#luna bashing
wolf-tail · 1 year
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Am I the only one who genuinely hates this damn cat??? Bullying a teenage girl every goddamn day for no good reason, being abusive to Artemis, the list goes on and on.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 8 months
Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Forced Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Sane Voldemort (Harry Potter), Sane Tom Riddle, Horcruxes, Marriage Contracts, Negotiations, End of Year 6, Politics, Wizengamot (Harry Potter), Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), No Smut Summary:
End of 6th Year, in an AU where Dumbledore has Harry under compulsions. Harry finds himself breaking free from those binds and accidentally gives Tom Riddle back his sanity. Tom of course takes the next logical step in this chain of events: forcing the Boy-Who-Lived into a marriage contract with him so he can obtain the Slytherin Lordship (definitely not because he likes the boy, Nagini please stop saying that).
Follow Harry and friends (though mostly Harry) as the Chosen One navigates negotiations, falls in love with the new Tom, and schemes his way past Dumbledore and into power.
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dylanconrique · 6 months
i really do need a one on one scene between tim and luna.
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jomiddlemarch · 9 months
The Black Widow
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“I think I’ve been too hard on Blaise’s mum, all these years,” Hermione said, her shoulders slumped instead of maintaining her usual impeccable, McGonagall-inspired posture, her chin held in the hand that wasn’t curled around a cup of tea. It was actually a very fine cup of masala chai that Padma had made using the Patil family’s own karha recipe and Hermione had chosen it over a glass of Shiraz and the two fingers of bourbon that had also been offered and perhaps foolishly declined. She took a breath, tried to let the scent of the spices soothe her.
No dice.
“Maybe you’re, I don’t know, exaggerating a bit?” Padma said carefully.
“She means you’re being more dramatic than Celestina Warbeck and Sarah Bernhardt put together, darling,” Theo said. They were her two most rational friends, Theo a hatstall for Ravenclaw, Padma properly Sorted and also Second Wrangler for her year at Cambridge. It had made sense to come to them and not, say, Harry, who was pants at validation, or Ginny, who only ever wanted salacious details and sulked when Hermione wouldn’t share, or Luna, who might say something daft or something that was as sharply acute as an Unforgivable, with the additional burden of being Unforgettable, and who was also in Svalbard. It had made sense and yet now Hermione was considering she could have just gone to any wine-bar in Soho and gotten sloshed without any incisive commentary.
“Incisive, I like that,” Theo said as Hermione had evidently voiced that bit of her internal monologue aloud.
“I always said she must be a dreadful person and now I’m the dreadful person,” Hermione said. Was there a slight moaning quality to her tone? She had come seeking tea and sympathy. “I should have understood the cards were stacked against her and that she couldn’t fight the patriarchy of the Wizarding world by herself—”
“I’m not discounting the point about the patriarchy, but I don’t think you and Madame Zabini are much alike. Nor are your circumstances,” Padma said.
“She means you haven’t murdered any of your men,” Theo said, peering at Hermione through his glasses. “In case you were too addled to make out what she meant by circumstances. You’re still a Gryffindor, you often need things told to you point-blank. Or at wandpoint, but that seems unnecessary.”
“He’s right,” Padma said. “Though to be unfair, there’s no confirmation about several of Madame Zabini’s husbands’…demises. There was no body recovered for the last one and she’s always spoken fondly about Blaise’s father. She’s allowed to have some bad luck and there have been two wars—”
“Come off it, Padma, the witch is a bloody menace and even Riddle was scared of her. That’s why Blaise didn’t have to get the Dark Mark,” Theo said. “Tom was into Dark magic, but Madame Zabini knows the Old Ways.”
“Fine,” Padma said. “Still, Hermione, it’s not the same.”
“First of all, no one you’ve dated is dead,” Theo pointed out.
“Anthony said I was a life-ruiner,” Hermione replied. 
“As if he had a life worth ruining, the tosser,” Theo said, scoffing. “So full of himself.”
“Ron got cursed at the Final Battle because he was trying to protect me,” Hermione said.
“He’s been getting free rounds of drinks off that injury for the past twenty-odd years,” Padma said. “If he’d listened to anyone, he could have had it repaired at St. Mungo’s that first week instead of relying on a field dressing by a fifth year Hufflepuff. He’s only still got the limp and the scar because he waited and then it was permanent.”
“Bill said that too,” Hermione admitted. 
“And just because Viktor Krum hasn’t been heard of in about nine years, that’s nothing to do with you,” Theo said. “I know you’ll mention that last letter of his, where he wrote about Ioanna and her amber halo, but really, that could mean any number of things. And also, again, not confirmed dead and not at your hand.”
“McLaggen had it coming to him,” Padma said and sniffed. “You were helping out all female-presenting creatures and beings when you hexed him.”
“I don’t feel that bad about him,” Hermione said.
“Good. That’s progress, love,” Theo said. “You’re not still counting Snape, are you?”
“I mean, I let him die, Theo. I was right there—”
“You had a crush on him during sixth year but I don’t see how he counts as one of you men. I think he would rather have died again, more gruesomely, as Nagini kibble, than have a relationship with any student, let alone a Gryffindor like yourself,” Theo said. 
“You couldn’t have saved him,” Padma said more softly. “You were with him when he went, his portrait said as much. He doesn’t bear you any ill-will. Quite the contrary, I think he’s a bit fond of you now, though he’d say this was a bunch of bloody sentimental shite. And probably take one hundred points from Gryffindor and call you a silly cow.”
“Death has not softened him up much, has it?” Theo said. “Good old Snape. Or Bad old Snape. Whichever. That was his thing, double-agent, et cetera, wasn’t it? But he’d never see himself as one of your victims.”
“I appreciate you are both trying to cheer me up,” Hermione said. She took a gulp of the chai, which was at the perfect temperature, because Padma had used the good Charmed china. 
“We are trying to reason with you, brightest witch of our age,” Theo said.
“Neville—” Hermione said, breaking off.
There was a moment of silence, respectful, sincere, thoughtful. Sort of like Neville had turned out to be, besides being the Prophecy’s spare, the slayer of Nagini, champion wearer of Fair Isle jerseys and well-worn cords, strider of moors, Sprout’s successor. Hermione’s former almost-fiancé.
“It never would have worked out,” Padma said.
“I know. I just loved him so much, he was so dear,” Hermione said. “When he proposed, it was like a dream—”
“He fell in a bog and broke both his legs,” Theo said. “Again, Not Dead. Perhaps terminally embarrassed, especially since he lost the ring in the bog and now the bog kassapu won’t give it back and Madame Longbottom is furious—”
“His gran didn’t mind that much,” Hermione said. “But she did say it was a sign. And that because Neville broke his legs in an enchanted bog, it wasn’t something St. Mungo’s could heal up easily and I wasn’t to think twice about refusing the offer. Neville said the same thing.”
“I suppose you could wait for him,” Padma said. “You are a witch. Another couple of decades—”
“We agreed it was for the best, ending it. We’ll stay friends, close friends, but he saw what was happening,” Hermione said. She’d often been told, dismissively by Slytherins, that one could read her face like a book; at the moment, it must be a torrid, fraught romance, albeit one without any ripped bodices or irascible, secretly wounded dukes. 
“It’s not like you and Draco planned to meet at St. Mungo’s,” Theo said. “It’s not like you orchestrated it for him to be on-call when you and Neville arrived and for him to be the one who sat up with you the whole night while the other Healers stabilized Nev. It’s not like you tried to fall in love with each other, former rivals and adversaries who had more in common than they’d admit until they couldn’t any more, wouldn’t—”
“Even though the rest of us could see it coming from a mile away. Years before. Since that first night at the pub,” Padma said. “Harry saw it. George Weasley’s had a bet going since you went to the loo that night, the pot could buy a lovely holiday villa in the Algarve by now. Minerva—”
“You call her Minerva now?” Theo whistled. “I thought that was reserved for the brightest witch here.”
“I advise some of the more gifted Arithmancy students who are beyond Vector’s skills,” Padma said. “Hermione might have done, but she had that Potions torch to carry and then Bill roped her into the side-gig at Gringott’s. Minerva told me she didn’t want to be called Professor by a colleague, certainly not one who made a better pot of tea than she did.”
“She said that?” Hermione exclaimed.
“I made the masala chai. She’s not stupid,” Padma said. “She said she’d wondered about you and Draco since the Yule Ball and that if Dumbledore had simply managed the Voldemort situation better, we could all have spent our Hogwarts years waiting to see if the two of you would get together.”
“Oh my,” Theo said, laughing. Hermione made a face, scrunching up her nose, then shoved back the hair that had come loose from the combs she’d used to pull it back.
“I guess the truth is, I’m afraid,” Hermione said. “I’m thirty-eight years old and I’ve never had a successful romantic relationship, they’ve all been unmitigated failures, well, maybe I get a pass on Neville, but otherwise it’s all been utter shite and I don’t want to mess anything up with Draco. I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to be the Black widow and Walburga has been giving me the evil eye since she heard—”
“There it is,” Padma said.
“You cannot let that blasted portrait bother you,” Theo said. “Draco ought to be able to shut her up, heir to the House and all.”
“You’re not going to mess anything up. At least, you won’t do it by yourself. This is about you and Draco, what’s between you. What you make with how you care about each other,” Padma said. Theo nodded.
“And for the record, Draco has done a superlative job of keeping himself alive in situations that would have killed any lesser being. He survived Riddle as a houseguest. He survived Bellatrix changing his nappies. He survived Lucius finding out you’d beaten him in every class and Harry winning the Tri-Wizard Tournament,” Theo said. “You can’t take him out, darling girl, even if you try.”
“You should talk to him,” Padma said.
“I don’t know, he’ll think I’m being silly or that he has to take care of me,” Hermione said.
“You are being silly and he does have to take care of you,” Theo said. “So, yes, he’ll think that. But I am confident that he will express himself most eloquently on the topic.”
“How care you be so sure?” Hermione asked.
“Because this isn’t the first pot of masala chai I’ve made that one of you hasn’t drunk this week,” Padma said. “You’re the more secure of the two of you though—he went to Harry first.”
“And then to Millie,” Theo added. “She has not become more patient with age. It was a near-fatal error.”
Bonus image of my Madam Zabini fancast:
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A Study in Consequences
Post Battle of Hogwarts only Hermione testifies for Draco. She returns for 8th year at Hogwarts where things aren't smooth.
Years later after completing 2 Masteries, Kingsley calls Hermione and Draco home to work on the problem of the drastically low birthrate and high squib rate.
An 8th year fic, going onto a years later reunion rolled into a marriage law. Eventual Bill x Hermione. Many side-pairings.
M, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 12, words: 32k+, favs: 16, follows: 35, updated: Jul 31 published: Jul 28, [Hermione G., Bill W.] Draco M., Theodore N.
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wildyellowsong · 2 months
actor au w luna where we’re total opposites irl compared 2 our respective characters !! luka ( irl ) is softhearted , gentle , n truthful whilst i’m more rough around the edges n a lot more doubtful than my given character in alnst… ( @alexisomnias :3c )
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The Tales of Rolf and Luna
By @ashesandhackles
Prompts: Snow on the Beach & Snowflake
The Yule Bash continues! First up today, we're being treated to 2 chapters showcasing everyone's favourite free spirit; Luna on her adventures with Rolf (and Charlie!
Read it here:
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
My favourite things abt my ships is that I like making each party asexual, BESt thing ever these bitches are just like me fr fr
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I recently got the most beautiful luxe Luna bunny and I'm so smitten with her!! Her name is Dolly and I've drawn here here for you!!
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The luxe Luna bunny is just sooo wonderful. I personally like her more than the willow, because she's a lot fatter, lol
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realitybitesyouknowit · 6 months
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Tom Riddle, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Minerva McGonagall, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Cornelius Fudge, Luna Lovegood, Dobby (Harry Potter), Kreacher (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: Dragon Harry, Good Severus Snape, Good Draco Malfoy, Good Tom Riddle, Slow Build, Self-Harm, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Chamber of Secrets, Smart Harry, Dark Harry, Horcruxes, light bashing, Creature Fic, Creature Harry, Creature Inheritance, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Pining, Sane Tom Riddle, Parseltongue, Room of Requirement, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Grimmauld Place, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Crack, mild Self-harm Summary:
This summer was the breaking point for Harry Potter. On top of the verbal and physical abuse he went through, he now has to compete in a competition he did not sign up for. Harry's 'friends' have abandoned him, his teachers not believing him and is left to fend for himself. Harry sneaks down to the Chamber of Secrets to release tension and panic in private but ends up discovering Slytherin's Personal Library. Armed with magic, shielded by a Horcrux he discovers inside himself, Harry vows to no longer become victim to manipulation. In doing so, Harry breaks the hold that was on his magic, discovers his creature inheritance and maybe ends up saving the world with his so thought enemy.
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iamfanfan · 9 months
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© Jellycat
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madboiissy · 10 months
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“blair witch”+ Luna Bday Bash collection
featuring my OC Luna and my friends yung asy and callmeLD
Luna Bday was on September 18
blair witch by yung asy on most streaming platforms!
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Another brilliant story by slytherinsal.
Forced to attend Hogwartskaban Harry upsets expectations and makes himself known while making sure everyone gets what they deserve.
"Vernon gets the smarts when accidental magic in response to a bellow breaks the compulsion to be mean to Harry. He is well sore with the magical world which is making a child soldier by grooming Harry, so he decides to turn the weapon back on them by teaching Harry all he needs to survive."
Rated: T, English, Family & Friendship, Words: 39k+, Favs: 4k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Feb 12, 2018 Updated: Mar 24, 2022
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
im not a fan of the prevailing luna "strategy" of feeding all early exp to Robin reclassing them into dark mage and nostank soloing the rest of the game bc
putting all of your resources (exp, boosters, Chrom pairup) into one unit and having them solo the rest of the game is not fun or interesting or challenging
and you can do this with literally any character in awakening because you get that many resources to work with and Chrom's pairup is that good. you can do that with Olivia ffs
nostanking is nowhere near as fun as a proper van/ven setup and if you're building around dark mage that's the obvious better option
Robin just isn't that good lmao
even though I'll freely admit that I like progressing towards a planned diverse endgame team and achieving that efficiently is my favourite part of the fea gameplay loop: Robin's statline is bland! Robin's modifiers are bland! nostank exp funnel isn't just dull and pointless, it actively stops you building better units to let Robin do the things Robin does best which are 3rd gen Morgans and rally spectrum
i understand if people don't want 3rd gen Morgans! that's fine, they are absolutely broken and the ethical implications behind their other parent are unpleasant. but don't abandon rally spectrum. rally spectrum is the best argument for the grandmaster class existing (<- ignis hater) and you have two units who are guaranteed to be able to access it, one of whom is probably going to be your best combat unit in the game. are you really going to waste your Morgan on rally spectrum duty? be serious. that's Robin's job and Robin does it SO WELL
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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Why is he quebecois now
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