#lulz I don't care if I get hate for this
euargh · 1 year
shit, I lost interest in the things I was interested in. I tried looking in the Spamton tag but lmao I feel too dead inside to care anymore. He's literally me tho. Not an "I kin", not an "I relate", nope. Literally an alternate reality version since Toby Fox worked on Homestuck and that comic literally mirrored my conversations and actions with people online [you would have to have been the people this affected many years ago to have been a witness to this absolutely freaky and highly obscure paranormal event], so yeah.
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therogerclarkfanclub · 4 months
Man, Twitter today was just pathetically sad. Roger was getting jumped left and right by stupid Twitter trolls who think AI is "not a big deal" and "who cares if I copy someone's voice, 'just for the lulz' ", and on top of that, several idiots assuming that Roger makes 10s of 1000s of dollars on each film/theater/TV role he gets, was just beyond sad.
Don't get me wrong, me being a huge fanboy of him I wish him nothing but the absolute best. Is he laughing his way to the bank? I sure hope so! I, for one, would be happy that his acting career is paying off and he is able to make loads of cash. Now, is this actually the case? I do not have the slightest clue, but I am not about to turn into a jealous arsehole if this were to be the case.
The hate he was receiving was just unbearably bad. What? A person cannot defend their own work? Their livelihood? Their means to put food on their table? Are actors are not entitled to receive fair compensation for putting their talents to work? Whether those talents are through Mocap or voice acting or just good ol' fashioned acting?
This screenshot below was one of the most pathetic things I've ever read, and clearly they don't know much about software licensing. And for the record, neither do I. All I know is that just because I buy a physical copy of RDR2 doesn't mean I own the assets inside that disc. It's still Rockstar's property. Arthur and the entire VDL gang still belongs to them, I am merely paying to have access and enjoy what Rockstar has made, but no, it is not "mine".
And even worse to think that someone "works" for you just because you paid a measly $60.00?? 😂
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I don't even know what to say to this MFer here. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the level of stupidity Roger was dealing with today. But Roger, not being one to back down, dealt a quick swift burn to this MFer. Good for him.
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But the entire saga is just nasty. I am only posting those two screenshots and honestly that is too much.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Back in the real world. With a bucketload of remorse.
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Shinigami's as bad as Amaterasu. I hope we get to kill her in the end.
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Honestly, Martina, I don't know why you aren't going to shoot us anyway. It's not like you care.
Last chapter, we got away because Halara beat the shit out of everybody. I have absolutely no idea what's staying your hand this time around. Even if Kurumi is innocent, you still have us dead to rights on breaking into an all-girls' school and impersonating a high-ranking officer, specifically you. Why is that water under the bridge?
You're seriously not even going to clap us in handcuffs and drag us away? It's all fine?
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You have no fucking idea, Desuhiko. Yuma's bearing the weight of tremendous injustice, almost as bad as what Amaterasu was going to do.
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And also the weight of having to listen to this fucking parasite mouth off.
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...what's your hunch, Desuhiko? No, for real, I'm genuinely interested to hear what Desuhiko thinks happened in there. It's certain to be wildly off-base and I could use something to lift my spirits right now. Y'know, after we just murdered three teenagers for being victimized.
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Okay, but be specific. Please, describe your interpretation in great detail! I need the lulz right now. Badly.
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No! Come back! ENTERTAIN ME!!! Goddammit.
Great. Now I'm left alone with the obligatory love interest whose only character trait is "very nice". Y'know, like most obligatory love interests.
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Yep. You can see it all from here. A beautiful skyline, the bright pink glows of the city, and the huge neon sign that reads "ARE YOU SHIPPING THIS YET?"
Yes, Kodaka. I understood what you meant when you gave Shinigami 500 lines going, "UGH, I HATE YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND SO MUCH!" And Desuhiko another 500 lines going, "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" You've been very unsubtle about the fact that we're meant to be shipping this.
People complain about "LGBT romances forced down your throat" any time a gay person happens to exist nearby. But whenever a male and female character that the writer wants you to ship are together onscreen, every five seconds inundates you with stuff like,
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That's what forcing a romance down your throat looks like. I actively hate when designated M/F couples are onscreen together because every character around them suddenly turns into a Romance Cheerleader. They do everything in their power to assure you that this is the most romance ever except, like, actually write romance.
In the end, I just don't think "LOL Let's go on a date!" is tonally appropriate after the extremely dark resolution we just experienced. Then again, I guess that sort of mood whiplash is psychopop in a nutshell. Our hands are covered in blood; Let's go check out the pretty sights!
We've certainly executed people less deserving in the Mutual Killing Games, to be sure. It just hurts.
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battlekilt · 10 months
Dear Anon,
I've decided not to publish your ask in full because I do not want for some content to appear in some tags; it just isn't nice. Not that you didn't say anything mean, just, I try to leave out anything that isn't 100% positive participation about a ship or thoughtfully articulated about a character out of where it is likely to show up in said content's tags. Sometimes, I forget to do that, and I have to go back and censor.
Anyway, I digress.
There are several points in your message that I 100% about the association of shippy content and the popularity of... a specific character, who unfortunately gets the short end of the stick in terms of characterization.
Admittedly, I also avoid centric fanfic about that character for similar reasons. I also tend to circle around the edges of the character's social circles. Add-on to my confession: I don't read a lot of fanfic. I have a lightyear long list of pickiness. Though, mostly it is that I invest my transformative time on trying to write my massive fic.
There is some contemplation among some people I know who feel similarly, and discussion of trying our hands at making a Discord server for that same character that we hope we will have a different community tone.
And yeah, those who ship both ObiRex and Rexwalker do tend to be stuck in a sticky middle. It is similar to how people who like both Clones and Jedi are often… in the middle, especially if there's an added weariness for Jedi/Clone ships. Too many Clone fans hate the Jedi, and too many Jedi—specifically film (mainly R0TS) Jedi fans—just don't care about the Clones. There's a similar vein among those who like the specific character referenced above, but: do not ship them with X or ship them with Y—or may only ship the character with either under very specific circumstances. There's a growing number of people who hate this specific character because of how the character's fans treat others—both other characters and other fans, and now some of us are trying to rehab this character for those people who have some trauma responses to this highly popular character. It is most unfortunate.
There is more that I can say, and I was glad to hear from you. Your thoughts are not alone.
Closing: it is a disconcerting feeling really loving one character who is arguably one of the main characters, he's the main Clone of the prequels, mainly TCW, and feel like EVERY SINGLE ship for him are all rarepairs. ALL. -frustrated squawking noises-
If you wish to discuss privately, feel free to DM me and we can talk there. Know that you are not alone. I've found a handful of people who feel similarly in places.
PS. I feel really stupid trying to censor names. Didn't censor the two Rex ship names.
PS2. Also, lulz @ the wording, "I found out about you." It tickled my funny bone, and my irrational paranoia.
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dizzydizney · 2 years
Hey. So I'm having some writer's block when it comes to Mal -- she's not my fav character but I do like her and want to do her the justice that writer's failed to give. So I have some questions;
-The others are mentioned to have pets in the books. What pet do you think Mal had?
-- Do you think Mal has any allergies, if yes, what?
-- what so you think of Mal's wedding dress? Who do you think she would have on her side of the wedding (like bridesmaids wise?)?
-- what games did she play as a child?
-- what was her favorite story as a child/food to eat?
-- what kind of toys would she play with as a child?
-- what kind of dates does she go on with Ben?
-- which of the aks outside of Ben do you think she's closest to?
-- what do she and her friends do for fun in Auardon?
(Sorry that was alot).
thank you for this ask! any excuse to talk about an overrated or overhated fave lulz. gonna hide the answers under a cut cause it'll probably get long! and sorry if any of this goes against anything in the books or whatever bc i dont have them all memorized
~Honestly I could see Mal being the sad lil odd one out with no pet. Maleficent would have her raven and probably wouldn't want any other animals running around the castle. I think she'd be the type to restrict Mal to an exaggerated degree and not let her have anything that might end up being a source of joy or comfort
~I think it would be super funny if Mal was allergic to seafood. Or at least shellfish. Had to be extra careful when handling that bucket of shrimp!
~The dress was... interesting. Not the best but I don't hate it as much as most people seem to. Unpopular opinion but I love the purple. It's Mal's signature color! If it'd been all white it would've been basic and boring and just not felt like her. The animation and the doll doesn't really do it justice but I do like the idea of it!! And for her wedding party, I really only see Evie as the maid of honor. Carlos and Jay could be the men of honor I suppose. And Celia is the flower girl :P
~Ok the only way I see Mal playing games is bcoz Maleficent practically forced the other kids to play with her. Like she would cause trouble for their parents if they didn't. And they had to do whatever Mal wanted to do and she always had to win. But I think as Mal got older and realized what was going on, she'd try to steer away from that. At least with people she actually liked, like Jay. I could see them sneaking off to play by themselves. And mostly just having dumb little contests like arm wrestling, or seeing who could do the most push ups, or stand on their head the longest. Dumb stuff like that
~I think Mal would eat up any story her mother told her. As a really little kid, she'd listen to the stories of Maleficent threatening the kingdom and nearly taking it over and think it was an amazing tale and hate how her mother was done so wrong by the royals. For food to eat... Maleficent would definitely make sure they got first dibs on any food that came over from Auradon. I’m thinking some kind of sweet pastry treat. Something that the boulangerie threw out bcoz it didn’t sell, even though it was perfectly fine. Probably just like the saddest thing to have as a favorite food like a plain bagel or an oatmeal raisin cookie just bcoz that’s all that she can get her hands on. God, this universe is depressing
~Any kind of toy she wanted bcoz if she saw something she wanted, Maleficent would make the other kid hand it over <3 I could see her learning what dolls are bcoz some other Isle dweller kid has a little rag doll that they made for themselves. And so she’s like “I can make that too” but just like goes and ties some sticks together and that’s her doll. Literally just playing with sticks and rocks in the woods by herself </3
~I want to imagine that regular Auradon just operates like Pleasantville where everything is just “ideal” 50s time. They go to the drive in and the malt shop and the roller rink (even though I think that’s a couple decades later idc it still fits). And obviously their go to hiking and swimming dates when they don’t feel like being around a lot of people. I imagine Ben eventually getting Mal in the water and teaching her how to swim. That would be cute!
~Probably Jane. Just bcoz she’s the one Mal first tried to make amends with. And Jane is now comfortable enough around her to basically help Mal plan every big event in her life. I think they’re on good terms. And I like the idea of them being an unlikely duo of friends
~When they’re still adjusting to Auradon life, I would loveee if they all just went around playing petty pranks on the AKs. Fake spiders in Audrey’s locker, putting Nair in Chad’s shampoo, dumb stuff like that. It’s hard to think of something bcoz Mal doesn’t exactly have time for a lot of fun :(
Thank you for this ask!! It was long but I enjoyed every bit of it. And thank you for being patient with me since it took me a while to answer everything!
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the-nysh · 2 years
People on both Tumblr and Reddit a babbling an how “Garou” voluntarily killed Genos, and that “his” actions are inexcusable and irredeemable seriously need to go fuck themselves ASAP!!!
Whew...welp, it was unfortunately expected, and I can't forget the things I've already seen. :') Now, those who're only expressing their anger rn are fine, with the disclaimer how they know Garou has been corrupted and is Not Himself here (literally: Garou is a victim to cosmic mindrape; unwittingly trapped & used by god's cruel agenda to eradicate all humanity, and without him even knowing the full extent of what happened to him, what this 'power' truly entails, or even what it’s passively doing to others he cares for - like Tareo), which we even get confirmation this chapter from Bang - who knows him, and Blast - the resident 'god' expert here, who can discern the difference, including the evidence from everything built up over 100+chs til now for us to have already known his character's true nature too - see, those fans I can trust, who've kept their memory & perspective in check.
But the really bad thing is from those who're unironically spreading more misinformation slander like 'oh he was really evil all along; just a completely selfish, irredeemable, bad person at heart' ‘who totally deserves to die (instead of saved for getting mindraped by god)’ or 'there was never a good reason to have ever liked him before' or 'he's finally enacting his favorite things he enjoys doing most in the world that he’s always WANTED to do~!!!'......aka implying that the real Garou has ever ‘loved' sadistically torturing the weak or literally mass killing people and children for the lulz....(when the actual Garou has only ever put able-bodied heroes in hospitals, never wanting to cross the line of actually killing anyone, with his own idea of what a ‘monster’ (vs an ideal ‘hero’) should be, while hamming up his fake 'evil' performance in hopes of scaring everyone into what he's really after.) Or worse, they're implying that god's agenda (who's literally warped Garou's mind, beliefs, and actions against him thru forced manipulation) is the truest reflection of Garou's innermost desires. :)))))) When NO. Stop.
*sighs* Because the ironic thing is how they don't realize how that kind of premature judgment is complicit in forming a witch hunt mob against the easiest scapegoat target here. (Now gee, doesn't this sound so familiarly meta when it's exactly one of the themes Garou's always struggled against since the shed scene?) When the True Evil being here everyone should be angry at is 'god,' for his most unwelcome interference. But 'Garou' on the other hand, who's been insisting this is all him, is of course going to internalize all the guilt, self-hatred, blame, and condemnation upon himself (thinking he doesn't deserve to live - either in isolation or suicide) once he finally realizes what he's been made to do against his will. And everyone in the cast (who doesn’t already care for him, or hasn’t already been ‘knocked out’ to see what happens) will either want him dead or join in permanently condemning him in the same witch hunt in canon too. How nice. (/s) To always be hated in fanon and canon; exactly what he’s always expected since childhood. :’)) (Now isn’t Flash still a fine hero -completely redeemable- for assassinating so many people at will? How about Bang who’s changed his ways? Do we even know Genos is permanently dead to accuse Garou of murdering a cyborg while under god’s explicit corrupted influence? Oh and look - even the Saitama who was solely against killing him in the wc, is now intent on seriously killing him now too without even knowing the truth of what actually happened to him after being victimized by god either!) Oh my god! 8′D
So in this type of ending for Garou, there will be no fair justice for the one who's always sought after that most in the world, who’s instead doomed to suffer the most unfair injustice, (from god) beyond his very control or understanding, of all. And after receiving that eternal damnation? Without any emotional support system left or way to ever heal or value/redeem himself from the trauma of being used to kill the very loved ones he’d otherwise die to protect? Is a cursed fate of suffering far worse than death. That is, IF Garou can even survive this. Amazingly cruel. Or amazingly strong, if he can still endure the absolute worst.
But for those who need a reminder of what Garou’s actual idyllic goals are, which were established early well before all these horrific events for a reason:
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Which you know, requires humanity to be alive to want to eliminate all evil/injustice and unite everyone to evolve towards world peace.
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....Not passively killing all life through the radiation he unknowingly emits. So to a Garou who might think he’s ‘playing along,’ all in control according to the usual script, oh no, he doesn’t even know. He has no clue how much he’s actually getting used. (Which is part of the abject cruelty and horror.) This isn’t his authorized game or agenda at all anymore, this is real - or rather, this is god’s cruel game (to break him and Saitama, and all humanity who dare defy him for that matter) enacted along exactly as planned.
So remember when I said the thing about a litmus test to gauge who can still hold even a shred of empathy for Garou’s undeserved suffering? Well! I’ve certainly seen many true colors come out now, which again, I can’t forget.
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morethanonepage · 1 year
1 3 5 8 15?
What's something you've written that you know is OOC and you just don't care?
lmfaoooooo i'm torn between priding myself that NOTHING I EVER WRITE EVER IS OOC and being like, everything i ever write is ooc bc deep down i want even the messiest/most awful characters to have nice fluffy moments together and i know realistically that would not happen BUT THAT'S WHAT I WANT and so i continue to write it.
i think sometimes i *have* written stuff more for the joke of the thing (the one where chas shaves his beard, the javert-adopts-cossette-instead fic) that are MORE ooc bc again, i wrote them for the humor of the situation, but i like to think they're at least within a RANGE of characterization.
(also i mean any time you write non canon esp slash ships they're like, ooc bc the canon creators would NEVER take it there but i ESPECIALLY don't care about that).
3. Something you wish a commenter had called attention to, but got ignored.
oooh i don't know really, there's usually at least one line that i'm really proud of myself for writing in terms of character voice and/or rhythm and/or just like, quiet aching melancholy of the thing and they're rarely mentioned by commenters but like, that's ok mostly. like i think most people who enjoy my fics do so more bc of like, the whole of work & the characterizations over like really beautiful lines or whatever, esp since i see my style as very simple and efficient over it being especially flowery or explicitly emotional.
i do always kind of laugh when i get 'omg so many great lines here i'm not even going to try to quote them all' bc i'm like. well but also you could tho. at least one maybe. to soothe my fragile ego etc.
5. Something you hate to see in smut.
I mean. Also what I hate in smut is what i hate in writing in general -- epithet abuse and OOC behavior. I'm also kind of weirded out by like. Explicit dick measurements (i.e., where inches/centimeters are specified) unless it's for the lulz (and even then i think it kills the ~sexy mood, which might be the intent so I don't mind in that case). Also really roll my eyes when it's a scene between two men and one or both devotes time to ~I don't have to worry about being rough with HIM, not like if he was a WOMAN. like ok bro sorry it's such a CHORE to treat a woman you're fucking with a modicum of care. (I know in a lot of cases this IS arguably in character. but i do genuinely just find it annoying to read). but like. some women like it rough. some men don't. let's broaden our horizons here.
8. Something you love to see in dialogue.
Inside jokes, esp if they're not explained. (like amongst the MCU's INFINITE crimes, the explicit clarification of 'what happened in budapest' is UP THERE)
And just like. Conversations that fit the canon/characters. Like I hate it when characters in fic sound like tiktok teens/tumblr millennials but i love it when they sound like THEMSELVES and aren't just talking about stuff that moves the plot forward. sometimes people just have conversations with their friends. it's part of worldbuilding/setting the mood. And it's ABOUT the conversation-- I hate big blocks of text where it's just one character dumping exposition, I like it when there's interruptions and responses and eyerolls and huffs of laughter etc etc etc.
y'know. the sicko to sicko communication of it all.
15. We all project onto our characters. Where has your personality or life choices leaked onto the page the most?
lolllll well my thirst for nbc!chas chandler is the basis for like, 75% of my johnchas fic (the 25% which is written from chas' POV is about my self esteem issues). also a lot of john being a jerk/saying the wrong things is like, catharsis for me bc i'm generally pretty careful about not upsetting people (shut up it's true in my real life) and i think on some level john enjoys being the worst and it's fun for me to imagine/write what that would be.
also a lot of my AUs have characters be lawyers. like it's pretty heavily implied in a last minute possibility that Poe is a public defender, mostly bc the idea delighted me. In my finnpoe big bang fic that has not seen the light of day, Poe is a political operative with most of my opinions, and Finn is a lawyer from New York who leaves his job to go work in a small up state new york town, which is what i randomly fantasized about doing after going to a wedding in the Hudson Valley. (i know the Hudson Valley isn't REALLY upstate new york. but to me it is.)
Oh god also the so-called travelogue fic (which is a gen fic where Poe spends time with his dad on Yavin IV before the events of TFA but after he joined the Resistance) is mostly just about my memories of visiting Mexico. Like embarrassingly so but I'm still proud of it.
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Dude I noticed that there is no character up to this point that is completely evil and hateable. I seriously love that as it shows their humanity. That no one do evil things without a reason and no one is perfect. I mean, Daerin is a womanizer but as you said, he is a good and reliable lord. Jona is Jona but you always imply that his actions are the effects of his upbringing. Otto maybe an antagonist later on but he's not a typical tyrant and truly desires a peace for his people. Even Drannor just wanted a moment with his shampoo and mirror.
If that's the case, does that mean you also plan to give flaws to the cast? I mean there are those characters in CoGs that you will never hate. Sir Robert from GT, your nephew from ZE:SH, and Accolon from BoC. If the archtypal hateable characters have atleast one redeeming qualities, does that mean archtypal loveable characters have their own flaws?
Thank you! I actually hate having bad guys be bad guys for the lulz in media. Like why are they such assholes to EVERYONE. And dont just put a "oh but they had a tragic backstory!" fuck that!
Ahem, anywayyyys. Regarding our cast.
Remiel is a nationalist who deeply cares for the pride and independence of his nation and people. Moreso for his family who he considers Argent. That's why he was so serious when inspecting you at the city. The fact you possessed the Argent eyes made him accept you. If you didnt...
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Otto desires peace across the land, and stability. So he invades when his enemies(?) were weak and having a civil war. The Kingdom of Lymark was presented a great opportunity to finally remove a potential threat. Without the Tripartite Alliance, there wasnt a chance for any single nation to stand against the empire, thus truly allowing the empire to breath from a Realpolitik stand point.
Even Uriel isnt without his own flaws. Dude literally did what someone said: If he was Goku, and you were Gohan...he brought back Raditiz and then preceded to beat the shit out of him for traumatizing you (except Uriel killed the thing in front of a crowd of thousands lol). Thats not something youd expect from Goku, nor is it something you think would actually help Gohan get over his anxiety lmao!
So yes, without spoiling more stuff, the cast will have their own flaws. While the "villains" will also have their redeeming qualities, cause i don't like the word villains. Theyre all just people trying to safeguard their family against another.
The vicious circle of "If i don't get them first they'll get my family" mindset will be relevant.
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sweepingtree · 3 years
Hey, I ship sessrin and I want to just say that not all of us are like that. I thought your art was nice and I liked it even though I don't like sesskagu. However, you are very talented and can definitely come up with your own OCs so I don't see why not :) liked the art though. No hate. Wish we could just ship in peace
Ok so here's the thing.
Sure, I could create OCs but I do not want to.
I watched Yashahime. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it. And unlike some others (who are perfectly valid for their opinion), I don't dislike the twins either. Setsuna is babie, and while Towa may be a tad dumb, I just see it as her inheriting it from her stupid dad, who is canonically a massive dumbass with more brawns and looks than brains. I happen to really love Rin too, she's so cute and sweet, and I never agreed with people who said she was boring and all that because she was meant to be a child in the series and was intentionally left to be a largely undeveloped character.
Why the fuck should I make OCs just so you shippers would find it more palatable? I love these characters just fine and you guys are NOT MY TARGET AUDIENCE in the first place anyway. If you don't like my art, my writing, etc, just move on with your own damn lives.
I got a ridiculous amount of quote retweets from sessrin shippers when I posted that first fan art of sesakagu with their kids just OUT OF THE BLUE. Mutuals who know me know that I largely keep out of fandom drama. Sure, I'd whine about it on discord with my other antis, and I block very liberally to keep sessrin out of my dash. I don't even watch anime anymore and this was like a nostalgia trip for me. I didn't care for this. I have a real life outside of fandom and fiction with real worries and stressors. I don't need more of it online. I don't interact with shippers, and shippers don't interact with me for this very reason. THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE CASE.
But y'all had to come into my Twitter mentions, my pixiv comments, my anon asks. I even had people doubting my own fucking ethnicity and I saw tweets of shippers bitching about my sesskagu fics just for including Towa and Setsuna as their babies. All this bullshit even though I've been minding my own damn business despite how disgusted I was with your filthy little ship.
You don't get to come and act all nice now by saying "we're not all like that" and "why can't we ship in peace" because y'all weird self-insert loli-complex fuckers came for me unprovoked first.
Besides, y'all know that making headcanons of characters being the children of other characters is literally what EVERY FANDOM does, right? What makes your Woody Allen ship so damn special that y'all had to come at me on multiple platforms just for drawing the twins as sesskagu babies?
So, sorry not sorry anon, I don't buy your sweet tone. I've had enough interaction with sessrinners for the past two (2) days to know that you're all disgusting gutter trash.
Might post a screenshot of the asks that I got later just for the lulz but this is the last I'll reply on this matter. Just block me, you weirdos.
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robotslenderman · 3 years
The thing about Nastasya and Beckett -
After Evie plays that trick where she has the ACTUAL Beckett stand in a corner and pretend to be a hallucination, Nastasya develops feelings for him pretty quickly. And also pretty badly.
But the thing is -
Beckett has a habit of mocking someone within, like, three seconds of meeting them, and generally doesn't care how much of a sore spot whatever he's mocking is. Nastasya absolutely adores banter with people she trusts, but there's a line, and because Beckett doesn't seem to have one she considers this habit of his outright malicious at best and uncaring at worst. (Yes, she considers Beckett being indifferent to her worse than if he actually hated her.)
Beckett is also pretty famous for his flings. Now, for some reason Nastasya just presumes he's a raging heartbreaker instead of, you know, having people throwing themselves at him for no-strings-attached sex. I don't know why Nastasya makes the assumption he's using people for sex. She just DOES. She probably assumes that because he's an asshole with his mockery he's also an asshole in his sex life, idk.
If it was anyone other than Beckett, she'd handle her feelings for him like an adult. But because of those two things she refuses to even admit she caught feelings for a while to herself, because to get involved with Beckett in any way would be extremely painful unless she admits to him that she wants something more than a fling, and because of point one she would rather throw herself into the sun and die than EVER admit that.
Cue the tsundere Tzimisce, where she indulges their playful banter and their tendency to mess with each other for the lulz (and honestly, given how wolves and dogs love to wrestle he probably quite enjoys it when she's beating him with cushions, jabbing him to make sure he's real or otherwise wrestling with him) only to go tsuntsun as soon as she remembers what kind of heartbreak and humiliation she'd be setting herself up for.
And also a very confused (and sometimes outright annoyed) Beckett who has no idea what's up with her and occasionally gets outright fed up with her mood swings.
Hilarity Belligerent Sexual Tension ensues.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Clueless" *Part 3*
Okay so my dog ended up being totally fine, and luckily I had most of this written beforehand. <3
PS- REALLY shouldn't have watched the actual movie while writing this...lulz. Count how many actual lines from the movie you catch.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Tag List:
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He drove back up the Beach House, but you and Ariel had abandoned it for a loft in the city, no forwarding address. He asked himself why he was putting so much effort just to get back in contact with you. He couldn’t explain it, it was like something against logic.
He dialed Ariel’s number.
Text: “Answer your phone!!!”
“What do you want?”
“I want to talk to Y/N,”
“Well she doesn't want to talk to you,”
“What did you tell her, Ariel?”
“The truth,”
“I don’t...I can’t even begin to imagine what that means in your language,”
“Oh whatever Raf, what does it matter what I told her? She’s MY friend, not yours!”
“You don’t OWN her Ariel,”
“Don’t I?” She smirked. “I feed her, I clothe her, I give her a roof to sleep under. I even gave her a cute necklace with her name on it, like a collar,” she smirked.
"You're evil," he sneered.
“I’m a saint,” She scoffed. “Do you know where that girl would be without me? Do you know the years it would take in a therapist's office to heal the emotional trauma I so selflessly saved her from? Her life will be enriched and better because of me, how many girls can say that about you?"
“Oh right, like helping her hasn’t served you any purpose?”
“What purpose could it possibly have?”
“Please, if I ever saw you do anything less than 90% selfish I’d die of shock,”
“Oh that would be reason enough for me,”
“Look, I get it. You've never had a mother so you're treating her like your personal Barbie doll,"
“And what, you wanna be her Prince Ken? Or, lawyer Ken,”
“She’s NOT a Barbie doll!”
“You’re right, she’s not. So I’m not going to let you play with her emotions,”
“What does that even mean? For fuck’s sake Ariel, I just want to be her mentor,”
“Really?” Rafael could hear her rolling her eyes through the phone. “You’re trying THIS hard to mentor some girl you met less than 24 hours ago? REALLY,” She chuckled.
“I may not be ‘Harvard’ smart BRO, but I’m not stupid. I know when a guy has let’s say, less than moral intentions with a girl,”
“It’s not like that,” He growled. “She’s a sweet girl, Ariel. And I’m not going to let you try and change her into your clone,”
“Wha--my clone? Please, Raf she could NEVER reach my level. Believe me, I’ve tried for four years. She’s a good sidekick,”
“This isn’t over,”
“Isn’t it? You have ZERO idea where we are,”
“Please, there’s maybe 5 places in Manhattan you’ll go, and they’re all on the Upper East Side. It’s not hard,”
“Well then, I guess we’ll see who’s better at hide and seek!”
Ariel rolled her eyes with a smile just as you walked in the living room.
“Who was that?” You asked, toweling your hair from the shower you had just exited.
“Mom,” She rolled her eyes. “She wanted to make sure we weren’t tearing this place up,”
“Oh?” You asked, suddenly hopeful. “Was she going to ask Rafael to check?”
“What? NO,” Ariel shut down that thought quickly. “I assured her she didn’t need to send that dog over here to sniff around you anymore,”
“Ariel,” You rolled your eyes with a sigh. “I’m a big girl,”
“I know sweetie,” She walked over and scrunched your face. “Such a big girl,”
“Whatever,” You rolled your eyes again walking back to the bedroom.
“Hey…” Ariel grabbed the TV remote. “Do you wanna watch Clueless?”
“What? ….Why?”
“I don’t know, you mentioned it yesterday and now I can’t stop thinking about a young Paul Rudd,”
“....Who looks exactly like present Paul Rudd,” You laughed.
“I know right? I want the magic face cream he must use,” She giggled as you both sat down on the couch to watch the movie.
“See, Cher isn’t a bad person, right? She saved Tai,” Ariel gestured to the TV.
“Am I Tai in this situation?” You eyed her.
“Well, yeah,” She shrugged. “Duh,”
“I’ll take it, I love Brittany Murphy,” You shrugged.
“RIP,” Ariel made a sign of the cross with a kiss looking up to heaven. “We should pour one out for her,”
“On your mom’s thousand dollar rug?”
“Okay, so maybe just pour one for us,”
Her phone vibrated wildly; it vibrated so hard it fell off the coffee table onto the floor. You picked it up to put it back, but you happened to glance at the screen.
BHOLE BARBA: You can’t keep her from me forever, Ariel
Wha….keep who from him? You? Did...was he...did Ariel….?
“Alright, who’s ready for mimosas?!” Ariel said in a singsongy voice as she returned with two flutes of champagne.
“What is this?” You held the phone up to her. She read it, her eyes grew wide.
“I...He’s talking about the Adele CD I borrowed from him forever ago, he’s weirdly possessive about ‘her’,”
“Ariel,” You interrupted her with a stern face.
“What?” She played dumb.
“...How could you do this to me?” You asked with a hurt expression.
“Do what?” She rolled her eyes with a laugh. “Protect you from my loser ex brother?”
“You--! Oh my god,” You couldn’t believe it. Your own best friend was trying to mess with your happiness?
“Oh come on Y/N, it’s not that big of a--” She rolled her eyes with a laugh, pissing you off even more.
“It IS a big deal!” Tears stung your eyes, you hated that you started crying when you got angry. How pathetic was that?
“Why? You can’t possibly be in love with him or something,” She scoffed.
“NO! Of course not,” You crossed your arms. “But he could help me with school, with my career! Don’t you want me to get a good job, eventually move out of here?”
“Maybe I don’t!” She yelled suddenly.
“...What?” You asked in disbelief.
“Look, Y/N,” She sighed. “I...you...we both know under normal circumstances, we would never be friends,”
“...I mean, I guess…” You shrugged.
“Oh come on,” She gave you a look. “You’d have to explain every sentence you spoke to me,” She had crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Oh come on Ariel,” You sighed and sat next to her. “You’re NOT stupid,”
“I’m stupider than you!” She cried.
“...More stupid,” You corrected her.
“See?” She sniffled.
“Okay, but-- still,” You took her hand. "You're my best friend. Do you think that if I don't have to live with you anymore, I won't be your friend?"
"Maybe…" She looked at the floor.
"Ariel!" You cried. "Really? Come on,"
"You come on!" She was actually getting upset now. "Look, Y/N. I don't have...friends,"
"What?" You snorted. "You have the biggest social circle I know!"
"Yeah but--" she tried to find the right words. "They're not like….friends, friends ya know? They're more like…. followers, or leeches, of--"
"Sycophants," you chuckled. She did surround herself with as many people who would tell her she was amazing as possible.
"I don't know what that means but probably, yes," She nodded. “You’re the only one who I can actually talk to, you’re like my little sister,”
“....Right, so…? You think I’ll just give all that up if I move out? If I don’t need you financially anymore?”
“Maybe…” She mumbled. “But ALSO, if that stupid asshole gets into your head about me!”
“Oh God…” You put a hand over your head. “Ariel,” You took both of her hands and looked at her very seriously.
“You are my absolute best friend in this entire world, no…’boy’ could change that! I’ve known you so long, I know you completely. Nothing he could tell me would make me turn on you, I swear it,”
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Really! You held a hand up like an oath. “AND, even if-- WHEN, I get financially stable and can live on my own two feet, I will ALWAYS be your friend,” You used the oath hand and placed it in hers again. “I swear it,”
“....Okay, but absolutely ZERO sleepovers here,”
“Oh, my god, ARIEL,” You gasped. “I JUST want to talk to him about law stuff!”
“Yeah, that’s what he said too,” She rolled her eyes, not believing either of you.
“He did?” You felt your face fall.
“Ah HA! See? Disappointment!”
“Shut up,” You hit her. “I don’t care, we should just be professional anyway,”
“Uh huh,” She nodded sarcastically.
“Are you going to give me his number or not?” You gave her a look.
“ARIEL,” You crossed your arms.
“No, then you’re going to immediately call him and give him ALL the power,” She wagged a finger at you. “I’m going to give him YOUR number, and if he calls you, he calls you,”
“Ariel…” You gave her another look.
“What? You don’t believe me?” She feigned offense.
“I really don’t,” You shook your head.
“Alright FINE,” She pulled out her phone and opened her texts with Rafael, typed in your number and hit SEND.
“Happy?” She showed you her phone.
“....Maybe,” You hid the giddiness that was building in your stomach.
Almost IMMEDIATELY after sending the text, your phone lit up wildly.
“Good god I’m gonna get out of here before the nerdy phone sex starts,” She ran out of the room with her mimosa in tow.
“Shut up!” You hissed, mentally preparing yourself for this phone call. The phone call you’d been waiting for for days, even when you thought he was a “player”. You took a deep breath and hit ANSWER:
“Yeah who’s this?” You asked coyly.
“It’s...Rafael, Barba…”
“I’m sorry, who?” You teased.
“Ariel’s….brother?” He skipped the asterisk that went along with “Brother”.
“Ohhhh right right right,” You nodded, keeping him nervous. “Yeah, Ariel told me all about you,”
“I knew it,” He growled thinking about Ariel and her lies. “Whatever she said, she’s lying,”
“Oh so you don’t want to be my mentor?”
“Wha--?” He was shocked. Did Ariel actually change her mind? Or dare he think...a change of heart?
“Yes! I mean, I do! I absolutely do!” He may have said that a little too overzealous, so he dialed it back. “I mean, if I have some time I’d be up for it, if that’s okay with you,”
“I might, maybe…” You were twirling your hair in your fingers. “When do you think you might have time?”
“Well you know I was thinking--” He started, but there was a knock at the door.
“Oh sorry, one second,” You got up and walked over to the door and swung it open to reveal Rafael standing there, right in front of you. He was dressed in a black suit with a pink tie. As amazing as he looked in street clothes, you thought you might mount him right there in that suit.
“I have some time right now,” He smiled, acting as if he was still on the phone. You couldn’t help yourself, you leapt into his arms and kissed him, HARD.
“Hello? Y/N?”
You snapped back to reality, Rafael was talking to you on the phone.
“Oh! Um, Yeah, sorry what?”
“I said I have some time right now, if you wanna meet for coffee or something,” He half laughed, still enchanted by your awkwardness.
“Yes! Sure! I...let me just get dressed, just text me the address, I’ll meet you in a few,” You were so glad he couldn’t see how beet red you were from that little fantasy you had just been in.
“Sounds good,” You could hear him smile; even through the phone it made you weak in the knees.
You hung up and ran to Ariel’s room, hoping she’d help you get dressed.
What could you wear to impress him?
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
the fact that you think olivia is sending you asks shows the erotomania larries suffer from lulz antis aren't the ones getting depressed because harry dates and sings about women 🤭 get well soon, or die mad, either option would be better than what you're doing right now 😋
Erotomania, also known as “de Clérambault's Syndrome”, is a psychiatric syndrome characterized by the delusional belief that one is loved by another person of, generally of a higher social status.
So yeah, it's fun to use your "word of the day" app to sound smarter, but you need to actually know what it means in order for it to work. At no point did I say she loves me or other Larries, pretty sure it's quite the opposite actually.
But anyway, I don't need to do anything other than add that little specification cause really, your ask just roasts itself.
My advice would be to do some actual research, maybe -and bear with me cause this is gonna sound crazy- use that brain of yours for something other than sending half-thought-out hate anons to inboxes of people who don't care about you or your opinions.
Hope that helped!
-Love, Miah <3
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plsbyallmeans · 3 years
yuck, why am I doing this episode 2.
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NOT REALLY A SERIOUS Commentary. just for the lulz.
I was prohibited by Tumblr to comment further on my original post hence this huge ass post. HAHAHA.
I actually like ML's friend. HAHAHA.
Ewww so this is where Monica hurriedly went to her mom and told her that the President kissed her. She looks so thrilled and proud like as if Bill gave her a star or something. GIRL, I MEAN SERIOUSLY. HOW COULD YOU BE PROUD OF THAT?
She's really delusional. That's it.
Clive Owen is so funny. LMAO.
Awww where Bill hugged Hillary and Chelsea but lmao this is so uncomfortable. Everyone looks like shit.
Dang girl she really likes beret. LMAO.
Ewww so this is where she is pictured giving Bill a kiss on the cheek on the ground of White House. LMAO. Clive is so funny. So awkward. lmao. Seriously the hilarity of this series. LMAO I THOUGHT MONICA WILL BE KISSING BILL'S JACKET. LIKE GADDAMN THE GIRL IS SO THIRSTY.
Girl is so damn cray cray.
oh yikes, so this is where Monica said it's the President. lmao. She finally told Linda that it's the President and of course. of course, Linda got crazy because she could see all the $$ $ $$ $ $ $ $
Oh she's now recounting when it first happened.
She's really obsessed with him. lmao. Oh hahahaha she literally showed her thong. HAHAHAHAHA. I laughed more than necessary on the thong scene. Bananas.
Here's the Pizza scene. I know where this is going. What's with the slowmo? This is sickening. LMAO.
Eww, these two. hahaha.
It gets lonesome some days - Bill Clinton
LMAO these two. fudge.
Ewww, Bill is flirting.
Shucks. This two is crazy and even nuts. Oh they literally skipped the part where Bill asked for permission. Actually, the kiss is solid. lmao. crazy
"We secretly plan to run to each other."
Yes damn down to 35 minutes.
HAHAHA. Girl, you are naive. Wow, this girl fell hard. Girl, your ass is going to fall hard on the concrete after your confession to Linda. Watch ya back.
Linda is so crazy.
They really characterized Bill as someone who would take advantage of the women working in the White House. LIKE DUDE. U OK? I mean it's being insinuated.
#Isurvivedthegrosskiss2021 #Isurvivedthiscrazyseries2021
Girl you trapped.
he ain't calling you because he's having seks with Hillary. ya dammit.
lmao, Bill you crazy shit. But I still you. Like you and your troubled soul.
"I missed your voice" BWAHAHAHA! BILL YOU OAF.
These people are fat because they like microwaving stuff. Don't people have like a stove or something?
"I have a gift monica," - Linda. Yes, Linda, you have a gift. A gift fit for a witch. wtf. you monster.
Yes, 29 minutes left!!!!!
They really have an ugly setting. ugly background. boring. boring.
dull. wtf. don't they have funds?
Everyone is so ugly. WTF. That's why this series is not getting views (besides its boring plot).
That and it's still fucking dark.
Seriously, I know that back in the '90s are not yet modern with makeup, dang girl, everyone looks ugly. I mean, I'm not that beautiful but come on I expected something.
Ann is really horrible.
Awww, Cobie. I still love you. <3
See everyone is really crazy about Bill's eggplant.
"THE GOAL IS TO EMBARRASS HIM" - YEAH SIR you got that right.
I can't wait for this series to end. <3 <3
oh, they really want ya Bill to get impeached.
22 minutes before it ends, come one. end now. this is so boring. no wonder this couldn't pull viewers.
will they show Bill and Hillary kissing because I am more interested in that?
WAT. Can I fast forward? This is so boring.
Wow ya girl is persistent. Wants to be the one to send the gift and she wants to get back in the white house.
"SHE'S A GOOD KID" - like what the fuck. lmao.
Oh here's the blue dress. YAY. Monica keeping it as a souvenir. HAHAHAHA. I still cannot.
"It's just Hillary" - like girl, u ok? that's Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton for you, Linda.
lmao - hahahaha Bill is hinting to Monica that she's being a weird-ass stalker. lmao.
LMAO LINDA USED AN EXCEL TO DO A TIMELINE FOR MONICA AND BILL'S "MOMENTS". girl, I would also do the same. Like how I do my fanfics.
Let's just get it done and over with. GIVE ME EDIE - I want to see cold robotic Hillary Clinton.
I miss HILLARY huhu. love you girl.
HAHAHAHAHA! Actually bill and Hillary dancing together smiling kinda gets it. I mean it lacks the sweetness but it's kinda there.
you know I kinda understand why Sarah Paulson hated taking this role. Linda is just a monster.
lmao Paula Jones got a glow-up in her interview.
I think everyone's ugly because of everyone's nose. They all look huge. WTF.
Just give me Cold Show Hillary pls. I am so tired.
Bill's playing solitaire is gold.
aww I miss Bill and Hillary. <3
LMAO "TESTING 1 2 3" - I imagine Bill doing this.
EWwww here comes creepy Monica giving Bill a creepy dreamy stare. ewwww. ewww. ewww.
Yay down to 7 minutes!!!!!
"Boy I miss that smile" - Bill Clinton - eewww, Bill. Like u ok? hahahaha. I laughed.
Wait what did he gave her? i thought it's a wand. like a harry potter wand.Fucking studio light. I cannot see everything.
Oh, it's a hat pin! I thought it's a pen.
oh, here's the leaves of weeds book.
Bill should have given Monica a bible.
6 more minutes! I am done!
These monkeys. Hurry the fuck up.
I really miss the Clintons. lmao.
"We have to be really careful." - Bill Clinton ; eeewww, yuck
oh they kissed twice in this show. Ewww. this two. gaak.
Overall comment:
they really depicted it as what it is: Monica is crazy about Bill. She teased him. They had consensual affair.
Monica pinned hard for Bill, he didn't return the fondness.
Monica had a mistake trusting Linda.
She was trapped by people who have a selfish interests.
I think Monica wanted to make herself innocent by making it appear that she is just someone who fell in love with the wrong person and who trusted the wrong friend.
The way they portrayed the whole thing is really consensual. But they made Bill really look predatory.
The lighting is really so bad. lmao. Their makeup is kinda bad. It's still boring
Nothing new that we don't know of.
I actually don't hate Bill after watching this. LMAO. I actually missed them! bwahahaha. I miss seeing Bill and Hillary. Maybe I would read some fics and watch their past interviews.
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d-lissa · 2 years
Black Annabeth for the win
Congratulations !!
I personally don't care much about Annabeth, in the sense that I've always lowkey hated her, but I heard that the little actress was a good one ! I hope she'll have fun playing Annabeth.
And who knows, considering this day and age, maybe Riordan will use the opportunity to improve on the stuff he's made that is ... Not so great. Mainly, the representation and Annabeth's random bouts of violence towards Percy for the lulz or her condescendance being toned down juuuust a little.
It's 2022 ! No more weirdly abusive relationships that gets praised because it's the girl doing it !
And while we're at it, make a character of Will from the beginning.
And if Heroes of Olympus gets an adaptation, to fix everything that's wrong with it, starting with the absolutely ruined characterization of almost everyone from the first series.
I was apprehensive about the show, but now I'm really starting to feel it ! Hell yes give me an improved version of a story I already love !! Maybe I'll finally be able to go read the fanfics in this fandom or participate in it without wanting to tear my hair out because of just how much Percabeth and Solangelo are shipped. By everyone. It's awful. I tried really, but I just can't, and I hope that this show will make me. I wanna love this fandom for fuck's sake !
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sugarydolli · 3 years
Orange Juice | [REPOST]
Title ~ Orange Juice
Word Count ~ 2k
Pairings ~ Leon x Chubby!reader
Warnings ~ Body shaming, Bullying
Okay but do y'all see my new icon like 🥰
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Repost from my wattpad storie lulz lemme send link 🖇️ https://my.w.tt/KjSStSQYkbb
"Come on Y/N," junko smirked "hes never gonna like you if your fat, keep throwing it up." You pushed slightly on your stomach to trigger more vomit.
With Junko standing behind you, taunting you as your breakfast pushed passed your lips.
You could see Mukuro start gather tissue for you to wipe your mouth off with.
You sat in class one day as the teacher rambled about nothing you cared about. The sun ran over the curve of your cheeks and lit up your (E/C) eyes as you were deep in thought.
"What if I was smaller"
"Would I be prettier?"
"Would he notice me?"
Not even noticing that class was over until two particular known sisters made their way over to you.
Junko slapped her hand down on your desk taking you out of your thoughts. Her sinister smile was a clear warning of her intentions which were obvious to you.
You expected nothing but harsh words, more things to make you regret your weight. But she unexpectedly had other plans.
Junko came to you as if she wanted to help you. She said she could make you look pretty. In your desperate state of mind you accepted.
Ever since then her way of making "pretty" was meeting her outside of the bathroom every 2-3 hours, practically shoving you face into a toilet and forcing you to gag your meals.
"Hey Junko.." you said weakly, your stomach aching being the 5th week you skipped lunch. "Did you ever find out what type of girls Leon is into?"
She thought about it while she chewed her food. "Why of course I did, and you know what he told me?"
You were practically leaning over the table, dying to know what the baseball player told her. "He said and I quote, "tight waisted bimbos with huge tits" end quote."
It felt like a spear ran threw your heart as you sunk into deep thought. "I'm sure he'll like you for who you are rather than what your physical appearance is Y/N."
"You filthy liar! I told her exactly what he told me."
"But Junko I was right ther-"
"Shut up!"
The thoughts in your head shut you out from the twins bickering. Your mind festering on the idea of fitting into Leon's type.
The sadness you felt turned into determination. Thinking about how you can cut out a few more meals, and exercise even more times a day. Wearing extremely heavy hoodies in raging hot weather to shed.
You were determined by the end of this month you'd fit his standards.
Standing up, you caught her attention before she shot another insult to Mukuro. "I think I'm ready now."
A large malicious smirk panned across her face, rising up from her seat. "Let's go."
You shoved two fingers down your throat, nearly missing your uvula. Not much at first shot out but as you progressed more and more came out as your throat burned.
Beginning to feel dizzy, you leaned against the bathroom stall. Not having the energy to continue the assault on your throat. Once you gained your composure you restarted, plunging fingering back into your throat. Murkuro held your hair back away from your face as Junko unbeknownst to you recorded your gagging.
You finished up rather quickly, wiping spit from the corner of your mouth. You rummaged through your backpack looking for your tooth brush.
You walked over to the sink ignoring a few girls who just walked in stares of confusion. The first thing you noticed was your cheeks, usually a soft looking round was now turning hallow.
Your body over all seemed to be getting slimmer over the past few weeks. So much so you'd start to get compliments and praised.
For once you've felt good about yourself, Confident.
Until, from an anonymous account you were exposed. Several videos of you forcing yourself to barf was posted on this account.
"This you?"
Mukuro texted you while you got dressed in your uniform. Sending the account.
As if the multiple videos weren't enough, pictures of your dazed expression began circulating. Tears threatened your eyes, you reported each video and picture one by one.
You went into school, head hung low as whispers and giggles could be heard around you.
You would look up to see several faces looking at you with disgust, some occasionally with pity.
Ultimately, you decided that you weren't gonna let this stop you from reaching your goal. Even if it was draining you.
Today being mile day in PE made you teensy bit woozy, but still you convinced yourself of the "benefits"
The long track taunted you, seeming like it stretched for miles. "You've never seen any interest in mile before, Y/N..are you sure." Your PE teacher placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a understanding look.
You nodded gulping slowly before starting to sprint. At first it wasn't as bad (you told yourself) as you got about half way down the long course.
Your eyes were starting to get a bit heavy as you tried regulating your breath. The temperature only seemed to get hotter as you tried to block out the feelings.
"Was this a heat wave?" You asked your as you tried to push through. Darkness seemed to be clouding over your vision rather quickly.
And surely you passed out.
Condensation slid down your face making you wince. You blinked a few times before taking in the bright light on the ceiling.
You rose up quickly only to be pushed right back down. The school nurse, Mikan, giving a frighten shriek from your sudden movement.
"Please let me help you get up." Her worried tone, placing a hand on your back while you rose. "You passed out on the field." A quiver still in her voice.
Panic started to rise in your gut. "I..I did?" You didn't want to believe her words, seeing it more as an embarrassment than an health concern.
"A teacher carried you here with the help of a student." Mikan tried calming you down to prevent any other health problems.
Sadly her efforts wasted as you began to worry yourself on who the student was. Your nightmares only coming true when Leon suddenly walked through the door.
"Mikan is she alright? I heard talkin' and" Your eyes met sending a rush of pink to your cheeks. His pale blue orbs gazed into your F/C ones.
"Are you... alright?" Leon's gaze never leaving your eyes. Lips quivering to much for a verbal answer, you nodded.
Tears brimmed your eye line, you didn't want to met like this. This wasn't supposed to be this way. But his next words caught you off guard.
"Good. hate to see a pretty girl like yourself hurt." He followed up with a wink before sliding out of the office.
Awe casted on your face causing you jaw to open slightly. You were in shock, not even hearing Mikan rambling.
Once you were released from Mikan's office you headed to your locker. You managed to pick your jaw up off the floor but shock and awe still lingered.
You opened your locker open-mindedly. A small blush colored envelope fell out, you practically tore it open to see in somewhat messy handwriting:
A actual compliment..did I hit my head that hard? Am I in a coma?
Hey cutie ;), I'd call myself a hero for saving you today. How about you reward me with a little date later today?
- Leon
A squeal errupted from your mouth causing whoever around you a confused look. You were to caught up in your joy to even realize Junko and Mukuro making their way over.
A hand placed firmly onto your shoulder, turning you around to face them forcefully.
"Whaddya got there Y/N?"
Junko's tone too sweet for her own good, you held the letter up slowly in which she snatched it. "This has to be a fake." She said without looking.
Eyes widening, you look the letter back reading it over for any indications. The thought of this being some prank didn't even register to you.
"Well if you are going you know what you have to do" Her tone lowering to something darker. You have her a nod before once again walking to the dreadful bathroom.
You've grown tired of these plain walls as you stick a few fingers once again down your throat. Your senses activated causing you to hurl.
Junko chuckled, getting a sick sort of kick out your suffering. Mukuro narrowing her eyes at her sister, quickly sending a text to someone.
About five minutes later the sound of the bathroom door being slammed open caused you to rip your fingers out of your mouth.
Various shouts coming from behind the stall door as it was suddenly swung open. Leon stood in the frame with ishimaru not far behind.
The sudden appearance caught Junko off guard, almost dropping her phone. "Leon you can't just-" The short haired male turned his attention to the scene.
"Y/N...what are you doing?" Leon's face in confusion, you quickly wiped any remaining spittle off your chin before turning around completely.
Leon bent down, wiping your cheeks with his thumb. "I don't give a shit about your body, I like you just the way you are." He lifts you up, giving you a hug.
"Nothing, just a-" Junko was quick to cut you off. "A hard case of bulimia." Your hair fell down into your face, Junko continued to laugh.
She spoke in a bragging fashion as she told the two men of your dirty secret. Tears brimmed your lash line seeing Leon's eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
"And the funny part about it is...she it did all for you!" Leon's eyes widened, his mouth almost fell open as he quietly repeated her last few words.
"You told me that he likes small waisted girls and I-" a sob breaking your sentence, you fell down onto the bathroom floor sobbing uncontrollably. You felt hands gently pry your hands off your face.
Your usual small pink envelope fell right into your hands, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
You snuggle into his neck, now happy tears rolling down your cheeks.
- timeskip brought to you by the iconic cheez duo -
- about a month later
"You know, Princesses are usually found in castles. How'd I meet you here?"
Cheesy. You smirk to yourself before feeling large arms wrapped around you. Leon placed a kiss to your temple, filling spinning you around for a kiss to the lips.
"I guess the answer to your question would be, sometimes princesses get bored for waiting on their prince." Leon chuckled, sneaking in another kiss. "Well, it's not easy  finding the right princess."
His hand instinctively latched onto your as you two walked down the hall to your first period.
Leon doesn't like you cause of your skin, your weight, or your face. He likes you because of you.
Uhh I know the themes in this got like really fucking dark and usually I don't like to to talk about these topics cause all around this is supposed to be a happier book and shit like that but it was actually requested of me once before.
I thought it was time to get out of my comfort zone and address this. You all are beautiful no matter what you look like, your body doesn't define you!! Your beauty inside and out. And if anyone tells you otherwise me and cheez will beat the- I mean kindly slap them around with kindness.
Anyways I love you all and everyone around you should to! You don't have to fit into what someone wants you to for them to love you. If they really love you, they'd love you for you! Appearance doesn't matter in love!! ((Praying I'm saying the right things))
And it is okay if you do wanna change how look. Just use the reader as an example not to do, please don't hurt yourself or take the easy route. Please choose healthy and non harmful ways to improve on your already beautiful self.
I'm really not good at this so I hope this little message didn't offend, comfort is nawt my strong suit BUT I love you all tremendously and I'll always be here no matter what.
- Cheez it chan & Cheez <3
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dizzydizney · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: Mr. Delay was within his right to ask Evie to come to the board the first class. However he became a horrible teacher when he threatened Evie with expulsion and then said if she could pass the test he'd let the matter drop while they were in front of the whole class. Never mind the fact that Chad stole Evie's mirror and yet he's the one who respects the honor code!
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I mostly agree. I do think it was a dick move to call her up to the board when like... this was her first chemistry class ever?? They don't know what the education system is like on the Isle and I highly doubt they had transfer papers sent over or anything. He probably figured she didn't even know what an element was. He only called her up there to try and embarrass her, especially since he looked stupid for her showing him up lulz
But yes oh my god. Threatening to expel her was way too over the top. Even if she was using magic, it was literally just to help her on a test. If any other Auradon students were cheating, you know they'd just get a verbal warning and no one would care. And if Auradon citizens are so good and pure that they never do anything wrong, why would Chad steal something from Evie in the first place?? Or manipulate her into doing his homework? I guess it's fair game if you're only hurting a VK -_-
Honestly my heart hurts for these poor kids. They were probably on edge the whole time thinking they'd get expelled and banished back to the Isle if they were two minutes late to class. I truly hate it for them </3
send me your unpopular opinions!
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