#lwj didn’t hear him but like if he had
touchlikethesun · 28 days
sometimes, ngl, i do find myself wondering what it was that made lan wangji fall so desperately in love with wei wuxian - they really are so different and wei wuxian does represent in many ways the antithesis of everything lan wangji lives his life embodying, even if the audience knows how great and amazing wei wuxian is (we also read mainly from his pov and he is basically handcrafted to appeal to modern fandoms), we the audience are not lan wangji, lan wangji isn’t privy to all the same information we are. and then a scene will come along, where wei wuxian will be so earnestly and painfully good, to someone else or to lan wangji himself, and it all makes sense again. like, of course lan wangji was going to fall in love with him how could he not fall in love with him??? really he’s completely powerless when it comes to wei wuxian how could he not be
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shuriken696 · 1 year
Idk why and how this scenario came up in my head but hey, parents talking with parents. *shrugging*
Jiang Cheng with Zidian in hand: What did you do to A-Ling?!
Wei Wuxian *looking up from his book*: What did I do?
Jiang Cheng: A-Ling came home crying from the night hunt that you were watching over yesterday!
Wei Wuxian: Oh!
Jiang Cheng: Yeah oh! What did you do?! Did you yell at him?!
Wei Wuxian: What? Of course not!
Jiang Cheng *rolling his eyes*: Well he wouldn’t start crying for no reason now would he?
Wei Wuxian: He disobeyed my orders to stand back and nearly got himself killed! I saved him in time it could have gotten much worse if I was too late.
Jiang Cheng: Then he started crying because he nearly died?
Wei Wuxian: Nah. Instead of scolding him I just said ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed.’ That was probably what got him like that.
Jiang Cheng realizing he could have just done that in the years that he’s raised Jin Ling. Why didn’t he think of that?
Wei Wuxian *laughing*: You should have seen the other juniors! They went all like, ‘oooohhhh!’ It reminded me of when we were kids!
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Thinking about how Lan Xichen tells WWX that Wangji’s complicated feelings for him are mirrored by how he felt regarding their mother, but doesn’t seem to realize that his own feelings for JGY are equally shaped and mirrored by his feelings regarding their mother!
Like, he looks at his brother and sees that stubborn, unyielding love and is like ‘ah yes i recognize this’ but he cannot see in himself that his lack of desire to know the details of his mother’s crime are exactly like his reluctance to look at JGY’s actions with any real scrutiny.
because lwj has had to grapple with “what if the person you love did something unforgivable?” and made his choice, but xichen has been studiously avoiding thinking about that question at all for his entire life.  lan xichen wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt!  he wants to believe the best of everybody!  and sometimes that means deliberately not asking the questions he really should ask, because if he did he’d have to hear the answers!
he knows his mother Did a Murder.  If he asks why, and finds out her reason, then he has to decide, is that a good enough reason?  And if it wasn’t, if the reason was just, like, he annoyed her and she lost her temper, then he has to deal with reconciling his memory of his sweet, kind, loving mother with the knowledge that she did something morally reprehensible and completely unjustified.  but if it was a good reason, if for example the teacher had attempted to assault her and she was defending herself?  well, then she’s vindicated but the rest of his clan is implicated.  now he has to deal with the knowledge that her punishment was absolutely unjust and that all her suffering (and his, and his father’s, and his brother’s) was a terrible injustice perpetrated by his family!  now he’ll have to look at his clan’s elders, who he is supposed to respect, and know that they did something inexcusable to a woman who didn’t deserve it!
by not asking the question, he maintains a state of shroedinger’s-cat-like paradoxical neutrality - he can assume the best of both his mother and his clan.
Likewise, he has carefully maintained a neutral state regarding his sworn brothers, trying to make peace between them and assume only the best of each of them, because if he looks too closely, then either NMJ is right, and JGY is a bad and untrustworthy person, or JGY is right, and NMJ is being cruel and unjust.  as long as he doesn’t actually look directly at the conflict, he can continue to pretend it is just a troublesome personality clash instead of a fundamental and irreconcilable difference of worldview in which he might have to make some kind of moral judgement call!
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only10th · 2 months
Been thinking about Pianist!wwx and violinist!lwj playing together at a mall. Wei Wuxian likes to go to the mall to play for people, he loves taking requests, or plays some well known musical pieces and sometimes he’ll play one of this original compositions.
One day he’s playing “Rain” by Ed Carlsen, which is one of his favorite pieces to play when he's out and about. He’s just so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t notice a man standing next to him, pulling out his violin and just joining him on the piece with so much ease. His eyes grow wide but soon that sparkle he has shines brighter at how easy and harmonic both of them sound. He laughs, he smiles, he shows off while the mysterious violinist stays focused and composed, yet the passion drips into every note they play.
Their duet attracts a lot of attention, multiple people taking videos and pictures (plus wwx is recording the whole thing himself since he sometimes uploads the videos of himself playing online) this is the first time anyone has joined him in a duet. After they’re done, they look at each other breathless, a bright smile on wwx’s face while there’s the smallest curve on the mysterious violinist’s lip. Before Wei Wuxian could even ask for his name, he had already put away his violin and walked away. Wei Wuxian groans, annoyed he didn’t even get to know the handsome violinist’s name. Maybe they’ll meet up again.
He hopes they do. He had never felt such a connection with another musician before.
A few weeks later, Wei Wuxian is playing at a restaurant. This time he’s getting paid to do so, which is great! He can’t just let opportunities like that pass by!
So, he’s playing something classical to fit the mood. It is rather fancy, your food, of the size of a quarter, costing you an arm and a leg type of place. Wei Wuxian will never understand why people want to spend their money like that, but it’s because of places like this that he has a place to work. Well, if playing here during the weekends is even considered work. He enjoys it nonetheless.
Once he’s done with a piece there’s scattered claps through the restaurant. This won’t do, the people need to be entertained! Wei Wuxian sets his phone against the piano, already recording. There’s a smirk on his face, cause he already has the perfect piece in mind. Fingers hovered giddily over the ivory keys, an exhale leaving his lips and soon began to play.
The melody startles some of the clients, which makes Wei Wuxian chuckle under his breath. The tune is fun, like a little dance around the calm waters of the lotus lakes of his old home. It’s one of his original compositions, but he’s played it a few times before, so he wouldn’t be surprised if people knew it. Wei Wuxian lets himself get lost in the song, silver eyes fluttering close. A sense of pride fills his chest, noticing how the restaurant had become quiet. He could sense all eyes on him, which sent a chill up his spine. What he didn’t expect was to hear a violin joining his now gentle melody.
His eyes snap open with a gasp, and right next to him he sees the same violinist from a few weeks back. His mouth hangs slightly agape, and for a moment he loses his focus which causes him to play a few sour notes. Yet, he smiles brightly, impressed that, despite this not being composed as a duet, the mysterious violinist was even able to join and keep up. Wei Wuxian can’t help but huff a laugh, and just as he does he is met with a piercing golden gaze. His breath stutters, he had never seen such beautiful eyes, especially ones that looked at him with such intensity.
Wei Wuxian has to stop playing, knowing there’s a solo coming up. He’d usually play it through, but he wanted to see if this violinist had also come up with his own solo, and he delivers as expected. He lets his eyes close and he plays his piece, swaying with the music he produces with much passion and Wei Wuxian can’t help but be completely mesmerized by such beauty. Not just him, but the crowd around him! At some point he has to join back, continue their little dance as both their melodies become one.
A round of applause erupts once they’re done, both of them looking at each other as if nothing else mattered in the world other than this moment. For the first time since their first encounter, Wei Wuxian could take a better look at the violinist. He was only a few inches taller, dark, ebony hair like the keys of a piano cascaded over his shoulder, a white ribbon braided and intertwined in it. A wide smile paints on Wei Wuxian’s face as he stand from the small bench to offer a small bow.
“We finally meet again, mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian says, quirking an eyebrow upward, “You know my song.” It was more a statement than a question.
The man nods in response, “Wei Wuxian is very talented.” Oh, his voice. The low timber sends a shiver down his spine. Wait, how does he know his name?
“How do you…?” Wei Wuxian starts, narrowing his eyes if trying to recall someone or something. “You follow my page. You’ve seen my videos.” He says with realization, which is followed by a laugh.
The man nods again before offering a courtly bow. He doesn’t say anything else as he turns to leave. No, not this time. Wei Wuxian manages to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “Hey, hey, don’t leave like that! Will you at least tell me your name?”
The violinist seems to consider shaking the grip off or telling Wei Wuxian his name. Golden gaze seems to stay glued on the other’s hand for quite some time before exhaling softly. “Lan Zhan.”
“Nice to finally meet you, Lan Zhan. Though, I’ll miss calling you my mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian chuckles. His fingers slip from the other’s wrist, now tucking them into his inner coat pocket to take out a piece of paper and scribbling a series of numbers. “I really, really like playing with you. Maybe… maybe we could…?”
“Yes.” Lan Zhan is quick to answer before Wei Wuxian can even finish his sentence, as if he’s been waiting for him to ask all evening. “I would like to play with you, Wei Wuxian.”
“Wei Ying. Call me Wei Ying.” Handing him the piece of paper with his phone number, a broad smile on his face. “Maybe we can grab some coffee? You took my song and modified it into a duet, I’ll forgive you only if we can play it again.”
There’s the tiniest curve at the corner of Lan Zhan’s lips. Golden eyes melting like honey as they gaze at silver ones. “Mn” he agrees. After that, you’d see them playing anywhere they could: malls, airports, restaurants, out in the streets when it was warm enough. They’d perform the most beautiful duets anyone has ever heard.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 month
Resuming the rewatch after many weeks of sitting like a lump and the timeline surrounding Yi City is BANANAS. We are informed by LWJ that:
-XY showed up at Koi Tower 16 years ago. (LWJ refutes the assertion of the randos in the tavern that he was a Jin clan retainer.)
-Everyone wanted to punish him for being a serial killer but JGS personally refused due to lack of evidence. (We get a flashback of JGS yelling that he can protect who he wants.)
-Chang Ping recanted his testimony and was shortly thereafter blinded and killed via a thousand cuts dealt by Shuanghua, but neither XXC nor SL has been seen in years.
-XY was driven out and punished after JGS died and JGY took over as sect leader (according to LWJ) and hasn’t been seen since (according to the tavern randos).
Now, this does match JGY’s statement in the CQL version of Guanyin Temple that XY agreed to help him refine the Yin Tiger Tally as a means to resurrect XXC, but it throws a wrench in LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE because it means:
-XY didn’t officially work for the Jin? A lot of people thought he did, but he wasn’t considered an employee according to LWJ??? Did NMJ just believe the rumors or did he personally see him leaving JGY’s basement?
-It’s common knowledge that XY worked for the Wen, but either this didn’t come up in his trial, or everyone agreed that JGS protecting a known Wen collaborator just for funsies was fine or JGS’s power was so unrivaled that he didn’t even have to pretend to care about PR.
ETA: “Did anybody SEE him kill all those people?” is also one hell of a rebuttal given that in this canon, JGY, NHS, LWJ, and JC were all present at Chang Manor in the aftermath of the murders. JC and LWJ were even on the scene prior to Songxiao’s arrival! I guess technically they didn’t see XY kill all those people, but JC and LWJ sure do hear him confess to it freely and without remorse!
-JGS publicly stated that keeping XY alive was his personal prerogative, so NMJ getting on JGY’s case about it has some major “yelling at the store manager about the return policy dictated by corporate HQ” energy. Disappointed in u, CQL Da-ge. 🫤
-XY already had Shuanghua when he killed Chang Ping, whose time death is also given as “16 years ago,” so the entirety of Yi City unfolds prior to this. Leaving aside the issue of Sunshot only taking like 6-8 months and then less than 2 years elapsing between the war’s end and WWX’s death with the given timestamps (Yi City is supposed to be a solid 3 years, so this is pushing it even if XY shacked up with XXC immediately after Songxiao swapped eyeballs), I’m pretty sure they give us a little title card later insisting that Yi City was 10 years ago. WHEN IS THIS HAPPENING. WHAT IS MATH.
-oh my god were Dark Cottagecore Hours with Xuexiao happening while Sunshot was going on? because that’s incredible actually.
-Why was XY all beaten up when XXC found him if that wasn’t JGY??? XY is for sure in Jinlintai when NMJ and JGS die so?????????
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
Post Apocalypse AU in which WWX and LWJ try to find their families.
“After I flunked out of school, Aunt Yu sent me to one of these ‘troubled teen’ camps.”
Lan Zhan’s expression tightened, echoing the same displeasure of his fifteen-year-old self. Wei Wuxian laughed. “Don’t look like that, it was pretty great actually, focused on getting kids proper help. I figured some shit out and so did the educators. You should’ve seen Aunt Yu’s face when the educators had a whole list of praise and diagnosis when it was time for the first parent-teacher talk.”
Grinning, Wei Wuxian buried his face in a-Yuan’s chubby stomach, making the baby giggle. “That’s right, Xian-gege came with exemplary problem solving and team work skills, and a healthy dose of ADHD and untreated PTSD.”
Not that he’d wanted to hear that back then. Wei Wuxian had been incredibly homesick and angry at himself for fucking up badly enough that he was sent away, but in retrospect, the break had been needed or he might have had the belated breakdown when he was off age and with access to alcohol. Yeah, he could definitely picture himself going down that road of self-medication.
“Anyway, they had all these outdoor activities and one relict of that is a yearly camping trip. Who would’ve guessed learning how to set up a tent with Wen Chao would pay off in the apocalypse, huh?”
When he looked up again, Lan Zhan was looking at him with a thoughtful expression, like he was trying to figure something out. The last week traveling with him east hadn’t been as terrible as expected. Having a second pair of hands to help with a-Yuan was godsend, and beyond that, Wei Wuxian still didn’t do well when left to his own devises. Who knows what messes he would’ve gotten himself into if not for Lan Zhan’s steadfast presence and his disgustingly immaculate clothes. Cities in ruins and Lan Zhan’s shirt was still white. It should be an insult of some kind.
“I’m thankful for Wei Ying’s expertise,” Lan Zhan said and stirred their dinner some more. He’d probably never eaten canned food before this nightmare week from hell and Wei Ying yet had to cease finding amusement in Lan Zhan’s petty evaluation of their meals’ nutritional value.
Tomorrow, they’d hit the borders of Yunmeng. It was for the best of Wei Ying slept through the night to guide them tomorrow, but watching Lan Zhan attempt normalcy around their campfire dinner, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay up a little longer.
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
yuguyao content is truly the gift that keeps on giving. this fandom is keeping us busy with updates from both sides, but that doesn’t mean we will forget the sweets!
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this is part four. enjoy ^^
An incident that got lots of attention with cpfs, because XZ mentioned CQL in the interview. and that was because it was asked how may times he had filmed in hengdian and so he mentioned all the projects. which included cql. I must admit that it was nice hearing it from him again. 💕 not exactly proof of whatever cause we know he loves cql and wwx. It would be out of character if he leaves it out.
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but of course some entertainment accounts will twist this cause apparently, we’re not the only ones “not over” CQL and their association. It’s all BS. We all know WYB’s change in Weibo has nothing to do with “contempt” for CQL.
Let me just enjoy the parallels i see popping out and the continued Shiying x LWJ examples 😌
My absolute favorite tho and what people have been interpreting is this “mindset” that he has which is similar to WYB. You may think that this applies to both life in general or romance. The answer he gave to the question in the tencent video ruxi interview in particular. How it compares to his 2019 answer about a similar question. He is still the same stubborn XZ!
2019: "For what he thinks is right, and for the people he loves, he can work hard regardless of everything" "This is also the person I want to be."
2021: (Knowing the established destiny, will I still choose the same)" I'd love to say I will. " " But it's going to be hard work, but I'm still doing it."
So the connection people are getting at is, in the story of YGY, he knows that Zhu Yan will be the one that kills him but he still goes and falls for her. That’s just the kind of person that he is irl too isn’t it? Not saying that WYB is his Zhu Yan but the same theme as loving someone ( everyone says ) you shouldn’t. If you believe in SZD, you have to admit that ZZ can have anyone he wants. He can choose the easy route and just let go of WYB but he didn’t. They are both committed to each other and continue to stay in love despite all the noise. Same goes with WYB, how he said, “ love is like this. you can’t help it” . It’s like they don’t care what people say their “fate” will be, loving each other is a conscious choice.
They are both logical people when it comes to life and their career but when it comes to love — they really follow their heart.
The same persistence even when things get tough is a trait they both have. This is why they still continue to be relevant years after CQL.
I found this comment on one of the posts and I wanna scream cause it’s true. I’m sure that if asked, ZZ will say yes. Didn’t he say that if can re-shoot CQL, he will do all the scenes again? 😌
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I’m also cackling at this part cause he now knows what it feels like to play that cold character like LWJ.
One of my feelings at the time was that you must not play him as a face, because the truth is that I really don’t want to play this kind of cold character. Most of them don’t have too many expressions. What is conveyed in front of the camera will make the audience feel like a person with facial paralysis. The audience won't believe it.
Which is the exact same fear WYB had to the point that he panics in some scenes cause what can he do when he can’t show much expressions. I’m here clowning about them talking about ZZ should play Shiying, probably WYB giving him tips. Do you think ZZ rewatched CQL and watched his Lan Zhan? LOL. I imagine WYB will get jealous 😂😂😂😂
Shi ying’s animal form also has a mole under it’s lip and yes it has always been ZZ’s “thing” even before WYB met him. However i think that WYB was the one who really put emphasis on it and add the heart with a mole onto that. Especially the “.” that XZ even started adding to his art signature.
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for reference: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 3.5
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angstymdzsthoughts · 11 months
“Why don’t you let me go? I only married you for your money and status!” WWX said this to protect LWJ. The Wens were after him and associating with him would only get LWJ killed. But LWJ was not willing to divorce him. So he said countless hurtful things to make LWJ let him go. The war made the Lans escape from their own homeland and now they had nothing to their name. Hearing those words from WWX was like a stab to his heart. LWJ wanted WWX to be happy so he finally agreed to the divorce.
It was not enough to protect LWJ. The Wens came and took him. After many years when the Sunshot Campaign was successful and LWJ was rescued, he was utterly broken from his time in captivity. When WWX tried to get back with him, tried to tell him that he loved him, LWJ couldn’t believe it. No matter how much WWX tried, LWJ didn’t believe him. Even after they got married again after thirteen years, LWJ thought WWX liked his money only. It was alright because LWJ himself didn’t have anything left to give. Not after what the Wens had done to him.
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ninjakk · 2 years
At the beginning of mdzs, there is this scene which is not said much in my opinion. The way Wei WuXian got so worried about Lan WangJi when he asked one of the Lans where is Han GuangJun. I would like to know your thoughts on this as you have read mdzs without knowing the love interests in this.
Wei WuXian is really protective of Lan WangJi if we look closer to all of his dialogue. At the second siege in burial mounds, Wei WuXian take close care even to the cut on Lan WangJi's finger. Wei WuXian love Lan WangJi so much. Just as one of your meta said, they love each other equally.
Hi Anon ☺️
Do you know what - I actually love that scene and the entirety of chapter 19. I think it sets up the rest of the novel quite nicely. It shows the reader just how well the pair work together so naturally and it helps establish the interesting mystery that they are about to embark on.
I have to say, although I originally read the novel unaware it included any romance - by the point you are referencing above, I was pretty much convinced there was going to be! Personally, I think I deserve a medal for resisting the urge to find out if the novel had undertones of romance in it! But I held myself back, because I was enjoying the idea of being somewhat in the dark about it all. So it was still just my assumptions, but I was certainly looking for any signs of romance by this point 😍
So let's take a look at the scene in question.
It was extremely scary for an accident to happen during the spirit summoning ritual, since nobody would know what being it would summon or what would happen if someone broke in. And, ever since the mingshi was built, there were almost no cases where the summoning failed. This made everyone more worried. Seeing that Lan WangJi didn’t appear, Wei WuXian had a foreboding feeling. If Lan WangJi was still in the Cloud Recesses, he would have hurried over immediately, as he heard the alarming chimes of the bell, unless…
Chapter 19 ExR translations
So first things first, WWX is more than aware LWJ is capable of looking after himself, but that doesn't stop him worrying or making a fuss about him at times! Even on a first read, we can tell from the Cloud Recesses flashbacks and the way everyone seems to be somewhat in awe of LWJ's skills, he must be quite formidable.
This is the first time we see WWX (in his second life) essentially running towards LWJ, rather than running away and 'trying to escape'. In fact the whole scenario was a perfect opportunity for WWX to grab a jade token and leave the Cloud Recesses, while everyone was distracted. But instead of taking advantage of the commotion, he is more concerned about LWJ. WWX instantly comes to the conclusion that LWJ must be inside the mingshi, where something has gone wrong, making him rather anxious. Which again, on my first read, added to my ever growing assumption that WWX had the hots for LWJ since they were teenagers.
Wei WuXian grabbed his hand at once, speaking in a low voice, “Which being’s spirit are you summoning? Who else is inside? Where’s HanGuang-Jun?!” It seemed as if the disciple had trouble breathing, “HanGuang-Jun told me to run away…” Before he finished his sentence, dark-red blood gushed out of his nose and mouth. Wei WuXian pushed him into Lan SiZhui’s arms. With the hastily created bamboo flute still by his waist, he went up the stairs in just a few strides. He kicked the mingshi’s door and commanded, “Open!”
WWX quickly approaches the person who escaped the mingshi, trying to gather as much information as he can and determine if LWJ is inside. It's quite telling that the only thing WWX manages to find out from the injured disciple is that LWJ is inside, yet he rushes towards the mingshi's door the minute he hears he might be in trouble. WWX dashes towards the door, unperturbed by the fact he might be attracting a lot of attention in doing so. Considering he managed to gain access to the mingshi so effortlessly and he is meant to be playing the part of a crazy subpar cultivator, he's not doing the best job of keeping in character! But I suppose we can let him off, because he's obviously worried about LWJ.
WWX has always cared about LWJ, more than he ever realised in his first life. Even during the Xuanwu of Slaughter chapters we can see WWX moves almost instinctively whenever he is worried about LWJ. Although WWX was most likely about to step in and help MianMian anyway, it's his concern for LWJs safety that causes him to do so in the end. Prior to that, he was being held back by JC. Seeing that LWJ was about to be attacked, without any means to defend himself, was the catalyst that finally encouraged him to go against JCs wishes and become embroiled in the situation. Later in this arc, LWJ is bitten by the Xuanwu of Slaughter, after pushing WWX out of the way to save him and WWX reacts reflexively once again.
If it dragged Lan WangJi inside, then he’d most likely never come out again! Wei WuXian broke into a sprint. Just as the head was about to shrink inside, he threw himself over, clinging to one of the teeth on its upper jaw. His strength could never have been able to compete with such a monster’s. Yet, under the life-or-death situation, superhuman strength had exploded within him.
Chapter 53
WWX himself even admits that his strength was no match for the beast, but he still rushed to help LWJ. He reacted so fast, even LWJ was shocked WWX managed to catch up before the beast disappeared into its shell. WWX manages to overcome the beasts ferocious jaws with sheer determination and his utter refusal to let LWJ die.
At times, WWXs rationale is even momentarily overridden by concern when LWJ is involved. We see this more in his second life.
Having heard a few clashes of the blades, Wei WuXian’s heart suddenly tightened. He blurted out, “Lan Zhan? Are you hurt?!” From afar, there came a muffled grunt, as if someone had received a critical injury. It clearly wasn’t Lan WangJi’s voice, though. Lan WangJi, “Of course not.” Wei WuXian grinned, “So it seems!”
Chapter 34
During the Yi City arc, we can see WWX react in a similar way to the scene at the mingshi. WWX can't see LWJ and he starts to worry about his safety once again. Granted it was quite a dire situation and LWJ was certainly at a disadvantage in the fog with a glowing sword, while up against someone who was not only familiar with his moves, but also had their sword glare masked. But as we later see, once WWX has calmed his emotions and his logic returns, he has total faith in LWJs abilities.
Lan JingYi approved, “Well, obviously. Of course HanGuang-Jun is good. He just never likes to show it off. He is very low-key, right?” The “right?” was directed at Wei WuXian, who replied in confusion, “Are you asking me? Why are you asking me?” Lan JingYi was on the verge of being angered, “So you think that HanGuang-Jun is not good?!” Wei WuXian touched his chin, “Hmm. He’s good. Of course. He’s really good. He’s the best.” As he talked, he couldn’t help but break into a smile.
Chapter 38
WWX is well aware of LWJ's impressive skills, but he can't help his feelings bubble up to the surface at times, whenever LWJ is in a situation that might get him hurt. Thus his rationale momentarily disappears on occasion!
As much as LWJ loves to take care of WWX, he in turn loves to take care of LWJ and make a fuss over him as well. We see this time and time again throughout the novel. As you said, the small but sweet scene where WWX cleans and covers LWJs wound using his own robes, during the second siege at the Burial Mounds, is one example of this.
There are numerous other examples of WWX making a fuss of LWJ, both in WWXs first and second life. We have WWX seeing to LWJs wounds in the cave, intending to use all of the medicinal herbs on him and ignoring his own injuries. Depending on if you believe the theory WWX obtained the perfume pouch for LWJ in the first place - there is also that. WWX even gives LWJ his cleaner inner robes, keeping his dirty outer robe for himself. It's all very sweet!
In his second life, we see WWX tenderly wash a drunk LWJ's face, worry about him not eating enough and fuss over his clothes when he accidentally gets blood on them. I think my favourite example of WWX looking after LWJ in his second life is from a scene at Guanyin Temple. WWX lovingly covering LWJs ears, to protect him from JCs painfully noisy attempt at distributing JGYs dark melody on his guqin - is just the cutest thing!
I find it quite funny as WWX is very much "HanGuang-Jun is just amazing! He can beat anyone!" and at the same time "Lan Zhan! Are you okay?! You have a tiny cut, let me see to that for you." Of course LWJ is exactly the same. He is also aware WWX is more than capable of looking after himself, but his reflexes are to protect him nevertheless. It's just so natural for them both! It's so sweet how instinctive it has always been for WWX to think this way about LWJ, even in his first life 💕
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rayan12sworld · 7 months
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Lan Wangji, generally speaking, did not make note of people. Of course there were exceptions, once faced with special kindness or distaste, but most often others left an imprint so light that it would fade from his mind in only a few days, if not minutes.
He didn’t feel right in his skin for the rest of the day after meeting Wei Wuxian.
or, lwj cannot remember wwx
he still remembered his brother, their childhood together. Mother’s smile, the gentian house. The suffering of war, the joy of raising a son. He had kept the important memories, so it was of no consequence. A few details lost meant very little in the grand scheme of things.
The line of his mouth flattened. “Xichen-ge?” “Yes, yes, your brother, the First Jade of Lan, the sect leader, a good friend of mine,” the man replied, waving his hand with the words. “A good friend,” Lan Wangji said and wished desperately that the sourness in him could not be heard through his voice. Brother had not mentioned their relationship was this close.
...Not that it mattered. Wei Wuxian could spend his time smiling at any disciple he wanted or calling Lan Xichen familiarly as much as he wished. It was no business of Lan Wangji’s.
“I’ve been spoiled rotten, I know,” Wei Ying said, and then his voice softened into something almost too gentle: “I just miss my husband very much.”
Lan Wangji’s fingers tightened around the box of buns until there was a small crack. For a long moment, he felt like the only thing he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. Then, he took a step forward. Another one. Like that, step by step, he left the voices of his brother and Wei Ying behind him, unable to focus on anything but the word ‘husband’ echoing in his mind, over and over.
Wei Ying was here to break a love curse. Wei Ying had worked tirelessly for months, looking through spells and curses and making notes, like his life depended on it. Wei Ying had ignored his own health in order to work more, work faster.
Wei Ying had pulled back the moment he’d noticed Lan Wangji’s feelings. Like he hadn’t wanted to give him hope. Because he had a husband.
Something ugly and desperate in Lan Wangji wanted to confess, still. Wanted to make Wei Ying know, wanted to make him consider the life Lan Wangji could give him.
He’d sleep with him every night, would bring him breakfast, would hold him whenever he so wished. Brush his hair in the evenings, buy him anything he wanted, take him
night-hunting, love him and cherish him and give him his absolute, unwavering devotion. He would give Wei Ying anything he asked, if only – But marital vows were ones not taken lightly. That someone else had been lucky enough to be the first vying for his attentions
successfully, could Lan Wangji blame him for it? And this person was someone dear to Wei Ying. Someone whose death Wei Ying had prevented, who Wei Ying tirelessly wanted to cure to have back that married life he’d clearly loved.
The ache in his chest grew into a full-body feeling, raw nerve exposed to the world that did not fear cutting him.
Lan Wangji had fallen ill and lost memories months back, during the time that Wei Ying’s husband had been cursed. This timing, surely it was not a coincidence.
Not once had he considered the memories lost anything important. He had not realized a love this deep, this all-consuming could be taken from him. It felt like something integral already, a part of him that would, if taken, feel like a missing limb.
He had memories of Wei Ying from before. He had a life with this man he knew nothing of. He was married.
Lan Wangji buried his face in the side of Wei Ying’s neck, breathed in his scent, no longer restricted by his sense of propriety or the thoughts of other men getting to do it. There were months of frustration simmering under his skin. Had his self-control not been what it was, he might have surrendered to this need. Were they not married, after all? Was Wei Ying not his?
“I remember everything I should.”
Their first meeting. The first kiss, stolen during a hunt. The war, the fear, the death, and the resurrection. The sound of laughter breaking the monotony. The feel of soft lips against his. Three bows, not taken during a ceremony, and the three bows that were, when they’d been clad in red.
Each version of Wei Ying there had been, and each version of himself that had been there to witness them.
Wei Ying smiled at him, still. His love, his heart. “Good. And you better not forget.” He would not.
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stiricidewrites · 15 days
The Damage You Do: ch 25, pt 6
wwx sucked in another deep breath, the world slowly falling away to repetition. Of course, he was still himself, and occasionally some thought or another burbled through his brain, dragging his attention away from his breath and lungs and the stretch of his body pressing into the ground, but overall, he was pretty damn successful! He was pretty sure he deserved a reward for just this—just his ability to sit quietly for so long—alone, and he was going to be sure to mention it to lwj once this was all over.
“wy,” lwj said in quiet reprimand, his voice floating across the room from somewhere behind him.
“Sorry, Lan-laoshi,” wwx said, smiling slightly to himself as he stopped wiggling his hips in anticipation of what he could get out of his dom as a reward. The man was probably used to his subs either not asking for anything—they were already being paid bank, after all—or requesting the most insane things. Shit like Fabergé eggs because they’d seen one on a TV show and suddenly had a burning desire for one. He definitely wanted to lean into that insane, but insane in the little things that are inexpensive, but a massive pain in the ass make me happy way. He didn’t need anything expensive—not in the monetary sense, anyways.
wwx startled out of his meandering thoughts about rewards for his quietude when the object of his thoughts placed a hand on his hips.
“Relax,” the man said, his hand simply remaining as a grounding force on wwx’s body as he returned to breathing.
Vaguely, wwx wondered what in the world his dom had sensed to know he hadn’t been completely relaxed anymore. His hips had definitely stopped swaying. He’d thought he’d fallen back into stillness.
More than a few people had told them they could hear him thinking—and not in the you're speaking to yourself way. He’d thought they were crazy—you couldn’t hear someone’s brain turning over, obviously!—but maybe there actually was something to that idea?
lwj’s hand pressed against him slightly, as though the man could still something hear him mulling over the fact that his thoughts were detectable. He didn’t say anything, but the reminder that he was in the room with a now verified mind reader sent wwx’s mind spiralling back towards earth.
In and out. In and out. It was boring, but somehow the presence of lwj—especially now that he was back to being not just physically closer but actually touching him—was like a tether, allowing his flighty mind to float and wander while remaining in the moment—while remaining firmly attached to someone he knew would keep him safe.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
Dead Languages by chinuplipup
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Dead Languages
by chinuplilpup
G, 16k, WIP, lwj & wwx, wen remnants
Summary: “Second young master Lan! Young master Wei was turned into a child, the one that you saw just now. It’s a spell or a curse, we don’t know! And—” Wen Ning stops talking, because his sister has him by the ear. - Deep in the Burial Mounds, the small, struggling Qishan Wen sect has a problem. A very small problem.
Mojo's comments: Wwx is about 5 when lwj returns to the Burial Mounds, and running about with a-yuan. But he's still got shadows, insecurities from the only time he remembers (being homeless and alone). And lwj feels inadequate and under-prepared, and his interactions with young wei ying are so endearingly awkward. I hope author comes back to finish the final chapter someday. (3/4 so far). Lwj seems headed for a revelation that he needs to start actively helping wwx and the Remnants.
Kay's comments: Absolutely heart-wrenching story about de-aged Wei Wuxian during the Burial Mounds Settlement days. It's a canon-divergence stories where the Wens have already been living there for a couple of years and Lan Wangji has been visiting once or twice a year. As he encounters de-aged Wei Wuxian, he finally understands that maybe visiting once or twice a year with some gifts wasn't as much help as he had thought and that there were many things he never learned about Wei Wuxian. My heart always aches for child Wei Wuxian and the thinking about the years he had spent on the streets, so this story was very ache-inducing in the best possible way! And Wen Yuan and Wei Ying bonding as children is also just so perfect.
Excerpt: Wei Ying says in a small voice, “Okay.” Lan Wangji frowns. He never thought he would hear Wei Ying respond to a rule or a limit placed on him with quiet surrender. Not even at age fifteen with the Lan discipline whip as his encouragement! It’s expected for small children to be somewhat shy, and Wei Ying certainly didn’t have an ordinary, safe childhood, but to think Wei Ying was once this timid child, constantly restraining himself from what he wants...
Excerpt²: Lan Wangji stays bent at the waist. His hair falls over his shoulder, obscuring part of his face. He says, “Thank you for taking care of Wei Wuxian.” He means to add “when I couldn’t,” but a wave of guilt about his own inadequacies overruns him and chokes the words in his throat. Has he ever been able to take care of Wei Ying? Has he protected him, helped him, has he offered anything other than warnings and criticism—not just in the past two years, but in all of their acquaintance? He thinks of the song that he finished as a teenager, that he practically tore his fingertips perfecting and that he played for Wei Wuxian once. Is that all? It can’t be only that, but Lan Wangji can’t recall anything else. Several visits per year to the Burial Mounds with an armful of loquats or a few bottles of chili oil and spirit-calming songs—none of that seems like anything anymore.
canon-divergence, yiling wei sect, age regression/de-aging, de-aged wei wuxian, fluff, hurt/comfort, ghosts, autistic lan wangji, burial mounds settlement days, pov lan wangji, anxious wei wuxian, awkard lan wangji, malnutrition, @thebestestbat
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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monsters-in-our-heart · 11 months
"Good things never last"
@mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess prompt request "Lwj finds the scene, freshly so, as lxc just finished his revenge. Instead of fighting him, lwj takes his own life, both in grief and as punishment 😌" This ficlet is a continuation / based on this. !warnings are in my (original)tags if you want em! it's rather dark so keep that in mind!! Hope you enjoy reading my sad fic ~
Happiness, Happy is what Lan Wangji was for his Xiongzhang when he suddenly left his seclusion. Four long years had gone by since his brother first left the cultivation world and traded it for a life of solitude. Leaving the warmth of the outside world for the frostiness of a cave. Four years had gone by since he eloped with his husband, his Wei Ying. Four long years it had been since he last saw his brother, and his gentle smile. So when that smile suddenly greeted him on a sunny day, he felt nothing but joy for his brother. His brother who seemed better, seemed happier, at peace. Filled with purpose.
Wangji should have realized back then, Happiness, always comes at a price…
Now, he stares blankly at his face in the reflection of his own blade. Bichen still glows beautifully despite the red flecks of blood coating its once pristine white exterior. He feels heat pooling around him, while the rest of him gradually feels colder, and colder. Yet Bichen continues to shine within the dark confounds of the cave he’s in. The warmth around him grows and grows, making his body seem even colder by contrast. But, no matter how cold he feels right now, nothing will ever be colder than what he saw in the eyes of the one who murdered his husband.
He feels his hands, still around Bichen, shaking. Mind and body growing numb at the thought. He truly does feel sick now.
All of this, and for what? A revival of a foul man. Who’s only fate was to die again? He dealt with it himself, Bichen making it swift and clean. He wanted to be certain Wei Ying was safe and that, that man would never return. Would never cause harm or turmoil again! Wangji never noticed the ice growing in his brothers eyes when he relayed the news to him…
He found out when he later returned to his and Wei Ying’s home. Walking inside he felt…a growing unease stir within him. It was quiet, too quiet. Yet whatever he may have felt or thought, nothing, nothing could have prepared him for what came next.
When he finally entered his home he was met with a sight that nearly caused him to drop his sword. He was completely and utterly frozen where he stood. His husband, His Wei Ying. His lively beautiful love of his life, was laying there, slumped over the table in the middle of the room. Unmoving, Cold, with not a single heartbeat left in his body.
And further back in the room, in the shadows, pouring themselves a cup of tea as if nothing was amiss. Was the one who did it.
Lan Zhan didn’t know what hurt more, his dead husband, or knowing who it was that killed him.
The person responsible calmly put down their still steaming cup, and slowly opened their eyes. When he looked at him, at his eyes, Wangji felt himself grow still. What he saw was, …nothing.
No guilt, no remorse, no feeling, Absolutely nothing.
Those eyes…. They didn’t belong to the brother he once knew. He could only continue to stare at him while Xichen stood up, gently straightening out his robes like he wasn’t standing in front of his didi’s dead husband. Like he hadn’t murdered him!? Yet, when Xichen finally started walking, and passed him by, he couldn’t even find the strength within him to raise his sword. Couldn’t raise it against the man who he once lovingly called his brother. All he could do was stupidly stand there, paralyzed, looking at the scene in front of him. Unable to turn his gaze away from his unmoving husband.
Hearing the door slide shut behind him was all he needed to break. He screamed, and ran towards Wei Ying. He couldn’t even avenge him, all he could do was hold his husband’s body close in his arms, and weep. And weep he did, until his husband’s flesh became bones. Those too, he held. He dressed him, caressed him. Made him meals that no one ate. Brushed his hair until the last strand fell, and he kept every one of them. Even tried desperately to place them back where they belonged, to no avail. He bathed his bones and cared for them, just like he used to. Tucked them into bed and slept beside them. Loving them-, him, as he would have, ‘til the ends of time if need be.
Until one day, they came. Barging into their home, they took him by the arms and dragged him away from his beloved. Too weak to resist, When did he last eat? they tried hauling him away, away from the man he loves. Away from his joy, from his life, his happiness, his heart!
He yelled at them, he doesn’t remember what, He just wanted them to stop!
They didn’t listen. But they didn’t remove him from his house immediately. Not before.., before making sure he saw what they did. He didn’t know what was worse, Seeing disciples from his clan, ones he even taught, took on night hunts together, ransack his home and touch his Wei Ying. Or, hear his brother. Normally so softspoken, so kind, gentle, look him in the eyes, unseeing, uncaring, cold like ice. And declare him sick, ill, disturbed. Demand that he need to be put in seclusion. Until he was cured of his supposed delusion.
Another disciple, he could care less who it was, turned to his brother and questioned. “What about this?”
Wangji looked up with what little strength he had had left, to see what or who they were talking about. His husband!? Why ? Why were they looking at him, haven’t they done enough to him already?
He would never forget his brother’s next words. They would haunt him, play on repeat in his mind until his last breath. “dispose of…him”
“But” the disciple, or was it another one? Responded. “But, what if reincarnates? Or, or, someone rises him from the dead again?”
“See to it that he won’t”
“but how-“
Lan Xichen turned to him, locking eyes with him when he next spoke. “Do whatever it takes.”
A chill ran down his spine, those eyes, those eyes! He realized something, as he’s being dragged away. He recognizes someone in those eyes. Golden robes…. Perhaps he was the naïve one after all….
A drop of water falls into the pond beside him, pulling him back to the present. The cold damp air of the cave greets him, and the droplets of water falling from the ceiling onto the ground, reverberate throughout the cave. They’re the only thing he has for company, here in his supposed seclusion. For his supposed “healing”. Or so the tale was spun by his brother. No one questioned him.
His Xiongzhang, never visited. No-one even bothered to check his belongings when they threw him in here. Didn’t care….nobody…cared. They just left him. All by himself…
He’s alone, when he plunges Bichen into his heart. Alone when the warmth of his blood burns against the iciness of the cave.
Alone, knowing his husband won’t return.
Alone, with the knowledge that he failed, failed to protect him, again!
He failed, failed, Failed!
His trembling hands push his sword in deeper, twisting it. Making sure his golden core won’t be able to repair the damage. He doesn’t deserve its miracle of healing. Not anymore.
He's alone, when he feels himself slipping, life slowly bleeding away. One drop at a time. He feels it, feels his body starting to give up, his hands loosening their grip on the hilt of his sword. His breathing slowing down.
He manages to let out a weak chuckle. Perhaps it’s his punishment that his mind forces him to think of his brother now, instead of the smiling sunshine that was Wei Ying. But nonetheless he wonders,
Was it worth it, your moment of happiness. was it worth it, destroying mine.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
"JGY would have to have a heart for that to happen" I'm not even a hardcore JGY stan but that made me so mad like ??? JL mourned for him in the aftermath of Guanyin Temple iirc and if there was truly no affection LXC would not be secluded in canon lmao
this is unrelated but I also have to laugh bc yeah SMS is bitter but like. So is the majority of the cast in some way??? especially LWJ (I saw a tag somewhere describing him as Snapecore and...I mean....I can't quite disagree)
jin ling is gutted by his death in the novel AND in cql! like it is more explicit in the novel because the text gives us a glimpse of his interiority, showing us that moment in his childhood where jin guangyao gifts him fairy, who is his lifelong companion!
Fairy was waiting anxiously outside for his master, barking a couple of times. Hearing the barks, Jin Ling suddenly remembered that when Fairy was still a clumsy little puppy that couldn’t even reach his knees, Jin GuangYao was the one who brought it over.
Back then, he was only a few years old. He fought with the other children of Koi Tower, and didn’t feel satisfied even after he won, smashing everything in his room as he bawled his eyes out. None of the maids and servants dared approach him, afraid to be hit.
Grinning, the younger uncle of his snuck inside to ask, “A-Ling, what’s wrong?” He immediately smashed half a dozen vases beside Jin GuangYao’s feet. Jin GuangYao, “Uh-oh, how fierce. I’m so scared.” He shook his head as he left, pretending to be scared.
The second day, Jin Ling refused to go outside or eat anything as he sulked. Jin GuangYao walked around right outside his room. With his back against the door, Jin Ling shouted to be left alone, and suddenly the bark of a puppy came from outside the door.
He opened the door. Half-squatting, Jin GuangYao had in his arms a glistening-black puppy with round, wide eyes. He looked up and smiled, “I found this little thing but I don’t know what to call it. ALing, do you want to give it a name?”
The smile was so kind, so genuine that Jin Ling couldn’t believe Jin GuangYao faked it. All of a sudden, tears fell from his eyes again.
Jin Ling had always thought crying was a sign of weakness, treating such an act with contempt. Yet, apart from a flood of tears, there was no other way to release the pain and anger in his heart.
He didn’t know why, but he felt like he couldn’t hate or blame anyone. Wei WuXian, Jin GuangYao, Wen Ning—every one of them should be responsible to some extent for the deaths of his parents, every one of them gave him a reason to loathe them with all he had. But it also seemed like every one of them gave him a reason that made him unable to do so. But if he didn’t hate him, whom could he hate? Did he deserve to lose both his parents when he was young? Was he not only able to seek revenge, but also unable to hate someone purely and entirely?
He somehow didn’t want to let go. He felt wronged. He’d rather die together with them and end everything.
- EXR translation pg 1019
he is crying from pain and betrayal and ALSO the loss of jin guangyao specifically, which the next passage makes clear:
Watching him cry soundlessly as he stared at the coffin, Sect Leader Yao asked, “Young Master Jin, why are you crying? For Jin GuangYao?”
Seeing that Jin Ling said nothing, Sect Leader Yao spoke in a tone with which seniors often scolded juniors of their sect, “What are you crying for? Hold back your tears. Someone like your uncle doesn’t deserve anyone’s tears. Young Master, I mean no offense, but you can’t be so weak! This is the kindness of the fairer sex. You should know what’s right and what’s wrong, and straighten up your...”
If this were at the time the leader of LanlingJin Sect was still the Chief Cultivator who led the entire world of cultivation, the sect leaders of other sects would never have had the guts to patronize the Jin Sect’s disciples no matter what. Right now, Jin GuangYao had died already. Nobody was able to uphold the LanlingJin Sect. Its name had also been pretty much ruined, and likely it wouldn’t be able to rise again in the future, thus some people dared.
Jin Ling had thousands of thoughts and feelings whirling around in his heart in the beginning. Hearing Sect Leader Yao’s comments, a fire surged into his heart. He roared, “So what if I want to cry?! Who are you? What are you? Won’t leave me alone even for crying?!”
Sect Leader Yao didn’t expect to be shouted at either. He was a sect leader that had some fame as well.
pg 1020
....also i'm low key losing my mind over someone describing lwj as snapecore lmfao
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Why exactly are people confused about whether or not LWJ confessed to WWX after nightless city? While we do not know exactly what he said or did, it is unambiguous in chapters 99-100 that LWJ had knowingly expressed his feelings to WWX after nightless city & was under the impression that WWX knew...
‘When we arrived, you were sitting in a daze on a rock. WangJi was holding your hands and passing cultivation energy through to you. The entire time, he was quietly speaking to you. [...] Lan XiChen continued, “When my uncle reached him, he’d scolded him and asked him to explain himself. However WangJi seemed to have already expected us to find him, he only said, ‘There’s nothing to explain. This is what it seems.[...] “When he had hidden you inside that cave, the way he’d spoke to you, the way he’d looked at you—even a blind and deaf man would be able to tell what he felt for you.
It is not LXC alone that can read LWJ's feelings in that cave, all those Lan elders and LQR could too. Most importantly, LWJ was fully aware—'This is exactly what it seems'—ergo he had knowingly made his feelings known. I.e. a confession.
‘Suddenly, Wei WuXian felt terrified. If Lan WangJi had no idea that he had no memories of the few days after the battle at the Nightless City, if Lan WangJi always thought that he knew of his true feelings, then what had he been doing to Lan WangJi this whole time since he’d came back to life?’
This is WWX's conclusion based on the information LXC gave, his thoughts are later confirmed by LWJ's reaction to his third & final confession attempt. MXTX literally spelled this out for her readers and yet-
‘Lan WangJi’s eyes were downcast, and it was hard to read his expression. Wei WuXian knew that Lan WangJi likely didn’t believe in those few lines he’d said earlier. After all, he had been tormented by someone who’d teased him mercilessly while laughing without a clue for so long. It was only right for him to be suspicious. At the thought, Wei WuXian felt his chest go heavy, his heart trembling with sympathy. He didn’t dare to continue his line of thought. He only knew that he needed to fix it however he can, and hammer the point home.
He said, “Lan Zhan, here, look at me.”
Lan WangJi replied in a voice that still sounded a little tight, “Mmm.”
Taking a deep breath, Wei WuXian said quietly, “……I really do have terrible memories. I’ve forgotten a lot of things from before, including that night at the Nightless City. What really happened during those few days, I really don’t remember a thing.”
Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s eyes widened slightly.’
LWJ's reaction is clearly shocked when WWX says he doesn't remember what happened after nightless city and LWJ does not take WWX's confession seriously until after he'd explained this. LWJ assumed he was messing around as he always had done because WWX never acknowledged his own confession. LWJ clearly thought WWX knew of his feelings, he would only think this if he had told WWX of his feelings.
On a related point, why would LWJ choose a time like that to confess? I think it is pretty straightforward.
Something that is made clear throughout the whole Nightless City sequence, is that WWX perceives LWJ as an enemy, he thinks he’s there to fight him and condemn him. The narration makes it very clear that WWX’s perception of LWJ’s actions at this time is incorrect, he’s ‘lost his judgement.’ WWX is unable to consider that LWJ actually only wants to help him.
And in his second life, WWX still cannot understand why LWJ would want to help him. In chapter 12 he speculates that LWJ had actually recognised him, the only thing that makes him doubt this is that he thinks if LWJ knew his identity, he would definitely not be helping him. In chapter 31, after WWX has gotten LWJ to drink, he specifically asks him 'why are you helping me?'
After he takes him away from Nightless City, LWJ is dealing with a WWX who is quite out of his mind, and convinced that LWJ only wants to harm or punish him for the things that he’s done. The obvious way for LWJ to try to remedy this is to explain to WWX why he is helping him, because it was due to WWX believing LWJ was against that was making him lash out during nightless city (from ch.78, this is clear to LWJ). And in this scenario, the reason LWJ takes him away, heals him and looks after him, is because of his feelings for him.* (The 'shocking someone out of a rampage with an emotional confession' is a fairly common trope, is it not?)
So, we can see that LWJ has a clear practical reason to confess his feelings at this time.
From an emotional standpoint also, LWJ has every reason to confess here. Having witnessed WWX at Nightless City, and how severely WWX mistrusted him, and also facing the likelihood of WWX’s death, of course LWJ would choose this moment to confess. And whether he lived or died, LWJ would not be able to bear the thought of WWX thinking he hated him, and would want him to know the truth. Similarly, in Xuanwu Cave, LWJ chooses to sing 'wangxian' for WWX and tell him the name—not exactly a confession, but not far from it either. It is clear throughout that arc that LWJ did not share WWX's faith that the Jiangs would come and rescue them promptly, likely he believed they'd both die in that cave.
*LWJ was explicitly not helping WWX after nightless city because he felt he was right & supported him. Aside from the fact that LWJ had been actively trying to stop him only shortly beforehand, we are also told LWJ 'did not know whether he was right or wrong'. And how can he know? LWJ never uncovered the full story of what happened at Qiongqi Path, and the reader does not even know what happened with WN's second rampage at Koi Tower when all those Lan cultivators were killed, LWJ does not even know that WWX was not the one who attacked first at nightless city. LWJ doesn't know, but he protects him anyway because he believes WWX is not a bad person, and he has such faith in WWX because he loves him.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, could you explain more about your thoughts regarding JC and LWJ's actions re: the Wens? I think that part was the span of a year, right?. Seeing Kim's post about the actions, those are within his control but he can't do much outside of that related to the Lans. I remember Ava (@/jiangwanyinscatmom) taking about Clan positions and how little power LWJ would have held regardless if people saw him as Hanguangjun or the Second Master.
I feel conflicted about JC because he's in a similar position where those in power are telling him what is good and what should be done. How can he speak out against it? But isn't that what LWJ and WWX do? Albeit LWJ acts late in taking a stand against his clan, he does so knowing the consequences. He doesn't repent though. I think there's a fundamental difference between JC and LWJ here but I'm not sure how to conceptualize it.
Alright, so my take on this will likely differ in small ways from the other two’s, but the gist will be the same: Jiang Cheng abandoned Wei Wuxian to the mob that he also had a hand in creating, while Lan Wangji had always tried in his own ways to defend wwx and defuse the volatile situation.
For Jiang Cheng, no one was “telling him” what’s right from wrong; he already knows that he would be wrong to persecute the Wen remnants and is also even close to admitting he owed the Wen siblings a life debt. Plus, even if he didn’t, he’s a whole sect leader by this point and could’ve done whatever he wanted unchallenged, just as the Jin did. There’s a reason the clans keep calling conference after conference when shit goes down, even when it only affects one of them; they are not yet powerful enough to act alone with impunity like the former Wen clan was.
What ultimately gets jc to betray any moral uprightness he may have had is petty jealousy and resentment. Jc’s greatest weakness is allowing his inferiority complex to override his logic, making him a perfect puppet for the actually politically savvy characters. We see this when Madam Yu weaponizes jc’s fear that his father doesn’t love him in order to get jc to stand on her side against his own father. We see this when the Jin purposely spread rumors about how all of the Jiang glory is (rightfully) due to wwx’s actions in the sunshot campaign and jc’s hearing these rumors causes him to lash out against wwx as the Jin want. And we see this when, just as jc is about to explain why he owes the Wen siblings a debt, Nie Mingjue interrupts to say that the Wen killed his parents, reminding jc of his resentment and causing him to fall silent, never revealing the debt that could maybe have saved the Wen remnants lives. Jc had the power to protect the Wen remnants and wwx; he chose to give in to resentment instead and led the charge to murder them all.
Lan Wangji is in a similar position of power (clan heir to jc’s clan leader) but takes a completely different course of action pertaining to wwx. When everyone gathers to hear what happened at the Jin flower banquet, lwj publicly calls out Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan for lying about wwx’s words and actions to try and paint wwx as rebelling against the Jiang. He only falls back when his brother, knowing that the Jin are lying, steps in to side with them in their smear campaign. Lwj alone goes to check on Mianmian after she leaves from the slander against her for sticking up for wwx. As I’ve mentioned before, lwj was likely the only who inadvertently got the Ghost General rumors spreading by trying to reason with his brother and/or uncle about the truth of the Burial Mounds settlement, as he was the only one not of the settlement who had seen the newly awakened Wen Ning before the rumors spread. And let us not forget that lwj spoke up for the Wen siblings before their “deaths,” before rescuing wwx from Nightless City and fighting his own clan’s disciples to protect him.
I think in wwx’s first life, lwj did hold back on ways he could have helped, but whereas jc’s inaction was due to resentment at wwx, lwj’s lack of strong action came from a myriad of sources: not knowing what wwx needed/fearing rejection from him, his sense of duty to his clan (who he never had to go against before) vs. his morality, and just his personality. We see his conflict of wanting to help wwx vs. wwx’s boundaries and “clear” distrust of him when we get lwj’s convo with lxc before the fated flower banquet: lwj tells his brother that he wants to bring wwx back to cloud recesses, but wwx is unwilling. Lwj knows that something is wrong with wwx even if he doesn’t know what, but his wish to respect wwx and his choices is stronger than his wish to protect him at the expense of wwx’s boundaries. We get this same melancholic acceptance at the Yiling reunion parting, where lwj accepts wwx’s words that there is no other course for him regardless of his actions, as wwx would not (and morally should not) return the Wen or give up his yin tiger tally. For the duty to clan: lwj had never had to stand against his clan on anything, but the wwx/Wen remnants issue actually tested his sense of morality against his family. Yes, lwj was a clan heir and still beholden to his clan leader, but lxc never commanded lwj as a clan leader, only as an older brother. When lxc sides with jgy in his slander against wwx rather than siding with lwj calling out the lie, lwj is hurt by this. Just to make jgy’s life slightly easier, lxc was willing to forsake clan rules and his own brother to put the man he knows his brother loves on the path to destruction, and lwj knows this. But there’s still an issue that comes with this second conflict: his personality.
Lwj is a doer, not a talker. The moments he speaks up for wwx in wwx’s first life are shocking for the people present, but also easily diverted from by people who do not want others to realize the truth of his words. Lwj also doesn’t press what he is saying when he is diverted, giving people the chance to just condescendingly chalk his words up to “lwj is a nice guy so of course he’d speak up, but he’d never really side with someone we all ‘know’ is bad!” The most crucial moment that he should have pressed should have been that very first moment after the flower banquet, but the fact that his own brother sided against him hurt him into silence. All the other moments were a little too late until Nightless City, where it was a fight for wwx’s life. There he is able to show unambiguously whose side he’s on, as you can’t really say that someone only accidentally drew a sword against you or unintentionally injured 33 senior disciples of your clan. This is the moment where his clan realizes that he is serious about standing with wwx, though again by then it is much too late.
Lwj and jc in wwx’s first life aren’t being constrained by the hierarchy, they are being constrained by their own personal struggles: jc and his resentment and lwj his list of reasons. That’s why in wwx’s second life, jc has leaned fully into his resentment to the point of completely deforming all of wwx’s actions to poison Jin Ling’s understanding of his circumstances, while lwj has raised wwx’s son with love and respect and physically stands by wwx’s side in his second life.
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