#lumity doesn’t know but Gus does
wkngsnds · 1 year
, I can also see Huntlow mutually pining at the beginning of their relationship like
Willow: I wish I could go on a date with Hunter
Amity: Just ask him???
Willow, flustered: I can’t just ask him!! What if he says no?!
Amity: You’re dating????
Willow: Yeah, but WHAT IF Amity?
Amity: Girl…
Willow: He’s just so cute and smart and….
Amity, concerned as she rambles off
Hunter: Tee hee hee…
Luz: Uh, what’s up with Hunter?
Gus, not looking up from his magazine: Willow called him her ‘handsome prince’ this morning
Luz: But she does that every morning?
Gus: I know.
Hunter, sighing wistfully: My pretty knight…do you think she’ll say yes if I ask her out?
Luz: You’re dating!! They’re dating!!!
Gus, sighing heavily: I know
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sepublic · 2 days
Hunter is NOT Luz’s brother, he’s not a Noceda, he’s not even that important to her compared to many other relationships Luz has and vice-versa. Like genuinely, go rewatch the show with this consideration in mind, cleanse the fanon for a fresh slate.
People just latched onto them as siblings because they found their Hunting Palismen dynamic funny, but also because they wanted to ward off Lunter. And they couldn’t articulate their dislike for Lunter as stemming from Luz’s longstanding dynamic with another female character being immediately replaced by fans for some white boy who just showed up, so they said they’re actually more siblings. It wasn’t an issue of biphobia it’s just people being tired of fandom thinking everything would be better if a woman was replaced by a guy. It’s the same reason Huntric also sucks because people replace a female character with some dude, it has nothing to do with bi/homophobia.
And FTR I hate Lunter, for the same reason I now hate the Luz & Hunter as Siblings take; It’s the fandom’s obsession with making Hunter more important than he actually is, to the point of replacing Luz’s actual important relationships with him. And hell even replacing Luz herself in her dynamics with her loved ones, because people portray Hunter as more Camila’s child than Luz when Darius is right there.
This fandom has a massive White Favoritism problem with Hunter, and he’s not even a female character he’s another White Boy, the most bland and milquetoast choice to raise as the fandom darling. He’s not THAT interesting and while him and Luz have their parallels and shared trauma and are still friends, what about Hunter and Gus? Or Luz and King, the latter explicitly calls Luz his sister but Hunter sure as hell didn’t! What about explicit on-screen dynamics huh???
ISTFG this fandom is overrun by Hunter content everywhere, he drowns out everyone except the literal main character and even she struggles sometimes! It’s because he’s a White Boy, that’s it. It’s not illegal to like Hunter, but you need to actually appreciate and engage with other characters accordingly instead of acting like that’s illegal. Hunter does the bare minimum and is lauded meanwhile everyone else goes above and beyond and is still overlooked for him.
Stop inserting him into everything we do not need Luz and Hunter angst we can just settle for Luz angst. She has other relationships and priorities you know and there’s so much more to this show than Hunter suffering. Sometimes you’ll even take Luz’s canon angst and give it to Hunter even! And try to make him more of a main character by inserting him into everything but he’s a side character.
So yes, your AU where Hunter is the main protagonist is racist. Especially if it doesn’t even explore Darius as his mentor, and has Eda take his place despite her barely interacting with him. And constantly praising Hunter for being a weird passionate nerd gets aggravating when Luz does the exact same thing but with greater emphasis, but gets ignored in favor of Hunter as she’s relegated to just Lumity.
And all of her additional depth and angst is just ignored for Hunter’s instead, sometimes they’ll even make up angst for him when other characters actually have it; I’ve seen popular fanart of a Luz moment where Hunter is in her place. Because fandom will sooner micro-analyze Hunter’s hands for nothing, than Luz going on a suicidal rant.
They’ll cradle Hunter’s trauma and suffering in their hands as a sacred and delicate subject, gnash at Darius for not being nice; But then sweep over Luz’s trauma and not realize how much certain things affected her, and why it’s fucked up to just ignore that in favor of bad AUs where Luz is a friend to Belos, who prompted a lot of her suicidal depression and scarred her face too.
They’ll insist Hunter should’ve been a bigger part of the finale and that Luz’s nightmare should’ve been her guilt for hurting him, as if it wasn’t already about Flapjack’s death and just her guilt towards ALL of her friends. So you know what, in addition to Hunter not even needing to kill Belos, I’m glad he wasn’t in that final battle and that the show reminded fandom who the actual main characters are (Luz, Eda, and King), which obviously pissed off a lotta people. Because it’s not like Hunter didn’t have major focus in the last two specials and S2B!!!!!!
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rulersreachf4n · 1 year
Some of these are before the time skip and/or post-season 3
Because of their height differences, Hunter usually gives Willow forehead kisses or tussles her hair
Willow loves foreheadkisses
At least 75% of the photos that Willow took are of Hunter
Hunter pretends to hate cuddling but secretly loves it
Hunter and Willow has flown on each other’s palismen
Willow makes flower crowns for Hunter and he blushes whenever she does it
Huntlow and Lumity go on double dates but they prefer to go on dates alone
Flapjack and Clover (and now Waffles) ships them together and constantly tries to bring them together
Hunter at first when Willow blushed at him he misinterpreted it as Willow still being mad at him ‘cause of ASIAS
Gus is Hunter’s wingman and Luz is Willow’s wingman
Before they confessed their feelings for each other the rest of the Hexside squad and emerald entrails kids knew that they liked each other
Darius when full dad mode and mocking/teasing Hunter about his little crush and eventual girlfriend
Willow gives Hunter hugs all the time since he is touch starved
Willow dips Hunter then kisses him and he blushes when she does it
Amity always playfully teases Willow about Hunter
Hunter went full red tomato face when Willow kissed him on the cheek
Hunter sometimes plays with/braids Willow’s hair
He’s actually surprisingly quite good at styling and braiding hair
He got her a little baby flower seed for her to plant when they where in the human world
Hunter and Willow raced their palismen or played flyer derby when they where in the human world
Willow ran her fingers through Hunter’s short hair before they went to bed
Darius loves Willow as Hunter’s girlfriend
They talk all night on pensta
Talking on pensta is great but they prefer to have conversations in person
Hunter is so smitten when Willow shows her strength whether it’s opening a jar that other’s can’tor doing workouts, Hunter is always smitten
A lot of their time is spent in silence or with little to no words like gardening or reading
They cherish the time they spend together
Hunter at first didn’t really talk to Willow that much because everyone in the post called his voice annoying and he didn’t want to annoy Willow
Willow constantly tells Hunter how much she loves his voice especially his laugh
Willow blushed when Hunter picked a flower and put it in her hair by surprise
Hunter wore the yellow sun hat (the one shown in Willow’s photo album) because Willow said it looked good on him
Hunter somewhat knows what Clover is saying and tried to talk to other bees in the human world causing them to chase him
Willow had to get Clover to tell the bees to stop chasing Hunter
Hunter thinks that he isn’t good enough for Willow since she’s so strong and didn’t want to embarrass her
Willow wants Hunter to realize that he is more than enough for her
Willow took care of Hunter when he was sick and bought her cold stud earrings (the ones she wears in the season 2 end credits)
Hunter likes to watch Willow sleep
Willow fell asleep on Hunter’s lap which caused him to go full red tomato face
He unconsciously cuddled her after this and pet her head/hair
Gus playfully teases Hunter about his crush
Willow loves it when Hunter plays with/styles her hair
Hunter went full red tomato face when he saw Willow with her hair down for the first time in the human world
Hunter also saw Willow with her hair down and no glasses and was totally flustered about seeing her like that
Willow sometimes talked to Flapjack but doesn’t know exactly what he’s saying
Hunter stood up to Boscha but it didn’t do much but Willow appreciated the effort
One time Willow’s glasses was smudged and Hunter cleaned them, when Hunter put them back on Willow’s face she got full red tomato face and had to leave
Hunter misinterpreted her red face as anger and wondered if he did anything wrong and didn’t interact with her fir the rest of the day ‘cause he didn’t wanna make it worse
They always go on picnics, watch the sunset, or watch/chart star constellations as dates
They like simple dates with very little planning ahead of time
Amity and Willow talk about their dates after it’s over
Same with Gus and Hunter
Gus one time made an illusion of Willow and Hunter attempted to flirt with it but when he reached for the hand it poofed away and hw as so embarrassed and Gus was in trouble
The emerald entrails know about their little slush and try to get Hunter and Willow alone together any chance they get
After Labyrinth Runners, Willow grew fruits and veggies for Hunter
After learning about the day of unity Willow was scared about what will happen to Hunter since he has no magic
Hunter big spoon Willow little spoon but when one of them has a bad day or nightmare that one is the little spoon
(Happened immediately after everyone was re-uniting with each other) Hunter properly introduced Willow to Darius and Willow introduced her parents
Hunter was scared about meeting Willow’s parents since he was the golden guard and they knew what happened about ASIAS
Hunter was worried for nothing since he took care of their daughter
Both of them thanked Hunter and he said it was nothing
Hunter went to the human world and bought Cosmic Frontier book set and read it together with Willow and Gus
Hunter is speechless when he sees Willow in her grom dress and was red tomato face the whole night
Hunter didn’t wanna go to Grom with Willow since he doesn’t know how to dance and didn’t want to embarrass her but she told him that nobody knows how to dance at Grom and he accepted her offer to dance
Hunter had sewn matching flower patches for them to wear to grom and kept rambling on about Willow not needing them since she can create her own flowers but she wore it anyway
Hunter gets gitty whenever Willow touches him
Hunter was the first to say I love you
Luz and Hooty remade the tunnel of love for Hunter and Willow and they both go so flustered
Darius loves playfully teasing Hunter about Willow
Hunter was the one who cut Willow’s hair since she cut his
They both got flustered when he was cutting her hair
Hunter, Willow and Gus all 3 of them have their own Cosmic Frontier book club and reenact scenes and chapters and they always laugh about it
Hunter made a gravestone for Flapjackand the Hexside squad was there when he made it but only Hunter and Willow are the ones who visit it on a day to day basis
Willow and Hunter have date nights in the human world, they love the Boiling Isles but they both think that the human world is safer
Their dates are usually just the 2 of them alone together
Luz introduced all of them to Christmas and mistletoe and for the rest of the day all of them tried to get Hunter and Willow under the mistletoe
When Hunter found out about their plan he scolded them saying that when he does kiss Willow it can’t be forced and is waiting for the right moment
Hunter gave Willow a wooden heart he carved with their names on it
Willow didn’t give Hunter anything saying that she didn’t know what to get him or what he’d like
Hunter explained that she did give him something and that’s her, he just wanted to be with Willow and that’s the only gift he needed
After the kids thought that what Hunter said it was romantic (which it was) Willow got full red tomato face on Hunter when he said that
Their first date was a disaster and Hunter asked for a redo date, that was also a disaster and Hunter apologized repeatedly
Willow explained that it doesn’t matter because they will have plenty of dates to go on
Hunter go flustered after Willow said that
Darius asked Hunter is he was in love with Willow and he got embarrassed and flustered
Willow one time slept on Hunter’s bed and he went red tomato face but tucked her in and he slept on the floor
They onetime held hands in the hallway and everyone kept whispering and pointing and taking photos
They both go red when they held ands fir the first time in public
They love holding hands/fingers and both blush when they do it
They where in their “newly wed”/“honeymoon” phase for their first year of dating
Their first kiss was when Hunter was cutting Willow’s hair
Willow was Hunter’s first crush, kiss and girlfriend
Every other time Hunter has ALWAYS asked Willow if he can kiss her (CONSENT! CONSENT! CONSENT!) with the exception of forehead kisses
Forehead kisses are always appreciated
Willow loves watching Hunter sleep
He boops her nose all the time and Willow loves it
Hunter made his grom tux and Willow thought it was cute
Willow was oblivious to Hunter’s obvious flirting ad smitten by her but, when she saw the grom photo of Hunter getting flustered that’s when she knew
Willow his and cuddles Hunter
They always get flustered and embarrassed when they show PDA
Hunter always tells Willow how much he loves her
Willow helped Hunter carve Waffle’s
It was Hunter’s idea to get a Flapjack tattoo but, he wanted Willow to get tattoos but he thought that she wouldn’t want to
Hunter helped make her Emerald Entrails flyer derby uniform
Willow loves her jersey and wears it everyday
When Hunter first saw Willow in her flyer derby uniform with her hair cut he got so flustered and nervous
He one time saw Willow without her glasses and her new hair cut and got full red tomato face
Hunter helps Willow study for those late nights
Clover and Waffles tries to bring them together all the time
Hunter was Willow’s first kiss
Willow loves it when Hunter carved palismen and she always visits him at work
Hunter tried to call her a pet name like honey or baby and Willow thought it was strange and Hunter got embarrassed
All that lovey dovey pet names like Luz calls sweet potato for Amity all pet names and stuff they don’t like and prefer they just be real and honest with each other
When Hunter’s eye bags disappeared Willow blushed
Hunter loves it when Willow cooks food for him
Hunter tried making breakfast in bed for Willow but failed
Hunter can’t cook basic things so he’ll burn toast or set cereal on fire but can cook complex foods like a cake from scratch with no box mix or gourmet meals and Willow is just like… how
She always impressed by his meals and cooking and vice versa
They both prefer human foods over Boiling Isle food
When they first kissed in public they both got flustered
They prefer to have their romantic or affectionate moments alone
They always fly their palismen together in the night and they both love it
Hunter tells Waffles all about Willow and Willow tells Clover all about Hunter and they both live for that shit
Willow and Hunter made a nest for Waffles together
Hunter carved their names into the nest without Willow’s knowledge (she still doesn’t know about it)
Willow one time watched Hunter sleep and she kissed him on the forehead and tucked him in
Neither of them know that they both watch each other sleep
Darius loves it when Willow comes over
Hunter and Willow made their own private tree house in the human realm
They also have a tree house in the Boiling Isles
They spend more of their time in the tree house than they do at home whether it’s with each other or by themselves they spend more time there than anywhere else
Darius, Harvey and Gilbert don’t know about the tree house
Neither do the Hexside kids or the Emerald Entrails team and they intend to keep it that way
Hunter and Willow sometimes pull memories out of them whenever one of them ask a personal question
It’s easier to see than explain especially with Hunter’s situation
Hunter took care of Willow when she was sick and she was very red tomato faced both ‘cause the fever and because of Hunter
When Willow was recovering from her sickness, Hunter mistook her blushing and flustered as her getting sicker and worse
Willow and Hunter always sleep together (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY!) sleep in the same bed cuddling or spooning etc
They usually sleep together in the tree house
Gus playfully jokingly asked both of them when is their wedding
They both got flustered and red tomato face
After that Hunter genuinely asked Willow if she sees a future with him in it
Willow got flustered and said yes
Other than that one time they both don’t want to think way ahead into the future and re more focused on each other and the present
Harvey and Gilbert love Hunter and ships him and Willow constantly
Same with Darius and Eberwolf
Willow, Vee, Luz, and Amity have girls night where they all tease Willow about Hunter
Same with Gus, Hunter, Edric (Hunter needs friends his own age) and Mattholomule have guys night and teases Hunter about Willow but Gus ESPECIALLY
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It’s nice to see people view Lumity (and also the other writing stuff and plot points) in a more critical light, and not acting like everything about the show is “flawless, 1000/10 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯”.
This show can and it does have amazing writing, but it would be stupid to act as if it doesn’t have a few moments where it slightly trips or fumbles completely.
((Also another Lunter shipper, hi 🤧))
"But it's all Disney's fault they cancled the show!" I know and I also know it influenced things, I won't deny it didn't. But the main thing is the crew was well aware since early S2A that the show was going to get cut short, so they knew how much time they'd have to wrap things up! I can forgive things like the plotline of Luz helping BQ find who her previous owner was being dropped or the relationship between Matt and Steve being halfbrothers unexplored, those aren't important to the overal story. But they left out such big things, hate him or not there is no denying Belos had a big part in spearheadding some big plot events, hell his backstory is what kindled 99% of the plot to start with! The fact it was teased ever since Yesterday's lie, the fact we see Belos go dellusional and seeing ghosts of his past. Only for it to lead nowhere is infuriating to say the least. Dana didn't like writting Belos, cool. Then she could've just sucked it up or have someone else write him for her. I'm fully convinced that's why we got so much half assed nonesense in S3, Dana didn't want to write her villain properly so she just threw in whatever else she could to avoid writing him as much as possible. And as a writer that is bad practice, there were multiple ways for her to just write Belos off as being a one note villain from the get go but that didn't happen. His backstory was made WITH the cut in mind, people compliment Dana for subverting tropes but she's not that great at it in all honesty. Given this was her first time as show runner too I'll admit I'm not quite intrested what else she'll come up with. The crew isn't that great at writing romance if you ask me, they are great at writing friendships however, maybe that is why Willuz/Lunter feel more like a ship than any of the canon ships we've got. I loved seeing Gus and Hunter interact too as well as Willow and Gus, makes me think maybe TOH would've been better off if we had no romance in it maybe but it is what it is sorry for the long post nonnie!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Since you’re done The Owl House: thoughts on the ‘proship Lunter?’
Okay before we start ANYTHING: While I am a loud pro-shipper (or whatever it is when I’m just like: SHIP WHAT YOU WANT IT’S ALL FUCKING FICTIONAL) Does this count as a Proship?! I mean, the one line ‘you’re family now’ could be seen as that but in the end, they’re not related. I posted about found family and how it doesn’t need to be in the nuclear terms of ‘siblings/parents’ and that if you call your partner family…
Yeah. It just makes me think of people getting grossed out when people go: yeah I made a new family with my husband/wife/partner cause ‘oh god they’re family and dating!’ And while that’s not true it certainly feels like it I’m not going to lie. (Yes I know I’m poking at the bear. I don’t care.)
Lunter as a ship has a lot of potential for a story arc and for parallels. It’s also kind of cute I won’t deny, in the way most ships of ‘serious and energetic are’ because Hunter is a fairly serious person who is allowed to grow softer and dorkier as he explores himself. And I personally still believe he didn’t get put into season 1 because Disney would have forced it to be canon Vs Lumity and we’d have queer baiting claims. He should have been in season 1. But I won’t argue about how the show was set up cause of getting cut and a few other things.
Do I prefer Lumity? Yes. Lumity is adorable and I like ‘energetic and serious’ relationships so seeing a wlw couple like that is cute. But I will say Lunter isn’t bad. It’s a ship with potential.
In general though, I prefer the idea of the Hexside Squad (Luz, Willow, Amity, Hunter and Gus) in a QPR because you can’t fight off a tyrant, get stranded in the human realm and try to find your way back home without bonding on a deep level.
Some of the bonds are romantic, and some aren’t. I headcanon Gus is purely platonic with all of them but will always put them first. And the bonds between them will never break. They’re also all family and incredibly strong together.
Like I legit imagine them all living beside one another, kids running from house to house, no fences and just being themselves way into the future.
So as a short answer: Lunter is a valid ship, I prefer Lumity but they’re all QPR anyway so whatever.
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just-a-jellyfish · 2 years
A “Thanks To Them” Lumity theory
Ok so before I get into my theory I just want to say that I have seen the two clips that have been posted to YouTube but I haven’t seen the full first 6 minutes of the episode although from what I’ve heard there is a timeskip at the end of it and even by then Luz and Hunter haven’t shared the full extent of what they’ve seen in Belos’ mind yet.
Now that’s out of the way I have some thoughts regarding what I think may happen with Lumity in this special. So in the second clip Gus says that Belos used to be a human meaning the gang might know that Phillip and Belos are the same person although I’m not sure on the likelihood of this as it could just be an easier way for him to explain what happened instead of saying he was a witch who turned into a monster. Anyway even if they do know this, the thing is that they don’t know that Luz “helped” him in the 1600s, the thing that she’s feeling a lot of guilt about.
This leads me to believe that by this point the gang (minus Hunter of course) don’t know too much about Phillip as of yet. A fact I think that Phillip himself might have figured out and may use against Luz in their fight later on in the episode (as well as the Hunter grimwalker thing) in order to split everyone apart. I don’t think this will work and everyone’ll still be able to work together to stop him but what happens after might not be so good.
If it really has been months and Luz hasn’t told the others, especially Amity, anything, there could be a problem. I think Amity might not have a great reaction to this not because Luz accidentally helped Phillip- that wasn’t her fault at all- but because she didn’t tell her about it.
I get why Luz might not say anything, she’s worried that she might be blamed for what Belos did even though we know that no one would really hold it against her. The idea that you helped someone hurt the people you care about and you didn’t even know what it was you were doing at the time must be terrifying and she must be so worried about her friends thinking that she’s like Belos because she helped him find the Collector. Feeling so anxious constantly can mess up your thoughts quite a bit.
Still, a big thing that Amity has stressed is that Luz can tell her anything, something which has been an issue already a couple of times. Firstly, when Luz didn’t tell her about what her mom said in Yesterday’s Lie at the beginning of FatCDP, only confessing later on after the fight with Kikimora. Amity said that she can only help if Luz tells her what’s going on and she agrees to be more open with her girlfriend.
Secondly was during Reaching Out when Luz only tells Amity about her dad after trying to hide it and distract herself all day, only talking about it once she realises she can’t do that. Again, Amity is really understanding and they both end up picking flowers and it was a really wholesome way to end the episode. (Seriously though Reaching Out is so good, one day I might make a post about why I love it so much but back to the topic here.)
Both times you can understand why Luz kept things a secret; the first time because she was worried about Camilla not letting her stay in the BI, the second time because she didn’t even want to think about her feelings. And again I think that Luz doesn’t even really want to think about how she feels about this whole thing because at that point it might be too much for her to deal with on her own, especially with her found family in another world. And what does Luz do when she feels bad about something that happened and can’t fix it?
She tries to distract herself.
Having issues with her mom? Help Kikimora with her work life balance. Sad about her dad’s anniversary? Help Amity with her own problems with Alador. There is a pattern of this especially in s2B so in this case I could imagine Luz putting all her efforts into building a portal, again trying to help her friends, so she doesn’t have to think about her own feelings. (I just want to say here that it’s great that Luz wants to help people, selflessness is a good character trait, the problem is that she helps people to the point where she neglects her own mental health.)
At this point I think Amity’ll catch onto it, even if she’s not sure of what to do about it. Again, what she said about how she can only help if she knows what the problem is. Still, I think that she wouldn’t be happy about the fact that she’s been kind of shut out again, even if Luz has good reasons, because she also wants to be there for her girlfriend. Luz has helped her to vent with her problems with her dad and to break out of her house when Odalia grounds imprisons her and I think Amity wants to reciprocate it but can’t if Luz doesn’t open up to her.
I think they’ll get through it though, I can’t see them breaking up, especially over something like this but I think they’ll both learn from it. Luz finally learning she can open up to Amity and that she isn’t a bad person for being manipulated by Belos and Amity learning why Luz may have not told her everything to begin with, hopefully making their relationship even stronger than it already is (if that’s possible).
Anyway ik it’s been a pretty long post and a bit rambly at points but it was fun to get another theory out after like 4 and a half months. I love lumity so it was fun to finally talk about them. Again ik this could age like milk but I still enjoyed making another TOH (sort of) prediction!
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it’s like. the owl house crew definitely wants to explore the huntlow ship. they have hunter blush any time willow acknowledges his existence. like 30% of promo arts and the crew art show the same thing. if you squint there are some narrative parallels between caleb and hunter, in that they both developed romantic feelings for a witch. (although i still maintain that LUZ is the caleb out of her and hunter and LUMITY, not huntlow, is supposed to parallel caleb and evelyn) the people who argue that hunter doesn’t actually have a crush on willow are straight up wrong imo.
just because characters blush at each other in non romantic contexts in the show doesn’t mean hunter blushing at willow isn’t in a romantic context. whether or not the ship gets together they’re definitely going to address it at some point - it’s not just fans desperate to ship hunter with someone. there’s definitely groundwork laid out that he has a crush on willow. (and i agree with a point by huntlow shippers - teasing that a character has a crush on a fat asian girl and revealing that actually, he never found her attractive to begin with is. not great. like representation wise.)
that being said i dont think the ship was well written like. at all? after the episode they met hunter and willow have never had another on-screen conversation. there were a few scenes where they talk AT each other, but like. hunter and gus had a heart-to-heart about gus’s dad and the emperor’s coven in thanks to them. willow confronted amity about how amity’s still treating willow like she did when they were kids, even though she’s a different person now. where’s that emotional vulnerability for huntlow?
they imply that hunter sent willow a picture of flapjack. (though hunter wasn’t surprised at how illusion willow was wary of him in labyrinth runners so i don’t think they talked THAT much after the flyer derby episode) then they show pictures of hunter, gus, and willow hanging out. they show willow giving hunter a haircut but don’t give us them talking about it. like yes if there were a full season 3 they probably would have had more episodes of them bonding but the crew already cut out like 20 other subplots that feel more important than a ship. (like the blight parents divorce arc or whatever was going on with the bat queen) imo if they didn’t have time to write a good romance, then they should have cut out the romance.
it’s like the writers are going out of their way to avoid hunter and willow having any meaningful interaction. hunter definitely has a crush on willow but willow seems like she doesn’t see hunter as more than a friend. people point to shots where willow looks at hunter fondly and say that’s proof that she reciprocates his feelings which i think is grasping at straws. not only is gus with hunter in those scenes, but willow looks at luz and gus that way too. yes they show emphasis on her being upset when hunter’s in danger sometimes but thats like. what she does to all her friends. willow is just a protective friend. the fact that they SHOW willow worrying over hunter is a point towards teasing the huntlow ship, though. Even so, a few (dubiously) longing glances and helping each other in battle still doesn’t make up for how they LITERALLY have not had a conversation in 9 episodes.
like neither of the other two actual romance plots in toh have been this subtle. the moment raine comes back into eda’s life they both become flustered messes and every conversation they have is extremely romantically charged. even before amity started turning into a tomato around luz, they had a bunch of opportunities to bond over shared interests. and more importantly, luz actively sought out amity multiple times to get to know her, something we never saw willow do for hunter after the flyer derby episode. and this is with the mouse breathing down dana’s back, yelling about how children would explode into rainbow glitter if they so much as see two girls look at each other. you’d think building up a m/f couple would be easier even with less episodes, but they don’t show willow liking hunter romantically at all. if they do get together in the end, it’s definitely not going to be well written.
i personally really like the theory that willow would reject hunter’s love confession. i think it would be good to portray someone being rejected romantically, but it not being the end of the world and the two still being friends after. it would be like dipper and wendy in gravity falls, except willow doesn’t have a “good” reason to reject hunter other than the fact that she doesn’t like him back. it would be nice to show that that is a good enough reason to reject someone. if this IS what theyre planning, then the lack of substantial interactions between hunter and willow would make more sense, since it shows willow doesn’t have any reason to have a crush on hunter.
(that one stream the owl house crew had also makes me think this will be the case. dana terrace’s reaction to someone asking if huntlow will happen seems too extreme for them just to get together without anything going wrong. dana likes to subvert expectations in her show, so this tracks for her.)
however, even if that happens, the amount of ship teasing from the crew in their promo arts would seem kind of...cruel to people who ship huntlow? like i don’t think a romance plot fits into either of their character arcs, but the show and the crew seems to be shoving them together, even though they have next to no chemistry in the show. for them to build up this ship, only to have willow reject hunter or even to never bring it up, feels like theyre trampling on the fans who took it in good faith. it feels like they’re making fun of the fans for thinking a ship would happen, even though they were the ones that told them so in the first place.
like don’t get me wrong, after decades of queerbaiting in media it would be HILARIOUS if the crew straightbaited the huntlow ship. but i disliked the ship from the start. i never invested time into looking at how this ship would play into the bigger story by presuming it would happen. its pretty much agreed that queerbaiting is cruel. to queer fans but also to people who invested time into the pairing in general. while straightbaiting isn’t necessarily cruel to specifically queer or straight fans bc there are other queer ships in toh and other straight ships literally everywhere, it still feels mean to people who like the ship. if huntlow doesn’t get together, it would have to be handled in a respectful way. otherwise the crew will lose the goodwill from a lot of fans, including me.
anyway my point is whether or not the huntlow ship gets together by the end of the show every single tag relating to hunter and willow will be completely unusable for like a month after each episode comes out. because either all the huntlow likers will be yelling about how it doesn’t make sense that huntlow didn’t get together or all the huntlow dislikers will be yelling about how it doesn’t make sense that huntlow got together. i personally will be making memes ahead of time for both occasions and posting them as the situation demands.
what im hoping is that they do what they did in thanks to them. which is have something else ABSOLUTELY AWFUL happen to one of them. so everyone is screaming about THAT instead of the huntlow ship. preferably something awful happens willow bc hunter already Went Through It like 20 times so willow should get a turn for character development purposes. like when thanks to them came out willow tenderly cradled hunter’s head in her lap and gave him a desperate hug after he almost died and for like 24 hours after the episode pretty much no one was talking about it. because everyone was talking about the belos possession and flapjack dying. i want that energy for the next two episodes. hopefully that will make the tags usable no matter what happens to the huntlow ship.
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to For The Future
I am finally able to watch this, I was going insane.
Jesus christ, I’m emotional now. And the episode barely started.
Remember when King was pretending to be a Tyrant? Yeah, where did the times go?
Yay, Lilith and Hooty are alive!
Oh thank god, Raine’s alive as well. I seriously thought they were gonna die.
Songbird is just the older angsty version of Lumity.
The Collector is going crazy here but you gotta feel bad for the kid.
So the Hexside Students are hiding. That doesn’t explain why the teachers are at the Day of Unity.
Hmm. Luz is at the mirror realm. Hmm, I don’t like that. Where are the others?
Hunter turned into a vampire? Wait no, that voice sounds too old, who is that?
Gus, everyone’s been waiting for a Camila vs Belos fight even after the Azura theory is debunked.
Ah, Willow has been efected with the puns.
Gay Gay Homosexual Gay
I’m getting Amphibia flashbacks.
Yes to the Belos suffering but what the fuck.
Hunter needs a hug and a therapist.
Willow too.
I know that moment is sad but King in that picture makes it so funny.
Oh that is terrifying.
I knew Boscha is gonna get character development at one point but is the trauma necesarry?
Lmao Gus’ face, your bf is cringe.
Edric what the heck happened.
Love the look of that place. The Collector is good at interior design.
Despite the horrific things, I am loving the Collector so far.
“But should they meddle with our affairs, we’ll clean the planet and scorch the air.”
What the fuck
OH she remembered the spell.
I hate that. Every single puppet, I hate it.
Let. Everyone. Be. Happy.
I see Lilith here is making women question their sexuality.
Lmao, Viney still isn’t over that.
To be fair, arrogant people never had a good history on being a good leader.
Is he legit gonna posses Odalia?
No. Just no.
Wow. Everyone in this show needs therapy.
Why is this show full of misunderstandings? It’s nice angst but it’s getting old.
Mamamila moment causes the egg to finally hatch.
“The only thing I ever really wanted was to be understood.”
Okay, I didn’t need my heart anyways. Along with the water in my eyes.
Wait, is her palisman a galaxy?
Yes, Willow finally lets her emotions out.
“Luz has a staff.” “Why does that make me nervous?” You two are mean.
Luz sees Willow blushing at Hunter.: I MISSED A LOT.
Please don’t cliffhang, I am going insane if you cliffhang.
Oh wait, shapeshifter, that makes more sense.
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misccy27 · 2 years
Series rewatch notes to self
S1E01 “us weirdos have to stick together”; takeout death with Warden Wrath cutting off Eda’s head (using scythe arm); Eda coerces Luz into her first adventure and that’s when Luz decides to stay, deceives her mom for the first time; quest to get King’s crown, him living in a fantasy world; King is a lot more enjoyable when I have the context of his developmental age, but it does make Eda look more questionable
S1E02 Luz draws more direct comparisons between her life and Azura than I remember; directly addresses dangers of living in a fantasy world, main character fallacy, trusting shady old men; Luz trapped in fantasy world and choosing to wake up; parallels between her projecting Azura fantasy dreamland onto BI (presented as hellish from start) vs projecting her depressed cognitive distortions onto the Collector’s fantasy dreamland; Nevareth “teen prince of angstmore” has an animal sidekick I forgot about, as a puppet gets stabbed by Luz.
S1E03 Luz refers to the Owl House as home in the cold open. Reference to Eda’s poor position in BI, Luz not wanting that for herself. Love Willow. Angry outburst and trouble controlling plant magic from the start. Confirmed Best: “Into the darkness you go 😉”. Gus is so smol. Didn’t have to make Amity so mean for how much it ends up being explored. King is treated more like a sentient pet than anything, weirds me out. Willow told to cut Luz, iconic crooked dagger. Abominations as mindless obedient creations. Willow confirmed plant prodigy, Bump says “remarkable.” Amity’s desperate need to be top student. High fives and hugs are human things.
S1E04 LORE. Boiling rain. King teaching about demons, v funny. Eda teaching spell circles bile sac. Owl beast curse; King knows about potions but think they give Eda magic. Luz wants to learn magic so people take her seriously. King dejected that Luz cares more about magic than demons. Bonding. Curse can be managed by elixir, entirely out of control otherwise. First dream memory not knowing who cursed her. Luz learns light spell.
S1E05 Covention. Introduction of coven systems. Eda is such a radical and I love her for it. Friction between her views and Willow and Gus’ societal norms. Lilith and EC get introduced (by Bump, v pro). Another case of mean is bad, nice is good and vice versa. Duel between Luz and Amity. King as a pet again. Lilith is Eda’s sister. Reveal via Kikimora at the end that she’s supposed to be capturing Eda, but she doesn’t try to in this ep. Big emphasis over multiple episodes on whether Eda is a good teacher/mentor for Luz. Eda and Lilith both cheat. They duel. Eda tells her the curse is killing her, “don’t know how many days I have left.”
S1E06 moonlight conjuring. Bad: Eda has a gambling problem; needless friction between Eda and Luz for conflict; Eda as a pickpocket played for laughs, acting like all crimes are created equal. Good: kids are all flawed but cute; Willow insecurity moment; Gus’ bucket list; Willow and Gus trying to protect Luz from Eda’s punishment at the end. Also that guy who enjoys throwing kids off of cliffs, v funny. Tibbles the capitalist. Eda w/o magic getting captured easily (to get handed over to EC). Owlbert doesn’t (can’t?) transform to help. Amity is legit such a bully to Willow.
S1E07 Lumity. But setup begins with Luz, Eda, King; better going into it knowing which split ups occur. Eda and King babysit for BQ, amazing reluctant parent Eda; “joke” at end about empty nest syndrome w parallels to Eda’s Requiem. Luz explicitly interested in befriending Amity because of Azura. Amity blames Luz, calls her a bully (retracts at end); implications for Luz’s guilt later. Twins presented as cool; v mean; rule breakers; inconsistencies wrt illusion magic; revenge on Amity for tattling on them. Amity diary entries.
S1E08 starts with Boscha, Luz recognizes her as a bully (weird framing with Amity). Body swap. Don’t buy premise of them not being able to empathize with each other; series started off with us weirdos sticking together, nothing done to undermine that. Would’ve preferred seeing them bond together. Interesting take with King wrt woobifying/coddling/babying characters. Unfortunate implications wrt framing of King as an adult sentient pet like creature. King is Luz, doesn’t act less mature than her; how old is he supposed to be? Skara isn’t that bad even in this. Luz does spell circles as Eda. Her AND OWLBERT get arrested by the EC. Lilith shows up; scouts react to her presence, she does command respect. Overrides orders to send Eda straight to conformatorium, to try to brand her into EC instead. Show won’t commit to Eda’s crimes. Ep includes rat worms, crow phones. Ends with Eda swapping everyone, it is horrifying, wild magic is dangerous ig
S1E09 Mattholomew human appreciation club. Gus lies about Luz being unbanned. Willow Disapproves. Friction between Eda and Luz about Eda’s ability (interest) in teaching Luz magic. Eda talks to Bump; he’s cool with Luz but Eda has a long permanent record. More about illusion magic. Like how terrible Matt is. Skara gets dragged off by a griffin and later has a cute scene “friendship is the real magic” lol. Gus’ weird wristwatch. Ghosts are little purple goo things?? Luz upset that Gus lied. Why Gus lied: being younger than everyone is hard, you get ignored. Bump promises to not tell the EC about Eda, “I’m a principal not a stooge.” Willow went to help but didn’t get to do anything?
S1E10 OWLBERT YES. King treated like a child, younger than Luz. Eda out of commission due to curse flare up. Willow and Gus (they miss the bus to wait for Luz at Willow’s prompting). Parents get children places by giving rise on staff confirmed. Half-owl beast, Eda “suggestible”. King uses her; he should’ve known better. Potion doesn’t work. King snaps her out of it 😒. Love BQ. Love Owlbert plot. BQ was right. Willow and Gus sidelined again. Gus “became slightly traumatized. Hooray!” No closure on main 3; potions aren’t working on Eda’s curse anymore. Ends on BQ cute.
S1E11 King and Luz write Ruler’s Reach. Eda dealing with curse and Lilith. Lilith starts off looking for bloom of eternal youth for Belos? Eda goes to follow Lilith and she tells Luz she’s leaving to an undisclosed location for a few days and Luz is fine with that. Stakes are building gradually. Skara author fangirl. Premise of Luz and King seems off, framed as King controlling the story. But Luz seemed to be controlling it at first, neither seem good at collaborating. Fun commentary on creative industry. Sentient abomination? 12:06 (see also end of ep 9). Glimpses of s2 Lilith. Interesting look at her and Eda’s relationship: Eda saves her then pushes her over to get to the bloom first; ends on positive note with her waiting for Eda to choose to join.
S1E12 Luz is the one to ditch Eda and King this time, for Lumity build-up. Idea of Azura book club brought up. Amity is much nicer to Luz; the twins are much nicer to Amity. Magic requirement at Hexside. MENTOR EDA. She hasn’t taught Luz any new spells but she has been reading her books about wild magic. Same problem as Teen Abom? Thing where Eda’s teaching method doesn’t work for Luz. Luz steals Amity’s training wand and angers beast. Gets Eda and twins (parental?) captured. Amity cages Luz to keep her safe. That’s what forces Luz to take Eda’s advice and listen to nature. Meanwhile King brings toys to life so that they tremble before him. Hooty murders them (played dark). Love the lore, hate the plot.
S1E13 Luz’s Hexside entrance exam, v interesting. Eda offer for her to back out, Quitter Badge. King eating out of Hexside’s trashcans. Willow explains coven head banners. Basilisk impersonating EC official. Track system; rule book made by EC. Bump follows to get donation from EC. Crystal balls used by oracle track (not just tv) and contain future telling ghouls. Detention track (with Viney). Needs to wait a whole year to try another track? “Maybe you’d do better in a human school” from Bump. Peaks into other classes - oracle seeing to end of life. All of them in there for multitracking 😒. Willow and Gus pitted as antagonists. She is consistently the responsible one of the two. King teaches a class. Bump does try to protect Amity from basilisk. Bump 300 years until retirement joke. Glyph magic hurts basilisk. Bump character growth re multitrack.
S1E14 Really small problems. “ready for trauma” line. About a Ferris wheel that gives you nightmares. Eda profiting off of Luz the human as a freak show. Owlbert is back. Willow gets to take some initiative, is the responsible friend. King portrayed as a kid, younger than the others. Consistent anti-law message with the show. The crowd wanted to see kids eaten. King explains it as demons do crazy things when they miss someone?
S1E15 where did my notes go??? It’s understanding Willow. Willow is hilarious. Christmas-ish is canon. Angry inner Willow is great. There was something else I can’t remember. More about mindscapes? Willow remembers what happened in there.
S1E16 Grom. Starts with Luz re Camila (she’d be freaked out by the demon realm haha). Amity is reflexively mean, catches herself when it’s “Luz and co.” Eda says Luz is human, fragile, so condescending. That’s what motivates Luz to take Amity’s place. This has those good scenes of Luz lying to her mom about her emotions via text. If Grom isn’t defeated everyone on the island has to live out their worst nightmare. “What’s the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it’s my kid?” I love Eda. Willow is more popular/confident at school now. Gus as MC; calls glyphs human magic. Bonds with King. Immersion broken by annoying meta humor. Grom!Camila hits so much harder now. Lumity displaces touching Eda rescue. Love Skara. End bit with Camila, Vee sending her letters, so cute.
S1E17 sports. Boscha intro, parallels with Willow into in ASIAS? Willow is popular. Amity counters Boscha’s snide comments, she grew up from being obsessed with status and challenging competition. New type of ghost, looks like a ghost. Eda used to play grudby. Can’t reason with crazy. Boscha says Amity went soft after Grom. Not after understanding Willow? Boscha can get away with murder bc sports. Lilith is back. Hooty grabs her from the forest. She’s here to arrest Eda. The jacket Eda gave Luz is her grudgby thing. Skara is mean but only via background looks. Willow has never played grudgby before. Montage joke. Luz pushes too hard. Willow does a last second save like in ASIAS. Willow the realist I love her. Also more anger. Amity really got boring when she gets her crush thing. Eda beats Lilith at grudby, can’t go back empty handed, tell him I put up a good fight. Luz learns fire magic. Skara isn’t on team at the end; sits out bc Boscha rejected Luz’s forfeit? Or just alternate? Starts off good game Willow at the end I love her. Ep ends looking like Amity is joining the squad; deceit.
S1E18 so much plot omg. Kikimora: DOU is approaching, others have blind many rogue witches to covens. Hooty is such an effective intruder alarm. What happened to the magic repelling cloak? Owl beast forever fate worse than death. The kids are so brainwashed. Kiki is the emperor’s assistant. “Witches had access to corrupt knowledge and that dishonored the Titan.” So much. “Good luck with puberty” such good delivery. Belos is straight up consuming palismen in front of scouts and everyone. Also clearly bad health. Threatening Liltih. “Stripped of your rank and banished. You know what happens to covenless witches.” With the heartbeat. Hunter standing there covered head to toe absorbing all of this jfc. Willow and Gus are the best. Interesting. Lilith says “these decrepit relics are useless” when she destroys the healing hat, but Willow and Gus’ relics worked. I wonder if it really could have healed the curse. Scouts are definitely watching Eda and Lilith duel. Bs Eda “wasting her magic” before she knew Luz. Didn’t have to make Lilith go so hard just to up the stakes, have curse triggered some other way. Emotional takeout tho tbf. Owlbert rescues Luz. Interesting found family bit, Lilith “Eda is with her real family.” SUCH a downer ending I love it.
S1E19 the cloak “to a young witch from her proud mentor.” The dagger is back. Luz blaming herself. Lilith to Eda “this is for your own good.” Belos teleporting. Lilith says Eda will become “a useful asset to the coven.” Mechanical staff appears; he uses it to make Eda present in owl beast??? Luz the human on his radar, he wants the portal. Lied to Lilith “don’t be naive it’s the Titan’s will.” He tells her to destroy Owlbert; inconsistent? PERRY YES. Excuse for petrifying her is refusing to join a coven and attacking a coven leader lol yikes. Willow and Gus are talking on their scrolls. Luz hates Lilith. Luz blaming herself again. Eda wanting to protect her. We’re a family 🥺. “You have a family already. Go back to them.” Luz so vengeful against Lilith. [Lilith calls Belos the most powerful witch on the Isles.] Paints it as Eda as a kid worked harder than Lilith, not sure I agree. Apparently well-known Belos quote, “To be great you have to make sacrifices.” Flashback background appearance from Oralia and Alador. Owlbert used to prove Lilith is legit. Perry calls her “Head coven leader” Lilith (when she’s tossed in the petrification cage last minute. (But the spell only hits Eda.) Hunter shows up again at the end. Must be busy after this between the portal door and the “promotion.”
[rush to catch up]
S2E10 Yesterday's Lie hits so much harder now. There is so much to explore with Camila and Vee's relationship. Both when Vee was pretending to be Luz and the immediate aftermath before the others showed up. And then the ending with Camila and Luz. Brutal. Also wish we could have seen Luz and Vee's relationship develop in TTT. Do they consider each other sisters now?
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sugarcubetikki · 3 years
Analysing the Lumity Blush Scene
If you’ve seen the recent teaser and hyperventilated at the Lumity scene as much as I did. Time to hyperventilate some more! I just have to get some thoughts out here...
I’m revising the implications of the scene frame by frame and actually try to understand what’s going on here.
It could be completely out-of-context, which yes, it is. But these initial shots themselves make it quite easy to breakdown what’s exactly going on in Luz’s head when she blushes.
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From the looks of it, Luz being the bubbly and touchy person she is, takes Amity’s hand. At first, with purely platonic and friendly intentions. Because Luz has conveyed her platonic affection through touches in the past: with Willow, Gus, Eda and King. Thus, there’s not really any difference in her facial expression initially. 
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Then we have little miss perfect Amity Blight, who isn’t used to being touched at all. And in the past, she’s always reacted strongly to them, depending how she feels about the person/in the situation. Whenever Edric and Emira teasingly touch her and call her ‘little sis’and all that, she strongly pushes away their advances because of the pure embarrassment and sibling-like annoyance of the situation. However, with Luz here, who we very well know she’s romantically interested in, she reacts to her touches in a flustered way. Ever since Grom, Amity has been flustered around Luz more than usual, but she reacts even more strongly when she touches her. Similarly, in this situation, the hand touch that ability to become flustered due to her romantic interest in Luz.
Not to mention, physical touch is one of Amity’s more prominent love languages. 
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Interesting to note that Luz’s smile vanishes when Amity makes eye-contact. For the first time in forever, Luz actually notices how flustered and red Amity is. 
Why hasn’t she noticed previously? 
There are several reasons for that.
One of them Dana actually confirmed and clarified through her Reddit AMA last year:
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Luz is going through a lot. So, I can see why Amity’s feelings would be hard to read for her. She’s in a completely new world: trying to fit in, understand and learn things so obviously most of her focus lies elsewhere. Mainly why she missed most of the obvious crush signs in S1.
But...she’s going through even more in S2: trying to get home, dealing with Lilith and Eda’s curse, the Emperor being after them, etc. And I don’t think this is the only reason. It’s situation that counts to.
Most of the times when Amity’s blushing because of her advances, Luz either misses it or there’s other people around too and her mind’s distracted by other things.
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For example, in Understanding Willow, Luz doesn’t even realise that Amity’s flustered. She’s too excited by what they’ve accomplished to notice and SHE’S NOT EVEN LOOKING. Her eyes are closed, for god sake. 
In Wing It Like Witches, she was a lot more focused on helping Willow to notice either, that she was making Amity flustered.
The first time, Amity stammers, Luz doesn’t think much of it. Which I do get. 
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She does seem surprised. Because Amity’s never really acted like this before. But she simply doesn’t choose to question it. Because like I said, it’s the first time Amity got this flustered. And Luz can’t find any reason to why Amity would be acting like that. Besides, she needs to focus on helping Willow anyhow. So, she chooses to remain oblivious. 
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On this occasion, Luz perceives Amity’s fluster as surprise. Which makes sense, as Luz was completely leaning into Amity’s personal space, and it completely caught Amity off-guard. Of course, we all know that Amity’s exaggerated reaction was mainly because of her crush. But to Luz, her friend was surprised because she was leaning a bit too close-scarily close even-that’s why she apologises after. Failing to make the crush connection again.
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The last situation is here. Where Amity crazily stammers and gets flustered. The simple reason to why Luz didn’t make the connection here is because she was too focused on Amity’s leg injury to notice. She was more concerned for Amity to notice her fluster. Also, in this situation, Amity stammering and blushing after Luz asked to carry her, could be perceived as the modest “oh no, you don’t have to do that! I’m fine!”. Rather than gay panic. Willow totally knows.
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But this situation. This one is different to the rest. 
The way this is panned out, you can’t peg her fluster elsewhere. 
They’re alone. They’re directly facing each other. It’s a casual gesture and situation. Luz can clearly see Amity’s body language.
When Amity directly looks at her with that red face, it becomes obvious that Amity’s flustered by her. By Luz.
Amity was fine before. She was fine. But then Luz grabs her hand, and Amity so obviously looks at their entwined hands and blushes, directly meeting Luz’s eyes with her red face. There’s nowhere to run. No alternate reason to connect it to. Luz’s eyes were on Amity the entire time. She saw it all. 
The eye-contact is so key at the end. If Amity didn’t meet Luz’s eyes and blushed, Luz would have noticed it but she wouldn’t have immediately made the connection that Amity was blushing at her.
But by looking at her directly, Amity straight-up confirms it. It’s intimate enough to make Luz realise.
It comes as a surprise to Luz. It comes completely as a surprise as she held her hand with platonic intentions.
But yeah...it hits Luz Noceda so strongly that she’s blushing herself. Why? Because Amity Blight was blushing because of her and there is nothing that can disprove that. 
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mcfuckity · 2 years
As much as I like lumity it honestly feels like any relationship Amity had with any other charater other than Luz gets shafted to the wayside and its an honest shame.
It really does! With Willow, they made the issue between them that Amity wants to “protect” her. So far, Amity has not had a single thought about Willow unless she was talking about Luz. The issue could’ve definitely been that they weren’t as close as Amity thought they were so they could still work in the fact that Amity just didn’t know the new true Willow. I thought it would culminate to Willow telling her that ofc Amity doesn’t know her anymore because she’s been so wrapped up in Luz.
With Gus, she rarely interacts with him besides “implications” that they talked off screen. I could imagine her trying to befriend Gus but coming off awkward to him instead of him just being there when she’s around with no thoughts. Like, literally no hint of anything interesting to feel towards someone who never knew him but bullied his friend (and probably him).
Hunter really got better development with Willow and Gus and he JUST MET THEM😭😭😭
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spiritgenie · 2 years
Gonna start this new thing, each time a new episode of the owl house comes out, I will be writing down my thoughts, starting with the newest one
I can already feel the hunter x willow shippers coming
Surprisingly it doesn’t seem like limits is taking up the focus like it usualy does, and like it did with the Gus episode, though I think anything would have been overshadowed by the kiss scene
New friend group?
I’ve seen a lot of people say it but the connection between the golden guard and luz’s home town
Darius being a good person???
Ok I know he’s still the bad guy but
Better father/uncle figure then belos
Also as someone pointed out, hunter blushed, I’m presuming at willow?
I don’t like the abomination teacher
Also willow centric episode finally
Raine feeling concern for hunter
Amity referencing the camilia wrote the Azura books theory
While also disproving it by showing the authors face
More lumity scenes
And it not being the main focus
Also luz putting her head on amity’s shoulder when she’s sad is cute
They care so much for each other
Eda trying to contact ravine and asking them to stop ignoring her calls is just-
Alador embarrassing his kids
Lilith has ink reviews?
If Darius was gonna return the kids to hexside, why did he try to stop them from leaving?
Maybe it’s cause they attacked first to try and escape?
Also as someone else pointed out
The emperors coven separates people from their family
That’s why lilly and eda couldn’t join together
And how hunter sees this as normal
Give hunter therapy
Also yeah, I dislike belos even more and he’s not even in this episode besides some mentions and a letter
Also willow is so aggressive and I love it
Hunter glitches out and says the same thing twice in a row
Darius sending hunter stitching lessons
That didn’t happen I think he episode but Darius did say hunter should learn how to stitch
But I saw a fanart showing Darius sending hunter stitiching lessons, along with his ex team sending him updates
That’s all I can think of right now, it was a hood episode and it seems willow wasn’t overshadowed by hunter or lumity much
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sepublic · 2 years
Post-Hoot for Clouds on the Horizon!
-Rebecca said Kikimora is now in the “Crate Coven”. Cissy added she was “Definitely not drunk”.
-There was a bit cut from the episode; When Luz goes up the flower pillar to meet Amity, Hunter tries to follow and Willow and Gus stop him, insisting he gives them a minute. Hunter asks why and the two explain he’ll understand when he’s older, and Hunter does “But I AM older.” Then when Luz and Amity look back over the balcony after the kiss, Hunter is arguing with Flapjack, “But I don’t understand, I’m the oldest one here!” The scene was animated and voice-acted, everything; But it had to be cut for time restraints. In the final cut, you can still see Hunter trying to discuss with Flapjack!
-Mela thought Kikimora’s demotion was hilarious; She suggested “Not all of our villains are villains, I think some villains are overlooked heroes” with Sarah asking “And Kikimora is a hero to whom?!” In all seriousness, she said that she thinks we can all relate to that moment of the difference between your aspirations and your actualizations.
-After auditioning, Mela didn’t get the news for her acceptance as Kikimora until eighteen months later, being told that they loved her audition; The wait was because they decided to move Kiki to the end of S1 and the season after.
-Mela’s favorite scene is Kiki’s phone call with her mom, with Sarah agreeing it broke her heart. Cissy jokingly asked if anyone in the show didn’t have mommy issues, Sarah joked about Luz’s daddy issues; In regards to Camila wanting her to be someone she wasn’t; “She just wanted me to survive, she just wanted to give me the skills to survive, she loves me as I am, but that wasn’t doing me well in the real world.”
-It’s common for VAs to record from inside their ‘sound-proof closet’, which of course is often very hot.
-Sarah didn’t know Kiki had a mouth until Hunting Palismen, which led to them joke-suggesting that Kikimora could just telepathically communicate to people without a mouth, which would be terrifying to everyone if she was a mind reader. Mela joked that invisalign was a thing in Palm Stings while in elementary, with Kikimora also wearing a turtleneck to cover her mouth. When Sarah pulled up her own turtleneck to cover her mouth, Mela joked she was Kiki’s twin sister, “Blikimora”.
-Shawn Responts did the color design for the Palisman Monster in Hollow Mind. He also did some of the color and lighting on the Lumity kiss scene! He’s been on the show since Mid-season 1, and has done season 3, where he got the promotion to lead the color design.
-Sarah auditioned in 2017, and got her call two months later in June (which is still super-long), Cissy did her audition in the February of 2018, and didn’t start recording until December that year. Sarah auditioned for Luz AND Amity!!!
-In regards to Rat Alador: According to Rebecca, when they storyboard and Alador is in there, he looks a lot like a rat, so they decided to just put in a Rat Alador.
-Cissy joke-suggested that Owlbert and Lilith’s palisman worked together behind the scenes. According to Rebecca, Lilith got to keep her palisman because she needed it to travel back in time; For the same reason, that was why Belos let Luz live.
-Rebecca isn’t sure why Lilith doesn’t have a sigil. Sarah mentioned that when people wondered why Luz’s jacket sleeves got shorter, she suggested Luz just scrunched it up (which season 3 seems to support).
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lotusthewriter · 2 years
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: G
Relationships: Romantic Luz/Hunter
Characters: Luz Noceda, Hunter
Summary: “Does it hurt?” Hunter asks her, quietly, like someone might listen to them.
It’s only then that Luz looks at herself in the mirror behind him and sees it. A tiny red scar above her left eye.
“No. I didn’t even notice that there,” she admits, trying to laugh it out.
Hunter looks sad. Like he’s sad for her.
He doesn’t have to.
Post-King’s Tide.
Word count: 713
A/N: In this installment, Lumity is not canon. Just so you don’t get the wrong interpretation.
Based on this drawing.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - injury, scars and trauma
Hate comments will be deleted and blocked.
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
He doesn’t say anything, only continues to bandage her arm silently. It does sting less now.
They’re alone in the restroom, after Hunter treated everyone else. They’re all probably eating at the kitchen with Mom. Even after everything, though, Luz is far from hungry. She knows that won’t be an excuse and Mom – and everyone else – will make her eat, even if a little.
Luz can only stare at Hunter, who’s still extremely focused on the wounds. The look on his face gives out a thousand words.
She feels terrible, especially as she looks at Hunter’s right arm. It looked pretty bad when they were fighting Belos. She can still see a few scar branches in there, the worst of it hidden by his glove.
It’s then that she realizes she’s never seen Hunter without gloves. Luz doesn’t want to pry, of course, but considering how serious he looks while assisting her, she can only feel bad for putting him through all this. Luz didn’t mean for him to get hurt. Or anyone. In the end, she couldn’t even save Eda and King, or the Boiling Isles from the Collector.
Luz would’ve stayed, she would’ve done better, but King… he saved her. He saved everyone. And it was her fault.
She would’ve cried, but nothing comes out of her eyes anymore. Luz has never had shame in crying, she knows it’s healthy… but truly, she’s devoid of any tears right now.
And Hunter seems to notice it.
He suddenly reaches out a hand to her face, something she’s not expecting. His thumb gently caresses her left eyebrow.
“Does it hurt?” Hunter asks her, quietly, like someone might listen to them.
It’s only then that Luz looks at herself in the mirror behind him and sees it. A tiny red scar above her left eye.
“No. I didn’t even notice that there,” she admits, trying to laugh it out.
Hunter looks sad. Like he’s sad for her.
He doesn’t have to.
Luz almost wants to say that to him, that he didn’t need to treat her, that she’s sorry for ruining everything…
She never says any of that.
But Hunter seems to hear it anyway.
Because there’s a hand on the back of her head, and… it pulls her close to him, so their foreheads are touching.
She’s a little surprised, she’ll say. Yet not quite.
Luz has known this softer side to him, and she’s noticed that Hunter is slowly opening up to others. She sees the way he interacts with Gus and Willow. She’s seen him saving her, protecting her before.
He’s here to tell her, even not with words… it’s okay.
It’s not, she wants to argue.
Hunter, however, insists.
I’m here.
He’s the only one that knows. He knows she messed up and helped Belos. And she knows who Hunter really is. They can’t for the life of them tell anyone else, who they really are. Powerless. Flawed.
Only they know the truth.
They love each other for that very fact.
Hunter is calm, composed. He’s grown quite a lot, given his short temper.
Luz still cannot cry.
It’s like… she’s actually turned into stone. She’s empty, hardened…
She doesn’t think she can ever feel something intense again.
But Hunter is here, to feel it for her.
And that’s more than enough.
She almost doesn’t want this to end… she wants to stay here forever, but it’s just a dream. Luz knows better than to have dreams now.
The girl is the one who pulls away, patting his shoulder to let him know. Hunter immediately stops.
“… thanks,” she whispers.
Hunter doesn’t smile.
Luz can’t help touching the rough bandage in her arm, almost wanting to scratch it. Hunter notices and puts a hand to stop her.
“Let’s go,” he tells her. “You’ve got to eat something.”
She sighs and doesn’t protest. Hunter is the one that takes her hand and guides her outside, like he knows her house with the palm of his hand. Along the way, their hands squeeze tightly. When they arrive, she knows they have to keep appearances. Too bad.
Luz puts on a smile, and she proceeds to eat her mother’s soup.
It’s still raining outside.
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toh-tagteam-au · 3 years
*inhales bc your AU is everything I didn't know I needed and more*
OKAY BUT, couple of questions and thoughts there:
Do Luz and Hunter have teasy nicknames for each other? (maybe something like "Luzer" and "Hunty Duncey"?)
Is Amity able to bond with Luz more easily here? From your Insta, seems Luz's in a love triangle with her maskless self and her masked persona with Amity. And at least, Luz could certainly relate to having annoying older siblings?
I just pictured the scene of Hunter pulling the curtain on King in "Separate Tides" and just imagined if Luz was with him with her mask on, asking if they can't keep the little guy around instead of throwing him into the boiling waters
How is Lilith dealing with not one but TWO protégés of the Emperor?
Is Luz still into Azura stuff? Is Hunter into it as well? Does Luz have a theory board in her room she invites henchmen in to share headcanons and make fandom material when Hunter doesn't want to?
You think Luz ever feels insecure about being the only member of her "family" with round ears?
oh my gosh that’s a lot of questions im so honored!!! I’m glad you like my stuff! I’ll try to answer all of these as best as I can.
1) They don’t use teasing nicknames super often – Their sibling banter is more bickering/targeted insults than nicknames. However, they avoid saying their real names around anyone other than Belos and MAYBE Kikimora to keep up the mystery around their positions. They use titles like “Partner” or “Sister/Brother”. Otherwise, they stick with their usual names (in private), although if Luz wants something from Hunter she’ll get creative, like in canon when she asked Gus for his library card in Looking Glass Ruins.
Also “Hunty Duncey” one shot me the second I read it. She WOULD call him that. It’s probably an inside joke. 
2) Luz and Amity’s relationship is a more “casual flirting in a professional setting” situation, and both of them have fun with it bc there’s no strings attached to the interactions (Luz wants to be friends with the talented pretty girl, Amity is flustered bc Luz doesn’t interact with a lot of people her age and has no ruling for how many compliments are too much). A friend of mine and I actually talked about how Amity’s parents would react to the “beneficial pairing” of setting up their kid with the Emperor’s Personal Guard, so that has an affect on how they interact later on. 
For the record though: some of the stuff on my instagram so far save for the actual comic posts is,,, VERY early development and subject to change (as I’m finding out as I script farther and farther). So idk how Lumity will evolve as I write, or if the identity love triangle will even be a thing (as much as I want it to). Disclaimer!
3) Oh there’s a scene coming up with Luz and King in the same room and I GUARANTEE you that Luz is struggling to withhold her cooing the WHOLE time. Luz’s love for King encompasses all universes.
4) Lilith is definitely not having a great time lol. Especially since Luz makes Hunter a bit more laid back (re: chaotic) and independent than in canon. She is in hell.
5) Only Luz is into Azura stuff! It’s one of the things she bonds with Amity over at first. It’s important to note that her creation of fandom material is heavily restricted and limited (there have been... incidents). Hunter lets her infodump to him partially to get her creative energy out/reduce the chances of more incidents happening. Otherwise he hasn’t read any of them.
6) YES she is ABSOLUTELY insecure about being human. There’s a WHOLE theme with Belos and how he is “proud” that she steps away from her human upbringing to become stronger (ie: a witch). And she knows everyone in the coven would look down on her if her ears were ever revealed to anyone who didn’t know. Growing up in a place where Human/unable to do magic = Weak doesn’t do great things for self esteem. 
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Can i say how impress i am with this season, from Hooty being least annoying to Gus finally getting some development, and LUMITY Fricking Lumity!
SERIOUSLY. This Season is killing it, all the episodes are sooooo freaking strong and it keeps getting better and better.
I love it all so much. King being eight and struggling with his identity? YES. Also this makes Eda canonically a single mom which is very good.
Hooty and Lilith? Surprisingly fun, and so good for Hooty for finally making a friend. Also him being there for her when she needed it? Great. Didn’t think this was something I needed but they have such a nice friendship I dig it.
My boy Gus getting screentime and focus finally? Yes please. This episode was sooo good from start to finish, I loved seeing him struggle with his illusion magic and ending with him learning it’s okay and how much great stuff he can do with it. Him using glyph magic was so cool, and bonding with the old illusion mage? Also god I felt so bad for him at the beginning, he just wanted to help his best friend 🥺
Fandom pls talk about Gus more. He’s so good I love him so much.
The Stones are such an interesting concept? And the lore dump about the human? 👀 👀 👀
I also really liked what they did with him and Matt, it was refreshingly self-aware of Matt being an ass to Gus before but him still doing the right thing and not just going along with his asshole friends when they crossed a line. And he even encouraged Gus and said maybe illusion magic is useful after all? Him using his construction to repair damage? Here for it.
Honestly I like that this is where they went with Matt. The fandom kinda kept painting him as like, insanely evil (like, shooting people and being a gang leader evil) which always had me like ???
It’s nice that we see his flaws addressed and absolutely not immediate forgiveness but also acknowledge he’s just a kid that got into the wrong school and was essentially carrying their shitty mindset over into Hexside. Bullies usually have a reason for the shit they do, even if that of course doesn’t mean anyone is required to forgive them.
Also hot take but Gus and Matt becoming friends always made more sense to me than Willow and Boscha, Skara etc. making up, no matter how much the fandom wanted that. Matt was an ass to Gus, no doubt, but they also barely know each other. Matt just changed schools at that point. That’s nowhere near the same as the eight years of bullying Willow endured.
And yes. Yes the Lumity is everything this season. Luz dropping to the ground at the end of the episode? Same girl. SAME.
I’m so freaking happy for all the queer kids that are growing up with this show, and the straight kids that are watching it and learning that we are just normal, this is just who some people are. It’s so good this show does so much for the current generation of kids (and also for sad queer adults like me vicariously living through the characters we didn’t have as kids). It has some of the best queer rep in television, and it’s so casual about it too?
(I’m also so proud of Amity, you go baby, and her siblings being so supportive? They’ve come so far since season one I’m so so happy. Did not love Emira stressing again to not mention they helped to mom, I worry for all of their safety.)
Edric’s date just being referred to with they/them pronouns and nobody making a big deal about it? Luz and Amity just crushing and blushing and being treated the exact same way a m/f relationship would be? It’s so freaking good I’m so emotional about all of this.
My wish list for the next episode? I want Amity and Luz to just… function around each other even less than usual and Willow or Gus asks if anything happened between them and they jump five feet apart with their faces on fire-
That was… so many incoherent thoughts sorry anon I’m still not fully functioning after all this and it’s been hours.
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