#space battle lunchtime
they-are-so-gender · 1 year
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detectivereads · 1 year
Graphic Novels/Comics
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YAY! I love these Graphic Novel series so much and I can't wait to collect more of them :D
D&D Graphic Novels:
The Adventure Zone Here There be Gerblins
The Adventure Zone Murder on the Rockport Limited!
The Adventure Zone Petals to the Metal
The House of Lost Horizons
Batman Wayne Family Adventures:
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 1
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 2
Batman Wayne Family Adventures vol 3
Batman Wayne Family Adventure vol 4
Detective Comics (not DC Comics):
Hobtown Mystery Stories :
Hobtown Mystery Stories The Case of The Missing Men
Cozy autumn:
Garlic and the Vampire
Garlic and the Witch
Cute Fantasy:
Unfamiliar by Haley Newsome
Unfamiliar Vol 2 by Haley Newsome
Space Battle Lunchtime vol 1 & 2
WizKit An Adventure Overdue
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Oni Press Space Battle Lunchtime #8 Finale Review (Digital)
And Peony Never Made It Home… And This Is The Happy Ending! Take That OG Quantum Leap!So it’s the end. How does it go? Surprisingly well. Apparently you can have a happy ending without the protagonist winning. Neptunia gives Peony a pep talk before she heard out to the finale. Which is? Both her and Melon are sent to a zero g sphere. There they are to cook in zero g. With all the difficulties…
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imapeanut · 4 months
My mom skimmed through the pages of the 3rd volume of Hooky yesterday.
I am so glad she didn't land on the part where Damien and Will kissed because how are you going to explain that to your mom?
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diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: Sunghoon has never felt any spark in his heart, none of that silly love he’s read about in novels in his free time. No one interested him, and it wasn’t like his father, the king, would let him have friends, male or female, for fear of being betrayed or developing feelings for them. He lived a life of isolation, excited for nothing – neither the idea of being married to a pretty princess nor becoming the next ruler of the Park kingdom. He most certainly did not expect you, his new guard, to change all that. He did not expect you to brighten his days and light up his heart.
includes: death, murder, war/battle, attempted murder (kinda), breaking in, royal au, romanticized medieval setting of sorts, forced marriage/proposal, a lot of time skips so it moves somewhat quickly, brief mention of a toxic ex, death by illness, joking mention of jumping off a balcony, blood, wounds, denial of death kinda, graves, lmk if i missed anything!
genre: angst
pairing: prince! sunghoon x guard! fem! reader
word count: 8.1k (woah)
taglist: @kflixnet @kpopslays @jvjsssnaa a/n: it’s finally here! i sacrificed sleep for this and i do not regret it at all. this fic has two milestones for me - being my longest fic + a fic i’m kinda proud of. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it <3
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Sunghoon was reading over some papers pertaining to the kingdom’s matters when he heard a knock on the door.
One of the guards came in, before bowing upon seeing him.
“Sire, his Majesty wishes to see you.”
He nodded and set the papers in a neat stack. He then put them in a drawer and locked it for security. He then stood up and followed the guard, maintaining a neutral expression.
His mind was working much faster than normal though.
His father was very strict, and the slightest mistake meant an extremely harsh lecture. He flicked through his memories, trying to remember what he could have done wrong, and what he should say as his apology. 
He pursed his lips as a thought crossed his mind - was his recent trip to the colder regions made known to his father? He had gone for administrative work, but he couldn’t resist spending some time there ice skating, which the king always considered useless since it benefited only the person skating, not the country. He had done his best to keep it under wraps, but maybe one of the guards reported this to the king. Damn it.
He mentally slapped himself for using such crude language. Those were the words of peasants and did not suit a prince like him. Holy moly…buckling barnacles, great heavens…such lengthy words to express frustration, he thought. ‘Damn it’ was only two syllables.
As he snapped out of his reverie, he entered the Throne Room. His father was seated on the grand throne at the end of the airy space. The seats where the ministers sat were empty. Court was always in the morning, and it was probably lunchtime by now - the prince wasn’t sure. 
He stood a few feet away from his father. The guard bowed and left, and Sunghoon made eye contact with the old man in front of him. He didn’t seem angry, so the younger relaxed a bit, letting out a sigh.
“Why have you called me here, father?”
“I’ve received some proposals from other kings. They’ve sent me paintings of their daughters. A lovely selection of princesses, I must say.”
Sunghoon had to physically hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Father, I’ve already told you this. I am not ready for marriage and I am not interested in this topic.”
“Yes, but it’s good to start early. Maybe you’ll change your mind after-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Father, but why have you actually summoned me?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son but didn’t say anything more about the topic.
“Well, I’ve decided to get you a personal guard. There have been many threats of attacks on the palace, so it’s better to take this precaution.”
“Interesting. Will he be with me all the time or-”
“Your guard is a female.”
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. His father? Hiring a woman? As his bodyguard? What if he-
“Are you serious?” “Yes. She is very capable and I’m sure she will protect and serve you well. I trust you to keep your relationship with her strictly professional.”
It wasn’t like he knew how to have a non-professional relationship with anyone outside of his family anyway.
“Yes, Father. Will she be with me at all times?”
“Indeed she will, except for when you are sleeping. At that time, she will stand outside your door and guard you.” “What about her food and sleep?”
“That is not your concern.”
He immediately bowed his head slightly as a sign of remorse for stepping out of line. This was going to be interesting, he thought. He had little to no interaction with women outside of his mother and sister, and the small talk he made with princesses and duchesses of other kingdoms was always awkward. Now he was having someone of the opposite gender, a woman, watching over him nearly 24/7.
He slowed down his train of thought. Why was he thinking like a teenage boy ogling over a girl? He was the crown prince, he was better than that. It was going to be a new experience, that was all.
“May I meet her now?”
“Of course. She’s arriving as we speak.”
Just then, the door opened, and you entered, a male soldier on either side. Sunghoon’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but nothing came out of it. 
He was having a cultural shock of sorts. All the women he had met were all dainty, graceful and poised - the epitome of perfection. You, on the other hand, had an air of authority about you — rough and firm. A few scars were on your face, probably from battle. You bowed the full 90 degrees, and he could only respond with a small nod.
Oh fuck, you were gorgeous.
And he used foul language again. Stupid Sunghoon, he reprimanded himself.
He didn’t take back what he said, however. Your beauty wasn’t the type written in books or sung in ballads, but it had to be known to the world, somehow. He was almost tempted to write one himself. 
Hold on, why was he thinking all this? His father had just told him to not think anything about you that crossed the lines of professional, and thinking about how pretty you were was not within those lines.
“This is your new personal guard, Y/N.”
You came over to him and bowed again, although at a smaller angle than before.
“N…Nice to meet you, Y-Y/N.”
Did he just stutter?!
“It is an honor, my prince. I swear to serve you to the best of my abilities.”
“I’m sure you will.”
He managed a small, formal smile, looking completely pleasant and unfazed.
Which he very much was not. He wanted to jump off the nearest balcony when you said ‘my prince’. He didn’t know why - you weren’t the only one who addressed him in that manner. You might’ve even learned it from someone in the palace, so why was he so hot and bothered with the way you said it?
“Your duties start today, guard.”
“Yes, your Majesty. I will not let you down.”
He was going crazy. You were just his new guard. Nothing less, nothing more. He would just have to rein in his thoughts and get it all together. Not a difficult task at all.
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As you stood behind him as he walked through the kingdom’s streets a week later, he seemed to keep a little distance from you, which was unsafe. Anything could happen within a few meters.
“My prince, you must slow your pace.”
He turned his face to look at you as he stopped walking.
“Oh? Why is that?”
“There’s a gap between us, and anyone could attack you with that.”
“Ah. I see. In that case…you can walk next to me. Or something.”
You stood next to him now. He quickly looked at the fruits a vendor was selling, trying his best to avert his gaze so that you wouldn’t see his reddening cheeks. It was unknown to him as to why he was so flustered. You were only doing your job, and that was it.
“Our kingdom seems to produce good crops.”
“Indeed they do, my prince. The farmer and the cultivators work very hard. It always seems to go unnoticed for some damn reason, though.”
He heard the angry tone in your voice and the curse word you said. This seemed to be a sore topic for you. He was curious, so he decided to ask more.
“What do you suggest, then?”
“We export more crops so that they get more revenue and in turn, they get paid as well. Increase the demand.”
You shrugged before turning your attention to a little kid who was clinging to your leg. You leaned down and patted his head, smiling a bit. The kid laughed and ran away. Sunghoon watched this interaction with interest and it dawned upon him that you cared about the people and their welfare, like a good ruler. 
Wait, why was he thinking about you being a ruler? You were only a soldier, and with the hierarchy now, there wasn’t much chance you could become more.
It did make him wonder, however, what you would do if the people rebelled. He shook his head, not wanting to think so dark. Your suggestion was smart, though. It made more sense the more he pondered over it. He’d mention this to the old man and see what he’d say.
“Shall we move on, guard?”
You stood up properly before nodding.
“Yes, my prince. Apologies for slowing you down.”
He dismissed you with a wave of his hand.
“Nothing of the sort. Come, let’s go.”
You both continued your stroll and for some reason, his heart was beating very unnaturally. He only had this issue when he was agitated, but there was no reason for him to be scared now, so why was this happening?
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It had only been two months since you became his personal guard, yet you were his closest and most trusted friend. He took all your ideas seriously and told them to the king who somehow accepted them, and called him ‘ingenious’ for supposedly coming up with them. He hated taking false credit, but he knew that he couldn’t tell his father that you were the mastermind of them all — he would then question Sunghoon as to why he was talking to them in the first place, which would lead to you being removed from your post and replaced with a boring male soldier. 
He didn’t want to lose you, not when he finally found a change in his monotonous life, someone to brighten his dull days, someone to call a friend, even though it was only known to the both of you and no one else. He couldn’t bear to have you gone.
He was sitting underneath a tree, looking up at the sky in the comfort of the gardens reserved for his family and visitors alone. His father never came here out of his own accord - he always considered it a waste of time. His mother was in her room, and her sister was in another kingdom discussing alliances. This was a moment very rare, just you and him, with no one to interrupt or catch you two slacking. 
You were sitting next to him, only a few inches away. The wind was blowing gently on his face. He closed his eyes and smiled, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Your presence next to him was oddly comforting. He opened his eyes again, turned his head, and looked at you, wanting to ask you something. 
“Guard, you know how I always give your suggestions to the king and how he always says ‘I’ did a good job thinking about them?”
Your face tightened the same way it did every time he took credit for your ideas in front of his father. He sighed.
“Yes, I do.”
“Well, I wanted to apologize for that.”
You tilted your head at him, clearly not understanding two things - why he was suddenly saying sorry, and how you doing that simple thing made him go insane. You took over him, body and soul. All he could think of when he tried to sleep was you. It was just two months. Two months, and he was already attached to you. He was convinced, however, that it wasn’t love or anything stupid like that. No, it was simply him forming a close connection to the first person who cared about him. Not everything was romantic affection. He had never tasted this emotion, obviously, but he’d say that he knew enough about it to confirm this wasn’t it.
“Why now, my prince? I’m sorry- I just didn’t expect you to, y’know…actually apologize. Never met a royal who’s done so. They’re all usually stuck-up snobs who think their shit is worth the entire kingdom.”
He snorted at that. It wasn’t like you were wrong, most of the royals he met were indeed very arrogant. He didn’t dare anything about it though, simply doing his best to not behave like them.
“It’s not right of me to take credit for something I don’t even have the brain for. I don’t mention your name for your security. If my father knew I was talking to you about matters like these, then…”
He made a motion of him cutting his own throat, complete with the sound effect. You grinned a bit, which was enough for him to be over the moon, but then you laughed. Not just a ‘teehee’ or a ‘haha’ - an actual, proper laugh. His heart swelled, maybe his jokes didn’t suck that much. Your laugh was indescribable. It was a delightful sound to listen to. It was short, but he wanted to hear it every day at least once for the rest of his life instead of those ballads that were sung in the court all the time. 
The way your eyes formed crescents, the way your face was half in the light and half in the shadow, the way the wind put an orange leaf in your hair like it was an accessory - it was making him sick in a good way. He rarely saw you smile, let alone laugh like this. He knew that you had to keep your expression serious all the time - all the soldiers had that training - and this was a proud moment for him to see you loosen up. He couldn’t help the small smile on his own face.
“My prince, is he really that harsh? I’m aware that he is super damn strict to us soldiers, but that’s expected since we have to be toughened up to protect the land.”
His smile faded before he shook his head in agreement.
“I’d say so. It’s for my good- I am the next in line, after all.”
“I don’t think forcing your child to have no friends is how you raise him to be king. He won’t know how to have proper social interactions.”
There you were again, hitting the mark accurately with your observation. He sucked at interacting with other people. Slowly, he was starting to dislike his father more. The faults he never saw in him earlier were becoming visible, the saint-like image he had of the king since childhood fading away. Was this meant to happen? He wasn’t sure.
“Right. I’m living proof.”
You shook your head in alarm.
“Oh shit- please don’t be offended by my idiotic statement, my prince…I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, really-”
He chuckled at how you were panicking and made a motion with his hand for you to calm down.
“It’s okay. I didn’t take it that way.”
“Are you sure?”
He saw your body relax as he rested his head against the bark of the tree again. He gazed at the sky, eyes fixated on the clouds and the way they moved in the direction of the breeze. Two questions lingered in his mind, and his mouth suddenly blurted one out.
“Do you ever sleep?”
It was random, sure, but he had to know. He was concerned for you. He never saw you leave his side, except for when he was asleep, and he already knew what you did then. You were still staring at him, but he didn’t notice.
“I do. I’m a normal person, my prince, I can’t function without food and rest. That’s impossible.”
You let out a slight laugh at his curiosity, and his heart started pounding faster again.
“You don’t notice, do you? That means I’m performing the stealth part of my job well. When you’re in the dining room or a meeting surrounded by the best soldiers. That’s when. I also don’t stand watch for you every night. I alternate with another guard.”
His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in understanding. He didn’t notice it at all, which meant that either you were a master of stealth, as you said, or he was just blind. It was most likely the former since he had no doubt in your abilities.
“I see. I was very worried for you, honestly.”
“I’m honored that I was an object of your concern, my prince.”
He scoffed at your slightly surprised expression. 
“Of course, I would. You’re my personal guard, what reason is there for me to treat you inhumanly?”
That stupid fucking slip of his tongue.
Shit, he just cursed.
Damn it, again.
His tutor and family would go crazy if they could read his thoughts.
Of course he had to refer to you as his, like you were property. Of course he had to emphasize on that word as well. You were making him loosen up too much. It shouldn’t have happened, not at all. He couldn’t continue like this, what if he accidentally cursed in front of people? He would never be heard of again.
“I’d say I had expected that, but you’re different from other royals, so not really.”
“I understand. Also, you don’t have to call me ‘my prince’ when we’re alone. Just Sunghoon is enough.”
Your eyes widened in astonishment.
“My prince, I wouldn’t dare to-”
“Really guard. It’s fine.”
“But his Majesty-”
“He doesn’t have to know. Our secret.”
“If you say so…it’ll take me time to get used to calling you by your name, princ- I mean, Sunghoon.”
“Already getting there.”
“I guess so. In that case, you can call me by just my name. No need for ‘guard’.”
“Your wish is my command, Y/N.”
This was new. Not referring to someone by their title was disrespectful. He learned from a ripe young age that if he didn’t call someone by their title, he could end up with his head on a guillotine block in some places. Were you seriously making all his long years of education unravel? Silence fell upon the two of you before he spoke up again.
“What do you think love is like?”
You must’ve been taken aback, and he expected to see such an expression on your face. Instead, when he stole a glance at you, it was something else. Wistful? Longing? He couldn’t name it exactly.
“Books don’t give it justice. Neither do ballads. It’s…more than that.”
He was intrigued by your response. He raised an eyebrow, signalling you to continue.
“Oh? You’ve been in love before?”
You stared at him, a sad smile forming on your lips, a look flashing in your eyes. One of remorse, he recognized.
“Yeah. It was depressingly…beautiful.”
His chest tightened at your words for some reason.
“Kind of. We fought a lot…our personalities were very different. Then when we finally reconciled…he died. An illness took him away.”
Your eyes were filled with so much hurt, it almost made him cry. This was his first time seeing you emotional, vulnerable, and while he was honored that you trusted him enough to show you this side of yours, he wondered how much you were hiding away. All he wanted was to protect you so that you would never have to go through something as painful as that. He made a resolve to make sure that he was never the cause of the agony in your eyes.
“I’m so sorry that happened.”
“It’s fine. It was just- unexpected. It’s been a year anyway.”
“I hope this doesn’t bring back memories you buried, but…how would you describe love?”
You rested your chin on your palm, thinking for a bit.
“Love isn’t only about the physical signs. For me, love is always wanting to be by someone’s side, being so head over heels for them that even the littlest things like…I don’t know, something stupid, makes you remember them. It’s being their biggest supporter, but also telling them when they’re wrong. Love is wanting to keep them safe from all the bad in this world. It’s when even the simplest thing they do brightens your day, like a smile or a small act of kindness. Love is when you put their needs and wants above everything and everyone else. There’s obviously more, but that’s my personal experience.”
Holy moly. Sunghoon was in love.
He was in love. That emotion many desired to feel at least once. All his previous notions and confidence about it being platonic flew out the window. He very clearly did not learn enough about this feeling. He didn’t know whether he wanted to be happy that he could say he had loved once in his life, or scream in frustration that he fell for someone out of his league and not some princess who he was supposed to want like this.
God, he hated himself.
“Pri- Sunghoon, are you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He couldn’t let you know, he was a hundred percent sure that you didn’t feel the same. Plus, he was the prince, and if you both were caught, it would mean bad for him and catastrophic for you.
“I’m fine. Come, let’s go. We might get caught if we stay any longer.”
He stood up immediately. You were confused but followed his orders. What he said, you obeyed.
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It had been eight months since you became his personal guard, and half a year since he realized that he was in love with you. He tried to distance himself, but one look or word from you and his resolve faltered. He was so deep in this pit, and he didn’t know whether he wanted to dig deeper or climb out. He wanted you to stay away and he also loved the way you destroyed every single one of the walls he built around himself subconsciously. 
He matured, and he was no longer the shy boy who didn’t know how to talk to someone of the opposite gender. He was a confident and charming crown prince now, the man of many’s dreams. You were the only one on his mind though. 
His father was now eager to get him married off, and he had to comply with his wishes, He was no longer the king who served the people anymore - he was corrupted, only thinking about power. Sunghoon did his best to undo the damage inflicted on the population, but the situation was getting tense, and he knew it. Rebels were raising their heads and it was his job to keep them in check. It was difficult, but you helped him through it.
Presently, he was sitting in the dining room with his family, the king, queen, princess, and officials of the Hwan kingdom. This was the proposal his father liked the most because the Hwan kingdom was rich in resources, and this alliance hidden as a marriage would give the Parks access to those coveted precious stones. He was hoping, however, that the other king would say no for some reason and he’d be free.
He had no interest in the princess, however. She was too boring for him. They had zero common likes, and the only thing they related to each other on was the struggles of being next in line. This was probably the worst match he had ever met. She seemed like she wanted this much less than he did. She was at least trying, he had to give her that.
You stood behind him on his right side. He so desperately wanted to turn around and see your reaction to all this. Your face had to have no expression now, obviously, but you both shared secret looks with each other in odd situations, and he was sure you’d find this amusing. The chatter across the table died down suddenly, and all the attention was on the two kings in the room.
“We’ve agreed on this marriage. Prince Sunghoon and Princess Hyeju are now betrothed!”
Sunghoon’s hands, which were tapping the table, stilled. He froze in shock, every voluntary muscle in his body stopping movement.
No, this couldn’t happen.
This was a nightmare, a terrible dream. He pinched his thigh underneath the table and ended up proving to his dismay that he was wrong.
This was the worst day of his life.
His father droned on about the details of the wedding. He tuned it all out. He tilted his head just a little to see your face and noticed that you were gripping your spear much tighter than necessary. You knew that he didn’t want this, not at all. Maybe you were angry on his behalf.
He couldn’t do anything about this, however. This was just his fate, and he resigned to it immediately. 
The meeting ended, and everyone, including Sunghoon, stood up and exited the room. You followed him as he went straight to the gardens to clear his head. His family would be occupied with entertaining the guests and making more plans, so it was just you and him. Again.
He sat in his usual spot underneath the same tree. He buried his face in his hands, frustrated. He heard the sound of you sitting down next to him, before feeling your hand lightly grip his shoulder.
“Hey, Sunghoon?”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s fine.”
“I know how much you don’t want this. Trust me, I don’t want it either.”
The second sentence was uttered in a more quiet voice, and he moved his hands away from his face to look at you in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
Your lips formed a thin line, your body language making it clear that you were saying this with hesitation.
“I don’t want you to marry her.”
You removed your hand from his shoulder. You looked down at the grass, fresh and green from the new spring season.
“Why? I mean- other than me not wanting it personally, there’s no reason you should hate it…this is an amazing opportunity for the people and the kingdom! We will prosper-”
“Fuck the people and the kingdom- I want you, dumbass.”
His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
“What…do you mean.”
“I love you really badly. That’s what I mean.”
He couldn’t believe it. You, the very person he always desired desperately, his forbidden fruit, loved him back? Wanted him? This wasn’t real. He must’ve been knocked out after the marriage announcement and slipped into a pleasant dream.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You want me to prove it?”
He didn’t know what to expect, but you grabbing his face and crashing your lips on his was the farthest from his vague idea of what might happen. 
It lasted for a few seconds before you pulled away suddenly. You noticed his dazed expression and started to panic.
“Shit, shouldn’t have done that, please don’t kill me, I-”
Your voice snapped him out of his haze before he placed his hand on your waist and pulled you in for another kiss. His hand tucked one strand of hair behind your ear and you melted into the action, calming down instantly. He was so gentle, so careful, he was holding you like you were a delicate object that was to be treated with utmost care at all times. When you both parted, his face wore a lovesick smile, his eyes sparkling like stars.
“I feel the same.”
“Yeah, it was obvious.”
He chuckled at your comment, before frowning. 
“You know this is dangerous, right? We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Your shoulders slumped at his words, knowing that he was completely correct.
“I do. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. I just didn’t…know how to tell you.”
He shook his head. To him, you could do no wrong. It was his fault. He should have gotten rid of you so that he could nip the blooming flower in his heart from the bud. He shouldn’t have been such a coward.
“I understand what you mean now. I don’t know how to stop it, though.”
“That’s…fine. Just knowing you feel the same is enough for me.”
It wasn’t. Neither for you, neither for him, and you both knew that. The fact that he couldn’t be yours and you couldn’t be his simply because of both of your duties was like a nasty, sharp torn ledged in the soft flesh of his heart. You and him were not meant to be. Your romance was only a fantasy, to be never fulfilled.
“Precisely. This is all it’ll ever be.”
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It was night. He had one week until his wedding with the Hwan princess, and he was dreading it. Seeing your face became unbearable for him sometimes — you reminded him that he had everything a commoner could only dream of, but even the poorest of poor could love and he couldn’t. He was ready to throw his entire life away and disappear with you, but his fear of what would happen next to the country held him back. 
He stared out the window in his bedroom which gave him a perfect view of the private gardens. The place where it all started and ended. The moonlight shone on the trees and flowers, giving it a peaceful aura, different from the cheery one it had in the daytime. Even in the comfort of his silk night clothes and soft blankets, he was in a state of unrest. He wanted to run, wanted to be free, wanted, wanted, wanted. He lay down, resting his head on his pillow as he waited for sleep to find him while he closed his eyes. Thankfully, the night was kind to him, and he dozed off almost instantly.
Sunghoon was rudely woken up by you frantically shaking his figure, pleading with you to wake up. When he came to his senses, he heard alarms sounding in the palace and immediately understood that it was an emergency, although what might’ve exactly happened was beyond him.
“Y/N, Y/N, I’m up. What’s going on?”
He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and slapping his face for good measure.
“Rebels. Come, we need to run.”
The first word was enough for him to be fully alert. He foresaw them coming, so it wasn’t a big shocker for him. He put on his slippers and looked at you with determination. He was actually trying to mask his fear, but you didn’t need to know that. You grabbed his arm and ran out of the room. He was a bit startled at your speed at first, but quickly matched your pace. When you both reached a corridor, you slowed down, wanting to be careful of surprise attacks.
“Hide your face to the best of your ability. I’m not sure if they’ll recognize you in non-prince clothes, but it’s better to be safe. They’ll aim for me instead since I have the palace uniform.”
His chest tightened. You were ready to give up your life for his. He knew that was protocol for all soldiers - royals over their own lives. He knew, but you were different. He didn’t want you to die, he couldn’t imagine a life without you. You were his oxygen, he’d suffocate if you were gone.
Suddenly, he noticed a flash of light. He heard a whoosh and he saw the way your hair moved in the direction of the sound. He assumed it was a gust of air along with the lights of the palace shining weirdly, but then he looked at the wall in front of him and realized what it was - an arrow. It was embedded in said wall, and you had missed it by a hair’s breath. Literally. It had scratched your face, but other than that, you were fine.
You pulled him down to remain on the floor, before you stood up and ran to the rebel that shot it, your hands gripping your sword tight. You engaged in combat with her. She was rather buff, and even though she only had a bow and an arrow holder on her, she was slowly gaining ground in the fight. She was blocking your thrusts with her bow, catching your moves with its string. She landed a harsh blow on your chest, and he gritted his teeth seeing your sharp flinch. He had to do something and fast.
He crawl-walked across the floor, making sure to stay unnoticed. He moved to stand behind the rebel before forcefully grabbing her neck. She was gagged, and the sudden lack of air caught her off guard. You took the opportunity and struck her in the heart, and he let go of her. 
You both ran off, eager to get to the safe room specially built for situations like this. Barely some distance away, he raised his head, neck aching from the constant strain, when you suddenly pushed him to the ground and covered his mouth with your hand. He was about to protest, feeling kind of hot and bothered with his position, but then he decided against it. You definitely did this for a reason, and he could repress his feelings for a while.
Your head turned as you stared at a rebel passing by, praying he wouldn’t notice you both. He was blind to your movement thankfully, and as soon as he left, you got off of Sunghoon, pulled him up, and ran. You pushed the door of the safe room which was behind a cupboard open with your shoulder, and he then realized that he was the first one to reach. The door closed, and he glanced at you, relief and gratitude clear in his eyes. 
You gave him a thumbs up and turned to leave to assist the other soldiers with getting the rest of his family to the room when he suddenly grabbed your wrist. You looked at him with confusion, and you opened your mouth to ask him what he was doing when he placed his lips on yours. You let out a soft gasp when he held you closer, one arm around your waist, the other hand on your back, holding you close. This wasn’t like the last time you kissed — this was desperate, filled with emotion. He let go of you too soon, eyes shining with tears. 
You both knew that there was a chance you wouldn’t come back to him, and this could be the last time he saw you.
You squeezed his hand in an attempt to reassure him. He just nodded at the door, knowing that you had your duty. You bowed and left as he watched you in fear, praying that you’d make it.
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After the attack by the rebels, there were always new questions about the palace’s security floating around. Quite a few lives were lost. None of them were you or his family, but Sunghoon still grieved for them mentally. He couldn’t imagine the agony their families must’ve been going through, and he managed to convince his father to give all the deceased’s close relatives compensation. 
The wedding was called off for now, much to his delight and his father’s despair. The old man had accused him of doing something to sabotage it, but he had grown a thicker skin, thanks to you. All efforts were now being put into strengthening the forces of the kingdom, and the actual matters of state were being ignored. This would lead to more rebellion, but his father didn’t seem to care. At this rate, he could die if he stepped out of the palace grounds — the people hated him that much. Sunghoon was already preparing to become the next ruler since that future would become a reality pretty soon. 
A surprise attack was inevitable, but he didn’t expect the aggressor to be the damn Hwan kingdom.
They must’ve heard about the damage inflicted on the palace from spies and knew that the Park kingdom would be focusing its efforts on repairing it, thus taking advantage of the situation. It was smart of king Hwan, Sunghoon would give him that.
He rode his horse while inspecting the soldiers preparing for battle. None of them were properly ready for this. Many veteran soldiers were on break and were called back suddenly. They all did come, and he was grateful to them for that, even when they had the right to refuse. The troops were arranging their positions quickly, and a little bit of his anxiety relaxed. Their army was strong, they could face this.
As he rode back, he saw his father, who was seething with rage at being betrayed, Sunghoon’s brain was in overdrive. Many of these brave soldiers would sacrifice their body and soul for a stupid fight that wouldn’t bring much to the land that could have been easily prevented. He knew it would happen, but didn’t do anything that was enough to fix it. He couldn’t keep falling short of what was necessary, that wasn’t what a future king would do. 
Not wanting to talk to the old man, he rode a little further where you were on your own horse, surveying the battlefield. He relaxed a bit more upon seeing you and moved to be next to you.
“This will be a tough fight, Sunghoon.”
“I hope it remains a fight that ends today and not a war that stretches over days.”
“Where we are victorious.”
“My- Sunghoon, what will you do in case your father…is killed?”
The slip-up and the way ‘my Sunghoon’ rolled off your tongue so perfectly made him miss your actual question for a moment. He let out a soft giggle, before manning up to think. He hadn’t considered that possibility at all. If that happened, then he would automatically become the next king. He’d rule the land and hopefully lead better than the previous king and his reign would be peaceful. He’d make sure of that.
“Be the next ruler, of course. I’d promote you to my personal advisor.”
You cracked a small smile at that.
“Not enough brain. Plus, what if I don’t make it?”
“Won’t happen. You’re too sexy to die. Your abilities are top tier too, you’ll survive.”
You laughed now, and he smiled fully at you. This was a situation unheard of — right before a whole battle, he was here flirting with you and laughing. So very serious. 
He leaned his head closer to yours, hair falling over his eyes. They were pleading silently with you to steal one last kiss, one last secret gesture of love before you both left to fight, one last chance to hold you. You shortened the gap, about to comply, when the war horn sounded, signaling the start of the battle. He frowned, angry at the lost chance, but quickly kissed your forehead. You pecked his cheek in return, before putting on your helmet and riding off. 
The sound of hooves hitting the ground and the sight of dust flying from them brought him back into the moment, and he rode in the same direction as his own army, intending to lead the fight. His father was weak and made dumb decisions, so it was up to him. He moved directly to the frontlines, pulling out his sword from its hilt as an enemy soldier charged at him. He fought with ease, and soon a dead body was on the ground.
He should have been desensitized now upon seeing gore and corpses, but it still disgusted him. He gritted his teeth and averted his gaze as he parried with more enemies. Soldiers were dropping left and right from both sides. Blood splatters were on his own face from fighting so fiercely. It was a miracle that he was still standing with only minor injuries, the Hwan soldiers were vigorous. 
Time was passing quickly, although for him it felt like an eternity. He just wanted to go back after all this ended. He didn’t care if he had to marry the Hwan princess, all he wanted was for this bloodshed to end. The sound of arrows being shot, horses neighing, grunts of hurt and dying soldiers — it was all too much for him.
All of a sudden, a more experienced soldier was attacking him, he could tell by the moves. His entire focus was on fighting back because this guy could actually kill him, that much was clear. He didn’t notice the other soldier charging towards him from his left with a spear until he heard a clang. 
His eyes darted in the direction of the sound for a second, only to see you had blocked the attack and thrown the soldier off his horse. He was impressed and inspired by you, and with renewed strength, he killed the veteran. He gave you a thumbs up, before looking to his right as someone else ran to replace the deceased soldier. He was ready to fight that person and everyone else with you and for you.
Then, tragedy struck.
An arrow was heading in his direction. Occupied with the current fight he was in, Sunghoon was in no position to dodge it, and you took the blow. Pushing his horse with your own, the arrow lodged in your chest instead. The only reason he noticed it was because of the sound of pain you made. He finished off the man fighting him, and then turned his head to look at you. Your head was drooping slightly and your grip on the reins of your horse had faltered.
No, no, no, this can’t happen!
You were supposed to stay with him, you were supposed to be by his side forever, he was supposed to get more chances to love you, even in secret, not just lose you like this.
He immediately shoved his sword back in its hilt before grabbing your torso to steady you. You were very faintly there, you just had to keep going a bit more for him, and he knew you could.
“Y/N, hold on, okay? Don’t close your eyes, please.”
Fuck, your voice was so weak, you really were trying. He’d end your suffering soon, he promised silently.
Coincidentally, the war horn sounded once more, signifying the end of the battle. It was his kingdom’s, which meant he had won, just like you wanted. 
But you weren’t conscious enough to realize it.
He promptly sat you on his horse in front of him, one arm around your waist holding you close and tight. He galloped fast to the palace medic, the best one in the entire region. He ignored the weird looks and the shouts of his name, traveling with urgency. He had to move fast for your sake, and also for his own. He’d lose his shit if you…no. You weren’t going to, he was sure of it.
“Try to not focus on the pain, we’re almost there.”
That was stupid advice, but he had to say something, anything to save him.
“This doctor will fix you up, I swear. Just- don’t give up yet, Y/N. I beg of you. It’s all I’ll ask for this badly from you.”
Your head was now tilted back, and it rested on his right shoulder. You opened your eyes slightly to look at him, which he took as a good sign.
Then you spoke.
“I won’t…won’t make it. It’s…no point…denying it…my…Hoon, I…love you.”
At your words, Sunghoon’s lips formed a thin line as he squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds to force his tears to stay back. He could feel the blood running from your wound and collecting onto the sleeve of his suit, but he refused to accept it. You would make it, you couldn’t die.
“Shut-Shut up. You’re not dying, not when I’m here. Look, we’ve reached- you’ll be okay, I swear.”
He got off the horse, your limp body in his arms bridal style.
He wished he could be holding you like this in a different, more happier situation.
The doctor rushed out of her house and knew that it was urgent upon seeing the prince at her door. She took you in and he waited outside, pacing around nervously. He was so certain you’d survive, but the wound could be a major setback for the rest of your life. He’d have to make adjustments to accommodate you at the palace. He wouldn’t mind though, it was for you after all.
The doctor came out after a few minutes, and he waited for her to say something along the lines of ‘she survived, but ___’. Not to see her shake her head with a soft sigh. 
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it. She was gone when you came here. We tried our best, but…the arrow was poison tipped, which reduced her chances of surviving to zero.”
No. No no no no no. This lady was old and wrinkling, she was probably cuckoo and playing an unfunny prank on him.
“Can I see her? Alone?”
“Of course, sire.”
He rushed inside immediately, expecting to see you on the bed bandaged up and smiling at how well the prank worked on him-
She was right. You really were gone. You took your last breath in his arms. Your arms rested limply by your sides. The arrow was removed, but the blood stains were on your armor as evidence that the fatal injury did indeed happen. Useful reminder for a delusional ass like his. Your helmet was off your head now.
He sat down on a chair next to your bed and held one of your hands gingerly. It was already turning cold, and he hated it. He felt freshly made cuts and bruises along with older scars on your palm. His gaze fell on your face. The scratch you got from the rebel’s ambush was still partially healing. He took in your features with intense concentration, engraving them in his memory. He despised the fact that you looked so much at peace right now – when you just left his entire life in turmoil. He needed so badly to shake you back to life or something, but he knew that there was no point now. He lifted your hand up to his lips, kissing it in a tender manner, a weak replacement for the one you both missed maybe an hour or two before. 
Just when he let go of your hand, the doctor rushed in with news.
“Sire, his majesty has passed away due to a…similar poisonous arrow shortly after victory.”
Both the people he knew wanted to win the most were dead just after it happened. Ironic, he thought - this was worthless now.
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King Sunghoon walked through the cemetery for soldiers who had sacrificed their lives for the country. He stopped right in front of one which had many flower bouquets, a lot of them from his own previous visits, all of them your favorite flowers. He got on his knees on the right side of your gravestone, head bowed in respect and hands folded in his lap.
“Hello, Y/N. I know I’ve come to see you many times before, but I can’t help it. I miss you so much. You left too soon. I still believe that I should have taken that arrow instead of you…although it was for the better in hindsight. At least your last memory was of me and your pain ended quickly.”
Silence. He quickly wiped his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I still do, so much. I should move on by now, but it’s hard. Not when you meant so much to me, not when you changed me. A little for the worse, mostly for the better.”
He laughed dryly, looking at his hands. An expensive ring gleamed on his ring finger.
“I married a queen who I liked a lot. Not the Hwan princess, although she and I keep in touch often. We’re allies now. Kind of ironic, since I lost you and the old man in a war against that same kingdom’s old ruler.”
He wasn’t willing to let himself break, what if someone walked in on him sobbing over a dead soldier's grave? What would they think? He poked his eyes with his fingers, still in misery. No matter how much he tried, everything in his brain led back to you. While he didn’t want you to fade or leave his mind exactly, you were only meant to be a guest, visiting occasionally, not a permanent resident, not someone he still needed. When he calmed down, he quietly lifted his crown off his head and put it on top of your gravestone. He placed a solemn hand on it, closing his eyes. “This is a love stained crown, tainted with you and I, along with all our memories. Your affection will never wash away, no matter how much I try. I miss you and I love you, and I hope you’re doing better, wherever you are.”
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writing-in-the-impala · 7 months
Secret Smokes (Part 12)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 3190
A/N: Thank you to everyone who's still reading and leaving lovely comments every time, you are literally my motivation and fuel to keep posting I truly love you all
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 12, Next Chapter
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Remus's office had become your private safe space, you would go there as often as possible without raising suspicions that you weren't in your dorm. You wouldn't sleep there most night but you would sit and listen to music, chat and cuddle before reluctantly walking back to sleep in your own bed. It felt like everything was moving fast but at the same time the only thing that had changed since before Christmas was now you were allowed to cuddle, kiss and speak honestly about how you feel.
Lessons were interesting as you and Remus tried your hardest to avoid suspicions but sometimes you would get lost in each others eyes especially the days after you had just slept together and woken up next to each other. Your tutoring lessons became a lot more flirty as it was just the two of you, Remus started locking the door during them just in case. You still learnt a lot but he would often kiss your neck as he stood behind you helping to guide your hand to preform a spell correctly.
While approaching the first full moon of the year you noticed Remus became more possessive over you. It showed up in small things like telling off Sebastian when he got too touchy in Remus's classes, but he also became more protective, he would walk you back to your dorm at night just in case and he would make you tea and make sure you ate properly. It was as if Remus's emotions were dialled up. Sometime he would bite you when he kissed you, this would become a lot more common closer to the full moon, he would constantly express how he craved you in the days leading up to the full moon. He was less angsty which lead you to believe he was angsty with you because he was frustrated before over all the emotions he had felt in regards to you. The evening of the full moon you were sitting in his office with him, his body was aching and he was sitting on the sofa in pain as you made him a cup of tea with wolfbane inside to help dull it's bitter taste. You bought it over to him stroking his hair lightly. "Here drink this, the wolfbane is inside."
"I'm so lucky to have you." He said gently through the pain. You could tell he appreciated you taking care of him but also wished he didn't need to be taken care of. "I should probably head to the shrieking shack soon." He said looking at his watch.
"I can walk with you." You offered and he gave you a gentle smile.
"No dear, I don't want you anywhere near that place, besides Sirius will probably be there soon so I'll be in safe hands." He stood up masking the pain with a straight face and went to change into clothes that can get destroyed just in case. You walked with him up to the edge of the castle you couldn't kiss him goodbye as it was too risky so you simply opted for a wave as he gave you a longing look and wave back. You couldn't sleep all night, you just thought about Remus's pain. You could hear howls every so often throughout the night which made you feel somehow comfortable as you knew he was close and he was okay. The next day at lunchtime you went to visit his office to check on him. He slowly opened the door leaning most of his weight on his cane and his face changed from profesional to a look of shock and love as soon as he noticed you. "I bought you some chocolate cake from lunch." You said lifting up the small brown bag in your hand. He opened the door wider letting you in and slowly walked over to his desk, sitting down slowly as his body ached with every move. You noticed he was wearing pyjama trousers and a jumper that was more tattered than his usual choices.
"I really appreciate you thinking of me Y/N, but you didn't have to do this for me." He said ripping open the bag to use it as a plate for the cake. "Would you like some?" He offered to you and you shook your head.
"How was the transformation?" You asked as he picked at the cake.
"I don't remember much of it to be honest, I rarely do, I know I didn't get as scratched up this time, but my muscles ache a lot which usually means I moved around a lot."
"Does your human physique affect your wolf physique?" You asked also picking at his cake.
"I never thought about it that way, I think the muscles are linked in some way, no one really studies us." He admitted with a sad face.
"How's the pain?"
"My energy levels are extremely low, currently my bones and muscles ache so I've been simply reading my book in bed and catching up on sleep."
"Sorry for making you leave your bed,"
"Darling it's my pleasure to spend time with you thank you for remembering about me."
"I'm going to have to get back to my lessons but I'll come check on you in the evening." You explained standing up.
"You know you don't have to it's okay if you're busy, I won't be much fun in my condition." He said beginning to stand up but you quickly stopped him so he wouldn't strain himself too much. You pecked his lips lightly goodbye and let yourself out.
The rest of the day was uneventful, you headed over to visit Remus straight away after dinner, bar of chocolate in hand. He opened the door slowly again, you stood on the other side of the door holding up the chocolate bar, covering your face. You peeked to the side from it and he had a huge warm smile on his face.
"If you bring my gifts every time you should come here more often." He moved to the side and you almost hopped in filled with excitement to see Remus.
"Don't get used to it," you plopped yourself down on the sofa making yourself comfortable as Remus slowly walked over and sat down next to you using his cane for support. "What'cha reading?" You asked picking up the book that was laying besides you.
"You'll be glad to hear it's a muggle book, it's called an inspector calls."
"Oh I know that one it's a play."
"I like it, reading it feels like going to the theatre."
"We should go." You expressed not thinking through what you're saying just speaking.
"That's a wonderful idea, let me know a weekend you may be free or maybe we can do it over the a half term."
"Sounds like our next date is planned." You said going in to kiss him this time.
"Just let me heal first." You hugged him but only lightly as you didn't want to hurt him anywhere he may have scars. You sat down pulling out a book of your own while he grabbed a different one off the shelf. "Are you changing books already?"
"Well if we're going to the theatre I don't want to spoil the ending, plus it was beginning to get a little depressing." He slowly lowered himself to sit beside you.
"So you decided to go for?"
"Secrets of the Darkest Art." He replied.
"Because that's so much more enjoyable." You expressed sarcastically.
"I'm refreshing my memory,  what high brow work of fiction might you be reading?"
"Something intellectual." You stayed flashing him with the book cover of Breakfast at Tiffany's making him laugh. "Don't be so smug."
"It's your turn to change the record." He stated as the music finished.
"How did you know it's going to finish?"
"It's your turn to change it." He simply repeated without lifting his eyes from the page.
"Yeah I'm not changing it, it's your turn old man." You said starring at him and he lifted his eyes to meet your gaze.
"I see how much you care about my health when it really matters." He began to slowly stand up making sounds of pain just to tease you and you immediately stopped him and stood up to change it.
"Well maybe you should invest in a CD player or something that you don't have to flip every five seconds, something with a remote."
"Why? I've got you. Besides have you forgotten about magic dear?" He said and the record player shut nearly snapping your fingers and automatically it began to play. "I prefer the way records sound."
"How do you do it so naturally?"
"Do what?"
"Magic." You stated and he shut his book sitting up to face you. "It doesn't come naturally to me, I barely remember it's there, it feels so foreign to me."
"You need to be open to it, I'll teach you, just let me. Don't be so closed off." He said gently placing his hand on your leg and you nodded. "Promise me?" He pushed and you nodded. "You need to use your words Y/N." He said sending a hot flush to your cheeks.
"I promise." You said and he leaned in to kiss you.
The following weeks you kept your promise, you worked hard to learn everything, Remus pushed you to use magic in the evenings in his office making it all feel more natural to you. It took time but you were beginning to use magic for the small stuff. In his officially tutoring lessons you began to move on to learn your Patronus charm.
It was late in the evening on a Monday when you were still trying to get it right, you were so close the spark was coming out of your wand. "Just focus on a memory that is stronger than any other." Remus who was dripping in sweat almost shouted. It had been hours but you both knew you were so close. You tried again and it was close but it wasn't working. "I don't think I can do it." You said in almost defeat.
"That's okay my dear we can try again tomorrow." He said coming up to kiss you, he moved the hair out your face, put his arms around and leaned down placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "You're doing so well, you just need to find the right moment, try and search deeper." He explained and you lingered on his words, you tried many memories, even the one of your first kiss with him but none worked but that's the moment you thought of the day he took you to the lake to see the light bugs the vulnerability but the love you felt in that moment. "Can I try one last time?" You asked and he nodded letting go of you, his hand letting go of yours last as he was stepping back.
"It's okay if you can't do it today, you still have a lot of time to learn." He comforted you and that's when you tried the new memory. You focused your mind and cast the charm and a blinding light came out in front of you, you saw a wolf begin to run around the room but yours and Remus's faces were in utter joy but then you noticed his turn to confusion as he studied the animal. He looked at you with a new look, one filled with love but laced with a hint of fear as he came up to you, arm open putting them around you and pulling you into his chest. He leaned to kiss you and kept repeating. "I'm so proud of you." Between kisses. That night you didn't go back to your dorm but instead Remus decided it was a special enough occasion to open a new bottle of whiskey.
You left early morning to get back to your dorm, reluctantly peeling yourself out of Lupins arms. You tiptoed down the corridor in the direction of your dorm when you saw Percy. Panic set in. You thought about finding a way to avoid him but there was nothing you could do. "L/N." He said as walked past.
"Percy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You shot him a forced grin.
"Why are you wandering around the halls this early?"
"I just went for a morning stroll." You averted his gaze.
"In last nights clothes?" He pointed out stepping closer to you, looking down his nose almost like Snape would do.
"Percy, please let it go, this doesn't concern you."
"As your prefect-" he began and you scoffed at him walking past but he quickly followed you. "It concerns me when it involves Lupin." You froze as Percy said the words.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You simply stated as Percy came up to you and leaned in tight.
"I've been watching you. He could get fired overnight with his condition, I don't even need to prove that you two are fucking." He whispered in your ear and you automatically went to slap him in the face and push him away from you.
"You're such a prick you don't deserve to be in Gryffindor." You said pulling out your wand and pointing it at him as he stumbled slightly back and pulled out his. You immediately disarmed him and hit him with a stunner. You kept hitting him until he fell on the ground. "I used to consider you my friend." You said trying not to cry.
He got his wand back and hit you with a stunner of his. "That's when I thought you were a nice girl not one that goes around fucking her professors."
His last word was muffled with a loud shout of  "Enough." And both your wands fell to the ground. You both looked in the direction of Lupin who was running up to you followed by McGonagall. He didn't have any words when he reached you but just stood starring at you with an unreadable look while McGonagall caught up behind him. "Mr Weasley, Miss L/N would either of you like to explain to me why you are duelling in the corridor first thing in the morning?" She began standing next to Lupin.
"We were practicing for our exams." You said without skipping a beat.
"Now however good that is of an excuse that doesn't explain why you are both shouting at each other and doing all this in the middle of the hall. I expected better of you both especially a prefect of my house." She caught your bluff.
"Professor may I speak to you in your office it's a personal matter." Percy said not looking at Lupin.
"Very well. Mr Weasley I will see you this afternoon in my office for detention where you can explain yourself and Miss L/N you will report to Professor Lupins office to serve your detention with him." She stated and then looked at Lupin. "If that is okay with you Remus?" She asked him gently and he nodded not taking his eyes off you.
"That's not detention for her, she likes going to his office," Percy protested.
"Then you will serve your detention with Professor Lupin and Miss L/N will report to me. Any more objections Mr Weasley?" She looked down his glasses at her and he shook his head no. "Okay, as you both were." She said waving her hand to signify letting you both go. You both scurried away, no more words exchanged between you and Percy. You looked back to see Lupin and McGonagall walking away side by side, his hands were in his pockets and he looked as if he was explaining something to her you wandered what it may be.
In the evening you went to see McGonagall, the tension was thick in the room as you entered. Her office was very different to Lupins, it had a similar shape but it was significantly bigger, it felt a lot more wooden and less comfortable but it still felt like it was full of love. Her personality came through in the small rug on the floor and the framed picture all over the wall behind her desk. When she questioned you as to what caused the fight with Percy you were most honest beginning with "You see Professor, Percy likes me as more than a friend and I've rejected his advances many times, I kissed a boy at a party on New Year's Eve and he's been annoyed with me ever since." She nodded to show she's following your story however you could tell she was lost as to how this is relevant. "So he's now in a vendetta to ruin my life because I don't like him." You finished and she nodded.
"How did this lead to you duelling in the hall?" She asked calmly.
"I'll admit something, I didn't go back to my own bed last night, I was heading back in the morning and Percy confronted me, started threatening to get me in trouble, his face was very close to mine like he was about to kiss me or spit on me so I slapped him to get him off me." She simply nodded.
"Miss L/N to me it sounds like things in terms of self defence, however why were you both still fighting when Professor Lupin and I approached."
"He was pissed off-"
"L/N." She warned.
"Sorry, he was annoyed. He kept shouting at me and he was holding his wand and I just thought I should disarm him, it all happened quite fast." You explained.
"I have to say Miss L/N I'm proud to hear you naturally used magic like that. I see Professor Lupins tutoring is very useful, I'm truly proud of the enormous progress you've made this year. After your exams you owe that man champagne." She said her tone was motherly, her last sentence made you smile.
"You are right professor, I owe Professor Lupin a lot for all his help this year." You felt comfort speaking with her about him and also quite excited to speak well of him with someone else.
"I don't know how much you know about him however I remember when he joined Hogwarts he was alike you in your early years, I think that's why you both get so well along."
"What do you mean professor?"
"Well you were both just as cautious and untrusting of magic-"
"He was untrusting of magic?" You questioned finding her words amusing.
"He has been hurt by magic at a young age and it meant he wanted very little to do with our world, it, being at Hogwarts didn't feel natural to him at first."
"I know about his condition." You blurted out.
"Well then he must trust you very much. He's a good man, we're very lucky to have him in the school, he cares a lot and wants to help." She said and you nodded feeling awkward, you didn't know what to say as a yes would be weird. "Anyway I've gotten chatty, I apologise, you're free to go, thank you for your honesty." She said dismissing you.
"Thank you professor and thank you for the chat." You said standing up.
"My pleasure." She had a warm smile as she looked back down at the paperwork in front of her and you left. You felt positive.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: Yes Inspector Calls is a nod to David Thewlis being in the BBC adaptation of the play
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
Kid!Beatles X Kid!Reader Headcanons
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(thank you to anon for this fun request!! 💞)
you and John are known troublemakers in school, often getting scolded for your antics in class and mischief during recess
you're notorious for pulling pranks on your classmates, from tacks on chairs to fake bugs in desk drawers
you bond over your love for doodling, filling notebooks with silly drawings and caricatures of your teachers (and sometimes defacing school property)
despite your friendship, you're fierce rivals on the soccer field, competing against one another in epic matches with bragging rights on the line
you share a secret hideout in the schoolyard where you spend your breaks together, plotting imaginary adventures and sharing your wildest dreams
you have frequent sleepovers consisting of ruthless pillow fights and devious prank calls to every number in the phonebook
you and Paul spend recess making up silly songs together, singing at the top of your lungs and giggling uncontrollably
after school, you make your way towards your secret treehouse in Paul's backyard to share secrets and imaginary tales, hidden away from the rest of the world
when the weather is nice, you like to go on bike rides around the neighborhood, exploring hidden trails and pretending to be intrepid explorers on a quest for adventure
Paul will sometimes take you to the park with him to birdwatch, armed with binoculars and identification books
you love building things together, crafting beautiful flower crowns and constructing makeshift forts from pillows and blankets
you spend your weekends watching old monster movies and sci-fi classics, munching on popcorn and debating over which film is the best
being two of the quieter students in class, you share a special unspoken bond, often writing messages in the margins of your notebooks and sliding it to the edge of your desk for the other to read
speaking of, the two of you are avid readers, spending hours in the school library devouring nonfiction books about dinosaurs, science, and space
George takes on you epic imaginary adventures, pretending to be astronauts exploring distant planets or knights fighting dragons
you like to go on nature walks together, collecting leaves to make rubbings and flowers to press in your scrapbooks
you spend the weekends exploring in the woods behind your houses, searching for hidden treasures and making friends with the creatures that inhabit the forest
you're a pair of class clowns, always cracking jokes and performing silly skits to make your classmates laugh during boring lessons
Ringo shares with you his love for percussion, showing you how to use instruments like air guitars and cardboard drums to perform for your friends at lunchtime
the two of you spend countless afternoons playing soccer with your friends in the neighborhood streets, Ringo showcasing his impressive footwork as you cheer him on from the sidelines (and even join in when you're feeling bold)
you're avid comic book fans, spending hours together trading your favorite issues and debating over who would win in a battle between your favorite superheroes
on temperate evenings you'll pitch a tent in Ringo's backyard and stay up all night telling ghost stories, roasting marshmallows over a makeshift campfire, and counting the stars
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babbygirlblues · 2 years
Summary: A little introduction to The One Chance, a series I'll be writing from the universe of my fic ‘Sneaking Around’.
Alpha!Nat has always been the centre of your attention. You’ve been in love with her since you met her - something that took a few tries to do.
Warnings: Brief description of physical assault (adult man hits a child).
The entire series will be strictly 18+ although the prologue doesn't contain any explicit content.
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The first time you saw Natasha she had blue hair. 
She had the other students' attention because she started her first day at school on a Tuesday in the middle of the year. She had your attention because you were innately drawn to her, beautiful and mysteriously quiet, you couldn’t keep your eyes off her.
As the year went on, her hair slowly grew out red from the roots and you gathered all your courage just to try and talk to her. You’d spent months watching her from afar, taking note of all her interests, the jokes she laughed at with her new friends and every book that was ever tucked under her arm. She had sandwiches for lunch most days, occasionally ate from the canteen and played football with the boys from the grade above you. Occasionally you saw a little blonde girl attached to her side, a younger sister who she was very protective of.
The first time you tried to talk to her, the words just didn’t come out at all. Mrs. Jones, your 7th grade teacher, asked you to hand out papers to the class and you took your chance to finally say something to Natasha. You quickly handed out paper to the other kids in her row and when you reached her desk she was looking at you. Her piercing green eyes caught you completely off guard. You froze, mouth open and your brain stuttered over the myriad of things you had to say to her. The piece of paper in your hand was held halfway out to her and she tried to reach for it from your gasp. 
“Y/N!” Mrs Jones called out, “Give Natasha her paper, please.”
Everyone turned to look at you. You snapped out of your daze and a soft smile pulled at the edges of the redheads lips. Her eyes were kind as they curiously searched yours and the attention made you blush viciously. 
You quickly placed the sheet of paper in her hand. 
“Come on, hurry up.” The teacher called out again, and you stumbled past Natasha’s desk to hand out the rest of the papers. 
The next time you were better prepared. You’d written yourself a script and rehearsed it meticulously so that another terrible case of the tongue-tie wouldn’t happen.
On a sunny day at lunchtime you set off confidently across the field to her like a march into battle, the script clenched tightly in your sweaty fist like a sword.
You walked head down towards the grass and almost accidentally barged her over so you took an awkward step back to give her space. She watched you inquisitively and your eyes darted away from her nervously to your paper. You started to read: 
“Hi -” The first word got stopped halfway out your throat when a football, fast like a bullet, hit the side of your head and knocked the paper from your hands. It felt like a slap had a baby with a punch, and that baby was a football. The stinging pain at your temple made you start to tear up and you curled your head into your hands pitifully. Natasha put a hand on your shoulder and you could feel her leaning closer to inspect the welt on your face.
“Hey! What the hell?!” She yelled out to the boys across the field.
That was not in your script. Your head didn’t hurt so much anymore but the embarrassment of being hit was made a thousand times worse in front of her. The sheer humiliation and disappointment flooding your veins made you start to cry.
“Are you oka-?” She started to ask, but you were already running off the field towards the building. 
She threw the ball back to the boy's calling for it, and followed after you but you were gone.
Eventually, the fates took the wheel and your introduction to Natasha was thrust upon you.
Your father’s new business partner and his family were invited to a dinner party hosted at your house. You stood at the doorway waiting to greet the guests and take their coats when Natasha walked in behind her father who hid her from view until he stepped aside to shake hands with your uncle. The two of you stood awkwardly across from each other in the doorway. You fiddled with your fingers nervously and you could tell she was surprised to see you.
“Hi.” You whispered. Your cheeks heated up with an embarrassing pink glow and you ducked your head shyly. 
“Hi.” She replied just as softly. She admired the colour that bloomed over your face and turned your ears a hot scarlett under your hair. 
During dinner you sat across from each other at the table. She was shy, her eyes would scatter away every time you looked up and caught her staring. She watched you nibble at the food on your plate and politely converse with the adults when they joined you in the conversation. Occasionally you caught each other’s eye at the same time and shared a secret knowing smile at catching the other staring.
You were packing up everyone's plates, shuffling them together and balancing the stack on your small arms when the man beside you piped up with a comment you didn’t appreciate.
“Nah, omegas aren’t worth shit,” He chuckled.
His words cut like knives at your skin. Your eyes narrowed and you could feel every eye at the table turn to you as you spoke up.
“Malacombe was the best leader we’ve ever had. She said that ‘Omegas are rare gifts to be revered’.” Your heart raced under your brave exterior and you shakily reached across him for his plate and cutlery. 
“She was a lousy female, what a pathetic excuse for an alpha.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes at you and he gave you a half-hearted elbow in the ribs to push you away from him. It knocked the plate in your hands and scraps of his meal fell down the front of your shirt.
Anger took a hold of you, without thinking you knocked the drink on the edge of the table into his lap. He gasped, jumping up from his seat as the spilt liquid drenched his pants. The table jostled and the legs scraped along the ground as his knees banged against the edge. His eyes twitched with poorly concealed fury as he loomed over you at 6’5 tall. 
“Y/N!” Your father boomed across the table. 
He grabbed you by the back of your shirt, yanking you backwards with the material digging into your throat and he pushed into the laundry room next door. 
The door slammed shut and as you turned to face him, he swung his arm and slapped his hand into your cheek right over your eye, his wide palm reaching all the way to the edge of your jaw. Your head swung backwards and you yelped softly under your breath so they couldn’t hear from next door. 
“You don’t speak back to guests, and you certainly never do anything like that. You’re lucky you get to sit at the table, omega.” He spat out. 
All the guests sat uncomfortably around the table. Your mother was distracting herself in the tense room by cleaning up the drink you spilled. Natasha’s heart twisted and knotted painfully at the horrific sound of your fathers palm colliding with your cheek. Not just a slap, but a hard hit against your small face. Natasha sat frozen in shock, her heart beating faster than the speed of light. Something in her roared wildly and her fists clenched at her sides under the table cloth. 
Natasha excused herself after dessert and tiptoed upstairs to find you sitting in the hallway, head between your legs that you clutched against your chest. 
“Sorry,” You sniffled and jumped up to your feet to step back out of her way.
She stepped closer to you slowly like she was approaching a wounded animal.
“Are you okay?” She placed a hand on your arm, pulling it down from your face. 
Your cheek was still red and a small clump of purple dots bloomed along the line of your cheek bone just below your eye where your blood vessels burst under the impact of your fathers strike.
“I’m fine.” You told her with a shaky voice. 
She brought her palm softly to your cheek and under her touch, your skin started to cool down. Her thumb rubbed a soothing line over the bruise and the inflamed marks started to blend back into your skin. Your cheek tingled with warm sparks under her gentle touch and the pain slowly disappeared. You leaned into her hand, dropping the weight of your head into her. She pulled you into a hug and a few tears dropped onto the shirt covering her shoulder. 
It felt like she held you that night for hours. As you pressed chest to chest in her arms, your omega fell in love and you’ve been irrevocably attached to her since then.
The One Chance (part i)
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industria-adastra · 1 year
[Twisted Wonderland x Puella Magi Madoka Magica] - What to do when you reload in the wrong universe? - [HEARTSLAYBUL] - PART 2
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Note: For some reason, formatting on tumblr is indeed a pain in the butt. Other than that here's an update
It’s LUNCHTIME. The time when everyone would fistfight each other for the special meal of the day. Tbh NRC has nice lunches; it’s a freaking buffet, for goodness sake. 
The group goes to get lunch, and things seem relatively peaceful. So of course, Grim starts a touch of chaos the moment Homura thinks it’s safe to let him go. Should’ve just kept Grim in a death grip until you got lunch, Homura.
By a touch of chaos, I mean Grim breaks someone’s (an upperclassman) carbonara spaghetti egg. And because NRC students don’t know when to pick their battles, they attempt to start a battle in the cafeteria (an awful decision, really).
Is Homura going to intervene? Am I going to make her intervene?
Yeah but not exactly in the way you’re guessing
She’s going to try, in her own way, to defuse the situation. This means as per tradition she’s going to actually make it escalate because Homura and persuasive speaking are like oil and water. Or maybe even like a grease fire and water.
Homura tries to bring up how stupid it is to, you know, fight with underclassmen over slightly damaged egg carbonara, of all things. An appeal to common sense (and a poke to their egos). Besides, weren’t they going to break the yolk anyways, since they were going to eat it? It’s a small, paltry thing to get so worked up about, in her all too blunt opinion.
This absolutely does not make the situation any better. In fact, it makes it worse, because now the seniors think they’re being condescended by a child. 
Ace and Yuu think they have never seen someone so bad at defusing the situation they turn the fire up to eleven. Ace, however, is a shining example of a pot encountering a kettle and not realising it has shared traits. Perhaps this is also foreshadowing for Ace’s later unfortunate choice of language. 
Due to plot convenience, these guys have about one brain cell rattling around in an abstract, collective shared mind space. They take one look at this kid and go “Freshman. Small. CAN TAKE ON IN A FIGHT.”
Actually, canon does kind of actively shove it in our faces how extraordinarily eager delinquent-type NRC students are to fight literally anyone. So maybe I am justified in making them try and fistfight a middle schooler. 
They try to engage Homura in a fight. Aka they’re doing that thing where someone puffs out their chest and squares up (literally). Homura is trying to back out because:
She’s shown to be rather non-confrontational in canon. 
In her experience, ignoring these people often works because they’re at least more bark than bite. (Or rather, Homura has sort of thought that by clamming herself up—metaphorically speaking—things won’t affect her as badly because before things…never really changed no matter how proactive she was (I am referring to both her past as a bullied child over something she had no control over, and her long-term experience with other volatile pubescent girls)
Homura would really like to not get punched in a cafeteria.
One of them attempts to get physical with Homura, who’s darting away as fast as possible. She’s not looking for a fight and would like to not show up to her next class looking like she just got in one.
Yuu is not having it. Deuce is not having it. Grim is not having it because while Homura scares him a little (read: a lot) he’s not gonna let these guys push around his #2 Henchman (henchwoman?). Ace is seemingly vibing in the background but actually, he high-key wants to see the guys get pummeled it’s a case of fire meets fire. Like, he’s a jerk himself but these guys were also jerks (also Homura is a little bit baby to him so it’s completely justified in his honest opinion.
Yuu is putting that swim training to good use by yoinking the offender’s arms and going “DO NOT.” Grim bites one of them. I don’t think he has magic rabies. Deuce wants to clock them but doesn’t because he’s in the public eye, so he just allows Yuu to go to town on them. Ace watches on the sidelines, noting Yuu’s great attachment to the girl with the magical equivalent of an automatic gun. He also thinks it’s hilarious that the mages are being bodied by the new non-magical student—conveniently ignoring the fact that Yuu most definitely never skipped arm, leg, and the rest of his body, day.
Homura is left wondering about the feeling one gets when people are willing to stand up for you. (She’s also left wondering if highschool would ever be as ridiculous as the one she was experiencing right now) Perhaps it’s a completely out-of-place feeling to be felt when watching someone body two people for you, but human emotions are irrational. To her, it’s a warm sort of feeling, even if she thinks she could’ve just dealt with it herself.
Mostly, I think Homura needs a few scenes to be protected, rather than constantly trying to be the strong one. 
The fight is resolved, and everyone’s hungry. Yuu has an allowance for food and other necessities here because Crowley would get Mcmurdered Mcssasined in his sleep if the staff knew he basically dumped off a bunch of otherworlders into a large shack and called it a day. That and I ooc-ed him a little into someone that sees these kids/Homura and goes, ok maybe they need a little something, at least.
Just enough so that there are no additional PR problems. Or so he says to himself. Oh, he boasts about it for sure, but it sounds as phoney as always.
Elaborating on this: Crowley often boasts about his kindness/generosity when he’s…definitely not being generous. So I think when he is doing something because he actually cares, then he justifies it weirdly to himself. Of course, this is simply pure imagination, and not strictly in line with his canonically displayed personality. 
I call it the “Homura sympathy effect”. When you see this emo little kid you just invite yourself in as her family/friend because it’s actually kind of depressing watching Homura if you observe carefully enough.
They finally buy lunch. Homura gets a plate of omurice. Yuu says it’s because Homura is a growing child. Homura is suddenly violently reminded that, yes, she can actually grow right now. 
She does her best to not choke on her food. This means she instead stares blankly at her food as if she’s been confronted with a crisis of unimaginable proportions.
Oh god, Homura thinks, Madoka doesn’t exist. Oh god, she continues to monologue in her head, I can’t access my powers anymore.
(She can’t go back if something goes irreversibly wrong, wrong, wrong—)
The omurice, to her, tastes really good. The egg is fresh and creamy; the rice combined with the demi-glace sauce and the soft vegetables should be normal on her tongue but maybe it’s been years and years, and sometimes she’d find that food tasted like nothing at all.
(Distantly, Homura thinks that Madoka will never be able to eat something like this ever again. Distantly, Homura wonders when the taste of fresh food ever become so foreign to her.)
But I suppose any kind of actually fresh food would taste good if you’ve been sustaining yourself off determination and cup noodles.
Just the bare minimum so you don’t waste magic making up for hunger.
Yuu carefully watches her eat as he does so himself. Ace and Deuce are bickering in the background and Grim is tearing into his own food with gusto. Homura mechanically eats her meal with the precision of a surgeon and the speed of a machine. He hopes that Homura liked the meal. He wonders what Homura would normally eat, all alone by herself.
Yuu gets the feeling that Homura hasn’t really been eating well for quite some time.
And then Cater shows up. 
Who is this guy? Homura has zero ideas. The rest of the group has many violent ideas. Oh, they tricked Yuu (and the others) into doing his work for him. Hm. (Down goes a couple of points for Homura’s opinion of Cater. While I’d say Homura does try her best to be not as judgemental as possible because goodness knows how much she herself has received, these are people she’s bonded with on some level, so a little bias (TM) comes into play. Even if Ace can be a jerk, and Grim's basically a bratty kid)
Ever the conversationalist, Homura’s as quiet as a church mouse. But that’s fine, since Cater’s deadlift the majority of the conversation anyways.
Cater is already evaluating the new member of the group aka Homura. He remembers Riddle complaining about certain people breaking school rules during the assembly. He is kind of surprised she's still here though, since knowing the headmaster Homura should've gone home by now. So there must be something…
She’s definitely a little…quieter, and more solemn and serious than he expected a fourteen-year-old to be. Cater definitely remembers his sisters never being like Homura. But it’s probably a personality variation thing. After all, everyone’s different, and Homura's no exception to the individuality of people in general.
Yet her eyes still unsettle him, ever so slightly. He's not sure if the freshmen and the other unsorted student(?) realize it, but Homura's eyes… There’s a hardness in them, and an emptiness that lingers. (He wonders if she was ever forced to grow up too quickly, forced to understand certain hard truths of reality too quickly.)
Although, maybe at least one of them realises it, seeing as Yuu’s practically hovering over her like an oversized mother hen. Well, it’s not really his problem to deal with anyways. 
Cater laughs and smiles, acting casual and playing the perfect role of a relaxed upperclassman. He’s pretty sure it does nothing to ease their earlier grudges (which, well, fair enough—most NRC students aren’t really the forgive and forget type anyways)
And just in time for him (Cater’s one-hundred percent sure they’re all starting to get annoyed with him), Trey enters the scene, wielding his nonchalance like a well-sharpened sword. He’s polite, calm and collected—acting as a voice of reason even though he’s just slid to their table knowing full well their…colourful reputations in this school. (She had heart problems, not hearing problems)
Homura’s sorely reminded of Mami with this third-year, and his verbal slip regarding his less-than-stellar opinion of Ramshackle dorm (even if arguably justified) is one that has her also putting her opinion of him on the fence.
Cater brings up getting their numbers
The numbers are incompatible rip Cater (Homura simply didn’t bring up the fact that data roaming wouldn’t even apply in another world—he’d figure it out on his own later anyways. Or hear it from someone else. Whichever comes first.)
It’s not like isekai (aka inter-universal/inter-universal/inter-whatever) services are included in standard sims provided in Japan—no matter how prevalent the isekai genre is
But also I ask you all to imagine Cater looking at Homura’s utter desert of a contact list.
There’s like maybe three tumbleweeds and it’s:
The hospital she lived in for years on end
Her uncle(‘s secretary) — anyone who hasn’t read ANAI aka “As N Approaches Infinity” is missing out also screw Homura’s uncle in that fic he sucks
Mitakihara Middle School’s front desk 
Yuu, in comparison, has like a bajillion phone numbers. All with their own little nicknames such as “Core day every day”, “Down bad for pixels”, “(Putting) The L in LGBT”, or “Mission control centre” (That actually refers to his family phone’s number)
Very awkward for Cater, and Yuu, who are either starting to get or are getting more information on how socially disconnected Homura might’ve actually been
Briefly, Cater wonders if Homura was homeschooled
Trey is having ✨flashbacks✨ to Riddle’s own upbringing and wondering if there’s any connection to the few phone numbers and an implication of a lack of friends. He puts that thought out of his mind because he’s not really in any position to pry (and we all know how well the first and last time he tried turned out)
Then Trey starts giving an intro on the dorms like a tutorial menu narrator
Of course, when the obligatory ‘Epel is as pretty as a girl” statement pops up, Ace can no longer call Grim and Deuce morons as NRC is no longer an all-boys school with the inclusion of Homura
Anyways, Lilia shows up(side down)! 
Bat Gramps gives everyone a heart attack!! Homura wonders if this is how it feels to be on the other end of a time-stop
When Lilia says that Diasomnia is very hospitable and welcoming, instead of Silver and Sebek being 🗿 they are carefully inspecting (read: Silver is concerned but he looks dead serious. Sebek is less concerned and more “????they haven’t sent the tiny human back home??? Suspiscious.”)
Actually Sebek is both a little confused and a bit like “wow this new human child must be very good to still be here in a uniform”. Unfortunately for him he… looks more like he’s glaring. 
Homura is 🗿 tho. She just wants to have a peaceful lunch what on earth is happening
Ofc since Homuhomu is here, canon diverts as in Lilia stays a little longer and flits around Homura like a bat from hell. 
“My oh my, it’s you again. How have you been, young one?” (coming from someone who looks no older than 18)
“...I am…fine.” (be easy on her Homura’s doing her best)
Yuu just slides closer to her because who is this weirdo why is everyone in this school so weird maybe that’s what Magic highschool(™) actually does to people
To Homura, Lilia feels…odd. It’s not quite like Madoka (The Law of Cycles now), so young yet so wrapped within aeons of time; a newly born law, yet with a history beyond time. He feels more like Walpurgisnacht. There is an unspoken history behind this highschooler, and he’s just focused on her ring. Lunchtime was turning out to be terrible. Maybe it was a good thing she often skipped lunches at Mitakihara Middle School.
“Oh? Is that…?”
Homura has just given up and pretended she does not see™. If she tries to hide it she’ll draw unwanted attention. If she tries to explain she’ll give it unwanted attention and there was no guarantee her explanation would be credible enough. So she just… Did not see. If the others are interested they’ll watch anyways so it’s better to just pretend to be completely disinterested in the fact that Batman lite is staring at her literal soul—pretend it’s no biggie. 
Of course, her body language has completely closed off, and now Yuu’s gently pushing away Lilia. 
“Hey, maybe not so close, alright?”
“Of course, forgive me for that—and for disrupting your meal. I do hope we can converse again. ” He looks at Homura, Yuu, and Grim, before adding, “Especially the three of you.” Then he peaces out aka teleports back to his lunch
Of course, Ace still slanders Riddle at lunch like in canon. Even if Yuu frantically made abort motions. Homura just stares at the scene, already knowing how it’s probably going to pan out. 
No one likes being talked about behind their back like that. She’d know a lot about how that felt like. After all, that’s what happened to her.  
And wuh-oh wouldn’t you know? Riddle’s right behind Ace. Deuce puts Ace out of his misery. Yuu has his head in his hands. Homura quietly sighs and continues eating her lunch. Cater and Trey have stiffer smiles than overmixed egg-white mixtures. As Ace continues to dig his own grave—going past six feet and beyond, Homura takes the chance to observe Heartslaybul’s Housewarden. 
Her first impression is that: He’s…not that much taller than her at all (Riddle is 160 cm whilst Homura is about 158 cm). But he looks incredibly prim and proper—definitely the image of what someone expects of a Dorm Leader.
Her second impression is that Riddle is rather strict. And very used to having authority, if the way Cater immediately folds to his words is any indicator of that trait. Perhaps Ace wasn’t completely wrong about his dorm leader being rather unyielding, personality-wise.
However, Ace…isn’t doing himself any favours at all, so Homura also chalks it up to Ace having zero brain-to-mouth filter.
Grim identifies him as the guy who sealed his magic, and Riddle, in turn, identifies them as the students who nearly got expelled + singles out Homura like Why are you still here??? Presumably as a student too if the magestone is any indication. To him, it breaks the rules and sets a bad example. 
In fact, Riddle even starts a little speech about how rulebreakers only cause chaos, and shouldn’t be, under any circumstances, tolerated.
Aaand now Riddle’s reminding Homura of Sayaka, in a bad way.
So she goes: There is nowhere for her (and Yuu by extension) to go in Twisted Wonderland. They’re not inhabitants of this world (in case he uh, forgot that like how the story seems to often do that whenever you don’t know Disney/Japanese-inspired tradition #659 like an idiot because you come from planet Earth), therefore NRC kind of does need to bend the rules for them unless they want bad PR (She’s seen enough of what her Uncle used to get up to in the hospital through magazines, social media and the television. He flung around money and time as if there was nothing else to live for but his own hedonism.)
Riddle, of course, at this stage of the story, rejects that notion because he thinks there could be other alternatives. Bro is debating with a 14 year old.
Yuu, as nice and kind as he is, also gives his two cents. As in, “I sure hope you can get Crowley to reconsider then.” He says this with a singular (1) eyebrow raised whilst wiping Homura’s mouth.
Homura is blue-screening for a hot five minutes because wow ok that was ???? Yuu asked,  “Is anyone gonna take care of this kid?” and did not wait for a single reply.
Ace tries to get his collar removed even though he shit-talked Riddle in front of his face. Ace has balls bigger than Jupiter I guess. Not that it’s helping him or anything.
Homura also bears witness to Riddle’s ability to memorise rules. Not all 810 of them but he definitely knows his rules if he’s jumping from rule 271 to rule 339. He still reminds her of Sayaka in a bad way though. All too unyielding to others. 
Hopefully for him, it won’t be to the very bitter end.
Oh, and she also learns that Trey is vice-housewarden, which… She supposed there probably was an alternative reason as to why Cater and Trey approached them—seeing the way they interacted with Heartslaybul’s Housewarden.
And judging from the loud displays of dismay from surrounding Heartslaybul students, not only is Riddle a strict and unyielding dorm leader, but he also has his dorm students under an iron-clad grip.
Trey tries to do a little damage control after low-key informing everyone of Riddle’s extreme magical prowess (strong enough to become Housewarden before the end of his first week at school). He does so by attempting to soften the blow of Riddle’s actions by basically saying: he’s not a bad guy and everything he does is because he thinks it’s better for the dorm. 
Which, to be honest, Homura has heard many variations of that. Hell, she’s basically done outwardly terrible actions in the name of the greater good (for her friends). (Not like it ever worked)
She can get that. 
But Riddle still did mildly get on her nerves, even if Homura would never show that in a million years or resets.
Grim, thankfully, raises the question of the ethics of Riddle collaring anyone as he pleases—although it’s less that and more him airing out his own grievances with getting collared and having his magic sealed too.
Both Yuu and Homura are quick to remind Grim that it was kind of his fault for, you know, setting the hall on fire.
Diverging from canon again, this time it’s Ace and Deuce who ask about Unique Magics and thus Riddle’s particular Unique Magic. Now that they re-explain what Riddle could do with his Unique Magic… Homura is sure she’ll have to be careful around him.
She doesn’t want to know what would happen if she gets collared.
Would there be a way to learn how to prevent it from being applied to someone?
Of course, back to the story: Riddle’s loud and clear live demonstration of “Off With Your Head” does him no favours in portraying him as someone wanting the best for his students.
And as we skip past the further dialogue on Grim’s opinion of the Unique Magic’s name (i.e. completely bonkers and terrifying), Cater’s explanation of why exactly it feels so terrible to have a collar (mostly for Yuu’s benefit), and Trey attempting to downplay it by going “As long as you follow the rules, you’ll be fine. Riddle isn’t that scary.” 
We stop at Ace asking if he legitimately can’t be let into the dorm if he doesn’t get a replacement tart for the one he ate.
He can’t. In addition to that, it’s also an established rule. Homura thinks that’s kind of a stupid rule. Yuu outright says that it’s kind of a weirdly harsh rule. I mean, replacing what you unfairly took is important, but taking away your room whilst you haven’t…didn’t sound like the best rule.
Ace would like to add that it is, in fact, a really harsh rule—since he’s the one getting collared and being left without a place to sleep in (something that could’ve happened if Ramshackle wasn’t inhabited by Yuu, Homura and Grim, who tidied up some part because they are on another level of homeless)
Trey and Cater… definitely realise this, but currently at this part of Heartslaybul’s book, they don’t actually have the power to tell this to Riddle and not expect to be reprimanded or worse. So they just awkwardly laugh. Cater just tries to transition to telling Ace that Riddle usually looks forward to the tarts, and they’re hand-made by Trey—Ace just needs to replace the tart he ate with another one and things will be fine after that.
Homura…isn’t sure about that, but if it’s all about following the rules then the logic seems sound? But if not then… Ah well, she’ll see what happens then and take action from there. 
A little segment of Trey hand-made the tarts??? Those really good-looking really tasty-looking tarts??? (Ace’s words) 
Yeah he’s from a baker's family lmao (Just for you guys who can’t read my mind: this is Cater)
“Aren’t tarts like that extremely expensive?” That is true Deuce. “Ace, why don’t you try doing it by hand? It’ll be cheaper that way, although I’m not sure about the quality,” says Yuu. Wow Yuu, lots of confidence in Ace there. 
But Yuu is correct. Ace can’t bake.  
Well, perhaps Trey could help? He is the vice-housewarden. And the one who baked the tarts—so he’s well acquainted with Riddle’s tastes. That’s what Homura adds to the brewing discussion.
At that moment, Kalim and Jamil FINALLY ARRIVE ON THE SCENE… While the Heartslabyul dudes start talking about making a tart from scratch. 
Kalim’s like “Oh hey Homura!!! :D” He did say he’d find her and he did!!! Kalim’s so happy to spend the rest of his lunchtime with his new friend.
Jamil helped a lot. And by a lot, I meant he went through statistical analysis inside his head that culminated into nothing because Kalim rolled a nat20 on luck and perception.
Oh who are these people? Well, Homura introduces them as “My upperclassmen: Al-Asim— (Oops nearly used Last name–First name format) Kalim Al-Asim, and Jamil Viper.” With her soft, serious tone, it sounds less like she’s introducing potential new friends she made and more like management introduced new colleagues. Having around five (5), and quite possibly fewer, friends + her entire background makes this very much a work in progress.
She’s picked up on the fact that Twisted Wonderland uses the ‘First name–Last name” format instead of ‘Last name–First name’ like Japan. Although, Homura did noticeably stumble. But hey, she caught herself in time.
Yuu confidently says, with his whole chest out (figuratively), “Izumi Yuu, nice to meet you.”
I finally thought of a last name for Yuu, so he’ll be known as “Izumi Yuu/Yuu Izumi” from now on. I figured that if I’m also going to build Yuu as a character by adding information here and there about him, then he might as well get a last name.
Ace: “Wait your name was Izumi this whole time?”
Yuu: “Oh no that’s my surname. I’m Japanese.” (Which sadly explained nothing)
Ace & Co: “???”
Yuu: “Ah. Right. Forgot about that.”
Homura: “From where we came from, it was common to introduce ourselves using our last names first, instead of our first names.”
Kalim’s actually wondering what they were discussing earlier. They were discussing Trey helping Ace bake a replacement tart for the one he ate.
Trey can bake? Jamil’s also good at that!! Jamil corrects that he’s only mediocre at pastries/baked goods like the ones Trey makes (Which are more “Western” in design)
Trey would like to see how good Jamil is at baking. His glasses glint as his fingers lightly grip one of the sides again. In fact, speaking of baking, he could help Ace with the baking. But he’ll need something in return.
No one does anything for free in NRC, after all— No it’s not cash Ace. 
Trey wants chestnuts. Two hundred to three hundred of them. Boiled, shelled, and pureed. Riddle wants a chestnut tart so… Kalim thinks that sounds fun! Jamil is quick to tell Kalim that, no
Kalim, you have a meeting later Kalim you can’t go.
Maybe next time Kalim
Ace, Deuce and Grim are out though no labour for them no siree
Homura calmly sips on her tea and states that Ace doesn’t have much of a choice.
You’re right, Homura, but you could’ve said that a bit nicer lmao
Now Ace has to confront his unwanted reality aka he needs to go get two to three hundred chestnuts and prepare them for baking.
And then Cater and Trey team up to make them want to bake. The killing blow is being able to eat a tart after baking them. Hook, line, and sinker; just like that, they’re in.
Yuu’s in for it—He’ll make sure Grim doesn’t act out. Also, tart.
Homura…would like to study more ways to leave Twisted Wonderland. But then Yuu looked at her like he fully wanted her to join and ok she caved.
Mostly everyone is discussing chestnuts now. Where to get them? botanical garden? Alright. And Trey’s baking skills. And tarts. Mostly tarts.
Oh and Kalim’s plans to have Homura over for a mini-party aka eat Jamil’s food. Everyone in this group right now is also very much invited because the more the merrier!!!
But why does he want to throw a mini-party for Homura? Because one she helped him and two she’s baby. He does not say this outright but he basically implies she has a kicked wet puppy aura mixed with her serious aura and that’s no good for someone who helped him out :(   
It’s a mini-party because Kalim mostly just wants to get to know potential new friends this time. He can throw a spontaneous dorm-wide party next time!
Kalim decides to walk Homura to class again, because why not? She’s a new student and Kalim likes her—which means a potential new friend in his books! (And Jamil remembered her schedule + their classes aren’t too far away so Jamil’s fine with it) This time though, Yuu, Grim, and the rest of the Heartslaybul boys (minus Riddle) decide to tag along. It’s probably more entertaining than a normal day if they follow, especially for Trey and Cater.
Jamil just wants a (Twisted Wonderland) Ibuprofen. 
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alln64games · 3 months
Super Smash Bros.
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JP release: 21st January 1999
NA release: 26th April 1999
PAL release: 19th November 1999
Developer: HAL
Publisher: Nintendo
N64 Magazine Score: 90%
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Considering it’s humble beginnings, I don’t think Nintendo ever expected Super Smash Bros. to be such an important part of its line-up of games on future consoles. The first game was fairly light on what it contained, but it completely nailed the gameplay from the get-go.
It would have been very easy for Nintendo to make a regular fighting game – the N64 certainly had many failed attempts at the genre – yet HAL went for something new instead, something more geared for 4 players. Players no longer had a health bar, but rather a percentage damage (that could go way above 100%). The higher the number, the more you fly when you get hit.
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The object of the game is to knock your opponents off the side of the map (or so far into the sky they launch into space). The main mode pits you against each character one at a time, but mixes things up with some team battles, fighting a horde of weaker opponents and fighting giant characters.
Every character has their own set of moves. The controls are simple (no combos to remember), so your focus in entirely how each of the powers work and the intricacies of how they can be used in multiple situations and alongside other powers.
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Each player also has some special stages, such as breaking targets and boarding platforms. You’ll need to use the character’s full move set to complete them, especially if you want a good time.
The campaign ends with a fight against master hand, who does have a health bar, but also a set of moves for you to learn how to avoid. Once you finished, it’s not over, as a new challenger will appear.
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While the roster starts with 8 very popular characters from Nintendo’s franchises: Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox and Pikachu, there were four more slots to unlock. When you fulfilled the criteria to unlock, a screen would flash up with “A New Challenger Approaches”. This is sadly something the internet has ruined, as discovering these for yourself is no longer possible – instead, these reveals are left entirely up to trailers. Beat them and you would unlock them to use.
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Super Smash Bros. is a wonderful game, but was just the beginning for the franchise, the other games have improved upon it in every way – although the game still has dedicated fans, including those who add new content to the original, with a ton of levels and characters added.
Smash Bros is as unique and essential as any Mario game – especially as its multiplayer ranks up there with GoldenEye’s, Mario Kart’s and Quake II’s. The fact that Smash Bros is still an office lunchtime favourite, almost a year after we first got our hands on it, is testament to its greatness. Do not miss it.
- Mark Green, N64 Magazine #36
Remake or remaster?
I don’t think this need a remaster due to later games, but it would be nice to have some of the bonus stages in newer games. It should definitely get re-released, though. Another option is that, if Nintendo feel they can’t top Ultimate, the next console’s Smash can be a port of Ultimate with various options (item sets, levels, moves, etc) from previous titles added as alternative ways to play as a sort of combined collection.
Official Ways to get the game
There’s no official way to play Super Smash Bros.
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heschoking · 8 months
In the ambiance of the cafeteria, the young man's peaceful lunchtime spiraled into chaos as he fought against the cruel grip of a seemingly harmless bite. The sandwich, once a source of delight, now harbored a perilous secret. A piece of meat lodged itself deep in his windpipe, transforming his leisurely meal into a frantic struggle for breath.
Panic contorted his features as he clutched his throat, coughing violently, the sounds resonating through the small space like a distress signal. Desperation etched lines on his face as he pounded his chest, hoping the force would dislodge the stubborn obstruction. With trembling hands, he took desperate sips of water, each gulp a futile attempt to wash away the menace that clung tenaciously to his airway.
The first stranger, a burly figure with weathered hands and a face etched with experience, rushed to the young man's side. Without hesitation, he unleashed powerful blows on the choking man's back, the percussive thuds echoing like a drumbeat of urgency. Each forceful strike aimed to jar the lodged meat loose, a symphony of desperation that reverberated through the cafe. However, the unyielding obstruction remained, mocking their efforts.
A second stranger, a composed woman with a determined gaze and steady hands, joined the life-or-death dance. Positioning herself behind the victim, she executed precise abdominal thrusts, her movements deliberate and forceful. Each thrust intended to dislodge the encroaching menace, the rhythmic cadence of her actions a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding. Despite her skill and determination, the piece of meat clung relentlessly, tightening its grip on the young man's dwindling breath.
As the room teetered on the edge of despair, the distant wail of sirens offered a glimmer of hope. An EMT, clad in uniform, burst into the cafe, their eyes assessing the situation with a clinical precision born of experience. Taking command, the EMT intensified the Heimlich maneuver, each thrust more forceful than the last. The young man's body convulsed under the strain, but the relentless meat held firm.
Undeterred, the EMT reached for a suction device, a mechanical lifeline in the battle against asphyxiation. The device whirred to life, drowning out the gasps and sobs that filled the air. With deft skill, the EMT navigated the suction device into the young man's airway, extracting the ominous culprit. A collective exhale filled the room as the choking man, now released from the clutches of impending tragedy, gasped for air, his body trembling in the aftermath of the intense struggle. The cafe, once a backdrop for serene moments, now bore witness to the fragility of life and the courage of those who fought against its cruel twists.
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ohthehypocrisy · 3 months
What if Pokemon Unite was an Anime? Part 3: The Trainers
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The most important part of any and all anime is a character for the audience to identify with, especially if you're adapting a Pokemon MOBA for an animated miniseries. As such, it's rare for main characters to have divisive flaws to them. Although, great storytelling is getting your audience to love a character in spite of their flaws, but that's a bit ambitious for a miniseries like this one.
However, Pokemon Unite is a 5-v-5 contest of teamwork and coordination, so the main character will almost never be alone during an episode. I'm referring to human characters in this case, since I know you have to have a pokemon by your side at all times on Aeos Island.
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Talking about the pokemon will be for another post entirely. After all, we need to establish the rapport that will be running the show while on-screen, and that can be a little difficult if they aren't humans developing a relationship with each other.
That said, since the matches are 5-v-5, we need a minimum of at least 10 trainers to go over, and there isn't enough space on this post to go over every single character. I mean, people are complex, so fictional characters shouldn't be so different. But a powerful first impression makes all the difference in pulling the audience in.
At least the names will be easy enough to come up with.
Aurma (based on the word aurum, the Latin word for gold): An ambitious girl who came to Aeos Island after failing the gym challenge in her own home region. She struggled with managing a team of pokemon, but was drawn to Aeos Island for its competitions where trainers competed using one pokemon each. Her partner Pikachu loves battling more than anything, even hogging the spotlight and experience away from the rest of Aurma's team. As the show will follow Aurma and her initiation into Unite Battles, she and the audience will experience first hand the rise to the top of Unite stardom.
Brohnez (based on the word bronze): A relaxed individual who relishes in the luxuries of life, Brohnez loves 3 things, food, rides, and pokemon. It's too bad that all of these things cost money, and that he wasn't very good at pokemon battles. He signed up for Unite Battles due to how easy it was to work for coin to fund his lax lifestyle, since trainers got paid whether they win or lose. This leads to him not taking most Unite Battles seriously, but he can pull his weight if a pay raise is on the line. His partner pokemon, Snorlax, is used to this cycle of battles and lunchtime back and forth, so its a surprisingly athletic couch potato all things considered. Brohnez represents the players of Pokemon Unite that play just to 'have fun' (whatever that means...)
Caurpa (based on the word copper): A pokemon trainer who won 3rd place in a talent show in high school and has never lived it down. Caurpa struggles a lot as a person in that he's always seeking ways to become stronger, whether that be in academics or in pokemon battles. The latter of which he could never excel in as his training methods for his pokemon where overwhelming, as they all lacked his drive to be the best. Only his partner pokemon, Machamp, who has been with Caurpa since childhood, revels in the grueling training and seeks to reward his trainer with a victory earned through blood, sweat, and tears. Caurpa carries a hero complex in Unite Battles, believing he can single-handedly turn around a losing situation for his team, usually caused by him in the first place.
Dyspe (based on the element dysprosium): A strange and energetic girl who always seems to be the center of attention wherever she goes. It is impossible to predict her next move or thought as she always seems to catch on to what other people are up to. You could be chatting about something across the room from her and Dyspe will interject with some mildly relevant details about the conversation. She's also prone to leaving a conversation before it has ended. Her partner pokemon, Mr. Mime, seems to be the only other living being that fully behaves in tune with her, though that's a given due to the species penchant for mimicry. That said, she's a force to be reckoned with in Unite Battles. She may not score very high or contribute much to battle, but she has never lost a 1-on-1 fight with another trainer, to the surprise of many. She will also break the 4th wall frequently to clue in the audience to relevant but minor details.
Ed (based on the element lead): One of the younger Unite Battle trainers on the island, Ed is very energetic and impressionable, but not all that bright. He's the kind of kid who will chase his own shadow because it stole his dollar bill, when it was just wind pushing it along. He understands the rules of Unite Battles well enough, but he only ever seeks to score the most points out of any of the other trainers. This can be detrimental during major team fights, but he can pull his own if winning a confrontation means more points to win. His partner pokemon, Leafeon, shares this youthful vigor with him, and has been known to win impossible fights just because there were loads of shiny pearls scattered everywhere, and the bad guys wouldn't let him pick up the points in peace.
Floro (based on the element fluoride): A rich kid from the Sinnoh region, he comes from a family of accomplished Pokemon Contest winners. He has an eye for fashion, but it comes at the cost of some major tunnel vision, in that he only plays for a chance to show off his style in the spotlight. He owns every piece of holowear for his partner pokemon Glaceon, whom has only ever participated in Contests before arriving on Aeos Island. Surprisingly, their skills in theatrics and coordination make them a formidable combo in Unite Battles, as they are known to dance and evade attacks when confronted by enemies. Still, he believes that his deep pockets make him a better player, which tends to cause friction with other trainers...
Gallum (based on the element gallium): An experienced trainer who has participated in many championship battles, Gallum has only just recently arrived on Aeos Island with his trusty partner Lucario. The two make for a powerful pair in traditional pokemon battles, but Unite Battles are a bit beyond him for the most part. The whole flow of Unite Battles is alien to him, what with the lack of turn order, the overwhelming awareness needed to play with 4 other trainer pokemon, and the need to score points over defeating opposing pokemon into submission, he struggles a lot with grasping the rules of victory. He does have a bit of an elderly father vibe to him, and many of the younger trainers look up to him for guidance, even though many of them are better at Unite Battles than him.
Hydee (based on the element hydrogen): A strange girl from the Hex Maniac clan, she spends most of her time on Aeos Island isolated from others. She typically keeps to herself when out in public, in the shade, far in the corner of the plaza or lunch area, because she's been caught more than once speaking to herself about the various people she's met. She's not crazy, mind you, she's just confiding her secrets in her partner pokemon Gengar, who seems to revel in the gossip. In battle, she hates being in the spotlight and prefers to avoid crowded areas, but she always comes out of these fights with high KO ratings due to her opportunistic nature of scoring easy knock-outs when weakened enemies are nearby. She's perfectly content with letting her teammates take all the glory.
Ioda (based on the element iodine): A very intelligent girl for her age, Ioda came to Aeos Island to compete in the Galar Gym Challenge to push herself. ...Except, she accidentally signed up for Unite Battles instead, and has been rolling with it since her arrival. Yeah, Ioda is very smart and powerful, but she's a bit clumsy and inattentive and a little slow to react to things. That makes her synchronize very well with her partner pokemon, Slowbro, who is surprisingly quick witted to keep up with her. She may be a little slow in Unite Battles, but she'll get there eventually, in spite of all the burst damage thrown her way. She ends up with a high KO count because of these exhausting encounters, humorously enough.
Kali (based on the word kalium, also known as potassium): A sweet and caring girl with an astonishing temper, Kali enjoys all things nice and cute. She will make cookies, hold the door for you, lend you a dollar at the vending machine, and bend over backwards to make sure that people around her are happy. But do not mistake this kindness for weakness, as her and her partner Wigglytuff have a terrifying temper when they're set off, and you will know Kali for neither. Once, when a Drednaw had spawned in the Bottom Lane and her team was occupied with Rotom in Top Lane, Kali took it upon herself to secure the Drednaw while everyone else was distracted. Right before she could deliver the finishing blow, the enemy team appeared and stole the last hit, depriving her and her team of EXP. She walked away from this encounter with the enemy team with a grueling 5 KO streak, and the enemy team could not speak of the horrors they witnessed that day.
Lithus (based on the element lithium): Lithus is a very quiet man, and hasn't spoken a word to anyone else since he arrived on Aeos Island. This doesn't make him unapproachable, surprisingly enough, as he can get by with gestures and vibes. It does hinder him during Unite Battles, where he prefers to keep to himself and act on his own accord. He rarely makes bad calls, though, like scoring 50 points in a very opportune moment, or predicting where the enemy will appear during objective fights. His partner pokemon, Garchomp, is also on the quiet side, exchanging no more than a few growls when he responds to his teammates praise and thanks. Even at his rowdiest, Lithus retains a repressed fury and each strike is calculated and purposeful. It wouldn't hurt if he could give a quick Thanks! every now and then.
Magnee (based on the element magnesium): If you looked up 'haughty' in the dictionary, it would be defined as blatantly and disdainfully proud, with a picture of Magnee right next to it as an example. She carries an air of superiority around her that masks an insecure need for validation and recognition. She's not weak or anything, she just likes to make herself seem to be better off than others. Her partner pokemon, Gardevoir, actually admires Magnee for this front she puts on, even applauding her out in public when she flaunts her victories. She's not mean, she just likes to hype herself up a bit. She'll never belittle you if she ever scored a KO against you, though she will talk about how she thwarted you effortlessly to her inner circle later on for days on end.
Nikel (based on the element...nickel): The closest approximation to Nikel's character is a high school bully. Nikel is not a nice guy to be around, as he is prone to pointing out the flaws in people who make mistakes. This may sound mean, and it is, but while he will point and laugh and highlight everything wrong with you, he's never objectively wrong and he never punches below the belt and calls people names. Taunting, teasing, horseplay, that's all things Nikel will never do. No, the real reason he does this is to push you to better yourself. Like I said, Nikel is never objectively wrong when he points out mistakes, and he never makes incorrect assumptions about people. Could he be nicer about it? Maybe, but he believes people will improve faster this way if they get hit with brutal honesty. Oh, and his partner pokemon Zoroark is all too happy to indulge him with its illusory shenanigans.
Oron (based on the element boron): With Oron, safety comes first. He believes that life and health are far too important to risk, so he will take every precaution necessary to prevent a good day from going bad. It's nice to have someone around who's conscious of everyone's health and safety, but he tends to overdo it sometimes. He'll take forever packing things for a five minute trip to the convenience store, and even longer to double and triple check that he has everything. This tends to carry over into Unite Battles, where his partner pokemon, Crustle, will often get left behind guarding a single healthy Goal Zone just because enemies are nearby with single-digit Score Pockets. He'll stall and wait to go for a push until it's often too late, which makes him ill suited to go for a goal, even with a sizable Score Shield backing him up.
Paladi (based on the element palladium): Picture every grandma you've ever known, and roll them up into a person, that's the kind of lady Paladi is. Now, she's not that old, but she is on the mature side, and already has a reputation as being a sweet and caring big sister on Aeos Island. She just can't help it, she loves watching younger kids fulfilling their potential, they just need a little help getting there. As such, Eldegoss is the perfect partner pokemon for Unite Battles, due to its reliable abilities to heal and protect allies. Don't be fooled by her gentle demeanor, she will put you in your place if you get in the way of the young'n's shining moment.
Quorin (based on the element chlorine): Now, there are Unite Battle trainers who participate in the competitions to fulfill their quotas, which is perfectly reasonable. Nobody wants to treat the experience of Aeos Island like a job. However, you will run into the occasional try-hard who has a bad habit of letting every single error get to them, whether it be theirs or their teammates. Quorin may appear to be excitable and bubbly on the outside, but inside she's a raging gamer who only wants to reach the top of her class, to reach a higher standing far beyond her peers. She'll pat your back for a job well done, but she'll drag your ear in and mouth some terrible things about everything you did wrong for the match, and then switch back to her bright and cheery self not one second later. It's hard for anyone to believe such a sweet girl could have such a salty side to her. It doesn't help that her partner pokemon, Sylveon, has similar ambitions of reaching a high rank.
Argus (the chemical symbol for silver): Some people understand the privilege they were born into and behave accordingly, keeping to themselves. Others decide that neither their social status or time period should define them, so Argus has boldly decided to take on the role of a steadfast knight. It's endearing at first, but then it gets tiring as the whole chivalrous persona never seems to turn off. It doesn't help that his partner pokemon, Aegislash, may have been a knight in a past life and responds proudly to his grand displays of honor and nobility, but at least the two synchronize well in Unite Battles. The truth is, Argus plays up the knight charade as a way to boost the confidence of those around him. Many trainers are new to Unite Battles, so it helps to have someone around who speaks so confidently about what to do and when he's gonna do it, even if it isn't the right call. He could stand to be a little less loud about it, though.
Sufie (based on the element sulphur): Take a deep breath. That's it, in, then out. Now, if nothing has gotten better after that exhale, then you know what Sufie feels like 24/7. Sufie is currently on vacation from nurse school and decided to try her hand at Unite Battles. She wants to be in the pokemon medical field eventually, but she wanted to try out new experiences before starting her life over behind the counter of a Pokemon Center. She wanted to try and be an active healer in pokemon battles, but she couldn't do that with only one pokemon, her partner Blissey, so Unite Battles seemed like a decent outlet at the time. Unfortunately, all that stress and exhaustion from studying for nursing school doesn't alleviate when she's in a Unite Battle, as she's often paired with teammates who endanger themselves frequently. She isn't a miracle worker, she's studying for the role of an assistant, yet her teammates can't seem to grasp the concept that a reliable Supporter will lighten the weight of their mistakes that they seem to be so keen on making in every single match of the day. UGH! Sorry, where was I?
Tinn (based on the element...well, you know, tin): After every thunderstorm, there is a rainbow. Morning will always come after the darkest of nights. And yet, nothing ever seems to get better for poor old Tinn. Plagued by poor luck all of his life, Tinn got his big break when he encountered his partner pokemon, Absol, and has managed to avoid disaster on the daily. He graciously pampers and rewards the Absol just for existing, but it likes having a comfy bed and a bowl always full of food. Now, because Absol is sensitive to disasters and bad luck, it leads Tinn away to less unfortunate moments for his sake, though Tinn just believes his Absol is rather demanding but refuses to deny him. In fact, it was Absol's idea to come to Aeos Island and compete in Unite Battles, and far be it from him to reject the idea. When the two play, they always seem to be in the right spot at the right time, stealing the last hit of objectives and scoring big numbers right in the nick of time. The other trainers just think Tinn and Absol are a powerful duo, but truthfully, it's Tinn's karma being turned around for once.
Urano (based on the element uranium): Having grown up in a snow covered village, Urano is very big for his age. I mean, I get it, anyone who grows up in the cold north is just built different, but Urano has the build of a lumberjack; must be all that northern cuisine packed with calories. That said, Urano is a bit too gentle for intense labor or extreme contact sports like American Football, so Pokemon Battles were the natural route, at least they would be, but Urano is a bit of a klutz. Most battles end with the ground cracked to pieces or giant icicles lodged in the walls of the stadium, so he and his partner pokemon Mamoswine had to satisfy their competitive drive elsewhere, and Unite Battles seemed like the perfect alternative. Here, his klutzy mannerisms actually work to his advantage, as the enemy team often get overwhelmed by his wild and frantic attacks trying to keep everyone safe while playing a Defender. Outside of battle though...better keep your wits about you, as lunch and snacks often get sent flying when he's around, and through no fault of his own.
Vanda (based on the element vanadium): Having self-confidence is a learned trait for most people, as all it takes to overcome self-doubt is knowledge, courage, and faith. Vanda seems to have most of these things, and yet her anxiety gets the better of her, as she always puts herself down in terms of abilities. As such, she's developed a bit of a reputation as a clingy partner, relying on others for simple things like ordering food or confronting others. Fittingly enough, her partner pokemon of choice for Unite Battles is her trusty Comfey, who was supposed to help calm her anxieties but also developed a fear of loneliness and is often never seen away from Vanda, usually wrapped around her neck. Now, the two aren't partnered together for the purpose of hitching a ride to the top rank in Unite Battles, they're together specifically because it's the only way these two can play. Vanda and Comfey are effectively useless by themselves, but they have ironically managed to climb to high rank because of their reliable supportive efforts in battles, leading others to believe they're stronger than they actually are.
Wolphra (based on the element wolfrahm, also known as tungsten): If you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to not say anything at all. What an ineffective saying. Why wouldn't you point out when someone is being dumb or silly? People don't improve that way and it'll condition them to behave themselves around you and others. This is what Wolphra believes, which makes her standoffish due to how brutally honest she can get with others. She doesn't make up for this with any personality either, she'll just call your dress ugly and then move on without another word. Don't get it twisted, as long as you behave well enough around her, she can be quite chatty, but she always speaks in plain, blunt words. She's one of the few trainers on Aeos Island that doesn't own a single piece of holowear, since she thinks they all look gaudy and unnecessary. Strangely enough, her partner pokemon Trevenant seems to think so, and is perfectly content to standing stalwartly and quietly.
Xen (based on the element xenon): Everyone is born with a gift, the most basic of which would be intelligence. Some people are smarter than others, that's just a fact of life, but others like to exaggerate the gift of intelligence just because they got high test scores in school. Xen is one of those guys who thinks he has an above average intelligence quotient, though he doesn't brag about it to everyone, thankfully enough. It's just annoying when Xen spends most of a Unite Battle calculating the odds of victory, while his team is getting beaten to death while he hides in a nearby bush. Granted, his partner pokemon Inteleon isn't too keen on risking themselves needlessly in a team fight, and he knows how to fight from the backrow. The problem is, when he 'miscalculates', things go terribly wrong. If he could communicate a bit about his 'intelligent musings' maybe he'd increase the odds of victory for him and his team.
Yron (based on the element iron): Being overly negative never helps anyone, but being overly positive isn't any better. Yes, we know there's always next time, we'll always try better, but that doesn't invalidate our sour feelings of losing the game. Yron just doesn't get it, though. He'll pat everyone's back for a good effort after a humiliating loss and then just sign up for the next battle without any time to process the defeat. He's just overly bubbly, but I guess it's natural for young kids to have that positive outlook on life. When the team is winning though, this positive attitude can get a bit creepy, as he and his partner Azumarill can be heard cheerfully exclaiming 'I'm gonna get youuuu!' followed by the most bloodcurdling scream you've ever heard in your life. Think happy thoughts...
Zinku (based on the element zinc): The need and desire to test one's own strength is natural. No matter what game it is, there's always gonna be players who want to take things to the highest level possible. This is why competitions and tournaments exist, and also why Unite Battles have a leaderboard and a ranking system. Zinku knows this all too well, and has come to Aeos Island to prove himself to be the superior trainer in the whole world. He started out in traditional Pokemon Battle Championships, but they're seasonal and it's expensive to participate in multiple leagues worldwide, so he settled for Unite Battles for how quick and easy it is to climb the ranks. Now, with all of this in mind, Zinku and his partner pokemon Zeraora are a bit stubborn when it comes to battles. He'll gladly take on opponents twice his level, or challenge enemies instead of securing objectives nearby, but none of it tends to benefit the team in most cases. And will he learn his lesson? Nope. He'll respawn and make the same mistake again, expecting a different result. Surprisingly, he isn't much of a showboater when he does get a win, he just pulls up his bootstraps and moves on to the next battle. He sure could use the help, though...
So, uh, I know I said a minimum of 10 characters would be enough for a miniseries for Pokemon Unite, but I went a bit overboard and came up with short bios for a whole 25 trainers and their pokemon instead. It should be fine, though, it's not unlike most anime to have a small side cast for the characters to engage with in the background. Maybe some of them can even get more popular and get some extra focus later on in the series.
Now, why are all of them named after elements from the Periodic Table? Well, it seems to be a naming convention for Pokemon Unite. By that I mean that the named characters running Aeos Island are all named after elements. Professor Phorus is named after the element phosphorus, Zirco is named after zircon, obviously, and Erbie is named after erbium. Yes, that is a real element, look it up. I figured if we were going to expand the lore of Pokemon Unite, we should keep the theme going. So I ended up naming all of the characters after an element and a letter of the alphabet (except for J, sorry J fans. Maybe the shopkeeper can have a J name instead. Maybe Jasper or something...)
Anyway, we didn't really go over the pokemon themselves all that much in this post, huh? I mean, that's understandable, the human trainers are the ones we'll be identifying with while they're on screen, but how will the pokemon, and, more importantly, Unite Battles play out? That's what we'll be going over next time.
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For now, though, if you've read all the way through here, I'd like to know what your impressions of these characters are. To be more specific, which one is your favorite based on the description alone? Which ones would you like to see more of? I'd love to know, I will be making a theoretical synopsis for the miniseries once we've laid out the groundwork here.
It's almost time to Unite...
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detectivereads · 1 year
Space Battle Lunchtime vol 1 & 2
by Natalie Riess
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This review is for fan entertainment, I'm not being paid.
I love stories that have to do with cooking. I came across this comic series in my local comic shop and this stuck out like a sore thumb. It was gorgeous.
This is a story that takes place on a reality TV show…IN SPACE!!!!!! (Sorry I thought it was appropriate)
Our lovely main character is named Peony, she works at her local bakery making delicious pastries. A frog creature, named Zonda, came into the bakery one day to order coffee, and takes an interest in Peony’s desserts that she was putting on display, only to be pulled away by a phone call, a contestant has gone missing and show time is soon. Thinking on her feet, Zonda mentions Peony and tells her producer that she will see if Peony will be the new chef. Of course, Peony says yes.
Now the location of the TV show is not anywhere near Peony, no its in…. SPACE!!! (Sorry Hehe) Needless to say, Peony is shocked, but time is short, and Zonda needs to get Peony ready. Now during the short time before the show starts up Peony meets several contestants and a friendly cameraman.
The first round starts up and each contestant is given an ingredient to make a dish from (pretty standard challenge) however drama issue between some of the space chefs, Peony has her own problems of trying to figure out her ingredient is, she thinks its citrus based and tries to figure out the oven.
End of the first round and Peony has people looking at her in a more serious way now. However, that soon passes, and Zonda invites both Peony and Aris (the cameraman) to dinner. Peony sees on the TV a rival show where it’s more blood thirsty than their family friendly show, the mysterious Neptunia warns Peony to watch her back during the contest.
The next day, a new challenge approaches the contestants on Spacebattle; they have to make something that has no flavor and its base form is unappealing but it’s very healthy, into something the judges want to eat. (Health food challenge!!)
Before the judging happens, Neptunia and Peony bring their dishes up to the stand, where Peony accidentally bumps into Neptunia almost costing one of Neptunia’s portions of her dish, but Peony comes in the last second and rescues it.
The next challenge is that the contestants work in teams of two to make a dish that includes both chef styles of cooking, the winning team goes on to the final round, while the losers are sent home. Neptunia and Peony are paired together, and they get off to a rocky start till Peony stands up to Neptunia and brings her down to level. Neptunia and Peony win, and Peony invites Neptunia out on a date.
The second half of the story has Peony being kidnapped and shipped of to the rival show, where there is a high chance where she wasn’t going to out alive. The worst part is Peony was getting ready for the date when she got kidnapped!!!!!
Now I don’t want to spoil the ending of this arc because I was upset (the good kind) about how it ended, but everyone got what deserved in the end. Neptunia and Peony are girlfriends now! (*squeal*)
This story had so many interesting characters and the theme of the story was amazing, I kept finding myself in need of a snack when looking at some of the illustrations of food that was in this book.
If you are looking for a quirky food base romance, I recommend this comic to you.
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Oni Press Space Battle Lunchtime #7 Review (Digital)
It’s Almost Over…So Neptunia has come to break Peony out of Cannibal Cuisine. Hot in their trail is the judges, the staff of the show… And one psycho cat unicorn girl. Apparently Neptunia didn’t kick her hard enough. Peony manages to lead the pair to a storage room. After remembering that certain walls are in fact holo doors that can be accessed via ID cards the staff has. There they find…
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priscila-runs · 1 year
Week 4 micro log to observe, track, adjust my daily activities. I’d like to do this again next week because week 4 has been FUNKY. Our fridge broke down at the beginning of august and much to our absolute surprise and dismay, the property manager replaced it with a critter-infested fridge. This means that for the past couple weeks we’ve had roaches Trojan horse their way into our kitchen and personal space lol. Not good. We threw out most of the opened containers and saved what we could in coolers while we waited for a new fridge (which was a battle bc landlords in TX are not fun) and in the meantime took to eating out a lot, which, to no one’s surprise, led to very few affordable and healthy meals. A heartbreak for its own reasons. It’s been an interesting adventure. Fast forward ⏩ again to today and we are now in the clear with a new fridge and (fumigated) reclaimed personal space lol. Keep in mind that my log below was in the midst of this funhouse adventure.
Monday morning: exhausted, did not have the energy to wake up at 5AM. I think it’s because my LR was yesterday (like every Sunday so far), and I went to bed at 10:30, an hour and a half late! Ran my five miles at lunchtime today on the treadmill with great success! One perk of the treadmill is that it keeps you right on pace. Had sweet potato, beans and rice bowl with pumpkin seeds, spinach and lemon salad for dinner at a place called Honest Mary’s. Will try again for their wide variety of other bowl options.
Tuesday: Last night went to bed at 9:30, score. Woke up at 5:10, it’s now 5:15AM and I’m feeling much better than I did yesterday morning but muscles definitely a little tight. 3 miles today.
Tues night: actually just ran 1 mile bc groin area felt strained. I started feeling hesitant about running hard so I turned back. Going to bed at 9:30 and doing a tempo workout tomorrow. I promised myself that I will adjust my schedule THIS WEEK.
Wed morning: woke up less tired at 5:15. Headed out the door at 5:35 and did a tempo workout with just coffee. 🥵 I’m starting to get a hold of my Wednesday morning routine, which is good bc it’s the one I want to prioritize bc Wednesday is speed day.
Wednesday night successfully went to bed at 9PM!
Thursday morning woke up at 5:30, crap. But went out the door by 5:45 giving me plenty of time to do three miles at 8 min pace. Tumble 22 for dinner. I’m not aware of fried chicken sandwiches being on a dietitian’s meal plan 🤷‍♀️ but I fkn love fried chicken sandwiches so I said what the hell. At least I subbed the fries for potato salad 😇 It was a very enjoyable meal.
Friday: feeling great this morning. Five miles at 8:25 pace 🥵 Pizza for dinner! Ate the crust, which, I’m ashamed to admit, is a new endeavor for me.
Saturday. Today is dad’s birthday so I’m driving to see the family and celebrate. Hoping to do a long run there but his town is so small that I’d probably need to loop the town and back to do the full 12 miles. Rest day today.
Sunday: I surprised my dad with a margarita machine for his 60th birthday party. It was a blast until I realized it was midnight. I went to bed and while I did not do my long run (sad) I did wake up at 4AM to watch the Perseid meteor shower on the trampoline in complete solitude. One thing I love about the hill country is the night sky. Star gazing is an activity I’ve always treasured here for as long as I can remember. Therefore, the timing of my trip on the night of the showers was perfect. Those 30 minutes were remarkable.
I adjusted my schedule this week per my promise to self. I now have speed days on Thursdays, rest day on Mondays and easy runs on Wednesdays. Hopeful that this adjustment will give me room to breathe during the work week and allow Thursdays the crucial concentration needed for building speed 😈 Gave the Hoka Mach 5s a try and they are great for long runs 👌 however, my Nike Pegasus, which I’ve had for a year or so, are the darlings✨ Wide toe box yet narrow, and not a lot of heel height, perfect for my silly little overpronating feet.
I’m curious about trying a pair of Mizunos next. Anyone out there tried?
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diaryujin · 5 months
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summary: Sunghoon has never felt any spark in his heart, none of that silly love he’s read about in novels in his free time. No one interested him, and it wasn’t like his father, the king, would let him have friends, male or female, for fear of being betrayed or developing feelings for them. He lived a life of isolation, excited for nothing – neither the idea of being married to a pretty princess or becoming the next ruler of the Park kingdom. He most certainly did not expect you, his new guard, to change all that. He did not expect you to brighten his days and light up his heart.
includes: no warnings in the teaser!!
death, murder, war/battle, attempted murder (kinda), royal au, romanticized medieval setting of sorts, forced marriage/proposal, a lot of time skips so it moves somewhat quickly, more warnings will be added in the final oneshot
pairing: prince! sunghoon x guard! fem! reader
word count: 904
genre: angst
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Sunghoon was reading over some papers pertaining to the kingdom’s matters when he heard a knock on the door.
One of the guards came in, before bowing upon seeing him.
“Sire, his Majesty wishes to see you.”
He nodded and set the papers in a neat stack. He then put them in a drawer and locked it for security. He then stood up and followed the guard, maintaining a neutral expression.
His mind was working much faster than normal though.
His father was very strict, and the slightest mistake meant an extremely harsh lecture. He flicked through his memories, trying to remember what he could have done wrong, and what he should say as his apology. 
He pursed his lips as a thought crossed his mind - was his recent trip to the colder regions made known to his father? He had gone for administrative work, but he couldn’t resist spending some time there ice skating, which the king always considered useless since it benefited only the person skating, not the country. He had done his best to keep it under wraps, but maybe one of the guards reported this to the king. Damn it.
He mentally slapped himself for using such crude language. Those were the words of peasants and did not suit a prince like him. Holy moly…buckling barnacles, great heavens…such lengthy words to express frustration, he thought. ‘Damn it’ was only two syllables.
As he snapped out of his reverie, he entered the Throne Room. His father was seated on the grand throne at the end of the airy space. The seats where the ministers sat were empty. Court was always in the morning, and it was probably lunchtime by now - the prince wasn’t sure. 
He stood a few feet away from his father. The guard bowed and left, and Sunghoon made eye contact with the old man in front of him. He didn’t seem angry, so the younger relaxed a bit, letting out a sigh.
“Why have you called me here, father?”
“I’ve received some proposals from other kings. They’ve sent me paintings of their daughters. A lovely selection of princesses, I must say.”
Sunghoon had to physically hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Father, I’ve already told you this. I am not ready for marriage and I am not interested in this topic.”
“Yes, but it’s good to start early. Maybe you’ll change your mind after-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Father, but why have you actually summoned me?”
The king narrowed his eyes at his son but didn’t say anything more about the topic.
“Well, I’ve decided to get you a personal guard. There have been many threats of attacks on the palace, so it’s better to take this precaution.”
“Interesting. Will he be with me all the time or-”
“Your guard is a female.”
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. His father? Hiring a woman? As his bodyguard? What if he-
“Are you serious?” “Yes. She is very capable and I’m sure she will protect and serve you well. I trust you to keep your relationship with her strictly professional.”
It wasn’t like he knew how to have a non-professional relationship with anyone outside of his family anyway.
“Yes, Father. Will she be with me at all times?”
“Indeed she will, except for when you are sleeping. At that time, she will stand outside your door and guard you.” “What about her food and sleep?”
“That is not your concern.”
He immediately bowed his head slightly as a sign of remorse for stepping out of line. This was going to be interesting, he thought. He had little to no interaction with women outside of his mother and sister, and the small talk he made with princesses and duchesses of other kingdoms was always awkward. Now he was having someone of the opposite gender, a woman, watching over him nearly 24/7.
He slowed down his train of thought. Why was he thinking like a teenage boy ogling over a girl? He was the crown prince, he was better than that. It was going to be a new experience, that was all.
“May I meet her now?”
“Of course. She’s arriving as we speak.”
Just then, the door opened, and you entered, a male soldier on either side. Sunghoon’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but nothing came out of it. 
He was having a cultural shock of sorts. All the women he had met were all dainty, graceful and poised - the epitome of perfection. You, on the other hand, had an air of authority about you — rough and firm. A few scars were on your face, probably from battle. You bowed the full 90 degrees, and he could only respond with a small nod.
Oh fuck, you were gorgeous.
And he used foul language again. Stupid Sunghoon, he reprimanded himself.
He didn’t take back what he said, however. Your beauty wasn’t the type written in books or sung in ballads, but it had to be known to the world, somehow. He was almost tempted to write one himself. 
Hold on, why was he thinking all this? His father had just told him to not think anything about you that crossed the lines of professional, and thinking about how pretty you were was not within those lines.
“This is your new personal guard, Y/N.”
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a/n: it kinda reads like ‘y/N iS nOt LiKe oThEr gIrLs’ in this bit but i swear that was not the intent! hoon (is a loser) has simply never had real interaction with women who aren’t royals, so pls don’t take it in that manner <3 this is probably going to be my longest oneshot yet, my motivation to write is not completely dead we cheered!!
there is a taglist for this oneshot, lmk if you want to be added on it in my asks!
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