#lucian? yes
whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Night Agent s01e04: “Glad you finally got some sleep.”
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kuri-crocus · 4 months
Asking the fandom just out of curiosity! 🤔
If the answer is not first one feel free to speficy ^^
And as always please spread for a bigger sample size...😌
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azeutreciathewicked · 4 months
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Mr. Sheen. Please! There are fans reading this and I fear for their health! I'd also like to point out that Aro can read people's thoughts when he touches them. So which type of "stroking" is this??? Source (2012 MTV interview)
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sarafangirlart · 8 days
Oh and I just read the dialogue between Leto and Hera after you posted and holy shit what a ride. With Leto being subtly ableist and Hera with her transphobia and rape apologia. Like ma'am wdym Artemis was wrong for being manly and defending herself against a creep? Smh.
I was shook by Leto’s last comment saying that Hera cries evertime Zeus cheats. My poor baby…
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radiant-dragoon · 6 months
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Sorcerer gotta sorcerer, you know? Sometimes its just easier than wildshape
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a-gay-little-cat · 5 months
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(This drawing got way out of hand but. I'm attaching it to the OC interview anyways!!!! Thank you for tagging me @mail-me-a-snail!!!!) OC interview thingy under the read more :]
“Vito.” Nothing special or out of the ordinary here really. Though he doesn’t like giving people his surname. Scan him for it if you are so nosy.
“The Red Scorpion.” "...." “That’s a joke, it’s V.” His name is short enough to not warrant a nickname really but V is what he likes to use for business related stuff, keep it formal, keep it anonymous. Though I do think Red Scorpion is the name for his bike. And also the symbol he wears on his vest. He just really likes scorpions and any other desert critter.
Vito is trans, has been for a good chunk of his life and he couldn’t be happier with it.
Star sign?
“Scorpio, much to my delight. No idea what it means though. Don’t really care for that kind of stuff.” Fun fact I was so close to making the joke of having Vito be born on the day the Arasaka Towers got blown up but then his age wouldn’t have aligned quite right. He’d have to be 53 during the main story but… still a joke in the back of my mind, might adjust it JUST to be funny, maybe not.
“Last I checked it was 5’8.”
It’s a pretty good height all things considered. He might appear a bit taller though thanks to the bit of heel on his boots as well as his hat he wears most of the time. He has no complaints about his height though.
“Whoever strikes my fancy.”
Vito is bi and doesn’t really have a preference. Just kinda lets himself be taken wherever his heart desires. (Sometimes that can be horrible ex-corpo men who have something really wrong with them. Shoutout to Lucian. What is wrong with him.) Though he usually doesn’t look for more than a fling. Not actively looking to date or find anything long term. (Lucian was kind of an unexpected case.)
“Born and raised in Mexico. Lived there a good while too.”
His parents likely still live there, he wouldn’t really know. Cut ties a long time ago and has kinda moved from city to city looking to follow his ambitions.
Favorite fruit?
“Hm… don’t have fruit a lot these days but peaches have always been my favorite.”
I can only imagine fruit is just kind of rare to come by, if not expensive. Vito’s never had a lot of money to his name all things considered.
Favorite season?
“Fall. It’s just right.”
Listen he may be used to hot climates but all that leather is probably a nightmare during the summer. And no he will not sacrifice his looks.
Favorite flower?
“Flowers? In this year and age?” He doesn’t know shit about flowers. He might like ones that bloom on cacti but… it’s not really his scene.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
“You can’t go wrong with a nice tea.” He’ll always pick tea over anything else. Coffee is… okay. But he doesn’t get the appeal. Vito especially likes any sort of red/fruity tea but he’ll give anything a try at least once.
Average hours of sleep?
“4…. 5… depends.”
And that’s on a good day. Especially in the height of everything with the relic he is lucky to get one or two hours of sleep. Pain is one hell of a bitch keeping him up. Very hard to get comfortable at all. But once that’s all over and he’s settled down it’ll probably end up closer to an average of 8 hours, at least.
Dog or cat person?
“Reptiles.” “...” “But if I have to pick? Cats.”
Vito isn’t one to really care for pets. He doesn’t hate them and will pet a dog or a cat if someone he knows owns one but that's about it. Doesn’t really need a pet of his own.
Dream trip?
“Not really looking to travel.”
As a guy who has moved from place to place, Vito doesn’t really… plan for trips. Most of his traveling was out of necessity and not because he was looking for a vacation spot. Somewhere outside of NC could be nice but he just doesn’t really think about it. Busy with other stuff. Also he would want to travel with Lucian and well……. who knows how that would go down.
Favorite fictional character?
Vito reads a lot but he’s not like… crazy about the characters or even really involved, it's just to pass time and relax.
Number of blankets you sleep with?
He gets cold in his sleep and it's a nice weight. One hell of a fight to get out of bed in the morning though.
Random fact?
Vito loves putting together little models of things if possible. Doesn’t always have the time for it but… it’s fun and relaxing :)
Don't really know who to tag but hey whoever wants to do this with their guys feel free to go ahead!
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space-writes · 2 months
character voice tag
tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer thank you! i’m so happy my little tag game has come back to me <3
Rules: Rewrite the line of dialogue from the person who tagged you into the voice of your OC’s! (You can include a short beat of action to help establish character if you want.) Pass on the tag with a new line of dialogue.
my dialogue was “I like you.”
tagging @winterandwords @cherrybombfangirlwrites and @artdecosupernova-writing with the dialogue: “This is your fault!”
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Sorrow: “I do rather enjoy your company, you know.”
Lucian: “It’s nice, being your friend. I…I’ve not really had one before—a friend, that is.”
Zander: “You—I like you! Let me buy you a drink.”
Quest: “You’re fantastic!”
Aliyne: “You’re not the worst person I’ve ever met. Not that the bar is particularly high.”
Vren: Sits in silence and allows you to be in his company instead of leaving the room.
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade @viscerawrites (ask to be +/-)
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“There were no lesbians in the ancient world, no one knew about them”
Lucian, writing the Dialogues of the Courtesans in the second century CE:
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mysandwichranaway · 4 months
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hello guys i'm going insane so look at my mage little guy injured and nearly dead <3
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sinnohelitefourlore · 2 months
For those of you thank love the sinnoh elite four like I do, I've been binging these fics that showcase their relationships with each other, and it's magnificent. Have a go at reading them :) fics by @inkthecat
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elucubrare · 2 years
the thing that unites a lot of bad arguments about conditions in history (actually, everything was fine until [bugbear of the day] ruined it!) is the belief that longevity conveys legitimacy. to take a minor issue - SF writers trying to claim Lucian of Samosata (2nd c. AD) as the "first SF writer". people say "oh, SF isn't a real genre/can't be important literature" so writers say "no, we've been around since Lucian."
but the thing is, it doesn't matter if SF as a genre was founded in the second century AD or three weeks ago, if there's good literature there, there's good literature there. this covers a lot of arguments for social improvements based on the past - "oh, there's actually deep historical basis for [the four-day work week!]" and a lot of the time there isn't really, or there is if you disregard a lot of the things that made the condition possible, or who it was possible for.
but that doesn't matter! if it's a good idea, it's a good idea. it doesn't need a train of false feathers of historicity to work, or for people to believe in it.
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orbeavariegata · 7 months
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A post about Lucian popping Michael's cherry in Underworld 🍒
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volot · 11 months
it is pride month, my dearest pals. you know what that means.
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cosmo-64 · 4 months
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I‘m sorry but fanfiction peaked with this.
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Lucian does stuff like this while Hellsing is at his classes
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goldnhourwrites · 16 days
okay. guys. i have been thinking about the High Noon skinline and
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The demon eye? The smoking, inhuman half of his face? The spikes on his left arm from where he wields a corrupted weapon? Hmm, reminds me a lot of another champion...
A former federal marshal and gunslinger for hire, Lucian's soul was corrupted when he made a deal with the devil in order to spare the life of his one true love. Double-crossed, and cursed with the powers of hell, he now hunts this devil across the high frontier, seeking revenge.
anyways i need to write a High Noon AU where Lucian possesses The Darkin Pistol. that's all
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