#m1 social media
studentbyday · 6 days
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week 3: let's get this bread! (famous last words...)
Omg I can't believe it's only week 3, sm has happened, I swear more time has gone by than actually has 😅😮‍💨🙃 Starting this week feeling a little discouraged because I still have a backlog of schoolwork to catch up on, but let's see if I can get my hopes up again by the end of this week! 🙏🏻🤞🏻If I want to achieve my goals, I need to drastically reduce my screen time. Here's to only using my phone for essential communications and for music, guided meditations, and pilates/yoga videos this week! 😤
mid-week update: this week has been a f*cking mess. mentally, emotionally, physically, existentially. i have not touched the db course so far which was my main goal for this week...every week i'm trying to add something new. i had my reservations about keeping on my original plan for this week, knowing i ended the last one still behind on school, but i went ahead with it, wondering, hoping if it was at all possible. well. we'll see where i'm at by the end of this week. at the very least i'll be closer to caught up.
end-of-week update: posting this early so i don't have to on sunday. i'm making progress but it's still slower than expected. insomnia is a problem. my nerves feel pretty frayed. must find ways to decrease the stimulation. time to reinstate the no-phone mornings (probs should add to my “bingo”) and a social media detox... not sure if i'll have time to post again next week. i find it hard to keep up. i'll probably come back if/when i get things under control...so bye for now (and i sincerely hope your semester is going better than mine 💗) 👋🏻
Check and send pathology assignment!!!! ✅
Confirm immunology discussion due date!! ✅
Watch documentary on Wangari Maathai ✅ (glad i did this first thing on monday after sending the path assignment because it was really inspiring and lifted my spirits enough to keep going 💗)
Meet for pathology assignment ✅ (2 members in my group are like...really high-energy and gung-ho. i'm glad cuz that means it's a lighter load for me but woah was that overwhelming at first 😅 and the thing is...these guys aren't the first i've encountered like this. and i'm low-key jealous of them... they're the kind of people who give off the aura of “i'm capable of doing it all” because they're that driven...and based on what i've seen of them, i don't think they're faking it.)
Read all assignment descriptions for global health before you... ✅
Email chosen essay topic to TA by Thursday ✅
Finish M1 pathology by Wednesday ✅
Complete pathology M1 case questions
Finish half of M2 pathology by Sunday
Start pathology M2 case questions
Finish half of M2 global health by Friday ✅
Finish half of M3 immunology by Sunday
Finish M2 microbiology ~ (made some progress but not finished)
Start M3 microbiology
Participate in global health meeting ✅ (wasn't bad but also...not sure when this happened but i've gotten quite nervous speaking up in class and then in my overstimulation, forget some of what i had intended to say, ughhh just gotta keep practicing...)
Complete immunology discussion ✅
Send other pathology assignment ✅
Complete global health discussion ✅
Meditate x1
Journal x3
Yoga x2
Cardio x1
Pilates x1 (the first time i made it through a 30 min class in one sitting whooooo!!!!!)
Other life things:
Change bedding
Music in My Head:
andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante
study music // 1 // 2 // 3
a strange playlist for strange people
piano trio no. 4 in e minor, op. 90, b. 166, “dumky”: i. lento maestoso / ii. poco adagio
pavane op. 50
Things I'm looking forward to:
end of the semester
the height of autumn
My not-bingo bingo (thinking I'll recycle this every month lol):
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fellandcrow · 6 months
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Human!AU, Tattoos!AU, Fandom!AU, Social Media, Friends to Lovers, Mutual pining
Summary: Aziraphale, as far as he can remember, has always loved tattoos, even if he swore to himself from early on that he would never get any of his own. But, one day, he stumbles upon Crowley's Instagram account and his whole world is turned upside down. Two and a half months, that's all it took for Crowley to carve himself a place in Aziraphale's existence and become an important fixture in his life. Two and a half months, and they haven't even met yet.
Chapter summary: "
Of course he would get stuck in traffic once he neared the M25. Of course. He wasn’t even on the blasted orbital motorway and yet, the closer he got to the S6 junction where it crossed the M1, the denser the traffic got.
“This is why I hate London,” Crowley groused through gritted teeth, trying to find a CD in the Bentley's glove compartment that wasn’t a compilation of Queen."
Read it on AO3
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Planet of the Apes. I don't know the source of this picture (anyone know?) but it's a great image that I've seen doing the rounds on the social media. It's a Gorilla from the original movie and TV show era carrying a M1 or M1A1 Thompson SMG. General Aldo had a Thompson in Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973) but, as far as I am aware, he was only shown on screen with the earlier M1928A1 model (which had the distinctive cooling 'fins' along the barrel and different rear sights among other differences).
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evelyne-am · 2 years
20th march 2023
I am Writing todays post from where rehearsal ended yesterday. I think that might work for some posts I don’t know. I actually came in Sir‘s car yesterday, I felt very encouraged that he likes the music though there is a part of me that feels like this is not what I wanted to do. I wanted to do everything but music for a couple of months. But also like after 10 minutes of the actual conversation that I needed to have , very aware that it was a bit awkward for me to be riding with M and Sir. Needed to chat and do my post rehearsals social media stuff but I couldn’t obviously I was like on high alert. I shall henceforth not be such a teachers pet and use my own transport (unless we actually need more meetings)
It was our first night off after ages and even though I now have so much to do I took it. Had my mum‘s birthday stuff and then I got my hair done and went to a party, the last one before Ramadan and met lots of musician friends. I told some of them about what I’m doing, and some of them I didn’t. It’s not a secret or anything, it’s just not being advertised as such right now because to be honest who knows if I will be thrown out for doing something wrong. Don’t wanna take anything for granted. I know I said today on my day off I will be elaborating on the play, but if you’ve been reading every day you know that my day off is not a day off anymore. But I did party too much last night and spent most of the day recovering. I also had to schedule so many things still doing so . There’s this bloody flat that I’ve taken (no no I love my flat) in the middle of my tour couple of months back that I kept on thinking after my tour is over I will sit and get bearings on, I will sit and do my finances for the past five months, I will make a routine for gym and eating healthy because I’ve been gaining some weight in the last two months post Covid. I have thought I would do a bit of it today on my day off but of course I could not. I feel something in my personal life is bugging me when it comes to how much I have allowed people to affect my decisions in the past, how much I have taken peoples advice without knowing that my pulse and my life and my career and my needs are different from everyone so the only person who understand that is me. having this unestablished new home, my cat in another house, everything is a bit unsettled when I need myself to be settled so I can also focus deeply on this really important topic that I really don’t know much about that I have to embody if I want to play an actual acting role. I really really don’t want to be just on the music team.
Anyway I guess having some space from being on the run from 7 am has allowed certain things for me to surface in my personal life. But it is what it is, I have to balance my music projects remaining, my decisions that I made that might have been wrong and now can’t Undo, And maybe some future thinking in the middle of all this. That’s life. The way I had thought that I would shut everything down and just be inside the story is a bit unrealistic. But one thing I’ve done completely is cut myself off from social stuff, I’m getting a new Sim so I can have a new WhatsApp as well, I have too many groups social, work, hobbies. And I like to chat it’s a whole thing. I chat a lot I spend most of my social media time on WhatsApp. Anyway depression is kicking in a bit, don’t feel like doing my 10,000 steps today but rather eating doughnuts and fried chicken (which I do) but I make it to the park and that’s where I am writing this right now.
DC has once again made me a recording of M2 story, I tried to listen to it while I’m having lunch, but the actual details of this one are a bit more gory than M 1 . For some reason I have thought M1 was the heaviest one. In the book it’s what was the end. Might be the last one. But when we were reading the book with everyone together, Sir had mentioned that M1 will go first. I think I understand why. M1 is the a relatable one for people like me or you. M2 on the other hand is more than a stones throw away. M2 story is so different I’m struggling to get inside it and I am really worried that tomorrow everyone will be in their second week zone and I will be on my first day zone again. I hope MQ is faring better than I am with M1. Bloody hell there’s also the music part I just got a text with some more music stuff, I’ve told M that I’m struggling to do so many things at once. And she said to take it easy, but I know. Our rehearsals are supposed to start at 8:30, but actually we get there at eight and we start our basic warmup, almost no one ever shows up after 8:10. It’s that kind of dedication here even though we are told to allow ourselves to have other things and keep our priorities steady, there is an urgency there’s only two months left The Script isn’t even done the music hasn’t even been composed, there’s a lot to do and I realise that. I wanted to take today to do a bit of me time and I probably will for a small amount but I may stay up and do my music stuff, don’t want this to be dragged behind because of me.
Came back to write some more. I am taking a little bit of me time listening to some tunes cooking having a drink, I’ve got my 10,000 steps in (even though I ate fried chicken and a doughnut). I’m going to try and get my friends and family to help me be a bit more regimented with my eating and working out habits, I can’t be depressed and fighting at a time like this I need to be on my a game if not For anyone but these ladies these ladies whose stories we are supposed to be telling. It's a battle in my head between my real focus of this bigger than me thing and then my little world me. Today SHAW had an event of his company and I guess forgot to invite me. In the past month have I become so off people's radar is that even my closest friends in the industry are forgetting that I exist? But Is that not what I wanted? Didn’t I want to drop off the planet for a little bit, not do the whole Glam celebrity thing, or the social life thing. But last night when I got my hair done and went to meet friends I took a couple of photos. I felt really good as a part of me that actually really enjoys that and I want to honour it. But I also want to remember it’s just three months, it’s okay if people forget you for three months, when the play releases the play will shine and with it so will you AM.
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allfanficisgay · 1 year
Fanfiction -- a tool to reclaim our magical universe
These are just a handful of comments made my authors who wrote nonbinary fanfiction and filled out my survey. All responses have been anonymized. I will be releasing my full thesis and findings soon!
CN: mental illeness, homophobia, transphobia, the author who shall not be named
“I like reading and writing about queer characters, especially in works that don’t have any actual queer characters. In HP, everyone is canonically cishet. I LOVE writing gay characters, and just giving them all happy endings. I want happy gay characters that we just don’t often get by actual authors. Plus I can really self project onto them, which is always fun.” Reggie 
“To this day, I still write fic mostly to explore my emotions, especially the complex ones, as well as my trauma. Reading and writing fic is a way to heal, to connect with others, to canalyse and express my emotions, and to evade myself from the real world into romance and pining and fluffy and kinky worlds.” Cantharellus 
“Fanfiction ultimately became a way for me to process events that had occurred in my life and imagine a better future or what it would have been like for me if I had a more supportive person to help me through it.” M1
“I wrote my first fanfiction, a Harry Potter fanfiction about non binary Hogwarts students, when J.K. Rowling’s transphobic tweets started. It was a way to reclaim the series in a more accepting way.” Wolf
“I love seeing other people's ideas, and how the play with other's sandboxes. I personally love turning JKR's bigoted writing into something interesting and queer.” Kiva
“Fanfiction can be particularly powerful because it allows me to queer media that wasn't ever made for me and turn it into something in which I can see myself. There's something beautifullly queer and special about that. I also enjoy naming and celebrating queer and disabled threads that are already there. Taking a character that's coded as queer and making it explicit. Taking a character whose disability is frequently brushed over and making it meaningful.” Rowen
“First got into it while questioning my gender and beginning to transition when I was completely isolated socially and needed some way to express myself. Shouting thoughts/emotions/experiences/fears into a void, if you will.” Cedar
“I now write the stories I/my friends deserve to see– love stories about queer and disabled characters that are more than those identities, and that have a happy ending.” Star
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
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Content list... again. Mostly KDE related.
I guess I will customize my daily driver home workstation towards a full custom operating system small steps at a time, section by section.
HTML5/CSS3-only website (landchad.net), Konqueror/Librewolf/Firefox, Okular...
Braindump #1
Servitor computing architecture (both software and hardware)
VeneraFS (Common Lisp + ZealOS' RedSeaFS)
Fish shell
vim-wiki & other (Neo?-)Vim plugins...
Okteta & KDE partition manager
Godot + Qodot
'Mal' Lisp
Unix & xv6
Windows 3.11 reimplementation
Notecards & HyperCard / HyperTalk & Cardfile
Pentagon computer
Pixelcrushers' Love/Hate & Quest (system) for Unity
Sophisticated disk hex editor, KDE liquidshell-like desktop environement, Fish shell scripting, selfhosted Git version control with GitLab, try Common Lisp as login shell?, VeneraFS (RedSeaFS redesigned), Servitor architecture VM, physical boxsets, physical media customization, physical printouts;
VeneraFS (open libre transparent multimedia filesystem easy to edit in disk editor, with traits from ZealOS' and Common Lisp's object system [CLOS]),
Topic list:
LibreOffice Writer/Impress/Calc & Caligra office productivity suites
ZealOS 2023 workflow review
History of some technologies and reviewing alternate developments / derivations
KDE desktop environment customization
Firefox & LibreWolf & Konqueror browsers
Inkscape (vector graphics)
Karbon / Krita (vector graphics & animation workflow)
Kdenlive (video editor)
Blender (3D modelers' suite) [papercrafts, 360 toon animations and 2D/3D assets]
GIMP (with G'MIC addons)
Kate & ghostwriter (Plain text -> R Markdown workflow)
Konsole (Fish + Tmux + Vim workflow)
K3B & Brasero (formatting + burning onto physical media, making boxsets with such and distributing it like 'zines)
InstantMessaging (Konversation, Ruqola, NeoChat...)
Making your own RSS Feeds & also reading them
lb from Luke Smith
Fediverse & Mastodon
GNU Jami
Ken Silverman
John Romero
John Carmack
Video rental store databank with LibreOffice Base
some macro markup -> SGML -> HTML3.5 -> XHTML4 -> HTML5
Writing affirmations -> making subliminal audio tracks
Turing Machines & equivalences to Lambda Calculus
Basics of coding, programming, maths and linguistics
Egyptian hieroglyphics as a esoteric programming language
Digging computation before the second world war
Why synthetic serfs for autistic communications & reading social clues and how to do such with justice
Constructed languages for machines? (SVJ Junior's proposal rewritten)
M1 iMac 24" max for some Linux distro?
StarFighter Linux laptop?
Pinephone Pro 64 smartphone?
Upgrade and customize further my 2014 custom PC build by 2025
Lisp keyboard + deskmat + optical mouse + dedicated stereo speakers + vertical 2560x1440p monitor setup
Three CP77 playthroughs (Vanilla, Modlist, DIY handmade mods + open source port?!)
Cyberpunk Red & Pathfinder 2nd edition, sessions of solo play?
Gumroad / Etsy / 'Itch.io' creative production pipeline
Going through edutaining suggestions and curation lists
Going through my virtual backlogs of content to address
Going through my physical backlogs of content to address
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aykutiltertr · 9 days
Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) - Justin Vibes ✩ Rhythm Karaoke (Nihavend M...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ⭐ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/YRGiYySpH5Y ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) - Justin Vibes ✩ Rhythm Karaoke (Nihavend Minör 4/4 C Composer Aymos) ❤ @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ➤ SANATÇININ DİĞER ŞARKILARI İÇİN OYNATMA LİSTESİNE BAKABİLİRSİNİZ...         ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9SktAtLVupOrJM4iEjwg4NY0kWEvhKJX https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JcqjI4dwLZI   HIP HOP ➤ ESER ADI                : Uzozisola (You'll Regret It) ➤ SÖZ GÜFTE            : AYMOS ➤ BESTE - MÜZİK      : AYMOS ➤ USÜL                       : 4/4 ➤ MAKAM - DİZİ        : NİHAVEND - MİNÖR ➤ ARANJÖR       ��      : JUSTIN VIBES ➤ ENSTRÜMANLAR :   ➤ KİMLER OKUDU    : ft. Diamonds of Gwijo x Azul Serene ➤ FİRMA - ŞİRKETİ   : ? COMPOSITION & LYRICS AYMOS Aymos Songwriter                             ŞARKI SÖZÜ ve AKORU Lyrics Translation: Ngi Authi a sharp mina (I’m a chilled/laid back guy) babuze bonke bazo ku tsela (ask anyone and they’ll they you) ndiyi authi e sharp mina Andina nto eyiningi mina (I’m a chilled/laid back guy) ndihleka nawo wonke umntu ohleka nam (I get along with almost everyone) phinde veza loku gqibela (my huge smile is a testament to that) ayebo sokule hee hee Hu hu (Yes this is it) Uzozisola (You’ll Regret It) This song is a cover of Mas Musiq's "Uzozisola" which means "You'll Regret It". It's about being a nice guy but if pushed over the edge, you'll regret it. Diamonds of Gwijo (the kids), only sang part of the song's lyrics. Azul Serene sang the breakdown "Uzozisola". I hope you enjoy! Marimba One has strategically thought of the future and longevity of their instruments, and equally the same for their artists. Because of this intentional care and detail to both the instruments and the artists, that was enough for me to choose M1. Justin Vibes A multi-platinum songwriter & producer, singer, and vibraphonist, Justin Vibes has paved out a lane in the music industry that some may find intriguing. The Baltimore born, Trinidadian musician found success in Los Angeles writing songs for Eminem, Chris Brown, DaBaby, and Kodak Black, just to only name a few while touring the world, performing on big stages such as Coachella, Lollapalooza, etc with alternative pop duo, Capital Cities.  His instrument of choice, the vibraphone, is an instrument rarely seen in the mainstream music scene. Justin is using this instrument on hit records and big stages with no hesitation, garnering millions of views on social media, and showcasing the instrument (along with his singing and songwriting skills) in all of his original music.   Currently, Justin is continuously writing songs for other artists, producing content for his audience, and is expected to release his solo project soon. JUSTIN VIBES HIP HOP SONGS RHYTHM KARAOKE
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
Another media betrayal
elizabeth nickson
Sep 09, 2024
If anything needs scrutiny it is the Department of Defence and its massive spending, not to mention DARPA and the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) program. What the hell are they doing in underground bases? I’ve seen so much evidence of that I know they exist. What history are they hiding? What is going on in their reverse engineering of alien craft and technology? That is OURS. WE PAID FOR IT.
Yet the press behaves as if these people are Gods with ultimate authority. They are anything but. They routinely gut our budgets, and I can’t remember the last time they “won” a war. Or contributed anything of value at all. And no one puts them on the spot. Ever. Especially not those whose job it is.
The Media Vs. the Military.
In excerpt from Against the Corporate Media, coming Sept. 10 from Bombardier Books. "The Media vs. the Military" by Kurt Schlichter. 
The dilettante model gave way to the ink-stained-wretch model as newspapers were able to fund their own correspondents instead of having to rely on rich kids’ letters home. World War II saw an explosion of war correspondents sent overseas to satisfy the hunger of the people back home for news about their 12 million menfolk deployed to all corners of the globe in the Great Crusade against the Axis. These young civilian men with notepads were not that different from the young military men with M1 Garands—they even wore the same uniforms (albeit without rank). But more important, they came from the same kind of places and the same kind of families and the same social class.
Ernie Pyle was the quintessential war reporter of the era, the man who told the story of the dog-faced infantrymen and their harrowing, often-short, lives at the front. Pyle was no Yalie slumming it with the proles. Born to a tenant farmer in Indiana, he dropped out of college and did a short stateside hitch as a swabbie in the Navy Reserve during World War I, then took up the pen. He followed the troops through the European theater, sharing their misery, reporting their suffering. His poignant columns were printed in hundreds of newspapers. Then he went to the Pacific theater, and during the fight for Okinawa on April 18, 1945, while accompanying U.S. Army soldiers, he caught a Japanese machine gun bullet below the lip of his helmet. He died at age forty-four, looking seventy-four.
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head-post · 2 months
Ukraine attempted manoeuvre near Russian border amid criticism over plotting media victory
Ukrainian media report attempted military manoeuvres near the Russian-Ukrainian border at the Kursk region, while military experts question the expediency of the operation.
Russia’s Defence Ministry reported that Ukrainian troops attacked the positions of units covering the “State Border of the Russian Federation” on Tuesday. The Ukrainians reportedly deployed up to three hundred soldiers from the 22nd Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) after fire preparation, supported by 11 tanks and over 20 armoured fighting vehicles.
The operation took place in the areas of the settlements of Nikolayevo-Daryino and Oleshnya, the Kursk region, adjacent to the Russian-Ukrainian border. Troops covering the state border together with units of the border troops of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) repelled the attack, according to the statement.
Operational-tactical and attack aviation struck the clusters of AFU soldiers and equipment in the Sumy region. As a result of the shelling, sixteen units of AFU armoured vehicles were destroyed, according to the Defence Ministry.
In contrast to the efforts of the Ukrainian forces, the Russian grouping of troops in the Kharkiv region proved its combat capability and carried out tasks to pull back AFU units from Donbas (Luhansk and Donetsk regions). As a result, the Russian advance in the fiercely contested region accelerated.
Why AFU chose Kursk
The situation in the area of military operations on the border with Sumy and Kursk regions remains difficult. The Ukrainians are carrying out most of their strikes using drones of various types, but military equipment is actively moving into the border area.
The Kursk region is as much a frontline region of Russia as Belgorod. However, unlike the borders of the Belgorod region, the activity of military operations in the Kursk region is lower. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) has allegedly staked on the weak border security in the area.
Critics argue that, apart from the expected media effect for further dissemination on social networks, the AFU is trying to demonstrate any offensive action. They blame the leadership for waging a sabotage war amid ineffective head-on confrontations. Ukrainian troops allegedly planned to infiltrate Russian territories, film footage, and spread it online.
The AFU used limited Stryker armoured personnel carriers to attack the Kursk region. Earlier, the Ukrainian Army received about 250 vehicles of this type, with a significant part of them already lost during battles in the Zaporizhzhia region, near Vovchansk, behind Chasiv Yar, and in other areas, according to Ukrainian media.
Media effect
Such short-term sabotage operations are the most effective way to make a lot of fuss, get the necessary media effect, and come back with most of the units intact. Experts call another reason for the attack as an attempt by the AFU to pull back Russian troops from another section of the front, citing Chasiv Yar as an example.
However, Ukraine is severely limited in resources and time, key factors determining the success of the operation and losses. Ukrainian media report the destruction of a Buk-M1 missile system used to cover the breakthrough in the Kursk region. Sources also report abandoned Ukrainian armoured vehicles at the exit of the 38K-030 Rylsk-Korneevo-Sudzha Road in the Kursk region, about 5 km from the Russian border.
Military experts suggest that the AFU vehicles went onto an asphalt road, where they were discovered and shelled. The footage also confirms that Ukrainian troops are making breakthrough attempts not only in the direction of Sudzha, but also much further north.
All these media victories reveal the real state of affairs, experts say. They believe that the AFU’s sabotage operations on the Russian-Ukrainian border have no military expediency: they serve to create a media victory to demonstrate it to fatigued citizens against the backdrop of the dramatic situation in Donbas.
Read more HERE
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novumtimes · 2 months
Mainland Chinese iPhone users unable to access Apple Intelligence after AI update TechNode
Apple released the developer beta version of its iOS 18.1 and iPadOS 18.1 for iPhone and iPad users on Tuesday, introducing AI features for the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and Macs and iPads with M1 chips or higher. The new Apple Intelligence features include text proofreading and grammar correction, enhanced Siri capabilities with a new interface design, smart summaries and auto-replies for email, automatic creation of Memories movies in the photo album, and AI-generated summaries of phone conversations. However, shortly after the update’s release it emerged that mainland Chinese iPhone users were unable to use Apple’s new AI offerings, a situation that soon started trending on Chinese social media platform Weibo. Apple’s customer service department told local media outlet Sina Tech that the AI features were not available because the new official version of them has not yet been launched in China. [Caijing, in Chinese] Related Source link via The Novum Times
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shereen1 · 4 months
Unleash Your Productivity: Unveiling the Perfect Apple Laptop for Every Egyptian Creator
Hardware Egypt, your one-stop shop for all things tech, is passionate about empowering Egyptian creators. We understand that the right tools can make all the difference in bringing your vision to life, and that's why we offer a stunning selection of Apple laptops at unbeatable prices.
But with various models and configurations, choosing the perfect Apple laptop for your needs can feel overwhelming. Fear not, fellow creators! This comprehensive guide dives deep into the world of Apple laptops, exploring the different options and their price points to help you find the ideal fit.
The Apple Laptop Family: A Glimpse into Power and Portability
Apple boasts two powerhouse laptop lines: the sleek and portable MacBook Air and the feature-rich MacBook Pro.
MacBook Air: The epitome of lightweight design and everyday performance, the MacBook Air is a fantastic option for students, writers, and content creators on the go. Its starting price of around EGP 49,900 (subject to change) makes it an attractive entry point into the Apple ecosystem.
MacBook Pro: For those who demand ultimate power and performance, the MacBook Pro reigns supreme. This powerhouse caters to video editors, graphic designers, and programmers with demanding workflows. Starting at around EGP 73,999 (subject to change), the MacBook Pro offers a robust combination of processing power, stunning displays, and extended battery life.
Delving Deeper: Exploring Configurations and Price Points
Now, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of configurations and their impact on price. Here's a breakdown of key factors that influence the cost of your Apple laptop:
Processor (Chip): The heart of your laptop, the processor determines its processing power and performance. Apple's M-series chips, like the M1, M2, and the latest M3, offer impressive speed and efficiency. Higher-tier chips, naturally, come with a higher price tag.
Storage: The amount of storage determines how much data you can store on your laptop.  For casual users or those primarily dealing with documents and photos, 256GB of storage might suffice. However, creators dealing with large files like video footage may require 512GB or even 1TB, leading to a price increase.
Memory (RAM): RAM allows your laptop to run multiple programs simultaneously. For basic tasks, 8GB RAM is sufficient. However, content creators working with demanding design software or video editing might benefit from 16GB of RAM for a smoother workflow, impacting the overall price.
Finding Your Perfect Apple Laptop at Hardware Egypt
Here's a quick guide to steer you towards the ideal Apple laptop based on your needs and budget:
Budget-Conscious Creators (EGP 49,900 - EGP 65,500):  The MacBook Air with the M1 chip and 256GB storage is a fantastic option for writers, bloggers, and social media managers.
Mid-Range Powerhouse (EGP 73,999 - EGP 88,900):  The MacBook Pro with the M2 chip, 8GB RAM, and 256GB storage offers excellent performance for content creators who edit photos and videos occasionally.
Uncompromising Power (EGP 99,900 and above):  For video editors and graphic designers pushing their creative boundaries, the MacBook Pro with the M3 chip, 16GB RAM, and 512GB storage or more is the ultimate choice.
Hardware Egypt: Your Trusted Partner in Unleashing Creativity
At Hardware Egypt, we not only offer a wide range of Apple laptops at competitive prices, but we also pride ourselves on exceptional customer service. Our knowledgeable staff can help you navigate through the various configurations and find the perfect Apple laptop that fits your budget and creative needs.
Visit your nearest Hardware Egypt store or browse our online selection today. Let's unlock your creative potential with the perfect Apple laptop!
Additional Tips:
Don't forget to consider accessories! An external hard drive for extra storage, a wireless mouse, and a keyboard case for enhanced comfort are excellent additions to your Apple laptop setup.
Hardware Egypt often offers promotions and discounts. Keep an eye on our website and social media pages for exciting deals on Apple laptops.
Remember, investing in the right Apple laptop is an investment in your creative journey. Let Hardware Egypt be your guide to unlocking your full potential!
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riseconsultancy · 5 months
Study in USA
Know why Indian students love studying in the US!
The United States of America (USA) hosts the greatest number of international students in the world. Quality education, a unique curriculum, a multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities are just some of the reasons why many Indian students want to study in the USA.
Student visa requirements for the US
The US Government offers three different student visa types: Types of student visaDescription1F-1 Student Visato study at an accredited US college or university or to study English at an English language institute2J Exchange Visa (J-1)for participation in an exchange program, including high school and university study3M Student Visa (M1)for non-academic or vocational study or training in the US
*For detailed information, please visit the US Government’s Department of State website.
Intakes available in the USA
Unlike a single intake in Indian universities, American colleges and universities offer three intakes. In some universities, intakes may also be referred to as a semester. The three intakes available in the US are:
Fall: A popular intake among Indian students, The Fall intake starts in the month of September
Spring: Starts in January; it’s best if you miss the September intake
Summer: Available for limited programs and colleges, the Summer intake usually starts around May
Live life in the FastLane 
Want to check if you’re eligible to get into your dream university? With Rise Fastlane you can get an in-principle offer in seconds!
Enter your preferences to find and short list matching courses, provide your academic details and get ready to receive a response from your dream university within seconds!
Cost to study in the USA
Universities in the US are majorly divided into two categories – Public/State and Private. The education cost at a public/state university is comparatively lesser than that of a private institution. Your expenditure on tuition fees depends on the type of qualification and university or school you opt for. To cover tuition fees, you will need approx. $8,000 to $55,000 (USD) a year (indicative).SchoolTuition fees in USD (indicative)English language studies$700 to $2,000 a monthCommunity colleges$6,000 to $20,000 per yearUndergraduate bachelor degree$20,000 to $40,000 per yearGraduate programs$20,000 to $45,000 per yearDoctoral degree$28,000 to $55,000 per year
Scholarships to study in the USA
The amount of money available and the type of award varies between institutions. Certain research programs may provide up to 100% of the tuition fee besides covering a part of your living expenditures.
Here are some popular scholarship programs you can apply to study in the US as an Indian student:S.No.Name of the scholarshipDescription1Fulbright- Nehru Fellowships (Government-funded)Applicable for international students who are applying to master’s or PhD programs; this scholarship covers tuition fees, accident and sickness coverage as per US guidelines, airfare, and living costs2Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program (Government-funded)This program is a part of the Full bright program and aims to bring an accomplished young and mid-career professional from a developing country to study in the US for 10 months of non-degree graduate study and related practical experience3#YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship (Non-Government scholarship)It’s a scholarship and social media campaign designed to welcome international students into the US higher education system irrespective of the subject area4UEFA (Non-Government scholarship)This is a summer program sponsored by Abbey Road Inc. which grants scholarships to 14-18 aged high school student that shows exemplary performance in their academics and extracurricular activities5AAUW International Fellowships (Non-Government scholarship)These fellowships are awarded to international women students for full-time study and research in the US. It supports both graduate and post-graduate students accredited in the US institutions
*This is an indicative list, speak with your Rise expert for details and the best available options suited to your profile
Please note: An MBA degree can cost significantly more, as can professional programs such as law, medicine, dentistry, some design programs, etc. Most doctoral degrees are 100% funded through research/teaching assistantships, research aid and bursaries
If you want to bring down your educational expenses, it is best to apply to various U.S scholarships available for Indian students.
Top courses to study in the US
Here are the top fields preferred by international students:
Engineering and computer science courses
Life science courses
Business management courses
Top universities to study in the US (QS Ranking 2023)
Check where your favourite American university ranksS.No.InstitutionQS Ranking 2023 (Globally)1Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)12Stanford University33Harvard University54California Institute of Technology (CalTech)65University of Chicago106University of Pennsylvania137Yale University188Columbia University229Princeton University1610Cornell University20
Check where these American universities rank on the Times Higher Education charts.
Job prospects in the USA
Owing to a skills shortage across various sectors in the American market, international students with skills are in demand and those who are willing to settle in America have the option to apply under a Skilled Worker Visa and permanently work and reside in the country. Graduates are in high demand in the USA, especially in the field of healthcare, film production, real estate, retail sector, agriculture, engineering, and computers & information technology.
There are also various of internship programs available that can be taken up by international students.
Cost of living in the USA
In the US, living costs vary by a substantial amount due to the vast territory of the country. Usually, urban areas are more expensive (in or near a big city) in contrast to smaller towns or suburban areas. Therefore, to have a fair view of the general living costs in the US, you should also consider these common expenses when creating your budget:ExpensesAverage yearly cost*Books and Stationery$500- $1,000Travelling$500- $1,200Food$2,500Clothes and footwear$500Miscellaneous expenses$2,000
*Note: All costs are indicative and may vary from region to region
Why Travel to the USA?
One of the largest countries across the world, the USA is undoubtedly a few of the most hotspots traveling destinations. Everybody of any age once dreams of travel to the USA. This incredibly diverse nation hosts millions of non-native residents having completely different backgrounds. The culture, food, customs, everything makes the USA truly extraordinary.
The US has something for everyone from large museums to sky-touching mountains, to desserts, to small and big towns one can enjoy anything and everything here. From dawn to dark USA has countless places to visit.
To take you to your dreamland, Rise Consultancy Edu experts are here to help you with the USA Visit visa process by their in-depth knowledge and specialization in dealing with US B2 Visa.
What is the USA visitor Visa?
The US B2 Visa/tourist Visa is an official document issued by the US Visa office that permits visa holders to visit Australia during its validity period for only tourism, medical, visit family/friends or for leisure purposes. Typically it allows you to stay in the US for 6 months (single entry visa) and some time for 10 years in case of multiple entry visas. US Visit visa takes 2-3 days to process the same.
An application filing for USA B2 Visa requires to demonstrate to US officials that you qualify for US Visa as per the US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and must be able to convince officials that you are not intending immigrant by proofing:
That the cause of your visit is merely tourism, medical treatment or visit family/friends.
You must demonstrate by providing evidence that you will return to your home country at the expiry of your visa validity
University of Californi, Berkeley
Documents Required
To apply for the USA Visit Visa, applicants must have:
Valid passport
Proof of funds
Proof of Education
Round trip itinerary along with air tickets
Police verification record
Explanation letter (explaining the purpose to visit USA)
Photocopies of relatives status in the US
Medical certificate
0 notes
micro961 · 7 months
Fabio De Vincente feat. ALYOSHA (Olena Topolia), la star Ucraina
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“Via dall’Inferno” (“Розбити Вавилон”)
Un brano che parla di salvezza nell’estenuante lotta tra il bene e il male Un canzone unica nel suo genere data la particolarità del duetto tra una cantautrice ucraina ed un cantautore Italiano in questo preciso momento storico. Un brano intenso e profondo che parla di salvezza in questo periodo di guerra che l’Ucraina e non solo stanno vivendo.
Ora Fabio De Vincente e ALYOSHA sono a Kiev, nonostante i giornalieri bombardamenti, per la promozione del brano nelle maggiori trasmissioni tv, radio e media nazionali e sono ospiti dei maggiori influencer del paese.
Il brano è nato una notte durante il lock down del 2020 mentre Fabio stava attraversando un periodo difficile della sua vita. L’opera è rimasta nel cassetto fino a gennaio 2023 quando il cantautore ha deciso di contattare ALYOSHA (Olena Topolia), una delle cantanti ucraine più famose e apprezzate nel mondo, per proporle una collaborazione. Dato che la canzone non aveva ritornelli, ma solo un coro, è stato quello lo spazio in cui si è insediata la creatività di ALYOSHA, la quale ha scritto il testo e la melodia dei ritornelli nella sua lingua madre.
«Ho scritto ad ALYOSHA perché a questa canzone mancava proprio lei. Conoscevo il suo valore artistico e sentivo che era molto vicina al mio stile. Parliamo la stessa lingua dell'anima.» Fabio De Vincente «Il contenuto della canzone mi è sembrato molto importante e vicino. Nei ritornelli, ho metaforicamente controbilanciato le manifestazioni egoistiche, il cui simbolo è la Torre di Babele.» Alyosha Il brano è stato prodotto da Fabio De Vincente con Luca “Vicio” Vicini (bassista dei Subsonica e produttore musicale), gli archi eseguiti da Simone Rossetti Bazzaro (violinista di Zucchero e molti altri) e masterizzato da Giovanni Versari (vincitore di un Grammy).
Il video è stato diretto dal regista americano Chris Andrade e le riprese si sono svolte a New York. Fabio è in un vortice di emozioni e in uno stato di profonda sofferenza. Incapace di trovare pace, vaga per la città immerso nei suoi ricordi e lotta con i propri demoni interiori. Appare ALYOSHA, la sua voce interiore, ad indicargli la via verso la sua parte buona cosciente nella lotta tra il bene e il male. E' lei a condurre Fabio verso un futuro e una vita migliore.
Fabio De Vincente indossa abiti del brand “Carlo Pignatelli” con cui ha iniziato una collaborazione.
ALYOSHA (Olena Topolia) è la star Ucraina tra le più popolari nel mondo. Nel 2010, con la canzone Sweet people, ha rappresentato l'Ucraina all'Eurovision Song Contest internazionale di Oslo ed è entrata nella top ten del continente. Nel 2023 è tornata come ospite all'Eurovision di Liverpool. Ha all’attivo numerosi album e singoli con milioni di views e centinaia di migliaia di followers su social e piattaforme. Vincitrice di numerosi premi prestigiosi, tra cui: M1 Music Awards, "Golden Firebird", YUNA, "Golden Gramophone" Ucraina, "Song of the Year", Viva!. Inclusa nella TOP 5 dei cantanti più itineranti del paese. Secondo TOP HIT, le canzoni di ALYOSHA sono in rotazione su tutte le stazioni radio ucraine e occupano posizioni di primo piano nelle classifiche radiofoniche. Ha preso parte a molte iniziative sociali e tenuto incontri nei centri di riabilitazione con soldati e veterani dell'ATO. Ha inoltre lo status di partner dell'UNICEF in Ucraina. ALYOSHA è sposata con il frontman della band "Antitila" Taras Topolei, invitato da Amadeus con la sua band ad esibirsi alla serata finale del Festival di Sanremo 2023. Fabio De Vincente: L'arte di Fabio De Vincente definito “l’aristocratico di strada” racchiude in sé tutto quello che è stato ed è il suo stile di vita. A 11 anni inizia a scrivere canzoni e successivamente fa esperienza suonando piano e voce nei club più prestigiosi d’Italia e all’estero e per eventi privati esclusivi. Ospite in programmi TV come da Maurizio Costanzo su Rai 1 ed è stato testimonial di una campagna sulla sicurezza stradale nazionale. Finalista 3 volte al Festival di Sanremo Giovani, concorrente di The Voice of Italy e le sue canzoni sono entrate a far parte delle colonne sonore di alcuni film. Fabio De Vincente è cantante, autore, compositore e produttore polistrumentista dei suoi brani. Dal 2021 tutti i singoli del suo nuovo progetto entrano nelle classifiche conquistando articoli e passaggi su testate e radio nazionali. A dicembre 2022 esce l’album “VINCENTE” recensito molto bene dalla critica.
CONTATTI / SOCIAL https://ada.lnk.to/viadallinferno
ALYOSHA (Olena Topolia): https://www.instagram.com/fabiodevincente https://www.facebook.com/AlyoshaOfficial https://www.youtube.com/@Alyosha
Fabio De Vincente: https://www.instagram.com/fabiodevincente https://www.youtube.com/FabioDeVincente https://open.spotify.com/artist/72P6Ar9sfTW78tVaNosUmD https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiodevincente?_t=8ihLRH3t3Qn&_r=1
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fernando-arciniega · 8 months
Cultura Digital II – PROGRESIONES DE APRENDIZAJE 7 – Proyecto 7
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Procesa datos de la situación, fenómeno o problemática investigada mediante herramientas de software que calculen medidas de tendencia central (media, mediana y moda) y de dispersión (desviación estándar y varianza) y su representación gráfica (barras, pastel, líneas, embudo, mapas, diagramas de dispersión, diagramas de Gantt), para contribuir a su análisis. METASCATEGORÍASUBCATEGORÍAM1. Utiliza herramientas, servicios y medios digitales para crear contenidos, difundir información, potenciar su creatividad e innovación.M2. Realiza Investigación, entornos digitales para extraer, recopilar, ordenar y graficar información aplicable a las áreas del conocimiento.C4. Creatividad DigitalS1. Creación de contenidos digitalesS2. Desarrollo DigitalS3. Literacidad Digital Una actividad didáctica que podría aplicarse para alumnos de bachillerato tecnológico para alcanzar las metas M1 y M2 es la siguiente: Actividad: Análisis de datos de una encuesta sobre las preferencias de los jóvenes Objetivo: - Procesar datos de una encuesta mediante herramientas de software que calculen medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, y su representación gráfica. - Contribuir al análisis de los datos de una encuesta sobre las preferencias de los jóvenes. Materiales: - Computadoras con acceso a internet - Plataforma de aprendizaje virtual - Herramientas de software para el análisis de datos Desarrollo: - El docente propone una encuesta sobre las preferencias de los jóvenes, relacionada con las Ciencias Naturales, Experimentales y Tecnología, Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades, Recursos Sociocognitivos o Socioemocionales. - Los alumnos se organizan en grupos de 3 a 5 personas. - Cada grupo recopila las respuestas a la encuesta, utilizando herramientas digitales como Google Forms o SurveyMonkey. - Los grupos utilizan herramientas de software para el análisis de datos para calcular medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión de los datos recopilados. - Los alumnos representan gráficamente los datos analizados, utilizando herramientas digitales como Excel o Tableau. - Los alumnos presentan sus análisis a la clase. Evaluación: - La calidad del análisis de datos, teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios: - Relevancia de los datos analizados - Calidad del análisis - Interpretación de los resultados - La participación de los alumnos en las actividades de la plataforma de aprendizaje virtual. Relación con las metas M1 y M2: Esta actividad permite a los alumnos: - Utilizar herramientas de software para el análisis de datos. - Procesar datos de una encuesta, calculando medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, y su representación gráfica. - Contribuir al análisis de los datos de una encuesta, utilizando las herramientas y conocimientos adquiridos. Adaptaciones: La actividad puede adaptarse a las necesidades y contextos específicos de los alumnos. Por ejemplo, la encuesta propuesta puede ser más específica, según la especialidad o el interés de los alumnos. También se pueden utilizar otras herramientas digitales, como aplicaciones móviles o software de edición de video. Ejemplo: En una clase de bachillerato tecnológico de la especialidad de ciencias sociales, el docente propone una encuesta sobre las preferencias de los jóvenes en cuanto a las actividades de ocio y tiempo libre. Los alumnos se organizan en grupos de 4 personas y comienzan a recopilar las respuestas a la encuesta. Utilizan Google Forms para crear la encuesta y recopilar las respuestas. Luego, utilizan Excel para calcular medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión de los datos recopilados. Por ejemplo, calculan la media, la mediana, la moda, la desviación estándar y la varianza de la edad de los encuestados. También representan gráficamente los datos analizados, utilizando Excel para crear gráficos de barras, gráficos de pastel y diagramas de dispersión. Los alumnos presentan sus análisis a la clase y reciben una evaluación por la calidad del análisis y su participación en las actividades de la plataforma de aprendizaje virtual. Esta actividad permite a los alumnos desarrollar las habilidades y competencias necesarias para utilizar herramientas de software para el análisis de datos, procesar datos de una encuesta, calculando medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, y su representación gráfica, y contribuir al análisis de los datos de una encuesta, utilizando las herramientas y conocimientos adquiridos. Read the full article
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proexxa · 10 months
thiss my assignment work by Oleksandr Sodol
for Marketing4Musicans by Douglas Cooney
LO1 Investigate the various freelance roles in the music industry:
P1 Explore the diversity of the music industry workforce and range of creative and production freelance roles
P2 Explore the accessibility of employed and self-employed opportunities in the musicindustry
M1 Compare the legal rights and responsibilities for employed and self-employed working in your chosen career role
The music industry offers numerous freelance roles across various sectors. Here are several freelance positions within the music industry:
Music Production and Engineering:
Freelance Music Producer: Offers production services for artists, bands, or labels, managing the creation and development of musical recordings.
Mixing/Mastering Engineer: Provides services to enhance the sound quality of recorded music, optimizing it for distribution or performance.
Session Musicians and Arrangers:
Freelance Instrumentalist: Offers services to play specific instruments on tracks or during live performances for artists.
Arranger: Works on musical arrangements for songs, adapting compositions for different instruments or genres.
Songwriting and Composition:
Freelance Songwriter: Writes or co-writes songs for artists, labels, or media projects.
Composer: Creates original music compositions for films, TV shows, commercials, or other multimedia projects on a freelance basis.
Performance and Live Sound:
Live Sound Engineer: Provides sound engineering services for live events, ensuring high-quality audio during concerts or shows.
Touring Musician: Freelance musicians who perform live with various artists or bands on tours or specific gigs.
Music Education and Instruction:
Music Instructor/Tutor: Provides music lessons or tutoring services for individuals or groups, teaching instruments, theory, or production techniques.
Workshop Facilitator: Conducts workshops or seminars on various music-related topics, targeting musicians or aspiring industry professionals.
Business and Administration:
Music Business Consultant: Offers consulting services to artists, labels, or startups regarding marketing strategies, industry trends, or business development.
Music Publicist: Provides PR services, promoting artists, albums, or events to media outlets and managing publicity campaigns.
Online Content Creation and Media:
Content Creator/Blogger: Creates music-related content for blogs, vlogs, or social media platforms, discussing industry trends, reviews, or tutorials.
Podcaster/Radio Host: Hosts music-related podcasts or radio shows, discussing topics, interviews, or music reviews.
Freelance Platforms and Marketplaces:
Freelance Platforms: Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or SoundBetter connect freelancers with clients seeking music-related services.
Music Licensing Specialist: Assists artists in licensing their music for use in films, commercials, or other media, negotiating deals on a freelance basis.
These freelance roles cater to various skill sets and interests within the music industry, offering opportunities for creative professionals, technicians, educators, and business-oriented individuals to thrive in a freelance capacity.
Wish to add some words, what ima choose head-roles: music producer & music promoter; so next sentences will certainly more about this two.
The music industry workforce is incredibly diverse, encompassing a wide range of roles and talents. Within the realm of freelance positions, the role of a music producer stands out significantly due to its multifaceted responsibilities and impact on the music creation process.
Diversity in Music Industry Freelance Roles:
Music Producer:
Role: Music producers oversee the creation, arrangement, recording, and final production of a song or album. They guide artists in achieving their desired sound, often working on the overall sonic aesthetic and direction.
Diverse Responsibilities: Producers wear many hats: from selecting songs, arranging compositions, guiding artists on performances, managing recording sessions, to post-production tasks like mixing and mastering.
Collaborative Role: They collaborate with artists, songwriters, session musicians, engineers, and label representatives to bring a musical vision to life.
Diverse Specializations: Music producers often specialize in various genres or specific aspects of production, such as vocal production, beat-making, or film/TV scoring.
Session Musicians:
Freelance instrumentalists who contribute their musical skills and expertise to recordings or live performances across genres.
Mixing/Mastering Engineers:
Freelancers specializing in the technical aspects of sound engineering, refining and enhancing the audio quality of recorded tracks.
Individuals who freelance as lyricists or composers, creating original music or writing songs for artists, films, advertisements, or other media.
Music Instructors/Tutors:
Freelance educators offering music lessons, coaching, or workshops to aspiring musicians or those seeking to enhance their skills.
Music Business Consultants:
Freelancers providing consultancy on marketing strategies, artist development, label operations, or industry trends.
Content Creators/Media Personalities:
Freelance bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, or radio hosts creating music-related content or discussions for online platforms or media outlets.
Accentuating the Music Producer Role:
Varied Skill Set: Music producers require a blend of technical, musical, and interpersonal skills to navigate diverse musical landscapes.
Adaptability: They work across genres, adapting to the artistic visions of different artists while maintaining a signature style or expertise.
Collaborative Nature: Producers excel in collaborating with various professionals, translating artistic ideas into tangible sonic creations.
Entrepreneurial Spirit: Many freelance producers manage their businesses, seeking clients, negotiating deals, and managing projects independently.
The music producer's role within the freelance workforce epitomizes the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the industry, showcasing how a single role can encompass creative, technical, and business-oriented skills crucial for success in the music production landscape.
Concise breakdown accentuating the music promoter role in the freelance workforce:
Significance of a Music Promoter:
Connecting Artists and Audiences: Bridges the gap between artists, venues, and audiences through strategic marketing and event planning.
Event Curation and Organization: Plans and manages live music events, overseeing logistics, venue selection, and budgeting.
Audience Engagement: Builds fan bases, engages communities, and maximizes event visibility through effective networking and marketing.
Key Skills for Success:
Networking Expertise: Strong relationships within the industry, connecting with artists, venues, and media outlets.
Marketing Acumen: Utilizes various marketing channels to promote events and artists effectively.
Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Adapts to market changes, solves logistical challenges, and finds innovative solutions.
Impact and Contribution:
Empowering Artists: Provides platforms for artists to showcase talent and reach broader audiences.
Cultural Influence: Shapes vibrant music scenes by curating diverse events and fostering community engagement.
In summary, music promoters play a pivotal role in linking artists and audiences, organizing impactful events, and influencing cultural experiences within the music industry's freelance landscape.
Both employed and self-employed opportunities exist for music producers and music promoters within the music industry, offering different avenues for career development and creative expression.
Music Producer Opportunities:
Employed Opportunities:
Recording Studios or Labels: Employed roles within established recording studios or major record labels offer stability, working on in-house projects and with signed artists.
Media Production Companies: Employed positions involve composing or producing music for films, TV shows, commercials, or video games.
Music Education Institutions: Employed as an instructor or lecturer in music production at colleges, universities, or specialized music schools.
Self-Employed Opportunities:
Freelance Production Services: Operating independently, offering production, mixing, mastering, or arrangement services to various clients, artists, or bands.
Remote Collaboration: Collaborating with artists globally through online platforms, producing tracks remotely.
Personal Projects: Creating and releasing personal music projects, building a brand or label independently.
Music Promoter Opportunities:
Employed Opportunities:
Record Labels or Promotional Agencies: Employed roles involve marketing, event planning, and promotions within established labels or promotional companies.
Event Management Companies: Employed positions overseeing marketing and promotion for live events, festivals, or concert venues.
Media Outlets: Employed roles in radio stations, music publications, or online platforms handling music promotion and curation.
Self-Employed Opportunities:
Freelance Promotion Services: Offering freelance promotional services to artists, event organizers, or venues, handling marketing and publicity campaigns.
Event Curation: Curating and organizing independent music events, concerts, or festivals.
Content Creation: Building an online presence through blogs, podcasts, or social media platforms focusing on music promotion and industry insights.
Accessibility Insights:
Employed Opportunities: These positions often require specialized skills and experience, with competition for limited openings within established entities.
Self-Employment: Offers more freedom and creativity but requires entrepreneurial skills, networking, and self-promotion to establish a client base or brand.
Both avenues offer distinct advantages and challenges. Employment may provide stability and structured career paths, while self-employment offers autonomy and the ability to shape one's career trajectory. Accessing employed opportunities often requires networking, qualifications, and experience, while self-employment demands entrepreneurial skills, marketing prowess, and a robust professional network for client acquisition and sustainability.
The legal rights and responsibilities differ for those employed versus those who are self-employed within the music industry, particularly for music producers and music promoters.
Employed Music Producer/Promoter:
Employment Protection: Entitled to legal rights provided by labor laws, including minimum wage, working hours, and benefits.
Health and Safety: Protected by workplace health and safety regulations enforced by the employer.
Job Security: Subject to contractual terms and termination procedures outlined in employment contracts.
Contractual Obligations: Expected to fulfill duties outlined in their employment contract, including specific job roles, project deadlines, and confidentiality agreements.
Adherence to Policies: Required to comply with company policies, workplace regulations, and professional standards set by the employer.
Tax and Insurance: Employer handles tax deductions and may provide insurance coverage, relieving the employee of direct tax responsibilities.
Self-Employed Music Producer/Promoter:
Independence: Maintain autonomy in choosing clients, setting rates, and managing work schedules.
Intellectual Property Rights: Retain ownership of created works, negotiating rights with clients through contracts.
Profit Retention: Keep the entirety of earnings after accounting for expenses and taxes.
Tax and Financial Obligations: Responsible for personal tax filings, managing finances, invoicing, and maintaining records.
Legal and Contractual Compliance: Drafting contracts, ensuring legal agreements protect their interests, and handling any legal disputes independently.
Health and Safety: Responsible for own health and safety when working, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
Key Differences:
Employed: Typically have fewer administrative responsibilities concerning taxes, contracts, and legal matters due to employer oversight.
Self-Employed: Assume greater responsibility for managing finances, legal contracts, tax compliance, and securing their own insurance coverage.
Common Legal Considerations:
Contracts: Both employed and self-employed individuals should use contracts to outline terms, rights, and obligations, ensuring clarity and legal protection.
Intellectual Property: Understanding and safeguarding rights to intellectual property created during employment or freelance work is crucial.
Tax Obligations: Both need to comply with tax regulations, but the self-employed have additional responsibilities, including managing deductions, VAT, and record-keeping.
Understanding these distinctions helps in navigating legal frameworks, ensuring compliance, and safeguarding rights and responsibilities, whether working as an employee or self-employed within the music industry. Consulting legal professionals or advisors can provide further clarity and guidance specific to individual circumstances.
LO2 Explore a range of marketing activities available to music industry freelancers
P3 Review marketing activities available to music industry creativeand production freelancers
P4 Compare theeffectiveness of offlineand online marketing activities
M2 Explain how thedevelopment oftechnology has impactedmarketing activities formusicians
D1 Analyse the impactthe development oftechnology has had on theskills set required of afreelancer in today’smusic industry and anyareas for development
Freelancers in the music industry, such as music producers and music promoters, have an array of marketing activities at their disposal to enhance their visibility, attract clients, and promote their services or events.
Marketing Activities for Music Producers:
Online Portfolio Creation:
Develop a professional website or portfolio showcasing past projects, client testimonials, and a comprehensive discography.
Social Media Marketing:
Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share samples of work, engage with followers, and connect with potential clients.
Content Creation and Blogging:
Create blog posts, video tutorials, or vlogs sharing production techniques, industry insights, or behind-the-scenes content to attract an audience.
Networking and Collaboration:
Collaborate with artists, other producers, or industry professionals, leveraging partnerships to expand reach and credibility.
Online Marketplaces:
Join specialized freelance platforms like SoundBetter or Upwork to showcase services, bid on projects, and connect with clients globally.
Marketing Activities for Music Promoters:
Event Promotion Strategies:
Develop strategic marketing plans for events, utilizing social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising to drive ticket sales.
Artist Promotion Campaigns:
Create compelling promotional campaigns highlighting artists, albums, or tours, aiming for increased visibility and audience engagement.
Partnerships and Sponsorships:
Forge partnerships with venues, sponsors, or brands to enhance event visibility and funding, benefiting both the promoter and the event. Networking Events and Industry Presence:
Attend industry events, conferences, or music festivals, networking with artists, labels, and other industry professionals to build connections.
Content Creation and Curation:
Curate playlists, create music-related content, or podcasts promoting emerging artists or showcasing music trends.
Cross-Cutting Marketing Strategies:
Email Marketing Campaigns: Build and maintain an email list for regular updates, newsletters, or exclusive content distribution to clients or subscribers.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize online content with relevant keywords, improving visibility in search engine results for potential clients seeking music services.
Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Showcase success stories, client testimonials, or case studies to establish credibility and build trust with potential clients.
Personal Branding: Develop a unique brand identity, logo, and consistent messaging across all marketing channels to enhance recognition and memorability.
By employing a mix of these marketing activities, music industry freelancers can effectively reach their target audience, build a strong online presence, and differentiate themselves in a competitive landscape. The key lies in adapting these strategies to align with individual strengths, client preferences, and industry trends.
Offline and online marketing activities offer distinct advantages and effectiveness for music producers and music promoters within the music industry.
Offline Marketing for Music Producer/Promoter:
Personal Networking:
Producers: Building personal relationships at industry events or music conferences can lead to direct collaborations or referrals.
Promoters: Networking with venues, sponsors, and local communities can establish credibility and secure partnerships for events.
Local Event Presence:
Producers: Hosting workshops or seminars locally can showcase expertise and attract aspiring musicians or clients.
Promoters: Attending or hosting local music events aids in community engagement, establishing connections, and promoting upcoming shows.
Print Media and Physical Promotion:
Producers: Distributing physical demo CDs or promotional materials at events or music stores can leave a tangible impact.
Promoters: Flyers, posters, and physical advertising can target local audiences attending events or visiting music venues.
Online Marketing for Music Producer/Promoter:
Global Reach and Accessibility:
Producers: Online presence via websites, social media, and digital platforms allows for global visibility, attracting diverse clients.
Promoters: Social media, email marketing, and online advertising reach wider audiences, promoting events to a broader demographic.
Content Marketing and Education:
Producers: Online tutorials, blogs, or videos showcase expertise, attracting aspiring artists and building credibility.
Promoters: Creating online content (playlists, reviews, podcasts) can engage audiences, promoting artists or events effectively.
Targeted Advertising and Analytics:
Producers: Targeted ads on platforms like Facebook or Google can reach specific demographics interested in music production.
Promoters: Analytics tools provide insights into audience behavior, aiding in targeted promotions and assessing campaign effectiveness.
Comparative Effectiveness:
Reach and Scalability: Online marketing offers wider reach and scalability, reaching global audiences compared to the localized approach of offline methods.
Cost and Efficiency: Online marketing can be more cost-effective and efficient, allowing for precise targeting and measurable ROI compared to traditional offline marketing efforts.
Personal Connection vs. Accessibility: Offline activities allow for personal connections and immediate engagement, while online strategies offer accessibility and broader audience reach.
Synergy between Offline and Online:
Integrated Approach: Combining both offline and online strategies can maximize effectiveness, leveraging personal connections from offline networking while amplifying reach through online platforms.
Cross-Promotion: Utilizing offline events to promote online content and vice versa can create a cohesive marketing strategy that resonates with both local and global audiences. Both offline and online marketing strategies have their merits and can be highly effective when used strategically. The choice often depends on the target audience, goals, available resources, and the desired reach or engagement level for music producers and promoters within the diverse music industry landscape.
The development of technology has reshaped the skill sets required for freelancers in today's music industry, presenting both new opportunities and areas for skill development.
Impact on Skills Set:
Technological Proficiency:
Advancement: Mastery of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), plugins, and music production software.
Impact: Essential for music producers to create, edit, and produce music efficiently and to adapt to evolving technological tools for quality output.
Digital Marketing and Branding:
Advancement: Understanding social media, content creation, SEO, and targeted advertising.
Impact: Crucial for both producers and promoters to build online presence, engage with audiences, and promote their services or events effectively.
Remote Collaboration Skills:
Advancement: Familiarity with collaboration platforms, file-sharing tools, and communication software.
Impact: Enables music producers to work with artists globally, and promoters to coordinate events, engage teams, and collaborate seamlessly.
Data Analysis and Interpretation:
Advancement: Utilizing analytics tools to understand audience behavior, track campaign performance, and make data-driven decisions.
Impact: Helps in refining marketing strategies, targeting specific audiences, and measuring the effectiveness of promotional efforts.
Areas for Skill Development:
Adaptability to Technological Changes:
Continuous learning and staying updated with emerging software, production techniques, and digital marketing trends are vital for remaining competitive in the industry.
Business and Entrepreneurial Skills:
Developing skills in client management, negotiation, project management, and financial literacy for effective self-management and business growth.
Content Creation and Marketing Expertise:
Enhancing skills in content creation, storytelling, and engaging with audiences across various online platforms to maximize visibility and impact.
Collaboration and Communication Skills:
Improving remote collaboration, effective communication, and fostering strong professional relationships despite geographical barriers.
Importance of Adaptation and Learning:
The music industry's landscape constantly evolves with technological advancements. Freelancers need to prioritize continuous learning, adaptability, and diversification of skill sets to stay relevant and competitive. Embracing new tools, platforms, and techniques can open new opportunities and ensure sustained success in today's dynamic music industry.
The balance between technical proficiency, marketing acumen, business skills, and adaptability to technological changes defines the modern freelancer's readiness to thrive in the ever-evolving music industry.
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