#magpod rp
not gonna lie. i am kinda in love with the way these tma rp blogs do their characters. it’s totally anachronistic and sort of out of character because none of them are that straightforward in the show. but. it is so beautiful and warm and comforting when they are. when they tell each other they need them to stay.
this is not meant to be anything weird i just find it very comforting when characters who have constantly had issues due to blocked communication etc finally just say things and then the just saying things becomes something everyday and mundane and normalized and they love each otherrr
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rookfeatherrambles · 10 months
I wonder how much traction I'll get but I'm bored and miss Magnus Archives roleplay, so hi! Please RP with me? I have a discord (Rookfeathers) and I am willing to try out any character (though I main Jon).
I'm an adult so minors, sorry but this isn't for you. OC friendly.
Shipping is negotiable (I ship everything), story based/character based long term plots a plus!
Anyway. If you're interested, shoot me a DM here and friend me on discord so I know you're not a creep
(unless you are, no judgement, I'm a weird trash goblin myself)
Thank you for your time!
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3ris-d1st0rtionnn · 25 days
(OPEN RP GUYS AAAAAAAA! Mess with Eris (or at least TRY to), make friends with Eris, give Eris your teeth, etc ✨)
A strange figure sits on a bench at a local fairground. The bright lights of the attractions, loud music, and bustling crowds somehow feel 10 times more disorienting in its presence.
It appears completely unbothered, scanning the crowd for a potential source of “entertainment” and enjoying the confused looks people are giving it.
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world-fire-entity · 3 months
"Hey I love you"
*Gives you all my cottagecore corruption avatar concepts*
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Lowkey, if you use/are inspired by this pretty please tag/credit me. Mainly tag me. I WANT THESE TO BE MADE SO INSANELY BAD AND I WANNA SEE THEM.
IMAGE 1: Human-Insert has Lily pad on top of its head as well as a frog buried into its neck, a frog buried into his arm, 4 frogs on top of each other buried into its stomach, a frog buried in its leg, and a frog climbing up its leg. END 1 IMAGE 2: Human-Insert with orange tree branches sprouting from various parts of it's body. It smells of Citrus. END 2 IMAGE 3: Human-Insert with Mushrooms growing out of its head, arms, and legs. END 3
IMAGE 4: Human-Insert with strawberry bush growing through a cavity in its abdomen and one growing my its left leg. A stray strawberry vine is covering its eye while fugly sonic the hedgehog, Jerry, and that bunny from snow white beg for food at its feet. END 4
IMAGE 5: Human-insert has a duck on its head, two baby ducks burying into its neck, three in its abdomen, one through its arm, one trying to climb its leg, and two trying to get in on this. END 5
IMAGE 6: Human-insert has flowers growing out of various cavities throughout its body. These flowers attract hummingbirds and bees. END 6 VISUAL ID END]
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TMA fears as ASMR concepts
Disclaimer: I wrote this months ago in my notes app. This is not proofread in the *slightest*. So. It's gonna be shit. Lol. Enjoy, ig.
Also not canon compliant whatsoever so don't complain about that because I know.
-Michael Distortion: (POV: you're in the spiral) it's just 15 minutes of Michael whispering the same "baby sharchivist dododododo" tune and then him getting killed by Helen in the last minute.
-Nikola Orsinov does your skincare routine but it's just a direct parody of the Victor Van Dort does your Nails video where instead of the bts poster, the "blanket" is a black and white circus poster (see: Danny Stoker) that crumbles to ash when he puts it on. Also at the end she tries to do a "chemical peel" she found on "the internets". Michael comes in at the end and PRESIDENTIAL ALERT THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINNGGG.
"Why are you screaming? that's very rude, you know. Especially after I talked to your BOSS for you. And that was NOT an enjoyable experience. He's such a tool >:(("
"Spill the tea, archivist" "oh sorry, did you want some? Sorry ...too bad. You can't have this :33" "WHERE ARE MY MANNERS??" *sticks pinky finger out* "there! Much better"
-Jane Prentiss' GRWM but she doesn't have any other clothes so it's just "time for the fit check!!" *Camera cuts to her dress for one (1) second* then her makeup is just dirt, dirt, and "the worms love you."
-Simon Fairchild and Michael Crew giggle with each other while huddled together and whispering/gossiping and asking "should we do it, should we do it?" "Yeah yeah let's be bad" while shushing each other while occasionally interacting with the listener for 5 minutes and then the rest of the video is just them torturing them via the ocean (them holding you underwater for 2 minutes with muffled gurgling bubble noises accompanied by underwater ocean sounds and silent panicking), throwing you into the sky at extreme velocity (sounds of air blasting your eardrums for a solid 3 minutes before an airplane hits you full force and you fall back into the ocean...which is another whole minute of falling and panicking.), and then the rest of the video is just them laughing while basically using your limp, dazed body as a kite.
-Elias Bouchard beats you with a metal pipe ASMR.
-POV: Gerard Keay breaks into your house at 2:27 AM and ransacks it looking for a LEITNER "WHERE TF IS I- oh. You're awake..Hi." before leaving through the window but he can't make himself fit through so it's just a full minute of him struggling and awkwardly laughing while apologizing over and over. All this time, he's wearing so much eyeliner, he looks like Jeff the Killer. You point this out and he just goes "Oh! Thank you! :D"
-"Buried Alive ASMR: You Get Buried Alive. You are getting buried alive. Someone is burying you. Alive. It is peaceful." (Unnecessarily long, redundant title for what's just screaming that gets slowly muffled as the video goes on and more dirt is piled on top of you before you start to sound content and just. Go to sleep. At that point. Snoring.)
-The Vase eats your boyfriend in the other room. It's just sounds of porcelain and snoring and fleshy eating sounds with ear eating but it slowly progresses to sounds that make less and less sense until it's just the skeleton sound effects from Minecraft.
-POV spiders crawl all over you. They have covered your door in spiderwebs. You fall asleep crying but wake up to being choked to death via spiders crawling inside you and blocking your windpipe.
-Jared Hopworth, the Boneturner, turns your bones with sounds of squishy flesh moving around in the background. At the end, you get eaten by The Monster Pig™ and meat (lol) the body of the missing clown.
-You get sacrificed to The Desolation. Sounds of distant screaming is heard in the right ear while sounds of maniacal/pained laughter is heard in the left. Fire crackles throughout the woods.
-You are getting chased by something. You get stalked with a lot of tension at the beginning; sticks cracking, creepy giggling, devious sounds all around. Your breathing is uneasy, but then the sounds stop and you breathe a sigh of relief and go back to stoking your campfire. Something growls and finally says "evening" and starts counting down. From 5. You bolt away from your campsite downhill for 2 minutes breathing heavily and fast before you trip on a stick and tumble down the mountain getting hit by trees and sent over rocks. You're about to pass out, but then you hear sniffing and growling in your direction and you get back up with an "o shit" and hide in a tree. When the monster sniffs out your hiding spot, it can't reach you. The rest of the video is slightly muffled Gangnam Style.
-POV: Peter Lukas kidnaps you, throws you in a sack, and you are put on a ship to a deserted island. This part is just sounds of boards creaking and boat rocking sounds while you fall asleep to the sounds of Peter's VERY heavy snoring. You're both startled awake by distant "land ho!" And a very gruff Peter's voice talking to himself going "I'm up I'm up ugh". Rustling of the bag is heard while he picks you up and fumbles around with you. You're getting passed around and jostled a bunch. At one point he burns his toast. Sounds of intense crunching can be heard from this along with him saying "elgh" as if disgusted. Finally, he brings you to the deck and throws you overboard onto a deserted island (your bones break and you scream "MY LEGS") before you can hear him far away saying "alright, set sail, we're done here." You manage to get out of the bag (you are wincing, the drop heavily contorted your body) and the sun shines at you while birds squack above and the coast crashes onto the shore. You slowly lose your mind.
-POV you're in the War™ and get shot in the arm and fall into a cave with one of your comerades. You guys shakily and awkwardly attempt to make small talk as you both bleed out on top of several hundreds of other corpses. The Piper is heard in the distance getting louder. When he finally gets to you after taking your friend, you fall into a bottomless pit while he's up there yelling "OH FUCKING COME ONNNN." When you get out on the other side after a minute of silence with faint sounds of "I will remember you" plays quietly through the silence. When you get out, Mike and Simon are snickering before you cough up blood when they start bursting out in laughter being like "I'm sorry I'm SO sorry really but it's JUST. SO FUNNY."
-POV: Robert Montauk is preparing to kill you, sharpening his tools and humming and whatnot before Julia comes in and asks what her dad's doing. While he's distracted, you escape the shitily tied knots and run through pitch dark while he chases you with an axe. "COME BACK. COME BACCKKK. YOU FUCKER I NEED YOU. FUCKER." You run into a church. Manuela Dominguez tries to apprehend you. It doesn't work. "Where the hell's Fairchild when you need him?"
Robert bursts through the church and gets pissed at you for making him scream curse words that his daughter could hear. Throws the axe at you. He misses. Now you have a weapon. You charge at him but fall through another pitch black hole where none other than yours truly are on the other side of it laughing their ASSES off just DYING. "OK. OK Whooooo. We SWEAR that was the last of it hahaha" "haha yeah just some guys bonding over a good laugh, you understand."
-The End. Just. An end screen.
You're dropped into Season one Jon's office and they (annoyed) take your statement. Typing sounds are heard while you frantically go "then the old guy..a-nd then the other old guy then the 2 old men and. And. Worm lady. Skin. Chemical peel." As they mumble "uh huh, yeah. Heh, heard that one before. No go on, go on." When statement ends, you leave but stay at the door to eavesdrop while they skepticize like "this man needs some antispychotics and he needs them NOW. Ugh. My job is utter buffoonery. MAHTIN."
You turn to walk away but get ambushed by Elias Bouchard. The last sound of the video is just a metal pipe hitting you over the head.
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griftersbone-s · 2 years
accidentally started four different d&d podcasts and then abandoned them for a while so now it's time for my favourite game, aka "what was the storyline and where did this specific thing happen and who are these characters and did i just make up everything that i thought i remembered?"
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killerzshadow · 4 months
Lookin' For A TMA/TMP Oc Rp Server? Well, Here You Go!
"Welcome To The Land Of The Magnus Archives. However, We Are Creating Our Own Story Now. With Our Own Characters And Ideas. Even If You've Never Listened To TMA/TMP, This Server Will Be Fairly Easy To Follow Along As It's Practically A Blank Slate; A Sort Of Reimagining To Let Our Imagination (Or Ideas For Those Who Can't Imagination Things).
Will You Be A Civilian Walking Through Life And Trying To Avoid The Supernatural? Or Are You Perhaps The Opposite; An Archivist Trying To Figure Out Everything About The Supernatural World Before Us? Maybe You Are One Of The Paranormal, One Of The Monsters. Or, Well I Suppose As A Quote Once Stated..
"Is A Thing Evil When It Simply Obeys It's Own Nature? When It Embodies It's Nature? When That Nature Is Created By Those Which Revile It?" "
Basic Rules
• 14+ Due To Heavy Topics (D3ath, Horror, Manipulation, G0r3, Etc)
• We Are A LITERATE Rp Server. This Means The Minimum Amount For Rps Is A Paragraph (4-5+ Sentences.) Also, 3rd Person Perspective
• This Is Strictly An Oc Server, So No You Can Play Characters From TMA/TMP Nor Can You Have Characters Related To Them
• Respect Everyone, Regardless Of Their Interests, Race, Sexuality, Gender, Etc. Basic Human Decency!!
We Also Have A Simple Verification Before You Can Actually See Everything In The Server
That's About It! We Are A Brand New Server, So Come Get A Good Spot While You Can! More Is Explained In The Server. :) Even If You Don't Rp, You Can Join To Meet Others Interested In This Too!
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randomvoices · 2 months
All My Magpod Rp Blogs
@masks-and-spirals [Stranger-touched Spiral Avatar]
@fog-and-sadness [Avatar of The Lonely]
@graves-and-dirt [End/Buried Avatar]
@doors-are-wrong [Spiral Avatar and Spiral Aspect]
@stranger-at-the-circus [Avatar of The Stranger]
@patchwork-extinction [Creation of The Extinction]
@darkness-is-salty [Dark Avatar]
@bloodstained-webs [Web Avatar and Slaughter Avatar]
@3-feared-idiots [Slaughter/Desolation Avatar, Corruption Avatar, and Dark/Vast Avatar]
@the-flame-of-hope [Desolation Avatar]
@parker-of-the-flesh [Flesh Avatar]
@the-sighted-hunter [Eye/Hunt Avatar]
@the-stranger-on-stage [Fear Entity]
@the-spiral-doctor [Spiral Avatar/Creation]
@orsinov-of-the-other [Stranger Creation]
@the-hunt-of-fear [Fear Entity]
@bookburning-goth-boy [Gerard Keay]
@the-watching-spider [Web/Eye Avatar]
@obsessive-violence [Slaughter/Corruption Avatar]
@worm-lady [Corruption Avatar]
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parker-of-the-flesh · 4 months
Meat, blood, and bone. All simple materials, yet combined together create something quite fascinating. And quite easy to manipulate, if you know how. My name is Parker, and I serve The Visceral Reality.
[Ooc: this is @randomvoices again, with another Magpod rp blog, because yes]
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circustrauma · 4 years
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well, you do know I am the finest cat burglar in all of bromley. 
independent tim stoker of the magnus archives. not spoiler free. oc friendly. please read my guidelines before interacting.
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mmhue · 2 years
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ceaseless watchers special little boy
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runefells · 3 years
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Peter Lukas and Elias Bouchard in the 90s 
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3ris-d1st0rtionnn · 1 month
Do you think Florida is a spiral domain
-a Floridian
FLoriDa iS ActUally An EPiceNteR fOr aLL 14 fEarS!
N o B O d Y i S S A f E ! ¡ ! :)
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world-fire-entity · 3 months
Corruption is so Cottage-core aesthetic #1
"Hey! I like you!"
*Gives you two of my corruption cottagecore concepts*
(I'm gonna post more soon cuz I love em)
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[VISUAL ID IMAGE 1: Human-insert has a duck on its head, two baby ducks burying into its neck, three in its abdomen, one through its arm, one trying to climb its leg, and two trying to get in on this. (One of the two trying to get in on this is eating a bit of the human-insert) (It doesn't mind though) END 1 IMAGE 2: Human-insert has flowers growing out of various cavities throughout its body. These flowers attract hummingbirds and bees. It's very buzzy around this avatar END 2 VISUAL ID END]
Credit/Tag me if you're inspired/use it. Mostly tag me though at least in the comments (I RLLY wanna see this happen).
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dont-fuck-koalas · 3 years
so the real reason the magnus archives is my favorite podcast is because I love how Jon is an asexual character but he isn't the one taken over by the lonely.
as an asexual it just makes me so happy.
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viaravt · 3 years
I drew another pic from another adorable Jon & Martin scene on the RP discord server where I play Martin and @superqueerdanver plays Jon. I probably put way too much time into this one (Like 3+ days worth of drawing, coloring, & shading) but oh well lol
Below the pic is the scene (edited a little so that it's easier to read & understand)
Please click the pic for better quality! And reblogs are always better than likes <3
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Jon sits nervously on a park bench, holding a bouquet of green carnations. He texts Martin, hoping he isn't busy. After just a few minutes of waiting, Martin strolls down the main path, his face brightening when he sees Jon. He heads over with a wave. "Hey! You, um, you wanted to see me?
Jon stands up and holds out the flowers, blushing. "I read once that gay men used to give each other green carnations, and Oscar Wilde liked them, and I'm not technically gay, or exactly a man, but..."
Martin takes the flowers, gazing at them in awe. "Jonnn, that's really sweet! You didn't have to..." He cradles them delicately, like they are something very precious. "I don't think anyone's ever given me flowers before, let alone ones so meaningful... Thank you." He begins blushing too
"I... um... you're welcome. And they should! You're really... you deserve... nice things," Jon replies, thinking sarcastically to himself, 'so eloquent.' Why can't he get his words right? With the flowers out of his hands, he fidgets with his cane, running his fingers over the sticker on the handle.
Martin shifts the bouquet to one hand and suddenly hugs Jon very tightly. He holds onto him, hoping that Jon doesn't notice him sniffling slightly. Jon hugs him back, grateful for the chance to hide his face.
Martin slowly pulls away, rubbing quickly at his eyes with his sleeve. "Would you... Wanna take a walk?" he holds out his free hand for Jon to take. Jo nods, quickly wipes his hand on his trousers, then takes Martin's hand.
"There's, um. Some other flowers in there too," Jon informs Martin. upon closer inspection, the bouquet also contains apple blossoms and purple lilacs. "Apple blossoms mean preference, and..." he looks down, blushing more. "Purple lilacs mean new love. At least according to one source I found. There are so many websites about flower symbolism, and so many of them contradict each other, and I don't know how to fact-check that sort of thing, and..." he trails off.
Martin examines the bouquet because he's not sure he can look at Jon without crying again. When Jon explains the lilacs, he squeezes his hand, grinning in a way that Michael would be jealous of. "How are you so thoughtful?" he asks, only half joking. Jon's not sure he can put a sentence together to answer that, so he just squeezes Martin's hand back.
Martin smells the bouquet and thinks about what he has that he can use for a vase when he gets them home. He sets a leisurely pace as he walks down the path. Holding Jon's hand. In public. Oh no he's blushing and grinning like a fool again and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
"I'm, ah. I'm glad you like them," Jon says shyly.
"Of course! I mean, how could I not?" He finally feels like looking at Jon won't make him explode into a flurry of glitter and hearts, so he does so. "When did you have time to do this?"
Jon smiles back. "I ordered them online during lunch, and then I left early to pick them up."
Martin's jaw drops. "You left early? To do something sweet for me?"
"I do leave work sometimes, it's not that unusual," Jon replies. Except it is, of course... He swings Martin's hand a little as they enjoy a walk together through the park.
If anyone wants to join the server where this scene took place, I think the only canon characters that are claimed are Jon, Martin, Elias, Michael (Distortion), and Rosie. We all have fun OCs as well. We're not super canon-strict, but we're roughly somewhere in season 2. It's a minor-friendly server, so no sexual content allowed and there is a list of things that need to be spoilered with trigger warnings, but everyone is really nice and fun to play with! If you want to join, send me a DM and I can send you an invite.
If you want to RP with me personally, feel free to DM me as well. I'm open to all kinds of scenes. I'm not a minor and don't really have any triggers, so pretty much anything goes <3
[ID: It's a digitally drawn and colored picture of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives podcast. Jon a short, skinny, non-binary person with dark skin, dark hair with grey streaks, and wearing a green button down shirt and grey slacks. He is wearing square rimmed glasses and using a cane with a bisexual flag sticker on the handle and he is blushing. Martin is a taller and heavier-set man with fair skin and freckles, auburn hair, and is wearing a red long sleeved shirt and blue jeans. He is wearing round-rimmed glasses and is holding his hands over his mouth in awe at the bouquet of flowers that Jon is handing to him. There are tears in his eyes. The bouquet has primarily green carnations but also has purple lilacs and light pink apple blossoms. End ID]
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