#mainly because I'm sure that I'll be there
guardian-angle22 · 11 months
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Colson Baker (aka Machine Gun Kelly) | December 2021
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yasmeensh · 4 months
Paleolithic Media Catalogue
Hello everyone :) Short story first: When I began brainstorming for my prehistoric story, I started wondering what other prehistoric fiction there is out there. I was not familiar with it and have not seen much. That's when I started my grand literature review and began a search for what fiction exist out there. I wanted to know what kinds of stories are being made with this time period. What are the common themes or recurring ideas (I found lots of humans and dinosaurs works. And time travel). Since I've had a growing collection on my computer, I decided I should keep on enlarging it and put it online. It's nowhere near complete. I'll slowly keep accumulating the collection as I find more. I only have fiction books and comics right now. I still need to work on the film section.
You can access the blog here!
As for where I am in my reading, the one's I've finished reading are Earth's Children series (book 1-4. Dropped it afterwards lol. I made a post on with fanart) Dance of the Tiger and it's sequel Singletusk (They were good! I'll upload my review on the blog), and Sisters of the Wolf (It was ok!). I got my hands on The Inheritors and excited to start reading it. I REALLY want to read the Shiva trilogy, but I found no PDF online... and it's out of print :( There is certainly old copies on ebay. And I want to read Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. There seem to be lots of good books out there.
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magical-wishies · 1 year
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A very happy 100 followers!!! 🎉🎊
Details about special event under read more!
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To everyone who's supported me over these past few months, thank you so much!! I look foward to drawing and interacting more with this lovely game series.
For this special occasion, I'll be hosting both an art contest and an art raffle!
Art contest:
- Please make sure to turn your dms on on Tumblr so I can message you!
Draw any art of Marx or Magolor, no specific theme (If you want to draw them together, it's ok!). Use the tag #mw100celebration and tag me in the post!
There will be 2 winners! The deadline is November 1st.
- Prize: Art drawn by me, contents of your choice (As long as it's reasonable! We will discuss it)
Art raffle:
Reblog this post with any of these emojis in the tags: 🍓⭐🎉! The winner will be chosen with a wheel.
Good luck to everyone who joins! 🍓⭐🎉
Deadline: 1 week after this post's release
Prize: Art drawn by me, contents of your choice
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arttsuka · 1 day
you should post even more. random stuff. photos of leaves you found outside. anything. seeing you on my dash is a pleasure
:) I'll try...
For now take this weird lemon 🍋
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l-tora-l · 3 months
Hello ! I think for the foreseeable future I'm not really gonna update this blog ! I've been absent for so long here that idk if anyone remembers me LOLS but if you do and you want to continue interacting then I have a new blog set up ! Other than that I hope 2024 is treating everyone well <333
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batsplat · 5 months
In 1996 Vale raced a rotary-valve 125cc two-stroke that weighed 70kg and was good for 140mph/225kph. In the year he reached his retirement age he raced a 1,000cc four-stroke that weighed nearly 160kg and nudged 220mph/350kph. It is inevitable that such motorcycles need to be ridden in different ways. The essential difference between racing a low-powered bike and a high-powered bike is the speed the rider uses through corners. The best way to achieve fast lap times on a lightweight bike with relatively little horsepower - like a 125 or 250 - is to use as much corner speed as possible, by taking flowing lines through the turns. On the other hand, a 500 or a MotoGP bike has a lot of horsepower (too much, in fact!), which if used correctly has a huge effect on lap times. Therefore Vale had to change the way he attacked corners when he graduated to the premier class in 2000. After his first few races on a 500 he understood that the secret to a fast lap time on a big bike was to focus on corner exit, so he could unleash the engine's power as soon as possible. This required sacrificing corner speed, the gain in acceleration in corner exit more than compensating for the loss of time in the middle of the corner. "You need to go slow mid-corner, then lift up the bike really quickly and give gas when you are on the fatter part of the rear tyre," he said. "If you don't get it right, you're either slow or you crash." The first man to set him right was rival Sete Gibernau. Vale had a lot of crashes during the winter of 1999/2000, because he was trying to ride the bike like it was a 250, using flowing cornering lines on the edge of the tyre. Gibernau told him what to do, but like any keen young racer, Vale ignored the advice and kept falling off. Gibernau was correct, however. The 500 had double the power of a 250 - about 180 horsepower - and a two-stroke engine delivers power and torque in an aggressive and unpredictable way, so it's asking for trouble to swoop through corners on the edge of the tyres and then open the throttle.
Mat Oxley’s Valentino Rossi: All His Races
At the time, I was falling a lot. And for many different reasons. Part of it had to do with my style in 250. In 250cc you can go into a turn bent right over and you can even open the throttle all the way on the turn, accelerating as you go through it. OK, it's not the easiest thing to do but it was possible and many of us had mastered it. You can forget about doing things like that on a 500cc. One of the problems with the 500 is that, at first, you feel totally confident. That's what happened to me. I felt very sure of myself, I pushed ahead, keeping my 250cc style. And, as a result, I kept falling off. It happened in my second test, at Phillip Island. And it was a very bad fall. Gibernau had come up to me before the test and actually warned me: "Look, you bend the bike too much, treat it as if it was a 250cc. You can't do that. You should use your body more rather than bending the bike." "Gee, thanks, yeah, I'll do that..." I replied, not really taking him too seriously. I asked myself, "Who is this Gibernau who thinks he can tell me how to race?" Of course, I paid no attention to him. And that was a big mistake. Two hours later I had a terrible spill. I was going very fast and, all of a sudden, I felt the rear tyre lift itself off the track and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air. It was an incredible flight. When I finally landed it was with the kind of thud I'm sure to remember for a very long time.
Valentino Rossi in his 2005 autobiography, What if I had never tried it
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transmascaraa · 7 months
gonna post the lyrics to those songs that i promised you guys every song separately so get ready for like 11 new posts
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balladetto · 9 months
     Once, when Link was even smaller than he feels, he'd knocked his shoulder out of its socket in a terrible fall.
     Terrible in that he'd cried about it, ashamed and at the then-height of pained, not that it was a particularly horrific tumble. He'd just landed wrong, he remembers someone telling him — frantic and almost apologetic in their reassurance. Too much has happened for him to reconstruct a face for the memory, but Link can still recall the stutter in their words. You're g-gonna be okay. Y-you're gonna— gonna be f-fine.
     And he was. Someone had gone to fetch a healing fairy while others came to keep him company. It'd been the right shoulder, burning at the joint and numb all the way down to his fingertips, but he'd found a spot of hurt he could grit his teeth through; then breathe through; then eventually speak through. By the time the fairy was brought over, Link had been so deep in the rhythm of holding himself together that he'd nearly slapped her away when she broke it.
     He remembers her, he thinks, the most out of everything. There's a distinct clarity associated pain will give you with any recollection. She was rose-pink, a little darker than he was used to, and she'd bristled when he whimpered through a fresh wave of tears and pushed at her with his pinky.
     "Stop that," she'd said. "Bones aren't easy, you know. It'll only hurt for a pinch, it has to for me to fix it. You're already being so brave! Can't you be brave a while longer?"
     Outside the memory, Link lays crumpled on cold tiles, eyelids like crushed butterfly wings and the cave of his chest barely moving as he looks up and up and up. He thinly wonders, for a fixing like this, how long he'd have to keep being brave for.
     Neither of his shoulders took the landing this time, but he knows many things are wrong with both of them. By extension, many things are wrong with all of him. He should take stock, a part of him understands. He'd like to take stock, another part realises, if only he had the capacity to. Each breath shifts the slivers and splinters his bones have shattered into. Agony twists through every vein like a replacement for the blood he imagines paints his trail from platform to windows to the far below floor. He can't feel his fingers, which twitch as if to grip something — his left hand, mangled, rests as if in graveyard dirt.
     There is no amount of searching in this sea that will land him in a place where this might be bearable.
     "Link!" Navi yells, a trilling bell that drowns out the sound of dying. His heart threads an extra thump, like he still has it in him to be scared alongside everything else, before it fades back into a whisper of a pulse. She wheels above him in panicked, powdery circuits: hair to boots and back. "Get up! You have to get up!"
     He does. He does have to. Link doesn't get to think he's gonna die now. He doesn't get to be tired enough — small enough — for that. He draws a rattling inhale, head practically cracking open with how the air presses against its seams. He's sixteen. The world will end if he's nine. He's sixteen, sixteen, sixteen.
     He chokes on liquid rising in his gorge, coughs it up, and closes his eyes when gravity brings the blood down in blotches on his skin. It's— really gross, and that's such a mundane thought in the face of what he has to reckon with that his chest starts spasming with strangled laughter instead.
     Navi, he replies in his head, 'cause that's all he can do. He traces over more names: Sheik, Zelda, Saria, the Sages, the Kokiri, the list goes on as his voice dips into hitching, searing gasps. It's an awful thing to realise — that's all he can do. Link has to get up, has to be Courage, has to be more than what he is.
     And he can't.
     Sound drifts down from above, mocking. Cruel. It's a laugh getting louder and louder, and Link prises his lashes apart with the sheer will borne from a unique dread. A kind of fear, if you felt it not in sensation, but in the dizzying spiral that is the certainty of where this will all end.
     A kind of fear — and a kind of fury.
     Link is nine, thrown to the ground, battered and muscles stinging with a magic he tastes as something crackling on his tongue. He glares up at the tall man on the tall horse, smouldering so brazenly with protective, frustrated outrage that he shakes with it. He is not unafraid of the sneer that answers him, but he does not look away.
     Link is nine, broken over the ground, near dead and stuck in a body he's tried to make his. His eyes are cold as he watches Ganondorf descend, burning with tears dyed red from failure. The brand on his left hand glows, resonating with a magic he no longer has the nerves to feel. Navi doesn't leave. There are a thousand things he wishes he could scream.
     Large fingers fold around the wrist of his gauntlet, deliberate in their ignorance of the softness a joint that bent must be afforded. As his arm is lifted, the pain dragged along every passing second like some horrible, continuous song-note that eclipses even his fears, he pretends none of the noises coming from him are his and thinks everything that could mean: I hate you.
     He thinks everything that could mean: I'm so sorry.
     The man raises his other hand, palm closing in, and Link forces another entire earth on the child he can't be even here — even now. He does not look away. Navi, oddly muffled, rings something wordless.
     Link waits for the end of this story.
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mxgoldenwood · 5 months
Five songs I've been listening to:
Tagged by @autumnlassitude for this one!
"Worst in Me" by Unlike Pluto
"#1 Crush" by Garbage
"The Sacrament" by HIM
"My Obsession" by Cinema Bizarre
"The Summoning" (acoustic cover) by Christina Rotondo (original song by Sleep Token)
literally every single one of these is on my personal playlist for Crimson Cord vibes but they are presented in no particular order ✨ (also I'm sorry I could not get the link embeds to behave right so we're doing things the old-fashioned way with text links)
zero pressure to participate unless you wanna, but I'm tagging y'all to share some music if you do want to!
@homewardbound508 @tokidokifish @marinebogologist @coolkraay @ripkord
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humblemooncat · 10 months
I've been staring at that picture of Lohi & Thancred snoozin' and reminded myself of a recent update in Lohi's pining.
With all the times he's come back to the Rising Stones lately and chatted with Thancred, Lohi's starting to think he's got no chance considering he's usually talking about the lovely ladies in the room.
It's making him think back to a couple of Tia's back in his tribe whom he also felt something for. His first boyfriend, U'vari, in particular. The both of them were young, just settling into themselves as adults, and decided to try being together. Lohi was over the moon, having known well enough that he was into men. Vari, not so much. But timid as he was, he decided not to tell Lohi until kitting season rolled around and he'd found a beautiful woman he'd wanted to be his mate. It was then that U'vari realized he felt so much for this lady that he hadn't felt for Lohi.
Their breakup was... dramatic. Vari was anxious, and Lohi was heartbroken, and those combined to create a very volatile end.
U'vari and his mate ended up moving to Ul'dah not too long after, as he and Lohi never really had it in them to reconcile.
Lohi kind of kept his feelings to himself after that, especially while still with his tribe. He still found some of the other Tia's attractive, but it wasn't worth it, he thought.
After traveling to Ul'dah himself however, he'd freed himself from those binds a bit. Allowing himself to admire the men around him for the first time in ages. And then he met Thancred.
Obviously he'll learn down the line he does have a shot with him, but things are gonna be a little strange in Lohi's heart until he does.
Also, I just realized that Lohi's gonna have a polycule down the line too, since for me Thancred and Urianger have a "Do not separate" label on them. I guess we'll see how Lohi's relationship with Uri develops as well then! Maybe we'll have a triangle, maybe we'll have a V! Lohi and Uri would be cute together tho. That's a brains meets brawn ship right there.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Hey, can you re-imagine a wholy genderbent Deathnote, is too cursed?
Okay, it is SO funny that you mention this because I was talking to my Long-Distance Best Friend the other day about the fact that there is, apparently, (or at least was, at some point before the strike?) a plan to make a live-action TV series adaptation of this for Netflix. Which is...a whole other thing I don't want to get into, but ANYWAY.
The POINT is that we were talking about what would have to happen to make me have some modicum of hope that this might not be the worst idea ever (remember what happened the LAST time we did live-action Netflix DN, we got the 2017 movie no one needs to live through that again). And what I ultimately came up with was:
Every single character, except for Light and Raye, is now a woman. (Obviously this isn't wholly genderbent, but. It's close enough to this ask that I found it to still be a humorous coincidence.) I think in the hands of the right writer, it could be an interesting examination of misogyny and how baked-in that concept is to the justice system. (And I think it would lend extra context to the fact that Light was able to keep operating for so long. If the people opposing him are all women in a historically male-dominated field, they'd all have to contend with a type of professional and societal discrimination that he'll never have to, thus giving him an advantage. Also L would be a Weird Girl™, which would absolutely raise some interesting questions in terms of the scope of this character's influence and their societal perception. Also femslash Near/Mello would be canonically possible which is OBVIOUSLY the most important factor to take into consideration.)
Soichiro's difficulty in believing Light's guilt would gain an extra dimension if this character were also grappling with the societal expectations of motherhood (especially while being in a position of authority in a """masculine""" career). And Matsuda...I just think some woman, any woman, should get to shoot Light repeatedly in a fit of rage. (Also something-something calling women in the workplace idiots/making them the butt of the joke/consistently overlooking them, I think you could do something there.) I think this theoretical concept I spent way too much time thinking about really only works if, even though the major and supporting characters are women, it's still made clear that they work in an environment overwhelmingly occupied by men.
As for a FULLY genderbent story...Light as a female character is, to me, indeed an idea too cursed. I will not elaborate.
And I don't think the Shinigami experience the concept of gender in the way that we do, so tbh I'm not really sure a whole lot would change in that regard. But I do think a female Ryuk would be very funny.
Naomi being a man I think would be...not cursed, I just don't particularly enjoy it. But mainly that's because I am A Gay™, and I love thinking about women who are tough enough to have the word "massacre" as part of their nickname. :)
Misa being reimagined as a guy could be really interesting, though, given how a) the entertainment industry treats women differently from how it treats men, and b) the world at large generally expects men to react differently to trauma than women do. (Although I still very much prefer the version of Misa that serves as a deconstruction of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl). And I'd be curious to see what the viewer/reader response would be if this character were a man. (Mainly because, historically, audiences are a lot more positively receptive to extreme, unhealthy displays of devotion when they come from a male character than when they come from a female character, but this answer is already probably too long, so we don't have to talk about that.)
(Best Friend ALSO mentioned the idea of Rina Sawayama playing L, and I am now gay on a level I previously didn't ever think was possible, but we don't have to talk about that either.)
Uhhhh....TLDR, full-genderbent DN kind of cursed, but there are some really interesting ideas you could examine. (The one veto I'm gonna make is that I do not think this story works if Light is a girl, but-you guessed it-we really don't have to talk about that.)
Also, stan the stage musical for serotonin and clear skin!
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fluffyk97 · 1 year
When I started playing the new Final Horizon update I was expecting pure fun playing as Amy, Knuckles and Tails all while getting new story and a better final boss.... I wasn't expecting I was signing up for extra hard mode that made me feel very drained despite my setting being clearly set to normal difficulty.
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#sonic frontiers#Sonic frontiers final horizon#I am bad at games I know this and can admit it#Sonic fans really don't deserve the wonderful treatment the Sonic Team has been giving up lately frfr#But Imma need them to tune this shit DOWN#I enjoyed playing as Amy Knuckles and Tails but I was excited to get back to Sonic admittedly#Mainly because I was of course familiar with him while I wasn't with the others#I thought I could go ahead and get the map all completed and do a lil cyberspace before I did the first tower#What I wasn't expecting was to get stuck trying to do my one and first CyberSpace level over and over because I kept failing#I mainly just kept failing at the last bit because it was falling platforms and they give you such little space and time that I cant handle#When i gave up on that i decided focus on the map then so I'll really know where I'm going and all that#Turns out the challenges to get your map filled up were also made to be just ridiculous#I gave up at a fuckin ball and hoop challenge because shit feels so inconsistently annoying#Not to mention the guardian i fought beforehand because Sonic actually has stats#Maxed out ones even#Now i know this one is definitely more of a skill issue on my part I'm sure but#I have max defense and I was at 999 rings#Bro i got down to under 100 rings during that damn fight cause i didn't know the right time to attack#I can be short tempered ngl shsh so shit has definitely brought my mood down and I'll probably actually watch the rest of the story#I really don't want to put myself through all that and more some it drains me more than having fun#Props to those who have fun with it#I cannot and I admire their strength amd determination#Plus I'm already seeing people talking about the towers you need to do with Sonic being absolute pains#Last time I saw that was with The End fight which the game took pity on me with how many times I died#Just uyguggugh#Whole ass rant in the tags#I'm tired and I do hope the new story full on is good and redeems what we had before
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cathodic-clairvoyant · 7 months
Fun math/counting problem for everyone
Okay so I know this will only be interesting to like maybe one other person but I came across a fun counting problem I wanted to share. For a given number of digits, n, how many numbers have a unique sequence of digits up to permutation? (So to be explicit about what the question is asking, 15 and 51 would both count as the same digit sequence since the digits of 51 are just a permutation of the digits of 15. Also, leading 0s are also included in the number. For example in the four digit case, 15 would be written as 0015.)  
If you’re at all math inclined or like number puzzles I do genuinely encourage you to try to figure this question out yourself partially because it's fun but mainly because I’m curious if anyone else can come up with a different/better solution than I did. I'll put my solution under the break. It's half informal proof (making it more rigorous is an exercise for the reader or w/e) and half just like a guided solution. If you're familiar with manipulating sums and can read basic math notation (if you're unfamiliar with the notation when defining the function, don't worry about it, it really doesn't matter I just think it looks pretty) you should be able to follow (hopefully, unless i've done something terribly wrong).
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Fuck it, I'll make my own version of Bright and rewrite the entire family myself.
I already have some base but it's going to take a while to fully rework and remake this entire thing. The thing's rooted deep and I need to do a lot of research.
So until then, I'll pause my shit on Bright. Until I get a bit more of a solid footing and figure out more stuff.
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beastsovrevelation · 5 months
I realized in all my Good Omens WIPs, the pairing of my Antichrist and War is just... Already established.
I mean...
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She's on the verge of proposing in one scene, and it's Ch1 (like, do it, Maxine). *Insert me complaining about still being in skeleton dialogue phase with this - it's a long chapter, though*
It's kind of unusual, but, all the stories are set in timelines where they're already established. I don't mind, exactly... I might be interested in exploring the beginning at some point, but that would be set during Max's time in the military, as they met when she was in the military.
I suppose, Max might just be a character whose arcs aren't primarily focused on romance. There is romance, and it's a part of her, but not the essence of her. I shouldn't be surprised, I didn't create her just to be shipped. Especially not in solely Good Omens universe.
Oh, by the way, in case you (the soul who stumbled upon this somehow) didn't know, Enyo's ( Ἐνυώ, ha) a spirit of war from Greek mythology. I thought, I'll make it War's real name, I'm such a fan of it.
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twilightarcade · 1 year
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meow :3
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color refs for me 🔥🔥🔥🔥
nevaeh thompson, she/he - secretary but not in a sexy way more of a bit of a loser way. They’re all losers
Jacob “”””””jake””””” Mulligan, he/they - always put a particular amount of spiteful emphasis on his nickname being jake if you do mention it, unless you just want to be normal about it
going to let you in on a little secret everyone here really uses any pronouns because like. That’s not my job. Make ur own pronouns dude. But also they CANT so I’m sitting here assigning arbitrary pronouns to them
#notwordswordstag#caustic corp#this pose was originally for a bigger piece I doubt you’ll see but if you do then this drawing doesn’t exist ok?#you may notice they all have slightly different tints of white it doesn’t really mean anything unless you make it which you can#but it’s mainly what goes with their design#iris' white is literally off magenta and I'm not really sure how that happened#they all end up either red or blue and it's super noticeable when they're standing next to eachother and I'm going to try to remedy this in#the future#but also it's not too big of a big deal because 90% of the time I go a bit off ref anyways#their EARINGS' colors however are chosen with a tiny bit more care#idk why this is captioned meow but it's staying <3#I need to start drawing at a reasonable brightness because I swear to you nevaehs face was near unreadable as I was drawing this and I fel#felt bad because I couldnt see what was going on but couldn't fix that#looking at it again it's not nearly that bad#I also neglected to color some of the outlines because they looked about the same color and I figured coloring them wouldn't make much of#a difference but I was WRONG like a fool but it doesn't effect the drawing as a while much#I didn't make the upper half of jacobs arm defined but that's just a him problem I think. I'm not responsible for his arm (I am)#eventually I'll do a wip dump and you'll get to look at all the art that's never getting finished but would be pretty cool if it did#she's holding her clipboard close to her chest which is something I changed from the original because she was#going to hold it behind her back but you couldn't see it then. rude.#specifically with the papers facing away from her
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