#lumo lift
tonkinv · 2 years
Amazon lumo lift
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Amazon lumo lift android#
Amazon lumo lift Bluetooth#
Instead of just telling you how many steps you take each day, for example, it provides personalized suggestions and feedback to help you meet and exceed your goals. While other fitness trackers focus on data and numbers, Lumo Lift goes further by providing actionable feedback to help you improve your life. How is Lumo Lift different from other fitness trackers and sensors?įirst, Lumo Lift is the only fitness trackers on the market that measure your posture. If you choose, Lift can also provide discreet vibratory feedback when you slouch to gently remind you to sit tall and stand strong. Lift measures how many steps you take each day, how many calories you burn, and how much time you spend in strong, confident posture.
Amazon lumo lift android#
It pairs with an iOS and Android app to allow you to view your progress and gain valuable insights about your behavior. The Lumo Lift posture sensor is a small, beautiful device that you wear on your chest to track your daily activity and help to improve your posture. 1-48 of 87 results for 'lumo lift posture' Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Purchase Lumo Lift body Sensor and improve your posture within a week! Available below on Amazon and by Lumo Back (see below) at the best prices anywhere on the web. If you spend a lot of time sitting at work, it can be a real benefit and you will find that after a few weeks your body will adjust to your new sitting position and your back pain will be significantly reduced. This innovative new product can dramatically improve your posture and break the bad habit you might have. With its magnetic clasp and small size, Lift can be worn as a piece of jewelry or hidden under your clothes. It's actually a gadget that works as a sensor that tells you when you are slouching. Lumo Lift is an innovative product that has been released to help you improve your posture simply and effectively. When you slouch you put more pressure on your body and this can have painful long term consequences, leading to severe back pain and joint pain. If you suffer with bad posture or even if you want to ensure that you are standing and sitting in the best positions for your posture, Lumo Lift body sensor can help you by teaching you to sit and stand correctly.
Amazon lumo lift Bluetooth#
Syncs wirelessly with iPhones, iPads, and iPods with Bluetooth 4.0 and Windows 7 or higher with Windows Dongle. customer reviews and review ratings for Lumo BodyTech Lumo Lift Wearable Fitness Tracker Clasps, Pack of 5 - Retail Packaging - Classic at. Tracks Your Posture & Activity including good posture hours, steps, distance traveled, and calories burned.Ĭoaches you to sit & stand tall by vibrating when you slouch from your upper back. Tracks posture, steps, distance & calories. Where to get it or learn more: (this takes you to Amazons website affiliate link). The only activity tracker that coaches you to better posture. Lumo Lift was listed in the Products and Resources database at. Lumo Lift n amed one of TIME Magazine's 25 Best Inventions of 2014. Featured here with reviews is the Lumo Lift body posture sensor available at the best discounted prices below.
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wedonthaveawhile · 7 months
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When she says my name.
Garreth Weasley x F!MC (18+)
Garreth finds himself entangled with the heroine of Hogwarts. As their encounters become habit, they devolve into a game of power dynamics and possession.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, possesive!Garreth, dominant!Garrreth, public sex, dirty talk, aged-up characters, unrequited love, pining.
AO3 // Word count: 3k
Garreth picked at the splintered wood on his broom from a recent tussle with a bludger, scanning the courtyard intermittently for any trace of his Quidditch team. Their head of house had recently delivered a stern criticism about their hero complex. Apparently, each member was too focused on personal glory, neglecting the importance of working as a cohesive team.
He eventually detected a figure on a broom, although quickly realised they displayed a level of nimble grace far beyond what he'd expect from one of his lumbering teammates. Hogwarts' resident hero was evidently making a return from one of her mysterious outings.
His eyes swept the courtyard again, a scattering of students strolled across the well-kempt grass, a handful basked in the sun near the fountain, but none he recognised. Thinking about it, Garreth wondered whether he should hang around for this team-building training. It was probably wise, considering he was not only the captain but also the one who had organised the whole thing. However, they were running late, and he had spotted far more appealing company.
Before he could put much more thought into it, he swung his leg over his broomstick and began to silently trail the unsuspecting witch.
He couldn't quite pinpoint when he started noticing her disappearances. He assumed he just hadn't been paying much attention to her whereabouts prior to her inquiry regarding his more 'unobtainable' potions. His tactics hadn't evolved significantly since fifth-year when he’d charmed the newcomer into pilfering Sharp's office for supplies, but he had become far more adept at sneaking around for rare ingredients.
He agreed to assist in whatever scheme she was cooking up, on the condition she helped him obtain the key component. Partly for the benefits of having someone on the lookout for wandering faculty, but mostly because the beloved heroine of Hogwarts could do no wrong. If their covert operation were to be exposed, her involvement would mean the detention time his aunt dished out would be significantly reduced.
They needed snakeweed, which he was fairly certain was cultivated and harvested in the greenhouse. However, Professor Garlick was extremely protective of her plants, requiring their thieving to be done after curfew.
Moonlight wiggled through the twisted tendrils of the countless plants scattered throughout the greenhouse as they dispelled their disillusionment charm and got to work.
"What do you reckon all of this is?" The witch gestured towards a dense blanket covering the harvesting bench, a few neatly folded sheets at one end made it appear like some kind of makeshift bed.
"Perhaps the rumours about Garlick and Kogawa are true. Maybe we've stumbled upon their secret little sex den.” Garreth turned around and playfully wiggled his eyebrows, narrowly avoiding stumbling into a venomous tentacula lurking in the shadows.
She pulled back the cover, unveiling a project in progress—mallowsweet leaves neatly laid out, drying between the two blankets.
"You need to get your mind out of the gutter,” she scoffed, laying the covering back over the golden foliage. “Or you need to get laid.”
"It was a logical assumption," he argued, crouching beneath a table, casting a dim lumos across a collection of small plant pots. "The height of these tables are just right for it."
"Should I ask how you know that?"
She lifted herself onto the table as if testing the height for herself. Garreth smirked as he shifted the pots around with flicks of his wand.
"I’m a warm-blooded male, I'd say I'm an expert in these things."
Spotting a small propagation of snakeweed, he cast a glance over his shoulder to make sure she was keeping a watchful eye on the door. She wasn't. She was perched primly on the edge of the table, legs pressed together from knees to toes.
His eyes roamed across her body, and he realised he had never really had the opportunity to thoroughly check her out. She was like forbidden fruit, always flanked by her two Slytherin gatekeepers. It's not that he hadn't noticed she was attractive, she certainly was. Her feminine figure hinted at subtle signs of muscle earned from days spent sprinting around the castle.
His lusty gaze travelled up to her face, only to discover she had been watching him the entire time. Suppressing the flicker of embarrassment, he instead leaned into his Gryffindor bravery. He grabbed the small pot and approached her, his hips meeting her knees with an intentional bump.
"As promised," he presented her with the delicate plant, his fingers brushing against hers as he handed it over.
"That was easy," she raised the pot to catch the moonlight. Her eyes shifted from the plant to him, and her pupils bloomed. "You've earned yourself a returning customer."
"Splendid," he grinned, wondering whether this meant more after-hour hangouts, a thought that kindled his overactive imagination. "The first one's on the house, the rest might come with a price tag."
“I suppose I’ll have to start saving then. What's your price?”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to make demands beyond your means,” he backtracked, worried she might think he was being serious. “Wouldn’t want to scare off my favourite customer.”
"Snagged the title of the favourite customer without parting with a single penny?” She chuckled lightly, scraping her teeth across her lower lip, “Business must be crawling."
"I prioritise quality over quantity," his eyebrow quirked as he studied her face, purposefully lingering a beat too long on her lips before flitting back to her eyes. "Now, what assets do you bring to the trading table?"
"Let me think," she reclined on her palms. "What do I bring to this specific table..." she emphasised each word with a tap of her nails against the wood, "that a warm-blooded male might find tempting?"
Heat surged through his body, and he began to regret pressing himself up against her legs, there was no way she couldn’t feel his enthusiasm swell against her knees.
“Did I mention it’s one for the price of two?”
She laughed, the sugar-sweet sound tickling his brain and the movement of her body causing her legs to part slightly.
“See, what did I tell you?" he pushed his palms against the table on either side of her thighs as he slotted himself between them. "Perfect height."
"I took your word for it. After all, you're the expert." She gave his tie a tug before running the fabric through her fingers. “Well, so you say...”
"Correct," he answered simply, because the only other words rattling around in his head was an offer to sit on his face, and he was trying really hard to play it cool.
She cocked her head to the side, “Are you going to verify that claim?”
You would have thought they were time-fated lovers, not classroom acquaintances. She had been right. He needed to get laid, and she needed some stress relief. It didn't take long before her skirt was hiked up around her waist and he was showcasing just how perfect the height of the table was. He assured her the greenhouse was soundproof due to the mandrakes, though he wasn't entirely sure if that was true. Frankly, he didn't care. Her unrestrained moaning, nails scraping across the wooden table, heels digging into his back to pull him in deeper—it made a lifetime of detention feel like a minor nuisance.
The saying goes, once is a mistake and twice is a habit, but Garreth wondered when it tipped into addiction. Whenever she was stressed—and fortunately for him, that was often—he found himself happily yanked by his tie into the nearest broom cupboard, beneath the Quidditch stands before one of his matches, by the edge of the lake under a disillusionment charm...
Maybe this time, on the balcony of the highest tower?
That's where she gracefully dismounted her broom. He followed suit, touching down behind her without a sound. Her jumper was splattered with mud down one arm, but for the most part, she was reasonably unscathed which was a rarity. She tugged it over her head to clean it with a quick charm, and he realised the stain bore a suspicious resemblance to a troll's handprint.
He knew she could handle herself, she’d been doing so for almost two years without his observations. Nevertheless, he realised he’d begun to worry about her when she was away.
He cleared his throat.
She whirled around with startled eyes and he muffled her gasp with a kiss. She squirmed for a few seconds, but her resistance crumbled as his thumbs glided up her neck, tracing delicate patterns under her ears.
He wasn't certain if she was doing the pulling or if he was doing the pushing, but somehow her back ended up crashing against the wall. Her fingers wove through his hair as his lips tore from hers and latched onto the sensitive skin of her throat.
“You scared the shit out of me,” she landed a weak thump on his bicep.
"You look like you lost a fight with a swamp," he mumbled against her skin, his hands wandering down to her hips.
"I'll have you know, I beat that swamp fair and square."
A ghost of a laugh dispersed across her neck, "I like the thought of watching you mud-wrestle. Let me come with you next time."
“Or you could come in me now?”
It was an obvious deflection tactic, but he gladly took the bait. His kisses grew forceful as he began to nip at her exposed skin.
“You better not be leaving marks, Weasley.”
He grumbled in protest against the light pink blotch he had begun to work into her throat. Something in the primal recesses of his mind itched to brand her. He wanted his lips stained on her skin, regardless of wherever or whoever she was with when she was gone.
"What if they're out of sight?" His fingers danced against her neck as he worked on undoing her tie, it fluttered to the ground before he finished asking for permission.
She withdrew her wand and uttered the incantation for a protective charm to shield their misdeeds from any potential spectators. He took that as consent, leaving a trail of wet kisses down her chest as he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Where have you been?" he probed before his teeth dug into the plump flesh above her breasts. It had been nearly nine days since their last encounter, easily their longest dry spell in the two months since their greenhouse tryst.
"None of your business," She hooked her fingers into his trousers to pull him closer, trying to find some friction.
"I want it to be.”
"Tough shit, Weasley,” her voice faltered as he hiked her skirt up around her waist.
“Garreth,” he reprimanded.
She only called him by his first name when they were fucking. He was certain she’d been deliberately conditioning him with it. If he teased her too vigorously in class all she had to do was say, "Shut it, Garreth," and he'd have to discreetly conceal his excitement for the next ten minutes. She made him dumb, plain and simple.
"You'll have to earn that," she purred, licking a trail along his neck that made his gut twist taut.
He scooped her up, spinning her around until she perched on the balcony's banister. A yelp escaped her as she teetered on the concrete edge, arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.
“I want to feel this tomorrow,” she popped open his buttons to speed up the process, “Please?"
“I've got you," he assured, feeling her pulse thunder against his chest as he positioned himself between her thighs. One hand supported her back, while the other fumbled to unclasp his belt.
It was difficult to recall how he'd ever got aroused before she came along. The way she demanded and begged all at once sent his brain spinning. "Say please again," he whispered, nipping her lower lip as he moved her soaked underwear to the side and positioned himself at her entrance. "I like it when you ask nicely."
"Pretty please?" she simpered before kissing him, her tongue eagerly seeking his.
He swallowed her moan as he pushed himself into her, she felt better than he remembered. Tight, hot, and quivering as he gave her everything he had. He loosely wrapped his fingers around her throat, and she whined against his mouth, her head tilting back as her eyes fluttered shut. He tightened his grip, her own hands scrambling at his waist to encourage him deeper.
He pulled her close by the small of her back with one arm, maintaining his grip on her neck with the other, aligning her to accommodate all of him. With each thrust, she bit down on the flesh of his shoulder as he bottomed out.
So, it was fine when she left a mark. He'd certainly remember that.
“You feel so fucking good, Garreth-”
A fractured cry fell from her lips as he pounded into her because his name had floated off her tongue like a prayer, causing something inside him to shatter, like it always did. Defining the constantly shifting dynamic between them was impossible, but it was addicting - He always found himself craving a little more than what he was getting.
“Who do you belong to?”
Garreth threaded his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck, tugging her head up to look him in the eyes. She regarded him with a dizzy stare but remained silent. He began to slow down, and she instinctively bucked her hips to maintain some friction as her building orgasm began to ebb away.
“I said, who do you belong to?”
She wasn't his, they were both aware of that. This was never more than a matter of convenient timing and a means of stress relief. Nonetheless, he took pleasure in the hold he had over the most formidable witch of their generation. The witch with unwavering principles and determination. The witch who never faltered in her beliefs. The witch who was currently lying through her teeth for the pleasure of coming undone on his cock.
“You,” she whimpered, “Please, Garreth. Don’t stop, please.”
He didn't know if it was the way she was begging or the frantic desperation of her hips grinding against his, but he was teetering on the edge of his breaking point. He bit down hard on his lip, struggling to hold himself together long enough for her to reach the finish line.
"Chin up," he demanded, his breath coming in ragged pants as he reached one hand between them, rubbing a lopsided circle around her clit. “You look at me when you come."
He groaned through clenched teeth as his words caused her to instantly tighten around him, and that beautiful, hazy look fell over her face. She pulled him in by his collar, kissing him so hard it carved itself onto his brain and he released nine days of pent-up desire. He rolled his hips against hers as they both rode it out, briefly forgetting he should be gentle considering she was perched on the edge of a several hundred-foot drop.
He had believed there was nothing better than watching her unravel in his arms before seeking his own release, but he was wrong. Feeling her orgasm spasming over his shaft as he filled her up damn near killed him.
He fastened his trousers and helped her down from the stone balustrade. She smoothed down her skirt, trying to hide the fact that she was wobbling. He hoped his performance had met her expectations and he’d still be making her legs tremble tomorrow.
He peppered kisses across the blemishes he'd left on her breasts as he fastened the buttons of her shirt, trailing up to nip at the delicate spot on her neck just beneath her ear, the spot only he knew about, the spot that made her head tilt back and her vision fill with stars. He whispered an "Accio" against her skin, summoning a tie from the ground. He secured it around her throat with a playful tug before pulling her jumper over her head.
“You have to go?” he murmured between kisses, finding it bothered him less when he asked rather than when she told him.
Her chest heaved as she sighed, planting a lingering kiss on his lips before bending down to gather her things. “I have a study group. You’re welcome to join?”
He gave her a foggy smile and shook his head lightly. “I have some Quidditch thing I’m late for.”
“Alright, well…” She cast a fleeting glance at her abandoned broom on the floor. They hadn’t quite mastered the art of goodbyes yet. “Later, Weasley.”
“See you later,” he offered her a half-hearted wave, hoping she wouldn't make him wait another nine days before flying into his line of sight again.
As he watched her leave, he found himself wondering what impulse had led him to fasten his Gryffindor tie around her neck. There was the undeniable hope her irritation at his bold act would result in some passionate hate sex, but it ran deeper than that. It felt territorial. He’d been growing increasingly irritated with Sallow's lecherous stare and Gaunt's persistent attempts to cater to her every whim. They seemed to believe they held a Slytherin monopoly on her affections, all due to some unspoken event that happened over two years ago. Garreth understood her on a deeper level. She wanted someone who wouldn't procrastinate for two years, someone capable of making her scream on a greenhouse bench at two in the morning. He had a claim too, a far more substantial one.
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tackytigerfic · 19 days
WIP Snip
Ok so i have mostly finished the long WIP I've been working on for nearly three years. In fact, I'm most of the way through editing the whole thing (all 240k) with only two short scenes left to write. So happy to finally be here! Here's a quick snip of a Hermione POV scene where Draco is helping Harry snd Hermione to escape and she needs to injure him so he looks as though he fought them... it makes sense in-universe i swear.
Draco was still too close to Harry, but Hermione went over to him anyway, arranged him carefully in the dim light so she could be sure that she wouldn’t cause any permanent damage. 
“Hold still,” she instructed him, and raised her wand hand. Draco flinched, then flushed. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I know I’m not very brave about this sort of thing.  I don’t like being at the wrong end of anyone’s wand. Anyway, go on. I’m ready now.”
“Here, let me,” Harry offered, and pushed past Hermione gently. Draco didn’t flinch when Harry lifted his wand, she noticed with irritation, just shook his hair back and smiled brightly. 
“Hello again,” he said to Harry cheerfully, and Harry rolled his eyes fondly and cast with ruthless precision, a vicious Diffindo that tore right through the stupid gauzy shirt Draco was wearing, and opened him up, shallow but nasty-looking, across the meatiest part of his chest, far from any dangerous areas, and then hit him with a quick Incutio that was going to give him a whopper of a shiner. Even weak like this, Harry was terrifying.
“Fucking… ow!” Draco rubbed at his cheekbone resentfully. “Warn a fellow, next time.”
And then from outside they heard the distant rattle of gravel, some angry-sounding voices, and it was all horribly real again. Hermione doused the Lumos instantly, blinking into the blackness, suddenly and newly furious with Harry and his stupid infatuation.
Even now they were whispering to each other, and as her eyes adjusted she could see that Draco had Harry’s face between his hands, and Harry was kissing him, first Draco's mouth and then the palm of each hand, like there was nothing more important in the world.
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theostrophywife · 8 months
kiss with a fist | chapter four.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: bohemian rhapsody by queen.
author's note: i'm warning ya'll now this one is sugary sweet. i'm basically finished writing all the chapters, so i'll be pushing these out more often. as always, i hope everyone enjoys my mans.
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The west wing of the castle was eerily quiet as you led Theo through the corridors. The spiral staircase leading up to Ravenclaw Tower snaked all the way up to the fifth floor, which was proving to be a feat to climb in the dark given that you weren’t able to cast lumos without being discovered. It didn’t help that a slightly inebriated Theo kept trudging on your toes during your ascent. 
“Oh for Merlin’s sake,” you hissed under your breath before grabbing hold of Theo’s hand. Even in the dark, you could tell that the insufferable twat was smirking. “Not a word, Nott. I either hold your hand like a toddler or keep suffering in silence as you stomp on my toes with your giant feet.”
“You know what they say about giant feet,” Theo whispered behind you. Moonlight streamed through the skylight, perfectly illuminating your scowl. His grin grew wider as he squeezed your hand. “Giant shoes. What did you think I was going to say, Y/N?”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t say anything.” 
Theo gave you a mocking salute as he quietly followed you up the stairs. You tried not to focus on the warmth of his hand or the way his fingers twined tightly around yours. You especially tried not to dwell on the strange but not entirely unpleasant sensation of Theo’s thumb rubbing soothing circles across your knuckles. 
When you reached the fourth floor, Theo made no move to release your hand as you walked up to the wooden door. It had no knob or keyhole, but a knocker in the shape of an eagle. Identical to the common room entrance, which was a floor above. But you had no plans on smuggling a Slytherin into the eagle’s nest. 
Instead, you gently rapped on the knocker. The bronze eagle blinked back at you. Theo nearly fell over in surprise as it rasped out a question.
“What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?”
“Day breaks and night falls,” you answered. 
The knocker nodded, appearing pleased before the door swung open. Theo chuckled softly. “Of course you Ravenclaws would require a riddle for entrance. Godric forbid you use something as simple as a password.” 
“Passwords are easily guessed, riddles are not.” You tugged him into the dimly lit hallway and gave him a sharp look. “Don’t get any ideas of sneaking in, either. The riddle changes every day and the eagle is prone to clawing intruders.” 
Theo shivered. “And yet everyone thinks that we Slytherins are the sadistic ones.” 
You smiled in satisfaction as the two of you walked further into the fourth floor. Theo trailed along after you, more than happy to let you take the lead for once. He stopped short when you opened the door to the music room. Starlight flooded in through the stained glass windows, drawing silver prisms across the crushed velvet couches, ornate persian rugs, and tiered choral risers. Instruments of every kind were organized into neat rows—harps, cellos, lutes, violins, and even a set of bagpipes. 
But you weren’t interested in any of them. 
In the center of the room sat a baby grand piano. Theo watched curiously as you sat on the bench and carefully lifted the mahogany top. 
“I didn’t even know we had a music room,” he remarked as he slid in beside you. 
“That’s not surprising at all.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “So this is how you relax?” 
You nodded, resting your fingers on the ivory keys. “Like I said, I’m not really the type of person who can just turn their mind off so I have to occupy myself with something else. With music, I can focus on the chords and scales and patterns and eventually I sort of just get lost in the melody.”
“Play something for me, then.” 
You nodded and started playing a familiar piece. The music flowed through you like honey, each chord and note so vivid in your mind that you could practically imagine the sheet music floating before you.
When you first came to Hogwarts, you spent countless hours in this room. Every time you felt overwhelmed by the wizarding world, you channeled your frustrations and fears into this piano. You found that music was a universal language that was understood by both the magical and muggleborn. 
As you played, you felt the classics pour out of you. Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy. They were pieces that you learned from your father. You could almost picture it now, sitting in your sunny London flat and playing the piano together while your mother watched and listened. 
The melancholic melody of Swan Lake filled the room. It was the first piece you ever mastered when you begged your father to teach it to you after coming home from the ballet. A wave of nostalgia crashed into you as you closed your eyes and let yourself become one with the music. 
Each movement was fluid, the muscle memory embedded into you while your fingers flew over the keys. The piece built to its crescendo and it felt bittersweet as you delivered the final note. You had all but forgotten about Theo until you opened your eyes again. 
“Only you would find the morbidity of Swan Lake relaxing,” he said with a small smile. 
You quirked a brow. “You know Tchaikovsky?” 
“Of course. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a total degenerate.”
“But he’s a muggle.” 
“I’ll have you know that I received an Outstanding in my O.W.L. for Muggle Studies.” 
You gaped. “I didn’t even know you were taking Muggle Studies.” 
“Advanced Muggle Studies,” he corrected. “As much as I love a depressing classic, I think you’ll find this piece a bit more modern.” 
Theo scooted over and began playing a vaguely familiar intro. You strained to place the music and watched with complete bewilderment as he continued to play with a grin. 
Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me. 
The realization set in just as Theo nudged you to play the next part with him. The ballad came naturally to you after having heard the song so many times. 
Mama, just killed a man. 
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead.
Mama, life had just begun.
The two of you barrelled through the guitar solo and weaved through the operatic section. Your fingers were cramped by the time you hit the hard rock portion of the song. You hadn’t even noticed that you were singing along until you heard Theo laugh in delight beside you. Thank Rowena for the soundproof walls. 
You turned over, and sang the lyrics right at him. So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? 
Theo delivered the next line with equal fervor. So you think you can love me and leave me to die? 
The two of you looked at each other and serenaded one another rather aggressively. Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby. 
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.
Both of you were in stitches when you finally reached the outro. You couldn’t remember the last time you laughed so hard. 
“We did not just perform a godsawful rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.” 
“Speak for yourself. My vocals would’ve brought Freddie Mercury to tears.” He touched his heart, looking solemn. “Godric rest his soul. The man was a proper genius.” 
“I would not have pegged you as a Queen fan.” 
“You can peg me no matter whose fan I am, darling.” 
The snort came out of you before you had a chance to reign it in. Theo’s eyes widened in surprise as you covered your mouth in utter mortification. It had taken you years to control your snort, but sometimes it just slipped out. 
“Did you just—”
“Speak of it ever again and I’ll maim you, Theodore.” 
He raised his hands. “I’m not mocking you, I swear. I’ve just never heard you laugh like that.” 
“Yeah, well, I suppose all this faffing around has unearthed my shameful secret.” You tried and failed to conceal your smile. “Consider it a compliment. No one’s heard my snorting in years.”
“Maybe they should. It’s quite charming, you know.” 
You chuckled again, not bothering to hide your snorts. 
Theo grinned. “On second thought, I think I’d like to keep that laugh all to myself.” 
The flush that crept onto your cheeks was entirely involuntary. You stretched your legs underneath you and bumped your knee against his. “Congratulations, Nott. You’ve somehow managed to accomplish the impossible. I actually feel relaxed for once in my life.” 
“Relaxed enough for a midnight snack?” 
You shook your head. “No way. I’m not sneaking into the kitchens again. I barely escaped Winky’s notice when I nicked your muffin last time.” 
“Who said anything about the kitchens? I have my own stash of snacks back in the dungeons. How do you feel about gelato?” 
“I’ve never had it,” you admitted. 
Theo looked properly affronted. “As an Italian, I take that as a personal offense.” 
“Isn’t it the same thing as ice cream?”
“The same as—that’s honestly the most inconsiderate thing you’ve ever said to me.” He rubbed his temples. “This is no longer a matter of choice now. The reputation of my people is on the line until you’ve tasted stracciatella.”
Your mouth quirked. “Got any mint chocolate?” 
As you expected, he flung his hands around as though you’d just asked for feet flavored gelato. “Che palle! This is more dire than I thought. Mint chocolate? You might as well squeeze toothpaste on a chocolate frog and call it a day.”
Theo ranted as he led you out of the music room. You couldn’t help but giggle at the genuine distress in his expression. You made it all the way to the first floor of the tower before he stopped grumbling under his breath. 
“Well, gelato aficionado, I hope you have a plan because Filch is probably making his rounds as we speak.” 
He only smirked in response. “I may know a shortcut.”
You followed after Theo as he approached a portrait on the far end of the west wing. He produced the grimoire from his pocket and shuffled through the worn leather pages before he found the correct page. With a flick of his wand, Theo chanted something in Italian. The portrait, a young woman with dark hair and a mischievous grin, appraised the two of you. As her gaze flickered over you, the familiarity of those watercolor eyes struck you like lightning.
“Fai scelte intelligenti, cugino.” 
With that, the portrait swung open into some sort of secret tunnel. Theo’s lips twitched as he gestured for you to step through the threshold. As the portrait swung close, you heard the young woman sigh dreamily. 
“La storia si ripete.”
While your understanding of Italian was rudimentary at best, you were fairly certain that she’d said something about history repeating itself. Theo reached for your hand in the dark and you took it without question. You were deep within the secret passage before you even realized it.  
“Family of yours?” 
“How’d you guess?” 
“You have the same eyes,” you observed. “Plus, she called you cousin.” 
He seemed mildly amused by the comment. “Been brushing up on your Italian?” 
“Only enough to make sure you’re not insulting me.” 
Theo chuckled. “Fair enough. To answer your question, yes. The portrait is of Coletta, my second cousin thrice removed. She attended Hogwarts centuries ago. She was a Ravenclaw as well.”
“Why is that name so familiar?”
“She invented the enchantment for the moving portraits. Of course her first subject was herself.” 
“So narcissism and vanity is an inherited trait, then?”
Theo smirked. “Darling, when you’re as pretty as we are, then immortalizing that beauty for future generations to behold becomes a high priority.”
“Oh, good. I was worried that you were becoming too humble."
“Let’s just say that dear old Coletta won’t be the only one in my bloodline to be featured on a chocolate frog card.”
“I doubt that being the world’s most massive wanker constitutes the commissioning of a card.”
He rolled his eyes as you rounded a corner. Theo kept you behind him as he pushed on a depression in the walls. It gave way, swinging open to an empty hallway. 
“Speaking of massive wankers, welcome to the Slytherin dormitories.”
You smirked and nodded to the giant serpent statue at the end of the hallway. “Is that a basilisk or are you just happy to see me?”
“My poor little Ravenclaw. I’m afraid I’ve corrupted you past the point of no return.”
“Please,” you tutted, strutting through the maze of the dungeon dormitories like you owned the place. “I was depraved way before I ever met you.” 
Theo chuckled under his breath as he led you further into the heart of the viper’s nest. Through the windows, you could see the dark waves of the Black Lake ripple as you walked through. It was oddly beautiful, in a morbid sort of way.
“Here we are,” Theo said as you came to a stop at the end of the hall. “Home sweet home.” 
Before you entered, he muttered a series of privacy and protection spells that you’ve never even heard of. Magic weaved through the door and sizzled with evergreen sparks before it finally swung open. 
“Paranoid much?”
“You have no idea. You Ravenclaws may have your riddles, but learning how to hex your door from nosy snooping twats is a right of passage for every Slytherin.”
You peered through the threshold, suddenly feeling nervous. In the past year doing whatever it was you and Theo were doing, it had become a sort of unspoken rule to have sex anywhere but your dorms. For one, it was too much of a hassle to sneak each other in, but if you were being honest, the main reason why you've never even attempted was because seeing someone else’s room was strangely intimate. You tried not to think about how easily Theo invited you into his space as you ducked through the door. 
A mixture of envy and jealousy hit you full force when you walked into his dorm. It was a massive room with a four poster bed, luxurious velvet curtains, and a stained glass skylight. There was a mahogany desk littered with ancient tomes, cracked parchment, and half empty ink pots. The latest Nimbus model was propped up next to his nightstand with a green and silver scarf tied around its hilt. Leave it to Theo to use the expensive broom as a glorified hanger. 
You made your way through the elegantly decorated room and noted that it was far tidier than you would’ve expected. Theo was content to hang back and watch as you looked through his baubles. A picture on his nightstand caught your eye. Mostly because it wasn’t like the moving portraits you were so used to seeing in the wizarding world. This was a still likeness, a polaroid of a beautiful dark haired woman with little Theo. He was wearing a Cambridge jumper three sizes too big and showing off his two missing front teeth with a cheeky grin. 
The image tugged at your heart. “Is this your mum?” 
Theo nodded. “Yeah, that was the first time she took me with her to Cambridge.” 
“And there’s the infamous jumper you begged her to buy, huh?” 
“The one and only.”
You kept staring at the photo, noting how happy little Theo looked. It made you think back on that day at the lab when you watched him slip on his smirk like a mask. Like armor. You wondered if you’d ever see his unguarded smile, full of childlike wonder and joy, just like in the picture. You wondered why you even wanted to. 
“She was very beautiful,” you finally said, setting down the polaroid. 
“She was,” Theo wistfully agreed. “Clearly I inherited her good looks.”
Rolling your eyes fondly, you continued surveying his room. For some reason, you found it fascinating. You nearly squealed in delight when you came across the towers of books he had lined up against the wall. 
“Go ahead,” Theo said with a chuckle. “I know you’re dying to snoop, diavolina.”
He couldn’t have been more right. You loved going through people’s bookshelves. You could tell a lot about a person based on their books. In Theo’s case, his reads were nearly as chaotic and surprising as he was. 
As expected, there were a few books on quidditch, a rare potions tome that you were fairly certain cost a small fortune, a selection of mystery novels, all magical save for a lone leatherbound book on the top shelf. You carefully cracked it open and found yourself reading through the Divine Comedy. 
“Dante’s Inferno,” you said in surprise. “How terribly morbid of you.” 
“How so?” He asked, reading over your shoulder. “Alighieri composed it as a comedy rather than a tragedy. It does have somewhat of a happy ending.”
“I suppose, but the poem was mainly a raw commentary on the savage nature of human existence and delved into the ugliness of it all, from the banal to the depraved. The eternal torture chamber was a meditation on evil. Even purgatory explored the flaws of human nature and the fallen state society often finds itself in.”
Theo took the book from your hands and flipped to the last section. “Yes, but Paradiso was all about goodness. It explores transcendence, redemption, and virtue.” He smiled softly. “I know the concept of paradise might be a bit naive, but isn’t there a concept of heaven that we all hold onto to prevent ourselves from despairing? When you’re trudging through shit, you’ve got to hope that you’re clawing for something better on the other side.” 
You were silent for a moment. “What does Paradise look like for you, Nott?”
Theo smirked. “You’ll have to get me higher than this to answer that question, dolcezza.”
“Fair enough. Now educate me on gelato like you promised.”
A few minutes later, the two of you sat cross legged on his rug while indulging in decadent scoops of stracciatella. The creaminess of the gelato was perfectly complemented by delicious flakes of dark chocolate. The sounds you made while eating were borderline sexual.
“If I had known it was this easy to make you moan, I would’ve introduced you to gelato ages ago.”
You lightly kicked him in the shin. “I still can’t believe you enchanted a mini fridge to hold your fancy imported dessert.”
It was actually quite impressive. You hadn’t even thought of doing that yourself and you were the muggleborn one. 
“Perks of acing advanced muggle studies.” 
“Having a Gringott’s vault at your disposal helps as well.”
“Smart, rich, and handsome. I’m just an all around catch, aren’t I?”
“Someday you’ll make some poor unsuspecting witch very, very miserable.”
“Someday?” Theo asked, the corner of his mouth curving into a mischievous smile. “Why wait? I’m perfectly capable of making you miserable now.” 
With that, he took a dollop of his gelato and smushed it against the tip of your nose.
You gasped in surprise, squealing at how cold and sticky it felt against your skin. “You’re a dead man, Nott.”
Theo bolted to the other side of his dorm and you followed, trying to fling scoops of gelato at him. He giggled like a child as he dodged your attacks but there was only so much space for him to evade you. Finally, he gripped your wrists to keep you from retaliating. 
“Here, let me clean you up.” 
As you squirmed in his grasp, Theo leaned over and licked the tip of your nose. You squealed in disgust as he lapped up every bit of gelato. Theo sneakily took your cup from you and set them aside before leaning back to admire his work. From this close, you could see the gold flecks in his eyes. They darkened as you glanced up at him, his blue green gaze turning stormy. 
“What?” you asked, brushing at your face. “Is my face all sticky and gross?”
Theo shook his head. “No—you look fine—more than fine you’re—“ He paused, stumbling for words. “Can I kiss you?”
The question suddenly made you feel nervous, which was ridiculous given the fact that you’d kissed Theo countless times before, but there was something about the way he looked at you now that felt…different. 
“You’ve never asked before.” 
Theo frowned. “Maybe I should have.” He ran his fingers through his hair nervously. “Gods, you’re right. I can be a real wanker sometimes.” 
You smiled. “To be fair, I kissed you first. Mostly to shut you up, but still. I’ve never asked either.” 
He swallowed thickly as he ran his fingers through your braid. “Well, can I?” 
A knot formed in your stomach as you nodded. This was ridiculous. There was no need to be nervous. You repeated those words over and over again to yourself as Theo caressed your cheek, his gaze flickering over your face as though he was searching for that final missing piece of the puzzle. Then, gently, as gently as he ever had, Theo leaned in and kissed you. 
He tasted like cigarettes and mint, like dark chocolate and cream, like stracciatella and sin. 
But most of all, Theodore Nott tasted like your own personal unraveling.
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papercorgiworld · 15 days
Tom Riddle x prefect!reader
You catch Tom wandering the hallways at night and give him detention, but your actions have him obsessing over you. When he spots you at a party with someone else Tom does a very Tom Riddle thing to solve the matter.
Warning: none
It was this request that encouraged me to write another Tom fic and I started it, but struggled to finish. Anyways, I did after a freaking long time. The song night shift is more of a breakup song, but I just went with the vibe of the song and focussed on the bit about kissing someone and it feeling wrong.
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You always stuck to your regular patrol, but life as prefect was getting really boring and this night especially you were feeling courageous so you actively walked around Hogwarts. You sigh and are about to turn on your heels when you spot something. It was so swift and dark that you almost mistook it for a shadow, but it was your gut that told you it was someone. “Stop there and reveal yourself.” You demand with your voice firm, but also trembling in fear of who or what you had just caught past midnight.
Your demand is answered by an annoyed sigh and then slow steps moving your way until his figure is fully revealed in the light of your lumos. “Tom?” You blur out surprised to find slytherin’s most flawless, but also dubious student in front of you… caught breaking the rules. Tom raises his eyebrows at your blunt use of his first name and also the questioning tone of your voice. As far as scary prefects go you had failed.
As Tom curiously takes in your every detail, you search somewhat clumsily for your notebook. “I’m writing you up for breaking Hogwarts’ nighttime schedule.” At your words a pompous smile makes its way to Tom’s lips. “There’s no need for that.” The ink has almost touched the paper, but his words make you look up at him. Your confused eyes make Tom give you a soft smile. “I’m sure you’ll find that I can be very persuasive… especially to an innocent mind as yours.” Not impressed by who he was and what his last name meant, those last words have no effect on you and to the slytherin’s surprise your eyes drop back to your notebook. You start to scribble in your little notebook, not paying mind to him at all. Confusing him by your lack of interest in him or what he has to say.
“You shouldn’t report me, I had grounded reasons to be outside. I was out studying late.” He utters urgently, hoping to stop your writing. However, as serious as Tom’s excuse was, you were used to other students sneaking around like his younger brother and his friends so you immediately assumed something different. “Studying somebody’s anatomy right?” You mock with your eyebrows suggestively wiggling  and Tom frowns, confused, not understanding the reference immediately.
“I wasn’t having sex if that’s what you’re implying.” He shamelessly blurts and you’re taken aback by his bluntness, but your mind is quick. “So what were you studying then that you had to do so past midnight and in secret?” You ask and lift your quill from the page, studying him. He’s definitely surprised by your question. You were getting more interesting as he now had to admit that he said too much. “On second thought, I was with someone. Definitely having sex.” A soft chuckle rolls over your lips and he can’t help but notice your gentle beauty. You meet his eyes intrigued by what he really had been doing, but you snap out of it almost immediately.
“That will cost you 30 house points and two weeks detention.” It had been a while since Tom had felt so insulted, he almost felt belittled that some ordinary prefect was giving him detention and taking points. “What? That’s outrageous!” He takes a step towards you but you aren’t impressed and just flipped a page in your notebook where all the rules are listed. “No, it's a standard procedure for walking around the castle at this hour. I’ll also have to notify Mcgonagall. Standard procedure.”
“Whatever. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been caught before.” You close your book and cross your arms. How often does he walk around at night? When Tom notices your eyebrows knit together he rolls his eyes. This is the second time today that I’m saying more than I should. This has to be the most annoying prefect there is. You huff and smile at him with confidence. “And prepare to get caught more often, since I’ll be walking these halls for the coming year.” Tom forces a smile and raises his eyebrows. “Delightfull.”
You smile and shake your head at his tone. “Now straight to your common room. If you are spotted again, you violate the direct authority of a prefect and you have to see the headmaster.” You explain and Tom has to refrain himself from saying anything snappy. He raises his eyebrows and turns around. “Let’s avoid that at all costs shall we.” The sass and venom in his voice has you narrow your eyes at him as he starts walking in the direction of his common room.
Tom can feel your eyes burning into his back and a smirk creeps up on his lips. “I always intended to go there, before you showed up of course, so don’t worry I’ll not stray from my path.”
“Good.” You call after him, wanting the last word in the matter. There was something so smug about how he said everything. 
“Detention? You got detention?” Tom rolled his eyes at his brother’s annoying amusement. Salazar, Mattheo can you at least pretend like you aren’t enjoying it this much. Tom’s dark eyes shoot up to Mattheo who tries but fails to hide his smile. “Never thought I would see the day.” Mattheo says, taking the chair opposite of Tom. Really, he’s sitting down for this. Unbelievable. “Neither did I.” Tom dryly states, returning his gaze to his book. “So who outsmarted you?” The younger Riddle bluntly asks, loving how his brother’s entire aura changes at the word ‘outsmarted’. “I wasn’t outsmarted.” Tom snaps with a dark and agitated voice. “Yes, you were.” Mattheo sings. “Was not.” Tom sneers, before noticing how Mattheo had dragged him into a silly argument. Tom sighs and regains his normally calm composure. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll have my revenge.” His brother chuckles. “Oh, I don’t doubt that.”
The week had passed without any incidents and you hadn’t seen Tom at all. Which wasn’t that special. It wasn’t like the two of you saw each other often before the events of that one particular night, but you couldn't help but search for his face so once in a while. There was something intriguing about him and as much as you hated it, a curiosity for him had taken root in your mind. However, there was a Gryffindor party tonight and your plan was to have fun and not even think about Tom Riddle once. 
Tom on the other hand had a different plan. He had observed you carefully without being noticed and his desire for revenge had turned into a desire to have you. He hadn’t seen it coming at all, but suddenly you had a grip on him and now he found himself scanning drinks at some lame Gryffindor party. After several seconds of staring at bottles of booze he finally picks one and pours himself a cup. “You are terribly lost, brother.” Tom rolls his eyes as Mattheo’s voice rings in his ears. “I thought I would try your lifestyle for once. Shitty parties and even shittier drinks.” Tom turns to face his brother and fakes a smile. “Seriously, what brings you here?” Mattheo asks, lifting his chin in curiosity with his brother. Tom is about to remind his brother that nothing he does is any of his business but just then you come into view. Mattheo looks to check what had made his usually so snappy brother fall silent. “You’re never one to gawk, but hey I get why.” Mattheo states as he sees that his brother has his eyes set on you and Tom instantly meets his brother’s eyes with an agitated look. “I don’t gawk.” 
Mattheo snickers and Tom gives him a dark scowl that would have anyone running except for his brother. “Must be embarrassing.” Mattheo states with a taunting tone and Tom ignores him, but this doesn’t take away his brother’s amusement. “You’re just an ordinary mortal after all, capable of falling in love.” Tom stares at you laughing with your friends. Salazar, he hated it when his brother was right. He was falling in love with you and he had only spoken to you once. “Do you think I should go talk to her?” Mattheo is as surprised by the question itself as by the fact that his brother is actually asking him for advice. Mattheo looks at his drink. “You sure aren’t going to win her over by staring at her. Might get a stalking complaint.” Tom lets his head and eyes fall to the side to give his younger brother an annoyed glance, before actually walking over to you leaving a surprised Mattheo behind.
“Ah for once not roaming the halls as prefect.” Tom states with a direct voice and piercing eyes, but also a gentle and captivating smile. Though he still had that demeaning and chill vibe, the obvious attempt at starting a conversation was charming. “No prefect duties tonight. So if you plan to do anything twisted and mysterious tonight is your night, because I’ll be drinking.” You raise your nearly empty glass a little and meet his eyes with your playful ones. “As it happens I have taken a night off from doing twisted and mysterious things and I too will be drinking.” He raises his glass as well and quickly picks up on your nearly empty one. “I think we should get you a refill.” You’re surprised by his friendly and flirty behaviour, but go along with it, intrigued by the man. You spent some time talking at the table refilling your drinks, but your friends call you away and Tom himself becomes occupied with some Slytherins from families loyal to his father and eager to kiss ass. 
Being separated from you for a while has Tom’s eyes eagerly searching for you among the dancing students. When he spots you his stomach turns. Some guy is whispering in your ear and Tom has already made up his mind to interrupt whatever is going on when you are led outside by this guy. “Dean, where are you taking me?” You laugh, slightly tipsy as Dean gives you a playful smile and continues to lead you away from the party. Tom is in quick pursuit of the two of you and overhears your giggling. Finally outside Dean pulls you against him with one hard tug. “I thought we could use a moment to ourselves.” Dean whispers eyes seductively moving to your lips. “You think?” You giggle, teasing the guy as his nose brushes yours.
Tom was raging on the inside, boiling with disgust for what was happening. As his brother had said Tom's fascination with you had proven that he was capable of love but this didn’t mean that you or anyone for that matter was capable of loving him, Voldemort’s firstborn. A crippling sadness squeezes his heart and grips at his lungs. Meanwhile you feel unhappy with the situation as well. Curiosity had led you here, but in all fairness after your little chat with Tom you had hoped to find him again and see if he would take you for a moment alone. Yet Dean was here and Tom was not, and you weren’t going to let a good looking guy like Dean pass just because you were intrigued by the mysterious Tom Riddle who might or might not make a move. 
Dean kisses you and as soon as your lips meet you know that this isn’t what you want, but before you even have a chance to push him away he stiffens and falls to the floor with a hard tut. You immediately get to your knees to check on him. Your heart’s racing and only calms when you know he’s still breathing. It’s then that you notice someone standing next to the both of you, leaning slightly to observe the paralysed guy on the ground. Your eyes move to see that it’s Tom and you look back at Dean, back to Tom and back to Dean. It only takes you a few seconds to accuse Tom. “Did you hex him?” You get up and look sternly at a very calm looking Tom. “You’re awfully quick to draw conclusions and accuse me of hexing someone… but yes I did.” Your mouth drops and you don’t know if you should yell, run or get your wand, but Tom’s gentle tone convinces you to stay calm. 
“You shouldn’t be kissing him.” Tom states like he knows something you don’t. Your eyebrows knit together. “Why not?” You demand with a serious tone, like you were expecting a reasonable explanation from Tom. “Because I don’t like it.” Your lips part but no sound comes, since you are absolutely speechless. Tom stares at the guy on the floor with uninterested eyes while casually shoving his hands in his pockets. “Were you jealous?” You suddenly ask, not really believing it possible but also finding no other explanation for the situation. There’s a silence as Tom meets your eyes. You drown in his eyes and feel drawn to him. “Yes, you could call it that.” At those words you stop drowning and stare at him instead. Tom snorts softly, unable to hide his amusement with your baffled expression. He calmly steps over Dean's paralyzed body to stand before you, barely an inch between you two. Your heart is racing, but for some reason your mind and body go numb. A smirk tugs on Tom’s lips, but his eyes show a sadness that you cannot place.
“Good night, miss (l/n).” Tom says with a low voice, before placing a soft and endearing kiss on your cheek. As the sound of his steps fade into the distant hallways your fingers gently brush the cheek that had just received a kiss. 
In his room Tom sighs deeply as he loosens his tie. He found it so annoying but he had to admit that in a way you had outsmarted him again, because instead of revenge all he wanted was you. 
Word count: 2443
Thanks for reading and know that feedback is always welcome!
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jaegeraether · 6 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 35)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (33)
Masterlist (other parts here)
“Luce..” she cooed, happy to hear that deep, Northumberland voice.
“Little one,” she repeated and YFN could hear her smile. “How was your day?”
She couldn’t help but laugh as she took in her surroundings from her bed. “That’s…a dangerous question. I’ll tell you after but right now, can you please just tell me all about your past few days?” She rolled onto her side and held a pillow close to her body for comfort. “I want to hear everything.”
“Everything, hm? Okay. Well yesterday I woke up in bed with you and I almost stayed. I was so close to stealing your phone and texting Alexia asking for a day off. I know she would have given me one.”
YFN gave a happy hum, wishing she’d stayed but knowing it would have just been delaying the inevitable.
“After my flight I picked my car up from the airport and went home to feed Narla and change. She was a little confused, I think.”
YFN pouted. She didn’t like affecting anything with their relationship, she wanted it to be the opposite of a burden, though she knew it was only one night. She had also hoped that Narla would like her. She was nervous about that, but she’d always had a way with animals.
“Went to training, was teased by the girls...”
“Teased by the girls?”
“Yeah,” she laughed almost embarrassed. “Apparently I’ve been a pain the past week and a few of them said they were happy I was back.”
YFN remembered the not-so-Lucy, Lucy she’d seen in the FC Barca Instagram stories where she had been obviously upset and having to force a little smile for the cameras. Then she pictured Lucy, Lucy. Always a big grin, yelling and enjoying herself at training. She had been so busy the past few days that she hadn’t looked at any social media besides Lumos’.
“Alexia, Kiera and the girls are excited to meet you. Also I think you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve spoken to Ona.”
“Oh?” She asked, surprised at multiple things she’d just said. Alexia Putellas was excited to meet her? Kiera was too? How much did the girls at Barca know about her? Also, “Everything is okay with Ona?”
Lucy hesitated. “She…okay I didn’t speak to her about the relationship between her and I, I just sort of started talking about you a lot…”
YFN groaned as she rolled onto her back. “Luce, that’s not the best way to go about it.”
“I know,” she said, a little stressed. “I just don’t want to hurt her feelings…”
“Has she taken a step back?”
“Yes, but she’s still overly friendly and even let me pick her up for training this morning. I’m thinking maybe I don’t need to have the talk with her.”
“I trust you Luce, whatever you decide is best. Just…protect that relationship, please? You won’t forgive yourself if you go about it the wrong way.”
“I’ll keep an eye on it, little one. I promise. Oh, also security found the footage of my number one fan reaching over the boundary fence to grab my phone when I was meeting fans. She’s banned from the stadium.”
The audacity. She shivered. “But she can still follow you around and go to other stadiums?”
“Yes and no. Technically yes… but Barca have her on their blacklist and also the lawyers have officially drawn up the restraining orders. It was difficult because I need to protect you not just in the UK but in Spain also, and then if we ever travel…”
Her stomach did that weird thing when Lucy mentioned her need to protect her. Protective Lucy. “Thank you, Luce. Really. Thank you. I feel like such a weight has been lifted. Please tell me you also have restraining orders for you?”
“Yes, love, of course. Unfortunately, they’re both just for Kristie though, but I think that’s all we need.”
She nodded, even though she knew Lucy couldn’t see. “She is the instigator. Hopefully she leaves Spain now and leaves you alone…”
“I’d rather she stay in Spain than go anywhere near you,” she almost growled.
YFN hummed again. “And how did your day today go?”
“Today was great! I managed to catch up on sleep. I woke up and took Narla for a walk. The beach is close so we went down to the beach in the morning and had a swim and played in the sand for a bit.”
“She likes the beach?”
“Oh yeah, we’re both beach babies.” She said proudly. “She doesn’t go in the water much but she dipped her body in a bit today. She just loves to run around mainly and dig holes. She digs the holes and I play with the sand she digs out.”
She pictured their day at the beach and Lucy with her sandcastles. “Did you make your sandcastle?”
“Yeah, only a little one but. I only make the big ones when I want to impress you.”
YFN chuckled at Lucy’s attempt at flirting. Her voice changed when she flirted, it became cheeky and smiley. She didn’t realise until now that she could tell that difference over the phone. “I expect big sandcastles from you when I get there.”
“Yes, love. And we love going to the beach most mornings, if you’re up for it.”
“Of course I am! I miss the beaches back home. I’m sure the ones in Spain are much better than the UK ones.”
“What, you don’t like the rough sand, cold weather and brown water? How dare you.”
“Luuuuuuce. You’re killing me here.”
Lucy laughed. “I don’t mean to talk bad about the UK, I just want to give you some incentive to come here. It’s much better.”
“Luce, you’re all the incentive I need. I don’t care if you live in the middle on no where. I want to be where you are.”
There was a happy silence then. A silence where they both appreciated each other and were comforted knowing that the other was just on the other side of that phone. When Lucy spoke next, it was husky with a little emotion. “Also the sunsets are pretty here. They’re not entirely over the water, but I figured we can go down to the beach to watch them and it might remind you of home a little…”
YFN may have mentioned Western Australia and how they were lucky to have their sunsets over the water, though she’d only mentioned it once. Lucy really did listen to everything she had to say. “I can’t wait, Luce. I’m also really excited to meet your friends, and to meet Narla, of course. I hope she likes me.”
“She’s notoriously picky, but I have no doubt she’ll like you because…you’re you.”
YFN bit her lip.
Lucy continued. “Actually speaking of, I need to get her a new toy for when you come. She gets excited and chews a lot with people she likes…”
“Oh, can you wait until I get there, please? I want to help.”
“Okay, love.”
YFN grinned. She put sat up, leaning against the headboard and put her AirPods in to talk to Lucy while she took out her laptop and started doing sneaky things. She listened to Lucy talk about training, her knee, her friends, everything. She could listen to her talk forever.
“Jonatan is starting me for the game.” She said. “We’ve been doing some extra therapy for my knee. It feels good, it’s just the way that it is at this point.”
“Did the massage help?”
“Ah, you have no idea. That released so much tension before bed so it wasn’t as bad as it usually is in the morning. It was amazing, thanks love.”
“Anytime Luce, you know that. I’m happy to help. I’m happy to learn a little more about it if you can teach me, please?”
They’d gone over it before, Lucy showing her when they were a lot fresher into their relationship, however Lucy had a degree and knew an endless amount that she wanted to take on board. Partnerships were about equally giving and receiving to her and she wanted to help Lucy in any way she could. That was her way of loving.
“We can do that.” Lucy agreed. “I also have an ice bath which helps. Are you going to be brave and try it out?”
She could hear the challenge in her voice. “I’ll try it, though I don’t exactly have any muscles that need to be iced.”
Lucy scoffed. “Lies, your muscles may be smaller than mine, but you’re still a strong little Australian. I see those abs.”
“Attempts at abs,” she corrected. She was definitely not an athlete like Lucy, she just always loved to keep herself fit and watch her food intake.
“You’re perfect.”
“Luce, you’re too far away to be complimenting me like that.”
“Getting needy, love?”
“I’m always needy for you.”
“Mmn. Would you like me to help you tonight…?”
She looked at the time. 8pm. That meant it was already 9pm where Lucy was. “Maybe when I get home?”
“You’re not home?”
“I’m in Edinburgh?”
“What?! You listen to me talk about myself and didn’t mention you’re in Scotland?!”
“It’s…a long story.”
“I want to hear all of it, starting from when I saw you. Right now. Go.”
YFN spoke about her days. She spoke about visiting a few of the clubs in London and talking to the management and players. She spoke about her conversation with ‘Joe’ and her request to go to ‘her house’. She spoke about her conversations with Leah at Arsenal and then the random Leah and Jordan interaction at their house. She got a little distracted as she spoke about what Jordan had messaged her, though she had no further update as they’d agreed to talk in person with some take-away and perhaps some alcohol. That was the only time Lucy said anything, she asked if Jordan was okay. Other than that, she was dead silent as she listened to every YFN had to say. The flight, the drive, the estate, Joe, and ‘Joe’. It was impossible to tell Lucy’s thoughts across the phone, especially being as silent as she was, and YFN actually appreciated it. It allowed her to get everything out and describe Catherine from the way she walked to the way she so passionately spoke about and led Lumos.
“So now she’s headed back to London and I have a flight out of here in the morning…which is a good thing really because I need to have a meeting with our team about the new hires.”
She’d sent a very last minute meeting invitation out to the group after Catherine had left, and they’d all agreed to meet in Birmingham tomorrow to discuss the round and the new hires. Management would not have the London office ready until next week.
Lucy was still silent and she was worried they’d been cut off.
“I’m still here, little one.”
“Are you…mad?”
“No. No, of course not. I’m overwhelmed. I’m proud, obviously, that out of everyone, she chose you. It’s just so hard to believe. I wish we had someone like her help us when I was still new to the sport. This is…fantastic. I’m so happy you told me…”
“You were the one exception she allowed me.”
“I’ll keep it safe, don't you worry. This is unbelievable. I don’t even think I can find words right now. Do you realise now how unique you are?”
“I…I think I’m pretty lucky. I came to this country for a holiday. Now I have the most attractive girlfriend to ever exist, a job where my boss is Catherine, and so many friends from different clubs and countries, I don’t even know where to begin. Oh, and a stalker.”
“I think you’ll find she’s my stalker.”
“I think you’ll find that she’s much more of a me problem than a you problem.”
“Your problems are my problems. She’s just jealous I’m obsessed with you. Also, you think I’m attractive, huh?”
“Argh, you’re relentless, Luce.”
“Sooooo you know I find you attractive.”
“I know, I just like hearing you say it.”
“You do own a mirror in Spain, right? You’ve seen yourself.”
“I do okay.” YFN could almost feel the shrug through the phone. “I like to think my personality makes up for it.”
“Well that is what I fell for. Your multiple personalities.”
“Multiple…?” She questioned.
“I’ve named them, but that’s just for me.”
“I’ll drag them out of you in Spain.”
“You do have this amazing ability to get anything you want from me.”
Lucy chuckled. “Now times that by a hundred and that’s how you make me feel.”
“We’re one of those disgusting love-sick couples you see in Hallmark movies, aren’t we?”
“No, we’re much more sophisticated than that. Hopeless millennial romantics. No bad dialogue and expected storylines here.”
“You make me really happy, Luce. Thank you again for coming to London. I know you sacrificed a lot of sleep and recovery for that. I…we really needed that.” She’d gotten too into her head. She knew she had, and Lucy had paid the price of that insecurity and she’d managed to also pull some of Lucy’s insecurities out.
“I should have done it sooner.” She admitted. “You and I? We just need to communicate. You can trust me with that part of you…the part you don’t show anyone. And I think I’m learning to trust you with mine also. It’s terrifying, but I’m never going to hide that from you. I know what I want.”
Happy silence again. Lucy was right, as always, but she wasn’t going to admit that. She didn’t need to. They sat in that happy silence for a while longer until YFN looked at the time.
“You should be sleeping, Luce. It’s getting late.”
“I wish you were here.”
“Soon. Cuddle Narla in the meantime and I’ll cuddle a pillow or Dory. I think she needs it anyways.”
Lucy gave a light chuckle. “Jords always needs a cuddle, regardless of if she’s sad.”
“I’m going to suggest she give you a call tomorrow night, okay? I think that’ll be nice.”
“I’d like that. After 6pm though, I have a boxing class after training.”
Ah, Lucy boxing. It should have been illegal.
“I want photos.”
“Oh, I’m planning on posting them online. I fully intend on teasing you until you get here.”
“That’s unfair,” she groaned.
“You in that backless dress was unfair. You in my hoodie at the football matches was unfair.”
She’d seen her in her hoodie? She’d been trying to find her at the games online? YFN was tempted to get on a flight tonight. “I think I need to step up my game…”
It was Lucy’s turn to groan now. “I can’t handle that.”
“Well we’ll find out, won’t we?”
“Oh, also, I’m going to a bar with Alexia on Friday…”
“Why does it sound like you’re asking permission?”
“Maybe I am…”
YFN laughed. “You don’t need permission from me, love. But I really do appreciate you telling me instead of finding out other ways. You and Alexia are becoming quite close lately. That’s great!”
“Yeah, she’s been there for me over the past week. We’re getting a lot closer now. She’s also been having a rough time accepting her feelings for someone at the bar, so I’m going with her for support.”
“You’re an amazing friend, you realise that?”
They challenged and teased each other for a bit longer until they called it a night for the sake of sleep. They eventually said their goodnights and unwillingly ended their call with smiles on their faces. Four days.
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spearmintsmut · 10 months
The tensionnn thank you for the suggestions for this fic, I’m so glad I kept writing it. I hope this smut heals the broken heart last chapter gave you x
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Draco hadn’t returned since he left via floo and you were left alone with your reeling mind. Not only was he already difficult to live with on a good day, he was unpredictable too and it was giving you whiplash. You had him in your mouth and a moment after he was done, he was angry again for thoughts that were beyond your control. It isn’t fair, you thought, that he could hear your thoughts AND hold that against you as if you could help it. You decided to open up one of the books your father had picked up for you when you moved to the manor and brush up on some spells to distract yourself. Flipping through the pages, you weren’t sure where to start. You would ask your father for help but since moving in with Narcissa, he paid even less attention to you and asking him for help would feel like talking to a brick wall. You decided to start light with some less intimidating spells and charms, landing on lumos. You pick your wand up reading carefully as you flick your wand, light instantly gleaming from it. Though it seemed like an easy enough spell, you were still pleased with yourself. You turned it off with a spell just as simple and moved on to the next. Accio, a summoning spell. Also seemed simple enough, you thought, reading the small paragraph on it. You set your book down and picked your wand back up. You lifted your hand up nervously as you summoned the book, still unsure of if you were saying it correctly, but it flew to your hand so quickly you almost dropped it. You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, having taught yourself two new spells without any help or experience. You already had a good momentum and kept reading. The next chapter was on levitation. You looked around your room for something to levitate but all there was on the floor of your new room was a small pile of clothes. You read the spells closely before you pointed your wand at it with a swish and flick.
“Wingardium Leviosa,” You spoke awkwardly, hoping you said it right - and sure enough, a pair of your lace panties lifted up slowly into the air above the pile. You held your wand up, keeping the panties in the air as you cast your eyes back down to the book to confirm the spell to drop them back down. You read the spell aloud, but as you looked back up at your work, the panties fell into a large pale hand. You almost fell back in shock as your eyes adjusted to the tall blonde in your room.
“Another gift for me huh mudblood? I’ll take it,” he said with a straight face but painfully smug tone. He shoved the panties in the pocket of his perfectly ironed pants.
You didn’t know if you wanted to apologise for the thoughts he heard earlier in the library, or yell at him for listening in the first place. You almost couldn’t enjoy what you’d done in that library. Almost didn’t think about it all afternoon. Almost weren’t hearing his moans in your mind right now. Your mind snapped back to reality like a rubber band as he spoke your name. Your eyes refocused and looked at him, though you couldn’t find your words.
“These piss-easy spells aren’t going to help you if…when..,” he stumbled on his words then stopped. He drew in a slow breath through his teeth, clenching his jaw before he started again. “These spells are useless. Come and get another book off me after Tea. I want you studying spells that will actually protect you in the case of…what ever” he trailed off and you noticed him hold his hand over his covered forearm. You remembered seeing the dark mark on his arm and felt a pang of sympathy at the thought of what he must have had to endure during that time. You quickly pulled yourself out of that thought, worried that he was listening to your thoughts again. You nodded at him in agreement.
“I’m glad you’re learning…something at least,” he offered and his compliment surprised you, though it was still rather patronising. You gave him half a smile but didn’t respond.
You both took a quick step back from each other as you heard the sound of high heels clicking against the marble staircase, but before Draco had the time to leave your room, you saw Narcissa reach your door.
“Oh how nice, you two are finally getting along,” she cheered looking at the two of you. You offered a polite smile and Draco just rolled his eyes.
“How were my favoured slytherin boys, son?” She asked warmly and you wondered who they were. Was they who he was with the last couple of days? Draco having friends, or keeping them, was hard to imagine if he acted the same with anyone else. “Fine,” he shrugged.
“Do bring them to visit again, Draco. You know I haven’t seen them since before…well, you know,” she trailed off, clearly not wanting to finish her thought. “Anyway, Tea will be ready in 5,” she tried to finish cheerfully.
“Sure. If you promise not to fawn over them” he raised a brow at her. She promised him she wouldn’t, though whoever they were, it seemed as though she might anyway.
She turned and descended the stairs gracefully, flowing down in her gold trim dress.
The Malfoy two made you feel underdressed no matter what you wore, you looked down at your white blouse and pleated skirt. You knew you would have to find a new wardrobe soon to at least try and fit in with your new family. The word still tugged at your chest..”family”. You barely knew your step mother, and your step brother had been between your legs barely three days ago. Family was hardly the word for it, though you longed for it nonetheless.
When you swam out of your thoughts and looked up, Draco was studying your face. He didn’t ask any questions, but he stared intently like he were reading a book. You figured he was intruding in your thoughts again and scoffed, pushing past him and down the stairs. Though he hadn’t meant to that time, he had heard what he needed to, as if your thoughts of him flashed in his mind like a snippet of a movie. Though he would never admit to it being unintentional, he enjoyed almost every minute of it. Snape had taught him the art of legilimency in 6th year, and though he became skilled at it quickly, there were still things he didn’t understand, like why he heard or saw thoughts that others had of him without intending to. It had happened when you fantasised about him, which he delighted in listening in to. But it had also happened when he arrived home and found you in the library that morning, leaving him an uncomfortable mixture of rage, and something else. He couldn’t place what it was, but it made him feel warm. He never felt warm. Though he didn’t allow himself to feel regret for the way he reacted that morning, he knew he might, had he been raised differently.
You walked into the luxurious dining hall and sat across from your father and Narcissa, who were already seated next to each other. You were half glad they had taken those seats so you didn’t have to sit front on toward Draco again. That was until he sat beside you and your senses filled with his expensive cologne, and you could just about feel the electricity between your bodies. You were still angry that he had likely read your mind again moments before, but now sharing the room with both of your parents, you faked a smile as you began to eat.
You felt uncomfortable with the silence and decided to fill it yourself.
“I taught myself some spells today,” though you hadn’t meant to brag, you couldn’t help the smile that crept on your face.
“That’s great darling! Did Draco help you?” Your father asked and immediately, your smile dropped. You drew a deep breath in, fighting every fibre of your being not to scream. You tried to open your mouth to correct him, but tears began to prick your eyes first. You took in another shaky breath, embarrassed at how easily he dampened your pride, and tried again to correct him, but you heard Draco’s voice beside you first.
“She said she taught herself.” Your head snapped to him, and he was leaned forward, his lip crinkled into a snarl. You couldn’t quite believe what was happening and though you didn’t want to be spoken for, far less toward your father, you were grateful he did. Had you cried, attempting to stand up for yourself, you didn’t think you could face any of them again. He didn’t look at you, but you mentally thanked him, hoping he would hear you.
Your fathers face was stiff and you were worried his polite facade would slip, but he curtly congratulated you instead.
“That’s great Darling. What did you learn?” Narcissa tried to break the tension with her warm voice.
“I..I” you stuttered, still recovering from the emotion your dad had such a talent for bringing out of you. You felt a warm hand on your knee under the table and it instantly pulled you out of your near tears. Draco’s thumb rubbed over your skin calmingly and though distracting, you were able to continue with a sniff.
“I learned lumos, accio, and levitation,” you smiled.
“She definitely did well with levitation,” Draco said and you could hear the smirk in his tone. Though you knew it was a private dig at you, it did cheer you up some.
His hand lifted off your knee and you felt his finger lightly glide up your naked thigh, drawing soft circles just under the hem of your skirt. It tickled in the best way imaginable, dissipating the hurt and embarrassment you had just felt, taking up that space in your mind with something very different. You felt the cold of his rings on your sensitive inner thigh and were reminded of the same feeling nights before in your bed. He gripped your thigh as you tried to continue speaking, though his hands on you clouded your mind with memories of him kissing them. You felt yourself start to get wet and hoped your panties were enough to keep from leaving a wet patch on the expensive seat. You stole a look at your step-brother sitting beside you and saw his heavenly smirk playing on his lips. Though your parents didn’t seem to notice, you shot him a warning look anyway. He licked his pink lips and they glistened, leaving you near breathless. He spoke to your father about his plans for going back to complete his schooling at Hogwarts after the break as if his hand wasn’t sliding further up your thigh. Your cheeks reddened and you could barely sit still, but you couldn’t find the strength to stop him either. His fingers played with your thigh and you felt him trace a heart right below your panties.
You tried to listen to the conversation at hand but your mind was racing with memories and fantasies, both of him. You involuntarily spread your thighs slightly under the table, giving him the room to trace along the inside of your upper thigh. You were already wrestless, and if he didn’t stop soon, you knew you would lose control. Suddenly, you felt his long finger drag up the crotch of your panties to your clothed clit. He rubbed a slow circle on your clit and the breath caught in your chest. Your eyes almost rolled back from the sudden and direct pleasure to your core.
“I’m done!” you choked out, standing up abruptly. Your legs were shaky and you could feel your soaked panties wetting your inner thighs as you stood. Narcissa looked at you surprised and your father shot you an angry look at your lack of manners, but you knew you couldn’t sit there any longer.
“Th.thank you for dinner,” you corrected before rushing out and up the stairs. You heard Draco excuse himself and follow up the stairs behind you. When you got to the top, you rushed into your room, desperate to relieve yourself, or at least try- but Draco caught the door before it closed.
“What the fuck Draco you prat!” You tried to keep your voice down. He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. “You, you can’t do that,” you almost whined.
“I think you liked it just fine, little one,” he purred in your ear. He was right. But god, was it more than a tease. “I did, but,” your voice was breathier than you meant, a slave to the pleasure his voice alone gave you.
“But nothing,” he leaned inches from your face and as his breath fanned over your face you instinctively closed your eyes. His lips crashed against yours and you returned the pressure. His tongue swiped your lip and you parted them without hesitation, fighting each other for dominance before giving in to him. He pressed his body against yours, grinding himself against you before his thigh pushed between your legs, parting them. One of his hands held the wall beside you and the other pushed between your bodies against your chest. He kneaded your breast, flicking your nipple with his thumb. His hand trailed down your torso and you wined your hip, desperate for him to give your clit attention again, now that you were alone.
“What do you want hmm? Use your words like a big girl,” he toyed with you, barely brushing against your stomach.
“Please,” you breathed. “Please touch me,” you begged. “Please Draco,” you couldn’t wait any longer and grabbed his hand, placing it between your legs.
“There you go,” he whispered against your neck before kissing and licking at it. He lifted your skirt and rubbed soft fast circles over your swollen clit.
You felt his hard cock rub against you and he moaned against the sensitive skin below your ear. He pulled your soaked panties to the side and sunk his middle finger into you and you fought not to cry out in pleasure.
“Fuck, tsk tsk, getting this wet at the dinner table,” you blushed at his words. “Who are you this wet for hmm?” He added another finger and pumped in and out.
“Mmm you, Draco. You,” you moaned.
“This wet for your step brother, you are a depraved little thing aren’t you,” he mocked and your eyes rolled back as he curled his fingers inside. He rubbed your clit with his thumb at the same time and you let out a loud moan. He held his other hand over your mouth to muffle your moans.
“That’s it, mudblood. I know you want to cum for me,” he quickened his pace and you looked up at him, breath quickening to pants.
“I’m so close Draco please!” You moaned against his hand.
“Cum for me mudblood,” he leaned down to your level and whispered in your ear and felt yourself come undone, clenching and spasming around his long fingers. You moans fell from you and he covered your mouth again. Your legs shook and twitched and just as they collapsed below you, he caught you and picked you up like you weighed nothing. He carried you to your bed and laid you down. You looked up at him in a daze. He walked out without a word, and came back moments later with a large book in hand. He set it on the desk next to you and stood tall over you. Looking up at him, you wondered if he would make you suck his cock again, but instead, he leaned down and brushed a strand of your hand behind your ear with his pinkie.
“Rest up, mudblood. And in the morning, I want you to study this book. Don’t bother wasting your time with anything else until you’ve learned enough for duelling practice,” he ordered. Duelling practice? The idea worried you. You’d only just learned your first few spells, all of which being small, inconsequential ones for every day. Now he wants you learning defensive magic already? As if he read your mind, and maybe he did, he smiled at you.
“It’s okay, I’ll go easy on you. You need to learn okay?“ his voice was oddly reassuring. Warm? Not quite. But reassuring.
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wild-jackalope · 6 months
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summary :: after having received an owl from Sebastian asking to meet, you prepare for an adventure but are pleasantly surprised by something else.
note :: requests are wide open
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“I see my owl reached you well.”
“I came as soon as I could, are you alright?” Your jogging slowed as you reached Sebastian. With the lack of details in his note, you assumed had the worst.
Sebastian had sensed this and made a mental note to specify no danger next time, if there was to be a next time. “Yes, everything’s alright. Don’t worry.”
You puffed a relived sigh. “Oh thank Merlin.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stress you.” This was not a good start.
“So, what did you need me for?” You returned.
“Well,” he stood straight. “I thought I’d show you something rather interesting.”
“Right.” Cautiously, you retrieved your wand. Sebastian had only chuckled. He really needed to spend more time with you without imminent danger nearby.
“Lumos.” As Sebastian’s wand tip brightened, four candles drifted into sight.
“A charm?” You questioned, to which Sebastian shrugged playfully.
“We’ll just have to find out, I suppose.” His tone left no absence of trickery and you found yourself cautiously smiling. What was he up to? “Ladies first.” He gestured forward.
Lifting a brow at him, you casted lumos and stepped ahead. The candles began to drift and you gave Sebastian another look before following them.
The two of you walked in silence. You keenly aware of your surroundings and watching for possible danger whilst Sebastian watched your back, literally. He watched your hair bounce and your school coat lift in the wind. He was notorious for being unable to keep his eyes off you.
As you turned the last corner, more candles joined the four you had followed. They had rested over two white garden chairs and a table. The small flames delicately washed the area with light. It was utterly romantic.
He’d already approached the chair and table, pulling out one seat and nodding for you to sit in it. You did and he sat adjacent to you. “Now, I know this isn’t quite a meal, but I managed to snatch these from the kitchen.” From a pocket within his cloak, Sebastian retrieved two muffins, sliding one to you.
“I don’t- thank you. I don’t quite- what is this?” You flustered.
“I thought I’d do something nice. For you.” He shifted. “Since you’ve been such a help to me, and Anne.”
“Oh, Sebastian.”
“And I figured it was about time I took you somewhere with no tombs or caves.”
You weren’t sure exactly how to respond. A simple ‘thank you’ didn’t do justice to the excited burning you felt in your chest. You couldn’t just say ‘thank you’ not after he’d gone to all this trouble! “Thank you.” You squeaked. Looking down at the muffin he’d given you and began to pick off small bits, eating them.
“I suppose this would be a better time than any to catch up. So, what have you been up to?”
“Just keeping up really. Finishing extra assignments and whatnot. I’ve recently been getting friendlier with some beasts, thanks to Poppy.”
“She’s quite the personality, isn’t she?” Sebastian commented.
“Yes, she’s very sweet.” You smiled to yourself, thinking of the brunette. “What of you? Making any friends other Ominus and I?”
“Was that a criticism?” Sebastian smirked.
“Merely a observation.” You shrugged playfully.
“Unfortunately not. I’m afraid the two of you take up too much of my time. If I made another friend, I’m sure they’d be horribly neglected.” You laughed and Sebastian brightened at the sight.
“I suppose if getting this kind of treatment means you having less friends, I’ll just have to keep you all to myself.”
“You could.” Sebastian returned. You choked on a bit of muffin.
“You could, have me all to yourself I mean. More often.” He repeated.
“Is that so?”
“It is indeed.” Sebastian leaned further down the table, viewing you with excitement.
“Sebastian, I know you didn’t take me out here merely as a thanks for my efforts.” You leaned forward too. “Care to tell me why we’re really here?”
“If you must know.” Sebastian began, tone giving way to a loving mischievousness. “I suppose I’ve got something of a confession.”
Oh dear. Here it comes. You sat up, preparing yourself. I’ll say yes, you thought.
“Will you- be my partner for the duelling championship tomorrow?” He asked.
“Yes I- what?”
Sebastian could only laugh. You felt your cheeks become hot and a wave of embarrassment hit you. Suddenly, it wasn’t so cold anymore.
You excused yourself from the table and stood. Sebastian followed quickly. “Oh come now, I was only joking.”
“Sebastian.” You sighed.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You could hear his smile. Cautiously, his hand pressed into your lower back, then hooked your hips, bringing you into him. “I’ll make it up to you. How about we do this again?”
Oh how good it felt to be strung along by Sebastian. Just waiting for his fated confession. A sort of cat and mouse. Truthfully you knew of one another’s desire for the other but the chase was just too fun for Sebastian to ever settle down.
“Alright.” You caved.
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smuttyworks · 1 year
Control - Mattheo Riddle smut
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Sub!Mattheo as requested! I'm not the best at female Dom but I tried my best lolllll
warnings: explicit smut, yaaa
summary: Mattheo had been fucking with reader for weeks, making jokes about fucking her, flirting with her, and being handsy thinking she would eventually give in to him, but she takes it into her own hands as she waits for him in the darkness of his room.
You could feel his eyes on you as they chuckled to themselves behind your desk, causing you to roll your eyes. Mattheo and the other Slytherin idiots have been constantly fucking with you the past few weeks, with Mattheo being the one who did it the most.
You could feel him behind you as he inched closer to your ear, “Let me show you what you’re missing, babe.” You didn’t give him the satisfaction of reacting, instead you looked back down at your notes. “You’ll give into me soon.” You could practically hear him smirk as he whispered in your ear.
When class ended you stood up and made your way out of the class and into the corridor, just wanting to get back to your room and study more, but you felt an arm slip around your waist, pulling you close as he directed you down another hallway, “Leave me alone, Riddle.” You said, annoyance clear in your voice.
“Why do you fight me so hard, (Y/n), I know you want me.” he said with his arms caging you in, your back against the wall.
“I don’t want you; you are annoying as fuck and I can’t wait for you to move onto your next unlucky target and leave me alone.” You stated blankly, now ducking under his arms and returning to the corridor and making your way towards your room.
When you finally got there you stripped into your pajamas and pulled your book close as you went over your notes.
After a while your mind started to wander to the annoying brown eyed boy, he always seemed to think he could get whatever he wanted, including girls who always seemed to accept his attention even though he was never interested in them afterwards, his confidence was too high, and someone needed to bring it back down and show him he doesn’t always get what he wants.
And idea popped into your head as your eyes landed on the top drawer of your dresser, and you decided to show him not to fuck with you again.
You slipped into his empty dorm room and leaned behind the door, knowing he would be coming in soon.
Your eyes traveled around the dark room that was only slightly lit from the moon shining through the window. His bed wasn’t made, and he had some laundry kicked into a corner, but it was suiting to who occupied the room.
A smirk appeared on you as the doorknob wiggled before opening. You watched Mattheo as he entered the room, walking over to his bed and dropping his bag. “Lumos,” he muttered as he lit the candle on his bedside table.
He turned around as he reached the bottom of his shirt, about to lift it until he noticed you, “Holy fuck!” he said, shock covering his face, “(Y/n) what are you doing here?!” 
You bit your lip as you took a step forward, dropping your robe and exposing your clothes beneath it, or better yet lack of clothes. His lips parted slightly as he took in the red lingerie you wore. “Holy fuck…” he swallowed, taking a step closer and reaching out to touch you, but you slapped his hand away.
“You don’t touch unless you have been told you can.” You stated, emotionless as you watched him closely. His eyes wide in shock, his hands shaky, and the growing bulge in his pants. “Do you understand?” you tilted your head slightly.
He nodded, “Okay.” He gulped
“On your knees Mattheo.” He looked at you strangely, not knowing what exactly was going on. “Now.” You said through gritted teeth.
He didn’t say a word as he dropped to his knees in front of you, his eyes watching your every move. You stood above him and loosely ran your fingers through his brown curls, his eyes closing from the sensation. “You’ve been fucking with me for too long, Mattheo.” You stated softly, your fingers lightly brushing over the skin of his cheek as he took in your touch. “That ends now.”
Your other hand ran down your stomach and over the thin lace material of your panties. Your fingers touching your folds over the fabric as he watched intensely, his tongue wetting his lips as he wanted to taste you so badly.
You moaned out quietly as your fingers pressed down on your clit, “Please let me touch you.” He breathed, his hands in fists on his thighs.
You shook your head, “No.” before slipping your panties down your legs, exposing your soaking heat to him as he groaned at the sight, whispering profanities to himself. “I’m already so wet,” you laughed softly to yourself, dipping your finger into your folds and feeling your arousal soak your finger. You could see Mattheo’s breathing quicken as he watched your fingers touch yourself inches away from his face.
You rubbed your wetness over your clit, moaning softly as you played with yourself. 
He reached out and slid his large hand up the side of your leg and you immediately slapped it away, shaking your head at the desperate boy. “Please,” he pleaded.
“No touching unless told to.” You demanded, and his eyes dropped down to your soaking pussy as he watched desperately. 
You teased your entrance lightly as you lifted your leg up and rested your thigh on his shoulder to give yourself easier access. He groaned out as he watched you slip your fingers into your tight core, slipping them in and out slowly as your arousal dripped down your fingers.
You bit your lip as you removed your soaking fingers, “Open.” You demanded, and his lips parted, ready to taste your delicious juices. You brought your fingers to his lips and he instantly took them in his mouth, his tongue wrapping around your digits as he licked up every bit of you.
You removed them from his mouth and smirked down at him, satisfied with how you had him wrapped around your finger. “Lick my pussy, Mattheo.”
That was all he needed to hear before his lips were attached to you, his tongue flicking softly against your clit, his hand gripped the side of your thigh that was resting on his shoulder to keep you steady and pull you closer to him.
His skillful tongue worked wonders on your cunt as he switched from fucking your entrance with his tongue to circling around your sensitive clit causing you to moan out and grip his hair.
“Don’t stop until I cum all over your face.” You moaned out, loving the feeling of his annoying mouth finally shutting up as he ate you out, licking all your juices desperately.
You didn’t think he would be so good, but your orgasm crept closer and closer, him enjoying all the pleasure he was giving you before slipping his other hand up and sliding two fingers into you, making you cry out at the sensation. “Fuck,” you cried as he brought you closer, the warm feeling filling your abdomen.
He fucked you relentlessly with his long fingers as he sucked your clit, pushing you over the edge and succumbing to your strong orgasm, your cries filling the room as he desperately licked up your juices.
You looked down at him and gave him a smile, “Good boy…” you breathed, “now get up and take your clothes off.” You ordered.
He lifted your leg up softly as you balanced on your shaky legs before standing up in front of you and quickly stripping himself from all of his clothes, leaving him completely naked in front of you, his dick painfully hard.
“You did good, Mattheo.” You smiled at him, lightly caressing his cheek, then dragging your finger tips down his jaw and neck, down his chest and over the hair of his happy trail, taking in how sexy he was, his v lines prominent and leading to his rock hard erection. “You think you deserve a reward?” you questioned, your fingers running over the length of his dick, his eyes fluttering at your soft touch. He quickly nodded and sucked in as you gripped his dick, stroking him at a fast pace, watching his expression as he moaned out, whispering profanities. 
“Can I touch you?” he asked, but it sounded more like begging.
You nodded and his hand gripped your waist tightly and his other hand cupped the side of your jaw, his thumb rubbing lightly against your cheek.
You rubbed the tip of his dick with your other hand as you continuously stroked him, then brought your fingers to your lips, tasting his delicious pre cum, his eyes watching you, his lips parting as he watched you taste him, turning him on even more.
“I’m so close,” he whimpered, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt his orgasm creep close.
You smirked as you pulled your hand away, watching him as he whimpered, begging you to let him cum. “Not until I tell you, Riddle.” His breathing was fast as he watched you desperately, wondering what your next moves were.
You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor before backing up into his dresser, lifting yourself onto it and spreading your legs, watching as his eyes dropped to your core, taking in how beautiful you were. “I want you to fuck me, and do not cum until I tell you to.” You ordered and watched as he closed the space between you both, his lips forcedly crashing to yours, and you decided to let him.
Mattheo wasted no time as he positioned himself at your entrance before quickly pushing himself into you, your moans filled his mouth as he gripped your hips tightly, pounding into you relentlessly.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he groaned, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples between his fingers softly.
Your eyes dropped down to watch as his dick disappeared into your cunt, your juices coating him every time he pulled out. “You like seeing me fuck you?” he cooed, pressing kisses to your jaw tenderly.
“Yes,” you cried, holding onto his arm to keep yourself steady, your second orgasm coming in hot as Mattheo fucked you better than you’d ever been fucked in your life. “I’m gunna cum…” you breathed, holding him tightly as you felt the pleasure wave through your body like shock waves, crying out as his thrusts got sloppy, “Cum, Mattheo,” you whimpered, your body succumbing to your much stronger orgasm, as his hips met yours, his body tensing as he came to his own orgasm.
Both your moans mixing as he filled you with cum as your walls clenched around him tightly.
“Fuck, (Y/n)” he breathed against the crook of your neck, you both taking a moment as you came down from your highs. 
Once you could catch your breath, you pushed him lightly away from and pushing yourself off the dresser, reaching down to collect your robe, wrapping it around you and reaching down for your bra and panties. 
His hand wrapped around yours as he pulled you to him, “I’m sorry for messing with you,” he looked down at you. 
You rolled your eyes, “you can keep these,“ you smirked, placing your panties in his other hand. “Fuck with me again and you’ll never get me again.” Your finger ran down his chest, nail dragging over his skin causing his breath to hitch.
“I promise.” He smiled, then pressing his lips to yours.
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Day 10: Written Mar 25, 2024
Part 4
Harry settled for plain pasta for dinner. Regulus searched his closet his smallest shirt and made sure he had most of the blankets Regulus owned before he settled the boy on his ratty couch.
Regulus wished Harry goodnight and turned to go to his bedroom when a small voice stopped him. "Mister Regulus, will you stay with me?"
When Regulus turned back to look at him, Harry had the most heartbreaking expression he had ever seen. It was a look no child should ever have on their face. There was something so visceral and dark. Regulus had never seen so much grief in one person.
Regulus tried to force his face into something comforting, but it probably came off as a grimace. "Of course, Harry. I'll just grab a blanket and pillow and I will be right back, okay?" Harry nodded his assent with heavy lids. Regulus quickly made his way to his bedroom and said out loud, but very quietly, "What the fuck."
When he returned to the sitting room with his thick book on the history of dark arts in Europe, Harry was already fast asleep. Still, Regulus settled in his well used arm chair, cast lumos minima, and cracked open the dusty tome. He would be keeping an eye on the mysterious boy. Maybe he should be watching for something suspicious - but he was primarily concerned with Harry sleeping well.
Regulus woke slowly. His eyes sluggishly cleared the blurriness from his vision. Then, he jerked back, because there were two large eyes staring straight at him. If he didn't know better, Regulus would think they were looking into his soul and considering every broken and poisoned crevice.
"Merlin!" Regulus cried. "Oh, you really startled me, Harry." Harry smiled devilishly and slid off Regulus' lap.
"Brekky time?" Regulus groaned and he lifted himself from the arm chair and rubbed his neck.
"Very well."
When he had Harry at the table with a bowl full of porridge, he steeled himself. He really couldn't avoid this conversation, even though it was sure to upset Harry.
"Harry," Regulus said cautiously. "Can you tell me how you got here? Did someone bring you to the park nearby? Harry shook his head, and then paused, cocked his head, and shrugged. Regulus sighed, struggling to prevent frustration bleeding into his tone. "What about your Papa? Please Harry, I need to know who can take care of you."
Any brightness from a good nights sleep evaporated from Harry's posture and expression. He curled in on himself and whispered, "Papa's dead."
I would say sorry for the kinda cliff hanger, but I'm not. Guess you'll have to check back tomorrow to see what comes next ;)
Also this blog already has 100 likes which is pretty cool for having started this 5 days ago. So thank you to everyone liking and re-blogging and following!! It's pretty fucking great!!
beginning | previous | next
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cuffmeinblack · 3 months
Andrew Larson x f!reader
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Tags: explicit | masturbation | slight voyeurism
1.6k words
Summary: Andrew's bedtime reading and his roommate's distracting activities lead to something shamefully inevitable.
A/n: I told myself I wouldn't write anymore smut until I finished a chapter of Veil yet here I am. Just one little drabble. I suppose this could be taken as the smut I never wrote for Between the Lines.
⤍ Andrew Larson masterlist ⤎
Whilst he more often than not became somewhat flustered whilst reading novels such as the one currently balanced precariously on his hardened length, he didn't usually feel quite so unravelled as in that moment. The story was thoroughly filthy, detailing from a witch's point of view being seduced and defiled by a handsome vampire in her own marriage bed. Somewhere around the part where various bodily fluids were exchanged, Andrew had truly noticed his predicament. He lay his head back against the headboard to stare up at the wooden slats above his head, but the gentle, rhythmic bowing did nothing to alleviate his lustful thoughts. He abandoned the text altogether and watched the subtle shift of the mattress and the flap of the curtains for a while, ignoring the throbbing in his trousers. It wouldn't go away. His skin burned and his clothes felt so suffocating he wanted to rip them to shreds. Blood raged as his pulse quickened, breaths came short and ragged as if his lungs had forgotten how to process the air. 
Some distractions were harder to ignore than others. External stimuli could be blocked out with a well placed dampening charm or a simple pair of earmuffs. The creaking of the bed above him, for example, was all part and parcel of being a Ravenclaw. Bunk beds. Awful invention, completely unnecessary given the ample proportions of the room. Clearly whoever had furnished them had been well aware of their ability to rob the occupants of any modicum of privacy, but teenagers being what they were, that didn't necessarily stop his roommates from sneaking their sexual conquests back into the dormitory for a little fun. Right above his head. But this he could cope with, if he ignored the way the bed jolted slightly every now and then. Then there was the fact that his mattress lay beside a window and the curtain didn't quite wrap all the way around, leaving his body silhouetted amongst the glow of his Lumos charm, completely exposed to the night sky. Another inconvenience, but unless there was someone flying outside the tower past curfew, it seemed inconsequential and not worth his time to worry about. No, the most distracting thing he currently had to deal with whilst trying to read his book wasn't a sound, a sight or even a smell; it was the uncomfortable pinching sensation currently residing below his waistband as his cock strained against his leather belt. 
Perhaps it would be a surprise to learn that Andrew Larson of all people—prim and proper and thoroughly virginal—enjoyed reading literature of a more risqué variety. Not all the time, mind you. He was quite happy with the classics, ancient and beyond, and more modern works such as Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray which had left him bewildered and quite speechless. It was after these that he enjoyed what might be termed a palate cleanser—something altogether easier to digest, devoid of the kind of emotional turmoil that might upset one's stomach. A pleasurable romp. He might not shout about such things at his book club meetings but if asked, Andrew would simply explain his reasoning and point out that every work of literature has its merits and to deprive oneself of the broad spectrum of genres is only to one's own detriment. In other words, don't be such a snob.
Andrew shuffled down a little into a slouch, gripping the sheets with one hand and hesitantly gripping his wand in the other. A flick of his wrist lifted the dampening charm he'd encased himself in, sound finally trickling back into his canopy. Apparently his roommate hadn't bothered with a silencing charm, or it had since worn off, because Andrew could hear everything. His cheeks flushed even brighter with shame but he didn't recast his charm, instead stashing his wand with the book next to him on the mattress. The couple above him were really going for it; breathless and moaning softly into the still night. Andrew's breath shuddered slightly as he closed his eyes and let the wet slap of skin and delicately musky scent envelop his senses. His chest heaved beneath the cotton of his shirt, fingers idly picking at the buttons to free himself of the fabric constraints. He thought of the book he'd read, the forbidden nature of it all; he thought of the unknown girl above him and her gentle whimpers; and most of all he thought of replicating that carnal passion with the object of his desires. She would moan most prettily of all, all soft skin and delicate curves beneath his roaming hands. He wanted every part of her in every conceivable way, yet so far he'd succeeded only in being a coward. Instead of telling her how he felt (or a rather more savoury, abridged version), Andrew had taken to living out fanciful daydreams in his head. He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself, and he was, yet that gnawing guilt paled in comparison to the raging hunger growing in his chest, for the woman who'd lent him that damned book, no less.
He could barely hear the cacophony of lewd sounds over the pounding in his ears, yet the slap, slap, slap was still audible and driving him slightly mad. He was vaguely away of his bare torso as he felt a prickle of moisture cooling on skin and he looked down past the wire rims of his glasses to nearly groan in despair. His impossibly hard erection had forced its way past his belt, twitching angrily against the pale smattering of ashen hair that trailed to his navel. His cockhead glistened, the source of that wetness now apparent in the dim light from the landscape beyond his window. He couldn't very well ignore it now, as painful and angry looking as it was. With a sigh of annoyance that masked his relief, he unbuckled himself with increasingly shaky fingers. Whatever hormones were at work had sent him into a frenzy, desperately craving release no matter what the consequences—and there would be consequences, whether it be the inability to look his roommate or the woman he longed for in the eye again, or the very real possibility that he might just lose his mind along the way and finally admit his feelings, for the sliver of hope that it might one day be her hand wrapped around his cock and not his own. 
Andrew rolled his hips, clenching his muscles to drive upwards into his waiting hand. Fingers wrapped tightly around himself, slick with desire. He followed the rhythm already present in the stifling air, the slap, slap, slap that seemed to stutter with a shift of weight and resume with a more furious pace amid breathy moans. They weren't her moans, though, and they served only to irritate Andrew more than entice him. He picked up his wand to cocoon himself in quiet once again, letting his own imagination lead the way. That was all he needed, really; the thought of her. This time she rode him, exquisitely soft thighs clamped around his hips, jiggling with every bounce on his cock. He squeezed his fingers. You're so tight, he imagined himself sighing as her dazzling smile filled his vision and she moaned in response. Faster he stroked himself, copious amounts of precum filling his palm and easing his way. She would feel infinitely better, softer and wetter, and it could all be for him. Andrew whimpered into the dark before he could control the impulse and his eyes flared wide, but the bed still shifted with the weight above him and had no intention of stopping. 
He was getting close to his inevitable release, half torn-off clothes shoved roughly around his body which glistened with sweat. Gasping and groaning through every pump of his fist, he thought of her tossing her head back in ecstasy as she met her own tremendous climax. All for him. She was beautiful in his mind's eye, even if her naked body was comprised entirely of glimpses he'd had of the soft curves beneath her uniform. Andrew let his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose and hair fall over his eyes as he writhed in pleasure, bucking wildly into his hand until finally he came. His palm flew to his mouth to muffle the groan that clawed its way up his throat; his final cry was lost to the clammy crevices as he pushed down hard on his lips. He felt his release coat his other hand, every knuckle stained in shame and primal want. Even his shoulder wasn't spared. By the time the pulsing subsided and the ringing in his ears had stopped, all was quiet but for the deep breaths both from his own chest and above him in the bunk beds.
He cracked his eyes open and stared up at the slats again, further away this time now he'd somehow ended up horizontal on the bed in a great dishevelled mess, limbs contorted and wrapped in various tangled garments. His hand wrapped around him released, sticky and warm, and eyes followed the trail of his release to the book that lay next to his arm. The black book cloth was ruined, stained. It seemed rather fitting, in a grotesque sort of way. Suffice it to say, he would not be taking that particular edition back to the hidden shelves of the book club’s library. He'd make some excuse and tuck it away somewhere safe, perhaps rip the binding from its case and burn it. No matter what he did, though, he would still remember this; the unexpectedly desperate need; the complete and utter lack of control when it came to her. Whilst he lay half-naked and dizzy in his bed, Andrew vowed to finally summon the courage to tell her how he felt, though the unabridged version of this truth could wait until later.
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graymatters · 11 months
Though the shackles on Draco's wrists bore no physical weight, as he lifts his unrestrained arms for the first time in five years, he feels an impossible relief. For five years, he'd hardly known where his magical tether ended and his own skin began. For five years, that incessant, monotonous hum had filled every empty space between his thoughts, every curve of his ears. For five years, he'd stared at his hands and sworn he could see the magic crawl beneath his palms like a caged animal.
The Auror before Draco raises an impatient eyebrow. She says nothing before turning on her heel and walking away, disappearing down the long hallway. Between the sharp clicks of her shoes, a snap echoes through the chamber, and a small Floo ignites behind Draco, casting the room in an emerald shroud. And just like that, it's as though his sleepless nights behind the walls of Azkaban were nothing but a deranged nightmare.
Draco stumbles out the other side of the Floo before he names a destination or casts his powder into the flames. He straightens, finding himself with a palm full of Floo powder in the middle of the Ministry. It's dark; the corridor that buzzes like bees in the daylight only creaks like a ship tossed by the waves.
Draco is too slow to react and hears a clatter on the marble floor as a small object rolls to stop at the tip of his shoe. He picks it up, instantly recognizing the feel of his wand in his hands.
"It's yours." Harry Potter emerges from the shadows, his face lit by the tip of his wand. Draco can just make out the silver-lined collar of Potter’s robes. An Auror's uniform.
"I know."
"You going to use it?"
Draco hesitates. The roil of magic in the mythological hollows of his limbs feels untamed, unfamiliar, a far cry from the strict hold he kept on his magic all those years ago.
Draco eyes Potter's robes once more. "Is this a trick?"
Potter shakes his head. "You're allowed to practice magic under the supervision of your--"
"--probation officer," Draco says through gritted teeth.
A sudden anger surges in Draco's chest, and he flicks his wand with a violent whip of his wrist. A bright crackle of light ignites between them. Draco catches his own tired and weary reflection in Potter's glasses before his Lumos rapidly sputters out in the darkness.
Potter hums. "A little rusty."
Draco sighs. "It was pathetic."
"You'll get better." With a shrug, Potter ends the exchange and turns towards the main corridor. "Let's get out of here. This place still gives me the creeps at night."
Despite his words, Potter drops his wand, cloaking them in darkness. After a brief silence, he lets out a conspicuous cough.
"Awfully dark in here," he says, and Draco can almost hear the grin in his words.
With a deep breath, Draco raises his wand again, and they both walk towards the main corridor, their shadows flickering against the walls around them.
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
sirius black x reader
"do you trust me?" - "no." - "smart."
love was out to get me—sirius black.
summary: filch is after you. but you’re too distracted in the broom closet.
word count: 0.5k
fanfic no. 011
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gasping for breath, you toppled over sirius into the broom closet, trying to distance yourself from filch and his evil little cat. sirius slammed the door shut, feeling along the walls for a candle to light, but there was nothing.
sirius was startled backward, flinching away from the suit of armour in the corner with its sword raised as if to cut down the intruders. he laughed nervously as you patted his shoulder.
“careful there,” you sniggered.
he rolled his eyes, slowly and meticulously stepping forward so as to back you against the wall, trapping you between himself and the stone. placing one hand against the wall behind you, he stepped closer again, only this time it was to lessen the space between you since he already had you exactly where he wanted you.
“what are you doing?” you raised an eyebrow.
“you don’t know?” he grinned, inching his mouth closer and closer to your neck.
“we can’t stay here too long, we’ll be caught,” you said, lifting his chin upwards.
sirius stared at your lips, licking his own in anticipation before asking: “do you trust me?”
“no,” you breathed lightly. no matter the months you had been together with sirius, he never failed to make you weak in the knees.
“smart,” he whispered back almost urgently before pressing his mouth to yours eagerly, not wasting any time before slipping his tongue past your lips.
it was impossible to resist him, you never stood a chance, and likely never would. not that sirius wasn’t just as tempted by you every second he was beside you. the pressure of his body against yours forced you against the wall harder than before, but sirius’ soft touches counteracted the harshness of the stone.
he held your face in his hands, slipped them down your arms and around your waist, moaning slightly when you tugged on his hair and sucked his bottom lip between yours as he was about to pull away.
“bloody he-”
“where are you?! i know you’re here somewhere. you can’t hide from me,” snarled filch, rounding the corner.
“fuck,” you muttered against his lips.
“are you ready to run?” he winked, slipping his hand into yours.
he peeked through the keyhole of the door, crouched on the floor in front of you and began to laugh. he turned to look up at you, mouth slightly agape and eyes wandering.
“well? how close is he?” you asked, ripping sirius from his reverie, forcing him to stand up again and pull the door open.
“close enough!” laughed sirius, running down the corridor as fast as he could with your hand clasped in his.
you turned briefly to see filch infuriated, grasping his chest as he tried and tried to catch up with the two of you. but sirius began to pick up the pace and you could no longer afford to look at filch behind you without tripping up. so you turned to sirius, his hair flowing behind him and the stupid grin on his face that you knew couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than pure joy.
“keep going!” he yelled over the students babbling voices and your stomping footsteps through the echoing halls.
until your last breath, you thought.
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daenerysbeauty · 8 months
i went to ben barnes sept 22 london concert and here's some highlights:
sang his ep, some unreleased songs, "jealous guy" by john lennon, "river" by bishop briggs, and "you got a friend in me"
for "you got a friend in me" he brought his dad out to play guitar. his mom was also in the audience.
anna popplewell, freddy carter, and jessie mei li came out to support him and were just chilling in the audience ( though unfortunately i didn't realize this until after ).
this man is a dork who showed us the "lumos" trick to get your phone to light up. bonus, beforehand he asked us if we liked harry potter and the way you could feel the audience get excited but also nervous cause we know he knows he's fancast sirius black lol.
while talking between songs he mentioned he'd sing more than just his own songs, someone in the audience asked why, and he said "cause i've only got 5 songs and you're here for two hours" 😂
was very sweet talking about his original music and how he wanted to create positive messages about love and loving yourself and appreciating life's moments
seemed so grateful and looked like he was tearing up at a few moments
was incredibly sweet with his bandmates. he mentioned everyone by name multiple times and gave them time to solo perform. he thanked them all at least once. kevin burke opened for the concert and talked about having publicly come out as bi earlier that week and said that ben had known for awhile and supported him. we love a bi king and an ally!
ben was just so genuine!! like not only incredibly talented but he seemed so sweet and down to earth and thrilled to be there.
HE SAW ME! he -saw- me! i know he saw me because i was relatively close to the stage ( few "rows" back ) and when he was closing and singing across the stage, i lifted up my hands in a heart symbol, and like a minute later when he finished the song he made a heart symbol at the audience and i was the -only- one who had done that so i -know- he saw me do it and then did it to the audience. 💗
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 2 months
Another extract from my depraved!Severus x Poly!Marauders. This one’s set before the last, the masterpiece is coming along in misplaced pieces!
I hope to get it done soon enough! Enjoy for now though!!
Depravity Extract;Part One
Lupin tugged him quickly form Sirius’ weakening grip and threw Severus’ arm over his shoulders while hauling him into his side with a muscled arm wrapped securely around his waist. The fog cottoning his conception continued to lift in slight, enough that he could register his head placed into Remus’ neck and his ancestry painting the werewolves formerly pristine uniform and tan skin.
“S’rry.” He slurred and grunted through the the increase in pulsation encasing his face it caused. Lupin didn’t respond, only moving faster through the obscured passageway with his friends scuttling ahead.
Remus lugged him along him along for at least another two minutes before he felt strong enough to walk for himself, and foregoing the inane need to stick his head further into his throat, Severus pulled himself from the boy with shaky legs. Still, Remus forced him in front of himself with a grip on his hipbones that had Snape bambi-legged for a whole new reason, and muttered a refusal of letting him fall behind so gruff his brain lagged with a sense of attraction.
James stopped, the tip of his wand steadily orbing out, leaving Sirius’ to be the only source of light, before murmuring a spell under his breath that sent a minuscule fiery ball soaring into a cresset. Flames erupted in the metal plate as the three caught up, Black’s Lumos dying out with a flicker as he moved to place the stick in the back of his waistband.
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jaegeraether · 6 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 34)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (32)
Masterlist (other parts here)
That was not what she’d expected at all. YFN had done her research and put her own puzzle pieces together, though her theory had missed the mark by a significant amount.
“I know what you’re thinking.”
YFN couldn’t even close her mouth.
She walked closer, lightly treading with elegance as if to not scare her away. When she was close, her eyes lingered on the scar cutting her eyebrow with empathy.
YFN managed to find herself and cleared her throat. “Your misdirection was very believable.”
“I was worried the voice would give it away.” She said almost shyly. Her voice was more regal now, less…common? Clever.
YFN’s relief must have been clear, and she didn’t realise herself just how worried she’d been. “And my misdirection was not entirely untrue…” She gestured around her. “This is her house.”
They were standing in the house of JK Rowling. The woman she’d assumed she was meeting. It all made sense, didn’t it? Joe. Lumos. When she’d originally started researching the company, she’d come across the other Lumos, the charity founded by Joe. Though, she made sure to not hold any assumptions going into their meeting.
“Why her?” She asked, knowing it was a little rude to do so. “Why hide behind someone the public hates so vehemently?”
“I needed someone with power, someone rich, someone people could believe had the capabilities of doing so.”
“So Lumos is a branch of her company?”
“No…it’s my company, my money. I spoke to Joe about the idea of using her as a bit of an alias, as well as using the same name as her charity.”
“But…why hide at all?” She really didn’t understand. She was wealthy, powerful and beyond all else… “People adore you.”
“I thought about it, trust me. But how would that look, having me try to lift the women’s game? It would look like a publicity stunt, like they needed me when they don’t. I need them to show that they can do it themselves. They have the motivation, the will, the support and now they have you. At least, I still hope they do?”
YFN was fully aware now that up until this point, she’d been disillusioned as to the identity of ‘Joe’, right down to the reason that she’d chosen her. She was a writer. Exactly what Joe herself would have done. This was a better scenario, though the fact that her guise was the infamous author would not be well received. She didn’t try to understand the complexities of it all. Looking beyond all of that, she knew that the person she’d spoken to on the phone was genuinely passionate. Caring. Hard-working. She understood that she had been a victim of her title and knew deep down that they could accomplish incredible things together.
“They still do...”
“Tea is prepared in the estate room, ma’am.” Benjamin interrupted politely.
“There’s hot chocolate too, YFN.” She promised with a lovely smile that begged to be photographed.
How did she know?
“Thanks, Kate.”
“Cath, please. Only the media calls me Kate.”
“Did you ever have any intention of meeting me?”
To her credit, Catherine was very similar the person she was presented as in public, however the more time they spent together, the more liberated she became with her thoughts. YFN realised how much of a burden it must have been, stuck under the thumb of royal obligation and public expectation, though in this room, there were just the two of them.
“No,” she allowed herself a little smirk as she took a sip of tea. “No, my intention was most definitely to stay invisible in this. And besides you, I plan to keep it that way.”
“You’re not worried about Mark?”
“I knew that hiding behind Joe would mean the possibility of people assuming she was directing this, and furthermore that she would have enemies try to pull her down. She did warn me about Mark. He’s…persistent.”
“A business rival I’m assuming?”
“I believe Joe managed to ruffle his feathers a little with a business deal a few years back. She said he’s forever since been adamant to undermine her achievements, and to make matters worse, he doesn’t care that Lumos is a charity. See, I originally assumed we’d be safe if I created a company with the same name, because who would attack a charity? As it turns out, Mark would.”
“And I’m guessing the idea of you having a personal conversation with him to quietly nip this in the bud is out of the question?”
YFN bit her lip as she thought about the situation she found herself in. She wanted to ask if her husband knew, but knew it was the wrong question for the conversation. What Catherine was doing was separate from that. Separate from her life as a royal, as a mother, as a leader.
“No, William doesn’t know.”
YFN’s eyes shot up to find Catherine’s. David wasn’t wrong, she was intelligent. She had those rare gifts of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, the types that YFN felt she also had; the ability to truly understand herself and other people. It was perfect for Catherine’s main role, really.
“A personal project then?”
“Of sorts.”
“With…very high ambitions?”
The conversation was quick witted and much more was being said in the words they didn’t vocalise.
“I’m Australian, so forgive my lack of knowledge…but I wasn’t aware you were so passionate about football?”
“It does tend to be William’s passion more than mine, however I do love sport. And while football may not be my favourite, it is England’s favourite, and it’s where the change needs to happen first.”
First? Her eyebrows raised. “You plan on expanding Lumos to other sports?”
“Gradually, yes. The focus begins on all things football and will grow to encapsulate all female sport.”
“Not male sports?”
“Potentially in the future, if we ever reach equivalence, however that is not my intention. My main goal is to focus on the female perspective. I find sport to be one of the largest places of gender inequality and male dominance. It’s going to be a tough field to make change.”
YFN couldn't help but feel that her choice of JK Rowling as a hidden alias was detrimental to her success. Catherine read her thoughts again, she seemed to be good at that.
“Joe…is a friend. I’m unsure of your opinion in the matter but I don’t agree with her opinions and I did think that using her would only be of benefit to her if people had dug deep enough to assume she was behind it. “
She wanted the best for Joe, even at the sacrifice of a little face. Even after her controversial opinions. The admiration must have been written on her face from Catherine’s returning look.
“And Joe did also help me choose you.”
“That explains a query of mine. I’m a writer, first and foremost.”
“Please don’t think that I only chose you because it’s what Joe would have done. It’s not. I looked into you and your work meticulously. It took me a long time to find you, and it wasn’t just for your work as a writer. It was the way you interviewed people, the way you approach questioning, your ability to be both affable and determined. You know exactly what you want, and how to get it without sacrificing the comfortability of the people you speak to.”
It was the nicest compliment she’d ever received, and she felt herself blushing a little. Catherine put down her tea.
“Also, I found some of your photography. I understand you moved away from it and over to the publication side of your previous workplace. Photography happens to be a passion of mine. I believe it to be an important artform, and it did motivate me towards pursuing this project. Without it, I wouldn’t be here with you. I’d be off with the other duties that are required of me.”
Catherine had studied Art History, if YFN remembered correctly. It began making even more sense.
“What…is the timeline you had in mind?”
“The only timeline I’ve considered so far is that of football. I want us to have coverage of all of it by the end of next year. I hope that it’s a fully run operation by then, and we can expand into tennis and cricket.”
The hot chocolate did its job then and YFN yawned so hard, she worried she was being rude.
Catherine gave a polite chuckle.
“It’s getting late. We have a few days to talk this over more, Joe is in the US for another week, and I’ve managed to wriggle out of some royal engagements for the next few days. Shall we pick it up tomorrow?”
Things had begun to come even more into focus the next day after they’d spoken a little more. It was her passion project, and one that YFN felt honoured to be a part of. The only people who were aware of it were her Lumos management, Joe, several staff, and now YFN. Catherine’s management team for Lumos was kept small and tight, and their main jobs were not limited to networking throughout the sports, optimising their business and even planning for the future of the company.
In the early morning, they’d all taken a meeting together in the conference room on Zoom. As the meeting began, YFN was surprised to see a few of the individuals had been people she’d met at the charity event. Catherine really did have people everywhere.
“It’s a good thing that it became a necessity to meet.” Catherine admitted. “I think now that we know each other better and you can fully see our goals, we’re going to benefit from it.”
YFN agreed with that. And now that she realised just how much influence, wealth and power were behind the company, her confidence grew as well as her appetite for more.
The meeting went for hours with so many points of business that YFN didn’t really understand. Luckily, they hadn’t expected her to, as her focus was primarily on the actual product they were providing. She hadn’t realised just how much effort went into the secrecy of a company, or the background decisions, compromises, and discussions that she’d previously thought of as trivialities.
The money of course would be noticed by William who knew his wife had a passion project, but didn’t know what. It was her baby. The way she led her group made that very, very clear, and although she wasn’t used to running a company, she was so well-read and had educated herself so well that she wasn’t just a figurehead, she was leading them and not afraid to ask questions to the more experienced businesspeople.
The meeting became interesting when the team unanimously agreed on the expansion of the employees after their successful first round and had already had many candidates lined up which they filtered through together. Catherine encouraged YFN to get involved in that as she actually worked on the ground with them and managed them.
Following that, management went back onto other business details and Catherine used the opportunity to give YFN a phone very similar to her own, and it was purely set up to work with her and the management team. No wonder why she’d always been so quick at replying and holding that boundary between Lumos and her other duties, she’d had an entirely separate phone for it.
With the need for more people, came the eventual agreement for an office space. London made sense as it was central, and most games would be there. They’d already acquired the space and were just waiting for the final go-ahead which Catherine gave that approval for. YFN was grateful that the discussions moved onto design and architecture, furniture and parking which gave her the perfect opportunity to decide how to use the multiple sets of cutlery with her different lunch dishes.
Catherine had laughed at that, and it was warming to see her so relaxed outside of the public eye.
Listening to them talk about the office, she was pleased to see that it wasn’t too far from Lucy’s apartment, knowing it would be convenient, though she knew it would be best for her to stay central in Birmingham for the meantime, just until they became a lot busier. She could deal with the drive until then. Besides, she wondered if Leah and Jordan would be back together anyways. Thinking of that, she messaged Jordan.
YFN: Where's my update??
She was at training so didn’t expect a response until that night, however.
“…background checks.”
YFN’s head shot up. They were talking about background checks for the employees they were deciding on. She wondered how in depth they would be and didn’t have to wonder for long as they began to discuss them in depth. Her eyes widened knowing that they must have done the exact same for her. Catherine noticed that.
“It’s standard procedure, I’m sure you can understand.”
She nodded. Of course, she could understand. They wouldn’t let anyone sit next to or run a business with the future Queen of England.
The day dragged on, though Catherine had made sure they all had several breaks and took the time to show YFN around Joe’s property. It truly was beautiful, yet she couldn’t miss the amount of security who were wandering around the estate, a few with their eyes on the pair.
“Can you…understand why I’m wanting to stay a silent figure in all of this?” She asked gently as they wandered through the garden. It was actually a day of decent weather, the sun poking through the clouds.
“I can, and I respect it. I’m also glad we’ve met. Everything makes much more sense now.”
“Fantastic. Now I know we’ve already agreed to keep this between just us, however there’s Lucy, correct?”
YFN nodded. She didn’t like the idea of keeping anything from her.
Catherine stopped and turned to her, taking her hands gently. She was taller than the little Australian of course, even more so with heels. “YFN…I know what it’s like to have to keep secrets. It’s not fun. I’ve seen it tear relationships and families apart…”
They way she held her eyes and spoke was so… motherly. So royal-like. Beyond that, she could see the pain in her eyes and she wondered just how much this woman had been through.
“I’m okay with you telling Lucy. I don't want your relationship to be affected, and I trust your judgement, but please stress to her to importance of secrecy. One leak and all that we’re trying to accomplish disappears.”
YFN relaxed a little. She could tell Lucy.
“Thank you, Cath. I really appreciate that.”
They were just settling down to dinner when Catherine was pulled aside for a phone call. Their meeting had ended shortly before that, YFN full up on information and motivation for the upcoming work she had to do. She worried a little about Barcelona.
Dory: We may have had sex. Then I cried and kicked her out at 10pm.
YFN choked on mashed potato. How had she managed to choke on the least chokeable form of potato?
YFN: What?!
Dory: When are you home?
Catherine walked back in then looking a little stressed and apologetic.
“I’m so sorry, duty calls back in London. I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this trip short. You’re more than welcome to stay here another day...”
“That’s okay, I can leave tomorrow if that works.”
It did work. Catherine finished her dinner and left apologetically and this time, with a gentle, motherly hug and promises of a bright future working together. It was strange being left in the large house alone with just Benjamin and a few staff wandering around. Her phone buzzed and it was her flight change being emailed, a change to tomorrow morning. YFN checked in and then replied to Jordan.
YFN: I’ll be home midday tomorrow.
She pocketed her phone. Another buzz. She pulled it back out.
Lucy: Hi, little one. Can I call?
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