#m4le ed
soon-th1n-king · 1 year
Activity log:
didn't hit my step goal (15k), but did get almost 14k and walked up 65 floors.
according to Fitbit I burned 2374 cals, but that assumes I eat (termic effect of food) and that my body isn't in starvation mode (body can reduce energy expenditure by turning off "unnecessary" functions). neither of which I think are completely true.
I'm gonna do a workout tomorrow, i kinda did today, but not really.
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My favorite flavor of delusion is that starving myself will make my chest so small it's practically free top suurgery
(It will not, I will be cursed until I get money for top suurgery)
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wh1temonst3rsuprem3cy · 5 months
If you can't trust yourself not to binge, then don't eat 😇
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coldcrypt · 1 year
need to become the m4le th1nspr0 fr bc this website is ⭐️ed af of it
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