#lukanette will sail
mystic-myrtille · 2 years
I was thinking a lot. I remember telling my friends the reason I still ship Lukanette and Adrigami is because I know "Truth" and "Lies" were meant to make both ships look bad and I wasn't falling for it. Kind of blows that even some Lukanette fans felt Marinette was a terrible person after that episode and "Luka deserves better!"
But I think it's happening again with Adrie///nette becoming like Lukanette. Trying to get Lukanette shippers to convert...
Yeah I am still not falling for that! I may be biased as all hell as the person here who hated the LS from the start but I could originally do fanon LS and I used to have a soft spot for LA/drien and platonic M*riCh*t.
Well that ship certainly sailed for me. I can't even do fanon LS because at the end of the day the LS is A*truc and Z*g's gross romantic fantasy.
I agree. Especially Truth felt to me more like Marinette just not being ready for a relationship, with all her responsibilities piling up and also letting her long time crush go, than her being ultimately incompatible with Luka. In an scenario where Mari didn’t crush on Adrien, if they decided (after Luka figuring out her identity and confessing that) to get together, what would lead to a break up? Which characteristics from both would make them incompatible? I genuinely can‘t think of anything. The only reason they‘re not together is that they‘re not the pre-determined endgame couple, and when you‘re telling a love story, that‘s not a good enough reason. If the only reason is „she just loves the other guy more“, then that‘s shallow writing.
Adrigami‘s issue was more that Kagami had like 3 personalities and in Lies the more possessive one came out. Idk the writing of this ship was a mess and they deserve better, honestly.
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brickercupmasterx3 · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug Rewrite, anyone?
I feel like I may as well go through with it. Canon is absolute trash nowadays and there are certainly lots of things that need to be reworked/fixed.
I will be reworking the plot, but here are some things you should expect to get out of it:
First: It is no surprise that my heart belongs to Lukanette, so they will be the main ship here. Meaning, obviously, it should go without saying that if you hate ship, this won't be the rewrite for you. So block the tag.
Second: Chloe will get better treatment here! Whatever development she undergoes will be consistent. We will dive a little deeper into Chloe & Sabrina’s friendship & her past with Adrien & Felix. I will also share headcanons on how she deals with her parents and why she acts the way she does. (I don’t like Zoe, so she will NOT exist in this rewrite.)
Third: Expect salt and consequences for characters that get none. Adrien & Lila will primarily get the worst salt treatment. They're horrible human beings. Alya & the rest of the girl group (minus Juleka) are likely to get some salt too, for trying to force Mari to get with Adrien, but they will give up on that goal inevitably.
Fourth: No Lila & Kagami BFF storyline. Kagami is Mari's best friend, from the start, so she will always take Mari's side.
Fifth: In case you're wondering why there won't be Juleka salt, it's because she does set sail for Lukanette before any of the other girls come around to it. She wants her brother and close friend to be happy, and realizes earlier on that Mari feels more at ease with Luka. She will be supportive of that.
Sixth: The Ladybug & Chat Noir holders will change in time. With Mari having taken over the Guardian position, and her responsibilities becoming too much to bear alone, she takes both miraculouses and hand them over to the two people she trusts the most: Luka (LB) and Kagami (CN).
Ships?: Like stated before, Lukanette is the main/primary ship.
For side ships that will be involved: JuleRose, Chlogami, Feloe, Adrigami, Lilya, Ivan/Mylene, Kim/Ondine, Nathaniel/Marc.
Anti-ships: LS (salt, just salt), LilAdrien, FeLila.
This is all I will be disclosing right now. I will go more in depth later on, but these are some of the things you should expect. I am laying stuff on this post so you get to decide whether or not you want to follow along.
I make no promises for when you can expect a proper layout, so don't ask me.
Tagged as: BMX3's ML Rewrite. Block the tag, if this doesn't interest you.
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Happy holiday season @mari-onberry !!! I’m your Secret Santa this year! Please accept this very special Lukanette fic! All the best in 2023!
An enormous thank you to all of the @mlsecretsanta team for organizing this wonderful event!!! 
Many thanks to @goblin-alchemist​ for betareading this!
The Siren Song
Summary: The siren song is a beautiful and treacherous thing, they say. But Prince Luka never listened to old tales; he always listened to his heart instead. So when his heart fell for the divine melodies sung by the full moon over the boundless ocean, he knew the myths were wrong. For whoever sang that song, must have had a beautiful soul and a pure heart. The raven hair and ocean-blue eyes were a nice bonus. Too bad he was a bit too preoccupied with drowning to properly appreciate them.
Also on AO3
Chapter 1. If you sing to the mermaids 
If you sing to the mermaids, they come when you're drowning — Tori Amos
The evening was particularly calm at the sea. The Liberty was being gently lulled to sleep over the sluggish waves. There was a storm brewing far on the horizon, its tall clouds made even darker courtesy of the full moon. But if Prince Luka averted his eyes from the boiling bulks of lightning, he could pretend it was a tranquil evening, just like the one a month ago. 
He found it hard to believe that four whole weeks had passed since the Liberty had set sails to take him to faraway lands in search for a suitable match. Despite his mother’s objections, his father, King Jagged, had been unusually insistent on finding Luka a bride worthy of the crown prince. And Luka, ever the obedient and good-natured son, met princess after princess, heiress after heiress, some daughters of noblemen in the mix as well. Some had been stunningly beautiful, others - as he’d been told - unimaginably rich. Some had talent for embroidery, flower-arranging, cricket or other skills considered useful in high society. Some had shown interest in music, either in singing or playing instruments, yet Luka found each performance lacking the essence and passion he so desired in a soulmate. 
Juleka, his sister, mocked him for being picky. The truth was much simpler. His heart had already been taken, only he couldn’t say so out loud.
How could he, when he hadn’t even laid eyes on the one he’d fallen for? When he wasn’t even sure she existed, that he hadn’t dreamed of her that night of the full moon a month ago?
Such thoughts ran through his head, as Luka stood on the prow gazing on the dark, oily waves, straining his ears, searching for the notes of the song that had captured his heart. The melody had seemed out of this world, sung in a bizarre language, in a scale he’d never encountered despite his thorough musical education. Yet in some unfathomable way it had reached right into his soul and imprinted itself in his memory forever. 
Wind picked up, ruffling Luka’s hair and filling his lungs with salty air. The prince pulled out his guitar, he strummed the strings, listening to the wind whispering in the instrument’s belly. He felt the world holding its breath and he found himself waiting, wound tightly just below the breaking point.
Then came the song. 
Vibrant notes carried over the ocean, pulling at his heartstrings like no melody had ever done before. Luring him in, making him want more, making him wish it’d never end. Luka gasped, realizing this was his moment of truth, that he hadn’t been imagining things or slowly going crazy. He had been right the whole time. 
For a few moments he let himself be submerged in the music. When it filled him to the brim he took a deep breath. He raised his guitar and joined the song in an impossible duet, just like that first time one month ago. 
The voice, searching and wistful at first, turned joyful, excited even, as if the guitar was a long missing friend. It greeted the new addition with enthusiasm, relishing the new harmonies, new possibilities that came from combining the vocal and the instrument. Unified the voice and the guitar transformed the song into something greater than its parts.
It flew over the water. It echoed in the ship’s hull. It filled the sails.
Luka was lost in the music, in the feeling of finally being complete. He reached deeper to the underlying rhythm and discovered it synchronized with his own pulse, a perfect harmony of two heartbeats. The heartsong he’d been looking for, the one he’d been drawn to, the one he’d been destined to join. His soulmate, he realized, opening his eyes.
And then the storm hit.
It wasn’t unusual for Marinette to sing in the evenings nor was it uncommon for her to dream of the adventures in faraway lands, above the sea, among the two-legged people she frequently spotted on the beaches and on those wooden sea beasts called ships. Yet, she never dared to sing above the surface, allowing her voice to be heard by ears other than those belonging to the merfolk. At least not until that last full moon, when she had succumbed to the strange desire that had awakened in her, urging the little mermaid to swim up to the surface and let her song flow freely over the waves. 
Something told her that was where she was supposed to be, and that was what she was supposed to be doing. She never expected to be answered back. She never would have guessed her performance wouldn’t be a solo, but instead a duet out of this world. 
The boy had been standing in the moonlight, high over the water. His dark hair had been tinted blue at the tips, as if he’d dipped them in the ocean. His eyes reflected the moonlight, glowing unnaturally bright, while he stared out into the darkness with a faraway expression upon his handsome face. She’d wondered what he was dreaming about at that moment. At first she had thought he’d been singing, but then she noticed the instrument he’d been wielding, a brown box with strings. The melody had been divine, soft and tender, reaching out, searching. It found her song and entwined itself with it, creating a new harmony, filling the pauses, completing the rhythm, until the song became a perfect amalgam of water and land, of above and below, of human and mer. 
It had left Marinette wanting to follow the ship, to never separate from the boy. And she might have just gone for it if it wasn’t for Tikki. Her crab chaperon had caught up with her at the last moment. She pinched Marinette’s tail, quite painfully, snapping the girl out of her reverie. The ship had disappeared from sight long before Tikki finished scolding Marinette for her unauthorized evening swim. 
Since then the little mermaid anxiously awaited news of ships passing over their kingdom, but none of them sported the characteristic eyes and whale-like smile of the boy’s vessel. She almost lost hope she’d ever see him again. Her heart ached at the thought, as if that stranger, who hadn’t even seen her, took a part of her with him and she’d never be complete again without it. 
Tikki must have had a word with Alya, because her guppy childhood friend kept a close eye on Marinette for the whole month and asked a lot of pointed human-related questions. Finally Marinette was able to coax Nino, the googly-eyed turtle, to ask Alya out, freeing herself of her orange-tailed friend’s company.
As luck had it, this was the night of the full moon. Marinette feigned going to bed early to get King Tom and Queen Sabine off her scales. Then, she set out to find if she was indeed as lucky as she’d been dubbed by the royal court. 
Anxiously, Marinette swam to the surface and began her siren song. She sang of all the hopes and dreams, the feelings that came to her that fateful night, the heartache that followed. She felt the world falling silent around her, bewitched and enthralled by this new song. The wind carried it into the night, but only the moon listened.
She almost gave up, but then she heard the soft and sweet sounds of the instrument - guitar, as she’d learned - calling out to her. 
She saw him standing on the prow, eyes closed, fingers dancing over the strings. His whole being seemed to be consumed by music, her music. Marinette would be a liar if she said she didn’t like the thought. But just as he seemed to be spellbound by the melody, she felt similarly smitten. She hadn’t even locked eyes with him, yet she felt the connection between them, a bond stronger than anything she’d experienced in her life. 
At the next flash of lightning, he opened his eyes and looked straight at her. Marinette froze, hypnotized by his gaze, unable to look away. Her voice died in her throat, just like the guitar grew silent. 
A beat of silence. Two heartbeats. Three - and then came the hurricane drowning everything in rain and wind. 
Marinette found it difficult to stay above the water, the waves tossing her any way they liked. She tried her best to stay close to the ship, because each time she resurfaced she saw him standing right there, despite the gusts and the rain, looking for her. As if he cared for no one else in the entire world. As if the storm, the ocean’s wrath didn’t matter to him at all.
As if he had eyes only for her. 
Another lightning bolt struck dangerously close and she dove below the surface for cover. When she reemerged, several other humans had appeared up on the deck, scurrying about with a chaotic, frantic energy. Her eyes darted around, seeking out her musician, but she couldn’t spot him anywhere among the men. A round object bobbed on the water, tethered to the ship with a thick rope, while the crew kept shouting and pointing towards it. 
Marinette’s stomach clenched. Chills descended down her spine, shaking the fin of her tail. Something was wrong. She dove to where the crew were pointing. At the next flash of lightning she saw her musician frantically fighting the currents, kicking and waving his hands. Despite his efforts he kept sinking further and further down, pulled back by a maelstrom he’d gotten caught in. 
Never in her life had Marinette raced so fast. In a blink, she was at his side, wrestling with the vortex, pulling him away from its clutches. She wrapped him in a tight embrace, shielding him from the currents, but stopped her finning when he looked at her in astonishment.
‘Hi,’ she uttered shyly, suddenly extremely aware of their closeness.
He opened his mouth to reply but only a few bubbles of air came out. Then, he passed out in her arms.
Right, humans needed air from above the water to breathe. Marinette rushed back to the surface. 
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
The Truth will Out- ROA Update!!
Ok guys so now that I’m done ranting, it’s time to get serious so first things first. This will contain spoilers for Rise of Anatis but given the huge hurt we have also just suffered, I feel it is necessary to give you guys an update about my plans for the Truth Episode within the ROA universe. Given when this chapter is going to be written, I can’t fix the mess that is ML straight away so this is the best I could do. Anyway, keeping reading below the cut if you wish to know more. Also I haven’t given away everything in the full chapter but just enough for you guys to know that I will be fixing it.
So firstly, the Jagged Stone reveal won’t be happening in this chapter as it already happened in the story so Luka is fully aware that Jagged is his father. However, he will still be targeting Jagged in this as he is going to be a raging mess. The truth he’ll want to know in this form is why Jagged left him in the first place and why he wasn’t good enough for him to be around. Now Luka does know that Bob Roth had a hand in Jagged and Anarka’s split and that he didn’t know Luka was his son until recently but that doesn’t mean Luka won’t feel these things.
The Lukanette dates will be happening in this and a few of them will be interrupted. At this point in the story, Hawkmoth is actively trying to akumatize Luka frequently and Luka has been either resisting them or transforming and capturing them before he can even be akumatized. However, unlike the end of the canon-verse episode, Marinette and Luka will not be breaking up. If anything this whole thing will make them stronger. There will be none of this calling Luka by Adrien’s name bullshit or forgetting about dates either.
Luka will be getting akumatized into Truth. There is no other akuma like in the silencer inspired chapter where Blackout turns up. As to why Luka gets akumatized in this. Well for one he’s constantly be targeted by HM so naturally he’s gonna be stressed about it. Two Lila is constantly spreading shit and three he is second guessing him because he wants to tell Marinette that he is Anatis but knows that he can’t because it will put her in danger.
Bunnyx will be returning and will be playing a huge role in this chapter.
There will be a reveal. Yes, Luka is going to be telling someone he is Anatis. Not saying who though.
There will be a lukanette kiss. So as my readers know, I’m playing the long game with the whole Lukanette thing in this story but I want Truth to mark the beginning of the two blueberries finally accepting love from each other so yes they will kiss at some point in this chapter.
Truth will be Chapter 80, making it my ‘season finale’ of my season four. For those who don’t know, my ‘season four’ doesn’t correspond to the miraculous season 4 due to the fact that only a few of the episodes will be out. I am going to be using some of the previous seasons villains to make up the episodes but also some OC villains as part of this. However, Season 4 will be adapted into my story but it will be season 5. I hope you guys are ready for a long ass story cause we’re gonna be looking at 100 + chapters.
Lila will be fully exposed and permanently in this chapter as a pathological liar and HM supporter. I will be editing the NY special tho so she hasn’t be exposed in it yet. My OG plan was to have her exposed in Miracle Queen but this is too good a chapter not to expose her in plus it builds up her crime and connection to HM.
And finally.... Luka will be using Magic outside of the miraculous! This links into the Lila exposed thing. Lila will be trying to claim that she was ‘forced’ to say things and didn’t mean it but having been done with her bs, Luka will be making a truth curse and placing it on her, effectively taking away her ability to lie permanently. 
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rainbow-arrow · 3 years
god i think i’m gonna be stuck on untitled forever bc it was created prior to season 4, or as i like to say, ‘a better time’
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lukadeservesbetter · 5 years
That face. 😭😭😭
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clubsnub · 5 years
As a Lukanette Stan, I absolutely cannot wait for them to be together
temporarily as a plot device
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doodle-empress66 · 5 years
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danielslilangel · 6 years
Never Needed the Mask
Holy shit it got hella angsty! 
Chat is so concerned with finding out who Ladybug is underneath her mask, but he should have been paying closer attention. 1Kish MLB One Shot 
           Ladybug dropped him off on the closest balcony, just trying to get him somewhere safe so she wouldn’t have to worry when she got back to the battle. I was too distracted and he almost got hurt. If anything had happened to him… it would have been my fault.
           “Stay here, you’ll be safe.” Turning around so that she wouldn’t have to look at him and continue fighting the urge to stay any longer, Ladybug readied her yo-yo.
           “Wait….” She looked down as she felt a pressure on her arm and saw that he had grabbed ahold of her hand and was pulling her back towards him.
           “I have to get back to the fight and cleanse the akuma.”
           Though he responded with a quiet “I know,” he didn’t let go.
           “Luka, I can’t stay.”
           He sighed and squeezed her hand tighter. “I just… you now I’m not very good with words, but I don’t have my guitar here with me and this… this just wasn’t how I wanted this to happen, but I guess now is as good of a moment as any.” He looked up, staring straight into her bluebell eyes and smiled. “Marinette, thank you for saving me back there.”
           Ladybug jerked backwards, nearly tripping, but Luka’s firm hold kept her upright. “Ma-ma-Marinette? Who, me? Phst… no. What? Uhm…” she meekly tilted her head back as he took a step closer. She hadn’t realized just how much taller Luka was than her until now. “How did you know?”
           He chuckled, the sound deep and comforting as he tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ears. “I’ve known that Ladybug was you since the day we met. There was no way that she could be anybody but you, Marinette. No one else is this amazing, brave, kind, or beautiful.”
           “Why didn’t you tell me?” His palm rested on her cheek and she felt herself slowly melting into his warm touch as he rubbed the skin below her mask with his calloused fingers.
           “You guys keep your identities secret for a reason. I wasn’t trying to hide it from you. I’ve actually written a dozen songs where I try to tell you in a way that won’t make you hate me forever, but I guess being saved by you tonight just brought back all of the memories of these last few months and I couldn’t not tell you. I’m sorry for keeping it a secret for so long.”
           Ladybug opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted when her compact began to beep. She deftly slid it open and clicked on the beeping Chat Noir icon on the screen.
           “Where are you? It’s getting a bit hairy over here without you.”
           “I’m on my way, Kitty.” She closed the device and looked back up at Luka. There was just too much to say and not enough time right now.
           “It’s okay Marinette. Go do your thing. I’ll still be here, waiting, when you come back… if that’s what you want?” She looked around as he gestured and realized that she had unintentionally dropped him off outside of her bedroom above the bakery.
           “Stay! I mean… yes, stay, please. I’ll be back soon.” His smile shone brighter than the Eiffel Tower as he nodded and watched her leap away, heading back into battle without fear.
           “My amazing Marinette.”
             “Pound it!” Chat Noir excitedly threw his fist out to the side for Ladybug to tap, only to turn and realize that his partner was already sprinting away since the akuma had been handled. She still has a few minutes left before she transformed back so she shouldn’t have run so fast. It was the first time she had ever left without celebrating or even saying goodbye. Though he knew it was wrong and that he should stay to comfort the victim who was looking around in fear, Chat couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up and he needed to follow her. I’m coming, my lady.
             Ladybug landed on her balcony with a soft thud. Luka was nowhere to be seen in the small space. She felt her heart sink until she noticed that her pink curtains had been pulled back. She didn’t even think as she walked inside, heading towards the bed where Luka sat, eyes closed, meditating. She kept her gaze locked on him as he opened his eyes and watched as she dropped her transformation mid stride. Without hesitation, Marinette straddles his hips and wrapped her arms around his neck.
           “I could never hate the one I love.” She brought her lips down to his, slowly at first… their first. That gentleness did not last long as Luka groaned and leaned back on the bed, pulling Marinette down snugly against his body as their lips collided again and again. They had been dancing around each other for months, each one feeling the pull, but doing nothing about it. After accepting each other’s feelings now, it felt like they couldn’t separate.
           “I love you too, Marinette,” he whispered between kisses.
           They were so lost within one another that they didn’t catch the glow of green eyes and black leather as Chat Noir watched everything from the balcony’s ledge. He felt warmth fall down his cheeks as his heart filled with love and excitement from finally, finally, figuring out who Ladybug was, only to have it torn to shreds as he watched her kiss another man. The one she loves.
           He was silent as he launched himself into the too-quiet streets of a akuma recovering midnight Paris.
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thecaroliner · 6 years
im gonna go back and watch all the adrienette moments bc im sad about lukanette
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Okay but like the Lukanette story in season 4 is so much more interesting than the Ladynoir story (in both platonic and romantic context). Like one is "two people wanting to date each other but it doesn't work bc one of them is a superhero, both are heart broken but eventually go back to becoming friends, until he finds out about her double life and falls in love even more but hasn't told her yet" and the other is just Chat being like "Ladybug give me attention pls:(" can I get an Amen
literally!!! (also sorry for taking so long to answer this :miss piggy in jail:).
like, you get people complaining about sappy, healthy, smoothly sailing relationships a lot on the bounds that "there's not any conflict" (and i will admit to enjoying the odd dumpster-fire of a relationship now and then, unhealthy ships can be fun) but in most cases, and especially in Lukanette, that's really ignoring quite a few pretty significant factors.
Like you said, the identity shenanigans (which honestly just make me think of Spiderman and Mary-Jane in all the best ways.) are the most obvious conflict, not to mention the conflict of Luka wanting Marinette to be happy and not sure if she’d be happier with him or with Adrien, torn between pursuing Marinette properly and letting her make her own moves for once.
There’s trying to balance out their two different personalities and creative types because Marinette, as much as I love her, is without a doubt an extrovert. She loves people she has to be around them, she feels energised being around her friends. Marinette is loud and bright and sunny. Luka...is not. He meditates and communicates with his guitar and fades into the background. He’s quiet and cool and calming. Trying to find a balance between these two is conflict enough lol, even as friends.
and like, Ladyno!r/ adr!nette hasn’t felt like anything but endgame in a long time. it’s not a question of if but a question of when and that just. it. like it totally nerfs the tension of the romantic plot. like lukanette and Adrigami were never treated by the show as valid threats to the love square shenanigans. Like it was never “oh Luka and Marinette are in such deep ~love~ and have been dating for a season will Adriboo ever win his dearest babysitter girlfriend back?” It’s always been “will Marinette ever stop being stupid and lame and be good enough for Adriboo already?? Jeez!”. The show has always steered the characters away from good alternatives, less by a gentle hand on the rudder and more by lassoing them and running back to the main path.
It doesn’t feel natural or make sense for this to be the narrative’s end, Adr!nette is so forced and clumsy by the writers constantly trying to stuff the ~love~ down our throats. They keep contriving circumstances for ~drama~ like Chat Blanc and Ephemreal to try and keep the attention on the square but it just. It sucks I don’t know how else to put it.
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carpisuns · 3 years
Pls tell me more of the luxy agenda
ok u literally asked for this!! lol
so this moment is where it all starts. it’s so gay. look at that.
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but if u wanna know my in-depth reasons for liking this ship, read on under the cut lol
for me the core of luxy is twofold:
1. Some characters need a conflicting personality to make a really interesting ship dynamic.
2. Some characters are garbage and need someone really insightful and patient to help them get better.
Personally I feel like Luka’s potential as a character is best served when he is met with opposition. That brings out a side of him we don’t get to see often and provides a challenge he can grow into as a character. Like in Silencer! He’s a very chill dude but when you piss him off, he hisses lol. And I think that is interesting and I want to see more of what Luka is like when he is challenged. Because of this, ships like Lukanette and Lukadrien aren’t really my cup of tea personally (no salt if that is your thing tho!), but ships like Lukloe and Lukagami and Luxy intrigue me because of the personality clash. Luka’s generally very understanding, compassionate, and intuitive, so he can have a softening effect in a ship that could really benefit someone who is a little more emotionally stiff/closed off than he is. And on the other hand, someone with a strong opposing personality could have a fortifying/stretching effect on him, inspiring him to be a little more direct and active and state his needs and wants clearly.
So Luka and XY are already perfect counterparts for this kind of opposites-attract ship. And they also have some key similarities that make them potentially able to relate to each other while also still driving that central conflict. For example, they’re both musicians, but they go about it in opposite ways—creating original, organic-sounding stuff vs digital remixing (and also straight-up ripping off lol). They also both have crappy dads, but Luka's was AWOL his whole life whereas XY's basically controls his life.
Ofc for Luxy to work as a ship, XY has to have redemptive potential, which is very easy for me to invent for him based on this one moment lol:
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XY is clearly a terrible person in canon lol but this 1.3-second clip provides just enough to fill in the rest with headcanons that could make Luxy sail 😌 Here are my personal favs:
XY actually is a surprisingly talented musician/DJ in his own right, but his dad discourages him from making his own stuff because he wants to stick with the formula he knows will sell. XY is basically just a face to make money off of, and deep down he is dissatisfied with his father's creative control. He wants to stop stealing and make original music instead, but because of his dad's snide comments, he's afraid he's actually no good anyway.
XY is in the closet but struggles with internalized homophobia because of his homophobic dad. Whenever he tries to talk with his dad about it, Bob shuts him down, makes disparaging remarks, and implies that XY's career and life will be destroyed if he comes out.
XY's fame grants him a wide but shallow social pool. He has lots of fans and a group/posse his dad keeps around him for influence, but he has no close friends and no one he can be honest with about his feelings. Underneath his gaudy bling and scientifically impossible hair, he is just a lonely, scared little boy 😔
So when you mix this all together, what do you get? A enemies-to-lovers slowburn that inspires character development on both sides (and a whole redemption for XY), with plenty of room both for crack/clownery and angst and hurt/comfort. And there is also some great symbolism involved, with Luka being the hero of second chances. Very tasty, in my humble opinion 🤠
If you made it this far and you're actually interested in seeing content for this ship, here's some of my fav stuff!
"Pretender" mini animatic by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
Macaroni mini animatic by @bugaboo-n-bananoir
Heartsong (Needs More Bass Drops) by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
Luka and XY's Excellent Adventure by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights, ft amazing art by @bugaboo-n-bananoir!!
Aged-up domenstic Luxy by @bugaboo-n-bananoir
Viperxy by @bugaboo-n-bananoir
Luxy frenemies by @bugaboo-n-bananoir and @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
Urinals by @lllluka
Luxy guitar by @kagamitsu
Luxy bike ride by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
Luxy week drawings by @landturtlealyce/@daily-miracuclass
I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by @janaikam
there is actually a surprising amount of great content for this ship haha, much more than i could fit here, so i would recommend checking out the #luxy tag for any of these blogs 😎 also @janaikam created @luxyweek earlier this year, so you can check that out too!
this was probably much more than you bargained for but you did ask for it and i was not going to turn this opportunity away :) lol
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flightfoot · 3 years
I just hate that people are hating Marinette for not choosing Luka/Adrien to tell her secret.
Like the girl is literally having a mental BREAKDOWN, is now really the time to be scolding her for not letting their ship sail??
Both Lovesquare and Lukanette shippers are doing this, marinette really doesnt need to focus on romance right now, she just needs help and support. They're calling her a traitor for seeking it out from Alya
Yeah that’s not cool. 
Saying that Chat may be upset and hurt, and rightfully so, given that it would feel like another case of Ladybug trusting someone else more than him, making it feel like the identity rule is personal rather than a necessity? That’s fine.
But Marinette NEEDED Alya. She was breaking down RIGHT THEN, and there was little to stop the kind of disaster that unfolded in Gang of Secrets from happening again in the future, next time Marinette needed some sort of support in her civilian life, next time her superhero life collided with her civilian life and caused issues there. 
Now, Chat could actually provide SOME support on that front, since he’s Adrien and is in her civilian life as well, but it’s not like she knows that, and he couldn’t provide as much as Alya can since Adrien doesn’t have the same level of freedom that she does as a civilian. Plus there’s the whole “love life” issues and... yeah it wasn’t gonna work.
Oh, and Chat Blanc was a thing that is gonna color any decisions to let Adrien or Chat Noir know her identity, so there’s that as well.
Basically if Chat’s upset about Ladybug sharing her identity with someone else before sharing it with him, especially with her being the one who’s most insistent on the rule, that’s fair. 
But Marinette’s feelings ALSO matter and frankly, she needed to tell Alya here. And it’s not like it was planned, it was spur-of-the-moment.
Both Adrien’s and Marinette’s feelings are important. Sometimes they can come into conflict with each other with BOTH being valid. Sometimes circumstances just suck, but neither of them are in the wrong.
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inkslingersworld · 3 years
Little Poem
Hey everyone! I’m spending some time off from my Zusammen AU to flesh out the storyline, but in the meanwhile, I’ll be posting a daily Miraculous poem! I plan for most of them to be based around Adrigami, but I’ll probably switch it up now and then with Lukanette. This one here is an Adrigami one from Adrien’s POV. Happy reading!
Was the world always like this? I don’t 
believe it was.
I don’t believe that the world was always so
bright and colorful before you arrived.
Before you came, the sun was never quite as
warm as it feels today.
Before you came, my life was one of 
endless repetition and pointless logistics;
one of gray clouds and an eternal barrage of
stinging anxiety. 
I was drowning, choking, screaming at myself
time after time after time,
pleading for everything to right itself.
It never did, and I see now that it never had to,
for you repaired my world.
You cradled it in your arms and pulled out the
stress and the hurt and the teetering tower of 
roles I had to fill, expectations I needed to meet.
With a gentle caress of your hand on my face,
you made me smile as I never had. You made the
difficult responsibilities manageable;
they even transformed into enjoyable ones.
Your love is a lens, and my vision isn’t
tainted any longer.
I feel such tenderness towards you that it
grows wings for me and allows me to
sail weightless into a technicolor sky.
No, I don’t think my world was anywhere
near as wonderful as it is now
before you walked into my life.
I don’t think anything was ever so amazing
as being in love with you is.
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ao3feed-lukanette · 3 years
by dreamergirlmeli
The day after his high school graduation, Luka finds himself tasked with something he could've never imagined happening: Finding a new place to live, after Anarka decides to set sail on the Seine for a little while and kicks him out, with one exception: If he can't find a place in time, he can come back, but just has to pay her €50. Wanting to prove himself to her, Luka takes on the deal, but finds that searching for a place to live in three days is damn near impossible soon enough... but with the help of a special friend, he finds that maybe, the situation isn't as bad as it seems. And the series of exciting events that followed surely made it better.
Words: 726, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Meli's Writing: Lukanette
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Anarka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Alya Césaire, Jagged Stone (Miraculous Ladybug)
Relationships: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Sabine Cheng & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tom Dupain, Luka Couffaine & Jagged Stone, Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Anarka Couffaine & Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Anarka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Additional Tags: Minor Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Romantic Rose Lavillant, alya teases marinette, but it's all in good fun, we love alyanette in this house, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Friendship, Awkward Crush, Mentioned Nino Lahiffe, Bets & Wagers, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Fluff, Teenage Dorks, Good Parents Sabine Cheng & Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain Ship It, Alya Césaire Is The Best, Good Sibling Juleka Couffaine, Moving Out, family chaos
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whenimgoodandready · 2 years
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Which is better? Not saying anything to spare other peoples feelings and staying outta trouble or speaking up and telling it like it is no matter who’s listenin even if they can’t handle the truth? Well, if you don’t say anything then the situation gets worse. That’s bad, but if you do say something then that just causes more drama. That’s bad too. Oh God! That’s contradicting. Forget what I gotta say, listen what these guys have to say:
*Crocoduel-Kitty Section is rehearsing their latest song and everyone was there to enjoy except for Marinette. Ever since the Lukanette break-up in the Season 4 premiere (“Truth”), Marinettes been avoiding Luka feeling uncomfortable that the love of his life has one of her own (and it’s not him😢) and doesn’t wanna break his heart over that fact. However, Luka actually wants to see Marinette and just be friends with her even if they can’t be a couple despite the fact that he still loves her, but how do we get that to happen?
Alya:”Juleka! Hey girl! What goes on!? Look, could you do us a favor and help us with this plan on trapping Marinette on your house boat for you and Lukas birthday party, cuz you’re fraternal twins, so she won’t have any place to run away to while we’re all sailing and they can work out their troubles together? We’d really appreciate that, Okay thanks girlfriend! Bye!”
(in school)
Marinette:”Hey Juleka! How are ya!? Say, could you maybe convince you’re brother to not attend you guys birthday party since I’m still uncomfortable being around him after breaking his heart even though it’s a big deal for him to miss his own birthday and I still wanna go, but only to celebrate it with you and everyone else besides him cuz my presence alone would be a constant reminder how I prefer Adrien over him? I’d really appreciate that, Okay thanks bestie! Bye!
(in the house boat)
Luka:”Hey sis! How’s it hangin’!? Listen, could you promise me that Marinette will be at our birthday party even though we’re broken up cuz her heart beats for some other guy and even though it sucks that I can’t have her as my girlfriend I’d still want her in my life as a friend and I want her to be here so I can tell her that even though deep down inside it still crushes me, but it’ll be cool as long as she doesn’t try to avoid me? I’d really appreciate that! Okay thanks sis! Love ya! Bye!
O.K, so Jules just (reluctantly) promised three people that two people may/may not show up. She doesn’t wanna disappoint her squad, her squad member and her own brother, so she said “yes” to all😐. Damn! All that pressure and all this math isn’t adding up to a good conclusion where everyone can be happy, but I’m sure she’ll work something out before the party…………right?
(party time)
Juleka! WTF!? It’s showtime and you promised three people that this person (Marinette) and this person (Luka) will/will not be there and out of those three promises, one those does not work! Your squad is happy Marinettes here:Yea!✅, your brothers happy Marinettes here:Yea!✅, but Marinette isn’t happy that Luka is here:Boo!❌. (seriously though, why did they think having the shyest/quietest person in the whole show do all this was a good idea? It’s one of those eps where everyone passes their single brain to one another again isn’t it. Ugh!). What do you have to say for yourself Juleka!?
Juleka speak to me!
Say something!
Why won’t you say anything!?
Well Jules, no thanks to you, Luka is feelin’ down in the dumps! (and I don’t mean how Marinette was creepin’ earlier!) You know what that means, right!? (an akuma flies in) Yeah! That! Wait! What’s this? Lukas cheered up!? Hmm, just cuz the love of his life doesn’t love him, doesn’t mean he’s not loved. His friends still love him! Strike 1! Shadow Moth! Oh crap! Jules is upset cuz of what happened. Now that flying fiend is gonna go after her! Huh? Marinette apologized for putting Juleka in an uncomfortable situation she wasn’t cool with and forgave her!? Strike 2! Shadow Moth! (also, she’s got an anti-akumatizing charm, so it wouldn’t have worked any way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Oh Hey! The kids found out rockstar, Jagged Stone, is Luka and Julekas father (sorry, forgot to mention it back in “Truth”, but I was too upset over Lukanette breaking up and it was too obvious). Uh-oh! Are they mad they feel Luka betrayed them by not telling them!? No! Of course not! You’re psyched a bada** celebrity is their (Luka and Julekas) parent! Strike 3! Shadow Moth! You.are.outta here! 🎰One more for the bonus!🎰 Huh!? Who’s upset now!? Juleka!? Again!? Does Jagged favor Luka over her? Hell nah! She’s in a super cool band and he gave her a bass guitar with sentimental value to show how he thinks it’s awesome! (also, again, she has an anti-akumatizing charm!). Yeah, I don’t think so Shadow Moth! Get outta here already! :P.
Could this be the first ever episode to not have anyone get akumatized, and on their birthday, for once!? (angelic choir sings as a ray of light shines from above)🙏👼🙏Now that would be miraculous. Huh? Jagged and his ex-wife, who’s also Luka and Julekas mom, the pirate talking, Anarka, are arguing about how he left her to raise the kids while he’s just now showing up to be dad cuz they’re “grown up” now!? Is this gonna get resolved quickly? (arguing ensues as the akuma draws nearer) *Gulp* Don’t think so. They become Crocoduel! Which is a play on their music duo name, Crocoduo, which was hinted at in “Desperada”, except it’s just them in their signature akumatized forms (Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock). Lame! Here’s something different. They’re fighting each other and not Ladybug and Cat Noir! Interesting. Okay, that’s…….new. Lol! Shadow Moth wasn’t thinking straight was he!?
Hmmmm, two people with each other that are family to one of the classmates of the heroes, guess we know who needs to come into play! It’s Luk-(record scratch) No! God damn it! Not even as Ladybug can Marinette talk to him! Everyone! I give you the holder of the tiger miraculous Juleka Couffaine! A.k.a Purple Tigeress! (trumpets sound). Her Kwami is a tiger-like being named Roaar, the miraculous is a panjas bracelet, her weapons a bola and her power is Clout. Love how the jewelry for it looks! I had one just like it when I was a baby! The bolas pretty effective actually. I assumed gauntlet, but the power, clout? What is that a super ton mega punch? Why? Why isn’t a sonic scream!? Tigers roar louder than lions and it’s super fitting for Juleka who needs to speak up more and find her voice to be heard! They wasted a good power move there. Also, didn’t Juleka say she hated cats? (“Reflekta”) Unless, that was her akumatized self talking? Idk. So Jules! You just earned yourself the tiger miraculous! Whattaya have say about that!?
Purple Tigeress:(roars like Hell blowing stuff away)
“Bomb” #12 Juleka gets the tiger miraculous…………okay. You know, it’s actually a perfect moment for her to get the tiger miraculous. Especially cuz it’s the Year of the Tiger!🎊🐯🧧Gung hay fat choy! Out of all the miraculous holders, I gotta say, Juleka here, was the most well earned for her. In the beginning, she was so shy and quiet that she felt invisible, but now, thanks to Ladybug, she’s found her voice🥲🎶She’s got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, Dancing through the fire, 'Cause she is a champion, and we're gonna hear her roar🎶 This is just so inspiring cuz I’m pretty shy and quiet myself (outside of my reviews), but I learned to speak up when there’s something important to be said. Juleka finally made herself heard by calling out her parents on their childish fight and to just settle it rationally like the adults they’re barely being. It was wrong of Jagged to leave Anarka to raise their kids as a single mom and ruin her music career cuz of it while he went into stardom, but it was also wrong of her to forbid him from seeing their kids when he wanted to make up for lost times and start actually being a dad. Both were also not appropriate to fight in front of their kids on their birthday too. Hopefully, Jules roar will have them change their tune. As for the tune of Lukanette, it finally settles into a peaceful platonic sound as Marinette finally faced her ex and saw that he’s actually coping well without her as a girlfriend and is just glad they can at least be friends. It can be awkward to face exes after devastating break-ups, but you can’t always avoid them to save embarrassing situations and bad memories. Sometimes you just gotta make amends and just remain friends so there’s no hard feelings cuz even if you can’t be together as soulmates, you’re special enough to be just mates!💛.
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