#mainly for the angst tho
11.5k and I just had to add another scene bc i needed more angst and also I fucked up my alternating POV and it's easier to add than rewrite tbh :)
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
I curse you for this angsty thought but
Combining spear baby AU and Mortal Vaggie AU. When an exorcist is killed, they die like normal. But when they die of old age...they change back into whatever weapon they were, ready to start the cycle over.
Even more painful if that weapon would always look like vaggie, but...none of the memories.
ok FINALLY i can get this out of my head, strap in-
Spear child AU Vaggie finds out that even if SHE can't hold her kid without cursing them with memories of blood and every time she used them to kill- at least her kid can hug HER (after a lot of coaching for both them from Charlie) without any murder memories for the kid...
but Vaggie remembers, suddenly, being the weapon of the Exorcist her spear was before that heaven born woman hit the end of her lifespan
Vaggie remembers the kill that turned HER, Vaggie, from a weapon to person, her wielder's final words, an old Exorcist proudly using the last of her strength for one last Extermination day, refusing to fade out quietly up in heaven- struggling to hit that unspoken quota- enough Sinner's killed and enough demonic energy soaked up and purified into a NEW soldier of heaven, a soldier to replace the her as she crumbles into ash and that first moment of life as new born Vaggie instinctively caught the spear as it fell-
in the Mortal Vaggie AU, imagine her horror realizing she will BE a weapon again after death-
(no matter how much she wanted to be Charlie's armor in life. She's an Exorcist. She was made to kill)
unless she's killed before then, violently, while she's still herself.
And she can't ask anyone to do that- Charlie, her friends- (her spear kid??) she doesn't WANT one SECEOND less time with them than she can get, will NEVER stop fighting for her life with them
but it's terrifying, thinking how someone ELSE might pick her up afterwards... the husk she came from (no personality traits are passed down between incarnations) (the only memories an new Exorcist is born with are the deaths that fanned the fames of their new battle forged lives) an inert tool, unable to stop herself from being used to hurt people
the weapon left behind by her natural death will still be PART of her. And she doesn't want any part of her to go back to being what she was. She never wants to be a weapon like that again, blindly used to hurt and kill and wipe souls from existence while they run screaming
she has to keep telling Charlie- No. She doesn't remember anything from the incarnations before her
no there isn't... isn't any chance of her coming back. Not as herself.
Charlie and that hopeless desperate wish-
(what are a few more thousand dead, really? In the timescale of heaven and hell and all creation, in comparison how many have already died, when weighed against all the GOOD Vaggie has done and still wants to do-)
(all the pain Charlie doesn't want to face in losing her)
Vaggie asks for her weapon form to be destroyed after her time runs out
she begs Charlie to promise her-
Destroy her, it, melt it with hellfire, or re-forge her weapon self into something harmless- she wouldn't mind being a shield, if there's enough metal in her weapon form for that. She would love the thought of still being able to protect the people she loves
that might be to hard (emotionally) or not practical, physically speaking, and that's fine too. Just. Don't let her stay a weapon
Vaggie, getting older, feeling her age long before the other Exorcists will because she refuses to go back to heaven, can't stomach the idea of wasting one moment of her life up there or worse- fading out there far away from Charlie
She makes Charlie SWEAR to unmake whatever's left of her. So NO part of her can EVER be used as a mindless weapon again
and Charlie promises.... and Charlie....
breaks the promise
(her one worst sin will always be reckless Hope, all consuming Love) she incorporates Vaggie's weapon into her own trident instead, and sure she doesn't go OUT of her way to kill with it-
she doesn't hold back either, whenever the time comes
their daughter was born from a mix of sinners deaths, mixed, balanced, purified by the angels Vaggie killed later
Their daughter is getting older too- not as fast as Vaggie was- more divine energy stored up in her, gotten direct from the source instead of just used to to transform the power of hell into something heaven could use- but she IS still aging, and faster than Charlie is
if this is just "how things work" then Charlie going to have to watch her daughter die too someday. If she isn't killed, she'll outlive her child.
She can't.
She can't hide behind a shield apologizing anymore, Vaggie's not here to be the one who stabs attacking angels so they stay DOWN- Vaggie is dead and if it's forever then their daughter will follow her
Charlie has to do it, for both of them. And the hotel. She has to kill. It's just practical, just self defense, just a little not-quite lie about what she did with Vaggie's weapon-
(it was damaged. Chipped in a small but noticeable way)
(her missing eye-?)
And if part of Charlie keeps count while this desperate little hope flutters at the back of her mind, wondering if maybe... just maybe....
no, though
One day she finds herself suddenly holding the hand of a confused and bloody but ready to fight Exorcist in the middle of a battle, and it's not. Vaggie.
They know how to kill. They don't know who to be killing
(hellborn and sinners and angels, Charlie's had to stop so many people, wondering- worrying- if that would help or hurt the chances of Vaggie ever-)
The new Exorcist attacks everything in sight
Charlie's friends, the other Exorcists, Sinners, it's all she can remember, blood in red and glowing gold-
not Charlie, Charlie is familiar (no but not like THAT) the hand she woke holding and caught her when she staggered, band new to being able to move on her own, arms and legs and wings and one eye missing
Charlie's the one who grabs her mid attack and stops her with a hug that'd break a sinner's back-
Charlie, wiping away the blood on this stranger's confused face, tracing that scarred and empty eye she knows SO well and whispering a name with so much HOPE
(not seeing the horror on her friend's faces, the devastated shock from her daughter)
It's not Vaggie.
Even if she looks exactly like her, the answering twist of her face is new and she does something Vaggie never did- she pulls away, looks away, looks at the Exorcists all stopped and grinning (people like her, the same wings, black and white and powerful with every feather clearly marked with purpose)
a bell tolls and the Exorcists retreat back towards a gate in the sky like a burning wheel of light, matching the far off spheres of heaven, and the new Exorcist flares her wings to follow them-
Charlie stops her, that first time. Desperate. Still hopeful. Maybe Vaggie just needs time to remember...?
Charlie doesn't stop her later
it's the best option, really, even if it means being as alone as she was before meeting Vaggie
more alone than that, even. back then she didn't have so many friends avoiding her and her... "thing"... she didn't have a daughter moving out of the pride ring altogether to get away from her. Back then she could tell herself it was only her parents separation that left alienated her dad from her, instead of Lucifer being torn between his daughter and his grandchild. She hadn't known what it was like to have a partner, before Vaggie, and now without her she doesn't know how to live without one
she knows she shouldn't have done this. She shouldn't call the woman by her dead wife's name or keep showing her bits of a life that'd never been hers
so Charlie makes a promise, again. And keeps it this time. She talks to heaven, finds a way to get the new Exorcist up there-
-even though Vaggie wouldn't want that. Not a weapon. Not again.
(vaggie would have asked her to kill the new exorcist instead)
Charlie knows it even a she lets the Exorcist with Vaggie's face and voice and missing eye fly away, off through the portal to a life Vaggie wouldn't have wanted any part in....
but if it's not Vaggie, then it's the stranger's life now. Hers to choose
(a nice thought to hide behind. In no world can Charlie destroy any part of what was once the woman she loved)
And if maybe this stranger IS in some small way Vaggie... maybe... maybe THIS will help her remember. Maybe pain will do what Charlie's soft words and hands couldn't do
Up in heaven though...
a scarred Exorcist is a damaged weapon, is a weaken one. This Exorcist has killed sinners and hellborn and ANGELS, she knows the taste of divine blood
She looks at the angels around her the way her sisters look at demons down in hell. As prey
Lute notices
Lute doesn't trust her with a weapon, doesn't trust her down in hell. Lute remembers the feel of the spear at her throat- and that woman is GONE, but- this one came from hell. Came from the Morningstar demon bitch. Can't be trusted not to be tainted by all that
The new exorcist gets put on spy duty instead. Go work for Emily, supposedly. Watch over "reformed" sinners up in heaven
(Sir Pentious, flinching every time he sees her) (reminiscing about a friend he knew back down in hell while casting her nervous, painful glances)
Watch and report back to Lute, pretend to be the bodyguard of the souls who got a second unfair bite at the apple-
ACTUALLY be their bodyguard, when the moment comes
When Lute hits her breaking point and Sera is swayed by fear of a threat from within, a new line drawn, when the Exorcists turn on the angels who don't REALLY belong in heaven, who will never REALLY have earned after failing once- trying to kill them again
and the instinct kicking in
the woman with Vaggie's face and how RIGHT it feels to fight angels- finally that sense of purpose coursing through her, the golden blood, someone cowering behind her and she spreads her wings and-
(Charlie killed with her so many times. Never out of hate. Always a last resort. Always trying to save more people than she hurt)
(a sideways, unknowing way that Charlie kept the same promise she broke- that part of her Vaggie loved and wanted to share in, the urge to help, to defend, even in a world that demands killing as a price of stopping more death)
The woman with Vaggie's face isnt and will never BE her
but she and Emily are the reason the reformed souls aren't slaughtered up in heaven
Charlie's hotel (no, always "their" hotel to her) is suddenly full of old friends and their friends, their families from up in heaven, angels leaving in disgust through the same portal as the truth of heaven's lie is exposed to ALL of heaven now, not just a court of those who made it what it is
and it's. Maybe something Vaggie would love, if she could see it
It's Charlie's one last time reaching out to the new Exorcist, offering her a place in the hotel too...
and it's Charlie taking it in, what it means, when the woman with Vaggie's face chooses to stay up in heaven
the woman who isn't Vaggie- (Vaggie never would have left) (NEVER would chose heaven over hell)- explains heaven is where most angels are, after all. And she likes it quite a lot- making angels bleed
(she's a weapon)
(Vaggie worked hard to make herself into something else. and she did. and now Vaggie's-) (Dead)
Charlie hopes Vaggie would be okay with this, somehow.
Or maybe it would have made Vaggie sick, watching Charlie get left behind (left alone again) by someone wearing her own face
*slotting this in deliciously with the spear baby au stuff*
alright what we've got so far is...
Exorcist weapons soak up the demonic energy of the sinners they kill, carrying it back up to heaven with them where divine ointment or whatever is used to clean them afterwards, turning the demonic energy into something they can slowly convert into actual divine energy
Once they get enough kills and power, the weapon incarnates as a new heavenly soldier, specifically suited for visiting and fighting in hell
Their current Exorcist form lasts a set amount of time, and would start wearing down if they weren't given halos to supplement their slowly dwindling power
the halos keep them "young" up until the moment they fade away into ashes and weaponry again
they ALSO finish converting the Exorcist's demonic energy back into it's base form as divine power or the "force of creation" used by the higher ranking angels like the Seraphim
Basically redistributing power from hell to heaven AS WELL AS reducing the population of sinners
without the halo the demonic power just slowly bleeds out on it's own and gets absorbed by whatever's around
(AU NOTE: this would mean a bit of Vaggie's power probably got incorporated into the things and people she spent the most time around- Charlie, her spear which later turned into her kid, the hotel, her friends)
The SHAPE of the Exorcist continues with the weapon they're born from, but they lack souls, and no personal memories get passed down between incarnations
Since they are being built up from the kills they're used for though, THOSE memories are the only ones the new Exorcist is born with
Damage done to an Exorcist with heavenly steel carries over into the weapon they come from, and the next incarnation they take
Weapons that get damaged before they take enough lives to spawn into a new Exorcist are probably melted down to make a new weapon instead
That didn't used to happen very often though, because Adam encouraged abandoning any weapon that gets so much as scratched or tweeked down in hell- he didn't like the idea of his girls being less than exactly how he wanted them
Lute stops that after his death and the revelation that heavenly weapons can kill angels
Normally the Exorcist weapons incarnate as fully grown women, ready for action just like the weapons they come from
Spear! baby had a gap of several years with NO new kills powering them, and Vaggie wasn't trying to fill any quotas afterwards, so the energy build up was erratic and kill counts lessened bc of fighting next to Charlie. Being around Charlie in and out of battle, and near her half-seraphim power, also meant some of that was slurrped up, resulting in a form that WASN'T ready for battle but COULD absorb more power even after incarnating, letting the Spear! baby grow up as she gathered more passive energy (and later her own kills)
If she killed angels regularly enough or moved to heaven she could probably stay young for her entire life. But she isn't so she won't.
The other weapons abandoned in hell didn't get any divine cleansing to convert the demonic energy into something their heavenly steel could use, so they all stayed inert until killing angels started to be a thing.
Vaggie's was the first to rack up enough angel kills for the rest of the demonic energy to get mixed and changed to the point of spontaneous spear baby creation
Carmilla Carmine discovers that the other weapons can ALSO do this tho
She is slightly less than amused that chaggie failed to warn her
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emelinstriker · 8 months
So the cannibal asks were interesting but I'm curious about what would happen if a master came across them, and their first instinct is to get the heck out of dodge.
Like what are the reactions gonna be to:
1. Master trying their level best to escape because A. they don't wanna be eaten,
B. nor do they wanna be around people who eat other people.
2. Master having panic attacks, straight-up crying, or both?
3. Master fainting, and while I presume all mess would be cleaned up, they're now wary around the Servants and Champions.
I hope this isn't too detailed, obvs no pressure to answer, I'm just really amazed by your world. It's absolutely fascinating!
Actually, no matter which option, Mink would be there for them. As much of an asshole as he is, he is also seen as a major bridge between the Reader and their servants. He sees and understands both sides of the relationship.
Due to the goop-goblin's down-to-earth talk and rather wise words, he has a much easier time calming down the Reader than anyone else. Mink usually avoids being the one to comfort them, but he's also the closest form of comfort they'd have in such scenario. He can also analyze the type of comfort the Reader would need based on how they usually act on their own and interact with others.
Of course, the others would feel absolutely horrible if their Master avoids them and is genuinely afraid of them. Azure would probably try talk to their Master about it since he's not participating in any of the feasts either. He's also basically the calmest, if we ignore Wukong's and MK's calm expressions. So he'd have an easier time approaching them about the topic.
It doesn't make the champions feel calm if they were the reason their Master was crying and feeling scared, after all. They most certainly felt their Master's negative emotions peak when they spotted at least some of them feasting on a corpse. And to mend their relationship, they would do things that are rather small for them. Also bringing them offerings by stealing secretly borrowing things they'd like from the city.
Once their Master is no longer as scared of them/their actions, they wouldn't just outright drop the cannibalism or the other questionable things they do, but they would make sure the Reader is nowhere near them to witness any of it ever again. Especially when they know their current Master is rather sensitive about darker topics.
(I wanted to make a comic on it but motivation said no so uh- oop-)
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dumdum-snakemom · 2 months
Playing thought a lot of IFs recently (it's a problem) and I love the Fallen Hero serie way too much for my own good. Really got everything I could crave in a narrative frfr.
Anyway, all this to say that I love the Rat King. Favorite little manmade horror/scientific experiment/lil guy in fiction.
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jamiethebeeart · 9 months
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northsoulss · 1 year
a dream
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pairing : neteyam x gn!reader
content warnings : descriptions of blood, gore, injuries — there’s A L O T. angst, a tad bit of fluff but not a ton, kissy kiss (a few in fact!), death(not neteyam i promise), mentions of the reader crying(a lot.), no use of y/n — replaced with “___”.
let me know if i missed any warnings!
synopsis : (in this fic neteyam is alive and the whole story of the sully family moving to the metkayina clan never happened. this is a few years after the first RDA attack when neteyam is 15-ish. he and the reader are 19+ in this fic.) the RDA returns and it feels you are living through hell, but neteyam pulls you through it, like a sturdy rock in the choppy waves, preventing the waves from sweeping you away.
a/n : hi i reallllly wanted to write angst for this so this is primarily just a practice for it bUT i promise there is “fluff” hehe - im not that evil i promise😗 also IM STARTING PRE-U NEXT WEEEEK!! so probably won’t be able to post so pls have this
the forest was a mess. bodies everywhere, sky people and na’vi alike, all tainted in the same red colour. you let out a war cry as you killed a dreamwalker, tossing their body to the side with a grunt. the RDA had come back in an attempt to avenge their fallen, killing many villagers and warriors in the process. this was all entirely uncalled for, and it was extremely painful to see so many young na’vi killed by the likes of them. as you were about to head back to the home tree, a piercing scream tore through the battle field, one of an ikran. you twisted around anxiously, seeing your mother’s ikran in front of you. uh oh. “alaksì? where is mother?” you ask, seeing the ikran’s panicked state, you start to feel nervous as well, for your mother never leaves her ikran alone.
“take me to her.” no more words were needed as it took off immediately, almost too fast to catch if not for your own ikran.
after landing, you arrived in an open area, with bodies littered on the floor like dead mice. however, one of the bodies stood out, for the body had the same necklace you made for your mother when you were a child, its orange and green beads now an awful colour.
it felt as though time froze in that very moment, leaving you to be the only person able to move. all the noise around you became muffled, all the screams, all the gunshots, war cries, everything became silent. your heartbeat was the only thing you heard, the rhythm slowly increasing in intensity like a song the clan would sing during festivals.
you ran towards her, squatting down beside her where she laid motionless, her pupils dilated and dazed. “this has to be a nightmare,” you thought, not realising hot tears began spilling down your cheeks. you turned her body over to check for injuries, and found your answer. a clean hole through the centre of her chest, blood splattered around the wound.
“no, no, no, wake up!” you shook her body, but to no avail. her limbs were limp and cold. it was weird. she looked at peace and yet you only felt grief and remorse. so you screamed. you screamed, and screamed, and screamed until your throat became hoarse. it was not enough, for your mother died with no one around her. she died a lonely death. she suffered alone, and you were not there in her last moments.
you looked over her body, feeling nothing but searing hot pain being delivered fresh to your doorstep. how could you have missed her death? how could you not be with her before she died? eywa, how could you be so cruel?
“please, oh great mother. tell me i’m dreaming!” words could not describe how loud you had yelled, how much sorrow and weight was in your words.
despite your heartbreak, you could not have a moment of peace with her. footsteps were heard behind you, slow and creeping ones, ones with shoes.
you spun around to be faced with an avatar, a dreamwalker. “you. did you do this?” you bared your teeth, tail whipping around rapidly. the avatar had a smirk on her face that you wanted so badly to slap off.
“hmm, did i? poor thing.” the avatar pouted in false remorse, wiping away non-existent tears on her face. she then took gun that was behind her, aiming right at your face. at that moment, you felt no fear, all you saw was red. bloody red. you lunged at her, taking your knife out and plunging it into her chest, in the same place your mother suffered. the demon was surprised at your aggression, seeing that she did not fight back one bit and actually tripped backwards.
“this. this is for my mother.” you take out the knife, and plunged it back down again, twisting it with anger. loud gasps were heard from the dreamwalker, but you paid no mind, only focusing on causing the most amount of pain possible to your mother’s killer.
“how could you do such a thing, demon. how could you end my mother’s life?” you spat, crying out in agony. you beat the avatar’s chest, firsts curled so tight it was bound to leave cuts.
soon, the face and body of the avatar became slack, and you removed your knife from her chest. you left an big enough cavity to be able see the slowed beating of the demon’s heart, one big enough to quell your desire for revenge. you took your bow that was slung over your arm and gave the body one last beating, swatting her face, which left a nasty red gash.
dropping to your knees, you let your feet sink into the ground, wishing eywa had not spared you like how she did not spare your mother.
even more footsteps went unheard by you, for your grief had nearly consumed you whole.
you turned around to see him standing there, his own body bloody, but with few cuts of his own. you have never been more glad to see your mate now. he ran to you and knelt down to your level, cradling your face in his hands, his warm touch spreading throughout your body. he turned your face side to side, checking for any cuts or bruises. he scanned your body as well, his worry filling your heart with warmth.
“oh, neteyam.” you threw your arms around his neck as sobs had your body shaking, his hands coming up to rest on the back of your neck and on the crown of your head.
“shh, it’s okay, its okay. i’ve got you now.” neteyam’s eyes scanned the perimeter, finding the extremely blooded dreamwalker, and your dead mother. it clicked immediately in his mind — he would have done the same if it was his own, maybe doing worse than just carving a hole in her body. he squeezed your body tighter, letting you bury your face in the crook of his neck, feeling your tears soak his chest.
suddenly, your head shot up, startling him. “w-where is my father?” you say between shaky breaths and tears, your eyes searching his for an answer.
he sucks his teeth before sighing, saying, “your father is back at hometree, however, he is severely injured and has one bullet wound on his leg.” he watched relief flood into your face, but more tears followed suit.
it pained him to see you like this, your usual joyful features were now ones that were filled with pain, your eyebrows knitted together and your mouth contorted into a wide frown, lips quivering and shouting; asking eywa how she could do this to you. his heart broke with you, his eyes watering as well, but he had to be strong. he had to be strong, for you.
neteyam’s own bullet wound to the chest was a testimony to his strength, but he was only able to survive it because you were there, and you were strong. for him. losing your mother the same way you almost lost him really rubbed salt to the wound, numbness soon taking over your features.
“___, my strong heart.” he hooked his fingers under your jaw and lifted them up, using his thumbs to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks. he pressed his hand to your chest, feeling your beating heart, feeling it speed up as he touched you. he gave you a sad smile, before lifting you up gently. giving you a kiss to the temple, you relished feeling; his hands on your back, on your waist. he grounded you when you felt unstable, the moon to your sun.
“let’s bring your mother back, yeah? let’s bring her home.” home. oh how that word sounds foreign now, for she was your home. you only nodded, walking over to her body with neteyam and carrying her up, and began the journey back home.
when you returned to the home tree, you brought your mother’s body to the tsahik’s hut. opening the flaps, you saw mo’at attending to your father’s body, head hung low and face contorting and bunching in discomfort. feeling someone’s presence, he looked up, joy flooding into his face seeing that it was you who entered. however, his smile faltered looking over your numb features, the blood splattered on your face, and your mother’s body beside you, unmoving.
“my child,” he beckons you over with a wave of his hand and you went running, nearly crashing into mo’at in the process.
“father,” you cried out, feeling his arms circle around you. your face felt hot and wet again, leaning deeply into your father’s embrace.
seeing the whole thing, mo’at could only sigh, her hand resting on your back and rubbing it comfortingly, hearing your wailing and sniffles echo throughout the hut. her other hand pat neteyam’s head affectionately, saying to him indirectly, “thank you for bringing them back safely to their father.” neteyam nodded and brought his hand to his face, covering the quiet tears that came down. your mother treated neteyam like one of her own children, and it hurt to see her go like that, without you by her side. sensing this, mo’at gripped his shoulder, soothing his grief.
you did not notice, but neteyam had stepped out of the hut by the time you finished conversing and grieving with your father. when you exited the hut, you were in complete shock. slowly, the seeds of the spirit tree descending upon you both as you stood next to him. one by one, they landed everywhere — one on your’s and neteyam’s head, and the rest scattered on your bodies. a cool gust of wind then blew by, soothing your aching heart and soul.
“i think that was her, neteyam.”
“i think so too, yawne.” he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pressing kisses to your cheeks and a lingering kiss to your lips which you gladly reciprocated. breaking apart, you rested your forehead against his and ghosted your hand over the scar on his chest. feeling your fingertips along his skin, neteyam feels a shiver run down his spine. he takes your hand and places it to his lips, and clutches it to his chest again, this time with his hand over yours.
“we will be okay, my love,” he gave a quick peck to your lips again, smiling at you tenderly.
“i think so too.”
© northsoulss 2023, all rights reserved
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nosleep83 · 1 year
If any of you guys know songs that remind you of mutant mayhem (angsty or not angsty) pls let me know I need some more songs for my mutant mayhem playlists
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gardenoblues · 5 months
(i love you, it's ruining my life.)
the voices won people...i present to you another wyler brainrot (its in yt too fyi...)
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caleism-1 · 1 year
Han Yoojin has skills geared towards the mind and lending or borrowing power. It only makes sense that if he has a skill to receive the memories of others alongside their power and skills, he could sacrifice his memories of others in return for some strength.
Han Yoojin has a skill that lets him give up memories of someone he holds dear in exchange for more power. Things change, but ultimately stay the same.
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ritz-writes · 1 year
Spotlight Macaque sings his feelings feelings away.
One day (not sure when in the story it is) he's feeling like shit, remembering his old life. Specifically remembering his relationship with Wukong. So, he goes to the theater at like one in the morning cuz he can't sleep. He goes up onto stage and just stands there for awhile, staring at the empty seats. Eventually, he plugs his phone in and starts to play the instrumental of Kindergarten Boyfriend.
He feels embarrassed when he does stuff like this, but it helps him get his feelings out. His friends say its not healthy for him to keep stuff like that in, after all. But he doesn't want to explain the situation to anyone, doesn't want to say any of it out loud, so instead he sings alone.
Except he's not alone. He's not the only cast member that goes to the theater in the middle of the night. Two others, B and E (you two will have names at some point i promise) were there trying to get a move down that E was having trouble with. They left for awhile to take a break and get some drinks, and when they came back it was too the sound of Macaque beginning to sing.
When Macaque sings alone, especially in a place where he feels safe, everything else melts away. Normally, he'd be able to hear them walking, hear the two girl stop just before exiting backstage, hear their heartbeats. But all he focused on was getting his feelings out.
B and E immediately knew he was singing about his ex. They could tell the song hit close to home for Macaque, based on his body language and the way his voice strained every now and again.
"Certain boys are just for kindergarten. Certain girl are meant to be alone."
Macaque's voice cracks here. He has to take a deep breath and steel his nerves, actually skipping the 'but I believe that any dream worth having' line in order to get his composure back.
Just when he's singing the last notes, E's shoe squeaks, finally alerting Macaque to the fact that he's not alone. E panics, explaining that they didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they didn't want to interrupt. Macaque's eyes are wet when he turns around and tries to come up with some excuse, tries to leave so he can die of embarrassment back at home, but B just walks over and pulls him into a hug.
"If he hurts you again, I'll kick his ass," is all she says.
Macaque tries not to cry, he really does, but then E joined in and, well...
It's been a good few years since he had a shoulder to cry on.
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benefactordreams · 5 months
“Do you think we'd be lovers in every universe?”
“But of course, McCoy my love.”
but that was simply a lie coated in sugar to hide his motives from McCoy. Of course he didn't think so, and he'd hate if they were.
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lynxalon · 6 months
HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT THAT CRITROLE EP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! im SO glad we had the set up of the last one so we could have the big thrills of this!!!!!!!!! this had everything!! it had ira's bad (and good!) decisions! it had sam's out of pocket wacky can shenanigans!! it had deception and sneaking! it had badass plays and some.. eye-catching talents 👀 it had gross shit that's kinda actually sad if u think about it! it had walking (running) away from explosions (NOT a sunglasses moment this was a loserfail) it had .. terrifying parents. it had imodna momence !! :D it even had some unprecedented wins for our typically fighty/flighty adventurers!!! i will ABSOLUTELY be watching that again come monday!!!!!!!!!!
#lynx speaks#cr spoilers#now to expand upon these!!! i am THRILLED that there has been a more overt notice of orym's hex 😏#thats what i've been excited for for aaaaaaages i adore orym esp when he gets a little more fucked up#what can i say im a bit of an angst fan myself :D#fcg gave ira SUCH a bad time tho like CMON BBYYYYY 1 MINUTE ?!?!?!?!?!! yall r LUCKY yalls r cool af#also tho.... ira actually saving fearne like 👀 i see it!!! i think simply everyone likes fearne and everyone would save her 😎#and team infiltrate i loooved imogen's use of that damn .. what was it called ? the damn static bomb that was sick as hell!!!#and hey!! both teams got in and out without anyone catching on that it was bells hells helping!#is that a first for bh? cause it sure feels like it TBH like the feywild malleus key stunt did NAWT go this smoothly#even with the bumps they had they did terrific frfr#esp with imogen setting up oryms badass fighter play and launda and chet setting each other up for success#and it does FEEL like imogen is more powerful on ruidus just from the plays she makes like the static spell and how it set Everyone up#to protect them all and keep their enemies in bad positions so that bh had good positions#they barely got hits and orym and chet took the brunt of it#they got out everoa and themselves without too much hassle and i'd say team mcfuckin 'splosion did pretty fucken well too#more damage on their side but. thatssss not their fault thats mainly on ira (and fcg 😂)#gosh. goshhh. what a good fucking episode. and sorrowlord zathuda. and liliana. fuck bro.#zathuda is SCARY#and liliana i meaaaaaaan. hun what did u THINK 🧐 imogen meant when she told u to run?? 🤔 'did she know' u know the answer to that.#i was definitely excited cause. we knew the volition were gonna fail in killing liliana. but i felt in my heart that she was gonna#feel betrayed by imogen. despite creating the scenario in which imogen must 'betray' her.#i LOVE fucked up mothers cant waaaaait to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tynasandwich · 1 year
Tumblr media
I absolutely love writing of any genre so i decided tumblr may be the best place to do it atm lmao.
I'll be writing for JJBA mainly, but i can write for other characters aswell, if you tell me enough about them, no real people, or minors tho!
I can (try) write any genre; romance, platonic, smut, angst, ect.
I look forward to interacting with people from the community and i hope you enjoy my writing! xx
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Content warning:Weed usage
In my Stoner Kira AU Dio is surprisingly not supportive of Kira being on weed.The reason he’s not supportive?Its because Dio knows Kira using weed isn’t helping his problems and he knows Kira’s getting addicted.He doesn’t try to do anything about it though,even though he feels as if he’s the only one who cares.
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 6 months
Three for three on the little 'one fic a month' goal I set for myself this year mostly as a joke (because last year shook out to almost a fic a month by pure coincidence). This month's fic was supposed to be the one where Kamek gets shrunken down but I realized that past me had no idea what a hydroelectric plant was when she'd written the outline back in 2021 so I had to overhaul one of the last scenes, lmaooo. It's not even that important but it stalled progress nonetheless 😔 Hopefully I can finish it in April instead 😊
I think the only issue with this goal of mine is that at some point in the latter half of the year I'm probably going to run out of the quick shorter WIPs and there'll only be longer stuff left. But we'll see when we get there; some additional smaller ideas will surely pop up along the way!
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mistyechoes · 1 year
2012 tmnt needs for fics I can't find sufficient angst
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