so how did the infected ones get infected???
A lurgy bit them
Bacteria also known as Lurgies/alternates can bite or scratch a healthy person which makes them become infected causing them to bite others and the cycle continues over and over again so bleh d:
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cicaklah · 5 months
The problem with being mentally ill for too many years is that sometimes you wake up and think 'oh I'm too sick to work' and then have to be the adult and be like 'you will feel better if you do it' and 9/10 times it's right.
Anyway I learned today that it actually doesn't work with other forms of illness and that is why I cried twice in a ten minute call because my brain didn't work anymore.
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omgpurplefattie · 10 months
Sick note
I am beset by the dreaded lurgy (unknown whether the evil 'Rona or just generic snout plague), and the words won't word; only the vibes vibe, so I am re-reading and re-watching.
To the people like @busarewski @thebansacredbanned @alybaly282 @bbcphile @koaly-ty @fandoms1reality0 @yijiangchunshui1203 @quicklymybasement who often like my announcement posts for "Detoxify", I am very sorry to not provide an instalment today.
My cat is providing purr therapy, I have hot chai tea and cozy lofi jazz videos on YouTube; I hope to be better and write again for Saturday.
Oh, and if there's anything any of you (or my other readers) would like to see before the story ends in February, any character from any of the canons involved that you'd like to meet the City AU version of, or anybody that would be fun to see interacting, hit me up! I know where I am going, but there is a lot of latitude along the way; I am game to bring anyone, or throw any random characters into situations together to see what happens.
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The devil himself 👺
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redpandarambles · 9 months
On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Some sort of dreaded lurgy
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sequentialprophet · 1 year
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sy5starplaty · 6 months
Ugh. My mother's recent RAT says she's got COVID. She did one on Tuesday (3 days ago), as she usually does before she has to get chemo, and it was negative. Yesterday, though, she sounded really bad & cold-y, so she did a test this morning and...
I started getting an itchy throat (& tingly lips too?) yesterday AFTER Mum got in my car to drive her back home [she unfortunately mingled with people while feeling crook which I didn't know until I drove her back home]. She's the only person I'm in close contact with; most other gatherings I tend to keep my distance & in stores I always wear a mask [Mum doesn't].
I've done a RAT today, and it's negative. But as it took a while for Mum's positive to show up, I'll do it again in 2 days.
Mum's trying to organise a proper test, so she's calling her GP now for a referral... and then I'll drive her there - but she's going in the back seat... Them's the rules.
e (3hrs later): GP's sent a script to the local chemist for antiviral meds. So I'll do the pick up for that now.
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Sweetapple (Part 3 - Bit 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Bit 1, Bit 2
Still @flyboytracy​​ ‘s fault. ::hugs you silly again::
Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight​​ for reading and all her knowledge.
I am so sorry. I had meant to post this and more last night. Heh, I meant to write more tonight. But guess who is coming down with the lurgy both my kids have now had? I guess I will have more time since I won’t be able to go to work ::sigh:: And work is so busy at the moment, aaargh.
So tonight I can only post this little bit, breaking Part 3 into three or more bits now. I do have a tiny little bit more written, hopefully a lead in to more writing at some point tomorrow.
::hugs the lots of you:: Thank you for you patience and I hope this makes yesterday’s offering Feel a little bit better. More to come. ::hugs::
He learnt a lot about Tracy Industries in the following weeks.
Some days there were huddles of paparazzi out the front of the building. A possible indication of a Tracy on one of the upper floors. It appeared that Tracy Industries security had every inch of Tracy Industries property marked out by the millimetre and would toss anyone unwanted the moment they attempted to cross the boundary.
Alex wore his ID religiously…in his pocket. There was no way he was going to invite questions from the media by simply being a part of the Tracy Industries family.
Because family it was. From Exec to all the staff, no matter their vocation in all the building.
Hell, he caught the librarian doing a Scott Tracy salute to one of the interns from catering.
It didn’t matter who you were, you were part of it.
When they said together, they meant it.
Work still happened, because this was a place of employment, but yellow bunting suddenly appeared in the tea room and around the entire banister of the mezzanine on level four, and every window on forty and forty-four.
And the stories! Suddenly, everyone had a memory of Gordon Tracy.
Alex, of course, had never met the man. With the general blackout of information on the four younger brothers, their interaction with the media was guarded.
Jeff Tracy had always been secretive and protective of his kids and had stood between them and the media all his life.
Until he was lost.
Then, almost like a phoenix, Scott Tracy, a man who shared so much likeness in both looks and manner with his father, rose from the ashes of that explosion.
That same natural charisma inherited from his father caught the company in its loss and drove it to greater heights than it had ever seen.
Sure, he had spread the burden amongst his brothers, the board, and the executive staff - there was only so much time in the day and so much energy given a man, but it was his leadership, his example that drove the team to reach higher.
There was a strong bond between the company and the Tracy family.
And Aotearoa was the closest in distance to their secret island somewhere in the Pacific.
TI Aotearoa was where the Tracy brothers attended the most.
And Gordon Tracy had left a mark.
All the stories spoke of laughter and professionalism. Apparently, the man managed to excel at both. He had been in the military and, of course, everyone knew about the 2056 Olympics, so out of all the younger brothers, he was the one the public knew the best.
The love and loyalty in the building was phenomenal.
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starrypawz · 9 months
So my asshole body woke me up at 5am with like the most 'I'm dying of consumption' cough ever
Have established it's likely not the rona though so that's something
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45percenterthen · 2 years
the way i have to do a covid test on quismois eve
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Adam Daniel Murray
This was after he found out he was a lurgy/Alternate
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elapsed-spiral · 1 year
Next chapter: where in the world is Stede Middle Name Bonnet?
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panszy · 2 years
it is every human's god given right to be dramatic and pathetic when they're sick
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So who can I pay to come over and give me a hug
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murdering-time · 2 years
(// ayo mun,, I just realized something- what if jervis rolled his R's like the brown-sweater-guy in the video does??
He might as well-)
When he recites Through and Through it isn't necessarily an R roll but it tickles the teeth
And I only say so because I have spent... an unhealthy amount of time learning to dictate like Tetch
It tickles your teeth UvU
As for legitimately rolling his Rs?
I would love to see that in an iteration one day! I'm torn between him not being able to say them though and saying them far too eloquently //
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
The other thing that’s happening is I seem to have accidentally started a dogsitting business
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