#lunchtime for me
lavenoon · 2 years
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"Where's your shut-up switch? I swear I'll find it" "I know one that works on both of us"
Someone made a bird joke too many <3
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calamitys-child · 10 months
One of my favourite mundane weirdnesses about Edinburgh is that we set the big clock visible approaching the station to be 3 minutes fast to make sure people are on time for their trains. My Favourite mundane weirdness of Edinburgh is that we check this by firing a cannon.
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dragon-spaghetti · 6 months
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cordspaghetti · 1 month
embarrassingly long post incoming but i have a quastion. can anyone who knows stuff about tailoring/clothing design speak on gerard’s suit jackets from the last leg of the mcr tour because i know in an interview marina toybina said she was really particular about those outfits and i feel like there is some cool & kind of unusual work there but i am So uneducated.
like they obvs have lots of waist suppression for thee lovely hourglass silhouette but another thing i noticed is that i feel like both men’s & women’s suit jackets are meant to lay as flat as possible across the chest as a sign of a Good Fit and these tend to not do that. they have the top half of what i saw one random website call “the dreaded X” creases that form around the button when the fit is too tight, but they don’t actually seem to be too tight because the lapels don’t pull way to the sides with arm movement like you’d see for even a good fit (i think…?)
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it looks like the button has a kind of medium to low position with the waist taken in far enough that it has to ride up higher than usual to close (or at least rides up super easily, idk, this is my Guess), creating an excess of fabric around the lapels that either folds over or sticks out forwards
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and it does this without deforming the shoulders/collar & also while keeping the lower front panels nice and flat—there’s extra fabric in the one area, but everywhere else the structure of the jacket is maintained. which is alllll to say this seems to me like a kind of subtle, “natural” way to add volume to a flat chest without using methods that would be read as drag or otherwise costume-y within the context of a stage performance, like padded undergarments or smth like that.
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soo i am wondering if any of you think this is at all a plausible explanation for how the jackets are designed to fit and the illusion they’re meant to create or if it’s probably unintentional slash just a side effect of the jackets being manipulated by arm movements etc.. or if it is in fact possible but being achieved a different way, like with the darts. or if i’m just pointing out the obvious ?! maybe this is just how women’s suit jackets fit & move?
either way… wow what lovely work thank you marina toybina for Everything
(first two pics are by justinmaphoto and then gavin lloyd(?), last pic is by david watson, the others i’m not sure abt im so so sorry they’re from the dregs of my camera roll)
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alllsunday · 6 months
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Sabo’s not being serious though he’s just forwarding from Garp (who is not being ironic) . But in all seriousness Sabo would probably say “GOOD MORNINGGGG” and scornfully demean Ace’s lack of energy and the fact that he said good morning at 1:37pm in the afternoon. Anyway, this continued for about 2 years before Ace realised he was not in the family group chat and was not receiving these from Garp anyway. Suddenly everything made sense.
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mischievous-thunder · 24 hours
Logan: When you wake up early you have so much time. I finished my workout, did some chores, made breakfast, read some articles and it's only 11:40 a.m.
Wade, still in bed with his face buried in Logan's pillow: Good for you!
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l3viat8an · 7 months
Something something, Lucifer likes feeling the ring of light his ring on your hand when you jerk him off-
Just…the way the warm metal feels rubbing up and down his cock, as you move in slow strokes. ‘n the way it digs in just a little when you squeeze your hand around him…really just feeling that you’re wearing his ring adds a sense of possessive pleasure running through his body…
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sage-lights · 27 days
the two genders: woman and italian
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allthe-starss · 14 days
just gonna leave this here. i love the idea of loverboy shayne just listening to courtney talk about their dreams
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growmybelly · 8 months
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Do you think anyone will notice how much I gorged myself during my lunch break?
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evidenceof · 2 months
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Source: Richard Winters, Band of Brothers Interview September 29, 2000
Interesting going through the records to see the version of Dick Winters' War which was something else entirely. After the war, he, in a meeting set up by Ambrose, touched base with the German Fallschirmjäger commander Friedrich Freiherr von der Heydte (misspelled in the transcript as "Vonder Hite"), whose company made contact with Easy in Carentan. The meeting and dialogue that followed solidified a few things for me especially after he described the enemy as a, "first-class enemy."
War to Dick, seemingly, was a war to be the best soldier, company, country—likened to a football game. And it shows so much in the writing of Band of Brothers, the eventual show, the corrections and correspondences he's had with all those involved in the narrative. Cutting down what could have been unflattering whether that's how his men reckoned with the war after the fact, or the hell the 101st paratroops raised while in between battles.
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Source: Richard Winters, Band of Brothers Interview September 29, 2000
This is a long-ass post so the rest is under the cut if you want to swallow the All-American pill.
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Source: Richard Winters, Band of Brothers Documentary Interview
This is isn't going to be a pretty picture at all, mind you. And I mean it's Dick, his blond hair blue-eyed, Christian, (Republican) All-American glory in Class As or a football jersey in the 1940s. His mindset followed suit: that of the White American (male) during the height of America's empire. Persecution for people like him was next to nothing, and a battle could be a battle to prove something to yourself. To have high regard for your enemy, actual Nazis, to regard them by their skill in battle and the neatness of their uniform and march is a take of like the highest privilege.
It echoes a lot in his choices, viewing the war as a battle for who can outclass the other, to prove they're best of the best; the best soldier. Him joining the paratroops with the idea that the doughboy and the run-of-the-mill infantry man wouldn't be the elite arm ("You volunteered and it was the notion that you wanted to do something in order to be with the best. [...] That's the kind of a guy I want to be with. They were in shape. Everything the did, they did it the double."). When he described his men, if he began it with an unappreciative tone about their behavior and conduct, is ended with, "but he was a great soldier on the field." Inefficiency was the enemy. German forces were just the tool to show you where you had holes in your line and which nationality could fight the war the best.
Up until the point of discovering the camp, as an officer, as himself, Dick saw the war as a number of objectives to take over successfully for the sake of the mission, for the sake of keeping his men alive. Only when they find the camp does it seem to really hit him, outside of his disgust for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, why they're fighting this war.
“You’ve never seen anything like this. It’s a complete shock. It just stumps every feeling of emotion that you have. The horror of it…you could never imagine anything like this. [...] Now I know why I am here!” - Dick re: the discovery of concentration camps as told in 'Hang Tough'
The much critiqued Ep. 9: Why We Fight circling on Nix (seeing Dick's irl reaction of him being happy his friend had a larger part in the series), followed by Ep 10 is such a fucking whiplash in tonality not just for the cheeriness of the last ep. But also in showing the atrocities of the concentration camp and then literally giving a platform to a German general talking about how they fought well, having LIEBGOTT OF ALL PEOPLE, to translate feels so deranged. Dick is able to view these the German troops for their individual action and functionality as a soldier instead of a collective ideology of hate and persecution. He then can't comprehend the anger Liebgott had (he tsks a lot about Joe's treatment of the Nazi POWs in the memoirs).
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Source: Richard Winters, Band of Brothers Interview September 29, 2000
Dick cared for his men, (my god did he care so much for his men; this is a different conversation that I will yap about some other time), but a lot of the times I feel like compassion couldn't budge beyond that point of understanding. The horrors of the Axis forces were only reality to him if and when he saw them upfront: bombed towns, civilians shot down by 88s, concentration camps. Anything that edges outside that periphery is beyond the objective and therefore inconsequential. "To fight and be the best for the guy beside you in a foxhole," felt like a whole ethos that he carried with him and that propelled him forward.
Dick's view of the world and the war is very much aligned with the white America's vantage point at that time. Liberators, of what and for whom it wasn't always clear to them within the confines of the American logo map that we know America to be today—what mattered was that they were the Good Guys, Victory Joe. They liberated, they did not take. And it ties up so, so neatly for the narrative of Tom Hanks and Co propaganda. What else is there to do after a football game but to shake hands with the opponent?
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ianthoni · 3 months
This lunchtime with Smosh was just Ian talking about presidents dicks in gray pants. Oh and Chris Evans ass...
Happy fourth of July ig LMAO
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ceruleanhouse · 3 months
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….and the Eye opens.
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wheatnoodle · 2 months
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it’s missing them hours💔
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arsenicflame · 2 months
Hornigold's Izzy was the worst, of course. A version of himself that never escaped that terrible place, who lived his life as little more than an object. He still has nightmares about all the things Baz told them, about all the things he didn't.
It doesn't really surprise him, after the first ones, not at its root. To be Izzy Hands is to be someone's after all, though seeing his own face on someone so fundamentally different to him never gets less weird. The people who these other Izzys attached themselves too often left him with more questions than answers. Jack's Izzy, he can understand, from a certain view, though the man himself felt like a fever dream. The less said about Stede's Izzy the better, he's never going to forgive him for the ideas he put in his Stede's head.
Then there was Sam's Izzy.
The first thing anyone noticed about him was that he was happy. He smiled and laughed without thought, and went through life with an ease Izzy didn't think he had ever felt. The crew took to him immediately, accepting him in a way they never did the other Izzys, and certainly not their own. They prodded him and asked him endless questions, and he took every touch without a flinch and answered every question without a hint of a grumble. This Izzy was free. He was open, unburdened, trusting. He was happy.
Sam's Izzy was the one that hurt the most to see. He could accept the worst that Hornigold could've offered, that he would have suffered and been broken. It was infinitely harder to see that he had a chance to be this happy. That it slipped through his fingers.
He's never looked back before, but now? Seeing what might've been? He can't stop himself from considering the possibility that maybe he made the wrong choice back then, going with Ed.
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formerlyashkatom · 8 months
today was my first day back on ADHD meds after being off them for probably two years and it's amazing how much I attributed to being intractably broken that is in fact amazingly tractable. I'm surprised by this every time I go on and off meds because I'm god's most moronic soldier.
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