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alienonthis3arth · 8 years
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This is for the personal moodboard tag game! I was tagged by the very sweet @tiberivs-kirk ❤️
I tag @thatsmolplumbob, @bittenfingers13, @ruinsrebuilt, @rosamondslehmann and anyone else you wants to do it! :)
(only if you guys want to of course! except plumbob, she has do it 😏😏😏) 
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falllnginreverse · 8 years
Prison Break Fic
Title: Dysfunctional Love. Author: falllnginreverse | Rileykins [AO3] Summary: ‘Michael and Lincoln are fresh on the run from Fox River. Michael's optimism and hope for the future is wilting quickly for Lincoln, and he hopes with some tough love he can make Michael face the severity of the situation.’ Warnings: None~ Notes: I’m re-watching Prison Break so I’m all caught up for the new season on April 4th and I was very much persuaded by @lucifermoaningstar​ to write this ‘brotherly love’ fic! So, this is dedicated to you, Lars, and your kink for platonic brotherly love :)
Read the full fic on AO3 here.
Michael isn’t sure how long they’ve been running for.
He doesn’t remember much since Abruzzi chopped T-Bag’s hand off.
He does remember Lincoln pulling at him when he slows down, he remembers his brother muttering “C’mon Michael, we have to keep going” with hard tugs to keep him on his feet.
Michael remembers briefly the gas station they stop at. Lincoln runs in for a few minutes and comes back out with a stuffed plastic bag of water, chips and a chocolate bar. No one follows him out. “C’mon Michael,” Lincoln grunts as he grabs him by the wrist, tugging him to his feet again. “C’mon Michael.”
They’re running again.
Night has begun to fall when Michael trips and stumbles. He grabs onto a passing tree and leans heavily against it, his heart thumping against his rib cage from exhaustion. He’s not sure he can feel his feet any longer, and he’s not sure how his brother of all people could have spirited him away like this.
“We have to take a break, Linc.” Michael gasps out as he tries to catch his breath.
Lincoln is standing a few feet away from him, solid and silent and contemplative. Michael stares at his brother’s back, finally feeling his breath come back to him, and the buzzing in his feet begin as he slowly sinks to the roots of the tree holding him. The once stuffed full plastic bag is now full of garbage; they had cracked the water bottles open a while ago and both held only a few sips. The chip bags were stuffed in the bottom and the chocolate bar lay half melted in its wrapper. Michael’s stomach growled.
“Michael,” Lincoln starts. “If I hand myself in this ends.”
His words are like a strike across the face, and Michael feels his chest tighten uncomfortably. “You can’t,” He chokes out, but his big brother has turned around, narrow eyes squinting through the falling darkness at him. Michael feels his throat closing, a reaction he hadn’t had since his unfortunate days in Fox River.
“It’s the only way for you to have a normal life.” Lincoln says quickly. He can see the pain in Michael’s eyes, and he knows he can’t hold himself against it for long. He takes a step towards him and Michael flinches away as if punched, making Lincoln freeze in his steps. 
“I can’t do this without you, Linc. There’s no way I can,” Michael rambles weakly, his only defense against Lincoln’s words, and his brother’s eyes darken once again. Lincoln knows this. Lincoln knows there’s a dependency between them, one can’t really function without the other, but this was a matter of life and death now and Lincoln would be damned if Michael lost it all because he couldn’t ‘do this’ without him.
“Michael this is the only way.” Lincoln’s voice is low and gentle. Aggression will not work on Michael right now. “I have to turn myself in. I have to go back. I can’t see you like this, I can’t stand knowing you’re on the run because of me.”
Michael is silent. He’s processing. Lincoln clenches his hands into fists and relaxes them as he watches his little brother struggle with what he had said, with what he would have to say in return. Lincoln turns away again, staring at the wide expanse of trees around them, wondering if he could slip away in the night.
“You just got to have faith, Linc.” Michael whispers. 
“Faith has nothing to do with this!” Lincoln snaps, his voice a little stronger than he intended. Michael sagged against the tree, drawing his knees up as he rested his arms on them. Lincoln ran a hand over his face, then back over his head where his skin was littered with hard stubble. He shivered at the sensation. He had his head shaved for the chair. They had him strapped up. They were going to- 
“Faith has everything to do with this, with us.” Came Michael’s weak warble. “I won’t do this without you, Lincoln. You’re my brother.” And I love you. Michael lifted his head to look at Lincoln’s back. He didn’t know if he could convince Lincoln of this. Was this really how it was all going to end? Michael Scofield, breaking his brother out of Fox River only to have his brother go back with his tail between his legs? The thought angered him fiercely, but then the sobering thought of going on without Lincoln made his anger rapidly turn into sadness, and for a second his eyes welled with tears. 
Selfish, sad tears of a brother being abandoned once again. 
Lincoln turned slowly and Michael rose to his feet, wiping the tears away quickly. Lincoln had seen them. He took the few separating steps between them and gathered Michael in his arms, hugging him tightly to his chest. Michael clung desperately to his brother and once again felt those same sad tears well and fall, and he buried his face against Linc’s shoulder, exhaling hard when he realized he was holding his breath.
“You’re right, Michael. Faith has everything to do with this.” Lincoln murmured, and Michael pulled back slightly, staring at his brother. “If anything happens to me, if we get into a situation where we’re stuck in a corner and there’s no way out,” Lincoln took a breath. “Let me go.”
“I won’t.”
“Michael you don’t have a choice. I won’t let you take the fall. You have too much to live for.” 
“Michael, promise me if anything happens, if I get caught or if I go back to prison you won’t try and break me out again.”
Michael blinked, his upper arms still in the grips of his brother. “I can’t.” 
“Promise me that if anything happens you’ll go on without me.” Lincoln’s voice was firm. “Take Sara and LJ to Mexico, and start that surf shop. You have to.”
Michael stood there in Lincoln’s grasp staring at his older brother like nothing else mattered. He ran over the scenarios in his head, the possibilities, the endless countless scenarios that he could help avoid or get out of, and realized that even though he may have a ‘Plan A’, he couldn’t make a ‘Plan B’ without his brother, or to be there when Plan A failed. Michael looked away from his brother’s intense gaze but was brought back with a hard single shake. “Michael, you have to promise me.” Lincoln repeated himself, and against all the odds Michael nodded.
“I promise,” He breathed before he found himself crushed against Lincoln once again.
The two brothers held each other for a long time. Michael clung to his brother, desperate and scared while Lincoln protected him, his chin on Michael’s shoulders, arms tight around his torso, eyes scanning the area for any incoming danger. When they finally released one another, they were both better for it. Michael gave a soft smile and Lincoln returned it, before turning to start walking once again.
“We better keep going if we plan to get anywhere before they catch up.” Lincoln said quietly as they began walking. Michael followed suit, nodding silently as the two brothers began picking their way through the trees, headed for freedom.
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tiberivs-kirk · 8 years
This is a gift for @stnetwork‘s Gift Exchange for the wonderful @lucifermoaningstar !! It’s a little Spirk collection with a bit of protective!Spock. Really hope you like it <3 LLAP
He was leaning on his forearms, his weight entirely held by the steel base of the bar. There was no need for a bar stool – he spent just enough time in his life sitting in the captain’s chair on the bridge. His baby blue eyes were on the half full glass in front of him, yet his mind was elsewhere. While unconsciously drawing circles on the previously unstained glass, his mind was simultaneously analyzing the ruby shade of the drink in his glass and the now apparent creases on the skin of his forehead.
The drink was intense, like it had a personality of its own. Russian, and feisty. Dammit, Chekov.
What was the average number of years of service for a Starfleet captain anyways? Pike was one for a while. For quite a long time, actually. But his situation was different. Christopher Pike was a captain because he was simply born to be one. He was respected, honorable, intelligent, brave – everything a commander in the fleet could ask for. Kirk? He joined on a dare.
Déjà vu.
But it was indeed true. He wanted nothing more than to be better than his father ever was. Like winning a challenge. His primary aim was victory in this absurd, non-existent competition and coming out on top. And all of this nonsense was fueled by arrogance and narcissism, but at the same time loneliness and a desperate need for attention. All he ever wanted was approval.
His gaze and train of thoughts were broken by the sound of the doors to the empty bar sliding open. James’s eyes moved to the glass first, just for him to find out that he’d been out of it for so long that the ice cubes melted. So much for whiskey on the rock.
Just a moment later, he moved them to the slim and awfully familiar figure at the door. He smiled at the forever serious-looking man, warmth instantly filling his insides at the sight of those chocolate eyes, greenish skin and signature spiked ears. There was something about this man that always managed to relieve the stress. Still in his usual cerulean blue uniform, Spock approached the captain after acknowledging his nod, a sign of approval for him to intrude on captain’s personal hours off.
“Good evening, Mr Spock.” He said lightheartedly. “What bring you to this lovely bar tonight?”
As per usual, not even a smirk from the Vulcan. “Good evening Jim. As a result of my personal and the crew’s observation, today you seemed, according to human vernacular, off.”
Kirk wordlessly stared at the man across from him while downing the remains of his drink, waiting for him to finish.
“It appears that you’re not fully being your usual self. Therefore, I’m here to see what is not right.”
Smiling, Jim carefully placed the now empty glass back on the coaster and looked back up at his beloved first officer, barely able to keep his laughter at bay.
“So, as I see it, my feelings are hurt and the crew decides to make you come and check on me.” He stepped away from the bar and walked back to the cooler to take out the bottle full of scotch he’d previously been drinking. “Was this Bones’ idea? Sounds a lot like him.”
Spock watched calmly as the captain walked back to his spot and began pouring the liquid, way over the usual amount. “I’ve come here on my own accord.”
At his words, Kirk stopped pouring and looked up, straight into Spock’s eyes, his gaze literally screaming ‘are you serious’.
“I am quite serious Jim.”
Kirk looked down on his drink, a bit embarrassed at himself for reacting the way he did. Though, that’s not exactly why his cheeks were getting redder by the minute.
“My apologies, Mr Spock. It was not my intention.”
Having given up the usual Vulcan act for a moment, Spock effortlessly fashioned a genuine smile, at which Kirk’s eyes significantly widened.
“As you already know, no offence taken. What is it, however, that makes you feel like this Jim?”
James was aware that Spock was usually anything but a shoulder to cry on, but sensed something changed in the man in front of him. Spock was no therapist, but Jim knew that he could rely on him no matter what.
He sighed and spoke with traces of hope in his voice. “I’ll be honest with you Spock. It’s been almost 10 years since I first sat in that chair, on this ship, with all these people. We’d been through so many missions, exploring the endlessness that is space, and all of you people – you’re my family. But I’m not sure I’m still fit to do this job, Spock. Yeah, it’s true, I almost left this ship for good once before, but this is different. I feel like I’m slower than I used to be, like I can’t handle the things that space throws at us on a daily basis.”
“Captain, if you’re referring to you physical condition, both you, Dr McCoy and I are very well aware that you’re more than capable to do your job properly.”
Kirk’s smile has faded. “That’s not what I’m talking about, Spock. I’m responsible for everybody on this ship. And the people I hold the closest to my heart are included. That includes you, Spock. If I mess up one little detail because of my newfound insecurities, all of you could die. And I cannot afford that.”
Spock knew that what he was about to do next was far off from his usual gestures, but it was only logical. Only necessary.
Jim Kirk could only gasp after Spock walked around the bar and wrapped his arms around him. His arms applied light pressure, just enough to relieve any tension left in Jim. Despite the usual coldness of Vulcans’ blood, James could feel only warmth and comfort, consolation and genuine love. The fact that Spock cared was never obvious, but everybody was aware of the fact that he did. However, it was never displayed with such clarity, not until then.
After realizing that Spock was not even close to letting go, Jim wrapped his arms tightly around the slightly taller man, returning the favor. He leaned closer to him and placed his jaw on Spock’s shoulder, closed his eyes and let out a single tear.
It’s amazing just what simple human contact can do for a person. So, there they were; two grown men holding each other in a bittersweet embrace, frozen in time, overthrown with emotion – pure human.
Aware that that was more human than anything he’d done ever before in his life, Spock wasn’t going to break the streak, not yet.
“Jim, whatever you decide, know that it is only logical that you have all of our support and affection.”
James nodded silently, admitting to himself that he wasn’t yet ready to leave his life behind. Especially not the man in front of him.
His warm brown eyes snapped open, hit directly with a stray beam of morning sunshine peeking through the shades. Those light rays were a usual sign of the ending of winter in San Francisco, which meant spring was knocking on the door.
Spring. His significant other’s favorite time of the year. The time when birds started singing, so his loved one could hum along with them; the time when flowers, colored with all the shades of the spectrum, blossomed and filled the air with that familiar hint of sweetness; the time when grass grew tall and green and when the air’s temperature significantly raised.
It took him just a moment more to realize that that significant other was laying right there beside him, his arms wrapped around the Vulcan’s waist, head leaning where a human’s liver would be, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat.
Daisies. James Kirk’s favorite.
It had been no more than a week, and Spock still had trouble adjusting to the fact that he may never again sleep alone. Spock is a man of organization, logic and routine – by now he’d already be up and about, finishing work that needs to be done.
It appeared, however, that things had changed.
Spock used to cook only for himself. Now, he either has to cook for two or will be greeted with a home-cooked meal. His closed used to be filled only with blue uniforms. Not much space was additionally taken up, but suddenly there were golden uniforms, too. Sometimes, he’d spend lonely nights, walking around town, secluded with his own mind. Now, it appears, there’s always company. He’d always sleep alone, and sometimes nights were cold. It seems, now, that he’ll never be cold again. He did not mind sharing body warmth for such a longs period of time, and it was strange to him. Like he was surprised by his own mind and body.
His routine had been broken. But, for the first time, he did not mind.
Careful not to wake him up, Spock moved his hand and placed it on Jim’s head, unconsciously playing with the long golden locks. He twisted them around, intrigued by the softness of the man’s strands. His eyes moved from the ceiling to Jim; they were scanning his position, the toned muscles on his arms and back, the scars left from countless encounters with unfriendly strangers of space. His body moved on par with their paired heartbeats. It eradiated heat – a thing which Spock could get used to more easily than others.
Spock was snapped out of his observation more by a silent moan, definitely coming from the man next to him.
“Mmm. Spock?” he mumbled into the Vulcan’s skin.
“Good morning Jim. Feeling well?”
The blond man rolled away from his partner and stretched, letting out sounds which resembled moaning – something Spock found rather strange. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, James rolled back around onto his stomach and almost climbed up to face the slightly older man. His steely blue eyes scanned Spock’s face, finding no specific feature showing emotion other than a slight curve to his lips. A pair of hands reached up from Kirk’s lower back, across his sides, all the way to the shoulder blades and the crooks of his neck. He took his liberty and lowered down, planting a long, loving kiss on the man’s soft lips. Seeing that his high cheekbones turned a light shade of green, a smug smile took over as he bent down to his neck, starting with light nibbles on the thin skin and ending up with full blown greenish bruises – a process during which he could hear the Vulcan’s silent moans. Barely managing to stop himself, he pulled up and looked back at Spock, his baby blues glowing, staring straight into deep chocolate browns.
“You truly are something special, Mr Spock.” He whispered.
“I’ll admit Captain, I am at a loss for words. I can only say the same thing about you. I must say, however, that the bruises might be difficult to explain. And you know that Vulcans don’t lie.”
“Are you stating that you did not enjoy this, Mr Spock?”
“Far from it, Captain. You managed to induce human emotions with you actions, which is usually a rarity.”
“I am aware of that.”
“Most illogical of me.”
At the Vulcan’s last response Kirk laughed, a genuine smile left on his face. He leaned down to kiss his loved one once more, and over and over again, internally overjoyed at the fact that he was able to provoke an emotional reaction from his beloved Vulcan. His primary reason for happiness, however, is the pure fact that the one he loves actually loves him back.
And he’d do anything for it to last forever.
As the pair entered one of San Francisco’s comfiest dive bars, they were greeted by a combination of mustiness, spilled ale and cigarette smoke.
“By golly. Smells just like Mississippi.” One of the men spoke, his usual southern accent most probably strengthened by the familiarity of the smell coming from the inside.
The other, blond and a bit taller man chuckled. “Welcome home, Bones.”
Noticing that Bones had his eyes on the stage, looking to see who’s currently singing, James turns in place, analyzing the room for a spot for them to sit. Preferably in the back. After finding one, he drags the older man by the arm, pushing through the crown and murmuring light ‘excuse me’s, until they reached a barrel around which stood most of the bridge’s crew.
After saying their hellos, everybody, with the exception of Jim, started talking about which songs they should sing. After all, it was Karaoke Night.
“Me and Jaylah are doing a rather fun duet, I’ll tell ya!” Scotty exclaimed.
“Hikaru, shall we do one too?” Nyota proposed, to which Sulu nodded with a wide smile on his face. He had a great song in mind.
“I’d like to go first!” Pavel said, obviously positive that his singing skills are going to wow the masses.
Behind all the chit chat, Spock inevitably noticed how quiet his captain was.
“Jim? You are quiet. What will you sing?”
At his question, everybody at the table turned their heads, impatient for a response.
Jim was well aware that pretty much nobody had any idea about whatever singing skills he may have and he planned to keep it that way.
“I’m gonna skip this one guys. Not feeling it tonight.”
Immediately about 8 types of ‘why not’ were thrown at him, and he could only respond with shaking his head.
Unbeknownst to him, Spock was pretty sure that the captain should sing, but decided not to push him any further. Yet.
As the host announced that it was time for everybody who wanted to sing to sign up, everybody literally ran from the table and to the stage, leaving Spock and James behind. Before trying once more, Spock threw a light and worried look towards the captain.
“Jim, I remember that you used that excuse multiple times in the past, henceforth it is illogical of you to use it once more. As you can see, the entire crew is ready to sing despite their presence or lack of music skills. You should probably sing, too. It is scientifically proven that, despite its negative effects, music tends to make humans happier and-“
“No, Spock. I’m not singing.”
Never removing his eyes from the blond man’s blue ones, which were stuck on a random spot on the floor, Spock almost sighed.
“Go sign up.” Was the last thing Spock had heard before turning around and joining his fellow crewmates.
First up was young Chekov, singing Rasputin by Boney M.
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
As a big surprise to everybody in the room, but mostly to himself, Pavel almost effortlessly hit all the low and high notes almost impeccably.
At one point during the song, Leonard walked back to his friend, alone at the table with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Which gave him an amusing idea, a plan which was nevertheless probably going to fail.
“If you drink all that whiskey, you won’t be able to sing.”
In response, Jim could only laugh. And that’s when Bones got reassure that his plan definitely failed.
Ra Ra Rasputin Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone Ra Ra Rasputin Russia’s greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on
“I’m not singing tonight, Bones. Did Spock send you to talk me into singing?”
Bones only smirked. “I’m pretty sure Spock is the only one who could talk you into this, so that’s not why I’m here. I’m singing last and the front of the stage has a lotta drunk people who keep falling on me. I’m a doctor, not a babysitter.”
Next up, the stage was taken by Spock. The moment his song started, it seemed like every single person in the room lost their mind, either crying of laughter or singing with the Vulcan.
I stay out too late Got nothing on my brain That’s what people say, mmm-mmm That’s what people say, mmm-mmm
Soon, the entire crowd was singing together with Spock. Even Jim, even though he did not dare sing, had a silly, beaming smile plastered across his face, lips going from one ear to the other.
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, shake it off
AS the song’s end was nearing, Kirk’s eyes started glowing, probably with happiness, and for a moment there he really was tempted to get up there and sing. However, as soon as the lights moved away from his Vulcan friend, the temptation was gone.
The next two were pairs: Sulu and Uhura nailing Take On Me by A-Ha, and the power duo, Scotty and Jaylah, absolutely killing it with Fight For You Right by Beastie Boys.
Even though he was enjoying himself, it seemed like time passed by in slow motion for Jim. Even a light headache was catching up. Like he was unconscious when the host announced McCoy’s name, Jim sharply turned his head to his friend with a bewildered expression on his face.
“Didn’t you hear it? It’s my turn. Show time, baby.” He said dramatically and jogged behind the stage.
Suddenly, all the lights turned off. Just a moment later, in the center of the stage there was Doctor Leonard Horatio McCoy wearing a blond wig with two ponytails on his head and shimmery pink lip gloss messily spread all over his lips.
Oh, baby, baby How was I supposed to know That something wasn’t right here?
Oh, baby, baby I shouldn’t have let you go And now you’re out of sight, yeah
The entire crowd screamed once more, if not even louder than when Spock started singing the Taylor Swift song. Even Jim started singing there for just a brief moment, with his hands dramatically placed on his heart, but he quickly snapped out of it. Nevertheless, he was quite close to pissing his pants, as McCoy’s performance was truly magical.
My loneliness is killing me I must confess, I still believe When I’m not with you I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me, baby, one more time!
As Bones was the last of those who signed up to sing, he and the crew walked straight back to Jim’s table, some covered in glitter, some in Romulan Ale, and some in lip gloss.
“I swear, man, I will personally give you a medal for this one.” Jim laughed and patted Bones of the back, the man still trying to wipe off what remained of the makeup.
“Good god, this thing is like glue!”
Everybody laughed, but silence took over as Spock spoke up.
“The end of the night is nearing, Jim. You should sing a song, just as all of us did.”
Uhura, however, took Jim’s side and spoke up before he could even react.
“Oh, come on, Spock. Maybe he’s just shy.” She turned to Jim. “James, it’s fine.”
“Captain, are you good at singing, though? Cause if you are, I cannae let ya waste it.” Scotty stated.
Jim took in a breath to speak, but was once more cut off, this time by Spock. And what he said surprised him more than he ever thought it would.
“That is why I’m insisting, Mr Scott. Jim is quite skilled. As you’d say, he has a marvelous voice.”
Suddenly, everybody tuned to Jim and started chanting his name. Soon, the rest of the crowd joined in and in a matter of seconds, the entire room was calling his name. Even the host over the microphone.
Jim swallowed and got his ass of that chair, ready to make some noise. He downed what was left of the whiskey and made his way to the stage, to which the crowd went wild.
He climbed onto the stage, grabbed the mike and turned his back to the crowd, just slightly nervous at what might happen next. As he stood there motionless, the crown went silent. He was so focused that he could hear people’s whispers.
‘I hear people say he sounds like that famous 20th century singer. Sinatra, was it?’
The second he tuned around and sang the first line, his nervousness vanished and the crowd went dead silent, almost like every single soul focused its mind on the man’s inexplicably gorgeous singing.
Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a-Jupiter and Mars
As the blond man sang on wonderfully, perfectly hitting each note and vibrato, his eyes were searching the crowd for a specific sharp-eared man.
Suddenly, he emerged from the depths of the crowds, unable to take his eyes off of the handsome blue eyed man singing on that stage. As he took careful steps towards the stage, almost like he’s careful not to step on broken glass, James approached the edge and extended his hand, waiting for the slightly older man to reach him. Spock grabbed onto his hand and jumped on the stage, grabbing a mike and joining in with the captain, their voices in perfect sync. Never letting go of each other’s hand, they turned to each other and got lost in those chocolate and steely blue eyes, completely enchanted by each other’s presence and voice – almost like the crowd wasn’t even there.
Fill my heart with song And let me sing for ever more You and I are long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you
They finished the song, literally inches from each other; Spock’s cheeks with shining green while Jim’s where pink and flushed. The definitely would’ve kissed if the crowd hadn’t started clapping and cheering, making the two break apart. Nonetheless, the two smile, turn to the crowd and make their way down. Fairly quickly, a sea of people surrounded James, congratulating him.
“Captain, that was amazing.”
“I never knew you had such an incredible voice, Jim!”
“You need to sing another song!”
At the last remark, everybody started chanting once more, this time begging for another song.
Since he didn’t carry the burden of keeping his skill hidden any more, Jim truly was tempted to run back to that stage for an encore. However, when he turned his head to Spock, his expression was blank but his eyes said everything – he was free to go for another song, but there was a light hint of sadness kept hidden. Fortunately for Jim, he knew Spock quite well – well enough to figure out the Vulcan’s emotions.
Dismissing the chant, thanking and apologizing, James rushed to Spock’s side, took his hand and the pair exited the bar hand in hand, smiles on their faces.
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also to chuckegrant, aces-low, and lucifermoaningstar for being lovely long-time mutuals (some of the longest I've had !!) I love you guys a lot
@chuckegrant @lucifermoaningstar @aces-low xxx
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commandtrek · 8 years
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I was tagged by @zombi3anarchy to post my lock screen, home screen, the last song I listened to, and a selfie– thank you!
I tag @goldkirk @bones-legendary-hands @astlin @floatingspacetrash @lucifermoaningstar @dearopheila @bunnyofnegativeeuphoria and anyone else who wants to!
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daniellesdarrieux · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @lucifermoaningstar you RULE!!!!
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: thirty (mid thirties?) is the new 20 b - biggest fear: losing my husband, brothers and best friends c - current time: 8.30PM d - drink you last had: red wine e - every day starts with: kisses, coffee and music f - favourite song: Terrible Lie by Nine Inch Nails the greatest song ever written hahaha (also I love that my parents are obsessed with my tattoo bc they think it’s about them. it will make me laugh for at least 6 centuries) g - ghosts, are they real: not sure. I like to think so h - hometown: a shitty and very small town in France i - in love with: the Husband. Also with Florent Dorin,Richard Barthelmess and Audrey Fleurot hahaha and the whole Rogue One crew. oops. j - jealous of: people who speak foreign languages fluently k - killed someone: in my head, a lot of times. l - last time you cried: the last time I watched Rogue One, I cried for half an hour after the end. m - middle name: it’s French and ugly n - number of siblings: 3 o - one wish: world peaaaace p - person you last called/texted: @thewillowtrees q - questions you’re always asked: “why are you learning Korean? it’s stupid!” “why don’t you have children?” “what is your husband’s job, is he important?” “were did you get your hair coloured?” r - reasons to smile: hubby, best friends, tumblr, tumblrfriends, learning, books, Japan, music, danielle is still alive, good health, errr vodka? s - song last sang: No One Mourns the Wicked, from errr Wicked. really loudly.  t - time you woke up: 4.30AM u - underwear color: purple v - vacation destination: Japan. always and forever. w - worst habit: procrastinating, over thinking things... x - x-rays you’ve had: so many, mostly teeth, head, lungs. y - your favourite food: anything from Japan, Lebanon, or Italia z - zodiac sign: Pisces
tagging: @photodisturbia, @osaka-sukiyanen, @artbeautyfun, @thymelady, @henryfonda, @aintthatakick, @storyinmyeyes, @simplybookdrunk, @thewillowtrees, @101goingon102, @letrangecouleurdeslarmes, @dominicsherwoof, @cinemaocd
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fearlessinspace · 8 years
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Summary: three cute spirk stories for all you avid spirk shippers out there!!
Notes: a #stnetworkge gift for @lucifermoaningstar (tho from @tiberivs-kirk​)
Word count: 3865
He was leaning on his forearms, his weight entirely held by the steel base of the bar. There was no need for a bar stool – he spent just enough time in his life sitting in the captain’s chair on the bridge. His baby blue eyes were on the half full glass in front of him, yet his mind was elsewhere. While unconsciously drawing circles on the previously unstained glass, his mind was simultaneously analyzing the ruby shade of the drink in his glass and the now apparent creases on the skin of his forehead.
The drink was intense, like it had a personality of its own. Russian, and feisty. Dammit, Chekov.
What was the average number of years of service for a Starfleet captain anyways? Pike was one for a while. For quite a long time, actually. But his situation was different. Christopher Pike was a captain because he was simply born to be one. He was respected, honorable, intelligent, brave – everything a commander in the fleet could ask for. Kirk? He joined on a dare.
Déjà vu.
But it was indeed true. He wanted nothing more than to be better than his father ever was. Like winning a challenge. His primary aim was victory in this absurd, non-existent competition and coming out on top. And all of this nonsense was fueled by arrogance and narcissism, but at the same time loneliness and a desperate need for attention. All he ever wanted was approval.
His gaze and train of thoughts were broken by the sound of the doors to the empty bar sliding open. James’s eyes moved to the glass first, just for him to find out that he’d been out of it for so long that the ice cubes melted. So much for whiskey on the rock.
Just a moment later, he moved them to the slim and awfully familiar figure at the door. He smiled at the forever serious-looking man, warmth instantly filling his insides at the sight of those chocolate eyes, greenish skin and signature spiked ears. There was something about this man that always managed to relieve the stress. Still in his usual cerulean blue uniform, Spock approached the captain after acknowledging his nod, a sign of approval for him to intrude on captain’s personal hours off.
“Good evening, Mr Spock.” He said lightheartedly. “What bring you to this lovely bar tonight?”
As per usual, not even a smirk from the Vulcan. “Good evening Jim. As a result of my personal and the crew’s observation, today you seemed, according to human vernacular, off.”
Kirk wordlessly stared at the man across from him while downing the remains of his drink, waiting for him to finish.
“It appears that you’re not fully being your usual self. Therefore, I’m here to see what is not right.”
Smiling, Jim carefully placed the now empty glass back on the coaster and looked back up at his beloved first officer, barely able to keep his laughter at bay.
“So, as I see it, my feelings are hurt and the crew decides to make you come and check on me.” He stepped away from the bar and walked back to the cooler to take out the bottle full of scotch he’d previously been drinking. “Was this Bones’ idea? Sounds a lot like him.”
Spock watched calmly as the captain walked back to his spot and began pouring the liquid, way over the usual amount. “I’ve come here on my own accord.”
At his words, Kirk stopped pouring and looked up, straight into Spock’s eyes, his gaze literally screaming ‘are you serious’.
“I am quite serious Jim.”
Kirk looked down on his drink, a bit embarrassed at himself for reacting the way he did. Though, that’s not exactly why his cheeks were getting redder by the minute.
“My apologies, Mr Spock. It was not my intention.”
Having given up the usual Vulcan act for a moment, Spock effortlessly fashioned a genuine smile, at which Kirk’s eyes significantly widened.
“As you already know, no offence taken. What is it, however, that makes you feel like this Jim?”
James was aware that Spock was usually anything but a shoulder to cry on, but sensed something changed in the man in front of him. Spock was no therapist, but Jim knew that he could rely on him no matter what.
He sighed and spoke with traces of hope in his voice. “I’ll be honest with you Spock. It’s been almost 10 years since I first sat in that chair, on this ship, with all these people. We’d been through so many missions, exploring the endlessness that is space, and all of you people – you’re my family. But I’m not sure I’m still fit to do this job, Spock. Yeah, it’s true, I almost left this ship for good once before, but this is different. I feel like I’m slower than I used to be, like I can’t handle the things that space throws at us on a daily basis.”
“Captain, if you’re referring to you physical condition, both you, Dr McCoy and I are very well aware that you’re more than capable to do your job properly.”
Kirk’s smile has faded. “That’s not what I’m talking about, Spock. I’m responsible for everybody on this ship. And the people I hold the closest to my heart are included. That includes you, Spock. If I mess up one little detail because of my newfound insecurities, all of you could die. And I cannot afford that.”
Spock knew that what he was about to do next was far off from his usual gestures, but it was only logical. Only necessary.
Jim Kirk could only gasp after Spock walked around the bar and wrapped his arms around him. His arms applied light pressure, just enough to relieve any tension left in Jim. Despite the usual coldness of Vulcans’ blood, James could feel only warmth and comfort, consolation and genuine love. The fact that Spock cared was never obvious, but everybody was aware of the fact that he did. However, it was never displayed with such clarity, not until then.
After realizing that Spock was not even close to letting go, Jim wrapped his arms tightly around the slightly taller man, returning the favor. He leaned closer to him and placed his jaw on Spock’s shoulder, closed his eyes and let out a single tear.
It’s amazing just what simple human contact can do for a person. So, there they were; two grown men holding each other in a bittersweet embrace, frozen in time, overthrown with emotion – pure human.
Aware that that was more human than anything he’d done ever before in his life, Spock wasn’t going to break the streak, not yet.
“Jim, whatever you decide, know that it is only logical that you have all of our support and affection.”
James nodded silently, admitting to himself that he wasn’t yet ready to leave his life behind. Especially not the man in front of him.
His warm brown eyes snapped open, hit directly with a stray beam of morning sunshine peeking through the shades. Those light rays were a usual sign of the ending of winter in San Francisco, which meant spring was knocking on the door.
Spring. His significant other’s favorite time of the year. The time when birds started singing, so his loved one could hum along with them; the time when flowers, colored with all the shades of the spectrum, blossomed and filled the air with that familiar hint of sweetness; the time when grass grew tall and green and when the air’s temperature significantly raised.
It took him just a moment more to realize that that significant other was laying right there beside him, his arms wrapped around the Vulcan’s waist, head leaning where a human’s liver would be, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat.
Daisies. James Kirk’s favorite.
It had been no more than a week, and Spock still had trouble adjusting to the fact that he may never again sleep alone. Spock is a man of organization, logic and routine – by now he’d already be up and about, finishing work that needs to be done.
It appeared, however, that things had changed.
Spock used to cook only for himself. Now, he either has to cook for two or will be greeted with a home-cooked meal. His closed used to be filled only with blue uniforms. Not much space was additionally taken up, but suddenly there were golden uniforms, too. Sometimes, he’d spend lonely nights, walking around town, secluded with his own mind. Now, it appears, there’s always company. He’d always sleep alone, and sometimes nights were cold. It seems, now, that he’ll never be cold again. He did not mind sharing body warmth for such a longs period of time, and it was strange to him. Like he was surprised by his own mind and body.
His routine had been broken. But, for the first time, he did not mind.
Careful not to wake him up, Spock moved his hand and placed it on Jim’s head, unconsciously playing with the long golden locks. He twisted them around, intrigued by the softness of the man’s strands. His eyes moved from the ceiling to Jim; they were scanning his position, the toned muscles on his arms and back, the scars left from countless encounters with unfriendly strangers of space. His body moved on par with their paired heartbeats. It eradiated heat – a thing which Spock could get used to more easily than others.
Spock was snapped out of his observation more by a silent moan, definitely coming from the man next to him.
“Mmm. Spock?” he mumbled into the Vulcan’s skin.
“Good morning Jim. Feeling well?”
The blond man rolled away from his partner and stretched, letting out sounds which resembled moaning – something Spock found rather strange. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, James rolled back around onto his stomach and almost climbed up to face the slightly older man. His steely blue eyes scanned Spock’s face, finding no specific feature showing emotion other than a slight curve to his lips. A pair of hands reached up from Kirk’s lower back, across his sides, all the way to the shoulder blades and the crooks of his neck. He took his liberty and lowered down, planting a long, loving kiss on the man’s soft lips. Seeing that his high cheekbones turned a light shade of green, a smug smile took over as he bent down to his neck, starting with light nibbles on the thin skin and ending up with full blown greenish bruises – a process during which he could hear the Vulcan’s silent moans. Barely managing to stop himself, he pulled up and looked back at Spock, his baby blues glowing, staring straight into deep chocolate browns.
“You truly are something special, Mr Spock.” He whispered.
“I’ll admit Captain, I am at a loss for words. I can only say the same thing about you. I must say, however, that the bruises might be difficult to explain. And you know that Vulcans don’t lie.”
“Are you stating that you did not enjoy this, Mr Spock?”
“Far from it, Captain. You managed to induce human emotions with you actions, which is usually a rarity.”
“I am aware of that.”
“Most illogical of me.”
At the Vulcan’s last response Kirk laughed, a genuine smile left on his face. He leaned down to kiss his loved one once more, and over and over again, internally overjoyed at the fact that he was able to provoke an emotional reaction from his beloved Vulcan. His primary reason for happiness, however, is the pure fact that the one he loves actually loves him back.
And he’d do anything for it to last forever.
As the pair entered one of San Francisco’s comfiest dive bars, they were greeted by a combination of mustiness, spilled ale and cigarette smoke.
“By golly. Smells just like Mississippi.” One of the men spoke, his usual southern accent most probably strengthened by the familiarity of the smell coming from the inside.
The other, blond and a bit taller man chuckled. “Welcome home, Bones.”
Noticing that Bones had his eyes on the stage, looking to see who’s currently singing, James turns in place, analyzing the room for a spot for them to sit. Preferably in the back. After finding one, he drags the older man by the arm, pushing through the crown and murmuring light ‘excuse me’s, until they reached a barrel around which stood most of the bridge’s crew.
After saying their hellos, everybody, with the exception of Jim, started talking about which songs they should sing. After all, it was Karaoke Night.
“Me and Jaylah are doing a rather fun duet, I’ll tell ya!” Scotty exclaimed.
“Hikaru, shall we do one too?” Nyota proposed, to which Sulu nodded with a wide smile on his face. He had a great song in mind.
“I’d like to go first!” Pavel said, obviously positive that his singing skills are going to wow the masses.
Behind all the chit chat, Spock inevitably noticed how quiet his captain was.
“Jim? You are quiet. What will you sing?”
At his question, everybody at the table turned their heads, impatient for a response.
Jim was well aware that pretty much nobody had any idea about whatever singing skills he may have and he planned to keep it that way.
“I’m gonna skip this one guys. Not feeling it tonight.”
Immediately about 8 types of ‘why not’ were thrown at him, and he could only respond with shaking his head.
Unbeknownst to him, Spock was pretty sure that the captain should sing, but decided not to push him any further. Yet.
As the host announced that it was time for everybody who wanted to sing to sign up, everybody literally ran from the table and to the stage, leaving Spock and James behind. Before trying once more, Spock threw a light and worried look towards the captain.
“Jim, I remember that you used that excuse multiple times in the past, henceforth it is illogical of you to use it once more. As you can see, the entire crew is ready to sing despite their presence or lack of music skills. You should probably sing, too. It is scientifically proven that, despite its negative effects, music tends to make humans happier and-“
“No, Spock. I’m not singing.”
Never removing his eyes from the blond man’s blue ones, which were stuck on a random spot on the floor, Spock almost sighed.
“Go sign up.” Was the last thing Spock had heard before turning around and joining his fellow crewmates.
First up was young Chekov, singing Rasputin by Boney M.
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
As a big surprise to everybody in the room, but mostly to himself, Pavel almost effortlessly hit all the low and high notes almost impeccably.
At one point during the song, Leonard walked back to his friend, alone at the table with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Which gave him an amusing idea, a plan which was nevertheless probably going to fail.
“If you drink all that whiskey, you won’t be able to sing.”
In response, Jim could only laugh. And that’s when Bones got reassure that his plan definitely failed.
Ra Ra Rasputin Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone Ra Ra Rasputin Russia’s greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on
“I’m not singing tonight, Bones. Did Spock send you to talk me into singing?”
Bones only smirked. “I’m pretty sure Spock is the only one who could talk you into this, so that’s not why I’m here. I’m singing last and the front of the stage has a lotta drunk people who keep falling on me. I’m a doctor, not a babysitter.”
Next up, the stage was taken by Spock. The moment his song started, it seemed like every single person in the room lost their mind, either crying of laughter or singing with the Vulcan.
I stay out too late Got nothing on my brain That’s what people say, mmm-mmm That’s what people say, mmm-mmm
Soon, the entire crowd was singing together with Spock. Even Jim, even though he did not dare sing, had a silly, beaming smile plastered across his face, lips going from one ear to the other.
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, shake it off
AS the song’s end was nearing, Kirk’s eyes started glowing, probably with happiness, and for a moment there he really was tempted to get up there and sing. However, as soon as the lights moved away from his Vulcan friend, the temptation was gone.
The next two were pairs: Sulu and Uhura nailing Take On Me by A-Ha, and the power duo, Scotty and Jaylah, absolutely killing it with Fight For You Right by Beastie Boys.
Even though he was enjoying himself, it seemed like time passed by in slow motion for Jim. Even a light headache was catching up. Like he was unconscious when the host announced McCoy’s name, Jim sharply turned his head to his friend with a bewildered expression on his face.
“Didn’t you hear it? It’s my turn. Show time, baby.” He said dramatically and jogged behind the stage.
Suddenly, all the lights turned off. Just a moment later, in the center of the stage there was Doctor Leonard Horatio McCoy wearing a blond wig with two ponytails on his head and shimmery pink lip gloss messily spread all over his lips.
Oh, baby, baby How was I supposed to know That something wasn’t right here?
Oh, baby, baby I shouldn’t have let you go And now you’re out of sight, yeah
The entire crowd screamed once more, if not even louder than when Spock started singing the Taylor Swift song. Even Jim started singing there for just a brief moment, with his hands dramatically placed on his heart, but he quickly snapped out of it. Nevertheless, he was quite close to pissing his pants, as McCoy’s performance was truly magical.
My loneliness is killing me I must confess, I still believe When I’m not with you I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me, baby, one more time!
As Bones was the last of those who signed up to sing, he and the crew walked straight back to Jim’s table, some covered in glitter, some in Romulan Ale, and some in lip gloss.
“I swear, man, I will personally give you a medal for this one.” Jim laughed and patted Bones of the back, the man still trying to wipe off what remained of the makeup.
“Good god, this thing is like glue!”
Everybody laughed, but silence took over as Spock spoke up.
“The end of the night is nearing, Jim. You should sing a song, just as all of us did.”
Uhura, however, took Jim’s side and spoke up before he could even react.
“Oh, come on, Spock. Maybe he’s just shy.” She turned to Jim. “James, it’s fine.”
“Captain, are you good at singing, though? Cause if you are, I cannae let ya waste it.” Scotty stated.
Jim took in a breath to speak, but was once more cut off, this time by Spock. And what he said surprised him more than he ever thought it would.
“That is why I’m insisting, Mr Scott. Jim is quite skilled. As you’d say, he has a marvelous voice.”
Suddenly, everybody tuned to Jim and started chanting his name. Soon, the rest of the crowd joined in and in a matter of seconds, the entire room was calling his name. Even the host over the microphone.
Jim swallowed and got his ass of that chair, ready to make some noise. He downed what was left of the whiskey and made his way to the stage, to which the crowd went wild.
He climbed onto the stage, grabbed the mike and turned his back to the crowd, just slightly nervous at what might happen next. As he stood there motionless, the crown went silent. He was so focused that he could hear people’s whispers.
‘I hear people say he sounds like that famous 20th century singer. Sinatra, was it?’
The second he tuned around and sang the first line, his nervousness vanished and the crowd went dead silent, almost like every single soul focused its mind on the man’s inexplicably gorgeous singing.
Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a-Jupiter and Mars
As the blond man sang on wonderfully, perfectly hitting each note and vibrato, his eyes were searching the crowd for a specific sharp-eared man.
Suddenly, he emerged from the depths of the crowds, unable to take his eyes off of the handsome blue eyed man singing on that stage. As he took careful steps towards the stage, almost like he’s careful not to step on broken glass, James approached the edge and extended his hand, waiting for the slightly older man to reach him. Spock grabbed onto his hand and jumped on the stage, grabbing a mike and joining in with the captain, their voices in perfect sync. Never letting go of each other’s hand, they turned to each other and got lost in those chocolate and steely blue eyes, completely enchanted by each other’s presence and voice – almost like the crowd wasn’t even there.
Fill my heart with song And let me sing for ever more You and I are long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you
They finished the song, literally inches from each other; Spock’s cheeks with shining green while Jim’s where pink and flushed. The definitely would’ve kissed if the crowd hadn’t started clapping and cheering, making the two break apart. Nonetheless, the two smile, turn to the crowd and make their way down. Fairly quickly, a sea of people surrounded James, congratulating him.
“Captain, that was amazing.”
“I never knew you had such an incredible voice, Jim!”
“You need to sing another song!”
At the last remark, everybody started chanting once more, this time begging for another song.
Since he didn’t carry the burden of keeping his skill hidden any more, Jim truly was tempted to run back to that stage for an encore. However, when he turned his head to Spock, his expression was blank but his eyes said everything – he was free to go for another song, but there was a light hint of sadness kept hidden. Fortunately for Jim, he knew Spock quite well – well enough to figure out the Vulcan’s emotions.
Dismissing the chant, thanking and apologizing, James rushed to Spock’s side, took his hand and the pair exited the bar hand in hand, smiles on their faces.
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alienonthis3arth · 7 years
I changed my URL b/c I’m rekindling my love affair with back to the future. 
I’m not feeling the name too much rn but I’ll keep it for a few days at least and see if I can come up with something I like better. Otherwise I’ll probably switch back to lucifermoaningstar 
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falllnginreverse · 8 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome!
there is No Gif to express how much I adore you.
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tiberivs-kirk · 8 years
A-Z meme
I was tagged by the lovely @youre-on-a-starship ty hun <3
A - age: 16
B - biggest fears: not sure tbh
C - current time: 1:38 pm
D - drink you last had: Nespresso Ciocattino
E - every day starts with: Getting out of bed and stretching a bit / not getting out of bed for another hour after I wake up (usually the latter)
F - favorite song: Borgore ft G-Eazy - Forbes
G - ghosts, are they real? I don’t think so tbh
H - hometown: Belgrade, Serbia
I - in love with: a mean guitar solo and a good bass drop
J - jealous of: literally all the professional alpine skiers (i wanna be one :( )
K - killed someone: not that you know of, no
L - last time you cried: five days ago in a fit of laughter
M - middle name: don’t have one
N - number of siblings: one (god bless)
O - one wish: to move away, live abroad and never return home
P - person you last called/texted: my best friend (i love that girl)
Q - questions you’re always asked: “Why is your hair green?”
R - reasons to smile: fandoms, good quality movies, good quality music, good quality food, skiing
S - song last sang: Revelry by Kings of Leon
T - time you woke up: 8:48 am
U - underwear color: yellow (I’ve no idea what I’m doing w my life)
V - vacation destination: Austria, Denmark and Spain
W - worst habit: Procrastinating, being to lazy to write stories (I am so sorry)
X - x-rays had: When I had my appendix taken out two years ago
Y - favorite food: Steak friorentina, penne carbonara, berner wurstel mit bretzel, anything with avocado (basic white chick alert), peaches
Z - zodiac sign: Taurus af
tagging: (not sure who did this so if you already did whoops sorry) @bonesy-mccoy @bravemccoy @its-life-jim @lucifermoaningstar @spacekirk @autisticjamest @darlinleonard @littlecarowrites + whoever wants to do this/hasn’t done it yet <3
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ruinsrebuilt · 8 years
VI: If you could meet one of your followers, who will it be and why?
I’ve answered this already but I’mma put more people I’d like to meet because why not?? 
so like, @eugenevroe would be a really fun person to meet I think and we could fangirl over Gene in person and yes please??
also @cptlewnixon because I NEED MORE OF THAT VOICE OKAY
and I feel like it would be really fun to meet @malarked and @sergeantskip together I mean can you imagine?? I’d feel like a third wheel but it would be awesome 
VII: Do you have a tumblr crush? If yes, who is it?
I will acknowledge the existence of my tumblr crush in a vague sort of way but details are never seeing the light of day lol
VIII: Top 5 favorite blogs?
I answered this and I’m starting to forget who all I’ve already called out for being awesome... I’ll just list more awesome blogs that y’all should follow haha 
@thatsnotmozarts @lucifermoaningstar @paulinemonamour @damnyoualex @david-kenyon-webster 
Thanks for the ask sweet anon!
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yo @lucifermoaningstar
guess whos gonna actually make a cat legacy thing cos i give 0 fucks and i have 0 chill in me? [ @lucifermoaningstar ]
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@lucifermoaningstar u need 2 stop, friendo
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∞ ∞ ∞ (i want 3 separate songs woman!!) ps ur theme is ugly af pls change it
But what if i choke on robes, the father, son and holy ghost?what if they come here and take the things i love the most? - Choke by Heirsound.
i heard a knock upon my door the other day,i opened it to find Death staring in my face. - The Drug in Me is You by Falling in Reverse.
and you lied to the angels. said i stabbed you to deathif we go at the same time, they’ll clean up the mess. - Cut Up Angels by The Used.
also ya i know my theme is ugly but i made my choice so goodbye sweaty :))
[ Put a ‘∞’ In my Askbox~ ]
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