#age regression/de-aging
wangxianficrecs · 4 months
A new found family by MusicMe_tc
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A new found family
by MusicMe_tc (@musicme-tc)
G, 11k, Wangxian
Summary: Something happened to Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren has decided to keep it a secret so as to not bring any unnecessary attention to the problem nor cause any alarm that might stress him more that it should. … At least, that was the plan until a certain rule-breaker decided to ask for Lan Wangji. Or: the story of how Wei Wuxian accidentally becomes part of the Lan family by offering to take care of Lan Wangji. Kay's comments: The cutest of Cloud Recesses Study Arc shenanigans ensue as Lan Wangji is turned into a toddler and Wei Wuxian starts taking care of him whenever Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen are busy! Very adorable all around and I loved Lan Qiren slowly warming up to Wei Wuxian and how cute Wei Wuxian is in general with de-aged Lan Wangji. Excerpt: "Oh..." And with the permission granted, he takes Lan Wangji and holds him close to his chest. Lan Wangji looks at him with those big bright eyes, and Wei Wuxian feels this awful need to pinch his cheeks or maybe just squeal and coo at him because Lan Wangji looks so cute! "We don't know exactly what happened to him," Lan Qiren interrupts his train of thoughts, "He woke up like this the other day, in the body and mind of a child. We don't know the source, nor the cause, but from what we know, this may be a spell, rather than a curse." "So someone did this on purpose..." Wei Wuxian thinks quietly to himself. "We are to believe so, yes." Lan Qiren says having heard him.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, cloud recesses shenanigans, cursed lan wangji, age regression/de-aging, child lan wangji, fluff, sweet, caring wei wuxian, soft lan qiren, good sibling jiang cheng, supportive lan xichen, feelings realization, love confessions, first kiss, getting together, happy ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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iwillfightformydream · 7 months
I need a fic of Senku de-aging, and being a smart little brat.
He 100% destroys chrome with his knowledge. 
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
This and its sequel are really good! I just finished both today and absolutely loved it. I hope @phoenixyfriend has more to add to the story some day 😁
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How I imagine the conversation between Ron and Hermione went before they sent a letter to Voldemort, demanding proof of life of Harry, who had been de-aged and immediately scooped up by Voldemort.
Ron: He’s never going to respond.
Hermione: He will, we just need to find the right thing to threaten him with. Maybe… fire?
Ron: I have a brilliant idea. Crude nvde and horribly drawn pictures.
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Part 1 of Papa Don't Preach
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
Words: 67956
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emacrow · 25 days
When Diana and her twin Jason was born after her, Jason was left to be disposed off in Amazon, only for him to disappear a second later.
Clockwork saw the possibility and took the freshly wet newborn swapping him with The Fenton's stillborn.
For what he saw in the possibility of the future was nearly endless as he did what he had to do.. for the best outcome to come forth..
A pebble here, a rocket ship toy there, an inch of furniture moved then so that incident doesn't happen, a poster paper on that tree. Minor tiny changes to help bring the visual to the present.
All leading to clockwork giving 19 year old sleep deprived danny an small yet important task to deliver a scroll in another dimension leading up to his body regressed in that dimension timeline the moment he slipped in and out the portal.
Diana knew she had a twin brother out there.. and she was going to find him.
What she didn't know that he was literally falling into her arms, when she and Superman went to check on the Glowing lararus pit portal made near metropolis.
Tiny little boy who look completely tired as he went unconscious holding a purple and green scroll in his hands, wearing clothes 3 times his size.
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months
Okay I'm seeing some misuse of tags on AO3 so let's just clarify:
De-aging is not "I am making this character younger in this fic, as if they have always been younger, in order to work with some shipping, or for a role swap."
De-aging and Age Regression are lumped together in AO3's tag system due to the thematic overlap.
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(Neither of them are "for the purposes of this fic, character B is younger than in canon, so that there isn't an age gap with character A.")
It is a parent tag, with a variety of tropes equated to it. Due to the overlap of themes, a lot of people don't differentiate when tagging unless they are specifying for an individual character.
De-aging: magical/sci-fi reverse aging, usually instantaneous. Refers specifically to a physical return to youth. Mental/developmental age change is optional, and retaining adult memories is optional.
Age regression: a character is reverted to childhood developmentally and mentally, possibly with memories, possibly without; physical regression is optional, but if it's tagged with the "age regression/de-aging" tag instead of just age regression, it's usually going to be both.
IRL, "age regression" refers to an individual mentally returning to a younger age, usually childhood, generally as a coping mechanism. It is not the same thing as age play. In fic, however, a mental/developmental regression in this manner may be tagged as non-sexual age play, in order to separate itself from the sci/fi fantasy plots, though "Age Regression" as an individual tag, without mention of de-aging, may still refer to a mental reversion as coping.
Both tropes are in some way about a character who is in-text usually an adult being, temporarily or permanently, returned to a previous point in their life, whether mentally or physically, sometimes both.
"This character is, and always has been, younger than the canon, in order to facilitate the plot I want." does not fall under de-aging, or age regression, as the change is not itself an event or plot point
In my experience, de-aging is usually for fluff or angst purposes, much like time-travel fics where a character runs into a younger version of themselves or their loved ones, and proceeds to take care of them.
Mental regression sans physical is usually used either as a kink thing, or as mental health exploration in the same vein as depression comfort fics, falling into the family of sick fic.
If you dabble in the de-aging parts of fandom, let me know your thoughts!
(If you don't have a backround in de-aging fandom as either a writer or a reader, just try to listen to what's being said by those of us who are already in here and have been for a while.)
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fandomregression · 1 year
Possible New AO3 Tags!!
So, I think we all know that the ao3 tag situation is...not ideal. You have basically two choices for tags: Age Regression/De-aging (which is technically meant for physically regressed/de-aged characters, not agere) or Non-sexual Age Play (which is...the wrong thing). Both of these tags are inaccurate for our community, but we have used them because its as close as we can get. It's even gotten to the point where Age Regression/De-aging has wrangled everything under the sun for agere (agere, age regression, regression, and every tag we make complaining about our tag situation). So! I have two possibilities for new tags we can use!
🧸Inner Child Therapy🧸
this one is probably the most obvious choice? at least it is to me lol inner child therapy is another, more clinical name for agere, so it would be a good choice. it's also not currently used for anything on ao3 (Healing the Inner Child is a tag, but not currently one with more than i think 3 fics, and it's not a common tag, so it would more than likely get wrangled, but I think it'd be okay)
with this one, we would also have the option to use secondary tags like we use with Age Regression/De-aging currently (think how a lot of fics use "Age Regression Little [Character]" tags, we could use something like "Inner Child Little [Character]" instead)
i think inner child therapy as a term would also help with the stigma around agere because it really...can't be confused with anything else? not as far as i can make out anyway lol
a con toward this would be that not many ppl currently know this as a term, and therefore it would be hard to implement
i just think this one is cute. like we're all just out here writing our fics in crayon to share with each other hehe
in my head, this would even be able to include a whole tagging system using diff crayon colors to mean different things (when i was thinking of this concept, i was thinking along the lines of pink crayon = fluff, blue = angst, green = whump, purple = romantic, orange = platonic, white = diapers, etc etc etc etc)
it just so cute in my head lol, and it would definitely be easy to separate from the current tags
a con toward this one is just that it could be confusing to try to implement and i could see it getting wildly out of hand and complicated if we aren't careful with it
No matter what, it will absolutely be a struggle to change tags to get away from what we have right now. In order for any sort of new tag, one of these or something else, to work we would all have to agree not to crosstag. When tagging fics, you would *not* be able to tag it with the old tags and one of the new ones because it would more than likely result in the new tag getting wrangled and then we're back to square one. It would have to be a community effort to get it explained *why* things are different, now, and how to find fics. It would also be a struggle to get authors of older works to maybe switch their tags out so that new readers can find them more easily under a new tag.
These are just my ideas, and I'd love to open the discussion up to you guys!! If there's any other ideas for tags, I'd love to hear them!!!
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saggitary · 2 years
I see your “Ahsoka Tano gets de-aged and Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Plo enter dad mode” and I raise you:
Ahsoka Tano gets de-aged and battle tested, top strategist and captain of the 501st Rex, melts and enters ultimate ori’vod mode as soon as he sees his commander tiny. The 501st as a whole fights over who gets to carry her around the ship and Anakin watches his extremely competent and experienced battalion fall to pieces as soon as they see baby Ahsoka.
Marshall Commander Cody aka the ori’vod of half the GAR let’s baby Ahsoka sit in his lap as he does reports and carries her to meetings. The 212th take turns escorting the tiny commander to the med bay to be checked up on (because god knows how many diseases they come into contact with as they travel around the galaxy). Obi-Wan watches one of the best legions in the GAR fall prey again and again to his grandpadawan’s tooka eyes.
All of this only happens if they can pry Ahsoka from the 104th. Wolffe refuses to let Ahsoka out if his sight when she is with them, usually resorting to carrying her everywhere. Rarely has anybody seen Ahsoka not being carried, either on the shoulders or in the arms, of Commander Wolffe. Those in the 104th that had known Ahsoka before she became Anakin’s student and the commander of the 501st don’t trust her well-being with their other brothers. It’s not that they doubt their brothers’ with Ahsoka, it’s just that they feel much better when she is safe with them. Completely normal. Plo watches his serious and battle hardened battalion soften as soon as they get their hands on baby Ahsoka.
I raise you, the clone troopers born from Jango Fett’s DNA, a mandalorian through and through, see a child and immediately adopt it.
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sirintism · 7 months
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they did this for me and all the other age regressor pjsk fans
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
i carry your heart with me. by lulu_kitty
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i carry your heart with me
by lulu_kitty
G, 12k, wangxian
Summary: “Wei-qianbei, I don’t understand. What sort of curse is this?” Lan Jingyi whispers shakily.
He moves aside to reveal a small figure huddled in his husband's robes. A young child, no older than five or six, looking around in both confusion and fear.
Wei Wuxian can’t breathe.
Because the little boy has a Lan clan ribbon dangling loosely around his neck.
"…Lan Zhan?"
Or, Lan Wangji is temporarily cursed back into his six year old self. Wei Wuxian and his family must reconcile with the unexpected feelings that it brings.
Mojo's comments: De-Aged Lan Zhan is pure and adorable and this fic is soft and sweet.
It's always a joy to me when Little Lan Zhan doesn't behave so well:
Excerpt: He’d been tested though, when it was time to leave the [rabbit] meadow. A-Zhan had not wanted to go and had simply laid on the ground, refusing to move. Ignoring their pleas to get up. Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui looked at Wei Wuxian torn between looking concerned and like they wanted to laugh.
Wei Wuxian had sighed, attempting to pry the boy up off the ground yet A-Zhan had resisted with his full dead weight. Wei Wuxian had then tried to use the little rabbit toy to coax the boy up, making it tickle and kiss his face, but A-Zhan just glowered and turned his face into the dirt.
age regression/de-aging, established relationship, post-canon, fluff and angst, curses, child lan wangji, adorable lan wangji, good uncle lan qiren, possessive lan wangji, jealous lan wangji, caretaking, @lulukitty
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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little-pup-pip · 1 month
Can you do a blue and light pink femme Furina Dé Fontaine (genshin impact!) moodboard with and ocean theme, cakes, and jellyfish? And a Deco paci plz!! Furina is my favorite!! 🥺🥺🪼🪼🪼🍰🍰
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lunanight2012 · 3 months
Ok now im sad. I need more zosan fics where Sanji is either turned into a kid or is in little space. Cuz ive read all of them in the de-age/age regression tag on ao3 (except for the one with dead dove: do not eat. Im too scared to touch that to be honest with the other tags and summary)
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Stephen Strange usually enters the compound using the door like a normal person, but when he uses his circular magic teleportation thing, it is never to bring good news.
Steve confirmed this when Stephen appeared in the middle of the compound, a kid in hand that eerily looked like Tony.
Words: 1775
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All The Lessons I Never Learned
8. Heading Home
Synopsis: Loki spends a few more boring days of filling out paperwork with his family and then heads home.
Word count: 430
Stand Alone?: no!
Notes: A very short chapter! More updates to come with this on Friday.
Read it on AO3!
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As three more days passed, Loki was taught how to care for a little and given some more time with Thor. However, after that first day, Loki realized that more often than not, he found himself back on his computer filling out reports and attending virtual meetings. He also began to receive emails with increasing frequency and notes from his supervisor, and of course, outside of work, there were the stacks and stacks of kin adoption and immigration papers. Luckily, all of that would come to an end soon here, as Loki bought his plane ticket back home for that night. 
“You leaving?” Thor asked as he peeked into Loki’s room, watching him repack his bags. 
“I am.”
Thor frowned. 
“But it won’t be long. Mother said she’ll fly with you and aid me in settling you in. You'll get a few more weeks of normality before that, and won’t that be lovely for you? Just back with mother and daddy.”
“Yeah…!” Thor considered. “But m’ gonna miss you.” 
“I’m gonna miss you, too. But it won’t be for long. It’ll be just like Christmas break when you don’t see your friends.”
“No friends?”
“No, wait, sorry, that’s not what I meant… Well, I’m your friend, right?”
Thor shrugged, unsure if Loki counted as a friend. 
“‘You will see me again soon’ is the point. It’ll be just like a break.”
Thor sat down on the bed, sucking on his thumb as he watched Loki pack, but when Loki zipped his suitcase up, Thor seemed to notice something and ran out the door. 
This sort of behavior was not abnormal for a little of Thor’s age, so Loki didn’t bat an eye. 
But when the little came back, he did need to double take. 
Thor shoved a black bird plush into an empty, mesh pocket of the bag.
“Who’s this?”
“Daddy bird. He’s gonna watch an’ make sure your house is good. An’ he’s gonna bring me pictures.”
“Well alright,” Loki said, hoping that the stuffed bird would get through the long flight home and back to his apartment, and that he’d remember to take and send Frigga pictures.
Only a few hours later, Loki said his goodbyes to the family. Giving them hugs, and his father a firm handshake before taking his checked luggage and carry-on back to the airport in his father’s fancy car driven once more by the chauffeur. 
Compared to the journey there, everything seemed quicker this time. Just slightly, but perhaps that was in some part, due to his decision to sleep on the plane.
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vapmie · 6 months
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This is purely self-indulgence, but yeah, age-regresser Guillermo
My personal hc is that Laszlo gets super emotional because empty nest syndrome and little guillermo fill that hole
Also, nandor primary CG because I say so
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