Day 30: Written Apr 17, 2024
CW: Major character death (not permanent), depictions of drowning, and water zombies (inferi)
“Go.” Regulus commanded. Kreacher disappeared and Regulus was alone. Alone and dying from the Dark Lord’s cruel potion.
He ached in every limb. The burning spread throughout his body and his head was boiling. 
Where his eyes open? He couldn’t tell. Everything was so dark.
His throat. It hurt. It hurt. It was itching. No, it felt raw like a scraped knee. He needed something. What did he need?
Something cool and wet touched his fingers. Wet. Water.
He needed water.
There. He was already touching it. His hand was submerged in the lake.
He scrambled. Desperate.
He felt it. On his face. In his mouth. Down his throat.
Oh the water. So lovely.
His wrists were wet. His head. The back of his neck.
His shoulders.
His chest.
It wasn’t just water. There was something else on him. Grabbing him.
Pulling Him.
He was weightless. No crystals pressing into his knees.
His lungs burned. He needed to breathe. He expanded his chest.
And water rushed down his throat, into his lungs. No. No.
He struggled. But something-someone stopped him. He tried to shake the hands off, but they wouldn’t let go. Then more hands joined. He felt their slimy skin against his.
This wasn’t exactly what he expected to happen, but this wasn’t any worse than the potion.
He stopped struggling.
There was a sharp blast of light and heat and the hands left him. Alone. Then he was gone.
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Notes/thoughts under the cut:
The formatting doesn't work on tumblr so imagine some really dramatic indents.
This was actually really fun to write cuz it's just Regulus' thoughts and nothing else. So I was kind of writing nonsense but I think it works.
I also want to mention that I changed my blog rules (? I don't know what to call it). When I first started posting it felt very personal and I didn't want to deal with any criticism whether it was good or bad. Now I feel a lot more confident with all the amazing interactions I've had. So I'd love to hear any feedback you might have especially headcanons or theories on this series (cuz I need ideas).
Also, if you want to be added to a tag list like @zn0v1a (my biggest fan tbh <3) just comment, reblog, etc.
Thank you all so much for the support!
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Day 29: Written Apr 16, 2024
CW: canonical treatment of house elves (sorta)
In the center of the island was a pedestal with a hollow in the top. A shadowy liquid was held in the hollow and at the bottom, Regulus saw the locket. On the edge was a pearly shell.
“Please, Master Regulus. Kreacher spoke up.
“Don’t.” Regulus’ voice was shaking. “Just don’t, Kreacher. Please. You can’t stop me. Don’t make this worse than it has to be.”
Hastily, he grabbed the shell and scooped up some of the potion, just like Kreacher had described. It tasted worse than acid. Worse than poly juice potion. He choked, but managed to swallow it down. Before he had a chance to to feel the effects, he drank another shell-full, then another, and another.
He was woozy. His throat burned. His vision was fading. 
“Kreacher. Kreacher, help.” He felt his head being tilted up and the poison being poured down his throat.
Then; “Master Regulus, Kreacher has it. He has the locket.” 
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Notes/thoughts under the cut:
Hope everyone's ready for a death scene tomorrow!!
(Don't worry, it's not lethal)
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Day 28: Written Apr 15, 2024
CW: canonical treatment of house elves (sorta)
Kreacher tried to fight Regulus on who should give their blood to the warding. Regulus didn’t let him. It was his decision and he already felt terrible bringing Kreacher back to a place he almost died. When they were facing the lake with the little island of crystal that Kreacher had described to him, Regulus turned to him. 
“When we get the locket, take it straight back to Grimmauld Place. No matter the state I am in. Destroy it, Kreacher. That’s an order. 
Kreacher stood so stiffly the Regulus thought his spine might snap. He clearly wanted to sat something; to defy him. But he gave a short nod and stayed quiet.
“Thank you, Kreacher.” Whispered Regulus.
They took a dingy across the still water, sending unnatural ripples into the darkness. When the boat knocked into the island, Regulus stepped out followed closely by Kreacher. Their steps crushed and crunched crystals under their feet.
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Rambles and thoughts while writing under the cut:
So sometimes I have a lot of random thoughts while I'm writing these scenes but I don't want to make the posts super long so I'm gonna put them here.
It really bothers me how house elves are written in canon and even most fanfiction. I've read very few fics where the enslavement of house elves is seen as bad by characters. So in this story, I'm going to be changing some things about house elves, especially that they like being enslaved cuz that's just fucked up. No, Kreacher is not free. Yes, he has prejudiced ideas about blood purity seeing as he has been conditioned to from birth. Regulus treats him relatively well since I do not want to write a protagonist being happy to have a slave. (But no matter how well he treats house elves, he's still a slave owner) However, I don't think at this point Regulus would fully have a grasp on the ethics of house elf slavery and he probably doesn't have the power to free Kreacher anyway. In the future, he will regret some of his actions toward Kreacher and his opinions about house elves. Eventually, he would totally join SPEW.
All of this isn't a big part of the story but I will never write a fic that either supports or ignores slavery no matter how fictional it is.
(Usually my rambles won't be as heavy)
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Day 27: Written Apr 14, 2024
CW: Suicidal ideation sorta, references to child abuse, canonical-ish treatment of house elves
When Regulus found the locket, he was ready to die. He was ready to die if it meant the Dark Lord's fall and because he didn't have anything to live for.
It took a lot of time to convince Kreacher. Kreacher believed in the right of purebloods to reign, he didn't understand why Regulus was willing to betray his family. His people.
Regulus did his best to explain without giving away too many secrets but he knew Kreacher saw through him. Of course he did. It was Kreacher who comforted Regulus after Sirius left. After being disciplined by his mother. After he betrayed James and broke every one of their promises.
Eventually, Kreacher gave in.
It took a month to create a replica Kreacher thought could fool the Dark Lord. Then Regulus wrote his last message to his Master, places it in the locket and tucked it into a pocket of his robe. He sat through dinner with his Mother and Father diligently and silently. Giving now hint that this was the last time they would see him. He wasnt sad to be leaving them. He knew they never truly loved him.
They deserved to lose their legacy.
He wished his parents a good night and left the room without looking back. When he locked his bedroom door, he said. "Kreacher." There was a crack of elf apparation.
"Yes, Master Regulus."
"It's time."
"Yes, Master Regulus." He took his hand and then they were on a large rock jutting from the crashing waves.
Regulus felt along the pocket with his wand. Beside it and the locket was a photo of him with Barty, Evan, and Pandora in sixth year, Sirius' Black family ring, and a pocket book of the poems of muggle Oscar Wilde from James. With Regulus still hanging on to Kreacher's calloused and wrinkled hand, he had everyone he loved with him.
He took a deep breath of sea air and then apparated them into the mouth of the cave.
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We're going back in time with this one. This encouraged the motivation a bit more so we're gonna go through The Cave (tm) scene in the next couple days. I apologize. (No I don't)
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Day 26: Written Apr 13, 2024
Well that proved it. James was dead. He hoped it wasn’t painful. Total obliteration wasn’t always. He definitely wasn’t telling Harry what was written. 
Regulus needed to think all this through. But he couldn’t with Harry’s wide eyes focused on him. He gave Harry a tight smile. 
“Let’s get you some clothes.”
Regulus guided him in the familiar direction of Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Just before they entered, he stopped. Would Madam Malkin somehow recognise him? He couldn’t count on both hands how many times he got robes tailored by her. Plus, Harry didn’t need robes, did he? He needed muggle clothes.
His mother must be turning in her grave. 
They just needed to make a stop at the apothecary; then they would face London. For longer than two minutes. He was careful to not be noticed in the shop. Slug & Jiggers was another place he used to spend quite a bit of his time. He strolled through high shelves with Harry’s hand in his.
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this was so completely filler. i'm not sure where this is going right now, the next big plot point happens in a few years so I'd have to do a time jump thing but I don't want to lose toddler harry yet
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Day 25: Written Apr 12, 2024
“Well, she can’t take care of him. A dependent plant doesn’t have the ability to properly raise an independent. 
“Alrigh’, Wolfwood lit a fresh smoke. “So the kid needs humans to take care of it.”
Vash dropped his face in his hands. “We need to get him somewhere safe. Somewhere knives can’t get to him.” Wolfwood grit his teeth. He didn’t like the idea of another child in Knives’ clutches. 
“I’d say we can bring him to Hopeland, but, well…” They stood in the uncomfortable silence Knives’ abuse of children brought.
Vash nodded decisively to himself. “We’ll take him to Ship 3.” He stepped nearer Wolfwood. “They’re probably the only one’s besides the Eye that knows what do with us.” 
“Spikey,” Wolfwood leaned on the Punisher. “It ain’ safe for us to have a kid with us.”
“There isn’t much choice, Nick. At least I have an idea of what to expect from a plant baby.”
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When I get a nice AO3 comment or Tumblr reblog I have to force myself not to say "I LOVE YOU PLEASE MARRY ME CAN WE BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER I'M OBSESSED WITH YOU" and instead say "thanks"
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Day 24: Written Apr 11, 2024
In the plant bulb, cradled among the plant’s leafy wings, was a baby. Vash gasped. Wolfwood stared. Rushing to the tank, Vash put his palms and forehead to the glass like Wolfwood had seen him do many times before. In response, the plant glided over and covered Vash’s points of contact on the barrier between them. As the plant markings wound around Vash’s body and painted a blue glow on his skin, the baby moved.
It was just repositioning, rolling around in the bulb liquid, but the movement attracted Wolfwood’s attention. The little thing was mostly unremarkable. It looked just like a human newborn, but it was definitely not human; because the thing that made it different than a normal baby was the plant markings covering every inch of it’s skin. Just like Vash and it’s plant mother. 
After a few minutes, Vash pulled away from the bulb. “She needs help.” Wolfwood grunted.
“The plant or the baby thing?”
“Don’t call him a thing!” Scolded Vash.
“Sorry, sorry. So what’s the issue?”
“The baby. He’s an independent.”
Wolfwood stared. “Like you?” Vash nodded. “How does that even happen without a shit ton’a old tech?”
“No one really knows how we happened. The first wa-” Vash swallowed. “Well there was only one before us, and she died. But we were never born on purpose. I sorta figured independence would only be born in certain conditions that don’t exist off a ship. Guess I was wrong.”
“Guess ya’ were. But what do we have ta’ do about this?” 
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Not regulus & harry today but still accidentally acquiring a baby cuz I eat that shit up
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Written Apr 10, 2024
Written Apr 10, 2024
“Rogue Death Eaters in custody! Auror Armstrong Thunderquill dead after Ministry raid!”
Regulus tracked the voice crying out over the crowds of shoppers to a small stand with the newest copy of the Daily Prophet. He dropped a few knots into the seller's hand and pushed Harry into a quieter corner. He shook out the newspaper and read. 
A Ministry raid that took place last evening (December 2nd) at approximately 21:27 resulted in the capture of two, currently unnamed, Death Eaters and the death of the Auror case leader, Armstrong Thrunderquill. The Ministry informed the public this morning of the Death Eaters’ involvement in the death of James F. Potter, father of Harry J. Potter. The name ‘Potter’ is well known these days. An attack on October 31, 1981 by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named on Lily Evans Potter, her partner, and Harry Potter resulted in the loss of Ms. Evans and partner Ms. Mary MacDonald. Just four years later, on the anniversary of the defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the house of James and Harry Potter was attacked by vengeful Death Eaters. The young Mr. Potter was found alive and well by one Remus Lupin, a friend of the family. The senior Mr. Potter did not appear to be so lucky as his body could not be found intact. After this event, Headmaster of Hogwarts School Albus Dumbledore put Harry Potter in the custody of extended family members on his muggle side for his safety.  Last night, after a month of searching, the two Death Eaters responsible for James Potter’s death were apprehended and taken into Ministry Custody.  We are saddened by the loss of Auror Armstrong Thunderquill and extend our condolences to his family. Obituary and funeral service infor-
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There are a lot of plot holes in this but I'm working on fixing everything up so all the parts make sense together. If anyone's interested in seeing that, let me know
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Written Apr 9, 2024
Diagon Alley was magical. As a pureblood wizard it was easy to forget that this power that shaped his society was extraordinary. Seeing Harry see Diagon in winter-time, all dressed up for Yule and Christmas, Regulus couldn’t help but see it through his eyes. 
Snowflakes glided, sparkling, through the air. Despite the nipping wind, the temperature was only comfortable chilly. Shop fronts were decorated with hired glow faeries, levitated candles, and charmed icicles. Some had Santa Claus painted on the window and spelled him to ride around jollily in his carriage pulled by reindeer.
A memory floated to the surface of red cheeks, full bellies, and expressions full of mirth as Barty tried to explain Saint Nicholas to their pureblood friends. It had been a pleasant memory, but now it brought only grief. 
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Written Apr 7 & 8, 2024
CW: References to child abuse
“I’ll get ya’ some lunch on the house.” Regulus gave the disheveled man a skeptical look. “It’s the giving season! I wouldn’ mind a tip though.” He winked.
Regulus was about to deny him when Harry said, “Can we, Mister Regulus? I’m hungry.” He sighed. It had been a while since he had a decent, fresh made meal. 
“Fine.” Regulus said to the barkeep. “We’ll take a table.”
Regretfully, Regulus knew it was the right decision to stop and eat a real meal. He was not a good cook in any sense of the word and Harry needed to eat healthily. He should pick up a recipe book in Diagon Alley. 
“Did you enjoy it?” Chuckled Regulus. Harry had gobbled up his stew in the blink of an eye. His mouth was rimmed with the proof of his enjoyment of the the food.
Regulus had noticed some nervous looks from Harry when eating. He suspected it was connected with Harry’s three weeks with the Dursley’s. 
“Uh-huh it’s yummy.” He heaved a sigh and smacked his hands on his belly. “I’m soo full! Was yours yummy too, Mister Regulus?”
“I enjoyed it very much, Harry. Thank you for asking.” He handed him a napkin. “Here, to wipe your mouth. We don’t want you to look unkempt, do we?” Harry took the offered napkin with some confusion, but he complied. 
“Now-” Regulus clapped his hands together. “Let’s do what we cam through the muggle world to do.”
“What are we doing?” 
“We are getting the newspaper. We are also getting you some new clothes and whatever a child your age needs.”
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This has over 100 notes now too! Oh my god that's so cool! I'm planning on fleshing out these bits and pieces I have in to something more coherent. I'm considering maybe putting it on ao3 but idk, let me know if you'd like that ig
I also want to give this a title but i'm not sure what so please give me ideas and brainstorm with me!!
Written Mar 18, 2024
This was inspired by the Minecraft modpack Magiculture. I've been obsessed lately. Enjoy :)
“Are you a wizard?”
Regulus stared down at the small child on his doorstep. Regulus looked around, peering around his front door. There was no one else in sight.
“Are you lost?” Regulus responded, glancing back down at the boy. He was a rather cute kid. With a mass of bushy black hair that fell over his green eyes. The eyes that were wide with interest, staring at Regulus.
The boy shrugged in reply to his question. “Why are your hands green?” The boy asked. Regulus frowned and brought his hands up to see. They were bright green from sparrow-grass Regulus had been chopping before being interrupted by a small knock at his door. 
He sighed and asked the boy, “What’s your name?”
“Harry!” Harry exclaimed. “What’s yours, Mister Wizard?” Regulus smiled lightly at the title. 
“I’m Regulus.” Harry gasped as his eyes widened and sparkled.
“Like the star?!”
Regulus was impressed. Very few adults were aware of the regulus star, much less a boy all of five years old.
“Thats right.” Regulus smiled at Harry. “You’re a smart one. How did you hear about regulus?”
“It’s my Papa’s favorite.” Harry says excitedly.
“Your Papa, huh?” How did this boy get here? To Regulus’ cabin, deep in the fairie forest.No one should be able to get within three hundred meters of his land without him knowing. Suddenly, Regulus was on guard. He should have been when he first heard a surprising sound at his door.
“Where is your Papa, Harry?” He asked the boy warily. Harry just shrugged unconcernedly. “How did you find my home?” He shrugged again.
“I was looking at the pretty flowers and then I wanted to know if a wizard lived here. Are you a wizard, Mister Regulus?”
Regulus pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. This boy was going to drive him mad. 
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I checked tumblr today to see 99+ notifications and then 500+ notes total and 10ish new followers. I was so not expecting this many people to like my shit so thank you so much. this is seriously wild thank you!!
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Written Apr 6, 2024
Regulus did not know how to care for a child. It had been a week since Harry showed up on his doorstep. They had cleared out the little storage room across the hall from Regulus’ own bedroom and he transfigured a blanket and pillow into a little mattress. 
He spent all his free moments, and some of his busy ones, trying to think of any option for Harry. Regulus would not send him back to his “family” under any circumstance. Apparently, Sirius was in Azkaban, and Harry told him that Lupin promised to visit him but as far as Regulus was concerned, he sent Harry to a household he must have known would not be good for him. Probably because of his werewolf guilt complex. 
There was no one else Regulus trusted to care for Harry. But his little cottage was no place for a little boy. He was working with dangerous materials. He was actively trying to kill the Dark Lord. 
Regulus knew it was foolish. He knew it was selfish. He should really hand Harry off to some kind wizarding family. He understood very little about the situation (which was concerning because Regulus always understood the situation). He didn’t know why Harry was sent by Dumbledore to live with distant family that loathed him. He didn’t understand how Sirius came to be falsely accused or what he could have been accused of. But, he did know that this boy was Harry Potter, son of James Potter who was the love of Regulus’ life. 
So even if it could put them both in danger, Regulus would give Harry a happy home. At least until there was an alternative he approved of. 
Regulus decided that what he really needed was information. He couldn’t receive owl deliveries to his cottage, so he would have to go out. He hadn’t left the boundaries of his land for at least a year. 
He stewed over whether he should being Harry with him, but eventually decided that he couldn’t leave a small child in a house full of dangerous objects and dark magic. So on a blustery day, he wrapped Harry in a shrunken coat and a warming charm and cast a light illusion over both of them. Seeing as Regulus was supposed to be dead and Harry was likely being searched or, he thought it was prudent that they weren’t recognised. 
Since Regulus’ fireplace was not connected to the floo network, they had to apparate. He held Harry in his arms as they appeared in an alleyway in muggle London with a crack. 
“Do you want me to put you down?” Asked Regulus.
With a shake of his head, Harry said, “No thank you.” And his little fists gripped onto Regulus’ robes. He readjusted his hold on Harry, and they stepped into the bustling city.
Regulus found the Leaking Cauldron quickly; tracing the steps he’s taken for years now, every time he was low on supplies. He hoped to rush through the pub but no such luck.
Can I get ya’ anythin’, Lads?” The barkeep called to them.
“No. Thank you.” Said Regulus shortly. 
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Written Apr 2, 2024
CW: References to child abuse, almost the f-slur, and Harry Potter crying.
That evening, after a scrounged meal of conjured fish and chips, Regulus opened the conversation for what he swore would be the last time. 
“Harry, I just need to ask you a few more questions.” The boy stiffened on the sofa across from Regulus. “I promise just a few more and we’ll never have to talk about it again.”
Harry whispered, “Never ever?”
“Never ever.” Swore Regulus firmly.
Regulus gave himself a moment to gather his thoughts and then started. “You said your Aunt Tunie hates you. How do you know?”
“She told me. She yells at me and says I’m a freak like Mummy and Papa.”
“And they got- got wha’ they had comin’. And Uncl’ Moon is a monster and Uncl’ Pad is a fa-”
“Okay.” Regulus raised his hand to stop Harry. He didn’t want to hear that word. “I understand. Just one more question, Harry. Can you give me another answer?” Harry nodded shakily. Regulus moved to sit next to him and said gently, “I won’t touch you, but I am right here if you need me.” Harry nodded again with confusion.
“Harry, has your Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia ever hurt you?” Harry squeaked and his eyes widened. “Have they ever hit you, Harry?” Harry curled in a ball again as he seemed to whenever he was upset. “Did you run away from them when you were at the park- is that how you found me?” Harry’s gleaming eyes met his and he knew he got it right. 
“Right, no more questions.”
“Really.” Regulus Murmured. 
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Written Apr 1, 2024
As they spent the late morning and early afternoon in the garden while Regulus gathered herbs and Harry told him stories about banshees and selkies and a talking pig, Regulus considered the morning and last night. 
Somehow his memory was wiped in the cave, because he knew he thought of James as the inferi pulled him under. That was the last time he thought of James until Harry told Regulus his full name. 
Could he still be missing memories? If he had managed to forget James entirely then the amnesia must have been incredibly selective. 
He needed to brew a memory potion. He considered the ingredients. He had plenty of alihosty leaves, sage, peppermint, snowdrops, and mandrake. The tricky ingredients would be jobberknoll feathers and eel eyes. 
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I don't know if you do taglists for your story of Baby Harry showing up at Regulus's door, but, if you do, can you add me to it?
I haven't used tumblr much before now so I don't have a one, but Id be happy to tag you in my baby harry posts! I'll add you to future posts now, just lmk if you want me to stop
Same to anyone else! Just comment or msg or something
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