#lucius malfoy moodboard
dixonsgirl93 · 7 months
What I think the Harry Potter men’s type of partner would be:
(I tried to be as realistic as I could with HCs that people might not like. But remember this is just for fun so if you don’t like it, just scroll. Thank you)
Draco Malfoy
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- I think Hogwarts era Draco would be more likely to date a Slytherin girl mostly because he would be afraid of his father ridiculing him. I feel like his mother would just be happy to see Draco happy but he cares a lot about what his father thinks.
- I don’t think he would care about their hair colour, he wouldn’t have a preference but he would be hesitant to date someone with red hair. Partly because Lucius would make a big deal of the image of the Malfoys and mention their children being gingers and how much he’d despise that and also for the similarity of the “blood-traitor” Weasleys.
- I think his personal preference of body type would range from very slim to midsize. Whether because of his upbringing or what, I just don’t think he would date a plus-size or larger girl.
- Adult Draco wouldn’t care so much about their blood status but having been brought up with racist views, that kind of ingrained mentality would be hard to shift.
Sirius Black
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- I don’t think he cares about their body type. Skinny, midi, larger, whatever. As long as you get on well and find each other attractive then he’s happy.
- He prefers more boisterous women, who can match his energy and put him in his place. The type who rather rebellious but also intelligent and kind.
- I’d say he’s also heteroflexible to a degree. He enjoys kissing men and doesn’t care if people think he’s gay but he definitely prefers to date only girls.
Lucius Malfoy
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- His type? Basically Narcissa. Pureblood, slim, intelligent. Someone who can also put him in his place but respect him.
- For him, he wants someone equal to him, someone he can proudly show on his arm. This also means she has to be pretty and slim and well groomed.
- He’s grown up with the ideals and racism that Draco faced but leaned into it rather than away like Draco wanted/tried to do.
Severus Snape
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- He’d perhaps want someone who matches his energy. I think he’d want someone happy-go-lucky to suit his more serious personality. Someone patient and kind. He hides it but he has a delicate heart.
- Looks-wise I’m not sure he could date someone with red hair, her reminding him too much of his first love. She would have to really wear down his walls before he would consider letting her in. Otherwise he wouldn’t have a preference.
- He wouldn’t care about their blood status if he felt a true connection with someone. At the end of the day he wants someone kind.
- He’s a sucker for brown eyes and freckles.
Remus Lupin
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(I know he’s with Tonks but let’s say if she wasn’t in the series, what would be his type?)
- He’s a smart, bookish guy so I feel like he’d want his partner to be similar. He’d someone he could debate with about world topics and literature.
- He’d prefer if she was well dressed but if there was a genuine connection he wouldn’t care so much if she wore hoodies or something all the time.
- He goes more for personality than how pretty someone is, but he is a sucker for long, wavy hair (that was until Tonks came along and he realised he didn’t even care about hair).
- He would either want someone who was rather opposite to him in terms of out-going and more interested in movies than books or someone who’s more bookish.
- He would like someone he could settle down with though, who would be serious about him. Family is a big deal to him.
Alastor Moody
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- As much as I adore Moody and want to just write that *I’m* his type, he’s actually pretty hard to write for. He’s a very stoic person, very serious and paranoid.
- I think he would just be surprised if someone desired to get close to him and didn’t care about his scars or missing body parts. He’d be paranoid at first, assuming the worst but presuming this…
- He wouldn’t really have a preference of how they look. More so that they take care of themselves and present themselves nicely etc. That sort of thing.
- Now, if I am to picture Moody with a partner. I imagine a woman in her mid-late 40’s (youngest), smartly dressed, maybe a secretary or manager, brunette, sophisticated.
- However, do I think he would date someone younger? Like half his age? (If we are to assume he’s in his 60’s). It’s possible. He’d be very hesitant though so you’d need to form a strong bond first which could take years. He’d be worth it though.
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yesluuh · 2 years
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Lucius Malfoy Aesthetic Moodboard
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corpsebibliophile · 10 months
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softlysunrays · 5 months
━━ dating draco malfoy
pairing : draco malfoy x reader
divider : @cafekitsune
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── ★˚ ༘ ⋆ dating draco malfoy would be the childhood best friends to lovers trope (for me), how both of your parents adored the idea of you guys being a couple since a child, running through a field full of flowers, being shipped on by people around you but shaking it off and deny it every time, draco being protective over you and the only one who he likes being with at hogwarts, who is vulnerable around you, who is buying you a book and writing a note on the first page, who would spoil you with gifts just because and would be a better person for you. i just know narcissa would thrilled when she first found out that you guys are dating and insist on having tea time or girl's day with her (shopping, tasting sweet pastry, trying new tea, more jewellery) and is showing an album of photos of draco since he was a baby until his teen years and draco would be EMMBARASSED SO MUCH. study dates, skip classes just to have a quality time tgt, gives the best hugs, will comfort you if you're sad (the best listener), GOOD AT COOKING !! i feel like he would be a sassy bf and his humor is being sarcastic. his love language would be physical touch, quality time & giving gifts. it would take some time for you to touch his arm (where he has the dark mark) again because it is one of his insecurities, he felt ashamed by it but you remind him that he is not like his father and in the end he gave potter the wand. probably would let you colour the dark mark so it doesn't look that miserable and scary. FOREHEADS KISSES, HANDS KISSES, CROWN/TEMPLE KISSES, NECK KISSES, genuinely just kissing. stargazing date for sure and he would be a total nerd and would just be talking about astrology that he knows about and show it to you. give you a teddy with his slytherin scarf. would open the door for you to go in first and be like "lady first" or "you can go first, madam". saturday dinner with narcissa bc lucious is in azkaban (as he should honestly). oh, how lovely would it be helping narcissa with her garden on a sunny yet cloudy sunday with the two of you as you and his kids running around the garden. his favourite time at work is when his duty is finished so he can go home, to you.
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before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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stqrgirlie0 · 5 months
⋆a slytherin boy trope: d.m.⋆
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✧ second chance romance ✧ 🩰💌🎀
#gonna do these little tropes in separate posts🙂
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sureallavnder · 6 months
him - Draco Malfoy : mood board
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dracosbabygirl8 · 3 months
I loved your fic with Draco sm! Is there any way you can do head canons of dating him with the same reader in the fic pls!(If that makes sense)
thank you so much for the request and sorry for the delay in writing it, i was lacking inspiration, and tbh i’m not particularly fond of this one, but anyway. i did a little moodboard to accompany it, bc why not. hope you like it ♡
WARNING : slightly toxic (possessive) but nothing crazy, there’s a nsfw part at the end.
moodboard & headcanon of dating draco malfoy based on this fic
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• with cedric out of the picture, draco and you resumed hanging out together as much as before, recreating your old routines from when you were friends.
• however, you needed some weeks to appropriately get over your messy breakup and completely move on from your past relationship.
• during this time, draco was patient bc he knew soon enough you would be all his. he provided comfort, listened to you, and reassured any insecurities caused by the cheating
• a month after your break-up, draco asked you out on a proper date to your favorite restaurant in town, followed by a night drive, knowing you loved driving around at night.
• he used this opportunity to once again admit his feelings to you in a less messy way than the first time, and you exchanged a sweet and soft kiss that lasted for endless minutes because neither of you were ready to pull away from this sweet feeling.
• at the beginning of your relationship, you feared that your friendship might not survive the transition into a romantic relationship. however, draco’s persistent and genuine efforts to win you over gradually erode your doubts.
• after a few months of dating, he was completely infatuated with you, feeling like you had him wrapped around your little finger.
• sometimes he silently wonders to himself « how tf did I manage to make this girl mine? »
• regularly catch him staring at you like you were one of the 7 wonders of the world
• he can’t help but think you’re his greatest blessing and secretly feels very grateful that cedric messed up with you, so he could’ve his chance.
• he’s very affectionate in public, holding your hand or placing his hand on your thighs, waist, or shoulders. always craving to touch you.
• you resume attending every one of his quidditch matches, eventually wearing his jersey with his name written on the back. he couldn’t be prouder.
• if he scored good points or grabbed the golden snitch he would immediately look at you or blow a kiss in your direction.
• you now attend every malfoy’s ball as his date, dancing and sipping fancy champagne all night together (narcissa eventually made a comment that she ‘knews from the very beginning they would end together’).
• literally nobody could make you laugh like him. he loves the sound of your laughter so much that he would try to be as funny as possible. not at the point of making a fool of himself, but just little silly jokes or sarcastic remarks here and then.
• spoil you rotten with whatever you want, if you pass in front of a store window and say you like this, you will have it tomorrow morning.
• he buys you expensive gifts as well, but most of time meaning presents. like he would buy a book for you and leave a little note on the inside, telling you why he thinks you would like it.
• take you on date in a fancy dinner, he reserved the whole rooftop of the restaurant just to be in calm place with you, giving you a beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers.
• write you love letters time to time when his feelings are overwhelming and he don’t know how to express them out loud. just to remind you how grateful he is to have you in his life and how you are his safe place.
• he could be very territorial and easily jealous.
• you’re his and he needs to showing that to anyone that seemed to forget.
• he treats you like royalty, always making sure you feel like a princess.
• he sleeps poorly if he isn’t next to you, so he would literally beg you to stay sleeping with him in his dorm. not that you are complaining because, being a prefect, he has an individual and very comforting dormitory. so, after a couple of weeks, his dorm becomes your dorm too.
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• first time you made love, you were so nervous about not being experienced enough, but draco was reassuring, affirming that you’d ‘always be so perfect for me, darling’. he approached the moment with gentleness and care, ensuring you felt comfortable and safe.
• as you both grew more comfortable with each other’s bodies, draco’s confidence grew too, showing his cocky and dominant self. leading to more playful and occasionally rough sex session.
• he never gets enough of you. very insatiable.
• could have a boner in public just by looking too long at you or thinking too much about you.
• could be horny anywhere and anytime. and if you’re too, could fuck you anywhere and anytime.
• never pressures you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with.
• he enjoys rough (but not harsh) and soft dom sex the most (and fortunately, you’re into it too).
• however, there are times when he just wants to make love to you very slowly and lazy. he adores lazy sex on sundays afternoons.
• receiving oral sex is a must, he loves it but it's not necessary (except after a quidditch loss, he needs to fuck your throat to relieve his nerves). BUT giving you head such an hobbie for him. eating you out like a starving man.
• he makes you wear his shirt after sex.
• he literally worships your body and he's the king of aftercare. brings you snacks if you’re starving, makes you a bath to relax the both of you, and whatever you want, because you were ‘just too good for me, my precious little angel’.
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wambsroy · 15 days
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lucissa moodboard
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theosbaby · 2 days
❥ draco as his love language: gift giving
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— boyfriend!draco who loves to spoil his girl with lots of gifts, buys her dinner in the fanciest restaurants and takes her on expensive trips every other month because she deserves the world.
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snapesmorningcoffee · 3 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Astrea Lucretia Malfoy ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Please read my favorite fanfiction.
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wishuponaunicornhorn · 4 months
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🗡️ Enemies to Lovers ❤️
"I could tear you apart.... If I wanted to.."
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mariesdeluluworld · 19 days
Draco Malfoy
“She smelt like cinnamon rolls and parchment paper. It was intoxicating.”
“I am no longer who I thought I was. I am something more. I have changed. Fear my wrath. Fear me.”
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Character mood board for my Werewolf Dramione fanfic.
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louscioutte · 8 months
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I wanted to do these portraits for each young Black sister and I started with Narcissa.
It's hard to know who she is, other than a wife and mother.
Narcissa clearly grew up in luxury, with strict standards and unlike her sisters who rebelled against what was expected of them, I believe she was very comfortable staying within the mold of the perfect pureblood woman.
I was surprised by how similar she is to Astoria in my mind, but in the end Draco has always been a mommy's boy, it's not strange that he seeks a wife who has similar qualities to his mother, without the glaring flaws.
I believe that Narcissa and Lucius were a loving couple and they were both extremely loyal to their family and would do anything for their son.
Draco was spoiled rotten and had a rude awakening.
I like this double standard in stories, the same man who would die for his son stands comfortably and watches a 14-year-old boy almost killed in front of him.
Narcissa could watch a young woman being tortured on her living room floor and serve tea in the same place the next day.
The breaking point for both of them would just be the safety of their little family.
If Voldemort had never touched Narcissa's son, she would never have lied about Harry's supposed death.
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aesthetictw · 2 months
— slytherin
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dilfluvr22 · 2 months
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