#mad dragon
maineventpapiuso · 1 month
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Raw has a dragon now
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zombolouge · 10 months
Bioware just announced it's canning another 50 employees, including Mary Kirby, and I'm just miserable about what that means for the state of the games and the future of the studio.
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willgrahams-gender · 11 months
NBC Hannibal (2013-2015):
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cloudmancy · 4 months
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happy yearly "do you think they ever explored each other's bodies" to gilear and goldenhoard
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avi17 · 1 year
I feel like Pacific Rim, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves are kind of a perfect trifecta of action movies. They’re not necessarily Oscar material but they’re all great at being the kind of thing they are trying to be, they’re all entertaining but not afraid of being genuinely emotional, and they’re all generally not hampered by dumb sexist action movie nonsense because their main female characters have their own arcs, are not designed for the male gaze, and the main M/F relationships are platonic. More things like this please!!
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sabellart · 1 year
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he’s a little upset
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 month
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Bulma’s ex-planet killer trophy husband
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How would you describe Chang's relationship with his adoptive parents in your wonderful au?
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Chang is adopted pretty quickly, so it's likely they didn't get much time to get to know each other as well as most adopted families nowadays. My thoughts on Chang and his adopted family are below!
Chang's heroism in The Blue Lotus was impressive, which leads to lofty expectations Chang himself feels incapable of meeting. He struggles to adapt to life in Shanghai, the Wangs' upper middle class culture and has problems at school, having missed out on a few years of education and a lot of unresolved trauma.
He's frustrated at his own inability to fit in, and guilty about flubbing this opportunity at life they gave him. Part of him feels like he's tearing their family apart. The Wangs are desperately trying to give Chang a good life, but feel completely out of their depth.
He also can't help but compare himself to Didi, his much older adopted brother and their biological son, who is scarily competent and a clear favourite of their mother.
Didi is aware that his father may have expectations for Chang to join the Sons of the Dragon. Having experienced the pressure and danger first-hand he takes it upon himself to foster a sense of agency in Chang so he will be capable of choosing for himself when the time comes. Didi trains Chang in martial arts and is tough on him in general, but encourages Chang to travel when he expresses an interest in it. Chang on the other hand encourages Didi to have fun and let loose!
Mr Wang has high expectations for Chang because he believes in him. He and Mrs Wang genuinely care for him and only want the best possible life for him, but this sometimes comes across as them expecting Chang to be somebody else. They first thought Chang was much like Didi, disciplined and quiet, but Chang's rebellious streak catches them off guard. Mrs Wang is particularly shaken.
It struck me how gentle the Wangs were with Didi while he was under the influence of madness poison, and as they are good friends with a mental health specialist, they would absolutely take Chang's mental health seriously. Whether or not they fully understand each other is another thing. As Chang slips into a deep depression they decide to send him off to London to meet his uncle, hoping a change in scenery will help him. On his way through Tibet however, his plane crashes into the mountains...
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maineventpapiuso · 1 month
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Hello old friend
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 3 months
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timethehobo · 4 days
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Hearing news that he’s confirmed romanceable (and described as intimate and sensual) got me so giddy I might just expire.
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i-wanna-hug · 3 months
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wyrmswears · 3 months
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administration concept
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bamsara · 2 months
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My playthrough as The Lamb in Dragons Dogma in some random DD2 highlights video and it's me pushing a rat aka RU / @xmajordumps off a cliff just got recommended to me on youtube. what
hello. why
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
Can you please post again about how Targaryen men look?
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applecranberryjuice · 6 months
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They could have solved this sooner if any of them bothered to look at a calendar
Hear me out
Ninjago doesn't have the best track record with dates (Wu's lifetime...) and I don't expect DR to be any better at it. But rewatching the season I realized the fact that when Lloyd narrates, he mentions being "alone for weeks" and, in the carnival, recalls not being around many people in a while, nailing down how he was secluded to the monastery during those weeks he woke up alone. This is fine, typical Lloyd behavior, just that when Nya encounters Cole, he says years. Lloyd has no reason to lie, he doesn't have to make it seem like he was less time around so if he is not lying, and he truly was weeks alone, while Cole spends years lost after the merge? What happened?
And Nya and Kai! Kai woke up early enough, and in the bounty! to be able to map and travel a big part of the new land and try to find his way back, we don't know his side, but considering he pretty much arrived and then left again, had he entered the monastery before? I do believe he was longer out, awake and traveling. Nya also mentions having traveled before encountering the cranglings-- and she was on foot, she's resilient and strong, but for how long can you travel unknown terrain without a vehicle and survive it.
The idea of time getting messed up is plausible, other than reality coming undone and messing up every physics law-Cole is hanging out with what seems to be a kid formling, whose realm is confirmed to move differently time-wise, how could two different time progressions reacted to each other? How did that affect dates? Growing rates? So interesting.
I want to know if dr is planning on going somewhere with this, if not, then it'll be one more concept I'll rotate in my brain like a skewer, its such an interesting concept to me
Its also free trauma for the ninja! Win-Win
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