#Infected ones are just called alternates
alternateinfectionau · 2 months
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Adam Daniel Murray
This was after he found out he was a lurgy/Alternate
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whumptober · 10 months
Whumptober 2023
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Welcome to Whumptober 2023 — the sixth year running!
To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone joining this year, welcome!
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
And this years playlist can be found here.
There are 139 prompt options in total this year - this is including the alternatives list! A special thanks goes out to those who took part in our trope vote back in July. From the 1526 responses to our list of 223 tropes, we looked through the popularity results, as well as your honourable mentions, and were able to produce this years prompts list. Stay tuned, as we will be posting some of the results at a later date!
We’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators - we wish you all the fun!
Best of luck and happy whumping,
Mods Vanne, Yenn, Kitty and Surro
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
Whumptober 2023 Prompt List
No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.”
No. 7: " “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
No. 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | “It’s all for nothing.”
No. 9: “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days.”
Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar.”
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”
No. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
No. 12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?”
Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”
No. 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”
No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
No. 15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.”
Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
No. 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Gurney | Flatline | “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
No. 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Blindfold | Tortured For Information | “Hit them harder.”
No. 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
No. 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Vows | Restraints | “Don't move.”
No. 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.”
Glass Shard | Vehicular Accident | “Watch out!”
No. 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”
No. 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Goodbye Note | Neglect | “I thought they were with you.”
No. 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Storm | Buried Alive | “They’re not breathing!”
No. 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
No. 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Matches | Scars | “Let me see”
No. 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Bloody Knife | Sacrifice | “You'll have to go through me.”
No. 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
No. 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...”
No. 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Emptiness | Setbacks | “Take it easy.”
Alternatives List:
Aftermath of Failure
Brass Knuckles
Body Modification
Playing Cards
Lab Rat
Reluctant Whumper
Event Info & Rules
~ Please read our extensive event info posts before sending us an ask ~
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. The 'theme' of each day is the line of lyrics.
The prompts are merely to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is "flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be related to the 'spark' of a relationship. It's truly up to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day: there's lyrics, an object, a trope and a line of dialogue to choose from.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2023 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(day number)
#lyric, #bruises, #stabbing,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC, … (ironman, originalcontent, oc …)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #gore tw, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Add "tw" AFTER the trigger/content warning. )
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed the event. You do not need to post anything you have created, we rely on trust and we will not check this.
Questions not addressed in one of our many event info posts can be directed to this blog. We will not answer any questions that have been answered in the FAQs or rules already.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does this year’s prompt list work? What do I have to choose?
You can create something based on:
The overall theme/lyric of the day
Prompt 1, 2 or 3
One or several of the alternative prompts
A combination of the above
Q. Is [specific anything] allowed?
When in doubt: JUST DO IT!
Q. Do I have to do all 31 days?
Participate as much or little as you like! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.7, #radio silence). If you create works for 31 total theme days you will become a completionist. But apart from that, there are no repercussions if you don’t fill prompts for each day.
Q. Can I post early/late?
Yes, you can post whenever you want. We will only reblog posts during October, but you can use our prompts all year round. The day you post will only affect your probability of being reblogged.
Q. Will you reblog my post?
Due to the sheer number of content posted during Whumptober we can’t promise to reblog every single post. We will make a random selection trying to capture a wide variety of content. The following will increase your chances at being reblogged:
tag your post properly
post within 2-3 days of the theme you want to fill: if you fill the prompt for Day 1 your chances of being reblogged during October 1st to 3rd are highest and will go towards zero afterwards.
Q. What if I don’t understand a prompt/theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help with wild, unhelpful clarifications or brainstorming. That being said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation. Don’t take them too literally. For example: You can be choking on a cherry, someone else can choke you or you could be choked up on emotions, etc.
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gifset or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe.
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q. Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! You can post your own content wherever you like (or you can opt to not publish it at all). Additionally we’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. It can be accessed here. The tumblr blog @whumptober-archive is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle.
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the Whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If you’ve previously posted something that checks the boxes, we ask that you not include it retroactively for this current year. You can, however, add new chapters relating to one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, RPF, whoever you like. You can use the generic “whumpee” character or have specific ones.
Q. Does it have to take place in a specific fandom?
No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes, but it only counts once towards being a completionist.
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day’s prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
No, you can’t exchange prompts for different days. However, if all four prompts of a specific day make you uncomfortable, we have created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from. You can exchange any prompt with these, but please make sure not to use them twice.
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t have to (cross)post it to Tumblr or at all. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you.
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit.
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst/emotional whump focus ok?
Of course! We are not going to establish a threshold for whumpiness. If you think it’s whumpy enough, then it’s whumpy enough. It can be physical, psychological, emotional, or any combination of the three.
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What is whump?
Typically the genre includes situations where a fictional character is hurt, be it emotionally, psychologically, or physically. Fanlore provides information here.
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn’t whumpy at all, does that count?
If you don’t think your interpretation is whumpy, then it doesn’t count for Whumptober. Remember that whump comes in many forms, though, and that we don’t have a whump-checker or a threshold for how much whump needs to be included. If you think your interpretation contains enough whump to count, then it does.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we post the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time” so feel free to start creating early!
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. #gore tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want. 
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the #whumptober2023 tag.
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, but please make sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies for whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord or come into our ask box.
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, use clear and descriptive tags.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
7K notes · View notes
whumpril · 1 year
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Whumpril 2023 approaches!
Anyone can participate.
Any media form is allowed (art, fic, gifs, music, whatever).
You can participate however much or as little as you want, no pressure to complete every single day.
You can post your work anywhere on the internet, Tumblr, Ao3, etc.
Tag potential triggers and NSFW accordingly.
If you want to be counted as an official participant and have the chance to be featured on the blog, post your content during the month of April. You can still use the prompt list after April ends.
I can’t guarantee that every single work will be featured but I’ll try to reblog as many as I can.
To increase your chances of being featured here, tag your post with the event name and the prompt of the day that you used (For example: #whumpril2023, #whumprilday1, #red alert) 
You can also @ the blog, @whumpril.
Full write-up of the prompts can be found under the cut!
Whumpril 2023 Prompts:
1. Red Alert | Distress Call | Panic Attack
2. Stress | Insomnia | “Get some rest.”
3. Rope Burns | Knife to Throat | “Hold still.”
4. Ache | Massage | Needle
5. Defiance | Dragged | Stifled Scream
6. Salve | Painkillers | Bad Coping Mechanisms
7. Numbness | Unsteady | “You look pale.”
8. Nausea | Comfort Food | Dehydration
9. Pinned Down | Bruises | “Who did this to you?”
10. Shiver | Breathless | “I’m scared.”
11. Nightmares | Bedside Vigil | “I’m right here.”
12. Friendly Fire | Toxic | “Get away from me!”
13. Blurry Vision | Support | “I think I need to sit down.”
14. False Smile | Holding Back Tears | “I said I’m fine.”
15. Isolation | Flinching | “Do you trust me?”
16. Guilt | Shock | “I’m so sorry.”
17. Cry For Help | Self-Treatment | “I can’t do this.”
18. Abandoned | Escape Attempt | “Take me instead!”
19. Choking | Muffled Sobs | “I’m worried about you.”
20. Disoriented | Sensory Deprivation | “Where am I?”
21. Scars | Fracture | “It’s just a scratch.”
22. Sponge Bath | Infection | “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
23. Smoke | Bloodstains | Sharing Clothes
24. Secrets | Under Duress | “What have you done?”
25. Heart Racing | On the Run | “We’re being watched.”
26. Explosion | Short on Time | “I won’t leave you!”
27. Forced To Kneel | Grabbed by Collar | Stepped On
28. Bedridden | Semiconscious | Light Sensitivity
29. Surrender | Punishment | “Final warning.”
30. Holding Hands | Human Shield | “Don’t let go.”
Alternative Prompts:
If there’s a prompt above you don’t feel inspired or comfortable doing, you can switch it out with one of these alternatives!
1. Ice Pack
2. Ransom
3. Gaslighting
4. On the Edge
4. Waiting Room
5. Un/Forgiveness
6. Food Poisoning
7. Heat Exhaustion
8. Forced To Crawl
9. Mandatory Leave
10. Search and Rescue
11. “Don’t push me away.”
12. Words That Can’t Be Taken Back
13. “Let me know if you need anything.”
2K notes · View notes
whenlostinthedarkness · 11 months
Ellie x reader where they take nudes of each other on a Polaroid camera they found on a patrol and completely forget about them until someone finds them🫣😭
May or may not have written a whole ass one shot because this got me so inspired lol. Thank you for requesting this; Enjoy anon xx
Warnings: Sexual overtones and some sexual stuff sorta but not really, swearing, & use of marijuana.
Word Count: 2.5k
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Anytime you and your girlfriend Ellie were put on a patrol route together, you could feel the giddiness exploding between both of you.
On a usual day where one of you had the day off and the other was out on work duties, the one at home would be sitting around, bored, and attempting to busy themselves until their girlfriend returned safe and sound. But today was one of those lucky days where you both were needed on the patrol route.
The start of patrol was pretty chill as both of you alternated between sifting through withered buildings and riding along on your horses, allowing time to appreciate the scenery of the area around in the downtime you had.
"Hey, let's check out that building with the camera sign," Ellie spoke as she rode on her horse directly next to you, pointing her finger in the direction of a storefront sized building.
You peered in the direction she was pointing at before looking back at her with an accepting shrug, "I'm down if you are."
The both of you guided your horses over in the direction of the building before leaving the animals to stand side by side, just a few feet from the broken glass door that went into the, what you assumed to be, old camera store.
"Check this shit out", Ellie said with excitement in her tone as her bright eyes marveled at the colorful, peeled wallpaper and exposed brick in a building that had to have been the ideal modern storefront before all of the infected shit happened.
You squealed as you quickly walked over to a massive bookshelf set on a wall. Several scrap pieces of cardboard and glass littered the shelf, but what your eye had been after was the books that were some how still set on the shelf as if the world hadn't completely shifted since they were first placed on the shelf.
You picked one of the books up, shoving off the layers upon layers of dust and debris that had gathered over the years, until you could make out the title on the cover, 'Camera's Throughout the Years'.
"Shit, look at this babe!"
You glanced over your shoulder to Ellie who was holding what appeared to be an oblong, square shaped, object.
Immediately, you walked over to her as she stared at this object that nearly looked futuristic to the both of you.
" What is it?", you said, tracing your finger along the thing in question.
"Hell if I know," Ellie shrugged, pressing all of the buttons on the mystery item in hopes that it would somehow start talking or moving or..doing whatever the hell its purpose was.
"Let me see if its in this book".
Quickly, you removed the cover of the book and flipped through the pages, scanning the table of contents in search of info, until you came across a diagrammed image of what appeared to be the very thing set in Ellie's hands.
"El, I think I've got it!"
Ellie was quick to move the camera away from her face and look down at the book you held in the palms of your hands.
"Looks like it's something called a Polaroid Camera." Your eyes were still scanning the book as quickly as you could as your fingers followed along with the typed words on the page.
"I think if you press the button over..here on the right..," your eyes were fixated on the object in Ellie's hand and she couldn't help but admire the way your eyes were squinted in concentration as your tongue slightly peaked out between your parted lips.
"...and just lift up on this part...it should open up."
It took you a couple tries, but eventually the top part began to move upwards until it was sitting straight up, exposing a fully intact Polaroid Camera.
"Holy shit dude!", Ellie exclaimed, eyes wild and smile never ending as she examined everything (and I mean everything) about the cameras exterior.
You rattled off the instructions on how to use it as Ellie continued to marvel at the object.
"Looks like we need films in order to use it El," you said with disappointment in your voice, "...unless."
Ellie could tell the wheels in your brain were turning as you looked the camera up, down, side to side; quickly, she handed it over to you.
"Holy shit, there's still film in this thing."
"You've got to be shitting me?!"
"Look!" You exclaimed, showing Ellie the little box of film that was still snugged inside of the square shaped compartment at the very bottom of the camera.
"Should we...test it out?"
"Oh most definitely", you replied to Ellie as you pulled the camera up to your face and looked through it's small view finder.
"Smile for me El."
Immediately, Ellie pulled up her hand to cover her face from the camera, "No fucking way."
You pouted, but continued to follow Ellie with the camera persistently, "Please El."
"What's in it for me?" Ellie smirked, bringing her hand down in order to cross both of her arms in front of her body, just below her chest.
You removed your eye from its focus on the viewfinder and lowered the camera down away from your face with an annoyed, yet amused grin.
"Oh god."
"You know what Ellie."
Ellie walked over to you until her feet were planted on the cracked wood floor with the tips of both of your shoes touching. "Enlighten me then."
Smugly, you moved your face ever so slightly towards Ellie, which didn't go unnoticed by her. "You're never fair with your little games."
"What games", Ellie shrugged, fully playing the part of an innocent victim (which she wasn't).
"Mmmm okay."
"Okay," Ellie mimicked, trying to match your tone.
You weren't one to back down from a challenge to one up your stubborn girlfriend and now wasn't any different.
"You really wanna go there?" You moved your body forward, making Ellie nearly fall backwards from your gentle, yet sturdy nudge as she stood directly in front of you.
"Go where?"
"Shut up Ellie," you continued your nudging, but this time you didn't stop. The both of you continued on with Ellie walking backwards and you walking forwards directly into her.
"Make me."
Ellie watched as, the moment the words left her mouth, your innocent eyes seemed to cloud with devilish intention.
Gently, you placed your free hand on top of Ellies and guided until it was landing on your clothed chest; Ellie's pulse instantly began to quicken as her mind and emotions shifted from playful to aroused.
A strong beam of white light over took the dimly lit store as the sound of the film being spat out of the camera took over the only sound in the store, that is until Ellie let out a "What the fuck!"
You backed away from your girlfriend with a playful smile as you moved the camera away from your face and shook the film in your hand; again, doing just as the book advised.
"Babe cmon on," Ellie protested, trying to grab the film out of your hand.
"El, don't you want to see what your face looks like when you grab my boob?"
"No actually, I'd rather just see your boob."
You playfully scoffed, "Maybe you will if you stop being so difficult."
At that, Ellie stopped attempting to grab the photo in your hand, "You better be for real."
You shook your head, "You're ridiculous, you know that,"
Ellie's soft yet playful smile made you crack a genuine smile as you reached out for her hand, intertwining the tip of both of your fingers.
"Awww Ellie", immediately you cradled the photo to your chest with your free hand.
It only took a quick look, but the photo was preciously adorned with Ellie and an awestruck look on her face that made her features seem so soft and relaxed.
Ellie rolled her eyes, still wearing a smile that let you know she was appreciating your admiration for her looks, "Yeah yeah."
"You look so cute dude. I'm going to put this up in my place."
Ellie couldn't help her smile now, not even bothering to attempt to cover it up as you clutched it to your chest with two hands now, gleaming right back at her.
"I guess, it's time for your end of the deal now," you spoke slowly, raising the camera up and out to hand over to Ellie.
"What do you mean?", she questioned.
You smirked, moving your arms out of your shirt until it was lifted up & over your head.
"Wha-what are yo-you.."
Before Ellie could finish her stuttering sentence, your shirt was being discarded onto the ground, leaving you standing in your dusted jeans and grey sports bra.
Your hand out stretched to Ellie, beckoning her to come closer to you, which she happily accepted.
"What the hell are you doing?" Ellie said as she now stood just a bout a foot or so in front of you.
"Helping you get your picture." Suddenly your hands were slowly reaching for the bottom hem of the only fabric that was covering your chest.
"Hmm?", you hummed, lifting the fabric off of your top half until it was discarded alongside your shirt, leaving your chest naked, much to Ellies pleasure.
"Holy Shit." Ellie admired quietly, her eyes naturally raking over your chest and then back up to your eyes. "Are you asking me to take a picture of..you know," Ellie motioned her hand in the general area of where your tits were.
The mix of nervousness and astonishment in Ellie's voice was something you wished you could recored to play on repeat for those days when she was out on patrol without you.
As you stared at your girlfriend, giving her a smile, she didn't think twice about lifting the camera up to her face.
"All you do is put your eye in that little Hole right there and press the red button on the side," you explained, but if Ellie was being honest, she was only half able to comprehend any of your words. She was much too preoccupied with the way your tits were naked for her to devour with her eyes..and now to capture and have for..whenever the occasion arose.
As Ellie peered through the viewfinder, her cheeks reddened as you shifted your shoulders back, making your tits that much more pronounced and ready for her to bring her lips to.
Ellies pointer finger held down the shutter as the familiar noise of the film ejecting itself echoed through the store.
"It'll take a second for it to-"
Ellie interrupted you by quickly placing the camera and it's fresh film onto the nearby shelf and pining your back against the red brick accent wall, surely leaving slight scratches along your bare back.
You gleamed up at her as you wrapped your arms around her neck; it didn't take long for her lips to come into contact with yours in a harsh kiss that was dripping in longing.
Ellie let out a chuckle as her lips removed themselves from yours, "Maybe we should take this along so we could..take some more."
A Week Later
"Shut the fuck up Jesse," Ellie nudged her friend with her shoulder as the alcohol in his body made him giggle like a school child next to her.
Ellie and her friend in tow were crunching their way through the snow covered roads as they got closer and closer to the front door of her house after a night out of catching up.
Ellies hand twisted on the doorknob as she flicked on a lamp and stabbed her knife into a nearby table.
"Let me find my weed real quick then we can smoke up."
Jesse nodded, removing both his boots & coat before flopping down on Ellie's couch.
Jesse had been to your home many times before, probably having it subconsciously memorized if you had quizzed him on all the contents of your home...but something caught his eye this time that seemed out of place.
As Ellie went to her bathroom, grabbing the small tin that held potent smelling greenery, Jesse's curiosity got the better of him.
Peaking out from underneath one of Ellie's sketchbooks was the corner of...something..an object that Jesse couldn't fully make out. Looking around quickly, Jesse sneakily thumbed the corner of the object, sliding it out from underneath the leather bound book, until...it was revealed.
His cheeks grew red at the polaroid of you and your naked chest staring back at him, making him forcefully tuck it back underneath the sketchbook.
"Two pre-rolled joints coming up," with every word, Ellie's voice came closer and closer until she was in full view and plopping down on the couch next to her sheepish looking friend.
"Here", Ellie's long fingers pinched the edge of the joint as she passed it over to Jesse, but he didn't take it right away.
"Hmm? Oh, sorry", Jesse's eyes must've been deer in the headlights worthy as Ellie scanned him with a furrowed brow.
"You good?"
"Yeah. Fine."
"You don't seem fine," Ellie chuckled as she held the lighter up to the white stick in her mouth until it was smoking at the end.
Jesse took the lighter Ellie held out to him, lighting his joint with a look of disassociation still evident on his face.
"Dude, what's up with you?", Ellie questioned as she exhaled.
Jesse gulped after taking the first hit and breathing the smoke out through his nose and mouth.
"You uh..you may want to try to hide this better."
Ellie looked confused at her best friend, "Hide what?"
The substance was beginning to relax Jesse more as he felt the weight on his shoulders soften and his once mortified eyes beginning to fall more closed than usual.
He chuckled, moving his eyes down to Ellie's sketchbook, doing his best to give her the hint without him having to actually say that he found her girlfriends nudes.
"What the hell are you on Jesse", Ellie chuckled, deeply inhaling and eyeing her friend.
Jesse sighed before bringing his hand down to Ellie's sketchbook, tapping his finger against the corner of the polaroid picture that had been revealed to his eyes just minutes ago.
Suddenly, Ellie's squinted pupils grew wider than ever as she came around to what he was talking about.
"Shit," she said, grabbing her sketchbook quickly, but forgetting that the intimate photo that Jesse found wasn't the only one set underneath the journal.
Jesse's eyes subconsciously dragged over to the..not so safe for work images of you, Ellie, and one of Ellie's hand wrapped around what he assumed to be her girlfriends neck.
"Fucking hell Ellie!" Jesse covered his eyes quickly as if somehow that would magically erase the images that were sure to burn into your mind for the foreseeable future.
"Damn it-Fuck, fuck fuck," Ellie swore as she grabbed the remainder of the images, placing them completely hidden under her sketchbook that was now on her bedside table.
"I-I'm so sorry Jesse."
But Jesse was much too fucked up by now to be able to be bothered by the accident, all his mind thought to do was begin laugh vigorously as his hand vibrated as it rested on top of his abdomen.
"Hey, fuck off," Ellie said as she began to lose the embarrassment as she playfully taunted her friend before once again sitting down next to him on the couch.
"I see why you date her," Jesse quipped, his laughter still spilling out to the point where it was difficult for him to get even one word out.
Ellie wasn't sure if it was the weed beginning to do it's job, the situation that had just happen, or a good combination of both, but she too began laughing hysterically and playfully hit Jesse's shoulder.
"Erase that shit from your brain dude."
"Oh don't worry," Jesse nodded through red rimmed eyes, "I'm going to try to."
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nightfang22 · 9 months
For the wayne smut could you add the idea of them losing their virginity to each other. Thank you<3
Of course I can!Thank you so much and I hope you love it!Sorry if it's not great,it is my first spicy fic.Anyways,lemme know what you think!
Virgin Lovers
Warnings:SMUT Minors DNI
Pairing:Wayne McCullough x f!Reader
Word Count:1.5k
His smile. His eyes. His lips. Wayne McCullough infected your every thought. He made you feel things that you had never felt before. As you were lost in thought, you didn't realize that your phone had been constantly buzzing. You picked it up on the third ring of the 4th call. "Hello?"
"Hey Y/n, you got any plans later?" It was Orlando. You and Orlando had always been good friends which is how you met Wayne. Orlando had introduced you two one day when you had begged him not to make you skip class alone.
"Pleaseeeee Orlando? I don't wanna go alone and you're way better at this than I am! Besides, I'm only skipping to help you get these new Pokemon cards you wanted! I don't have to do this, you know." You pouted and whined until he conceded. "Fine fine I'll go with you. You probably wouldn't know what to look for anyways." You were about to make an offended rebuttal when something else caught his attention. Or someone, you should say. Turning around to see who it was, you thought it was just going to be the girl he's been constantly crushing on with a spinal cage. But no. When you turned around, you saw none other than Wayne McCullough walking in your direction down the hallway. You felt your heart pound and your cheeks flush. Your throat constricted and suddenly your mouth had run dry. You guess Orlando had noticed this and nudged you in the side with his elbow. "Oooo somebody got it bad, huh? Who is it? Is it the guy with the clarinet you have band with?" You jabbed him with your elbow back and tried not to stare at Wayne's gorgeously bruised up face. Orlando caught notice and smiled wide. "Oh, you got it bad for my boy, Wayne huh? Want me to hook you up?" Your head snapped violently in his direction. "I swear to the Gods Orlando, if you embarrass me in front of him I will kill you." Wayne walked up to us and looked at Orlando, giving a little head nod. "Wayne man! Where you been?" Wayne chuckled a little and it was this sexy soft rumbling noise. "Whatcha mean? I'm like 20 minutes late." Orlando laughed. "Yeah 20 minutes and like 3 weeks!" Orlando must have seen you fidgeting with the rings on the chain around your neck cause he put his hand on your shoulder and looked at Wayne. "Wayne, this is Y/n L/n. She's new-ish. She was new, like a month ago." You felt Wayne's eyes on you and you looked up at him through your eyelashes before smiling awkwardly. "Y/n, this is the man. The myth. The legend. My best friend, Wayne mothafuckin McCullough." Wayne punched Orlando in the shoulder and he winced. "Damn man! I'm tryin to do you a favor!" Wayne's eyes never left yours, even when you felt your cheeks tinge pink and you looked away briefly.
                                                     *Flashback Over*
You had been inseparable ever since. Wayne ended up cutting class with you and at some point you had completely lost Orlando and went to some record store where Wayne had asked you if you wanted him to be your boyfriend. You and Wayne have been together for 3 years now and you could never be happier.
"Uh not really. Probably just homework. Why?"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and Wayne to this club off campus later? It's supposed to be super rave and like alternative vibes and I know that's your shit. It took me forever to get Wayne to agree and I maybe sorta already told him you'd go?" "Orlando!"
"I'm tryin to get a hot goth girlfriend! Help a brotha out!"
  I sigh in defeat through my nose. "Fine. I'll go. But the moment anyone is too drunk, we're leaving. Got it?"
 "Yeah yeah for sure! Thanks, Y/n! You the best!"
                                                *Timeskip to the club*
You look around at your environment. It's a lot of flashing lights and loud music. Not really your scene. You scan the crowd for Orlando and Wayne when you spot them against the wall outside. You walk up to them and you notice Wayne's eyes scan up and down your body. You're wearing a faux leather 2 piece with a silver body chain covered in dangly purple and blue rhinestones with black sparkly platforms. "Hey guys, sorry if I'm late I-" You get interrupted by Wayne pulling you in by the waist. He keeps you close to him and it looks like he's glaring at something when you look up at his face. You look over and see him glaring at some guy. The creep looked like he was eyeing you and you weren't for it. You curled closer to Wayne before Orlando waved us to go inside with him. The place was loud but very hype and fun. It didn't really seem like your kind of scene though. You don't get why Orlando wanted us to come. Neither you or Wayne were much of the party type. After watching everyone dance for a while, you decided to call it a night.
Wayne took you home and got you settled inside, laying you down in bed. You just laid there staring at his beautiful face. "I love you." Wayne never blushes but his cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. You don't know where the courage came from but you leaned up and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The kiss quickly evolved into a heated makeout session. Wayne crawled into bed on to of you, pulling away only to take off his shoes cause he knows you have a thing about shoes on the bed. His hands roam your body in your pretty outfit. You pull away tossing off your body chain and making quick work of his shirt. Wayne wasn't necessarily 'buff' but he was very well tones and had a gorgeous frame. Your hands glided from his shoulders down to his waistline, working on the button of his jeans. He pulled away to look at you. "Are you sure? I-I mean I've never. And you've never. What if you regret it?" You pull him in for a sweet kiss. "I could never regret it. If anything, I wouldn't want to lose it to anyone else." That must have really got him going cause he practically tore off your clothes. He slid his jeans off along with his underwear and kissed my neck, pulling a gasp from you. When he pulls away, you finally have a good chance to look at him and holy fuck. You didn't realize your boyfriend was so….well endowed. Big enough that it looked like it might hurt. Wayne grabbed something out of his wallet and when you noticed what it was, he looked at you sheepishly. "Orlando gave it to me." He shrugged and smiled shyly. He rolled on the condom and crawled back over you. "And you're absolutely sure?" You nodded and placed your arms around his neck so that you could play with his hair. He placed himself at your entrance before stopping. "Hang on gimme your leg." You looked at him confused before lifting your leg and he placed it up on his shoulder, doing the same with the other one. "I read somewhere that it hurts less if you do it like this." He realigned himself at your entrance and slowly pushed in. You felt tears prick your eyes as he stretched you and he kissed your forehead, stopping. He made you look into his eyes. "Are you okay? Do we need to stop?" You shook your head. He stayed still, waiting for you to adjust until you nodded you head. He began to move and even though it hurt, it was a good hurt. You moaned softly as he bottomed out inside you. Wayne gently bit down on your shoulder and kissed it before placing his forehead on yours, beginning to find a steady rhythm. Your moans were the sweetest sound he had ever heard and he just wanted to keep hearing them. With one especially rough thrust he hit that special spot inside you and you arched your back while digging your nails into his and he ate that shit up. He continued at that pace as you screamed out his name in pure ecstasy. You felt the knot in your stomach pulling tighter and your breathing picked up more. He held you close as you came crashing down from your high as his hips stuttered, painting the inside of the condom with his seed. He pulled out slowly, tossing the condom into the bin. He got up to grab a towel to clean you up and brought back a glass of water for you. After you're all cleaned up, he crawls back into bed with you, covering you up and pulling you close as you slowly fall asleep in his arms.
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january-summers · 5 months
Actually, speaking of Obi-wan, my brain's been on some alternate order 66 codywan crack for like, the past day and a half.
cause, in the Clone Wars tv series, there's this line relating to the chips and 'the nightmare(s) is(are) over now' (it's been a really long time I can't remember the line exactly) and it's ingrained this idea that the clones actually suffer from nightmares as a side effect of the chips.
So picture this: Cody accidentally mentions the nightmares around Obi-wan, and because I need for him to for the ... "plot" to happen, Obi suggests a Force Thing that he learned in Jedi Therapy when he was a padawan (that he may or may not remember entirely correctly, which ever way is more helpful for the ... "plot")
and it's basically just dream sharing that allows Cody to lucid dream and over write his nightmares.
which incidentally over writes the chips.
which incidentally have a bluetooth connection and a program hierarchy and ongoing updates between them so Cody's "updated" order list (a series of dreams in which he has a good time actually) take precedent over the subordination chips and slowly the over written commands spread through the GAR like a silent viral infection.
Which would be fine for everyone involved except for one thing.
Order 66.
Because Order 66 in Cody's nightmares starts with Obi-wan lying dead in a puddle of his own blood. And he couldn't quite push past the horror and fear the image instilled in him, so Obi-wan was a little more hands on with that dream, and oh, it's not Obi lying dead in a puddle of blood, it's Obi sprawled in red silk telling Cody everything is going to be alright.
And then feelings... got a little heated and unlike many of the other dreams Obi-wan and Cody end up calling each other's names a lot.
(It is important to note, that in this scenario even though Obi-wan did step in, the mood and direction of the dream were still under Cody's control.)
Which is good because when order 66 is called by Palpatine, the entire GAR isn't focused on kriffing the nearest Jedi, ("Kriff the Jedi, all of them!") they're focused on making sure Cody kriffs Obi-wan (in red silk sheets) specifically.
And for that someone has to sit on Anakin for a few hours.
And kill Palpatine.
And make sure the war is mopped up.
(and red silk sheets are located)
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adventuringblind · 4 months
A Little Sick
Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Sick fic
Summary: Carlos' struggle to take care of his girlfriend who's both sick and regressed. Lucky for him, he knows how to get her to nap.
Warnings: Agere/age-regression, non-sexual ageplay, non-sexual use of daddy, sinus infection, fear of doctors, mentions of past trauma
Notes: Haven't written for Carlos in so long T_T
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Carlos knew the second he heard sniffling that something wasn't right. The way fatigue seems to drip from his lover didn't go unnoticed.
The problem is that was two weeks ago. She'd claimed allergies or a minor cold. Her disgust at anything having to do with sickness and doctors showing through her lack of acceptance.
Carlos has half a mind to just lay on top of her and force her to rest. Alternatively, if he could get her to regress, this would be immesley easier.
He can see her forcing herself not to. The delicate line between headspace getting blurrier with each day.
It's when she wakes up in tears, the Carlos knows something has to be done.
"Princessa?" He rolls her over and bundles her up into his arms. Her entire body is on fire and when he touches her face, she wails in pain. "We should go see a doctor, amor."
She's non-verbal all morning, trying desperately not to slip in headspace. Until Carlos finally take the initiative. He hates doing this, but he's been doing this long enough to see when she needs to slip and let Carlos take care of her.
Carlos starts small by picking out her clothes. Comfortable, obviously, since they are just going to the doctor. Then he puts her shoes on for her and ties the laces. By the time he's done, he can see the look in her eyes. The one that aches with the need for comfort. Desperate to not face the object of her nightmares.
Carlos grabs her comfort item and places it gently into her hands. He kneels down in front of her. "I won't leave you alone, okay? I'll be with you the entire time. Can you be brave for me?" She gives him a shy nod in response.
Carlos gets her into the car and buckles her seatbelt for her. He turns on soft music and she bobs her head along to the words. He coos at her with how adorable she looks at the moment.
She freezes up the second he pulls into the parking lot. The fear in her eyes says everything. She's on the verge of a breakdown, but Carlos is there to calm her. He holds her hand and helps her breathe before helping her out of the car.
He manages getting her checked in since she's still non-verbal and on the verge of tears. Eyes glassy with terror over being in the place she despises.
Carlos runs his fingers along her spine. "You're doing so good, carina."
She freezes when her name is called. Her body trembling in fear and squeezing the life out of Carlos' hand with her own. He swiftly wraps an arm around her and whispers into her ear some reassurance.
She doesn't say a word to the doctor, only watches him with suspicion. He ends up prescribing antibiotics and sending them on their way.
She wails the second they are in the safety of the car. All the nerves she'd been biting back finally able to burst free of their confines. Carlos has to get her to breathe. The hyperventilation nearly making her sick. He doesn't let go of her hand the entire way home.
He carries her inside, still sniffling from the overwhelming emotions from earlier. Carlos feels awful for having to put her through such a thing. The fact he knows full well why she hates it making it even harder to do.
He settles her on the couch. One he can see her from despite being in the kitchen and hastily throwing together soup. The television is playing her movie of choice. The background noise has become soothing to both of them.
He ends up having to feed her the soup himself. Not that he minds, it just means having to change her clothes afterwards. Which is no easy task considering she's deadweight in his arms. On purpose, mind you, but she's giggling about it, so Carlos makes no complaint.
Carlos puts the movie back on afterwards. Her head resting on his lap as she curls up on the couch. The mountain of blankets obscuring her body and stuffed animals she dutifully brough with her.
"I did good, papá?" Her squeaky voice carries from where the blankets muffle it.
Carlos keeps a steady rhythm, fingers running against her scalp in a comforting manor. The repetition has always put her to sleep within minutes. "The best, amor. Sleep now, the more you rest the sooner you'll get better." Ke kisses her forehead. Her eye's drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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lunarianbeams · 2 years
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Extensive protest gear/safety advice from a twitter thread. Additional images from thread will be in a reblog. Images described in read-more and in alt text.
link to full thread (link one)
link to free protest medical book "Riot Medicine" (link two) by Håkan Geijer (link three)
image id: Twitter thread from Gwen Snyder is uncivil @/ gwensnyderPHL
image one: Seeing people share that swim goggles are great against tear gas, which is something I used to believe and advise. Then I learned that blunt force to swim goggles can pop your eyes [out] of their sockets, so please don't wear swim goggles in situations where cops may assault you
image two: First tweet in image states "Plastic lab goggles are the way to go, ideally with ballistics protection so they don't shatter if you take a rubber bullet to the face. Contacts trap tear gas, and according to my ophthalmologist, polycarbonate glasses are your safest bet during protests." Second tweet in image states "A lot of plastic lab goggles are vented to prevent condensation, but you can use clear packing tape to seal them up. Conveniently, you can also leave the tape dangling a bit and then seal it back up when things get heated so condensation is less of a bother."
image three: first tweet in image states "Don't wear hanging jewelry or loose clothes, or anything fash/cops can hang grab and on to. It's best practice to cover your face (N95 it up to protect yourself/others), avoid wearing 'unique' or custom attire, and conceal tattoos. Wear your shoes that you can run in." second tweet in image states "You don't need a special solution to clean tear gas out of people's eyes. Water or saline in a cheap peri bottle is a godsend. Be careful not to touch the peri bottle to anyone's eyes directly if you're treating multiples, you don't want to be spreading infection inadvertently."
image four: first tweet in image states "Wet wipes are your friend. Clean any tear gas-exposed skin thoroughly and ASAP. I couldn't chop jalapenõs for at least a month after the 2020 gassings, my skin would burn just being around the oil in the air." second tweet in image states "Remove any tear gas-contaminated clothing ASAP. Keep it in a sealed plastic bag (ideally outside) until you can wash it (ideally multiple times). This is especially true if you have asthma or if you have pets - your clothes can give off chemicals that pets are very sensitive to."
image five: first tweet in image states "If you're thinking about a gas mask, do your research. The good ones are expensive, and there are a bunch of airsoft 'gas masks' that are just costume wear. Respirators and goggles together make a more affordable alternative." second tweet in image states "It's possible to reduce tear gas spread by covering a canister with a traffic cone, but the canisters are very hot and can explode, so be careful. DO NOT pick them up to toss them from the crowd unless you are wearing heat-protective gloves. They can burn you."
image six: first tweet in image states "Police will often fire smoke canisters along with tear gas to reduce visibility and increase confusion. There's not much you can do about that, but be aware." second tweet in image states "Tear gas is usually deployed not by a spraying mechanism, but by firing canisters into a crowd. These are heavy, metal projectiles. you do not want to take one to the head, and you should keep your eyes open and be ready to assist in case others do." third tweet states "Tear gas is an abortifacient. Not much you can do about that, but if you're pregnant or TTC [trying to carry] you should be very aware of that reality so you can make informed decisions on the ground."
image seven: first tweet in image states "'Rubber' bullets (also called baton rounds) are regular bullets covered in plastic. They are SUPPOSED to be fired at the ground so they hit people on a lower-impact rebound. In practice, cops will fire them directly at you. They are no joke." second tweet in image states "'Rubber' bullets can blind or maim you, especially when shot directly. Don't minimize the risk. If you take a body hit, ice packs help. When my partner got shot, we iced one site and not the other and the difference was MASSIVE. Consider carrying instant ice packs"
image eight: first tweet in image states "Know your local legal collective scene. If there's an arrest hotline, get that number on your arm in Sharpie. There's no guarantee you'll get a call, but if you do, use it to call them. Have quarters on your person for jail pay phones." second tweet in image states "Assume someone in your group chat is going to forget to lock their phone, and that cops will see what you've said in there. Be super-mindful about potentially incriminating speech." third tweet says "If you're white, mass arrests are really not the time to give police an earful. They'll often try and get their revenge by taking out their anger on the most vulnerable people in custody, especially nonwhite folks."
image nine: first tweet in image states "In my area, we generally recommend having an ID on you if you think you might get arrested (if you're engaging in jail-packing tactics, disregard). It's a personal choice, but it speeds up processing, which means you're less likely to get sent to county for the weekend." second tweet in image states "Don't thank cops at protests. Don't give them hugs and take cute photos with them. They aren't our friends, they use photos of that stuff for feel-good propaganda to counter accountability measures, and it makes the people they target feel like you don't have their back"
image ten: first tweet in image states "Prioritize your ability to run when it comes to footwear, but if you have steel toe shoes/boots that fit that need, that's a plus. Toes are vulnerable to police car trampling, and 'accidental' sideswiping by drivers who hate you and your cause." second tweet in image states "Photos are a complicated subject. Livestreaming is almost always a bad idea, since cops can use those streams to surveil, and since you may accidentally broadcast information that can be sued to identify or prosecute other protesters." third tweet says "Be very careful with night videography / photography at protests. I'm not going to say never do it, but be VERY mindful that folks tend to take more militant action at night and you don't want to accidentally incriminate anyone."
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The Gates of Jackson | Joel Miller x F!Reader | Chapter 2 - Patrol
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You showed up at the gates of Jackson with hands covered in blood and no memory of how you got there. That was two years ago. Since then, you've become Maria's right-hand woman and the person in charge of Jackson's logistical backend. Patrol schedules, inventory—all your purview. When a patrol gone wrong forces you to get to know Joel, memories of your past begin resurfacing—along with their consequences.
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+, minors DNI
word count: 1.0k
tags: no use of y/n, eventual smut, no beta we die like sarah, jackson era, other additional tags to be added, slow burn, ellie needs a hug, joel lives, good parent joel, reader-insert, reader insert, forced proximity, only one bed trope, nightmares, childbirth, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, soft joel, cuddling & snuggling, fluff, masturbation, pining, joel falls first, possibly demisexual reader (tbd), ptsd, ptsd flashbacks, panic attacks, amnesia, sexual braiding
chapter warnings: childbirth (mentioned)
chapter summary: A detour finds you and Joel lost in the woods and in need of shelter for the night.
Chapter 2 - Patrol
It was foggy today. Cold and foggy. You resented the low visibility, but Joel didn’t seem to mind. He followed behind you on Chestnut, an older mare named for her lovely, dark coat. While you focused on the trail, he watched the trees. Even if infected were rare out here, he wasn’t about to be caught off guard.
You made it about four miles before dust began to mix with the fog, making you cough until you pulled your shirt over your mouth and nose to block out the debris.
“Rockslide,” you called back to Joel, the sound of pebbles still clattering to the ground confirming your assessment. “We need to find an alternate route. I usually send patrols up this way three times a week, but no one’s come up this way since last Thursday. It’s overdue for a checkup.”
Joel was unfazed. “The river narrows to a stream about a mile back. We can cross over, loop around.”
You nodded, “Lead the way, Miller.”
Letting Joel lead was a mistake. Between the detour and the fog, you were hopelessly, utterly lost.
“If we die out here, I’m gonna kill you,” you told him, your annoyance beginning to slip towards downright anger.
“We’re not gonna die out here, Doe. Calm down.”
“We need to find high ground—figure out where we are, get above all this fog,” you said.
Luckily, you were headed uphill. But uphill didn’t last. Just as the fog began to thin, you reached a lake. Beside it stood a cabin, one you hadn’t seen on your patrols before.
The siding had once been painted a bright, cheery yellow, but time and the elements had stripped away much of the color. There were no signs of life, no broken windows. It had probably been abandoned long before the outbreak. Either that, or occupied by people who knew how to keep a low profile.
You eyed Joel, and with a sharp nod, he dismounted. You tied the horses just inside the treeline and approached, slowly and quietly climbing the stairs to the enclosed porch.
You squatted down to pull out your lock pick, but before you could even retrieve it, Joel was winding up to kick the door down. You stopped him with a gentle hand on his thigh. He looked down at you, eyes wide, and you answered his unspoken question by raising your lock pick. 
You made quick work of the lock, standing to push the door open. You motioned for Joel to head inside, but he opted to hold the door for you instead. “After you, ma’am.”
You were tempted to roll your eyes at that, but honestly, you kind of liked it. You led the way, clicking on your flashlight to investigate.
It wasn’t untouched, like you had initially suspected. There were signs of past occupants between the outbreak and now, but whoever it was hadn’t stayed long. The cabinets were still mostly stocked, though none of the cans were of your preferred variety. The curtains were drawn and dusty, having been left that way for some time. You opened them, letting in a dull beam of late-afternoon light. It glinted off liquor bottles strewn across the carpet by the couch.
“Looks like somebody hunkered down here for a bender,” Joel said, toeing a half-empty bottle with his boot.
“You got all that from liquor bottles and a carpet covered in dried vomit? Very observant, Miller,” you teased, taking a seat on an old barstool.
“I’m surprised they didn’t start breaking shit.”
“Not every drunk’s a violent one, Joel. Some of them just get sad. Or horny.”
“Or both.”
You huffed at that. He wasn’t wrong. You were stretching your neck when Joel made the call.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “We should settle in here for the night.”
“That’s not–” you started, before realizing he was probably right. If you kept going, you’d likely end up going in circles, just getting more lost than you already were. And even with all the floor vomit, that couch looked comfy. “Fine,” you sighed. “Get a fire going, figure out some food. I’m gonna head up to the roof, see if I can get a radio signal.”
Joel nodded, setting his pack down by the fireplace. You climbed the ladder up to the small loft space, looking for roof access. There was a small skylight, and with luck, it pushed open.
You crawled out onto the roof, leaning back against a weathered gable. You could just barely get a signal on your long-range radio.
“Doe to base camp, come in,” you spoke into the mouthpiece.
“Copy, Doe. This is Mike at the main gate. Over,” a voice crackled through the speaker.
“Joel and I hit a rockslide along the Mountain View lodge trail earlier. We took a detour and got lost in all the fog. We’re at a cabin near some lake up here. Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for the night. Over.”
“But you’re alright otherwise? No injuries or anything? Over.”
“Fine, Mike. We’re fine. Should probably get a group out this way soon, though. The place is well-stocked, practically untouched. We’ll probably be back sometime tomorrow afternoon, assuming this fog clears and we can get our bearings. Over.”
“Copy that, Doe. All good over here.”
“Copy. Over and out.”
“Over and out.”
You scrubbed a hand over your face, your bones heavy with exhaustion. It had been a very long day.
“Soup’s on!” Joel called up from the living room.
“Be right there!”
You gathered your things, starting your haphazard slide back toward the skylight when a thought hit you.
“Hey, Mike?” you asked into the radio.
“How’s Maria?” 
You waited anxiously for his reply. Childbirth had never been without its risks, but in the apocalypse, it was easy for things to go wrong.
“She’s good,” Mike said, “Delivery went smoothly.”
Good, you thought, letting out a sigh of relief. That’s good.
The radio crackled back on, and Mike added one last detail to his report.
“It’s a girl.”
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leighsartworks216 · 5 months
I am once again enamored with the idea of simple domesticity, so here are some ideas/prompts that y'all are also welcome to use <333
Coming up behind A while they cook/clean/whatever and B wrapping their arms around them
Brushing/braiding/fixing their hair as they read a book aloud
Adjusting their clothes
Laid out on the couch together, watching something or reading, just generally close but not necessarily focused on one another
A can't find something they're looking for. They call out to B for help and B comes around the corner with it, kissing A on the cheek as they say where it was
A cuts their finger. B sits them on the toilet lid as they clean it and bandage it, and press a kiss over it. (Bonus is A asks "Will I live, doc?" Extra bonus if B teases them about needing to amputate it before the infection spreads)
Teaching the other something they know really well, like cooking, sewing, how to fold a shirt, etc
B has to get up and get ready for work, but A just pulls them closer for cuddles
Sitting on opposite ends of the couch but A has their feet in B's lap and B massages them, especially if A has to walk around a lot
One of them starts to get up when the baby starts crying, but the other stops them and gets up instead. Bonus if they don't return and are found fast asleep in a chair with baby on their chest
Singing and dancing around together
A remembering after B gets back from the store that they needed something, but B noticed they were out and already grabbed it
Feeding each other bites
Celebrating their different cultures together
A falls asleep on the couch. B tucks them in or squeezes onto the couch with them for the night
A napping on the couch when B is in the living room because they feel safer with B there
Running baths for each other
Having "bath dates" where they take a bath together with glasses of wine on the side
Folding laundry together
Having a unique way to find each other if they get separated in a store (whistle, Marco Polo, etc)
Surprising each other with flowers or knickknacks for no reason
Going to a toy store together when they don't have kids just to play with the displays and make fun of crappy new toys
Having a specific routine to going to bed, specifically how they say goodnight (Kissing foreheads, kissing a finger and pressing it to their lips/nose, etc)
Unique ways of saying "I love you", especially if one has a hard time saying it (tapping them, holding their hand, alternate phrases like "I like you a lot")
This went on way longer than I thought it would. Feel free to add any more you can think of or ask for clarification if I explained something poorly :)
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thedemonscrawler · 3 months
I'm just gonna do this to Ruin
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Like aaaaa I'm cursed to only like characters when they're losing I guess, and a Pyrrhic victory counts as a loss. I didn't CARE about this guy when he was the main antagonist, and then Eclipse 3.0 chucked him in the back of a car and kidnapped him and I was suddenly interested. And NOW, when everyone is very much upset about Solar, I'm off to the side shaking this bastard around because we finally got some concrete answers to what's going on in his head.
Just! This whole thing-- this is an exceptionally Moon thing for him to have done. To go 'I'm going to completely and totally remove this possible threat from ever occurring, and I'm fine with being the bad guy to do it'? That's some Old Moon kind of thinking. This wasn't a plan he came up with in the past few months, this took him years.
And speaking of years! Fifty years of playing pretend! Of acting like you enjoy hurting people, that you don't care as your body literally falls apart around you. I'm not a fan of the idea that he was never infected, I like the perspective better that he was infected, it just wasn't as responsible for his behavior as he made it out to be-- but still. At some point he had to have gone numb to it for the sake of his own survival.
What does that do to your mentality? Your outlook? What's it like knowing that your whole world was brought to its knees by your creator? What's it like being the only semi-stable person you know for half a century? What's it like realizing that you're also changing, and not for the better?
He's just... so painfully isolated, in a way that Eclipse doesn't even come close to touching.
And! And even after being 'cured'! He's still isolated! Like it was a good thing he WAS up to something-- can you imagine how crushing it would be if he'd been genuinely not doing anything, and he was still treated with suspicion for a solid like 4 months? By probably the most consistent group of animatronics he's had to talk to that weren't infected with a weird virus?
Like, the man didn't get repaired until 3 months after being cured, after Solar made a blueprint in his spare time. He didn't get a bed until Moon felt guilty about rummaging around inside his head-- and tbh I don't know if he ever got to actually use that bed. He let them call him Ruin.
Ruin never had a home in 'our' dimension.
And hhhhngh like I'm not even sure he cares, because he's past the point of caring. He's got one of Sun's worst traits as well, "There's no point in sharing what I'm thinking because no one is listening". He could have approached Moon and Solar with like "Hey okay so I started on this plan to do this thing like 10 years ago, I would like some input" and maybe an alternative could have been found!
But he didn't, because he's alone. He came up with the best plan he could, weighed the risks, and acted on it, all by himself. A single weird Eclipse against 5,000 Creators, because he felt like that was the greatest threat.
And like, lets be real-- Solar's death was 100% a narrative necessity. Otherwise we the audience wouldn't really care that Ruin had wiped so many dimensions from existing, it'd just be a number. That thing of like, you gotta make it personal to have impact. Very good storytelling right there.
(Though from a in-universe perspective, man it must have been an unpleasant shock to learn that of course the only other dimensional refugee was from one of the worlds you had to destroy. Like, come on, what are the odds)
He did something horrible. A multi-dimensional catastrophe to prevent a multi-dimensional catastrophe. He probably accepted the ramifications of it ages ago. He just... utterly lacks any hope, you know? No hope of forgiveness, no hope of improvement. He survived his world long enough to do this thing, and he has nothing else going for him.
He's just waiting for them to finally kill off his body, because he already died years ago.
Anyway I'm desperately trying to find an angle that can be used to maybe pull him out of his coffin here and so far I'm not seeing one qq but maybe future eps will give me something to work off of.
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dancingtotuyo · 4 months
Before | 1. the mountains are screaming
A Woman Story
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Rating: Mature
Series Summary: Five peeks into your past before Joel Miller reentered you life
Summary: you’re alone and in need of supplies but a trip down the mountain brings you much more.
Tags: The Last of Us, set in the Woman universe, love, loss, loneliness, backstory, slight enemies to lovers vibes.
Warnings: talk of loss and grief (spouse,brother& kids), violence, blood, fight, guns
Notes: those drabbles I referenced, yeah they turned into a mini series within the Woman series! 3 chapters to be posted before we delve back into the main story with 2 more to follow on alternating weeks!
Shoutout to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for taking a look at this! I adore you my dear 💚
Words: 3632
Series Masterlist | Woman Masterlist | Author Masterlist
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You’ve put it off long enough, but you’re low on supplies, and the homes within comfortable walking distance are long-picked over. You know going into Jackson is your best bet, but it’s a full day’s walk just to get there, and you haven’t been there in years. You don’t know if it will be abandoned still, crawling with infected, or crawling with people. It���s risky leaving the house unattended for so long, but you haven’t seen another human being in almost 2 years. In theory, no one should be here when you get back.
You have to go, and you have to go tomorrow. Winter will be upon you before too long. You figure you’ll need to make a couple of trips to get you through the winter.
You set out as soon as it’s light out. The trip there is easiest, going downhill with your pack light. You can’t even consider the trek back.
Alone, the town feels more unnerving. A few windows are broken here and there, doors rotted out in places, but relatively untouched. Dust collects in inches. You’re shocked by how much is left intact, like the town has been preserved by fate. You stuff your bag with canned foods, carefully inspecting each one before moving to the first aid supplies.
Your pack is full when you hear it, a collection of voices. A strong command echoes to spread out and clear the buildings. Your heart drops to your stomach. You should’ve come a day earlier. Procrastination has come to collect its dues just like it did in college, except this isn’t your GPA. It’s your fucking life.
You glance out the window. Several people with rifles flank the street, five in your sights, but you hear more. So many more. A couple of horses whinny. You slink behind a shelf, pressing your back against it. You have minutes, seconds maybe before they find you. There are too many to shoot your way out. You have to find a way to slip out undetected.
You scan the store, spotting the back entrance. Maybe they won’t be out back. There’s a thicket of trees around the north edge of the city. If you can make it there without them spotting you, maybe you can hide out until it’s dark enough to travel to the mountain tree line. It’s a long shot, but you’re a sitting duck here.
You move quickly, careful to stay out of sight. Your boots are heavy on the floor. The voices grow in number and volume. Your hand touches the cool door knob. You take a moment to steady yourself. There’s no time for nerves or doubts. You crack the door open. The alley is clear.
It’s open on both ends, doing nothing to ease your nerves, but the bright fall colors from the thicket call your name. Sticking close to the wall, you make sure to keep any noise to a minimum. Your heart races with each new voice.
You’re almost to the end of the alleyway. The trees are 50 yards away, a couple of houses to keep you covered as you move toward them. You can do this. Then the crunch of gravel bounces off the walls of the alley. You glance behind you. Your eyes connect with brown ones. Time stands still like a deer in a hunter’s crosshairs just before he pulls the trigger. You might look just as wild. Before he can alert anyone, the adrenaline hits. You take off toward the trees, all sense of stealth gone.
He yells and then starts after you, but you can’t spare the time to look behind you. You can’t outrun him, but if you can make it to the trees first, maybe you can find a place to hide before they catch up.
There are more shouts, more footsteps. A shotgun fires just as you cross into the cover of the trees. There aren’t a lot of options, but you’re in better shape than you were 30 seconds ago. Fall leaves crunch underfoot. You can’t run forever. You’ll reach the end of the thicket soon enough.
A dog barks. Your brain barely comprehends it. Horses, dogs, what's next? House cats? Out in the open, they’re sure to catch you. There are more houses if you turn west. Maybe you can hide until dark. The footsteps are getting closer no matter how fast you run. Maybe you should just accept the odds are not in your favor. You’re hopelessly outnumbered and outpowered, but you won’t do that. You haven’t come this far to give up now.
A body collides with your back, knocking the wind from you before you tumble to the ground. You use the momentum to roll, hoping to shake the body, but his grip is too strong. You refuse to hold still, finding his thumb and pulling it back. He cries out in pain. Your nails dig into his cheek, leaving a nasty trail of scratches down his face. It’s enough to push out of his hold.
You slip on the leaves as you attempt to get up. He grabs your ankle with his unharmed hand, pulling you back down. You manage just enough coordination to land a kick to his groin and a solid punch to his right eye. Your knuckles ache immediately, but it works until two sets of hands clamp down on your arms. You try to pull away, but they push you to your knees.
Another person helps your attacker to his feet. You catch a flash of red on his cheek, presumably from the scratches you left down his cheek. It’s little comfort when the barrel of a rifle lands at your back.
This is it. This is where you die.
“You okay, Gabe?” A woman’s calls.
“Been better.” He’s panting. Good. “Think the thumb’s broken, but I’ll be fine.”
Boots crunch on the leaves, drawing closer until the toes of them stand at the edge of your vision. Silence falls, your own quiet panting the only thing you can hear. You wonder if you look as wild as you feel. Maybe they’ll just shoot you now, give you no chance to plead or bargain. That would be more humane.
“What are you doing here?” The woman asks.
You still haven’t looked up, haven’t looked at her face. Survival says you should. Maybe they’ll be less cruel if you look into their eyes. You don’t respond.
“We got her backpack.” A random voice calls. You don’t remember dropping it, but the last couple of minutes are a blur. He comes up beside the woman. She digs through your newly acquired possessions.
“Not much here,” She says. “Your group must be nearby. How many are there?”
Dry laughter forces its way out of you. You suppose you could lie. Maybe they’d spare you, but they’d find out soon enough. There’s no need to draw this out.
“You think this is funny?”
“There is no one else.” You roll your head up, looking her in the eye for the first time.
She straightens, leaning back just a little as she contemplates your words. She’s not what you’re expecting. She wears a stern expression, but her eyes seem almost kind, like an old friend with a cup of warm tea. “I’m just supposed to believe that?”
“Why would I lie about that? I’m dead anyway.”
“Are you?”
“I’m the one with a rifle at my back right now.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Precautions.”
“What do you want from me?”
“The truth.”
“It is the truth. I’m the last one left.” The woman seems to believe you this time, an air of surprise passing through her eyes.
She looks at the men keeping you contained. “Let her go.”
“Maria,” One raises a sound of protest, but she cuts him off with a single glare.
The rifle lowers. The grip on both your arms disappears as you scurry to your feet. The woman looks between you and your bag before handing it back. “There a lot of traffic through these parts?”
“I think the stores speak for themselves,” You say. She tilts her head to the side. You won’t lie, it is effective. “I haven’t seen another human being in 2 years, but I don’t stay here.”
“Had a small pod come through a couple years ago. Haven’t seen anything but strays of late.”
She seems content with your answer.
“Am I free to go?” You sling your pack over your shoulder.
“You’re gonna need more than just that to survive.”
“What makes you think I don’t have what I need.”
Once again, she cuts through your bullshit. Is this woman a mind reader or something? Or maybe it’s been the lack of human contact. No, this woman has the stare mothers develop to pry the truth from their children. It’s just as effective on adults.
“We’re gonna stay here, at least for a while. You’re welcome to join us.”
The offer catches you off guard. You’re not sure what to think. If they wanted to kill you, they would have already, unless they’re really that sick and twisted. You look around at the other faces around you. Four men including the one you hit. There’s already swelling around his eye, the scratches are bright red with drying blood. Two women, but you know there’s more. You can hear them now, clearing the buildings through Jackson.
“And if I say no, Maria?” You square up with their leader, a faint smirk graces your face. There’s a certain power in knowing her name when she doesn’t know yours.
“Then I’ll have Gabe escort you back with plenty of provisions to get you through the winter.” She points to the man who caught you.
“You’re gonna send the man with a broken thumb and bad eye? Must not like him very much.”
“Kinda been getting on my nerves lately,” Maria cracks a grin, but you don’t return it.
Gabe scoffs. “I’m the comedic relief. Can’t kill me off.”
Your face stays flat, unimpressed. “I don’t need an escort, and he clearly isn’t in any shape to be going anywhere.”
“I said you could go. I never said I trusted you.”
“I can fix him up before I go.” You nod to the man. “I used to be a trauma nurse.”
Maria tilts her head to the side. “Good. He’ll be in better condition when he takes you home tomorrow.”
You don’t know why, but the word home makes you cringe. You don’t have one of those anymore.
You set up outside of the old clinic after scouring for supplies to clean the scratches and a splint. It seems like FEDRA cleaned out a lot of the medical supplies when they evacuated, but you manage.
Gabe watches you carefully, still wearing a smile. “I don’t see how you can sit there grinning with that black eye.”
“Badge of honor.” He says, eyes glued to you. “Do you ever smile?”
“No.” You say, taking a hold of his hand. Gabe starts to ramble on about something you tune out as you focus on the anatomy of his hand. There’s something about using your old trade that sets a thrill through you, only briefly. Without warning, you snap it back into place. He screams out in pain. You look up at him, a brief smirk playing on your face. “Lucky for you, it’s not actually broken.”
“You’re better than I thought, Doc.”
“Nurse,” You say, splinting his thumb. “You should wear this for the next 4 weeks. Longer if there’s still pain.”
“Or you could stay and oversee his recovery,” Maria says, walking up. “We could use someone with your skills.”
You finish wrapping the splint before turning to face her. “I’m good. He’ll be fine.”
“It would be nice to have you around-”
“I said no.”
She sighs, crossing her arms. “Okay, but it’s an open offer if you change your mind.”
“I won’t.”
Maria shifts, sliding her hands into her pockets. “House around the corner at the end of the street. We cleared it. It’s dusty, probably rat-infested, but in decent shape. You can stay there tonight.”
You nod. “Thanks.”
You sit on the porch steps of an abandoned house. A faded red X paints the door behind you and an orange campfire flickers in your eyes. There are about 30 of them in total. A majority of them circle around the fire about 50 feet away. You catch the hums of multiple conversations, but no substance. A few children run around, catching fireflies, but it's the laughter that strikes that deep sense of want within you. Your chest aches with the grief of what you’ve lost since the outbreak, forced into survival mode. When was the last time you laughed? Or smiled? There’s been no occasion to. There’s been no desire to.
Tears blur the edges of your vision. Memories flash before your eyes of the good times, your brothers, your parents, grandparents, friends, that last summer with Sarah. Your heart clenches. You have no idea what happened to them. You can only assume they’re gone. Hoping doesn’t do you any good, and the odds have never been in your favor.
“You could come join us, you know,” Gabe says, walking up to you. He stands at the bottom of the stairs, a smile plastered on his swollen face.
You quickly wipe the excess moisture from your eyes. “I’m fine.” It’s emotionless, passive.
“You gonna sulk all night? I’m the one with a busted face.”
“I’m sorry some of us don’t feel like celebrating.” You roll your eyes, wiping your nose on your sleeve as you look back at the door to the house you’ll be spending the night in. Can’t you just be left alone? You have to spend the whole day with him tomorrow.
“You’re like one of the Eight Dwarfs,” he says.
“Pretty sure there were seven.” You bristle, standing up.
“Doleful, the eighth dwarf that never was. That’s you.”
“Doleful, really?” You say, rolling your eyes. Your annoyance with him is growing exponentially. What is his deal?
“Yeah, I haven’t seen you so much as crack a smile. Always so serious.” He furrows his brow in an almost mocking manner as he steps into your space, wearing the same goofy grin. You want to slap it off his face.
“Do you always talk to women this way?” There must be smoke pouring from your ears at this point.
“Only ones who give me black eyes.”
“You were the one chasing me!”
“You were running. Maybe I just wanted to say hi.” He’s goading you, and the annoying part is he’s succeeding.
“You’re insufferable.”
“Then walk away, Doleful.”
That’s when it hits you. How close he’s standing. His eyes flutter over your face. You can feel the warmth of him seeping into you. How long has it been since you touched another human being? Today's events notwithstanding. It’s been even longer since you had someone look at you like that.
You swallow, letting yourself dwell in the feeling for just a second before setting your jaw and turning away. You catch the sound of him letting out a breath, the same one you were holding. Your hand hovers over the door knob. “Make sure you keep your hand elevated tonight.”
“Yeah… will do.”
You step inside before he can say anything more.
You’re flush against him on a horse the next day. He insists he’s fine to take the reins despite his broken thumb. Maria also insists, muttering something about not trusting you. Experience tells you you shouldn’t let them know where you live, but your gut trusts them not to harm you.
Gabe tries to joke and make conversation. You give him nothing but grunts and one-word responses. You stop about 30 minutes from your destination to eat lunch and let the horse rest. Your legs feel numb, not used to riding.
“You gonna ignore me the whole time, Doleful?”
“Talk to the horse.”
“He’d be better conversation.”
“What is your deal?” you ask, finally fed up.
“I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”
“What mood? There’s no mood to lighten!” You finally lose it. You haven’t had to deal with the yapping of another person for years and your tolerance is at an all-time low. Carter would be disappointed at how fast this man has gotten under your skin.
He tilts his head to the side, looking at you like he’s actually thinking. That would be a first. “People still need to experience joy and laughter.”
The laugh that leaves you is free of humor. It comes out under your breath, meaner than you intend, and he hears it. “You obviously didn’t have to lose anyone.”
He straightens immediately, face darkening. “No, I just chose to not let it consume me.”
He moves over to the horse, securing the saddlebags with more force than necessary. The tension and anger ripple off of him in droves. You bite your lip, guilt instantly falling over you.
“Gabe, I-“
He holds up a hand, cutting you off. “I think it’s best if we don’t talk the rest of the way.”
You supply a nod, but the guilt eats at you the closer you get. From what you can catch of Gabe’s profile, it’s set firmly in stone. You haven’t seen him without a smile yet. It hasn’t been long, but it doesn’t feel right. It feels like you swallowed someone’s joy, put out their light with your darkness.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper. His head twitches back just slightly, letting you know he heard. “That was cruel. Of course, you’ve lost people. You don’t make it this long without it.”
You feel him tense underneath your palms, but then he inhales deeply and relaxes. “My wife and two girls on outbreak day.”
You suck in deeply. “I’m an asshole.”
“I mean… yes.” A faint smile returns to his face and light to his eyes, and maybe, just maybe, your lips tug upward a little bit. “I know it’s a little much for some people. They don’t get it.”
You relax a little. “Try a lot.”
“If I came off as too strong, I’m sorry.”
You bite your lip. “It’s okay. I guess I’m a little rusty dealing with people.”
He waits for a second, letting the silence invade. You hear a woodpecker in the distance and the crunch of leaves underfoot. A squirrel scurries across your path, presumably preparing for the harsh winter ahead.
“How long have you been alone?”
“My brother died almost two years ago. We were the only ones left.”
Gabe nods in acknowledgment. He keeps the silence for the rest of your ride.
By the time the gate fades into view, you can tell Gabe is mostly back to his usual self, not quite as smiley or annoying, but close. Either that or you’re actually growing to like it- him.
He helps you bring the food inside. You catch the ways his eyes roam your space without being too invasive. “It’s a big place for one person.”
“It’s got a gate.”
“So does Jackson.”
You look at him. He raises an eyebrow. “Part of Jackson.”
“Has more people too.”
“And what makes you think I want to be around people?”
“This isn’t living, Doleful.”
For the first time, you don’t mind the nickname. It hints at a familiarity you don’t have, but you’re starting to wonder if you want it.
You cross your arms, leaning back against the kitchen counter. “And smiling means you are?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Attempting to.”
“So what? I’m just supposed to go back to Jackson with you? Join the group and wander?”
“I think our wandering days are over.”
“Maria thinks we can settle in Jackson. You said it yourself, just a few stragglers..”
“I only know from up here, not down there.”
“Stores are hardly touched.”
You know he’s right. “Why do you want me to join so badly?”
“Well for starters, you fixed me up pretty good.” He holds up his braced hand. “Could be pretty useful to have around.”
“So I’m just useful.”
“I don’t think you want to be alone,” he says. You inhale softly. “And I would really like the chance to make you smile.”
You look away, emotions you long pushed down threatening to spring back up.
“I figure I have two hours before I need to head back. I’ll wait outside.”
Gabe leaves you in the kitchen. You walk through the house, contemplating his words. The offer he and Maria both made you. Do you leave this place? A safe haven of sorts. You stop in the great room, Carter’s blood stain brown and dried on the light carpet. You’ve tried so hard to pull it out, but everything seemed to make it worse.
Sun streams through the big, picture window. You walk over, soaking it in. A small moment of peace in a tumultuous world. Something in your heart tugs, something else releases.
Gabe sits out on the deck, staring at a creased, faded picture when you settle next to him. The breeze picks up, playing with the color of his shirt. “Is that them?”
Gabe nods.
“My brother bled out in there.” You point behind you. “I’m thinking a fresh start might not be so bad.”
Gabe smiles at you. “Is that so?”
You nod. “I don’t need long to put a bag together.”
“I’m glad you changed your mind. My face isn’t so sure though.”
You’re not sure what it is, but laughter breaks out of you, a smile cresting your lips. Gabe chuckles alongside you as your crow's feet crinkle.
“I knew it.”
“That you would have the prettiest smile in the world.”
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chipistrate · 11 months
What the fuck why did Gregory do that
Okay so first of all: Gregory is patient 46 which means he's been under the Mimics control before and he KNOWS how that fucker WORKS. He knows how it affects people. He knows how it tricks people. He knows how it hurts people. That is important context here.
Gregory is 12 years old and just escaped a very fucking scary situation. He just escaped the control of an animatronic that tricked him into murdering multiple people, INCLUDING one of his friends, and also tricked him into lying about his past and parents to the authorities and possibly even manipulating him into MURDERING HIS PARENTS. Gregory is fucking TRAUAMTIZED. That's a LOT for a kid to go through!!! That's a lot for ANYONE to go through!!!!! And that paired with the fact that he also escaped with someone else (Vanessa) who was ALSO under the Mimics control, and also that he and Vanessa are the most likely candidates for who created the M.X.E.S to seal the Mimic away, they probably thought that this whole nightmare was over and that the Mimic couldn't hurt them anymore, that they were finally safe after everything and could finally recover.
But then Gregory's friend gets tricked by it. She gets lured to the Pizzaplex, thinking that he's hurt, alone, and trapped. Gregory says, and there's a chance of hearing a voice line of him trying to get through the Cassie while she's there. He's trying his fucking BEST to get through to Cassie and get her out of there before it's too late, he's trying to save her before she ruins all of his work and puts everyone at risk again. He did his fucking best, but by the time she finally listened and he got through to her, in his eyes, it was too late. The M.X.E.S was shut down, and the Mimic was free.
I have the preface this next part with the fact I know damn well that Gregory could've not been the one to drop the elevator, that it's perfectly possible that Mimic did it and that I actually believe that alternative more. But if Gregory was the one to do it, I think, for the situation he was put in, it's understandable.
Gregory, having failed at saving his friend, knowing that the system he and his new family, the survivors of this things torment, put in place to keep it sealed away and prevent it from hurting anyone anymore, is now free again- knowing how the Mimic affects and infects peoples minds, how it tricks them, thinks she's too far gone. That she can't be saved. Or that if she was saved, it would be at the risk of the everyone else.
So, he drops her. He thinks he's spared her from the Mimics control, and also sealed the one way out Mimic had by destroying the elevator. And it's possible he did, we don't know how that ended exactly- but considering Roxy's line at the end calling out Cassie's name, it's possible she still survived anyway. It's possible his plan failed, it's possible she'll be infected, it's possible the Mimic will be free and that he was just too late.
But we don't know how this ends yet. We just have to wait and see
But either way- Gregory did what he thought he had to do to protect EVERYONE. He didn't want Mimic getting more victims, he didn't want his best friend being one of those victims, he couldn't have that thing be free again after trying so hard to trap it away and be done with it.
He did what he thought was necessary.
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hyper-pixels · 1 year
Analog Horror List
Analog horror is uniquely known for its low quality and low visual styles. Or VHS style. They can widely range to a found footage or a visual guide style formatting.
Here are some noted ones:
These videos can contain disturbing content, as well as content that can induce a epileptic seizure if you choose to watch any of them.
2h32: A series of videos that are all two minutes and thirty-two seconds long.
Backrooms - The Otherside: A found footage of the back rooms.
Basswood County: Humanoid creatures that kill humans.
Cave Crawler: A video game (no commentary) about a special remote controlled bot meant to look for missing people (or bodies) in caves.
Chezzkids Archives: An archive of games from a website called Chezzkids. The developer went missing and her photos are showing up in the game. May need to have an episode explain it (this one by Minaxa did it well) as there are clues outside of the videos as well.
Cloud Observation: A short observation video on a cloud that seems to be growing limbs.
Escape the Backrooms: A combination of found footages and commercials, it details the backroom and people trying to escape from it.
Eventide - Anomaly Infestation: A news report of anomalies.
Fear Virus: A quick guide on how to protect yourself from a new, highly infectious virus that causes mutations in humans to become something they fear.
Floaters: A video and short guide. It details how humans are suddenly floating into the air.
Gemini Home Entertainment: A series of VHS styled video tapes. Neptune has mutated and is now infecting Earth with strange things called "woodcrawlers" and other mysterious happenings.
Green Mountain Broadcast Center: A archival for tapes. Only one on this channel labled "Live Traffic" which documents a strange storm.
Greylock: One of my favorites so far. About the government experimenting with tulpa and possibly uncovering an ancient god.
Happy Meat Farms: Animal testing that causes severe deformities.
Hi I'm Mary Mary: A woman wakes up in a house with no exits. She then has to face her greatest fears.
Identity Test: A test on whether or not you can tell the difference between normal faces, and distorted ones.
Itch File: A diver touches a random creature that ejects a pus like substance on him with a virus. Severe trypophobia warning.
Koala Superdeep Borehole Incident: The deepest man-made hole has a bit of an unnerving find.
Local 58 Season One: A news station trying to report on the news, when a broadcast alert stating to not look at the moon is reported. Season two
Harmony and Horror: A VHS style of film. as you watch, you discover the oddities and mysteries of the toys tore.
Marble Hornets: You know what this is.
Mister Manticore: Asks you to memorize a picture before asking you to find the differences. Has quick fleshing images.
Midwest Angelica: A piece of an alien breaks away and onto Earth as it passes the exosphere. It quickly folds into horror beyond comprehension.
Monument Mythos Season One: In an alternate world, where the statues seem to be more than just simple monuments. Season Two Season Three
Omega Mart Ad Compilation: Adds that are attempting to be targeted towards humans. More silly and deranged than scary.
Raining Fire (EAS Snario): A EAS scenario of a mentor shower suddenly hailing Earth on Christmas Eve. Leading to event after event.
Surreal Broadcast: A news station with things happening in the background that are related to a cult. Season Two Season Three
Searching for the Five: Five men suddenly disappeared, only leaving behind a few clues.
Sinkhole: A very hungry sinkhole.
Stone Cold Series: Strange eyes have suddenly started to show up in the night.
The Anglers Trap: A guide on what to do when you encounter a tree called the anglers trap. Which lures in humans like an angler fish.
The Backrooms: Where it all started, I believe. The Backrooms are limital spaces.
The Children Under the House: A therapist tries to find out why a young girl has suddenly stopped talking. Her imaginary friends of course, know why.
The Mandela Catalogue: Hostile creatures called alternates (alters for short) that mimic humans, but don't do it quite right. It mixed Christianity and horror together.
The Oldest View: A man finds a random stairwell in a tree that leads miles down. It turns out it's an old mall. Made by the same man who created the Backrooms.
The Scrimblo Catalogue: A joke analog horror based off of a twitter meme. Part Two
The Smile Tapes: A new fungai releases spores that infect humans that causes the muscle in the faces to distort into a smile and causes hysteria.
The Swarm: Aggressive, hungry mosquitos created by a science project gone wrong.
The Quentin Sanders Tapes: A man named Quentin sanders goes to Foxwood university only to discover a eldritch monster.
The Walten Files: Possessed animatronics, one of the founder's family goes missing while the other conspired against them. And not to forget the possessed animatronics.
They Lie Above: Follows the story of a son of a missing farmer who was abducted by aliens, and Neil Armstrong. Who's memories were erased after encountering a alien space craft.
VibingLeaf: Three videos that have a early youtube "lost videos" esque style.
Vita Carnis: A guide on strange fauna and flora seemingly made entirely, out of meat.
White Door Opened: Set in Poland, monsters and strange red mist begins to spread. Of course it starts with humans messing with things they shouldn't mess with.
Winter of 83: Snowmen come to life, and they aren't happy.
-Did I miss any? Let me know! I'll try to keep this updated as I deeper and deeper, but I can't catch everything.
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blackdiamond1038 · 7 months
Secret Life Secrets
Session 7
Red- Failed
Green- Successful
All players who are infected have their task changed, so instead of having the same task at the end of almost everyone’s task, it will just be [infected]. This means their task then changes to Gem’s, which is stated below.
Gem: You are infected with the boogeyman curse. You must kill a non-red to infect them. Once you have infected them, show them this book. Their task (if they have one) is replaced with this. Yellows cannot call out this task, and you cannot re-roll for hard. You succeed when all non-reds have the curse during the session. All infected players can work together. Anyone infected can kill a non-red, but the most recently infected player must be involved. If you turn red, you can choose to be free from the curse by hitting fail early.
Scott: You must ask other players what you can do for them in exchange for diamonds. They set the amount and the task. You succeed when you have made a total of 10 diamonds from at least 3 other players. You must accept their first offer of  diamonds, and cannot convince them to give you more.
Grian: The next mob (aggressive or neutral) is now your pet. You must properly  take care of it by feeding it and taking it for walks. You fail if it dies or yellow calls out your tasks.
Pearl: You must actively break the fourth wall during conversations. You must turn to the camera and provide your inner monologue to the audience and return to the conversation without missing a beat. You can mute to break the fourth wall. You pass if no one has called you out by break time. You must actively participate in conversations. [infected]
Joel: Whenever you talk to another player you must be at least one block higher than them, even if you place the block yourself. You fail if you speak to someone while on the same level or lower. You pass if you successfully do this all session. [infected]
Etho: You are ZombieCleo’s Devil on their shoulder. You have to convince them to do bad and harm others. ZombieCleo has to choose one to act on. You can tell them about this task, but no one else. [infected]
Skizz: You are ZombieCleo’s Angel on their shoulder. You have to convince them to do good and not listen to the devil on their shoulder. ZombieCleo has to choose one to act on. You can tell them about this, but no one else. You pass if you have convinced them to take your advice more than the devil by the end of the session. [infected]
Cleo: Skizzleman and Etho are the angel and devil on your shoulder. You must pretend that you do not know when they tell you their tasks. You must alternate between taking the angel and the devil’s influence on decisions without them getting suspicious. [infected? idk it was messy but they didn’t press the succeed or fail button]
Tango: At the start of the session, announce in chat that you are a Genie and can grant 3 wishes. Only one wish per player. You succeed if you grant 3 wishes, however, you must get some part of the wish wrong (how much wrong is up to you). [infected]
Scar: Become the villain of the server. Grief. Steal. Seek server world domination. You pass if you are actively disliked by the majority of the other players. [infected]
Impulse: Pretend to be the “Boogeyman.” Fake swing at people, place lava behind them with no intention of causing damage, etc. If at least 3 people accuse you of being the boogeyman, you pass. [infected]
BigB: Make everyone believe you failed your task, but when you are asked what is was, you must make up something. You cannot use the same fake task twice. You fail if you are called out and pass if you successfully tell each player a fake task. [infected]
Bdubs: Everytime someone asks you to do something, you have to repeat back what they said in a high-pitched, sassy voice. You pass if you are not called out by a yellow half way through the session. [infected]
Martyn: Task 1: Punch another player into lava. It can be lava you have placed. Task 2: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 3: Summon a mob using an egg to deal any damage to any green. Task 4: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. Task 5: Mine a big hole underground then spleef a player into taking damage into it. [Unfinished this session]
I’m pretty confident no one succeeded before being infected, but I could be wrong. I also know that not everyone presses the fail button who was infected, but they all technically failed. Idk, this session was a nightmare for me.
On a different note, Jimmy’s whole canary curse with everything exploding after he dies is still very much working. He may not have died first, but his death was still a symbol for chaos to come.
lemme know if something’s messed up!
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susartwork · 5 months
Underwizard alternative timelines:
Like 90% of these are angst timelines and the other 10% are self indulgent ones, sorry not sorry
Pacifist (the original one)
Future (the original but post barrier)
Neutrals I don't think we need a list of all of them, do we?
UWU Infection Never add a U to UW. This is a post barrier timeline where a UwU virus spreads terrorizing Ebott's Town. Frisk, as the monster's ambassador, will have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone's safety from the cute virus.
REDress Previously known as the "Amalgamate" timeline, now it was completely rewritten. The families of the amalgamates took revenge on Sans and Alphys, injecting them too with Determination, melting them into amalgams as well...
War Rewind Flowey and Sans mess with the resets, mistakenly send themselves back to the time of the war between humans and monsters. Flowey dies, but Sans, adopting baby Chara to save them from their fate, allows Asriel to survive in the future and become king. Now all humans who fall underground will be treated as friends. This timeline was fairly inspired by Timetale! And also by my chats with @ask-dcf :3
Hopeless Timeline Flowey grows bored, and decides to torture Sans with Save Files and Resets to see how far that would go.
Underground's Insanity Previously known as the "Hopeless Queen Alphys Timeline" (the name was too long). The genocide version of the Hopeless Timeline. It begins as a Queen Alphys neutral ending, to then take a Horrortale-like turn, with some angsty Salphys who has to face Frisk, the strongest hunter wizard to ever exist.
Stockholm Syndrome Another Hopeless timeline, but where Flowey is able to turn Sans by his side after years of torture.
The Roleplayed Timeline This isn't an actual timeline, it's just how I tag everything connected to my RPs as Hopeless UW!Sans. (See more on Underwizard MASTERPOST).
Playbackwizard Playbacktale x Underwizard Too spoilery to UW's story talk about it now 👀
Helioswizard Heliostale x Underwizard
Playerwizard Self insert Underplayer x Underwizard
Something Magical Something New (Killer!Sans) x Underwizard
GasterBlaster UW!Sans (planned redesign) BOTWOT x Underwizard
Fresh UW!Sans Fresh possessing UW!Sans
"What if...? OC" My UTMV OCs swap backstory with the UW crew. Basic - UW!Sans | Alphysis - UW!Alphys | Clone - UW!Frisk | etc.
Disbelief UW!Papyrus Disbelief Papyrus x Underwizard
Horrorwizard Horrortale x Underwizard
Axewizard Axetale x Underwizard
Dustwizard Dusttale x Underwizard
All of these above were made by @alittlegreenghost!
Underwizard alternative versions:
Wizardfell Underwizard x Underfell (planned redesign)
Wizardswap Underwizard x Underswap Deleted because the swaps make no sense
Overbeast All the events of Underwizard but reversed...? Hunter wizards -> beasts
UnderWoZArD The crappy version of Underẁ̶̙i̴͈̚z̸̼̾-̴̢̄-̷̨͗ ̶̹̂A̴̺͂L̵̥̽L̶̗͆ ̸̛̟H̶̝͛Ä̶͔Ḭ̷͗Ļ̸͝ ̵̛͈W̴̭̚O̴̺̍Z̷̺͝ ̷͕̊T̷̋͜Ḧ̵̨́Ẻ̷̠ ̶͉͑E̸͎͛M̸̮̕P̷͈̍Ḙ̷̎R̵̲̆Ŏ̴̯R̴͇̆
Inversowizard/Wizardinverso Inversotale x Underwizard
Tartaroswizard/Wizardtartaros Tartarostale x Underwizard
Wizardchess Underwizard x Chesstale Frisk and Flowey are stuck in a endless chess battle to decide the fate of the underground.
Zombieverse A mix of many AUs characters, such as Underwizard, living in a zombie apocalypse
Fluffywizard Fluffytale x Underwizard
A L I V E x Underwizard Idk what to call it. It's basically the UW crew but with the backstory of the ALIVE crew. Sorta. ALIVE's story is difficult to apply to UW.
Wizardnovela Underwizard x Undernovela (Pls respect the original creator)
Planet Flash - by @yanair25 Fusion of a series whose name I forgot (sorry) and many other AUs, such as Underwizard
Hopeless UW!Sans x LN (Bucket) - @axmoth Hopeless in Little Nightmares
UW!Aine x LN (Breach) - @parniathedevil Aine in Little Nightmares
XWizard - by @parniathedevil Xtale x Underwizard
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