#luke hemming x platonic!reader
valentiyne · 1 year
𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 716 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Paper-thin walls and numerous noise complaints.
FULL BOOK: MIDNIGHT | L.R.H Warnings: None! Slight swearing if you squint hard enough Word Count: 2.8k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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Game Night was hosted every third Friday of the month. Cramped in the new tiny apartment, 7 friends and their significant others wound up on my shitty couch shouting nonsense at each other.
The living room consisted of the old couch, my TV on top of a cardboard box I hadn't quite unpacked yet, and numerous card games.
Holding the slip in my hand, I eye the timer in front of me on the makeshift coffee table My eyes scanned the paper quickly before jumping up and snapping my fingers, "Okay okay, it's born in the water but moves onto land when older."
My friends stare at me dumbfounded, their minds elsewhere as I furrow my brows and tap my feet numerous times. "Come on guys, it's what a tadpole turns into when it's older!" I'm practically yelling now, eyes darting between my friends sitting down and the tiny timer on the table.
"A baby turtle?"
"Andddd time"
I groan in annoyance, dropping the slip of paper while walking back to the spot on the couch, and plopping down with a huff.
"A baby turtle? Seriously?' I scoff, rolling my eyes at my friends who couldn't contain their laughter at my obvious annoyance.
"Okay I'll go nex-", My friend Abby was cut short by a knock on the door. It wasn't necessarily a pound, but it definitely made all of us go silent.
We all look at each other quickly, almost mentally counting everyone to make sure it wasn't an expected visitor.
I slide off the couch, my eyebrows raised for a moment before I walk towards the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I look through the peephole to see my next-door neighbor, Lucas, standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. I sigh and unlock the door, poking my head out with a smile.
"Are we too loud?", I ask with innocent eyes, my bottom lip tugged into my teeth as I speak quietly. Lucas gave a friendly smile, his eyebags hidden behind his eyeglasses as he turned to point at his door, "I know it's a Friday night but I'm really busy in the studio tonight... kind of hard to concentrate when there's a bunch of girls next door squealing over....?"
I finish the sentence for him, "If tadpoles are baby turtles." I rub the back of my neck shyly, laughing almost to myself.
"Right yeah, is there any way to keep it down just a tad?"
I give him a thumbs up before we part ways- him rubbing his eyes and kicking his door shut with his bare foot and me turning around and closing it softly. My friends all huddled up behind the door, eavesdropping on our conversation, and as soon as the door shut, they all squealed quietly.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n!", My friend Abby gushing, nudging me with her shoulder harshly. "You never told me you have huge chemistry with your neighbor?"
My eyes grow wide and my hands shoot up in defense, "Oh no- Lucas? He's just a neighbor"
All of my friends' eyes were on me now, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I give a mere shrug before walking back over to the coffee table to scoop up all the cards spawled across it.
"Game night at mine next time?", Abby asks from beside me, picking up the numerous cups with mysterious liquids in them with a disgusted look on her face.
I just nod in response, shoving the cards in their rightful places before sighing softly. We said our goodbyes with platonic kisses on the cheeks and dramatic waves before I was left alone in my apartment again.
It was cold, empty, and dead silent in here- completely opposite of the neighbor beside me I'd assume. My bedroom was similar to the living room- a tiny mattress rested on the floor and my toiletries were packed away in numerous boxes I was too lazy to unbox. My head hits the stiff pillow below me and I could hear Lucas in his bedroom strumming his guitar, humming to himself lowly.
It was a little after one o'clock in the morning, but he seemed to be wide awake singing.
"some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard"
It had officially been two weeks since the game night and two weeks since he came to my door. Lucas and I would occasionally make eye contact on the way to the mailboxes or even hold the elevator for one another- but not a single word was shared between us. He was always in his own world, his head bobbing to an imaginary beat inside his head.
Every night I could hear him singing to himself softly, the wall dividing our bedrooms was as thin as paper. The occasional groan and the sound of notebooks hitting the wall distracted me on nights I needed to sleep, but I never once said anything to him. He was a musician- and a very good one to say the least. I didn't want to be the annoying next-door neighbor.
I swing my door open, looking out into the hallway and scanning each door before finally averting my eyes to his own. The wrench in one hand was held on with a tight grip while the other hand carried the TV mount at my side. I could hear the sounds of various instruments being played from behind his door, his voice clearing every few moments to restart a lyric if it didn't sound right the first time.
The hand that held the wrench swung up, knocking on his door a few times before I took a step back and awkwardly looked around the hallway once again. The sounds from behind his door abruptly stopped and I could hear his heavy footsteps making their way towards the door now. Taking one more step back, I watched as Lucas opened the door and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry, am I being too loud?", He cheekily asked, a smile painted on his lips.
"No no, you're fine.", I laugh at his innocent teasing, quoting our most recent encounter. "I was actually coming over to see if you knew how to mount a TV", I poke my head around his figure and motion towards his apartment, "but seeing as you're busy-"
"I'm not busy." He corrects me, leaning inside his door to grab his keys before turning back towards me and grabbing the box from my hand. "Let me help you out, it'll take 10 minutes tops."
It didn't take 10 minutes. Hell, It didn't even take 30 minutes.
There Lucas and I both were, tools of various shapes and sizes sprawled out across my apartment floor and a cheap bottle of wine I found at the back of my fridge.
"Lucas are you sure you know how to-"
"It's Luke and yes, I know how to do this", he grumbles nonsense to himself as he flips through the instruction manual for the third time tonight. I sighed to myself slightly, trying to keep myself from laughing by taking a swig of the wine.
"Could always just use thumbtacks"
This makes Luke laugh, his eyebrows relaxing on his face and cheeks going bright red. He tosses the manual at me, and I put my hands up to defend myself.
"I'm pretty sure some thumbtacks couldnt hold a 35 pound Tv," He holds his stomach as he rolls around my floor, laughing loudly. I roll my eyes at this, groaning and tossing the screwdriver on the floor.
"Look, it's getting late. I'll just have you come over and do it another time.", I point towards the clock, which was held up with thumbtacks, that read two o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit, sorry I totally spaced it," Luke stands up now, gathering up his tools quickly and giving me a crooked smile. "I'll swing by sometime this week to help you, I promise." I'm smiling now, shooing him out the door quickly.
"Yeah yeah see you later, rockstar", I tease and close the door abruptly, only to be stopped by a foot in the way.
"What are you doing tomorrow?", The way his eyes glimmered in the hallway light, his hair slicked back from sweat and cheeky dimples appeared as he smiled at me.
"I have finals tomorrow morning, and I'll probably be dead by the time its over- anytime after that I'm free.", I groan dramatically and push my palm into my forehead.
Luke just nods, freeing his foot from the doorway, and gives me a thumbs up, "I'll be sure to be quiet tonight so you can get your rest." I thank him kindly and give him a soft wave before closing the door behind him.
Luke was anything but quiet. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pushing the pillow closer to my ears as I heard him attempting to sing a lyric he wasn't even finished with. if there's one thing I've learned about him in the month and a half I've known him- he was a perfectionist. He sang the same things over and over countless times making sure it was absolutely perfect.
"Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted-"
I swing my arm up, smacking on the wall a couple times before groaning and letting it fall to my side once again. His side of the wall went silent immediately, the shuffling of papers and a small mumbled "sorry" was heard.
Luke had avoided me from that point forward: he didn't hold the elevator for me nor did he come and check his overflowing mailbox.
I found myself at his door once again, knocking in one swift movement before clearing my throat. I could hear him shuffling around his apartment, a loud thud followed by a "shit, one second!".
The door opens and a dripping-wet Luke is before me, a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times, holding my gaze above his shoulders out of respect.
"Why are you avoiding me", I ask in a monotone voice, cutting straight to the point. He raises his eyebrows at this now, one hand sassily on his hip.
"Who said I was avoiding you?", He chuckles lightly and opens the door wider, motioning for me to enter. My nose is filled with the smell of the oven baking something sweet mixed with his charcoal body wash. I step inside with a smile, closing the door behind me.
Luke wipes the water from his face and turns away from me, entering his bathroom for a split second, leaving me standing in his kitchen.
I glance around his living room: Pictures of his friends and family are hung up neatly on the wall, his instruments are laid out on the floor around his couch, and his bookshelf is overflowing with numerous copies of musical books.
He emerges from the bathroom once again, now clothed in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and the towel that was once wrapped around his waist was now encased in his curls.
"I was just going to invite you over actually," He laughs again, flashing me his million-dollar smile before pointing at his dining table. It was decorated with a lace tablecloth, a small bouquet of flowers sitting in a glass-decorated vase, and a plate of steaming hot pasta was laid out. I smile to myself slightly, looking back up at him before taking my seat at the table, he rushes forward, scooting my chair in for me before taking his own seat across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask while picking up my fork, poking at the seafood pasta that was professionally plated. If you would've told me he hired a chef to make dinner- I would've believed you.
"I was loud on the night of your finals and I felt horrible knowing I kept you up all night", He picks up his napkin and places it neatly on his lap, "I wanted to make it up to you after I mounted your TV buttt you showed up a little early", He teases.
I take a bite of my food, groaning into the fork with a muffled giggle as my eyes look up at his. The food was amazing, and the flavor was intricately picked out to perfection.
Going back, this perfectly proved my point that Luke was a perfectionist.
We found small talk, conversing over what I was majoring in and what he was busy working on.
"So the album is almost done, I just need to finish this last song," He shrugs his shoulders and scrapes at the remains off his plate. I smile to myself, looking up now with innocent eyes, "Maybe I can help?"
He stands up abruptly, turning around and opening the oven to reveal the freshly baked brownies he had made- from scratch may I add. I groan in anticipation and rub my hands together dramatically. He grabs the brownies with oven mitts, turning around and facing me.
"If you want to help me, I'll allow it", he laughs and places the pan down gently and walks towards his living room, picking up a notebook that was previously thrown across the room.
"Here", he places it in front of me, removing my empty plate and walking
The notebook was written in barely eligible handwriting, with numerous words crossed out and mental notes scribbled on the sides.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard so if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word. when the doors are all closing.....It's bound to get ?? all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to
The rest of the page was scribbled out, lyrics that never made the cut. I snatch the pen from the metal spiral holding the pages together and click it once.
"it's bound to get.... loud?" I scribble it down next to the question marks and look up at him, scratching his chin with a nod. His cheeks were red now, the wine flushing through his body.
"What rhymes with loud?"
I look up at him now, as he scoots his chair right up next to me to the point our legs are touching.
"Cloud, hmmm,"
"Sound," we both say in unison.
Luke claps his hands together and grabs the pen from my hands, opening the notebook to a new page and scribbling down the new and improved lyrics. I watch him closely, the way his eyes twinkled and dimples poked through when he was concentrating.
I was so screwed. I was falling for my next door neighbor.
I didn't see him for another two weeks, his side of the wall seemed eerily vacant and completely silent. I even knocked a few times in hopes he'd knock back in some sort of rhythm, but there was no response.
Hearing the knock on my door shot my body out of bed, sweat dripping down my neck and sides. I groan and tap on my phone to check the time, blinding myself in the process. The pounding never stopped, not until I stumbled out of bed and opened my door. My heart skipped a beat, praying that the blonde would be on the other side with that cheeky smile I adored.
"Hello?", I ask in a groggy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and squinting up at the person who disturbed my slumber- at 2 a.m. may I add.
Instead of a person, I was met with an empty cold hallway. I avert my gaze down and towards my door mat. There, set up neatly was a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to the front with white lace.
I smile at myself and crouch down, picking up the thoughtful gift and looking down the hallway one last time before kicking my door shut.
I'm sorry I didn't see you before I left. Our album releases at 2:30am today and I was supposed to leave at 2... I just knew I had to leave you something on my way out. I hope you like the flowers I picked out my mom helped me.
I'd have probably sent you the link to the album by the time you finish reading this note.
I'm going to be all over the world, touring and doing what I love. I can't wait to be back home and see you again, i'll make sure to facetime every change I get.
your rockstar
I could hear the familiar ringtone from my bedroom, alerting me that Luke was a man of his word. I wipe a few stray tears and make my way to the bedroom, snatching my phone up with my free hand and clicking the link he had sent me.
This is the song I spent the last 3 months working on, keeping you tossing and turning until finally you perfected it.
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badomensbaby · 7 months
middle of the night. lrh
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pairing: luke hemmings x fem! reader
summary: you're awaken in the middle of the night by your best friend and roommate, luke, who's having quite a risque dream.
warnings: 18+ only. minors DNI. cursing, degradation, wet dream, slight sir kink, unprotected sex, creampie, friends to lovers without the plot lol.
word count: 3,381
a/n: this only exists bc one of my friends on twt sent me a pic of luke that i can't find for some reason but all it made me think of was roommates x wet dream x well, smut. idk! i hope you enjoy!
feedback and constructive criticism welcome. requests are open!
Copyright © 2024 badomensbaby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format
"Fuck, just like that."
It's the middle of the night when you begin to stir, a small ache in your shoulders from the uncomfortable couch you and your roommate had fallen asleep on some hours ago, your eyes hesitantly and sleepily blinking open.
A soft glow of light from the television hardly illuminates the dark living room, a small yawn escaping your lips. A few incoherent mumbles continue to escape your best friend's lips, a slew of stifled moans and shifting limbs following them.
Peeking over your shoulder, you can barely make out the pale boy's features, his eyelids fluttered shut and lips slightly agape. "So good, Y-"
"Luke?" You nudge his bare arm with your elbow, feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks at the quick realization he's having a far from innocent dream. You try again, with a bit more force, despite the exhaustion coursing through you from the lack of sleep. "Luke."
"Hm?" the blonde suddenly blinks awake, slightly panicked as he sits himself up, eyes hazy and distant. "What's wrong?"
You stifle a giggle at his wild hair and confused expression, his bare chest still heaving slightly from his startled state. "Nothing's wrong," you say, "You woke me up."
"Oh," a pink hue washes over him, swallowing a thick lump forming in his throat, blinking away the images left behind from his stupid little dream about his pretty roommate. "Sorry. Fuck, what time is it?"
"Uh," you crane your neck, narrowing your eyes to catch sight of the small digital clock on the stove not far from you. "Half past three."
"Shit," Luke quietly hisses, shuffling underneath the knitted blanket covering you both, feeling a bit restricted in his jeans. With each blink of his eyes he can't stop picturing the sinful fucking sight he'd been dreaming about. "Sorry for waking you."
"It's fine," You dismiss him with the wave of your hand, backside still pressed against the boy's clothed thigh, thinking nothing of the position. A small smirk however twitches at your lips. "Dreaming about Julia again?" you tease, pushing your lips to the side.
Luke shoots you a glare, clearly unamused by your attempt at a joke, though his heart skips a beat at the simple idea that you knew what type of dream was unfolding behind his eyelids. "No, Julia's annoying."
"I thought you said Rachel was annoying?" your brow quirks, tucking your lower lip between your teeth.
"I said Rachel's obnoxious," he clarifies with a simple scoff, slinging his arm over the back of the couch, muscles flexing and catching your attention, "Why do you care anyway?"
Your breath hitches momentarily, affected unfamiliarly by the simple sight. You’ve seen Luke shirtless a million times - hell, you've cuddled on this very couch on more than one occasion. Platonically, of course.
You ignore the blush on your cheeks and the small frustration bubbling in your stomach from his question, "I don't," you shrug, though he isn't convinced, "I'd just rather not be woken up by your stupid wet dreams."
Luke's eyes quickly widen, lips parting in slight shock at the confrontation, though he doesn't utter a single word to defend himself. You just offer a simple soft laugh before getting up from the couch, fetching the two of you a glass of water.
When you return, Luke's jeans impossibly tighten at your attire, your crooked little tank top and sleeping shorts, unknowingly bunched at the tops of your smooth tanned thighs. Fuck.
Never had Luke looked at you, his best friend of nearly ten years in a sexual or romantic way, but the absence of a bra on your upper half and the little patch of exposed skin between the hemline of your tank top and waistline of your shorts has him on the brink of drooling.
"Hello, Earth to Luke," your hand waves in front of the boy's eyes, blinking out of his terrible, terrible thoughts to see you standing at the end of the couch, a glass of water in your palm. "You alright?"
A shaky hand reaches for the glass, nearly spilling the liquid all over his lap as he desperately brings it to his lips, chugging the contents in almost record time. Your brow raises curiously.
"You got that worked up over a dream?" You laugh softly, taking a seat beside him, legs criss-crossed while you sip on your own glass of water, no idea the effect you have on the blonde boy at this moment. "Damn, Luke, it's like you're sixteen all over again."
"Shut up," he exhales loudly, placing the now empty glass on the side table, raking a hand over his face. God, why now? Why in the hell is he having inappropriate dreams about his best fucking friend? "Drop it." Luke shoots you a stern glare, only fueling you further.
A mischievous smile appears on your lips, quickly disappearing as you compose yourself, feigning innocent curiosity. "Let me guess," you start softly, pretending to ponder, "Doggy? No, that wouldn't rile you up," you shake your head quickly, fingers tapping on the side of your glass, "Reverse cowgirl."
"Y/N." he mutters through gritted teeth, white knuckling the arm of the couch, fearful to glance at the brunette. "Stop."
"What?" you giggle quietly, "Oh come on, don't go all innocent on me now," your eyes roll playfully, "Not like I haven't heard it all before."
"I'm serious," Luke grumbles, trying to regulate his breaths but struggles, nearly full fucking mass in his jeans now. Thankfully the knitted blanket bunched in his lap prevents you from realizing how fucking turned on he is. "Cut it out."
Luke chooses the wrong moment to glance at you, just as you’re leaning towards the opposite end of the couch to place your half empty glass on the other side table, giving the blonde a perfect view of your backside. Fucking hell.
"You're no fun," you pout, turning back to him and meeting his darkened eyes, barely visible from the glow of the television. To this, your breath falters, noticing his tense demeanor. "What?"
"Go to bed." he suddenly says, not bothering to break eye contact between you two, watching as your tempting little lips part in genuine confusion. Had you pushed too far? Crossed a line?
"Luke, I was just teasing-"
Luke's eyes narrow at you, almost menacingly, enough to make you choke down your words. "Y/N, if you're not in your bed in the next thirty seconds I'm going to do something we can never come back from."
To the blonde's surprise, you stay put. Not out of fear, or worry that you’ve done something wrong, but because you’re simply curious. Folding your hands in your lap, you remain silent, awaiting the boy's reaction with nervously pursed lips.
His blue eyes flicker to those little fucking shorts, hardly covering you, and stifles a groan. "Come here," he says lowly, tongue tracing the inside of his lip. Hesitantly, you slowly crawl the short distance before sitting beside him on your knees. "God damnit, Y/N."
"What?" you ask, nearly a whisper, unaware of the effect you have on him. "Look, if I went too far I'm sorry-"
"Shut up."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N," Luke sighs frustratedly, tearing his eyes from yours, "Do you not get it?"
"Get what?" your fingers anxiously tap on the tops of your thighs, biting the inside of your cheek, filled with worry.
"My dream wasn't about Julia or fucking Rachel," he scoffs, turning to face you again, his adam's apple bobbing slowly, "It was about you."
Your breath hitches. Are you still half asleep? Did Luke really say-
"Me?" you whisper before quickly shaking your head, "Luke, that's not funny, okay? I don't know what game you're playing-"
Your words cease when a warm, calloused hand finds your thigh, gripping the soft skin firmly. "I'm not fucking with you," he tells you, "I don't know where the fuck it came from but those goddamn shorts of yours aren't helping right now."
Swallowing the thick lump of nerves in your throat, the words falling from your lips aren't remotely close to what Luke could have ever predicted. "So do something about it."
"Oh fuck me," a low groan leaves Luke's throat, tossing his head back momentarily, "Don't have to tell me twice."
And suddenly Luke's hand is on the back of your head, pulling you toward him forcefully to claim your lips in a messy, desperate kiss. You instantly melt into him, the taste of popcorn still lingering on his chapped lips from the bowl you’d shared hours ago.
Luke doesn't hesitate to swipe his tongue along your lower lip, pushing your kiss deeper as you brace yourself by grasping at his shoulder, a soft moan escaping your lips, which Luke is eager to swallow.
The blonde's unoccupied hand finds your hip easily, thumb firmly pressing against the bone there, his remaining fingers digging into the fabric of your pathetic excuse for shorts. Your hips instinctively roll at the contact.
Luke's regretfully pulling away, both of you adorning swollen, pink lips and flushed cheeks, even in the low light of the television it was quite obvious. "Fuck, you have no idea-"
"Me too," you cut him off in a whisper, eyes flickering between his and his intoxicating lips. "Luke-"
"Fuck, what've we done?" he mumbles more so to himself, though he doesn't retract his hands and you don’t bother to tell him to. "Y/N, I'm so sorry-"
"Just shut up," you shake your head, free hand grasping at the chain looped around his bare neck and pulling him forward, claiming his lips just as he had done to yours previously. He doesn't protest when you sling a leg over his lap, thighs settled on either side of his, eliciting a deep groan from his throat.
When your lips part, his eyes hesitantly flicker between yours and your new position, your hips flush against his own. "Are you- are you sure?"
You shyly nod. A groan of disapproval leaves Luke's lips, his grip tightening on the back of your head, fingers weaving through your hair, pulling you closer to him as if your chests hadn't been brushing the entire time. "Yeah, silence doesn't work for me, Y/N."
"Yes," you breathe out, clenching your thighs desperately, "Yes, I'm so fucking sure, Luke. Please-"
"Fuck," he grits out, hips bucking against your center, "So fuckin' needy for me, aren't you?" When your eyes widen at his crass words, Luke's lips twitch into a sly, crooked smirk, filled to the brim with satisfaction. He tugs the strands between his fingers again. "Aren't you?"
"Yes- fuck."
The hand not grasping your hair retreats to your upper thigh, thumb resting in the crease there, fingernails digging into your soft skin and forcing his clothed length against your sensitive center. "Feel that, sweetheart?" Luke's tone lowers, fighting the urge to moan at the feeling alone, as he breaths low and slow against your lips, taunting you, "I'm gonna fuckin' ruin you."
"Please," you helplessly whimper in response, eyelids tempting to flutter shut at the simple feeling, Luke's cock twitching in the confinement of his jeans at your sinful little plea. Never in his life had he imagined a scenario with you like this becoming a reality.
Luke quickly taps your thigh so you’ll raise yourself, allowing him to kick off the thin knitted blanket on his lap, exposing the outline of his achingly hard length in his fitted jeans, the blonde's jaw tensed so hard his teeth begin to ache. He can't fucking begin to imagine how good you’re going to feel wrapped around him.
His ringed fingers fumble with the button and fly of his dark jeans, too fucking anxious to finally set his cock free. He leaves them pooled around his knees carelessly, his fitted black boxers following suit. A soft hiss leaves Luke's lips at the release. You, however, are at a loss for words.
Sure, your mutual friends have always joked about Luke's dick- but never did you fucking imagine there being a lick of truth to their absurd statements.
"You-" you breathlessly choke out, unable to look away from his length, eyes widened and suddenly feeling a stir in your stomach. "There's no fucking way, Luke-"
"What, am I too big for you?" Luke teases in a low tone, a sickening little smirk on his lips, head cocked to the side. "You don't think you can handle it?"
As you’re shaking your head and finally tearing your eyes away, you meet his gaze, hesitant. "I- I don't know-"
He lets out a low, sinister chuckle before his hands are on your hips again, pulling your clothed center flush with his exposed length, ghosting his lips against yours. "Too fuckin' bad, sweetheart, you're gonna take it and I don't wanna hear a single fucking complaint."
A low, drawn out whimper escapes your poor lips, swallowing your nerves while Luke continues to jut his hips. "Yes, sir." the words fall from your mouth before you can even process them.
"Ah, what a good girl, hm?" the boy hums against your lips, "Gonna fuck you so good, Y/N, I promise."
"Please, what?"
"Please, sir."
"Goddamn," he pulls away slightly, so fucking hard he's nearly on the brink of orgasm from the simple word alone, ringed fingers retracting from your hip to the thin, stretchy material of your shorts, sliding between your thigh and the fabric until his forefinger finds the dampened material of your underwear. "You want me that fucking bad? Hm? Had to go and get this fucking wet for me?"
"Fucking pathetic," he scoffs, sending a shock straight to your spine as he slowly teases his finger against you, pressing firmly against your clit like some fucking expert. "Can't wait to watch you sink down on my cock."
You’re already a fucking mess and he's barely touched you, fingers grasping at the thin underwear and sliding them to the side, Luke's free hand preparing himself and pressing his tip against you. "So fuckin' wet, don't need nothin' else."
You suck in a deep, loud breath as Luke begins to push inside, giving you no mercy as his hands find your hips yet again and force you down his entire length, your hands grasping desperately onto his broad shoulders. "Fuck-" you croak out, eyes pinching shut at the sudden stretch. "Oh my-"
"S'okay baby," he coos softly, thumbs pressing firmly onto your hips, no doubt leaving bruises there you'll find in the morning. Well, later in the morning, that is. "M'gonna take good care of you."
Your fingernails absentmindedly dig into his pale, freckled skin, feeling tears begin to prick at your eyes. You’d never felt so- so full.
"Please, Luke-" your throat suddenly runs dry, eyes flying open as he uses the grip on your hips to pull your body upwards, forcing your back down onto his length roughly. "Fuck-"
"Quiet," he interjects curtly, "Want you to take my fucking cock the way I give it to you. Cry all you want, sweet girl."
The pain of the stretch doesn't last long, thankfully, though each rough thrust of Luke's hips has your vision blurring, the sound of his thighs smacking against the back of yours bouncing off the walls of your quiet shared apartment.
You adjust to the blonde's deep, rough rhythm, the fabric of your flimsy little tank top settling just below your breasts, catching Luke's eye. Managing to continue his pace, his teeth capturing the metallic black lip ring tucked in the corner of his mouth, one of his hands slides the fabric further until they're both exposed to him.
"Fuck, you're so pretty," he grunts softly, wetting his bottom lip due to the tempting fucking sight of you sinking down on his cock like the good fucking girl you are. He cups one of them, a whimper leaving your mouth amidst mumbled curses. "You feel so fucking good on my cock."
"Say it, Y/N. Fucking say it."
"Sir, please-"
"Fuck," he grits his teeth for the millionth time, the word never growing old as it reaches his ears, before he's suddenly halting, pressing his hips firmly against you until you’re nearly out of breath. So goddamn deep.
It takes less than a second before he's pushing you onto your back, still connected and instead of grasping your hips his hands find your knees, pressing your thighs flush against your chest.
Luke sucks in a quick breath, standing on his knees as his jeans are still pooled around them, restricting him slightly but he simply doesn't give a fuck right now. Slowly retracting his cock, he keeps his eyes on your pretty little lips as he pushes his hips forward suddenly, hitting an entirely new spot and causing a borderline scream to leave your mouth.
"Fuck-" you gasps, lips parting and resting a hand on your bare breast to ground yourself, thighs already shuddering from one fucking thrust. This only heightens the blonde's satisfaction, ignoring the small beads of sweat that begin to accumulate on his forehead. "Oh my fucking god-"
"Fuckin' told you," Luke grunts, a white knuckle grip on your knees, preventing any pushback you attempted to give as your thighs shake beneath his hold, "Told you I'd fuckin' ruin you, didn't I?"
"That feel good, sweetheart?" he rasps, throat nearly raw from the groans and moans he continues to stifle, "Feelin' me so goddamn deep inside of you?"
"Luke, please- so- so deep-"
"Yeah, baby," instead of gripping both of your knees, Luke decides to rest his forearm against them to keep you in place, snaking his free hand between your thighs, attaching his thumb to your sensitive clit, a desperate little whimper leaving you. "You're doin' such a good job, takin' me so well."
You instinctively clench around him, causing a hiss to leave his lips, eyelids falling shut at the overstimulation. "I'm- oh fuck-"
"That's it," he responds lowly, not slowing down his harsh, deep thrusts, rendering you nearly breathless. "Come on, fuckin' cum all over my cock."
"Sir- I-"
"Fuck," Luke grunts, continuing his quick firm movements against your swollen, sensitive clit, as you clench harder and harder around his cock. "Good fucking God, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."
"Please, please cum with me-" you ramble helplessly, eyes flying open and meeting Luke's darkened blues, his breaths growing ragged and chest so fucking tight from the sight of desperation on your face. "Please."
Luke's thrusts grow sloppily, orgasm building quickly in his stomach, lower lip tucked between his teeth. One last particularly deep thrust, hitting that goddamn special little spot has you gasping for breath. Feeling your release coat his length, he finally lets go, hips stuttering to a slow pace, eventually stopping all together.
Both of you adorn heaving chests as the sound of your breaths echo the living room, both covered in a thin sheen of sweat. "Y/N-"
"Holy shit, Hemmings," You manage to choke out, every goddamn inch of your body now sore, choking back a whimper as the blonde slowly slips out of you. "I didn't- fuck."
"Didn't what?" Luke asks, just as breathless, knees reddened from the friction against the sofa, tugging his boxers up his thighs and tucking himself inside of them. "Are you okay?"
"There's no goddamn way we can ever be friends," You slowly slink your knees down, feet flat on the couch's cushion. Luke's lips pull into a frown at your words, about to interject before a little laugh escapes you. "Not if you fuck like that."
Luke playfully smacks your thigh, "You fuckin' scared me, Y/N, don't do that," he leans forward to hover over you, eyeing the snide little grin on your pretty lips. "Come on, if you shower with me I'll reward you for bein' so good."
Your dazed blue eyes blink slowly, watching Luke smile admiringly down at you. You both know there's no coming back from this, no way you’ll ever be just friends again.
And you don't mind one bit.
"The only way I'm showering with you is if you carry me, I'm fucking wrecked."
"I think that can be arranged."
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bloodhoundluke · 11 months
drunken smiles & fishnet stockings
pairing: luke hemmings x fem! reader
description: it's halloween and luke is hosting a party! luke and y/n know each other, but little do they know that this night would change something pivotal between the duo.
warnings: 🔞 MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. sex talk, smut, protected p in v, alcohol consumption, cursing, fluff, an embarrassing amount of pet names. (i don't think there’s anything else??).
word count: 5,8k-ish. a/n: hey there friends! 🌟 i wanted to publish this fic before publishing requested & other fics, i'm working on all of them so pls be patient! and this is my first fic which contains smut so there's a huge chance this sucks (i'm actually nervous to release this pls help me i'm scared lol) 😬 also, i have a lot of deadlines atm so pls bare with me, i am working on the requests whenever i can. thank you for supporting my blog, i adore you all so much 🤍 happy late halloween to everyone who celebrated 🎃
dividers by @silkholland.
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"Y/N!", you heard your best friend yell from the other side of your studio apartment. You had been getting ready for nearly two hours, and to one one’s surprise, you and your best friend were already late. Calum had been texting you for a while now, telling you two to hurry up. 
"We are so late! We need to get going! Oh my god, this is so embarrassing", your best friend sighed and now stood next to you. You were still fixing your hair in front of a full body mirror.
"Okay okay, stop fussing. Do I look okay?", you asked them and placed the curling iron on top of your drawer, shutting it off. You reached for the hairspray sitting on the drawer, and looked over at your friend who looked absolutely stunning. 
"Yes, you look amazing Y/N. If I wasn't your friend I'd totally hook up with you", your friend cheered and nudged your shoulder gently. 
"Gosh, thanks. I'd totally hook up with you too", you giggled and took a glimpse of their police costume. You ruffled your hair slightly and placed some hairspray on your locks to hold them in place.
You locked your hands with your friend’s, and got into the cab that was waiting outside. 
You had been invited to your friend Luke's Halloween party. You had met him a few years prior through your mutual friend Calum, who was also his bandmate and one of his best friends. Calum and you had known for four years or so, and you considered him to be one of your closest friends. You considered yourself lucky to have a friend like him, since you could tell him anything and you knew he wouldn’t judge you.
You looked through the cab window with the city lights passing by. You wondered who’d be at the party. Luke must have sent invitations for hundreds of people, since he was a pretty popular guy. You found the guy and his shy-ish exterior rather charming, but only in a platonic way. Luke and you weren’t extremely close, but you exchanged text messages every now and then. 
You arrived at the party and looked at the sea of people, who were mingling with each other in their Halloween costumes. Luke’s house was decorated in decorative spider web, pumpkins, and some skeleton figures. Purple lightning illuminated the whole house. You liked the decorations, it wasn’t too much or too little.
You and your best friend decided to go and say hello to Calum and his group of people. Calum hugged you tightly and commented on how he hadn’t seen you in ages. His girlfriend, Brandy, did the same. They were wearing a matching set of vampire costumes. You were happy for Calum, he had finally found a girl who loved him just the way he was.
You walked over to Ashton, Michael, Crystal and Luke. Ashton was dressed in a cowboy costume, which made you smile a bit since he practically dressed like one in real life. He brought you into a bear hug and you couldn't help but smile. Ashton always made you feel so welcomed. Michael and Crystal goofed around in their Anime costumes. You catched up with them and then finally noticed something familiar about Luke’s costume. It was a Harry Potter costume.
No fucking way.
"Cool costume", Luke commented as he saw you eyeing his Gryffindor badge, and the lightning bolt on his forehead. His hair had grown out a bit, but it didn't look bad. Actually, it looked anything else than bad. That man could definitely pull off any hairstyle, you were sure of it.
"Thanks! You too. Suits you", you stated and straightened your own Gryffindor badge on your costume. Dressing as Ginny Weasley, or what you called it low-budget Ginny since you had no cape, was a decision you had made a few days ago. You were supposed to dress as a Pumpkin, but you managed to break the costume and didn’t have the time to fix it. So the second best option was Ginny.
You sighed and looked around the room, thinking of grabbing a drink.
“Oh my gosh! We need to take a picture of you two”, your best friend suddenly exclaimed and you giggled, nervousness plastered all across your face. You saw them giving you the look, and knew instantly what it meant. They believed in fate, what you on the other hand called nonsense. You were sure Luke and you dressing in similar costumes was some sort of sign of “fate” to your best friend. Luke and you could never happen. 
“Really?”, you giggled as you felt a knot in your stomach. Luke was sometimes difficult to read, and you weren’t entirely sure if he would conform to the idea.
“Yes!”, your best friend commented, and ‘totally’ and ‘absolutely’ from Michael, Crystal, Calum, Brandy and Ashton followed after. You and Luke both looked at each of them, then finally looked at each other. Your friends would never let it go, so you’d better just get it out of the way.
“Okay”, you accepted your defeat. “You okay with that?”, you confirmed Luke. “Yeah, sure, why not?”, he took a sip of his beer and placed the bottle on the counter, giving you a small smile. 
You, Luke and your best friend found a spot in Luke’s house and you settled in with Luke against the white wall, as your best friend was holding their phone towards you two. Luke placed his other hand on your lower back, and you placed yours on his stomach. 
“This okay?”, you looked up to him and shuffled a little closer to the man. You saw him eyeing your legs, which were covered in fishnet stockings. His oceanic blue eyes met yours, and you did your best not to drown in them. You hadn’t even chugged down one drink, and you were already a fool for some man. And worst of all, it was your friend. You blamed this growing lust for him on the Halloween spirit. Surely someone had once said that Halloween brings out feelings you don’t usually feel.
“Uh..yeah, sure”, he cleared his throat and chuckled. “You ready?”, he offered you a little smile.
“S-sure”, you returned the smile and you both stared directly at the camera.
“And say….cheese!”, your best friend cheered.
You took an awkward glimpse in Luke’s direction and both of you bursted out laughing. The photos shown afterwards were pretty cute, you had to admit that. And Luke’s hand on your lower back left you yearning for more of his touch.
Damn, you really needed a drink. And to forget Luke fucking Hemmings' hands.
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After taking the picture of you and Luke, you had been mingling with people, eating, and drinking a few tequila sunrises. You had just settled into Luke’s living room to play Spin the Bottle, the classic party game. The group playing consisted of you, your best friend, Luke, Ashton, Calum, Brandy, Michael and Crystal. To be honest you were zoned most of the time, since you found the game a bit ridiculous.
Then you heard your name as the bottle pointed towards you. In your alcohol-infused state, you picked a dare.
“I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room”, Ashton dared. You heard a few encouraging comments coming from your friends, and Brandy gave you a wide grin.  “Ash? Really?”, you squeaked, and gave him a deadly glare. “Well, didn’t you pick a dare, pumpkin?”, he asked and chuckled. Suddenly the rush of confidence you had seemed to fade out, and you mentally cursed the drummer.
“Okay”, you sighed, and looked across the room. The choice was obvious, but you didn’t want to give it away. So you pretended to consider your options for a while.
You got up from the floor, and got on your knees in front of Luke. You caught him looking at you, and he looked away. But then you leant to kiss him, and he kissed you back. The tingling feeling of him kissing you back flustered you. You shouldn’t like the feeling of his lips pressed against yours this much, but you did. His lips brushed over yours delicately, and your heart was pumping. It made no sense, but you loved every second of it. His beard stubble tickled you, but you didn't care. Not everyday you got the chance to kiss Luke fucking Hemmings, who was practically the hottest guy you had ever seen.
You backed away from the kiss first, then did Luke. 
 “Cool”, he let out a nervous chuckle and you did the same. Cool…really? You didn’t know if you should have been offended or relieved that the awkwardness of it was finally over.
“That was hot”, your best friend whispered into your ear as you went back to your place on the floor. “He’s hot”, you whispered back. The taste of pure tequila lingered on your lips.
“And Ashton’s so hot too”, they whispered. “Go get him, Y/B/F/N”, you advised, and winked at them.
The game continued and the next rounds were spent by hearing how Ashton’s favorite sex position was Basset Hound Doggy and Brandy’s biggest turn off in a relationship was controlling behavior. You also saw your best friend give a lap dance to the person who they fancied the most in the room, Ashton. They both seemed to enjoy it. Michael and Crystal had also shared a steamy make out session, to which you all cheered.
It was Luke’s turn next.
“Hmmm…okay. What is your biggest turn on?” Michael asked Luke and took a sip of his Corona, placing the bottle on the floor afterwards. Luke’s answer interested you, you had to admit. 
“Ohh…got many. But neck kisses are a big one”, Luke slyly answered and gulped down his tequila. “Ohhh, that’s a good one”, Ashton agreed and you saw him looking in your best friend’s direction. You rolled your eyes slightly, and giggled to yourself. They would totally share the bed tonight. 
Luke spun the bottle, which landed on Calum. He chose the truth. Luke didn’t come up with anything, so your best friend chose the question instead. 
“Which two people in this group should hook up?”, your best friend asked Calum.
Oh my god, were they serious? You totally knew where they were getting at. But hopefully Calum didn’t understand that, or anyone else for that matter. You were safe, Calum would definitely pick Michael and Crystal. Or Ashton and your best friend. 
“Well, the obvious choice would be Brandy and me. Or Michael and Crystal, but…I feel I want to stir the pot, I guess.. So… I think Luke and Y/N… I mean we saw the kiss Luke and Y/N had earlier”, Calum smirked devilishly at Luke, and then at you. The group around you chuckled, and seemed to agree with Calum as they were nodding their heads. But not you nor Luke. 
“Okayyyy, so maybe Cal should stop drinking for tonight”, you chuckled, and Calum gave you a humorous smile, which screamed a polite fuck you, in return. You saw Luke looking down at his drink on the floor with a drunken smile on his face. He fiddled with his rings on his left hand. He looked up and directly at you, boring his eyes into yours for a milli-second. You wondered what was going through his head, since yours was filled with so many questions. 
Why didn’t he say anything? Why was he so quiet? Did he find your kiss icky? Did he find you… repulsive? Why was he acting so strange? 
The party was over and people had left Luke’s apartment, which was now littered with red cups, beer bottles and pizza boxes. You had been settling into a spare bedroom in Luke’s house. Ashton, Calum, Brandy, Michael, Crystal and your best friend were staying over as well. 
You drank water alone in Luke’s kitchen, since everyone had already gone to sleep. The now quiet atmosphere made you feel at peace, and you smiled to yourself.
You enjoyed the brief moment of silence until a head of blonde messy curls appeared from the doorway.
Luke walked into the kitchen and gave you a tired little smile. He opened the refrigerator door and took a large water bottle, pouring it into a glass he retrieved from the cabinet. He placed the bottle back to the refrigerator and closed the refrigerator door as you were still drinking your own water.
You noticed how he had gotten rid of the jacket and the tie, leaving him with a slightly unbuttoned white collar shirt and dark gray pants. He had also wiped the lightning bolt off his forehead.
Standing here with Luke, in this terrifyingly awkward yet weirdly comforting silence, made you question your lust towards the man. Maybe it was just the alcohol running through your veins. That might just be the only logical explanation.
“Let me guess, you don’t want to get a hangover?”, you chose to break the silence.
“Hell no”, he sipped water, “did you have fun tonight?”. The blonde locked his eyes with yours and you looked away, your eyes now fixating on your ring-covered fingers.
You cleared your throat, and answered, “Yep, had a blast. And you?”. 
“Yeah”, he smiled and you went closer to him, as you were about to place the cup in the sink. Your hands brushed against his as he was just about to do the same. You both placed your cups in the sink, and your eyes met his. You both stood in your places quietly, and for some weird reason, you couldn't help but look at his parted lips. And you noticed him doing the same, then his eyes studying yours.
Your heart started to race a million miles an hour. You weren’t nervous around the people you fancied, but Luke was a different story. He was the epitome of gorgeous, so you couldn’t really blame yourself, could you?
He turned his body towards yours, and you took a step closer to him. You didn’t know what you were doing. Hell, you didn’t know what he was doing either.
Luke let out a low chuckle and you couldn’t help but bite your lower lip. 
Yes, even a fool could tell you wanted to kiss him. But you weren’t sure if you should. And you weren’t sure if the man in front of you noticed that too. 
Thankfully Luke had noticed your indecisiveness as he leant in for a kiss. You had imagined this after the kiss during the game, but now that it was actually happening, you couldn’t believe it. This was rougher than the last time. More passionate. More demanding. He moved even closer to you, placing his hands on the sides of your face. You felt his cold rings against your bare skin, but it didn’t matter. Not when he touched you like this, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks and his tongue battling for dominance over yours.
He backed away from you, licking his lips.
“Fuck… I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry”, he apologized and rested his body against the kitchen counter.
“What do you mean?”, you frowned your eyebrows. Was he being serious right now?
“It���d mess things up…if we go further. Shit, this on its own could make everything awkward...”
“What if…what if we just don’t think about the consequences? You want me, and I obviously want you”, you suggested. You didn’t want to think, not now. You didn’t want your growing lust for Luke to go to waste. It would be a shame if it did.
“Are you..sure?”, he scratched the back of his head.
“Okay”, he let out a low chuckle and took a step closer to you, studying your lips in the meantime. 
“Luke?”, you looked into his eyes as you spoke.
“Yeah?”, he bored his blue eyes into yours, and placed his hands on your waist, tugging you closer to him.
“Just fuckin’ kiss me already”
“Thought you’d never ask”, he whispered, his voice perfectly husky and seducing. His plump lips found their place on yours and you swore you had never kissed someone like him before. His lips moved swiftly, hungrily against yours.
You tugged his shirt, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible. 
“Luke?”, you asked, out of breath.
“Yeah?”, he wiped his mouth with his hand, and you couldn’t help but stare at the man’s mouth. The mouth that you wanted to do incredible things to you.
“What are we doing?”.
“What do you want to do princess?”, his voice was heavy, and hoarse. And so god-damn sexy. He moved a few stray hairs out of your face.
“Fuck…”, you cursed.
“...me?”, Luke smirked.
You were totally gone off the rails, so whipped for him, there was no going back now.
“Actually, yeah”, you decided to toss logic aside, and once again, Luke placed his lips hungrily on yours. You kissed him back passionately and he grabbed your ass under your skirt. You wrapped your hands around his neck, and felt the need to do such things to Luke you could never say out loud. 
“Jump”, he groaned between the rough yet lustful kisses and you jumped into his lap. He grabbed you by your outer thighs and placed you on the counter. He left wet kisses on your neck, leaving you wondering why you hadn’t done this sooner with him. Maybe it was the fact you had known this man for years, and he had never shown you any sign of interest. But it didn’t matter now, he clearly wanted you.
“Is this okay?”, he reassured you.
“You’re perfect”, you sighed and stared at the beautiful man in front of you. Yes, you had always thought Luke was hot, but this was something else. You loved how soft and assertive he was at the same time. This was dangerous, anyone could see you two. But you liked it this way. You didn’t want to think, you just wanted him. You craved him. You needed him.
His lips found their way back to yours and you bit his lower lip by accident. You felt Luke giggling against your lips, and you couldn’t help but do the same. 
“Can I take this off?”, he asked between the kisses as he was holding the fabric on your shirt. “Please”. And he does, leaving your chest area covered by your black bra. You started to unbutton his shirt and when you were done, he threw the white collar shirt on the floor next to yours. 
Luke traveled kisses from the side of your face to your neck, then to your chest. “Fuck, you’re so hot”, he remarked and you chuckled slightly as a response. Luke kissed you, and you kissed him, sliding your tongue into his mouth. You made out for a while until he decided to move the strap of your bra over your shoulder. He placed a few kisses on your shoulder, and you didn’t understand how he did it all this, being this fucking good at everything, but you enjoyed the show. 
“Need to get my fishnets off”, you whimpered under his touch. 
He ripped open your fishnets using his hands, and you swore to yourself you hadn’t seen anything as hot as that. You lifted your body using your hands on the counter so he could take the remains of the stockings off. And when he was done, he nibbled your ear and his heavy breathing made you squirm. 
“Finger me?”, you asked as his lustful ocean eyes stared into yours. “It’d be my pleasure”, he smirked, pushing your lingerie to the side and pushing two fingers into you with the perfect amount of pressure.
“Fuck, you are so wet…so good, Y/N”, he remarked huskily and moved his fingers inside you in swift motion. You widened your legs so he’d get a better entrance. “Mmmmh”, you whimpered, your head tilted back and eyes closed. Luke trailed down kisses from your neck to your chest. You opened your eyes and his lips crashed into yours. 
“Need you to fuck me, Luke”, you whispered into his mouth. “Believe me, I will. Just wanna make you cum first”, he whispered and kissed you. And in under a minute, you were a whimpering mess under his touch, him giving you a smug look. You swore you just saw the stars, no one had ever known your body like him. And it didn’t make any sense, this was the first time being with him. But it didn’t have to make sense, you were now with him and god, he made you feel incredibly good. 
His fingers left your entrance and his lustful dark eyes met yours again. He brought his fingers into his mouth and sucked on them, still holding the eye contact.
”Baby, you taste so good... Fuckin’ incredible”, he mumbled.
”Fuck…”, you whimpered as you were still coming off your high and watching Luke taste you did not help to urge to feel him inside of you. Neither did the fact that you noticed his boner through his dark dress pants. What was this man doing to you?
“Wanna go to my bedroom?”, he suggested, and placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, giving you a small lingering kiss on your collarbone.
“Thought you’d never ask”.
You both grabbed your clothes from the floor and you went upstairs. In the upstairs hallway, Luke couldn’t resist but pin you against the wall, kissing your face like he had never kissed before. You grabbed his erected dick under his dress pants and stroked it slightly above the material, making Luke whimper. “Y/N…”, he started yet couldn’t finish the sentence.
“Mmmh? Tell me?”, you asked as you started to unbuckle his belt.
“Mmmmh, don’t tease me, Y/N”
“That’s bold of you since you started it...”, you pointed out.
“Mmmhhh…fuck, that’s true. Let’s go before I fuck you against this wall and everyone will hear it”, he gave you a quick peck on your lips, leaving you wanting for more. You didn't know Luke could be this smug, but it definitely turned you on.
Luke led you to his bedroom. You placed yourself on his California King, and looked around. You had never been in Luke’s bedroom. A few paintings hung on the dark -painted walls, a vintage record player rested on the dressing table and the TV across the bed covered most of the wall space.
Luke retrieved a condom from his wallet, which was resting on his night-stand and pulled down both his pants and boxers, revealing his hardened dick. In the meanwhile you got rid of your skirt, and underwear. He placed the condom on and you couldn't help but admire the sight in front of you. Luke tossed both his pants and boxers off to the floor. He placed his body on top of you, kissing you and making the kiss deeper as you slid your tongue into his mouth. Your tongues danced together and your anticipation for the following grew, even though you had gone through your high already. But maybe, just maybe, he could make you come twice. His lips parted from yours, and he looked into your eyes, his fingers traveling along your lips.
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“You’re so damn beautiful”. 
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful too”, you answered, your need for him growing.
“You ready?”.  You nodded and he slipped into you slowly as you kissed his neck. You detached your lips from his neck and tugged his hair, your hands exploring the softness of his curls. A few moans escaped from both of your mouths. How could he make moaning sound so damn good? 
“Please keep on going”.
"Was planning on doing so, princess".
He thrusted into you, and your walls clenched against him. You saw him biting his lip, his eyes wide open, clearly enjoying the view of you. “Fuck, you are perfect. So tight around me.... So good”, he praised.
This would probably never happen again, so you decided to make the most of it.
You met his lips in a kiss and you slipped your tongue into his mouth, his own meeting with yours. His thrusts became quicker and you both moaned of pleasure. Your hands had moved to his upper back, your nails scratching the warm skin.
And when you both came undone, you cleaned yourselves up and laid in his bed. You both stared at the bedroom ceiling. Luke had asked you to stay, which had surprised you. 
“I held myself back when you kissed me in the game”, the blonde confessed. You looked at Luke, whose left arm was leaning against the back of his head. Only now you noticed his bird tattoo on his bicep. You couldn’t see it properly in the dim lightning, but you were guessing it was a hummingbird. To be honest, there probably were a lot of things you didn’t know about him.
“Did you?”, you asked in a rather suggestive voice, and turned your body towards him under the covers.
“Well, yeah, have you seen yourself? Fuckin’ beautiful. I wanted to rip those fishnets off you the moment I saw you in them”, he chuckled and his eyes met yours.
You couldn’t help but feel flustered. Luke Hemmings, of all the people in the world, thought you were…beautiful?
“In that case, I’m happy I decided to wear them”, you giggled.
“I can buy you a new pair of fishnets”, he offered.
“You really don’t need to do that”.
“If that gives me an excuse to see you, then I’d like to”, you saw an endearing smile appear on his face.
“What if you break them too?”, you chuckled, not that you wouldn’t mind him doing that.
“Then I’d have another excuse to see you again”, he reasoned, and shuffled closer to you. You didn’t know if it was still the alcohol clouding your judgement, but you liked him. Maybe a bit more than you wanted to. 
“Seems like you want it to be a pattern”, you suggested.
“Well, if it makes you scream like earlier…”, he smirked and took you in his arms, your face squished against his warm and toned chest. “Luke!”, you screamed into his chest.
“Hush hush now, everyone is asleep”, he kissed the top of your head, and chuckled.
“Sorry”, you giggled and wrapped your hand around his waist, snuggling closer to him. Your face rested against his chest, and he stroked your hair gently.
"Good night beautiful", he reached for your lips and planted a small kiss on them, then turning off the bedside lamp. "Good night, Luke".
“Quit starin’ at me princess”, Luke spoke with his eyes closed as you lied with him in his enormous California King bed. 
“I can’t, you’re way too pretty”, you played with his curls, both of your naked bodies under the same duvet.
You had been awake for a while now, mainly going over the memories of last night. Luke’s lips pressed against yours, his hands grabbing the sides of your body, him whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he was inside of you.  You had contemplated leaving Luke’s house, but you didn’t want to do it to Luke. And the change in Luke’s behavior towards you made you question his motives. He even let you sleep in his bed, and didn’t want you to leave to your room. Did he actually like your company? Or was he just lonely?
You removed your hand from his set of curls, and wondered what it must be like to be that beautiful. It was unfair how good-looking he was.
“Talk to me about pretty, huh?”, he opened up his eyes and scanned your face. “Hush”, you gave him a deadly glare and he grinned back at you.
“Tell me when did you get so freaking hot?”, you asked him.
“Haven’t I always been?”, he winked and readjusted the pillows on the bed, his face and body now towards yours. 
“Yeah, but I mean…like this hot. Ridiculously hot. So hot I want to jump into your lap”
“Now you’re just makin’ a fool out of me”
“Am not! I promise”, you exclaimed. “I swear when I saw you last night, something happened inside of me. This lust, I guess…I don’t know what the hell it was”
“Well, thank you. Good to hear I don’t look like an absolute knobhead”, he rolled his eyes, and letting out a chuckle.
“And he’s funny too”, you giggled.
“C’mere”, he motioned you into his embrace and you laid there for a moment in silence, taking in the moment. This silence felt comfortable in some odd way. His fingers brushed gently against yours, moving to cup your face, his mouth telling you compliments you never expected to come from his mouth. You’re gorgeous. Your eyes are pretty as hell. I like cuddling you. You smiled back at him, not really knowing what to answer.
“So this wasn’t a one time thing?”, you decided to break the newly founded silence.
“Nope. If that’s okay with you?”, Luke searched for your approval from your softened eyes, and you gave him that. “More than okay”, you smiled. You looked for something in his eyes. Maybe a hidden truth. You were his friend, but you didn’t know him truly. You did not really have an idea who he was deep in his core. But your instinct told you to find out.
"Good. Did you actually like my Halloween costume or were you just being polite?", Luke hummed, and placed his head into the crook of your neck.
"I thought you looked hot. And so dreamy... So yes Luke, I liked it", you beamed, and pecked his lips. "A lot", you added and caressed his pretty curly hair.
"You were a pretty dreamy Ginny yourself", he placed his mouth on your neck, sucking on the skin slightly, then placing a few sloppy kisses on your jawline. His breath started to become noticeably heavier, and you giggled, "Luke Hemmings, you are one hell of a guy".
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After a while of lounging around with Luke, you both decided to do your morning rituals and throw some clothes on. Yeah, you might have hooked up with him again, only in the shower this time, and you felt as if you couldn't keep your hands off the blonde.
You and Luke had decided to go downstairs and cook something for breakfast, and now you waited for him to come out of the bathroom. Luke opened up the bathroom door attached to his bedroom, and you studied his features.
You couldn’t help but smile as he was humming some song you had never even heard of. He had a habit of doing that, making you smile. Or at least that was what he had been doing the past hours. And last night, obviously. He was dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants, which made you drool over him, and a black AC/DC t-shirt. He had also offered you an oversized band t-shirt to wear since your own shirt was a bit uncomfortable to wear. So now you were standing in front of Luke, wearing his oversized t-shirt and barely visible black skirt. You would have never guessed that something like this could actually happen.
“Ready?”, he asked, and you nodded. You were waiting for him to open the door, until he decided to turn around and he grabbed your face into his hands. He pressed a delicate and endearing kiss on your lips.
“Actually, now we’re ready”, he chuckled and finally opened the door. “You dork”, you giggled, the taste of his toothpaste lingering on your lips.
“No one should be up, it’s barely 9am”, Luke commented as you were walking down the stairs. “Yeah, there’s not a chance anyone’s up yet”, you agreed with him and you both walked into the kitchen, only to discover every single person that had stayed at Luke's sitting by the kitchen table. 
“Good morning, Luke and Y/N”, Crystal greeted you two, to which both you and Luke responded.
Luke offered you a glass of water with a side of lemon and ice, after he had convinced you of how the drink makes a great hangover cure. You and Luke found yourself seats by the kitchen table, next to each other since they were the only ones not taken.
"Luke? Y/N?" Ashton opened his mouth.
“We fuckin’ heard you last night”,  Ashton remarked as both you and Luke were caught up in your own worlds. And then you made sense of what Ashton had just said.
...Oh my god, had they really heard all…that? 
Your best friend was sitting next to Ashton, and they were giggling with Ashton’s arm resting behind their chair.
You hadn’t talked this through with Luke. Shit, shit, shit. You hadn’t really even thought about if anyone had heard you last night.
“Oh you are speechless now, is that it?” Ashton giggled, making your friend, Michael, Crystal, Calum and Brandy laugh too.
“We really hope you Luke cleaned up the kitchen afterwards”, Crystal commented. “Just saying”, she added and gave a quick peck to Michael. Michael chuckled, and took turns looking at you, and then Luke.
“I did, don’t you worry about it Crys”, Luke scratched the back of his head, obviously feeling awkward as hell. You cleared your throat, wishing to be anywhere else than being questioned about your little rendezvous with Luke last night.
“And you used a condom?” Ashton asked, making Luke groan. “Of course, you fuckin’ moron”.
“Okaaaay, should we change the subject? Us having sex isn’t the most exciting topic”, you chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Even the handsome blonde beside you.
“It definitely did sound exciting last night…All the screams and objects fallin’ to the floor, all Y/N’s whimpers and Luke’s -”, Ashton remarked, but was soon interrupted by an annoyed Luke.
“Okay okay, we get it. We were a bit loud. But let’s move on, please”, Luke groaned. 
"I want to hear more details though... Were the kitchen and Luke's bedroom the only places you had sex in?", your best friend took apart in the conversation, grinning from ear to ear. Y/B/F/N had to be kidding. And were the walls of Luke's house made of paper? "Yes", you answered in turn, trying to sound as convincing as you could. They didn't need to know about the shower session an hour ago.
”It was no wonder you ended up sleeping together, I mean you were drooling over each other the whole night”, Michael continued, and chuckled.
”You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me right now”, Luke cursed, obviously wanting the conversation topic to change sooner than later.
“Calm down, Hemmings”, Calum chuckled, earning a side eye from you and a deadly glare from Luke. “Okay, okay, I won’t say anythin’ next time”, Calum put his hands up in defense and grinned awkwardly. 
You looked at Luke only to discover him looking at you, a small smile creeping upon his pretty pink lips. Next time.
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a/n: hey please do share your thoughts on the gifs, did they disturb your reading experience? i’d love to know, ty! 🤍
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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lukesdice · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is part of the 5sos crew on tour. She also has always been their close friend. Especially to Luke. While playing their show in Amsterdam, he suddenly realises that he had feelings for y/n.
Luke Hemmings x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warning: Very small amount of swearing
Note: Thank you so much for the request! :) I hope you like it, and to anyone reading, please don't hesitate to send in more requests 🤍
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You stared out the slightly dirty window of the 5sos tour bus, encapsulated by the many cyclists and artistic buildings stacked along the streets of Amsterdam.
It was the seventh night of The 5 Seconds of Summer Show World Tour and you were currently on your way to park the bus at the Ziggo Dome, the boys already hyped up to see their fans again.
You had been on the road with them for the entirety of the tour so far, working as their assistant whenever they needed something or had to haggle with employees of the different venues.
As well as their assistant, you were also joining them as a now long-time best friend of theirs, knowing the boys since you had met Luke at a party after the release of Sounds Good Feels Good, him and you quickly becoming close. He had taken little time to introduce you to the rest of the boys, quickly after you both became friends. However, you and Luke had always been the closest and not long after you met, you couldn’t help but develop a small crush on the lead singer, knowing it was wrong and that he only viewed you in a platonic way. That thought hurt your heart so you buried your true feelings deep below your skin and carried on as friends.
When you first met Luke in 2015, he had a girlfriend, who you couldn’t help feel a little jealous of as your crush developed on him. When they split in 2017, you felt ashamed that you had screamed internally with excitement and danced around your apartment a little. Even though you felt awful for Luke at the heartbreak he had felt at the time, you couldn’t deny to yourself that you had never really liked his girlfriend anyway. You always thought she treated him badly and just used him. Although you were happy they had split, you never showed that to him and instead you were by his side each step of the way to help him heal.
He had been through a lot the first few years you knew each other, and you had been his rock through all of his struggles and pain. But also through his happy days and highs. This had brought you closer together than anyone else could ever be.
You were suddenly ripped from your people watching and daydreaming, big blue eyes landing on you as you turned your head to where the excited voice was coming from.
“You were so out of it there” Luke laughed, his curly blond hair bouncing slightly.
You laughed in reply, nodding your head as you couldn’t rip your eyes away from his sparkling ones and his cute little dimples that were popping out as he laughed.
“Anyways, we are almost at the venue,” Luke began, “but me and the boys were wondering if you wanted to explore the city before soundcheck?”
You nodded enthusiastically as you tucked a stray hair behind your ear, smiling up at Luke who was leaning his elbow on the seat you were currently sitting on, his tall form towering over you and the smell of his cologne tingling your senses.
“Hell yeah, I would be well up for that” you replied, as Luke did a little happy dance at your reply. You giggled at how cringe he was, but you deeply loved it.
You stood up slowly and balanced yourself on the head rest of the seat, so not to fall over as the bus pulled into the parking area.
Luke gave you a soft smile and pulled his arm around your waist to steady you a little.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you”
Your heart warmed at his words and your stomach flip-flopped, the mixture of his firm arms around you, his hand tickling your hip and his kind words made you feel exceptionally dizzy. You desperately wished that you didn’t have to feel this way about him, because he certainly didn’t. You knew that, to him, this was just a mere friendship and he felt nothing when he touched you or hugged you, and that hurt so much more than the pain you felt over the years whenever you would see him dance with or kiss other girls.
“Thanks” you whispered in reply, as the bus slowed to a stop outside the venue.
“Alrighty, let’s go explore?” Michael piped up, standing and pulling a cap over his baby pink hair. “You coming Y/N?” He continued as you gave him a quick thumbs up.
“Of course!”
The five of you strolled down the streets of Amsterdam, stopping to buy little snacks and treats, as well as taking a quick look inside the Anne Frank House. You had stopped at a cute little clothing store, finding a furry pink coat that you had quickly forced Luke to put on, and taken a million pictures of him, gushing about how much it suited him. He had done a few poses in the long, narrow mirror that was propped against the dimly lit back area of the shop, before finding a matching pink cowboy hat and placing it on your head.
“How cute do we look?” He joked, as he snapped a quick picture of you both in the mirror, your bodies pressed against each other’s. You hoped and prayed that he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as your side was tucked into his, and as he leant his head against the top of yours.
“Oi you two, we are hiring bikes now, come on!” Calum shouted from the front door of the shop. You helped Luke pull off the pink coat before you both dashed out of the shop, catching up with the others who were now paying at a small bike kiosk.
You climbed onto one of the bikes as Ashton started peddling quickly past you, his curly hair blowing in the wind as you quickly peddled up beside him.
“Race you!” You joked as his eyes widened, the two of you trying to out-do one another.
“Hey suckers” Calum sang as he soared past the two of you on his own bike, instantly beating the both of you. You and Ashton looked at one another, rolling your eyes in amusement.
“Cheat!” Ashton yelled to Calum as you laughed at the pair, “Yeah Calum, such a cheat!” You called in unison with Ashton.
“What the fuck, how?” Calum laughed from in front, “you’re both just salty that I am a master cyclist” he boasted jokingly.
You started peddling slower so that Michael and Luke could catch up, who were just riding calmly and chatting with one another.
You smiled as you let the soft wind blow your hair backwards, admiring the trees dotted along the pavement and listening to the laughter of others as they walked hand-in-hand beside you or sat with their picnics on the grass that surrounded you.
“You look really pretty” Luke mused, as he struggled to balance his bike whilst cycling beside you, gazing over at you.
You turned your head to look at him, his cheeks tinted rosy pink as he realised what he had just said.
You felt your face go hot as the corners of your lips tilted upwards a little, your heart now hammering again, the happy noises around you suddenly drowning out.
“Um-I mean-” Luke stuttered.
“I mean, I’m very lucky to have such a pretty friend.”
Your heart sank a little at that. Friend. That’s all you would ever be to him.
You gave him a quick smile to say thanks, trying to shake his words off of you but not able to stop the word friend spinning in circles around and around in your brain, taunting at you and laughing at you.
Eventually you and Luke pulled your bikes to the side of the canal, colourful little and bigger boats dotted in lines down the side of the water bank. In your state of being lost in thought, you hadn’t even realised that you had lost the other boys.
“I think we lost the others” Luke said, circling his bike around slowly with his hands as he tried to find any sight of them.
“Oops” he continued when he couldn’t see them anywhere. He turned to look at you again, as you slipped back into your own thoughts.
“Y/N, you okay?” Luke asked, “you’ve been pretty quiet the last ten minutes.”
Luke had a small concerned frown on his face, his eyebrows slightly creased as a small curl fell in front of his left brow. This made you smile a little again, not being able to help yourself. He always looked so cute when he pulled his pouty frown-y face.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting Luke to think something was up and start questioning further.
“Sorry no I’m fine, just lost in thought and enjoying the surroundings” you replied as Luke nodded in understanding, seemingly taking your explanation for fact.
“Hey, you want to take a short boat trip on the canal?” He asked, motioning towards one of the boats where a small man was leaning again the door that led into the boat, puffing on a cigarette with his arms folded, a small sign next to him, welcoming aboard passengers.
You excitedly nodded and leant your bike on the grass below you, “Yes definitely, I’ve always wanted to try this in Amsterdam, such a romantic thing to do-” you rambled, suddenly realising what you had just said and stopping yourself, looking bashfully at the ground and cursing at yourself in your head.
Luke chuckled beside you and entangled his hand with yours, pulling you closer towards the boats.
Your heart picked up in speed again as you let Luke hold your hand, his warm grip melting away all of your embarrassment and anxiety, the colours and blue sky around you suddenly feeling a little brighter.
“Very romantic indeed,” he chuckled, giving you a little wink before turning his attention to ask the small man about getting a quick canal tour.
You felt your breath fall away from you at his words but your head knew that he just probably said that as a joke, to make you feel better so you didn’t feel embarrassed, or maybe he was flirting? No he definitely wasn’t flirting, he only saw you as a friend.
The two of you sat at the railings of the outside section of the boat, side-by-side as you gazed up at the slow moving rows of old buildings, and listening to the calm waves of water that splashed against the edges of the boat.
Luke leaned closer to you, his shoulder brushing against yours, as he stared at you once again. You felt his gaze on you, suddenly a very nervous feeling washing over you. Every time Luke stared at you with that certain gaze, one that made you question if he really did like like you, you felt as if you couldn’t breath and that the whole universe suddenly became very dizzy and muffled.
“What?” You asked with a soft smile, finally turning to look at him. His blue eyes were shining as they melted into your own gaze, his lips turned a little upwards in a content smile, the blonde tufts, of the bottom of his mullet, tickled the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he chuckled as he finally came back to reality, “nothing” he finished as he turned his attention back to the water ahead of you both.
“Forever a daydreamer, Luke” you giggled as you leant your head gently on his shoulder, him doing the same but instead atop of your head.
A few hours passed by, and you had eventually returned back to the venue for the show, finally meeting up with the other boys who were instantly jealous at the fact that the two of you had ‘sneaked’ off to a canal tour.
“We didn’t sneak off, if you all didn’t disappear and ditch us then maybe you could have come” Luke laughed as Calum rolled his eyes, “nah it was an elaborate plan to get rid of us!” Calum joked back, the boys already becoming silly and hyped up for their upcoming concert.
You had spent the next few hours running around and fulfilling your assistant duties, liaising with the venue staff and collecting drinks, snacks and equipment for the boys. As you dashed around, you heard loud chatter and excited cheering from the queues of fans outside, smiling to yourself and feeling intense pride for your best friends. You couldn’t be happier for them, and the fact that they were getting to fulfil their dream made your heart soar.
“Y/N, can you help me please?” Luke asked from behind you, half his body peering from behind the dressing room door.
You turned from setting up a tray of water bottles, nodding your head instantly without even knowing Luke’s request.
“Can you help me with my eyeshadow please?” He asked so innocently and softly, holding up a glittery palette and brush for you to take from him.
“Yes of course, let me work my magic” you giggled as you prized the makeup from his hands, and followed him to the dressing table which was situated in the corner of the room.
Soft rock music played in the background, a change from the normal loud music that they usually played before going on stage. The other boys had gone off elsewhere, probably to tune their instruments. You dipped the brush into the blue sparkly powder, Luke sitting on the seat below you as you hovered in front of him, your body situation in between his legs as you stood facing before him.
You dabbed the eyeshadow along his eyelids, swooping it out to create a small wing. You smiled at your work before re-focusing on making it look perfect.
The whole time Luke stared admiringly up at you, watching you as you intently made art upon his face, your free hand caressing his jawline to make sure his head stayed still in place.
You could feel his breath hitting your chin as both of your faces grew closer to one another’s, your own breath fanning his long lashes. You suddenly realised how close in proximity your lips were to each other’s, your noses almost brushing as you stopped applying the makeup for a short second. Your eyes flickered to his, which were already watching you closely.
“Hey” you whispered, letting your thumb run along his cheekbone ever so slightly, one of his blonde hairs curling around your pinky finger.
“Hey” he whispered in reply, as he reached his hand up to push one of your own strands of hair, which had fallen in front of your eyes, back to behind your ear, the cool metal of his rings brushing against your ear as he did so. You shivered a little at his touch.
“Just so you can see whilst doing my makeup” he spoke so softly, the soft beats of the music singing along to his gentle, velvety voice.
You nodded ever so slowly before casting your gaze back to your artwork, continuing on with his eyeshadow, as your heart rate sped up even more, breathing becoming heavier, and you hoped and prayed that Luke didn’t notice the state of anxious desperation you felt for him.
Suddenly a loud knocking was heard on the outside of the door, “Luke, five minutes until you need to be on stage!” You heard another of the employees yell from outside, you and Luke instantly locking eyes again. You quickly finished off his makeup and took a step back to admire your work.
“You look beautiful” you mumbled, a small smile on your lips as Luke’s cheeks became light scarlet.
He carefully stood up from his seat, once again towering over you and taking you in, with his eyes, for a short moment.
“I’ll see you after?” He questioned, acting as if he didn’t ask, then you would possibly disappear without a trace.
“Of course Luke, I’ll be waiting” you responded quietly.
“You’ll smash it, as you always do.”
The boys waved at the screaming and cheering fans, taking their places on stage as the bright orange curtain fell, the stage lights flashing and the beginning of ‘Bad Omens’ starting to play.
You took your place off the side of the stage, watching the boys begin to play and loose themselves to the feeling of euphoria, and to the rhythm of their songs. You danced a little and sang along as you did every night, grinning widely whenever Luke did his happy little bouncing movements, and whenever the crowd sang loudly to their lyrics.
‘Want You Back’ came to an end and Luke steadied his mic stand, lovingly looking out at the shining phone lights and happy fans in front of him.
“This next song is an old one” he began, as the crowd cheered crazily and excitedly.
“And I want to dedicate it to someone very special to me” he continued, the fans screaming even louder at his words.
“There’s someone in my life who I care for very much, someone who’s been by my side for the last eight years and whenever I’m with her-” he said breathlessly, the fans still going crazy over his small speech.
“I feel so disconnected from the world”
The fans cheered as the opening chords and lyrics of ‘Disconnected’ started playing.
For a moment you saw Luke turn and lock his eyes with yours, giving you a look from across the stage that made your heart batter against your ribcage, and almost knock you over from shock.
You didn’t want to be too presumptive but you were 100% sure that he had meant you, and when he gave you that look, you just knew.
As the set came to an end, the fans clapping and cheering as the boys took their final bow, waving and blowing kisses to the fans, you instantly felt nervous, impatiently waiting for Luke to be back with you.
Eventually the boys came tumbling off the stage, sweaty and full of their post concert high. Ashton galloped past you, giving you an excited hug, followed by Calum and Michael who were giggling with one another.
You smiled at them and congratulated them like you did after every show, matching their excitement.
You turned to face Luke who had just bounced off the stage towards you, his blonde hair all sweaty, the makeup you had delicately painted on him now a little smudged, but a huge grin still perfectly drawn on his face.
“You did amazing out there Luke, as always!” You cheered, as you pulled him into a warm hug. The two of you stood there in silence, arms wrapped around each other as the noise of the fans continued but began to die down a little as they began to leave.
“Did you hear my tribute?” He asked, suddenly becoming obviously nervous as he pulled away from your hug a little, but with his hands still grasping your sides.
You slowly nodded your head, unsure of what to reply, and hoping he would continue.
“Y/N, this is going to sound fucking cheesy and I might ruin our friendship saying this but I don’t give a fuck, I need to tell you” he began hurriedly, like if he didn’t say it fast enough then he would chicken out of what he was about to say.
“Whenever I’m with you, I find my sweet escape” he smiled, an air of confidence suddenly washing over him as he clearly knew how cringey he sounded but went with it anyway.
“And I’ve been worried for so long that you only thought of me as a friend and maybe you do, but Y/N,” he continued now more slowly.
“I fucking love you with all of my soul and mind and heart”
It took you a few moments to collect your thoughts, your whole body feeling weak and numb at his confession. You felt as if your heart just stopped, everything around the two of you blanking out as you stared dumbfounded into Luke’s worried blue eyes.
“What?” You asked, wanting him to say it again just to confirm it for you once more. Just to make sure that you hadn’t imagined the last minute that had passed by.
“I love you” he repeated, “and not in that platonic friendly I love you way, I love you like I love you” he rambled.
You laughed a little at his awkward way of wording his confession, but it made you fall for him even harder. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, clasping your hands behind the nape of his neck as he closely watched your movements, his breathing heavy and irregular.
“I love you like I love you, too” you repeated his words back, as he let his shoulders drop in relief.
“Can I-uhm” he began nervously.
“Can I kiss you?”
Luke leant down slowly, his nose brushing the tip of yours softly, his warm breath hitting your lips as you let your eyes flutter shut.
All of the noise and commotion around you became nothing, it was just you and Luke entangled in each other’s arms.
Luke finally pressed his lips to yours, both of you melting into one another and becoming one, as you felt him pull you even closer to him, his hands squeezing your hips gently.
You felt his tongue caress your bottom lip, noses pressed firmly against one another’s now, your hands tangled in his hair, as your lips deepened against his, never wanting to let go.
As you finally pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s souls, chests rising and falling, and hearts beating in unison, the noises around you slowly became louder again as you were brought back into reality.
“Fucking finally,” Michael bellowed from behind you.
“I was sick of listening to Luke pine for you since he basically fucking met you!” He laughed, clearly happy for the two of you.
You smiled up at Luke, twirling the wet strands of his hair around your fingers.
“You were pining for me?”
Luke blushed a little again, “Guilty” he shrugged a little.
You laughed and lifted yourself back onto your tip toes to re-attach your lips to his, the two of you falling back into your disconnected world away from reality.
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33sturniolo · 10 months
welcome to... 33STURNIOLO !!
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basics: tatum , 21 , they/she (please interchange them for the love of god), leo , nate chris girl, sam girl , morgan frost's gf (real!!) , writer of 8+ years . dni: basic dni materials. racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. MY BLOG IS 16+ !! DO NOT REPOST MY CONTENT, THANKS.
biggest interests: - sturniolo triplets . - sam & colby . - hockey , specifically the flyers . - boys of tommen books . - hockey romances . - fortnite (as of right now) . - stardew valley . - animal crossing . music taste:
- taylor swift . - chase atlantic . - melanie martinez . - dominic fike . - conan gray . - noah kahan . - gracie abrams . - alex g . - the front bottoms . - billie eilish . - olivia rodrigo . - gorillaz . - mother, mother . - clairo . - 5 seconds of summer .
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#tatum yaps
tiktok: 33sturnioIo (capital i instead of l!)
ask for other socials if moots !
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there's probably more and more can be added, but for now...
- chris sturniolo - matt sturniolo - platonic! nick sturniolo (maybe eventually m!reader x nick but we will see, be patient with me.) - madi filipowicz - nathan doe - sam golbach - colby brock - katrina stuart - luke hemmings - ashton irwin - michael clifford - calum hood - sam ersson - mitch marner - jack hughes - trevor zegras - travis konecny
- morgan frost
- cam york
- owen tippett
- tyson foerster
- joel farabee
- egor zamula
- bobby brink - jamie drysdale - quinn hughes - luke hughes - most popular hockey players tbh
REQUESTS ARE OPEN. (i have every right to deny a request.)
masterlist HERE (tba)
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- angst . - fluff .
- friendships - pregnancy (to a point, not detailed) . - mental health (trigger warnings given) . - polyamorous relationships . - light gore . - headcannons . - one - shots . - texts . - snaps . - multi - part fics .
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- general gross stuff (i.e transphobia, homophobia, incest, racism, r*pe, etc.) . - more may be added ...
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lunarwritesthings · 1 year
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→ Please check my pin to see if requests are open.
→ Please put if you want it to be an "x reader" fic or an oc will be used.
→ The more detail in the request is best as it can help me write the fic!
→ Don't be afraid to ask about certain things in the fic
→ Don't be afraid to request people who aren't on my "who I'll write" list. I don't have the best memory, so not everyone is there!
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☆— What I will & Won't Write —☆
→ I will not write about self-harm, eating disorders, or anything that is in that realm.
→ Fluff & angst only. I will not write smut as it makes me uncomfortable to write.
→ Most angst is fine except for anything that involves heavy blood or any serious topic.
→ Any kind of relationship such as male x male, male x female, genderfluid x male/female is fine.
→ I will write about family even if it's not by blood and just by people being a specific family figure.
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☆— Who I'll Write For —☆
Christian Cage
Jeff Hardy
Undertaker (all versions)
Musicians and Bands
Ryan Ross
Dallon Weeks
Noah Sebastian
Corpse Husband
My Chemical Romance
Gerard Way
Mikey Why
Frank Iero
Ray Toro (platonically)
Black Veil Brides
Andy Biersack
Lonny Eagleton
Christian Coma (Cc)
5 Seconds of Summer
Luke Hemmings
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Content Creators
Daniel Howell
Corpse Husband
Sam and Colby
Shows and Movies
Julie and The Phantoms
Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
Reggie Peters
Nick Nelson
Charlie Springs
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nicksbestie · 2 years
Could you possibly write Luke hemmings x autistic reader where they struggle to regulate their emotions so when they realise they love him it’s scary and Luke sort of talks them through it because they’re panicking?
word count: 842
pairing: luke hemmings xreader
warnings: overstimulation, panicking
New emotions had always been a difficult thing for you to handle. Especially when they were brought in spontaneously. Even if they were there for a long time, if you were suddenly forced to face them and they were bigger than you realized, it can become an extremely overwhelming experience for you, especially if there are other things causing overstimulation. Luckily, this didn’t happen very often, but when it did, it hit hard and it was extremely miserable for everyone involved. Unfortunately, it happened in the worst possible scenario the other night.
It should be a happy filled moment for most people. Occasionally a few tears, but they’re tears of joy, not of sadness. For some people, it’s even awkward, but never this. A lot of people hope or happily anticipate the first time their partner tells them they love them. Some people say it first. But things never do go as planned with you, do they?
Your relationship with Luke hadn’t started complicated. You were upfront at the beginning, very honest. He knew when you started off as friends that you were autistic, and he did everything he could to help. He was one of your major supporters and advocates, and you loved him for it. Eventually, the relationship progressed to romantic rather than strictly platonic. Turns out, Luke is an even better boyfriend than he is best friend. You both were curled up, watching a movie after reading together, when he looked over at you.
Feeling eyes on you, you turned, and raised an eyebrow.
He smiled.
“Nothing. Just thinking.”
You half smiled back and rolled your eyes.
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
He laughed.
“Wow! How rude!”
You were full on laughing now at both his reaction and the look on his face.
“I’m almost insulted by that! You’re so lucky that I love you.”
You froze.
The smile didn’t leave his face.
“I love you.”
He LOVES you. He just said he loves you. A million thoughts raced through your head. You realized you loved him too, but it was more of a shock. You hadn’t figured it before. And now you had waited too long to reply, and his smile had dropped, and your face was still frozen, and now your breathing was picking up and shit! you were panicking.
All the blankets were touching you, Luke was too close, his arm was too heavy over your shoulders, the movie was too loud and too quiet at the same time, your hair was sticking to the back of your neck, and everything was wrong.
Luke had been by your side long enough to understand what was happening. He quickly removed his arm, and backed up a bit. By this point, you had thrown the blankets off, trying to rid the feeling against your skin, and he had grabbed a spare hair tie and pulled up the ends of your hair off your neck. He shut off the TV, and held up the noise canceling headphones he’d gotten you for your last christmas together, a questioning look on his face.
Receiving a nod, he handed them to you. Knowing you couldn’t hear him, he used a bit of the ASL he’d learned, and slowly tried to communicate. He kept the questioning look so you’d know he was asking something, and signed “alone?”. When you shook your head, he signed back “okay” and sat next to you, leaving some space. You turned to face him. He quickly spelled out “hug?”. Receiving a yes, he shifted to wrap both arms around you. You’d calmed down to the point that touch was okay, and pressure was welcomed. He knew that, and was exceedingly patient through the entire episode.
Eventually, you slipped off the headphones. Not knowing what volume you could handle, he kept his tone even and his voice almost a whisper.
“Are you okay?”
His face only showed concern.
You nodded. It changed to understanding. He responded in sign. The conversation between the two of you then continued.
He thought for a moment before signing “do you need anything?” He only received a shrug in response. He asked if it was something he’d said. His face dropped a bit when your reply came.
A sign of “I love you”.
He quickly apologized before you stopped him. By this point you felt more comfortable verbally speaking, and continued that.
“It’s not your fault. I love you too.”
His eyes widened a bit. He wasn’t expecting that response. He stayed silent, feeling you had more to say.
“I love you too. I have for a while. I just didn’t realize that’s what it was until you said it too. It felt overwhelming to realize it, and then when I waited too long to reply, I panicked. I’m sorry.”
He softly smiled.
“Can I hug you again?”
When receiving affirmation, he replaced his arms to where they were earlier, wrapped around you.
“You don’t have to be sorry. It’s okay. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. I love you. We’re gonna be fine.”
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sam-a-queer-person · 2 years
You make me complete
Request: yes, I hope you like it! Summary: Luke comforts his best friend after a shitty day. Fandom: 5sos Words: 873 Warnings: swearing(?), a little bit of angst, sexism (just a little bit and not directly.), I think that's it, let me know if there should be others. Notes: This takes place this year, Luke and the reader met during the tour with one direction. The reader was a photographer for 5sos.
I always liked the rain, the noise, not the feeling. The sound of rain was comforting, it ticking on the windows and roof. The feeling was annoying and cold, it falling on your skin and clothes. Glasses didn't help either. Glasses were supposed to help you see, but right now I can barely see anything. I was cold and soaking wet, and I could barely see where I walked. I noticed that rain wasn't the only thing wetting my cheeks, tears were falling, frustrated tears, sad tears, angry tears. Trying to hold it in, seemed impossible, but I still tried. I was almost home, I could almost shower and crawl into bed. But almost wasn't now and I hated that. 
I could see my apartment from here, just a few more minutes before I would open the door to my apartment, my apartment where I would be alone. I wish Luke was here, but since he is on tour, he ain't going to be there. But God, how I wished I could hug him and tell him about my shitty day. Tell him about the shitty date, tell him about my stupid boss. As I walked up the stairs, I couldn't help but kinda dread going into my lonely apartment. I wish somebody would be waiting there, or that I wouldn't be going in alone, but that date ruined that for tonight. I got to my floor and began to walk to my door when I heard voices from inside. Weird and creepy. I couldn't hear what they were saying and who they were. I grabbed deodorant, the only "weapon" available. I quietly grabbed my key and went to unlock my door, preparing for the worst. The tears had stopped and I had wiped them away, but I could feel them coming again. This time tears of fear. I quickly opened the door and held the deodorant in front of me. "AAAH, fuck sake,  it's just me and the guys" wait a second "LUKE?!" "Yeah, are you okay?" "You scared the crap out of me, aren't you supposed to be on tour." "Short break" Ashton replied for him. "You could have called, you should have called." "Yeah maybe I should have, but are you okay, you're shivering and sort of crying?" That's when I broke, a sob escaping my chest, that clenching feeling in my chest. Luke of course immediately brought me into a hug. "We'll come back tomorrow." Michael said, patting my back, Ashton and Calum following him. "Call us when you need something." Calum said, before he closed the door behind him. Luke was still hugging me and rubbing my back and I was still sobbing. "It's okay, I'm sorry." He whispered. "No no no, it wasn't your fault." I managed to get out between sobs. He began shushing me and leading me to the couch. He sat down with me, pulling me into him. He began to hum my favorite song as I began to calm down, my heart rate going down and crying quieting down until I was calm. "What happened?" "Shitty day" "What happened?" "Maybe we should get your ears checked." I tried to joke. "I'm serious, you just broke down in front of us, I know you, you don't normally do that. So what happened?" "I had a shitty date with this guy who really didn't like feminism. He was constantly talking badly about it. I don't know why I stayed for so long, but I eventually stood up and left. Now here's the thing, apparently, he is friends with my boss and called him." I said, sitting up straight. "What did your boss do?" Luke asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder "He fired me." "He did what?" "We really should check your ears out." "Stop joking." "Okay okay, but yes, he fired me for ditching his friend. I have no job as of right now." "Oh, you have one." "Luke-" "I'll make some calls. You'll have a job and I won't have to miss you." "I missed you too, but what about Ryan?" I wondered putting my head on his shoulder. "He'll have to make place for you." He laughed out, making me smile. "Now please go shower, you're freezing and I'm cold too now." Luke said, pushing me away, jokingly. "Yes, boss." I said, standing up "I will be soon." "Nah, you will always be my best friend." "Your only friend." "That's not true, I'm friends with lots of people." I said, clutching my heart, pretending to be hurt. 
I walked out of the bathroom and back to the couch, dressed in a short and one of Luke's sweaters. "Hey! That's my sweater." "You stole one of my keys, that's way worse." "I didn't steal it, I borrowed it." He said, while I sat down. "It's still stealing if you borrowed it without my permission." "Okay, wise ass." He joked. I saw that he had a movie ready, my favorite Disney cartoon to be precise. "Really?" "I know it is your favorite one." He said, before standing up. "Where are you going?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't leave. "The kitchen, I made thee." He answered, before walking into the kitchen. I smiled, that dork. 
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theshyspy · 4 years
Pancakes - l.h // c.h
Pairing: platonic!Luke Hemmings, platonic!Calum Hood x fem!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Your night went nothing like you planned as your date stood you up. Luckily, your two best friends are always eager to cheer you up. (Kinda friends to lovers?? It’s hinted attt ö )
Warnings: none, a tad angst but mostly fluff
A/N: I have a love-hate relationship with this fic, but the plot was too sweet to collect dust in my phone, so here we go! Remember that feedback is greatly appreciated, so please consider liking, commenting and/ or reblogging 🖤. Happy reading🌻
Check out my masterlist!
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When you first met in the coffee-shop, it was something about him that made you want to spend every second in his presence. You weren't sure whether it was because of the breathtaking smile or the way his jokes brought tears to your eyes. The only thing you grasped was the fact that you were grateful your coffee-machine bailed on you that morning.
No matter what it was, you ended up happily typing your number into his phone. And shortly after you arrived at work, he sent the first text. From there on the phone seemed to be glued to your hands.
You talked for hours a day, and it didn't take long until you agreed on meeting up again. Hence why you were sitting in a gorgeous black dress in a big, dim venue. At a beautiful table set for two with candles illuminating the romantic scene. Almost as if it was taken out of your favourite movie. Just one thing missing for the night to be perfect:
"He's stuck in traffic." The short excuse had played over in your mind like a broken record for the past 45 minutes. But for every passing second, hope that he would show was slowly dying out.
Every table around you was filled with smiling couples, and you felt so out of place. Just wishing you had stayed home. This was the first date you had been on since things ended with your ex. And after the breakup, dating seemed more like a chore rather than a pleasure or an excitement. Therefore, everyone had been over the moon when you told them about the date.
Your ex had you convinced he was the one. His charm could swoon anyone, and you were wrapped around his fingers. Your family and friends all adored him and were simply waiting for the engagement. All until you came home a few days earlier after visiting your sister and her husband. You planned on surprising him, and you did: just not the way you wanted. Crushed into a million tiny pieces you walked in on him in bed with someone else.
And as you now sat alone at a table meant exclusively for two, you wished the world would open and swallow you whole. Get away from the prying eyes sent by every stranger around you. Perhaps you were right, thinking it was impossible to love you.
The self-pity circling through your head was interrupted as the phone laying in your lap vibrated. The first thought rushing to your mind was how good his excuse would be. Shifting your gaze, your eyes scanned the phone and read the message.
lulu the breadstick Hope your date's going well Y/N/N, let us know if you need anything! Love u <3
It was just like the text that had waited on your phone since you arrived at the restaurant earlier:
cool guy cal Let us when your date's over, Dork. We'll be staying by the phone all night just in case
Your eyes were glued to the loving words from your two best friends as the awareness of being stood up came crashing down on you, finally grasping he wasn't coming. The thoughts echoing through your head made it all worse, repeating how unlikeable you must be for someone to not even show.
You had been over the moon when you told the guys all about coffee-guy. How he never failed to put a smile on your lips, or how nice and caring he was. And Ashton almost seemed to be more excited than you when you planned the date, loving you found someone that caused butterflies to run wild inside you. They were just glad you finally grasped the fact that you were worth so much more than the heartbreak caused by your ex.
But now you had to tell them that he stood you up. That every text you sent was received by utter radio silence. That maybe your ex had done the right thing finding someone else. The humiliation crawling up your chest at the simple thought was a magnet for tears stinging behind your eyes.
"Are you sure you don't want anything else, miss?" The waiter interrupted your thoughts as he placed his short frame in front of you, the third time that evening. Blinking fast, you pushed away the glimmering tears and swallowed hard. As you glanced up at him with a forced smile plastered on your lips, the sympathetic expression on his face softened.
"Yes… Thank you," you answered, fidgeting with the small ring around your finger. "I'll- I'll just take the check, please." Deciding it was best to put an end to the misery provided by the pathetic wannabe date-night.
"Of course." He left for a quick second, coming back with the receipt for a glass of wine. "Have a good evening, miss," he wished as you stood up and sent him an appreciative smile. The confidence that oozed of you earlier that evening was long gone as you left the restaurant with a heavy heart and an empty stomach.
The drive back home felt longer than when you came. Your excitement had vanished, and the small void filled up with millions of thoughts, each one finding pleasure in taunting you. No matter how many times you told yourself it wasn't true, you couldn't help trusting your mind as it whispered how pathetic you were. Swallowing the bitter lie telling you that even the guys would grasp the simple fact.
Eventually, you arrived at your small apartment, a shaky breath leaving your mouth as you unlocked the front door. Kicking off your black heels, you moved into the small living room and slumped down on the couch. Debating on whether to call or not, you picked up your phone and stared at Luke's number. Knowing you would have to tell them sooner or later, your thumb lingered over his name for a second before you pressed call. The beating in your chest quickened and it was only a matter of seconds before his voice echoed in your ear.
"Y/N! Hey, ok wait a sec, I'll put you on speaker-" a few shuffles erupted from your phone as you shifted your position, seating yourself at the edge of the sofa. "- There. Say hi to Cal."
"Cal! Hi."
"Hey, Dork." You could catch the smile playing on his face as your nickname fell out his mouth. Usually, it brought a smile to your lips, but now it sent you shrinking further down your seat.
"So how was your date?" Luke questioned, interrupting the short exchange of greetings. The eagerness lacing his voice was bright, ready to hear all about the amazing coffee-guy. Inhaling sharply, you hesitated as the feeling of insignificance came sneaking up your throat. Cold tears lingered in the corners of your eyes while you despised the words that were about to slip off your tongue. Praying your voice wouldn't crack.  
"He- he didn't come, guys." Your heart ached as the words fell off your lips. You bit your lip in a desperate cry for the tears to stay, the stinging behind your eyes growing.
"He what?" Calums carefree tone dissolved as your words met his ears.  His muscles tensed, and sniffle erupting from his Luke's phone did nothing to soothe his spiked anger.
The tone of your voice was enough for his blood to run cold. He couldn't help picturing a fragile stranger as you spoke, sounding nothing like your normal self. And the image rising to his mind made his heart drop, viewing your quivering lips and furrowed brows.
"You know what- give us five minutes and we'll be over."
"What? No, you- you guys really don't have to do that," the protest fled your lips in a hurry, the thought of someone seeing your heartbroken state weighing heavy on your chest. "I'll be fine, I promise."
Still, a part of you needed the comfort of your best friends, knowing they had the power to erase the memory of the disaster-night.
"We know that, Y/N. It's just- you're always there for us, and we wanna be there for you too." A faint smile crept upon your lips, the loving words tugging at your heartstrings. You hesitated for a second before the short agreement played through his phone:
It didn't take long until you heard knocks on your front door and their spare key unlocking it. Pushing your body off the couch, you relocated to the hallway, the two men coming into view. Calum was taking off his shoes as Luke noticed your short frame peeking at them. The black dress was still hugging your curves, and he couldn't stop the sympathetic smile sneaking upon his lips.
"Hey." His voice was gentle as he offered a loving greeting and moved towards you. He opened his arms and brought you into his chest, the small gesture forcing your lips to release a strangled whimper. Your eyes screw shut as the hot tears coursed down your cheeks. "I know." His warm hand stroked your hair, head resting underneath his jaw.
A heavy sigh erupted from Calum standing behind you. The sound of your soft whimpers was crushing his heart, and he found it impossible to wrap his head around the behaviour of your date. His temper wasn't easy to provoke, but when it came to you: his nerves disappeared. You had been his best friend for years, and he often proved he would do anything to keep you from harm's way. And as you pulled yourself out of Luke's hold, offering a glimpse of your face: his blood boiled. Your lips were trembling as tears poured down the flustered cheeks. "When I get my hands on that little shit…" He spat through clenched teeth, running a hand through his hair.
Lifting a shaky hand to your face, you wiped the tears and gazed up at him. "You really don't have to, Cal. Let's just leave it," you plead, wanting nothing more than to forget the evening that had unfolded and move on.
"And let him get away with it?"
"Well, he- he's massive."
"That's your excuse?" A huff left his lips as he raised a brow.
"But he is."
"Well, I'm… massiver." His remark met your ears, and you couldn't choke down the snicker crawling up your throat at the man's defence. Coming home that evening, you had been certain nothing could lift your spirit as the event painfully tugged at your heart. But as the grown, angered man miserably failed at his attempt to sound threatening, a piece of you forgot about coffee-guy. Even Luke chuckled at his response as a faint smile played on your lips, and you tucked your arms around yourself.
Calum offered an annoyed sigh as he flung his head back and eyed the ceiling. "You know what I mean." He glanced back at you for a second before leading the way into your modest kitchen. Shaking your head at his behaviour, you trailed behind him.
He placed himself by the sink, and you were quick as you paced over to him. A soft smile was playing on your lips as his brown eyes travelled down to yours. The innocent act pushed away his previous irritation as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and enfolded you into his chest. Your back against him as he placed his chin on top of your head.
"Thanks for being here, guys." The sincerity lacing your tone was apparent, wanting them both to grasp your appreciation for their presence.
"Always, Dork."
"Of course." You beamed at Luke as he spoke, watching his tall frame lean against your doorframe.
The sweet moment came to an abrupt stop as your stomach signalled its urgent need for food with a soft grumble. You gifted Luke a sheepish grin as he eyed you. "I didn't eat," you mumbled.
Calum's arms tightened around your frame as huff fell off his lips. Both men believed you deserved someone adoring you till the ends of time.
"Ok- what if you go change, and we'll make you something to eat?"
"You would do that?" You question, heart fluttering at the proposal made by the man behind you.
"Any day."
"Thank you." His strong arms fell to the counter as you stepped away from him and set off to your bedroom.
The hurt caused by coffee-guys absence still ached in your chest, but the eternal optimist inside you was grateful for the outcome. Cherishing how it brought you closer to your best friends, their sweet affection heating your heart.
When you finally stepped out of your bedroom in pyjamas, the sweet scent of pancakes was floating through your apartment. Music was humming softly from the kitchen as you moved back in till them. From there on the night passed in a hurry. Calum effortlessly flipped a dozen pancakes while Luke ruined the four he was allowed to practice at.
Even though your date night went nothing like you planned, you wouldn't have changed it for the world.
Dear reader; thank u so much for checking out my fic!! It means the world and I love u so much❤️
Taglist: @suchalonelysunflower @notanacousticsetcal @lukeshemmo
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iwakurodai · 6 years
Told You So | Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings
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Requested? Yes, by this lovely person!
@rexorangecouny calum imagine where you were rlly good friends before he got big but then you eventually stopped talking. like ur family friends but whenever he came home you were always at uni or not home ? and one time ur both actually there and at a family gath or something idek oxoxooxoxoox
I kinda made it into a platonic!cal and luke x reader. If you want me to make an alternative then I can!! But I hope you like what this is
Warnings: not that I know of no
Taglist: @thatprofessionalfangirl @toziernwheeler
You scroll through your phone as you collapse onto the couch in your mother’s living room. You had finally, after almost six years, made it to a family gathering. You can finally see your cousins and your mom’s best friend, Joy Hood’s, family again. They were always invited due to their closeness to your family. You used to be inseparable with Joy’s son, Calum… until he started a band with Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, and Michael Clifford. You remember when you guys had started to drift away, it was when they had gone on tour with One Direction and then blew up on social media.
With the time differences and busy schedules, you and Calum were never able to talk except for a “I hope you’ve had a good day” and a “have a good show”. It just naturally drifted, no falling out needed.
“(Y/n)! Come in here and cut some of these vegetables! I need to go get dressed!” You sigh and sit up, dragging yourself into the kitchen, where you mother was waiting for you. “Cut the mushrooms and spinach and add it to the pot, I need to finish my makeup,” Your mother rushes, brushing past you and running up the stairs. You shake your head and set your phone on the counter. You start to cut the food and zone off in to your thoughts.
“You good there?” You hear from behind you, you jump, startled and slice your thumb, yelping. Dropping the knife immediately and spinning around to see someone you haven’t seen in years. “Jesus! Sorry I didn’t think I’d scare you!” Calum exclaims, stepping closer to you and grabbing your hand to examine your finger.
“Where’s the first aid kit?” He asks, looking at your you and back down at your hand.
“Uh, last I know of it’s in the upstairs bathroom,” You answer, and let Calum lead you out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Entering the bathroom, he helps you on the counter and rummages through the medicine cabinet. It’s silent as he cleans and bandages the cut. As he places the first aid back into the cabinet he speaks up.
“So, you’re graduating soon?” He asks, leaning against the wall to look at you. You look him up and down, he’s changed a lot since you last saw him.
“Yea, photography, it’s taken up all my schedule so I’ve barely had time to come to family things like this,” You answer, playing with your fingers. “How’re the guys? Haven’t seen them since I last saw you,” You ask quietly, you’ve kept up with the band’s music but never really payed attention to their social lives.
“They’re good, they’re gonna be here actually,they’re on their way,” You nod at his answer, biting your lip.
“Luke’s single if you’re still interested?” You snap your head up, blushing, you reach over and smack Calum’s arm. “Hey! What? I thought you’d wanna know!” He exclaims laughing, you giggle with him.
“We don’t bring up my teen years,” You answer, your face still red. Calum smirks at you and grabs your waist, lifting you then setting you on the ground.
“Please, you both had the biggest crush on each other, I was surprised you guys hadn’t fucked,” Calum whispers, opening the door for you and following you out. You smack his arm again and rush down the stairs before he could get you back, laughing. “(Y/n) get back here!” You run outside and straight into a person, landing on top of them.
You feel hands on your waist and you open your eyes seeing the very familiar face of Luke Hemmings. He had grown up damn well. “What an entrance,” He mutters to you, Ashton and Michael laugh above you as you stand up quickly.
“First time seeing them after years and you’re already on top of one of them, damn (y/n) you really have changed,” Calum exclaims from behind you, you turn and glare at him, rolling your eyes. You turn back to the three, smiling apologetically at Luke, he waves it off as he gets up.
“Hey guys, long time no see,” You say, grinning at the other two of go in for a hug. You reciprocating quickly, Jesus they all had grown so damn well. You give a hug to Luke, whispering another sorry in his ear, just in case. He chuckles in response.
“They get a hug and I don’t?” Calum whines, crossing his arms like a child. You roll your eyes and turn to face him, starting to walk back into the house.
“Please, you made me slice my finger open, you don’t deserve one,” You say as you pass him, his jaw drops and you laugh before entering the house again.
About four hours later, you and the four boys are crowded into your room, all in different spots, reminding you of when they came over for validation on a cover or a song they wrote. You were laying on your bed, you legs in Luke’s lap, you head in Calum’s, Luke had his hands on your calf. Ashton was laying on your bean bag, listening to the record he chose to put on. Michael was texting Crystal, sitting against your dresser.
It was peaceful, until Michael caught sight of a familiar album cover.
“Hey, look who’s a fan,” Michael teases, sliding the album out of your bag. It was Luke’s version of Youngblood, you blush and hop up, grabbing the cd quickly.
“It’s not like I hated everything to do with you guys, I still like your music. I never stopped, look,” You say, placing the cd on top of your dresser where you found all of the 5 Seconds of Summer albums on top of a couple old t-shirt’s that you were pretty sure were Calum’s.
“It’s cute that you got Luke’s and no one else’s,” Calum teases from behind you. You spin, smacking his arm, for the fifth time today. Luke blushes and looks down, you bite your tongue and pass through the group of boys.
“I’m pretty sure we’re gonna watch old videos, come on. We get to see baby Cal-pal!” You tease Calum, smirking as he grumbles and dejectedly walks out of the room. Ashton exits next, winking at you as well as Michael when he leaves. You furrow your eyebrows but brush it off.
“Luke? You comin’?” You ask, Luke snaps his head up from his gaze at a piece of paper. He shoves it back into your dresser drawer and closes it.
“Can I confess something?” Luke asks, walking up to you slowly. You nod in response, confused with where this was going. “I had the biggest crush on you for years,” He says, smiling down at you, you blush, looking down and giggling.
“I-I had the biggest crush on you too,” You say as you look back up at him. He bites his lip and glances around the room and outside of the room.
“Do you-Do you wanna go on a date before I leave?” Luke hesitantly asks, rubbing the back of his neck and rocking back on his feet. You smile at his bashfulness before nodding.
“Yea, I’ll go on a date with you. But! There has to be slurpees, or I’m not going,” You reason, pointing at him playfully. He laughs and nods, walking out of your room.
“Yea, I’ll make sure here are slurpees,” He says with a chuckle before letting you in front of him. You both keep your smile as you walk down the stairs, you look at the boys and Calum smirks and mouths an ‘I told you so’ before winking. You roll your eyes and drop yourself next to him, Luke sitting in the ground in front of you, next to Ashton. Luke looks up at you and smiles, you smile back, happy with how the day turned out.
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Cookies-n-cream • L.H
Luke Hemmings x gn!reader (lemme know if there's sth indicating something else<3) and platonic!Michael Clifford.
Mentions of Ashton's lemon tree.
Warnings : None! just unrealistic to a point fluff and humor
Word count : it's smol | +masterlist
He was the one who came up with the "genius" idea so, he should be the one clearing the mess up but here you are trying desperately to explain to Michael why you and your idiotic boyfriend were in his house in the middle of the night.
"...so you know that's why we're here obviously. Glad we cleared that up and we'll be on our way. Thanks and good night Michael" you rambled out a lie nervously, mentally thinking of ways to punish the tall blonde next to you.
"Wait wait hold up" Michael started, tired eyes narrowing down at the two of you "So you sneaked into my house at the middle of the night because you were out of ice-cream?" "Cookies-n-cream ice-cream" Luke corrected which earned a kick in the shin rather gracefully by you. "Right..why not just go to the store?"
"...that..is a very good question to which Luke will answer right now" ha! take that hemmo. You don't get to throw me under the bus and get away like that. "Because Y/N is very cheap." dang he played that well. "What?!"
And then Michael had to endure you and Luke argue about for like one minute and he was sick of it. Well, he was a very impatient person and it was about 3 am. So he had about half-hour of sleep til you guys decided to break in.
"Alright! I had to watch you lunatics argue for a whole minute and I'm sick of it! You better answer me right now hemmings! What the hell are you two doing in my hou- is that my dog in your bag?" Michael accusively pointed to the couch behind you while looking at Luke like he was about to hit him.
"Urgh fine.. I'm done. Luke thought it would be funny to steal Moose so we could see your reaction bc you always make fun of piggy." you bluntly stated, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
Luke looked at you with comically large eyes and Michael looked a little bit surprised yet he still managed to say "I don't make fun of piggy.." although it sounded more like a question.
"You once said she looks like a baked potato!" Luke yelled out accusively while you decided to drop onto the weirdly comfortable chair behind you. "That was Ashton!" Michael screamed back at him. "Well he doesn't own a dog does he Michael? And it would be stupid to dig up a lemon tree." Luke crossed his arms defensively. He really is a drama queen.
"I.. I'm going to sleep and you are both going home and don't steal my dog and I can't believe you went through with this Y/N/N." Michael gave out orders. "He wouldn't stop!" You defended "Alright, come on hemmo we are going home." You dragged him out with you.
"Can we really steal a lemon tree?" After letting out an exasperated sigh you looked him in the eyes. "Luke get in the car before I make you a lemon tree"
A/N : Can you tell I wrote it after just waking up lol? I'm stuck on the second part of Beau so hope you enjoyed this!! ^.^
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robincantfunction · 3 years
prompt list here
what i will write:
the characters i will write for (x readers) currently are: most marauders era characters, fred weasley, bill weasley, charlie weasley, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, stiles stilinski, lydia martin, klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, kol mikaelson, peter parker (sm, tasm, and mcu) (i have watched no way home so any request to do with that is all good), natasha romonoff, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, steve rogers, bucky barnes, tony stark, loki, luke patterson, reggie peters, alex mercer (platonic if fem!reader). (i know that’s a lot but i’d rather write which characters than which franchises, it saves hassle yanno)
actors/celebrities i will write for (and most of their characters): thomas brodie sangster, ben barnes, tom holland, chris evans, luke hemmings, harry styles. zendaya.
fluff, angst (and i'm not opposed to writing smut lord knows i read enough of it but for warning not sure how good i'd be at writing it)
x reader
any character (preferably from my list of movies/shows/books but i might have missed some so feel free to put any)
fem, male, gender neutral (or any specific pronouns you may use)
one shots - series - imagines - head canons - drabbles - blurbs - you name it and i'll do it
platonic/sibling relationships
depression/anxiety/panic attacks (i have both and i get panic attacks so if you do want something like that i have experience and will be comfortable depicting it slightly <3)
what i won't write:
rape/sexual assault
detailed self harm/suicidal thought (light mentions are ok)
poly smut - poly fluff is cool but i'm not comfortable writing threesomes and foursomes
things to put in your request:
gender/pronouns (if you're comfortable sharing them)
specific characters you'd want to see
the relationship between the reader (or the shipped characters)
the rough plot
the theme (fluff, angst etc )
y/n's hogwarts house/job in tmr (or anything of significance like that)
any prompts you may want
some requests will take longer than others - and if i decide i don't want to do it i'll let you know <3 but every request is appreciated greatly!! <3
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JATP Masterlist
Everything Unsaid (Luke/Luke parallel)
Luke Patterson likes to hyper fixate on writing songs, and so does Luke Hemmings.
Asshat (Caleb vs. gn!reader) (Platonic, ofc)
You’ve heard of ‘x reader’, you’ve probably read a few too many yourself. Get ready for something new- ‘vs. reader’. In this, you get to fight the BBEG. Have fun!
That one random head cannon that has 100+ notes for some reason?
Bracelets and stuff
Character x Character
Off Limits (Julie x Luke)
Julie has a crush on Luke. But what happens when the two of them are sick and home alone for a day?
Dancing Through Time (Julie x Luke)
Julie and Luke meet through the decades, a new person each time, but at their core, still the same. Plans change when a death happens out of turn and the wrong way...
Coffee Shops & Cliches (Julie x Flynn)
“slow burn” coffee shop au
Hot Chocolate & Headcannons (everyone)
this is more of a drabble! kinda what i think each character thinks about hot chocolate lol
Enemies to Lovers Masterlist (Charlie Gillespie x fem!Reader) Ongoing
She’s just Savannah’s assistant. He’s just an actor. They’ve never crossed paths before. But, getting invited to the Gillespie House for Christmas changes that.
Character x Reader
Falling... On My Butt (Carrie x gn!reader)
Carrie want to take you ice skating, you don’t. She finally convinces you, and you have fun at the rink.
Unrequited Love (Part 1) (Carrie x fem!Reader)
A love story that’s, well, unrequited.
Unrequited Love (Part 2) (Carrie x fem!Reader)
Coming May 7th, Noon EST
Midnight Meetings (Julie x fem!Reader)
It’s a Christmas fic, short and sweet
1950 (Julie x fem!Reader)
Based off the song 1950 by king princess
Kisses & Cookies (Reggie x fem!Reader)
Every year, your family makes cookies for Christmas. This year, you decide to invite your friends over to help. A food fight happens, and your crush on Reggie is made clear…
The Dark Room. (Non- x reader)
Some… things happened in the dark room. They were there for 25 years, ya know.
When All Is Said and Done (Reggie x fem!Reader) 
Part 2 to The Winner Takes It All
You slowly repair you relationship with Reggie as you get closer to the end of the show.
Want You Back (Reggie x fem!Reader)
After an argument with Reggie, you move to NYC, where you reunite with him under- different -circumstances
A Chance to Learn (Luke x fem!Reader)
You and Luke take a walk through the streets of LA. He has some questions about Hanukkah, and you answer them- but a bit differently than he expected.
She’s A Good Girl  (Luke x platonic!sibling!gn!reader)
Luke hates his younger sister. Her perfect facade, her good grades, and most of all- her boyfriend.
Soda Cans (Luke x non-binary!reader)
oh my god i wish i could put something here, but legit just read it please
Let’s Play a Game! If you find a fic listed below (that I lost when I switched urls), you get a prize! DM or send me the link in an ask!
We’re Done (Willex, Ask/Drabble)
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angelifylove · 3 years
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Calum Hood
Luke Hemmings
Crystal Leigh
Sierra Deaton
N/A Series Unnamed Series (includes all the boys) Drive - A.I x Platonic!Reader Desc: Ashton and reader have been friends since the moment the band moved to California. Recently though, the best friends have to conquer an emotional task; the reader’s father passes. They decided to take a little road trip.
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
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Loki Laufeyson:
Enough: 3k, Loki x OC (Hale Njordottir): Loki has finally been thwarted by the Avengers, but what happens when his wife, Odin’s right hand (wo)man, finds out?
Tony Stark:
He Loves Me Not: 4k, Tony Stark x Reader: When one single drunken night brings out the worst in Y/N, how will Tony react when 20 years of pent-up feelings are released on him within 20 minutes?
Peter Parker:
Sinking: 5.5k, Peter Parker x OC (Tessa Kennedy): Things take a turn for the worse when TK receives earth-shattering news that could affect the rest of her life. How will things work out when everything is sinking around her?
Bucky Barnes:
The One Where Bucky’s Not Ready (Headcannon): 1670, Bucky Barnes x neutral!teen!Reader: You’re Bucky’s kid and one of the most mature kids ever, but when you don’t come home after Winter Formal, Bucky flips out. (Based on season 1, episode 9 of Gilmore Girls)
Steve Rogers: 
Not Your Fault: 980, Steve Rogers x fem!Reader: After a mission gone wrong, Steve feels guilty about your current state.
Terrible Comes in Twos: 990, Steve Rogers x fem!Reader: You and Steve have finally began a family, but what trouble will they bring to your daily life?
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Not Defined:
Midnight: Random Blurb based on Midnight by 5SOS
Luke Hemmings:
The Only Aussie I’d Fuck: 3k, Luke Hemmings x Actress!Reader: Luke’s girlfriend, Y/n, is a famous actress she’s been begging him to watch her show and he’s finally caving, watching with his band mates, but how will Luke feel at her and her co-star’s on-screen relationship? 
Ashton Irwin
Love Is A Slap In The Face: 2k, Ashton Irwin x Reader: Through th eups, downs, and all inbetween, those you love will be there to keep you on your feet and make sure you smile through the tears. (WARNING: has mentions of PTSD and panic attacks)
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Ginny Weasley:
Fluff 93 & 94: Ginny Weasley x Reader: (93) “you’re an idiot, but you’re cute” & (94) “I’m asking you on a date, idiot.”
Hermione Granger:
The Saddest Part of All: 956, Hermione x Platonic!Slytherin!Pureblood!Reader: It’s 6th Year at Hogwarts, and everyone is a bit worse for wear, but some have it a bit worse than others
Fluff 1 & 13: 815, Hermione x Ravenclaw!Reader: (1) “Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand” & (13) “are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Harry Potter:
Safe With You: 3k, Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Werewolf!Reader: You and Harry met in your first year and when he invites you home for the summer, what will his family say about your blooming relationship?
And He Loved You Back: 6k, Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Part II: 4k: You and Harry are officially together (ish) but war can get in the way, though it can’t stop your happy ending
Fluff 49, 66, 91: 686, Harry Potter x Reader: (49) “You are my love” (66) “Our relationship is the most important thing to me” & (91) “I love you so much it physically hurts”)
Tom Riddle:
The Drooping Red Silvias on the Dining Room Table: 4.5k, Tom Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader: “Love could be remembered forever and it could be dwelled on for decades, but it didn’t last forever. Nothing did. Not a truly happy smile. Not the Red Silvias on the dining room table. Not even love.”
Neville Longbottom:
Neville Got the Girl: 1.6k, Neville Longbottom x fem!Reader: Neville feels insecure compared to his longterm crush, Y/n.
George Weasley:
Love is Blooming: 2k, George Weasley x fem!Slytherin!Reader: After your initial meeting, you and George become fast friends, but what if there’s more under the surface?
Pretty Pink Hair: 1.5k, George Weasley x gender-neutral!metamorphagus!Reader: Being friends with the twins results in the best time of your life, but when George begins to distance himself, what’s going to happen?
Draco Malfoy:
Merry Malfoy: 568, Draco Malfoy x gender-neutral!Reader: Draco feels like being festive, and who are you to refuse?
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Billy Hargrove:
Highway to Hell: 4k, Billy Hargrove x Reader: After being stuck in the Upside Down for a month, you return, only to have to fight off the same monster that had been haunting you there, but what sort of friendships can form out of a bit of shared trauma and good taste in music?
Steve Harrington:
Holiday Headcannon: Steve Harrington x Bob Newby!daughter!reader: You come to Steve on your first christmas after your dad died and feelings are revealed
Not ‘X reader’:
Steve and Will Headcannon: Will has a nightmare.
all of my harringrove stuff is under #harringrove and #mediocre—writing
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 65
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 65: A Rose by Any Other Name
You both entered your chambers, where your staff was waiting for you, Kylo ordered them to get out. You were to be alone with him, he told your ladies-in-waiting that there would be no need for them to get you ready for bed. You were to be his and his alone tonight.
“I will be leaving tomorrow, and I won’t see you until the ceremony, so I want you to myself tonight, Kitten.” His arms wrapped around your waist as he drew you close. Your eyes met the chrome of his mask, his muzzle.
He crashed his helmet down into your lips, you would be kissing but the helmet was blocking his reciprocation of your lips. You were unsure what to do, but you obeyed what seemed to be his command kissing the helmet, wrapping your arms around his neck, letting your tongue graze over the cool metal, feeling the red seams where it was repaired following them. You heard a synthesized groan come from the mask before, “Kitten. I do not know how much longer I can hold out. It is lucky for you that I will not return until you can be made Empress.”
His words sent shivers down your spine as one of his hands traced down your back. He released you for a second but not really, you felt the Force wrap its own protective limbs around you, in tendrils just like it had done with your brain.
You heard Kylo’s deep harsh chuckle once the mask was off, “I think my Force likes you.” You could see the smirk form on his face as one of the invisible tendrils moved up your bare leg, you felt the hem of your dress get tugged as you felt it wrap tightly around your lower thigh, “I think it likes you almost as much as I do.” He then pulled you back to his broad chest. You felt the tendrils slowly unwrap their hold on you.
His lips meeting your own, his teeth pulling your bottom lip with such a force you thought he was actually going to take a bite out of it. His teeth clashing into yours. He growled into the meat of your mouth like a hungry ravenous dog. His tongue bullying yours around like its own personal punching bag. You were held hostage in the cage of his arms, the rational part of your brain not really fighting back. Eventually, his lips abandoned yours to leave marks along your neck. Almost as if he was feasting on your flesh. In the crook of your neck, he laughed out, “Soon you will be known to the galaxy as the fair maiden that has tamed the bloodthirsty beast that is Kylo Ren.” His nips made way to your collarbone and down the neckline of your dress. Leaving deep bruises in the supple tender flesh.
“But I’m not a maiden, not really.”
He removed his head from your chest and met your eyes with an intense frown. “I know, and I am not happy about it.” His hand gripped your jaw, “If I didn’t have more important things to do I would hunt down every last one of them. You are mine and only mine.” His lips collided into yours, his hunger taking over once more. “Why didn’t you wait for me?”
This was a question that you knew you were probably going to have to answer at some point. You hadn’t viewed your virginity as such an important construct since you were in middle school. You lost it because you doubted Ben/Kylo’s existence, he wasn’t in the database, he wasn’t on social media, you began to doubt his existence. You also knew that it was more common for people to have platonic relationships with their matches, and you didn’t want to break your heart with the rejection. So you mainly messed around in college, it wasn’t that big of a deal to most people, but then again Kylo wasn’t most people.
“Why didn’t you wait,” you countered. If he was going to accuse you, he couldn’t do so without being held accountable for his own actions.
“Because Kitten, for me it was a right of passage with the Knights, a way to break my previous training and vow against attachments. My uncle, Luke Skywalker, took the traditional vow of chastity and a vow against attachments. I knew that would never be the life I wanted, as your name was a part of me.” His hand then grabbed your wrist and his thumb glided over his name. “I was also inexperienced, something I would never have wished upon you, a lack of skill, but I promise that you are the only one I have ever been attached to.” His lips glided over yours, “But you still need to answer my question Kitten. Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“Because I didn’t know if I would ever find you. I also did not know if you would ever accept me as your match, so I prepared myself. I also have never viewed my virginity as something special.”
“Then why are we waiting Kitten?” He was slightly agitated either from regular frustration or sexual frustration.
“Because you are special,” you said sweetly. With a smirk on your face, “And because you promised that I would be Empress first.” You leaned in to give him a sweet kiss, which he reciprocated. For a moment before your stomach growled out of hunger, you had missed lunch and it was slowly approaching dinner time.
“Hungry Kitten,” he asked with a smirk. His lips teasing your ear.
He then led you out onto the patio, where you sat in the lounge chairs. He ordered food for you both. Once you both finished eating he beckoned you over to his chair, to sit on his lap. You complied as you felt the Force wrap around you again. For a bit Kylo was content with you just laying back against his chest, while the tendrils of the Force caressed over your body. Eventually, a tendril played with a lock of your hair and Kylo’s hand came to caress your face.
“I do not know how long I will be gone Kitten, will you miss me?”
You sat up and turned around in his lap, you were now lying chest to chest. “Of course I will.”
His hand found the back of your head as he brought it forward, to kiss the crown of your head. You scooted down to lay your head on his chest and listened to his beating heart. The heart many in the galaxy claimed he did not own. He was a beast, a mutt of a man. He compared you to a fair maiden, but in truth, you were more of the rose that he kept under the glass. Something he cherished above all else.
You knew most of the galaxy couldn’t see this demon man be as gentle as he was right now. He was an absolute horrid creature in their eyes, something that would trample a rose like you instead of protecting it. But they didn’t know what his heart held. The spot he carved out for you long ago, when your name was the only thing that kept him going.
His fingers played in your hair, the pressure of the Force gone. “It’s time for bed Kitten. Tomorrow I shall leave you and when we see each other again you will be crowned Empress.”
You moved to stand and he followed. You made your way to your dressing room and got ready for bed. When you exited Dr. Dabrini was speaking to Kylo in a hushed tone. As you approached them the doctor faced you. “M’lady I have returned to administer the sleeping medication. I suggest you lie down as it will take effect quickly.”
You nodded in response and did as you were told. He gave you the drug and a glass of water to take with it. Once taken he told you that he would be back in the morning to access its effectiveness, and took his leave.
Kylo joined you on the bed, only after stripping off the lounge pants that he wore for the doctor’s sake. He crawled up next to you. “I’m sorry I am unable to protect you like I should.” A kiss fell on your lips.
“It’s all right, you heard the doctor earlier, we are too compatible and for this it's a bad thing but for everything else it's good.” You carded your hand through his raven hair. Kissing him again.
He settled over you as he kissed over your love mark riddled neck. Unlike before the kisses and nips were gentle as you felt sleep take over. And not just a normal sleep, a black sleep of nothingness for which you were thankful.
No dreams. No surprise dream visits. Only blackness, that was now a comfort as it reminded you of your match, your black eyed monster that only cared for you. A twin soul that shared the galaxy with you.
A/N: A short chapter because I was busy and then my brain couldn't brain.
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