#luisa should have cuddles
allywthsr · 11 months
THE VACATION | (l.norris)
part three to lando on raya
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summary: Part three to Lando Norris on Raya! The vacation, meeting the family, and a big question in the end.
wordcount: 13k (what?)
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut! Luisa being a bad human
notes: last chapter! I‘m so thankful for everybody who read this series, I had so much fun writing it! And thank you for being patient with me, for the delay. Comment your thoughts🫶🏼
part one part two
”So will you come with me and my family on holiday?“
”Yes, I‘ll join you“, shit. Did you really just say that? You still had no idea what you would say to your family and friends. Just disappear and say nothing? Nah, you couldn’t do that.
Lando got excited and stopped walking, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, still keeping a distance between you and him, so he could look you into the eyes.
”Yeah, I think so.“
”You don’t sound too convinced.“
”No, I wanna come with you. I just don’t know what I’ll tell my family, you know?“
”Maybe I can meet them, to show them that I am not a random person.“
”Yeah maybe.“
He kissed your forehead and pulled you towards him into a hug. You placed your head on his chest and inhaled his scent while hugging him back.
”I‘m glad I met you, Y/N. I know we haven’t known each other for long and other people might say we’re stupid but I’m really happy I have you in my life now.“
”Didn’t know you were a sappy drunk.“
”I‘m not, s‘just all true.“
He rubbed his chin over your head and nuzzled closer to you.
”Maybe we should go back to the hotel? I don’t want people to see us so early, they can be pretty mean. And also I want to have a proper cuddle.“
You smiled and looked up, ”yeah, I’m also tired, these days have been tiring.“
”I know that I tire out the girls, tell me more“, Lando proudly smirked and laughed, clearly being sarcastic.
”I mean my work, but whatever floats your boat“, you lovingly slapped his chest and pulled on his hand a little, so you would actually start walking towards your hotel. And he did just that, with entwined hands you made your way back to the hotel. When you arrived, both of you jumped on the bed.
”It was a nice date, was it?“
”Yes Lan, thank you for inviting me, and the date.“
”It’s nothing, I’m just happy I found you.“
”Me too, you have no idea.“
”Should we get ready for bed? I bought plane tickets for London tomorrow afternoon, we still need to get to the airport in time and it’s already 12:28 am.“
”Lando, you don’t have to buy plane tickets for me, I’m perfectly fine buying them on my own. I don’t want you spending so much money on me.“
”Darling, it’s nothing, really. I didn’t want you to fly alone.“
You sighed and nuzzled in his chest where you mumbled a quiet ’thank you‘. You were grateful for him, but also spending so much money on you and you weren’t together or anything, was just crazy to you. But nonetheless, you both got ready for bed, and quickly you fell asleep in his arms.
You woke up, cuddled to Lando, and still a few minutes until your alarm rang. You enjoyed the last few moments in peace before the stressful day began. Lando snored slightly and you looked at him, he looked like an angel on earth, peaceful.
Before you could do anything, the alarm rang and Lando was startled. With a moan he turned around, shutting the alarm off, and turned around again to hug you tight from behind. You put your hand on his and squeezed it, not ready for the day of traveling, even if it was a short flight from Spa to London.
”Good morning.“
”Morning Lan“, you turned around in his embrace, putting one hand on his cheek and caressing it. He leaned forward and pecked your lips. You‘ve always loved slow mornings, but slow mornings with Lando already felt way better than any other morning you ever had in your life. Even if you couldn’t sleep in, Lando had calculated a few cuddle minutes in before you actually had to get up.
You ordered breakfast to your room, got ready and before you knew it you sat on the plane next to Lando. He wore a cap that he pulled in his face, just in case somebody recognized him. Your hands were linked together and when you were flying through the sky the armrests were put down, you needed to be close to him and he wasn’t feeling any different.
The flight was rather short and without any big turbulence, you spend the time chatting and laughing, cuddling and stealing light kisses from the other. You believed he was your soulmate, there’s no other option. You felt comfortable with him, you didn’t feel the need to be someone you weren’t, and all that after knowing him for only three days. Would other people call you a psycho? Maybe. Would you change a thing? No.
He was your person and you were sure.
But before you knew it, you had to separate. He wanted to meet up with his family and friends in the UK and you had to go back to work. You‘ve spent at least five minutes just hugging and exchanging kisses in the airport, you both weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. Eventually, Lando slowly pulled back from the hug and tugged a piece of hair behind your ear.
”Look, we‘ll talk every night over the phone, I‘ll facetime you. We‘ll text all the time and I’m making sure I’ll visit you at least one day. And it’s only five days, we‘ll manage. I can feel that you’re special, I won’t let go of you that easy.“
He left a kiss on your forehead.
”I know, but still. I‘ll miss you. And you need to send me a packing list so I can get the last few things for the trip. I don’t even know what kind of clothing I should bring, I‘ve never been on a yacht.“
He leaned forward and smirked, ”Lots and lots of bikinis, which barely hide anything.“
”You’re a pervert.“
”But you still like me.“
”I do.“
”Let’s go, okay? I‘ll come visit you in two days?“
You nodded your head and gave him one last tight hug before turning around and wheeling with your suitcase to the next taxi. While the driver loaded your stuff in the trunk, you looked at Lando, he still stood in the same spot and waited for you to drive off. He raised his hand and waved, which you returned without a doubt.
After getting in the taxi, you named the driver your address and he sped off.
It’s been two days since you last saw Lando. He had visited you at your apartment and you two cooked dinner together, squeezing in one or two pleasurable cardio workouts in between and after.
If you know what I mean.
Right now you were waiting for Lando to pick you up for the airport. Almost ready you sat on the couch at five am, you couldn’t understand why he chose such an early start. When the doorbell rang, you got up and opened the door, being welcomed by the handsome face that belonged to Lando.
”Hiya handsome.“
”Hey babygirl.“
He greeted you with a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
”Ready to meet my family?“
”Kinda? I‘m nervous as fuck.“
”Don’t worry darling, they‘ll love you.“
”Whatever you say.“
You giggled into his chest and hugged him tight.
”By the way, my mom called yesterday and said that she finds you lovely.“
You hummed and thought of the awkward FaceTime call you shared with your parents. You wanted them to see Lando, obviously not being happy that you’re going on vacation with some random boy, but they couldn’t tell you no. So you arranged a little FaceTime call because seeing them in person wasn’t easy with your parents not living around the corner.
Your mum was smitten with Lando, the second she saw him, your dad knew him from watching F1, but he acted like a dad had to act when the daughter introduced a boy. With that little meet-up, your parents had a better feeling about you going on holiday with Lando, you had to promise to call at least once a day.
”Ready to go?“
”I just want to go pee and then we can go.“
”Alright, love.“
When you turned around, Lando gave you a slap on your right ass cheek, which you commented with a chuckle.
Lando loaded all of your stuff in the trunk of his car and drove to Heathrow, where the plane would take off to the Zadar Airport. Nervous was an understatement. What if his family doesn’t like you? Then you had to spend two whole weeks with them trapped on a yacht. He told you a little about his family, that Flo does showjumping, Cisca goes to Uni and Oliver was a CEO of a company. You were most excited about Mila and little Athena. Mila loved Lando, she was obsessed with him and you couldn’t wait to see Lando in full-on Uncle duty.
When you arrived at the airport, Lando parked the car in one of the car parks and got all the luggage out of the car. He insisted on taking the suitcases and his carry-on, you were barely allowed to carry your own little backpack for the plane. He was a true gentleman. You two arrived at the terminal where the others waited for you. From a distance, you could see the big crowd of family members, not only was the whole Norris family waiting, but also the boyfriends of Cisca and Flo and the two dogs, Uno and Mocha that belonged to Oliver and Savannah. In total you were thirteen people and two dogs, could that fit into a private plane? When it was time to greet everyone, Lando went and gave everyone a loving hug or a cool bro handshake, before introducing you to everyone.
”This is Y/N. The girl I told you, that would be joining us.“
”Hi, I‘m Y/N.“
You awkwardly claimed, but before you could say another word, Cisca, Lando’s mother, went and hugged you.
”Hello darling, I’m Cisca, nice to meet you, I‘ve heard so much about you.“
”Thank you for letting me join you on your family holiday.“
”Of course darling.“
She let you go and next were his siblings, his dad, and Savannah, all of them welcomed you with a warm hug. The boyfriends just gave you an awkward wave, and a’hello‘, which you returned.
”Let’s go, shall we?“, Lando said.
All of you agreed with him and he was already leading the way to the check-in, with your suitcase in his hand.
The check-in went smoothly and before you knew it you were seated in the plane, next to Lando. It would take you to Croatia, where you then would take off with a yacht to swim around the ocean. You‘ve never been in a private plane, so you were amazed by the luxury and soft cushions.
When you looked around the family members, they didn’t seem to be fazed about it, more like it was something normal. That was it, you needed to marry rich, so you could be as relaxed as them while sitting in a private plane.
The flight was calm, you chatted a lot with Cisca, both of them. It was a little confusing that his sister had the same name as his mother, but you found it cute how the mothers' name was kept in the family. Lando did tell you a few days ago, that they call his sister ’Cis‘ instead of her full name, that way it wouldn’t always be confusing.
After you arrived, you were the first to leave the private plane, Lando right behind you. You stepped out in the warm morning sun at 8:30 am, walking down the stairs and waiting for the rest to come down too. Two members of the aircraft crew started to unload the suitcases and whatever was shoved in there. After Mila and Athena were sat in their buggies, you all went into the airport to a spot where a guy was waiting for you.
”Are you Family Norris?“
A few ’yes‘ and hums were heard and the guy ushered you to follow him. He arranged a bus that would take you to the pier of Croatia where the yacht is waiting for you.
At the yacht, you were astonished at how big it was. After all, it had to fit thirteen people and it had five bedrooms. You didn’t want to know how much a week would cost, you bet a fortune. But you knew Lando and his family weren’t poor people and they could still live the life they were living even after a big holiday like this.
They all went over the little bridge that connected the yacht to the land. You followed and you smiled at Lando, when he reached for your hand, helping you walk over the wobbly bridge. He kept his hand in yours while all of you went and explored the yacht, starting with the top floor and slowly working the way down.
”I call dips on the bedroom with the best view!“, was screamed by a very childish Lando after he let go of your hand and sprinted towards all the doors of the lowest deck.
”I hope you know how childish your boyfriend is“, Savannah said after turning to you.
”Oh, uhm, we’re not together.“
Awkward. Very awkward.
”Really? You looked very much in love on the plane.“
She chuckled and you turned red in the face.
”Uhm, thanks, I guess?“, you laughed.
”No really, the way he looked at you and always had to touch you somehow, whether on your back, thigh, or how he stroked your ankles when you draped your legs over his lap. I’ve known Lando for some years now and I’ve never seen him so affectionate.“
You blushed harder than before, you hadn’t noticed all the things she mentioned but now that you thought of it, he really had a hand on you the whole time. And the way he did that in front of his family as well? It was something you weren’t used to.
”Don’t worry, Lando always needs a bit more time than others, but I’m sure you mean a lot to him.“
”He means a lot to me too.“
”I can see that.“
You were glad that Savannah was there, she treated you like you‘ve been with them for years.
”I‘m happy you’re here, Y/N. I think that we will have a lot of fun with you, you fit perfectly in our family.“
”I already feel so comfortable within your family, I can’t wait for the next week.“
She gave you a light squeeze and you followed Lando into a bedroom after he screamed your name.
”Y/N, you see that? It’s beautiful!“
He pointed to the window where you could see the ocean. It was big and under it was a shelf where Lando had put his carry-on.
He came closer to hug you, cheekily pressing a kiss on your neck.
”Lando, someone could come in.“
After all the door was wide open and you could still hear the rest of the family chatting not too far away.
”I don’t care, it’s not like I’m fucking you against the wall. Even though I want to.“
You let out a quiet gasp, how dare he say that when his family was less than five meters away.
”What? It’s true. Do you know how hard it was not to touch you? You look absolutely smashing in your shorts and crop top. And I don’t even wanna think of you in a bikini. I need to do a little wrist workout before I see that, or otherwise, I will run around with a boner the whole day.“
”You’re insatiable.“
He only chuckled and kissed you on your forehead.
”I‘m sorry to disturb your peace but we want to order brunch.“
Lando and you turned around to look at Oliver.
”We’re coming.“
Oliver left the room and you looked at Lando.
”Fuck, I‘m a little hard.“
You bursted out laughing.
”Don’t laugh, what am I gonna do?“
Lando screamed quietly.
Go to the toilet and calm down or do other things to make it go down, I‘ll go to your family and say you needed to go to the toilet.“
”You sure you’re okay with being alone with my family?“
”Yes, I’m sure they won’t bite my head off.“
He laughed and went into the little bathroom that was connected to your bedroom, while you went upstairs to the main deck where his family was waiting.
”Where’s Lando?“, Flo asked.
”Uhm, he needed to go to the toilet, I‘m sure he‘ll be here soon.“
They all nodded and gave you a menu to choose your brunch from.
And not even after five minutes Lando joined you and sat down next to you, putting his hand on your thigh, squeezing it slightly. You looked at him and he just smirked at you, you knew he didn’t just wait in the bathroom.
You gave him your menu, after choosing the dish of your liking. He chose a chicken breast dish, after all, he was still a high-performance athlete and had to be in shape. The chef, who was booked for the day, came and took your order.
Lando’s dad spoke.
”You two have to tell us how you met!“
You looked at Lando with panic in your eyes. What should you say?
”Dad, I told you it wasn’t important.“
”I don’t see the harm.“
”We met over a dating app called Raya in Amsterdam.“
They all just nodded and Oliver looked at Lando with a smirk, he knew why his brother hit you up.
You quickly changed the topic.
”I wanted to say thank you again, for letting me come to your family holiday, it means so much. I don’t know how to repay you.“
”Y/N, stop it. We’re glad that Lando found someone again, we were scared he would end up alone. I‘m sure the next week will be fun.“
You liked Cisca already, she was very much a mother, especially now, when she put her hand on yours and gave it a little squeeze to prove her point.
The next twenty minutes were spent just talking to each other and getting to know them when the Chef and another cook came and brought the food you ordered. You looked at your meal, it looked absolutely delicious, and it tasted good too! Because you hadn’t really eaten anything yet, except a little pretzel that you shared with Lando on the plane, the food was gone before you knew it.
”What’s the plan for the week?“, Cis asked.
”I want to explore the city and maybe chill at a beach too“, Flo replied.
You nodded your head, agreeing with her.
”And I just wanna chill all day long“, Oliver said, looking at his wife, who also nodded.
”I‘d say, let’s just change into something more summer-like and lay down on the sunbeds, maybe we can go for a swim after“, Adam said.
The whole group just hummed and made their way to the bottom floor to the bedrooms.
”I‘m gonna call my parents and tell them that we arrived.“
Lando nodded and opened his suitcase.
”Can I choose your bikini?“
Why shouldn’t he? You packed enough swimwear for the week, he would see all of them anyway.
While ringing your parents, Lando opened your suitcase and rummaged through your clothes, carefully trying to not mess it up too badly. But before he could find the bikinis, he found your undergarments. Like a little kid on Christmas, he picked up every panty and held it up in the air, inspecting them. You sat on the bed, talking to your parents, you tried to suppress your laughs, he looked like as if he saw panties for the first time. He felt the different materials and looked at the different colors. You tried to bring him back to his original task, but he didn’t listen.
”Yes mum, I already ate something. Can I call you later? We want to go swimming. Yes, I will be careful about the sharks, don’t worry. I‘ll only go in if it’s safe and I’ll always have Lando with me.“
While saying his name he perked up and looked at you.
”What? No! Mum, please. Don’t be embarrassing. No! Don’t put dad on the phon-, hey dad, yes I’m fine. Please, dad, you‘ll embarrass me, I know it. Yes, okay.“
Lando looked at you confused when you held your phone towards him.
”My dad wants to speak to you.“
”Hi Mr. Y/L/N. Thank you, I’m good, how are you?“
God, how embarrassing.
”Yes, I‘ll take care of her, trust me. Yes sir, I won’t be sleeping in the same bed as her, we have separate bedrooms in fact.“
What? What is he talking about?
”Thank you, bye.“
When he gave you your phone back, your dad hung up, lovely how he wanted to speak to you.
”What did he say?“
”Relax babe, it’s all good. He just wanted me to protect you.“
”What about the bedrooms?“
”Oh yeah, he told me that I’m not allowed to sleep in the same bed as you.“
”Yeah, thank god he doesn’t know that I‘ve been inside of you multiple times already.“
The typical boy smirk appeared on his face and you threw a pillow in his face.
”Anyway, have you finally picked out my bikini?“
”Love, are you insane? I‘ve been too distracted by your panties. Who knew you had so many sexy dessous.“
You shook your head, put them into a drawer, before anyone could see them, and pulled out your bikinis.
You threw all of them in Lando’s lap and in the meantime, you began to unpack the rest of your stuff.
You heard a few muffles and mumbles from Lando, about ’too much fabric‘ ’wrong color, who buys Ferrari red bikinis‘, and ’that‘ll make me hard in seconds‘. In the end, he chose a papaya-colored bikini, that you bought extra for this trip, you knew he would love it.
You went into the bathroom but kept the door open, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen everything of you already. Quickly you changed into the bikini, while Lando was changing into his swim trunks, and when you put your hair up, Lando came into the bathroom and hugged you from behind, you looked at each other through the mirror.
”You know, I‘m really happy you’re here. I knew my family would love you.“
”I‘m also happy I‘m here. Thank you for taking me with you.“
He only gave you a kiss on your shoulder and squeezed you tight. You heard a knock on the door when you turned around in his embrace and linked your hands behind his neck.
”Guys, we wanna go swimming, you coming?“
”We‘re coming dad.“
With that, you pressed a kiss on his lips and you both went upstairs, to where his family was waiting for you. You could hear his sisters and Savannah giggling when you appeared and your hands were linked together, at this point, it became a natural thing. Whenever you could, you would hold hands and be close to each other. You all went to the lowest platform and jumped into the ocean, at least some of you. Savannah stayed back to watch the kids and dogs, not wanting them to be on their own. You asked if you should keep her company, so she wouldn’t be alone, but she told you she wants to read a book anyway.
Lando and his siblings + their boyfriends all went into the water without a doubt. You could see they all have been on something like this before, not caring about the water and just jumping right in. You on the other hand went in more slowly, just as Lando’s parents did.
”Lando, can you hold me, if I drown?“
”Sure babe.“
You looked at him. What did he just say? In front of his family. He really didn’t care. And you liked it. You loved how carefree he could be and just blurt out pet names without being ashamed in front of his family. What a walking green flag.
You went in the water and Lando immediately came to you, offering you somewhere to hold onto. With a smile, you latched onto his side and enjoyed the coldish water against your hot skin. Since the water was rather clear, you could see your surroundings and what was swimming in the water with you. You didn’t need to encounter a shark up close. When you got used to the water, you let go of Lando, who made sure you were comfortable about a hundred times. Adam and Cisca went for a swim around the boat and the rest of the group was still chilling where you jumped in. Quickly little games started, who can hold their breath the longest under the water, who can swim the fastest, who can do the coolest trick and the list goes on and on. After a while you all were exhausted and hopped onto the yacht again, sitting down on the lounge while waiting for the sun and the warm breeze to dry you off. Together you went upstairs to get a drink and to get out of the sun, Adam and Cisca were waiting for you with cocktails.
A cocktail before 1:00 pm? That’s what you call vacation.
You took your favorite drink and sat down next to Lando, who placed his hand on your thigh, stroking the warm skin slowly.
”Lando, Y/N! I want to take a picture of you, smile please.“
Lando’s mum being the mum she is, taking pictures of their kids.
You leaned into Lando and placed your hand onto his‘, smiling brightly as Cisca took a picture of you two.
”Adorable you two!“
”Can you send me the pic mum? I‘ll send it to Y/N.“
”Sure, but you can add her to the vacation group chat, that way we all have her number, if that’s okay for you, love.“
You nodded and smiled.
Lando grabbed his phone from the table and you could see him add you to the chat, seconds later the photo got sent into it.
Both of you went back to the lounge, where you wanted to tan a little, first you both laid there, enjoying the silence, but soon you started talking about random things. You liked how you could talk to Lando about normal stuff, which cheese is better or what milk you needed to try, it made things feel very normal.
You spend several hours talking and getting to know the family and Lando, after all, it has only been a week and a half since you met. But before you knew it, it was time for dinner. The chef handed out a menu card again and you began to read through the dishes.
”Do you know what you are choosing, love?“, Lando whispered.
You shook your head. You were a picky eater, being scared to come across as rude, you didn’t want to mix up the dishes and change the sides but none of the listet items were your favorites.
”I‘m picky with food, I have no idea if I even like any of this.“
Lando stared at you. Shit, did you do something wrong? You knew that this was a no-go, being picky over this clearly expensive menu that everybody seemed to like. This was going to be the moment they all hated you.
”You’re literally perfect.“
You could barely hear him say it, it was almost as if he said it to himself. You turned your head to Lando and looked at him.
”I‘m going to marry you, I found my picky eater.“
Now you didn’t understand a thing.
”I‘m a picky eater too! I hate all of these. I‘m going to order some chips and chicken. My parents requested it specifically for me, but you can have it too. I always feel like a little kid, but now I have you, and I’ll never feel that way again.“
You felt relieved, he didn’t hate you, nor did you have to pack your things and go. He was just like you, he was truly your soulmate.
”I would like some chicken and chips.“
His eyes started to sparkle and he pressed a quick kiss on your lips. You immediately blushed, affection wasn’t something you thought he would do in front of his family, but he truly didn’t care.
Dinner was delicious and nobody questioned you, but now it was late and time for bed. All of you were exhausted, after all, you had to get up early and you‘ve been on your feet all day. So after saying goodnight to everyone, Lando and you went into your bedroom and changed into your sleepwear. Laying down on the bed was the best feeling you felt that day. Lando cuddled close to you, kissed your nose, and then kissed you on your mouth.
”Goodnight love.“
”Night Lan.“
Before you could do anything else, both of you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up because Lando tickled you on your sides.
”No Lando! Stop it, I‘m going to kick you if you don’t stop.“
You tried to get out in between giggles and screams. But he didn’t listen, instead, he tickled you harder and pinned you on the mattress. Out of reflex, you started kicking around with your feet and after a few seconds, Lando fell to the side with a groan, holding his private area. Oops. It wasn’t that you wanted to hurt him, but at least he stopped tickling you now. You sat up and looked at him.
”Babe, oh my god, I‘m so sorry!“
”I don’t think that I can have kids anymore.“
He was whispering as if he was on his deathbed.
”Don’t be a drama queen. Do I need to kiss it better?“
His eyes lit up, ”Yes please.“
You shook your head while giggling and bent down, to press a kiss on his boxer-covered dick.
”I don’t think it worked, you need to do it without the clothing.“
”In your dreams Norris. I‘m not giving you a blowjob if your family is next door.“
”C’mon Y/N, don’t be a party pooper.“
”Lando, No.“
”Y/N, yes!“
”Lando, I‘m no-“
He leaned over you and kissed you passionately. Tongues were fighting, salvia was exchanged and filthy sounds were created. God this guy could make you wet in seconds. Speaking of wet, his hand made its way into your panty. He gently wiped his index finger through your folds, while you whimpered at the sensation. His kisses went to your neck and you moaned quietly.
”Fuck baby, you’re so wet. Is that all for me?“
You‘ve never nodded your head as fast as at this question. Lando sucked a little on your neck, trying not to create a purple mark. With slow movements, he pushed his index and middle finger into your sweet cunt.
”Lando I‘-“
”No baby, let me make you feel good.“
”Not with your fami-“
He shushed you and kissed you again. Swiping his tongue over your lower lip to ask for entrance. With a little fight, he won the battle and you thought about giving in. How could you not, with his fingers buried deep inside of you, pleasuring you with easy moves. His thumb moved over your clit and your body jolted upwards into his chest. You moaned quietly and bit your lip. How long could you keep quiet when he was making you feel so good? He flickered your clit continuously until he noticed how your walls contracted around his fingers, which were still pumping in and out, and your breathing got heavier.
”Are you close babygirl?“
You could only nod and before you could say anything else, you put your hand over your mouth to try and suppress your moans as Lando made you finish. When you came back down, a smiling Lando looked into your eyes and pressed a kiss on your forehead. He took out his fingers of your pussy and looked at the glistening juices before licking them off. Fuck, he was attractive.
”Good morning by the way.“
He snuggled closer to you and laid his head on your chest. You could feel his hard-on on your legs, what now? He didn’t make any signs that he wanted you to do anything, but you also couldn’t leave him like this.
”Lando, let me help you.“
”It’s okay baby.“
You nudged him until he gave in, rolling on his back and you could already see the bulge that stood in his boxers.
”I see someone is excited.“
”How could I not?“
You chuckled and sat directly on his crotch with your heat.
”You’re killing me, babe.“
You leaned down and kissed him, circling your hips to create friction for him. With one last kiss on his nose, you sat up and went with your hand in his boxers, cupping his erection. He let out a surprised moan and you started moving your hand up and down, after spitting on them, to moisturize them. After a few pumps, you let your thumb brush over his head and he almost lost it. He was a mess underneath you, moving, moaning, and whispering your name.
”Cum for me, pretty boy.“
With a moan, that you tried to quieten with your hand, he came all over your other hand and in his boxers.
”Fuck baby, you have magic hands.“
That made you laugh while you got up and pulled out a handkerchief from your purse and cleaned your hand.
”You should change into some new boxers if you ask me.“
You said after laying down again.
”I will.“
He sat up and stretched his arms above his head. Quickly he slipped into a fresh boxershort and went into the bathroom to get a wet piece of toilet paper. He pulled your panty to the side and gently wiped your juices off, that were smeared around your pussy. The cold material felt arousing on your hot vagina and you couldn’t believe this made you excited again.
He jumped into the bed and laid his head on your chest again. Shortly after you heard a small knock on your door and Lando got up and unlocked the door. He must‘ve locked it when you went to bed yesterday, you were glad he did. Otherwise, someone could’ve caught you earlier.
Lando opened the door and there stood little Mila with a stuffie in one hand and a pacifier in the other.
”What are you doing here Sunshine?“
Lando went into full uncle mode and it was the sweetest thing ever. The day before he already was the best uncle, swimming with Mila in his arms through the water and cuddling with her on the sun lounge.
”That’s me, sweets.“
He crouched down and opened his arm, which Mila ran into. Same girl. Who wouldn’t?
”You want to stay with me and Y/N?“
Mila nodded and he carried her over to the bed. Thank god she had such a good timing, a few minutes earlier and you two would have had a problem. Lando laid down with her, she crawled in between you two and put her pacifier in her mouth while squeezing her stuffie bunny closer to her. You turned to lay on your side while raising your hand to tickle her belly slightly. Giggles erupted and you were sure they could be heard through the whole yacht.
”Is that funny Mila?“
You let go of her and she touched Lando’s beard that he grew.
”Does that feel weird?“
She babbled something you both didn’t understand, but Lando played along and he babbled back. God was he the cutest with kids. Mila was a clingy girl, you noticed after she threw herself at you and clung to your neck for the next twenty minutes. When Oliver came into your room he took her off you and went upstairs with her, you could finally breathe again. It wasn’t like you were scared of her, but she was still a new baby to you and you were scared to upset her somehow.
”You were great with her, you know.“
”Thank you, Lan.“
You both got dressed and headed upstairs as well, where a big breakfast table waited for you with almost all family members sitting around. Within the next few minutes, Flo, Cis, and their boyfriends arrived and you could start with breakfast. You had a lot to choose from, but you still got your favorite breakfast while having an amazing view over the ocean.
”You know Y/N, you’re great company.“
Savannah suddenly said.
”Oh uhm, thank you! I‘ve been enjoying spending time with you guys as well. It’s so peaceful.“
”No really, you’re just you, and you’re not on your phone the whole time, as other girlfriends of Lando have been.“
”Sav!“, Lando stopped her from talking more about his past relationships.
”Lando, it’s true! Remember Luisa? She was dying to get that perfect insta pic the whole time, it was annoying after just one day.“
She could see you were getting uncomfortable. You didn’t know this Luisa, so you didn’t want to say anything bad about her.
”Oh I’m sorry, it’s probably not the best topic to talk about.“
”No don’t worry, but it’s great to know that you don’t find me annoying.“
”Are you kidding? I don’t think that many people would’ve cuddled with Mila after just getting to know her.“
You blushed and looked at Lando, who stared at you. That made you blush even more.
”Anyway, we need to walk the dogs, is there anything you need from the mainland?“
”Oliver, can Y/N and I walk the dogs? I want to show her the city a little.“
”Sure! As long as you bring some sunscreen, we’ve forgotten to pack some.“
Lando and you nodded and got up to get ready. It was only 11:00 am but it was boiling hot already, you hopped into your comfy summer outfit, and Lando and you made your way to where Oliver was waiting with the dogs who were already on the leash. Lando grabbed Uno’s and you were handed Mochas, the little Cockapoo smiled up at you, and his tail was waggled from one side to the other. Lando and you both walked down the ramp that would take you to the land and the dogs began to sniff everything. Lando waved his fingers with yours and you two enjoyed the little stroll through the city. He‘s been here several times, so he showed you a little around, the town was truly beautiful. He even pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of you and the dogs, to document you struggling while holding two hyperactive dogs on their leashes. In between you hopped in a shop to get the sunscreen Oliver asked for and a few little somethings, just as a little stuffed fox for Mila, as she’s addicted to her stuffies.
You two returned to the yacht after the dogs did their business, still holding hands and as soon as you settled on the lounger, Lando was clinging to you. His head placed on your belly and his arms wrapped around your torso, your hands were combing through his curls and you two were enjoying the peace and the sound of the waves clashing against the boat, as you were sailing through the Adriatic Sea.
All you did that day was swim in the sea, tanning on the boat, play with Mila, and cuddling with Lando. In between you had lunch and dinner, drinks, and conversation with his whole Family.
When it was time for bed, you got ready, doing your skincare in the bathroom while Lando was chilling on the bed, waiting for you. He was talking to Max Fewtrell over the phone, you couldn’t really understand what he was saying but he was laughing a lot. While applying the last cream you were listening in, it wasn’t like you were eavesdropping, he was talking really loudly and it was nearly impossible to not listen to what he was saying.
”I‘m excited Maximilian.“
”No, you know I have her with me here.“
”She matters more to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken her with me on vacation.“
”Can you please stop? I won’t need her here.“
”I don’t even like her anymore.“
”I don’t care that she‘s a friend of your girlfriends mate.“
”Anyway, I’ll see you without anyone tomorrow.“
After listening to that, you came back into the bedroom to see him throwing his phone on the duvet next to him and he was rubbing his face with his hands.
”What was that about Lan?“
”Oh it’s nothing, Max will join us the day after tomorrow.“
”Oh fun! But does he fit on here? We do not have any more bedrooms.“
”My parents are leaving with the kids and the dogs, he can sleep in their bedroom.“
”What? Why are they leaving? I like their company. But you sounded agitated, is really everything alright?“
”They want us to have a little party as well, Dad has stuff to do in England anyway. And we just had a little fight, don’t worry babe. But come here, I wanna cuddle.“
With a smile, you threw yourself next to him and he immediately attached himself to you.
”You’re clingy, but I love it.“
He chuckled and enjoyed the head scratches he got. Quickly after that, you both fell asleep.
The next morning started with an excited Lando, he was up early and shaking you awake. Why would he do that?
”Y/N! Come on, wake up! We‘re going to ride jet skis. The guy who’s going to bring them will arrive in a second.“
He was a little child, you were sure. You didn’t move, so Lando positioned himself on top of you and started to plant kisses on your face, wherever he could reach, he would kiss. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your chin, and ending with a big smooch on your lips.
”Are you awake now? Come on Y/N!“
”Lando, we don’t need to be there when they arrive, I‘m sure someone from your family is waiting.“
”Oliver is waiting with the other boys.“
”See, you can also go if you want, I’ll come soon, but give me a second to wake up.“
”Are you sure?“
”Of course! Go! I‘ll join soon, let me get ready.“
With a little skip in his step, Lando went upstairs and you stretched your arms, slowly waking up fully and getting ready. You met Cisca in the hallway, she was lovely.
”How are you, my dear?“
”I‘m good, Lando is excited for the jetskis, so I got woken up by a bouncing Lando. How did you sleep?“
You two chuckled.
”Sometimes he‘s like that, but I slept good, thank you. I hope to see you around more after the vacation.“
”I‘m sure, but I heard you’re leaving today?“
”Yes, Adam has some things to do in England and we want you kids to have a party vacation as well, we’re taking the small kids and the dogs home with us.“
”I enjoyed staying with you, thank you for welcoming me to your family.“
”Darling, we loved having you, Lando, and you really are soulmates, the way he behaves around you, I’ve never seen him like that. Normally he tries to act all cool and grown up in front of girls, but with you, he was himself, playing with Mila, screaming because Oliver pushed him in the water, he only does it when he feels at home. I‘m really happy he found someone where he can be his true self. And I know that you only know each other for a rather short period of time, but I hope he‘ll keep you around. You’re a good girl.“
With a red head, you hugged Cisca tight, she was truly the perfect mother. Lando told you a lot about his family and always highlighted the relationship he had with his mother.
”Anyway, let’s get going, I want to see their faces when they get on the jetskis.“
Both of you made their way upstairs to see Lando and the others saying their goodbyes to the renting guy, as soon as Lando saw you, his eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand towards you. You took it and the shirtless Lando pulled you in a tight hug, where he placed his head on top of yours, swaying side to side. Your hands slightly scratched his back, which you learned, he loved.
”Are you gonna join me for a ride?“
”Only if you drive safely, you promised my parents to keep me alive.“
”Driving is my job, don’t worry baby.“
”But not on water!“
”Don’t be scared, it’s going to be fun.“
He pressed a kiss on top of your head and you both pulled a lifesaving vest over your swimwear, the rest copying you both. Lando was a bit crazy and rented four jet skis, so everyone could go for a ride at the same time.
Lando sat down on one and held out his hand, for you to take and join him on the jet ski. You placed your bum behind him and crossed your fingers in front of his abs, which you caressed with your thumbs, and pressed your head in his back for support.
”You’re not gonna die Y/N.“
For that comment, you slightly tickled Lando, and he turned the machine on.
”I think so.“
And he sped off with what felt like a hundred miles per hour. The only thing that could be heard was the splashing from the water and your screaming, after a few turns and a heart attack, Lando stopped the vehicle.
”You having fun back there?“
”You wanna ride it?“
”Come on!“
Before you could tell him no one more time, he stood up and you clasped his belly, you were scared he was going to fall in the water.
”Slide forward, and I‘ll hold you, you can’t fall in the water and whenever you panic, I‘m there to control it.“
”You promise?“
”I do.“
You slid forward and waited for Lando to settle behind you after you let go of him. He touched your sides and caressed them, just like you did on his abs, he was a sweetheart.
”This handle is to accelerate, and if you want to brake, you have to release it, or turn to the side. Got it?“
You nodded and slowly pushed the accelerator forward. The jet ski moved and you got the grove after a few minutes. Before you could get comfortable, Cisca was hollering for you to get back to the boat, it was time for brunch. And since you went out for brunch today, to eat nicely before Adam and Cisca left, you went and changed into something other than a bikini.
The town was filled with people and Lando and you kept a safe distance, after a few Instagram stories it was known that Lando Norris was in town and a lot of people were circling the docks to catch a glimpse of him. So you walked next to his sisters to make it seem like you were their friend, not the best solution, but you wanted the situationship to be something that only certain people knew of.
When you found the perfect restaurant, you all ordered your favorite dish and talked while waiting for the waiters to bring it.
Lando sat next to you and under the table he had his hand on your thigh, stroking the delicate skin slightly. You’re not gonna lie, it made you a bit excited, but the fact that you were sitting with his family, cooled you down.
The food came and it was absolutely delicious, all of you regretted not coming earlier to this place, and only discovered it on Lando’s parents' last day. After a sweet stroll through the small streets, it was time to return to the boat, Adam and Cisca had to pack the rest of their belongings and drive to the airport. And that’s what they did, they packed their stuff and said goodbye. You were sad when Adam and Cisca hugged you, you really enjoyed getting to know them.
”Y/N, you have to promise to visit us soon, you’re a lovely girl, if Lando doesn’t keep you, he‘s an idiot.“
”Thank you Cisca, I will.“
With one arm around your waist, Lando and the rest of you waved until the taxi drove off.
”Let’s get to partying!“, an exciting Oliver screamed.
The rest of the day was spent drinking, swimming, and cuddling with Lando. In the evening you went back to the restaurant you found this morning, to eat dinner.
When everyone was in their bedrooms, Lando and you sneaked upstairs to the top deck, where a big lounge area was built. Lando sat down and you straddled his lap, bringing your arms behind his neck, his hands settled on your hips, slowly caressing them.
”I‘m really happy you came with us here, I told you everyone will love you.“
”You did.“
”I think I deserve a kiss for that.“
”For you being right?“
”You think so?“
With a smirk, you slowly bend down, until your lips almost touched.
”I don’t think so.“
And with that you sat back up again, giggling.
”You little menace.“
He started to tickle you and with a loud laugh, you jumped off of his lap and landed next to him. He tried to kiss you after laying himself on top of him, but you could only laugh because he kept tickling you.
”Missy, don’t deny kisses from your.. uhm.. from me!“
You noticed his little slip-up and wondered what he wanted to say, was it boyfriend or something else? You decided not to say anything about it, he was clearly embarrassed, judging by his red cheeks.
”I‘ll kiss you, but only if you stop tickling me.“
And with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips on yours several times, with each kiss it got filthier, the sounds got louder and the atmosphere got sexier. Slowly but surely, Lando pulled on your top, signaling you to remove it.
”Lando, no! Not up here, everyone can hear and see us.“
With a swift move his hand was in your pants, his pointer finger dipped between your pussy lips.
”Are you sure it’s not turning you on? You’re pretty wet darling.“
Dammit. This guy.
”But only if you keep quiet and we hurry.“
”Will do, Boss.“
With a slap to his shoulder, both of you sat up and removed your shirts and pants, only in underwear you sat on the lounger and kissed again, it was filthy, it sounded like you were in some porn.
You pushed Lando down onto the lounger and sat with your heat on his dick, moving slightly to grind on him.
”If you do that, I‘ll cum in my pants.“
”We wouldn’t want that, would we?“
”Missy, behave.“
”I am!“
Before you could say anything else, Lando switched positions, now he was on top of you. And he didn’t hold back, he inserted two fingers in you, pumping them in and out, you arched your back, the sensation felt way too good.
”Are you ready? I‘m way too horny right now.“
”Yes, please Lando.“
”You’re begging now?“
”I can’t deny you like that, huh?“
You only shook your head and looked at him with puppy eyes.
You removed your underwear and he removed his. His dick was big and hard, just how you liked it, you gave it a few pumps before leading it to your entrance. Lando pushed it in you and you tried not to moan too loudly. With some drags of his hips, that met yours, you were almost there, the risk of getting caught made you way more excited than you thought it would, and Lando wasn’t any different, you could feel him twitching inside of you. The pleasure making you feel lightheaded. Every few seconds, Lando pressed little kisses on your lips, trying to be closer to you than he already was.
”Baby, I‘m cumming.“
And with that, Lando shot his white liquid inside of you, which pushed you over the edge as well and both of you were a panting moaning mess. This will probably never get old, the pleasure Lando could provide you with was amazing. You were enjoying the peace while still being entangled within each other.
”Should we get dressed and go into our bedroom?“
”I think so, it’s slowly uncomfortable laying butt naked.“
”But I like your butt“, and he smacked your ass with his hand.
You chuckled and got up, pulling your clothes back on to cover up, with quiet steps, you both went down the staircases leading to the bedrooms. When you laid on the bed, Lando whispered something in your ear, that had you clenching your thighs all over again.
”I haven’t fucked you against the windows yet.“
The next day came quickly. All you wanted was to stay in bed but Lando had other plans, Max was to arrive at 8:30 am so he wanted to get up. You got that, but staying in bed with him sounded better and you didn’t want to sound rude and stay in bed, so you got up with him. You put on a bikini and threw a summer dress over it, so you didn’t walk around in just a bikini all day. Lando didn’t want you to put on make-up, but it was way too warm for it anyway, so you didn’t put any on. You wanted to give your skin a break from the products you tortured it every day in your normal life.
Lando and you waited on the lounger and enjoyed the already warm sun. Both were cuddling the other and sharing light kisses every now and then. You already missed Cisca, Adam, the kids, and the dogs but you were ready for some more party-like vacation, you also couldn’t wait to meet Max. Lando has told you a lot about him when he came to your flat and you two cooked together. After waiting for five minutes, you heard a suitcase roll on the concrete, Lando and you got up to welcome Max when Lando stopped in his walking and froze.
”Lan, what is it?“
He was blocking your view so you couldn’t see what was happening.
”What are you doing here?“
You pushed Lando a little to the side so you could see who he was talking to. Two tall, brown-haired women stood next to Max, who were these women?
”Lando I told you she was visiting us and we couldn’t leave her home.“
”And I told you, that I didn’t want to see her. I told you to come alone.“
”Mate, come on, you can’t say that. We planned that Pietra could come and I’m sorry but Luisa just joined.“
Oh, this was the ex Lando wasn’t comfortable to talk about. You immediately felt self-conscious, she was gorgeous, she had long legs and she was skinny. As if you had taken her out of a magazine and placed her here. You could see that she was eyeing you up and down, clearly annoyed that another woman was standing next to Lando.
”Max, can we talk in private please?“
With that Lando and Max went inside the yacht and you were left alone with the two girls.
”So you’re the new sidekick from Lando?“
”Excuse me?“
”You know, the new fuck-friend.“
”I‘m sorry, who are you again?“
”I‘m Luisa. His ex.“
”I don’t think you have any right to judge him.“
”Darling, you look so young and inexperienced, do you think that is something Lando wants?“
”I have a reasonable age, thank you. And I don’t think it’s any of your business.“
Suddenly you felt very small, you wanted to disappear and go home, she made this place feel like hell.
”You know, when Lando was with me, he always told me how he loved to have someone as skinny and tall as I am, you look like you enjoyed the food a bit too much on here, I know what the Norris’ are like on their holiday, I‘ve been with them twice, they go all out but trust me, a salad next time won’t hurt. And you’re not wearing any makeup? Lando hated it when I didn’t do that.“
The tears were prickling in your eyes.
”Lando hasn’t said anything, and as long as he’s happy, I‘m happy too. I don’t know what you want to achieve here but you don’t need to talk so badly about me.“
”Because he‘s a gentleman and wouldn’t comment on your weight and ugliness.“
”Lu, that’s enough“, the other woman told Luisa.
”P, she should know what he‘s like, no?“
”He‘s wonderful to me.“
”For now, he broke up with me because I was too boring for him, his words.“
You shook your head, not believing her. She was the topic two days ago during dinner, later on in bed, you asked Lando why they broke up, and he told you that she was a bit unfaithful to him and she didn’t want the same things as he did. He wanted to slowly settle down, but she was all over the clubs and flirting with other guys.
He didn’t seem like he was lying to you, but she was.
”Look Luisa, respectfully, I don’t want to continue this conversation.“
You turned around and went into the yacht, while walking down the stairs you heard Lando and Max talking.
”Look, this is gonna complicate things, I like Y/N, and I don’t know why Luisa should be here. She‘ll only do damage.“
”Let’s wait and see how things develop, don’t be a pussy. Let’s have a good time and you won’t notice her.“
”Fine, but one strike and she‘s out.“
You heard that they started walking to the stairs and you panicked, what should you do? If you stay on the stairs and walk to the bedroom as you planned, it‘ll look like you eavesdropped on their conversation, but if you turn around and go back to Luisa and Pietra, it‘ll be even worse. Before you could do anything, you saw Lando and Max appear in front of you.
”Oh hi, I‘m Y/N, you must be Max, I‘ve heard so much about you!“
Great, act like it was planned that you wanted to see them.
”Hey, I‘m Max, nice to meet you.“
You stepped the last steps down the stairs and hugged Max, rubbing his back quickly. When he pulled away you looked at Lando.
”Are you okay? Are the girls nice to you?“
What were you going to do? Act like all was well or tell the truth, in the end, you didn’t want to ruin the day, maybe it was just starting difficulties, so you went with option one.
”Yes, I am, they‘re nice, I.. uhm wanted to go and charge my phone, I need to call my parents anyway.“
”Are you sure? I plucked your phone in last night, it should be fully charged.“
Dammit Lando.
”Well, yeah… I still need to call my parents, so you start without me, the others aren’t awake yet anyway.“
You quickly kissed his cheek, smiled at Max, and went into the bedroom, where you sat down with a sigh, you hoped Lando believed your little story.
How could you survive the rest of the week with this monster upstairs? You didn’t want to hide your affection towards Lando just because she could say something, you didn’t want to stay in the room the whole time just so she couldn’t eye you. Lando did say, after one strike, she was out, but Lando was probably the nicest person you met, would he actually kick her out? The friend of his best friend's girlfriend?
But what if what she said was actually true? Should you maybe skip the chips and eat the salad she told you about, maybe you should work out again, you haven’t done that in the last week. And not wearing any makeup? Lando did tell you to skip it and enjoy the sun on your bare face but what if he just said that, so you would get a better tan? Before you knew it, a tear trickled down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away. You didn’t want her to ruin your vacation, but Lando was with her for a year, her character couldn’t be so ugly if he held it out for so long.
With one last deep breath, you got up and went upstairs to see where the others were, Cis and her boyfriend joined them and you looked for Lando but couldn’t find him, so you sat down next to Cis and greeted her. After a second glance around the group, you saw that Luisa was also missing. Mh, that didn’t seem to be a good thing.
So you turned to Cis and asked: ”Have you seen Lando?“
”Oh, he went to talk with Luisa.“
”Thank you.“
Now what? You obviously wanted to go look for him and see what she was doing, you trusted Lando but you did not trust her, especially after all the things she said to you just thirty minutes ago. You had to go and find them, so you got up and walked to the other side of the boat where you saw them from a distance and stopped walking so they didn’t see you but you could hear them.
She was touching his arm and he was clearly uncomfortable.
”Please, don’t make this trip a living hell.“
”Lando, I know you still like me, otherwise you wouldn’t have texted me last week.“
Last week? That was when you had met and he asked you on this trip, was he saying all these sweet things to you just so he could have some fun with you?
”Luisa, I didn’t mean any of the words I wrote, I was drunk and..“
”Drunk words, sober thoughts Lando. Do I need to remind you what you wrote?“
”Are you sure? Because I still think of you sometimes too.“
Her posture shifted and now she also had her other hand on his chest, getting closer to him.
”You can’t tell Y/N! I truly like her, you‘ll only ruin it, I know.“
”Me telling her? Lando, she‘s not in your league, you‘ll drop her sooner or later.“
”No, I like her the way she is.“
”You’re only fooling yourself.“
Why is he not telling her to stop touching him? What if it was true and he was actually still thinking about her, while he was with you, even if he told you she means nothing to him anymore. The more seconds that passed, the closer she got to his face and before you saw anything that you didn’t want to see, you turned away and ran off. When reaching the others you slowed down, to not seem like you were crazy.
”Did you find Lando, Y/N?“
You only shook your head and smiled at Cis, while sitting down next to her again. You didn’t even want to know what happened back there when you left, did they kiss? You hoped not.
The rest of the group was chatting and laughing, while you were gone, Savannah, Oliver, Flo and her boyfriend joined the rest and you greeted them with a small ’good morning‘, but you weren’t really in the mood to talk. You were slowly doubting this whole thing, what if Luisa was right and Lando only wanted some fun and did not get settled, you didn’t want to get married tomorrow but maybe get in a relationship sometime soon. Was it the right decision to go on a holiday with a stranger and his family?
Every now and then Cis nudged you a little and asked what was wrong but you reassured her that you were tired, she didn’t need to know your doubts.
After a while Lando and Luisa returned, Lando was looking rather pissed and Luisa had a smug smile on her face. You definitely did not want to know what happened, judging from her face she got what she wanted. Lando threw himself on the couch opposite of you, and then patted his legs while looking at you, indicating that he wanted you to come and sit on his lap.
You shook your head and looked at the ocean again, you didn’t want to give Luisa something that she could ruin for you again.
Lando gave you a questioning look and nodded towards his lap again, desperate for you to sit there.
”Y/N, go and sit on Lando’s lap, I can’t stand to see him like that.“
You knew Max meant it as a joke, but it only made you feel smaller, now Luisa was looking at you with disgust and a grin on her face.
”I need to go to the toilet.“
With the lame excuse, you went into the lowest deck and sat on your shared bed, with a sigh you grabbed your phone and started to text your best friend about the doubts you were having, but Lando came into the room before you could finish your text.
”What’s wrong?“
”You can tell that to my sister, but not to me, seriously Y/N, what is your problem? Why are you acting so weird in front of my friends?“
”Oh you mean your ex-girlfriend?“
”I didn’t want her to be here.“
”I know.“
”So what is your problem?“
”I don’t feel comfortable with her around.“
”Me neither, but what am I supposed to do?“
”I don’t know, stay with me? You left me alone with her and Pietra while you talked to Max, you left with HER to talk somewhere where no one would see you, while I was clearly upset sitting here.“
”You said you were fine!“
Lando was getting frustrated.
”When a woman tells you, she is fine, she probably isn’t fine, that’s something you should know with two sisters.“
”Y/N, don’t cause a scene now, you’re being ridiculous.“
”If that is what you think I am, then I think it’s time for me to go home.“
”Because of me not checking on you, when I asked you two times if you were fine?“
”It’s not just that, I can’t live with that monster upstairs, she made me almost cry, Lando.“
”She‘s not that cruel.“
”She is, she told me how I am just a quick fuck for you, how fat and ugly I am, that I needed to start eating salads instead of my normal dinner.“
Lando was stunned, he never expected her to say these things, especially because they weren’t true, he thought you were the prettiest person on the planet.
”Did she kiss you?“
”Did she ki-“
”But she was leaning in towards you, I saw it!“
”When you were missing from the group I looked for you, I found you two very touchy talking on the other side of the boat. She was leaning to kiss you and before I could see something I didn’t wanna see, I ran off.“
”She tried, yeah, but I pushed her off as soon as I felt her lips on mine.“
”So she did kiss you.“
”What’s your point of this? Showing me how bad I am?“
”No! I want you to be honest with me.“
”Why? You are not my girlfriend yet, calm down, it’s not like I made out with her. I told you I pushed her away as soon as I felt it. What is your problem?“
”I don’t have a problem with you, but with her. We’re not together and she is treating me like I’m the reason you guys broke up. I can’t do that.“
”Don’t listen to her then.“
”Sure, if someone tells you how bad you’re at driving and how you‘ll never win, you don’t listen.“
”I listen, that only makes me work harder, and that people like that have no idea.“
”Maybe that’s how you react, but not me Lando, I’m fragile, and I listen to this shit, and it hurts me.“
”But she’s this stupid girl that means nothing to me, she should mean nothing to you. Isn’t it important what we feel? I feel a lot for you, I love how you look, I love who you are, she’s just bullshitting.“
”She did mean a lot to you at some point in your life, she knows you better than me, there’s no denying it. You were together with her for a year, and you knew her before that. We’ve only knowing each other for a week.“
”Maybe, but now she means nothing to me anymore, you mean a lot to me, you, not her. I don’t care how long I’ve known you.“
”But I can’t live with her for the rest of the week, she‘s this.. this mean girl who tries to ruin what we have, and to know she already tried to kiss you, I just can’t do it, Lando.“
”I can’t tell her to leave, Max will be pissed because Pietra will be pissed and I can’t do it.“
”We’re going around in circles.“
”Just get over it, ignore her and that’s it.“
”You… you’re telling me to get over it?“
”Yes! Ignore her and we have a nice week.“
”And what about the text about still thinking of her, you sent last week?“
Lando was clearly stunned as he didn’t reply.
”I heard that, Lando, you didn’t deny it. You sent her a text, telling her how much you missed her while telling me the same shit, while we were already fucking?“
”No, it’s not like that, I uhm…“
”You see? You have nothing to say, just own it, Lando, tell me you texted her.“
”I did, but only because I was super drunk and Max was going on about how we were made for each other, which is bullshit. He talked me into believing she was a better person than she is.“
”You know Lando, maybe this was too fast, maybe we thought we had a connection that actually wasn’t there. We imagined this world where we could be something, but I just think we’re not right for the other. And you being drunk does not excuse you for texting her, own it, if you feel nothing for me, you should’ve told me earlier, you should’ve told me before I went with you and your family on this stupid trip.“
You stood up, now facing Lando and trying to hold back your tears that were threatening to spill. Before you could move away, Lando hugged you tight, squeezing you into him, and even though you tried to wiggle out of his grip, you couldn’t.
”No! Lando, let me be sad and angry at you.“
”No, nops, not today. Look at me, baby.“
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, gently, he wiped the tears off your cheeks and kissed your nose softly.
”We will not fight because of her. We will go up there, you‘ll sit on my lap, and we‘ll smile at her. Just smile. Because you’re mine and she’s not anymore and never will be again.“
”I don’t want to see her.“
”I‘m sorry baby, I‘ll talk to Max tonight, I’ll see what I can do, okay?“
You nodded and squeezed him a bit tighter.
”I like you, a lot. Don’t listen to her.“
”I like you a lot too, but you have to promise me, to not text her again.“
”Don’t worry, the next day, after she replied, I deleted her number and the conversation, so I can’t even reach her anymore, not that I want to. She‘ll never be in my head ever again, I have you and Max will see that I don’t need her in my life.“
You shared a kiss and enjoyed each other's company, before heading up again to join the others. Lando sat down, pulled you on his lap, and crossed his arms in front of you. Everyone looked at you and you felt Luisa’s stare, it made you feel small and you snuggled more into Lando, now being with your back against his chest. It was almost like smoke was coming out of Luisa‘s ears, but you didn’t pay any attention to her, only focusing on Lando’s hands and the sweet words of affection he whispered in your ears.
The group was chatting the whole time, Lando and you were in your own little bubble, every now and then people would ask you something, or Lando would throw in certain comments, but the rest of the time, you were trying not to get Luisa’s presence get too close to you. When Oliver declared he needed a Cocktail and would mix some, everyone agreed and ordered their favorite, Luisa was trying hard to get Lando’s attention but he made sure to not give her any. He was chatting with you, with his family, with Max and Pietra but never with Luisa, and she was annoyed. Whenever you would look at her, she was glaring at him, trying to get him to talk to her, but he never did anything. After a few drinks, you were sitting at the bar and chatting with the girls (Pietra and Luisa excluded) and Lando came to you.
”I‘m gonna go and talk to Max and Pietra, I‘ll see what I can do.“
You nodded and kissed him quickly, looking after him as he went and tapped Max on his shoulder.
”You are so sweet together.“
”Oh thank you, Flo.“
”She‘s right, he‘s never been so.. himself. He‘s super clingy, even cuddles with me sometimes when he is home and feels lonely. Two years ago on Christmas, we were watching Home alone and he just came, hugged me, and cuddled close to me, some might say it’s weird that siblings cuddle like that, but he‘s such a clinger.“
”Cis, you know, he‘s been like that with me since the first meeting. I‘ve always wondered why, but now that you’re telling me that he‘s always like that.. makes me feel even more at home with him.“
”When do you think he‘s going to ask you to be his girlfriend?“
You scoffed.
”Don’t scoff! You’re acting like an old couple.“
”I‘m just enjoying it like it is right now, we‘ve only known each other for like two and a half weeks, I don’t wanna rush things.“
”I‘m sure it‘ll be soon.“
Before you could answer, you heard Luisa screaming, due to her being further away, you couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it didn’t sound too happy, and after ten minutes, an angry Luisa was stomping down the ramp towards a taxi. You looked at the girls and they didn’t know what to say either. Lando came to you with a big smile.
”She‘s gone! We‘ve talked to her and she left.“
You jumped off your seat and hugged Lando, being thankful that he actually did it and got her to leave.
”What did you say to her?“
”Just that she was evil and we don’t want to have her here.“
”You’re the best Lando.“
He grinned and gave you a kiss, hugging you tight as his life depended on it.
The rest of the vacation was spent in peace, you were partying, tanning, laughing and most importantly, you and Lando were happy.
Pietra and you actually got along, after Luisa left, she apologized a dozen times and you made up, both of you promised to meet up together when the boys were streaming and had no time for them.
But everything comes to an end, even the good things, so you sat at the airport waiting for your flight back home, Lando was sad that the summer break was over and the vacation too. He loved having you meet his family and getting along so well. When they announced that boarding started and all of you waited in the line, Lando turned to you, to ask a question.
”Do you want to come to a race with me?“
It took you a few tries to finally join Lando for a race, you tried to come to Zandvoort, failed because of your work that you couldn’t skip, the next race was Monza, your friend's birthday was scheduled on Saturday evening and you agreed to come a month before knowing Lando. The whole time you were texting, sexting, and calling, you always wanted to be close but due to his tight schedule and your also consuming work plan, it was nearly impossible to see each other.
So when you could take some time off to come to Singapore, Lando was over the moon. When you told him over FaceTime, he was not able to get rid of his smile, but neither were you. Together you flew to Singapore and if you hadn’t had to shut up during the night, you would’ve talked over the whole time you were in the air.
Friday was fun, seeing what Lando loved doing the most, made your heart full. Fp1 and Fp2 showed some good potential and Lando was able to collect much-needed data.
Saturday was qualifying day and you were nervous, sure it was nerve-wracking to see your favorite driver trying to get a good lap in, but seeing it in real life and knowing the person as well as you do, it’s something else. Lando wasn’t too happy with P4 but he tried to cover it up as best as he could. He wanted to focus on Sunday and do his best.
And his best he did. The P2 made you jump up and down, hugging Adam tightly, who was also there. Together with the team, that you‘ve gotten to know over the weekend, you waited for him in parc fermé behind the barrier. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he hugged you tight, overwhelmed with emotions.
Later when you two were in the hotel, sharing a bed, Lando had an important question.
”Will you be my girlfriend?“
The end
taglist: @itsjustkhaos @formula1mount @flwr-stella @xjval @lunnnix @ohmyvalx @allabouthappiness
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Mirabel: *coughs*
Isabela: Sis, are you sick? Are you sick and not telling us again?
Mirabel: No, I—
Isabela: Guys! Mirabel is sick!
Luisa: You’re freezing, hermanita! Here, let me wrap you up in these warm, fluffy blankets and cuddle you, that should warm you up.
Dolores: And I’ll go heat up some of Tía Julieta’s arepas for you. You don’t have to eat all of them, but it will be good to get something in your system.
Isabela: And I can sing you a lullaby to calm you down!
Luisa: Great idea! We’ll have Mirabel feeling better in no time!
Camilo: *coughs*
Isabela, Dolores and Luisa: OH MY GOD CAN YOU FUCKING SHUT UP?
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yellowcry · 3 months
Her recipes are redeemies for real
Walking around and searching for a job takes a long time
Agustín just happened to overhear some talk
Twice to once au! It's been some time, isn't it?
Agustín squeezed through the streets. After a while he was getting used to uneven ground. He didn't trip as often as before. (Which still was more than anyone else, but was it that surprising?). The sun was burning. It danced high above, jumping with hot rays. Luisa wouldn't overwork for now. She always held this promise until at least about a week after Agustín's birthday, before eventually slipping back. So Agustín didn't have to worty about it too much. (But he should still check on her). He didn't work on rebuilding much, it wasn't his competition. Even if he doubted it was anyone's competition in here. Becides, as he figured it out, helping with rebuilding was a volunteering thing. They didn't earn much money for it, if there was any payment at all. Rather, Agustín was a general worker. Chopping the wood or fix the roof. There were always many important things to do that people didn't want to work on themselves. At the same time it didn't tie Agustín to anyone else. He had struggled to keep an official job, taking him infamous clumsiness. The same thing that kept him at bay with how easy it was to get into accidents sometimes.
It had caused problems sometimes. Even if Agustín worked on himself, he had to fix whatever he ruined by accident during his work. Which meant it took twice as much time as it could, if not more. Of course, he had other skills too. He finished musical academy in his youth. But not everyone had piano in their house. Even less would want to fire a pianist. It were such rera occasions that Agustín didn't count them as actual invome.
And, there was no need to say he was going out often, suggesting to help. What could anyone need? Chop the wood, dig the garden. He would do it. It was enough for way to keep things under control.
"Damn, why doesn't Julieta make food anymore?" Agustín blinked, turning his head. to the sourse of the sound. Two young men talked leaned against the dilapidated wall, chatting without care. "It tasted so good"
As far as Agustín knew, feeding anyone for free was expensive. Usually it was a while sosial organisation that would give foor to the poor beggars. But as far as Agustín had saw the place, he had never seen any form of social services, aside from people going out to help if someone was too weak. There was on organisation in them and so Agustín had to assume food was entirely Julieta's initiative. She would have resources for it, as the Madrigals were leaders of the community and should have more money that anyone else.
"Damn, Jose, you're right! Why can't we just get a free food? Hers was the best"
"Señora Julieta made food for free?" Agustín asked to himself. He didn't initially plan to speak out loud, but sooner realised that he did. Starting an awkward tension that swimmed in the air with the adroitness of a rocketed bird
The blond-haired man swallowed, copper eyes stared at him in worry. "You're that newbie," he muttered breaking the intorerably noisy and burning iced silence.
Agustín fixed his glasses, nervous. "Sorry, I just don't really get it." He shrugged, tilting his head down. An untouchable weight lied on his neck, the same way wind could cuddle in hair.
Another man, Señor Rodriguez, Agustín recognised him now, he had helped him with to clean his house several days ago. He was serious and loved to complain a bit too much for Rojas' taste. Even if he wouldn't confirm it out loud. Señor Rodriguez fidgeted with a button on his yellow shirt, twisting it around like a paper ball. "Julieta used to have a stand of free food!"
"Can you not afford food by yourself?" Agustín raised a thin eyebrow. The last time he checked, Señor Rodriguez wasn't broke. He had a good house, a heathly baby boy and could afford cleaning services instead of doing it himself. There was no way he didn't have money to buy food.
"What? No, of course I can." Señor Rodriguez replied in high-pitched voice He shook his head nervous fron misunderstanding.
The other guy, blonde, Agustín hadn't talked to him before, explained. "It's not about money. Señora Julieta just an amazing cook!"
Amazing cook? Okay, Agustín could confirm it. He visited Madrigals a couple of times. Usually with Pepa. They grew friendly enough very fast. And because of it, Agustín did spend time with the triplets and Félix from time to time. Well, minus Bruno, that guy wasn't very social. So a couple of times Agustín had got arepas practically shoved into his mouth. And yes, Julieta was very skilled. Her food was like a nightingale song.
But it didn't change the fact that Julieta herself didn't hold a responsibility to feed people in the village. If she did it before, then she must be so kind. But right now she didn't even have her own house. It was obvious she would have too much going on to take care of this. Especially for free.
Agustín cleared his throat an asked in a sore voice. "Have you thought to pay her for cooking?" He stared at his interlocutors, looking from one to another.
"Pay?" One of them asked, shocked. As if the idea was personally offensive to him. "But it's her responsibility!"
"How is it her responsibility if she's not earning anything?" He clarified, remembering the fact that according to their words it was all for free. "In most places get even a piece of bread for free is nearly impossible."
Señor Rodriguez groaned with a quiet sigh. "She did this during her entire life. Becides, it's not even your business!"
"I'm just trying to understand.." Agustín fixed hus glasses. Which, in the moment of emotions slipped down, almost falling off his nose. He winced as somebody had pat hit hack twice.
Shifting his head to the side, he realised Señora Julieta was next to him, seeing the entire thing for some time. He wasn't sure for how long. He was too focused on the situation. The other men, now also seeing that the star of the chat was here, looked away awkwardly. Slightly guilty. They didn't mean Julieta to actually hear their complaints.
"That's alright, Señor." Julieta signed. "Don't worry about it much."
Agustín swallowed the spicy bile in hia throat. "They acted like you're supposed to feed them or something!" It was frustrating. The fact that they had enough nerve to ask woman, possibility twice of their age to cook for them for free. Like if they were kids. Neither he nor Julieta had payed attention to the pleads of innocence that followed by.
"Really, it's okay." Julieta tried to assure him. But Agustín was baffled at it. In what world it would be considered as normal?
The Madrigal had leaded him out, just by pure force. Ohh... What's with nice women being so strong? He had Luisa already, and Julieta seemed to pull him without much effort. On other hand, Agustín was pretty lanky, so possibly it was easy in reality. They went a good half of a kilometre away. Some villagers stared at this as they passed. Most seemed to barely pay at to it for a bit and then go back to their work.
Julieta swallowed, looking over her shoulder. Bit her lip. "Thank you," She nodded, nervous. "It was..." Looking away. "Nice of you." she whispered in a low voice
Agustín smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, just bare manners." Some people definitely need those. It was so obvious Julieta had a whole lot going on in her life. He wouldn't be surprised if she stopped working even for money for the time being. Nevermind what kind of volunteering she participated into.
Señora chuckled, shooting her eyes up. Meeting Agustín's. "Mind coming dor a lunch?"
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Encantober 2023 Day 2: Siblings
Tonight was going to be the best day that the Madrigal grandkids were waiting for for several months; it was their first sibling sleepover since Mirabel’s gift ceremony! They have not had one since then because of how it has affected Mirabel, and the rest of the grandkids did not want her to feel bad. Now that the miracle has been saved and everyone has been doing better than they were before, they decided to bring it back and include Antonio with them now that he has his own room.
When the Madrigal family finished dinner, the grandkids made their way upstairs to grab their sleeping bags and go into Antonio’s room for their party. They decided to have their sleepover in Antonio's room since not only it was his first Madrigal grandkid sleepover, but also since everyone used to have their sleepovers in each of their rooms after their gift ceremony, and now that Antonio has his own room, it was time to have the sleepover in his room.
Mirabel was the first to come to Antonio’s room besides himself. All she needed was her sleeping bag and her homemade bear and change into her pajamas and that was it. A few minutes later, Camilo made his way into his younger brother’s room, changed into his pajamas with his sleeping bag and his stuffed chameleon that Mirabel made for him for his tenth birthday.. He laid his sleeping bag next to Antonio’s and sat in the semi-circle they made.
“I hope I wasn’t too late. I wasn’t able to find Cuddles so I was looking all over for him, but it turned out he fell under the bed.”
“You’re not super late. We were just setting up and making sure Parce stayed in his playhouse for the night with Pico and Chispi. Are the older ones coming soon?”
“They should be. We already know Isabela needs to do her hair before every sleepover we have.” Mirabel rolled her eyes. “I know Dolores needs her earmuffs and Luisa is trying to find Sparkle.”
Right on cue, Isabela and Dolores came into the room together. The duo put their sleeping bags next to Mirabel’s to leave one more space in the circle for Luisa. Now that the five of them are settled in their sleeping bags, cozy with their pajamas on and their plush toys, each handmade by Mirabel, and they could all begin the party. Not that long after, Luisa came into the room with her sleeping bag in one hand and Sparkle, her stuffed unicorn given to her by Alma for her gift ceremony, in the other.
“Lo siento, everybody; I couldn’t find Sparkle anywhere and I didn’t want to come without her. You all know I’ve slept with her every night since she was given to me and I can’t bother to lose her.”
“It’s okay, Luisa. Now that you found her, you can finally be here tonight!” Antonio said excitedly as he hugged his cousin.
Luisa placed her sleeping bag between Dolores and Camilo, now creating a circle of six sleeping bags with all six of the Madrigal grandkids snuggled inside them. Julieta, Pepa, and Bruno came inside with several bowls of snacks; the triplets promised they would bring the snacks upstairs when dinner was finished.
“We brought some Choclitos, Rosquillas, and Mani Motos for you,” Julieta pointed out as she put the bowls in the middle of the sleeping bag circle.
“We figured we’d buy you the snacks you used to beg us to buy every time you wanted to have a sleepover together. The same ones we begged your abuela to buy when we would have the same sleepovers,” Pepa explained.
“We bought them for you for old time’s sake,” Bruno added.
“Gracias, mami, Tia Juli, Tio Bruno,” Antonio replied.
“It’s already feeling like when we were kids all over again,” Mirabel added.
The triplets smiled and left the room together so their kids could have their fun. Camilo and Mirabel then took giant handfuls of the Choclitos and stuffed them in their mouths. Isabela rolled her eyes at her sister and cousin and attempted to hold in a laugh. One thing that has not changed is those two stuffing their faces with snacks whenever they could. 
“Do you think maybe we could play a game? Did you guys used to play games at your sleepovers?” Antonio asked.
“Of course we did, Tonito. One of our favorites we used to play was Icebreaker Catch. We have a beach ball with silly questions on them and we would throw it to each other, and the person that catches it has to answer the question that their right thumb is on or closest to,” Isabela explained.
“We used to play it at the camps we used to do when we were kids, so we thought we would play again together,” Dolores said as she took out a beach ball with questions written all over it in permanent marker.
“So, let’s get started!” Mirabel said.
Dolores threw the ball to Antonio, since this was his first time playing and his first sleepover with his siblings. He turned the ball to see where his right thumb landed on, and he found his thumb closest to the question, “What is your worst nightmare?”
Antonio thought a bit before answering. They did not expect his answers to be too intense since he was still young. “My worst nightmare would be losing Mirabel. I remember when she saved the miracle and when we lost the house during that time. Papi was with me and he told me all I was saying was ‘where’s Mirabel? Where’s Mirabel?’ and he couldn’t answer. He didn’t know and it made me scared.”
Mirabel got out of her sleeping bag and gave Antonio a hug. She shed a tear and Antonio hugged her back. “Te amo, Antonio; I’m so sorry if I worried you at any point.”
“It’s okay, Mirabel. I’m just happy you’re here and alive.”
After the two youngest cousins finished hugging, Antonio grabbed the ball and threw it to Camilo. He turned the ball when he caught it and read the question his right thumb landed on, “Have you ever fallen asleep in class?”
Camilo rolled his eyes and tried to hold in a snort. “I think you know the answer to this one already; I’ve fallen asleep in class several times.”
“Well, what was the most memorable time you’ve done so?” Mirabel asked.
“Probably that one time when we were in our eighth grade history class and I came to school so sleep deprived because the night before was so busy that I genuinely couldn’t control myself that time. I guess since everyone expects me to fall asleep near the halfway mark of the period that it was shocking to everyone else in class.”
“It was shocking to me, at least. I never expected you to be asleep at the very beginning of class.”
The grandkids laughed and when they were finished, Camilo popped a Choclito in his mouth and threw the ball to Mirabel. She turned the ball to find her right thumb and read the question, “What do you use when you run out of toilet paper?”
Mirabel blushed, but answered anyway, “When I just run out of toilet paper, I tend to use the roll that comes with it. But when that’s done, I tend to use one of the towels that’s hanging on the racks.”
“You better put those in the hamper to wash after they’re finished!” Isabela yelled when Mirabel confessed.
“No, duh, I do. Do you really think I would just leave towels all over the place that I just wiped myself with? You know I’m better than that!”
“...I’ve been doing the same thing when we run out of toilet paper for years,” Camilo confessed. 
Isabela groaned and laid down on her sleeping bag to recoup from the confessions. Dolores tapped on her shoulder to get up and Mirabel threw the ball to Luisa. She turned the ball and found her right thumb on the question, “Have you ever peed your pants in public?”
Luisa put the ball down slowly next to her as she answered. “I remembered there was this one time when I was in seventh grade, I was giving a presentation in my literature class, and I remember this was the first time I ever had an oral presentation in a class I also had with Gabriela. You guys knew I liked her since I started puberty, and when I was in the middle of my presentation, I felt my legs shaking and something wet in my underwear, and my teacher pulled me aside to ask me if I was aware that I peed myself. She let me go to the bathroom and finish the presentation after I cleaned myself and changed my clothes. I did feel a bit better afterwards because my nerves were let out the first time.”
Isabela and Mirabel moved to Luisa to give her a hug. They had no idea she embarrassed herself in front of Gabriela almost a decade ago, and wanted to give her the biggest hug imaginable for telling them about that.
“Hey, at least Gabriela knows that you like her and you’re both very happy together,” Isabela pointed out.
After the cool-colored sisters finished their hug, Luisa threw the ball to Isabela and she turned the ball to see what question her right thumb landed on. She found it and read the question, “Have you ever stolen something?”
Isabela thought before answering the question. “I remember this one time when Dolores and I were in high school and we were in town square with a couple of friends, and I found a pack of gum on a stand that it wasn’t supposed to be. I decided since I couldn’t find where it was supposed to be, I decided to put it in my pocket and continue window shopping with Dolores and our friends.”
Luisa, Dolores, and Mirabel giggled. “That was it? You never stole anything bigger than a pack of gum?” Luisa asked.
“I couldn’t think of any other time I stole something! You really think Senorita Perfecta would steal a car or a handbag?”
“That is true,” Camilo said. “I wouldn’t expect anything more than just a pack of gum when you were my age.”
Isabela threw the ball to Dolores, ending the first round. Dolores turned the ball to find her right thumb and read the question, “Have you ever re-gifted a gift?”
Dolores thought before answering. “I remember a couple years ago, I got this sweater from Abuela for Christmas, and while I loved it at first, when I put it on it itched so badly that I couldn’t bother to keep it anymore. So I re-gifted it that next Christmas at a party to a friend that also loved it so much and felt much more comfortable with her than with me. When Abuela noticed I wasn’t wearing it anymore, I told her the truth about how it felt on me and how I had no choice but to give it away. She was visibly upset, but from then on she asked me before she would buy clothes for me if it was comfortable first.”
“I know you thought about giving that sweater to me at first, and when I tried it on it was a little bit uncomfortable on me too, not as much as with you but still up there,” Isabela added on. “But I know Abuela appreciates you telling the truth to her.”
The grandkids continued playing more games throughout the night and eating the snacks their mothers and uncle gave to them beforehand until they each drifted to sleep one by one very late that night. Once the lights were turned off by Mirabel, the last one to fall asleep, she made her way inside her sleeping bag and took her glasses off to lay down. It was not until Antonio woke up seconds later to tap on Mirabel’s shoulder.
“Hey, Mira?”
“Yes, Antonio?”
“I just want to say this was the best sleepover ever. I hope we get to do it more often.”
“I hope so too, Tonito. I missed this and I’m sure everyone else missed it too.”
The cousin duo smiled at each other before falling asleep at the same time. All six of the Madrigal grandkids were visibly happy they got to do another sleepover again after not having one in a long time, with all of them smiling in their sleep. It was clear they wanted to do it all over again, and they would be planning the next one as soon as they woke up.
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mochiiikko · 2 years
Hi! Could I request imagine or headcanons about having a cozy movie night with Madrigal grandkids? (Gn or m reader would be awesome) thank you!
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Movie night, hcs, X reader, no specific pairings, GN!Reader
↳ Madrigal grandkids
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° I do truly wish you luck best friend
° You guys spend more time fighting over a movie to watch then you do actually watching a movie
° 6 people with very differing tastes good luck soldier
° Mirabel sneaks of to put the movie she wanted to watch in while you guys are still bickering
° You all protest but the intro is already playing there's nothing you can do about it anymore
° You'd been given the specific rule from Pepa to keep everything pg considering Antonio
° A rule that was broken within 2 seconds
° Dolores takes to covering his eyes and ears
° Isabela is very begrudgingly watching the movie Mirabel picked, ends up more invested then Mirabel herself
° There's a major character death and you almost get crushed by a very sad Luisa
° Julieta comes in every once in a while to check up on you guys
° It sure is a sight to see Camilo scramble to pause the movie when you guys hear her coming
° Other then the absolute chaos, it's a pretty cozy night
° Many cuddle pile, Luisa is a great bed, you find
° You guys end up watching a kids movie at the end of the night to make up for breaking Pepa's rule
° She still somehow finds out about it (Camilo accidentally let it slip) and sets out a punishment
° You, luckily are already out of the house by then
° You should do that more often
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Mi Héroe
Summary: Isabela and Mirabel are playing around when they stray too far and get too close to the river. Mirabel falls in, and she does not know how to swim. Isabela immediately dives in to rescue her, but the terrible part of the situation is that Isabela does not know either. Luisa ends up rescuing them but not before disaster ensues.
Word Count: 4372
A/N: Please do feel free to send in more requests, y'all! I love writing touch-starved stuff, cuddles, mindless fluff, angst and hurt/comfort, or even hijinks sometimes!
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Impalement
  “Mirabel, you better get your little behind right here this instant or I’m going to whip you with my vines all the way home!!!” Isabela threatened, and Mirabel laughed joyously from somewhere in the forest.
  Isabela narrowed her eyes playfully, grinning a little in spite of herself.
  Mirabel had dared to dip her hand in flour and sneak attack Isabela with it, pressing her hand on Isabela’s cheek and taking off running. Isabela had been so utterly surprised by the action and Mirabel’s unexpected audacity that she had not really had an opportunity to react as soon as she should have.
  So when she started to chase her sister, all manners of mischievous revenge floating through her mind, Mirabel had gotten a really good head start. She had actually ended up in the forest not too far from Casita and had been waiting there at the edge for Isabela when Isabela had finally spotted her. She had grinned widely and disappeared in the forest as soon as Isabela had drawn near.
  And while Isabela could have gotten her with her vines, she did honestly enjoy the chase and hearing Mirabel’s joyous, bubbling laugh in response to their game.
  They had been growing a lot closer, and honestly, the closer that they got, the more Isabela just wanted to hug and squeeze her. However, she had to very much hold herself back from that since she was not quite sure if Mirabel was comfortable with it just yet. She honestly was not even sure how to go about doing it in the first place.
   But nevertheless, she was after her now, and she was aiming on getting her back for the flour incident somehow or another.
  “Mariposa? Come here… Make this easier on yourself and just get your little behind over here,” Isabela called with a wicked smirk, moving further into the small forest as she looked around.
  However, it was dead silent. But she could not help but grin even wider as she noticed just the barest ruffle of the leaves of a small plant near a tree not too far away from her. She crept closer, keeping her steps light as she got nearer.
  As soon as she was within range, she reached around the tree swiftly, her hand swiping at the other side of the tree.
  “Aha!!!” she cried excitedly, grinning like a madwoman. She felt her hand graze Mirabel’s blouse, and Mirabel shrieked excitedly with a laugh before taking off again. Isabela laughed, following after as she ran along behind her as quickly as she could. She was catching up fast until Mirabel dodged around behind large tree and managed to throw her off just a little.
  However, Isabela continued to chase her, the both of them soon reaching a sudden clearing. Isabela’s eyes went wide as she realized that they had reached one of the strains of the river that ran nearby their home, and to her horror, the river was far closer to the edge of the forest than she had remembered.
  And even more horrific, a loud splash suddenly resounded.
  “ISA!!!” Mirabel cried, and Isabela felt her heart stop in her chest, her jaw slackening.
   Her feet carrying her without her permission, Isabela ran to the edge, spotting Mirabel as she floated down the river flailing helplessly. Isabela’s eyes were wide, and she quickly realized that Mirabel did not know how to swim.
  Most of the younger Madrigals did not really know how to swim. After all, when they were little, everyone had assumed that they would learn when they were a little older, and after Mirabel’s ceremony, everything had changed, and they never really seemed to have time to do anything frivolous or useless like swimming.
  In light of this, Isabela swiftly took action, using her powers. She tried to shoot a vine out to Mirabel, but Mirabel had not even seen it from the water threatening to come over her head. Isabela cried out to her.
  “Mirabel!! I’m going to throw you a vine!” she yelled, and Mirabel fought as she tried to stay above the water. The river was moving more quickly today than it used to when she remembered it, and she figured that it was likely because of the rainstorm that their aunt had brought in the previous day.
  Isabela swiftly shot another vine in her direction.
  However, Mirabel was struggling so much and was so far out into the river that she could not catch it. Isabela’s eyes widened in terror, frozen for just a moment as she took it all in.
  This was the river that Abuela had said had a waterfall. And that had tons of sharp rocks at the bottom. And given the fact that neither Isabela nor Mirabel knew how to swim, that was not a good combination.
  It was then that Isabela fully realized the extent of the danger that her youngest sister was in.
  And even though she was worried as soon as she spotted her in the water, she now found herself nearly petrified with the discovery of precisely how bad the situation was.
  But she swiftly forced herself out of this block, having to physically shake herself from it. Her baby sister could not swim and was in mortal peril, and here she was standing around like some kind of an idiot, failing her all over again.
  With just a short, small glance at the water, Isabela took in a sharp breath, leaping into it herself.
  She instantly found herself floundering as much as Mirabel, but she nevertheless did her best to fight the water as she tried to make her way to Mirabel as soon as possible.
  “Mirabel!!!” Isabela cried loudly, the river water flooding into her mouth as soon as she shouted her name. She coughed violently, hacking as her eyed watered.
  “Isabela!!” Mirabel sounded like she was being drowned out, and Isabela felt the fear clasping its freezing clutches around her heart.
  She flailed as quickly as she could toward her baby sister, trying to get through the water the best that she could even though she had no idea how to truly and realistically save her considering that she would not even be able to save herself. All Isabela knew was that she had to save her, and she could not let her down again.
  However, she was beginning to wish that she had thought through a bit more of this.
  Before long, Isabela managed to grab her. Mirabel immediately locked around her, and Isabela tried her best to get her footing in the river. However, it was simply too deep for her to reach her feet to the bottom, and she ended up submerging the both of them a little in her attempts.
  They resurfaced finally with much struggling, gasping for air as she coughed.
  “Isa, use your vines,” Mirabel somewhat weakly yelled over the roar of the water, and Isabela reached her hand out, trying to get her vines to reach out to the both of them. However, they were too far out for the vines to effectively get to them.
  Isabela’s eyes went wide in horror, and she tried to keep her hand firmly locked around Mirabel as she looked down the river.
  She knew that a waterfall was approaching, but she was not sure how soon it would be. She was honestly having a hard time keeping both of their heads above the water at this point, and she could not really think entirely logically outside of her own fear and desperation.
  However, she did manage to see the log approaching them, and her eyes widened as she spotted it and the very inconveniently placed dagger leftover by a broken branch. She grabbed Mirabel as she shoved her to her other side, knowing that she would not be able to dodge the tree but aiming to save Mirabel anyway.
  Just as she had expected, she felt the searing pain scrape her side horridly and even stab into her a little, and she let out a pained cry. Mirabel’s eyes went as large as saucers, and her scream was blood-curdling.
  Isabela could hardly focus on all of that, the pain making her a little dizzy and disorienting her a bit. It hurt extremely bad, and she could not even really focus on Mirabel or anything around them now.
  She instantly moved toward Isabela, and Isabela tried her best to hold onto the log alongside her as it was knocked loose and started to float down the river as well.
  “Isabela, are you okay?!” Mirabel sounded on the edge of panicking, and honestly, it was not really helping Isabela’s own temptation to completely freak out.
  “It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry,” Isabela hissed, reaching her arm out despite the scream of her side as she tried to pull Mirabel closer and keep her safe.
  Mirabel moved nearer, but she tried her best to get a look at Isabela’s side. She reached out, softly touching the area that was now shiny with not only water but also far too much blood, and Isabela instantly cried out despite her best efforts not to.
  “I’m sorry!” Mirabel apologized quickly, and Isabela shook her head, gritting her teeth as tightly as she could. She knew she had to pull herself off of this tree, but she was not sure what was going to happen when she did. There would likely be even more blood, but she was not sure how they were going to get out of there if she did not remove herself from it.
  She purposefully avoided saying anything to Mirabel, knowing that it would just freak her out more. Mirabel needed to believe that things were going to be okay. Or at least as okay as they could be considering the fact that they were heading toward a waterfall.
  And speaking of that, Isabela knew that she had to tell her. Especially since she was in the state she was now.
  “Mirabel, a waterfall is coming up. We’ve got to get out of this,” Isabela told her, figuring that she would be completely honest at this point. Mirabel deserved to know the situation. She had to help them out of this.
  “I can’t—I can’t help us! I don’t have a gift! Isa, you’ve got to try your vines again,” Mirabel desperately told her, shaking her head.
  Isabela swallowed hard, trying to straighten enough and move her arm to call another vine. Similarly, to last time, they missed it, and it was not quite long enough to reach them.
  Mirabel looked back at her in terror, and Isabela positively hated the fear that she saw in her eyes. She wanted more than anything to take it away. She had been a horrid sister, and now they were in terrible danger.
  Isabela had not had enough time to salvage their relationship and bring them back together like they should be.
  “We’ve got to call for help. You’ve got to yell for us,” Isabela told her, doing her best to remain as calm as she could both to slow the blood flow and to keep Mirabel calm as well. Isabela figured that she would wait on pulling herself away from the log until help came or until she had to. She was already feeling light-headed and was losing too much blood.
  Instantly, Mirabel started to yell as loud as she could, grasping onto the log as she desperately cried out for help, the both of them drifting ever closer to the impending waterfall.
  However, to their shock, they suddenly heard a loud thumping noise as footsteps rushed nearer. They could almost feel the vibration, but before they could even think of what the sound could be, they spotted Luisa suddenly popping up alongside the riverside and running as quickly as she could. There was a panic in her eyes but also a determination, and Mirabel let out a loud call.
  “Luisa!!! Help!!!” Mirabel screamed, and Isabela felt the pain increasingly growing.
  “Hang on!!!” Luisa yelled, and Isabela painedly reached her arm out, conjuring another vine to keep Luisa from having to come into the water as well.
  Luisa’s eyes widened just a little at the sight of it and she took in a sharp breath, stopping to grab it. She ripped it out of the ground from the roots, and she ran alongside the river, pausing directly at the edge as she threw the vine toward Mirabel. Mirabel desperately reached out, trying to grab it.
  Just as she did, it barely slipped out of her grasp, and Luisa looked horrified. She continued to run, waiting for the right moment as she tried to find a way to throw it to them again with a better chance of success.
  Isabela was trying her best to hang onto the log, and it was becoming a difficult fight despite the fact that she was literally somewhat hung onto the log where it had partially impaled her side.
  Before she knew it, however, Mirabel’s arms were around her, her heavy breaths panting next to her in cold, hard fear. Isabela looked up, and her eyes went wide as she realized that they were almost at the waterfall.
  Isabela let out a sharp breath, steadying her hands and tugging herself painedly off of the log where it had stuck into her. She let out something akin to a scream, pure agony rippling through her.
  She looked back at Luisa, painedly maneuvering her arm around Mirabel. Luisa and Isabela met eyes, and Isabela knew that Luisa was about to jump directly in. Isabela knew that Luisa was not entirely aware of how to swim either, simply relying on her strength to get her through most water situations. And it usually worked, but Isabela could not let her do it this time. This current was wicked, and they were far too close to the edge of the waterfall.
  Isabela could not help but somewhat bitterly remember Abuela warning them to stay away from the river their entire lives. She could not help but find herself cursing her carelessness.
   Luisa and Isabela locked eyes, knowing they were moments away from going over the edge of this waterfall, and Isabela nodded. Luisa took in a deep breath, throwing the vine once more, and Isabela reached out quickly, grasping it as she locked her fist around it despite the hurt.
  She wrapped it around Mirabel and herself as well as she could, knotting it up even though her waist was practically screaming with protests. Mirabel held onto her, and Luisa firmly took hold. The log drifted away from them, falling down the waterfall, and Luisa tugged quickly on the vine, pulling them quickly to the bank.
  As soon as they were close enough, she pulled them up, lifting them out of the water. Despite the fact that Luisa’s hands were tender, Isabela still felt like she was going to pass out as soon as Luisa touched her side even remotely. She let out a cry, and Luisa’s eyes shifted down to her quickly where she had placed her on the ground as she brought Mirabel up.
  Isabela was trying to catch her breath, the injury at her side burning and aching. Everything hurt at this point, and she felt almost like her head was floating despite the grounding pain.
  As soon as Mirabel was up on the bank, she scurried over to Isabela’s side.
  “Isabela, Isa,” Mirabel breathed hard, her hand touching Isabela’s neck. Isabela could not help but find herself focusing on the sensation, enjoying the touch as things started to get a little blurrier around her.
  Luisa moved nearer to them, still breathing heavily with an undisguised panic in her eyes. She looked even more freaked out as she took in the ridiculously large amount of blood coming from the hole currently in Isabela.
  “Isabela! Why didn’t you tell me there was a literal hole in you?!” Mirabel demanded, and Luisa was looking terribly sick, paling more every second in utter horror.
  “Isa,” Luisa barely managed to get out, looking as if she might pass out or puke, and Isabela reached out a hand softly, extending it the best she could toward Mirabel. Mirabel quickly grabbed her hand, helping guide it to her face.
  Isabela stroked her thumb along Mirabel’s face somewhat weakly, the softness of her baby sisters’ full cheek beneath her thumbpad. She smiled gently, finding herself at peace with the fact that she had actually been able to save her baby sister. She had not redeemed herself, but she at least rescued Mirabel and made another step toward that redemption that she would never reach even if she tried her whole life to make up for her actions.
  “Mi mariposa está a salvo,” Isabela whispered, her vision going black around the edges.
  Mirabel was shaking her head and yelling something, and terror was etched into Luisa’s face as everything suddenly just went dark, and Isabela lost all senses of consciousness.
  Isabela slowly opened her eyes, squinting a little as she took in the atmosphere of the room. Surprisingly, it was nighttime, and she could hardly see anything. The only thing that she was fully aware of was the fact that this was not her room.
  Everything came flooding back to her suddenly, and she furrowed her brow as she realized that her side was not hurting anymore. She reached her hand down, softly touching it as she realized it was entirely healed.
  Their mother must have found them somehow or her little sisters got her to their mother.
  A sudden snore resounded nearby her. Isabela instantly flinched a little, her eyes widening as she looked in the direction of the sound.
  Luisa was leaned against the wall nearby the window, sleeping from where she had plopped down on the floor. The sight was enough to make Isabela’s heart melt, and she just looked at her sister adoringly.
  She then took the time to fully look around her at everything in the room, and it was then that she realized that she was in Mirabel’s room. She took it all in slowly, honestly surprised at having been placed in here. However, she found it to be exceedingly comforting since everything surrounding her had that Mirabel sort of feeling to it.
  She raised up a little, furrowing her brow as she realized that the owner of the room was not currently in there with her. There was a chair next to the bed, however, which led her to believe that Mirabel must have been here before. It would also explain why poor, sweet Luisa was sitting and sleeping in the floor.
  Just as she had this thought, the door slowly eased open, and Mirabel slid her way into the room, shutting the door behind her softly. As soon as the younger girl turned around to face her, her eyes widened. Isabela let out a deep breath, surprised at the realization that she had been holding it.
  It was good to see that Mirabel was okay and unscathed. Nothing meant more to Isabela that ensuring that her little sisters were safe, and Mirabel’s incident today had positively scared the ever-living daylights out of her.
  “Isa,” Mirabel breathed, rushing across the room softly on bare feet as she moved toward Isabela and locked her in a tight hug. Isabela’s eyes widened at the sudden affection given to her, but she swiftly melted into it, burying her head underneath Mirabel’s chin since it was the best that she could do from her position sitting in the bed, and Mirabel’s standing up next to the bed.
  Isabela softly guided her down to sit down next to her on the bed, and Mirabel held onto her tightly, her fingers grasping tightly at the nightgown that someone must have changed Isabela into. Isabela brought her in closely, shifting as she moved up to press her nose into the side of Mirabel’s head. Her baby sister’s wild curls surrounded her and consumed her senses, and she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, so utterly thankful that Mirabel was actually okay.
  Isabela may have been jealous for many years and had been a horrid sister that did not care nearly enough, but she truly did always care about Mirabel’s wellbeing. She just did not always have the ability to look beyond the end of her own nose to check in on her youngest sibling and look past her own problems.
  But now that she was free to be herself and the jealousy had disappeared, all that was left was guilt, protectiveness, and an endless desire to give Mirabel all of the love that she deserved. All of the love that Isabela had neglected to give her all those years.
  “Why did you jump in after me? You can’t swim,” Mirabel questioned shakily, her voice wavering as she tried to remain strong. She held onto Isabela even more tightly as she seemingly fought the urge to cry.
  Isabela paused, surprised that Mirabel even had to ask the question. However, she could not help but chalk it up to the fact that she had been such a failure of a sister before and despite the fact that they had started trying to patch things up and heal, Mirabel apparently still could not believe that Isabela truly did care so much for her.
  “Obviously because I care about you,” Isabela answered immediately, and Mirabel quieted, seeming slightly taken aback, and Isabela internally cursed herself for her carelessness. She had been trying to be reassuring, but it had come out a little too harshly for the moment. She just was so hasty and determined to make sure that Mirabel knew how valuable she was to her.
  Isabela took in a breath softly, letting it out as she reevaluated her words and rephrased them. She shook her head, stroking the back of Mirabel’s neck as she let out a soft sigh.
  “Look… You’re my baby sister. And I love my baby sisters more than anything in the world,” Isabela admitted, pulling back slowly and just enough to trail her hands up Mirabel’s arms and cradle her neck on either side with her hands as she brushed her jawline just barely.
  Mirabel’s eyes were filled with tears and awe, and Isabela felt her heart breaking at the sight. Mirabel reached up to grasp Isabela’s wrists softly, and she started to speak. However, Isabela shook her head, continuing in what she had been saying.
  “I may not have always showed it, and I may’ve made you think the opposite, but, Mirabel, when I apologized to you and promised to be better, I meant it,” Isabela expressed, referencing the time that they had spent one day a couple of months ago when she and Mirabel had a heart-to-heart and sorted quite a few things out between them.
  Mirabel sniffed, and Isabela swallowed hard, stroking Mirabel’s face with her thumbs.
  “I can’t lose you, Mariposa. Not when I’ve just gotten you back. Not when I haven’t been the best sister I can be to you,” Isabela admitted, allowing some of her guilt to show despite her inner desire to hold back any admittance of failure.
  Failure had not been acceptable in her world for a long time, and she still found it extremely hard to admit to. She quite obviously had an issue breaking the habit of bluntness when speaking to Mirabel, which she hated more than anything about herself. However, she was working on both of those things every day and hopefully improving upon them.
  “Isa, I don’t want to lose you either,” Mirabel whispered, drawing closer with a momentary hesitance, and Isabela wasted no time in pulling her nearer, kissing her forehead as she tried to remember how to do all of this correctly.
  She felt horridly awkward doing it and she honestly did not know if it was anywhere akin to the correct way in which to do it, but she was giving it her best shot. It bothered her immensely that something that should come so naturally to her was something that was so foreign.
  “You won’t. You’ll always have me,” Isabela reassured, and Mirabel swallowed as she swiftly slid her glasses off before burying her face in Isabela’s neck. Isabela felt her heart swell with the feeling of her youngest sister so close to her and so utterly warm and safe against her.
  It was a feeling that she still did not believe that she deserved to ever experience again.
  “Te quiero,” Mirabel expressed, and Isabela felt a lump forming in her throat at the genuine emotion in Mirabel’s voice.
  “Yo también te quiero,” Isabela replied to her, the same tone in her own voice.
  To her utmost surprise, she suddenly felt a tentative touch to her back. Isabela turned quickly, Mirabel still huddled against her, and she realized that Luisa had apparently woken up. She was looking at Isabela worriedly, and Isabela could not help but look at her softly, opening her other arm as she drew her other baby sister close.
  Luisa was immediately hesitant, resisting her immediate urge to wrap her arm around her as she cast a glance to Isabela’s side.
  “Are you—”
  “I’m okay,” Isabela assured her, trying to get her to come closer, and Luisa softly drew nearer, her every movement slow and careful. Mirabel remained tucked against Isabela closely, and Isabela grasped Luisa’s neck the best that she could. She sometimes missed the days that she could have both of her baby sisters pulled in her embrace where she was the largest of them, but this was perfect in its own way.
  “Gracias, mis heroes,” Isabela whispered to the both of them gently, and Luisa let out something akin to a whimper as she tried to draw nearer, hunching over as far as her form would allow in an attempt to look smaller. Mirabel just held onto Isabela more tightly, her nose pressing hard against Isabela’s neck.
  These were her baby sisters and her true heroes. And she would gladly sacrifice herself for them in a heartbeat despite the past.
  She was going to do right by them.
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Quick! Bonnie is being bullied, how would each of the characters react?!
Roxy: Laugh, unless it's homophobic. If it is, she'll proceed to "destroy the mans whole career" as the kids say
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Freddy: Make the perpetrator apologize asap and if they don't he'll make them feel the most amount of guilt they've ever felt in their lives with his Dad Powers™
Chica: Eat that person's food as revenge and act like it was a glitch <3333
71 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Perfectly Capable
Julieta cannot sleep in Agustín's embrace, as she's far too consumed by guilt.
slight tw for vomiting and feeling so in pain that you can't walk and stuff.
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Julieta felt like a terrible mother.
Luisa was hurt, she had broken a promise to Mirabel, Isa was more than likely upset too, and here Julieta was cuddling with her husband and not wanting to see them. She ought to have been ashamed of herself. She was supposed to be working– she was supposed to be holding everything together.
…She hadn’t told him, but she had heard Bruno’s pleas at her bedside, though she didn’t comment on it.
Her family needed her. They needed her smile, her calm nature, her healing, her gift she couldn’t just lay around being sick and useless.
As if reading her mind, Agustín’s arms tightened around her and he brought her closer to him. His slow and soft breathing was soothing, and Julieta yearned to sleep once more, but the tight pains in her abdomen made that unlikely.
Julieta yearned for her cooking.
She yearned to feel okay again so that she could make everyone else feel okay again. She wanted nothing more than to walk out of this room, give her girls a big hug, apologize for scaring them and telling them that she was okay and it was just a rough morning. All she wanted was–
“Agustín? Are you up? I brought your- Julieta!” Pepa nearly dropped the tray she was carrying. Quickly, she set it on Julieta’s bedside table and kneeled before her.
Julieta wished she had at least thought to pretend she was sleeping.
“Ay, Pepa– the sun,” Agustín mumbled and covered his eyes. At least one of them got some sleep.
“Sorry, sorry, I just- are you okay? How are you feeling?” Pepa asked, placing a hand on Julieta’s forehead before quickly removing it and trying to hide her cringe at the temperature.
“I’m fine, Pepa .I was just resting a bit,” Julieta half-lied.
“Here- have some tea. I made it for myself and Agustín, but you need it much more,” Pepa held a teacup for her. Mustering all her strength, Julieta sat herself up and took it, taking a small sip.
Not particularly strong, and a bit cold but it was still slightly soothing.
“Thank you, Pepa. I would’ve told you but she wanted more time to rest,” Agustín spoke for her.
Pepa’s sunlight dimmed. “Oh, w-well that’s alright, you’re so sick, you should take all the time in private you need,” She smiled softly, but all Julieta could see was the pain behind her eyes.
“Pepa, I-”
“No, no, I should go. I’m sure Camilo is probably missing his afternoon snack, I’ll leave you be,” Pepa gave the couple a quick smile before quickly exiting the room, leaving Julieta feeling even worse than she had before. She set the teacup down.
“Did you get any rest, amor?” Agustín asked, kissing her cheek. She lied with a nod.
“Are you ready for me to tell the girls?” He asked.
Julieta looked down.
“Maybe later…” She said, guilt creating a knot in her throat.
“That’s alright my love, take as long as you need,” He said softly. The guilt tightened in her throat.
“I… I think I want you to get Mamá,” Julieta said. “I think I want to see her.”
See the full post
74 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
All the Medicine
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Julieta awakes very sick one morning and realizes her emergency stash of food is out.
Many years pre-canon, tw for illness and fainting
Ao3 Link
Julieta Madrigal’s gift could heal any physical ailment in the village. No disease or injury was ever too much… if she got there in time, that is to say. But most times if she couldn’t, one of her special extra stocks of arepas or empanadas or hard candies would be sent out. All of this is to say, Julieta Madrigal handled everything thrown at her with grace and a readiness no one else in the family– save for Abuela Alma– had within them.
So the first thing Julieta Madrigal did when she woke up barely able to move from chills, back pain, and extreme nausea, was send Agustín to get her her emergency stash.
To his horror, her emergency stash was empty. He searched everywhere, under the cabinets, in drawers, in her storage baskets, in the icebox, in drawers, everywhere he could possibly think of (all the while trying his best not to injure himself along the way).
“Agustín? What are you searching for? And where is Julieta? She’s usually cooking by now,” Pepa startled the man, causing him to hit his head on a cabinet.
“She’s- uh- under the weather,” He said, rubbing the sore spot.
“And you’re looking for her stash?” She asked. Agustín nodded. Pepa immediately understood and began searching with her brother in law right away, but they quickly reached the same conclusion that her stashes were empty or missing.
“How bad is it, Agustín?” Pepa asked, checking one of the cabinets for the fifth time just to make sure arepas hadn’t appeared since she last checked.
“She hasn’t gotten up from bed yet– she asked me to find one before Alma or the girls woke up,” Agustín checked too, but knew all he’d see were empty baskets. A storm cloud started to form over Pepa’s head as her forehead pressed into worried wrinkles.
“Well… I guess I can start on breakfast for her if you tell her about the empty stash. Maybe she can make her own when she’s ready,” Pepa suggested, clearly not in love with the idea herself. Agustín nodded, going back upstairs as Pepa started to gather pots and pans.
“Julieta, mi amor?” Agustín knocked on the door, finding Julieta still in bed. She only mumbled in response.
“Amor, I think your special stash ran out. Do you think you’ll be able to make anything today?” He asked. Julieta nodded, sitting herself up carefully, trying to ignore the flashing pains down her spine.
“Is Pepa making breakfast?” She asked, hearing the noise from downstairs. Agustín nodded.
“I must’ve slept so late… I thought it was still early,” Julieta swung her legs off the bed, and after ignoring a chill or two, stood, leaning against the bedpost.
“Juli, if you still need to rest, you should,” her husband rushed to her side after seeing her struggle.
“I can handle myself,” She smiled weakly, knowing it was utter bullshit. Whatever this was, she hadn’t had it before because it felt her whole body was melting and yet ice cold with every step she took, her nerves being shot up her spine. It was new, it was painful, and she hated every moment of it thus far.
“Let me help you down the stairs,” He went to take her hand when a pounding at the door stopped his train of thought.
“Papaaaaaaa!!! Isa took my doll!!!!” Luisa pounded against their bedroom door.
“Did not!! It’s probably just lost in that giant room of yours!” Isabella protested down the hall.
Agustín sighed. “Isa-”
“It’s okay, you can solve this. I’ll be fine going on my own,” Julieta told him with a small smile.
“Are you sure?” He wanted to be certain.
“Papa!!!” The eight-year-old banged on the door more.
“Coming, mi hija!” Agustín called out, glancing at Julieta nervously, but knowing he had to address his daughters, left with much remorse.
Julieta was glad. She was determined to cook so that she could feel better, and there was no way she could feign wellness with Agustín right next to her. Frankly, she had no idea how she was even going to make it out of the bedroom, but the family and village needed her– needed her gifts.
See the full post
82 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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They are (girl)friends :)
82 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I cannot with tiktok rn because in every comment section about the mario movie there's fucking crisp rat defenders saying "oh its a Brooklyn Italian accent, it makes sense 🤓" and I am THIS close to killing them all
214 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
7-7-7 Game!
I was tagged by @only-freakin-sunflowers​!
The rules are: go to your current WIP (or one of them), go to the seventh page, find the seventh line on it and share the next seven sentences with us. Then tag seven others to do the same.
--I went with the next chapter of IYLHYBHN because I’m hoping to finish the rough of that chapter soon.  ^^;;
“Visitors, going on excursions--”  Alana paused.  “It’s been too cold and rainy for them to have taken you anywhere yet, but one of the punishments can be--”
“They’d keep me from having visitors?”
Luisa caught it as soon as she said it, and her eyes widened.  She shifted the mug to one hand and waved the other one as though it would take back what she’d said.  “Not me, I mean, I’m not planning on going anywhere, and it’s not like I’ve had visitors so even if I did go somewhere, which I wouldn’t, it’s not like it would have a real effect because my family’s not--”
tagging: @only-freakin-sunflowers BECAUSE YOU HAVE GIVEN TAG BACK PRECEDENCE HAH!, @critical-windwaker, @pulitzerpanther (give me your new au jae), @foxx-queen, @andtherewerefireworks (because i wanna see what you post when/if you post a thing), @butimnotasexyrussian, and, uh.  hm.  man, if y’all see this and want to do it, do it and tag me because yo i like reading these.
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domxmarvel · 3 years
Encanto preferences-They’re sick
Masterlist   You’re sick
A/N: I didn’t include Camilo because I already wrote something like this for him,which you can find here X
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"Here" You carefully handed him the tea cup,making sure he didn't burn himself. 
"Thank you" He took a small sip as you adjusted the blanket over his shoulders,your fingers brushing against his neck. He leaned into your touch,making you move your hand to his cheek. His eyes were closed and you were pretty sure he'd practically be purring right now if he could. You quickly kissed his cheek,causing him to pull away. "Y/N you can't do that,you'll get sick too" 
"That's going to happen regardless if I want it to or not. Besides you're so cuddly when you're sick" He blushed.
"Can we?" 
"As soon as you finish your tea"
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You had noticed Isabela wasn't around town as much as usual and were starting to get worried,but as you were walking through town to get to her house Julieta stopped you and told you that she was sick. You practically ran all the way to her room,gently knocking on the door.
"Come in" She answered,her voice groggy like she just woke up. 
"Sorry,I didn't mean to wake you" She sat up when she realized it was you.
"You didn't,it's almost impossible to get any sleep like this" She rubbed her eyes. You sat down on her bed,reaching your hand out to feel her forehead,he had a really high fever. "And you shouldn't be here,you could get sick too"
"I know,but I'd rather get sick than leave you alone while you're sick" 
"But if you get sick it's your fault" 
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You usually didn’t join Luisa during her chores but lately you hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time together. You quickly noticed that she wasn’t at her best,she was having a hard time catching her breath. 
“Luisa,why don’t you take a break?” Surprisingly she actually listened to you. You sat down near a small pond,she laid down on the grass with her head on your thighs. As you brushed your fingers through her hair,you felt how warm she was. “Luisa” she opened her eyes and looked up at you. “You should get back home,you have a fever”
“Y/N I still have chores I can’t just-”
“No,you’re going home right now” You practically dragged her all the way back to her room. 
“I hate being sick” She mumbled thinking that you wouldn’t hear her. 
“You know what makes me feel better when I’m sick,a long warm bath. I’m gonna set one up for you and some hot chocolate”
“Y/N” You stopped at the door and turned back to her “Thank you”  
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“Now I know where my sweaters keep disappearing to” You joked,sitting down on her bed. You brushed her hair out of her face. “You're kinda cute when you're all grumpy"  She sat up,immediately putting her head on your shoulder,you hugged her,rubbing her back. “How do you feel? Did you eat anything?”
“Yes,mom made me some soup”
“Did you get any sleep?” The bags under her eyes already told you that she didn’t,but you asked anyway. 
“No,can we cuddle?”
“Of course” You wrapped your arms around her,pulling her close to you. It only took a few seconds before she fell asleep. You knew you’d probably get sick too but you didn’t really care,you wanted to take care of her and that was exactly what you were gonna do.
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zeezelweazel · 3 years
Encanto| General Relationship Headcannons|
Woww yet another hyperfixation, would you look at that
Maybe I'll make a part 2 with the rest of the girls
Characters included : Isabela, Dolores, Mirabel
• Isabela •
You're so lucky to be dating her
I personally feel like she has very high standards so if you fit them congratulations.
Definitely kept your relationship a secret.
She was too scared to say anything, to her abuela especially.
Dolores of course knows about it, but she promised Isa that she's not going to say anything to anyone.
Her parents became suspicious, as she was spending more and more time outside seemingly by herself.
One day they both decided to talk to Isabela about it.
She had just come back from one of your dates and when she walked in her parents were sitting in the diner table both very serious.
They asked her all of these questions with such seriousness and Isabela knew that she couldn't hide it anymore and that her parents probably already knew about it and now they hate her-
She almost broke down right then and there but her parents were quick to comfort her.
You sure had some petty arguements about the secrecy surrounding your relationship.
After casita was rebuilt and the family finally started healing Isabela came clean about your relationship.
You have cute little dates in the forest.
She loves telling you all about the new plants she learnt how to grow and you love hearing about it :)
She will also glady hear about anything that you like.
Literally has heart eyes every time you get excited when you talk about your interests.
She wasn't used to pda at first and got really flustered whenever you showed affection in public, especially when her family was around.
Now she absolutely loves it, even though she'll still blush like crazy.
Thank the gods for her dark skin
Flowers often sprout on her beautiful hair when you do so and it gives you one more reason to fluster her ;)
You mostly give her neck kisses and she returns them if she's not dying of embarrassment.
She won't admit it but she loves cuddles.
One time she woke up at night but couldn't fall asleep again so she shook you awake and asked you to cuddle with her. You remembered and asked her about it the next morning but she said she remembers nothing.
She did remember it all of course :)
She goes all out on anniversaries and throws a huge celebration, buys you a ton of gifts etc
She's a romantic soul at heart and will pamper you to no end.
Julieta and Agustin love you as their own daughter and Luisa and Mirabel have a great relationship with you.
I think that Pepa will be the most overprotective one from the family.
Gives you the shovel talk while Felix is trying to calm her down.
She can get pretty insecure at times.
She also struggles with a lot of anxiety.
Sometimes she might want to just sit down and angrily vent to you about everything but there are the times that she needs you to gently hold her while she's crying.
Give her compliments all the time please, she thrives off of them.
But not the "oh Isabela you're so pretty and beautiful" kinds of compliments. She's sick and tired of those. She doesn't want you to compliment Señorita Perfecta Isabela, just Isa. Tell her about how good her new dress is or how interesting the new plants she grew are, or about how creative and smart she is.
You were scared of abuela first, be honest here.
I mean who wouldn't be
It took a while for her to fully accept you into the family but when she did, oh boy.
You ARE a Madrigal now, no questions asked, thank you very much.
Includes you in their songs and also the art on the wall in the dinning room.
You shortly move in with Isabela in her room.
Since her room is pretty big she definitely let you have your own space so you can put your stuff and decorate it however you want to.
Might have some communication issues.
I feel like she'd give you the cold shoulder if you did anything that upset her and wouldn't tell you since "you should already know what you did wrong".
All in all she's a pretty good girlfriend and incredibly sweet, she just needs some therapy.
• Dolores •
She's the pretty cousin and such a babe
She loves picnics because it's really quiet and it helps her focus on you and you only
Most of your dates are like that to be honest
You don't want her to get overwhelmed because of her gift, you just want Dolores to relax and have fun.
She absolutely loves pet names and pda
Call her any kind of pet name and she swoons
Be sure that she'll say something flirty back ;)
Is constantly touching you in public in one way or another.
Either that would be lacing your hands together or hugging your arm
Place a sweet kiss to her lips or her forehead and she'll melt immediately.
Probably was the one to say I love you first.
Blushed a lot after and thought that she said it all too soon.
You quickly reassured her and she felt so incredibly happy
If you thought Pepa was protective of her niece imagine how she is with her daughter.
Just mind yourself and don't get hit by lightning :)
I think Felix would love you from the start but would try to be serious and intimidating to support his wife
Camilo would non stop tease you like all the time.
Pull Dolores away before she jumps her brother please
Antonio is just a small kid but if you two get along well Dolores will fall in love with you all over again.
Seeing you get along with her family makes her heart swell in her chest.
Abuela was again a bit reductant when it came to you but in time she accepted that that's who Dolores loves and she can't change her mind.
Maybe Pepa needed to have a talk with Alma and let her know that her daughter won't change her mind and if she doesn't accept it, well that's too bad then.
She swore to you that she won't pry into your conversations with the use of her gift but if she feels jealous she just can't help it.
Totally feels guilty about it after but her insecurities catch up to her sometimes.
If you get mad about it she promises that next time she feels like this she'll just come and talk to you about it.
You were kind of paranoid during the first month of your relationship because you thought that Dolores has heard something embarrassing that you once said or done.
Dolores of course has heard something but she's not cruel enough to tell you that.
You have late night conversations often.
Before you moved in with her you would just talk to yourself and if Dolores was awake she would listen to your monologue with a soft smile on her lips, letting the soft hum of your voice lure her to sleep.
After you moved in you would have actual conversations about many things.
She mostly tells you about her troubles and worries and listens to yours too.
When she's in a good mood she'll tell you about the different kind of gossip in Encanto.
Loves it when you accompany her when she goes about her chores for the day.
She would help you with your chores anytime if you try to refuse she'll insist.
You found out that she can be pretty persistent.
She will cuddle with you if that's what you want but never during summer or hot days.
She's a blanket hogger during winter too, even though winters are still not that cold in Colombia.
I can see you two having fights constantly but it's not serious fights or because there are communication problems between you.
It's just petty arguements as if you're toddlers fighting over the prettiest doll.
"The water has such a beautiful colour, don't you agree?"
"What are you talking about love? Water doesn't have a colour, it's crystal clear. Transparent."
"There's no way you actually believe that hunny. Water is blue. The prettiest blue."
And so on and so forth.
An amazing person makes an amazing partner, who would've guessed?
• Mirabel •
I can't not include her when this is her own movie and she's such a sweetheart.
Would definitely make a dress for you even if you insisted that she doesn't have to.
At least she would make cute little pins or designs and sew them into your clothes.
You're a part of her catchy songs also.
It took her a pretty long time to confess because she was convinced that someone like you could never love the giftless Madrigal child.
So it's no surprise that you actually confessed first.
She's such an awkward and blushy teen.
You guess she took that from her father.
You often tease her and fold over in laughter whenever she trips and falls or slams her head on a palm tree, before checking for injuries and rushing her to her mother.
The villagers absolutely love you and Mirabel, especially the kids.
You entertain them together and most of your dates consist of you two taking long walks in the town's market.
Everybody in the village knew that behind her sunny and bright attitude and smile, Mirabel was miserable. Her family's treatment was slowly eating her up inside. Seeing how you actually made her happy gave them some relief.
The villagers are not the only ones that recognised that.
Julieta and Agustin will be forever grateful for the amount of love that you give their daughter.
Even though they try the hardest to make Mirabel feel better about not having a gift like the rest of thee family abuela isn't really helping with her treatment and Isabela isn't either.
Since you aren't a part of the family as Alma has reminded you a million times you can stand up to her and Isabela when they're being mean and unfair towards your girlfriend.
Camilo jokingly calls you Mirabel's guard dog.
Isabela and Alma excluded, everyone else pretty much adores you.
Luisa tried giving you the shovel talk when she found out you're dating her little sister but she failed entirely when she broke down crying about how happy she's for the both of you in the middle of the act.
You still reassured her that you're not going to break Mirabel's heart.
Family dinners were interesting to say at least.
Isabela insists on calling you 'Mirabel's best friend', while Alma barely throws a glance your way.
Mirabel feels awful about how her family treats you. Just because she's the family disappointment doesn't give the any right to disrespect her girlfriend.
She once broke down in tears apologies leaving her lips non stop.
You quickly pulled her into your arms hushing her and rubbing circles on her back. Taking her glasses off you wipe the tears of her cheeks and gently hold her face in your hands.
"Please don't apologise for your family's behaviour. It's not your fault. They're blind for not seeing how amazing you are and how much I absolutely love and adore you."
She cried more after that.
But it's ok!
You often have to comfort Mirabel but you don't care in the slightest. You love holding her in your arms as if she's the entire world and giving her all the love and affection that she was unfairly denied all these years.
When casita started collapsing you were in the town's square heading back to your own home.
You turned around and started running towards the magical house the moment you realised what's going on.
By the time you reached the top of the hill the entire family was shouting Mirabel's name, looking around worriedly.
You felt your stomach drop.
This sickening feeling didn't leave until Mirabel came back.
You crushed into her arms and didn't stop hugging her until her mother basically pried you of off her.
You didn't immediately forgive her family after everything they put her through but since their relationship was getting better all you could do was just hope for the best.
At least you had an awesome relationship with Bruno.
Ever since he came back you were a breath of fresh air for him and you loved spending time with him and Mirabel.
He was a pretty good guy and his telenovelas were top tier.
Gift or no gift Mirabel is the best and most precious thing in the entirety of Encanto.
And obviously the best girlfriend you could ever dream of having.
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Julieta: Oh, hello, Luisa! Have you come to help your Mama make dinner for the family?
Young Luisa: No. I’ve come to complain. My hermanita is broken.
Julieta: What?
Young Luisa, holding up baby Mirabel: She’s freezing cold, Mama!
Julieta: Okay, well, I can get her a blanket.
Young Luisa: Nope, not good enough. Hermanitas should be at a cuddle-able temperature at all times! I don’t know when I’m gonna want a hug from her and I can’t wait for her to get warmed up, I have important work to do.
Julieta: What work? You’re five.
Young Luisa: How dare you speak to me like that! Are you arguing with me? Haven’t you heard that the customer is always right?! *bangs fist on the counter* This is a disgrace! I want my lawyer!
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yellowcry · 7 months
Going on my own
Luisa was learning something new everyday. And every milestone filled Agustin's heart with joy
Agustin's girls were such a miracle. Julieta, his soft and kind wife. She needed an award for dealing with all his injuries. Agustin loved her with a burning passion. The sweet beat of their souls played together. And together, they brought two little miracles into this spanless world. 
Their eldest, Isabela, was a quiet girl. She adored her Abuela with all her childish heart. Bela and Alma were together so often that sometimes Agustin wondered if she was his daughter at all. But under all those layers of being polite, his baby girl has a really strong will. There was no way to change her opinion on anything. No amount of candy would make her stop if she decided to do something. 
Luisa was such a cute baby, only learning of the world around her. If Isabela was her Abuela's girl, then Luisa was a tiny Daddy's follower. She preferred him among all the adults in the household and didn't even try to hide it. Julieta laughed about this, demanding that they should have another child as the first two had other parental figures they favored the most. 
It was so interesting to compare their girls, learning all the joy of having two miracles. All the kids were different and they weren't any distinct. They explored the world in various ways, reaching milestones in different temp. Bela was interested in fine motor when she was Luisa's age. The older girl was way faster and had a stronger grasp. But it didn't mean Luisa was any worse! Unlike her sister, she was better in gross motor. She started to crawl at the age when Isabela only learned to sit independently. It was an amusement to be a parent for the second time. 
By Isabela's third birthday, it was only a matter of time before Luisa would take her very first steps. At some point, Agustin felt that Luisa wanted to catch up with the older kids. It was fascinating. Luisa's tiny legs learned to get up, holding onto the sofa and traveling along it. 
Soon, it got to the point when Luisa was standing without support. She looked awkward at those moments with her legs wide apart and arms helping her to balance. Agustin's heart melted at the sight. Every new thing that Luisa learned opened the way for further exploration.
This day, Agustin and Julieta were cuddling on a couch. Isabela was taken out by Pepa to play with her cousin in the meadow. Luisa sat on a carpet nearby, playing with a plush eagle. It was one of those peaceful moments when everything looked like nothing could ever go wrong. The air was quiet and peaceful. Agustin really wished there were more moments like this. When they could just enjoy the simple happiness of life.
Soon enough, the girl seemed getting bored of waving her hand furiously to make the toy bird fly. She glanced to the side, staring at Agustin, and let out some babbling. "Do you want a hug?" He smiled, attempting to get up. "Juli, hey, move." He patted his wife's cheek, just to be stopped by a quiet half-asleep mumbling. Oh, he had to be careful, he didn't want to wake Juli from so needed rest.
But, as he carefully tried to push himself out, Luisa grew impatient. She pushed herself up, being as careful as she could. She slightly shook, raising her leg. Agustin froze in anticipation. Could it be the time when his baby girl took the first steps on her own? Luisa's right foot touched the floor, her entire face was focused as if she solved some math problem. Maybe for her child's body, it was harder than anything she had ever done before. Agustin gasped in awe, shaking Julieta from all the excitement he felt. 
His wife rubbed her eyes, still sleepy. "Gus? Is something wrong?' She yawned.
"Look," He smiled, pointing to Luisa. For a second Julieta looked confused, still not entirely awake. It took a few seconds for her to proceed with what she was. 
"Dios!" She exclaimed, getting up in a split second. It was such a thrilling moment, as Luisa finally took her first steps. Both parents were overjoyed as Luisa slowly reached Agustin.
"What are a good girl!" He giggled, throwing her in the air. Luisa beamed, laughing back and cozing in her papa's arms. 
Julita patted her head, just as proud as Agustin was. Luisa opened new horizons every day. For someone as young as she was, every day was unique. 
After a short time, Luisa gangled her legs, excited with her newfound skill. She got out of Agustin's hug, standing on the floor again. "Do you want to walk some more?" He grinned at her, following Luisa. He squeezed her palm in a gentle movement to help her stand with more ease. To his giant surprise, Luisa didn't react well. She fussed, pulling her arm out. Being a huge Daddy's girl, Luisa was never sad when Agustin tried to hold her.
Julieta rushed to her side with concern. "Luisa? Mi Amor, are you hurt?" 
Their daughter held onto the couch as fearful Agustin let go of her. Very soon, the crying stopped and she looked as interested as before. Now, she walked to a coffee table nearby as no one held her. Luisa chuckled in happiness and got back to Agustin, smiling proudly. 
"I think she doesn't want our help in here." Julieta sighed, patting Agustin's shoulder.
It indeed was like this. Luisa was crying every time anyone tried to hold her by the arm when she was walking. She selected doing it in a slow way, finding her own balance rather than leaning on someone else. As far as Agustin knew, most children were upset when Mama and Papa didn't hold them by the arm. But it was Luisa and she was her own person. So she used her own way of thinking. If someone's help made her uncomfortable, then Agustin would stand nearby, allowing her to wander on her own, but ready to interfere if Luisa slipped. It was her right to explore the world in the way she wanted to. And as a parent, Agustin would stay close to her, encouraging his hija.
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magicalmadrigals · 2 years
 @ginnyweatherby and I have some of the best brainstorm moments I have ever known and it was through one of those moments that the idea for this one shot came about! I always love writing about Gus and Juli being silly with their kids when they were little, so this was a dream to write! Hope you like it!
Glancing up from the cardigan she was in the middle of knitting at the sound of thundering feet and infectious laughter above her, Julieta looked over at the clock on the wall and a knowing smile appeared on her face when she noticed what time it was. It was ten-to-eight, very nearly time for her daughters to be put to bed, and the two of them were once again engaged in their favourite game with their father. She had no idea how the game came to be, to be honest, but it seemed as though he had done it one night purely to be funny and the girls had loved it and demanded he played it with them for ten minutes each night before they had to go to bed.
It gave them some much-needed quality time with their papí and tired them out in the process, so it was a win-win situation.
If there was an aim to this game of theirs, however, then she honestly had no idea what it was and they had been playing it for ages. All she knew was that it started off as something resembling a game of tag and then it turned into pure chaos when he succeeded in catching them. He would tickle them and smother them with kisses, causing them to squeal and giggle and try to wriggle away from him, and she was forever having to tell the three of them to quieten down just a little before they woke the whole of the Encanto up. Her girls always complained a bit at that, but they soon cheered up when she promised them a bedtime story once they were in bed.
“Mamí! Mamí!”
Reaching over to set her knitting down on the arm of the settee, she traced the curve of her growing bump with a hand and laughed when she turned her head to see her daughters running towards the sitting room as fast as their little legs could carry them. Roses were falling from Isabela’s hair, leaving a long trail through the courtyard, and Luisa had her thumb in her mouth while she dragged her treasured teddy bear behind her. It was on the tatty side and only had one eye due to a tragic accident, but she loved that thing. She wrapped her arms tight around them both when they reached her, allowing them to cuddle against her chest while they giggled.
“Papí is going to get us, mamí, papí is going to get us!” Isa told her, pushing an errant curl from her face as she breathed heavily.
“Standing around here isn’t going to do you much good then, princesas, is it?” Julieta teased.
“But you can protect us, mamí, you can keep us safe!” Luisa explained, taking her thumb from her mouth to pat her knee.
Julieta nodded in understanding. “I see. Where-“
Before she could even ask her question, her esposo appeared in the doorway to the sitting room and she felt her heart skip a beat. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, a couple of buttons on his shirt were undone, his hair was an utter mess and she was sure he had never looked more gorgeous. “You two are getting to be far too fast for your poor old papí, you know,” He puffed as he leant against the doorframe for a second, putting on a complete show of catching his breath which only made his girls laugh all the more. “I have you trapped now though, thankfully, you have nowhere else to go and you know what that means. It means that I win.”
“No!” Luisa argued as she and Isa climbed up onto the settee to sit with their mother. “Mamí is playing now and she’ll protect us!”
“Are you?” Agustín raised an eyebrow at his wife and gave her a smile.
Julieta shrugged. “I have no idea how I managed to get myself roped into this – I never do – but it definitely seems as though I am.”
“Maravilloso!” He rubbed his hands together with happiness. “Surely, that means mamí should be on my team.”
“No! Mamí is on our team! Why should she be on your team?” Isabela frowned while crossing her arms over her chest.
“Because, mi pequeña mariposa, I married her and that means she is on my team by default. Plus, I’m outnumbered already, so…”
“Ay, Agustín, they’re only little.”
“Sí, papí, we’re only little!” Isabela and Luisa reminded him, encouraged by their mother.
He huffed, slowly starting to approach them. “You are, but do you know what your being so little means?”
Isabela and Luisa looked at one another and then back at him. “What…?”
“You are the perfect size to steal!” He grabbed Luisa before she had time to react and immediately began tickling her, nearly getting himself deafened by her squeals as he held her tight to his chest and fell backwards into the armchair with her. He covered her face with quick kisses, chuckling along with her when she arched her back and fought with all the strength she could muster to get away.
“Let her go! Let her go! Let her go!”
Try as he might, he was unable to keep himself from chuckling louder when Isa jumped into his lap and started whacking him with a cushion she had taken from the settee. His glasses almost flew from his face at one point, but he somehow managed to wrestle the cushion from her hands and grab her with his free arm, dragging her to his chest and starting to tickle her ribs as relentlessly as he was her hermanita. “Mamí! Mamí, you need to…” Luisa managed to get out between bouts of laughter. “You have to try and save us!”
“You are the worst protector ever!” Isabela added.
Julieta only laughed as she got a little more comfortable against the cushion propped up against her back, rubbing circles onto her belly as her baby moved. “I hope you know what you signed up for, deciding to be born into this familia,” She said, looking down at her stomach. “I promise you, once you are born you are never going to know a moment’s peace again. Not with those three anyway.”
Focusing her attention on her family again at their sounds of protest, she smirked at the way the three of them were looking at her. “I think you should get mamí, papí, that would be funny,” Luisa told him, patting his chest. “You should tickle her like you tickle us!”
Agustín chuckled nervously. “I think I might pass on that one, mi vida, I could do without another broken nose.”
“Ay, it has been over a decade, would you let that go? Besides, it was your own fault! Who sneaks up on somebody and tickles them?”
“I thought it would be graciosa. I was trying to surprise you!”
“You did surprise me,” Julieta reminded him. “You also got a surprise of your own out of my response, so I consider us even.”
Leaning in towards her sister, Isabela lowered her voice and said: “Remind me to never, ever tickle mamí.”
Luisa nodded, wide-eyed.
“Oh, mi princesa, I would never hurt you!” Julieta assured her little girl, a giggle in her voice.
“So, you just save that for your esposo?” Agustín teased.
“In my defence, your nose is a little on the big side. Not easy to miss.” She winced.
Agustín threw his hands up. “I feel so blessed to have such a loving esposa.”
“I would not be going through this for a third time if I didn’t love you, Agustín Madrigal, I assure you of that.” She stroked her bump.
He failed to hide his smile as he scooped their girls up in his arms and carried them over to the settee, his love for them deepening as they rubbed their eyes with the backs of their hands before taking hold of the front of his shirt and closing their eyes while he sat down beside his wife. He made himself comfortable, tightening his hold of them both, and then turned his head in Julieta’s direction only to find himself caught in one of the softest kisses known to man. “Not that I’m complaining…” He took a moment to gather his thoughts when their kiss ended and she shuffled back into her own space, smiling up at him. “But what was that for? What did I do?”
“You were you,” She shook her head. “I love how you make time for them even when you feel tired. I love them laughing like that.”
“I have no words for how much I love them. For how much I love you,” He admitted as he ran his hands along their daughters’ backs, lulling them further and further into a restful slumber while looking into her eyes. “All I wanted when I came here was this. I wanted to find a beautiful, marvellous woman to make my own and start a familia and I have done both those things. This place is magical.”
She tried so hard to behave, she really did, but she couldn’t resist. “No, you don’t say…”
He gave her a playful nudge. “I know you know exactly what I mean.”
“I do,” She nodded as she leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling him kiss her brow. “I wanted you from the second I saw you.”
“Juli, you only saw me because I fell on my face and a crowd of people gathered around me to make sure I wasn’t dead.” He said.
“I know, but I also know you fell on your face because you were too busy staring at me to look where you were going.” She smirked.
He hummed, unable to argue with that. “I was mad about you back then and nothing has changed.”
“Te amo.”
“Yo también te amo. Now, what do you say we put these two dormilonas to bed and treat ourselves to an early night for once?”
“You know,” She tilted her head back on his shoulder, brushing her lips against his. “That is the best idea you have ever, ever had…”
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years
Luisa Madrigal x gn reader headcanons (pre-canon) no spoilers 👍
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you're older by a year
The two of you met when you were 16 and 17
She spotted you while she was off doing chores and she stopped to ask if you needed help with anything
You suddenly couldn't remember if you needed help or not. This tall beautiful woman
???just talked to you???
And here you are stuttering trying to make a coherence statement
"I um I uh...do I need help?
And Luisa is not used to getting this reaction out of anybody So she just thinks you're nervous because you're scared of her.
but eventually you're able to speak with her and the two of you hit it off becoming really good friends.
The two of you hang out a lot whenever she's not working on chores.
sometimes you go and sit by the river, sometimes Luisa tries to teach teaches you how to knit. Which is something she secretly really good at.
ultimately though she picked you a scarf and hat because she's not a very good teacher.
the transition to friendship to relationship actually wasn't very eventful.
You had me to flirty joke and she blushed and so you asked "what do you have a crush on me"
It was a joke obviously until she looked at you puzzled tilted her head and said "I mean yeah... we're dating aren't we"
turns out she thought you've been dating for months at that point.
about 3 months prior to this situation You guys are watching the Stars and she said "you know I like you You should stick around for a bit." And you said "you got it dude i like you too much to leave"
you just stare at her and smile "So you're telling me I've had a girlfriend for 3 months?"
It ends up just being a funny story to tell to other people whenever they ask how you guys got together.
speaking of people outside of your relationship
she isn't big on PDA or anything
But in private she's a big cuddle bug.
"can we just stay inside today gatita/gatito? have tea and cuddle?"
"chamomile." She really likes chamomile tea. But if there's none available peppermint will do
She's super nervous to introduce you to the rest of the family. ESPECIALLY her Abuela Alma.
And you don't blame her that is one terrifying old lady.
However, eventually she comes to terms with the fact that she doesn't need her Abuela to approve of her relationship.
by the time she's 19 (when the movie takes place) You've been together for about a year.
So you two decided to probably time you tell somebody
turns out Mirabel and Camilo already knew she was seeing someone. they could "just tell." whatever that means.
but Julieta was ecstatic. She was so glad that Luisa found time to make friends and have a relationship outside of all her chores and she wasn't pushing herself too hard
"come Sit, niño/niña Tell me how you met!" she practically fills you with all types of breads, cakes, and tea while you talk about her daughter
And then you meet the rest of her family. You had met them before obviously some more extensively than others but this was the first time meeting them as Luisa's partner
"Wow...I thought Luisa would marry strong like a butcher- OW MAMÁ-"
But her smile didn't falter and she ignored her little cousin with a simple roll of her eyes
Isabela didn't look too impressed but she shook your hand nonetheless. "Don't hurt her or else." She gave a graceful smile that would be comforting if not for the fact that she was threatening you and simply toast her hair over her shoulder and walked away
Mirabel and Antonio were one in the same They kept their head down and introduced themselves and made polite conversation.
But it really shocked everyone was that Abuela Alma... didn't seem to care??
I think it might have shocked Isabella the most. It probably seemed very unfair from her perspective.
Bonus: Her tio Bruno kind of weirds you out at first ngl but you guys eventually become really good at making conversation.
You should really start a podcast together
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julietaswifey · 3 years
A square spouse to a round one
Pepa and Agustín hang out in the kitchen while the people they love most in the whole wide world make dinner
I felt that the world needed more Pepa/Agustín friendship, so I threw this little thing together. They should be allowed to be dramatic together and love their significant others :) can also be read on ao3 where I’m TheNightInMidWinter
This was inspired by a fic by @includeangieinthesequel and @lariskapargitay
Pepa could hear both Félix and Julieta before she even entered the kitchen. She also heard piano music, which told her that Agustín was there, as well. Why he was playing in the kitchen she didn’t understand though. Of course it was no problem for Luisa to carry the piano around the house, but shy would he even want to have it in there?
When she reached the kitchen she found both Julieta and Félix in full work with getting dinner ready, chatting to each other about something Pepa didn’t really understand. It had to do with the usage of herbs in food, incredibly boring. Still it was entertaining enough for them not to notice her when she entered the room.
The piano stood in a corner of the room, and by it sat Agustín. He looked a little lonely compared to the other two. Pepa knew how it could be, once Julieta and Félix got really into something it was hard to stop them. And while she was glad for that her sister and her husband were good friends with common interests she wished their common interests had been a little more exciting.
“We married a pair of dorks” she said as she walked over to the piano.
“Unbearable, the two of them” Agustín said.
He stopped his playing and looked across the room at Julieta and Félix.
“And we love them so much.”
“We love them really much.”
She loved her husband with all her heart and she loved her sister. They were the least cool people she knew and she wouldn’t have it any other way. People often believed Félix to be cooler than he actually was, he had a bit of a reputation and he worked to uphold it. Once Pepa had also believed that, but then she had got to know him and fallen head over heels for him. And between those events she had realised that he was the sort of man who could nerd out about herbs with Julieta. Which had definitely contributed to the falling thing.
“How long have they been going on about this?” Pepa asked, nodding towards Félix and Julieta.
“I don’t know, I stopped listening after a while. I can’t really join in on the conversation, I’m just here to provide entertainment.”
Pepa laughed.
“Isn’t that what we are, you and I? Entertainment for our spouses?”
In truth it had always been Félix who had been the showy one. He could make entertainment out of anything, really. But it sounded fun to say.
“Pepa and Agustín Madrigal, the unnecessary entertainers” Agustín chuckled.
Pepa had to admit she hadn’t always been very fond of Agustín. Because who was he to come from the outside and sweep her sister off her feet? But he had grown on her, to say the least. And they did make quite the duo, if she could say so herself.
“Move over, we’re in this together.”
He did as she said, moved to one side of the small wooden bench he sat on in order to make room for her to sit next to him.
“They’re really sweet, but sometimes I worry for them” she said as the conversation stopped abruptly only for both of them to start humming the same melody at the same time.
“I believe they think the same of us.”
“Those bastards, there’s nothing wrong with us.”
She sighed before moving to rest her head against her brother-in-law’s shoulder. Only to immediately regret that, and raise her head again.
“I keep forgetting how bony you are” she told him.
Félix wasn’t bony, Félix was soft and nice to rest against. And he gave the best hugs, like a teddy bear. A warm, nice, teddy bear. Agustín was the opposite of that, he wasn’t really cuddle material. Sometimes Pepa wondered how Julieta could want to be married to him. She loved Agustín as if he was her own brother, but how could Julieta want to love him in a romantic way? How could she want to cuddle with him when there wasn’t much to cuddle with? But then Félix cuddled with her, and she was definitely built more like Agustín.
“Hermana, you have the sharpest elbows ever, you don’t get to complain about me being bony” he fired back.
Well, she couldn’t argue with that, she did have sharp elbows. And she did make good use of them.
“We need them to balance us out” she then said, glancing over her shoulder at Julieta and Félix, both of whom were still humming in perfect tune with each other.
Maybe she could get them to sing together some day, that would probably sound even better. But Julieta never sang.
“We’re bony spouses, we need a soft spouse each to balance us out.”
Agustín also looked at his wife, and Pepa watched him don a very dreamy expression. He always got that look on his face whenever he saw Julieta. And she had to admit it was kinda cute.
“Yeah. I need her to balance me out” he agreed.
Pepa took his distraction as a chance to direct her attention towards Félix for a moment. He was wearing one of Julieta’s aprons, it was way too small for him. Good in length, they were about the same height, but his chest was much broader, so he couldn’t tie it in the back. His chest was so nice to use as a pillow. She couldn’t wait until it was time for bed and she got to rest against him, that was her favourite time of the day. When she could feel whatever she wanted because their bed was protected from the weather in the rest of the room.
“Have you done the reading for this week?” Agustín asked when he had snapped out of it.
He turned back to the piano and once more began letting his fingers flow over the keys. He had large hands, perfect for piano playing.
“No, I was saving it for tonight so that I’ll have it fresh in mind for tomorrow. I take it you have done the reading.”
“I have, I can’t wait to talk about it” he smiled. “The last chapter, Dios, it was hard to stop reading.”
“Don’t spoil anything!”
That was the bad thing about reading together with Agustín. Pepa read that chapters they were supposed to read the night before so that she would remember all the details, while he did it as soon as possible. Therefore he had a whole week to accidentally spoil things to her before they had their official meeting. He didn’t mean to, but he wasn’t the best at keeping it to himself.
“I won’t, I’m just saying you’re in for a real treat.”
“I look forward to it, then.”
The hard part was doing the reading without Félix knowing what she was reading. She knew Agustín struggled with keeping Julieta out of it, as well. They always had to come and put their noses where they didn’t belong. They weren’t allowed to join the book club, that was for Pepa and Agustín only. It was their thing they did together.
“Mi vida, would you come taste the soup?”
Agustín’s head snapped up immediately at the sound of Julieta’s voice. Pepa could only laugh, he was like a puppy. A really excited puppy.
Immediately he left their seat and was standing next to his wife in the matter of a second.
“And why don’t I get to taste the soup?” Pepa asked, looking at her husband.
Félix opened his arms.
“Come here, Pepita.”
Maybe she hadn’t been right to laugh at Agustín considering how fast she made her way across the kitchen and into Félix arms.
When she reached him she wrapped her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. She had barely seen him all day as she had been busy out in town while he had been at home. And she had missed him.
He raised a spoon with soup to her lips and she carefully took a sip so that she wouldn’t burn her tongue.
“That’s really good soup” she smiled.
It tasted like heaven, all different ingredients went perfectly together.
“You know just what a man wants to hear” Félix chuckled.
“Had you not liked it I would have been angry” Julieta said, leaning back against Agustín’s chest. “We worked hard on this.”
“You know I love everything you make, mi amor” Agustín mumbled into her hair, kissing the top of her head.
They stood in silence for a bit before Julieta clapped her hands together.
“Muy bien, now you can leave so that we can finish up here.”
“What?” Pepa and Agustín asked at the same time, frowning. “We’re not leaving!”
Félix just laughed.
“Well, how are we supposed to finish cooking if you’re here distracting us?”
“Are you telling me I’m second to soup?” Pepa asked, raising her eyebrows.
“You’re my whole life, mi amor, but I also think it’s important that our niños get dinner.”
Pepa saw how Félix then glanced at Julieta and she nodded. What did that mean?
“Casita, a little help, please” Julieta said casually.
The next moment both Pepa and Agustín were stumbling away from their spouses on a wave of tiles. Before they knew it they were standing outside the kitchen and the door opening had turned into a solid wall, forbidding the two of them from going back inside the room.
Or, well, Pepa was standing. Agustín had lost his balance and was flat on the floor, limbs all over the place. How could there be so much leg on one man?
“How could they do this to us?” she exclaimed, throwing her arms out to her sides.
She felt the cloud forming above her head before she could actually see it.
“I’m not sure they love us in return” Agustín sighed dramatically as he began untangling himself and sat up.
“I can’t believe we’ve wasted almost thirty years on those two” Pepa continued.
Agustín stopped what he was doing and stared out into empty air, his eyes wide as plates.
“Ay Dios mío, has it been that long?” he asked.
“Not quite for you and Julieta, but for me and Félix, yeah.”
“How old am I?” Agustín said, seemingly horrified.
They had celebrated his 46th birthday just a few weeks prior.
“Younger than I am.”
48, she was ancient. But she could always comfort herself with that she was at least ten whole minutes younger than Julieta. It was usually just Julieta who brought that up to prove how she was the eldest and therefore the best and most mature of them.
“But anyway, I’ll die before I give up on this, so let’s get our spouses back” Pepa said, offering him a hand to get up.
“And how are we supposed to do that?”
“Unclear, but we’ll come up with something. We can’t let those two win, they have five feet between them and no bones.”
“True, it would be embarrassing, we would–“
Part of the wall disappeared into the floor again, opening the kitchen up for them. Julieta poked her head out, smiling.
“Would you get Mamá y los niños? Dinner’s ready.”
And so no grand plan was necessary.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
"Camilo. Why did you punch him in the face?" Alma asked looking at the five year old who was scowling at one of the big kids in the village. The entire family rushed over, to be fair they hadn't been far, as soon as the boy pushed Mirabel down and all had seen the punch.
"He was saying how Mirabel was useless without a gift and we'd forget about her." Dolores reported promptly.
"Yeah he was being mean to my twin! And he pushed her! We're not supposed to touch girls! Only girls can hit other girls!" Camilo said nodding and cuddling his twin who was sniffling in Isabelas arms.
"I can understand that mijito. I was asking why you only punched him in the face, you could have hit his stomach too. Or the soft spot between his legs, it would hurt him more." Alma said patiently and Camilo perked up at knowing he wasn't in trouble while the town around them was stunned. Alma never resorted or condoned violence before...
"I'll hit him there next time Abuela!" Camilo promised.
"I'm sure you will mijito. Pepa, how about you come with me while we talk to this boys parents about his actions? Going after a five year old and pushing her to the ground...calling her useless when his family replies on us? No no that won't do at all." Alma said coldly staring at the thirteen year old who went pale.
"Gladly mama. Good work Cami. I'll get you ice cream later for protecting your baby cousin." Pepa smothered her son in kisses but there was a dark cloud over her head as she stared down the boy.
"Should I heal him mama? Camilo did give him a bloody nose..." After having shapeshifted into Luisa to punch the pink Camilo probably broke the boys nose.
"No. If he insults and harms our family then he doesn't get healed or taken care of by the family."
Camilo and Dolores tag teaming 💥💥💥 Love Alma encouraging him too, gotta have that right mentality <3 Pepa and Alma are gonna have a long talk, and it’s not gonna be pleasant ☠️☠️
I know that boy was scared out of his MIND and the villagers were flabbergasted at what Alma said
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New request too :DDD
✨You’ve got mail!✨
Anon asks:
“I think the housebroken Mamabel drabbles are super cool! Can you see if snippet anonymous can do a continuation of when Mirabel and Pepa came to take the children back?”
This one is from me :DDD:
I don’t have any particular request, but I’d love to see you write for your favorite AU from this blog! :)
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