#majima karaoke
suguruslut · 1 year
Date night
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
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Gwen’s notes: can you imagine having a date with one of these men??? your HUSBAND??? fml, where they at
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-there’s no telling where you’ll be going for a date night with Tatsu: it could be anything from a picnic to mini golf to wine tasting. tonight you’re going to the beach for a special fireworks show after a long week of working your ass off
-the beach is packed with kids and adults, so Tatsu keeps you close until he finds you two a more private spot away from the hustle and bustle. the night wind is cool against your bare arms, so Tatsu whips out a blanket he just happened to bring along and puts it around your shoulders
- “Can’t let my {husband/wife} get cold now, can I? What kind of a househusband lets the love of their life freeze on date night?”
-you’re only shivering for a few minutes (aided by smooshing yourself into Tatsu’s warm side) before the firework show starts, colors exploding in the sky and earning awe from the crowd gathered. children start cheering excitedly and waving their sparklers around, adding to the magical atmosphere
-even Tatsu is mesmerized by the bright lights in the dark sky, but you notice him checking on you every few seconds, just making sure you’re warm and enjoying yourself to the fullest. how could you not be?? carefree, loved, appreciated and safe. nothing showed that better than an easy going date night with Tatsu
-you wrap an arm around your husband’s waist and pull him a little closer, making him a bit flustered, though he doesn’t pull away. Tatsu pretends he’s still looking at the fireworks illuminating the sky, but he knows you can see him sneaking looks at you by the sly smile on your lips
-knowing everyone is more focused on the fireworks, you lay a kiss on his lips next time Tatsu looks down at you, getting him to smile fondly while silently congratulating himself on another date night done right
- “There’s not going to be a firework that spells my name or anything, right, Tatty?”
- “Well...not your name. Just your face.”
-you try not to vomit when thousands of bystanders are staring at your face as it sparkles in the sky and promise to get revenge on your (thoughtful) husband on the next date night
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-Tora takes date nights very seriously. He arranges everything down to the exact time, makes reservations weeks in advance, checks out 5+ pages of reviews, but for all his talk, the thing you usually end up doing is something fun and lighthearted: for instance, tonight you two got dressed up to the nines just to...sing karaoke
-it was a pretty popular karaoke bar, Tora proudly holding you at his side when you walked in, downing a few drinks for some liquid courage--not that you needed it. you sang in the shower, cooking, on your way to work, whenever and wherever, and although Tora generally didn’t need alcohol to boost his confidence, he needed a few shots before launching his singing career
-Tora felt a lot better once you got onto the stage with him, smirking at how the crowd was checking both of you out as you picked a song, ready to dominate the competition (you sang karaoke for fun, but Tora had to beat whoever he was going up against. he HAD to.)
- Obviously Tora wants to sing songs from the Yakuza video game series because those karaoke songs are fucking BANGERS, which you learned after listening to Tora sing along while he played. after careful consideration, you to decide to blow the roof off by singing the duet “Pure Love in Kamarucho,” and Tora’s personal favorite, “Pride From Despair”
- “Get ready to feel the pain, Kamarucho!!!!”
- “Tora, we’re in Tokyo...”
-no one was quite expecting you two to get so passionate with your singing, forgetting you were in the presence of strangers and just singing to each other, your own private concert in which you always emerged as the victors and didn’t care if people thought your touches were “inappropriate”
-it made you happy, seeing Tora so relaxed and free from yakuza/crepe concerns...you knew how much these date nights meant to your husband, which is why you put so much effort into winning at karaoke tonight (and looking hot af to make everyone jealous, which they were, ha)
-after Tora gives a grand finale of “Pride From Despair,” headbanging and singing his lungs out, you huddle together, tightly grip his hand and excitedly wait for your final scores to pop up on the screen. you can feel Tora shake with anticipation, then erupt into frightening yells of triumph when your score is the highest, earning you two free drinks for the rest of the night
-Tora lifts you up and spins you around like a madman, endlessly praising your strong vocals and thanking you for winning him free alcohol--you can see that he’s thankful for much more than that by the way he looks at you after setting you down, glowing eyes sending a thousand more heartfelt messages silently to the love of his life
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-dates with Masa, no matter how special the occasion, were always pretty casual and chill. there was a new arcade you two wanted to visit just a few blocks away, so after you returned from work, the two of you got dressed in matching casual outfits and walked hand in hand to the arcade
-even after you two were married, Masa still got nervous on dates sometimes, but he seemed completely in his element tonight, babbling about all the new games they had while you walked, making you smile at his passion. if only he could maintain that passion long enough to get a job (roasted)
-the arcade was filled with teenagers and kids, all looking surprised to see a married couple having a date night at a place that was usually reserved for children. both of you were so excited about the games that you didn’t notice, immediately running towards a multi-player knight/dragon game and dominating as a dynamic duo
-Masa gets in a fight with some punk kid over who got to try the new spaceship game first (cutting in front of you to do so), ending when you pulled him away just before the kid opened his mouth to scream for security
- “Let me at that little snot, Y/N!!! I can take him!!!”
- “I know you can, Masa. I know you can.”
- date night is a blast when you’re doing nothing but playing games, air hockey, PacMan, Mario Bros, Sinistar, pingpong ball...you kind of enjoy losing, because it either makes Masa cheer happily like an adorable child or give you a warm, encouraging smile before he gives you one of his coins to try again. who says adults have to lose their funny bone?
- there are some friendly insults and taunts thrown between rounds of Rampage using language that concerns some of the parents; you always make up with a giggling kiss, though
- “Suck on that, Masa!”
- “S-Shut up! You suck on this!”
- you couldn’t play laser tag in heels, but you compromise by using your tickets to buy Masa a sugary snack, which he shared with you, ofc. you got most of the cinnabuns, actually, Masa feeding them to you one by one and chucking the last one at some rotten kid who was making lip smacking noises in your direction
-yes, you do end up being escorted out of the arcade, but not before Masa uses the rest of his tickets to buy you a plastic princess crown! he absolutely picked out of spite to insight the fury of an 8 year old girl who beat him at air hockey. all in all, your date night at the arcade was one for the books--and you have the crown to prove it👑
                                                   🐉 🐅 🐕
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sotenboribabyy · 12 days
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you’re laughing….he’s being forced to do WORK at his JOB and you’re laughing…
inspired by this tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnFDsMg/
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stoneytruck · 1 month
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the karaoke minigame in kiwami 2 is insane
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mobertducky · 4 months
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dcsart · 2 years
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peachieflame · 2 years
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Not enough cute Haruka fan art out there... why... she kicks ass and you can do karaoke with her
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tablefourtyone · 19 days
I'm late to the party but I can't believe this exists.
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Wtf is this ffs hoyoverse
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Only the right side of things. Amirite.
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He punched a tiger, survived a stab wound, possibly got caught in a huge explosion several times with his shirt off, and survived them all to adopt some kids. Yeah, he'll be fiiiiiiiiine.
Are these two in the real estate business? Are they planning to build Millennium Tower on top of Aurum Alley? Most importantly, will shirts be ripped off? I only need an answer to the last question I promise
And just to double make sure, I switched the text language to Japanese and sure enough!!!
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JP localization absolutely knew what they were doing. They were in on the joke sfm. "Kazzy" is still Kiryu-chan, and Lady Majima here is doing a ducking Kansai dialect!!!!
Here. I took the liberty of fixing their NPCs. Sorry for the horrible Kiryu edit. I need to see this Majima in that snake skin jacket.
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Baka mitai~
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reubyarty · 2 years
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[ Tojoctober Day 29: Party ] GET TO THE TOP! [ x ]
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unrav3l · 17 days
jesus fucking christ i love yakuza sm
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Hedgehog dudes doing yakuza 0 karaoke
(more ver. below the cut)
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Saejima and majima are so guys that walk around the city for hours and then ask okay where are we going / idk i was following you / but i was following you
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suguruslut · 2 years
Can't say I'm disappointed with opening Google today
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
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Makoto at the karaoke bar, what will she sing... (24 Hour Cinderella)
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majimemegoro · 1 year
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Playing yakuza with my mom
Love reacts only
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spaceferren-comics · 3 months
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Typhon dances (with fox) in a yakuza reference! Art by FableFox
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
i dont know if you have seen this but here you go, witness this very chaotic masterpiece https://youtu.be/_b1xK6esXBA
and i thought this was just gonna be a 'regular' mod video but its from ioritree i shouldve known better
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