#mafia noir
tentacles-n-vodka · 2 years
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Running into the slenderman-
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selsdraws · 8 months
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Bubbline Noir AU pt. 1
Bonnibel "Pinkie" Bubblegum
yeah i been thinking about this AU i just think its saucy... So PB is the big boss of the Candy Kingdom, and she has a bunch of underlings that pushes "candy" for her 👀
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bunny-is-cute · 2 months
Husk: *goes to get a drink in middle of the night*
Angel: *with baby Noir watching TV*
Angel: *notices Husk* Don't be mad. I just got up to change him.
Husk: No, no, you got up to comfort him, Which only teaches him that every time he cries, His daddy will come in and cuddle him and put on his favorite — What are we watching?
Angel Dust: Brian de palma's controversial masterpiece "scarface."
Husk: For the baby?
Angel Dust: He happens to like it. I don't know if it's the colors or the -- the sounds. Oh, here comes the nightclub massacre. He loves it. Watch his little eyelids. It's so cute. They get so heavy.
Husk: *mortified and yet not surprised*
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the-faceless-bride · 5 months
Does anyone love undertale anymore? Or underfell? Because im thinking of doing a Mafiafell story. I just need to know if anyone w9upd actually read it.
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shawsimmer · 1 year
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another noir post 🖤
top (suri), skirt (reverse), tights , boots, necklace
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samtrapani · 1 year
games that let you roam the overworld after the main missions are so horrifying. all your friends are dead. you will never be the same again. you will roam the cold, wet streets, trying to find traces of the people you knew in every stranger's passing face.
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
You are eating breakfast alone in a little corner diner, sometime prior to the year 1995.
Flipping through the newspaper. All the news is bad. Like always.
The coffee is bitter. The eggs are greasy.
The waitress wears a name-tag that says 'Kathy' but you hear the line cook call her Diane.
She refills your bad coffee, and takes your empty, greasy plate.
You play with the cheap ashtray on the table, and consider lighting up a cigarette.
The bell over the door jingles and you look up to see if it's who you're expecting.
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iwasateenagenosferatu · 3 months
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Vito and Aldo 🖤🤌 -
Original Characters (Mobsters in love)
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Vito Trepani & Aldo Morelli
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Francesca "Frankie" Morelli
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Max "The Bat" Pagliacci
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From the diary of Vito Trepani, December 1945:
Aldo Morelli, my best bud. Smooth talker, ladies' man, everything I ain't. But then things got complicated. Our friendship started feeling more like something else,
I tried playing it Bogart, but Aldo saw right through me.
“Just come here” he growled. And then he kissed me.
Excerpts from Santiago Stracci testimony - 1958:
Vito Trepani, now there's a guy who's as complex as they come. He's got a mind like a steel trap, always calculating, always planning his next move. But underneath that tough exterior beats the heart of a hopeless romantic.
See, Vito never had much of a family growing up, but the Estacado Family has given him a home, a place where he belongs. And they've also given him an outlet for all that rage that simmers just below the surface.
But don't let his violent tendencies fool you, Vito's got a soft spot a mile wide, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. He's a sucker for a good love story, always dreaming of finding the kind of love he's never known.
Aldo Morelli, he's built like a brick wall, perfect for the jobs Angelo Boccino throws his way. But you know what really sets Aldo apart? His bond with his sister, Francesca. They're as thick as thieves, those two. She's his world, and he'd do anything for her. It's a beautiful thing, really, seeing how much they care for each other in our line of work.
Francesca "Frankie" Morelli, Aldo's little sister, is a firecracker, let me tell you. She's the kind of dame who could charm the devil himself with that smile of hers. But don't let her looks fool you, she's got brains to match, and she's not afraid to use 'em.
Frankie's always looking out for her big brother, Aldo. Most nights, you'll find her patching him up when he stumbles home from work, a real mother hen, that one. She's tough as nails, but she's got a heart of gold, especially when it comes to family.
But let me tell you, she's no pushover. Frankie's got a mouth on her that could make a sailor blush, and she's not afraid to speak her mind. She's a handful, that's for sure, but she's also fiercely loyal and would do anything for the ones she loves.
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I just wrote my first tumblr slash fiction at 30.
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pcrfumebcttles · 4 months
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“ Ah, Barbie, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind! ”
Indie/Semi-Selective/Fandomless OC/RP & Ask Blog
Follows back from @hollow-port
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art done by myself!!
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
Promo template by: @candyredmusings
PSD template by: @somresources
Art by: @kiwimuses & Myself!
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selsdraws · 8 months
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Bubbline Noir AU pt. 2
Marceline "The Vampire Queen" Abadeer
Marceline is a jazz singer at the underground, speakeasy, the Nightosphere, which operates under the protection of the Candy Kingdom mob. PB is def a regular around here, mostly overseeing business and conducting meetings.
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theizzizzy · 5 months
DOOOOOOOODLES (updated icons for Sams’ and Maxs’)
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calchexxis · 26 days
Some Noir Mafia AU Renata/Seraphine as voted on by my Patrons for my monthly fic poll.
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rise-deepseamonster · 2 months
I wrote something...
The city of Paris is a den for low life. This world is not ideal. The Bourgeois, the Tsurugis and the Agrestes are all rich and create the mafia triad that pretty much control the city. Adrien Agreste is the cold and detached (who became that way after the death of his mother) son of Gabirel Agreste. He is secretly helping his father, Hawkmoth, keep the city under their control and get Ladybug's Miraculous to get his mother back to life (who everyone believes is in coma).
Marinette's life is pretty hard. She isn't super rich like the rest of her classmates and she gets bullied everyday. Outside of school, she needs to fight akumas and Cat Noir to keep this city safe, or at least however safe it can be with the Triad brainwashing everyone and controling everything.
Summary: Evil!Chat Noir, fights for Hawkmoth, enemies to lovers, Marichat features.
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harmleikurdraws · 2 years
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sampungmgadaliri · 1 year
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I just want to see gun blazing with these two.
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zippocreed501 · 7 months
...images from the lost continent of cult films, b-movies and celluloid dreamscapes
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Crime bosses in 90's films
...you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you ask me to do murder for money.
No, we've come to give you the bill for removing that headless dead horse from your garage.
The Godfather Part III (1990) King of New York (1990) New Jack City (1991) Reservoir Dogs (1992) Pulp Fiction (1994) The Usual Suspects (1995) Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) Desperado (1995) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels  (1998) Payback (1999)
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