#yes she’s evil and nasty as hell
sarafangirlart · 1 month
Oh and I just read the dialogue between Leto and Hera after you posted and holy shit what a ride. With Leto being subtly ableist and Hera with her transphobia and rape apologia. Like ma'am wdym Artemis was wrong for being manly and defending herself against a creep? Smh.
I was shook by Leto’s last comment saying that Hera cries evertime Zeus cheats. My poor baby…
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mythvoiced · 8 months
-. bro... i'm... bro this draft thing is actually working BRO- hehe~
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Steve knew how to stitch, and he knew how to sew. They were all skills his grandparents had taught him. His paternal grandfather, the doctor, his maternal grandmother, the seamstress. Eddie was currently lying in the hospital, moping about his scars. He was no longer wanted for murder but he was still in pain and scarred for life. Steve wanted to cheer him up, so he got him a teddy bear, but it needed something else. He decided to look for clothes for the bear, and he ended up in the children's section where he found a denim jacket along with a white shirt. He managed to find something to use as devil horns. When he got home, he got to work stitching the horns onto the bear and cut the sleeves off of the jacket.
The next day, his last day off, he went straight to the hospital carrying the bear. Shit, should he have gotten him flowers? Do guys get flowers for other guys? Steve spotted one of Eddie's nurses, the one who always gave Eddie the stink eye and talked nasty about him when she thought he was asleep. She was gushing about the flowers her boyfriend had just gotten for her. Steve waited until she left with her friend. He swooped in and took a flower from the bouquet, hiding it behind his back before hurrying off to Eddie's room. He was alone watching Scooby-Doo and singing along with the theme song.
"You know we got a mystery to solve, so, Scooby Doo, be ready for your act. Don't hold back and, Scooby Doo, if you come through, you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack. That's a fact," Eddie sang loudly and purposely off key, grinning excitedly at the screen.
Steve grinned fondly from the door. Dear god, this man was cute.
"Hey, Eddie," Steve greeted.
"Stevie!" Eddie exclaimed. "Whatcha got there?"
"It's Teddy Munson!" Steve said, whipping out the bear.
Eddie gasped, making grabby hands for the bear. Steve handed it over.
"Where the hell did you find this?" Eddie asked.
"I found the bear, but I added the other stuff. I cut up a baby's jacket and stitched on the devil horns," Steve shrugged.
"You made this. . .for me?" Eddie asked softly, his eyes wide as he clutched the bear to his chest. "Why?"
"Because you've been kind of mopey being stuck in here, and I thought you could use some cheering up. And I . . . I like you," Steve said.
"You like me?"
"You like me?"
"Yes!" Steve exclaimed and presented the flower to him.
"That tells me nothing!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I stole it from the nurse that's been giving you a hard a hard time," Steve said.
"You stole this from the Mistress of Evil?" Eddie asked, smirking. "Oh, you like like me!"
"Yes!" Steve blushed.
"Come here!" Eddie demanded.
"So I can eat your face," Eddie replied.
Steve laughed but let Eddie pull him in for a kiss. Steve pulled away and leaned his forehead against his.
"You are so cute," Steve said.
"Not as cute as you. Do you want to watch Scooby-Doo with me?" Eddie asked and pulled back the covers.
"I'm not sure I can fit," Steve said.
"I think you can, big boy," Eddie replied.
Steve snorted before gently crawling into bed beside Eddie, who carefully settled against him. Eddie hugged the bear tightly against his chest.
"Sorry, I didn't think to look for pins for his vest," Steve replied.
"Baby, you made me a bear with horns. It's more than perfect. Besides, I've got the perfect pins for our little guy," Eddie cooed.
It wasn't long before Eddie was nodding off in Steve's arms, and before long, Steve was asleep as well with the bear nestled between them.
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misseviehyde · 3 months
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Eleanor was rich, mean, spoiled and entitled. She was a pretty blonde girl with rich parents and massive social status. As head cheerleader she policed the popular girls.
Lia was slutty, curvy, sexual and nasty. She was a dirty chav slut with massive tits, fake nails, blowjob lips and a mean attitude. She ran the chav gang that dealt with the bad girls.
Together they were the two nastiest girls in school and everyone was scared of them. However they hated each other with a passion and spent most of their time fighting. That wasn't entirely by accident of course.
For years - nerdy Rosa had cleverly played the two of them off against each other. She'd engineered it so they came to hate each other and now spent most of their time fighting.
Until tonight.
A hasty email sent to the wrong person had accidentally exposed her manipulation. Now the two bitches were chasing her home, determined to kick her ass.
Rosa had detoured through the old waste ground hoping to deter her assailants. It had once been the dumping ground for a huge chemical plant and the whole area was sealed off - but after 15 years the chain link fence had plenty of holes in it and she had slipped through.
So unfortunately had Eleanor and Lia.
Both girls were fitter than her and gaining fast. Rosa scrambled up a small mound and seeing a rusted barrel at the top grabbed it and used it to steer her momentum. It toppled over as she passed and the rusted metal split.
Thick black goop surged out and Rosa heard Lia and Eleanor shouting in alarm.
"Ughhhh like what IS this stuff?" squealed Eleanor. "My Chanel is like RUINED! You are soooo dead."
"You fucking bitch, you ruined my Nike trainers," screamed Lia.
Turning around Rosa saw her two bullies had been engulfed in a puddle of black slime. They tried to step forward and both screamed as they fell over into the puddle.
Black ooze surged over their bodies and coated their skin... their hair. They grunted and groaned, dragging themsleves out of the puddle still dripping in slime.
"What the hell is this stuff," gurgled Lia soporfically, "I feel fucking weird."
She turned and grabbed Eleanors arm to help haul her out of the puddle and grunted in surprise. Her skin flowed like wax and seemed to melt and merge into Eleanors arm. Both girls moaned and gasped in surprise.
"Ughhh what's happening... I'm melting into you," groaned Lia. "I need... I need to merge with you."
The two seemed magnetically drawn together. Eleanor grabbed Lia and pulled her in close and the other girl eagerly slid her arms around her. They began to kiss, their bodies flowing and melting into each other.
"Ohhhh fuck yes, that feels gooood" groaned Eleanor as with wet sucking sounds the two of them combined.
Spinning Eleanor around Lia thrust her hips and grunted as she slid forward. Now they were joined at the hip - Lia's large ass and Eleanor's tight pussy perfectly merged in their lower torso.
They fell into the black goop rolling around in the slime, moaning and gasping in pleasure as their bodies melted into each other.
"Yessss I fucking love it... I need more," groaned Lia scooping up the goo and ripping off her clothes.
Naked the two bitches rubbed and scissored, melting in and out of each other... their forms becoming as one. Wet pops and cracking sounds, grunts and moans filled the air. Pussies gushed with juices and sexual screams of pleasure rose high.
"Yessssss... get inside me you bitch," grunted Lia as Eleanor moaned in her arms.
"Mmmmmh we're becoming one. I can feel your big tits on my chest, your slutty claws on my fingers. I LOVE THIS," orgasmed Eleanor.
Lia giggled and lifted a merged arm. Sharp nails glinted on the end. "Mmmmh I always wanted to be a rich spoiled blonde. We can be so evil together. The two biggest bullies in school, stronger... smarter... sluttier."
"Yesssss let's join together and rule forever," laughed Eleanor.
With a wet sucking sound, arms and legs slid together and faces met. With a slurp the merge completed and a new Goddess was born. She rose from the black goo and it seemed to solidify on her body taking the form of a stylish figure hugging black dresa.
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The new bitch was an obscene blend of Eleanor and Lia. She was beautiful rich and stylish like Eleanor, but possessed the curves and hungry slutty look of Lia. She laughed sluttily as she grabbed her big tits and squeezed.
"You fucking loser - you have created a Goddess. We are no longer Eleanor and Lia. I AM ELLIE."
Striding forward - black high heels forming out of the goop Ellie towered over Rosa and grabbing her hair forced her down to her knees.
"In fact I am Goddess Ellie. I am all the nastiest most evil parts of my former selves. I also have double the strength, stamina and sexual urges of a normal woman. I have become super human."
A hand closed round Rosa's throat and she gurgled as Ellie lifted her effortlessly from the ground as if she weighed nothing. The other girl was clearly inhumanely strong and Rosa noted she was nearly six foot in height... an amazon Goddess.
"That's right bitch - enjoy looking at me. Don't you wish you could look like this? Well don't worry... you can!"
With a laugh Ellie hurled Rosa into the puddle of black slime and the nerd screamed as ahe began to sink into the ooze.
Turning on her heels Ellie grinned and began to walk into the slime. "With you as part of us, we will be even more powerful. You manipulated us both for years - you're smart, intelligent and cunning. Soon we will be too. Don't worry loser - this is going to feel soooooo good."
Rosa screamed as her bully pushed her down into the slime... and everything went dark.
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Ellie-Rose adjusted her booted heel so that her male slave could better lick the shiny latex.
She watched him lapping away whilst idly examining her phone and watching the push notifications indicating another $1000 dollars had just been transfered to her account by one of her other subs.
That was $10,000 this week and it was only Tuesday.
Kicking her slaves face away with a bored bitchy look she instructed him to open the door of her Bentley. She had just arrived at her Bulls house.
Walking down the drive to her black lovers mansion, her pussy already tingling at the thought of the pounding it was about to receive from his thick black cock - she idly scrolled through other messages on her phone.
Ellie-Rose's cruel lips twisted into a smile as she saw the message from her science team.
"Goddess - the goop has been synthesized and is available for mass production."
Sliding down her panties and throwing them into a bush for her slave to retrieve and sniff later, she walked into her bulls home wet and ready to fuck whilst her hands slid her phone back into her handbag.
Her final action before she let go was to push the send button on her response.
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Astarion with gnome Tav HC?
Ok, we all know Astarion hates gnomes. And his facial expressions during the first date if you play Gnome Tav are priceless. Like, he doesn't smile and definetely does his best trying to hold back slurs.
I have been to his shoes coz I found gnomes weird and freaky. To write this Headcanon, I read manuals about them and got to this description:
It’s rare for a gnome to be hostile or malicious unless he or she has suffered a grievous injury. Gnomes know that most races don’t share their sense of humor, but they enjoy anyone’s company just as they enjoy everything else they set out to do. It’s rare for a gnome to be hostile or malicious unless he or she has suffered a grievous injury. Gnomes know that most races don’t share their sense of humor, but they enjoy anyone’s company just as they enjoy everything else they set out to do.
And then I googled gnomes.
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Honestly, if you think gnomes are ugly - you've met the wrong gnomes!
Thanks @evillittlebirdie for the next concept
A gnome that hates elves and an elf that hates gnomes
Astarion x Gnome!Tav
You are tiny, only 3.2 ft.
All your life you spent far from "big folk", living deep in the woods.
But you were always warned against the elves, those arrogant pricks who think the world belongs to them.
Astarion… hates gnomes. It's not uncommon for elves to be weird about them but he has some personal issues.
Maybe it's his "brother's" fault, maybe some dating preferences.
"Dwarves are fine, but gnomes! Freaky and ugly."
You can't understand where this comes from.
Gnomes are peaceful. Kind. Never malicious to anyone. Always accepting strangers in their homes and caves. So why is your kind so hated?
You bicker but eventually you fall for Astarion's charms (and he suppresses his disgust to seduce you).
Maybe elves aren't that bad, after all.
And Astarion suddenly realizes he isn't averted by you.
Tiny. Yes. You are barely tall enough to reach up to his hips.
But you are cute. Beautiful, even.
Like a small elf.
Finally, Astarion confesses to you.
That he manipulated you. That he used you.
And what is worse, he hated the mere idea to touch you. As if you were some nasty creature.
Like a goblin.
He apologizes for that and is waiting for your verdict.
He expects you to yell. To curse him.
You do nothing of that. You approach Astarion and hug him.
Well, for him you are the most beautiful person in the world.
To kiss you, he has to kneel (or pick you up like a child)
You were embarrassed first to be carried around - besides, you are considered "tall" by gnome standards!
But you learn to like it. Your weight is 40 pounds and Astarion can carry you on his shoulders as long as you want
And, the hells, you enjoy it!
Firstly, because Astarion can go faster and longer if you don't slow him down, and, second, you can see the world around not being blocked by taller people.
When you go like that, you play with his curls and carefully touch his ears (it's impossible to resist when you are so close).
He loves your feather-like touches.
He still laughs at your height, though
"Oh, I am sorry I can't hear you from up here!"
"Apologies, darling, I thought someone was squeaking!"
And you wait for the opportunity to mock him for heing the tall one.
"Oh, I am sorry, I forgot I travel with a brainless giant!"
As a gnome, your desire to help is innate. It's just against your nature to deny someone's needs.
And more often than usual, Astarion has to carry you away before you agree on something too dangerous or too cheap.
"I am Astarion and this is my micro-wife. Ouch!"
When you stay together in taverns and inns, you don't have to pay for two beds - a single bed fits you both.
And Astarion always presses you to his chest - you drown in his arms. You feel safe and protected.
Sometimes, you hear mockery and evil laughs.
"An elf and a gnome, can you fucking believe it?"
You usually let these words go but Astarion doesn't.
He beats those who dare speak ill of you two and makes them kneel and beg for forgiveness.
Gnomes live long, up to 400 years. And you are young. As a gnome, you want a stable home (when you get tired of travels) and somewhere to stash things.
And you understand Astarion craves stability as well - so he will get it with you.
A comfy home in the woods among your kind.
Gnomes are accepting, after all.
Even if it's a vampire.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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pt XVII good omens explained but im in tears at 3:30 am and on sleep meds
Oh it's been a while since we did one of these innit what was the last tine? Jan? Well the Mascot is back with a part XVII because this fandom valentine's day posts wrecked me emotionally and i took the usual sleep meds (we all know how that goes) so I'm here to make bad decisions y;all. Ignore all types or mistakes im not responsible for anything eber it's all the metatron's fault.
there are two entities crowley and aziraphela and they love each othner so much it h8urts ow
heaven has embraced minimalist interior decor and minimalist empathy it was a 2 for 1 offer at bunnings (australian maggots you proud good)
hell has embraced cluttercore with regards to interior decor and projected trauma bunnings was real generous
crowley was once an angel but the angel we knew it not him and that hurts but moving on is must because otherwise disrespect but she made stars and it was pretty just like her
im so tired. aziraphale is still an angel he';s very good at forgiveness whoch is nice but sometimes people dont want to be forgiuven they want to be dead isntead
that was not the setence i intended to write but it's accurate after the final fifteen ahahahahahhahahahahahaha do ihave trauma yes i went to bunnings because i liked hell's projections
the antichrist is very cute and he's good at the law of strraction he tells satan you fuck right off satan you're nOT MY REAL DAD which is so cool you go adam you GO and so then his read dad becomes his read dad there may have ben necromancy involved
anathema and newt are existing and she hit crow,yes bentley but that's fine because it burned to the ground anyway you know whatsw not fine crowley kneeling on the aslphalet and me that's what
nina and maggie veyr cute not yet but eventually because yes fuck lindey linday forgeot her nmae
aziraphale is very cute trauma bitchy bean
crowley is very kind trauma irritation disaster
eyes shutting it's all good but madam tracy has a BED AHAHAH you know what you do on bed it's SEXY THINGS hehhee like like stuff toys
so basically hemon hell are both like crowley azi you fools and then theyre like AAAAAAAAH GABRIEL but it's fine and the second coming is happening but azi is like nina maggie love so muriel is sent down
amd then crowley ad azi are like POOF FALL IN LOVE but nina is like HOHO WHAT THE FUCK nad the demons go WHEEEE and then crowley goes to heaven and then aziraphale goes to heabem and it's a;;; sad
gabriel is naked anc he was nasty first then felll in love with beelzebun then went naked and then back in love so now theyre both in alpha centaryie
that's a triple star system btw alpha a b and proxuma centauri which is the cloest star to earth aside from obviopuw crowley doesnt want to leav e earth far behind mkigkrkgw
boom azi gone all croiing im listening to dont bother from the sounstrack on loop since i started writing this
metatron oat milk evil azi scared crowley mr darcy we're crying yeah
yay all done now asleep jno bepop ya yes blruryry my meds packet looks lime a furry opposoum
so fucking tired i cannot see what im typing
@howmanyholesinswisscheese help
posting without rsding it through awahoooooooooooooooo
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: just googled what champagne confetti means and wtf????
jimin: the fact that you had to google that 💀
namjoon: it’s been how long since the song came out?
y/n: wow jin ur really old as hell
jin: IM NOT
hobi: bro had to google champagne confetti 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
jin: A LOT of people don’t know what that means
tae: a lot of old people 💀💀💀
jin: can you stop with the skulls
jimin: 💀💀💀💀
jin: i bet jungkook doesn’t even know what that means
jk: i do
why would i say it if i didn’t know it stupid
hobi: jungkook just called u stupid 💀
jin: bye
y/n: i’m turning evil
hobi: yesss feminism 💞💞
jin: how?
y/n: i just am
stay out of women’s business
jk: no guys it’s true she didn’t make me breakfast today 😰😰😰😰😰
yoongi: are you 5? why does she make u breakfast
jk: love
you wouldn’t get it
tae: i love an evil woman
they get me going
if you know what i mean
wink wink
y/n tell them what me you and namjoon did yesterday lol
namjoon: shut up
y/n: if you keep talking i’m going to block
tae: baby 💔
she doesn’t mean that guys
jimin: what did you guys do?
y/n: nothing important
hobi: i’ve decided that enhypen are my biggest enemies in life
jk: i love jikjin ❤️
namjoon: that was treasure
jk: no
namjoon: ok
jimin: what did enhypen do to you
hobi: exist
i’m not fucking with them
the vibes are off
and there are too many australians
y/n: isn’t it jake the only australian one?
yoongi: why do you know his name
y/n: because i’m nice and remember people’s names
hobi: i’ll literally kill jake like wdym oh naur??? like only i can say that
fucking bitch
i hate him
jimin: wow ok
namjoon: hoseok be the bigger person here they are kids
hobi: i’m skinny
bigger person?? absolutely not!
jimin: he kinda real for that idk
y/n: LMAO
jin: i’m saying fuck enhypen AND newjeans
hobi: literally
y/n: haters
jin: ha
jimin: what’s funny?
jin: 😚
jimin: i literally agreed with you idk why ur trying to fight me rn
jin: i didn’t even say anything
jimin: you didn’t have to
namjoon: ok both of you stop
jk: what if i was a giant meatball
yoongi: that’s nasty
tae: no cuz i get it
are you the meatball or is the meatball you
if you know what i mean
jk: i know
tae: no bro
we know
yoongi: ur sick
both of you are extremely sick
hobi: wish enhypen was sick
with the plague or something
y/n: that’s not nice :(
hobi: i would say i’m sorry
but i’m not
and i don’t lie
i just don’t
jk: guys can we cook rocks
y/n: no
jk: why not
y/n: they are rocks
jk: ok but have you tried
y/n: shut up
jk: yes
hobi: i could so play alexander hamilton
jimin: isn’t that the guy who drives the fast car?
jk: the fast and furious man?
tae: vin diesel????
yoongi: lewis hamilton you fucking idiots
hobi: i’m talking about the founding father
jk: what did ur father find???
namjoon: isn’t that an american thing?
jimin: finding fathers?
y/n: i can find mine
jin: so can i
and last time i’m checked i’m not american
tae: does america think koreans are fatherless?
yoongi: you act like u are don’t blame them tbh
hobi: no guys don’t you know the musical??
jin: about fatherless koreans?
jk: or the car man?
i thought that was a normal movie
did i miss the singing part???
y/n: omg didn’t jimin do a song for fast and furious??
jimin: OMG I DID
namjoon: wait i’m confused
hobi: lin-manuel miranda???
tae: wtf is that
jin: a sauce?
y/n: is that not the lip bite guy
hobi: YES
yoongi: give up hoseok
hobi: i have faith in them
yoongi: don’t
hobi: ur right…
jimin: anyways
tae: thinking hard rn
namjoon: i’m impressed
tae: thank you its the first time i’ve ever done this
i’m fucking with it lowkey
yoongi: go away
tae: can someone ask me what i’m thinking about
jimin: no
tae: since you asked i’ve got a really important question
jk: i’ll answer
tae: no you won’t
hobi: y/n do you want cookies?
jin: can i have some
hobi: no
jin: :/
tae: y/n
y/n: what
jk: 😍
tae: fuck marry kill
like out of us
this shouldn’t be hard
y/n: ur right it’s not
fuck jin marry hobi kill jimin
tae: just fell to my knees
jimin: kinkyyyy
hobi: 🥺
jin: real!!!!!!!
jk: wait what
yoongi: lol
tae: clutching my chest
namjoon: would you all get a grip
tae: i have a grip on my heart
i’m having a heart attack
it’s fading to black
help me
beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeppp
(i’m dead)
yoongi: thank god
jk: y/n you can kill me yk?
won’t even be mad i swear
like fr
as long as ur thinking of me ha
y/n: but i picked jimin to kill
jk: oh lmao yeah!
you picked jimin
silly me lol
ur right lol
jin: you wanna fuck rn lol?
yoongi: shut up
jin: ur mad
yoongi: i’m not
it’s just a stupid game 😂
i could throw up
someone kick him
jimin: when you kill me can you do it by strangling me
i feel like that would be the best way to go
namjoon: gross?
hobi: i think we should have a spring wedding that would be SAURRRR cute
y/n: NAURRRR ur so right
jk: ha ha
jimin: wow he’s insane
jk: i could die better than you
i would die instantly
i wouldn’t fight back
i wouldn’t struggle
i would just die
jimin: the struggling is the best part
namjoon: stop
yoongi: fucking freaks
tae: she’s in love with me i know it
y/n: did you not just have a heart attack?
tae: can you kiss me like yesterday
y/n: absolutely not!
tae: wow u want me so fucking bad
jin: yesterday?
jimin: let’s a have threesome
hobi: bro can’t count
jimin: no
i just don’t vibe with jin fr
jin: ur such a hater it’s crazy this is why she’s killing you
and fucking ME
jk: LOL
y/n: guys can we talk about rn gojo pls I’m feeling sentimental
namjoon: who is that?
y/n: sighs looks out window
yoongi: don’t let her start
y/n: gojo was a hero to many a enemy to some a teacher to a few but to me
to me gojo was everything
jin: already don’t care can you come over lol
y/n: you want an in person gojo explanation???
jin: if that is what people are calling head now absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!
y/n: jin i could cry
i’ll be there 😭🙏🏽
tae: me and joon are here
well like more me than joon but he can come if you want
i’m here babe
don’t go to jin
jimin: wtf are you talking about 💀
jk: she didn’t even kill me guys
she didn’t even kill me….
hobi: she married me
jimin: ur clearly not on her mind bro
jk: no ur right
why would i even be on her mind anyways
i’m just a stupid idiot that no one loves
or wants to kill
y/n: get a grip
jk: grip gotten
yoongi: ur all dumb as hell
y/n: don’t be mad i didn’t pick you
yoongi: i’m not
jimin: iM nOt
yoongi: she literally killed you stfu
jimin: so?? at least i was on her mind
tae: ok but be fr did you forget how to spell my name y/n be honest
tae: my name is tae
y/n: i know!
jk: i thought it was taehyung?
jk: i’m sorry ur right
no one loves me
hit me in the head with a shovel
tae: ok LOOOOLLL but out of the remaining people who would you fuck?
y/n: joonie 🙏🏽
yoongi: u think ur so funny
y/n: ?
sorry for speaking my truth
jin: literally
tae: NAMJOON FR????
and you pick the man that basically sat behind you the whole time
jin: wait
namjoon: taehyung
jin: waittttttttttttttttttttt
y/n: let’s not wait actually
jk: y/n are you sure you don’t want to kill me
jimin: shut the hell up
i hate life
you want me so bad
i know it
tae left “GOLDEN OUT SOON”
yoongi: wtf
jimin: wow
hobi: didn’t know it was that srs
jin: i have a theory
namjoon: you don’t
jin: no i definitely do
y/n: shut the fuck up
jin: wow u guys are nasty
yoongi: ????
jk: y/n did you change ur mind?
jimin kicked jk from “ GOLDEN OUT SOON”
tags: @piw6n @jvmisvu @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @junghoseokshusband
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The Games We Play - A Sean Wallace/Reader One Shot Story.
I did originally write a similar version of this premise for another fic, but loved it so much I had to rework and revisit the idea again here because it is 100% Sean energy. Enjoy, darlings!
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Words - 1,594
Warnings - Smut below the cut and a brief mention of spousal abuse. Minors DNI!
The pleasure of him is biting, like a thousand tiny icicles chased by fire, melting through your blood as his cock rhythmically fills and empties you. His groans are all grit and sin, teeth crushing the delicate skin of your neck, his hand fisted in your hair.  
He keeps your head held back as you watch the sight of him fucking you in the large mirror you’re kneeling before, Sean behind you, his free hand leaving a scorching path of heat in its wake as it slips down over your curves, settling to begin stroking your clit in the same slow, rolling tempo his cock glides into you with. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Yes, she likes watching herself getting fucked properly for the first time in years,” he mumbles, kissing your throat, grinning when a sharp snap of his hips leads to your body jolting, your wail filling the room. “Haven’t had a man treat you this well in a while, have you, darling?” 
You feel conflicted in answering, something unpleasant tugging at your guts. He chuckles darkly, the pressing of his fingertips against your clit prompting further wails. “You needn’t verbalise. Your body is doing a very good job of answering my question for you.” His chuckle continues, icy blue eyes snapping over to the corner of the room, lifting his chin. “She doesn’t get this wet, or make such beautiful noises for you, does she?”  
“Fuck you, Wallace,” your husband spits from his location tied to a chair, seething with rage. 
Sean raises his eyebrows. “Fuck me? No, thank you. But I will let your wife do that, when I take her to the bed again, lie down and let her ride me. All while you continue to watch, of course.”  
“I will fucking kill you for this!” 
He tuts, driving into you a little quicker, trailing kisses from your neck to your shoulder. “No, you won’t. You were warned what would happen, should you decide to fuck with me. I explicitly said I would break you down and take everything you love the most. I took your money, I took your foot soldiers and now here I am, in your bedroom, literally taking your wife. She won’t want you again once I’m done with her. I’d say you could bet money on that, but you have none left.” 
“You are pure evil.” 
He smirks again, releasing your hair, hand stroking your neck before slipping to cup at your breasts in turn. “I am, but at least I know how to treat a lady. You don’t have a clue. Women, they like to be desired, attended to, made to feel as if they are the centre of your universe. You can’t just lock them within a gilded cage and throw money at them. Well, some you can, but not this one.”  
Your husband stares at you so unblinkingly, you’re finally forced to meet his gaze. “When I come for him, I will shoot you, too. Nasty, dirty fucking slut!”  
“See,” Sean begins, groaning when you clench around him, whispering the word ‘fuck’ a couple of times, teeth nipping your earlobe. “That is precisely what I mean. It isn’t her fault she finally had a man show her exactly what it is to be desired.” He then returns his attentions back to you, turning your head, kissing you with fiery need. “Everyone knows what he does to you. He makes no secret of it. Come with me and I promise, he shan’t be able to touch you ever again.”  
You can’t quite trust whether he truly means it magnanimously, or whether you’re a mere pawn in the game he is playing in dismantling your husband’s empire as he climbs back to the top of the criminal underworld. You want to believe him, though, that he’s going to rescue you from the living hell of being imprisoned within – as he rightly coined it – a gilded cage, by a husband who only cares that you’re a pretty trophy wife, a man who thrives upon knocking you around, and worse, whenever he is drunk or high.  
Looking back at the mirror, you see it in his eyes, something earnest through the many layers that make up the complexities of Sean. You feel conflicted, but he makes it okay for you. “Do not decide now, darling. Enjoy yourself first. It’s been a while since you have, hasn’t it?” 
“Mmhmm.” You moan, feeling his hand settle to your throat, fingers stroking, the fingertips upon your clit speeding up as his cock begins to pound you with keenness, evoking your cries, making you feel – as he rightly said – desired for the first time in a long, long time. Finally, you let go, let go of the fear, turning your head to kiss him, moaning into his mouth as your tongues roll against one another, the glimmers stirred by his beautifully thick cock streaking through you in a hail of bliss.  
The head of his hardness repeatedly ruts against your g spot, a blaze of pleasure burning, the sound his deep groans in your ear fuelling your undoing as he pours it into you, your waves crashing against his shore as you come with a feral wail.  
His fingers gentle at your throbbing clit, cock slowing, lips pressing your cheek. “Now, take me back to your bed, and show your husband exactly what he will be missing. Because I think you’re leaving here with me, aren’t you?” 
Moving off his cock, you stand, Sean rising to his feet. You reach for him, nails trailing over his neck, making him quiver with lust. “I'm coming with you a few more times first."  
He smirks, chuckling deeply. “Oh, that's an absolute given, princess.” He smacks your bum hard before you both move to the bed. He positions himself on his back, making it that you have to face your husband. Of course, he’d do that. He wants him to see it, watch further as you enjoy him, sinking down onto his cock with a soft mewl, leaning forward to kiss him.  
He’s so gorgeous, you near lose your mind looking down upon him, the juxtapose of being a very deadly man wrapped up in a package that is nothing short of male perfection. His skin is gorgeous, pale and inviting, freckles trailing over the planes of skin covering the taut muscles beneath.  
You glide your hands over his thick arms and shoulders keenly while beginning to bounce upon him, forcing deep groans from his throat, enjoying the sensations of being split so wide around him searing you to your marrow.  
“You look so gorgeous while you’re being fucked,” you whisper, able to see your husband glowering from the corner. 
Sean grins, hands cupping at your breasts. “And you look absolutely incredible while you’re doing it. You love it, don’t you, spearing yourself on a nice, fat cock, hmm?” 
“Fuck, yes I do!” you cry, wailing as he bounces you on it hard, hand gripping your hips, his nails leaving crescents behind. You both put on the kind of show so scorchingly erotic that anyone else watching it couldn’t help but be turned on, but for your husband, your pleasure is his torture.  
Watching a man do a better job than he ever has is bound to do that, though. And Sean knew it before he even stepped foot into the room.
He makes you come a couple more times before finally pinning you to the bed and fucking you like a jackhammer, your screams filling the air as he pulses thick ropes of cum within your sore, fluttering walls, collapsing atop you, absolutely done for. Or so you think.  
“It takes fifteen minutes to arrive back at my house. I look forward to the next bed I fuck you in being mine.” You smile at him, your heart skipping a beat when he kisses the tip of your nose. “Pack a bag, quickly.”  
There truly is little from this life you wish to take with you into the next, a fancy, designer hold all pulled from the wardrobe, your favourite things packed, the rest left there to act as ghosts of the presence of you within the house.  
“I suppose it is only fair I untie you,” Sean speaks, redressed in his suit as you arrive at his side, where he’s stood before your husband. “I am not a particularly fair man, though.” ��
He eyes him dangerously before staring right at you, spitting onto the ground before your feet. “Fucking gold digging, garbage whore. He won’t treat you any better.”  
Sean glares at him, a cold stare of menace as he reaches for the waistband of his trousers, drawing a gun. “Yes, I will. And I plan on beginning that right now.” Pulling his finger upon the trigger, the semi-automatic fires a shot straight between his eyes, your husband slumping, blood trickling from the hole blown in his skull.  
“Nobody calls you a whore on my watch.” He slips the gun back into the back of his trousers, reaching to lift your chin and place a soft kiss upon your lips. “I will never lie to you, darling. I am not a good man, but I will be good to you. You’ll see.”  
He takes your hand, leading you from your former home, from the life of being on the arm of one gangster into another. You do see, though, as the weeks and months pass, that Sean truly wasn’t lying. He isn’t good, but by god, he’s good to you.  
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I feel like even the critical space is far too forgiving of Hellaverse’s fatphobia.
We have the dumb “Moxxie is fat” jokes, but fans argue “oh he isn’t really fat and that’s the joke!!!” but 1. It still portrays being fat as a bad thing and 2. Could literally encourage eating disorders. And then they’ll say “oh but it’s hell!!!!” yet forgive Stolas for being a 🍇ist. Ok…
Then we have Blitz’s fatshaming portrayed as “funny,” but when Mammon (who is actually fat) does it to (the very skinny) Fizz, it’s bad???? What are you trying to say Viv?
There are three (3) fat characters in the Hellaverse that are actually plot relevant, and all of them are portrayed negatively. Mimzie is a petty, “ugly,” fair-weather friend and basically a reskin of Toot from Drawn Together (and Toot is whole existence in that show is “she’s fat and ugly). Adam is a sexist douchebag with no depth beyond that and being a glutton. Mammon is also an exploitative douchebag who is … also a glutton.
The last straw for me was the “sexy” Valentine’s day merch, where everyone got skimpy outfits and playmats EXCEPT the lone fat Helluva Boss character, Mammon. He remains fully clothed and is portrayed as a joke in all of his merch. I guess part of it is “Mammon loves money” but that can still be the joke WITH him being allowed to be “sexy.” Hell, it’d probably be funnier if he was wearing lingerie and dry humping a sack of cash! And don’t say he isn’t sexualizes because “Mammon’s evil” because 1. even the “heroes” like Stolas and Blitz are still kinda shitty and literally murder people for fun and 2. Crimson, Vox, Stella, and THE LITERAL RAPIST VALENTINO get “sexy” merch.
I feel like everytime I bring this up people think I’m overreacting. And yes of course this is small potatos compared to exploiting and underpaying animators, spreading nasty rumors, etc. But then I remember MULTIPLE ex employees have said Viv likes bodyshaming people at meetings “for fun.” Like as pathetic as it sounds, Viv and the fandom’s fatphobia have done a number on my physical self-esteem. But more importantly, it spreads hateful messages about fat people’s very humanity
It really says something wild that Mammon could be depicted humping a sack of cash in a thong and it would be a more respectful depiction of a fat character than what Viv's gone for here.
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yug0 · 6 months
Do you have any personal headcanons about the 31 Minutos characters? I sent some anonymous messages before cause i was shy but I wanna say again its so cool that you're into the series :'D
Oh, yes. I had to think about it for a while.
This comes from seeing all the "Patana's Refrigerator" segments: Patana likes to "attempt to grow life" by putting a bunch of gross rotted food scraps and stuff like blood/hair in bottles/jars together. (like those guys on youtube or reddit that try to make "homunculi" in jars) It never works and just turns in to nasty moldy science experiments. She knows it will never work but she thinks it's funny and gross so she keeps doing it. She's a strange lady, love her.
Everyone gets their funny drugs from the Tramoyas. Nobody knows how the hell they get their hands on the stuff but they've got it all.
Policarpo has a horrible criminal secret. It's not the hair thing. Look at him. There is something evil behind those eyes. (love him lol)
If Huachimingo and Maguito ever got together as a couple, the world would fucking end.
Tulio loves watching awful reality TV shit like 90 Day Fiancé and Love island
Juanín's house is infested with mice, but he thinks they're so cute that he can't bear to kick them out or get rid of them
Juanín LOVES spending his weekends dancing at gay nightclubs (I love whenever they make him dance on the show. I see the party animal within)
If Bodoque ever got his hands on an iPad he'd go broke in 2 hours flat thru in-app purchases on games
I have a lot of others, but alas I cannot share such things lol.
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slytherin-girly · 1 year
You are so dead/A Draco Malfoy one-shot
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House: gryffindor 🦁
Blood: muggle
Warning: swear words(if you aren't comfortable with the use of swear words you don't have to read this) :)
|This one sucks|
"You mudblood!"
"You asshole ferret!" I shouted, I was currently having a shouting match with the one and only, draco malfoy aka ferret boy
But this however is daily, the shouting thing
"Ferret?! You filthy little-"
"Mr Malfoy, ms L/n, please stop this immediately!" Yelled one of the professors, we stopped and once he walked away we tried to punch each other
"Y/n! He's not worth it!" Yelled Ron, both him, Hermione, and harry trying to restrain me from giving him a nasty punch right in the face
Blaise and surprisingly Parkinson was trying to restrain him too
"Mate, let it go" blaise said trying to pull draco away
"Jeez, and I thought potter and draco hated each other a lot- oh- come- on!" Parkinson yelled trying to pull him away
"This will be probably- the first- and last- time- I will ever- agree with- you- y/n let it go!" Hermione yelled, also agreeing with pansy
"I will if he does! He started it!" I snapped
"No! She did!"
"You called me a mudblood first you little ferret! Let me at him!" I shouted
"Jeez you two act like an old married couple" muttered ron, a little too loudly
I stopped and looked back at him
"Uhm- hi?" He said letting me go and taking a few steps back
"And I reckon that Ron has about five seconds before he faces death" said Hermione sighing
"Ronald weasley!" I shouted
"You're in for in ron" said harry also letting go
"I'll be back for you!" I said turning to Malfoy," ronald weasley you have a five second head start!" I shouted
"And five! Ron you are so dead!" I shouted chasing after him
"You weren't meant to hear that! I forgot how good of hearing you had!" He shouts back screaming as he was running into gryffindor tower heading up to his dorm, lucky for him, fred and george grabbed me so he could get away
"Well hello little one" fred said
"Trying to kill our brother aren't you" said George
"Well of fucking course I am" they chuckled
"We still need our brother little one so don't kill him"
"Yet." George finished
"I'm not little you two are just tall" they chuckled again
I turned back
"I swear I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT RONALD!" I yelled over their shoulders making our way back to find hermione and harry, maybe if I find Malfoy I could punch him along the way
We were making our way into the great hall for dinner, ron had decided to come out of hiding
"Ms l/n were you trying to kill mr wealsey yet again?" Dumbledore asked me jokingly
"I would.. but I can't kill my best friend... or can I.." i said the last part quieter
Dumbledore chuckled and told us to go to dinner
We all sat in our usual spots
"You are.. a demon!" Said ron
"Am not! I'm an angel now! Since the devil kicked me out of hell" I said back in a sassy way
"That's right y/n!" Said fred and george giving me a high five
"You-" ron started but I cut him off
"Dont make me say it"
"You wouldn't"
"Oh yes I would, hermione, ron has-"
"Dont you dare finish that sentence!"
"Say it!" Fred and george said in unison smirking evily
"Ron has liked you since first year hermione" I said trying to hold in my laugh
"You are literally a demon!" He shouted turning red
"Am not!"
"But I know something too"
"And what would that be"
"That you like-"
"Ron do you honestly have a death wish?! She already tried to kill you today!" Harry shouted
"I wouldn't say that unless you have a death wish brother" said george
"I agree george" said fred
He shrugged it off,"I know you like Malfoy and he likes you.." he said
"You are evil! You should be lucky if I don't kill you in your sleep Ronald weasley!" He gulped probably rethinking all of his last choices thinking about how he should spend his last hours in this world
"How is she not in slytherin?" Harry asked
"Wanna say that again" I glared at him
"Anyway, what does it matter.. he hates my guts.."
"I- i- just guessed that but okay.." ron said awkwardly
"I just don't understand why you are so oblivious!" Hermione sighed, and ron groaned
"Will you stop groaning Ronald!" Hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" He mocked her, then she wacked in on the head with a book
~~~next morning~~~
"Potions, and potions then free period right" I said
"With the slytherins as always" hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" Ron said remembering yesterday
"I'm tired of them" I said yawning
"Malfoy too?" Ron smirked and harry chuckled
"Do you two want to live a little longer?" I asked
They gulped and nodded
"Then shut up and let's go"
~~~after potions~~~
I sighed walking out of the classroom and then I saw Malfoy and his goons coming towards us
"Oh how lovely" I muttered
"Try not to kill anyone y/n" hermione whispered
"No promises"
"Well, look how it, we have scarhead, weaselbe, and mudbloods"malfoy smirked
"Shut up already!" I shouted
"Don't talk to me like that!" He shouted
"You talk too much!" I yelled
"Asshole." I said getting angrier by the second
"Wh0re!" He yelled
"You mudblood! Shut the fuck up already!" He yelled
This place about to blow
"You ferret! Spoiled rotten daddy's boy!"I shouted at him again
"And you're a slvt! Dating every weasley and probably scarhead too! Slvt!" He shouted louder
"Don't even try! Go! You are so dead!" I yelled motioning for my friends to go
I walked up to him, "what the actually fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled
He grabbed my wrist and smirked
"You may be a mudblood but no one else's blood as pure as mine will ensure that your children won't be muggles" he said he leaned in and kissed me passionately
"I happen to love you and hate you at the same time" I said after we pulled away
"I love you too"
"Ron you owe us 19 galleons" I heard the twins whisper
"But I'm broke!" He whisper yelled
"20 galleons then," the twins said
|I don't know what I just wrote 😳|
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rosemaidenvixen · 8 months
Tales of Arcadia Halloween Fic recs
Any TOA fans out there looking for something spooky to read around Halloween? Well then this is the the list for you! A compilation of my favorite horror and Halloween themed Tales of Arcadia fics. Some of these are safe for all ages, but some do lean hard into horror, so mind the tags and read with caution.
Arcane Blight @avirxy Do you like horror? Do you like Tales of Arcadia? If the answer is yes to both then stop what you're doing and read this. Takes place in an alternate universe where Jim is the new kid in Arcadia, and he quickly realizes that this innocent looking town has dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. To say any more would ruin a lot of the truly gut punching, jaw dropping twists and turns this story has.
The Changeling Masquerade @earth-ambassador-jim Takes place in the author's changeling Toby au. Shows how exactly changelings celebrate Halloween, but with a sinister twist.
Tear Me In Two (The Moonlight Will Anyway) @avirxy Two words. Werewolf Claire. In a monster hunter au Claire gets a nasty bite from a lycanthrope and the whole group struggles with the consequences. One of my all time favorite pieces of werewolf media for the absolutely phenomenal way it explores what it means to unleash the beast within.
Through the Veil @pinkytoothlesso11 This one's just getting started, but holy hell what a start! Jim doesn't given much credibility to Eli's ramblings of monsters and conspiracies in their town, until he witnesses someone he trusts performing a horrific ritual on Halloween night that brings everything he thought he knew into question. Now Jim and his friends are far from home and lost in a world hostile to human kind, and no guarantee that they'll make it home safe.
Something's wrong with Arcadia @earth-ambassador-jim When Jim and team Trollhunters aren't running around causing problems, what does the average Joe think of the strangeness going on in Arcadia? Bular and goblins and changelings shown from a mundane point of view in a way that's absolutely chilling.
31 Days in the Darklands @xdeusxmachinax Not technically a Halloween story, but takes place near and on Halloween with tons of horror and spooky imagery. I always give it a re-read each spooky season. In the wake of an unconventional treaty Strickler struggles to keep balance between Trollmarket, the Janus order, Arcadia, and the Darklands but the universe seems to sabotage him at each stage, and there's more than just pumpkin spice in the air this year in Arcadia.
Snippets, Snails, and Trollish Tales @whitherwanderyouspirit Some mostly Stricklake centered Halloween one shoots ranging from sweet to spooky to downright terrifying.
The Manor atop the Hill @avirxy A Haunted House story like you've never seen done before. When a desperate and frightened Jim follows his mother into the mysterious mansion on the outskirts of town he finds himself trapped in more ways than one. No one has lived in this house for as long as anyone can remember, but it is far from empty. Forced to rely on ghosts and a mysterious girl, Jim has to keep his wits about him if he wants to escape with his life, and his soul, intact.
cave bestiam @rosemaidenvixen Based on the online two sentance horror story "A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into her room and said, “I heard that, too.” But staring Barbara and Jim.
Fear of Fears @rosemaidenvixen An alternate take on my sunshine au. Jim decideds to sneak out on Halloween by passing his troll form off as a costume, a decision that will ripple outward into horrific consequences.
Tales of All Hallows Eve @rosemaidenvixen Collection of my Halloween themed one shots and drabbles.
Dig your eight graves @rosemaidenvixen Eight teens from Arcadia wander far from home and suffer a brutal attack from an evil that was much closer to home than they could ever imagine. Alone and traumatized, one of them makes a bargain in order to reclaim what was taken from them. They gain everything they ask for and more, but lose more than they ever thought possible.
A Bunch of Hocus Pocus @rosemaidenvixen A collection of 31 spooky and Halloween themed one shots for Tales of Arcadia and The Owl House, released one per day each day of October until Halloween.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: hi, i absolutely LOVE your writing style, so i'd like to request something (i apologize if you've done this before!) donna has a sexual dream about the reader and just wakes up completely wet… (you can decide how it continues from there <3)
18+ Minors DNI
Hell yeah! I love this. I wrote sub!Donna and hard dom!Y/N. I haven’t written Y/N as a hard dom before (Just soft dom and service top) So I’m excited to share. Don’t worry, plenty of aftercare for our precious doll maker T^T Y/N, as usual, is written gender-neutral. Let’s get into it!
Donna never thought that she would describe herself as a sexual person, but you changed all of that.
She finally craved sex after being too shy to even think about it when you two had first met.
You had made everything in her life seem better… Even her dreams, apparently.
Donna currently found herself within one of the most steamy dreams she has ever had.
She was bent over her work desk as you furiously pounded into her from behind. She felt so dirty as she helplessly moaned out in pleasure.
“Keep on making those nasty noises you disgusting hussy.” Dream-you had ordered.
That only fueled Donna’s pleasure as you kept up a brutal pace.
Finally, Donna felt herself reach a breathtaking climax and she woke up abruptly.
Her breaths were heavy and labored as she shakily brought a hand to her chest to calm herself down. She felt absolutely sinful… And soaking wet.
You were asleep and holding onto Donna from behind. You were completely unaware of the crisis of conscience Donna was having right now.
She felt conflicted. She had just had the most delicious sex dream about you, but she was afraid to tell you about it. What if you thought she was a horrible person for wanting something so filthy?
Donna tried to move out of your hold, but you woke up at her actions. “What’s wrong, babe? You okay?” You asked and sat up.
Donna whined softly at her arousal from hearing your deep morning voice. Her face was completely red in embarrassment. “I’m fine, c-cara mia.” She said quietly.
You quirked an eyebrow at Donna’s unconvincing answer. “You don’t seem fine.” You pulled her close and kissed her.
Donna’s eyes rolled back in pleasure at your affection. She couldn’t help the moan you dragged out of her.
At Donna’s reaction, you began to smirk. “Oh, I see. Did you have a nice dream?” You questioned.
Donna hid her face in her hands from shame.
“Don’t be embarrassed!” You reassured her and took her hands to gently kiss them. “Why don’t you tell me about it? I want to see if I live up to the fantasy.” You grinned.
Donna took a stuttering breath. “You just… Used me any way you wanted and… I loved it. You were so mean and called me names as you told me what to do. I just felt so naughty.” She admitted.
Your eyes widened at Donna’s statement, but you soon adopted an evil smirk. “So, like the rough stuff, huh, gorgeous? I can take care of that.” You said.
“Really, Y/N?!” She squeaked out in disbelief.
You chuckled. “Yeah! But… You want me to be mean to you?” You asked to clarify.
Donna nodded her head, totally bashful now. “Yes, Y/N. I’d love it more than anything.”
You cracked your knuckles and dropped your voice to a husky new low
“Well then,” You began and gripped her chin. “Quit running that smutty mouth so I can get to work. You’re mine, now.” You commanded.
Donna shakily breathed in, feeling aroused. This was exactly what she had been hoping for.
“Maybe I should get you a little collar to wear while I fuck you?” You suggested as you whispered right in her ear.
Donna almost came from that sentence alone.
You quickly took off your night clothes and started undoing her nightgown. After you got Donna undressed, you took her perky nipples and roughly tugged on them.
Donna squirmed helplessly.
“Now, spread your legs for me, you filthy harlot.” You told her.
Donna began panting as you ordered her around. She opened her legs and you slowly stuck two fingers in her folds. “Well, you’re pretty wet. Do you like being a useless little tramp for me to use as I see fit?” You teasingly grazed her engorged clitoris before popping your fingers into your mouth.
Donna was almost vibrating with pleasure. “Yes, Y/N! Yes, I want to be your little bitch!” She cried out.
You took her right nipple into your mouth and began to play with her plump and heavy breasts. You swirled your tongue around her areola and lightly bit down.
Donna arched her back in pleasure.
You could tell she was about to orgasm. Suddenly, you stopped all ministrations with a teasing smile. “I’m not gonna let you ruin the fun because you can’t keep up.”
Donna was heartbroken, but really turned on, at how you edged her.
You quickly got off the bed and found stray scraps of fabric that Donna used for her doll projects from around the room.
You returned to Donna’s side and placed a searing kiss on her lips. Donna and you eventually had to pull away to breathe, but as you did, you grabbed her wrists and tied them to the bedpost as tight as you could.
Donna once again felt a familiar heat building in her core. You were using her however you wanted and it made her feel fantastic.
“Alright, you nasty girl. Let me hear you.” You ordered and began lapping at her wet labia.
Donna whined at the intense pleasure.
You stuck your tongue deeper inside which made Donna yelp from the sudden intrusion.
“Aww, what’s wrong?” You taunted. “Not enough for you?” You suddenly stuck three fingers inside Donna’s pulsing core and began fucking her mercilessly.
She cried out in ecstasy. “Y-yes, Y/N! Fill me! Deeper!” She begged and tears began falling down her face at the overwhelming sensations you were causing her.
You quickly ceased all of your thrusting and retracted your fingers from her pussy. “Shut your mouth!” You barked harshly.
Donna squeaked in surprise at your sudden shift.
“You don’t give the orders, I do. I’m in charge and you’ll just lie there and take it. Understand?” You asked and grabbed her face with your hand.
Donna bit her lower lip. She was so worked up that it was all she could do to nod her head.
You smirked. “Good.” You began pumping your fingers into Donna’s heated sex once again.
Donna felt liquid heat pool in her belly as she got closer. She was helpless to do anything because of her tied up hands… And she loved it.
You could tell Donna was about to come as her walls began tightening around your fingers.
“Alright, you pathetic, horny girl. You can come. But you better scream my name when you do.” You said as you increased the speed of your pumping.
Donna suddenly tensed and wailed your name as she hit the most powerful orgasm she’s ever had. “Y/NNN!” She cried out.
As Donna came, you felt very satisfied that you were able to fulfill her wishes.
You kissed her neck and began untying her. You stroked any loose hair off of her face.
“Such a good girl for me, Donna.” You praised and kissed her forehead.
Donna’s heavy breathing eventually slowed and you went to go get a wet washcloth to clean her up.
“Y/N, t-that was so amazing, cara mia. Thank you.” She said after you finished wiping her sweaty skin. She pulled your face to hers to give you a kiss.
You blushed at how happy you had made her. “Hehe, thanks I tried.” You said.
Donna hummed in contentedness and tucked her head into the crook of your neck.
“I have to ask, though…” You started and kissed her hair. “How did I live up to your fantasy?”
Donna sat up and looked you in your eyes. “Everything I wanted and more, cara mia.” She smiled and cupped your cheek.
You grinned and placed a kiss on her lips.
You both laid back down and Donna cuddled into your front, quickly dozing off.
You felt so accomplished and smiled as sleep claimed you as well.
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phoenixlionme · 3 months
Vaggie Defense Post
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Okay. I need to get this off my mind. I've been seeing alot of anti-Vaggie (sometimes crossing with anti Chaggie posts) about how she's a "bad/evil" person for lying to Charlie, that Alastor or Adam are better than her because they didn't lie. And I'm just floored at the blatant mischaracterization of her. And I need to set the record straight by making reminding these certain fans of a few things they are deliberately not acknowledging
EVERYONE at the Hotel are FLAWED, including both Charlie and (especially) Alastor. None of the m are without fault and all of them (sans Charlie for now) have a body count. Plus, Alastor was a serial killer in life and even in Hell and he makes no qualms about enjoying his kills; and while we haven't seen how Vaggie felt as an Exorcist prior to her fall, in the present she is deeply ashamed of her past and is looking for redemption.
I understand people find Alastor appealing and that's great but make no mistake: ALASTOR IS NOT A GOOD PERSON. While Alastor has kept his promises to Charlie and the Hotel crew, he is also blatantly clear that he's only there to see them fail. He ONLY gave Charlie vital info against the Exorcists when it was convenient for him; if he was truly a good person from the start (as many of his fans seem to think he is), he would've given the info freely. And as side note, he also would've put more effort into remaking the Hotel but didn't because he doesn't care. He's an abusive soul owner to Husk. He only referred to Charlie as his daughter to get under Lucifer's skin. And his lyrics in "Ready For This" shows he wants to guide aka manipulate Charlie to harness her power so he can use it for himself. In short, Alastor is an entertaining character but's he's a selfish, prideful, manipulative, and sometimes pettily cruel person with his true goals still not known.
In contrast to Alastor, Vaggie has been with Charlie since the beginning, before they got traction. Yes, she hid her origins and that was a fuck up (something Vaggie acknowledges) but she still genuinely and openly supported Charlie not only out of love but also to redeem herself. She sang part of a whole song about how she wants to be her partner and protect her; not of some end goal but simply because she loves her girlfriend. While she's not perfect, she's also protective and honest with the Hotel occupants and gave them a choice to leave the Hotel in "Hello Rosie", understanding that none of them asked to be in a war. Vaggie may be flawed but she's a caring, loyal, protective person who would fight for those she loves with no pretense.
Going to the people (or, in my case just the one commenter on YouTube) who think Adam of all people is better than Vaggie as a person? No. Entertaining character? Sure. But he's a violent, arrogant sociopath who tried to blackmail Vaggie into compliance and lied at various points during the trial; so he's not as honest as some fans claim. Vaggie, in contrast, lied about her past but other than that, has been truthful about her feelings and goal from the start.
Honestly, I think some of the Vaggie hate comes from some (not ALL) of the Charlastor shippers. I don't like, I love Chaggie but ship who you want. But don't character assassinate, it's not cool. You can like a fanship without being nasty to a canon ship, which flaws or not, isn't unhealthy or bad.
While I do agree to an extent that Vaggie needed her own special moment to shine, I think it may have been out of the crew's control; just speculating but given how Hollywood is doing only 8 to 12 episodes to save money, I wouldn't put it past them. But maybe with the global success of the show, Vaggie may get more screentime. Her VA even hinted at to some extent by mentioning how Vaggie's bow would be symbolic for her character's journey.
For people who are anti-Chaggie - Fine, ship who you want, it's not the end of the world. But for god sake, could you please put your anti-chaggie posts in the anti-chaggie section and NOT the chaggie section? It's just good manners.
In summary, like who you like and ship who you like to ship. But don't character assassinate someone to do it.
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lucy-ghoul · 8 days
*rubs hands* hehehe, off to a new ship game (¬‿¬): Zu//toph, Azu//aang, Iru//chani, Stilgar//Jessica, Historia//Ymir, Ere//min
oh, these are all good choices! let's see:
zutoph: i kinda ship it ngl. not nearly as much as i ship zutara but it's cute. i've never really thought/cared about it but... i can see it. toph and zuko's personalities mix in a very interesting way!
azulaang: SHIP IT. okay i have a confession to make: this is my atla otp, literally zutara whomst lmao. it's got the optimistic ray of sunshine but with a badass side hero + evil bastard sadcore villain, except now the stereotypical gender roles are inverted. finally some juicy stuff for a female villain! also, i love azula - she's by far my favorite atla character.
iruchani: kinda ship it, yes. i can totally see it - the wife & the other woman, but chani is the real wife in all but name while irulan stands doll-like by paul's side, aware she's being used and moved like a chess piece wherever he wants. so with paul being... you know. paul (i love him but lmao), i think she deserves some hot lesbian sex. like, good for them both tbh
stilgar/jessica: okay, this is just hot. maybe it's the javier bardem+rebecca ferguson combo that makes it so. maybe it's the reverend mother/unhinged follower of her dark messiah-like son dynamic. maybe because she needs to have good nasty sex after leto's death. but yeah - as i said, hot.
yumihisu: MY BABIES. seemingly opposites who can see their own reflections and pain in each other's eyes + monster romance (kinda; they certainly gave off some beauty&thebeast vibes when ymir was in her titan form) + the queen & her knight/protector... delicious, delicious dynamic. unironically yams' best canon romance lmao. i also like erehisu, but i do prefer her with ymir. the tragedy just adds to the pair imo.
eremin: OH MY GOD. my second snk otp!!! what can i say... childhood friends to enemies to friends again + soulmateism + eren's view of the world (that is going to shape the entirety of the plot) changes through armin's influence/he literally turns into a titan for the first time to save armin & is so ridiculously physical in his affection for him + opposites who are also complements + "i would burn the whole world for you" vibes. god they make me insane. one good thing about the anime ending was the final scene between them - i mean, the hug. tenderly holding each other in a literal sea of blood. "i will burn in hell with you" anyone?? HELLO????? also: my hot take is that they are vastly superior to e.reri (that i always thought as overrated) and only e.ruri can compare among the snk slash pairings... maybe. AH! and that eren should have been in love with armin, nothing about that ~i realized i'm in luuuurv with the girl who lives and breaths just for me only after i had a titan vision of the future from god~ nonsense, it was so badly written it makes me cry onion-style whenever i think about it.
thanks a lot for the ask, dear ❤️
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theladyofbloodshed · 1 year
I get in the beginning SJM wanted the "evil step sis trope" but hell she was so inconsistent. Nesta was an ass in the beginning yes, but in the end she literally redeemed herself and honestly I don't blame her for being an ass in the coming books, she literally was thrown into a body and a world she was raised to hate (fae who abused humans).
SJM could have fixed everything if she wrote in Nesta's POV how Nesta did all the house work (cleaning, cooking, mending, finances, etc), and Feyre never appreciated it. Goes to show how feminine duties are considered lower than masculine duties (hunting).
SJM could have fixed so many things but just keeps the same issues that have been there since the first couple of books.
It's funny though how Nesta is still disliked because of how she was in book one but how Elain was in book 1 is not held against her. Although she wasn't nasty, she also did absolutely nothing (remember Nesta did cut wood twice; once when Feyre asked her to, once of her own accord), didn't realise she could do anything, recoils from the sight of Feyre's dirty hands, and was happy to throw a ball where she talked to her friends into the early hours when feyre came back. Although she didn't know where feyre had been due to the glamour, she still hadn't actually seen feyre for months, but wealth and socalising were more important. Oh, and rather than be concerned about why Nesta had withdrawn, simply tells feyre that nesta is freaking out her friends.
People also forget that Nesta warns Feyre about mercenaries because they were robbed by them, tells off the children of the blessed, and tells elain off for begging Feyre for new belongings. In addition to going to the wall, seeing through a high lord's glamour, keeping suitors away from feyre all night, asking her to paint and tell her story, and asking her to write. But yeah, she said feyre smelt bad so she deserved the ic breaking her spirit.
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