#lucretia crescent
miragee19 · 9 days
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queernoctis · 12 days
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more edits. this time all from one post that i myself took the screenshots of!
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tossawary · 5 months
I'm fascinated by little overlaps of character experiences in a timeline. In "Final Fantasy 7" as I vaguely remember it, Sephiroth is born in Shinra Manor in Nibelheim. The house has a secret basement laboratory, but people can't really spend months locked inside a house without losing it, so there must have been SOME interaction between the scientists in the manor and the people of the local village.
Like, they would have needed to get food somehow? And Shinra could be delivering all of their food by helicopter or something once a week, among other supplies, sure, but it's also possible that they might have had their food delivered through the village. Over the months or years that they were there, someone must have gone out drinking at the local pub or gone out to buy cigarettes at least once. There are different levels of lockdown that all seem feasible. It's possible that the situation was chill enough that Shinra employees might have semi-regularly gone out to eat dinner in town and simply not talked about what they were working on while out and about (Project S / the Jenova Project).
According to the wiki, Cloud is 21 during FF7, which means he was 17ish during the Nibelheim mission, I think? Some additional materials somewhere suggest that Cloud's Mom was only THIRTY-THREE (33) when she died, so I'm putting him at 17 because that means she would have been 16 when he was born. Which, depending on how old Sephiroth is exactly (wiki puts him at 25-30ish during FF7, which means he's probably 21-26ish during the Nibelheim mission), means that Claudia Strife would have been 7-12 years old in Nibelheim when Sephiroth was born.
It's perfectly possible that Claudia Strife at some point met Vincent Valentine, Hojo, or even a heavily pregnant Lucretia. She was supposedly a precocious girl with big dreams (before apparently becoming a teen mom), so she might have tried to hang around Shinra Manor at some point, and, idk, Vincent on his smoke break might have casually told her to fuck off for her own good. If the Project S people stayed in Shinra Manor for several years, it's very possible that one of the security guards or someone else there might be Cloud's father, who slept with a 15yo local and eventually left when he got sick of rural life. In which case, Claudia Strife might even have had the motivation to belatedly try to record who was at Shinra Manor and when, as part of an effort to find and contact her baby's deadbeat dad again.
(It's also possible that Cloud's Mom paid zero attention to any of the Shinra people back then and knows nothing about them, of course. Small towns are small, but also, sometimes you do the smart thing and just don't go poking around the mysterious corporate compound on the edge of town. That's just none of her business.)
Anyway, I think it's funny that Sephiroth is trying to figure out the secrets of his past, and they (Sephiroth, Zack, Cloud) could have potentially easily learned both Lucretia Crescent and Vincent Valentine's names if Zack had had one (1) conversation with Cloud's Mom. Claudia Strife was around back then as an adventurous young girl! She might honestly know a little something! Cloud, go home and talk to your mother!
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emotionalwarmth · 2 months
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I came across this picture on Facebook a while back and my mind went "oh lord Vincent Lucretia Miniroth" Alucard and Sephiroth have so much in common tho tbh And let them be happy
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behind-xemnas · 7 days
I had the weirdest dream about Vincent and what happened felt like a really odd fanfiction, it was quite detailed
Vincent had a husband called Gregory
Gregory was the original owner of Vincent's head band and cape
and he got killed by Hojo
Vincent was Sephiroth's father simply because Hojo decided to use Vincents dna for the experiment, much to his and Gregorys disdain
Sephiroth had a twin sister
for some reason this twin sister didn't age, looked a lot like Jenova, including the weird... eye on the chest stuff
Sephiroth could controll his sister like a puppet, like the sister would just fly around and attack
and then this sister was later used to create Cait Sith... and the reason Reeve could controll that was because he injected some of Sephiroths genes into himself (wtf Reeve)
Sephiroth killed Hojo
Then he insisted that Vincent takes him hin but Vincent refused
after that Sephiroth searched for Lucretia
all of this happened while Sephiroth was still a teen
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up-sideand-down · 11 months
Summary: Day 7: Sephiroth feels he keeps going in circles about seeing his mother after she died.
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macgargan · 2 years
I know no one wants to be the one to tell someone their son is trying to destroy the world, but it's super fucked up to me that when we meet Lucretia, and she tells us how she's having dreams about Sephiroth and how sad she is she never got to hold him, we tell her he's dead. She deserved the truth.
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moon-swag-tourney · 1 year
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Propaganda below!
Lucretia / Madam Director
she lives on a moon base, has a silver and blue palette, and has the general cool calm demeanor associated with moon themed characters.
No dogs allowed on the moon.
The Collector
Canon enby swag!!! (He canonically uses he/they!!!)
Also he's just a little guy. Just a little boy. Too pure for this world. They're just a little guy who just wants to make friends and have fun. They've been subjected to far too much trauma and they're like, seven or something, they deserve something nice, they deserve to win the tourney, cmon guys just look at him he's so silly and pure
They are from an unknown species from outer space and described as a “child from the stars.” Their design is based on the duality of sun and moon, although it feels most similar to the moon. It looks as if each member of his species is based on a celestial things like planets and the sun.
His magic is celestial-based, often looking like stars. His first and second appearances literally show the (quarter and crescent respectively) moon as his face. There’s an entire post about Russian celestial (including the moon) symbolism about them but I can’t find it 😭
Silly little war crime child. Has godly powers, been raised by Murder Siblings and then put in solitary for like thousands of years but is surprisingly sane. 
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hello-galad · 4 months
Hello friends, here i am again with my headcanons that no one asked for:
Ilfana and Gast dressed Vincent when Hojo decided to lock him in the coffin.
First things first, I think after being killed, Vincent was given the Jenova cells. He was their test dummy before Sephiroth. Vincent was revived and got enhanced like SOLDIER do and THEN Lucretia decided to put the three demonic entities inside him to see if his body could be a vessel for them so they could study them, like they had been doing when Grimoire died. Shocking everyone, Vincent was able to stand them and that is when Lucretia puts Chaos in him. Chaos latched onto Vincent as his host/connection to the physical planet and obviously refused to cooperate with them proving to them that they couldn’t control them even when in a physical body.
Nothing new was figured out about Chaos or the other entities, no more than they already knew and that is when Lucretia starts spiraling down because a) she just had a baby. Also, they have been experimenting on from said baby from day one. Vincent tried to stop them and they killed him and b) She has caused the death of not one but TWO Valentines. The last Valentine currently strapped to a surgical bed screaming his throat out while her hubby probably takes an organ out to see how much Vincent can take.
I think Lucretia loved Sephiroth, but she also loved the magnificent being he could become once the experimentation was complete, those feelings clashed inside her brain until she decided she couldn’t take it anymore, says nope and goes to die in a cave.
Hojo is ANGRY, then. He blames Vincent for being the cause Lucretia is dead. Let’s remember that Dr. Lucretia Crescent was one of the top scientist at Shinra and a key scientist of the Jenova project. So Hojo starts experimenting with Vincent in earnest. He takes many organs to see if and how they regenerate, cuts him up and sews him up. He is trying to control his transformations, the demons inside him but he can’t. Eventually his body can’t take it anymore and Vincent ‘dies’. Truth is, Chaos puts him in a sort of coma to preserve his psyche because they are tired of the scientist prodding around, ruining the body that hosts him.
Gast and Ilfana (who was not in the lab but was living with Gast there) dress him up in a way that resembles Grimoire’s attire as a fucked up way (but kind of understandable) to say sorry to both father and son, after all Gast is a scientists and just like Lucretia, he believes that what they are doing will ultimately be worth the means since they are creating something that will revolutionize everything. Hojo expects to be able to retake his experiments on him in the future, although with Vincent dead, they don’t know if the entities inside him have left too.
They give lock him up in the coffin inside the Nibelheim mansion in Grimoire’s coat and scarf, which now hides a head wound…you see I believe Hojo shot him in the chest when Vincent threatened the Jenova program, he thought that it was Hojo who had brainwashed Lucretia into giving her own child to be a test subject. Vincent doesn’t die from a bullet to the chest. He dies from a bullet to the head from Lucretia who can’t allow him to have the program closed.
Let’s remember that Lucretia is a scientist, she is not in love with Vincent, she is not in a love triangle because she rejected Vincent’s love for her. This is the project she has worked for for years, the Chaos project was a failure but this could be it!
Vincent is the one in love with her, a love that probably was born of infatuation and as I like to headcanon as a promise Vincent made to Grimoire before he died. He promised his father he would protect Lucretia, Grimoire already knew they were working with dangerous things and he wanted her to be safe. (Because daddy issues make people do weird things and if his relationship with his father was already strained and Vincent failed in the one thing he promised his father, he truly believes he has to atone for his sins i.e. getting Lucretia killed by not being able to protect her even from herself. Also, he feels guilty about Sephiroth, in his head he could have stopped the Jenova project and spared him but he got distracted and he, Shinra’s best marksman, was killed of a gunshot because he couldn’t control his emotions and underestimated a dangerous person.
Now, here is something I like to think about: just like it happens when people are subjected to abuse by the person they love or have created an attachment to: selective memory. Vincent starts making excuses for her in his head. He blacks out the fact that Lucretia shot and also experimented on him as a way to cope. It is until the events of DoC that he has to face everything and he accepts the truth and lets go of her for good.
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miss-midnightt · 1 year
Excuse me, Miss!
Do you remember ever seeing or meeting this woman?
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Her name is Jenova
Oh, I remember her…though she did not go by that name—her name is Lucretia. Lucretia Crescent. Would you like help finding her?
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house-of-mirrors · 11 months
For the space ask game: 🌙 and 🌌 please!
🌙 Crescent moon - Do any of your characters have to hide a part of themselves? Why?
I've talked a lot in the past about Orsinio and using a false name. I should talk about something new here.
Samuel doesn't necessarily have to hide things, but things just never come up. He does the classic Dad thing of dropping some random bit of concerning information that never comes up ever again
I haven't thought about Miles in the alternate smen/discordant timeline for a hot minute but uh.... they have Nothing to hide. :)
🌌 Milky Way - What is the character development like for your characters? Do they change a lot or not much at all?
Orsinio's original destiny was "The Memory: You will change beyond all understanding, yet something of you will remain." Extremely fitting. When he first came to the Neath, if you told him what he'd learn and who he'd kill and what he'd have on his hands, he never could have fathomed it. Even as he has grown darker in response to a world that is darker, fundamentally he is the same, always fighting for what's right, always speaking truth to power.
Samuel's character arc is Dad Man. He didn't believe himself worthy to try to change the world until he had a motive to protect his young friends. He became much more magnanimous and was reminded that he's daring.
Miles was given countless opportunities to leave the path they were on, to leave their past behind and have a better life. Each time, they doubled down. A tragedy that could have never ended any other way.
Lucretia remains pretty steady, but she must learn to let herself have emotions and to let other people help her sometimes. Much as she gets on Orsinio about these things, she needs to look in a mirror. (Side characters tend to get shorter arcs, anyway.)
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surprised at the lack of classic Final Fantasy characters but maybe it's for the best. If anyone had come for my girl Lucretia Crescent I'd have thrown hands.
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capriccio-ffxiv · 6 months
someone please write Lucretia Crescent x Athena
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aimeelouart · 3 years
Does Lucretia ask professor strife if he's willing to baby sit little sephiroth when she's out with Vincent and Hojo and Grimoire isn't available?
And if yes, how weird is that for Cloud
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buffaloborgine · 3 years
If Genesis is in part 2 what role do you want him to have?
Personally? Well, I know this have a very low chance to happen but I want Genesis to be the one that bitch slaps Sephiroth with the fact that Lucrecia is his mother, not some creep-ass alien. You see, all the stuff Sephiroth did, Nibelheim, Meteor, etc, are all due to his self-denial, he questioned whether he was born a monster, yet, he chose to trust in a false information about Jenova, believing himself to be the only descendant of the Cetra (which we all know is wrong, because well, Genesis and Angeal are both part of Jenova project, so if Sephiroth is a descendant of Jenova and Jenova is a Cetra, then the other two should be descendants of the Cetra as well, but Sephiroth simply kicked them out of the picture). The central cause of this, is because Hojo never told Sephiroth that his mother is Lucretia, and you can also notice that Vincent is not willing to talk that out, the only one left with the knowledge of Lucretia that is willing to talk is probably, Genesis (he didn't have Shelke gather information about Lucretia for naught). So yeah... Genesis has to be the one saving Sephiroth out of his paranoia, because, just like Angeal did his best to save Genesis, Genesis has to do that to Sephiroth, so they can complete their story. (Or maybe that I just want Genesis to lead the Tsviets run amok across Gaia)
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naiveff7 · 4 years
Figure I might as well post some “WIP” for an FF7 fancomic I will probably never finish.  The general concept is post Advent Children an ex-Shinra scientist figures out how to extract people from Mako Crystals and frees Lucretia and Sephiroth’s real body.  
A few practice pages are below the cut. No dialog is present, but the gist is Sephiroth wakes up to Cloud and Yuffie watching him, dazed and recalls the prior day they found him and Lucretia in the basement. Cloud challenged him to a fight, but he coughed up blood and passed out before they actually fought.
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