#magician reversed
doppiopinkman · 8 months
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mfw the crusaders are stardustful
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mclmora · 3 months
dont mind me, im just dropping my favorite asra’s illustrations (hes so freaking beautiful)
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sharon-snowman · 3 months
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Not sure whether I posted similar idea before. It came from my old sketchbook.
It's has been a long time since last time I drew with pencil. Flipping this makes me think How could I think so many weird (fun) ideas???
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starboysbrainrot · 3 months
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the sound of myself - disasterpeace.
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vaarsuvius · 2 months
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the magician (reversed)
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happistar · 5 months
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Day 19: Tarot card
Past, present, future. You're fucked dude.
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schro4444 · 11 months
I want Sonoko to meet Kaito as Kaito and show him a magic trick let them be magic aficionado friends again. Please. It’s such a good dynamic. 🥺
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YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT ANON!!! she has graduated to doves :D
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leander is so so so heavily associated with the magician tarot card I’m positive that that’s the key to his monstrous nature. his wildly powerful magic, the white lilies, the ouroboros and the infinity symbol in his sticker/charm, as above so below--it all references the magician
upright, the magician is associated with manifestation of results, power, resourcefulness, and action, all things we see in him from introduction! reversed, it is associated with manipulation, misdirection, greed, and unfulfilled potential
homeboy does not like being refused (see: his not giving the flowers to someone else when you refuse them, his reaction to “hold back,” his insistence on being the one to provide the drink) and does not like not being the center of attention (see: how he talks about the others if you answer positively about them)
anyway, I think he’s a machiavellian heel and I’m sooooo excited to see his darkness revealed. some monsters don’t have to have talons or fangs to be truly frightening, after all
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lindoesntwin · 2 months
An ordinary office worker finds herself as a maid in a BL novel who has to survive palace drama as well as being a nanny to the crown prince.
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numinously-yours · 4 months
Pick a Painting: Your Higher Purpose
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Choose a painting above and read about your higher purpose in this life down below <3 If you feel inclined, reblog and tag which group you chose. If it resonates and you're interested in tipping, I have $1 and $5 tip options on my Etsy :) My Etsy Shop Here
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Group 1
What is your higher purpose? The Sun reversed
You are here to be a silver lining of the dark clouds. Your spirit and energy bring optimism into spaces where things feel hopeless. You are here to remind people that, no matter how bad it seems, there is always something to look forward to and find beauty in. This comes from the things you actively do for people as well as the way you live your life. People cannot help but feel a little lighter with you in the room.
What can you start doing to get there? Six of Swords rev., Four of Cups, Queen of Pentacles rev.
You may be having your own internal conflicts at the moment. Maybe you feel stuck in a rut and are having a difficult time finding the light at the end of the tunnel even for yourself. How on Earth are you expected to do that for others? First, your mere existence is the light. You are not required to DO things for others if you don’t have the capacity. What you do have/should find the capacity for is finding the good in the every day. You may be going through some transitions in your life that has made this harder than usual. The chaos may feel overwhelming, but if you approach it with a different mindset and meditate on your worries, you’ll start feeling less heavy. The more you actively do this for YOURSELF, the more that positive energy is going to radiate from you.
Anything you should stop doing? Ace of Wands, Seven of Pentacles
Stop giving up on yourself! I think there are times where you start a project, or think about starting one, and you make a little progress, but then you stop. Maybe the progress isn’t happening as quickly as you want, so you don’t think it’s going to be successful at all. But that’s right when you need to keep going. The finish line is right over the hill. As you start projects, remember that things take time and THAT’S OKAY! Powering through these times is what brings long term results.
Other advice? The Fool, The Empress rev.
Keep an open mind and make self-care a priority. I think this really reiterates the things you can start doing. Find the good in your OWN life. As the saying goes, You cannot pour from an empty cup. It’s okay to prioritize yourself! Do some fun & creative things – even if you think you suck at them. Doodle, paint, sing karaoke in your living room, anything to bring a little inner child joy to your life.  Don’t be afraid to be a little spontaneous, either. Some of the best experiences come from our spur of the moment experiences 😊
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What is your higher purpose? Nine of Pentacles rev., The High Priestess
The higher purpose in your life is to become more in-tuned with yourself & the way of the world. Particularly, in the spiritual realm. How can you and the world create a give and take relationship? What will the world show you about yourself? How will you help the world? This lifetime is all about finding those answers.  
What can you start doing to get there? Six of Cups, Death
I definitely think some of the people who pick this pile have had previous lifetimes. I was already thinking this with the high priestess but now with these two cards we have:  reminiscing (6 of cups) and transformation (death). Even if you don’t remember your past lives, you will bring in some of your skills from those lives to start helping you find your answers. You’re going to feel some strong gut instincts when you are thinking about new paths to go down – trust those!
As a whole, though, whether you have past lives, are brand new, or have no idea: Start each new day with a blank canvas. Live in the NOW. Remember the things that once brought you joy and implement them into your life again.  If you have kids in your life (your own children, nieces/nephews, students, etc), try to see life through their eyes when you’re around them. They will teach you how to just BE, to let go of the bullshit, and embrace the innocence you have subconsciously forgotten.
Anything you should stop doing? Strength rev.
Stop doubting yourself! You may have been on a journey to find your purpose for your whole life and you are never quite sure if you found it. There always seems to be something “missing”, but I truly think that’s just what life is like. It’s the opportunity for constant learning. It is your push to stay present and understand the now. When you don’t feel “productive” it doesn’t mean you’re lazy or failing. In times of doubt, remember the amazing things about yourself. Be kind to your mind.
Other advice? Ace of Pentacles
This is my favorite card in tarot <3 This is my “everything is, or will be, exactly how it’s supposed to be” card. If there is something specific that you are trying to manifest, the universe is telling you that you can do it. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get started, this card is that sign! And regardless, the Ace wants you remind you to be consciously aware of your blessings and KNOW that you deserve every single one of them.
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What is your higher purpose? The Magician
You are the one who shows people that anything is possible. You always seem to find a way to make something out of nothing. Manifestation is your middle name and people wish it was theirs. You tend to know your “why” whenever you go into any situation. “Why am I here? To make people happy, to get things done, to have fun?” You act according to this “why” and it seems seamless to those around you. You inspire them to take action in their own life.
What can you start doing to get there? Strength, Three of Wands
I think you might be doing everything you need to do – so this message is to keep it up! Continue to have patience and be calm in the storm. Continue to be determined to make your dreams come true. Continue overcoming fears and challenges. Every single step you take brings you a level of progress you didn’t have before. The only advice would just be to explore options you haven’t tried before. Otherwise, it sounds like what you HAVE tried is working really well 😊
Anything you should stop doing? Ten of Wands
Stop carrying the weight of others on your shoulders! I think you care about people a lot and you want to help them reach their full potential. This can be exhausting. Being exhausted from that doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you human. You can still be there for people in other ways, but you won’t be able to help them if you deplete yourself of all your energy.
Other advice? Judgement, The Fool
I’m not sure if this is correlated to this reading specifically, but the universe has a message about starting over. There may be something coming to end or you are considering ending a cycle. The universe wants you to know that this is going to open up soo many new opportunities. Allow the changes to happen, even if they make you nervous. A spiritual awakening may be on its way, too, which sparks this new beginning. You may realize something new and it brings a newfound energy to your life. Don’t over think think, let it happen.
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What is your higher purpose? The Hanged Man, The Sun
Your higher purpose in this life is to be peaceful and happy <3 A lot of the time when we think about our purpose, we want to know what we can do for others while we’re here on earth. How can we make the world a better place? Your embracing of the warmth and different perspectives will do this, even if it seems like it’s only for you. Similarly to the other piles, others will observe your happiness and your ability to let go of the small things and feel inspired to do the same. Just by existing, you will bring light to the lives of those around you. If you have had past lives, they may have been difficult. This is your chance to enjoy all that life really has to offer you.
What can you start doing to get there? Ten of Wands rev., Seven of Pentacles
Look at the things that don’t add value to your life. Are there things in your life that disturb the peace you’re trying to create? Are there investments you want to make but something else is in the way? Explore that and determine if you really need it or if you can replace it with the thing you want to be investing in instead. It’s always okay to take a step back and make adjustments where needed. It doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate what you have, it just may not work for you anymore.
Anything you should stop doing? Judgement
Stop ignoring your intuition and stop resisting “moving on”. You’re ready for the next step in your life, whatever that may be! You probably are feeling comfortable, and the unknown is always scary, even for the most positive people. Let yourself step into new opportunities. What is great is that every step you’ve taken up to this point has given you the tools you need to keep stepping.  You know the things you need to feel safe and secure, and those aren’t leaving. What they are doing is reminding you what is important and giving you something to keep your eyes open for.
Other advice? Page of Swords, Queen of Cups
The very first phrase I thought of when looking at these two cards were “Nurture your curiosity.” The Page is full of energy and is ready to explore. They want to see what is out there. They want to learn new perspectives, gain knowledge, and discover new ways of self-expression. Let this part of you feel the love! Encourage the Page’s creativity. Trust your institution and your heart as your curiosity decides where it wants to take you. When the Page’s plans don’t go as intended, be gentle with yourself, too. It is all about learning, and even the set backs teach us something.
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yourmoonmomma · 3 months
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Daily Reading - Sunday July 7th 2024 - The Magician reversed
July has not been off to a good start for most of y’all, huh? This card is similar to the others that have been pulled this week, it speaks to a difficult day where it is best to focus on rest and recovery. You may be struggling with mental health today, or just general worry for the future and what it may hold. It is a good day to reach out to others to talk about how you’re feeling, or to book a therapy appointment. Things are not as dark as your mind is making them out to be, have faith that the sun will come back out from behind that dark cloud in your brain.
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crabofthewoods · 11 months
reversed ending rants!! asra baby it’s your time to shine
1. i love the conflicting feelings in this ending. like,, is it awesome that we get to be together seemingly forever and have no worries or troubles and just camp out in the middle of nowhere in a magic alternate universe thing? hell yeah that sounds like so much fun
but also. we’re stuck here. forever. alone. everyone we knew and loved is gone and we don’t even know it because we can’t remember any of them or anything at all of our lives before getting here
as far as we know, it’s always been like this.
that’s more than a little bit terrifying, i think
2. the implied angst that the others outside of this weird ass realm know that we’re gone and probably not coming back
maybe they’re trying in vain to find a way to pull us out, or maybe they’ve given up and lost hope
what’s happening on the other side??? what’s going on up there??? guess we’ll never know because it looks like we just obliviously sealed off the last means of contact we had with them
and the fact that faust KNOWS something is up but can’t do anything about it
anyway it’s like 10pm and my brain just died so im gonna go implode now
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fauna-a · 6 months
V The Magician Reversed
¡Evil Nat AU!, or better: what if Lovelace was Nathaniel’s master? I had already written something about this concept, here; this is the beginning, when Lovelace is plotting and Nathaniel… well.
The man who came to take him that morning didn’t look like a magician as they had been described to him: he didn’t have a beard, just to start, and wasn’t old at all. He smiled, even, and this amazed Nathaniel so much that for a moment he forgot about the fear and the pain of abandonment.
«Hello» said the magician, scrutinizing him behind his shining glasses. «My name is Simon Lovelace. From today I will be your master».
The first teaching he got was forgetting his name: from that moment, he was called just ‘boy’. The second teaching was that Simon Lovelace was his master: not his father, his friend nor his confidant, his master; and, until their relationship would have been professional, it’d be perfect. Lovelace had been brought up like this and was still on good terms with his old master, who sometimes came by.
The boy didn’t like old Schyler very much, but, again, it wasn’t about liking or not, but if he could be useful. And Schyler was a powerful, competent magician, and of great experience.
The boy had understood quite quickly that the only to get in that little circle was being useful, even better: indispensable. He studied day and night: Lovelace had given him free access to his library.
«Start from here» he had said «And go on. When you’ll meet anything you don’t understand, come to me and we’ll see what to do about it. But don’t neglect your lessons».
Lovelace wasn’t particularly prodigal with compliments, but he could recognise talent, and he could read people.
«What is it with that smug face?» he asked the boy after a correct answer about Aldebrand’s Pentacle. «You’re just doing the bare minimum, nothing more». He drew near the boy and put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. «No one likes know-it-alls, boy. No one likes finding out to be the least smart in the room. If you want to make it to the Parliament, remember this very well».
«But it’s not fair» the boy blurted out querulously. «If I know it, why shouldn’t I say it?»
«I didn’t tell you to not say it, boy. Pay attention! There is a right way and a wrong way. Do you maybe think you could enter in the Prime Minister’s office and say that your idea is better than his? Think!»
The boy thought. He learned to keep his mouth shut in front of his master’s colleagues and show only what people expected from a nameless boy. He was patient, even if his entire being rebelled against it.
And, finally, it was his turn.
The imp was summoned by his master, but the circles had been prepared by him, as were the candles, the herbs… And the orders would have been given by him.
The imp appeared in the shape of a baby, vicious and red-faced; the boy hesitated only for a moment, then pronounced the words of command.
It was done: he had exerted his willpower for the first time on a demon. The nameless boy turned around in his hands his Scrying Glass, his first real gift from his master, and smiled. A thin smile, easy to hide or change as necessary.
«Boy» Lovelace called him «tonight a man will come here: you stay out from my study».
«Of course, sir».
«Don’t worry, boy» Lovelace’s glasses flashed in the dark. «We’ll find something to do for you, too».
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rhymeswithfart · 22 days
Peace be upon you, I am Mohammed in Gaza, specifically in the south. We are exposed to heavy bombardment every day. Please help me promote my campaign and publish for me so that people can donate a small amount of money on this link. We need your help because everything has been destroyed, Please don't ignore me, consider me your friend and brother 🙏
Here is my Gofundme link you can post
and here is my Instagram account:@palestinian_survivor19
so you can take the content about me videos and pictures of me and my family so that you can repost it in your account
I hope this will help. I'll add other images so I can tag other things as well.
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guinea-pig16 · 10 months
also also i drew this too ((:
i drew my apprentice insert as the devil according to lucios reversed ending and i think it came out suuuuuper cool !!!!
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spookayyyy !!!
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sigurism · 1 year
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... there was magic then nobility and unimaginable cruelty so it was until the day that a false sun exploded over trinity and man forever traded away wonder for reason
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