#lynx belly
only-fur · 2 years
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licographics · 18 days
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DekiSystem and Nomaxice
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rhynehoward · 2 years
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© jordan johnson
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barrel-crow-n · 27 days
Something that makes me crazy is the difference in how Kanej deals with their issues.
Kaz was hurt so he hurt others. He got scammed so he became the scammer. He was beaten up so he became the one beating people up. He found a way to thrive in the toxic cycle of violence in the Barrel. This keeps him alive, but makes him a bad person. Kaz doesn't care. Kaz left decency behind the second that was what was necessary to survive. He shrugged it off like a cheap coat. Don't like touch? Simple. Break anybodies wrist that dares touch you; break their arm. Give them a reason to keep away. Make them scared because that keeps you safe (and as a result will keep them safer from you).
Inej was hurt so she prevents others from being hurt. She hunts down slavers so children won't have the same fate as her. She can't just leave decency behind, her values and beliefs won't allow it. She does penance after every kill, she cried after killing the first time, she isn't keen on violence and only does it when completely necessary (at odds with Kaz that attacks at the slightest provocation to the point of everyone giving him a wide berth). The violence committed on her makes her angry (and righteously) but she doesn't lash out at everyone like Kaz does, she holds that back for a select few, to make them pay for the suffering they've caused.
Kaz felt like he died and became someone new so he leaned into it. He change his name from Rietveld to Brekker, he became someone new, a stranger. Nobody knew who he was, or where he came from. Kaz Rietveld was dead, and a monster had taken his place.
Inej also says that she feels like she died. She says that the girl she had been died in the belly of a slavers ship. However, unlike Kaz, she refuses to change her name. And dehumanisation links to this!
Kaz was dehumanised so he dehumanised himself further. Dirtyhands. Per Haskell's rabid dog. Demjin. Kaz thrives in this, because it makes him feel safe, it makes him feel untouchable. Kaz Rietveld was weak, so was replaced by Kaz Brekker. When that isn't enough, Dirtyhands is there to get the rough work done.
Inej was dehumanised so she humanised herself. She is not a lynx or a spider or a wraith. She is Inej Ghafa. She is a pirate vigilante, rescuer of slaves. And the interesting thing is that Kaz offered this to her too! He asks her "Is that what you prefer to be called?" (referring to her name, Inej Ghafa) when buying her indenture at the Menagerie. He is offering her the same thing he did. A change of name, a clean slate. But she declines. She is a Ghafa and no matter what happens to her, she always will be.
Kaz was traumatised so he isolated himself. He holds people at arms length because he sees them as weaknesses, or as obstacles between him and his revenge. He put his gloves on and doesn't take them off, he failed once with Imogen and decided to never try again. He yearns for connection but it only serves to isolate him further. Because they have no idea what it's like to watch friends hug, knowing you can never have the same. Kaz builds up armour (the gloves) but he doesn't tackle the root problem that is his fear of touch. He tried once and failed and quit (which is actually out of character for him, in contrast with him learning magic ceaselessly until he has mastered it - and shows how terrified he is and how disgusted he is at himself) and this serves to make him feel like he just can't. Like the dream of friends is hopeless.
Inej was traumatised so she seeks human connection. She has Jesper and Nina. She has the other Crows. She tries to heal, to open herself up. She might still flinch at touch occasionally but her friends are helping her and she wants to try and heal. She knows how to ask for help.
In all, Inej's ways of coping are a lot healthier. Kaz is stuck in a toxic cycle, and has been for years, but Inej is giving him a way out of it. Finally, he can make the step towards proper healing. He won't change his name back. He won't stop being a gangster. But he can feel more comfortable in himself and with his friends. And that's what Inej wants to give him, because she knows how important that is.
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
Vampire!Rhysand Drabble[*]
Warnings: blood drinking, cock warming, smut
Word Count: 1,691
Cold, icy palms grip your hips steadily, making sure you don’t move an inch.
Hot, burning blood trickles down your throat, tipping over collar bones before being licked up by his tongue.
“Rhys…” you pant, head tipped to the side so he can feed properly. “Please…I need to…” His hips buck beneath you, and you’re silenced, feverish heat washing down your spine, slick dripping down onto him as he keeps you spread out across his lap. “Keep still,” he murmurs over your neck, cold fingers stroking make-believe patterns into your back. “Got to take it for me. Then I can give it to you.”
Fangs prickle your skin, a quiet moan whispering from your lips, desperately trying to follow his hushed orders of being good. Your pulse spikes with arousal, and his grip tightens, evidently able to taste the shift, latching onto it as he drinks deeply, hips grinding subconsciously against the wet heat of your cunt.
Keeping as still as possible, you raise your arms to lift over his shoulders, your left arm sliding down his back, greedily taking in the ripe muscle, your other hand threading through his soft and silky locks, like velvety ink beneath your touch. His tongue licks over the intimate skin of your throat, and your heart jumps with relief as he seals the marks, at last pulling away.
When he meets your gaze, his pupils are blown wide, lips tinted with the red of your blood, features dazed from the deep drink. It has your chest rising and falling against his own, teeth pushing into your lower lip, wondering if you’re yet free to move.
A nervous shift of your hips brings the answer, a rough groan dragging from his chest, brows furrowing in the middle as his eyes slide closed for a second, and you repeat the motion. His own arousal wraps around you, power thrumming in the air as his cock grazes a part that has you gasping, eagerly rolling over top him again, desperate for that feeling.
“Rhys…” you moan, “I need…please…”
He growls, icy fingers biting into your hips, his cold, large palms sliding beneath your thighs as he stands from the chair, parchment rustling as he sets you on his desk, uncaring for the mess you’ll inevitably leave. His soft mouth opens over yours, tongue stroking and flicking as he grinds into you, soft, wet sounds being exchanged intimately in the quiet of the room.
“Hold still for me,” he repeats roughly, the command feathering down your spine as one hand gives an encouraging tap to your shoulder. Heat thrumming beneath your skin, you lay down, the cool leather encasing the wood pleasantly pressing into your spine, trembling fingers searching for something to hang onto. “You did that intentionally earlier, didn’t you?” He asks, and it’s the question you’ve been both anticipating and dreading. Glittering violet settles like a blanket of snow over your skin, and you fight to suppress a shiver, knowing it will only urge him on.
You avert your gaze, but dip your head—he’ll be nicer to you if you’re honest.
“Was it fun?” He asks lowly, something tightening in the air, tension prickling at your mind as sharp, piercing talons scrape idly over tissue-soft walls. So easy to rip into if he wished.
The question registers, and you stiffen.
Eyes flick to his, heat warming your cheeks, and you nod.
White fangs flash in a slow, feline smile, icy thumbs rubbing over the bone of your hips, pulse spiking at the cool calm of his features.
“Think you’ll be doing it again, little lynx?” He asks, something cold and threatening slipping into his demeanour, having the hairs on the back of your neck rise. You hurriedly shake your head, shaky hands moving to grip onto his, but his smile widens in a display of teeth, and you pull them back.
“Mm sorry,” you breathe, nerves wriggling in the pit of your belly. “You were working all day… I just wanted your attention…”
His hard gaze softens almost imperceptibly, icy grip letting up on your hips just a bit. “You wanted my attention, sweet girl?” He prompts, having warmth flush your cheeks as you nod. He sighs, staring down at you on his desk, completely bare and utterly ready for him. The small puncture marks on your throat have healed over, and he already wants another drink, to have you on his tongue as you couple.
“Well you’ve got it now, haven’t you?” He drawls roughly, dragging his hips back until it’s just the tip inside, then pushing forward, pulling you back to meet him, slick slipping out down your thighs. A whispered moan gasps from your lips, eyes meeting as pleasure sparks in your lower belly at last. Nails pierce into the leather, fumbling for words as he starts moving slowly, idle, languid rolls of his hips to taunt and punish you for the disturbances you’d caused.
“You like that?” He chuckles, watching as your eyes squeeze shut, panting deeply as you try to grip onto the desk, spine arching upward, just begging him to attach his mouth over your pretty nipples. He gives in, raising one roughened palm to indulge in his desire, pinching harshly to get your attention. “I asked you a question,” he reminds lowly, thumb brushing the sensitive peak.
You nod quickly, desperate not to disobey.
“I don’t think I’ve taken your capacity for speech,” he muses, violet eyes glinting with hunger as they settle on your mouth. Heat licks down your spine, full to the brim as he continues moving his hips, not enough to get you off but enough to keep you stimulated, aching for more like you have been all day.
“Yes,” you breathe, nearly fumbling your words. “I like it…like you touching me.”
“Oh?” He drawls, again pinching your nipple, rolling it between his fingers tightly before swiping the pad of his thumb over your wet and sensitive clit. “What about this?”
Your back arches from the table as he presses down, pleasure swarming your nerves as heat bubbles and sizzles in the pit of your belly, begs and pleas on your tongue but unable to voice them. His deep laugh echoes through your mind, heat scorching your senses as he sweeps in on all sides, overstimulation already kicking in, not even at the peak of the night.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he drawls, mirth underlying his tone as the pace increases, his hands keeping you pinned to his desk with the force of his thrusts. Your eyes meet his pleadingly, praying for him to slow down, going from nothing to everything too quickly for you to keep up, already on the brink of losing your mind.
“Rhys…” you cry out, hands grappling as they needfully pull at his. “Please…I can’t—” You lips part in a delicious shape as his hits that spot from earlier, the one that had you so eagerly wanting more.
That spot? He asks, and you can practically see the grin on his lips despite how tightly your eyes are screwed shut. Want me to hit it again? He laughs, hands pulling you back as he slams in. Your head tips back, mouth open as silent moans try to spill from your throat but there’s too much for you to manage. All you can do is grip onto him and take it as he delivers your punishment mercilessly, reaping his own pleasure from your ecstasy.
His cock abuses that part of you again and again, having it memorised since the first time you gave away your weakness, cataloguing it as another spot he can use to his advantage when he wants to see you truly come apart, unraveling on his desk with a cry.
Your fingers fumble, clumsily reaching for him to grab onto, to feel as your high crests over your skin, and he decides to give it to you, lacing his digits with your own, pinning them to the leather of his desk as he cages you in, hips bucking against your hot cunt, feeling as you flutter wildly. Hunger prickles in the back of his mind, arousal permeating the air, driving him to starvation as his discipline breaks beneath the overpowering urge.
Your soft breasts press into his chest as his mouth latches over your throat, reopening those feeding marks, groaning as hot, rich blood burns his tongue, unable to resist tasting your orgasm.
Thighs squeeze him closer, hands gripping one another tight as he fucks you through the high and into the next one, putting pleasure into your bloodstream as tingling heat erupts through your body, rationality fading to animal need as your hips buck against his own. Hot spurts of cum spill into you, and hot tears drip back into your hair, utterly overwhelmed as he dominates your mind, sending in images and short flashes of how his cock sinks into you, the bruises he leaves and the small crescents that often litter his back and shoulders.
That’s it, so good for me, he murmurs into your mind, still grinding into your fluttering cunt, prolonging your orgasm as he feeds and fucks, drawing it out for as long as he can without damaging you.
Rhys pulls away from your throat only in favour of sealing his lips over your own, feeling their warmth seeping into him, cold against hot, stealing from one another in an equal give and take.
Your hands squeeze his, tongue flicking against his own, making his hips buck sharply into yours, the last aftershocks of his high fading as your orgasm washes away, leaving you panting beneath him.
You peer up at him, breathing softly, ankles remaining crossed at his back as you stare into adoring violet.
“Will you be good from now on?” He asks, lips quirked at the edges, hands leaving yours to cup your cheeks. “Not if that’s what I get for it,” you murmur over his mouth, a matching smile softening the corners.
His laugh ghosts across your skin before dipping down a final time, putting a kiss tenderly your lips.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover
rhys taglist: @azrielshadows1nger
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eros-ghoulette · 2 months
Such a moment
Fluff. Just fluff. (The GIF is random, but you'll get it if you read it)
Characters: Ifrit, Zephyr, Mountain, Aether Word count: 672
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There was only one word to describe how their day had been: exhausting. Ifrit and Zephyr both collapsed on the fireghoul's bed. Ifrit's face buried into a pillow, his legs dangling over the edge; he let out a small noise that reminded the other of a baby lynx they once saw in a nature documentary. A chuckle escaped the airghoul as they thought about it, earning Ifrit's attention.
“What?” he asked, one eye closed as he turned his head to face his mate. Zephyr could only laugh more as they saw the incredibly adorable expression on his face and reached out to take Ifrit's hearing aid off, a small ritual of theirs.
“Nothing,” they said, giggling, “you’re just cute, you know?”
Even after all this time, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. Zeph rarely said such things, and when they did, it always felt really special to Ifrit. He hid his face in the pillow again and sighed: “I need to shower.”
The airghoul nodded and sat up; their legs were hurting. Zeph knew they wouldn’t shower today. Not even bathing felt like a good decision to them. Walking for hours around the city without their cane hadn’t been a good idea, but here they were. Ifrit also pulled himself up now, tilting his head to look at Zephyr, a smile on his lips.
“Should I get us something to eat beforehand?” he asked.
“No, you'll go showering, I'll get us dinner,” they said.
“Okay.” The guitarist knew better than to say anything against it and stood up to pick up a fresh pair of pyjama pants. His hand brushed over Zeph's cheek before leaving the room.
The moment Ifrit left, Zephyr pulled out their phone, calling Mountain. While on the phone, they took their cane and left, heading for the kitchen. The tall ghoul helped them prepare a plate of sandwiches and carried it back to Ifrit's room. They walked past the bathroom, hearing the loud music Ifrit usually listened to when he showered.
“Can you also help me with the mattress, please?” Zeph asked, rummaging through the closet and pulling out a few blankets. They hissed as their knee cracked loudly.
Mountain nodded. “Sure, what do you wanna do with it?”
“Put it next to the bed.”
The drummer also helped with the rest, getting some chairs and attaching the blankets to form a cave. He also brought some fairy lights from his room to make the pillowfort more comfy, and then helped Zephyr to bring all the pillows from their room into Ifrit's.
When Ifrit came back to his room, he found the lights dimmed. The airghoul was nowhere to be seen. Ifrit felt himself grinning like a little kid as he saw the pillowfort, his tail wagging behind him. Just two minutes later, Zeph came back in a pair of black sweatpants and an old t-shirt.
“You like it?” they said, smiling as they saw the excited fireghoul. His hair still a bit wet and the scar on his head clearly visible under his freshly cut sides.
Ifrit rushed over and stole himself a quick kiss, practically bouncing with eagerness to crawl into the pillowfort.
They ended up sitting close together, their tails intertwined as Ifrit searched for a film to watch on their laptop, Zephyr munching on one of the sandwiches. He finally settled on Miss Undercover, a film both of them liked. Ifrit wrapped one arm around his mate, making sure that Zeph found a position that wouldn’t hurt them.
A few hours later, the only thing to be heard was their mutual purring coming from the pillowfort. Zeph spread out on their back, Ifrit's arm over their belly, his head on their chest, drooling a bit on Zeph's shirt. Next to them, an empty plate, just some breadcrumbs left and the turned-off laptop.
When Aether came to get them for breakfast in the morning, he couldn’t help but take a pic and let them sleep. He definitely wouldn’t want to interrupt such a moment.
i died while writing this because they are too AHHHHHH and i wanna watch Miss Undercover and my legs hurt
@aweisz there you go
Reblogs are really appreciated
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prince-liest · 21 days
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An incomplete list of Creatures I have taken photos of during the past few days of my road trip!
In order: Steller's Jay, Western Fence Lizard, Downy Leather-winged Beetle, Western Lynx Spider, Juniper Hairstreak, Western Yellow-bellied Racer, Western Skink, Valley Garter Snake x2, (Pacific?) Chorus Frog, Western White butterfly.
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endlessnightlock · 8 months
The Weight of Attraction
aka The Thicc Katniss Story
An In-Panem Everlark a/u
Imagine a world where a canon Katniss Everdeen is not a tiny, underfed girl. Picture her as more...substantial. Big ol' butt. A rounded belly. Broad shoulders. Tatas for days. A girl who is much like the author of this story (lol). Transport yourselves to this world, and enjoy your stay.
"I'm sorry, that's all I've got today," Katniss apologized. "Caught some tracks today--- a lynx or something is hanging around my spot. Scared most the game away." 
She didn't add that cold months weren't ideal for hunting. Sae already knew that; she'd spent enough years cooking her "winter special" entrail and tree bark stew to think otherwise. No matter what was in the pot, folks still had to eat. They were, for the most part, grateful to have it. 
Still, the two women frowned at the scrawny hares laid out on the back counter. Realists, both of them, but even they hoped for a proverbial bone to be thrown their way occasionally. Sae sighed. It was a soft little noise that held no trace of censure. "Ah, tis alright. With the roots you brought yesterday, I can make it stretch in the pot. Boil the bones till there's nothing left of them. Still got salt. Salt goes a long way to making anything palatable."
Sae's stand was tucked in a back corner of the Hob. Due to location, it should have afforded some privacy for their trades and conversation. But privacy was difficult to find, and soon enough, a voice that made Katniss cringe piped up from the counter where folks came for a bowl of Sae's stew. 
"What's the matter, not enough meat on their bones? Didn't leave enough in the woods for anyone else to eat?" the man asked.
Katniss had thought she and Sae were alone but of course. Shit. No such luck. Darius invariably showed up at the Hob when she did, like he was equipped with a sturdy girls radar. It wouldn't break her heart if that one bit of luck failed him. It was her turn to sigh. 
Darius was, while not threatening, very much a shithead. Sae insisted he had a yen for Katniss, "pay him no mind. He teases ya like a little boy would in school. Too tongue-tied to make an intelligent remark. Looks like a sick sheep, that one."
If Darius hankered for Katniss's company, bringing up her plump figure wasn't getting him anywhere. Or just commenting on anything to do with her looks in general. 
Not that she found Darius handsome. Blech.
"Keep that up, and you'll be getting nothing in your bowl today," Sae chided the redheaded Peacekeeper mildly. She stayed neutral regarding customer spats, at least in front of them.
"Nar, don't do that. I was only having some fun with her," Darius said. 
On a practical level, because Katniss was nothing, if not that, she knew she was fortunate to have a little meat on her bones living in a place like Twelve, where food was difficult to come by. 
Extra padding in the winter probably kept her from freezing out in the woods, but why anyone thought she wanted to hear their opinion about her body was beyond her. Just because there was a little more of her didn't mean she was open to any and all comments. It made her feel like she and her body were separate beings. There was Katniss, who lived inside her head, and then there was Katniss, who was stuck inside her legs, her ass, her chest. 
"You're a fucking idiot. No wonder you're sitting alone in the barracks every weekend. I wouldn't talk to you either if I were a woman," another Peacekeeper, whose voice Katniss didn't recognize, chided Darius, piquing her interest.
"Ha! I get plenty far with them, thank you very much."
"Sure you do," the other man said condescendingly. "Lots of dates with Sally-five-fingers is more like it."
Katniss had to choke back her laughter; she wouldn't openly encourage whoever was digging at Darius because that wasn't her. That didn't mean she didn't enjoy hearing disparaging remarks slung his way, though. Having her thoughts echoed in solidarity was good for a mood boost. 
After schooling her features into something neutral, Katniss glanced over her shoulder, immediately catching the eye of the unfamiliar Peacekeeper accompanying Darius. 
Despite not knowing him, the new Peacekeeper shot her a boyish grin, and she wanted to laugh at his cheekiness. A charmer, that one. 
Katniss suddenly knew with absolute certainty, call it intuition or the sight or what have you, the Peacekeeper had been looking her over. But not like Darius, who she was sure thought of her like a nice bit of pork at the butcher shop. Katniss was an anomaly in Twelve, where most women were near-skeletal in mid-winter from lack of nutrition. The new Peacekeeper gazed at her more as if she was impossible not to look at. 
It was a silly impression to hold of a man she'd not been formally introduced to. But hold onto it, she did, because she found him more than worth looking at.
Katniss tore her glance from his smiling eyes but scolded herself for her cowardice. It was alright for her to return the favor of looking each other over. Even if scrutinizing the new Peacekeeper left her itchy inside her skin like pins were pricking at every nerve. 
Darius might be tall, Katniss decided, but the new Peacekeeper was much taller. He practically dwarfed her, a near-impossible feat among most men she'd met. 
The man effortlessly bestowed a feeling of not sticking out like a sore thumb on her. Because he wasn't just tall but very broad-shouldered, the sleeves of his white uniform straining over an obviously thick chest and arms. 
A little jolt ran down Katniss's spine at the completely new and unexpected reaction to another person. She even wondered what he might look like underneath his clothes. She'd never contemplated what a man might look like naked. 
Her fingers twitched at her sides, and she clenched them into fists, telling her hands to behave themselves. They couldn't reach out to a stranger.
The Peacekeeper was fair-skinned. His eyes were blue, and his hair was ash blond, like the merchant class who ran the shops in town. His skin was ruddy from the January air and perhaps some embarrassment at nearly getting caught staring at her ass. He didn't realize she knew exactly what he'd been up to. He thought he was in the clear, staring at her ass like he'd been. But no. Katniss was sure of it. He'd been staring at her ass.
"And who might you be?" Sae asked the handsome ass-looker, assessing him casually. She turned back to Katniss and raised her eyebrows in approval. Katniss pointedly ignored her. As if she couldn't see with her own eyes.
"Peeta Mellark," the Peacekeeper said, sliding onto one of the tall stools on the customer side of Sae's front counter. 
"A Mellark. Now that you say it, you look a bit like the baker Mellarks. Surely you're related."
"In town? Yeah, I think so. My dad said we had some far-reaching relations here. I come from Seven," Peeta supplied, unconcerned by the questions Sae most certainly did not pump your everyday 'Keeper for at their first meeting. 
Sae sucked air in through her teeth. "Heard they grew 'em big out in Seven. And they were right. And a Mellark to boot! How interesting. Katniss, don't you think that's interesting?" she added, dragging Katniss's attention away from the width of Peeta's shoulders where her eyes kept invariably drifting. 
Katniss didn't mean to stare. She just couldn't look away from him.
Peeta Mellark met her eye. "Katniss?" 
Katniss nodded her assent, hating the heat in her throat and face. Her voice would have trembled if she'd tried to speak or come out high and thin.
"That's an unusual name," Peeta said as if waiting for more of an answer from her. Like he had to know more about her.
"Our Katniss is a bit of an unusual person," Sae said when she sensed Katniss floundering under his attention. "Takes good care of her family."
"Family. Are you married? Do you have children?"
Sae's smile stretched wide enough to expose those gaps in the back of her mouth where teeth hadn't resided for years at his question. "Our Katniss has no husband or children, just one sister and mother. Tis a pity no one's offered for her yet."
"Sae," Katniss said.
"I have a hard time believing no one's offered for her," Peeta said. 
Sae turned away to ladle stew into bowls and slide them in front of Peeta and Darius, the latter of whom might as well have disappeared with so little attention he was being paid. 
"Maybe she's picky. Those who can care for themselves have room to be so. Perhaps she has no use for men."
"None so far, but I'm thinking that'll change. You got to admit, she's a good-looking girl, right?" Sae prodded.
"Stop," Katniss begged, pressing her back against the wall and crossing her arms over her stomach, wishing she could melt into the sooty walls. She'd developed this stance after puberty hit her right between the eyes---self-defensive and emerging whenever she was nervous or anxious. The goal was to disappear into her father's worn leather jacket, where she wasn't scrutinized as much. 
But she'd left his coat on Sae's back counter. With the thin shirt, she'd thrown on in the wee hours of the morning and promptly forgotten about, crossing her arms over her stomach only accentuated her breasts, pushing them farther up and out until she realized too late there was cleavage peeking out the neckline of her shirt.
Darius made a strangled noise that had Katniss instantly furious. "Wow, you ought to wear that shirt more often. Really brings out...your eyes," he said, definitely not looking at her eyes.
Well, that was enough time at the Hob for one day, Katniss decided suddenly. She wouldn't be trotted out like a prize breeding swine on the auction block and then poked fun at on top of it. "You're a twit," Katniss hissed at Darius. She turned away from the three, grabbing her coat and game bag. "Sae, we can settle up later," she said. 
Katniss never settled up later, not when they all existed on the margins, but she was that anxious to go.
"Sure we can," Sae told her. Sounded amused, even.
Katniss ran into Peeta a few days later at Sae's counter, where he sat working his way through a bowl of stew. Minus Darius, fortunately. 
Katniss had thought about Peeta a lot, but she'd also spent a fair amount of time considering how she would make Darius pay for his comment about her breasts. Maybe ask Sae to slip a pinch of foxglove in his bowl next time he shows up. Giving Darius the shits would do plenty to soothe her mind. 
Dismissing pleasant thoughts of revenge she most likely wouldn't act on, Katniss walked past Peeta to trade with Sae. This time he kept his eyes off her ass as she rounded the counter to the back table. She was a little disappointed. "That's a nice-looking bird," he remarked as she unloaded a pheasant from her bag.
Katniss cocked an eyebrow at him. Yes, Peeta was handsome as they come, but was he asking her to talk to him, a Peacekeeper, about her hunting, which the Capitol most certainly regarded as poaching? 
"Don't worry," Peeta pushed his now-empty bowl across the counter and wiped his mouth. "I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot that way, so to speak. Enjoying the fruits of your labor too much. That's just. Really impressive."
She tipped her chin up, meeting his eye. Any pretense of flirting pushed back. "Alright then," she said. "Just see that you don't, Peeta Mellark." 
He smiled when his name crossed her lips.
After collecting her bowl of the day's stew, Katniss took the stool beside him. They didn't speak much, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable.
On a warmer afternoon a week or so later, Katniss was stepping through the scraggly brush leading up to the back entrance of the Hob when Peeta, after glancing around, stepped out one of the rear doors, shoving his face shield up before reaching her side. 
His expression made her frown in confusion. "What's going on?" she asked, tugging on the strap of her bag protectively.
"You can't be here today," he murmurred, tugging on her arm, giving her no chance to broker an argument. He touched her lower back when she resisted and herded her toward the Seam road.
Katniss stared at him in disbelief as they moved, the thoughts inside her head clacking like a sack of coal instead of connecting into coherent thoughts.
"New Head' Keeper," Peeta explained. "This one is bad news. He doesn't let things go like Cray did." He stopped once they were effectively camouflaged behind an oak tree and dropped his hand from her side, stepping back to put a respectful distance between them.
She appreciated his manners but missed his touch immediately. She wouldn't mind a little handsiness from him. Then again, he wouldn't be the respectful man she knew. He'd never even glanced at her ass after the first time.
"Thank you, I guess. Now I owe you one," Katniss told him, hastily shrugging off her jacket and snugging her game bag against her side before sliding the coat back on while Peeta glanced around, making sure they were still alone. 
She should be able to get home unnoticed with her bag hidden that way. But that was just the start of her problems. 
She sighed. She'd have to think of another way to trade until the heat was off. If the heat ever would be off. She'd only known one Head' Keeper her whole life. She didn't imagine it was a position in the corps that opened up often.
Peeta quietly laughed at her disgruntled attitude. "No, nothing owed," he insisted when she scowled at him. "I just wouldn't want to see anything happen to you, that's all."
Katniss caught his eye before looking away and nodding. "Just the kindness of your heart, then," she said softly, heart fluttering in her throat.
"Something like that," he murmurred.
"This way," Katniss hissed, tugging Peeta's hand to get him going as Peacekeepers raced past his inert form to escape the blaze gnawing its way across the rooftops. Hundreds were flooding out the gates away from the fire. The district was on fire. 
Katniss couldn't leave Peeta behind even if she couldn't budge his big dumb ass, not after risking her life just to get to the barracks and warn him. At least her mother and Prim were going to the lake with Gale; she trusted her friend to get them safely in the woods.
Peeta had gone mute in horror and shock at the sight of the destruction, frozen to his spot like that thick layer of ice that sealed in the lake in deep winter, locked in place until spring thaw. Theoretically, Katniss thought, because he was a horse of a man and she couldn't do it herself, he could be forcibly moved, but it would require much more strength than even she had.
Twelve blazed, the hungry fire sweeping through the district, devouring every structure in the Seam and Town. The fire had started in the Hob, flames engulfing the coal-soaked warehouse like dry leaves in a burn barrel, and a stiff wind coming down from the mountainside kept the fire in perpetual motion, allowing it to consume everything in sight.
In desperation, because the heat of the flames was growing stronger at her back, Katniss stood on her toes and grasped Peeta's face, forcing him down to her. She kissed him; it was hard and insistent and inexperienced. His lips were soft, cold, and unresponsive.
Kissing him had probably been a stupid move, but it roused him from his stupor. When Katniss opened her eyes, Peeta stared at her, wide-eyed in stupefaction. He was breathing heavily. She was breathing heavily, too, her heart skipping a panicked rhythm for all sorts of reasons she had no time to separate into neat, labeled boxes. "Peeta, we have to go. You need to come with me. It's not safe here."
"Huh? Yeah. Yeah, okay," he said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Everything is just gone."
Katniss squeezed his hands and then gave them a light tug. "Don't be sorry. Just move. We don't have much time."
Part 1 of 2
What's this? Katniss and Peeta are thrust together by a joint need for survival? Whatever shall they do? ;)
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laseratingfist · 1 month
so I've been reading the flavor text in Belobog. again. as usual. I have some fun notes.... (all item descriptions are typed up directly from the in-game descriptions into a google doc so i can look at it whenever without waiting for the game to load.)
Endotherm Chitin (character ascension material, dropped by the stagnant shadow: shape of blaze in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone) - Strange chitin peeled off from an interdimensional creature. Although not piping hot anymore, it still radiates warmth. "It's too cold outside. But with this gemstone on you, you'll be able to travel far and wide, even to search for cities with humans left..."
I am extremely curious who that quote is from! Is it Sampo? Of course, this is my first thought because he's the most well-known scammer to us, the players. I don't actually think it's him, I think it is probably somebody else, also because I don't think Sampo would be the type to encourage exploration of the wilderness outside of Belobog. There does seem to be a lot of, or at least a few, people interested in exploration (Lynx, of course) but also, apparently, people who have read Tales of the Winterlands....? I think it's a reasonable response to growing up in a city like Belobog, though. Anyway, I don't think it would be a good idea to use the Chitin to stay warm in the Freeze, but it might come in handy. Maybe that's something that Sampo uses?
Horn of Snow (character ascension material dropped by the stagnant shadow: shape of rime in the Corridor of Fading Echoes) - The Silvermane Guards would host contests where the winner must take a body part from a monster and bring it back within a set time limit. This cold broken horn must have been a trophy of one such contest. "Sir Bova, this is no moose horn and certainly not fit for decoration above the Geomarrow furnace."
Searing Steel Blade (character ascension material dropped by the stagnant shadow: shape of scorch in the Great Mine) - [...] This broken blade must have been a trophy of one such contest. "I saw it with my own eyes. Captain Gepard smashed that thing's hot steel blade with one blow of his fist, then held it with his bare hands and plunged it into the belly of that cold fatty, warming its heart."
Some very funny tidbits about the Silvermanes. It feels very much like a boy's club, though I know it's not only men. They must get really bored, honestly, I get it. Not really sure what monster the quote on the second one is referring to, because Shape of Scorch is the chainsaw automaton, whereas Shape of Rime is the big round automaton? maybe the fight they're referring to had both corrupted by Fragmentum. curious.
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The Hole: A Short Story by me
There was once a little creature called Lynx. 
Lynx lived on a star. He’d wander around, his little glowing feet pattering on the star’s bright surface, as he’d search for star pebbles and salamanders and star kelp. 
He’d spend his days building little towers and homes for the salamanders to crawl on and play with, he’d tie the star kelp around the salamander’s bellies and walk them around the star, his laughter twinkling as he’d watch the sparkling salamanders flounder around and gulp up star juice. 
Lynx spent his mornings and day-times sleeping, his face burrowed into the back of a salamander buddy, as a bunch of them covered his tiny glowing body with their tough, warm scales. While he slept, he dreamt of eating star-berry pies all night and having star juice with his salamander friends. At night, when the star was glowing happily, Lynx woke to start his day and all the salamanders pattered away to go hide in the star kelp for him to find again. 
One morning, Lynx’s salamander friends didn’t come to cover him with their warm scales. He was worried and he was alone and he was very cold. The star during the day wasn’t as hot and glowing as it was at night, and everything was too dark and scary then. Lynx didn’t like it very much. 
He stuffed his shiny face into the star, trying to sleep as he normally would, but he couldn’t help thinking about how cold it was and how lonely he was. 
Lynx looked up and covered his eyes in the darkness because of how scary it was. He cried out for his salamander friends. He didn’t like this game very much. 
None of the salamanders sparkling little bodies came wobbling to him. None of their little pointy heads poked out from the star juice puddles or the thick bushes of sea kelp. 
Lynx was very, very alone. 
He shoved his face back into the ground and cried. His tears were brighter than the star had ever been, and soon Lynx was laying in a bright clear puddle of his tears. When he opened his eyes, he saw what he had done. 
He tucked his face into the pool of tears, tossed his body around in it, and felt warm and safe finally. Lynx shut his eyes and fell asleep.
His dreams were haunted by the vanished salamanders, and he tossed and turned all day long.  
When night came, the star glowed as usual, but still no salamanders. Lynx decided it was time for him to look for his salamander friends. 
He bottled up some of star juice and started exploring the star. He knew of one place they could be: The Hole. 
It was a deep dip in the star’s surface that all salamanders were afraid of and tried avoiding. Lynx knew that some salamanders had been stuck in The Hole before, tempted by the luscious and extra bright star juice there, they had fallen in and drowned. That’s why Lynx had to get there fast. 
He galloped across the star, his tiny feet thumping, his little legs pumping. He kept running and running and running, endlessly, tirelessly, little puffs of twinkling air escaping his mouth as he ran. 
Then he came to a sudden halt. 
He had reached The Hole. 
Lynx approached the edge of The Hole and looked down. There, at the bottom, was a huge pool of very brilliant star juice, and there, on the edges of it, were all the salamanders, trying their best to hold on to the walls of The Hole and not fall in and drown. 
Lynx let out a little gasp. He dove head first into the star juice pool, hitting it with a small splash. He knew how to swim, and peddled his way to the salamanders. He gathered them, letting them sit on his back and head as he swam around and piled them all onto himself. 
Finally, after finding them all, Lynx grabbed his little bundle of tied together star kelp and threw it up towards the top of the The Hole, around one of the jagged edges. He pulled himself and the salamanders out of the water and up the side of The Hole. 
They were all so heavy. Little droplets of glowing sweat dripped down Lynx’s forehead and down his back. When he reached closer to the edge, some of the salamanders risked a jump towards the edge, and made it! They crawled away from the edge and waited for Lynx and the rest of the salamander friends. 
Finally, after so much work and so many beads of sweat, Lynx reached the top. 
The salamanders were saved. 
Lynx was not alone anymore. 
They celebrated by making a star-berry pie and drinking star juice all night long, and they never ever went anywhere near The Hole again. 
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
This little Shifters au fic is for my bestie @princelancey and based on a tiktok she sent me:
Esteban frowned as he left his keys on the side-table just inside the door of Lance’s London apartment. He dropped his backpack beside the table and abandoned his suitcase as he called out for his love.
Despite the lights being on, there was no reply from his partner as Esteban toed off his shoes and padded into the living room. The television was playing softly, some program on Netflix that they'd watched a thousand times filled the screen as Esteban blinked. He checked his phone but there were no messages telling him where Lance was and then he felt it.
A little pat, pat, pat, on his head that had him looking up at Lance in all his shifted lynx glory as he sat on top of the bookshelf.
"How did you get up there?", Esteban’s mouth hung open in shock because he genuinely had no idea how the other had gotten up there.
Lance, being extremely helpful, just blinked at him and swatted at Esteban’s hair with his paw.
"Oi, stop that", Esteban chuckled, reaching up to scratch behind Lance’s black furr tipped ears, "Behave, and I'll help you down"
Lance let out a little huffing but accept the affection before he stared to move. Esteban moved closer to the shelf before bending slightly and patting his back to tell Lance to step down onto it. Lance waited a moment, trying to be as careful as possible as he jumped onto his back and onto the floor before staring up at Esteban expectingly.
"Alright, alright", Esteban rolled his eyes as the lynx shifter pawed at his sock covered foot.
He leaned down, picking Lance up and smiling as the lynx pressed his cold nose to his cheek. Lance was purring softly, only letting out a little huffing when Esteban readjusted him so he was holding him like a baby. Lance, on his back in his arms, curled his paws against his belly and rested his head against Estebans shoulder. Completely comfortable and trusting of his partner as Esteban laughed and pressed a kiss to his furry forehead.
"You're just a big cuddly, teddy bear, oui?", Esteban murmured, enjoying the warmth of Lance in his arms and the way his purring felt against his chest.
Lance, in response, just pressed his cold nose behind Esteban’s ear and that was that as Esteban moved to the couch.
If his boyfriend wanted to play at being a weight, Lynx shaped blanket for the evening, then who was Esteban to deny his love what he wanted?
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pleistocene-pride · 7 months
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The western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), also known as the Eurasian capercaillie, wood grouse, heather cock, cock-of-the-woods, or simply capercaillie is a species in the grouse family which is endemic to the taiga and boreal forest of Northern Eurasia, from Scotland in the west to Russia in the east. They are typically diurnal ground dwelling birds which while capable of flight, are fairly clumsy in the air due to there short rounded wings. While taking off they produce a sudden thundering noise that deters predators. At night they rest in the horizontal branches of tree stands or within thick ground cover such as bushes and sedges, emerging during the day to feed upon seeds, buds, leaves, berries, insects, grasses, and conifer needles. Capercaillies are themselves eaten by wolves, lynx, foxes, eagles, martens, bears, boar, goshawks, and owls. With females reaching around 21- 25 inches (54- 64 cms) long & 3.5 to 5.8lbs (1.5 to 2.5kg) in weight while the male can reach 29 to 40 inches (74 -100cms) long and 9lbs to upwards of 15lbs (4 to 7kg) in weight, the western capercaillie is one of the most size sexually dimorphic living bird species, only exceeded by the larger types of bustards and a select few members of the pheasant family. The females upper parts are brown with black and silver barring; on the underside they are more light and buffish yellow. While the males are dark grey to dark brown, with the breast feathers being dark metallic green. The belly and undertail coverts vary from black to white. Both sexes have a white spot on the wing bow. They have feathered legs, and their toe rows of small, elongated horn tacks provide a snowshoe effect enabling them to traverse thick snow with ease. The breeding season begins in March or April and lasts until May or June. Three-quarters of this long courting season is mere territorial competition between neighboring cocks or cocks on the same courting ground. Towards the end of the courting season the hens arrive on the courting grounds, at which time the dominate cock or cocks flies to an open space nearby and continuously displays. If impressed one or more hens will approach and be mounted. Females will lay 3 to 12 eggs over a 10 day period, which she will incubate for 26 -28 days until hatching. The young will remain with there mother for around 3 months, Under ideal conditions a western capercaillie may live upwards of 18 years.
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lynxindisguise · 5 months
hi lynx I want to know more about selkie remus!!! Do you have any fun things you learnt in your research quests you want to share with us?? Or anything else you can tell us about selkie remus!!! 💖💖💖
oooh okay here are some fun things I’ve discovered about seals/selkies:
- selkies are considered fae and have their own underwater realm where they spend most of their time (though some origin stories say their human ancestors were cursed for their sins)
- selkies shed their ‘sealskin’ to become human and need it to become seals again (the most famous selkie stories are of men hiding their selkie lover’s sealskin so she can’t go back to sea :/)
- selkies yearn for the sea, and it’s said that once a male selkie returns to sea, you won’t see him for another seven years
- seals are super cuddly and affectionate with both each other and humans
- seals court each other by rolling on the ocean floor together
do with this information what you will…
one fun fact about selkie remus is he’s going to have the nickname moony because he has a spot that looks like a crescent moon on his belly 🦭
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The Blue Moon Ball (Part I): Dancing
As I wander the halls of the venue looking for a secluded alcove, a new thought gives me hesitation. If I am planning to read into the host, I'll have to at least meet with them first. I'll need a name, a face, or any detail I can use to connect my questions to my deck. The more I know, the more likely my divination will succeed. First, I need a lead. I could try my hand at clairvoyance. Maybe I can fish out the name or face of the host so finding them won't be as difficult. All I have for reference is my invitation letter and its handwriting. I can work with this.
Finally tucking myself away into a more private area, I call upon my palisman, Ivory. He is a narwhal and the ornament topping my staff, but he can separate and float around at will. My mentor helped me carve him from palistrom wood once I started to earn my stripes as a wizard. He has a light blue body, yellow tusk, white belly, and pink accents. He also bares a small crystal ball that is slightly buried in his chest. It serves as my spell casting focus and a tool for divination on the go. Ivory begins to swim through the air and levitates in front of me.
"Ivory, dear, may I ponder the orb please?"
He gives an enthusiastic nod as a reply. He must be just as excited for some investigation as I am. He's always been the inquisitive type. (I have no doubt that's why we are so close). Ivory stretches and the crystal ball begins to dislodge from his chest and float, suspending in front of me. I retrieve my invitation and begin tracing my fingers over the ink. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and begin the divination.
"Show me the host of the Blue Moon Ball (@wizblr-blue-moon-ball)."
The crystal ball flares to life and images flash across the orb, becoming projected into my mind. Brilliant cloth... dark skin... long ears... celestial jewelry... and... wings? What a unique character. The images swell and begin to transform into letters. The text font is almost identical to what I read in the invitation. They letters are written in light one after another:
L. U. R. I...
Then the visions fade; the orb goes dark once more. I suppose that's all I am able to see with my current connection with the host. Though vague, the visions were helpful. Now I know what characteristics to look for, and more importantly, a name. Luri? Is that all, or were the visions incomplete? I think I'll have to socialize more if I am to learn anything else.
Ivory reunited with his orb and nestled comfortably back on top of my staff. I entered the hallways once more to find them oddly empty, but majestic music was echoing down the corridors. Following it, I could make out a large crowd of voices and endless thumps stepping in time. Oh dear... the dance must have started without me! I began to jog down the halls while gripping my staff with nervous anticipation. This quickly proved to be a reckless mistake as I turn the corner and immediately collide with a beastman (@hyper-lynx). I fall too the ground and my staff clatters to the floor with me.
"AH! A thousand pardons! Are you hurt! I'm not much of a healer but I can mend your wounds if you are!"
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roran01 · 7 months
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I'm bored and I can't find motivation to draw, have my headcanons for Romania instead, some of these are simping and cringe, enjoy:
(Also adding a image to be easier to find this post cause for some stupid reason tumblr only shows posts with images in my blog's search bar now, tags are useless)
1) Three words for this guy: 🌟Tall, blonde and beautiful.🌟
2) He's a fashion genius or a fashion disaster depending on your view but he still got drip.
His color choices are black and red (like no shite), sometimes blue for the jeans and warm colors in general, white and grey from time to time.
3) I'd consider him quite mixed, with some ethnicities leaving a noticeable influence but latin conquers most of his bloodline nowadays.
The slavic tendencies come out whenever he gets drunk.
4) Folks see him as eccentric... they're right.
5) He's one of the few countries with particular traits that are uncommon to the rest of the nations and society in general.
I could say it's magic if I want to be basic about it, but I don't, so here's some of them:
His eyes can see supernaturals like spirits, fairies, ghosts and demons although they rarely make their existence know nowadays.
Technically since he's a vampire that would make him one as well. (Actually I'll make a post about this)
He can communicate with the animals and understand them but won't act on it to not look crazy. So he doesn't visit the zoo too often.
He's interested in dark magic so you can say he vibes with the dark side too. In addition he's way too casual about the creepy factor of some things.
He can poses fire because I said so.
6) Besides the quirks about paranormal, he's charming, both in looks and personality as well until you get to know him better, then he gets a little silly that could mean anything.
The only canon thing I adopted from him is that he's mischievous, but I could make him worse :3
7) He's good with kids, he'd be one of those cool parents if he had any. (I could make parent headcanons)
8) He likes traditional food the best, anything with meat and potatoes but to be frank no one can resist pizza from time to time. He doesn't eat too salty, makes him thirsty easily.
He like savarine as a sweet and usually buys them, but if he wants home made he would chose lemon cake (snow white).
To be honest he eats a lot but at least he keeps himself in shape.
"What do you mean this bread has sugar in it??" He doesn't like american bread.
9) And he definitely is lean build, someone who survived 2 empires and russia isn't gonna be skinny af just because he doesn't show it.
My vision says his body beats the twink allegations, his face not so much... he's a twunk.
10) Speaking of, I like to think he does gymnastics and extreme sports for the thrill.
11) His imagination is wild so if he'd have a modern job it should be something that expands on it.
Like a writer for books or movies. He can cook well too (and mix all kinds of potions) so maybe a chef at a restaurant, Fashion artist, Modeling... I go for the writer though.
12) He has some scars on his body, most are small and unnoticeable but he's too self conscious about them so he's not wearing a lot of revealing clothes, at least he doesn't sweat much during summer.
Two noticeable scars are on his shoulder blades and one besides the left lilac region to lumbar.
The ones on his back I like to think of them as a metaphor for broken wings. The one below his abdomen happened due to his separation from Moldova.
13) Cat person, cat behavior and cat lover. He has at least 2 cats in his house and a little bat because why not?
One of the cats is a lynx because that's his national animal, but also because it's like having dog size cat, a big pile of fluff to snuggle on rainy day, a purring machine against your head and belly (I'm projecting a lot I know)
14) His relationship with his slavic neighbors, mainly balkans, is very capybara coded. He's just chilling around and none of them has any business with him nowadays. He's considered part of the family despite Romania being latin. He may feel more accepted by them than his family from west sometimes.
15) His relationship with his blood relative is kinda mixed and they don't communicate often, assumingly because of his status but proly because of the land distance as well.
He used to look up to them and hoped to be accepted and recognized as a romance country in the past. One out of two happened, he's content enough with that.
16) He drinks a fuck ton of red wine.
17) His fangs are the only teeth that can still fall and regrow, he's able to move and retract them.
18) The pupils in his eyes are vertical stilts that expand and contract, the thinner they get the more blurry everything besides the focus point becomes. Sometimes he wears glasses for that.
Funny thing about his pupils is that they can expand so much it cover the whole Iris. His eyes can also glow in the dark sometimes.
19) In human age he's 23.
20) He loves parks, a lot.
21) Keeps his house clean except his kitchen, until he has guests over. If uninvited you're not allowed in the kitchen.
22) Sleep schedule worse than you've seen in college. Get him to bed or he gets grumpy af.
23) Coffee addict because of that.
24) He doesn't like cold, but there's melancholic beauty in the landscape whenever it's night time and only the tree lights give an ounce of warmth during winter. It's a bittersweet sensation he can't describe properly, it's the same during rainy days or stormy nights. He likes it despite the ache feeling it gives.
25) Sunny days are enjoyable for many of his activities but he's usually more active during the night, which is unfortunate because he ends up sleeping too much during daytime and feeling awful for "wasting time" in bed.
26) His eye color switches from black to red sometimes.
27) Sexually speaking, he's definitely swinging both ways and sideways.
28) If he'd be a yōkai then it's Kitsune (nine tails fox) fits him the most. Also because I like to think he'd have a double pair of fangs from it.
29) I main ship him with: Bulgaria and Norway. Side ships: Greece and Hungary. Crack ships: Prussia, Japan, Belarus. Platonical: Egypt cause I like their aesthetics together.
30) But talking about how compatible he is with other characters. I'd say based on canon he is with Bulgaria. Based on history he'll be with Serbia (dude barely exists). Based on his zodiac sign he's with Hungary (the irony). Based on his mbti he's with either Norway or Japan.
31) Speaking of zodiac signs, he's a Sagittarius. (Although it's hard to identify precisely the "birthday" of countries, so I just go with their national days and his is on Dec 1) if you're into astrology a lot then he also has his moon in scorpio.
32) He is inclined to be overprotective for his close ones ever since he lost Moldova to Russia. He does it automatically without knowing until someone points it out.
This may get updated from time to time
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[ID Start: a colored pencil drawing on light blue paper of two blue felines with hot pink lineart. In the foreground laying down is Stryker, a blue lion with black hair, ear tips, and eye brows. He has darker blue markings on his paws and face and a lighter blue belly and green eyes. He smiles wide, looking up and over his shoulder at the second feline who is half laying across his back. Sabrina is in her blue alternative colors and is a lynx-jackalope hybrid. Sabrina is mostly white with pale pink pronghorn antlers, blue stripes on their face and limbs, a big white neck floof that turns dark blue at the back of their neck, and a blue mask and mantle coloring. They rest a paw on Stryker's shoulder and dangles the other over his midsection as they smile wide at him. /End ID.]
A gift for my buddy @megamixter of her guy Stryker (he/him) featuring my fursona Sabrina in her alt colors (she/they). It took me a while to draw it (three months lmao) but I'm tickled pink to have been able to draw something again!
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