#luca-senpai says hi!
harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Leona: Oi, Lucas. Why is your master here with no escort?
Lucas: ...
Lucas: You're studying in Night Raven College? Please, Prince Leona! Can I ask you to watch over Their Royal Highness?!
Leona: Huh? Why would I do that?
Lucas: You are his ex.
Leona: ...
Leona: What the fu-
Lucas: Everyone here in Arendelle, except the prince regent, knows how you broke Their Majesty's heart when you rejected their marriage proposal.
Lucas: You would have been our king now if only you hadn't wasted such an opportunity.
Leona: We were only together for a week!
Leona: ...
Lucas: Anyway, back to the matter at hand, Their Majesty doesn't like it when I ask someone to accompany them. So please keep it secret and be subtle about it.
Leona: Why would I listen to you?
Lucas: You wouldn't want me to inform the prince regent about how you turned them down.
Lucas: He's a second-born just like you.
Leona: ...
Ace: Is it me or Riddle-senpai has become talkative?
Riddle: *telling MC about his plans for the future*
MC: *would drop a few remarks and Riddle would listen to them*
Deuce: You were not expecting that they would be close.
Ace: *pouts* I bet Riddle-senpai has a crush on them.
Deuce: Dude.
Ace: What? Half of the Heartslabyul students are simping for them.
Ace: And to be honest, we're still disappointed that they didn't agree to make Ramshackle dorm official.
Deuce: Can't you just be glad that you're back in Heartslabyul and that Housewarden Rosehearts has become less harsh with the punishments?
Ace: But I want to be in the Ramshackle dorm~.
Ace: I want to be cuddled again~.
Deuce: ...
Leona: Cuddled?
Ace and Deuce: !!!
Ace: L-Leona-senpai, what are you doing there...
Leona: *standing behind them*
Leona: Continue with what you were saying earlier.
Leona: You were cuddled by whom?
Ace: MC-senpai? It was when we met them for the first time at the Ramshackle dorm.
Leona: ...
Riddle: How about you, MC-senpai? What are your aspirations for the future?
MC: Oh, it's-
Leona: *has lifted MC by holding them around the waist*
Riddle: L-Leona-senpai!
Leona: I'm snatching this one.
Riddle: Where are you taking them?!
Leona: None of your business.
MC: ...
MC: Kitty, we don't snatch people away in broad daylight.
Leona: ...
Riddle: ...
Riddle: *could clearly see the faint blush on Leona's face*
MC: *chuckles*
MC: It's nice to meet you again, Leona.
Leona: Tch.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
One Sided Love Triangles: Tokyo Debunker
Link to Twisted Wonderland Post
Because I hate when people have to lose. Though I'd be way more comfortable writing a normal love triangle for tdb than twst... there's a few of these bitches who could stand to be knocked down a peg or two.
Haru vs Peekaboo- betrayal never comes from your enemies does it. Haru wants to be happy you get along with his baby, and he's really grateful for your continued help in the anomalous animal sanctuary, really. He even originally found your interactions with Peekabo really cute! He's got a bunch of videos saved on his phone and everything but he can't help but feel just a wee bit bitter. He really wants to be the one with his head in your lap getting scritches and being told how cute he is. Something he'd never say to your face but whines about at the bar enough for Romeo to record and send to you. "For free?" Yeah for free he's had enough of this shit please come get your man MC.
Kaito vs Luca- this one is cannon to a degree I think... Kaito is deeply insecure about how much more confident Luca is around MC compared to him and how the girls on campus seem to like him more. The fact that he's so painfully oblivious doesn't help, meanwhile Luca is just overjoyed that his two best friends are in such a good relationship. You're genuinely perfect for each other, why all these secrecy and making him promise not to tell the other about the nice things you say? Isn't it natural to gush about your partner???
Towa vs Ren- Towa is such a pouty baby who doesn't fully understand his feelings and Ren is just happy to have a friend who understands the concept of a log in bonus. Neither of you fully realize that Towa is attempting to flirt, or would it be closer to say woo? All you know is one minute the two of you are casually chilling and talking about horror movies or something and then *BAM* Towa's thrown some flowers at Ren and pulled you into his lap. He's happy you wiggle to get comfy with him but very upset that you keep up your conversation with Ren. Stop being a good senpai and pay attention to hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.
Tohma vs Leo- just hear me out. I don't think Tohma really gets jealous? He seems super secure in himself and his abilities so he doesn't have much of a reason to get whiny and silly over MC, that's your role in the relationship. And he knows, logically that this little video Leo uploaded is bait to test the security on campus but it doesn't stop him from damn near cracking his phone in half when he sees it. That's how Leo wants to play this little game? Well fine, Tohma hopes he's ready to be thoroughly humiliated. No one can flirt with another man's partner quite as well as a bitch with a monocle. Leo is totally unaware any of this for the most part, he just assumes the extra irritation he's picking up on from Tohma is because he keeps spying on him and Alan. The fact he keeps teasing MC doesn't even cross his mind, he's just doing that to irritate you.
... as a side note can you imagine how confused everyone would get if Leo and MC kept picking fights about their upcoming "divorce" when no one even thought they were ever technically together. Except for Ritsu who sits you down to seriously try to talk you in to let him being your divorce attorney and still doesn't fully get that it's a joke by the time you're done. Actually while I'm at it:
Leo vs Ritsu- where that's exactly your dynamic but Leo starts catching some genuine feelings when he tries to crack a joke about you cheating on him with your divorce attorney only to realize that makes him unironically angry. How dare you, after everything you've been through. Wasn't he he enough? You know he can't treat you like he can. And you're just like "what can't treat me wrong?" And then you have a very toxic make out session Sho has to hear both of you scream about later while he seriously considers taking up a drinking problem.
Taiga vs Haru- this game has one character named Haru (ginger, baby) and one named Haku (green, evil?) Which confuses me an unreasonable amount. I already mentioned I wanted a serious Taiga vs Haku love triangle... but Taiga vs Haru would just be silly. You have MC who loves anomalous animals and hanging out in Jabberwock and Taiga who hates emotional intimacy and his feelings for MC just as much as he hates the idea of you being with anyone else. And of all people why Harry? He thought they were friends... or cool at least even if he won't let him eat that chinchilla thing. And now he's got MC playing defense for it too, it's irritating. He already has to fight himself to remember who you are every time he sees you again and go through the annoyance of recognizing he's a bit in love and now he can't even break into the animal sanctuary without tripping over himself and paying attention to you instead. It's annoying and it's all Haru's fault for having everything he wants. (If you ask he'll say that complaint is about Peekaboo but Haru and Romeo know it's not.) Haru is just trying to get some help from a trusted friend he's so stressed out ;-;
Sho vs Jin- Sho and his excuses... he doesn't want to just invite you to hang out and he doesn't want to ask you to come help him with the food truck because you've got so much else to do. You deserve a chance to rest, and he wants to be who you come to do that with. But Jin... he'd make that so much easier if it was him wouldn't he? He's rich and connected, and you're so sweet he's sure you could thaw that frozen heart enough for him to see you as human and not a gopher. Sho knows you, the moment he started paying attention to you he saw you as a person. But he still hurt you... and Jin didn't really do that did he? Jin doesn't like Sho because he's in Vagastrom and he doesn't trust him with your safety. Sho might see a rival and a better option, but what he's really dealing with is MC's disapproving dad who can't stand that their boyfriend has a leather jacket and a motorbike. He bets he's got tattoos and an arrest record too doesn't he MC, Jin is judging you so hard.
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romeolucci · 1 month
What the ghouls from the same house think about each other
It’s one of the questions that appeared in the latest B’s-log magazine issue. I decided to share this one because it’s fun.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a translator, so please take this with a huge grain of salt because I don’t speak let alone read Japanese very well. I mostly used machine translation and some of the little knowledge I have to get through this. I added the original Japanese script if you wanna read that on your own.
Jin, Tohma, Ren and Subaru didn’t receive the question unfortunately
Lucas: “Ever since I transferred to this school, Kaito has been my first friend and has always been very kind to me. I'm also grateful to Ishibashi-san for all his help. As for Kamurai-san, I hope he'll just fulfill his duties...”
「この学園へ転校してきた日から、魁斗は俺の初め ての友人として、ずっと仲良くしてくれている。そ れに磴さんにも、とてもお世話になっているよ。あ とは、冠氷さんが責務さえ果たしてくれれば良いん だけど・・・・・・」
Kaito: “Hmm... To be honest, the captain and vice-captain seem like people way above the clouds... Rumor has it that the two of them are in collusion with the school and are doing terrible things. What? Luca? ...I've never heard of such a faceless bastard.”
「ん~………………寮長と副寮長は、正直雲の上の人って感 じだしな〜………………噂では、ふたりとも学園と癒着して、 えげつないことやってるって聞いたことあるけど。え? ルカ? ………………あんな顔面無双野郎なんか知らね」
*I’m really not sure what あんな顔面無双野郎 means.
Alan: “We're just half-baked people who happened to have powers. But they're willing to die and crawl back up... they have the potential.”
「俺たちは、たまたま力を持っただけの半端もんだ。 だが、死ぬ気で這い上がる・・・・・・あいつらには、その 素質がある」
Leo: “No matter how you look at it, our captain is a complete loser. As for Sho-chan... I guess he's my slave♡”
「誰がどう見ても、うちの寮長サマはポンコツでし ○よ。え~、翔ちゃんはね・・・・・・オレの奴隷、かな♡」
Sho: “Ahh... Leo and I are just old friends. We've been hanging out since middle school. Mido-senpai... I don't really know what he's thinking. He's a man of few words, right?”
「あー…………………玲音とはただの腐れ縁な。中坊の頃か ら、なんとなくつるんでるっつうか。御堂センパイ は・・・・・・何考えてっかよくわかんねぇわ。あいつ、言 葉が足りねぇタイプじゃん?」
Haru: “Both Ren and Towa have good bodies, so if they could put that into use and work, they'd be a lot more reliable than they are now...huh? What's that sound...Hey Towa! Wait a sec!!”
「蓮も叶空も、せっかくええガタイ持っとるけぇ、 そいつ活かして働いてくれりゃ、今よりずっと頼も しいんじゃがのう・・・・・・ん?この音は・・・・・・おい叶空! ちょ~~~待て~~~~~~~!!」
Towa: ~~~~♪~~~~!!
Taiga: “That Lulu gets so angry every day, I don't know how he never gets tired of it... Ah? Shinjo? Who’s that?”
「ルルのやつ、毎日あんなキレまくって、よく飽き ねぇよな~・・・・・・・あ〜? シンジョ? 誰だそれ」
Romeo: “I’m disgusted by my boss. No matter how many times I say the same thing, it's WEFCP. What? It's "waste of effort", "fist-clenching" and "pressing". As for Shinjo, I'm going to give him a thorough training from now on, and we'll see how he turns out.”
「うちのボスには呆れる。なんべん同じこと言った って、N・U・Oだからさぁ。は?「暖簾に」「腕」「押し」 だよ。まぁ針条に関しては、これからみっちり教育して、 どう化けるかってとこだねぇ」
*I tried my best to translate Romeo’s abbreviation but it’s still bad I’m sorry…
Ritsu: "I have concluded that it is futile to try to change the tyrannical behavior of our Sinostra’s captain, Taiga Hoshibami, and vice-captain, Romeo Scorpius Lucci. From now on, I will defend them and definitely obtain the 'Laurel Crown'."
「我がシノストラ寮長の星喰大我、および副寮長 のロミオ・スコーピウス・ルッチについて、その横暴 な素行を改めることは不毛という結論です。今後は、 私が彼らを弁護することで、必ず『栄冠賞』を手に入 れてみせます」
Haku: “Another difficult question. Hmm... Subaru-san is simply great. However, his tendency to take on too much is his only flaw. Zenji-san... Well, you see, being with him makes me feel energized. I'm grateful for that.”
「また難しい質問ですこと。うーん・・・・・・昴流さんは とにかく出来が良い。ただ、何かと抱え込みすぎる のが玉に瑕だな。善治さんは・・・・・・まあ、あれだ、一 緒にいると元気になる。ありがたいことですよ」
Zenji: “If I had to describe Subaru-kun in one word, it would be...heart of glass...but in contrast, I can't help but worry about Haku-kun's lack of enthusiasm. As my manager, I would say he should be a bit more considerate.”
「昴流クンを一言で表すならば・・・・・・ハート・オブ・グ ラス・・・・・・それに引き替え、伯玖クンのスコドンぶり には気を揉まずにはいられないよ。ボクのマネージ ャーならば、もう少し気が利くべきだと言っている のだがねえ」
*Zenji says “hāto obu gurasu”, I’m not sure, but I think he means to say heart of gold? lmao
Edward: These two are young and strong, I'm so envious of them. When I was their age... Oops, it was so long ago that I’ve completely forgotten."
「ふたりとも、若くて体力もあって羨ましい限りだよ。 俺があの子たちと同じ年頃の時は・・・・・・おっと。もう 随分昔のことだから、すっかり忘れてしまったな」
Rui: “Ed-san has no ability to live on his own, so he's really a pain to look after. At this point, I’m in charge of nursing care... and then what about Lyca-kun... Huh? I'm taking care of the kids... What do those two think of me!?”
「エドさんは生活力なさすぎて、ほんと世話が焼け るんよね。もはや介護っしょあれ・・・・・・そんでライカ くんは~・・・・・・・あれ? こっちは子供の世話だ・・・・・・あ のふたり、俺ちゃんをなんだと思ってんの!?」
Lyca: “They're that moth-eaten Casanova and that blond gigolo. I'm human, so why am I not in the same place as Suba-kun and the others!!”
「色魔ジジイと金髪ジゴロだろ。おれは人間なのに、 なんでスバくんたちと同じとこじゃねーんだよ!!」
Yuri: “You're talking about Jiro-kun, who is both Yuri Isami's assistant and patient? He's still in training. He still lacks knowledge, skills, experience, and culture. It'll probably take another 100 years for him to become a doctor at my level.”
「この衣佐美佑理の助手であり、患者でもある次郎 くんのことです? 彼は研修中の身ですからね。ま だまだ、知識も技術も経験も教養も足りていません。 僕レベルの医師になるまで、あと100年は必要でしょう」
Jiro: “Oh, the only ghoul in my house is Yuri. He's my doctor. If it weren't for Yuri, I'd probably be dead by now. Well, I'm grateful.”
「はあ、同じ寮のグールは、佑理しかいませんけど。 俺の主治医ですね。佑理がいなければ、俺、今頃死 んでるらしいんで。まあ、感謝してます」
If a professional sees this, feel free to translate it yourself
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tokutaiseichan · 21 days
Characters Awakening Lines Translations
After posting the lines for Jin and Rui, I felt like translating other characters too so here we are!
Please note that since I don’t have access to all of the characters’ lines, most of the raw lines are taken from the unofficial JP wiki. The texts are all there so if any of you notice any errors/mistranslations, feel free to correct me!
Awakening: To think I'm receiving alms from my servant... Should I kneel in front of you? Fully Awakened: Trust is something that can be broken easily. Don't you dare come any closer than you already have.
Awakening: This feeling… It appears that you want me to keep reaching out for the top. Is that how it is? Fully Awakened: With this power, we're one step closer to achieving our goal. And I'm* going to make sure we see it through the end. [*he's referring to himself as “ore” instead of his usual “”watashi” here]
Awakening: I devote myself to protecting the weak, for that is the path I have to take. Fully Awakened: I'll become stronger than anyone. I don't want to lose anything important to me一not anymore!
Awakening: Could it be… even someone like me can get stronger too? Fully Awakened: You have done so much for me! This man, Kaito, will no longer run away!!
Awakening: This power is dangerous. Stay away from me. Fully Awakened: I don't really know what’s appropriate to say for this kind of thing, so… well… umm, thanks a lot.
Awakening: C'mere, Honor Roll~ I'll show you those guys’ ugly crying faces too~ Fully Awakened: Obviously. If I don't like someone, I’ll take matters into my own hands and create hell on earth just for them. There's no such thing as divine retribution, you know?
Awakening: Thanks for waiting. Well? What do you want me to do now? Say it clearly. Fully Awakened: Sure, okay. I got it. If it's your request, I'll make sure to at least listen to it through the end.
Awakening: That sure hits the spot~ Now I don't even need those energy drinks! Fully Awakened: I'm going as far as this road is going to take me. I made a choice to walk down this path and it's not something I can just simply throw away.
Awakening: Heheh~ Did I get stronger? How interesti~ng. Fully Awakened: I wonder why humans are such foolish, whimsical, and pitiful creatures… yet they manage to still be so lovable?
Awakening: Doing something like this… Senpai, what are you planning? Fully Awakened: Geez! Even if you look at me with those expectant eyes, I know you'll just get tired of me right away…
Awakening: Gyahahahaha! Aren't you one greedy little kitten~? But I don't hate that about you. Fully Awakened: A hasty greed and a sincere wish. There's no big difference between the two of them.
Awakening: Come now. Is it really the time to be charmed by my beauty? Fully Awakened: I need to be perfect all the time一for that is my way of staying triumphant on this world.
Awakening: This will help in furthering my career. Fully Awakened: I definitely will become the best attorney in Japan, and then I shall ensure my father's name will be clear from all the alleged infamy he's received.
Awakening: I’m so happy that you're right here beside me to watch me grow. Fully Awakened: “Ignorance is Bliss" and “Silence is Golden”. Don't you agree that it's unreasonable to try and break the admonitions we inherited from our predecessors?
Awakening: Oi oi oi. Don't expect too much from me, you hear? Fully Awakened: If our life were decided by the things we were born with, you bet I'd be the first one to kiss that kind of life goodbye.
Awakening: It seems that my capability has bloomed yet again! Fully Awakened: I was wrong, my dear. As it turns out, dreams are not to be kept as just an idealized fantasy but something we should achieve with our own hands.
Awakening: Oh dearie me. If you whip my old bones any harder, I might actually die this time, you know? Fully Awakened: Sometimes a youthful folly can lead one into committing grave sins. So I hope that you keep this in mind一remain modest and cautious.
Awakening: Thanks a bunch for working hard for my sake~ I really mean it! Fully Awakened: It's fine if you ended up forgetting about me. I simply wish for you, of all people, to become happy.
Awakening: Thanks. I want to show the current me to Neros soon. Fully Awakened: I’m going to work hard. I don't want to come back to those hellish days anymore.
Awakening: This feeling! It stimulates my brain cells! Fully Awakened: I will pioneer the advanced road of genomic analysis for anomalies and establish myself as the best doctor in the world!
Awakening: Thank you very much. I feel slightly better. Fully Awakened: I won't let you die. The reason I'm helping you? I don't really understand it myself either.
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Tokyo Debunker characters + MC who talks to cats
(specifically, praising the campus cats for being cute hard workers)
Jin: Obviously he's not giving you enough work if you have time to waste with the cats. (But secretly, he's cranky that you're too nervous to be like that with him. He doesn't get much genuine praise and has been telling himself that he doesn't need it... but hearing you so freely praising the cats makes him feel things that aren't entirely pleasant.)
Tohma: "They have jobs, you know." If you're so bored that you're distracting others from their work, he has plenty for you to do. (He actually finds it really amusing.)
Luca: "You're right, they really do work hard." He's not the type to fawn over animals, but he doesn't find it at all unusual when you do. He very earnestly thanks them for all their hard work.
Kaito: Sits down and joins you petting and praising the cats. It's a rare moment in which he's not feeling self-conscious or worrying about impressing you, until you accidentally bump hands and he starts freaking out.
Alan: He backs off as soon as he notices what's going on — he doesn't want to ruin the moment. Later, he makes sure to tell you that you're doing a good job (but without context, it feels like it's coming out of nowhere).
Leo: "It's just a cat. You know it doesn't understand what you're saying, right?" He starts to say something rude in a sugary-sweet tone. "Don't listen to him," you say, covering the cat's ears so that it won't hear. (The cat, disgruntled by all the movement, hops out of your lap and trots away.)
Sho: "You're so weird, senpai," he says, not even trying to hide his smirk, but you can tell he's not serious. He pretends to be reluctant to join you, but he really just wants to hear you ask for him again.
Haru: He stops briefly to say hi, but doesn't have much time to spare. He'll take care of some of your tasks, though, so that you can have a peaceful moment without worrying about anything. (If you want him to take a break with you, you'll have to sit on him or something.)
Towa: A sudden burst of rain scares the cat away. Towa appears moments later with flowers for you, and the weather has turned sunny and warm — perfect to dry out your damp clothes. He lies down in the grass next to you as you relax.
Ren: "Gross. You don't know where that's been." He grumbles about how people lose their minds over cats just because they're cute (he definitely doesn't want to hear you say that he's cute) and makes you wash your hands after the cat leaves.
Taiga: He either wants to eat it or wants to chase it out of his room with gunfire — you have to distract him while the cat makes a hasty escape. He pins you to the wall, musing about how he'll punish you... He runs a finger down your cheek just to feel you tremble. You're his favorite toy.
Romeo: He hasn't given the cats a second thought until this exact moment. They do their jobs competently and he can't exploit them, so what else is there to care about? He has never in his life praised someone for doing a good job, and he thinks you're excessively soft for doing so... but that's not the real reason it bothers him. You've always refused to call him Fico or stroke his ego, yet you're heaping praise on a cat? Ludicrous.
Ritsu: Initially not interested, as cats aren't subject to labor laws and standards. When you wonder out loud if Sinostra could get in trouble for animal abuse, he immediately goes off to investigate.
Subaru: He enjoys the moment with a smile. You're sweet and encouraging and way cuter than any cat, and he counts himself lucky that he gets to spend time with you.
Haku: He ruffles your hair and, mimicking your tone, says that you're cute and hardworking and doing a great job. "Don't make fun of me," you protest, pouting. "I'm not," he replies.
Zenji: Joins you, far more eloquently. After the cat leaves, it's your turn to be praised! He makes sure that you know exactly how important and admired you are.
Rui: Feels really silly for being so envious of a cat. (He's cute, too! He works hard and has great hair, and he wants to cuddle up to you while you praise him and run your fingers through his hair...) But, as long as he's cursed, he can't have what he wants. It's better to keep things lighthearted so that he can see you smile. (Maybe someday, when both of your curses are broken...)
Lyca: Growls. The cat is not intimidated; it escaped Sinostra unscathed, after all. Lyca's not sure what to make of it, but he settles next to you, wary. If it makes a move, he'll be ready.
Yuri: He's so busy and deals with so much weird stuff that it doesn't even register. If he needs you for something, he'll just grab you regardless of what you're doing. You protest as the cat tumbles out of your lap, but he's already three steps ahead.
Jiro: Observes carefully, as he would with any experiment. Are Darkwick's cats smarter than normal cats? You're making it sound like they are, but he doesn't have any other memories of cats as a comparison. Later, he watches some cat videos. For science.
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hannahlovesluca · 10 months
Hi!!Can i ask for LUXIEM(or just ike) hcs with an s/o who's just insanely good at suika or puyo puyo even though they just played the game once or twice?:D
i had to write this ASAP i love writing ab reader playing games LMAOO
Luxiem + S/O who’s good at Suika
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• he’s mediocre at suika, so normally he wouldnt join any tostus while the other is playing (i hardly see him join totsus in general so-)
• however if its YOU whos hosting any kind of tostu or just anything, HES JOINING INBA HEARTBEAT
• yk how he is with ike? all simp-y and always looking for a way to spend time with him? yeah he does that to you too
• anyway, when he sees you get 3000+ points your FIRST TIME PLAYING
• his face: 😧
• he probably doesn’t believe that its your first time LMAOO - you probably have to prove it to him off stream somehow
• if you’re his kouhai: “y/n, i’m your elder you can’t be embarrassing me like this…”
• if you’re his senpai: “…you know what they say; the elder, the wiser.”
• “oh god, please don’t bounce up…” “PLEASE BOUNCE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” - guess which one is vox
• anyway, afterwards, he’ll probably force you to watch him play fnaf afterwards so he has sone sort of pride in being able to out-do you somehow
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• the mf sings to try and distract you to get you to mess up
• change. my. mind.
• “country rooooaaaaadssss, take me hooooooooome, to the plaaaaaceeee i BEEEELOOOOOOONGGGGG”
• getting 3000 first time hes just like ?????
• probably has that one face with the wide eyes and mouth wide open (like that one clip of sonny during the game show off collab w/ noctyx)
• and if you’re like him and start spewing nonsense to focus better, he’ll be laughing so hard
• “hey, chat, do you think anal hurts that bad?”
• “what???”
• if you have his fugi on your head whilst streaming he’ll probably pretend to punch it now and then just to get a reaction out of you
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• mf is okay at suika but not like terribly amazing
• that being said hes rooting for you and will probably be so amazed at you repeatedly getting over 3000
• if there ever is a point where you’re malding he’ll either - A: Mald with you - B: Laugh his fucking ass off
• definitely literally says “lmao” if you fail
• will bring up the most random things to talk about!!!
• “y/n have you seen that food theory video where he tried to cook his steak in the dryer??”
• “luca wtf are you talking about?”
• if you recently had an off collab he’ll also be telling embarrassing stories about you
• “[insert fan name] did you guys know that Y/N eats their oatmeal dry?? like no water.”
• anyways all around, hes amazed and he probably sends you a sweet discord message after stream
• “you’re so good at suika!!! :D”
• FOLLOW UP MESSAGE: “ew that was cringe ignore that”
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• he just sucks at suika so hes just like: :0
• “y/n??? this isn’t like…pre-recorded?”
• im running out of ideas for them uhhh
• when you get over 3000 your first try hes genuinely so amazed
• say he has a zatsu the next day, if someone superchats him about the totsu the night before he’ll go on a rant about how jealous he is that you’re so good at Suika
• “yeah, Y/N is like Shu and Mari with Tetris, they need to teach me their ways.”
• “an akasupa! ‘honest opinions on Y/N?’ Good question!”
• and then never elaborates
• uhhhhhh
• will most likely start bringing up either super philosophical topics to talk about or it’ll end up just being about miku
• “yeah- so ike sucks at this game HAHAH-“ *ike joins* “SAY IT TO MY FACE”
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• as soon as you sent the message you were doing a totsu he reacted to the message with that pepe side eye emote they have in the NIJI discord
• probably doesn’t join first, he waits for others
• claude: “y/n how do you feel about patriotism?” shu: “frick the patriarchy” y/n: “????”
• but, if the other leaves and its just you two, since hes pretty good at the game as well, he’ll probably help you with where to drop it
• and again, like luca, will probably bring up random topics
• and ligma jokes
• lots and lots of ligma jokes
• will also send messages in the discord server like:
• Shu Yamino: “y/n is too good someone plz trash talk them”
• Shu Yamino: “oh frick y/n’s good”
• Shu Yamino 👟☯️: y’all cant compare what the flip is this
notice how luca and ike’s are the longest
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heartririmuarchive · 1 year
fluff headcanons! | tw: none :) enjoy
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— okay so your relationship has to be kept very very hush-hush, yes?
— this means no one on one collabs, though if they do happen they are very rare (like for special occasions or anniversaries or something)
— doppio is… unique, to say the least. he’s very flamboyant and dramatic, but around you it amps up like 10000%
— he! just! loves you!!! he is so HAPPY that you two are together even if you have to be secretive about it!!
— there are moments where he slips up, such as during his doppio after dark streams. he’ll be going on and on about how kind and funny you are, how wonderful and genuinely gorgeous you are, how grateful he is that you two get along so well..
— ^ he’s a lot more relaxed and kind of forgets he’s live to thousands of people sometimes, so you have to keep him in check by either reminding him he’s live via DM or just going into chat and saying “YOU’RE STREAMING!”
— surprisingly it’s more difficult to keep doppio from revealing your relationship during group collabs than it is when he’s streaming by himself.. he flirts endlessly with you, always tries to earn your praise, and just acts really really extra lmao
— “hey hey, did you see that? did you? i totally got luca just now! i’m the smartest, the most talented, the most perfect boy in EN— right? riiighhhhttt?”
— everyone sort of just assumes you’re best friends, though some fans may speculate and even assume that you don’t like doppi because you two rarely if ever collaborate together! that’s not true of course, but they wouldn’t know
— outside of streaming, you’re a lot more soft with doppi, such as in private vcs and in DM. you try to keep professional in the nijisanji server just in case :)
— also, a good portion of niji en knows you two are together. ike was quite possibly the first to figure it out, honestly.. you sent pictures of you and doppio hanging out during a meet up to him and he just knew??? nothing gets past the novelist i guess
— genuinely doppio is so affectionate and sweet with you he may have to get reprimanded by management bc he is horrible at being discreet 😭
— baby loves you and he doesn’t wanna hide it!! but he also likes his job and he doesn’t want you to lose yours either! so!!! PAIN!!!!
— the rare times where you flirt back during streams actually kill him, he ends up jokingly swooning VERY loudly and may even dramatically fall out of his desk chair just for the bit lmao
— speaking of flirting, doppio 100% plays up his flirting with other streamers specifically because he knows you’ll be watching. it’s not to make you jealous though, because he knows better than that! it’s simply just to make you laugh <3
— taking a page out of the ex ID senpai’s books, doppio 100% spontaneously climbed in through your window one day simply because you mentioned him when streaming ONE TIME
— it’s shocking but also very hilarious to the fans, you were in panic mode for all of five minutes before you saw doppio peeking in through your window with a basket of snacks and a wide, happy smile
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bedruil · 6 months
Opening Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by my friemd @thekuraning :3 Now let's see what we have!
(Also gonna add the gift fic I did becase it is published, just not on my ao3. SOOO)
Request fic for Kura (Pokemon, Professor Elm/His wife)
So getting mutated into a ho-oh hybrid by a spiked energy drink was a shit time (Understatement, it was painful and his favorite shirt had gotten torn as the wings pushed themselves out of his back)
Rough Awakening (Pokemon, Professor Elm/Professor Birch)
He hated waking up with a pounding headache.
All Alone On a Friday Night? (Pokemon, Professor Rowan/Proton)
Friday night in Sandgem. Usually Professor Oskar Rowan would still be busy or would be winding down by reading stories from his personal stash of books, and if he was feeling spicy, a trashy supernatural romance novel. Lucas was out of town on vacation, and the silence of the lab was only occasionally interrupted by the almost inaudible noises from some Cricketot outside.
A perfectly normal office party at OsCorp (Raimi Spiderman Trilogy, Otto Octavius/Norman Osborn)
Norman invites Otto to this special OsCorp event. He says that you cant go alone to the event/must bring another person and otto doesnt really question it. He will socialize, drink, eat and be merry and then go home for a gold nights sleep. It is a regular party after all, right?
Aqua-chan's and Jasper-Senpai's super sugoi kawaii ugu lovey dovey adventure!!! (Steven Universe, Jasper/Aquamarine)
Jasper was in her last year of school. She had been branded as a troublemaker by everyone around her, classmates, teachers, hell, it even seemed as if the headmaster herself was on the verge of expelling her. But it wasn’t her fault that she got in trouble all the time! She didn’t mean to! Ever since Pink-Senpai left….
Yellow and Blue Pearl find a job (Steven Universe, Yellow Pearl & Blue Pearl)
After a long series of events including accusations of treason, refusing to follow orders, and calling Blue Diamond a “Soggy Ghost”, Blue and Yellow Pearl had fled Homeworld to live their lives on earth. They had thought the rebels would house them somewhere after hearing their whole story, but apparently they no longer had vacancy in any of their bases.
Kevin, Ex-Human (Steven Universe, Jamie/Kevin)
Kevin had just finished another day being the simply the best. He had just won a bunch of races against those beach city kids (No sight of those two kids who could turn into a lady? Dude? Whatever, he won that time). He would get home, take a long awaited shower, and text his boyfriend. Maybe send a couple of risky pics. Kevin smiled to himself, blasted his music louder and rolled his windows down.
Too Many Cookies (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
Blue was heading back to her and Yellow’s cozy little apartment. She had spent the day with Greg, going to get books and tapes, and Yellow had opted to stay at their apartment, citing “she had important things to do”.
A Vignette from Prison (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
They did not belong in prison. Actually, correction, Blue did, because like a complete an utter clod she just had to accuse not one but BOTH of the present diamonds in the shattering of the highly beloved and esteemed pink diamond. Now from being esteemed members of society, they were assigned to make limb-enhancer components with common crooks! Extremely dangerous ones even! Their clothes had been replaced by red jumpsuits with no insignia (they were now unworthy to be even assigned a court!)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
It had been a tiring week. The same damned emissary of the court of nightmares had been turning her dreams sour. Why her specifically, it just did not click with her. In a certain way, this bothersome emissary was almost like her counterpart, same build, same long nose, even the same protective stone! Their only marked difference was in the colors they sported, the rival emissary dressed mainly in blacks with hints of yellow, while she sported calming hues of blue and hints of white, and their haircuts, the nightmare’s more spike-like and hers more of a sloping crescent.
First of damn, I almost posted here everything I ever posted akkdjfsdf. Also the two unfinished fics are haunting my nightmares aaaaaa.
Will say, I notice how as time went on my opening lines became shorter? I also tend to use some sort of pronoun, or the charaters name and mantion the current location.
TAGGING MOOTS THAT I KNOW POST STUFF @norobocock @jonphaedrus @tsukidrama and if anybody else wanna participate feel free to!
Anyway read rough awakening plz
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
Ooo more you say 👀? May I ask again for 3, 4, and 5 for the Oto-may ask game please 🥰?
Yay~! More questions for me to answer and talk about!
3) Funny moment
Okay, I want to share not just a funny moment. But by far the funniest moment I've encountered across the otomes I've played because. Buckle up folks is it a weird one!
Our scene takes place in Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo.
In this world, everyday items can take on human forms as Formfolk/Vessels (the difference doesn't matter for now). One of these tools-turned-humans is the love interest Ohtaro.
And then we have our heroine, Suzuno. She has special powers that let her see emotions and purify monsters born of negative emotions. In Ohtaro, she also gains the ability to see into someone's past by performing intimate acts.
Suzuno gets some flashbacks and figures out that Ohtaro is connected to her mother (he was a belonging of the mother's). And so to learn the full truth, she finds Ohtaro in a field and just...
Goes for the kiss, right then and there.
And the thing is, the flashback lasts as long as the kiss does. The text of the game outright says that Suzuno "comes back to reality" and she's still kissing Ohtaro when that happens. So my brain now has the image of Suzuno and Ohtaro making out sloppy style just so Suzuno can learn about her mom.
That alone is funny enough.
But it gets funnier because...
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Now Kyoshiro likely means that the team has been watching Suzuno and Ohtaro's interactions for the past several days. But I also imagine that they followed Suzuno to the field and saw her and Ohtaro making out for who knows how long.
They just let it happen and only stepped in after they were done making out down memory lane.
4) Most annoying character
Not to hate a child character... But Ru from Variable Barricade can shut up. I'm trying to focus on Shion being a loving and doting suitor and then Ru comes barreling in like "senpai! Please help me get hired by the photographer that you used to model for!"
I know the kid wants to be famous and is trying to network. But goodness gracious, why must he be present in the route? I still don't get why he's there. I think the route could function just fine since Hibari can still insist that Shion go back to his old job and he can make a drama of it. ALL WITHOUT THE CHILD THERE!
But no. I have to put up with the kid.
It's not that I don't like child characters who appear in otomes. I adore Nadia (Virche Evermore) and Kariya (Cafe Enchante). But maybe it's because Nadia is literally integral to Lucas's life while Kariya consistently involves himself in every route. And then Ru is a random internet celebrity showing up in Shion's route and it's so ugh to me.
5) Sad moment
Hngh... (sniffles and wipes tears) Lucas... My man... He's abso-fucking-lutely hated by the writers because WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY?!?!?!?
The scene where the story flashes back to Lucas's past... Oof. Lucas ran away from home with his sister Nadia when he was 14 and her 4. She was sick and on the verge of death. No doctor could figure it out. Most agreed she was doomed to die. And the siblings' parents figured that the only way to let her live would be to clone her which... is a problem for various reasons.
So Lucas just picks up little Nadia and walks off with her, desperate to find help anywhere. They get caught in the rain and Lucas laments how he and his baby sister can't live normal lives. That the conditions of their birth were a cruel trial from God.
It's really not fair knowing that all Lucas wanted for him and his sister was a normal life and since the very beginning, all they really had was each other. Not even their parents had their backs.
It breaks my heart...
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unhingedhearties · 8 months
The Most First of First World Problems
You know who did have a surprisingly mature reaction to the Season 11 poster? TeamE83Liz/UnlovedHeartie.
Just kidding, she chimped out. Without looking ahead, take a guess what her opinion of Elizabeth’s shorter hair was.
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Chris McNally literally has genetic evidence that he slept with someone outside of marriage*, but Liz only has these freak outs at 4 specific cast members simply because they travel and hang out and aren’t married. How dare people experience life with someone they aren't married to. They spend a quarter of the year EVERY YEAR working together. I would hope some of the cast would become friends and have fun.
*And to make it perfectly clear, I don’t care who Chris has a family with or how. NO. ONE. should care. Anyone who attacks him is subhuman trash. I just want to point out how Liz still puts Chris on this weird pedestal but acts like a serial killer everytime Erin does something she doesn’t approve of, whether it’s wearing hoop earrings with short hair or dating and traveling with friends.
Yeah Erin and Kevin really look like themselves on that poster. Erin’s always running around in pastel skirts in her free time and Kevin is never not wearing suspenders when at home.
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“Bullied online” People telling you to act like a respectable adult is not bullying.
I do not understand how or why Lucabeth fans thought the next poster would cater to them. This show is not solely about you. Elizabeth and Lucas are not a couple anymore. Life goes on.
“I hate Erin at the moment” Then why are you always on Erin-senpai’s Instagram screaming at her to notice you and say “hi”?
“Where the f_ck is his uniform!?!” It’s still swearing even if you censor a vowel. I’m sure Jesus is proud of you. And his uniform is in the same place Jack’s was for the Season 3, 4 and 5 posters. Remember the pre-Lucas era?
“That’s mental abuse towards Lucabeth fans!”
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“I never got the chance to decide for myself who I wanted her to be with!”
You can literally decide that right now. You don’t need other people to make up your mind for you. You can even change your mind. What a crazy concept.
“I was then talked into how bad & not right for Elizabeth, Nathan was!”
Oh my God! She fell in with the wrong crowd 🙄How embarrassing to (probably) be a middle aged adult and be this easily influenced.
“My life’s ruined FOREVER because I was talked into hating an actor I don’t know. There’s literally no way to fix this situation”
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Someone call TPTB. The main character of the universe is mad and doesn’t want there to be a Season 12 or a Christmas movie. Her wants outweigh the millions of fans that do.
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…of course it’s real. Maybe it’s not the finished product, but it’s real. What, you think Erin and Kevin dress like that in their free time? Where do you think the photos came from?
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Again with the “I was talked into not liking Nathan”. “Please, I bring nothing to a relationship and I only take, but I need someone to drop what they’re doing and tell me my hateful outbursts are justified.”
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No shit
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God I hope Elizabeth’s hair only gets shorter. I hope she goes full Josephine Baker and gels it flat onto her head.
Okay, I think that’s going to be it for poster reactions. There’s just been too many from disgruntled Hearties to keep track of everything. If anyone finds a good one, show me and if it’s funny I might share it.
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strawberryjamsara · 9 months
Uh I guess I’ll put my final thoughts on tactica here.
Main Story
This had a lot of potential that I feel was missed. I liked Toshiro as a character, and seeing how the game was setting itself up to be his palace, and the consistent chiding from other characters about his crimes, I was really excited about the idea of the phantom thieves getting to know, relate to, and sympathize with someone they would have to steal the heart of and trying to figure out how with him. The game sort of took the opposite direction of that by having Toshiro do nothing wrong in his life though.
I was pretty excited when his shadow was revealed thinking ‘Wow, maybe they’ll pull a Persona 4 and he’ll have to accept the worst parts of himself to heal!’ But they took the lazy route of having his shadow just be a fake.
Erina also I feel was just reduced to being there to develop Toshiro. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, and Toshieri is extremely cute, but she’s pretty much just there to be a love interest. Both of these characters had so much potential that went wasted.
I think the thieves were mostly just their flanderized selves. They blended into the background but there was nothing too egregious. In particular, I’m glad there was no mention of the police from Makoto, and she gets to be the cool, slightly scary, and passionate senpai she was meant to be. I also like how they had Haru explain some sort of redeeming qualities her dad had, so we can see why she misses him a bit more. I still don’t like how the game lets him off the hook so much though. Let Haru realize her dad was a piece of shit 2023. And they sexualize Ann and have her be harrassed way less which is a god sent. In particular there seems to be an attempt of sorts to sand away some of the #problematic aspects of the original which is always welcome. The Ryuji wedding put a smile on my face.
Also Samael was just Yaldabaoth for a third time. It’s become comedic how many times the phantom thieves have killed/defeated Gods at this point.
One last thing: Toshiro deserved a phantom thief outfit. I’m very dissapointed they did not give that man a fruity little costume to wear.
So I maaaaaay be biased because I love Akechi and Sumire, but I liked this one way more.
Seeing these three actually get to have a full adventure together instead of the pittance we have in Royal, I felt like I was feasting like a king (no pun intended). Sumires idealism clashing with Akechi’s realism, and Akechi willing to go along if she gives him enough puppy dog eyes, her admiring his strength while he admires her kindness, is the perfect dynamic for them.
And it’s also nice seeing some softer moments from Akechi here. It’d be easy to argue that this is part of the mask, but you can really see in this game how despite his reservations, he really does come to feel for Luca and Guernica which makes sense considering his own roots match up with theirs. Honestly he probably sees a lot of himself in Guernica, as a person unable to change anything and filled with rage, driven to do horrible things by a manipulator… yeah that might hit a bit too close to home.
Sumire also feeling internalized guilt about Kasumi with Guernica and Lucas conflict is. Aaaaaugh… she’s so upset about how she and Kasumi grew apart, and she’s upset at Guernica for saying she doesn’t need her sister because she’s mad at HERSELF, but she doesn’t know it’s herself so she’s projecting it onto Guernica. Ooooh that’s so cool.
Also I liked having all the options to mess with Akechi during the story. All his thinly veiled anger moments were such a blessing.
Guernica and Luca were such good characters too. They were definitely a lot more simple in backstory than Toshiro but I think that’s for the best. Guernica has a cool design, a good backstory, and her helping out in the final boss and bonding with the PTs is a good way to endear us to her, and it’s even a little sweet how she counts Sumire and Akechi as the PTs who saved her. They aren’t ‘true’ phantom thieves, but they still helped make a persons life better, and for Akechi who wanted to be a hero, and Sumire who thought she’d never measure up to Kasumi, having them be able to save someone and make their life better is a heartwarming conclusion.
Also Jerri is just Samael again, but she gets points for being camp and slay.
Im a bit upset the trio gained collective amnesia after the story, but it makes sense that this had to happen for the sake of not having inconsistencies with Royals story. But also… CMAAAAAAAHN.
Gameplay and Graphics
I don’t usually like tactical games because I’m dumb as hell. I’m speaking as someone who really loves fire emblem awakening, I often do NOT play these games for the gameplay.
All that said, I had so much fun with the gameplay of this game. The way persona mechanics combine with a tactical rpg is so surprisingly fun. Trying to rack up ‘one more’s to travel across the board is so much fun, landing a big hit is extremely satisfying, it is SO MUCH FUN to walk up to an enemy and smack them out of their cover, and it’s so cool to land an all out attack on as many enemies as possible, it’s so much fun and I went out of my way to get every award and do every quest.
I also liked having every member of the party able to equip any persona. It helps with builds of characters, and from a story perspective it makes Joker less of a ‘special boy who’s the narratives favorite.’
I also LOVED the more steampunk aesthetic of the velvet room. The fusion animations were adorable, and if we’re moving onto art, this is the first time Lavenzas design really clicked for me. In the og artstyle I think Lavenzas design isn’t really memorable compared to Caroline and Justine, but she looks really cute here! The chibi artstyle is very cute and simple, but you can tell how much effort went into it from how the animated cutscenes with the models look just as good as the 2D animated scenes. That’s genuinely impressive and points to a lot of effort in the models!
So all in all, I think the game had a lot of missed potential but I’m glad I played it if just for the DLC.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Lucas: YOU DID WHAT?!!!
MC: You're making my ears bleed, Sir Lucas. *chuckles*
Lucas: *the sound of him facepalming*
Lucas: Listen here, Your Majesty. Yes, you're incognito. But please, for the love of Arendelle,
MC: *chuckles*
Lucas: *sigh* You're not listening to me. Of course, why would you? You're the reigning monarch.
MC: Please don't say that. Your insights have always been helpful.
Lucas: Hmph.
MC: Turning to another matter, I would be interested to learn more about my little brother—ah, my apologies, I mean the prince regent.
Lucas: He's been managing the state affairs seriously, Your Majesty.
MC: Ah, I see. That explains why he hasn't had a moment to return my call.
Lucas: No, that's not the reason at all. He misses you so much, yet he doesn't want to hear your voice because it will only make him miss you more.
Lucas: *sighs* I feel bad for His Royal Highness for having an older sibling who won't stay at home.
MC: *chuckles* My apologies.
Riddle: ...
Trey and Cater: ...
Riddle: I've received word from the headmage that half of our students wish to change dormitories.
Cater: Wow... That many?
Riddle: It seems they felt compelled to comply with the Queen of Hearts' rules. HOW INEPT OF THEM!
Trey: *is not really surprised*
Cater: So, what are you going to do now, Riddle-kun?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: I have no comment on this matter. If they wish to depart, they are free to do so. However, they should not expect me to welcome them back once they realize the missed opportunity.
Trey and Cater: ...
Riddle: *is on his way to class when he hears the students passing by*
Student A: We should ask the headmage to designate Ramshackle Dorm as an official residence, thereby appointing MC-senpai as a dorm leader.
Student B: Do you think he'll agree?
Student A: He doesn't really have a choice. Half of the Heartslabyul students have nowhere to go, and it would be difficult for us to adapt if we're to be accepted by other dorms.
Student B: Guess you're right.
Riddle: ...
Trey: The headmage denied the students' request to formalize Ramshackle Dorm as an official residence.
Riddle: Huh? Why? What's the reason?
Trey: He said that MC proposed an alternate solution.
Trey: Which is to send the students back to Heartslabyul.
Riddle: HUH?!!
Trey: They believed it was merely a misunderstanding and that things could still be resolved. They even mentioned their willingness to engage in a conversation with you to uncover the cause.
Trey: I don't think that's that...
Trey: They've already talked to our students and they just want to hear your side.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Very well. I will send them a formal invitation to Heartslabyul.
Trey: ...
Trey: Just a fair warning. Riddle can be hot-headed sometimes.
Trey: Are you sure you really want to talk to him?
MC: Yes. He seems to be a diligent and competitive leader.
MC: I will enjoy talking to him. *smiles*
Trey: ...
Trey: *sigh* Well, I warned you.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
no cause the way you have filled my brain with sho brainrot,,,
baby acting like a mf guard dog for his favourite senpai, constantly wanting their attention 😭
I am so glad I waited to answer this for a teeny bit because I thought I was exaggerating at first because like. It was one voiceline right? WRONG. When you level him up he says "thank you senpai" and when I got his SR and slapped him onto my homescreen he does in fact try to get your attention and ask for help from his senpai. He's supposed to be this brash delinquent but he's shockingly respectful of one very specific senior even if he's just a bit sarcastic about it ugh.
Sho feels like he needs an excuse. He can't just ask to hang out with you because then it looks like you're friends, but if he's asking for a favor then you won't have a reason to say no. The Professors all want you to help out the ghouls so he can say just about anything and you'll jump at it, right? Yeah no that's not the real reason. He wants to have you to himself and if he words it like he needs help he can make excuses as to why you two need to be left alone.
Absolutely uses the fact that he can cook to his advantage. I think one of the main reasons Sho started liking the MC so much was because you supported his cooking. He seemed like he expected to be judged for it so when MC was just hungry and said his food was good? The only person he really seems to have cooked for up to this point is Leo (and Bonnie but she's special) so he wants that praise. And to hear you say he could charge money for it? Oh he was riding that high for ages. I feel like he already wanted to open some sort of cafe but really appreciated the support.
And it gives him the excuse to get you to stay around him longer when he asks for your help. Well he's going to cook anyway and you're hungry, so just stick around. He'll make something and pretend to complain about it but he likes feeding you. Well assuming you don't douse his food in hot sauce, though that won't stop him from making you stuff.
I really like the idea of him competing with the Frostheim ghouls idk why. I think MC should get to be good friends with Kaito and Luca and Sho should get to be a brat about it. Vagastrom and Frostheim already don't get along and he never got his fight with Lucas so yeah. He's super intense about how he's way better at protecting MC than they are, especially with Lucas. Part of it is because he feels guilty for going along with Leo's plan and almost getting you killed, he feels like he needs to prove that he's strong enough to not let that happen again.
Speaking of Leo... I sort of get the sense that Sho hides how much he hangs out with the MC from him. In book 3 Leo makes a bet that would see him getting Sho's food truck if he wins it so I sort of feel like if Leo knew Sho liked the MC he'd be insufferable about it. Honor Roll is stealing his best friend (¬、¬) how lame ugh. And he would try to sabotage it because he would find it funny, or even worse try to make Sho's friendship with you the cost of a bet. I could see Sho having nightmares about that.
Book 3. When Towa and MC go missing. I just know in my heart Sho was loosing his goddamn mind. Again I think he feels sort of guilty for almost getting you killed, and now that you aren't with his dorm you just go missing? Unacceptable where are you? How did Jabberwock fuck this up so badly holy shit. I wanna see him admit that he was worried about MC. I wanna know if he got into any arguments with the Frostheim ghouls while the professors forced them to stay behind.
... i kind of want him to argue with Jin. Like specifically Jin. For no reason other than it would be funny to me personally and like... Jin is the one who interrupted his fight with Luca so I just think it would be funny if they had beef.
I need to level his affinity more. I need to see more chats game please ;-; I love him shomuch.
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lokislytherin · 3 years
noctyx: oh no, we lost sonny!
luca: oh, don't worry! i have a solution!
luca: I FOUND HIM! but what's with the pogging responsibly? any pog is good pog!
sonny, sadly: last time i pogged, my wifi died on me
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pasteldragonqueen · 2 years
hiii. how are you doing? if your request is open and if you're up for it, can u pls write sumn abt reader as a vtuber as well who debuted after luxiem and they just swoon bcs she's so nice and cute? like, headcanons abt how they interact w/her or what they think of her. thank you so much!
It was shocking when you gathered the attention of Nijisanji EN.
You were a small vtuber that collabed with Shoto for new content. When Shoto introduced you into the boys of Luxiem, you became extremely fond of them. And so were the boys.
You applied to be the Confectioner of the group. 
When you were accepted, Luxiem became very fond of you because of your cuteness.
Vox Akuma
Immediately found you adorable when you kept stuttering while nervously introducing yourself in your introduction stream
Has no shame being a simp
Calls you 'Kindred' as well just to tease you
Blames the game for making you cry in a sad scene
"Oh my fucking god. You sneeze just like Ike. Stop it, it's too cute."
Always gifts you red poppies in the Minecraft server
Always places your model closely beside him in collabs
Sneaks kisses on your model as well-
The first person to come and support you when you play a scary game
Mysta Rias
Tries so hard to be seiso around you
Fails within 1 minute
Always appears in the chat of your streams
"Y/N! My chat's bullying me and calling me a bottom!"
"....But you are a bottom, Mysta-"
Accidentally called you 'cutie' during a collab but you had an airhead moment
Almost has a heart attack from your cute giggles
Flirting 24/7 in collabs
Ike Eveland
Squeals every time you say "Hi, Eveland-senpai"
Calls you adorable Swedish nicknames that'll leave you confused
"Du är en söt liten blomma."
(You are a sweet little flower)
"Eh? What did that mean, Senpai?" "Don't worry about it."
Lowkey flirts sometimes while you barely notice
[Like that one moment during his A Way Out collab with Luca lol]
Pouts when the girls 'steal' you for a while
Has the urge to hold your hands after a hand reveal baking cupcakes stream
Always sets your chibi on his head during collabs
Plays your first song (ft. LilyPichu) on loop because he can't get enough of your voice
Luca Kaneshiro
Always feels excited to collab with you
Always pranks you but immediately apologizes after, fearing he'll make you cry
Gifts you pumpkin pie, cookies, flowers, and diamonds in the Minecraft server
Always joins VC to surprise you
Uncontrollable laughter in fun collabs
Can't get over how adorable you can be
Tries to flirt but always screw up the pick-up line (this adorable himbo baby 😭)
Shu Yamino
Loads of flirty memes being aimed towards you
Gives you Japanese lessons
But tricks you into flirting in Japanese
"Okay, say 'Anata wa watashi no otaku no sekaidesu'."
"Wait..Shu, don't toy with me like that!"
Literally won't hesitate to call you adorable
One of the most wholesome and seiso + flirty collabs in Nijisanji
You realized that Ike's is the longest one here? Yeah, got caught in 4k. Ike is my favorite out of the whole group 😭
And I'm so sorry Shu's is so short. I honestly didn't know what to say for him. I'm sorry Shu simps 🙇🏾
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thecontumacious · 2 years
I know your not accepting request, but like I'm just gonna put it here anyways and maybe if your finished with the current ones this can be the first one in the next batch 👉👈.
Ike x Reader:
So you know how ike is very seiso right, Imagine reader is the epitome of the "Scary dog privileges" and imagine Luxiem meet up and Ike brings Reader who is kinda awkward on the back but intimidates the boys despite literally being the shortest among the group. (Imagine that cliche scene where theres an sunshine and rainbow character infront and there's someone intimidating in the back)
The Sweetest Thing Alive
pairing: Ike Eveland x GN!Reader
a/n: oh u little rebel~ be sure to wait for when reqs open when you want to send something in next time okay? an author can only handle so many at a time kjshjk tbh, this was super challenging to write but i hope u enjoy what i've come up for you anyway~
Tumblr media
you are sweet and kind, always looking out for your friends and family
you helped whenever they asked for help and they trust you a lot as a close comrade
but your face always betrayed this inner persona, so it’s often quite the opposite when it came to first impressions
except for ike
you were a senior staff at nijisanji en, a reliable one at that and always looking out for your niji co workers
because of aforementioned scary dog privileges and the seniority you hold at the company, there’s a reason why luxiem the newbies had to be a bit careful around you ╭( ๐_๐)╮
especially after hearing some rumors saying you were incredibly hard on people and generally is a big loner, not wanting to work with anyone that much
but then there was a huge project within nijisanji en that required all hands on deck, of course you as senior and responsible staff had to be involved along with luxiem with their growing success
on the first meeting, luxiem had all the more reason to literally be walking on egg shells around you
the scary dog privileges man( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
mysta is shaking under his desk, vox had to zip his unseiso mouth, luca losing all ability to say pog and shu having no such commentary
but ike was the only one who hadn’t been affected by your outside demeanor
in fact, though he had heard from his co workers how terrifying you were, ike was the first to see through those and admire you for your achievements as senior staff
out of all the senpais he had, you were the one he respected the most
you were responsible, reliable, skilled!
befitting of becoming senior eh?
POGGGG ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ
continuation utc!
ike strives to be like you, which is why when he got to meet you for the first time, he wasn’t shaking under his desk, nor did he have the obligation to zip his mouth shut
i think it’s pretty obvious by now that ike is attracted to people he looks up to or someone who impresses him in a way
lowkey simp hello?
and when it came to projects directly in contact with you aye
ike really really got to see how you were in person
man was intimidated not because of the rumored scary dog privileges, more so again because of your seniority in the field
who was he a newbie in the face of you ;-;
“hello, y/n. it’s nice to meet you formally for the first time,” ike smiles through the camera
you nod, giving him a smile back
he fell right through for you
isn’t that right tho? the scarier one looks, the prettier their true colors are?
at least that’s what ike thinks when he first saw you smile so prettily 💙
“it’s nice to meet you too, ike. i’ll be in your care for this project,” you respond politely
“i-i’ll be in your care too! thank you!”
you were the senior how dare thou say that -`д´-
just kidding, ike liked you for it anyways
the entire time working on this project, there really was no reason for everyone to be so afraid of you
when the first project meeting with you was over, luxiem came back asking ike as though he just went through a death sentence
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN]: yo were they as scary as they looked??
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]: i remember how i couldn’t even say anything the first time on a company call with them
Luca Kaneshiro [NIJISANJI EN]: they look so cold and mean...
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN]: u guys are overreacting. they weren’t like that at all.
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN]: they’re actually rly nice and polite. why are u so afraid of them?
Luca Kaneshiro [NIJISANJI EN]: i’m gonna have to agree with mysta
ike roll his eyes and doesn’t humor his friends anymore, instead logging off to rest for the day
that was how ike was the only exception and well
came to be how it is between you two now <3
you worked together so well, ike got to see even more of your good qualities and just how much he looks forward to working on projects with you more (even tho you’re staff)
ike is very comfortable with you is all and the workflow is just really nice to be around, especially since ike is the type to bury himself in his work so that meant seeing and consulting with you more
and the feeling was mutual!
ike was very responsible with time. he always loved to pitch in new ideas and made sure everything was right by asking the sufficient questions and specific details
ah, imagine the office romance with this man (´つヮ⊂)
just stay your caviar toast from the microwave okay buddy?
it was when ike finally got the courage to ask you out on a simple and totally not cliche coffee date to “work on something irl”
“hey, y/n, it’s nice to see you,” ike greets upon meeting you in the designated cafe, comfy, cozy and of course very cliche for first dates
“hey, ike,” you respond to him, taking a seat. “did you order already?”
“no, i just got here. i’ll order for you!” ike stands immediately before asking, “what would you like? i’ll pay, it’s fine.”
“oh come on now, i’ll pay too!”
he stops you with a soft smile, “it’s alright. i was the one who invited you here, it’s only right i treat you.”
with a sigh, you nod and inform him of your preferred drink
ike comes back, with his drink and yours before sitting down to start working again
and believe me when i say ike was so so tempted by your smell to hold your hand when it kept brushing his so many times
would he be doing this again with you in the future?
or will he potentially ruin everything you and him had?
… he was already here, best to do it now, right?
“hey, y/n?”
“hm?” you look up at him from your laptop, smiling. his heart skips a bit, one because of you and the other out of panic
just spit it out, ike. you can do it. like a bandaid, just rip it off.
“y/n, i really like you. a lot,” he doesn’t even look at you because of how messed up he was!
poor guy
“wh-what do you mean, ike?” you nervously laugh
well duh, your successful co worker of a friend just said he liked you.
of course you liked him
just with other 300k people on the internet as well bUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT(ノ ̄□ ̄)ノ ~┻━┻
so many people were even too scared to approach you sometimes, to have someone come up to you without doing any of that was nice for a change
and now you have the internet’s cutest streamer confessing to you
ike’s face is red, one you made sure was definitely not because of the heat or any other environmental factor for that matter
he takes a deep breath, “not just as a friend. i like you, as more than that. i feel comfortable around you. i want to be around you b-because you make me happy and feel like i can be myself around you.”
did he say too much? he probably said too much.
too much for you to handle, that is (♡´艸`)
to the people around you, it might’ve looked like a somewhat casual work conversation, but it mattered a great deal
the silence is uncomfortably long and just before ike decides to conclude his feelings aren’t reciprocated, you lightly brush your fingers over his with a pink face but smiling gratefully
“i feel the same, ike.”
and now, imagine ike relaying what happened that day to his luxiem friends
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]: that’s some manpower you have ike
Mysta Rias [NIJISANJI EN]: yeah dude who tf does that
Mysta Rias [NIJISANJI EN]: and y/n of all people?????
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN]: no offense to u or y/n tho ike, but uh
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN]: what do u see in them?
ike rolls his eyes behind the screen
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN]: u guys are too prejudiced because of the rumors
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN]: i’m telling u they’re actually really nice and sweet
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN]: how about this, i’ll introduce u to them and u’ll see what i mean
and that was how he got here, with your hand in his waiting in a restaurant for vox, mysta, shu and luca
actually, not only were the luxiem boys nervous, you too were slightly anxious
“eh? why are you nervous?” ike asks you, bringing your sweating hand against his lips in an attempt to calm you down
you shake your head, “i know i kinda intimidate them, you know? i’m sure they’re all nice people but… yeah. i don’t want them to be uncomfortable…”
ah you kind and gentle soul :(
ike smiles, pulling you close to press a kiss to your temple for even more reassurance, “you have nothing to worry about. it’s their fault they choose to be scared first. but no matter what happens, i still think you’re the sweetest and kindest person i’ve ever met, y/n.”
when you pull away, vox is the first to arrive, followed by luca, shu and finally mysta
as ike suspected, luca and mysta seemed to be a bit more reserved at your presence but he’ll make sure there’s nothing to worry about
“y/n-senpai, good to meet you!” vox greets you first, and just like that, your scary dog privileges are stripped clean and all there is the person ike truly sees
you give the demon a bright and friendly smile, extending your hand, “hello, vox. there’s no need for you to call me senpai.”
vox chuckles, nodding. “duly noted.”
shu steps up next, seemingly more relaxed as he beamed politely, “hey, y/n. it’s nice to meet you!”
“hi, shu! i dropped by your last stream and you did good!”
at the compliment from his senior, shu laughs bashfully, a light pink to his cheeks. “th-thanks!”
ike turns to you, his heart beginning to ease into itself as he watches you acquaint yourself with his friends
nervous as you were earlier, you could handle things so well with them
onto the lion and fox (ง •̀_•́)ง
almost comically, mysta pushes luca ahead so that he’s forced to come face to face with you first
ike spares mysta a demonic glare, to which the detective cowers at
“h-hey, y/n. it’s so good to finally meet you in person like this!” luca brings a hand to the back of his head, grinning nervously.
you giggle, “it’s nice to see you in person as well, luca. i’m glad you could make it today. you must be busy being the leader of a syndicate.”
the blonde only shakes his head, “no, no. i could definitely make time. ike was really excited to introduce you to us and well, i didn’t want to turn that down, you know?”
“you’re such a good friend, luca!”
after that, luca finally lets himself loose upon seeing what ike meant when describing about you so fondly
“thanks! anything for my friends!” luca grins
at this, the effects have already spread to all of luxiem
vox and shu have settled in pretty well, luca finding himself a new deez nuts victim friend and even clown mysta finally sees no reason to be scared of you
he steps towards you on his own with a shy smile as he offers you his hand in greeting
“hey, y/n. it’s nice to see you,” mysta says
you beam in return, “of course, mysta. and i you. i didn’t scare you that much, did i?”
mysta is quick to turn red, his friends laughing at his foolery. “w-well, only at first!! i know you’re really cool though.”
“i’m just kidding, but i’m glad you think so.”
ike says to his four friends, “see what did i tell you guys? aren’t they the sweetest things alive? you guys really did overreact.”
vox sighs, “look we’re sorry okay?”
ike rolls his eyes, “you should be apologizing to y/n, don’t you think?”
“w-well, there’s no need for that, ike. really…”
ike: ༽◺_◿༼
luxiem: (゚Д゚;∬
you: (*^﹏^*)
no demons, sorcerers, mafia bosses or detectives were harmed during the process of this meeting, promise!
the entire night, it felt as though you had been friends for so long
vox’s rather unseiso mouth starts to break out again (getting quite the bonks from ike but you didn’t mind), mysta and luca are back to being their loud and eccentric selves and shu just joining right behind with his true memer soul
as you and ike took leave first, with him being a gentleman to take you home, luxiem can genuinely see how you make ike so happy
yeah, sure, they might’ve been wary of you at first but that was their fault, they realized
but now, while taking it slow, they can accept you into their family, especially if it meant making ike happy <3
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