareness". Both Aang and Meng viewed their crushes in an overestimated and hyper-idealized way, which again was portrayed as silly and in a bad light.
Secondly, in 'The Guru' episode, it shows that yes, Aang does love Katara, but is it in the right way? The Air Nomads' genocide deeply affects Aang, and he still loves the people that he lost, obviously. But in the show, Guru Pathik states that the love that Aang felt for the Air Nomads was 'reborn' in a new love - his love for Katara. So, Aang is projecting his feelings of love for the people who were brutally exterminated onto the girl who, at this moment in the narrative, was only his dear friend who shows him support and fights alongside him. Aang needed to get closure and heal from this traumatic event; it’s a huge trauma that he should work through. But instead, he was coping by projecting his feelings onto something, or better, someone.
I personally think that Aang loves Katara to some extent, but he needed to work through his trauma first. This goes along with something already shown before, quoting: "people would come together [in a relationship] already feeling fulfilled within themselves and just therefore appreciating that in the other".
The chakra/Guru plotline in Avatar: The Last Airbender is not about Aang needing to stop loving Katara; that's a huge misunderstanding. It was about how Aang was attached to something (or someone, in his case) that he needed to learn to let go of, so he could progress, grow, and heal. After he fulfilled this arc about what's love vs attachment, two things could happen: a) maybe Aang would realize that his love for Katara was more platonic and that he was projecting a lot onto her because he sees her in an idealized way, or b) that he indeed loves her but he needs to realize that he's too much attached to the comfort that she gives and brings to him, so his feelings for her need to have more emotional maturity.
And in the end of season two, Aang actually let go of his attachment to Katara, and he was able to achieve the Avatar State. But unfortunately, after this, he was brutally attacked by Azula and had his chakra blocked.
But in Book Three: Fire, not only does he not return to see or contact Guru again, as Luke did (returned to see his older and wiser mentor, Yoda, in the third and final episode), but Aang also appears to still be attached to Katara in the same way that he already was, if not worse. In the Ember Island Players episode, he: 1) gets so mad and frustrated with the Players portraying his relationship with Katara in a non-romantic light that he says that he could go into the Avatar State over this, and 2) rushes things with Katara and kisses her without her consent, disrespecting her boundaries, after she just avoided his romantic questions and advances.
Point 1:
Aang: [Angered.] No, I'm not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]  Katara: I know it's upsetting, but it sounds like you're overreacting.  Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn't blocked my chakra, I'd probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Point 2: 
Aang: But it's true, isn't it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we're not. 
Katara: Aang, I don't know. 
Aang: Why don't you know?  Katara: Because, we're in the middle of a war, and, we have other things to worry about. This isn't the right time.
Aang: Well, when is the right time? 
Katara: Aang, I'm sorry, but right now I'm just a little confused.  [Aang tries to kiss Katara.]
Katara: I just said I was confused! I'm going inside. [Exits the balcony.]
All of this shows how he still lacked emotional maturity, and how he still was attached to Katara, in a way not much different from what was shown in Book Two: Earth. Overall, this shows how his feelings for her weren't properly developed and didn't grow from where they previously were – because it was still bound by an attachment that he needed to let go of in order to grow, heal, and learn.
Unfortunately, the Guru/Chakra plotline was completely brushed aside in Book Three: Fire; Aang doesn't even seek to see Guru again or continue his unfinished training. And in the end, when he was fighting the Fire Lord, what he was always meant to do, he managed to go into the Avatar State. Not because he trained or learned how to achieve this goal; actually, it was because a rock saved him by triggering the Avatar State. So, in the end, an entire plotline was ignored and forgotten. Aang didn't learn what he needed to learn with Guru, nor did he finish the training that he was meant to do, and he still was rewarded by the narrative with achieving the Avatar State and saving the world (and also, "getting the girl").
[(...) and Aang protects himself with an airbending shield but is pushed back by the force of the attack, crashing into a rock pillar. The scar on his back is hit with a point of the rock, causing him to flashback to when he was shot by lightning. (...) Aang jumps out, now in the Avatar State, and grabs Ozai by his goatee.]
And that's why Aang is the Luke Skywalker that we could’ve had. Luke finished his Hero's Journey; he learned what he needed to learn and because of it, he saved the galaxy and his father. Meanwhile, Aang didn't learn about love vs attachment, yet he still achieved what he needed to achieve from the beginning: the Avatar State and winning against the Fire Lord. And he only achieved that because the narrative chose to give him a final new solution to resolve all his problems instead of him directly dealing with and facing the problems, difficulties, and dilemmas that the narrative initially proposed to him.
(I don’t actually mean quite literally that Aang needs or should have been the Luke Skywalker from Avatar: The Last Airbender, because Aang is his own character who has his own story. What I mean is that: Luke Skywalker is a character who is similar in some ways to Aang, and he had his Hero’s Journey properly fulfilled. I believe that Aang also deserved the same treatment by the creators of ATLA).
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book4air · 1 year
Social Media: https://linktr.ee/book4air
Showrunners: Ryoma Ishizuka Lucía Lobosvilla Based on "The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story" by David Roman & Alison Wilgus Published by Del Rey Manga Illustrated by Nina Matsumoto Additional Art Taylor Sameyah Kamen Randall Additional Writing Lucía Lobosvilla Voice Directors: Lucía Lobosvilla Anthony Rodriguez Composers: James A. Reilly Aneesh Kashalikar Ty Porter Head Audio Engineer/Mixing Engineer: Ryoma Ishizuka Assistant Head Audio Engineer: Sam Gabriel Line Placement: Grant Corvin Sam Gabriel Xuan Vinh Huynh Valravn Mixing Engineers: Luca Nando The TVBunny Mastering: Kim Morton Video Editors: TheRealizer367 (Walter Vitola) Astrid EV Curtis Creates Stuff Hazco Fox Ryoma Ishizuka Special Thanks: Book 4 Restoration Project Team Dark Horse Comics Nickelodeon Gene Luen Yang Gurihiru Aaron Ehasz Bryan Konietzko Michael Dante DiMartino Dave Roman Kevin Coppa Baby Lion Turtle Subscribers and you! Voice Cast Zuko - Cade Watts Iroh - D. Tyler Fultz Azula - Lucia Lobosvilla Ozai - Jakob Dillon Fire Sage Shyuu - Justin Cabanting Head Fire Sage - Christian Sekhanan Extras (Walla) Howie K Mike Medina Brianna B Lucia Lobosvilla Jakob Dillon Maia Harlap Sam Gabriel Iris V Nate Roberts Carmilla Jo Jazzy Oliver Francisco Hernanadez Kauthar Harrak-Sharif James A. Reilly Adam New Sirach Deen
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sl-res · 1 year
Luca Ravenna
27 nov h 21 teatro bellini (€40 circa)
Colapesce Dimartino
30 nov h 21 casa della musica (€32,20)
Willie Peyote
02 dic h 21 casa della musica (€28)
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milasartblog · 2 years
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I was afraid to post it at first, but I got some courage, because i love how i drew wings here XD (This is all my sonas i used to draw and those who i still try to draw more). And i didn't even add wakfu sonas, because adding all races would kill my arm X'D
All sonas belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Sonic belongs to SEGA
Avatar: The Last Airbender by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko
Genshin Impact by Hoyoverse
Helluva Boss by Vivziepop
Deadpool belongs to Marvel
Avatar by James Cameron
Mass Effect by BioWare
Splatoon by Nintendo
Rayman by Ubisoft
Star Wars by George Walton Lucas
The Arcana by Nix Hydra
Undertale by Toby Fox
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fiorile-arte · 22 years
gennaio ‐ Matthias Schonweger ‐ Saldi ‐ a cura di Valerio Dehò febbraio ‐ Vittorio Valente ‐ Piccoli corpi ‐ a cura di Edoardo Di Mauro marzo ‐ Claudio Spoletini ‐ Border ‐ a cura di Gabriele Perretta ‐ Luca Dimartino ‐ a cura di Edoardo Di Mauro ‐> c/o Walkabout ‐ Cast – Architetture pubblicitarie – a cura di Gabriele Perretta maggio ‐ Marina Gasparini ‐ Libro bianco ‐ a cura di Valerio Dehò ottobre ‐ Maurizio Calza ‐ Vieni, ma stai lontano ‐ a cura di Roberto Tagliaferri novembre ‐ Simone Ponzi ‐ Dedicato ad Attilio Bertolucci ‐ a cura di Paolo Lagazzi
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano: Radio Italia Live, il concerto torna in Piazza Duomo
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Milano: Radio Italia Live, il concerto torna in Piazza Duomo. Il Concerto, il più grande evento gratuito di musica live in Italia, torna in piazza Duomo a Milano sabato 20 maggio alle ore 20.40. Organizzato da Radio Italia e realizzato grazie alla collaborazione con il Comune di Milano, l’evento sarà presentato, per il decimo anno consecutivo, da Luca Bizzarri e Paolo Kessisoglu, mentre nel backstage a raccogliere le emozioni degli artisti ci sarà la conduttrice Manola Moslehi; ad intercettare l’entusiasmo del pubblico sarà la conduttrice Daniela Cappelletti. Anche quest’anno la sigla iniziale di Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto sarà eseguita dal vivo da Saturnino. Protagonisti sul palco con la Radio Italia Live Orchestra diretta dal Maestro Bruno Santori: Achille Lauro, Articolo 31, Colapesce Dimartino, Elodie, Tiziano Ferro, Lazza, Madame, Pinguini Tattici Nucleari, Eros Ramazzotti, Tananai. "Siamo felici che la collaborazione con Radio Italia prosegua con continuità e all'insegna della qualità – ha dichiarato il Sindaco di Milano Giuseppe Sala –. Il concerto gratuito in piazza Duomo è un appuntamento imprescindibile per Milano e per tutti coloro che amano la buona musica italiana e dal vivo. Sono certo che anche quest'anno, il 20 maggio, Radio Italia Live regalerà una serata di festa a tutta la città”. “Radio Italia torna per un nuovo, entusiasmante concerto gratuito nella piazza più importante della città – ha aggiunto Tommaso Sacchi, assessore alla Cultura –. Uno spettacolo speciale, totalmente live, che anche quest’anno sarà trasmesso in diretta televisiva e sul web, in modo da diventare una festa non solo per Milano ma per tutta l’Italia“. Il Concerto sarà trasmesso in diretta su Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana, Radio Italia Tv (canale 70 e 570 DTT, canale 725 di Sky, canale 35 di TivùSat, via satellite su "Hot Bird" 13° Est, solo in Svizzera su Video Italia HD) e in streaming audio/video su radioitalia.it. Sarà fruibile sulle app ufficiali Radio Italia per iOS, Android, Huawei e su tutti i dispositivi Echo, lo smart speaker di Amazon. Sarà come sempre un evento 100% social: vivrà sulle pagine social ufficiali di Radio Italia Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok. Hashtag ufficiale #rilive Il Concerto sarà in diretta, già dalle 20:40, in contemporanea su Sky Uno e in streaming su NOW (e disponibile on demand) e in chiaro su TV8 (al tasto 8 del telecomando). Mario Volanti, Editore e Presidente Radio Italia, ha sottolineato: “Che dire, è da un anno che aspettiamo di poter tornare in piazza Duomo a Milano e vivere le emozioni uniche che Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto è in grado di regalare a tutte le persone in piazza o a quelle che ci seguiranno attraverso radio e televisione. In un panorama ormai affollato di manifestazioni musicali, Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto resta l’unico evento realizzato interamente dal vivo con la presenza di un’orchestra vera, che da quest’anno abbiamo ribattezzato Radio Italia Live Orchestra. Il M° Bruno Santori è e resta protagonista di tutta la parte musicale, degli arrangiamenti e della scelta dei musicisti che saranno sul nostro palco. Quest’anno saranno dieci artisti di altissimo livello i protagonisti che si esibiranno in mini concerti in quanto il format, ormai storico, prevede che ogni cantante esegua tre canzoni. Voglio ringraziare, oltre a Rai Pubblicità, le istituzioni, le case discografiche, i management e tutti quelli che anche quest’anno contribuiranno alla, mi auguro, ottima riuscita del nostro evento”. “Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto torna in piazza Duomo con un’edizione che si preannuncia entusiasmante – ha dichiarato Alessandro Volanti, Direttore Marketing e Commerciale Radio Italia –. Siamo pronti a replicare il successo degli scorsi anni e a raggiungere un pubblico sempre più vasto attraverso la radio, la tv, lo streaming web, le app e i social, senza dimenticare la piazza che ci accoglie sempre con grande entusiasmo. Nel 2022 oltre 9 milioni di persone (fonte: GroupM) hanno vissuto con noi questo grande evento: non vediamo l’ora di emozionarci di nuovo insieme. Accanto a noi ci sarà, per il secondo anno consecutivo, a conferma di un sodalizio forte e duraturo, un broadcaster d’eccezione come Sky che trasmetterà il concerto in diretta contemporanea su Sky Uno, NOW e TV8 e lo racconterà sui propri social. Sky sarà anche presenting partner. Sono tanti e prestigiosi gli sponsor e i partner che hanno scelto di essere al nostro fianco in questo importante appuntamento, siamo felici di accogliere nuovi brand e di ritrovarne altri con i quali abbiamo un rapporto consolidato da tempo: per ognuno abbiamo riservato trattamenti ad hoc. Ringrazio Rai Pubblicità per la collaborazione e tutti coloro che stanno lavorando per il successo di Radio Italia Live - Il Concerto”. Antonella d’Errico, Executive Vice President Programming di Sky Italia ha affermato: “Siamo felici di portare ancora una volta il nostro pubblico nel cuore di un evento che, com’è ormai tradizione, apre l’estate musicale italiana dalla piazza più rappresentativa e conosciuta di Milano, e che quest’anno raddoppia arrivando anche nella meravigliosa Palermo. Offriremo agli spettatori, su Sky e TV8 e in streaming su NOW, due serate indimenticabili di grande musica e spettacolo, partner entusiasti di Radio Italia per quello che è ormai indiscutibilmente un cult della musica live. Anche chi non potrà essere fisicamente in piazza potrà sentirsi, così, al centro di questo grande evento, in compagnia degli artisti più significativi della musica italiana”.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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thecircusfreaks · 2 years
Let’s make a list of muses I’ve finished:
Date: 14-01-23
Finished muses
Circus ‘Unbelievable’
Matthias Maxwell/Tetzu Kazuma
Beth Magnolia
Calm 'Sharpy' Schütz
Sherri "Cherry" Stanton
Fei Xué
Jules Abattre
Lys Magisk
Marine Lazulli
Tigre Thorsen
Kimberly Pinkheart
Darcy Crys
Rowan Étoile
Matthew Davaughn
Feilong Xué
The Underground
Frederick Staut
Gösta Björn Viklund
Hiashi Hiramatsu
Lenev Kuznetsov
Negan Salvage
Jörgen Viklund
Kjell Norberg
Mai Hiramatsu
Sai Hiramatsu
Hanzo Sakai
Shunsuke Kaneta
Ben Stolly
Rosalind 'Rosie' Foly
Yaach Nachtnebel
The Ether
Angelique 'Overlord' Vlaun
Red 'King' Miller
Frank 'Hammer' Marino
Francis 'Mouse 1' Webber
Ivo 'Mouse 2' de Vrij
Tommaso 'Uccello 1' Moretti
Aksel 'Uccello 2' Nielsen
Wilhelm 'Fixer' Hofer
Greyson 'Operator 1' Lowe
Mark Winston
Yamashita Atushi
Takeo Inoue
Daiki Yamamoto
Renard Hall
Arlo Bates
Ligia Musa
Ela Lind
Dexter Pedersen
Law, Health & Safety
Ryu Murakami
Minato Tada
Nanase Iba
Toshiro Hanari
Riku Ouji
Caylee Reynolds
Stéphane Toussaint
Chouji 'Choco' Iekami
Colm Culpepper
Craig Kawano
Daemon 'Deemo' Nierling
Enyo Afuru
Fionne 'Fio' Beauséjour
Genji Shūryō
Ichika Hara
Ichilu Wenn
Konstantin Titov
Marietta Dimartino
Nils Freling
Owen Katz
Paison Argyle
Ronald Heerman
Yukiteru Ake
Zacaria Åkesson
Entertainment & Fame
Hitoshi Saihara
Kars Sundström
Art & Culture
Luxxion 'Lux' Davies
Akano Koizumi
Isamu Ashigaka
Kojiro Toyoda
Sango Oshiro
Working class
Daichi Tanaka
Kento Gogatsu
Marito Ueno
Shoi-Ming Yè
Yoko Aoki
Kwang-Sun Yun
Aimy Oshiro
Michiaki Mamiya
Takuto Nanajima
Shopping district
Makita Oshiro
Masahiko Hato
Natsuhiko Katakiri
Tatsuo Satou
Hospitality branch
Asako Mikan
Eliseo Bianchi
Fumihiro Tanaka
Howard Moore
Itou Tanaka
Kaoru Oshiro
Katashi Oda
Lovisa Kärlek
Lucas Moore
Shouji Aino
Vincent 'Vince' Davis
Xavi Alexander
Yakeru Sugasano
Yukimasa Oka
Raymond’s Café
Raymond Palmer
Henry Chesston
Amy Chòng
Cara Duvall
Mia Almeida
Botan Shūryō
Timo Ricci
Winston Griffiths
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musicletter · 2 years
«Cocci Sparsi» de Le rose e il deserto
«Cocci Sparsi» de Le rose e il deserto #recensioni
Le rose e il deserto è un progetto cantautorale pieno di dolcezza, ispirazione e bellezza, ricorda a tratti i Tiromancino e tutta la vecchia scuola cantautorale fino ai giorni d’oggi, con artisti come Colapesce e Dimartino. Il progetto di Luca Cassano è caratterizzato da una forte enfasi verso le parole, la poesia e tutto ciò che di più alto possa esserci per un’artista. L’album in questione,…
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patti-campani · 4 years
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MIEI CARI AMICI VICINI E LONTANI … Cari amici, vicini idealmente e, in questi giorni così complessi per tutti noi, forzatamente lontani, MIEI CARI AMICI VICINI E LONTANI è un'idea nata dal desiderio di sentirvi tutti e di farlo nel modo migliore: attraverso l'arte. Così ho pensato di invitare gli artisti coi quali ho collaborato in tutti questi anni di attività di Fiorile+, ad inviarmi immagini di loro opere, progetti in fieri o pensieri in divenire, che stanno realizzando in questo momento. E condividerle. Una visione periferica, fluttuante, una coda dell'occhio rispetto a tutto quanto è in divenire o già realizzato da ognuno di loro singolarmente. Del resto, citando Forster: ‘Solo quello che vedi con la coda dell'occhio ti tocca nel profondo.’ Una mostra virtuale nella quale ogni singolo contributo sarà pubblicato con una cadenza di tre giorni a partire da mercoledi 8 aprile 2020. 33 artisti: -lancillotto bellini -marco bettio -davide bonazzi -fabio bonetti -julien cachki -andrea cataudella -luca coser -dario coletti -daniele contavalli -luca dimartino -flavio favelli -roberta fanti -raffaele fasiello -roberta filippelli -dario ghibaudo -gabriele lamberti -lisa lazzaretti -pietro mancini -antonella mazzoni -pietro meletti -nico mingozzi -emilio nanni -teresa e. nanni -gianni nieddu -marilena pasini -piero roccasalvo rub -gianfranco sergio -stefano scheda -simone ponzi -vittorio valente -william xerra -umberto zampini -roberto zizzo. Grazie a ciascuno loro ed un caro saluto a tutti. Patti Campani/ Fiorile+
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bravagente · 2 years
sento che è importante che io vi riferisca che colapesce dimartino sono stati presentati alla vanoni da luca guadagnino
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doubleattitude · 2 years
The Dance Awards, Orlando 2022: RESULTS
Mini Female
Top 22:
Delilah Hewitt Kylie Lawrence Ruby Arnold Anita Rodriguez Kennedy Anderson Brooklyn Ward Ella Dobler Peyton Nowacki Stella Brinkerhoff
Top 13:
Mya Lanigan Zoe Holladay Denise Torres Kensington Dressing Regan Gerena Camila Giraldo Kate Baldwin Lily Hackney Diana Kouznetsova Madelyn Murphy
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($100)
Zoe Flores (Stars Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($200)
Isabella Kouznetsova (Project 21)
Winner ($300)
Skylar Wong (Woodbury Dance Center)
Mini Male:
Top 7:
Grayson Niemczyk Niles Linson Nathan Laska Rory Ross
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($100)
Josh Lundy (Studio 413)
1st runner-up ($200)
Neo Del Corral (Stars Dance Studio)
Winner ($300)
Dylan Custodio (Stars Dance Studio)
Junior Female
Top 21:
Bella Rey D’Armas Anya Inger Leila Winker Georgia Beth Peters Elliana Quiner Alyssa Phillips Alexcia Roloff-Hafenbreadl Esme Chou Elie Rabin
Top 12:
Vivienne Mitchell Aaliyah Dixon Bella Rose Penrose Kynadi Crain Braylynn Grizzaffi Caroline McGowan Elizabeth Scott Lanier Allie Plott
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Stella Condie (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
2nd runner-up ($125)
Kiera Sun (WESTSIDE Dance Project)
1st runner-up ($250)
Angelina Elliott (Summit Dance Shoppe)
Winner ($500)
Kylee Casares (Stars Dance Studio)
Junior Male
Top 9:
Bosco Wong Blake Metcalf Christopher Feinstein Lucas Pignotti Quentin Santos Sasha Chernous
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($125)
Ethan Ferrante (The NINE Dance Academy)
1st runner-up ($250)
Santiago Sosa (Stars Dance Studio)
Winner ($500)
Zachary Roy (Dance Town)
Teen Female
Top 23:
Giselle Gandarilla Hayley Marshall Sofia Andrus Miyah Lagrant Ava Burgham Toryn Hester Alexis Adair Sammi Chung Preslie Rosamond Gillian Gordon Ceilidh McSeveney
Top 12:
Ayla Rodriguez Rachel Loiselle Arianna Quant Lola Iglesias Caroline Quiner Alyssa Carpeneto Savannah Manning Ava Raucci
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Gracyn French (Project 21)
2nd runner-up ($250)
Keagan Capps (The Pointe Performing Arts Center)
1st runner-up ($350)
Sophie Garcia (Stars Dance Studio)
Winner ($750)
Hailey Bills (Center Stage Performing Arts Studio)
Teen Male
Top 21:
Travi Santos Austin Aguilar Gavin Miele Seth Hendley Daniel Howard Alonzo Dock Patricio Hoyo David McCool Lane Wiese
Top 12:
Hugo Silva Cameron Kennedy Trent Grappe Timothy Zvifel Oliver Keane Andres Jimenez Darius Goodson Mekhi Johnson Alejandro Ruiz
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($250)
Nicholas Bustos (Stars Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($350)
Colin Bendziewicz (Stars Dance Studio)
Winner ($750)
Nicholas Moreno (Upstate Caroline Dance Center)
Senior Female
Top 24:
Rylee Arnold Chantal Le Camila Cordero Sophia Cobo Sophie Tosh Amy Shuster Gabriella Garavelo Bortoleto Angel DiMartino Palladino Reagan Himmelwright Samantha Schmaling
Top 14:
Clara Gough Kiara Fina Sarah Moore Ying Lei Pham Madi Autry Zoe Ridge Rachel Quiner Paloma Santos Ally Tyrna Avery Lau
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Destanye Diaz (Stars Dance Studio)
2nd runner-up ($300)
Selena Hamilton (Project 21)
1st runner-up ($500)
Bella Tagle (Stars Dance Studio)
Winner ($1000)
Ruby Castro (Dance Town)
Senior Male:
Top 21:
Tristan Plieth Jalen Scriven Remy Feldbruegge Christian Bottger Sebastian Leroux Joshuah Rivera Eliazar Jimenez Christopher Pismarov Javon Hunter
Top 12:
John Chappell Thomas Perkey Garris Munoz Chance Phelps Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl Joey Vice Jesse Flaherty Charlie Macdonald
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Caden Hunter (Denise Wall’s Dance Energy)
2nd runner-up ($300)
Sam Fine (Stars Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($500)
Artem Tikhonenko (Vlad’s Dance Company)
Winner ($1000)
Seth Gibson (Studio 413)
High Score by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Peewee Solo
1st: Stella Brinkerhoff- ‘When You Believe’
2nd: Mikaela Florez- ‘Lullaby’
3rd: AnnaCameron McGlohorn- ‘Dance Like Yo Daddy’
3rd: Amaya Rodriguez- ‘Holding On’
4th: Mila Simunic- ‘Arctic’
5th: Penelope Pranger- ‘One More Light’
6th: Alyssa Horta- ‘Ave Maria’
6th: Alex Schumann- ‘Watch Me Do’
7th: Ava Piedrahita- ‘Por Amor’
7th: Brinley Evans- ‘Stars’
8th: Victoria Remon- ‘Cha-cha Heels’
8th: Brooklyn Morgan- ‘Itty Bitty Pretty One’
9th: Sloane Hall- ‘Evil Like Me’
10th: Kennedy Thuillier- ‘Loom’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing- ‘Tuesday’
2nd: Zoe Flores- ‘Changes’
2nd: Rylie Borden- ‘I Made You A Promise’
3rd: Dylan Custodio- ‘Derive’
3rd: Lainey Hess- ‘In Darkness We Find Light’
3rd: Denise Torres- ‘Without You’
4th: Tabitha Nan- ‘Fly My Soul’
4th: Anita Rodriguez- ‘Meet You In The Maze’
5th: Ella Dobler- ‘Ultralight Beam’
6th: Neo Del Corral- ‘Aaah’
6th: Layla Alvarez- ‘Out of My Head’
6th: Sophia Novo- ‘Red Hope’
6th: Brooklyn Ward- ‘That’s Life’
7th: Zoey Claxton- ‘Swing Break’
7th: Reagan Hess- ‘Solitary Places’
7th: Kendall Brown- ‘Simply Irresistable’
7th: Peyton Robinson- ‘Queen of the Night’
7th: Khloe Douros- ‘Preface’
7th: Anna Holley- ‘Mink Schmink’
7th: Samantha Geller- ‘Elsewhere’
7th: Vivie Strickland- ‘Do It Like This’
7th: Ruby Wilkes Petty- ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
7th: Ellerie Cox- ‘Accentuate The Positive’
8th: Blake Wilson- ‘Tiny Dancer’
8th: Ava Alvarez- ‘The Crumbling’
8th: Bianca Rebellato- ‘Silence Of the Room’
8th: Estelle Newsom- ‘OUII’
8th: Amanda Carpenter- ‘Get Free’
8th: Victoria Oliveri- ‘Everything Must Change’
8th: Zurie Griffiths- ‘Business of Love’
8th: Ella Venerio- ‘Alert’
9th: Sofie Wright- ‘I Was Born For This’
9th: Taylor Rivers- ‘Listen’
9th: Collins Glenn- ‘Memory Of a Rainfall’
9th: Emma Bassel- ‘Visnaga’
10th: Baker Barboza- ‘Wanna Be A Rockette’
10th: Emilie Lavoie- ‘The Red Coat Girl’
10th: Brooklyn Bridges- ‘Strut’
10th: Charlotte Brayman- ‘My Way’
10th: Milly Berry- ‘Like a Boss’
10th: Sloan Donahue- ‘For Real’
10th: Allyn Green- ‘Faràndula’
10th: Daisy Castleman- ‘Coming Out’
10th: Reese Braga- ‘A Blessing’
Junior Solo
1st: Kylee Casares- ‘Home With You’
2nd: Braylynn Grizzaffi- ‘Erosion’
3rd: Bella Rose Penrose- ‘De Los Muertos’
3rd: Stella Condie- ‘Heart to You’
3rd: Elizabeth Scott Lanier- ‘Mother Earth’
4th: Desa Jankes- ‘Hollows’
4th: Lexus Natalie- ‘Valis’
5th: Zachary Roy- ‘Giving Up’
5th: Ella Way- ‘Shadows’
6th: Emily Joy Core- ‘Alpha’
6th: Santiago Sosa- ‘Final Ending’
6th: Elie Rabin- ‘Finer Things’
7th: Abbie Metsker- ‘How To Disappear Completely’
7th: Adina Rooney- ‘Poker Face’
7th: Vivienne Mitchell- ‘Shredding Threads’
8th: Rebeka Leon- ‘IF’
9th: Bella Rey D’Armas- ‘Dimensions’
10th: Allie Plott- ‘Bulletproof’
10th: Abigail Carlton- ‘Skate’ 
10th: Ella Barnes- ‘The Story’
Teen Solo
1st: Keagan Capps- ‘Heaven Is Here’
2nd: Colin Bendziewicz- ‘Don’t Worry’
3rd: Giselle Gandarilla- ‘La Vie’
4th: Timothy Zvifel- ‘Give It Back’
4th: Oliver Keane- ‘Human Sounds’
5th: Alyssa Carpento- ‘Bad Romance’
5th: Emma Breaux- ‘Comme Un Fou’
5th: Sophie Garcia- ‘Evermore’
6th: Andres Jimenez- ‘Eye of Jupiter’
6th: Elyse Wingertsahn- ‘The Rabid Dog’
6th: Makhi Johnson- ‘You Know They’re Out There’
7th: Nicholas Bustos- ‘Callomania’
8th: Ellen Grace Olansen- ‘Amor’
8th: Jazmine Raine Werner- ‘Axe’
8th: Hope Grainger- ‘Rango’
8th: Ava Raucci- ‘When Things Fall Apart’
9th: Gillian Gordon- ‘Even Now After Everything’
9th: Calico Reyes- ‘Fly’
9th: Maddyn Miller- ‘Rescue My Heart’
10th: Lola Iglesias- ‘Atmospheric Perspective’
10th: Ava D’Ambrosio- ‘Mind Without Ground’
10th: Savannah Manning- ‘Over’
10th: Kaitlyn Santos- ‘Written In the Sky’
Senior Solo
1st: Avery Lau- ‘Metallic Sonata’
2nd: Artem Tikhonenko- ‘Do You See Me Drowning?’
2nd: Caden Hunter- ‘Our World’
3rd: Melina Dalton- ‘Lift Off’
4th: Destanye Diaz- ‘Unhurt’
5th: Kiara Fina- ‘A Conjured Love’
5th: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl- ‘Prelude’
5th: Isabella Weidmann- ‘We Stand In Silence’
6th: Bella Tagle- ‘Delicate’
6th: Sam Fine- ‘Maria’
6th: Seth Gibson- ‘Mind Bugs’
6th: John Chappell- ‘The Unknown’
7th: Zoe Ridge- ‘He’s A Dream’
7th: Chantal Le- ‘Storm Engine’
8th: Clara Gough- ‘An Hour Lengthwise’
8th: Garris Munoz- ‘Exist Between’
8th: Jalen Scriven- ‘Poinciana’
8th: Edon Hartzy- ‘Solitude’
9th: Sophia Cobo- ‘The Gate’
9th: Makaylee Rogers- ‘Through The Darkness’
9th: Paloma Santos- ‘Whatever Lola Wants’
10th: Sofia Gander- ‘Destruction’
10th: Rachel Leon- ‘End of Love’
10th: Madi Autry- ‘Jasper’
10th: Angel DiMartino Palladino- ‘Poison’
10th: Reagan Himmelwright- ‘The Other Woman’
10th: Sydney Jones- ‘Vacancy’
Peewee Duet/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited- ‘Minnie the Moocher’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Elephants’
2nd: Dance Town- ‘The Beat’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Grow As You Go’
4th: Orlando International School of Dance- ‘Move It’
5th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Leader of the Pack’
Mini Duet/Trio
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Steam Heat’
2nd: Canadian Dance Company- ‘Danke Scheon’
3rd: South Tulsa Dance Co- “Ms Otis Regrets’
4th: Dance Town- ‘A Blessing’
5th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Escapade’
5th: Dance Town- ‘Nothing But a Memory’
5th: Dance Spectrum- ‘The Love You Save’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘The Little Things’
5th: New Level Dance Company- ‘When The Party’s Over’
Junior Duet/Trio
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Flying’
1st: Woodbury Dance Center- ‘Only the Bravest’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Gotcha’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘New World Coming’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Sarajevo’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Adam and Eve’
5th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Comfort and Fear’
5th: Carolina Collective Dance- ‘What the World Needs Now’
Teen Duet/Trio
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Roxanne’
1st: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Song to the Siren’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Trouble’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘I Am Ready’
2nd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Undone’
3rd: Legacy Center for the Arts- ‘On The One’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Stolen Identity’
4th: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Cottontail’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Then The Quiet Explosion’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Turning Tables’
5th: L.A. Dance Arizona- ‘I Got You’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Mine’
5th: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Roll To Me’
Senior Duet/Trio
1st: Dance Town- ‘Rumba’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Distance Between Us’
3rd: Dance Town- ‘No Weapon Used Against Me Will Prosper’
4th: Dance Town- ‘Katchi’
4th: Studio 413- ‘The Pines’
5th: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Europe After The Rain’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Illuminated’
5th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Nothing In Common’
5th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Warm Shadow’
Peewee Group
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Build It Up’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Tiny Voice’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Whole Lotta Lovin’
4th: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Welcome to Havana’
5th: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Fly’
5th: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Shake Ya Tail Feather’
Mini Group
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Love Is A Battlefield’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Lullaby’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Before the End’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Pump Up the Jam’
5th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door’
Junior Group
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colour Me In’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘The Others’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘A Sharp Tide’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Beauty’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’
5th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Access Denied’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Stormy Weather’
Teen Group
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘The Anatomy of Grief’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Through the Trench’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Going Through the Veil’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘This Woman’s Work’
5th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Change the World’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Doomed’
5th: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Pick Up the Pieces’
5th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘We Are All Going to Die’
Senior Group
Open Group
Peewee Line
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Golden Butterfly’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Do I Have Your Attention?’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Miss You Much’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Mr Piano Man’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Music, Music, Music’
5th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Somewhere Only We Know’
Mini Line
1st: Dance Town- ‘Ballroom Babies’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Light’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Dreamer’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Drip’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Move It, Move It’
Junior Line
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘The World Witnessing Itself’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Where Are You Now’
2nd: Artistic Fusion- ‘In the Beginning’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project- ‘The Weight Of It All’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘She Owns the Eyes’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Throwback’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Fergalicious’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘How Will I Know’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Rage Against the Dying of the Light’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Slow Boat to China’
Teen Line
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Escape Migration’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Takeoff’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘C U Work’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Risky Business’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Heaven Is Here’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Against Me’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’
5th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Embrace the World’
5th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘On Broadway’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Wasteland’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘With One Voice’
Senior Line
Open Line
Peewee Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Bananas’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Turtle Power’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Mozartina’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Pom Poms’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Spice Up Your Life’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Thankful’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Bachelor’
4th: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Weird Science’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Hollywood’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Raining Men’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Dance Town- ‘Do You Wanna Dance With Me’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Jenny From the Block’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Skin and Bones’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Dance’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Innocence’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
2nd: Dance Town- ‘Strictly Ballroom’
2nd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘You’re Invited’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Cupid’
3rd: Studio 413- ‘Extraterrestrial’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Addicted’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Is That All There Is’
Senior Extended Line
Mini Production
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Block Party’
2nd: Studio 413- ‘Three Wishes’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’
Junior Production
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Take Flight’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Shake and Pop’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘We Will Rock You’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Little Mermaid’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Sparkling Diamonds’
Teen Production
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘I Can’t Do It Alone’
2nd: Studio 413- ‘Dreams’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Satisfaction’
5th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Por Mi Alma’
Senior Production
High Score by Performance Division:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Peewee Jazz
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Miss You Much’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Bananas’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Welcome to Havana’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Rainbow Brite’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Can I Take Your Order?’
Peewee Ballet
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Mozartina’
2nd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Clocks’
3rd: Studio 413- ‘Surfin’ Safari’
Peewee Hip Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Turtle Power’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Ghostbusters’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Attention’
4th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Rugrats’
Peewee Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Mr Piano Man’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Whole Lotta Lovin’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Music, Music, Music’
4th: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Shake Ya Tail Feather’
5th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Ding Ding Dong’
Peewee Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Build It Up’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Tiny Voice’
3rd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Somewhere Only We Know’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company- ‘Fly’
4th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Zombie’
5th: South Texas Fuzion- ‘A Moment Like This’
Peewee Musical Theatre
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Come Ona My House’
Peewee Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Golden Butterfly’
2nd: South Texas Fuzion- ‘Over The Rainbow’
Peewee Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Do I Have Your Attention?’
Peewee Acro
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Come Little Children’
Mini Jazz
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’
2nd: Studio 413- ‘Three Wishes’
3rd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Weird Science’
4th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘The Beat’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Raining Men’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company- ‘Love Revolution’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’
Mini Ballet
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Waltz of the Dolls’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Wedding March’
3rd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Gopack’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Concerto In C Minor’
5th: Orlando International School of Dance- ‘7 Dwarfs’
Mini Hip Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Block Party’
2nd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Drip’
2nd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Pump Up the Jam’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Bachelor’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company- ‘Lemonade’
4th: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Oh Yes!’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Alien’
Mini Tap
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Move It, Move It’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Dance, Dream, Have Fun’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘In The Mood’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Make It Look Easy’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Here Comes Trouble’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Lullaby’
3rd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘At The Edge of All Things’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘The Chain’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Thankful’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Hollywood’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Never Fully Dressed’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Mama I’m A Big Girl Now’
5th: Artistic Dance Project- ‘We Are Going To Be Friends’
Mini Contemporary
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Love Is A Battlefield’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Dreamer’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Before the End’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Heaven I Know’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Look Out’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Dance Town- ‘Ballroom Babies’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Pom Poms’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Dancing For the World’
Mini Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Spice Up Your Life’
2nd: New Level Dance Company- ‘Shape Shifting’
3rd: Dance Unlimited- ‘Gold’
4th: New Level Dance Company- ‘Black Ice’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre- ‘La Foule’
Mini Acro
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Light’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Trolls’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Somewhere Only We Know’
4th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
Junior Jazz
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Jenny From the Block’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
2nd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘How Will I Know’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Fergalicious’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘House of Keta’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘How It Ends’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Heaven’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Fergalicious’
Junior Ballet
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Les Sygnets’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘Melodic Dissonance’
3rd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Paquita’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Les Sylphides’
Junior Hip Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt- ‘Take Flight’
2nd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Throwback’
3rd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘The Assignment’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘We Will Rock You’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company- ‘Money’
Junior Tap
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Stormy Weather’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Slow Boat to China’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘So Close’
4th: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘The Real Thing’
4th: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Happy Feet’
5th: Touch of Class Dance Studio- ‘Rather Be’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colour Me In’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project- ‘The Weight Of It All’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘The Awakening’
4th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘In Your Likeness’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘All We Can See’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Neighbours’
2nd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Little Mermaid’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company- ‘A Night to Remember’
4th: Carolina Collective Dance- ‘They’re Haunting You’
5th: Touch of Class Dance Studio- ‘Duloc’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘The World Witnessing Itself’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘The Others’
2nd: Artistic Fusion- ‘In the Beginning’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘A Sharp Tide’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Beauty’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Shake and Pop’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Dance’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Access Denied’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘She Owns the Eyes’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Dance Town- ‘Do You Wanna Dance With Me’
2nd: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Fuerza’
Junior Specialty
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Where Are You Now’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Innocence’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Tomorrow’
4th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre- ‘Grains of Sand’
5th: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Marathon for Roses’
Junior Acro
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Skin and Bones’
Teen Groups:
Teen Jazz
1st: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Woah’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre- ‘Do It To It’
3rd: Touch of Class Dance Studio- ‘Lovefool’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Get Into It’
4th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Whip’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Sexy Back’
Teen Ballet
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Epuree’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘Beyond the Barre’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Carmen’
Teen Hip Hop
1st: Milele Academy- ‘Party’
2nd: Toronto Dance Company- ‘Dear Miss Nikki’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance- ‘Mr Lamar’
Teen Tap
1st: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Pick Up the Pieces’
1st: Dance Spectrum- ‘Change the World’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Saturday Night’s Alright’
3rd: The Southern Strutt- ‘Crazy Little Thing’
4th: Legacy Center for the Arts- ‘Sunny’
5th: Thomas Dance Studio- ‘Eye of the Storm’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
2nd: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘This Woman’s Work’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘They Cannot Be Replaced’
4th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Answer’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘Spirit In Decline’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Through the Trench’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘The Anatomy of Grief’
2nd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Going Through the Veil’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Doomed’
3rd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘We Are All Going to Die’
4th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Veil’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Too Fly’
5th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Breathing Trouble’
5th: Thomas Dance Studio- ‘Redemption’
Teen Specialty
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Bruised, Not Broken’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘Strings On Loan’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Campus’
4th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Yea, Alright’
5th: Artflux Dance Lab- ‘Duuuuude’
Teen Acro
1st: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Unravelled’
Teen Lines, Extended Lines, Productions:
Teen Jazz
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘C U Work’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Satisfaction’
3rd: Studio 413- ‘Extraterrestrial’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘On Broadway’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Not About You’
Teen Ballet
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Serenade for Strings’
2nd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Tea for Two’
3rd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Degas Dream’
4th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Raveneous’
Teen Hip Hop
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘TAKEOFF’
2nd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘You’re Invited’
3rd: Milele Academy- ‘Show Off’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company- ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’
4th: Studio 413- ‘Savage’
4th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Carnivale’
5th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Like Sugar’
Teen Tap
1st: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Pink and White’
3rd: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Feels Alright’
3rd: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Can’t We Be Friends’
4th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Another One Bites The Dust’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Another Day’
5th: Dance Spectrum- ‘Ob-La-Di’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘To Be Loved’
2nd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘She Talks To Angels’
3rd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Yellow’
4th: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Within Obstructed Reach’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy- ‘With This Love’
5th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Easy On Me’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Flying Without Wings’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘I Can’t Do It Alone’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Cupid’
4th: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Is That All There Is’
5th: The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘Rich Man’s World’
5th: The Southern Strutt- ‘Cabaret’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Studio 413- ‘Dreams’
1st: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Escape Migration’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Por Mi Alma’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Heaven Is Here’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Wasteland’
4th: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Against Me’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Addicted’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘With One Voice’
4th: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Embrace the World’
5th: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Verge’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’
1st: Dance Town- ‘Strictly Ballroom’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Salome’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘So Yo’
Teen Specialty
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Risky Business’
2nd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘The Reception’
3rd: CCJ Conservatory- ‘Memento Mori’
3rd: Artistic Dance Project- ‘Okkirville River Song’
3rd: Artistic Fusion- ‘Doing It Right’
4th: Artistic Fusion- ‘Kyoto’
5th: ?
Teen Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum- ‘Unisil’
Senior Jazz
Senior Ballet
Senior Hip Hop
Senior Tap
Senior Lyrical
Senior Musical Theatre
Senior Contemporary
Senior Ballroom
Senior Specialty
Senior Acro
Open Jazz
Open Ballet
1st: EDAK & Art of Dance- ‘Blue Danube’
Open Specialty
1st: Artistic Edge Dance Centre- ‘Cadence’
Best Performance:
The Southern Strutt- ‘Golden Butterfly’ Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Build It Up’
Winner: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
1st runner-up: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Light’
2nd runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town- ‘Ballroom Babies’
4th runner-up: The Southern Strutt- ‘Block Party’
Winner: Evolve Dance Complex- ‘The Others’
1st runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colour Me In’
2nd runner-up: Performing Dance Arts- ‘The World Witnessing Itself’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town- ‘Do You Wanna Dance With Me’
4th runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Where Are You Now’ 
5th runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Jenny From the Block’
6th runner-up: The Southern Strutt- ‘Take Flight’
Winner: Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
1st runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘The Anatomy of Grief’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Through the Trench’
3rd runner-up: Artistic Fusion- ‘Going Through the Veil’
4th runner-up: Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Pick Up the Pieces’
5th runner-up: Performing Dance Arts- ‘Doomed’
6th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘We Are All Going to Die’
7th runner-up: Dance Spectrum- ‘Change the World’
Line, Extended Line, Production:
Winner: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
1st runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’
2nd runner-up: Studio 413- ‘Dreams’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town- ‘Strictly Ballroom’
4th runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘TAKEOFF’
5th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘I Can’t Do It Alone’
6th runner-up: CCJ Conservatory- ‘You’re Invited’
Winner: Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘State of Evermore’
1st runner-up: Dance Town- ‘I Like It’
2nd runner-up: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘There Are No Strings’
3rd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio- ‘Out for Blood’
4th runner-up: Artistic Fusion- ‘The Moon Felt Far Away’
5th runner-up: Studio 413- ‘Entertainment’
6th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Only From Now On’
Artistic Edge Dance Centre- ‘Cadence’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Love Is A Battlefield’
Evolve Dance Complex- ‘The Others’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘The World Witnessing Itself’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘The Anatomy of Grief’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Through the Trench’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Escape Migration’
Studio 413- ‘Dreams’
Artistic Fusion- ‘The Moon Felt Far Away’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Color Me In’
Evolve Dance Complex- ‘To Be Loved’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Evermore’
Stars Dance Studio- ‘The Letting Go’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Skin and Bones’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Unravelled’
Dance Spectrum- ‘Unisil’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Light’
Hip Hop
The Southern Strutt- ‘Block Party’
Milele Academy- ‘Party’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘TAKEOFF’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Wild Side’
The Southern Strutt- ‘Take Flight’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Spice Up Your Life’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Where Are You Now’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Bruised, Not Broken’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘Crowds’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Risky Business’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Waltz of the Dolls’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Les Cygnets’
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Serenade for Strings’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Les Sylphides’
Westchester Dance Academy- ‘Transmutation’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Epuree’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Stormy Weather’
Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘The Nearness of You’
Winners (tie):
Dance Spectrum- ‘Change the World’ Fitzsimmons Dance Factory- ‘Pick Up the Pieces’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Jenny From the Block’
The Pointe Performing Arts Center- ‘The Woah’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘C U Work’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘Me and My Shadow’
Dance Town- ‘Ballroom Babies’
Dance Town- ‘Do You Wanna Dance With Me’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’
Dance Town- ‘Strictly Ballroom’
Dance Town- ‘I Like It’
Musical Theatre
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Thankful’
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Neighbours’
West Florida Dance Company- ‘Cell Block Tango’
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
Special Awards:
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Best Production
The Southern Strutt- ‘Block Party’
The Southern Strutt- ‘Take Flight’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Armed and Dangerous’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘I Can’t Do It Alone’
Outstanding Achievement:
Mini/Junior Choreography
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’ (Megan Caines)
Studio 413- ‘Three Wishes’ (Maggie Rosamond & Katrina Colvin)
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Spice Up Your Life’ (Alicia Murillo)
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Shake & Pop’ (Victor Smalley and Angel Armas)
Performing Dance Arts- ‘The World Witnessing Itself’ (Eryn Walktom)
Teen/Senior Choreography
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’ (Maggie Rosamond)
Dance Town- ‘Strictly Ballroom’ (Manny & Lory Castro)
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Is That All There Is’ (Stephenie Rutherford)
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Ode to a Lost Love’ (Victor Smalley & Angel Armas)
Studio 413- ‘Dreams’ (Maggie Rosamond)
Costume Design
The Southern Strutt- ‘Little Mermaid’
Mini Technical
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘One’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Light’
Evolve Dance Complex- ‘Lullaby’
Studio 413- ‘Three Wishes’
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Colors’
Junior Technical
Dance Town- ‘Do You Wanna Dance With Me’
Performing Dance Arts- ‘Skin and Bones’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Beauty’
Stars Dance Studio- ‘Applause’
Artistic Dance Project- ‘The Weight Of It All’
Teen Technical
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’
Vlad’s Dance Company- ‘The Anatomy of Grief’
Artistic Fusion- ‘Going Through the Veil’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Shake That’
Studio 413- ‘Dreams’
Senior Technical
Dance Town- ‘I Like It’
Studio 413- ‘Prey’
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio- ‘Run From Me’
South Tulsa Dance Co- ‘I Love Movies, The Sequel’
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy- ‘There Are No Strings’
Best in Studio ($5000 per style):
The Southern Strutt
Vlad’s Dance Company
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Dance Town
Artistic Fusion
Performing Dance Arts
Musical Theatre
West Florida Dance Company
Stars Dance Studio
People’s Choice ($250):
The Southern Strutt- ‘Carnivale’
32 notes · View notes
weclassybouquetfun · 3 years
We’re a tad mid-way through September so we might as well call it a wrap and just claim this as little-October. 
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And with October comes the stirrings of awards season for film (tomorrow’s Emmys will close out the television awards season).  We’ve already had Venice, Telluride and Toronto Film Festivals and San Sebastian is currently being held. The film that was screened all four (and will also do London and other fests) is Jane Campion’s THE POWER OF THE DOG.
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Directed by Campion (THE PIANO, BRIGHT STAR, TOP OF THE LAKE) and adapted by her from Thomas Savage’s novel of the same name, the films stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons and Kodi Smit-McPhee in a film - in alignment with Campion’s other work - is the epitome of a slow burn. 
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The film centers on brothers/ranchers George (Plemons) and Phil (Cumberbatch). George, easy going and business minded is the polar opposite of perennially contentious, caustic and cruel Phil, who despite his ways, is respected by the men in their employ. 
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When George falls and love and marries the widowed Rose (Dunst), a mother with a teenaged son, the studious Peter).
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The union proves trying for both Rose and Phil as Rose is a stranger in a strange new world surrounded by well-to-dos while drawing the ire of Phil who views Rose as -at best- an interloper coming between he and his brother or at worst, a parasite after their wealth. 
Great performances, great cinematography, great score done by Radiohead lead guitarist turned noted, Oscar nominated composer Jonny Greenwood (who also scored Pablo Larrain’s SPENCER starring Kristen Stewart and reunited with Paul Thomas Anderson for the 5th time to score PTA’s upcoming film LICORICE PIZZA starring Bradley Cooper and Ben Stiller).
By all accounts THE POWER OF THE DOG is fairly faithful to the 304 page novel, but what works in literary doesn’t necessarily work for the film. With literature the reader’s imagination can do the filling of the blanks, but film - a visual medium - sometimes things can be too abstract.  The film doesn’t really gives us in way of what the characters are thinking. Just a lot of scenery and vibes. But fine film. 
Great seeing Smit-McPhee grow into an excellent actor.
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to the fantastic ALPHA (a film that posits how dogs were descended from wolves)
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-Another Cumberbatch film that debuted at Telluride and TIFF was the biopic THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN
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Co-written by Simon Stephenson (Luca) and multi-hyphenate Will Sharpe who also directed,
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THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN is just that, an electrical, whimsical look at the life of artist Louis Wain played by Cumberbatch, with Claire Foy playing his wife Emily.
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And like Wain’s art,
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the film is filled cat. Forty non-digitized cats, appear in the film. 
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Please let Cumberbatch do Zoom press using this as his avatar.
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Sharpe appeared in one episode of SHERLOCK so this film was a reunion of sorts, 
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but it was moreso a reunion of the series Sharpe created and starred in FLOWERS
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as THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN features his FLOWERS costars Julian Barratt, Olivia Colman as the film’s narrator and Sophie Di Martino (Sharpe’s real life partner and mother of his two children).
Picture of Sharpe that DiMartino took for the virtual BAFTA-TV awards.
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Di Martino, of course, has ties to the MCU as she recently costarred in the Disney+ series LOKI as Sylvie. 
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Sylvie ready to cause chaos/Sophie ready to nurse.
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We need to see Dr. Strange and Sylvie meet up in the multiverse. Maybe he can hook her up with a new fit, too.
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-Sharpe has also collaborated once again with Colman in the upcoming Sky/HBO miniseries LANDSCAPERS.  Written by Colman’s husband, first time screenwriter Ed Sinclair, LANDSCAPERS stars Colman and David Thewlis based on the true story of a couple who plot to kill one of their parents.  Originally, the mini was to be directed by Alexander Payne (Election), who dropped out, allowing for Sharpe to come in to direct and lend his artistic eye to the proceedings. 
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fiorile-tatler · 7 years
LA NEBBIA di Luca Martini  dedicato a IL RITRATTO Luca Dimartino e Andrea Cataudella
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Camminava da ore, forse da giorni. Non sapeva cosa fosse successo. Si era ritrovato solo, ignaro del proprio nome e del passato, in una strada buia e confusa, e l'unica cosa che sentiva di dover fare era camminare. Era sfinito, le mani tremavano e i piedi erano un ammasso di carne putrida, infarcita di dolore e illogica speranza. Il viso era ferito, lo zigomo destro insanguinato, e la gamba gli faceva un dolore insopportabile. La trascinava, sfregando la suola della scarpa, aiutandosi con le mani, che imbracciavano la coscia destra a completare il passo faticoso, come fosse un sacco di cemento. La nebbia non gli faceva vedere nulla, camminava senza peso, senza sapere dove posava i piedi e avanzava a tentoni nell’aria densa, invischiata di umido grigio che lo portava in un posto di non sapeva dove. Non un rumore fuori, non un odore. Nemmeno una voce, un sorriso, un profumo di primavera. Nulla. Ogni tanto qualche grido, nulla d’umano, solo sofferenza, un urlo di animale ferito. Meglio, dilaniato. Continuava a camminare, senza sentire più niente, né anni, né sesso, né volto, né scopo. Proseguire senza sapere dove andare era l’unica cosa che poteva fare, come se il programma si fosse inceppato e il cervello non avesse più scampo. Ad un tratto nella nebbia vide qualcosa di più scuro che si muoveva verso di lui. Una sagoma nera, grande, anzi, normale. Un profilo umano. Riconobbe quel passo ciancicato, quell'andatura stanca, senza futuro. Continuò a camminare, rallentando il passo, lasciando la presa delle mani sulla coscia, fino a fermarsi. La sagoma buia fece lo stesso. Restarono fermi nella nebbia, a un passo l’uno dall’altro senza vedersi davvero. Due corpi senza volto, due aloni neri, scuri e densi. Poi avanzò. “Papà”. Gli parve di riconoscere la figura di suo padre, ferma nella nebbia, immobile come una statua erosa dal vento e dal sale, senza occhi, la bocca contratta in una smorfia di dolore. “Papà sei tu?” Allungò le mani, trovò il suo viso, gli accarezzò la barba dura e riconobbe le sue sopracciglia folte, quelle due pelurie irsute e pungenti che tante volte aveva accarezzato da bambino mentre lui gli leggeva una favola. Lo ricordò sulla spiaggia, tutto vestito mentre faceva un caldo terribile, a raccogliere conchiglie e piccole telline sul bagnasciuga. L’uomo sorrise, poi fece un passo indietro, allungando una mano mentre svaniva nella nebbia. Lui si sentì perduto. Orfano. “Papà aspetta, devo dirtelo”. Fece qualche altro passo, sempre più faticoso. Io lo so Vide suo padre che apriva le braccia e gli faceva cenno di avvicinarsi. Avanzò ancora, stavolta felice e leggero, senza dolore, senza paura. Poi mise un piede nel vuoto. E tutto svanì, lasciando spazio soltanto al niente. Alla nebbia che riempiva quel vuoto senza domani e che lo inghiottiva con mani rassicuranti. “Ti voglio bene, papà”.
Luca Martini, novembre 2018
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