#luke loves lorelai and would do anything to see her happy!!!
personallbest · 9 months
luke not having anything planned for valentine’s day because he thinks it’s a fake holiday is such bullshit. this is the same luke who made lorelai a santa burger to cheer her up when she was sad about missing the gilmores’ christmas party? who made her an ice skating rink after she “broke up” with snow to make her happy? who suggested they do a movie date after liz’s wedding even though he couldn’t care less about movies??
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
I used to think that the point where something got broken between Rory and Jess was when Rory never wrote to him and Jess decided to move on- like that was the point when they started to hold back, started to distrust each other... And I still think it WAS in a lot of ways, especially for Jess, but I'm starting to think that for Rory it was missing her mom's graduation. Because that was the point where she started feeling like her feelings for Jess were something she couldn't control. And that was TERRIFYING! And now people were getting hurt! Her MOM was getting hurt! And Rory had that whole meltdown desperately trying to deny why she would do something like this. But then, as soon as Jess showed up again, she lost control of herself AGAIN. Like, IMMEDIATELY. And I think that really, really scared Rory and she started seeing Jess as someone she needed to keep at a distance (even when she also wanted that distance erased).
So, now I'm wondering... would the trajectory of their relationship have been any different if Rory hadn't gotten on the wrong bus that day? If she'd made it to the graduation on time, with the Go-Go's record Jess helped her to find (being a reason for her mother's happiness instead of a reason for her pain)? If her obsession with Jess hadn't been a thing that hurt her mom, would she have had more positive feelings about it? Jess seemed ready to go "all-in" when he first came back (he MOVED BACK! For HER! What a huge thing that is?!), but grew bitter over the summer. But what if Rory had been "all-in" too? Would their relationship have gone better if both of them felt like they could trust that the other REALLY CARED?
i put this ask kind of on "hold" for a lot of reasons, and the most important one is because i think you are 100% right, but i think it's started even before - when rory got hurt and jess left to nyc without saying goodbye to her, i think something of her just broke there, and no one believed her it isn't jess's fault, and that she is responsible to what happened exactly as he is. she wanted him to keep driving, she is the reason they even got into this car accident in the first place (because if she wouldn't have said 'turn right', jess would've drive back to luke's, they would've studied a bit more & maybe meet tomorrow morning at luke's before she goes to school). instead, her arm got broken and he left without saying goodbye, and on the day her mother graduation's, she went to see jess, got stuck on a bus in nyc and missed her mom's graduation completely and now she has to suffer the consequences of all of it. because the moment jess is back, she is kissing him behind dean's back! and a few days (or weeks, you can't really tell time between episodes lol) she cried to her mom that she loves dean, that she will always gonna love dean, she literally punished herself and felt to awful because she hurt her mom and other people too! and see how quickly rory stop kissing jess (she kissed him first!), demand him not to say anything (he kept that promise!!! he didn't say ANYTHING!) and welcomed him home. like???? we have so many things we need to discuss here but kissing jess was what made her go to washington because she couldn't deal with spending an entire summer around him (and being with dean....) and she couldn't tell her mom that because as we saw in lorelai's reaction in 3.01 (and rightfully so) she took dean's side. people are keep getting hurt for her love for jess, and maybe she feels like she needs to keep her distance from him, until they are together and now it's okay because now she is the one who gets her heart broken and not everyone else around her. and it's completely heartbreaking but like.... this is so so important because in s4 she is very much heartbroken by jess while everyone seemed to have moved on from being hurt by him - her mom isn't worrying about them being together, and in the yale vs harvard game she is admits to emily she is hoping he'd gone forever and rory wouldn't hear from him again, then he showed up again in rory's life twice and she is getting hurt by him again what leads her in a way to have sex with dean and then she doesn't hears for him for over a year but in this point it doesn't matter because she is dating logan! and she loves logan! and jess is nowhere to be found, to hurt her again! or make other's people get hurt by her because her love for him!
and i think, if rory wouldn't have said 'turn right', or even if she would've and still got her arm broken and then made it back in time to her mother graduation, i do believe things could've went very different! like maybe rory wouldn't even going to washingtion for the entire summer, maybe she & jess could've sorted things out and she would've breaking up with dean and start dating jess way earlier and then her love for jess wasn't that scary terrifying thing that makes people around her getting hurt, it would've been that thing that heals her & the people around her because think of the endless opportunities lorelai and jess could've had getting alone over the summer! and jess and lane's friendship! all this little things would've change the way the town sees jess but more importantly the way rory sees her relationship with jess!!
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
I was thinking lately about the ret-conning in AYITL and how out of all the stuff we see that doesn't feel right, it's the ret-conning of Christopher and Rory's relationship that feels the most wrong.
To be truthful, there's quite a bit of revisionist history going on in AYITL because ASP is putting her preferred opinions in the mouthpieces of the characters. Dean was the perfect boyfriend and Rory was actually too immature for HIM! (lol). Luke and Lorelai never discussed kids at any point in their relationship, nor did Lorelai even think about it! (I guess ASP was as traumatized by season 6 as the rest of us and forgot a lot of those conversations). Logan has never even thought about not working for his father and making his own decisions as an adult! (Honestly, there's the seeds of a good story there about the recession and it makes Logan look a lot less pathetic if he HAD to start over, but ASP is more interested in how rich he is to talk about it). Oh, and Rory is an aimless, jobless, rootless commitphobe who's seemingly content to be tied to no one and nothing, but is just sad that this peripatetic phase is ending? (Sooooo out of character. OS Rory would HATE this life).
However, let's put all that aside and talk about the Rory/Christopher scene. I didn't mind it at the time because I was afraid ASP would use the revival to write the Lorelai/Christopher storyline she always wanted and wouldn't care that it was done without her. I just wanted the guy to be ignored or to sit in his corner and not bother anybody and he at least did the latter so....yay? However, putting Lorelai aside it really does a disservice to Rory that Christopher claims that he wasn't allowed to help raise Rory because he "wasn't consulted" and that it was no use fighting Lorelai because she had already made up her mind and she wasn't going to let anyone get between her and Rory. Rory doesn't question him on this, but only asks why he didn't fight Lorelai on her supposedly unreasonable decision to exclude him.
Look, I guess he's bitter that Lorelai loved Luke instead of him. Maybe he's just a petty man child and has chosen to rewrite the story in his own head that it was all Lorelai's fault and he was helpless to do anything about it. But that is not the story the OS told, and it was repeatedly affirmed by Lorelai, Christopher, and Rory that he had every opportunity to participate in Rory's childhood ON HIS OWN and for the most part he chose not to because unless Lorelai was willing to be in a relationship with him, he wasn't going to bother. Lorelai didn't keep Christopher away. CHRISTOPHER kept Christopher away. Rory was always a consolation prize and he didn't want her if she was all he got.
And Rory's not allowed to question his version of events, because she's never allowed to be angry at him, to hold a grudge, to resent him for all of the things he didn't do for her, or even for at this late stage his belief that she forced him to stay away because she wanted Rory all to herself. No one is ever allowed to question Christopher or blame him for his own behavior. Compare this to how Lorelai is allowed to rage at her parents, Logan at Mitchum, Lane at Mrs. Kim, Jess at Luke or Liz. Rory's not allowed to be mad. Even when she is angry for a few months, it's a phase Lorelai hopes she'll get over because (again) she never kept Rory away from her dad or wanted them to be at odds.
Why? Because Christopher is ASP's favorite. She's perfectly happy to let him rewrite history so that Lorelai is solely responsible for Rory not having her dad around, especially if it points to her preferred endgame, which is Rory becoming a single mother just like Lorelai, raising her child with limited participation from her rich, weak-willed baby daddy, and eventually marrying the surrogate dad with gigantic arm muscles who remains involved in their lives.
I do recognize the difference between a character's opinion and the actual reality of the events as they happened in canon, but given the level of ret-conning that we already see in AYITL and the fact that the writing is about as subtle as a sledgehammer most of the time, I do think we're actually supposed to believe that Lorelai kept Christopher away. And it kind of sucks, because the story should be centered on Rory and her pregnancy dilemma, but instead it's about Christopher the man-child and how sad he is. Pathetic.
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jomiddlemarch · 11 months
On the one hand, rewatching Gilmore Girls has made me think about an AU fic/world where instead of running away from her wedding, Lorelai (probably cajoled by Rory) calls Max and he comes over and they talk through her issues, including her complex feelings about Luke AND Christopher, with Max making it clear he is both already aware of said issues and accepts that she's going to continue to have feelings for both other men, SUCH THAT they actually proceed with the wedding.
In this AU world, Jess meets Lane before he meets Rory and they begin a relationship based on their shared interests and status as outsiders. This relationship develops into a romance and Rory remains Lane's best friend and has to work through her own issues with Dean without a love triangle forcing anything. Since Max becomes Rory's stepfather, he is able to give Lane more advice/support about high school and college in a way her mother can tolerate and she doesn't have to simply end up married with twins.
On the other hand, I feel that it's likely there's no real audience for such a fic exploration and while I know the old saw about writing for yourself, I do that with my original work. I see fanfic as a community engagement, and it's hard to imagine investing in the writing with no one who wants to read this.
There is obviously no actual third hand, but if we grant the possibility, I'd be grappling with my impetus to write a Gilded Age/Mercy Street crossover fic, with some hefty contributions from the Mansion House Murder Hotel AU world, especially since Robert Sean Leonard has toddled on down from Boston to be the new minister du jour in NYC (is he friends with Henry Hopkins? Besties even?) AND I would love to see the Battle of the Beards with Jedediah Foster facing off against George Russell.
Happy Daylight Savings to those who celebrate ;)
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 1, Episode 21 (Love, Daisies, and Troubadors). Part II
Want to read part 1 and the rest of my season 1 reviews? Check out my pinned post.
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Dean's empty chair. This portrait belongs in the Stars Hollow Museum, with the caption stating: "This Chair Represents A Time Dean Forrester Left And Wasn't Around And Everyone Was Happy."
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Tomatos Sign: Spotted. Luke: Nothing much pressing at the town meeting. LOL the casual non-mention of Rory's speech. My second hand embarrassment meter is just throbbing hot right now for poor Rory. To get ya'll up to speed, several minutes ago, Luke was having a discussion with Lorelai about his difficulty making the transition from "loner" to "Having Girlfriend". But this is no longer an issue as Rachel has decided to go bye bye. Luke: Is there another guy? Rachel: No, it's another girl. Luke: *brain malfunctions* *sizzle* *fatal error*
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Errr, I think you oughta just come right out and say what you really mean, girl. You're about to give him a stroke.
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"What other girl...Ohhhhh."
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Bye. Off to the Land of Short Lived & Unremarkable Exes You Go, Honey. You can spend your days frolicking with Nicole, that guy Alex (I liked Alex), and Shane. Rachel: Don't wait too long...to tell her. Narrator: And he would wait way too long to tell her.
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Buzzfeed Quiz: Are you A Slutty Thursday Afternoon Girl, A Virgin Mary, or A Milk Whore?
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Paris gazes at Rory with quiet awe, before lashing out at her in another transparent attempt to mask her true feelings for the love of her life. Paris: When I first met you I didn't like you because I thought you were just some rube from the sticks and I have no patience for rubes. But then I realized you're not dumb and you can be modestly interesting sometimes. Go on. Paris: I gave the music reviewer job to Louise. Rory: But she only owns two cds! Sick early 2000's burn.
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They may not own many compact discs, but they still rule the school. And now for another one of our favorite segments, L&L throwing around tool-related words which make any conversation sound filthy.
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Lorelai: I named your toolbox Bert and I have conversations with him. Luke: Thanks for taking care of my toolbox. Speaking of tools.
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These two are gross and insufferable. Just twist the fucking knife into poor Luke's heart not 15 seconds after he told you he just got dumped. He doesn't need to see that shit.
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He has the greatest Folgers.
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Lorelai prefers MY toolbox. She wants to keep MY toolbox in her house. She loves my toolbox so much she NAMED IT and she TALKS to it.
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I can fix her porch rail like a MAN. I fixed her porch rail three times today. I broke her porch rail just so I could bang on it again. She was all like, "Luke please pound it one more time" and "Luke, won't this wake the neighbors!" What do you have to offer, a ring pop?
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Oh I bet he is.
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MAX'S FACE. Maybe Rachel & Max should get together and bond after being sidelined by Luke & Lorelai, to form the big suckhole of mediocrity the world has ever seen, and breed a bunch of mediocre High School English Teacher Photojournalist babies.
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Your penises she means your penises.
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Lorelai, you filthy lying Milk Whore. MaxMedina: We were apart for a while, I didn't assume you joined a convent or anything. Max is about to propose to her-the second impromptu proposal Lorelai has recieved in just one season, having already fended off Christopher's advances. Honestly at this point if I were Lorelai I would be done with men and join a convent (or live with Mrs. Kim). Rory, you're on your own kid. Christopher proposed to her in the kitchen to end an argument, while Max chose the classier option and proposes in the living room to end an argument. Max and Lorelai get into a pointless argument about how much they dated around while they were broken up. Max confesses to being a bit of a Thursday Afternoon Milk Whore. Giving out a lot of ring pops.
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Listen lady, I appreciate your blunt honesty but I'm trying to get over that traumatic incident okay? And also the fact that you disclosed Rory was concieved on said balcony. Max: There's only one thing we could do to fix our relationship. Lorelai: Well, I'm not into the Murder-suicide thing.
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I think I would have been happier with the murder-suicide option. Instead of saying "You can fuck right off with your mediocore English-Teaching, soda-sipping, ring-pop sucking ass" to her short-term, on-again-off-again boyfriend, Lorelai doesn't immeadiately say no, but instead gives him advice on how to propose to her properly. Lorelai then says uhh, let's just have a little do over, forgives him, and they go on with their evening forgetting that he just proposed marriage to her. As they walk out the door, Lorelai says goodbye to Bert (Luke's toolbox/ penis metaphor). Diet Logan harrasses Rory about not taking his concert ticket. Rory:"Just when I was making progress with Paris, now she hates me again." DL: "Well, the damge is already done so you might as well come with me." God, what an assclown.
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Enjoying this assertive version of Rory while I still can because she isn't going to be around forever. . DL: Those tickets cost a fortune. RoryGil: They cost your daddy a fortune. Now why couldn't she say more shit like that to Logan? Ugh. He would have never made any headway into her life if she stood her ground like this as an adult. DL: I don't know anyone who's into this stupid guy. RoryGil: PJ Harvey's a woman. Bahahahahaa. Diet Logan, you clown. DL fucking GRABS RORY'S BOOKS AND TRIES TO BLACKMAIL HER TO GET THEM BACK. I'm sorry, what?!
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Listen Rory, maybe now would be a good time to think about joining that convent with your mother/living with Mrs. Kim. There is no hope for TeenageBoyKind. Yeah, yeah, I know Jess is just around the corner but that's going to be an even bigger shit show. A shit show of massive proportions. Cut off the male species at the pass and call it a loss. Run away with Paris Geller, the real love of your life. How can get this scene get any worse? Hold onto your ring pops, folks. Stock up on eye bleach. We're about to witness the most awkward and disgusting kiss in the entire series, perhaps even a notch above the time Paris was making out with that old man professor boyfriend. I come bearing screen shots, people. You have been warned. Turn back now. Only the courageous of heart should proceed.
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What a charmer. You too can be a Dean if you follow these simple steps: 1.Wear stupid leather jacket and drive stupid car. 2.Drive stupid car and wear stupid leather jacket to surprise ex girlfriend at school. 3.See ex girlfriend in the presence of another boy with no other context whatsoever. 4.Rage. 5.Proceed to do a little manipulative, pouty act. 6."I'm an idiot." 7."I shouldn't have come here." 8..Wait for girlfriend to cry "Dean, no, wait" 9.Pout some more. 10."I came out all the way out here and I see you with HIM!" 11."That's just GREAT." 12.Manipulate ex girlfriend into apologizing to YOU when she didn't want the other boy around in the first place and didn't ask you to be there either. 13. Act pissy when Ex girlfriend gives you the explanation you wanted as to why Diet Logan has her books. 14. Repeat step 7 as she's apologizing to you for no reason and start walking away. Ah yes, Diet Logan, the boy Rory is so madly in love with and four seconds earlier wasn't thinking about pushing off a steep cliff.
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Rory's What The Hell is Happening to Me Right Now face. Dean has a box of RoryStuff, just like Rory has a DeanBox, and somehow that's so much worse. SO much worse. No wonder Dean doesn't want Clara in his room. She doesn't need to find his sick mementos. He's probably got like, a lock of her hair and one of her teeth in that box.
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Hey there Buttzilla, I will not tolerate any disrespect for Rory's courageous, heartfelt, and deliciously cheesy speech. She is a role model for us introverts. We should all wish to emulate Season 1 RoryGil's heart, courage and tenacity to give that speech in the room full of weird townies, only to recieve no reaction. She's been through it. You sir, can go take a flying leap into an active volcano. I hear dumb teenage boys in ugly leather jackets who don't know how to kiss make the best volcanic sacrifices. Oooh boy people, we're going to have to make this a three-parter. Ran out of room again! I will not sacrifice screen shots for my art. See you soon for the thrilling conclusion. Happy Thanksgiving, I'm about to ruin it!
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humansofstarshollow · 2 years
gellmore + gellmore babies: summer edition
paris carries sunscreen in her purse everywhere because 'skin cancer is no joke, rory!'
the kids would eat watermelon at lunch, breakfast, midnight snack- rory's partly grossed out, and oftentimes indulges
chloe is, simply put, a water baby; oliver has a master in sandcastle engineering
they're also such better dancers than mama ever was and the stars of miss patty's summer recital
richard gilmore had a brand new pool installed as soon as rory had sent 'babies' first bath' pics
emily has gained a very different kid of standing friday date, and is absolutely not complaining about the shrill squeals
paris adores seeing rory in a bikini. the now present stretch marks, the soft belly, the way her breasts fill the top, now. the thin rose gold band on her ring finger and how her wife never ever takes it off.
the way rory looks in nothing but the suntan lines.
but hey, it's a two ways road if rory's utterly smitten longing looks are anything to go by.
they do spend long hours, late into the night, just admiring each other in bed. and on the hammock out on the beach house's porch. and on the soft cushions on their master's private deck.
rory teaches the twins to swim while paris supervises, apprehensively, from the edge. they're a quick study, and absolutely love it.
lorelai and luke, the spoiling grandparents that they are, take the kids on adventures every sunday; grandpa luke is obsessed with lotioning up the babies ('skin cancer is no joke, lor!') before throwing them up in the air over and over and over again because, despite the age, he's the best splasher ever! ('you heard that, grandma??' he would proudly gloat)
it's a very happy life, over there in boston, but summers are made for long warm days in stars hollow and on the beaches in nantucket.
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bruh--wtf · 4 years
hi can i anonymously request a jess mariano imagine where its something similar to the scolding he does to rory but instead reader does that wake up call for him because he is not acting like himself. i hope that this makes sense but to summarise a angst where reader scolds him for his unusual behaviour but with a happy ending
Yes, definitely! I hope I did this right, I didn't think it was confusing but if I read it wrong, feel free to call me out.
Reason for Return
Jess Mariano x Reader
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Liz and TJ were getting married. Luke told you it was Renaissance themed. He was enthusiastic about it, of course. Well he didn't tell you specifically. You were getting lunch with Lorelai. And he told both of you.
Lorelai Gilmore. She was your surrogate mother. You'd asked her to adopt you, and you were sure your parents wouldn't know the difference if she did.
You went to college, of course. But you live at home because you're school was close by.
Tomorrow's the wedding. You were watching Kirk yell at Miss. Patty. You rolled your eyes, walking oast the gazibo, towards Lukes. Then you see him. Sitting on the bench.
He meets your eyes, his expression was flat. You tried to hide your shock, but stumbled a little. You quickly walk towards Luke's. You glare at him as you walk in. He puts his hands up.
"What did I do?" He asks. "I really don't need anyone else to give me shit."
"No warning. No warning whatsoever?!" You hiss, sitting down at the counter. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath.
"I forgot," he says. You gape at him.
"You forgot? You forgot to tell me Jess was coming?" You ask. He puts his hands on the counter.
"It's his mom's wedding," he says.
"What did he say when you told him that?" You ask. He nods, not answering. He knew you were right. "He looks pissed. Why does he look pissed?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I walked past him in the park and he looked numb. What's with that?" You ask. He sighs, giving you a sympathetic look.
Before Jess moved, you two were close. Really close. He was close with Rory, obviously. He was the reason her and Dean broke up. Well, Dean read the situation wrong. But he was right about one thing. Rory wasn't in love with him anymore. But if he had said "Y/N's into him," instead, that would be correct.
You weren't completely sure if Jess liked her or not. But, they never dated.
You were closer to dating the boy than your friend. But that too, never happened.
"He's just here for the wedding, Y/N," he says. You nod as he sets a mug down infront of you. Then he looks up and pulls the cup away. You gape at him.
"You're really depriving me of coffee now?" You ask. His eyes widened a fraction. You look behind you at where Jess was now walking into the diner.
He briefly looks at Luke and you. Mainly you. But it was still brief. He goes upstairs. You clench your fists. You stand up and Luke walks infront of the stairs.
"Really want to do that right now?" you ask. He sighs, moving to let you up the stairs. You go up to the apartment.
You step inside to see Jess grabbing a new book. You didn't have time to see what it was, but it looked like Luke's.
He looks over at you and rolls his eyes, not looking at you for long.
"I don't even get a hello?" You ask. He closes the book, which looked to have another one inside of it, and tries to walk past you. But you close the apartment door. He clenches his jaw, still avoiding looking at you.
"Nothing. For over a year," you say. He looks at you finally. "Say something!"
"What do you want me to say?" He asks.
"At least try to defend yourself," you say. He reaches around you for the door handle. You push him back, further into the apartment.
"I don't need to defend myself to you," he says. You raise an eyebrow.
"Oh, no? Who was it that left me right before graduation completely broken?" His eyes leave yours again. "Want to defend yourself now?"
"This town was never for me, you know that," he says. You scoff.
"Bullshit," you say. He glares at you. "You liked it here, I know you did."
"You don't know anything about me," he says, again trying to get passed you.
"Like hell I don't!" You yell, pushing him back yet again. "I forgave you. Of course you wouldn't know that, because you weren't here. But I did. Months ago. Because Luke explained it to me. And I knew you well enough to figure out why you thought not graduating was even remotely intelligent," you say. His jaw was still clenched.
"If you forgave me, then why do you want me to defend myself?"
"Because you're acting like a complete asshole! You should at least want to try and talk to me. But you can barely look at me! And I want to know why!"
He couldn't meet your eye. You tilt your head slightly, trying to get him to look at you. You raise an eyebrow. You noticed how his hair had grown out a little bit.
"What the hell is going on with you?" You ask. He looks at you.
"I didn't mean to break you, and you shouldn't have forgiven me," he says. You stare at the boy.
"You're kidding me, right? You're acting like this because you want me to be pissed at you?"
He meets your eyes again, showing you were right. You scoff. "Tell me what's going on with you," you say. He doesn't say anything. "Tell me!"
"I can't give you an answer that you would like," he says. You scoff, giving a sarcastic smile.
"I can't promise I'd like any answer. But I still want one," you say. He blinks, looking down, avoiding looking at you yet again. You bring a hand up to his face, trying to turn it slightly, but he turns his face further away. You bring your other hand up. He looks at you. "Please, Jess."
He lets out a breath, and you felt the hot air fan your face. Your breath hitched slightly, but it wasn't enough for him to notice. "I didn't talk to you because I knew that talking to you would make me want to come back."
You stare at him for a moment. Your hands become loose and they slide down slightly, landing on his chest. You tried to understand. You didn't know what it could actually mean. He sees the confusion on your face and shifts more, to face you.
"I liked it here, you're right. Only because of Luke, Rory, and you. Mainly you. And if I heard your voice, if I knew you weren't mad at me, I would have been back here instantly."
You stare at him. You were hoping his words meant one thing, but part of you doubted it. The bigger part. "What's so wrong with that?" You ask.
"Nobody wants me here. Not Luke, not the town-"
"I do!" You say. He watches you. "And... even if you didn't stay here, I want you to at least talk to me!"
You realize your hands have probably sat in their spot for far to long, so you let them fall yet again. This time they landed at your sides, as you let out a sigh.
"I don't deserve you," he says, almost quietly. You meet his eyes.
"No, I knew it when we started getting close. I knew that this would happen. I hurt you and you still somehow want to talk to me," he says, like he can't believe it.
"Well it's true. You're right, the town doesn't want you here. But Luke does. And I'm sure your mom does. And I do. If you want to be somewhere else, that's fine. But don't pretend like you didn't spend years here, like we don't exist."
"You think that's what I've been doing?"
"Sure seems like it."
"Well, it's not." You stare at him and raise an eyebrow. "I think about you every single day. You are always somehow popping into my head."
"Jess... what are you saying?" His fingers trace your wrist lightly, as if he's hesitant to hold your hands.
"I'm saying that if I had stayed, I would have wanted more than just being friends," he admits. You felt your mouth fall open slightly.
It took you a minute to process and question. "You-"
"I'm in love with you." Your eyes widen even more.
He looks nervous, waiting for a response. You couldn't fully process it. Jess Mariano. The boy you were the closest with for so long. The boy who you fell for a few months after he moved to your town. He was in love with you. And you'd wanted to hear it for so long, but you couldn't form the words to say it back.
He takes your silence as the wrong answer. He takes his hands away, nodding, looking down at his book, then up at the door. He takes a step around you, out into the stairway. You finally leap into motion. You turn, grabbing his wrist.
"Y/N-" he is cut off by you rising up slightly on your toes, connecting your lips with his. He didn't take long to react. His lips felt slightly chapped, and moved gently against your own. His hands found the side of your face. One of your hands gently rested intbetween his chest and abdomen. And your other hand reached up, lightly tracing his arm.
When the two of you finally pull apart, he rests his head on yours. "I don't know if you noticed... but I love you too." He chuckles, one of his hands mindlessly playing with your hair.
"I might need you to show me that again," he says. You tried to hide your smile by biting your lips. A small blush crept onto your cheeks. "Would you be my date to the wedding?"
You pecked his lips, still smiling.
"I'll take that as a yes?" You laugh slightly, nodding.
"Yes. It's a yes."
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daydreamreality · 4 years
So on and off I’ve been writing this super long post on some of my thoughts about Gilmore Girls. And something I wrote made me go, “wow, the evidence against AYITL just being the season ASP didn’t get to do is really stacking up because the two things I can see Jess being around for in season 7 is what he does in the revival except the circumstances with Liz are different.” SO. Hear me out. If the reason we didn’t get a “real” Lorelai/Luke wedding was budget restrictions (I call bullshit, why did we need TWO musical numbers)...well let me take you on a made-up journey of the end of season 7 on the CW with ASP showrunning. Without Netflix freedom and money to throw her unrestricted last hurrah with GG, we get our series finale with a full-on Luke and Lorelai wedding because, well, why wouldn’t this be the ending of the show??
I now realize that getting Luke and Lorelai married in one season after the shitshow that was the end of season 6 might be difficult so let’s just assume this is handled in a mature and healthy way and they’re back and better than ever! Because I honestly didn’t think about that bit when this scene popped in my head and made me go “WHY, it could have happened! And now I need to tell everyone!” And I’m not really in the mood to go about theorizing this AU season 7 in full.
Rory still has to get pregnant but not want to be with the father because ~*fULL cIrcLe*~. The way I can see this happening is Logan goes off to London, their long-distance relationship is a lot rockier, and she eventually finds out that Logan has been cheating on her. OR Logan convinces her they should open the relationship up; Rory is not comfortable with this but is too emotionally invested in him to let him go yet. Either way, the hurt she feels has her breaking up with him for real, is very sad, blahblahblah, and they end up having a “last hurrah” together that gets her pregnant. WHY? Because FULL CIRCLE. 
So we’ve seen Rory break up with Logan for good, she’s pregnant but we don’t know that, and we’ve gotten some sort of “window scene” that shows Jess still has feelings for her. WEDDING TIME. For real this time with family and guests and ceremony! Town square or Dragonfly Inn, take your pick.
Maid of honor and best man start the show. Jess is hilariously nervous because that’s my favorite look on him, ngl. While waiting on Rory to meet him, we get a nice little look between him and Luke of familial love and respect across the room. Jess gets distracted by Rory appearing and his whole face goes soft, and the proud smile on Luke’s face quickly devolves into a smirk because Luke has his number and knows he’s still got it good for Rory. Jess glares. I laugh. Rory is unaware of this moment of amazing communication and is nervous as well, but puts on her best brave face and walks arm-in-arm with Jess in all her beautiful grace.
Now for the actual ceremony, I could never even begin to come up with something as heartwarming and beautiful and hilarious as ASP or a talented fic writer. But I’m gonna throw in the detail that for some reason the officiant they booked can’t get there and Kirk has to step in last-minute because of course he’s an ordained minister. He throws in way too many personal stories and exudes his awkward charm (cut to appalled looks between Emily and Richard), but overall it goes surprisingly well (cut to proud, tears in their eyes like in Lorelai’s Graduation, MY HEART). We also get one little Jess and Rory smile at each other all shy and romantic-like because I wanna see it.
Now we’re at the reception. Rory comes up to Jess all cute and happy, “come dance with me.” Jess is like, why would I do that, blank stare. “It’s tradition.” Super cute innocent smile she knows will get anyone to do anything; Jess is not immune and is already going to say yes but he has to be difficult, Rory knows this.
“What tradition? And why would you think that argument is going to work on me?”
“Best man and maid of honor traditionally share a dance.”
“*rolls his eyes* Your mother is not going to care, and frankly would probably prefer not to have a picture of us dancing.”
“*pulls out the big guns* You owe me for prom.” Not unkindly, clearly in a joking manner. (I KNOW THIS IS A TROPE BUT I LOVE IT OKAY)
Fake hurt, clutches his chest “OUCH.”
The dance starts a bit awkward and stilted, but they slowly relax and enjoy themselves. Jess cannot waltz. Neither can Rory. We’re getting served some serious “Reflecting Light” vibes tho with the shots, set design, and another beautiful Sam Phillips number. The parallels are being thrown in our faces. We LOVE IT. We EAT IT UP.
Jess goes to make the slightest move to bring her in closer when a wave of nausea comes over Rory. She backs away quickly, and Jess does a “did I do something wrong” look/line like after the “Then She Appeared” kiss. She’s got her arm covering her mouth, looks panicked, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” runs out of the party. Luke notices and asks what’s going on. “I don’t know, she looked like she was sick?” “I’ll get Lorelai.”
Lorelai searches for Rory and finds her crumpled on the ground crying, sweaty hair, make up ruined, just completely unraveled. She tried so hard to keep this secret to herself for Lorelai’s big day, but she is too overwhelmed and tired. Lorelai settles in next to her, pulling the hair out of her face, “Oh honey, what’s wrong?” Rory cries harder.
After some good Lorelai hugs, Rory calms down slightly, looks at her mother distraught:
“I’m pregnant.”
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stellaluna33 · 4 years
The Phone Call
A preview of what’s coming next in my Gilmore fic The Long And Winding Road, as a phone conversation between Jess and Luke. (You now know more than Rory will in the next chapter... No one knows this except Jess and Luke... and you.)
"Hey, Luke."
"Jess.  How's it going?"
"Oh, you know.  Just fine.  You still in Nantucket?"
"Yeah.  Rory and Richie came with, as you probably know.  But we also have a, let's say, 'surprise' visitor up here today."
"Reeeeally.  Who's that?"
"Oh, none other than the great Logan Huntzberger himself, who finally deigned to see his son because he could pass it off as a polite visit to a family friend while he was 'in the area.'"
"Jeez.  He still hasn't told anyone, has he?"
"Apparently not.  Claims he's 'waiting for the right moment,' or some kinda bullsh**."
"You're tellin' me.  But why'd you call?  You don't usually call this time of day."
"Yeah.  Well, I, uh… I got some news today."
"Oh yeah?  What's that?"
"So, I don't know if you remember me talking about that writer's residency program in Argentina last year?"
"Oh yeah, weren't you thinking about applying for that?"
"Yeah.  I did apply for it, actually.  There was a pretty long waiting list, though."
"Oh, I see.  So, d'you hear something about that?"
"Yeah.  Today, actually.  I, uh… I got in."
"Jess, that is fantastic news!  Good for you.  That's a really great opportunity for you."
"Yeah.  Yeah, it is.  I, uh… just… I'm not sure if I wanna take it."
"What?!!  Jess, you can't be serious!  You've been wanting to do something like this for God knows how long!  And now you've got this opportunity and you're just going to let it pass you by?"
"I don't know, it's just… I don't know if it's a good time for me to be leaving the country right now."
"What, you got something goin' on at work?"
"No...  No, it's not that, it's…  I don't know."
"Well?  What is it?  What's stopping you?"
"I just… part of me thinks that I should be here, right now.  In case… you know, in case a... friend might need me."
"In case a friend might-  Oh jeez. Jess.  Tell me you're not talking about Rory."
Jess took a deep breath and then exhaled heavily through his nose.
"Are you serious?!  Jess!  You told me you were over that!  Long over, if I remember it correctly."
"Yeah, well, I was over it!  At least, I thought I was…"
"Oh, Jess."
"I know!  I know.  I'm pathetic.  I swore I would never end up like you, and yet here I am."
"Hey!  Things didn't turn out so bad for me in the end, you know."
"I know.  You're right.  I'm worse.  I already had my chance with Rory, and I screwed it up so badly that she wishes our entire relationship had never happened."
"Jess, you were just a kid. I'm sure that's not true."
"Oh no?  Well, sorry to disappoint you, but that's exactly the way she remembers it."
"Ah jeez.  She put that in that book she's writing?"
"And you've been reading over it, right?"
"Well, sh**.  I'm sorry, Jess."
"Yeah, well, it is what it is, and it's my own damned fault, so I don't really have the right to be put out about it."
"Well, ok, but… that being the case, don't you think it's time to let this go?"
"Past time.  But that's the worst part… I've tried.  G-d, I've tried.  And I thought I was mostly ok with it, you know?  There's been occasional relapses of… regret or… moments when I've wished things could've turned out differently, but… I haven't been hoping for anything.  I've been trying to move on.  I've had relationships."
"You only went on, like, two dates with that last girl, what was her name?"
"Yes, Sylvia!  But two dates, Jess!  You give up that quickly and you call that trying?"
"That's what I'm getting to, though.  This year has been… different.  It wasn't so bad when I only saw her for a few minutes every couple years or so, but between the wedding and the book and everything that's been going on with her lately, Rory and I have been talking all the time, and I just… I still like her more than any other woman I've ever met, Luke.  And I told myself that she hasn't wanted me for over a decade now.  She made her feelings abundantly clear, and I have offered myself up like an idiot over and over and over again, just on the off chance that she might have changed her mind, and she has turned me down every single time.  I mean, how many times does she need to say it before I get a clue?  'No means no,' right?  I'm done.  I'm not doing that again.  So, I guess we're friends now.  She really likes me as a friend, she says, so I'll be her friend and be grateful I get to spend time with her at all.  And I'm doing my best to be ok with that.  So I finally asked Sylvia out, and it was nice.  She's beautiful and interesting, and maybe it coulda gone somewhere… but then you had to go and tell Rory about it.  And she got weird, man.  She called me up, and she was comparing me to Mr. Darcy, and-"
"Am I supposed to know who the hell that is?"
"Are you serious?  You've lived with Lorelai for, what, ten years now, and she hasn't tied you down and made you watch all six f***ing hours of that BBC monstrosity?  Pride and Prejudice?  Jane Austen?  Lorelai going on and on about Colin Firth emerging from a lake in a wet shirt and breeches?  Ring any bells?"
"Ah, maybe.  I think I fell asleep about five minutes in."
"Of course you did.  Well, all you need to know is that he's the romantic hero of the story, but he's a complete ass for like, two thirds of the book, which is obviously where the resemblance lies.  So she's on a roll with that, and hey, I deserve it, but then she throws in the fact that he changes and fixes everything and the heroine can't help falling in love with him in the end.  And what the hell am I supposed to do with that?  Because last I knew, we were talking about me, and that would imply that… I don't know.  All I know is that she got all flustered and started grilling me about my date with Sylvia, that you told her about, thanks so much, and then she starts going on about how she hopes I'll be very happy and how I deserve to be happy and I deserve to be with 'someone who has her life together.'  And then she started crying and frickin' hung up on me!"
"Yeah!  So, that whole thing kinda threw me, and all of a sudden, I'm not so sure where I stand anymore.  I mean, am I crazy?  Is that a normal reaction to hearing that a friend is seeing someone?"
"I don't know, Jess.  It's weird, I'll give you that… but who knows, with pregnant women…"
"Well, yeah, there's that, too… But I went out with Sylvia again, because I was trying, you know?  I owed it to myself and to her to give it an honest shot, but… I couldn't… I couldn't stop thinking about that phone call, Luke.  I couldn't stop thinking about her.  Because what if this was finally, finally a chance after all these years, and could I really just let that slip away?  Could I start a relationship with someone else, knowing that I might be throwing away a shot with Rory?  And I've been saying that there wasn't any chemistry with Sylvia and me, but the truth is, I know that's all on me.  It was awkward because of me, because I was distracted and I was distant and I wasn't sure I wanted to be there.  And Sylvia deserves better than that.  It was better to end it before anybody got hurt."
"Ah, jeez, Jess."
"It's true.  I'll go ahead and say it:  I sabotaged my own attempt at having a happy relationship because I'm still hung up on my highschool girlfriend.  And there it is.  I'm such a pathetic loser."
"You're not a loser, Jess.  You've come a long way.  But she's got a baby now."
"I know that.  And even if she has changed her mind about me, the timing is so bad...  She needs me to be a friend she can depend on right now.  The last thing she needs is the stress of fending off yet more unwanted advances from her crazy ex-boyfriend who can't take no for an answer.  And I can't go there again, I just can't.  So, I'm stuck in this no-man's-land."
"So how is all this stopping you from going to Argentina?  Maybe a few months away from all this would be good for you."
"Maybe… maybe.  But I just… I broke her trust before by leaving.  I made a lot of mistakes, but that?  That was the one she couldn't forgive me for.  And I want to be there for her, I want her to know that she can count on me now, that if she needs me, I am there.  But I can't do that if I'm halfway across the world.  I'd be of no more use to her than Logan is, and I… God help me, I want her to think of me as someone who can give her something that he can't.  And if I go, I can't do that.  And I have this feeling that if I go now, that'll be it for her.  The end.  Three strikes, I'm out.  For good this time."
"Were you planning on leaving without telling her?"
"Well, no, of course I wasn't..."
"'Cause I think that was a big part of the problem last time…"
"Yeah.  I get that.  But what if she doesn't see it that way?"
"Jess, all I can say is maybe you should talk to Rory about it.  See how she feels about it."
"I guess I'll have to."
"For my part, I think you should go.  And she won't be alone, Jess.  She's got Lorelai, and me, and Lane..."
"You're right.  Who'm I kidding?  She doesn't need me anyway."
"That wasn't what I meant."
"Yeah, well, it's probably true anyway.  But it's good to know that she's got you looking out for her.  I'd need you to promise me that, if I'm gonna even consider this."
"You got it."
"Well… thanks for listening.  I guess I'd better go.  I'm gonna call Rory, like you said."
"I think that'd be a good idea."
"Yeah.  Well, talk to you later, Uncle Luke."
"Later, kid.  You… you take care of yourself, alright?"
"I always do.  But thanks."
Thank you for reading. Please, PLEASE share any comments or ask any questions you’re wondering about!  I crave your opinion. What do you think of this?  My muse is in desperate need of encouragement so I can finish writing Chapter 9 sooner rather than later!
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svgurl410 · 3 years
some not-defaulting-to-luke/lorelai gg pairings!: rory/logan, paris/doyle, lane/zach, sookie/jackson
Thanks for asking! :D
rory/logan: Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? I have complicated feelings on this because I did and now I don't. I hated Dean, especially the second time around, and I thought Jess was gone for good so I latched on to Logan because hey, it's not Dean and they had a connection. I was sold at the scene where they took the leap at the LDB. But Jess came back and was everything I hoped he would be so it was hard, especially with the subsequent cheating. Even then I had accepted that 1) they would end up together so I was surprised they didn't and 2) assumed they would end up together again in the Revival and again, was surprised to be wrong.
What would have made you like it? I would've liked Logan to actually work for forgiveness instead of him getting hurt by being dumb and Rory feeling guilty about it. Like a Luke/Lorelai s7 situation where he's there for her as a friend and respects her decision.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I'm a sucker for a friends with benefits relationship turns into real feelings so that trope was good. There were definitely some good moments while they were dating as well too.
paris/doyle: Ship It
What made you ship it? I think that out of the guys (emphasis on guys), Doyle was the best fit for Paris. I liked her with Jamie at the time but in retrospect, they were cute but I guess a bit boring. Doyle suits her in the long run- he knows how to balance her out. I like how they were around each other.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The balance- Paris freaked out at times over the relationship but they clearly cared about one another. I love Paris but she can be a lot and I think Doyle loves that about her. I don't know why they hurt them like they did in the Revival if they weren't going to put her with Rory. :\
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Not really? I don't know what unpopular opinions are. They're very much the "I like this but haven't given them a lot of thought" ship.
lane/zach: Don't Ship it
Why don’t you ship it? I mean I do blatantly prefer Dave so I am biased, but overall, I would've liked Zach with Lane if it hadn't felt kind of shoehorned in there. I wanted all the good things for Lane and it not only felt sudden with Lane deciding she was jealous of the girls Zach brought around, but sometimes, his behavior was annoying. Especially when he wrote songs about every woman but Lane.
What would have made you like it? I don't know? Maybe so many moments not being so sudden? Not having Lane immediately get pregnant after a round of bad sex? I was fine with them by the end of the series and in the Revival.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I think they ended up working out in the long run and they seem happy so I'm happy for them. I like that Zach did work for Mrs Kim's approval and the moment where they wrote a song together was very sweet.
sookie/jackson: Ship It
What made you ship it? They're so cute! I love their flustered flirting and how they argue over vegetables. I just love Sookie in general.
What are your favorite things about the ship? I like that they can work things out and they're a strong solid relationship that had a few communication issues but really lasted in the long run. It was good to see one relationship that could stay together for the whole series.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? The proposal was kind of random though I thought it was sweet at the time. The proposals definitely need some work on the show. They're fun but in the long run, a little head scratchy.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
blast from the past but i remember as a teenager that I never understood how Gilmore Girls season six ended. It’s funny how time clears things up, I feel like I get it now.
My dad always says Lorelai is flaky and that’s why. I don’t really agree. Bear with me. I think Lorelai is a control freak. Out of necessity, kinda. She lived in that household that constantly tried to control her, and getting out of it was her asserting her independence of their expectations. That meant she was a single mom starting with very little and working her way up to create a life of freedom for herself and her daughter.
The show itself is all about Lorelai struggling with giving bits of her control away. It begins with her giving some control of her relationship with her parents back to them when she needs to ask for money for Rory’s school. Then, of course, little by little, her control over Rory erodes as Rory gets older. (Not that Lorelai was a controlling parent - she valued freedom, not bossiness - but that’s just the parent-child dynamic: to some extent parents do control things because kids are still learning how to take care of and protect themselves. It certainly shouldn’t go farther than those basics and I don’t think it did for Lorelai - but she still felt it whenever Rory did something that was contrary to what Lorelai would have wanted. It’s also why “You sound like your mother” was a truly insulting barb to her lol)
In the meantime, she’s not only risen to being in charge of the inn, but she even goes and opens her own inn business with Sookie. Total independence. She dated Max, but balked when he wanted to know what his role would be in Rory’s life and realized she wasn’t ready to share control of their life with him. She dated Digger who to me always seemed the type way too set in his own ways for her, so I wasn’t sad to see him go. Finally she dated Luke, we all knew it would happen, but the question was always would these two very independent types be able to make it work any better than they had in the past? Because Luke’s also always gone his own way. The things both he and Lorelai had going for them was chemistry and similar values. And of course the show seemed to be rooting for them from season one :P
So while Lorelai and Luke are together, there are a number of control-related problems that crop up. We mainly see Luke give in to Lorelai. It’s never anything damaging - these are small things that are important to her, but still small, and he gives them to her out of love, not because she demands it. She does make concessions to him as well, but they’re mostly off screen (like the purple wallpaper thing). And the thing with the Twickum House... on the surface, it look like Lorelai crapped on Luke’s dream for the house because she selfishly wanted to keep her own, buuuuut he bought it without asking or telling her, and she has a right to not want to live there same as he has a right not to want to live in her place. Fortunately, he was cool with living in her place if it was expanded. So they did that. Look, a compromise!
So basically they get over every hurdle that could compromise their individual needs to feel in control of their lives... until April. April is Luke’s thing. It’s not his fault he didn’t know about her for twelve years and it’s to his credit that he wanted to be a part of her life after the fact. While I’m not super fond of season 7, I always felt it was weird that season 6 Luke never seemed angry that Anna didn’t tell him about April. It doesn’t seem like Anna had a reason to think he’d be violent or controlling of her or their child, she just thought he didn’t like kids much. That’s not a reason. People often don’t like other people’s kids but adore their own. Anyway.
Luke doesn’t want Lorelai involved with April because he’s the type to take his time with things. He needs his space. So he needs time and space to adjust to the concept of April and get to know her and feel confident of his own role as a father. He’s also a bit jealous of Lorelai’s easy rapport with people, especially young girls, but I think that’s minor in comparison to the other reasons. And Lorelai understands those things and lets him control how things go with April. Allowing him that control, though, means he’s also in control of other things: when they get married, for one, and what his relationship with Lorelai is. i think she has reason to be upset about how he didn’t make an effort to involve her in things with April (like, I definitely get that April’s mom was concerned about who was in April’s life but everyone else in the town got to meet April, there’s no reason Lorelai couldn’t have met her now and then as a townie rather than Luke’s fiancee, as long as Luke was physically there as well)
So I can see why Lorelai blew up after the wedding was postponed indefinitely (even though, if we’re talking real life, it hadn’t been all that long). She felt she’d finally found someone she felt comfortable sharing her life with, but then he started to need more patience and submission from her than she was comfortable giving. Up till then in her life, waiting for things just meant she waited while other people got what they want. To get what she wanted, she had to go take it, consequences be damned. So she takes the same route with Luke as she has with everything else in her life: she makes her own decision and lets him figure out how or if he wants to fit in with it, rather than the other way around.
In terms of whether she really needed to go that far at that point... It’s hard, rewatching it, not to feel like a sudden ultimatum in the street when you’re highly emotional is not the way to decide to break up with someone. She should have been willing to talk later, when he came back. I mean, he came back twice. But relationships are rarely about should haves. People aren’t perfect. Lorelai’s the type who rips the bandaid off fast because it may hurt more, but slow hurts longer. When she’s out, she’s out. And I think I get it in the sense that the two of them had, in canon, built up how serious their relationship was VERY fast - like from their first official date - and that comes with all kinds of expectations. The higher they climb the harder they fall. So, yeah, I think things could have been fixed the next day when Luke came back, but I do think it’s Lorelai-ish to not be willing to fix them.
There was a great bit of foreshadowing just prior where Liz and TJ have a fight and it’s due to Liz’s trauma scaring her away, and Luke is the one who goes to TJ, tells him it’s not his fault, but that in a relationship sometimes people can’t say how they really feel and that’s when you have to try to understand them out of love etc (something like that lol). He saw it clearly with Liz and TJ but wasn’t ready for it with Lorelai. Lorelai’s fear of commitment, the way she values her independence, her history with relationships gone sour, it all came to a head and Luke’s preference to take time to sort things out and decide how he feels couldn’t cope with it. It’s not that Luke was wrong. He’s entitled to be the type who needs time. But it’s not that Lorelai was wrong either. They weren’t wrong individually, but they were wrong together. It could have been avoided, but people aren’t perfect.
I still hate that they broke up and we had to spend season 7 with Christopher, but at least they got back together in the end. Season 7, man... The above is how I feel about season 6, but I think if I knew season 7 wouldn’t have the same producers, I’d never be on board with ending season 6 with such an explosion. No way could the season 7 team pick up from there without being absolutely ridiculous about it.
A Year in the Life picks up with Lorelai and Luke still together, living in her house, but not married. These days lots of people partner up but don’t get married and that’s fine - real commitment isn’t something that a piece of paper decides. But it was also kinda sad because I think every Gilmore Girls fan looked forward to Lorelai and Luke’s wedding. So I really enjoyed that AYITL dealt with that - and also dealt with the way Luke usually lets Lorelai decide various things, and that she becomes self-conscious about it, wondering if her strength of will has meant he had to give up things he wanted. He takes his time - he’s Luke, after all - but eventually he figures out how to tell her. He’s his own man. He’s independent. He lets her make decisions about things he’s okay with her making decisions on. If he really didn’t like her choice, he’d say something. Basically, you don’t have to worry about Luke. He’s strong enough for himself, and he’s strong enough for her. And vice versa. That’s why they’re a good couple. It’s when they give in to doubt that things get shaky. And then we finally got our very pretty wedding. I loved that scene and I loved the song that played (which was also used in Liz and TJ’s wedding, I believe).
Emily, of course, is just as much a control freak as her daughter even if she doesn’t realize it, but I loved how in AYITL, the way she asserts her herself is no longer in the context of the role she feels she needs to play and becomes about choosing what her path will be. She’s as “eccentric” as Lorelai, if eccentric means being yourself and doing what makes you happy. *eye roll* That’s why I don’t agree with my dad that Lorelai is flaky... I do see where it comes from but I always just thought she’s not bound by what other people think she should be. That’s hardly eccentric, it’s just strong.
And I wish we had some sort of follow up for the last four lines... I’d read a Gilmore Girls novel as a sequel if the show can’t come back again.
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helloalycia · 4 years
kiss me again // rory gilmore
summary: you're new to Stars Hollow and find yourself making friends with your new neighbours, the Gilmores. You certainly didn't expect to develop a crush on your new friend.
warning/s: none, just fluff tbh
author's note: i've got a handful of rory gilmore imagines written from like a year or 2 ago? wanna post them eventually so they're out of my drafts lol
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"Thank you, Mr. Danes, this means a lot." I smiled appreciatively at the older man.
"Luke," he said, offering a small, almost-forced smile. He seemed very serious, but nice nonetheless. "You can call me Luke."
"Luke." I nodded and stood up from my seat at the counter. "When would you like me to start?"
He wiped down the counter as he said, "Tomorrow after school good for you?"
I grinned eagerly, excited to start working at Luke's diner. "Tomorrow after school is perfect. I guess I'll see you then."
He merely nodded and I took that as his confirmation before leaving. Getting a job was something I'd been meaning to do since moving here last week.
My parents and I had moved to Stars Hollow and I was still getting to know the place, but Luke's seemed like a friendly enough place to work. I'd only worked once, and that was at my local coffee shop back home in Chicago, so that experience must have made Luke consider me. I preferred being self-sufficient, and my parents definitely didn't mind, so a job was what I was after. And now I had it!
Settling in here wasn't too bad. The town was definitely different to my old one – everyone was too friendly here. Not that that was an issue, but it did feel strange.
I was riding my bike through town, smiling as I saw the mayor – Taylor something or the other? – in a small debacle with some woman. She seemed amused as he threw a mini tantrum. I didn't know too many people just yet, but some people at school had told me about Taylor. He was a character, alright.
I left my bike by the gates to our new house and headed inside, calling out for my parents.
"Mum?! Dad?! You home?!"
A moment of silence, before: "In the kitchen!"
I headed to the kitchen, past the moving-in boxes full of our stuff, and saw my mum sat at the kitchen table, hunched over some papers. She smiled as she saw me walk in.
"How was Luke's, honey?" she asked as I leaned down to give her a kiss.
I smiled as I remembered the good news. "I start tomorrow! Awesome, right?"
"Aw, sweetie, that's amazing! I'm happy for you. Your dad's at work, but I'm sure he'll love to get a call from you."
I nodded. "Thanks, mum."
The next day rolled around pretty quickly. School wasn't very exciting, but I was settling in well which was a good sign, I guess. After school though, I headed straight to Luke's with a bounce in my step. First day jitters took over a little.
"Y/N, hey!" Luke greeted when I walked in.
It wasn't very busy in here, since the lunch rush had ended, so Luke was filling up the salt and pepper shakers at the counter.
"Hey, I hope I'm on time," I said nervously, offering a small smile. "I was running a little late."
He waved his hand dismissively. "You're all good. You can leave your bag in the back, Caesar will show you where, and then I'll get you started on the basics. Serving coffee."
I chuckled. "Awesome."
I rounded the counter and headed into the back (Luke had given me the tour yesterday), where Caesar showed me where to put my bag, and also gave me an apron. Was it nerdy of me to get excited over the apron? Because I was.
When I returned to the front, Luke pointed to the coffee maker.
"You like coffee, Y/N?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
I pursed my lips into a sheepish smile. "Will I get fired if I say no?"
He shrugged and handed me the pot as it finished brewing. "I'm not bothered as long as you can serve it without spilling it."
I accepted the pot and nodded confidently. "That I can do."
He nodded and got back to the salt and pepper shakers. "Okay, well, just refill anyone who asks. If anyone orders food, write it down and give it to Caesar. Deliver the food and that's really it. Pretty simple, so don't worry about screwing up or anything."
I nodded. "Gotcha."
"Can I get some coffee over here, please?" a customer called out, to which I perked up at.
"And that's my cue," I joked as I went to the customer.
Luke suppressed a smile and we both resumed with our jobs. This went on for about twenty minutes and I managed not to break, spill or drop anything. I wasn't exactly clumsy, but sometimes nerves got to me. Unsurprisingly enough, this was a pretty easy job, so it was going well so far. Then again, it had only been twenty minutes.
The bell rang signalling someone had entered, but I had my back to it as I collected some food from Caesar.  
"Luke! If there isn't coffee cup waiting for me, I will most definitely melt into a puddle of stress!"
As I delivered food to this strange yet polite guy, Kirk, I caught a glimpse of the loud customer who had entered. A young woman and possibly her younger sister were seated at the counter. Luke didn't seem bothered by their cheerful, noisy presence (which he usually was with others), so I presumed they knew each other well.
"Lorelai, in case you didn't notice, the diner was pretty quiet until you walked in," Luke said knowingly, though he was filling a cup for the woman anyway.
"Yeah, mom, why can't you be more like me? Quiet yet adorable," the younger girl wearing a school uniform said with an adorable smile.
The woman – Lorelai, who I recognised as the woman laughing at Taylor yesterday in town – was smirking at her daughter (how was she a mother when she looked so young?!) as Luke rolled his eyes and gave her a cup of coffee.
"Luke?! The oven is doing something weird!" I heard Caesar shout from the back.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good," Lorelai said teasingly.
"Can I get a coffee over here?" a customer called from the other side of the diner.
"You might wanna check that out, Luke," the younger girl said with a laugh. "And a cup of coffee would be great."
"Yeah, I know," Luke said, growing irritated with Caesar's yelling. He looked around before saying to me, "Can you brew another pot of coffee whilst I see what Caesar's shouting about?"
I smiled and nodded. "You got it, boss."
As Luke headed to the back, I went behind the counter to make some more coffee.
"Luke hired someone new?"
I turned around as I heard Lorelai mention me. She smiled brightly my way.
"Uh, hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N," I introduced with a nervous smile. "I just started, like, twenty or so minutes ago?"
Lorelai seemed impressed as she looked at my apron. "And not a coffee stain in sight. I'm impressed."
I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so. Though I can't guarantee the apron will make it by the end of my shift."
Lorelai laughed before saying, "I haven't seen you around town before. Are you new?"
"Yeah, my family and I moved to Stars Hollow last week."
Lorelai nodded as she took a sip of her coffee, before widening her eyes and saying, "You're beeping delivery driver people!"
I smiled with confusion and quirked an eyebrow. "Erm, sorry?"
Lorelai nudged her daughter, who was staring at me with her bright blue eyes. "Remember? Beeping delivery driver people?"
The daughter, who zoned back into reality and looked to her mum, nodded slowly. "Yeah, yeah."
"I'm really not getting this." I laughed nervously as I checked the coffee pot. Almost done.
Lorelai sat up straight and smiled. "You moved in down the street from us. Your delivery driver was beeping really loudly for some reason, hence beeping delivery driver people."
I snickered. "Ah, that makes sense now."
"I'm Lorelai Gilmore," she finally introduced with a grin. "And this oddly silent clone is my daughter, Rory."
I grabbed the pot of coffee and said, "Oh, well, nice to meet some neighbours. I'm Y/N, as you know." I stopped in front of the daughter, Rory, and said, "Did you want some coffee?"
Rory looked at me, seeming a little speechless. I felt nervous under her intense gaze, wondering if I had food on my face or something, but waited patiently.
"Rory, sweetie, anything alive in there?" Lorelai joked, shaking her daughter's arm.
Rory cleared her throat and smiled awkwardly. I could no longer meet her eyes because they were too intense and I felt like she was judging me for some reason.
"Sorry, uh, yeah, coffee. Coffee would be great," she finally spoke.
I chuckled a little and grabbed a cup from underneath the counter. After filling it up, I said, "If you guys need anything, just let me know."
I went back to filling up other people's coffees and dishing out food, all whilst paying a little attention to the Gilmore girls who were tucked into unreciprocated banter with Luke. I also stole a few glances at Rory – she was strange, quiet, but intriguing. Also, I was sure I felt her looking my way at times.
"Y/N, you free?" I heard my name and turned around to see Lorelai waving me over.
I headed over, setting the dirty plates at Caesar's, before standing behind the counter. "What's up?"
Lorelai smiled mischievously. "Rory and I were wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner. Well, you and your parents. You know, a little neighbourly welcoming into town."
Rory almost choked on her coffee before spluttering out, "We were?"  
Lorelai ignored her. "So? What d'you say?"
I shrugged. "I guess so. But like, you don't have to. I don't want us to be a bother."
Lorelai waved her hand dismissively. "Pfft, nonsense. As long as you're okay with chinese takeout."
"Hmm, I'm not sure about chinese," I joked.
"I can settle for Italian, but that's my final offer," she played along.  
I laughed. "Italian sounds great."
"Great! We'll see you, say... tomorrow evening? Our house is the one with the mailbox that says Gilmore."
I nodded. "Thanks. We'll see you then."
Lorelai smiled before standing up with her daughter. She left some cash on the counter, including a tip, before waving goodbye. I waved in return, even to Rory who seemed awkward and shy.
After my shift, I told my parents about Lorelai and Rory and the dinner invitation, and they seemed up to it, so that's where I found myself the next day at dinner.
"Please don't embarrass me," I begged a final time as we approached the door.
"What do you honestly think we're going to say?" my dad asked with a chuckle. "That you didn't sleep in your own bed until you were 7?"
"Or that you wore the same Mickey Mouse shirt every day for 2 weeks in third grade?" my mum added.
"Or that you arrange your bookshelf by favourite protagonist?"
"Or that–"
"Okay, I get it!" I cut my mother off before she could finish. "Geez, next time I won't say anything."
My parents both pulled me in for a side hug as I grumbled to myself. I really hoped they wouldn't embarrass me in front of these new people. It was a small town and I was sure word would spread if I did something stupid.
After what felt like forever, the front door finally opened to reveal Rory in a lovely dress and cheery smile.
"Hello! Please, come in," she said politely, stepping to the side. "I'm Rory Gilmore."
My parents walked in, earning a smile from the younger Gilmore, and I followed behind, only to meet her eyes and receive a nervous smile.
"Ah, Rory, yes," my mum said kindly. "Y/N mentioned you. I'm Y/M/N, Y/N's mum and this is my husband, Y/D/N."
"Lovely to meet you, Rory," my dad said.
Rory blushed a little before saying, "You guys can take off your coats and I'll hang them up for you. You can go straight into the kitchen and my mom should be there with the food."
"Thank you, dear," my mum said as she handed her coat over. My dad and I did the same before we all went to the kitchen.
"Hey, Lorelai," I said as I walked in. She was setting the food out on the table when she saw me.
"Y/N, hey," she said, smiling my way, before her eyes drifted to my parents. "And these must be the parents! Hello! I'm Lorelai Gilmore, mother of Rory."
Everyone got acquainted and we all took a seat in the kitchen to indulge in some good old pizza.
"I hope this is okay," Lorelai said as we all tucked in. "I'm not exactly the best cook, so I figured you can't go wrong with takeout."
"Not the best is an understatement," Rory added. "It's either pizza or death by food poisoning."
Lorelai shoved her daughter playfully as we all laughed.
"This is fine, Lorelai," my mum said with an amused smile. "Pizza is a go-to in our house too, what with Y/D/N and I working a lot and Y/N insisting we eat pizza all the time."
"Hey, pizza is beautiful and you've never complained before," I defended, earning chuckles all around.
"What is it you both do, if you don't mind me asking?" Lorelai asked, and cue the boring job discussion.
My parents were realtors which meant we moved around a little, and it was cool, after you hadn't heard it a million times over. I was more interested in Lorelai's answer. She worked at an inn just outside Stars Hollow which was interesting. Her bubbly persona was totally understandable now.
"So, Y/N, how are you settling in at school?" Lorelai asked, and it took me a moment to realise she was talking to me.
"Hm? Oh, school."
She suppressed a laugh. "Bored you already? That can't be good."
I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "No, gosh, no, sorry. I just got a little lost in my thoughts... School is good. It's just school, isn't it?"
My dad rolled his eyes. "She's modest. She's brainy this one. Already enrolled in the debate team, started up as a librarian and staying back at lunches to help her English teacher. She loves school."
"Remember that thing I said outside before we walked in?" I said to my dad with a sarcastic smile. "This is it. This is what you're doing."
Lorelai laughed. "Hold on, hold on, let me guess. You guys got the 'don't embarrass me' talk, too?"
"Nailed it," my mum answered.
I sat there smiling with embarrassment as they laughed at mine, and now Rory's, dismay.
"So, Rory, you go to Chilton? You mentioned earlier on," my dad switched the attention from me, thank god.
"Uh, yeah, just started actually," she replied with a nervous smile.
"Well I hope everything is working out for you," my mum told her. "You must be very intelligent."
Rory seemed embarrassed as she nodded in response. Her cheeks were a bright red in contrast to her blue eyes.
The parents mostly made conversation as Rory and I stayed silent and listened, chiming in every now and then.
Eventually they seemed to notice though, as Lorelai said, "Why don't you guys head into Rory's room? Rory, honey, you can show her your books or something."
"You don't need to do that," I assured her, noticing her awkwardness.
"She's fine," Lorelai said, nudging her. "Go on."
"Go on, Y/N," my dad urged, doing the same.
Rory and I, practically forced to mingle, stood up and I followed her to her room, which was connected to the kitchen. I could hear my parents and Lorelai making their way to the living-room, probably with wine, and so I knew we wouldn't be leaving for another half hour or so.
Rory closed the door behind us and motioned to the room. "This is it, really."
I looked around at her spacious room. It was very clean and seemed very organised, which made sense because that was just the vibe Rory gave off.
"It's cute," I complimented with a smile, hoping to ease the awkwardness. "Clean. Organised."
She merely smiled, her cheeks still a little red from embarrassment.
I stepped in a little more and noticed her bookshelf. "D'you mind if I take a look?"
"Feel free," she said before taking a seat on her bed.
I browsed her bookshelf and immediately noticed it wasn't organised alphabetically. Nerdy, yes, but I was curious.
"Is there a reason for the way you've ordered your books or...?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound like a loser.
She chuckled. "Oh, god, okay... I'm not crazy, honest. But yeah, they're currently organised by the publishing date."
I chuckled and looked to her oldest book, pulling it out. I didn't recognise it, but I opened it and saw it was published in 1956.
"Wow, old," I said, putting it back how I found it. I turned around and hoped I didn't offend her by laughing. "I organised mine by favourite protagonist, so you're definitely not crazy."
The first real smile I'd ever seen from the girl appeared on her lips and I'd be lying if I said it didn't weirdly make my stomach do somersaults.
"You can sit on my bed, I won't bite," she said, feeling a little more comfortable with me.
I pressed my lips into a smile and took a seat beside her. "So, care to share what the deal with the mayor is around here?"
She laughed and her eyes sparkled when she did. "Oh, boy, you're gonna need some popcorn and a recliner for this one."
After that evening spent at the Gilmores, it made settling in a little bit easier. Of course Rory wasn't in my school, but I'd always see her at Luke's right after, since she'd stop by when the Chilton bus dropped her off. I obviously worked there, so that was kind of our way of seeing each other and developing a friendship.
Plus her and Lorelai lived on our street so we'd see them around a lot, especially in town. I got to meet a few other townspeople too, thanks to Rory, who offered to give me a tour. She even introduced me to her best friend who goes to my school, Lane.
At first, Rory seemed shy around me, but I think it was just because she didn't know me very well. Now she seemed alright which was cool because she was pretty awesome. And she gave me this funny feeling when I was with her – I didn't know what it was, but it felt nice.
"Are you alive over there? Hellooooo?"
I zoned back into reality as Rory waved her hand in front of my face to grab my attention. I immediately noticed her laughing at my dismay, that funny feeling becoming present again.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm just a little tired," I explained. "I stayed up trying to finish some science homework last night only to realise it was Friday night and I had all weekend to complete it."
Rory laughed once again, her eyes widening with amusement. "Why are you like this?"
I shook my head. "I honestly don't know."
"You know what you need?"
"Don't say it," I said, smiling at her cocky smirk.
"Coffee." She looked to the counter. "Luke! Please can we get another round?"
I sighed as Luke came round to refill our cups. "I've never met someone this obsessed with coffee, you know that?"
"It's a gift," she winked playfully, before taking a sip of her coffee and completely unaware of what her wink did to me.
My gaze flickered down to my cup, which was filled with some freshly brewed coffee.
"You know, I'm so sure you didn't like coffee," Luke commented once he filled our cups.
I nodded, ignoring the glare Rory was giving me from across the table. Instead, I looked up to Luke and said, "I'm not a fan of it. The only time you'll probably catch me drinking it is when I'm, well, with Rory and she's forcing me to."
"Hey, I'm not holding a gun to your head, am I?" she asked with disbelief.
I smiled with amusement.
"I can bring you some tea if you want," Luke suggested monotonously.
"Don't you dare," Rory threatened jokingly.
"Tea would be great," I muttered to Luke, who nodded and went to fetch me a tea.
Rory seemed fed up. "What can a girl do? Being betrayed is not how I saw our lunch beginning."
I chuckled at her adorable facial expression. "You're being dramatic."
"Can Lane take any longer to arrive? I don't wanna lose my appetite when the back-stabbing begins," she continued over exaggerating.
"Rory!" I laughed at her exaggeration. "Quit it."
She gave me a 'what can I do?' look, making me roll my eyes. Luke returned with my tea and removed my coffee, which only made Rory sigh extra loudly.
"Lane's arrival would be good right now," I agreed teasingly.
Just on time, the door to Luke's rang and in walked Lane, who joined our table in an instant.
"Sorry I'm late, you know how my mom can be," she apologised, before looking between us both. "What did I miss?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but Rory beat me to it.
"Not much," she nodded, "Y/N here was just planning to bury me alive."
"I'm not even going to bother," I gave up before sipping my tea. I glared at Rory playfully adding, "Mmm, lovely."
Lane snickered. "Gosh, you're both so childish."
"She started it," Rory retorted, pointing her finger at me, making me smack it away lightly. She continued nonetheless. "Leading me on in this fake friendship, pretending she liked coffee when she's a tea drinker!" She said it with such feigned hostility that I couldn't help but laugh.
"I thought she knew," Lane said to me. "It was literally one of the first things you said to me when we met at Luke's."
I shrugged. "Yeah, well, you're not madly obsessed with it, so it was kinda easy to tell you. Rory on the other hand..." I gave her a knowing look, to which she pursed her lips at.
"You could have told me still," she continued, shrugging indifferently. "I wouldn't have judged."
"Like you are now," Lane added with a laugh.
I suppressed a smile as I said, "When we first met, Rory, you were the epitome of awkward and shy. I thought you didn't like me. So you totally led me on with false impression. But you don't see me complaining, do you?"
"What? That doesn't sound like Rory," Lane said with a knowing look.
Rory began to blush behind her cup of coffee as I glanced her way.
"No, that was definitely Rory," I said, sure of myself. "She just sat there, at the counter, not saying a word. I half expected her to insult me with the odd stare she was giving me."
"Really?!" Lane was in disbelief before looking to Rory. "That's so unlike you!"
Rory tried to wave her hand dismissively. "It was a bad day, okay?"
"Yeah, sure," I agreed, though I was smiling teasingly at her. "It all worked out though. That dinner at your mum's was a good icebreaker. Even if you didn't want me there."
Rory avoided my eyes as she smiled with embarrassment. "I never said I didn't want you there."
I laughed. "You didn't have to. Your mannerisms said it all."
Lane looked like she'd just uncovered a rarity as Rory blushed into her cup. Meanwhile I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach as Rory seemed super flustered before me.
"You girls ready to order now?" Luke asked, approaching our table. And thus the conversation was over.
Eventually, over time, I was figuring out what all of these unexplainable feelings around Rory were. I just hadn't wanted to face the truth at the time, but they began to make sense when I took time to truly think about it.
There was one time specifically though, when I thought she may have felt it, too.
I was sat down cross-legged on the floor of Luke's pantry. I was unpacking some canned goods onto the lower shelves of his stockpile when I heard a knock on the door.
I turned around with confusion, since it was only supposed to be me here, but relaxed when I saw it was only Rory.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her as she approached me. "I thought you'd be out there with the rest of the town."
She sat next to me on the floor as I continued to place the cans neatly on the shelf.
"I was, but Lane had to go and my mom's still at work and I realised you still weren't there, so I came looking for you and Luke sent me here."
"Oh, so I was your last choice of person to hang out with," I teased, pretending to be hurt. "Nice."
I looked up for a moment and saw a beautiful smile on her face as she rolled her eyes. I blamed the weird lighting in here that made me think of her in any way other than as a friend, but I knew deep down it wasn't the case.
"Why are you back here, Y/N?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's Friday night and you're stacking tinned cans."
I nodded as I moved to grab the next box. "True, but Luke– well, you know of Rachel, right?" Rory nodded. "Well, she's here and Luke obviously wanted to spend time with her, so I told him to hang out with her tonight and I'll finish these last few boxes off and lock up for him."
"That's sweet," Rory said, watching me.
I shrugged. "He looked happy. And you know how rare it is to see Luke happy."
Rory chuckled and looked down to her lap. "Very true."
"I'm almost done here," I said, meeting Rory's gaze. "You don't have to wait up."
Rory shrugged. "I don't mind. I can help, too, if you want."
"I don't see why not," I answered, before pushing an open box in front of her. "Just unload these and stack them on this shelf here."
She nodded and got to work, a comfortable silence between us both.
"You've been in Stars Hollow for a few months now," Rory suddenly spoke up.
"Yeah," I agreed, unsure where she was going.
"You like it here?" she asked casually.
I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I've got a job, made new friends, my parents are happy... it's great."
Rory nodded in response. "Yeah, that's cool... so, how's school? You like it?"
I shrugged. "Sure, it's alright. It's just school, really."
Rory nodded again, all of her attention on stacking. "Anyone there who you like? You know, like, like like?"
I almost laughed. "Excuse me?"
She chewed on her lip whilst remaining her casual attitude. "You know, has anyone caught your eye."
I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. "No, Rory, not really."
She nodded and it went quiet. I presumed it normal until she spoke up again, this time looking right at me.
"But like 'not really' as in there may be someone? Or 'not really' as in nobody?"
I stopped what I was doing and noticed how conflicted she seemed. "'Not really' as in not really, Rory."
She bit her lip and nodded, looking down again.
I rested a hand on her wrist and asked, "You okay?"
She licked her lips and nodded, her eyes flickering from her wrist to me.
"You sure?" I asked again, furrowing my eyebrows. "You seem a little puzzled... it's funny, don't get me wrong, but a little worrying."
Her eyes looked up to mine and I noticed how bright they were, even in this badly-lit pantry. They lowered to my lips and I tried to convince myself I was imagining it, until suddenly I felt her lips against mine.
Rory Gilmore was kissing me.
One hand was holding my cheek as the other was pressed to my leg as she kept her balance close to me. I closed my eyes, beginning to kiss back, until she suddenly pulled away, her eyes wide like flying saucers.
"Oh my god," she muttered, moving further away from me.
"I'm sorry," she apologised, quickly standing up. "I've got to, erm–"
"Rory," I said, standing up and trying to move forward, but she stepped back.
"I just realised I have some homework to do," she said, her eyes still wide with surprise. "Yeah, I guess I can't hang tonight. Sorry."
Before I could say anything, she ran out of the pantry and I was left alone realising how much I really wanted her to kiss me again.
That evening, I left a voice message on Rory's answering machine – nothing too specific in case Lorelai heard, just that I wanted her to call me back. Of course, I received no call and the next day, I was still left pondering our kiss.
She must have liked me, right? You don't just accidentally kiss someone. So why was she avoiding me?
I didn't want to pressure her to speak, but I also deserved some answers. I didn't try ringing again – it was obvious she didn't want to call, so I gave her some space the next morning. I did some homework, nipped into town to see if Rory was around – a mere glance is all, and then rang Lane to ask if she'd seen Rory about. Of course, she hadn't, so I ended up back at my house debating whether or not to stop by her house. Eventually my thoughts ate away at me and I stopped by.
When I knocked on, it was Lorelai who answered.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," she greeted with a smile. "You wanna come in?"
I smiled politely. "Erm, that's okay. I was just wondering if Rory was in? I had something to talk to her about. This book she was interested in."
Lorelai nodded. "Well, she decided she suddenly wanted to take a trip to the book store in town."
I sighed. "Ah, that makes sense." Of course she'd be in the one place I didn't check.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, thanks a lot," I said, nodding. "See you later."
Lorelai waved as I walked down her porch steps. "Bye, sweetie."
I grabbed my bike and cycled back into town, trying to ignore my raging heartbeat and unsettled stomach. The anticipation was only growing the closer I got to the book store.
After chaining up my bike, I headed inside and smiled at the shopkeeper before going down the first aisle of books. It was pretty quiet and I only saw like three people here. I was starting to lose hope that Rory was even here until finally, I caught sight of her in the back corner of the store, her head deep in the blurb of some book.
I took a deep breath before stepping forward and clearing my throat. "Erm, hey, Rory."
She jumped, startled at my presence, and dropped her book. "Y/N, hi!"
I apologised as I picked up the book she dropped. "I didn't mean to scare you."
Rory, who I noticed was looking everywhere but at me, waved her hand dismissively. "Scare me? Nah, you did no such thing." She made every effort to avoid touching my hand as she accepted the book I held out to her.
I nodded and chewed on my lower lip. "Oh... well, erm, you didn't return my call last night, or, well, today..."
She chewed the inside of her mouth as she busied herself with putting the book back. "Yeah, sorry, I was going to, but I forgot."
I nodded awkwardly, watching as she ran her hands over the spines of the books clumsily.
"Don't you think we should talk?" I asked, lowering my voice a little. "About what happened?"
She swallowed deeply, looking down at her shoes. "Yes, talk..."
I decided to say something, knowing she wouldn't. "Look, I don't think you're the kind of person to do something and not mean anything by it. You're too clever for that."
She stayed silent, sucking on her lower lip nervously.
"You kissed me, Rory," I finally said, making sure I wasn't too loud. "You kissed me and then ran away."
"Should I not have?" she suddenly asked, looking me in the eyes.
I blinked. "Huh?"
She didn't look away. "Should I not have ran away?"
I cleared my throat and broke the eye contact when I felt myself growing nervous again. "Erm, well, I guess, in an ideal scenario, I would have liked it if you stayed...."
I nodded, risking a glance at her, only to see a small smile tugging at her lips. "Really."
She nodded slowly. "I would have liked that, too."
I mirrored her small smile, feeling those butterflies in my stomach again.
There was a pause in conversation, as someone walked past us. But when we were alone again, I spoke up.
"I've never done this before," I admitted shyly. "You know, liking a girl."
Her eyebrows raised hopefully. "You like me?"
My smile widened. "I thought that was obvious when I kissed you back?"
Her cheeks reddened a little. "Right, yeah... well, I'm new to this, too."
I admired how beautiful she looked right now, eyes darting around nervously, her smile shy and hidden, and decided to just go for it.
I glanced around, noticing we were still alone, and stepped forward, closer to her, before grabbing one of her hands gently.
"Why don't we figure this out together?" I asked quietly, meeting her curious gaze. "Because all I know is that I've been wanting you to kiss me again since you did last night at Luke's."
Her eyes brightened. "You– you have?"
I could feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment as I nodded. "Yeah."
She smiled down at me and grabbed my other hand, pulling me closer to her. After a quick glance around us, she pulled me close and kissed me like she did last night. Except this time it wasn't hesitantly, but rather confidently and passionately. She moved her lips perfectly against mine, making my brain melt into a pile of mush and my heart beat excessively at her touch.
It didn't last long because we were both still nervous someone could see us, but it lasted long enough to leave me breathless and staring at her dumbfounded.
"That was..."
She nodded, her face as flushed as mine. "Yep..."
At the sound of someone approaching, we immediately let go of each other's hands, but when I looked up to meet her eyes, I saw an honest, caring smile on her lips and I knew that we could make this work. Somehow.
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frazzledsoul · 8 months
I think it's interesting that in season 4 we get one (1) appearance from Dean at the beginning of the season (the episode where he gets married) and although it's clearly not a good idea and he's moping over Rory, he pretty much drops out of the narrative completely and we don't see him again for ten episodes. There's a lot going on in Stars Hollow at that time: Lorelai and Sookie are getting the inn put together, Lane starts working for Luke and has a falling out with her mother, Sookie gives birth, there's the Festival of Living Art, Luke and Lorelai "break the bells", and of course Liz and Jess show up at the Firelight Festival and cause a lot of drama. Rory's social life at Yale is somewhat pitiful so she comes home pretty much every weekend yet she has zero interaction with Dean and Lindsey and they are not involved in anything at all that happens, even the major town events.
I mention this because Rory is drawn back into Dean's orbit in the episode after Jess drops his love bomb and runs in a major way and their relationship continues to get more and more inappropriate in the last third of the season. Dean sells Rory his sob story of how Lindsay is pushing him to work (even though we later see that she's trying pretty hard to be the stay-at-home wife he wanted and make him happy). Rory chastises Dean for dropping out of college, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his goals were never the same as hers were and wanting them to be the same isn't going to erase their incompatibility. And of course, while this is all going on Luke's ill-advised marriage is also unraveling as he and Lorelai become closer. Given the previous example Lorelai set for her by hooking up with Christopher while he was with Sherry and then making out with Max while she was still technically dating Twilight Dad as well as the separation of the grandparents, it was fairly easy for Rory to conclude that this marriage business really doesn't matter and to look to Dean for comfort and and affirmation as she reminisces about the relationship she thinks she remembers.
And you know what goes away around this time, too? Any of her half-hearted attempts to socialize at Yale or to get something started romantically. She tried being independent and it sucked, so she interprets Dean's possessiveness and desire to limit her interactions with Jess as affection (which is all kind of messed up in itself, but that's another issue). Jess's second love bomb sends her further down that path where she's willing to do just about anything to feel safe again, because she never was allowed to process that break-up and Jess is too messed up at the time to offer her much of an explanation because he doesn't have the language for that either yet.
I still have a lot of trouble processing how Rory suddenly becomes convinced that she wants to relive the halcyon days of a relationship where Dean was often very unhappy with her and that ended because she fell in love with someone she found more intellectually compatible. Even though she is doing some pretty messed up rationalization leading up to her deflowering, she literally goes from "maybe you and Lindsay should go away together" to "Oh, I always knew this would happen! Let me play you this atrocious song to commemorate the occasion!" in two minutes (and we all know the sex took even less time). She backs off pretty soon afterwards and doesn't seem to mourn (and only seems to date Dean out of pity) but the whole thing is still so improbable, even all these years later. I still don't think she ever wanted a relationship, but she got drawn into the idea that losing her virginity in this way was something that wasn't as threatening as dealing with her feelings for her other ex.
(You know what would be even less threatening? Just boinking Marty and leaving your high school boyfriends alone. Just saying).
So was this character arc planned, or could we have gotten rid of Dean after his wedding? I honestly think it's the latter. He could have disappeared after the wedding and we'd have a completely different storyline. Probably a better one.
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whitters23 · 4 years
This is my interpretation of the whole AYITL Logan/Rory story line
When she turned down his proposal in S7 it wasn't because she didn't love him or even because she didn't want to marry him... because she liked the idea of marrying him, even in S6. She just wasn't ready to get married yet, at 22, right out of college. She even told him she still loved him and asked if they could stay together. Logan's pride was hurt and he broke it off. However he still deeply loved Rory. I don't think they ever got over each other. They were each the love of their lives. (I still think the ultimatum was wildly random, considering only a couple episodes before he was telling her he wanted her to choose her career based on what she wants, not based on him.... and then suddenly he is making her choose either moving with him or nothing at all.) So several years later, (is it ever mentioned how long they have been having this fling?) when they meet up again in Hamburg, all those old feelings couldn't be ignored and the spark was reignited and they end up sleeping together. Rory is probably with Paul at this time, and Logan is perhaps already engaged to Odette. We know Rory does not love Paul. She barely remembers he exists. The engagement between Odette and Logan doesn't seem to be about love either. He was probably feeling pressure to settle down and start a family because it is a family business and they need some new little Huntzberger babies. Odette comes from a good family, it's a beneficial match. And I think he probably likes Odette, but doesn't really love her. It’s more about pleasing his family, and he’s willing to sacrifice a chance at love because no one has really compared to Rory. I don't think Odette loves Logan either because if she did she wouldn't live in another country. She’s rich enough, I can’t see how there would be an obligation keeping her in Paris. If she wanted to live with Logan she would be. Also it is hinted that they are not as romantic together either because when Rory calls him in the middle of the night and Odette is in bed with him Logan is fully clothed in a shirt and pants. When he's in bed with Rory he is usually in some state of undress. Suggesting that he has a more intimate relationship with Rory. It doesn't make the cheating right but I think it was a way of justifying it in their minds. I believe after Rory and Logan have that initial fling Rory feels compelled to come up with a "What happens in Vegas" scheme. I am almost positive it is her who comes up with it. She likes reconnecting with him and doesn’t want it to stop so she concocts this scheme to make it seem like it is just a casual thing.  Very reminiscent of her "No strings" agreement when they first started dating. The thing is, I'm pretty sure if she had made it clear that she wanted something serious he would have left Odette in a heart beat. You can feel his adoration for her in every one of their scenes. But Rory is trying to play it cool and keeps reminding him of their agreement. She’s trying to reassure him but I think it makes it seem like she is less invested. The whole “when we are not in Vegas, we forget about Vegas” thing is a load of garbage by the way because they break that rule several times. She calls him all the time for moral support and a shoulder to lean on and she even had boxes of her belongings sent to his home! He is so in love with her that he is willing to go along with the Vegas agreement if it means he can have her in his life, even just a little bit. He doesn't want to lose her but is scared to try suggesting something more serious too because she turned him down before. And perhaps he feels like it's just his heart that he's risking. Then after their phone call where they "can’t even break up because they are nothing" they are both so heartbroken. It's clear that they are more invested in this relationship than they are supposed to be. When she asks him if he is really going to marry Odette and he says "That's the dynastic plan" it feels like he was waiting for her to tell him not to. (Matt Czuchry actually says that's what he was going for.) You can tell she wants to say more but she doesn't feel she has the right to ask him to leave Odette when Rory refused his first proposal in the first place. It's all very heart breaking and depressing. He wants her. She wants him. But they are both afraid to say anything. Again I am not trying to make excuses for their cheating, but I can empathize with why they have put themselves in such a position. In a small way I am happy with the way they ended the revival because Logan is the father of Rory’s baby and in my head I can imagine that Rory eventually tells him. I think she has to tell him because even though Christopher said he thinks things worked out for the best (I mean, he couldn’t say he resented Lorelai for not letting him be more involved), there is no way he would agree that it would have been better if he never got to be a part of Rory’s life. Plus Luke would be upset at Rory for keeping a child a secret from the father. He went through that himself. If Rory does tell Logan there is no way Mr. I’ll-Do-Anything-For-Rory-Gilmore would not drop everything to be there for Rory and the baby. It would give him an excuse to leave Odette and be with Rory, like he already wanted to. I pray they never make another installment of Gilmore Girls after this because at least now I can imagine they get their happy ending. I don't want ASP messing things up even more.
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francesderwent · 4 years
Do you ever think Amy Sherman-Palladino hates the nuclear family as a concept? She seems to have this deep-seated inability to make the biological fathers in her shows redeemable or anything beyond a shallow symbol of failed family.
short answer?  yes.  I think ASP absolutely hates the nuclear family.
but, long answer, I don’t think it’s necessarily because of some kind of cynicism directly and immediately about fatherhood.  I think I’ve finally come to the conclusion that the root of the problem of Gilmore Girls is a deep and hidden ambivalence about children.  the only reason Lorelai’s relationship with Christopher is so complicated, after all, is because they share a child – otherwise Lorelai would be free to hook up with Christopher whenever he came to town without any real consequences, or else to forget him entirely because he wouldn’t come around at all and she could be free of him.  Luke would have been able to marry Lorelai if it weren’t for the fact that he suddenly had a kid.  we see it over and over again: the thing getting in the way of happy romances is children. the thing trapping people in unhappy romances is children.  
and more to the point, if it weren’t for Rory, Lorelai would have been able to escape Emily and Richard.  the theme of the show, according to ASP, is something like “you can never go home again, but also you can never escape”.  but Lorelai would have been able to escape – go to Stars Hollow and never come back to see her parents ever again, or travel around the country helping people with their inns, or live her life flitting around Europe – if she didn’t have Rory, if she didn’t have to pay for Rory’s schooling, if Rory didn’t consistently want to have a relationship with her grandparents.  it is children that bind us to the nuclear family – our own, but also our families of origin – and yeah, ASP does seem to view that as a bad thing, a legacy of hurt and resentment that carries on from mother to daughter to daughter inescapably.  and that indirectly explains the issue with fathers, and why I never feel like I’m reacting to ASP’s fathers the way she wants me to: because the fathers have the freedom and distance from their family that ASP seems to wish that mothers had, too.  Lorelai (and ASP) resents Christopher not because he didn’t marry her – because she didn’t want that – but because his life wasn’t wrecked by Rory, and hers was.  it’s easy for him to say he wants to marry her, because he has a choice in the matter of whether he settles down, and he’ll still be free even if they do, and Lorelai never got that choice.  Marvelous Mrs Maisel does a lot to clarify this; I haven’t seen s2-3, but from what I’ve gathered, Midge is abandoned by her husband, and then she becomes gloriously successful and dates Zachary Levi and just…ignores her children.  she gets to live like she’s a divorced man – live like she’s Christopher Hayden, actually.  and I think I’m supposed to see that as good and fun and admirable.
so it goes both ways – motherhood is awful because it ties women to their children’s flighty, useless fathers, and heterosexual romance is awful because it ties women to their husbands’ needy, useless children – and as long as we buy into that system, it also ties us to our own parents and our husbands’ parents, and we can never ever escape and be free.  all throughout the show, people are surprised and derailed by pregnancy and inconvenienced by it and afraid of it; nobody just…has a kid with someone they love, without being clearly pitied by the narrative (Sookie, Lane).  and there is never, ever anything like the scene in The Office when Jim and Pam discover they’re pregnant and they’re clearly and unambiguously happy.  because within the worldview of Gilmore Girls, having children, becoming a parent, is far from unambiguously good.
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What’s Kirsty’s relationship with Jess like? (I know you touched on it a bit in the Yale ask but I wanna know more!)
Short answer: “true friends don’t judge each other, they judge other people together” meets “slow burn found family”
Long Answer: oh boy buckle up we’re getting an Outline™ bc I really don’t know how to sum it up bc it’s a lot of growth and shit!  it’s like... many many paragraphs so I’m tossing this under a cut bc i don’t want to be murdered lmao
(I’m just... v proud of how much work went into planning out their whole arc and how the dynamic shifts and how certain plots play into things and I just wanted to share it all I couldn’t chill and I’m like half sorry but thank you for this ask I love them)
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So when they first meet they don’t really get along because they’re just generally both kind of abrasive and shit, like it���s not personal on either end but they both generally push people away so that they don’t open themselves up to get hurt which makes their first couple of meetings kind of rough
but then there’s the dinner at Lorelai’s and Kirsty went outside because the whole vibe was just setting her on edge, and she hears the Lorelai rant bullshit (hi lorelai he’s seventeen and your an adult grow the fuck up) and as he leaves she goes after him — she tries to apologize for “my mom being... well, the way she is” and Jess immediately snaps back that he doesn’t want her pity, and Kirsty just shrugs and goes “nah dude I get it, parents suck.  My dad is a piece of shit and my mom, well, you’ve met her... not to mention she named Rory after herself and me after my piece of shit dad so I’m sure you can guess who her favourite child is” and just keeps it very chill and Jess takes that a lot better than pity and they end up talking for a bit and are like “yeah okay I can get along with you” and like they aren’t close but they both like pissing Taylor off and giving Luke ulcers so it works well enough
Kirsty absolutely flips her shit when Taylor calls the town meeting about Jess like she tears into him more aggressively than anyone has seen before and basically tells them all to shut the fuck up and “let him at least settle in before you pull out the fucking pitchforks” and goes off on them all for trying to bully a seventeen year old kid out of a town he didn’t even choose to move to and like Luke still gets there and flips his shit too but Kirsty is completely feral calling out the hypocrisy and telling them to get off their high horses and pull their heads out of their asses — like they might not be close but Kirsty is so far beyond pissed at the idea of Taylor calling a meeting literally just to get everyone to hate Jess that she can’t just stand there quietly 
Fast forward a bit and they’re getting along a bit better, Kirsty spends so much time at the diner that she and Jess have taken to talking during Jess’ shifts and Kirsty helps out when she can so they’re starting to actually get along, Kirsty has figured out the tells for when Jess just can’t deal with people anymore and will make up all sorts of excuses to get him a break (anything from ‘hey can you read over this essay’ to ‘hey did you remember to grab that book from upstairs’ to basically anything else that comes to mind) which he appreciates and when he’s on his breaks he sits at the counter to do homework with her
By the Bracebridge dinner they’re like actually friends, and when Jess meets Tristan for the first time he’s fully prepared to hate him but when he sees how shitty Lorelai is being about Tristan he’s just like “okay guess we’re in the same boat” so the three of them end up working together to stay as far away from Lorelai as possible for most of the night and Kirsty is just very grateful for the buffer because like she just can’t deal with Lorelai and Jess remembers her comment on the “you can guess who the favourite is” and starts to see how much Lorelai’s disapproval actually bothers Kirsty
fast forward even more to Christopher coming to town and with Sherry and all that and oof Kirsty is not okay like her relationship with Christopher is terrible and Jess kind of knows this already (based on the fact that Kirsty asked Luke to stand in for her dad at the debutante ball because she wanted nothing to do with Christopher; and he’s heard her bitch about him before) but when Christopher and Sherry come to the house, Kirsty excuses herself for “dance rehearsal” and runs over to the diner and Luke is out at the moment and Kirsty is Not Okay™ and Jess is the one who sees her just standing in the doorway shaking and clearly about to start crying and he just quietly leads her up to the apartment and sits down and lets her sort of collapse on the couch and she tells him about Christopher and about how unreliable and flakey he always was and how Luke has always been more her dad than him and he always shows up and tries to play happy family and then bails as soon as he gets bored or something comes up and about how now he’s apparently changing and becoming mr family man and why wasn’t she worth changing for
and jess has no idea how to handle this whole breakdown because he's a little bit emotionally stunted (which is fair and so is she) but it definitely resonates with him and he ends up sitting next to her and telling her that if Christopher wasn’t willing to change for she and Rory then it’s because of him not her and trying to comfort her even though he really doesn’t know how, and ends up opening up to her about Liz and his life before Stars Hollow too.  It’s more than either of them have shared with anyone before and it’s very strange tbh — at this point they’re definitely veering into the friend category but neither of them would admit it, not to mention they don’t talk that often because neither of them wants to deal with a Lorelai Gilmore Hissy Fit, you know?
(also a sidenote, Tristan is completely chill about literally all of this like he and Kirsty are the healthiest relationship and have very good communication skills now and he's just like “hey I don’t live nearby and Kirsty hates cars, I’m just glad she has someone to talk to”)
and okay so now we’re at the episode where Lorelai accuses Jess of stealing the bracelet and this is just as Kirsty is getting home, and Lorelai is more of a bitch than in canon (but seriously Lorelai grow up and let Dean deal with his own relationship issues ugh) — as Jess is leaving, Kirsty turns around and calls Lorelai out on being an absolute bitch and on the fact that she’s an adult and Jess is seventeen and to grow the fuck up because she’s acting like her mother and believe it or not she doesn’t actually know everything.  Kirsty then sort of storms off, and Jess ends up walking with her and just goes “hey, thanks for that” and Kirsty goes “don’t mention it” and they just sort of laugh and part ways so she can go to Miss Patty’s but anyways I’m soft for Kirsty fighting the entire town for him
then we have the hilarious scene of Kirsty looking Dean in the eye, knowing full well that he literally just saw her getting out of Tristan’s car, and going “yes I’m completely in love with jess is that a problem” and jess going “oh Kirsty I’m really flattered but while you were gone I started talking to Paris and I think I’m in love” and they’re just such little shits I love them
and okay now I promise we’re getting close to the speedrun part of this relationship lmaooo
so Kirsty is the one who ends up tutoring Jess and like he’s not on the verge of flunking because Kirsty has already been forcing him to do his homework semi regularly but he has trouble staying on task (he’s a mood) so Kirsty is basically there to make sure that he gets all of his final projects done — they take a break to go get ice cream and the car accident happens and Kirsty gets injured and she’s having a panic attack and she begs Jess to stay with her so he does, she lies to the hospital staff and tells them that he’s her step-brother so that he can stay with her because she’s afraid of hospitals and doesn’t want to be alone.  He stays with her until they hear Lorelai and then sneaks out the window; at this point Kirsty has finally called him her friend — while high on painkillers and introducing him to Richard and Emily, who she had him call because she knew Lorelai wouldn’t (they like him much better in this !verse than canon because Kirsty knows how to play them lmao)
Lorelai still pitches a fit to Luke and Jess still leaves and jesus christ when Kirsty finds out about all of that she flips her shit even more than she did at the town meeting, calls Lorelai petty and selfish and a shit mother and tells her that she’s more like Emily than she wants to admit, and this is very possibly when Kirsty finally drops one of my favourite lines of hers — “you and Rory might be best friends first and mother daughter second but I never needed a best friend, I needed a mom.  And now I don’t want either.” — and crashes at either Luke’s or Miss Patty’s (and is not thrilled when she finds out that Lorelai called Christopher and that he’s now back and awnting to play dad again)
fast forward and Kirsty knows Jess is in New York but they haven’t talked and Sookie’s wedding happens and Kirsty and Lorelai have their huge fight (this is the other point where that favourite line might happen, I’m torn) and Kirsty packs up and moves to New York for the summer to play Victoria in Cats on Broadway
She gets to New York and she’s staying at a hotel provided by the production company and she’s lonely and miserable and she’s never really been alone before and low and behold she stumbles into some diner on the verge of tears (just a bad day and everything is too much and she’s about to break) when all of a sudden she hears “wow, deja vu.  Coffee?” and she turns around and low and behold it’s Jess Mariano.  She accepts and sits at the diner until his shift is done and then they leave together and catch up and he offers to be her tour guide, and over the next week they become really close (all of both of their coworkers think that they’re siblings at this point) and blah blah lots of details I won’t get into bc seriously how many paragraphs is this thing, but Emily and Richard end up renting Kirsty this huge penthouse apartment and she manages to convince them to let Jess live with her and they become super close and kind of codependent and skip right over the friend stage to the “this is my brother, Jess” stage lmao and basically everyone in stars hollow except for lorelai and rory (bc kirsty and lorelai aren’t talking for most of the summer and rory is in dc so she and kirsty aren’t talking much either) know because they all came out for her opening weekend and everyone thinks it’s hilarious and their new york friends think Luke is their dad bc he called them “my kids” without thinking about it
also Tristan visits as much as he can get away with and seriously he and Jess become really good friends too and they’re just like, an iconic trio okay I love them
fast forward they go back to stars hollow together the day of the summer festival thing and that’s when Lorelai and Rory find out about their friendship and Lorelai is Not Happy and then Tristan shows up and the three of them are being adorable and having a great time and Lorelai flips out and there’s yet another fight (seriously Lorelai pls stop assuming you always know best, you don’t) and the fight is angsty but there’s the softness of jess finally really accepting that Kirsty meant it when she said that things weren’t going to change when they got back to stars hollow and they don’t and it’s just great
and in season 3 they’re just still all soft and codependent and Lorelai is forced to accept that Jess knows Kirsty better than she does and Rory has some really fun “what the actual fuck” moments watching Lorelai & Luke and Kirsty & Jess have the exact same arguments because Kirsty did inherit Lorelai’s ability to annoy people into doing things like participating in town events and season 3 is just very very soft and there are so many scenes/episodes that I’m so excited for
and anyways this was so long and I’m sorry but also I’m not because like i just really love this dynamic and I want to just like skip two seasons and just write new york & season three because i love them so muchhhhhhhh and anyways yeah 
TLDR they’re a slowburn rivals to found family with a speedrun towards the end and i fucking love them so much
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