#lunchtime battles
imapeanut · 4 months
My mom skimmed through the pages of the 3rd volume of Hooky yesterday.
I am so glad she didn't land on the part where Damien and Will kissed because how are you going to explain that to your mom?
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they-are-so-gender · 1 year
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itsreaditandwow2 · 11 months
Ian Hecox
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detectivereads · 1 year
Graphic Novels/Comics
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YAY! I love these Graphic Novel series so much and I can't wait to collect more of them :D
D&D Graphic Novels:
The Adventure Zone Here There be Gerblins
The Adventure Zone Murder on the Rockport Limited!
The Adventure Zone Petals to the Metal
The House of Lost Horizons
Batman Wayne Family Adventures:
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 1
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 2
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 3
Batman Wayne Family Adventure vol 4
Detective Comics (not DC Comics):
Hobtown Mystery Stories :
Hobtown Mystery Stories The Case of The Missing Men
Cozy autumn:
Garlic and the Vampire
Garlic and the Witch
Cute Fantasy:
Unfamiliar by Haley Newsome
Unfamiliar Vol 2 by Haley Newsome
Space Battle Lunchtime vol 1 & 2
WizKit An Adventure Overdue
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Oni Press Space Battle Lunchtime #8 Finale Review (Digital)
And Peony Never Made It Home… And This Is The Happy Ending! Take That OG Quantum Leap!So it’s the end. How does it go? Surprisingly well. Apparently you can have a happy ending without the protagonist winning. Neptunia gives Peony a pep talk before she heard out to the finale. Which is? Both her and Melon are sent to a zero g sphere. There they are to cook in zero g. With all the difficulties…
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coelakanths · 2 years
go back i want to be pirate
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theemporium · 10 months
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[2.4k] when pictures from a past relationship come to light, the whole world decide to weigh in what they think. but it's your boyfriend who is right by your side, knowing who you are and who he loves. it's you and him against a world of scrutiny, hate and jealousy.
based of this request!
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You were honestly surprised you hadn’t chucked up the contents of your stomach in the toilet yet, though you suspected you were close to doing so soon. 
It was meant to be a normal day. It had started off as a normal day. By some grace of a superior being above, you had the Monday off and you had spent most of the morning just lazing around the flat. You tidied, you sorted out a food shop, you did the laundry you had been holding off on for the weekend. You sorted the place out a little in preparation for Lando coming home. 
You hadn’t been able to fly out and join him due to some projects you were working on for university. You decided it would be easier to stay home to finish them off, and Lando respected it even if he pouted incessantly before he left in hopes you would change your mind. 
He had messaged you that his flight would be landing later that afternoon, so when lunchtime came and you were fighting back a yawn, you saw no harm in a nap. You had been curled up on the couch in one of his hoodies and a thick blanket over your body, slowly blinking as you tried to focus on the documentary playing on the tv but it was a losing battle.
You didn’t even know what time it was when you woke up. All you knew was that you could hear your phone buzzing and pinging and it was hard to enjoy the warm comfort of sleep when you could have sworn the whole building could hear your phone. You blindly reached for it, your vision still bleary when you peaked them open and saw more notifications than you ever had in your life. 
Your heart stopped when you saw the notifications spread across all your social media platforms. 
But it dropped to your stomach when you saw the reason behind your trending name. 
It was a series of misconceptions, twisted lies and bitter words that were overwhelming your phone screen. Every tweet was worse than the last, every insult stung a little more, every stranger thinking they had a place to say or assume anything about you absolutely fucking sucked. 
And you get it. You were dating someone in the spotlight, it was stupid to assume you could stay in the shadows. You could handle being photographed in the paddock. You could handle fans wanting to follow you on social media. You could handle people tagging you in cute edits and wholesome posts. You could even handle the offhand hate you knew most people only posted due to jealousy. 
But this? This was something else. 
The words were blurred and intertwined between photos that you recognised, photos that were indeed yours. They were photos from mere months before you met Lando, making them recent in the eyes of the public. They were photos that shouldn’t be posted for someone who’s happily in a relationship. 
Your vision welled with tears, your breathing became erratic and every part of you knew you should’ve just thrown your phone across the room, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You couldn’t bring yourself to stop reading all the comments. You couldn’t bring yourself to stop putting yourself through that pain. 
You felt like your whole life was being thrown in your face.
Suddenly, all your female friendships and interactions were being analysed and scrutinised. They were pulling up pictures with friends from over the years, pointing out the ‘obvious’ signs that they should have noticed before. They were pulling up comments you had left on friends’ posts, claiming that you were blindly unfaithful to Lando for everyone to see.
Suddenly, your integrity to your relationship with Lando was being questioned. They didn’t see you as a fit match for the Brit. You didn’t fit the mould of a perfect WAG. You were an anomaly, you couldn’t be trusted, you weren’t good enough for him. 
Suddenly, every piece of your life was being torn up, criticised under a microscope and judged for the whole world to voice their opinions on.
Suddenly, you weren’t a human anymore. You were just an object for them to throw their insults, judgements and abuse at. They didn’t care for an explanation or a response or a story, they had made their minds and they seemed inclined to push that narrative to anybody who would listen. And that narrative only seemed to be solidified by the fact you had missed the most recent race weekend.
Everything blurred into a mess. 
You didn’t know at what point you slid off the couch and curled up on the floor, or when the sun started to set outside. You didn’t know when your thumb started to cramp from scrolling, or when the strain behind your eyes started to become more stabbing and irritating. You didn’t know what time it was, or even acknowledge the sound of the door lock turning.
It was like a distant sound, like your head was underwater.
And a part of you wanted to say something, to open your mouth but you couldn’t even bring yourself to utter a word.
And then, like the fogginess had been lifted away, he was kneeling in front of you. He was in front of you, his expression hinting confusion and his brows furrowing in concern and his touch was so soft and gentle as he reached out towards you.
“I–” A choked noise left your lips, like the words got stuck in your throat and muddled together. But it was enough for Lando to wrap his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. And as much as your mind reeled at the idea, your body sunk into his embrace.
“Hey, hey, shhhh,” he cooed in a gentle voice as his arms tightened around her even more. “It’s okay. Take your time. There’s no rush.”
And it felt twisted, in a weird sick way. Here he was, comforting you and holding you and reassuring you. Here he was doing to you what you should be doing to him as you reassure him everything wasn’t what it seemed, that they don’t have the facts—that nobody believed the truth, that you would never cheat on him in a million years.
“It—” You took in a gasping breath, your lungs burning for some fresh air. “It—It’s not….it’s not true. I-I promise. Lando—”
He pulled back, the crease between his brows deepening slightly as he looked even more discombobulated than he did moments ago. “What? Baby, what are you on about?”
You froze, your body tensed in his arms as a wave of discomfort washed over you when you realised he had no idea. He hadn’t seen the pictures. He hadn’t seen the comments. He had no idea, and somehow, that made it even worse.
Scenes flashed before your eyes of him looking through them, of him seeing them for the first time. An image played in your head of his gentle comfort quickly turning into bitter anger. You imagined him pulling away, scoffing, tearing up. You imagined him believing them instead of hearing you out.
You imagined him saying the same bullshit the rest of the world was saying.
And deep down, you knew he never would. That’s not who he was, that’s not your Lando. But for a split second where fear clouded your judgement and your stomach twisted in discomfort, you imagined that maybe your boy was capable of the same hatred that tainted the world. 
“Baby?” You heard his voice gently calling out, dragging you back into the moment as coldness seeped into your body. The concern was back again, overwhelming and engulfing and something quite like guilt bubbled inside you about the whole thing for reasons you were unsure of. 
“I was in a relationship before I met you!”
The words were blurted out, a few beats of silence passing between you before Lando even seemed to react to the outburst. He nodded, his hands still holding onto you like he was keeping you together.
“Yeah,” he murmured, nodding his head. “I know, babe. I was in a relationship before I met you too.”
“No, I—” You shook your head, letting out a shaky breath. “A few months before we met, I…was seeing someone.” 
“Okay…baby, I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t know where this is going or what this has to do with why you’re upset,” Lando admitted, something in his chest aching at the sight of your puffy, red eyes.
“Because,” you took a moment to pause, to bask in the few moments before you felt like your life was truly about to hit the fan. “Because she was a girl. I…I was with a girl before I met you. Well, she isn’t the only one I have dated, but she was the most recent one and some pictures got leaked and the world seems to think I just used you and—”
“Deep breaths, babe, deep breaths,” he said in a soft but commanding voice, watching the way your chest heaved with the staggered breaths. “Just like that f’me.”
“Lando,” you whispered, your whole body practically shaking from the overwhelming emotions inside you whilst he remained completely calm. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, and this time it was your turn to be confused. 
“What?” You blinked a few times. “Why are you apologising?”
“Because being with me puts you in a spotlight you didn’t ask for. It makes people think they have some right to snoop around in your life and voice their opinions on it,” he confessed as his hands stroked down your arms before taking both your hands in his. “I’m sorry I have put you in that position. And I’m sorry they don’t value your privacy, I can understand how upsetting that is when you never asked for this kind of attention.” 
Yet, you cut yourself off for a short moment. His words weren’t completely false. It was a big change in your life from going as a nobody to a somebody for such a large group of people. It was weird having aspects of your life picked apart. It was weird that people felt they were so entitled to parts of your life. But out of everything you said, the fact he was holding onto that alone made you almost feel like you were going insane.
“And you’re…I just…” You shook your head, looking down at your joined hands where Lando’s thumbs were tracing random circles on your palms. “And me being with a woman is okay?”
Lando frowned a little. “Why wouldn’t it be?” 
And it was such a simple question. 
Because he was right. Why should it be such a problem? Why shouldn’t it be okay? Why should you having previously been with a woman be such a scandal or detail to latch onto?
And maybe it was the years of feeling like you needed to hide who you truly were. Or maybe it was the shifts in behaviour whenever you did open up about your sexuality to someone. Or maybe it was all the times it was held over your head that made you feel like you had to keep it a secret, that you had to hide the truth, that you had to make sure the least amount of people in the world knew that you were attracted to men and women because of the countless people who made you feel utterly shit in every being secure in that fact alone. 
Maybe it was the realisation that there were people out there—people like your Lando—who would accept you without any questions asked because whilst your sexuality is a part of you, it’s not your whole identity.
“I don’t know,” you breathed out, a shake in your voice as the overwhelming urge to cry once again washed over you. “People just said—”
In seconds, Lando pulled his hands away from your grip and raised them to hold your face, the touch gentle but comforting as his thumb swiped away the few stray tears that ran down your cheeks. He gave you a soft smile, and something about it seemed to ease some of the tightness in your chest. 
“People are gonna say a lot of things, that is an unfortunate reality I have come to learn over the years. But, the only people’s opinions who should matter to you are those of the people you love and the ones who know you,” he spoke, everything about his presence so soothing in contrast to how you were before he arrived. “I know you, baby. And I know what kind of person you are and how amazing you are. And I know that people can say what they fucking want about you, but I know the truth.”
You let out a small, breathless laugh.
“I’m sorry they made you feel like something was wrong with you,” he continued, a small frown on his face as he uttered the words. “Baby, it’s a part of who you are. And I love every part of you. And if you like men and women, then so be it. I am just grateful that I am one of the people you have decided to love,” he confessed to you, something like a cheesy grin on his face when he said it. “I am one of the luckiest fucking guys about because of it.”
“I love you,” you murmured, your eyes falling shut as he rested his forehead against yours, 
“I love you too, baby,” he murmured back, his nose brushing against your affectionately until he saw your lips twitch upwards. And just when the silence had passed for a few moments, he spoke up again. “Plus, I haven’t seen the photos but I am pretty confident in saying that I am probably way hotter than your ex—”
You snorted, the noise loud and unbashful but it made your boyfriend grin at you as you tried to stop yourself from grinning.
“You’re impossible,” you grumbled, laughing as you shook your head.
“Yeah, but I’m right,” he replied with a cheeky smile, so boyish and so Lando.
“You’re much hotter,” you reassured him, even if you rolled your eyes a bit.
“Knew it,” Lando grinned as he leaned down to kiss you, finally happy to give in to the one thing he had been craving to do since he left over a week ago, with social media and the world a distant thought in both of your heads for the time being. 
Lando knew you and loved you, and that was all that mattered.
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ohnococo · 9 months
Pining Hiromi Higuruma HCs
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(Hiromi Higuruma, pining away for you, his coworker. Except he's kind of a pervert about it.)
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Hiromi Higuruma who always listens to your professional opinion, and makes sure to credit you to coworkers and higher ups.
Hiromi Higuruma who becomes your lunchtime venting buddy early on. Sometimes you’ll catch each other's eyes and he’ll give you that look that lets you know he has some shit he needs to say RIGHT now so it’s time to take a break.
Hiromi Higuruma who is happy to help you out off the clock because at least you give him something to look forward to during his stressful days. He really does want to support you in your career growth (among other things).
Hiromi Higuruma who takes turns with you buying each other lunch, then dinner when you have to order takeout for overtime. He knows your go-to order from every place that delivers to your office.
Hiromi Higuruma who looks ten times more stressed when you get back from any time off. His jokes get increasingly more serious about how you “can’t just leave me on my own like that” even when you aren’t working on the same things so your presence makes no difference. Except it does. To him. He feels like his head is going to explode from dealing with work all day without those little moments of relief from being around you.
Hiromi Higuruma who glares at anyone making jokes about him being your “work husband” because it’s unprofessional and “two people can just get along without there being something to it.”
Hiromi Higuruma who knows there absolutely is something to it because he’s so, so bad at not thinking indecent things about you all day long. He doesn’t even know if you’re flirting with him or if it's all in his head. What he does know is he can't bring himself to show restraint over how much time he spends with you in the office.
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Hiromi Higuruma who, when you eventually bring up adding him on social media, takes weeks to add you back because he knows he can’t be trusted with access to a collection of pictures of you. He was already battling guilt over jerking off to the picture of you on your LinkedIn. It was so posed and styled that it barely looked like your day to day self but it was all he had outside of his imagination for months.
Hiromi Higuruma who feels like a disgusting fucking pervert when he makes a whole folder of saved pics that make his dick twitch after clicking through every single picture. Innocuous things like a photo of you sitting down, looking up at whoever was taking it with a twinkle in your eye - ammo enough for him to picture you looking like that on your knees in front of him. God help him if he finds a picture of you in a swimsuit, or anything more revealing than your work attire. He knows it's scumbag behaviour, and he knows it's risky having them on his phone because he'd look like a crazy person if someone ever saw him with a hidden collection of seemingly innocent pictures of you, but after months and months of pining he sometimes finds he has to lock himself in the bathrooms at work to stroke his cock looking at them. Especially if you've shown up wearing those heels.
Hiromi Higuruma who so helpfully accepts your request to house sit for you when you’re going to be gone for a week. All he needs to do is pop in to water some plants, maybe feed a cat or some fish, just generally check everything was in order. He knows from the second you leave your key with him that he will be an absolute freak about it too. The first time he goes over he finds himself looking in your dirty clothes hamper, heartbroken to find it empty. He doesn’t even finish the actual job he’d come there to do because he feels that fucking guilty for being a creep.
Hiromi Higuruma who, a day later, comes back, waters your plants, and settles for stealing a pair of clean panties to spend the rest of the week jerking off into. He’ll return them washed, right back where he’d found them, the day before you come home. And he'll miss them just as much as he hates himself for doing any of it in the first place.
Hiromi Higuruma who makes you second guess if he really liked you as much as you thought when he starts asking when you’re going on vacation next. It’s not that he doesn’t miss you while you’re gone… it’s that he can’t stop kicking himself for not rifling through your drawers to see what sex toys you use on yourself. 
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Dating Co-Worker Hiromi Higuruma HCs
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satorisoup · 7 months
ᰔ A KISS FOR A KISS ft. kenma kozume
ʚ CW : first kisses. sfw.
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ʚ hq valentine’s series mlist ಇ
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it’s valentine’s day, a holiday for the celebration of love, and today your boyfriend only had one thing in mind.
he was going to kiss you.
it has been almost 8 months since you and kenma kozume had become official, and you still have yet to get to first base. kenma curses himself for the awkward timid personality he was given since birth, as it really would not come in handy when it came to the physical part of a relationship.
kenma never would have thought he would be the one wanting to initiate a kiss with you, but at this point, he really couldn’t help it. every time your hands would come to stroke his hair with that sweet, small smile on your face, or the hugs you would envelope him in whenever you had him in your sight, even the nervous blush on your cheeks when you would lace your fingers with his, all of it had him in a battle with his own desires, to just lean in and leave a little peck on the soft lips that adorned your lovely face. but no, it never seemed like the right time, or the right place, it just didn’t feel in character for him to do that out of the blue.
today, this changes. february 14th, kenma was going to kiss you before the sun set to bring another day. and he swore, he would die before he allowed himself to wimp out again. there’s no room for shyness.
the first half of school had rolled around, and kenma had surprisingly held your hand in the halls, which was more-so unlike him given how usually uncomfortable he is with pda. you shook it off though, given it was an important holiday for you two, and perhaps he just wanted to make it all the more special, to which you were extremely grateful.
no, this wouldn’t be the time to kiss you. it was too early in the day. he should wait until it’s less crowded and he’s more prepared.
kenma waved at you when you had walked into your class, a soft mumble of “see you at lunch.” you smile and hold a thumbs up before you make your way to your seat, kenma walking off to his own classroom.
eventually lunchtime had come, and you both sat in a nice corner of the courtyard, pretty pink lunchbox with yummy foods sprawled out in front of you. you gingerly chewed on the small heart shaped sandwiches you had packed, and kenma ate along with you, hardly audible hums in appreciation while munched on one himself.
“do you like it, kenma? the heart cutters made them so much cuter!”
he nodded his head while he shortly answered, “yeah, they’re good.”.
well, he couldn’t kiss you now. you were both eating lunch, and that would be kind of gross for you to get the taste of mayonnaise after a kiss.
kenma’s procrastination eventually led to the school day ending, and he wants to punch himself in the gut for not taking the opportunities he had, wussing out for who knows how many times. you meet up with kenma by the school gates, voice cheery as you tell him how excited you were to spend time with him. you’re smiling, and kenma has the slightest hint of pink on the tips of his ears as he listens to you talk. though, he isn’t particularly paying attention to what your saying, but rather staring at your lips as if they’re holding the universe themselves.
there’s a brisk, cold breeze but the sun is shining like no other today. the walk along the path to kenma’s home is lit with golden yellow hues that beat down from the sky as the sun begins to slowly decend from the horizon. beams of light frame your face, voice blurred from his pure focus and kenma thinks that he might be living in a movie while he watches you, then your lips, you, and your lips again.
would now be a good time? there’s no one around. would you say yes? maybe you would run away. what if you got freaked out? how should he say it? should he just go all in and skip the romantics? no, it needs to be special. maybe he should wait-
no. he’s put this off for far too long. 8 months too long. and as his teammates would say, no matter how much he despised the word in its entirety, he needed to use some guts.
kenma starts to gather every ounce of backbone he possibly could have in his body, he had to do it now and there was no wimping out this time. he had a mission, and he was determined to actually accomplish it. he’s prepared enough, he thinks, when he turns to you to speak up for once in his quiet life.
“can i-“
“kenma, would you like some candy?”
he was hushed before he could get a full syllable out, putting a pause on his impulses to bob his head yes.
kenma observes you while you’re rummaging through your schoolbag, reaching in to a small pocket before pulling out a piece of hershey’s cherry kiss chocolate. your hand stretches out towards his opened one, and before you drop it into his awaiting palm, you pull back.
“well, you can have this candy, but on one condition… im offering you a trade!” you announce.
“uh… what is it?” kenma asks you, voice low and tone a hint of confusion.
your hand unravels once again to reveal the small chocolate kiss in the crevices of your hand, making a show of the small treat.
“a kiss…” you pause, and kenma can feel the anticipation build up within him while he waits for you to finish your offer.
“for a kiss.” you point at your lips with your index finger.
kenma can feel his insides combust into a million pieces, his calm, collected demeanor is slightly faltered with the way his eyes widen, dumbfounded while his heart beat quickens to a rapid pace.
he looks at you in silence, admiring the red blush on your face that’s so obvious, you could camouflage with a garden of tomatoes. you’re nervous, and even so, you’re smiling at him with that same precious grin, and the same pretty, pink lips that have practically screaming “kiss me!” in his ears all day.
before you’re able to register kenma’s compliance to your trade, he’s unable to keep himself back anymore. his hand awkwardly grabs hold of your wrist, candy dropped to the floor when he collides his lips with yours. they’re soft and cherried in flavor, he deems, reveling in the feeling he’s been waiting to experience for what seems like forever. he holds the small kiss for a few seconds, before he’s slowly pulling away. gone were the previous cowardly attempts and failed opportunities, because kenma finally finds the guts this time to ask,
“can i have another?”
and kenma knows, kuroo was never going to let him live this down.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
For a blurb can you like combine these two: "you’re so warm.” And. “okay, mom.”, but like instead of like warm when they’re cuddling, y/ns sick and stuff, trying to act like shes not
Ohh to be cared for by Lewis, the dream ❤️
“You’re so warm” and “okay, mom”
Y/N shuffled out of the bedroom, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, her sniffles echoing through the silent house.Outside the window, the sun lazily peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink.
It was finally the day they were leaving for their long-awaited vacation. A trip they'd planned and rescheduled at least twice now.
Except, Y/N wasn't feeling like conquering paradise. She felt more like conquering a mountain of tissues and the tallest drawer to reach for the cough syrup.
Still, there was no way she was letting a cold ruin their plans. Not again. Not after all the anticipation.
Lewis emerged from the bedroom, his hair tousled and eyes still heavy with sleep. He stopped short at the sight of Y/N, a frown creasing his forehead.
"What are you doing up, love?" he asked, his voice husky.
Y/N, attempting a cheerful smile despite her ever running nose, rasped " Packing, you know, sunscreen, swimsuits…a lifetime supply of tissues."
Lewis ran a hand over her forehead, his cold touch chilling her to the bones. "You're so warm," he said, a frown appearing.
Y/N swatted his hand away playfully. "Non-sense, it’s just a stuffed nose."
He raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Y/N, come on. Let's just get you back to bed. We can worry about packing later."
"No!" Y/N declared; her voice surprisingly firm for someone who sounded like a malfunctioning foghorn. "I’m not gonna be sick"
Lewis sighed, his concern battling with amusement at her stubbornness. "You know that’s not how it works, babe."
Y/N stuck out her tongue, a playful glint in her eyes despite the fatigue that could be seen in her eyes. "I’m still perfectly capable of packing a suitcase with a cold."
Lewis couldn't help but chuckle, a hint of exasperation softening at the edges. He knew better than to argue with her once she set her mind on something. But he also wasn't about to let her drag herself further into sickness.
"Alright" he conceded, pulling her gently towards the bedroom. "Let's make a deal then, you go and lie down until lunchtime, and if you're still feeling terrible, we'll reschedule. But if you feel even slightly better, we power through."
Y/N considered the offer for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Okay, mom!” she said dramatically heading to the bedroom “But on one condition – I need cuddles."
Lewis grinned. "Done" he said promptly, helping guide her back into bed. "Now, get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up"
Y/N snuggled deeper into his chest, pulling the comforter around her, a small smile playing on her lips. Maybe a little cold wasn't so bad after all, especially when it meant Lewis taking care of her.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 month
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Grabbed the latest issue of Sho-Comi because Mahou Shoujo Dandelion has been making waves on Twitter in advance of its release and I had to see how it actually turned out.
Mizuho Kaeru seemed a tad overwhelmed on socials about just how much anticipation the series was receiving based on concept and characters alone, but Mizuho should honestly be proud of how well they've lined up trending tropes in Dandelion.
You've got the nasty-cute monster dude (Shade) who would do anything for his bright ray of sunshine (Tanpopo). Throw in the nostalgic magical girl element and it's not hard to see why both Japanese and English-speaking fans have been anticipating this first chapter. So, does it live up to the hype?
I'd veture that yes, Dandelion is worthy of the excitement that has been building around it. It was good as a lunchtime read on my phone and while I'll probably have to re-read it to get everything I want from it, my initial impression is a positive one.
I'm not a fan of grumpy/sunshine type stuff but Tanpopo's strengths as a character really helped me enjoy what was on offer here. You can see why the Special Magic Warrior Management Organisation was interested in her, she's got a good heart and she's got gumption, even if Shade is the one who continually helps break her fall.
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The complication here is of course that Shade, while obliging of Tanpopo in his own way, is also monstrous. He plays into this when he wants to, menacing Tanpopo herself at one point because he's A VILLAIN OK?? (Sure buddy.) With Tanpopo becoming Dandelion, how will their dynamic change? Can this uneasy relationship develop further when our leads are technically on opposite sides of a battle with life-altering stakes, despite a potential unspoken desire to present a united front?
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What I like about Mizuho's approach in this first chapter is that the world these characters live in is already tinted with grey and what should be a black & white / good vs. evil situation is far more complex than this right out of the gate. The "monster of the week" that shows up here is grotesque and violent, hardly the sanitised version you'd see in childhood cartoons. However, the magic warrior org is quite willing to lop heads (literally) when they have to, showing that they are not all sparkles and rainbows either. Tanpopo and Shade are very much walking into unknown territory here and I'm interested to see how Mizuho handles things in chapter two.
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I just have to add that I absolutely loved this moment where Dandelion, newly transformed, performs her first magical action -- restoring the umbrella she'd used defensively as Tanpopo. So much about her character expressed in this simple yet powerful action. LOVED ITTTTTT.
If the hype remains then I can see this one turning out to be a solid little series. There's definite potential here in both the characters and scenario. I highly recommend grabbing the magazine issue and supporting any other official releases that become available if you can. Mizuho is also happy for people to produce fan art, so maybe draw pic or share a tweet/post/etc. about it if you don't have the money to invest and help keep that hype train moving this way instead!
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delulujuls · 11 months
crumbs | op81, ln4
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hi! i hope you don't mind that i am serving another landoscar you can probably already tell how many comfort i am finding in the papayas
anyway please enjoy and feel free to send requests if you have any!
summary: y/n gained a little bit of weight and didn't get well with that
warnings: problems with eating, body dysmorphia
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!mclarendriver x lando norris
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"I would eat pizza"
Y/N wrinkled her nose, hearing Lando's suggestion to her left.
"Pizza? You can afford more than that" she replied, eyes glued to the screen while browsing restaurant offers on her phone.
"Pizza is always a good option" he added, shrugging and looking at Oscar for support.
Piastri let out a sight and streched his legs.
"Pizza is a safe choice, I must admit"
"Seriously? You too?"
The girl looked up from her phone and glanced at the aussie sitting to her right.
The three friends were sitting outside the medics' room, waiting for their routine check-ups before the race. It was lunchtime and they were intensively pondering what to eat.
"I would love some Mexican, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea" Oscar said after a few minutes of thinking.
"It's a shitty idea if you ask me" Lando laughed at his own excellent joke and continued until he entered the room for tests, leaving his friends alone.
"I would go for sushi, but I know this big baby won't let me eat fish in his presence" Y/N said, referring to Lando's picky choices.
"How about a burger?"
Oscar asked, glancing at her phone and pointing to a restaurant. She handed her phone to him and they both started looking at the menu.
"It looks decent enough"
After Lando came out it was time for Oscar and then it was Y/N turn. She had her blood pressure, sugar, and blood test taken. Finally, it was time for her weight check. Without thinking too much she took off her shoes and stepped on the scale, straightening up and looking ahead.
"Are you before your period?"
The girl blinked a few times, somewhat taken aback by the unexpected question, but she shook her head.
"Two weeks ago before the race you were four kilos lighter"
She looked down at her body and was surprised by the number on the scale. At the nurse's request she repeated the measurement, but it remained the same.
"Is there a chance that it's a weight scale error?" Y/N asked as she put on her shoes.
The nurse shook her head and wrote down the results.
"Lando and Oscar's weights are the same as during the last measurements, so i guess it's not about the scale"
The girl felt embarrassed. Did that mean she had actually gained weight?
"Do you stick to your diet and training?"
"Yes, I'm trying as best as I can" she quickly nodded, but the woman still looked dissatisfied.
"I'll inform your coach and dietitian, but you need to have more self-discipline."
Y/N nodded and lowered her gaze, feeling bad about herself. When she left the examination room, she noticed Lando and Oscar were still discussing where to eat that day.
"We thought burgers would be a good idea, but we changed the place, let us know if it suits you."
Oscar said, handing her the phone. She took it, but her appetite had completely left her, along with her good mood.
"I don't feel great after the blood test, so I'll pass on lunch today."
"We can eat later when you feel better" Lando suggested, glancing at her. Oscar agreed, nodding.
"No, you can go on your own."
"Then pick something for yourself, we'll get it for you to go."
Y/N handed back the phone and shook her head.
"No, there's no need. I need to rest for a while and I'll eat something later."
Her friends insisted for a while, but she remained adamant. When they lost the verbal battle with her, they both left the hotel together and she returned to her room. She immediately went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. She carefully observed herself from every angle, raising and lowering her shirt, sucking in and relaxing her stomach. She didn't think anything had changed in her appearance, but the longer she looked at her reflection, the less she was liking what she was seeing. She slipped her finger under her waistband, trying to remember if her pants had been looser at some point. She leaned closer to the mirror, examining her face. Were her cheeks perhaps less round?
The girl shook her head, left the bathroom and sat on the bed. So yes, it is a fact. She had gained weight, which didn't bode well, especially for her performance. Not wanting to succumb to negative emotions, she got up and changed quickly, wanting to start her training for the day earlier. She headed to the hotel gym, spending two hours doing cardio exercises which killed any appetite she had left and certainly any craving for food.
"I thought I was the only one who came here with such a big head start" her trainer joked, putting his bag with her training equipment on the floor. Seeing her sweaty and flushed from exertion, he furrowed his brow.
"How long have you been here?"
"Not long, just warming up. We can start, im ready"
She replied, pretending not to have any trouble catching her breath. She wiped her face with a towel and took a sip of water. In reality, she had had enough.
After another two hours of intense exercise, Y/N had had even more than enough. If that was possible at all.
And that was how her days started to passing away, quickly turning into weeks. She spent more time on training than necessary, completely avoiding recovery time. She also avoided going out with Lando and Oscar, knowing it was better to avoid them than to come up with excuses for not ordering anything to eat and only drinking water with ice. But there were moments like this, when avoiding them was impossible.
After the pre-race conference, there was a big dinner from which Y/N couldn't escape. Everyone was milling around big swedish tables with their plates in hand, but she sat on the side, clutching a bottle of water. Suddenly, a plate of freshly prepared lasagna appeared in front of her. A few pieces of broccoli and a small portion of greek salad, her favorite, lay next to it. Lando and Oscar sat down in front of her, their plates also filled with delicious food. There was no way out of this, but she couldn't let herself be defeated.
"I took you some yummies, don't be grateful too much" Lando said and sat down, starting to eat. She forced a smile and held her fork, pushing the food around her plate. She took a knife in her other hand, starting to cut a piece into smaller portions while maintaining an active conversation with her friends. Her utensil movements were dynamic, she speared the food, waved it near her mouth. However, no piece eventually made it onto her tongue and not a single calorie disrupted her balance. Another great success.
Both Oscar and Lando easily sensed the change in her behavior. They had noticed it a while ago when she began to avoid them like the plague and when she was with them, she wasn't the person they used to know.
"We see what you're doing and you better stop that or at least tell us what's going on" Lando said firmly, setting aside his utensils. She looked at them, pretending to be surprised.
"You know what I'm talking about"
"I have no idea" she replied immedietaly.
"You haven't eaten anything even though your plate is full of your favs" Oscar pointed out.
"I just don't have an appetite, I ate earlier"
"You haven't eaten earlier, Y/N"
Oscar shook his head, looking at her with concern.
"You have no idea what I was doing earlier.
The girl said, shaking her head in irritation. What did it matter to them whether she ate or not? They had probably noticed she gained weight so they knew her results would be poor, which meant she would be worse than them. She wouldn't be worse than anyone.
"It's just that we don't know because you cut yourself off from us without a word"
"I didn't cut myself off from anyone"
"You stopped spending time with us, you don't talk to anyone and it's almost impossible to reach you so how you will call it other than cutting yourself off?"
Y/N snorted, shaking her head.
"This is absurd"
"We're just worried, that's all"
Lando said, not angry but genuinely concerned. And even if he was angry, it was only with himself for not knowing what was happening with his friend.
"No one has to worry about me"
She cut him off and stood up. She had no intention of listening to this nonsense but when she got up abruptly, her head spun and she staggered uncontrollably. Oscar caught her just in time and he exchanged a meaningful glance with Lando. They held the girl tightly and the three of them left the dinner.
Once they were outside, the cold night air somewhat cooled Y/N's unwarranted anger. Lando and Oscar were her friends, not enemies and none of them had ever made her feel like they had ill intentions.
"I feel weak" she finally admitted, squinting her eyes. After a moment, she felt something warm tickling her lips. Lando cursed when he saw a trickle of blood from her nose. He began frantically searching his pockets, but Oscar was faster and pressed a tissue to her nose.
"It's okay, just breathe"
Piastri said calmly, sitting her down on a bench. He laid her down, gently placing her head on his lap, telling Lando to lift her legs. He did what he was told, but he felt like he could faint at any moment himself.
The three of them sat in silence and Oscar and Lando from time to time were exchanging worried glances. They didn't want to press on Y/N too much. They knew her nature and that she had to open up to them on her own.
"I lied" the girl said quietly after few minutes of silence, so quietly that Oscar and Lando thought it was just the whistle of the wind.
"I didn't eat anything today. Yesterday, too and the day before either"
"You haven't eaten anything for three days?" Lando asked, looking at her with concern. She weakly nodded.
"I gained weight"
"Who told you that you gained weight?"
Lando asked, frowning his brows. He was ready to throw hands with anyone who let his friend down.
"It came out during the check. I gained weight, which shouldn't have happened"
"And that's why you stopped eating? Completely?"
"I shouldn't eat"
She admitted, still pressing the tissue against her nose. She felt her eyes filling with tears. She hated being weak, but that was exactly what she was in that moment. Just weak.
"You should eat, you need to eat," Oscar said, wiping away the tears that escaped her eyelids "Everyone needs to eat"
"Not me"
"Everyone deserves to enjoy delicious food, especially you"
"It would be better for me if there was no food in the world"
"You're being silly" Piastri said, gently caressing her cheek. She opened her eyelids and immediately met a pair of big brown eyes, looking at her calmly.
"We'll take you to your room, you'll rest. One of us will bring you something good to eat and you can have it in peace without any weird glances. Okay?"
She nodded weakly, not being able to continue this fight. Shortly after that all three of them were in her bedroom. They sat on the bed, each of them having a paper plate with something to eat. Oscar and Lando were already quite full, but they wanted to show their support to their friend, so each of them took a large piece of cake.
Y/N looked hesitantly at her meal, her nervous gaze shifting between her friends.
"This is safe food, good ingredients. Your stomach will thank you for it" Lando assured her, smiling encouragingly.
She nodded and slowly started eating. Lando and Oscar joined her, and they ate in silence. No unnecessary comments, no lectures. Just the comfort offered by friends. And nothing tasted better than that.
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mattslolita · 6 months
psycho killer - c. sturniolo ( 004. )
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in which ... a killer is terrorizing the town of boston and charmaine soon realizes she's the final girl in his twisted game.
ghostface!chris x black!fem oc
warnings ; blood , gore , death , eventual smut , angst , ghostface!chris , final girl! oc
"𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆, 𝒊'𝒎 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒓𝒆!"
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
the entirety of charmaine's morning was spent with her trying to battle against numerous students who thought it was a good idea to give her dirty or pitiful looks throughout her morning classes — she shared her second period with madison, and both girls had to excuse themselves to the bathroom, as madison was on the verge of breaking down.
all charmaine felt was numbness — the only time her mother even called or texted her was to tell her that she wouldn't be home until late in the evening. it was almost as if she didn't care that her daughter was almost brutally murdered ( never mind the fact that one of her best friends was... ). and no calls from her dad, of course — charmaine didn't even know any of his contact information even if she was to try and look for it. besides, how would she even talk to him under these circumstances. hi dad, i'm calling you because i almost got murdered, what've you been doing all these years?
the evans girl felt like she lost a part of her that night. 
it was lunchtime thankfully, and charmaine and her friends were scattered about on the fountain, mindlessly conversating about random things — matt was sat next to madison and nick was on the other side of them, whilst alahna sat next to nick and charmaine sat in between her and chris. madison was leaning on nick's shoulder, whilst matt had a bag of grapes, passing it around to everyone.
alahna was in charmaine's lap basically, as the evans girl stroked her hair affectionately. charmaine's love language with alahna had always been physical touch, so this was something quite normal to see between the pair. chris sat with one leg propped up behind charmaine, whilst the other swung idly and his hands stayed on either side of him to prop him up.
"hunt?" madison asked, scrunching her eyebrows together and looking at matt, "why'd they ask you if you like to hunt?"
"dunno, they just did," matt shrugged.
"it's cause morgan's body was gutted," nick spoke up with a deadpan expression, causing charmaine to wince, and chris to let out a breath behind her.
"nick!" alahna warned, slapping his leg causing him to glare at her, "not tryna have any type of sensibility, right?"
nick rolled his eyes, and charmaine blinked at him, surprised — she was well aware he didn't favor morgan too much ( none of them really did, they only dealt with her because of chris ), but she didn't expect him to be so insensitive. you know, since his brother dated her. 
charmaine wouldn't ever admit this out loud, though; he understood why nick wasn't as sensible about it, being that everyone except chris knew how much she constantly cheated on the boy — and they all called matt the loverboy, when chris was clearly so blind that he couldn't even see what morgan was doing — never mind the fact that it affected the friend group, too.
"thanks alot, nick," chris said sarcastically, and charmaine's stomach fluttered when she felt chris lean in towards her, rubbing the side of her arm affectionately.
"well, they didn't ask me if i like to hunt," madison mumbled with a shrug, and both alahna and charmaine nodded in agreement.
"that's cause there's no way a girl could've done it," nick stated with a shrug, and charmaine raised her eyebrows at the oldest triplet.
"nuh uh nick, the killer could easily be a female," charmaine tutted, and matt pointed to her in agreement, "basic instinct?"
"wait, char, i just remembered something," madison said, gaining the attention of the whole group, causing the evans girl to look at her expectantly, "remember how he basically dragged me away from you, when we saw...morgan..."
"right," charmaine said, looking up at the sky with her eyes shut, letting out a sigh, "it was definitely a guy, especially with what he said to me."
"what'd he say to you?" matt asked curiously, and charmaine felt the hairs on her neck rise at the thought.
"doesn't matter," she mumbled, waving matt off. the second oldest triplet looked at her worriedly, sharing the same expression with alahna.
"how do you...gut someone?" madison whispered, but it was loud enough for the group to hear.
charmaine eyes downcasted and she bit her lip, and chris rubbed her shoulder again affectionately, and she leaned into his touch. with a single hand chris cupped the side of charmaine's chin gently and turned her head to face him, causing her eyes to water slightly. he wiped away at the single tear that escaped her eye, and she gave him a weak smile in return.
"you take a knife madi, and you slit em from the groin to the sternum," nick answered nonchalantly, acting the action out with his hands.
"seriously nick, come on, bro," chris said with an eyeroll, throwing the oldest triplet a glare.
"m'sorry," nick sighed, pulling madison in for a hug, before looking over at charmaine with an apologetic smile.
"guess i can't be too mad since i'm just as obsessed with horror movies as you are," charmaine laughed humorlessly, looking up at the oldest triplet.
"even still, you could be a little more...sensitive, nick," matt cringed, shaking his head.
"you know, no one's asked chris how he's taking this, either," alahna pointed out, everyone turning to the boy in question, "i mean, you dated her."
the tension in the air was quite thick now, at this point — charmaine got up from leaning on chris and turned to face the boy, causing a small frown to overtake his face. his jaw clenched slightly when he saw the way that alahna had pulled the girl to lean in her lap, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. jealousy filled him at the way charmaine looked up at her in admiration as alahna stroked her hair.
"i mean, i'm alright," chris shrugged, running a hand through his hair, "i miss her, though. i can't believe i lost my girl..."
the words were like a knife to charmaine's chest — but she hid with a sympathetic smile as she interlaced her fingers with alahna, the curtis girl resting her head atop of charmaine's. 
"are the police aware you dated her, chris?" matt asked with a raised eyebrow, causing a shocked expression to cross the girls' faces.
"wow, what are you saying, matt?" nick asked in disbelief, "you're own brother, dude?"
"he's been acting weird lately..." matt shrugged, and charmaine shot matt a warning glare.
"matt, don't even try it!" alahna said, throwing a grape at him, "this is chris we're talking about."
"what're you saying, matt?" chris asked carefully, his eyes filled with betrayal, "that i killed her?"
"okay, that's enough of that," madison said, shaking her head and looking back and forth between them. "you guys are brothers. and for the record, nick and chris were at home and i know cause they face timed me when i first got to char's house."
"yeah, where were you, since you have so much to say?" nick sneered.
"working," matt shrugged, popping a grape into his mouth.
charmaine tuned out of the conversation then, leaning back on alahna's lap. she drew little circles around the girl's arm, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration as she did so — chris's eyes narrowed at the way alahna looked down at her from time to time, knowing exactly what she was feeling.
it was no secret that everyone thought alahna had feelings for charmaine — chris especially started to notice the change in their sophomore year, too. it was as if everyone knew except charmaine herself, despite the fact that she herself liked girls too; but chris knew charmaine only liked alahna as a friend.
at least, he was hoping she did. because from the way they had been acting with each other recently, he couldn't tell whether or not charmaine felt the same way alahna did.
"hey love, you wanna walk to class?" alahna asked charmaine, seeing the girl beginning to doze off slightly, "or we can skip in the bathroom or the library if you want."
"nah, we should probably go to class," charmaine sighed, sitting up. the bell hand rang just then, signaling the ending of the lunch period. "i don't need my teachers thinking that i think i have some free pass because of what happened."
"fair enough," alahna shrugged, both girls grabbing their tote bags with their stuff inside of it.
"i'll see you in sixth period, chris," charmaine smiled softly at the youngest triplet, giving him a quick side hug.
"yeah, i'll see you then," chris said, when charmaine pulled away from him. he ran his hand along her jawline, his eyes flicking down to her lips momentarily before bringing them back up to her eyes.
charmaine felt her cheeks heat up at the action — see, she didn't know what stuff like that meant. this wasn't the first time chris had done something like, where he looked at her in a not so friendly way — she wasn't sure if they had something there or not, or if he was just doing that because he was a naturally flirty person; however, it made her so angry that she didn't know know what it meant. she wanted to scream because he was messing with her head.
as she and alahna headed to their class with their fingers interlaced, chris watched both girls ( mostly charmaine ) — he hated the way that alahna could hold her hand like that, and the fact that charmaine seemed to like it. his jaw ticked at the fact that only he was supposed to be able to do that.
and soon enough, it'd only be him.
i giggled, i need a man to be jealous for me like that.
@luverboychris @e1ias3 @muwapsturniolo @thenickgirl @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @breeloveschris @summerssover @prettiest-poision @mrssturnioloo @mattsturniolosleftnut @l0akkzz @555linaa @riasturns @xoxo4chrisss @stasiesturn @hysteria-things @sturn777 @ilovechrissturniolo1 @prettypinkprincess15 @eyeliketoeatpoosay @mayhem-72 @v33angel
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diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: Sunghoon has never felt any spark in his heart, none of that silly love he’s read about in novels in his free time. No one interested him, and it wasn’t like his father, the king, would let him have friends, male or female, for fear of being betrayed or developing feelings for them. He lived a life of isolation, excited for nothing – neither the idea of being married to a pretty princess nor becoming the next ruler of the Park kingdom. He most certainly did not expect you, his new guard, to change all that. He did not expect you to brighten his days and light up his heart.
includes: death, murder, war/battle, attempted murder (kinda), breaking in, royal au, romanticized medieval setting of sorts, forced marriage/proposal, a lot of time skips so it moves somewhat quickly, brief mention of a toxic ex, death by illness, joking mention of jumping off a balcony, blood, wounds, denial of death kinda, graves, lmk if i missed anything!
genre: angst
pairing: prince! sunghoon x guard! fem! reader
word count: 8.1k (woah)
taglist: @kflixnet @kpopslays @jvjsssnaa a/n: it’s finally here! i sacrificed sleep for this and i do not regret it at all. this fic has two milestones for me - being my longest fic + a fic i’m kinda proud of. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it <3
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Sunghoon was reading over some papers pertaining to the kingdom’s matters when he heard a knock on the door.
One of the guards came in, before bowing upon seeing him.
“Sire, his Majesty wishes to see you.”
He nodded and set the papers in a neat stack. He then put them in a drawer and locked it for security. He then stood up and followed the guard, maintaining a neutral expression.
His mind was working much faster than normal though.
His father was very strict, and the slightest mistake meant an extremely harsh lecture. He flicked through his memories, trying to remember what he could have done wrong, and what he should say as his apology. 
He pursed his lips as a thought crossed his mind - was his recent trip to the colder regions made known to his father? He had gone for administrative work, but he couldn’t resist spending some time there ice skating, which the king always considered useless since it benefited only the person skating, not the country. He had done his best to keep it under wraps, but maybe one of the guards reported this to the king. Damn it.
He mentally slapped himself for using such crude language. Those were the words of peasants and did not suit a prince like him. Holy moly…buckling barnacles, great heavens…such lengthy words to express frustration, he thought. ‘Damn it’ was only two syllables.
As he snapped out of his reverie, he entered the Throne Room. His father was seated on the grand throne at the end of the airy space. The seats where the ministers sat were empty. Court was always in the morning, and it was probably lunchtime by now - the prince wasn’t sure. 
He stood a few feet away from his father. The guard bowed and left, and Sunghoon made eye contact with the old man in front of him. He didn’t seem angry, so the younger relaxed a bit, letting out a sigh.
“Why have you called me here, father?”
“I’ve received some proposals from other kings. They’ve sent me paintings of their daughters. A lovely selection of princesses, I must say.”
Sunghoon had to physically hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Father, I’ve already told you this. I am not ready for marriage and I am not interested in this topic.”
“Yes, but it’s good to start early. Maybe you’ll change your mind after-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Father, but why have you actually summoned me?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son but didn’t say anything more about the topic.
“Well, I’ve decided to get you a personal guard. There have been many threats of attacks on the palace, so it’s better to take this precaution.”
“Interesting. Will he be with me all the time or-”
“Your guard is a female.”
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. His father? Hiring a woman? As his bodyguard? What if he-
“Are you serious?” “Yes. She is very capable and I’m sure she will protect and serve you well. I trust you to keep your relationship with her strictly professional.”
It wasn’t like he knew how to have a non-professional relationship with anyone outside of his family anyway.
“Yes, Father. Will she be with me at all times?”
“Indeed she will, except for when you are sleeping. At that time, she will stand outside your door and guard you.” “What about her food and sleep?”
“That is not your concern.”
He immediately bowed his head slightly as a sign of remorse for stepping out of line. This was going to be interesting, he thought. He had little to no interaction with women outside of his mother and sister, and the small talk he made with princesses and duchesses of other kingdoms was always awkward. Now he was having someone of the opposite gender, a woman, watching over him nearly 24/7.
He slowed down his train of thought. Why was he thinking like a teenage boy ogling over a girl? He was the crown prince, he was better than that. It was going to be a new experience, that was all.
“May I meet her now?”
“Of course. She’s arriving as we speak.”
Just then, the door opened, and you entered, a male soldier on either side. Sunghoon’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but nothing came out of it. 
He was having a cultural shock of sorts. All the women he had met were all dainty, graceful and poised - the epitome of perfection. You, on the other hand, had an air of authority about you — rough and firm. A few scars were on your face, probably from battle. You bowed the full 90 degrees, and he could only respond with a small nod.
Oh fuck, you were gorgeous.
And he used foul language again. Stupid Sunghoon, he reprimanded himself.
He didn’t take back what he said, however. Your beauty wasn’t the type written in books or sung in ballads, but it had to be known to the world, somehow. He was almost tempted to write one himself. 
Hold on, why was he thinking all this? His father had just told him to not think anything about you that crossed the lines of professional, and thinking about how pretty you were was not within those lines.
“This is your new personal guard, Y/N.”
You came over to him and bowed again, although at a smaller angle than before.
“N…Nice to meet you, Y-Y/N.”
Did he just stutter?!
“It is an honor, my prince. I swear to serve you to the best of my abilities.”
“I’m sure you will.”
He managed a small, formal smile, looking completely pleasant and unfazed.
Which he very much was not. He wanted to jump off the nearest balcony when you said ‘my prince’. He didn’t know why - you weren’t the only one who addressed him in that manner. You might’ve even learned it from someone in the palace, so why was he so hot and bothered with the way you said it?
“Your duties start today, guard.”
“Yes, your Majesty. I will not let you down.”
He was going crazy. You were just his new guard. Nothing less, nothing more. He would just have to rein in his thoughts and get it all together. Not a difficult task at all.
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As you stood behind him as he walked through the kingdom’s streets a week later, he seemed to keep a little distance from you, which was unsafe. Anything could happen within a few meters.
“My prince, you must slow your pace.”
He turned his face to look at you as he stopped walking.
“Oh? Why is that?”
“There’s a gap between us, and anyone could attack you with that.”
“Ah. I see. In that case…you can walk next to me. Or something.”
You stood next to him now. He quickly looked at the fruits a vendor was selling, trying his best to avert his gaze so that you wouldn’t see his reddening cheeks. It was unknown to him as to why he was so flustered. You were only doing your job, and that was it.
“Our kingdom seems to produce good crops.”
“Indeed they do, my prince. The farmer and the cultivators work very hard. It always seems to go unnoticed for some damn reason, though.”
He heard the angry tone in your voice and the curse word you said. This seemed to be a sore topic for you. He was curious, so he decided to ask more.
“What do you suggest, then?”
“We export more crops so that they get more revenue and in turn, they get paid as well. Increase the demand.”
You shrugged before turning your attention to a little kid who was clinging to your leg. You leaned down and patted his head, smiling a bit. The kid laughed and ran away. Sunghoon watched this interaction with interest and it dawned upon him that you cared about the people and their welfare, like a good ruler. 
Wait, why was he thinking about you being a ruler? You were only a soldier, and with the hierarchy now, there wasn’t much chance you could become more.
It did make him wonder, however, what you would do if the people rebelled. He shook his head, not wanting to think so dark. Your suggestion was smart, though. It made more sense the more he pondered over it. He’d mention this to the old man and see what he’d say.
“Shall we move on, guard?”
You stood up properly before nodding.
“Yes, my prince. Apologies for slowing you down.”
He dismissed you with a wave of his hand.
“Nothing of the sort. Come, let’s go.”
You both continued your stroll and for some reason, his heart was beating very unnaturally. He only had this issue when he was agitated, but there was no reason for him to be scared now, so why was this happening?
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It had only been two months since you became his personal guard, yet you were his closest and most trusted friend. He took all your ideas seriously and told them to the king who somehow accepted them, and called him ‘ingenious’ for supposedly coming up with them. He hated taking false credit, but he knew that he couldn’t tell his father that you were the mastermind of them all — he would then question Sunghoon as to why he was talking to them in the first place, which would lead to you being removed from your post and replaced with a boring male soldier. 
He didn’t want to lose you, not when he finally found a change in his monotonous life, someone to brighten his dull days, someone to call a friend, even though it was only known to the both of you and no one else. He couldn’t bear to have you gone.
He was sitting underneath a tree, looking up at the sky in the comfort of the gardens reserved for his family and visitors alone. His father never came here out of his own accord - he always considered it a waste of time. His mother was in her room, and her sister was in another kingdom discussing alliances. This was a moment very rare, just you and him, with no one to interrupt or catch you two slacking. 
You were sitting next to him, only a few inches away. The wind was blowing gently on his face. He closed his eyes and smiled, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Your presence next to him was oddly comforting. He opened his eyes again, turned his head, and looked at you, wanting to ask you something. 
“Guard, you know how I always give your suggestions to the king and how he always says ‘I’ did a good job thinking about them?”
Your face tightened the same way it did every time he took credit for your ideas in front of his father. He sighed.
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, I wanted to apologize for that.”
You tilted your head at him, clearly not understanding two things - why he was suddenly saying sorry, and how you doing that simple thing made him go insane. You took over him, body and soul. All he could think of when he tried to sleep was you. It was just two months. Two months, and he was already attached to you. He was convinced, however, that it wasn’t love or anything stupid like that. No, it was simply him forming a close connection to the first person who cared about him. Not everything was romantic affection. He had never tasted this emotion, obviously, but he’d say that he knew enough about it to confirm this wasn’t it.
“Why now, my prince? I’m sorry- I just didn’t expect you to, y’know…actually apologize. Never met a royal who’s done so. They’re all usually stuck-up snobs who think their shit is worth the entire kingdom.”
He snorted at that. It wasn’t like you were wrong, most of the royals he met were indeed very arrogant. He didn’t dare anything about it though, simply doing his best to not behave like them.
“It’s not right of me to take credit for something I don’t even have the brain for. I don’t mention your name for your security. If my father knew I was talking to you about matters like these, then…”
He made a motion of him cutting his own throat, complete with the sound effect. You grinned a bit, which was enough for him to be over the moon, but then you laughed. Not just a ‘teehee’ or a ‘haha’ - an actual, proper laugh. His heart swelled, maybe his jokes didn’t suck that much. Your laugh was indescribable. It was a delightful sound to listen to. It was short, but he wanted to hear it every day at least once for the rest of his life instead of those ballads that were sung in the court all the time. 
The way your eyes formed crescents, the way your face was half in the light and half in the shadow, the way the wind put an orange leaf in your hair like it was an accessory - it was making him sick in a good way. He rarely saw you smile, let alone laugh like this. He knew that you had to keep your expression serious all the time - all the soldiers had that training - and this was a proud moment for him to see you loosen up. He couldn’t help the small smile on his own face.
“My prince, is he really that harsh? I’m aware that he is super damn strict to us soldiers, but that’s expected since we have to be toughened up to protect the land.”
His smile faded before he shook his head in agreement.
“I’d say so. It’s for my good- I am the next in line, after all.”
“I don’t think forcing your child to have no friends is how you raise him to be king. He won’t know how to have proper social interactions.”
There you were again, hitting the mark accurately with your observation. He sucked at interacting with other people. Slowly, he was starting to dislike his father more. The faults he never saw in him earlier were becoming visible, the saint-like image he had of the king since childhood fading away. Was this meant to happen? He wasn’t sure.
“Right. I’m living proof.”
You shook your head in alarm.
“Oh shit- please don’t be offended by my idiotic statement, my prince…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, really-”
He chuckled at how you were panicking and made a motion with his hand for you to calm down.
“It’s okay. I didn’t take it that way.”
“Are you sure?”
He saw your body relax as he rested his head against the bark of the tree again. He gazed at the sky, eyes fixated on the clouds and the way they moved in the direction of the breeze. Two questions lingered in his mind, and his mouth suddenly blurted one out.
“Do you ever sleep?”
It was random, sure, but he had to know. He was concerned for you. He never saw you leave his side, except for when he was asleep, and he already knew what you did then. You were still staring at him, but he didn’t notice.
“I do. I’m a normal person, my prince, I can’t function without food and rest. That’s impossible.”
You let out a slight laugh at his curiosity, and his heart started pounding faster again.
“You don’t notice, do you? That means I’m performing the stealth part of my job well. When you’re in the dining room or a meeting surrounded by the best soldiers. That’s when. I also don’t stand watch for you every night. I alternate with another guard.”
His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in understanding. He didn’t notice it at all, which meant that either you were a master of stealth, as you said, or he was just blind. It was most likely the former since he had no doubt in your abilities.
“I see. I was very worried for you, honestly.”
“I’m honored that I was an object of your concern, my prince.”
He scoffed at your slightly surprised expression. 
“Of course, I would. You’re my personal guard, what reason is there for me to treat you inhumanly?”
That stupid fucking slip of his tongue.
Shit, he just cursed.
Damn it, again.
His tutor and family would go crazy if they could read his thoughts.
Of course he had to refer to you as his, like you were property. Of course he had to emphasize on that word as well. You were making him loosen up too much. It shouldn’t have happened, not at all. He couldn’t continue like this, what if he accidentally cursed in front of people? He would never be heard of again.
“I’d say I had expected that, but you’re different from other royals, so not really.”
“I understand. Also, you don’t have to call me ‘my prince’ when we’re alone. Just Sunghoon is enough.”
Your eyes widened in astonishment.
“My prince, I wouldn’t dare to-”
“Really guard. It’s fine.”
“But his Majesty-”
“He doesn’t have to know. Our secret.”
“If you say so…it’ll take me time to get used to calling you by your name, princ- I mean, Sunghoon.”
“Already getting there.”
“I guess so. In that case, you can call me by just my name. No need for ‘guard’.”
“Your wish is my command, Y/N.”
This was new. Not referring to someone by their title was disrespectful. He learned from a ripe young age that if he didn’t call someone by their title, he could end up with his head on a guillotine block in some places. Were you seriously making all his long years of education unravel? Silence fell upon the two of you before he spoke up again.
“What do you think love is like?”
You must’ve been taken aback, and he expected to see such an expression on your face. Instead, when he stole a glance at you, it was something else. Wistful? Longing? He couldn’t name it exactly.
“Books don’t give it justice. Neither do ballads. It’s…more than that.”
He was intrigued by your response. He raised an eyebrow, signalling you to continue.
“Oh? You’ve been in love before?”
You stared at him, a sad smile forming on your lips, a look flashing in your eyes. One of remorse, he recognized.
“Yeah. It was depressingly…beautiful.”
His chest tightened at your words for some reason.
“Kind of. We fought a lot…our personalities were very different. Then when we finally reconciled…he died. An illness took him away.”
Your eyes were filled with so much hurt, it almost made him cry. This was his first time seeing you emotional, vulnerable, and while he was honored that you trusted him enough to show you this side of yours, he wondered how much you were hiding away. All he wanted was to protect you so that you would never have to go through something as painful as that. He made a resolve to make sure that he was never the cause of the agony in your eyes.
“I’m so sorry that happened.”
“It’s fine. It was just- unexpected. It’s been a year anyway.”
“I hope this doesn’t bring back memories you buried, but…how would you describe love?”
You rested your chin on your palm, thinking for a bit.
“Love isn’t only about the physical signs. For me, love is always wanting to be by someone’s side, being so head over heels for them that even the littlest things like…I don’t know, something stupid, makes you remember them. It’s being their biggest supporter, but also telling them when they’re wrong. Love is wanting to keep them safe from all the bad in this world. It’s when even the simplest thing they do brightens your day, like a smile or a small act of kindness. Love is when you put their needs and wants above everything and everyone else. There’s obviously more, but that’s my personal experience.”
Holy moly. Sunghoon was in love.
He was in love. That emotion many desired to feel at least once. All his previous notions and confidence about it being platonic flew out the window. He very clearly did not learn enough about this feeling. He didn’t know whether he wanted to be happy that he could say he had loved once in his life, or scream in frustration that he fell for someone out of his league and not some princess who he was supposed to want like this.
God, he hated himself.
“Pri- Sunghoon, are you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He couldn’t let you know, he was a hundred percent sure that you didn’t feel the same. Plus, he was the prince, and if you both were caught, it would mean bad for him and catastrophic for you.
“I’m fine. Come, let’s go. We might get caught if we stay any longer.”
He stood up immediately. You were confused but followed his orders. What he said, you obeyed.
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It had been eight months since you became his personal guard, and half a year since he realized that he was in love with you. He tried to distance himself, but one look or word from you and his resolve faltered. He was so deep in this pit, and he didn’t know whether he wanted to dig deeper or climb out. He wanted you to stay away and he also loved the way you destroyed every single one of the walls he built around himself subconsciously. 
He matured, and he was no longer the shy boy who didn’t know how to talk to someone of the opposite gender. He was a confident and charming crown prince now, the man of many’s dreams. You were the only one on his mind though. 
His father was now eager to get him married off, and he had to comply with his wishes, He was no longer the king who served the people anymore - he was corrupted, only thinking about power. Sunghoon did his best to undo the damage inflicted on the population, but the situation was getting tense, and he knew it. Rebels were raising their heads and it was his job to keep them in check. It was difficult, but you helped him through it.
Presently, he was sitting in the dining room with his family, the king, queen, princess, and officials of the Hwan kingdom. This was the proposal his father liked the most because the Hwan kingdom was rich in resources, and this alliance hidden as a marriage would give the Parks access to those coveted precious stones. He was hoping, however, that the other king would say no for some reason and he’d be free.
He had no interest in the princess, however. She was too boring for him. They had zero common likes, and the only thing they related to each other on was the struggles of being next in line. This was probably the worst match he had ever met. She seemed like she wanted this much less than he did. She was at least trying, he had to give her that.
You stood behind him on his right side. He so desperately wanted to turn around and see your reaction to all this. Your face had to have no expression now, obviously, but you both shared secret looks with each other in odd situations, and he was sure you’d find this amusing. The chatter across the table died down suddenly, and all the attention was on the two kings in the room.
“We’ve agreed on this marriage. Prince Sunghoon and Princess Hyeju are now betrothed!”
Sunghoon’s hands, which were tapping the table, stilled. He froze in shock, every voluntary muscle in his body stopping movement.
No, this couldn’t happen.
This was a nightmare, a terrible dream. He pinched his thigh underneath the table and ended up proving to his dismay that he was wrong.
This was the worst day of his life.
His father droned on about the details of the wedding. He tuned it all out. He tilted his head just a little to see your face and noticed that you were gripping your spear much tighter than necessary. You knew that he didn’t want this, not at all. Maybe you were angry on his behalf.
He couldn’t do anything about this, however. This was just his fate, and he resigned to it immediately. 
The meeting ended, and everyone, including Sunghoon, stood up and exited the room. You followed him as he went straight to the gardens to clear his head. His family would be occupied with entertaining the guests and making more plans, so it was just you and him. Again.
He sat in his usual spot underneath the same tree. He buried his face in his hands, frustrated. He heard the sound of you sitting down next to him, before feeling your hand lightly grip his shoulder.
“Hey, Sunghoon?”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s fine.”
“I know how much you don’t want this. Trust me, I don’t want it either.”
The second sentence was uttered in a more quiet voice, and he moved his hands away from his face to look at you in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
Your lips formed a thin line, your body language making it clear that you were saying this with hesitation.
“I don’t want you to marry her.”
You removed your hand from his shoulder. You looked down at the grass, fresh and green from the new spring season.
“Why? I mean- other than me not wanting it personally, there’s no reason you should hate it…this is an amazing opportunity for the people and the kingdom! We will prosper-”
“Fuck the people and the kingdom- I want you, dumbass.”
His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
“What…do you mean.”
“I love you really badly. That’s what I mean.”
He couldn’t believe it. You, the very person he always desired desperately, his forbidden fruit, loved him back? Wanted him? This wasn’t real. He must’ve been knocked out after the marriage announcement and slipped into a pleasant dream.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You want me to prove it?”
He didn’t know what to expect, but you grabbing his face and crashing your lips on his was the farthest from his vague idea of what might happen. 
It lasted for a few seconds before you pulled away suddenly. You noticed his dazed expression and started to panic.
“Shit, shouldn’t have done that, please don’t kill me, I-”
Your voice snapped him out of his haze before he placed his hand on your waist and pulled you in for another kiss. His hand tucked one strand of hair behind your ear and you melted into the action, calming down instantly. He was so gentle, so careful, he was holding you like you were a delicate object that was to be treated with utmost care at all times. When you both parted, his face wore a lovesick smile, his eyes sparkling like stars.
“I feel the same.”
“Yeah, it was obvious.”
He chuckled at your comment, before frowning. 
“You know this is dangerous, right? We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Your shoulders slumped at his words, knowing that he was completely correct.
“I do. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. I just didn’t…know how to tell you.”
He shook his head. To him, you could do no wrong. It was his fault. He should have gotten rid of you so that he could nip the blooming flower in his heart from the bud. He shouldn’t have been such a coward.
“I understand what you mean now. I don’t know how to stop it, though.”
“That’s…fine. Just knowing you feel the same is enough for me.”
It wasn’t. Neither for you, neither for him, and you both knew that. The fact that he couldn’t be yours and you couldn’t be his simply because of both of your duties was like a nasty, sharp torn ledged in the soft flesh of his heart. You and him were not meant to be. Your romance was only a fantasy, to be never fulfilled.
“Precisely. This is all it’ll ever be.”
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It was night. He had one week until his wedding with the Hwan princess, and he was dreading it. Seeing your face became unbearable for him sometimes — you reminded him that he had everything a commoner could only dream of, but even the poorest of poor could love and he couldn’t. He was ready to throw his entire life away and disappear with you, but his fear of what would happen next to the country held him back. 
He stared out the window in his bedroom which gave him a perfect view of the private gardens. The place where it all started and ended. The moonlight shone on the trees and flowers, giving it a peaceful aura, different from the cheery one it had in the daytime. Even in the comfort of his silk night clothes and soft blankets, he was in a state of unrest. He wanted to run, wanted to be free, wanted, wanted, wanted. He lay down, resting his head on his pillow as he waited for sleep to find him while he closed his eyes. Thankfully, the night was kind to him, and he dozed off almost instantly.
Sunghoon was rudely woken up by you frantically shaking his figure, pleading with you to wake up. When he came to his senses, he heard alarms sounding in the palace and immediately understood that it was an emergency, although what might’ve exactly happened was beyond him.
“Y/N, Y/N, I’m up. What’s going on?”
He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and slapping his face for good measure.
“Rebels. Come, we need to run.”
The first word was enough for him to be fully alert. He foresaw them coming, so it wasn’t a big shocker for him. He put on his slippers and looked at you with determination. He was actually trying to mask his fear, but you didn’t need to know that. You grabbed his arm and ran out of the room. He was a bit startled at your speed at first, but quickly matched your pace. When you both reached a corridor, you slowed down, wanting to be careful of surprise attacks.
“Hide your face to the best of your ability. I’m not sure if they’ll recognize you in non-prince clothes, but it’s better to be safe. They’ll aim for me instead since I have the palace uniform.”
His chest tightened. You were ready to give up your life for his. He knew that was protocol for all soldiers - royals over their own lives. He knew, but you were different. He didn’t want you to die, he couldn’t imagine a life without you. You were his oxygen, he’d suffocate if you were gone.
Suddenly, he noticed a flash of light. He heard a whoosh and he saw the way your hair moved in the direction of the sound. He assumed it was a gust of air along with the lights of the palace shining weirdly, but then he looked at the wall in front of him and realized what it was - an arrow. It was embedded in said wall, and you had missed it by a hair’s breath. Literally. It had scratched your face, but other than that, you were fine.
You pulled him down to remain on the floor, before you stood up and ran to the rebel that shot it, your hands gripping your sword tight. You engaged in combat with her. She was rather buff, and even though she only had a bow and an arrow holder on her, she was slowly gaining ground in the fight. She was blocking your thrusts with her bow, catching your moves with its string. She landed a harsh blow on your chest, and he gritted his teeth seeing your sharp flinch. He had to do something and fast.
He crawl-walked across the floor, making sure to stay unnoticed. He moved to stand behind the rebel before forcefully grabbing her neck. She was gagged, and the sudden lack of air caught her off guard. You took the opportunity and struck her in the heart, and he let go of her. 
You both ran off, eager to get to the safe room specially built for situations like this. Barely some distance away, he raised his head, neck aching from the constant strain, when you suddenly pushed him to the ground and covered his mouth with your hand. He was about to protest, feeling kind of hot and bothered with his position, but then he decided against it. You definitely did this for a reason, and he could repress his feelings for a while.
Your head turned as you stared at a rebel passing by, praying he wouldn’t notice you both. He was blind to your movement thankfully, and as soon as he left, you got off of Sunghoon, pulled him up, and ran. You pushed the door of the safe room which was behind a cupboard open with your shoulder, and he then realized that he was the first one to reach. The door closed, and he glanced at you, relief and gratitude clear in his eyes. 
You gave him a thumbs up and turned to leave to assist the other soldiers with getting the rest of his family to the room when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. You looked at him with confusion, and you opened your mouth to ask him what he was doing when he placed his lips on yours. You let out a soft gasp when he held you closer, one arm around your waist, the other hand on your back, holding you close. This wasn’t like the last time you kissed — this was desperate, filled with emotion. He let go of you too soon, eyes shining with tears. 
You both knew that there was a chance you wouldn’t come back to him, and this could be the last time he saw you.
You squeezed his hand in an attempt to reassure him. He just nodded at the door, knowing that you had your duty. You bowed and left as he watched you in fear, praying that you’d make it.
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After the attack by the rebels, there were always new questions about the palace’s security floating around. Quite a few lives were lost. None of them were you or his family, but Sunghoon still grieved for them mentally. He couldn’t imagine the agony their families must’ve been going through, and he managed to convince his father to give all the deceased’s close relatives compensation. 
The wedding was called off for now, much to his delight and his father’s despair. The old man had accused him of doing something to sabotage it, but he had grown a thicker skin, thanks to you. All efforts were now being put into strengthening the forces of the kingdom, and the actual matters of state were being ignored. This would lead to more rebellion, but his father didn’t seem to care. At this rate, he could die if he stepped out of the palace grounds — the people hated him that much. Sunghoon was already preparing to become the next ruler since that future would become a reality pretty soon. 
A surprise attack was inevitable, but he didn’t expect the aggressor to be the damn Hwan kingdom.
They must’ve heard about the damage inflicted on the palace from spies and knew that the Park kingdom would be focusing its efforts on repairing it, thus taking advantage of the situation. It was smart of king Hwan, Sunghoon would give him that.
He rode his horse while inspecting the soldiers preparing for battle. None of them were properly ready for this. Many veteran soldiers were on break and were called back suddenly. They all did come, and he was grateful to them for that, even when they had the right to refuse. The troops were arranging their positions quickly, and a little bit of his anxiety relaxed. Their army was strong, they could face this.
As he rode back, he saw his father, who was seething with rage at being betrayed, Sunghoon’s brain was in overdrive. Many of these brave soldiers would sacrifice their body and soul for a stupid fight that wouldn’t bring much to the land that could have been easily prevented. He knew it would happen, but didn’t do anything that was enough to fix it. He couldn’t keep falling short of what was necessary, that wasn’t what a future king would do. 
Not wanting to talk to the old man, he rode a little further where you were on your own horse, surveying the battlefield. He relaxed a bit more upon seeing you and moved to be next to you.
“This will be a tough fight, Sunghoon.”
“I hope it remains a fight that ends today and not a war that stretches over days.”
“Where we are victorious.”
“My- Sunghoon, what will you do in case your father…is killed?”
The slip-up and the way ‘my Sunghoon’ rolled off your tongue so perfectly made him miss your actual question for a moment. He let out a soft giggle, before manning up to think. He hadn’t considered that possibility at all. If that happened, then he would automatically become the next king. He’d rule the land and hopefully lead better than the previous king and his reign would be peaceful. He’d make sure of that.
“Be the next ruler, of course. I’d promote you to my personal advisor.”
You cracked a small smile at that.
“Not enough brain. Plus, what if I don’t make it?”
“Won’t happen. You’re too sexy to die. Your abilities are top tier too, you’ll survive.”
You laughed now, and he smiled fully at you. This was a situation unheard of — right before a whole battle, he was here flirting with you and laughing. So very serious. 
He leaned his head closer to yours, hair falling over his eyes. They were pleading silently with you to steal one last kiss, one last secret gesture of love before you both left to fight, one last chance to hold you. You shortened the gap, about to comply, when the war horn sounded, signaling the start of the battle. He frowned, angry at the lost chance, but quickly kissed your forehead. You pecked his cheek in return, before putting on your helmet and riding off. 
The sound of hooves hitting the ground and the sight of dust flying from them brought him back into the moment, and he rode in the same direction as his own army, intending to lead the fight. His father was weak and made dumb decisions, so it was up to him. He moved directly to the frontlines, pulling out his sword from its hilt as an enemy soldier charged at him. He fought with ease, and soon a dead body was on the ground.
He should have been desensitized now upon seeing gore and corpses, but it still disgusted him. He gritted his teeth and averted his gaze as he parried with more enemies. Soldiers were dropping left and right from both sides. Blood splatters were on his own face from fighting so fiercely. It was a miracle that he was still standing with only minor injuries, the Hwan soldiers were vigorous. 
Time was passing quickly, although for him it felt like an eternity. He just wanted to go back after all this ended. He didn’t care if he had to marry the Hwan princess, all he wanted was for this bloodshed to end. The sound of arrows being shot, horses neighing, grunts of hurt and dying soldiers — it was all too much for him.
All of a sudden, a more experienced soldier was attacking him, he could tell by the moves. His entire focus was on fighting back because this guy could actually kill him, that much was clear. He didn’t notice the other soldier charging towards him from his left with a spear until he heard a clang. 
His eyes darted in the direction of the sound for a second, only to see you had blocked the attack and thrown the soldier off his horse. He was impressed and inspired by you, and with renewed strength, he killed the veteran. He gave you a thumbs up, before looking to his right as someone else ran to replace the deceased soldier. He was ready to fight that person and everyone else with you and for you.
Then, tragedy struck.
An arrow was heading in his direction. Occupied with the current fight he was in, Sunghoon was in no position to dodge it, and you took the blow. Pushing his horse with your own, the arrow lodged in your chest instead. The only reason he noticed it was because of the sound of pain you made. He finished off the man fighting him, and then turned his head to look at you. Your head was drooping slightly and your grip on the reins of your horse had faltered.
No, no, no, this can’t happen!
You were supposed to stay with him, you were supposed to be by his side forever, he was supposed to get more chances to love you, even in secret, not just lose you like this.
He immediately shoved his sword back in its hilt before grabbing your torso to steady you. You were very faintly there, you just had to keep going a bit more for him, and he knew you could.
“Y/N, hold on, okay? Don’t close your eyes, please.”
Fuck, your voice was so weak, you really were trying. He’d end your suffering soon, he promised silently.
Coincidentally, the war horn sounded once more, signifying the end of the battle. It was his kingdom’s, which meant he had won, just like you wanted. 
But you weren’t conscious enough to realize it.
He promptly sat you on his horse in front of him, one arm around your waist holding you close and tight. He galloped fast to the palace medic, the best one in the entire region. He ignored the weird looks and the shouts of his name, traveling with urgency. He had to move fast for your sake, and also for his own. He’d lose his shit if you…no. You weren’t going to, he was sure of it.
“Try to not focus on the pain, we’re almost there.”
That was stupid advice, but he had to say something, anything to save him.
“This doctor will fix you up, I swear. Just- don’t give up yet, Y/N. I beg of you. It’s all I’ll ask for this badly from you.”
Your head was now tilted back, and it rested on his right shoulder. You opened your eyes slightly to look at him, which he took as a good sign.
Then you spoke.
“I won’t…won’t make it. It’s…no point…denying it…my…Hoon, I…love you.”
At your words, Sunghoon’s lips formed a thin line as he squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds to force his tears to stay back. He could feel the blood running from your wound and collecting onto the sleeve of his suit, but he refused to accept it. You would make it, you couldn’t die.
“Shut-Shut up. You’re not dying, not when I’m here. Look, we’ve reached- you’ll be okay, I swear.”
He got off the horse, your limp body in his arms bridal style.
He wished he could be holding you like this in a different, more happier situation.
The doctor rushed out of her house and knew that it was urgent upon seeing the prince at her door. She took you in and he waited outside, pacing around nervously. He was so certain you’d survive, but the wound could be a major setback for the rest of your life. He’d have to make adjustments to accommodate you at the palace. He wouldn’t mind though, it was for you after all.
The doctor came out after a few minutes, and he waited for her to say something along the lines of ‘she survived, but ___’. Not to see her shake her head with a soft sigh. 
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it. She was gone when you came here. We tried our best, but…the arrow was poison tipped, which reduced her chances of surviving to zero.”
No. No no no no no. This lady was old and wrinkling, she was probably cuckoo and playing an unfunny prank on him.
“Can I see her? Alone?”
“Of course, sire.”
He rushed inside immediately, expecting to see you on the bed bandaged up and smiling at how well the prank worked on him-
She was right. You really were gone. You took your last breath in his arms. Your arms rested limply by your sides. The arrow was removed, but the blood stains were on your armor as evidence that the fatal injury did indeed happen. Useful reminder for a delusional ass like his. Your helmet was off your head now.
He sat down on a chair next to your bed and held one of your hands gingerly. It was already turning cold, and he hated it. He felt freshly made cuts and bruises along with older scars on your palm. His gaze fell on your face. The scratch you got from the rebel’s ambush was still partially healing. He took in your features with intense concentration, engraving them in his memory. He despised the fact that you looked so much at peace right now – when you just left his entire life in turmoil. He needed so badly to shake you back to life or something, but he knew that there was no point now. He lifted your hand up to his lips, kissing it in a tender manner, a weak replacement for the one you both missed maybe an hour or two before. 
Just when he let go of your hand, the doctor rushed in with news.
“Sire, his majesty has passed away due to a…similar poisonous arrow shortly after victory.”
Both the people he knew wanted to win the most were dead just after it happened. Ironic, he thought - this was worthless now.
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King Sunghoon walked through the cemetery for soldiers who had sacrificed their lives for the country. He stopped right in front of one which had many flower bouquets, a lot of them from his own previous visits, all of them your favorite flowers. He got on his knees on the right side of your gravestone, head bowed in respect and hands folded in his lap.
“Hello, Y/N. I know I’ve come to see you many times before, but I can’t help it. I miss you so much. You left too soon. I still believe that I should have taken that arrow instead of you…although it was for the better in hindsight. At least your last memory was of me and your pain ended quickly.”
Silence. He quickly wiped his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I still do, so much. I should move on by now, but it’s hard. Not when you meant so much to me, not when you changed me. A little for the worse, mostly for the better.”
He laughed dryly, looking at his hands. An expensive ring gleamed on his ring finger.
“I married a queen who I liked a lot. Not the Hwan princess, although she and I keep in touch often. We’re allies now. Kind of ironic, since I lost you and the old man in a war against that same kingdom’s old ruler.”
He wasn’t willing to let himself break, what if someone walked in on him sobbing over a dead soldier's grave? What would they think? He poked his eyes with his fingers, still in misery. No matter how much he tried, everything in his brain led back to you. While he didn’t want you to fade or leave his mind exactly, you were only meant to be a guest, visiting occasionally, not a permanent resident, not someone he still needed. When he calmed down, he quietly lifted his crown off his head and put it on top of your gravestone. He placed a solemn hand on it, closing his eyes. “This is a love stained crown, tainted with you and I, along with all our memories. Your affection will never wash away, no matter how much I try. I miss you and I love you, and I hope you’re doing better, wherever you are.”
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detectivereads · 1 year
Space Battle Lunchtime vol 1 & 2
by Natalie Riess
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This review is for fan entertainment, I'm not being paid.
I love stories that have to do with cooking. I came across this comic series in my local comic shop and this stuck out like a sore thumb. It was gorgeous.
This is a story that takes place on a reality TV show…IN SPACE!!!!!! (Sorry I thought it was appropriate)
Our lovely main character is named Peony, she works at her local bakery making delicious pastries. A frog creature, named Zonda, came into the bakery one day to order coffee, and takes an interest in Peony’s desserts that she was putting on display, only to be pulled away by a phone call, a contestant has gone missing and show time is soon. Thinking on her feet, Zonda mentions Peony and tells her producer that she will see if Peony will be the new chef. Of course, Peony says yes.
Now the location of the TV show is not anywhere near Peony, no its in…. SPACE!!! (Sorry Hehe) Needless to say, Peony is shocked, but time is short, and Zonda needs to get Peony ready. Now during the short time before the show starts up Peony meets several contestants and a friendly cameraman.
The first round starts up and each contestant is given an ingredient to make a dish from (pretty standard challenge) however drama issue between some of the space chefs, Peony has her own problems of trying to figure out her ingredient is, she thinks its citrus based and tries to figure out the oven.
End of the first round and Peony has people looking at her in a more serious way now. However, that soon passes, and Zonda invites both Peony and Aris (the cameraman) to dinner. Peony sees on the TV a rival show where it’s more blood thirsty than their family friendly show, the mysterious Neptunia warns Peony to watch her back during the contest.
The next day, a new challenge approaches the contestants on Spacebattle; they have to make something that has no flavor and its base form is unappealing but it’s very healthy, into something the judges want to eat. (Health food challenge!!)
Before the judging happens, Neptunia and Peony bring their dishes up to the stand, where Peony accidentally bumps into Neptunia almost costing one of Neptunia’s portions of her dish, but Peony comes in the last second and rescues it.
The next challenge is that the contestants work in teams of two to make a dish that includes both chef styles of cooking, the winning team goes on to the final round, while the losers are sent home. Neptunia and Peony are paired together, and they get off to a rocky start till Peony stands up to Neptunia and brings her down to level. Neptunia and Peony win, and Peony invites Neptunia out on a date.
The second half of the story has Peony being kidnapped and shipped of to the rival show, where there is a high chance where she wasn’t going to out alive. The worst part is Peony was getting ready for the date when she got kidnapped!!!!!
Now I don’t want to spoil the ending of this arc because I was upset (the good kind) about how it ended, but everyone got what deserved in the end. Neptunia and Peony are girlfriends now! (*squeal*)
This story had so many interesting characters and the theme of the story was amazing, I kept finding myself in need of a snack when looking at some of the illustrations of food that was in this book.
If you are looking for a quirky food base romance, I recommend this comic to you.
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Oni Press Space Battle Lunchtime #7 Review (Digital)
It’s Almost Over…So Neptunia has come to break Peony out of Cannibal Cuisine. Hot in their trail is the judges, the staff of the show… And one psycho cat unicorn girl. Apparently Neptunia didn’t kick her hard enough. Peony manages to lead the pair to a storage room. After remembering that certain walls are in fact holo doors that can be accessed via ID cards the staff has. There they find…
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