thelightofthebane · 1 year
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We Should Just Kiss (Like Real People Do)
Summary: "Isabelle watched her, and she thought: how easy it would be to lean in right now and kiss her. Perhaps that feeling had always been there, from that very first day, hidden in the corners of every moment they’d shared with each other since then, scattered across the memories they’d made. And Isabelle had never had much of a penchant for restraint."
Isabelle Lightwood, Idris' princess, is bored... And then she meets Lydia Branwell, Palace Guard, and finds herself becoming rapidly enamored with her.
This beautiful fic was written by the amazing @nikialexx for the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023 by @malecdiscordserver
You can now read it on AO3!
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malecdiscordserver · 2 years
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Welcome to the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the Malec Discord Server ➰
Sign ups are NOW OPEN!
Writer: https://forms.gle/cwSbK9CBRxjmqATH6 Beta: https://forms.gle/8FV58WYhEUXBJA1t8 Artist: https://forms.gle/KdVyuLaPEWyDCVxC7
What’s a Mini Bang? The Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023 is a collaborative fandom event that combines writer and artist talents! Writers create never before seen stories, betas test their editing skills, and artists choose a story that inspires them to create! Not only is this a great chance to create something new for the fandom, but it also gives an opportunity to work with new people and make new fandom friends through the Malec Discord Server.
Who can participate? In order to participate in this Mini Bang, you must be a member of the Malec Discord Server. This is a requirement as, instead of emailed check ins, all Mini Bang announcements will be made in the server.
You must be at least 16 years old to join the server and participate in this bang. You must be over 18 years old to create/read explicit works.
What is the schedule? The schedule as it currently stands is below. This schedule is subject to change depending on the situation. You will be notified of any changes once you sign up.
February 25: Writer, beta and artist sign-ups begin March 26: Writer and beta sign-ups closed March 29: Brief summaries from writers for beta claims April 2: Beta claims May 10: Writer and beta check-in 1 May 10: Summaries due from writers for artist claims May 10: Artist sign-ups close May 13: Art claims May 15: Last day of art claims June 11: Artist check-in 1 July 17: All check-in 2 August 21: Final drafts and art due August 27: Posting begins
Join the Malec Discord Server or check out our Tumblr for more information!
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 2 years
Bad Things Happen Bingo Fill - "I'm Fine"
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Red Leather.
Sometimes Lydia is more like Alec than anyone will ever know.
Or, the one where Isabelle finds her girlfriend in the training room and realises why her brother and Lydia got engaged in the first place, a lifetime ago now.
Pairing: Lysabelle
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Self-harm, blood and injury
Read on AO3
Too high on dance music and the feeling of the sun rising in her chest as she searched for her girlfriend, Isabelle almost missed the open door to the training room, and the blonde figure in workout clothes who was throwing her fist into a punching bag hard enough to break her fingers if she made one wrong move.
Immediately, the lovesick feeling evaporated, replaced by a tight, constricting vice around Isabelle’s chest. She couldn’t breathe. Frozen in place, she watched as Lydia hit the punching bag as hard as her brother used to fire his arrows when he was upset. She remembered finding him in the training room after hours, destroying targets with enough arrows to kill an entire army of demons twice over. She had healed too many sliced and bloody fingers to count, patched too many broken wrists and drew too many damn iratzes over enough bruises to last a fucking lifetime. She recognised this routine. Alec had tried to convince her every time that he was just training, or letting off some steam, but Izzy didn’t buy it. If either of them were training, they’d use gloves. They’d wrap their hands. They’d ask for a partner, or use a battle simulation. This was hurting for pain’s sake. It was worlds different.
Inside the training room, Lydia was performing a grim symphony with a red punching bag, landing blows hard enough that they made the bag chain rattle. Isabelle winced as she heard a pop!, a surefire sign that Lydia had aimed too far to the right and injured one of her fingers as she punched.
No longer able to just stand and watch, Isabelle rushed into the training room, reaching her girlfriend’s side in record time. “Are you okay?”
Lydia whirled around to face her, startled. She was breathing hard, and up close, Isabelle could see that her hands were bleeding from her nails digging into her skin. Bruises circled her wrists and one of the fingers on her right hand was misshapen and inflamed. Isabelle felt emotion threaten to choke her, but she pushed back the tears, reaching instead for Lydia’s hand and the stele in her pocket.
To her surprise, Lydia sidestepped the maneuver and ripped her hand from Isabelle’s grasp. “I’m fine.”
Isabelle’s brows furrowed in confusion. “No, you’re not.” She remembered how stubborn Alec could be, but this was Lydia. Surely her girlfriend would listen to her?
Instead of replying, Lydia ignored her and turned back to the punching bag, landing a stinging hit that made Isabelle cringe. The other woman’s face was a mask of indifference, but Isabelle could see the lines of pain around her eyes, betraying how she felt. Her heart sank as she watched her girlfriend hurting, angry and sore from something she couldn’t see, unwilling to take the help Isabelle was trying to offer. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do. For all their ups and downs as a couple, Lydia had never acted like this with her before.
“Lyds,” she started, hesitantly moving closer to put a hand on Lydia’s tense shoulder. “Why don’t we go to the park for a little bit? You know, get out of the Institute and just spend some time together.” Lydia hesitated, her hands clenched into fists over the punching bag as she debated her next move. Isabelle caught a small flicker of longing in her eyes, but then she was shaking Izzy’s hand off and punching again.
“I’m busy right now, Iz.”
“This isn’t busy,” Isabelle mumbled. “This is abuse.”
Lydia ignored her and kept punching.
Isabelle felt her eyes water as she watched Lydia attack the bag with even more ferocity than before, her muscles spasming with each hit. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t take Lydia’s pain away, or wrestle the bag out of her hands. Her words weren’t working. For the first time since they had started dating, Isabelle felt like nothing she said was being heard.
Lydia closed her right hand into a fist and punched sidelong, her fingers taking the brunt of the impact, and Isabelle almost cried out. What was she doing? If she kept that up, she was going to break all of her fucking fingers. Isabelle shoved her hand into the pocket of her jeans, an impulsive, desperate movement to keep from making a tight fist and falling into the same pattern Lydia had. To her surprise, her fingers curled around the shape of her cellphone instead of empty air, and she took a breath, relieved. She’d forgotten she brought it in with her.
An idea was forming in Isabelle’s mind, and the tight vice around her chest loosened at the thought of having an actionable plan to stop her girlfriend from hurting herself further. Stepping away from Lydia and backing up until she reached the far wall of the training room, she reached to pull her phone from her pocket and hit #2 on the speed dial. If anyone would know what to do, and how best to help Lydia, it was Alec.
~ ~ ~
By the time Alec answered her call and made his way to the training room, Lydia had already broken two fingers and Isabelle was about to go hoarse from begging her to stop. Her tears had long since spilled over, and she was shaking, tremors wracking her entire body, as the stress of seeing the woman she loved hurting herself like this without reprieve wore on her.
When Alec entered the training room, he took one look at Izzy and wrapped her in his arms, blanketing her in the comfort she hadn’t known she’d needed. She breathed a sigh of relief and sank into the hug, trying to ignore Lydia’s eyes on her. The punching had stopped, and she could tell Lydia was watching what was happening on the other side of the room. She didn’t want to make her girlfriend feel guilty, but she couldn’t help how the situation affected her.
Alec released her from the embrace and turned to Lydia, his shoulders tight as he evaluated her. To Izzy’s bewilderment, however, instead of trying to compassionately intervene, he suddenly began to chuckle. “You know, Branwell, you’re really not original,” he commented, and Isabelle’s eyebrows quirked upwards, watching him. What the hell was he doing?
“You’re using the same punching bag and everything,” Alec said, moving closer and reaching out a hand to hold the red leather in place, preventing Lydia from landing another hit. He smirked, cold and without humour, even though his tone was joking, “Copycat.”
To Isabelle’s surprise, Lydia settled a bit, heaving a deep breath and rolling her shoulders at his words. It was more of a reaction than Isabelle had gotten out of her in nearly an hour, and she celebrated silently as Lydia responded to her brother, “You can’t gatekeep the training room, Alec.”
“Who said anything about the training room?” Alec asked, not budging an inch. “Fuck you, I’m gatekeeping self-harm.”
Lydia bristled, clenching and unclenching her fists as she spoke. “This isn’t self-harm.”
“No? Then what is it?” Alec challenged, raising an eyebrow at her.
“It’s just training,” Lydia said, shrugging one shoulder easily. Her face was a mask of calm and indifference, but Isabelle could hear the hesitation in her words, and the way her fingers closed into fists at her sides, hiding the worst of the damage, betrayed her anxiety.
“If it was just training,” Alec began, his voice slipping into something quieter and more compassionate, “Would it feel as good as this?”
Lydia’s breath caught in her throat, and her eyes snapped to meet Alec’s, ice blue staring into irises that mirrored her own. Whatever she saw, she must have recognised, because her shoulders slumped and she let her hands fall to her sides, open and vulnerable. Isabelle watched, barely daring to hope, as the walls that surrounded her girlfriend began to crumble.
“How did you know?” Lydia whispered, staring at Alec in wonder.
“Because,” Alec answered, shrugging, “I’ve been there.” He smiled ruefully and added, “You’ve watched me there before.”
Lydia smiled back at him, a shadow of the expression she usually wore, but Izzy would take it. She was just glad to see Lydia’s hands at her sides instead of colliding with the punching bag again.
Alec moved closer, nudging Lydia’s shoulder gently with his. “You remember that time I found you in the training room, just after you arrested Izzy?”
Isabelle’s brows furrowed, confused, as she tried to remember what had happened before her trial, nearly a decade ago now. Lydia had never told her about this.
In response, Lydia only nodded, her gaze trained on her injured hands as she ran a finger over the broken skin of her knuckles.
“That was the first time I knew you were like me,” Alec said.
Lydia snapped her head up to look at him, eyes shrewd. “You knew, even back then? That’s all it took?”
“That’s all it took,” Alec confirmed with a nod of his head. Then, in a macabre move that Izzy almost wanted to yell at him for, he reached out and offered Lydia a fist bump. “Blood calls to blood.”
Lydia grinned, bumping her fist with his and letting her fingers dance out of it just like Alec’s, in their signature “sparkle” move, a secret handshake that wasn’t much of a secret anymore. She sobered, her bruised and bloody hands coming to rest at her sides once more, and said, “Thanks, Alec. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Lyd. But,” Alec nudged her again and gestured towards Isabelle, leaning against the far wall of the training room still, “I’m probably not the one you should be saying that to.”
Lydia nodded and, with remorse, turned heavy eyes on Isabelle, unable to meet her gaze completely. Her cheeks flooded with shame, or embarrassment, and Izzy could see the second the full weight of what she’d done settled on her shoulders, because her eyes filled with an insurmountable guilt, too. Unable to stand watching her girlfriend hurting again, Isabelle moved to stand next to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Lyds.”
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Alec said, backing away from them and turning towards the training room door. “Come see me before you leave tonight, okay, Lydia?”
“Okay,” Lydia agreed, trying and failing to hide the hoarseness of her voice as tears welled up in her eyes. Alec gave her a sympathetic look, smiling ruefully at her before disappearing through the door to the training room and leaving them alone.
It was quiet for a few minutes, as Lydia struggled to figure out what to say, and Isabelle squeezed her shoulder supportively, planting a chaste kiss on her cheek as she rested against the punching bag, exhausted from her spiral.
“Isabelle…” Lydia began, trailing off and dropping her gaze to the floor. “I – You have every right to be mad at me.”
Izzy shook her head, bewildered, and squeezed Lydia’s shoulder tighter. “Why would I be mad?”
“I snapped at you,” Lydia replied, the guilt settling uncomfortably in her chest, causing her to shake her head, dislodging her ponytail, and wince. “I shut you out. I wasn’t honest with you.” Her voice dropped to a whisper, upset and ashamed at her own actions. “I’ve been lying to you.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m going to be mad,” Isabelle explained gently. “All of those actions were because you were hurting and scared. I don’t blame you. It’s okay to need help sometimes, Lyds.”
Lydia nodded, and reached out to grab her girlfriend’s hand, needing the comfort. She heaved a small, shaky sigh of relief. “I’m trying to remember that, Iz, I promise.”
“I know you are,” Isabelle reassured, wrapping her fingers around Lydia’s and tugging her forward towards the exit of the training room. They didn’t need to spend any longer hashing it out with the punching bag hovering over them. “That’s all I ask, okay? You never have to do any more than your best.” She kissed Lydia gently, trying to convey the love she felt for her in the way her lips brushed Lydia’s, to seal the promise, guiding her out of the room and away from the site of her previous self-destruction. “You listened, towards the end. You even called it self-harm. It took Alec years to do that. I’m proud of you.”
Lydia smiled, a pleased blush colouring her cheeks as she responded: “I’m proud of me too.”
Isabelle squeezed her girlfriend’s fingers once more, and elected not to respond, letting a comfortable silence stretch out between them instead. They would have to talk more about it, and about what could be done to get and keep Lydia out of the training room if this were to happen again, but for now, Isabelle was content to let the issue sit as she followed her girlfriend in the direction of Alec’s office and, after that, home to their apartment in Magnus’s complex.
Maybe Lydia was more like Alec than she had thought, but that was okay. She had learned how to support Alec, and she would learn how to support Lydia, too. They would learn and grow together, just like Alec and Magnus had when they first jumped this hurdle with Alec. If there was one thing Isabelle believed in, it was Lydia, her girlfriend, her commander, her closest friend. They would be okay.
For now, the only thing that mattered was going home.
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bytheangell · 2 years
The Rubies That I Gave Up
(Read on AO3)
Lydia watches Isabelle dance, a blur of red in the sea of people mostly wearing darker shades of black and leather. Izzy’s hair whips across her face, brushed back by delicate fingers tipped in maroon polish which draws attention to the ruby. The gem was once worn around Izzy’s neck, but it now resides set in a clever bracelet of Izzy’s own design.
It’s just a momentary glance, but it’s enough to bring a wave of memories to the forefront of Lydia’s mind.
She remembers the start of their relationship. It was a haze of love and lust. It was losing track of time and staying up so late that it was morning again. It was kissing the crimson lipstick off of Izzy’s lips that tasted of the rich merlot they shared until they were drunk off more than just the alcohol. Lydia remembers laughing when Izzy accidentally spilled wine on her t-shirt, and the surprising flush across her cheeks at Izzy’s first intimate touches and the marks left behind afterward.
Lydia remembers when things started to go wrong, too.
It came in the same rush, as quickly as it began, and just as dizzying. The wine stains on a shirt Lydia needed to wear for a Council meeting mere minutes later with no time to change. The flush of embarrassment when Isabelle shamelessly flirted with the other members of the council in front of Lydia. The red marks on Lydia’s arm, not from passion but from when Isabelle tried to pull her back when she started to walk away during a fight. Lydia wasn’t sure when their shouts settled into a silence that withered roses, or when frustration melted into apathy… one day it was just over.
They both knew it.
They both hurt.
And now here they are, both dancing in New York like they weren’t both a little bit broken.
Only now, instead of dancing together barefoot under the streetlights on their way home, they dance with strangers in the dark.
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sleebiebear · 2 years
the urge to write a proper story for two specific ocs is eating at me i just wanna write abt royal fantasy n a princess x knight trope o(-(
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bloomtoy · 1 year
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trying out a new artstyle with amara and a very old dnd oc, lysabel
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lysabelle · 1 year
𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘩𝘢'𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦
Name: Malaikha Lysabelle Nickname: Malaikha, Mala, Ica Place of Birth: Bandung Date of Birth: January 1st, 2000 MBTI: ESFJ Zodiac: Capricorn Height: 163 cm Weight: 42 kg
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awalkingkrises · 1 year
Fantasy/Adventure Novel Character List PT. 2
Main Squad Character: Thirro Ashel - A pirate who used to sail under the royal navy, but who went rogue.
Main Squad Character: Lysabel Elianne - Young daughter of the noble Elianne family.
Main Squad Character: Abaddon Lindbergh - A soldier in one of the ground fleets of Petrichor's forces.
Main Character Squad: Charlie Haious - A goose, who is quite frankly, a little bit silly.
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half-bakedboy · 4 years
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To honor the last weekend of Femslash February, I’m accepting begging for WLW prompts 🎉 It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Send me a pairing. My fandoms include; Shadowhunters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, Criminal Minds, and others if you just ask. 
Send me a prompt you’d like me to write. This can be as basic as a word or as thought out as an entire scene. Open to fluff, smut, and anything in between. 
Receive a femslash ficlet based on 1 and 2
My ask box is OPEN
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markedbyindecision · 3 years
Apparently it’s wip Wednesday so have a snippet of my “Isabelle proposes to Lydia instead of Alec” fic i guess:
Alec is to be married to a high-status, Clave-worshipping Shadowhunter, they decide. This will demonstrate to the Clave that the Lightwoods are respectable, that they no longer associate with Valentine or others of the dishonorable sort, like those Downworlders.
Alec is to be married. Isabelle's heart thuds in her chest as her father explains her parents’ plan to regain the Clave’s trust. She thinks of the way Alec’s eyes light up when he talks about Magnus, of how he looks freer, happier than he ever has before when he’s with Magnus. It’ll all be taken away from him.
“To who?” she manages to choke out.
“We haven’t decided yet,” her father replies, which isn’t of any comfort.
Alec would agree to it, too, give up love if he had to, if it meant protecting his family. They are everything to him, and he’s never been like her, prone to rebelling and breaking the rules when they’re wrong.
Isabelle tries to imagine it. He would pretend that he wasn’t gay, pretend he loved whichever woman was chosen, force himself to mold to their family and the Clave’s expectations of a perfect Shadowhunter and a perfect husband. Maybe his wife would be kind, and maybe even if he didn’t love her he’d tolerate it because he’d feel committed to his family. But all Isabelle can think of is the light in his eyes dimming, day by day, until there’s nothing left of him but a hollow shell of expectations and sacrifice.
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arialerendeair · 4 years
For the MAB: Mermaid and/or Pirate!AU? Love your work 💖
Magnus stared out across the rolling waves, at the storm that they were slowly approaching as they made for port.  His eyes drifted down to the water, but there was no silvery flash that he'd gotten used to over the years.  
Magnus looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow, turning away from the water, even though he never wanted to look away.  Not anymore.  
"We're still twenty minutes out, but the storm is going to be upon us before we can get properly docked."  
Magnus focused on Ilyas and offered him a small smile.  "It's fine.  We'll anchor off-shore and ride out the storm here.  At the very least, the island will take the brunt of it."  
Ilyas gave a firm nod.  "I'll have them drop the anchor as soon as we're further towards land."  
"Good," Magnus praised, giving him a nod before turning back out to the water.  He narrowed his eyes, wondering if he'd imagined the silver flash he'd seen under the crest of one wave.  But there was no head bobbing above the waves, no flash of pale skin and shining scales.  
Magnus turned away from the water and went to go help the crew get the ship prepared to weather the storm.  
They beat the storm to the island by the matter of an hour.  Long enough that a group of them were able to go ashore who wanted to ride it out there.  Magnus went with them, because he always did, and left Ilyas in charge.  Nothing would happen to the ship while he was gone, and he'd be able to sit on the beach for the storm.  
"You going out Stormwatcher?" A low, croaking voice asked.  
Magnus smiled faintly and turned his attention to Rita, her eyes cloudy with age and nodded as he offered her the bag off his shoulder, and a heavy bag of coin.  "As I usually do."  
She shook her head.  "None of us understand why you can't watch the storms safely from here."  
Magnus winked at her.  "It's not about watching the storms.  It's about living them," he repeated, grabbing a mug of ale, downing it for courage before he headed for the door, watching as the sky grew darker and darker.  
"Be safe, Magnus Stormwatcher!" Rita called.  "For I sense danger in your future!"
"I'm always safe," Magnus promised, heading into the jungle.  It started to rain not long after and he sucked in a slow breath, the air heavy with humidity and water.  His steps were sure, and he made his way to the cove that only he knew of, and where he watched every storm roll in.  
Stopping under his usual outcropping, Magnus settled down on the wet stone and kicked off his shoes, putting them to the side with the blankets, pillows, and other odds and ends he had stashed into a small crate over the years.  
"I was worried you wouldn't make it, you know."  
Magnus' breath caught and he turned, taking in the sight of pale skin riddled with black tattoos, messy black hair, and gleaming hazel eyes.  He froze and swallowed, walking closer, before kneeling at the edge of the cave.  "I was worried you wouldn't want to watch with me any longer."
A scoff and a flick of a large tail, showcasing shining silver and black scales.  "Of course I want to watch."  
Magnus smiled and settled down onto the edge of the outcropping, next to the merman who had pulled himself out of the water enough to sit on rocks that were still shallowly in the water.  "We didn't part on the greatest of terms, Alexander.  I wasn't sure you'd ever want to see me again."  
Alec turned his attention to the sky, watching lightning streak across it.  "Of course I wanted to see you again."  
Magnus swallowed.  He said it so certainly, so easily, like they hadn't... like there hadn't been an open question the last time that had been left, like a stone between them that they could never move.  "I'm glad," Magnus managed, turning his chin to the sky.  The hard, stinging rain hid the evidence of tears on his cheeks and he breathed through the wetness clinging to every part of him.  
It was hard, but there was a question he had to ask.  That Alexander deserved him to ask.  "How is your mate, Lydia?  She is well, I hope?"  
Alec was silent, his face tilted towards the black sky.  "You ask a question that pains you to know the answer to."  
"I do," Magnus agreed, looking down from the sky to the waters below.  He blew out a hard breath before he glanced over to Alec and found the merman staring at him.  He turned his head away and looked back at the storm again.  "It doesn't mean I don't want to know the answer."  
Alec hummed and closed his eyes, savoring the feel of rain on his skin and scales.  "You are still angry about that?"  
Magnus shook his head.  "No.  I'm not angry any longer.  I'm..." he searched for a word that wouldn't be too telling, but he supposed it was easy for Alec to know.  He'd never made a secret of his own feelings.  "I'm sad, I suppose.  Resigned."  
"Why?" Alec asked, tilting his head, opening his eyes to look at the human again.  "You will surely find someone in your world.  There are many who would have you, many you have had, you have said as much to me, many times."  
Magnus wanted to laugh, and shook his head again.  "It's not that simple, Alexander.  The heart rarely is.  It's all right.  I'm glad you haven't disappeared.  I'd worry about you too much if you did."  
Alec frowned and narrowed his eyes at Magnus.  "Why?"  
This time a laugh did escape, but it was hoarse and dry and Magnus was doubly glad for the rain that hid the tears leaking from his eyes.  "You already know the answer so that question.  It's what we fought over the last time I was here."  
Alec went quiet and he kicked his tail in the water, staring down at it.  "I'm not mated to Lydia."  He felt Magnus go still beside him before he continued.  "Isabelle and Lydia were mated under the last full moon ceremony.  I remain...unattached."  
Magnus' breath caught and he couldn't help turning to look at Alexander again.  "Why?  You'd told me you needed to marry her for political and-"
"Because," Alexander said, impatient and irritated.  "The human I care for decided to get reckless and I had to ensure that he was taken care of."  
Magnus stared before his eyes fell shut, and he remembered, over and over again, every ship they'd boarded, that they'd captured, how it had seemed an invisible force was protecting him the last few months.  Whether it was knives appearing in the backs of those about to hurt him, or boats capsizing much more quickly than they should, he'd hoped, even though he'd never seen...  
"You care for me?" he asked, focusing on the part that he cared too much about.  
"I've never been in love before," Alexander admitted.  "When Isabelle and Lydia came to me to announce they were in love, it was easy to remove myself from the mating, and offer it to her in her stead."  He stared out at the thrashing waters and reached out to rest his hand over Magnus', squeezing it slowly.  "I felt relief.  More relief than I have ever felt in my life.  Because I would not need to give up this - keeping you safe and watching storms with you."  
Magnus swallowed hard and dropped his head to stare at his lap, tears coming in earnest now.  Alec's skin was cool against his palm and he wanted it pressed against his heart, his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, everything.  "Alexander, that doesn't mean that some of the things you said to me aren't correct.  They are, and you..." he trailed off and sighed.  "You were right about a merman and a human being in love.  It's impossible, no matter how much we might wish otherwise."  
"Impossible," Alec said simply.  "Just means that you need to try again."  
Magnus laughed and couldn't help grinning at the merman and the smile that he could see lingering on those lips, and he wanted nothing more to taste them again.  Not just the brief, fleeting kiss of before, but what Alexander's passion tasted like, and how he would lose himself in desperate kisses.  
Alec shifted himself on the rock and pulled his tail the rest of the way out of the water, glad for the rain that was making this so easy to be able to do.  "Magnus.  You were very brave and I hurt you.  For that, I am more sorry than I can begin to express."  
“It’s all right,” Magnus said quietly, looking down at Alec’s tail, at the bright silver shine in the raindrops.  He reached out and trailed his fingers along the designs there, his scales smooth to the touch.  “You are forgiven.  I can understand why, even if I don’t agree.”  
“Good,” Alec said, nodding his head.  He frowned and bit down on his lip.  “I confess I am not certain of how this next part is supposed to go.”  
Magnus lifted his eyes and met Alec’s again.  “What do you mean?  How what is supposed to go?”  
Alec reached into the satchel by his side and pulled out a necklace.  “If you were my intended, Magnus, you would wear this, and everyone would know who your future mate would be.”  
Magnus gasped and stared at the necklace made of rubies and sapphires set in silver.  He’d never seen anything so beautiful, and the craftsmanship was exquisite.  He reached out to trail his fingers along the gems, and swallowed hard, even as he dropped his hand between them again.  “Why are you showing me that?”  
Alec frowned.  “Isabelle said you’d understand?  She mentioned that humans do something similar?  Often with rings?”  He held out his slightly webbed hands and then looked up to Magnus.  “But we don’t wear rings, we have these necklaces.”  
Magnus’ breath caught and he lifted his eyes to Alec.  “You...why... are you giving this to me?” 
“I wish for you to be my mate, if you are willing,” Alec said, his voice formal as he held the necklace out to Magnus.  “I wish to be by your side to watch every storm, to protect you on the sea, and to visit you when I can when you are on the land.”  
Magnus stared at Alec, his eyes wide as he touched the necklace again, tears gathering in his eyes.  “You, you want me to be your mate?”  
Alec nodded firmly.  “I do.”  
Magnus’ took a second, several long seconds, to breathe before he wrapped his fingers around the necklace and lifted his eyes to meet Alec’s eyes, smiling at him.  “I accept,” he whispered, lifting his fingers away.  He reached around his neck and carefully pulled off his favorite leather cord and removed two of his own rings, each with one large letter that stood for his initials.  
Alec tilted his head, watching as Magnus undid the ties on the necklace and put the rings on them.  “What are you doing?”  
“Until I can find a necklace with jewels worthy of you,” Magnus breathed, offering the necklace to Alec with shaky fingers.  “I offer you this, Alexander Lightwood, Prince of the Eastern Seas, in return.  A cord that I braided myself, and rings bearing my initials to signify to all that I have accepted you.”  
Alec’s eyes widened and he reached out to touch the necklace, placing the one he had offered Magnus on the human’s leg.  “I would be honored to wear such a gift.”  He dipped his head and let Magnus settle the necklace on him before he looked down at the rings, carefully toying with them before he looked up.  “May I put yours on you?”  
Magnus nodded and swallowed, grinning at Alec.  “Of course, of course!” he leaned in and shivered as Alec’s fingers trailed down his neck as they settled the necklace on him.  It was heavy, but it reminded him that he’d been claimed by the merman in front of him.  
“It’s almost as beautiful as you are,” Alec said, patting the gems against Magnus’ chest.  The rain was coming down harder now, silencing the world around them.  He leaned in and pressed his face to Magnus’ neck, nuzzling into the warmth of his skin.  “May I ask you for something?”  
Magnus combed his fingers through the messy hair pressed against him and smiled.  “You may ask me for anything in my power to give, Alexander, and it is yours.”  
Alec pulled back and stared at Magnus, his eyes intent.  “Your lips.  I had the chance to taste them once and squandered it, but I dreamed of having another chance.  Please, may I?”  
“Yes,” Magnus managed, the word catching in his throat.  “I’ve dreamed of kissing you again too, Alexander, please-” the rest of his plea was cut off when he abruptly had a lap full of a merman, kissing him, hard and passionate.  It was nothing like their first kiss, it was all-consuming, and Magnus melted into it, allowing Alexander to press him back against the wet stone.  
When they broke apart, panting softly against each other’s lips, Alec reached out and combed his fingers through Magnus’ hair.  “My mate,” he whispered, his tone quiet and reverent.  “How perfect you are.”  
“I think you are the perfect one,” Magnus whispered.  He pulled Alec in and kissed him again, melting into the gentle nips of his teeth and his eager hands tugging him insistently closer.  By the time they broke apart, both of them needing air, Magnus remembered the surprise he had for Alec.  “I have something else for you too.”  
Alec raised an eyebrow and hummed, leaning down to kiss the necklace and the bronze skin beneath it, waving a hand to show he was listening.  
Magnus gasped under the scrape of Alec’s teeth, unable to stop the roll of his hips that had him grinding against the firm pressure of Alec’s tail.  “I won a bet with a sea witch,” he whispered.  “She created a piece of jewelry that would allow me to become a merman, like you.”  
Alec yanked himself back from Magnus and stared at him with wide eyes.  “Have you tested it?”  
“I have,” Magnus whispered.  “My coloring is definitely, uh, bright, but I think you’ll like it?”  
“Show me!” Alec demanded, staring at Magnus, his eyes still wide.  “Can you breathe underwater?”  
“Yes, just like you,” Magnus answered as he fumbled with the bag by his side before he pulled out the bracelet and showed it to Alec.  He shifted so he could put his feet into the water and winked at Alexander before slipping it onto his wrist, latching it into place.  
Alec watched as Magnus’ skin rippled and his legs began to shift and meld together.  The bronze shade of his skin made way for resplendent golden scales and fins and spines tipped in jeweled colors of every possible shade.  He reached out and gently traced the scales with his fingertips, only to find Magnus looking at him with eyes the same shade as the gold of his scales.  “So beautiful,” he whispered.  
Magnus held his hand out to Alec and kicked his tail into the water.  “Swim with me?  I’ve always wanted to watch the storm from beneath the water.”  
Alec grabbed Magnus’ hand and slid into the water, kicking himself away from the wall and deep enough to escape the tide, tugging Magnus after him, to the base of the cove.  He reached out and touched the necklace around Magnus’ neck before meeting the golden eyes of the merman across from him.  “You’re incredible,” he whispered, stroking Magnus’ cheek.  “My beautiful mate.”  
Magnus pulled Alec in for another kiss, his gills working easily under the water as they kissed, their tails tangling together, sending that same roiling, gritty friction up his spine.  It was so good his body quaked with it.  Another crack of thunder split the sky and shook the sea, but Magnus was happily lost to the warm embrace of his mate.  The skies could rage all they wanted, he would stay safe here, wrapped in Alec’s arms and tail.  
“Mine,” Alec whispered, pulling back from the kiss for the briefest of seconds to press their foreheads together.  “Magnus.  You’re mine.”  
“I am, darling,” Magnus agreed, “For as long as you will have me.”  
Alec smiled and cupped his face.  “Until the oceans and seas run dry, my mate.”
Magnus’ heart skipped a beat as he was pulled into another kiss and pressed back against a soft bed of seaweed, all of Alec’s body pressed against him.  The storm that raged above them was nothing compared to their passion as they lost themselves in each other.  
Filling remaining prompts for the Malec Anniversary Bash?  HECK YES! 
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ao3feed-malec · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZyMmdm
by Aria_Lerendeair
Magnus was the pirate captain foolish enough to fall in love with a merman, a prince of the seas.
Alexander, destined for a political marriage, could never return his feelings...could he?
Words: 2848, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Malec Anniversary Bash 2020
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, OCs briefly mentioned
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Side Lysabelle
Additional Tags: merman au, Pirate AU, merman!Alec - Freeform, pirate!magnus, brief angst, Love Confessions, Getting Together, Proposals, sappy bastards, Thirsty Husbands, Kissing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZyMmdm
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Dear Gifter...
Hello, friends! As the year draws to a close, it's that time again for me to enlist in a whole host of Secret Santas to bring everyone some December cheer and hopefully put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces :)
A few of the gift exchanges I've participated in for years are changing their formats for signups this year, so I'm adjusting with them! I decided that, in order to make it easier for my various gifters to know what I like, I'd create this 'Dear Gifter' post to link to them!
So, if you have me for a Secret Santa exchange this year, this next part's for you <3
I've listed some general likes/dislikes, as well as fandom-specific likes/dislikes for the major fandoms I participate in gift exchanges for! If you'd like a list of specific likes for a fandom not mentioned below, just shoot me an ask on anon and I'll post one :)
General Likes:
Angst, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, self-harm, abuse, trauma, nightmares, autistic characters, asexual characters, poly relationships, QPRS, crackfics, college AUs, high school AUs, soulmate AUs, coming out fics, getting together/first kiss, non-sexual BDSM, BDSM AUs, Christmas fics, rarepairs, unrequited love, paranormal AUs
General Dislikes:
Alcohol (**TRIGGER**), smut/NSFW, sickfics, bugs, vomit, extremely detailed gore, physical whump/torture, mafia AUs, royalty AUs
For Shadowhunters:
Likes: Alec Lightwood centric, Autistic Alec, Asexual Alec, any fics that deal with Alec's self-harm, pre-canon fics, Lightwood sibling feels, parabatai feels, worldbuilding (ESPECIALLY in regards to the Fae Realm), HOTI Alec, trans Magnus, Malec, Jalec, Malace, Jimon, Lysabelle, immortal Malec, different first meeting, sub Alec, Dom Magnus, switch Jace, sub Jace, Dom Simon
Dislikes: S3 plotline NOT including the wedding, Inquisitor Alec, good parents Maryse and Robert Lightwood, bad parabatai Jace Lightwood, Clizzy, Luke/Maryse, Dom Alec, reverse AUs
For Leverage:
Likes: Eliot Spencer centric, pre-canon fics, Eliot/Damien Moreau, any fics that explore a fucked up/abusive relationship between Eliot and Damien Moreau, Autistic Eliot, Autistic Parker, ADHD Hardison, trans Eliot, asexual Parker, the OT3, Eliot/Quinn, Nate & Eliot as father/son or master/slave, cooking, botany/gardening, character study, post-canon fics, Leverage team as family, Dom Parker, sub Eliot, switch Hardison
Dislikes: Romantic Eliot/Nate, total AUs (i.e., not within the Leverage universe, such as college AUs), MCD, angst with no happy ending, Dom Eliot, sub Parker, unrequited love
For Detroit: Become Human:
Likes: Reed900, Gavin Reed centric, RK900 centric, Markus centric, reverse AUs, Hank & Connor as father/son, Jericho polycule, Simarkus, romantic Hankcon, Detroit: Evolution/Detroit Reawakening universe, slice of life, case fics, any fics set during the Android Revolution, asexual Nines, agender/non-binary Nines, non-binary Gavin, trans Gavin, Gavin Reed backstory/character study, aromantic Kara, detective/cop AUs, sub Gavin, Dom Nines
Dislikes: Fics that portray Gavin Reed in a bad light, POV Connor, POV Kara, total AUs (i.e. not within the realm of the DBH universe) EXCEPT detective AUs, Dom Gavin, sub Nines
For Criminal Minds:
Likes: Emily Prentiss centric, Jemily, Morcia, Morreid, BAU as family, case fics, Reid's drug use, Emily Prentiss with a self-harm habit, cottagecore/farm life/small town AUs, Autistic Hotch, Autistic Reid, ADHD Emily Prentiss, AuDHD Penelope Garcia, asexual Reid, JJ backstory/character study, infidelity (specifically JJ cheating on Will), pre-canon fics, Momily, kid fics, seasons 3-7
Dislikes: Breakups (except JJ/Will), MCD (angst with no happy ending is totally fine as long as there's no MCD!), events past Season 13
Thank you for reading! Remember, if the information you're looking for isn't here, please don't hesitate to shoot me an ask and I'll be happy to add it :) I hope everyone has a great winter and happy holidays if you celebrate! <3
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bytheangell · 3 years
Lazy Sundays
Flufftober Day 3: Lazy Sundays (Read on AO3)
Lydia tries to get out of bed as quietly as possible. She’s even gone so far as to activate a rune or two in an attempt to slip out from under the covers - and under Isabelle’s arm - without waking her girlfriend.
Unfortunately, as Isabelle’s made clear several times in the past, growing up with two older brothers means that she learned at a young age how to sleep lightly enough to be alerted when someone is moving around her. In the case of her brothers, it was to avoid pranks, but in Lydia’s case, it’s an awareness reserved for one morning a week.
“Hey.” The word stops Lydia’s movements immediately. Izzy’s voice is quiet, but it isn’t spoken with the sleepy haze of someone who just woke up. Lydia curses softly under her breath as she stops trying to roll out of bed and settles back against her pillow.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Lydia says, hoping to distract Izzy from the incoming accusation with the compliment. It doesn’t work.
“Oh no you don’t,” Izzy chides. “What day is it?”
“Sunday,” Lydia says, already shifting so that her head is tucked against Izzy’s shoulder, her body curving to fit perfectly against Izzy’s side.
“And what do we do on Sundays?”
The question is rhetorical, they both know the answer before Lydia says it, but she says it anyway.
“We sleep in.”
“We, at the very least, laze around in bed,” Izzy confirms. “We certainly don’t get up at fucking dawn, baby.”
Lydia glances over to where the first soft beams of light are barely peeking through the curtains.
Sleeping in - or at least staying in bed and not doing anything that could be classified as ‘productive’ - was something Isabelle insisted on every Sunday. Just one day a week when Lydia would promise not to be her usual overachieving, on-the-go self and properly relax. They started doing it after Lydia nearly burned herself out a few months back, staying up past midnight and waking up at (or sometimes before) 6 every day for weeks to tackle the extra work she kept taking on for herself. It took some convincing, but at the time agreeing to one lazy morning a week didn’t seem like such a bad compromise.
Except Lydia’s never been the best at doing nothing. She knows it’s good for her, and she loves every second she gets to spend with Isabelle, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to slip away to get a little work done on the stack of reports she knows is waiting on her desk. If it’s up to her, Lydia would rest when she’s dead.
Which is one of the many reasons why she’s thankful she has Isabelle.
Isabelle, who forces her to take these pauses to enjoy some quiet time together. Isabelle, who reminds her that she’s allowed to just be without producing something to constantly justify her existence. Isabelle, who gives her permission to be selfish with her time even if it’s just once a week.
“Do you think you can fall back asleep?” Izzy asks, running her hand up and down Lydia’s arm, the touch slow and gentle enough to litter goosebumps in its wake.
“Probably,” Lydia admits. It’s been a long week, and she’s already feeling her eyelids close for a bit longer every time she blinks. The warmth of the recently returned blanket and the comfort of Isabelle’s arms around her leave Lydia practically melting back into the mattress in response, and yeah, she’s pretty sure if she gives into it she could fall back to sleep for a little while longer.
“Good,” Isabelle says. “Then turn that beautiful brain of yours off and close your eyes.” Izzy leans over and places a kiss on Lydia’s temple, then her nose, and then the corner of her lip. At the last second Lydia shifts her head to the side to catch Izzy’s lips with her own instead.
“I love you,” Lydia whispers, pressing her forehead against Isabelle’s. She hopes Izzy knows that she means it, and she isn’t saying it just to say it. Lydia’s so thankful to have Isabelle in her life, so grateful for these little moments even when her nature is to fight against them.
“Love you, too.”
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lysabelle · 1 year
𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘩𝘢'𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺
Malaikha Lysabelle, born on January 1, 2000, in Bandung, has always been a driven and ambitious individual. She is the only child in her family.
She pursued a degree in International Business during her college years and eventually landed a prominent job at a large company in Jakarta. However, as time passed, she began to feel a sense of emptiness and longing for something more meaningful in her life.
One day, while scrolling through her social media feed, Malaikha came across posts about various social activities, particularly those involving orphanages and nursing homes. These posts were tugged at her heartstrings, reminding her of the importance of giving back to the community.
Driven by a newfound purpose, Malaikha decided to take a break from her busy corporate life. She sought permission from her employer and took a leave of absence to devote herself to social work. Her journey led her to Elysinisse.
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half-bakedboy · 4 years
(Um, okay, it's kind of still 2 hours to March where I'm at, so I hope I'm not too late for Femslash February... Sorry for the late ask; if I'd known sooner I would've jumped on the chance like glitter on Magnus Bane.) A Lydia and Isabelle one, please 😇. Maybe, a high school au? Thank you!
I can’t say I’ve ever written a high school AU before, but @skylar102 gave me this wonderful idea and it fit perfectly! Hope you like it!! 
“How are you not nervous right now?” Izzy asked from where she practically vibrated in her seat. It was already hard enough to sit in the too-tight dress she chose for the evening and the nervous anxiety skittering through her was definitely not helping. Lydia reached over and grabbed at her hand, holding it gently in her own. 
“Because I’m not the one up for Prom Queen,” Lydia responded, stroking her thumb across the back of Izzy’s knuckles. Izzy felt immediately calmer as Lydia let go of her hand in favor of resting it on her knee to stop it from bouncing. Izzy took a deep breath and pushed it out steadily just as Lydia’s hand squeezed the fabric covering her leg. 
“You should be,” Izzy countered, letting her perfectly manicured hand rest on top of Lydia’s. It was no secret that the two were in a relationship so displays like that one were pretty normal. After Izzy’s brother had come out and made the school just a little safer for the upcoming years, Izzy didn’t have to hide how much she loved Lydia, but that didn’t mean they could both be Prom Queen. 
Lydia huffed out a laugh and said, “I want nothing less than to be Prom Queen, Iz. Besides, you would beat me anyway, just like you’re gonna beat everyone else, okay?” Lydia reassured Izzy by stroking a hand across her hair. Izzy could feel her making sure every strand was in its rightful place and her nerves almost completely disappeared at the gesture. 
It wasn’t until Mr. Garroway jumped onto the stage and his voice came over the loudspeaker that Izzy froze again. Lydia grasped onto Izzy’s hand again and pulled it to her lips for a gentle, calming kiss as they waited for him to speak. 
“It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It is time to announce this year’s Prom Court!” The crowd cheered and Lydia pulled Izzy to standing, moving her to the front of the crowd with the other nominees. “This year’s nominees for Prom Queen are; Brinda Darsey, Joan Wafford, Isabelle Lightwood…” At the mention of her name, her friends cheered loud enough that Luke had to pause before announcing the last nominee, “and Vinita Matko!” 
The long, dramatic pause filled with a drumroll and cheering from her classmates was too much for Izzy to handle. She wrapped her arms around Lydia’s waist and hid her face in her girlfriend’s neck, leaning into her as best she could. Lydia’s laughter echoed in her ear, but it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the sound of her name. 
“Baby, you won! You did it!” Lydia screamed, pushing Izzy away, but holding her at arm’s length so she could press a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“I--” Izzy didn’t know what to say. She knew it was a ridiculous reason to be emotional, but she had wanted to be Prom Queen since she entered high school and she always thought she never could, not with a girlfriend on her arm. But Lydia walked her up to the stage, arm in arm, and the most pride-filled look Izzy had ever seen plastered to Lydia’s face. 
Just as Lydia went to step back, Mr. Garroway pressed a hand to her shoulder and said, “Just a minute, Lydia.” Izzy glanced at Lydia with wide eyes and then over at her friends and classmates who were smiling knowingly everywhere she looked. “The senior class has decided that this year, there would not be a Prom Queen and a Prom King, but instead,” Mr. Garroway trailed off as Izzy sent a desperate glance to Lydia. 
“What is going on?” She asked, her heart beating faster by the minute. Lydia shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed as she shrugged her shoulders. 
Mr. Garroway continued, shouting, “Please welcome this year’s Prom Royalty; Isabelle Lightwood and Lydia Branwell!” 
If Izzy wasn’t crying before, she was when Lydia ran up the stairs and straight into her arms. She barely remembered any part of getting their crowns and sashes and suddenly, she was slow dancing with Lydia with a crowd of their peers around them. She didn’t think that the night could have gotten any better when she first saw Lydia in her dress but dancing with her like there was no one else in the room made for the most perfect night. She wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. 
Send me WLW prompts for Femslash February
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