#lucifer caos x reader
Sneak peak of something I’m working on atm
Let me know if I continue and publish it ?
Caos Lucifer x Reader _____________________
You were kneeled on the ground of the church in front of everyone, your hands tied together.
“You are here before us today accused of killing another witch for her power” Father Blackwood said pointing a finger at you
“Please” you begged,
“I didn’t do that, I was just taught by other witches on my travels ” you cried out
“Lies!” He yelled accusingly and slapped you across the face.
You cried out in pain
“You are here by sentence to death!” Blackwood said very dramatically
Right as he went to kill you the doors of the church burst open and there stood Lucifer with a look of upmost rage on his face.
Gasps we’re heard throughout the room and murmurs of praises to the dark lord.
“D-dark lord” Father Blackwood stuttered as Lucifer walked down the isle towards Blackwood and you.
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alexusonfire · 2 months
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love! 💗
Was this sent to me months and months and months ago? Yes. I am terribly sorry dearest 🥺
I actually quite enjoyed this ask. It made me sift through both tumblr and A03, and I revisited many works that I'd forgotten I was proud of. Picking only five was a challenge, and that made me feel... good. Really good. So thank you 🖤
Without further ado, my personal top five!
Somber Melodies - Elizabeth Keane
Headcanon style, a look into Keane's early relationship with her son and music, and how it changed after he passed.
Memoirs of a Love Lost - Farah Dowling
Written in the POV of reader, how you and Farah fall in love pre-war. I wrote this after playing What Remains of Edith Finch, which is what inspired the narrator-style POV!
Unsinkable Treasures - Mary Wardwell/Sycorax
Loosely based off the CAOS novels where Mary lives near a river spirit who, for some reason, never harms Mary (ofc my brain immediately goes to "well the river spirit is clearly in love with Mary, duh."). Kind of sort of a cohesive story but written in drabbles? I dunno, it was meant to be a one-shot and then I kept getting inspired lol
Winged Affections - Lucifer Morningstar (Sandman) x Reader
One of my all time favs as it seems to have awoken a good old fashioned wing-kink for quite a few people 🤭
Warmth of Your Doorways - Jane Murdstone x Reader
Woefully incomplete series with @daydream-cement , but still remains my all time favorite collaboration, AND story. Probably one of the most sapphic things I've ever written! 💜
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healerfromhell · 3 months
request guidelines
requests are : closed
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below are the things I'm happy to take requests and prompts on!
a/n: please note that i am not comfortable writing anything parental, so no x readers where you and ( character ) have a child & no x readers where you are the child of ( character ), thank you!
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dead boy detectives
horror movies ( ask for specifics )
doctor who
chilling adventures of sabrina ( lilith & mary wardwell only! )
feel free to request caos but please be mindful that: i will not touch parts 3 or 4 / write post!canon acknowledging parts 3 & 4 / write for characters other than lilith or mary
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the night nurse / jenny the butcher / esther finch
rowena macleod / others on request
missy / thirteen / others on request
do not request: chuck ( spn ) / john ( spn ) / lucifer ( spn OR caos ) / blackwood ( caos )
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under co.
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valyrian-ruins · 5 years
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Hell of a Ride. 
Pairing : Lucifer Morningstar x Reader 
Imagine, you’re an ancient greek queen who has escaped hells, taking the apparence of a Greendale’s highschool student. After the Pagans incident, Sabrina and her friends are against a biggest threat. Cronus, the Titan is free and in Town under the apparence of a mortal, wanting nothing more than take again power on the earth, retablishing his reign over the universe. The Spellman, Lucifer, Lillith and Sabrina’s friends are trying to stop him, but they will need a little help and you’re gonna catch the eye of a certain lord.
« Pagan Gods, now this Titan…All of this will not take end ? » Zelda was passing in the living room. The situation was desesperate, at the point where even Lucifer and Lillith were in her house, telling how the situation was without solution.
« Cronus was jailed by his sons, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon in Tartarus, but with the « new religions » they have disappeared, Olympus has fallen and all of the greek gods have disappeared in the void.» Ambrose was in the middle of a thousand books about ancient mythology. Hilda was silent, sipping her tea, after her ideas were put in the trash by her older sister.
They had tried all the traps they knew and even the dark lord had been defeated by the titan, who had reprimanded him like he was a little boy, awaking his fury beyond imagination. Sabrina looked at her father, frustrated by this lack of solution.
« But, if no one believed in them today, how can he be so powerful…After all, half of this planet believe in your existence ! » Her voice was laced with frustration, pacing like her aunt, Salem looking at her, head on the side.
« My patience has its limits, Sabrina, watch your tongue. With their disappearance, greeks gods have left their realms and all of the souls and monster stayed there. He had eons to absorb them… Do you even imagine what kind of power it is ? » His voice was irritated, his eyes more black than the most obscure part of the Hell. His foot was taping littly against the flooring, stopping when a light knock was heard at the door before a bell like voice rises from outside.
« Sabrina ? It’s Y/N. » All of the being in the room shared a look before the young witch go open the door.
« Y/N…I’m sorry but its not the right time…You should go back home. » Sabrina was going to slam the door in her face when her delicate hand came to stop her. Entering in the house, you found the living room, Sabrina on your heels, trying to stop you.
Everyone looked at you and Ambrose has been the first to react, trying to cast a spell on you. Rising a hand to stop him, you took a sorry expression.
« Sorry but first, technically I’m already dead, second, I don’t depend on your laws. » Lucifer straightened himself, like Lillith, at your words.
« That’s not possible… » Says the first witch.
« Okay, we don’t really have time for my story and for the complex organisation of the realms but…Zeus cursed my husband, Lycaon, who killed me, his sons and his court, I’ve been to Hell where entry is free but not the exit. » The dark lord was looking at you with a new interest, all of the others looking at you with surprise.
«  So you… » You cut Sabrina in her sentence. « Yep, I know exactly where Cronus came from and how bring him back in his box. One of the principal default of…you all » You say, pointing the devil. « Is that you have the biggest ego of all the creation and Cronos have the biggest of them all, that’s it what gonna loose him. »
Lucifer, furious, rose from his seat, towering you from all his height.
« Say that again and I’ll kill you…I’m not like this filthy usurper. » Keeping your Y/E/C eyes in his, you sank your finger in his chest. « Kill me, go on, but you’ll be the loser. Hells' gate are not gonna open for you, you are the Pagans in this story. Now, can I continue, your honor ? »
Turning your back to him, you looked at all of the other people presents in the room.
« Okay, we resume. Cronus was banished by his sons, who are dead now. But their weapons are not and are in Tartarus, in a vault created by Hephaistus. We need to get them and we need all of your powers to form a unique weapon. Cronos have a scar, gift from his sons. It’s where we need to touch him. »
Hilda, in all of her sweetness, came shyly to you.
« But, how are we gonna find the gates ? » Smiling gently at her, you took a little flask from your pocket, full of blood, and made them  a sign, inviting at following you. You exit from the house, all of them following you.
Opening the vial, you let the blood fall on the soil, and make sign for silence. During minutes, you were all waiting in the fog before the sarcastic voice of Lucifer rise.
« And now, Miss Greek Hell ? »
Suddenly, sound of horse’s hooves makes himself heard and four mares came out from the fog. Sabrina approached you, eyes never leaving the mares who gore bronze bridles.
« Horses ? Horses are the gates ? » Approaching carefully one of the mares, you took the reins and pat the equine’s neck.
« These mares are the mares of Diomedes, human-eaters. When Hercules freed them from her stables, they died of hunger and are now one of the best method to travel between Hell and Earth. Sabrina, Lucifer, Lillith, Nicolas, Prudence and Rosie, you’re coming. The others stays, keep Cronus at bay. Come on, two by horse. »
All of you ride a horse and Nicolas was the first to ask.
« How can we stay on this beast ? » His voice was lightly stressed, hands clenched on the reins.
« Clasp your legs and hold the mane, Boy. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride. »
Your horse raised the forelegs, beating them to the ground in a thunder-like roar and suddenly, there was a big fault in the ground where the mares rushed at a gallop.
Part 2 ? 
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jadegrey711 · 5 years
Only for You
Dark Lord x Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hello everybody I got a wonderful request from an ANON for another Dark Lord x Reader pairing that I was more than happy to do! I’ve got another Dark Lord x Reader pairing i’m working on along with Part 3 of my first Dark Lord x Reader pairing which I’ve now dubbed as An Unwilling Queen! Hope you enjoy Anon! 
*NOT my GIF*
Word Count: 3k + (Sorry it’s really freaking long!)
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
Prompt: OMG I love your writing. I think you’re so talented. I was wondering if you could take a request. I was hoping for a oneshot or two of a Lucifer (Sabrina) x soul mate reader who is shy, also a v powerful witch and friend of Sabrina. I like the idea of the Dark Lord being only weak for her. I was hoping for a oneshot of him meeting and finding out who she is to him, him falling in love and ending in smut.
*He’s also portrayed here in his angelic (hot) form, not the monster form. 
Warnings: Smut at the end, kind of an underage reader, she’s eighteen but he’s like a billion years old so there’s that lol. Also kind of angsty. 
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake.
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A shadow seems to follow you wherever you go now. Like an ever-looming presence, that you feel like you can catch if you just turn your head at the right moment; but nothing is ever there. Sabrina says it’s all in your imagination.
“Or maybe there’s dark forces at play for your immortal soul.” She says in a silly ghoulish voice.
You laugh and lightly punch her arm. “I’m serious I feel like something or someone is watching me. Like constantly.”
Sabrina’s face went serious for a moment, seeing how tense you were. “Well auntie Hilda can make you something maybe to ease you. Or even find out if something is watching you.”
“But why would something be watching me?” 
Sabrina laughed to herself. “Y/N. Despite what you may think, you’re a young, beautiful witch. Whose power if flourishing well beyond my own and even that of an experienced witch. And you haven’t even signed your name in the book of the beast. It’s like you are your own source of magic. You should be careful; a lot of people would do anything for power like that.”
You felt a chill going up your back. “I haven’t thought of it like that. Maybe Hilda should do a spell or even make a charm.”
“I think a charm would be perfect. A charm to ease your thoughts and to keep away whatever darkness seems to be sticking to you.”
“Thank you, Sabrina.” You smiled, linking your arm with hers.
“Of course, Y/N.” She said as you both starting walking towards Sabrina’s house. Unbeknownst to either of you, that that shadow you were talking about is in fact very real.
He watches as you both walk away from the shadows of the forest, irritated with himself at how close you are but he can’t just reach out and grab you; taking you into the darkness. He knows though you’d never go with him like that; no. He’d have to wait and win you, until you desired him as much as he did you.
He felt a clench in his chest as you walked further away from his vantage point and he hated how weak he felt and how much he desired you, wanted you; how much he craved you with the very fiber of his being. But for you, he’d wait. He’d wait in the shadows for as long as it takes.
You were immediately greeted by Hilda as you and Sabrina walked into the house. Zelda sat at the table smoking a cigarette and reading the paper about some gruesome murder that made the headlines that day.
“Hello my darlings.” Hilda said cheerfully as she pounded some dough for whatever culinary confection, she was making that day.
“Hi, Hilda, Zelda.” You said greeting both of them, despite Zelda only grunting as acknowledgement.  
“Auntie Hilda. Do you think you could make a charm for Y/N?” Sabrina said immediately cutting to the case as she leaned on her elbows on the counter next to Hilda.
“What for my lovely? Stress? I doubt you need a love charm. You’re much too beautiful to need that.” Hilda said booping your nose.
You couldn’t help the blush that crept up your face as you slightly shook your head at her comment about you being beautiful.
“No. Auntie.” Sabrina said smiling, but her smile soon fell from her face. “Y/N, thinks someone is following her.”
“I was hoping you could find out if someone actually is stalking me or if it’s just all in my head.” You said gaining Hilda’s attention.
“A protection charm? Of course, my lovely, I’ll whip that up as soon as I throw these apple crumbles in the oven and we’ll get straight to work.”
An hour later you had a protection charm that was laced with eucalyptus leaves to ease your paranoia and stress. However, when Hilda tried to scry to see if someone was following you, the crystal would just keep spinning never landing on anything. Which indicated to Hilda that everything was hunky dory and that it was just probably stress from school that was making you so paranoid.
When you left Sabrina’s, you felt a sense of ease radiate over you as Hilda’s charm in your pocket worked its magic. However, as soon as you stepped outside of Sabrina’s house after saying goodbye to everyone you felt it again. That feeling that there was a pair of eyes that were constantly glued to you, watching your every move. You clutched the charm in your pocket tighter and began to walk home.
The following was Friday night and Sabrina, you and the rest of the gang were headed to a house party. It wasn’t your usual method of spending a Friday night but Sabrina assured you that is was exactly what you needed to help you unwind a bit. So, you took her at her word and you even let her dress you up for the occasion.
And throughout the night you actually thought Sabrina’s plan was working you hadn’t felt the intensity of someone’s gaze on you all night as you danced with your friends, letting yourself get lost and all your worries sliding from your shoulders.
After a while of dancing though the need for water was staggering so you told Sabrina you’d be right back and walked away from the group in search of water. You walked towards the back of the house where the beer and sodas were and tried searching for water.
“Need some help there?” A husky voice asked from the dark corner.
You gave a little jump and clutched your chest. “Oh my God you scared me!” You said smiling a bit at how much of a scaredy cat you were.
“I’m sorry.” He said as he stepped out of the shadows. “The last thing I intended to do was scare you.”
He was beautiful. Staggeringly beautiful, with dark brown locks and piercing green eyes that seemed to glow even from the darkness of the shadows. You felt the air leave your lungs, as you gaped at him before you quickly turned back to your earlier task of looking for water; your cheeks burning.
He looked at you curiously, this would be his one chance with you. To have you alone and completely his for the time being. And as he took you in, this stunning woman who he’s been on the edge of obsession over for months. He can already feel how inside yourself you are, so much so that he can practically reach out and feel the wall that you’ve built to contain back the powerful witch and woman that you are. And God how he wanted to blow that wall to pieces.
“What’s your name?” He asked, trying to get you to look at him again.
“Y/N.” You said to him but still not turning back towards him.
“I’m Luce.” He said holding out his hand for you to shake. Which you thought was a bit odd, but you reached your hand out taking his large one. When your skin touched his you felt a spark between you two, you tried to pull away from sheer instinct but he kept your hand firmly in his, letting the warmth of his hand radiate into your whole body making you feel warm to the touch.
You pulled your hand away and he let you this time. You saw how intense his gaze was and ducked from it, pushing your hair behind your ears. “Luce?” you said smiling shyly. 
“God given I’m afraid.” He said with a knowing smirk on his face, that you couldn’t help but feel like there was more to that smirk. But before you could say more, he spoke up again. “Why do you do that?” 
“Do what?” You asked, turning back towards him, but avoided looking into his intense green eyes.
“You have no reason to cower from me Y/N. Nor do you have any reason to be bashful. I find you most intriguing.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“I can see it plain as day, the way you hold yourself, speak, avoid eye contact and even how you suppress your magic.” He said and you immediately snapped your head towards him. “Yes, Y/N. I can feel your magic just radiating off of you, but you keep it contained; I can feel that too. You have no reason to be so inside of yourself.” He said taking another step closer to you. “You’re a highly intelligent and stunning young woman. That anyone would grovel on their knees to have you.” He said in a low whisper as he leaned towards you and surprisingly you found yourself leaning slightly towards him as well. 
His soft lips brushed against yours sending that same electric shock throughout your body; but only this time it was a thousand times more intense. 
You let out a gasp and quickly pulled away from him, even though it killed him inside to let you pull away from him; he did it none the less. He knew he had his hooks into you now, he just had to wait for you to realize it. Which wouldn’t take long. 
Suddenly you found yourself drawn to him again, and you took a step towards his large, tall frame and reached up for him. You kissed him gently, reciprocating his kiss in kind; then deepening it. You tangled your fingers in his dark curls feeling how soft they were and his large hands gently wrapped themselves around your waist pulling you closer into his hot body; being careful not to scare you off like a frightened animal. His tongue pressed against your lips, seeking entrance and you parted for him, letting him invade your senses; needing him to tear down every wall you’ve ever built and giving you that freedom from yourself. His grip on your waist grew tighter, as he crushed you against him, feeling that his body was hard as a rock against yours. 
When you finally broke away from him to catch your breath. He looked down at you longingly and brushed a piece of hair from your face. 
“There she is.” He smirked. 
Before you could ask what, he meant though suddenly you heard someone calling your name. 
“Y/N?” It was Sabrina. “There you are? Where have you been? You’ve been gone for like the whole party.” She said coming into the room, you felt heat bloom across your cheeks as you were about ready to explain the situation of you being alone with some stranger making out by the soft drinks; but when you turned around Luce was gone. 
“Y/N?” Sabrina asked, concern lacing her voice. 
“Yeah- I” You said stuttering. “I’m sorry I guess I just lost track of time. The party is over?” You asked, feeling like the floor was about to fall out from underneath you.
“Yeah it’s been over for a bit now. I’ve just come to find you-” She quickly cut herself off. “Are you okay Y/N?” She said walking over to you, and placing her hand on your shoulder. 
“Yeah I’m fine. I just- let’s just go home.” You said shaking your head, trying to clear the fog from your mind and trying to decide whether what just happened was actually real or not. 
As you walked with Sabrina out of the little back room where you just shared a kiss with a complete you looked back to see if he would magically reappear as fast as he disappeared but he wasn’t there. 
As you laid there in bed, you thought about the events of the night about Luce and his mysterious disappearance. Was he even real? Or have you finally lost your mind completely. You tossed and turned for what felt like eternity on your bed as your thoughts kept drifting to Luce. Thoughts about how soft his lips were, his large hands and how they felt against your hips; desperately needing them to go lower, and how his body felt against yours like it was meant to be there. 
You sat up in bed, it’s obvious that you’re never going to be able to sleep; when your thoughts keep drifting in dangerous directions. You got up from your bed and looked out the window into the night that was brightly lit by the full moon hanging in the sky. 
Maybe it was the full moon that was driving you crazy? But as you looked down to the forest edge that surrounded your house, you knew exactly what it was. Luce was standing there, staring up at you, even from here you could feel his eyes begging you to join him in the shadows. 
You didn’t know what compelled you but you darted from your bedroom and did just that. You raced down the stairs taking them two at a time before you got to the back door and flung it open. But, stopped in the doorframe, making sure that he was still standing there in the shadows of the forest; he was. You walked towards him, slower than you did coming down the stairs but with the same sure-footedness and determination. You were determined to find some answer from this mysterious character for all you knew he was the reason you felt like you were being stalked. 
When you approached him, he had a certain softness in his eyes as he looked down at you, taking you in again. You tried to shake off the warm feeling building inside of you, in order to get some answers. 
“Who are you?” 
He smiled but it held a hint of sadness and pain in it. He reached his hand up to your face and ran the back of his knuckles softly down your cheek; sending that bolt of electricity through you again, making you shiver. “You know who I am, Y/N. You’ve known from the first moment I spoke to you tonight. Didn’t you?” He said his smile broadening just a hair. 
His clever girl. So clever, so beautiful. 
You take a step back from his touches and he feels an ache deep in his chest. 
Luce. Lucifer. It made sense, your paranoia, that sense of foreboding and that someone was watching you. It was him. But why?
“Why? Why me?” you asked, feeling a sliver of fear creep under your skin, at the idea of what he was capable and if he truly desired you why didn’t he just take you? The devil is not really known for being hesitant when it comes to taking what he wants. 
He didn’t miss a beat in answering your question. “Because you’re beautiful. And powerful and the only woman in the universe who has bewitched me so; to the point where I can scarcely breathe without you being near me. Because just your presence alone coaxes the roiling place where my soul should be.” He advanced a step towards you, closing that small space between you once again. “Be with me Y/N. Be mine eternally and the universe shall be yours.” He said before pausing a beat and looking at you with such desperation and longing. “Please.” He whispered as he reached out to take a piece of your loose hair and twirl it softly around his finger. 
Seeing that look on his face, you’d never seen that before; let alone ever had somebody feel that way about you. You felt that familiar pain in your chest, and knew what he felt; that loneliness that seems bottomless, but he could be your anchor and you could be his.
You reached out your hands to his chest, your touch surprising him. Your hands ventured up his chest and wrapped around his neck, pulling his lips down to crash onto yours. Your kisses gentle at first then turning needy as you deepened the kiss and tangled your fingers in those dark locks of his; wanting more of him.
He didn’t hesitate, to bend down and wrap his hands around your ass and hoist you up and wrap your legs around his waist. He finally had you and he’ll be damned if he ever lets you go. He would give you everything you desire, whether it be jewels, power, or the universe in the palm of your hand. He would do anything for you, because you bewitched him; he is withthin your thrall as much as you are withthin his.
You clutched tightly to his neck as he carried you towards the house, no worries that you’d be interrupted since no one was home. You placed sweet kisses on his neck and sucked under his jaw earning a growl of pleasure from him.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? Once your mine, I’ll never let you go.”
You placed your finger on his lips shushing him. “Be with me. Tonight, and all the nights to come. I’m tired of being withthin myself so much that I don’t allow love withthin my heart.”
He kissed you again, all of his longing and desire was pressed into that kiss as he kneeled down on the soft carpeted floor of the living room in front of the fireplace, which now had a fire roaring in its hearth. You sat on his knees as he knelt on the ground, cradling you to his chest; before laying you down softly on the carpet.
The fire played with the features of his face, making him look even more breathtaking than he did in the moonlight. You reached up and cupped his face, pulling him back down to you as you kissed you reached up to his chest and started unbuttoning his shirt, removing it swiftly and exposing his hard chest. He did the same to you, tracing his hands down your abdomen and finding the band of your sweat pants and dipping his hand inside, cupping your sex.
You let out a low groan, arching your hips into his touches, needing so much more from him. When suddenly, his finger dipped inside of you, making you gasp.
“So sweet for me Y/N.” He purred in your ear, and watched as you were coming undone under his touches. He took his thumb and rubbed soft circles on your clit making you moan louder. He watched you intently as you threw your head back, relishing his touches reaching for your release and when it came it was like a wave crashing over you.
He ate your moans as your walls clenched around his finger, before pulling out of you and reaching for the band of your sweats again and pulling down, exposing you to him. He drank you in and looked like he was going to eat you alive; which was definitely something he was going to do later, but not now. Now he’d take it slow with you, unless you said otherwise.
“Are you ready for me sweetness?” He asked his intense green eyes, blown wide. You nodded and reached for his pants but he stood up and you watched as he undid his pants and pulled them done his legs and discarded them easily, and kneeling back before you. He kissed up your body, and sucked on your neck lightly before he kissed your lips again. You could feel him line up with your entrance and only a moment passed before he pushed inside of you.
You both let out a low groan that seemed to mix together. He let you get used to him for only a moment before he started to move, his thrusts were slow and sensual as he rolled his hips into you. You gripped onto his back, sinking your nails into his back, and earning a low moan as your reward. He reached between your bodies and found your clit again. He rubbed it in faster circles, making you whimper from the pleasure.
“Luce.” You moaned, “I’m so close.”
“Let go sweetness. I’m here now.” He mumbled into your neck, placing sloppy kisses just under your ear making you shiver and adding to the increasing tsunami that was about to crash over you. He held your gaze as your orgasm ripped through you and he was soon to follow you into that sweet bliss. 
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Masterlist:
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Ambrose Spellman:
Nicholas Scratch:
- First Time
Harvey Kinkle:
Tommy Kinkle:
Theo Putnam:
Lucifer Morningstar
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Lust spell
Dark lord x reader
virgin reader does a sex spell after giving up on waiting for the dark lord... guess who shows up ;)
Warnings: 18+, hair pulling
(Y/n) sighed tapping a pen against her soft lips. She laid on her stomach books spread all around her large bed. Reading the page of the demonomicon again she tried to deeper understand its meaning. She wanted to know everything she could about magic and most importantly the dark lord. She was at the top of her class before she graduated from the academy of unseen arts and truly lived to make the dark lord proud. Realizing she wouldn’t learn anything else so exhausted from hours of reading and writing any new findings she moved from her bed grabbing her books placing them back on one of the many bookshelves in her candlelit room.
Deciding to get ready for bed she moved into her eclectic bathroom and began to fill the enormous claw foot tub with steaming hot water. She looked over to the cabinet of oils and dried herbs an idea coming to her mind. (Y/n) was beautiful and had the attention of everyone at the academy when she attended but none of them ever caught her eye. This didn’t mean she didn’t have desires like everyone else but she was saving herself for the dark lord. She knew it was unrealistic but if she had enough faith maybe he would listen. It had been years of thinking this way and pleasuring herself trying to keep the will power to wait for him. Her need was becoming too much. She needed real release.
Walking over to the wooden cabinet and grabbing handfuls of dried roses, baby’s breath and lavender she sprinkled them into the tub beginning to set her intention for the spell. Stripping her clothes she grabbed the most important part of the spell. The ornate glass bottle felt warm in her hand as she poured the oil over her chest. The feeling sent tingles through her body. The lust oil made her desire stronger than usual which would be necessary if she wanted the spell to work. After rubbing the oil all over (y/n) stepped into the tub fully submerging her glistening body.
After performing the spell she lay in the tub and prayed to the dark lord. (Y/n) continued to soak in the tub when a loud knock on her front door startled her. There was no way the spell worked that quickly she thought as she stepped out of the tub and threw on a black silk robe. Curious as to who was knocking on her door so late she opened it. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight that greeted her. The most gorgeous man she had ever seen towered above her practically nude. All he had was a small cloth tied around his waist and she realized he was covered in dirt. Maybe her spell had come true so soon.
“ Hello miss I hope I didn’t startle you, your house is the first one I’ve come across and I’m not sure how I got here,” the man spoke in a voice that was innocent yet pure sex. This was definitely the spell alright.
“Please come in,” (y/n) said as she stepped out of the doorway quickly. Lucifer came inside hiding his smile at how easy it was for him to lie to her and how for all her prayers and devotion she couldn’t tell it was him. Trying to be kind to the man (y/n) asked “ are you hungry?”
“ very,” Lucifer said as he looked over (y/n)s body the the meaning changed by the way he said it. “ I’m filthy though and would like to clean up first if possible?” He asked pretending to be a gentleman.
“ of course, I was actually just taking a bath and it’s still hot if you wouldn’t mind that.”
“ I can tell,” he said looking her over. Her skin was glowing from the oil on her body that was only covered by a small bath robe and he couldn’t wait to see what was underneath. “ a bath would be wonderful.” He followed her into the candlelit bathroom watching as she bent over to add more hot water.
“ I’ll leave this running so you can turn it off when it’s hot enough.” (Y/n) pressed her thighs together trying to stop the ache this beautiful man was creating.
She began to walk out of the bathroom looking back to shut the door behind her stopping in her tracks as the toned man removed the small piece of cloth his muscular ass fully on display. Paralyzed by his beauty she couldn’t look away. He turned slowly to step into the bath his large member now in view. ‘oh my satan,’ she thought biting her lip disappointed when he sunk down into the tub. Lucifer smirked hearing her prayer and looked over to her. “ Would you mind helping me with my back ?”
“I don’t mind ,”she responded breathily and grabbed a cloth walking over to the tub. Getting on her knees to be at the same level Lucifer thought of what he really wanted her to do on her knees and could feel himself begin to grow. “ (Y/n) dipped the cloth into the water then onto Lucifers back watching as the dirt wiped away easily. Sitting behind him she so badly wanted to run her fingers through his curly hair and decided to wash it as an excuse. Ringing the cloth in his hair she then added soap and began to lather it. As she massaged his scalp he let out a moan.
“ That feels incredible,” he moaned again causing butterflies in her stomach. (Y/n) continued wanting to please him in more ways than one. She grabbed the cloth again ready to rinse his hair but he slid under the water giving her a full view of his nakedness. ‘ oh my fucking satan’ she thought his member now fully erect and even bigger than she had seen before. Explicit images formed in her mind as he sat back up and turned to her, “ would you like to join me?”
( y/n)s heart beat in her chest knowing what was to come. He motioned to the tub and she slowly stood silently accepting his offer. She was ready to completely give herself to him. Standing at the edge of the tub she looked down at him biting her lip. He moved to the edge his fingers on the silk bow of her robe pulling and slowly undoing it. ( y/n) let the robe fall off of her and saw the desire in his eyes. Lucifer ran a finger over her nipple enjoying the small tremble it caused her. He held out his strong hand helping her step into the tub her back toward him. She sat turned away from him leaving enough distance so that they weren’t yet touching.
Lucifer moved his arms around her pulling her back against his chest. (Y/n) gasped now feeling his large member against her back. “ relax,” he whispered softly and she let the tension leave her body. Lucifer moved his hands to her thighs rubbing them and began to move even higher up. He moved his mouth to her neck kissing below her ear. “ so beautiful.” His hand traveled to her clit keeping still as she moaned softly at the sensation. “ no one has touched you here before me.” He stated.
“ no,” (y/n) replied thinking it was a question.
“ I will give you pleasure no other could,” He whispered as he began to rub her clit.
“ oh yes,” (y/n) softly moaned, his fingers doing magic against her most intimate spot. Lucifer kissed her neck and shoulder loving the reactions he was pulling from her body. He could feel her tensing slightly and knew the pleasure was going to overtake her soon. He moved his other hand to her opening teasing her folds with a finger.
“ I wish to be inside you so badly,” he slowly thrust a finger inside his eyes rolling at her tightness. He worked her with his finger the other hand circling her clit. (Y/n)s walls were starting to flutter around his finger so close to letting go. “I wish to feel you shake around my cock giving in to the pleasure.” She began to shake almost there, “ give in (y/n) .” With that her orgasm ripped through her. A shriek left her lips and Lucifer smiled excited to see how she would react to his member.
( y/n) lay back against Lucifers chest breathing heavily coming down from her orgasm. The cloudiness from her mind disappearing a realization hit her and she tensed nervous this time. “ how did you know my name ?”
“ I know all my children’s names (y/n).” He turned her face to look up at him the shock was evident on her face. “ You are very special though, I wouldn’t just leave hell for anyone. How sweet you were planning to wait for me.”
She looked up at his beautiful face still in shock, “ dark lord I’m so sorry... I .”
“ Do not apologize,” he said sternly interrupting her. Lucifer looked deep into her (y/e/c) eyes filled with worry, “ show me you still have faith,” he said sweetly and seductively. Just like that the worry of upsetting him was gone and (y/n) knew how to prove her loyalty. Adjusting herself quickly in the tub she pressed her lips to his her hand wrapping in his hair for balance. Lucifer wrapped his strong arms around her possessively pulling her as close to him as possible while exploring her soft mouth. Now that she was seated above him he leaned forward and wrapped her legs around his waist holding her tightly as he lifted them from the water. He continued to kiss her as he carried them out of the tub and into the hallway. She squirmed in his arms desperate for more bringing out the beast in him. Moving to her bedroom quickly he kicked the door open and laid her down on her overly cushioned bed hovering above her.
“ please dark lord,” she whimpered as he moved to kiss her neck and chest. Years of waiting and she was so close yet so far. Reaching down between them she wrapped her small hand around him causing him to pin her hands to the bed quickly. (Y/n) looked up at him her chest heaving as she watched his gaze travel over her body. Her need for him was overwhelming, “ I need you so bad it hurts.”
With that he let go of her hands and they wrapped around his back as he leaned down and kissed her gently. He grabbed his large member in his hand lining it up with her glistening opening. (Y/n) gasped at the feel of his skin against hers as he ran his tip up and down her folds teasing her. ‘ oh dark lord please I can’t take it anymore I need you’ she prayed knowing he would hear. He pulled his lips away from hers and she looked at his angelic face as he softly spoke “ I will show you mercy.” He sunk into her forcefully causing her to cry out his large member stretching her more than she thought she could handle.
Lucifers fingers found her clit caressing it roughly as he thrusted again slowly this time filling her completely. The added sensation on her clit made her eyes roll in her head. The pleasure was too much but she didn’t want it to stop.
“ yes dark lord!” She exclaimed encouraging him even more. “ you feel amazing.”
Her words stroked his ego as her pussy stroked his cock. “ you are hell on earth (y/n),” he grunted as she tightened around him even more. He thrusted slow and hard reveling in her. He looked down at where they were connected and watched as her folds gripped him tightly bringing him close to release. Lucifer began to rub her faster his thrusts picking up pace along with her moans. (Y/n)s legs began to tremble and he looked down at her in awe of her beauty. “Cum for me little witch.”
An earth shattering orgasm overtook her body and soul. She never wanted it to end and it seemed like it wasn’t going to. Lucifer groaned as her walls began to milk him and he thrusted into her prolonging both of their orgasms even further.
He laid on top of her still enveloped by her and kissed her cheek sweetly. “ That alone was worth being kicked out of heaven”
(y/n) blushed not expecting his kindness and worriedly asked, “ will you be going back to hell now?”
“ of course I’m the king,” he said arrogantly. Caressing her bottom lip and kissing her Lucifer pulled away and added “ would you like to be a queen (y/n)?”
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ariana-maryse · 4 years
Lucifer Morningstar Relationship Headcanons
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(For anon) 
He loves to show you off whenever he can. Whether that’s by showcasing something you’ve done or a facet of your outfit he’d gotten for you; anything to draw attention to you. 
He’s very dominant in every aspect of your relationship. If you are as well, you can expect to bump heads; figuratively or literally. 
He’d definitely bring that Labyrinth style dynamic: “fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.” If you were going to Circuit print anything from media that represented him, it’d be that. 
His grasp on time is understandably skewed, so if you two hadn’t seen each other for a while, he may not think of it and would tease you about how often you “needed” to be around him. 
Lucifer is always ready to use his powers and array of minions to help you (as long as it’s of some interest to him, too) so you’d have to let him know if you’re cool with that or not. 
Speaking of, boundaries aren’t something he’s used to. So you’d need to be clear about what you’re okay with in general because he's definitely going to assume everything is fair game. 
He’s 100% ready to wear matching digs. He prefers things that are similar with slight variants to most accentuate your individual features, but every now and then he’s good with wearing the exact same outfit as you. 
He does The Most as much as possible. If you mention that you’re hungry, he’s going to order an entre Hell Feast for you. 
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Sooo.. I’ve been reading all these Caliban stories after finishing CAOS (I know.. took me long enough) and I was inspired, mainly because there are not enough!! It’s been awhile since I wrote something, so please don’t hate! Enjoy!
Summary: Reader is BFF’s with Sabrina and her gang. She must help Sabrina claim the throne in Pandemonium, but along the way she meets Caliban, Prince of Hell.. She learns some things about herself along the way..
Part 1:
The air had just turned crisp. Fall was arriving. A sharp wind made your skirt flutter. You were on your way to Sabrina’s to talk about your next move and to hear about her and the gang’s trip to Pandemonium. Before you could knock on the Spellman’s Mortuary door, Sabrina had already flung it open. Her eyes were wide and she was panting as if she had just run 10 miles.
 “What’s wrong ‘Brina?! Is everything alright?” you exclaimed.
She grabbed the collar of your pinafore dress and pulled you inside. “Caliban. Regalia. Contest. Not safe”, she gasped between breaths.
 “What are you talking about? Who the hell is Caliban?” you said.
 She sat down in one of the plush chairs in the parlor and explained what happened while the four of them were in hell.
“When we got to Pandemonium, someone spoke up and challenged my claim to the throne. It turns out it was the babe—evil babe, we saw on the beach when we got there.” 
My eyes were glued on her the entire time, “What the hell.. I mean can he do that?”
 “I guess.. I mean the Kings of Hell okayed it.. Now I have to find this goddamn crown, a bloody bowl, and Judas’ 30 pieces of silver for crying aloud. I have no idea where I’m going to start.. I mean maybe the academy has some books on it, but you would think someone would have gone through them already and found something.” 
You sat there just as puzzled as she did, but you could not help but get lost in your own thoughts. You couldn’t dare tell Sabrina this, but what she was telling you was almost the exact same bedtime story your mother, Freya, used to tell you when you were growing up. ‘A queen challenged in her court, destined to set out on a quest to find three objects desired by everyone in her court. If she failed the throne would fall to the unrelated prince from another part of the kingdom.’
“Y/N? You good?” Sabrina said.
“Yeah, gosh sorry, just been a long day. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I was asking you if you could stay and help me figure out a plan for how to find the first object?” 
“Yes, of course! Hey didn’t you say that Pandemonium had a library with literally everything there is to know about this kind of stuff?”
“Oh my Lucifer you’re a genius!”
Sabrina and you made a plan to teleport to Hell’s Court at midnight. You ran home to change your shoes into more practical boots.
 “Y/N? Is that you?”
“Hey mom! I’m going to spend the night at Sabrina’s tonight, is that ok?” 
Freya had a quizzical look on her face. “Y/N, that’s fine, but before you go can we talk about something? It’s serious.”
“Yeah, sure what’s up?” Your mom grabbed your hand and sat with you on the couch. “It’s about our family tree. Mainly you and your father and I. I need to share something with you that may be upsetting, but it’s something you need to know.”
“Mom. What’s going on?”
“Ok, I’ll give you the short version. You know the story of Lucifer, the angel that fell from the Heavens?” “Yes..” This was too weird.. You were about to teleport to Hell, why was she bringing this up now.  
“Well this may be hard to believe, but it’s real. All of it. Your father is Lucifer’s brother. He is a “Watcher” a type of Angel in Heaven and a long, long time ago, your father, Arakiel, came down to Earth to check up on Lucifer and instead he met me.”
“Is?” I said staring and my hands.
“Huh?” she asked. 
“You said is an angel. You mean he’s still “alive”?”
“That’s what you got from all of that?”
“Mom! You said he left when I was a baby and that he died a long time ago.” you snapped at her.
“Sorry.. Well I did that to protect you.. He did leave, but has always been here. He visits you every eve of your birthday and blesses you for the year.”
“Oh my…” you trailed off tears in your eyes. “Mom, how are you just now telling me this?” 
“Well, something has changed.. Something has disrupted humanity. Your father has to stop it and you’re the only one who can help him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, that’s the other part of the story I need to tell you. You see when you’re father and I met.. Over a thousand years ago..”
“I’m sorry what?”
“You see Y/N; I’m a Tree Nymph, a dryad technically, that’s how I met your father. Long story short, he was performing a geomancy in the forest that I inhabited and he and I fell in love. Shortly thereafter you were born... This makes you half angel, half fae.” 
You were frozen. This could not be happening. Sabrina was the witch, Roz had the cunning, Theo could see souls, and you and Harvey were the mortal ones of the group.
“I have to go.”
“Darling no! Please let’s talk about this, your father will be here soon! We don’t have much time.”
“I have to help Sabrina right now, with something that’s equally important.. this can wait.” With that you slammed the door behind you.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Lucifer Morningstar (CAOS) Name Headcanons
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Lucifer Morningstar (CAOS Edition) Name Headcanons Lucifer Morningstar x Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
L: Loathes
He loathes it when you have attitude with him.  Though he's used to being hated by the masses he can not stand when you're angry with him.  He absolutely loathes it.
U: Undying
He has an undying love for you.  To the point of being suffocating at times.  He doesn't mean to be that way but he's never felt love like he has for you.
C: Clingy
More to this point...he is super clingy.  If you're in the room together- and you usually are- he's like right there.  Constant contact.
I: Inferno
Ya boy is passionate as hell.  No pun intended but fuck it we're talking about the King of Hell so pun intended.   Things are very fiery between the two of you most of the time but when the time calls for it....holy hell.
F: Flaws
While you may hate your flaws...he actually adores them.  Being the way that he is - he doesn't expect perfection and revels in the little oddities about you.
E: Extra
His flamboyance is no secret and so it should come as no surprise that his displays of affection are every bit of a peacock displaying his feathers.
M: Moody
He can be such a pouty puss when he doesn't get his way.   Especially when it comes to you.
O: Onions
Lol, so it's common knowledge that he hates them.  Well, on occassion if he really pisses you off.... you just hang a wreath of them on the bedroom door.  He is SO offended.  However, it does do the trick and he knows he's really fucked up.  So he works hard to fix it.
R: Right Now
He is a patient man.  He can wait for what he wants.  To a point.   When he saw you he wanted you and he wanted you right then.
N: Need
And when he got you- oh good lord.   He is quite possibly the neediest person you'd ever met.   However, you wouldn't take it any other way.  You adore him.
I: In Satan's Name
You grew up a certain way and one night you were saying grace over your food.   You ended with "In Jesus Name" and it was dead silent. No one could believe you'd said it.  However, he just reached over and patted your thigh.  "In Satan's name, love." he said with a chuckle.   To date, one of your most embarassing moments.
N: Name
He wants you to take his name.  The sooner the better.  "Darling, why not? Mrs. Morningstar, Queen of Hell.  Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
G: Goddess
In his eyes, you are a goddess before him.  Nothing compares to the beauty of you.
S: Surprises
He is the father of lies but he actually doesn't lie to you.   However, he is an excellent deceiver and can pull off surprises like no one.
T: Treatment
He treats you like the Queen you are.  Anything else would be unacceptable to him on an unholy level.
A: Anchor
When he loses it and flies off the handle, you anchor him.  You can bring him back to center and see reason faster than anyone else.
R: Royalty
For this reason, you will always be royalty in his eyes.  
Hello, darlings! I hope you enjoyed these little name headcanons for The Dark Lord!
Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666 @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore@buriednurbckyrd@disneymarina @tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Halloween Drabbles Day 24:
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Lucifer x reader
Prompt: ‘I know where all the best candy is’
Halloween with Lucifer was something you never figured you would do.
And yet.
You leaned against the side of the throne, your dress flowing gracefully down your body. It fit well and it was supposed to, Lucifer had tailored it that way. Halloween was upon you and despite being in hell you weren’t quite in the spirit. You had been here a year, ruling beside him as best you could. You weren’t half bad either.
But still, you missed Halloween.
“We could trick-or-treat down here, if it makes you feel better,” he muttered annoyed. You shook your head.
“I’m not going to allow you to pity me,” you stated simply. Your shoes moved around a bit as you fixed them so that they were falling a bit off and then slipped them back on.
“I’m not pitying you.”
“Yes you are. You’re going to make the demons dress up at people and then I’ll get bad candy from them,” you told him stiffly.
“I know where the best candy is,” he promised. You shook your head and moved away from the throne.
“I’m not trick or treating in hell,” you told him. “Why can’t we just go visit upstairs?”
“Because you’re the Queen of hell. You would break the very ground you walked on,” he said pompously.
“Oh Lucifer,” you muttered. “The answer is still no dear.”
“Fine. Then go annoy the humans.”
“You know what? I will.”
“I know you will.”
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issamhysa · 4 years
Lucifer Morningstar getting a puppy would include...
A/N: To the anon that requested this, I love you.
Lucifer is not only King of Hell
He’s also a husband and a father
So the last thing he needs is another responsibility
But when Abigail comes home one day, begging her father for a puppy
How can he refuse?
You and Abigail decide on adopting a little Beagle called Sif
She’s an energetic little thing, so you and Abigail immediately fall in love with her
Lucifer, on the other hand, does not
For days on end, he curses the day you and Abigail decided to bring this little furball into his home
He glares at it every time he finds it sitting on his spot on the couch
He tries to shoo it with his hand, or make a sound to scare it, but she just stares up at him with those big eyes
Lucifer suddenly regrets agreeing to that no-magic rule the two of you established when Abigail first arrived
Sif just sits on her new spot, tail wagging a mile an hour as she stares up at the fuming King before her
Huffing in resignation and cursing under his breath, he sits on the other side of the couch, putting as much distance between him and the puppy as he can
Of course, Sif moves from her spot and moves towards Lucifer, plopping her little head down against his thigh
The King of Hell groans, and just like that, gives up
He ignores her as well as he can
As far as he’s concerned, little Sif doesn’t exist
However, he’s unable to ignore the little thing when she’s taking up all of your attention
Hey, kings of Hell need attention too!
But no, all your attention is on a little mutt you’ve known for two days
Abigail is the same way, there isn’t a second she’s not spending with her new pet
It drives Lucifer crazy
He abhors her
One day, you and Abigail leave the house to deliver baked goods
Which leaves Lucifer home alone
The dark lord is in pure bliss as he lounges on the couch, unbothered, a glass of wine in hand and a nice fire going in the fireplace
All is well, until he hears a little squeak
Lucifer refuses to open his eyes to look at Sif
Until the toy squeaks again
And again, and again
So he shoots up in his seat and looks at the puppy, who’s holding a squeaky toy between her jaws and wagging her tail
Carefully, she deposits the toy by Lucifer’s feet and sits back
Reluctantly, Lucifer curses and picks up the toy, tossing it across the room
He chuckles as the creature darts after it, and sits back on the couch
“Stupid little thing.”
Within seconds, Sif is back in front of him, dropping the toy by his feet newly
Luci sits up and stares at the dog
Sif, of course, stares back, unwavering
Not like she knows what she's doing
She's just a puppy, after all
Nevertheless, Lucifer hums and allows a small smile to cross his face
"I guess you are somewhat adorable."
When you and Abigail get home, you're both surprised to see Lucifer asleep on the couch with Sif curled up next to him
It's a change, but a completely welcome one
From then on, Lucifer and Sif are suddenly the best of friends
Lucifer allows Sif to sleep on the bed with the two of you
He bathes her, feeds her and plays with her on a daily basis
He also speaks to her
But not in a normal voice
You know that voice people use to talk to babies or small animals?
THAT voice
You and Abigail share a look every time he uses it
However, if he knows you two are staring, he'll stop and send you both a glare chilling enough to make you want to walk into the ocean to escape his wrath
Not that it affects either of you, though
You both know you're his girls
Plus, he hasn't forgotten just how much power you have over him
He knows what's good for him, so he'll just mutter something under his breath, pick Sif up and disappear into another room
Sif actually helps Lucifer relax, in a way
He finds petting her and talking to her therapeutic
And with all his responsibilities, he could use a little tiny creature like Sif to make him smile
Abigail wanted the puppy, but in the end, it seems Lucifer was the one that needed her the most
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nxckscrxtch · 4 years
stay // part 2 // nicholas scratch
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(gif creds to the owner)
darkness. hatred. scathing agony.
the pain endured by housing the definition of evil is unlike any other.
and all he could do was watch.
watch as the love of his life was made unrecognizable in his eyes and in those she loved.
watch as the dark lord that he was meant to worship, mentally tore his love limb from limb until she was unable to fight.
watch as the strongest person he knew succumbed to the pressure of the devil himself.
you couldn’t gain control. you would say words that weren’t your own, perform actions that weren’t of your own thought.
you quickly became a stranger in your own mind.
the door to the cell began to open, only to reveal your lover.
“you shouldn’t be here.”
those weren’t your words.
“I’m going to bring her back to me. you are going to let her go.” nick’s hands were clenched at his sides, the rage of having to see his girl constantly tormented starting to overshadow judgement.
nick, don’t play his games.
“oh, you think so? and why would I do that?”
nick begins to explain the misfortunes in Hell’s dictatorship, making a deal with the devil, and offering his freedom for yours.
no, he’ll never let us live for this. nick, stop.
you don’t know what changed, but with all of the strength you could possibly muster, you force your conscience forward.
he could visibly notice the change. the swirling highlights in your eyes becoming softer, gleaming with innocence and love.
he also didn’t miss the distress and internalized pain staring back at him. it hurt to look, but to look away was even harder.
“nick, don’t do this. you can’t let him free.”
nick’s lips part as he realizes this is the first time in weeks that he has felt your voice consume his attention. his heart is suddenly spread open and although he knows these shared moments are fleeting, he can’t quite find the words.
“I have to. I cannot wait around and watch you suffer. not for me.”
the parasite keeping you hostage looms in your mind, reminding you that control is a lie and that he is giving you permission. make it quick.
“nick, listen to me. yes, I did this for you, but i did it for everyone too. this is to protect you all.”
nick begins to furiously shake his head.
“no, no, no. you don’t realize that it is only getting worse out here. both of your absences are felt and Hell is out of control. I can’t even think straight without you. I need to do this.”
you are now the one without words. you had no input, being in a mental prison for weeks caused a lack of awareness of the outside world, and you suddenly have no idea what to do.
“nick, if you set him free, he will never forgive us.”
nick’s eyes seem to shift, but for once, the emotion is unclear to you.
“that’s just a risk I’m going to have to take.”
everything changed within seconds. fighting for consciousness was draining the last of the fight you had left. before you were even able to let your lover’s name slip through your lips, the darkness shrouding every fiber of your insides surged forwards and only one line was gasped out before the endless black scene.
“I love you.”
a/n : thank you for reading! it means a lot :)) let me know what you guys think!
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valyrian-ruins · 5 years
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Hell of a Ride. Part 2.
Disclaimer : Hi guys ! Here’s the part 2 of Hell of a Ride ! If this please you, I’ll make the part 3 with more Lucifer x reader. Sorry for the mistakes. Enjoy ! 
xoxo, Allegra
Summary : Y/N and the others have reached Hell and are now at the begining of their périple to find Zeus, Hades and Poseidon weapons kept in différents vault conceived by Hephaiustus in Hell.
« …there was a big fault in the ground where the mares rushed at a gallop. »
Suddenly, after the soft light of a foggy day, they were in a dark fog. Like a cloak, it was all around them and none of them knew where the others were precisely. It was disorienting, like if you could see through it but also like you were completely in the dark. The mares stayed still for some minutes before start pawing the ground of impatience and Nick’s voice broke the silence.
"She doesn’t like this place ... Right?” He doesn’t sound really confident about the place where you were and you couldn’t blame him.
"It's not really the place the problem ... It's what's living here. We’re in Erebus, the first step for the dead. Cerberus should be lurking in the dark and the Erynies too. So keep your voices low, the less heard we are, the better. Come on, we’ve got a long road a head.” You were not really calm yourself, listening to the smallest sound when you start walking. The last time you were in this place was so long ago and you didn’t really want remember it.
"How do you know in which direction we are going?" Lucifer. You hoped that during the ride he’d lost his voice but apparently not. He remembered you Zeus, all in self-confidence and oversized ego under a delicious appearance.
"I'm listening to the sound of the water.” You could feel his impatience radiating, even if he was behind you.
"Water ?” Sabrina and Mrs. Wardwell's voices came in unison, uncertain about what you were talking about. They didn’t hear anything nor see anything but you seemed like you know exactly where your where going. 
Suddenly, you felt a strong hand grabbing your shoulder and pulling you backwards. The hand which grabbed you shoulder took your neck, pressing strongly. "You’re a little liar! I'm pretty sure you try to loose us, and you're gonna disappear, leaving us in this place!” Lucifer voice started booming and Sabrina came fast, trying to make him loose his grip.
"Lucifer! Let her go!” She was trying to keep his voice low but the fallen angel was determinate to make you say the truth he wanted. Keeping your eyes in his, you answerd him, your voice strangled.
"You’re gonna revealed us, you stupid goat! There’s a river down the road, the Acheron! We need to get there and find the ferryman! Only the dead can hear the river!” 
He released you suddenly, seeming satisfied with your answer. Rubbing your neck, you shot him a dirty look before sums up your walk, passing Lilith and Sabrina.
"I don’t know how this man makes you fall in love with him, that’s too much for me.”A dark laugh makes you stop dead in your tracks.
"Say the one who fell in love with Lycaon ... Oh, look who’s back to say hello ... Come sisters, come welcome the ancient queen of Arcadia.” Suddenly, you were surrounded by hideous women with blood-shot eyes, bat wings and snakes for hairs.
"Who are you?” Came the bold voice of Sabrina, making you roll your eyes… That child didn’t really know the concept of survival instinct, did she? Alecto was the first laughing, approching the young girl.
"Oh Y / N… Did you not talk about us? We thought we were friends after you came asking for revenge against your husband… ” Your companions looked at you but you kept your eyes on the Furies around you. They were not bad monsters neither bad deities but they were Cronus’s sisters and they knew that you were here for something.
"Alecto, Tisiphone, Megearea ... So pleased to see you again. We’re not gonna disturb you anymore, come on, let’s go. "Trying to continue your path, you've been stopped by Tisiphone.
"We're not here to stop your quest; Cronus leave us rotting in this place instead of taking us with him and we will be delighted to take our revenge on him but beware, Hells have changed since your last passage Y / N and you'll find no help there. Be careful and for all of you, pagans, do not be fooled by the one who wish you well here. "
Suddenly, the tree of them disappered in the dark, leaving a path of strange flowers, a ghostly glow emanating from them and leading the way. Everybody was silent after the mysterious sentence of Tisiphone. After some time in the complete silence, you finally arrived on the bank of the Acheron but Charon was nowhere to be seen.
"Fabulous, there’s no boat here and I will not swim across… This. » Lilith and her delicate and aristocratic voice. Searching in one of your pocket, you reveal five Drachma.
"Don’t worry, your Majesty, you will not be forced to do so ..." You suddenly launched the drachma in the direction of the Acheron, causing three small ricochets from the room which broke the dead silence of the river.
"For this ferryman thief. "
Part 3 ?  Taglist :  @poemfreak306​
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jadegrey711 · 5 years
A Day Away
Dark Lord x Fem!Reader
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A/N: I’ve got another wonderful prompt from @topstory21 for a Caos Dark Lord x Reader pairing and they are totally right when there is not a lot of Dark Lord x reader pairings on here, but I plan on fixing that! I really loved the idea of making the reader just a ruthless queen and just fearing nothing in his realm, and especially not him. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog. 
Word Count: 1920
Prompt: From @topstory21   Hey Love your Caos Dark Lord x reader story! Honestly I’m surprised there isn’t more stories with him🤔 Anyway could you maybe do a Caos Dark Lord story with the reader is the Queen of Hell and she and Lucifer get into a fight so she goes up top to earth and she goes to the schools garden where Sabrina finds her and tries to convince her to return back to hell (because we all know he’d sent ever demon and witch out to find her, possibly destroying the earth to retrieve her)
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711)
You walked down the halls, your dark gown flowing behind you; a condition your husband had demanded when you joined him forever in the eternal shadows. The condition being that he would be able to shower you with gowns of silk, jewels, and everything you’ve ever desired. You don’t remember much about the life you had before him, before you accepted his hand, and left the only life you’ve ever known to be Queen of shadows. Just as fearsome and merciless as him, when dealing out the eternal punishments of sinners who pass your gates. You’ve become more powerful than you ever thought someone could be; you became an entity like him, unchanging and immovable, not even your husband could force you into something you didn’t want to do.
You traced your hands against the walls as you walked down the corridors towards the throne room, you could feel the heat of the hellfire, seeping through the walls to your fingertips; the feel of eternal suffering always at your fingertips. As you drew neared to the throne room you started to hear voices, and someone was very angry.
“How is it that these witches are always able to evade me!” He shouted.
You stopped at the entrance of the throne room to listen as the demon bowing before him, sitting on the throne made from the bones of sinners, yours sitting right next to his.
“I-” The demon stuttered.
“Speak!” He shouted.” Tell me how is it that the witches, have foiled my plans once again!”
“It is believed my lord.” The demon said staring at the floor, knowing well enough not to look his lord and master in the eyes on a regular day let alone when he’s like this.
“We have intel that they were able to foil your plans” he paused. “With the Queen’s help.”
You decided in that moment to walk in, your head held high, as you smiled at your husband.
He said nothing as he quirked an eyebrow at you. You kept your sly smile as you held out your hand.
He grabbed your hand and placed a small kiss on your knuckles. “Wife.” Was the only thing he said as you pulled your hand away from his and made to sit on the throne next to his. But before you could he asked you something.
“Do you know anything about this my queen?”
“About what, my king?” You asked playing innocent, but he knew you, and knew that no matter how much power you had; nor the amount of souls you damned to eternal punishment. You still had some ounce of humanity and the fact was that you didn’t want your husband walking upon the earth again. So, you’d do everything in your power to stop that from happening, and when a certain young witch called upon a higher power to stop him the first time, you answered. Thus, your mutually beneficial relationship with the Spellmans was born, they didn’t want hell upon earth and neither did you.
“Y/N. I know about your little truce with the Spellmans and I know that you dispatch the demons I send above ground.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Is that what this; urchin, has been telling you?” You said turning your gaze towards the demon, making him immediately flinch as he laid himself fully on the floor to avoid your wrath. “That I’m a traitor.” You said before getting up from your throne and standing in between his legs and staring him in the face. “Besides, even if I am.” You said cradling his chin in your hand. “It’s only because you made me a promise eons ago. That you’d never ascend to earth, and if you did, I’d leave you. That was a part of our deal, you’d leave earth to its own demise. You wouldn’t be breaking that promise to me, would you? Husband.”
Your grip on his chin tightened as you waited for his answer.
“Y/N.” He breathed, watching you intently. “I’m not-” You cut him off, ripping your hand away from his chin.
“Enough of your lies husband! I’ve told you before, one wrong move and I’d leave. That was our deal. Now I’m fulfilling my end of the bargain. Don’t bother looking for me darling.” You said as you descended the steps of the dais and began walking off. He was quick to follow you, reaching out to grab your wrist.
“Y/N.” he pleaded at first, but you ripped your hand away and continued walking, not looking back. “There’s no place you’ll be able to hide Y/N, that I won’t be able to find you! I’ll tear apart your precious earth to find you. Know that!” he shouted venomously at your back, but nothing he said could stop you.
True to your word, you started your ascent up the winding staircase, made out of the same hard, cold rock that lined the walls. Each step, you felt yourself forcing yourself to climb higher, and keep your chin raised.
He broke his promise, multiple times so it was only fair that you kept yours. He was the King of Lies after all, but that didn’t mean you had to be the Queen of Lies.
Suddenly, though you were there, at the mouth of a cave, the cave being the entrance to the Greendale mines, you stepped out hesitantly into the moonlight. You looked up to the sky and saw the full moon hanging in the dark sky for the first time in… well you couldn’t remember. You raised your face to the sky, letting the moonlight bathe against your skin, drinking in every moment of the moonlight and the sound of the creatures that lived their lives in the dark; much like you. You laid down in a patch of soft grass, which contrasted heavily with your obsidian gown that sparkled like a black diamond. 
You laid there and felt the life thrum under your fingertips, so different from the constant hellfire and eternal suffering under your feet. 
Suddenly, though you heard the sounds of twigs crunching; someone was coming. You sat up, and waited for your unexpected visitor, thinking it was husband, having already found you and is coming to take you home.  
But, as you saw your visitor coming over the hill, you found that that wasn’t the case. It was Sabrina Spellman.
You relaxed a bit, and laid back down onto the grass. “Hello Sabrina.” You said casually, making her jump.
“Y/N.” She said softly. “What are you doing here?”
“I left him.” You said simply, but inside you felt you stomach twist in a harsh knot.
“What?” she said urgently. “How?”
“I just walked out, Sabrina. It wasn’t hard.”
“Do you think that was the right thing to do? I mean he doesn’t strike me as the type of being to just let something of his walk out.”
“I’m my own being Sabrina.” You growled.
“Of course!” she said trying to back track herself. “I just mean you’re the Queen of Hell. Do you think he’s going to just let you leave? Wouldn’t he send someone to come get you.”
You sat up again and looked at her, your anger rising to the surface. “If he wants me to come home after what he pulled. He better come get me himself, and get on his knees to apologize.”
“Wow. What did he do?”
“He broke his promise. He broke his promise every time he tried to come to earth to cause trouble. I made him promise that he would never try again and he broke that promise. And apparently, I’m a traitor for helping you, defeat each one of his minions.”
“I’m sorry.” She said, hesitantly sitting next to you on the grass.
“Don’t be. He made his bed and now he’ll lie in it.”
You both laid there in the silence before you heard another snap of a twig. You snapped up, and saw a demon, not a particular one just an envoy.
“Y/N.” Sabrina said, her voice shaking. “I think he’s here for you.”
“Yeah? Well I know you’re not supposed to kill the messenger, but I think it’ll send a specific message of what I want.” You said and as the demon, approached you snapped your fingers watching as he exploded into a pile of ash.
“Oh my god, Y/N.” Sabrina said taken aback.
“Let’s see if he gets the message before he runs out of demons in hell.” You said, laying back down.
He had sent three more demons to get you throughout the night, each one stronger than the last, but all of them lasted just as long as the next. Each one being dispatched by you by just the snap of your fingers.
By the time the sun began to rise over the horizon, letting early morning light flood over the grassy knoll, no other demons had come for you. You thought he’d finally given up on you and you could start thinking about your new life above ground.
You snapped up again and there he was coming out of the morning fog, he looked like the handsome dark prince that you first fell in love with all those years ago.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, standing up and watched as he walked closer to you.
“I’m here to bring you home.”
“You think I’ll just take your hand again and come with you willingly like the innocent maiden I used to be? You lied to me. Me out of everyone in your court of lies you lied to me. I should be given some respect as your Queen, and you shouldn’t ever lie to me. Do you understand me?”
“I understand.” He said and for the first time in a very long time, he surprised you. He knelt down in front you. “I’m sorry my love, my Queen. I promise with everything that I am, that I will never lie to you again. You are my Queen but also my life, you’ve only been gone for a few hours but it feels like years, not having you always close to me; to my heart. I need you, in every possible way.” He paused, keeping his intense gaze on yours. “Please come home with me.”
You wanted him to suffer, to beg and plead for you forgiveness for your mercy; just like the sinners that you damn to the eternal hellfire, plead for mercy every time. But, seeing him here on his knees before you, begging for you to come back even after only a few hours; you knew that he was suffering. 
You reached out to his face and cupped his chin again, softly this time and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Alright, let’s go home.” 
He gave you the most genuine smile and wrapped his arms around you bringing you close to him so he could deepen the kiss and stand up from his knees. 
You let him and wrapped your arms around his neck threading your fingers through his dark curls, already feeling like you were home. 
“I love you.” He said through the kiss. “Always. Always.” he said as he peppered your face with kisses and twirled you around, making you giggle with delight, before he placed you on your feet and gave you another chaste kiss on your mouth. “Always.”
“Well that was some apology.” You smiled, and kissed him again before pulling away. “I love you.” 
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
nsfw alphabet - lucifer morningstar (caos)
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A/N: (Request): The title says it all so a smut warning is in place.  
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex?)
Surprisingly tender. He’ll wrap his arms around you tight, quite possessively yet with a charming aim. He’ll place a kiss on your cheek and whisper sweet nothing’s in your ear.
B = Body Part
(their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Theirs, most likely chest. Ever since emerging in his current human form he’s been quite thrilled with how he looks. Definitely pleased with his toned upper body. Yours, Lucifer would have to say again chest. Perfectly round, perky, ideal size to fit into the palms of his hands. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
He prefers to cum on you rather than anything else as a way of marking you, especially on your chest. 
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to engage with multiple women at once however Lucifer is not a shy person, he’s also an open book and in his opinion there is no such thing as ‘dirty laundry’.  
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
It is no secret that he's been with his fair share of ladies in his long lifetime. He’s definitely experienced and knows all the right tricks, pressure points, and angles to get you going instantly.
F = Favourite Position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. It may be considered old, boring, outdated etc. however to Lucifer it’s the perfect position to feel complete dominance over you. Chest to chest, he can see every facial expression you make, he can catch every moan and eye-roll. He can pin down your wrists if he wants to or lightly choke you. It’s the perfect position for him to be completely in control.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
This would be a simple no-no. He’s extremely serious and focused on you, pleasuring you and making you feel good. Humour does not come into play in the bedroom.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Dark like his hair but he's very well groomed. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Lucifer is not a romantic. He always goes for dim lit candles when having sex but not for the romantic aspect of what they represent. He doesn't do rose petals or even gifts, sex is sex. 
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
It’s something he is familiar with but rarely does. You’re almost always there whenever he feels the urge to release. Additionally, as more of a traditional man he prefers not to ‘waste his load on himself’ per-say. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Teasing, marking, choking, bondage, and dominance. All things Lucifer does not shy away from but he would never call them kinks, just a normal night in. 
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
In his room. Plain and simple. It is where he feels the most powerful and where he reigns control. He can take his time in making you feel good, as long as he pleases.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Small compliments on his physique definitely do the trick. Whispering his name with every thrust, digging your nails into his shoulder blades, and on top of the list your moans of pleasure. 
N = NO (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc,)
He has no preference as both get the two of you going. He’s more than skilled in giving and never once failed in making you cum. He does enjoy however you on your knees in front of him, his large member in your sweet mouth as his fingers wrap themselves tightly in your locks. Your head bopping to the sound of his groans.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
There is only fast and rough with the Dark Lord. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Overrated. In his opinion pleasure is best prolonged. If he’s going to get you alone and ravage you, he's going to take his sweet time. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Lucifer, the Dark Lord, is a more traditional being. Never one to introduce something new to the table and prefers things right to the point. You, him and the bed.  
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Definitely a couple if he had to, he is a celestial being after all. He does however prefer to “go at it” once but properly, until you’re both sweating and out of breath. 
T = Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns a couple of pleasure items, given that he is into bondage. He is however a firm believer in: if you want something done right, you do it yourself. That includes making you cum uncontrollably. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s very handsy at all times. Subtly squeezing your ass, caressing your thighs and groping your chest. Even when having sex he aims to tease in order to please. He likes to prolong every movement, every sound, every kiss. He adores hearing you beg. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Dominion belongs to grunts, groans, and growls. He’ll occasionally whisper your name, softly yet with authority. He does however quite enjoy listening to your moans of pleasure - the louder the better.  
W = Wild Card (random headcanon for the character)
Leaving hickeys all over your bare skin, visible and not visible, has become his new obsession. Marking his territory.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Definitely on the bigger side. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The man is always ready to fuck you. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Morning, afternoon, and evening. He is constantly looking for release.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Almost never. He does enjoy watching you fall asleep in his arms, whispering “mine” into your ear as you drift away.
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