#i wish she got to do a karaoke song i do
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
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Makoto at the karaoke bar, what will she sing... (24 Hour Cinderella)
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the-offside-rule · 7 months
Daniel Ricciardo (RB Visa) - Lover
Requested: yes
Swift Series
Prompt: Daniel and international popstar Y/n accidentally get married in Vegas
Warnings: nope
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Daniel woke up in his hotel room with a pounding headache, groaning as he tried to open his eyes but being blinded by the sun coming through the windows each time. He turned around, cursing to himself before his eyes widened. Y/n, the Y/n lay beside him, in just a bra. While they had met several times before and hung out with similar people, this was the last person he expected to see in his bed the morning after a race weekend. He began questioning what had happened? What had he done? Or more importantly, who had he done? Whilst Daniel sat thinking about what to say to her when she woke up, he ultimately decided to order room service and go to the bathroom to actually think.....and maybe throw up.
Y/n was awoken by a door closing quite loudly. She jumped up, looking around, her eyes had grown wife as she realised that she wasn't asleep in her room, she was in someone else's. She heard footsteps coming and turned to see who it was. "Uh... morning?" Daniel croaked, his voice scratchy from the combination of dehydration and excessive partying. Y/n grabbed the bed covers and pulled them up over her chest. "What the fuck happened?" She mumbled to herself. "Yeah, I said the same thing."
Daniel scratched his head, replying, "I wish I knew. It's all a bit of a blur." Suddenly, his eyes widened as he noticed a shiny object on his finger. "You don't think this would have anything to do with it?" He lifted his hand to show Y/n, before she looked down, spotting the matching ring. "I got married in Vegas." She was so unbelievably angry with herself. Since she was a child she dreamed of this big extravagant wedding and now she just got married in Vegas?
She looked over to Daniel as he burst into laughter. "Well, you can't get rid of me now." Daniel chuckled, his Australian accent making the situation even more absurd. "Daniel, this is not funny, I'm going to get into so much shit!" Y/n said. Daniel turned to open his big bottle of champagne as Y/n continued her rant. "You're having champagne? At this time?" Daniel walked over to the bed with a glass and sat down, handing it to her and pouring her a glass. "Why are we still here? We should go get divorced!" Y/n implored him. "You need to know where you got married first." Daniel replied, drinking the champagne from the bottle as Y/n looked on. She downed the glass quickly before grabbing the bottle from Daniel. "I need more than a glass." She mumbled, amking Daniel laugh. "I don't know why you're so upset, I'd make a great husband."
"Daniel, can we just think about what happened and then we'll get down to the details of whether or not you're a good husband?" Daniel nodded before Y/n began to think. "So chief, what happened last night?" Daniel asked, rubbing his temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing ache. Y/n shook her head, her expression mirroring his confusion. "I don't really remember much. We were at that bar, right?" Daniel nodded slowly, bits and pieces of their escapades starting to trickle back into his consciousness. "Yeah, we were celebrating... something." He lifted the champagne tp his lips once more before handing it over to Y/n. She frowned, trying to recall the reason behind their impromptu celebration. "Was it the points you scored? Maybe my new song got number one?"
"Maybe we just got fucking wasted." Daniel shrugged, before Y/n slapped his bare chest, making him wince in pain. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry." Y/n said. "I vaguely recall a dance-off and a questionable karaoke rendition of 'I Will Survive.'" She ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh, great," Daniel chuckled. "Classic Vegas moves." As she continued on with the possibilities, Daniel looked at the crumpled looking paper on the night stand. Daniel unfolded it tentatively, his heart sinking as he read the words scrawled across the page: Marriage Certificate - Daniel Ricciardo & Y/n Y/l/n - Las Vegas, Nevada.
Y/n's hand flew to her forehead as the reality of their situation sunk in. "Oh my God... we actually got married." Daniel let out a chuckle laugh, his mind oscillating between disbelief and amusement. "I know. I would have actually gotten you a nice ring. Maybe an expensive one?" Y/n slapped his chest again. "Yeah, it's still sore when you do that."
"Sorry, but you need to stop joking about this. It's serious!" She said. "It's really not. No one even knows." She looked to him. "We were clubbing with other drivers, surely one of them were there. Daniel went to turn on his phone, but it was dead. "Must have been to occupied to charge my phone." Daniel joked. "Yeah, getting married." Y/n replied, charging her phone. "I was thinking of starting our honeymoon." He gasped. "Are we going to have a baby Ricciardo?"
"No!" Daniel arched a brow. "Excuse me, but you would be lucky to have a child with my genes." He said, pretending to be hurt. "Yeah, and your humour." She rolled her eyes. "See? Dream team." They sat in silence for a few minutes. She expected a call from her manager at any given second. He was going to kill her. Daniel noticed how tense she was getting and turned to Y/n, holding out his hand. "Well, at least we've got one epic story for the grandkids." Y/n chuckled, taking his hand. "Yep, and a marriage certificate to prove it."
"If our managers don't call us in the next hour, they won't know and I say we go get divorced." Y/n thought about it for a moment. "I mean, if they don't know why bother? The point of us divorcing is so they get off our backs. Plus, it's broad daylight. If people see us going to the Chapel, people will find out." Daniel nodded. "So we're staying married?" Y/n smiled. "Of course. You're like the best husband I could have asked for." Daniel squeezed her hand. "Well, I say we head to the airport and get out of here." Daniel suggested, getting up. "Or we could enjoy our honeymoon with some movies?" He chuckled and sat back down, grabbing the remote control and turning Netflix on. "Sounds good. Can I?" Y/n nodded, allowing Daniel to wrap an arm around her as she leaned into him. "You're coming to Abu Dhabi, though." Daniel said. "Duh. You're going to go to the last race without your wife?"
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dovveri · 5 months
save your love
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synopsis: y/n is susie in allie x & mitski's susie save your love song - if u dont know it go listen :P (but also u dont have to lol synopsis is y/n calls bsf sana drunk and sad and angry abt her bf and you don't know that sana is in love with you)
warnings: cursing, sexual harassment, alcohol, slight cheating, gonn repeat sexual harassment bcs its there and its potentially triggering so err on the side of caution and dont read if ur worried - take care🙏
w/c: 3.7k
a/n: still not over the fact that sana used susie save your love in that one ig post like wdym ur a mitski - qpoc ICON - listener and u post a song abt how u wish ur bsf would leave her dumb bf and be w u instead - a quintessential wlw experience like HELLO???? i also think i projected a liiiiiiil bit accidentally maybe im so sorry but writing this shit works better than therapy ngl
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"y/n where the fuck are you."
you're cursing as you almost drop your drink, phone between your ear and shoulder.
"i dunnoooo one of marshall's friends' places i think. he was supposed to be my ride home but i can't find himmmmmm."
sana's already got her keys in her hand, heading out towards her car, cursing under her breath, "can you share your location with me sweetie? or is there anyone else there that you know?"
you look around at the various stragglers in the living room either smoking, high out of their minds, or completely passed out. loud music, bass thumping hurting your head as you feel the vibrations shoot up your body. "mmmmm noooo but-"
"hey! marshall's girl right?" a deep voice comes over the phone and sana squints to try and make out what's going on, unlocking her car and turning her engine on.
"y/n? hey y/n you still there?"
"mm yeah sana sorry one sec- you guys know where marshall is?"
"think i saw him headed home with someone in the passenger seat, thought that was you cutie."
"someone else? huh?"
"you doing okay? you look a little pale let's get you upstairs in the bathroom yeah?"
"w-wait no-" sana can make out multiple voices talking to you and a little scuffle as you drop your phone, voices fading.
"fuck!" she's about to call your boyfriend marshall and demand for your address when she sees you were able to start sharing your location with her. she sets it into her navigation app and starts speeding to the destination.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
"umm guys where are we going? i don't think marshall's up here..."
"oh don't worry babygirl. marshall's our best friend he's okay with whatever we wanna do."
"mm okay but like- what are we doing? if we're singing you guys have to know i suck at karaoke so don't laugh."
the three guys holding you up laugh, "nah nah baby we're just gonna get you cleaned up a little before marshall comes to pick you up okay?"
"oh okay~ mmm wait where's my phone? i was just talking to my best friend-" you start to fumble for your pockets while the guys lead you into a dim room.
they shut the door and close in on you, you’re still cluelessly looking for your phone when one guy starts kissing you, shoving his tongue into your mouth.
"w-wait! what are you doing?!"
he's pushing you onto a bed and climbing on top of you kissing your neck while the others slip your top off and unbutton your jeans. "shhh we're just cleaning you up like we said. want you to be nice and ready for marshall right?"
"no what-"
the door slams open and sana's there, breathing heavily from clambering over the steps.
"get the fuck away from her."
the guys exchange annoyed looks when the one who was at your jeans stands up and walks towards sana, "you the best friend? you're welcome to join us if you'd like." he's pulling on her hand and dragging her towards you.
she doesn't give him another second, yanking him back and bringing a knee up into his crotch, letting him fall to the side groaning as she rushes towards you.
you realise belatedly she's got her phone out and the flashlight on as you squint, trying to make out her face.
"get the fuck off her right fucking now. i've got all you shits on camera and the cops on speed dial."
the two guys glance at each other, looking like they want to pull a fight but then they're cursing and moving away, picking up their friend off the floor and stumbling out the door.
her flashlight turns off, and you feel her tugging your clothes back into place before lifting you bridal-style and carrying you out, down the stairs, and into the passenger seat of her car.
you watch hazily as she paces around outside for a few minutes on the phone with someone, stopping to snap a picture of the house and then hanging up and getting into the car, slamming the door close.
you flinch at the sound, shrinking into your seat, pulling the jacket she's draped over you closer.
she starts the engine and pulls out wordlessly.
you don't dare speak yet, letting the soft hum of the engine and the late night radio music fill the silence as you listen to her heavy breaths slow down.
finally she sighs and glances over at you, "what would you have done if i didn't show up y/n?" her voice is gentle, it always was with you.
you can't look at her, tears welling up in your eyes as you stare out the window, shrugging in response.
she's frowning, "did they manage to do anything to you? are you okay? do we need to get you to a hospital?"
you're shaking your head, the movement making you dizzy, feeling gross in your own skin as you pick at your nails. "can you take me to marshall's? i don't wanna talk about this right now." you're voice is croaky when you speak, on the verge of tears.
sana grips the wheel hard at your request, instead, pulling over on the side of the empty road and putting the car in park.
you sigh exasperatedly, "sana please i just said i don't want to talk about this right now."
"that's fine but if you think i'm taking you to that asshole's house then you've got to be fucking kidding me y/n."
you turn your head to look at her then, her eyes are dark with barely concealed rage, fists clenched so tight her knuckles were turning white. you falter under her gaze, "he's not an asshole."
she scoffs then, "are you fucking serious? what kinda boyfriend takes you to his rapist friends' house then leaves with another girl without so much as a text. it should be enough proof he’s a dick that he's even friends with those assholes." she spits.
and you can't help it, you start sobbing uncontrollably.
"oh shit y/n i didn't- i'm sorry-" she's shuffling around trying to get around the console, and you sob even louder at her outstretched hand, careful and wanting to comfort you but making sure you were okay being touched first.
you're diving into her arms and then she's all there. pulling you into her lap and adjusting the position of her seat so you can squeeze in between the wheel and her torso. soft hands running through your hair shooshing and whispering gently into you ear. arm wrapped tightly around your waist while your face is buried in her chest, heaving and letting out your disgust.
she never stops running her fingers through your hair, letting your sobs wrack your body, hearts beating in tandem as she just holds you.
eventually, your sobs reside to sniffles and you feel a little silly, rubbing your eyes onto the material of her betty boop pyjama shirt.
she's still combing fingers through you hair, rubbing your back lightly, and laying soft kisses along the side of your face, resting her forehead against the top of your head and breathing you in softly.
"i-i'm-" your voice cracks as you try to speak up weakly but she hushes you quickly.
"we don't have to talk if you don't want to. we can stay here for as long as you want. i'm not going anywhere."
you feel your eyes well up again, but you swallow it down, speaking up after clearing your throat, "i'm sorry-" your voice cracks again, almost breaking, "i'm sorry you had to see me like that."
you feel her lifting her head off yours and looking at you in disbelief, mouth open and about to protest but you put a finger to her lips, still not able to look at her.
"no let me finish. you were right. i had no idea what i'd have done if you didn't come. i'm sorry that you did have to come. i'm just so sorry for fucking up sana. if i'd- if i hadn't got so drunk maybe, or if i'd followed marshall home-"
she licks the finger on her lips and you yelp, looking at her out of reaction and cringing, wiping the finger on her shoulder in faux disgust.
she chuckles, "can i talk yet?"
you nod shyly, "as long as you don't lick me again." avoiding her eyes.
she's smiling and a hand is on your cheek, brushing the skin there gently and you can't help but lean into the touch.
"y/n... you don't have to apologise for anything. i'm sorry if i made you feel like you did. but i don't care about all of that. i'm just grateful i was there, if anything, i'm angry at myself for not being there sooner." you look at her as she takes a shaky breath in, eyes wet, "but you have to know none of that was your fault. there's no what if. it was no one's fault but the guys who decided to take advantage of you while you were drunk."
you're crying again, head in your hands, "n-no but- like i know that but i just- like i trusted them. i trusted them because they were meant to be marshall's friends and i trusted marshall."
she's rubbing her hands at your lower back, "that doesn't make it your fault for trusting them. they broke that trust the moment they started thinking of you in a way they shouldn't have. you can't blame yourself for something like that y/n."
"i just feel so gross sana. i can't stop thinking about how their hands felt on me, and i want to scrub off every bit of them."
she's clutching your waist, anger building up again, "i'll fucking kill them."
you let out a choked laugh, "yeah? you and your 163 centimetres? against three buff gym rats?" you poke the skin at her arms, "with these muscles i assume?" (it was SO funny and adorable in the ready to be tw-log finale ep when jeongyeon was poking at sana saying how she has zero arm muscles)
she's pulling away from you with a pout and a whine on her lips before her gaze darkens and she says somberly, "i have a car."
you laugh seriously then, a big hearty laugh as your head falls to her shoulder, and she's whining and trying to pull you up. you're so grateful for her.
eventually you come up, wiping at your eyes and catching your breath, "well i'm glad i have someone who'd commit manslaughter for me."
she's pouting adorably and you get a sudden rush of want, and you blush, scrambling away, wondering why the fuck you just thought about how easy it'd be to kiss the pout off your best friend's lips.
sana's confused and pulling you back into her, "what's wrong? where’re you going?"
you come up with the quickest excuse you can think of, "gonna puke."
she yelps and quickly opens the car door, almost falling out in her rush to avoid being covered in sick. you're out the door in seconds, heaving in the fresh air and shivering slightly at the cold, hoping it'll at least cool down the heat in your cheeks.
then you're giggling, and then laughing again, turning back to face her look of disgust. her face morphs as she watches you though, and soon enough she's doubled over laughing as well.
to anyone driving past, you'd both look insane, laughing at absolutely nothing. but to you, you've never felt more free, more relieved. you're safe, and okay, and you're favourite person in the whole world is here with you. you collapse onto the hood of her car, and she follows suit, giggling and breathy.
the two of you lay here, looking up into the night sky, counting the stars. you shiver slightly and move closer towards her until your bodies are touching. she's turning slightly, wrapping an arm around your waist loosely, and watching you watch the stars.
you turn to face her, breaths mingling, coming out in wispy white clouds of heat in the chilly night air. you find your eyes dropping to her mouth again, and you can't hide the blush that adorns your face this time. if you'd just leaned in a little more, you'd be able to answer the burning question in your head of what exactly sana tasted like.
the slight quiver in her lower lip entrances you, the soft breaths she's taking as her warmth fans over your face, smelling of jasmine and the toothpaste she’s used just before bed. you're inching closer and closer, her eyes are on your lips as well.
you lose it though, when a tongue peeks out and licks across her bottom lip, and you're pressing your lips against hers softly, eyes closed, and humming at the warmth she provides.
she's kissing you back gently, lips slotting against yours in the perfect way, and then she's gone, pulling away leaving you chasing after her, but she places a hand on your chest, pushing you back lightly.
"you're drunk. and taken. this is wrong."
you whine, trying to pull her back to you but she's firm, sitting up and walking away.
you're blinking and what the fuck just happened? dazed as you stand up as well, moving back into the passenger seat dumbly, peeking at her expression trying to get a sense of what was going on inside her mind.
she starts the engine and pulls out from the kerb, staring straight ahead, giving you nothing.
you can't help but think you've fucked everything up again.
࿐ ࿔*: ☽・゚
the storm brewing inside your head doesn't stop when she pulls into your driveway and parks.
you muster up the courage to apologise but she beats you to it, "i'm sorry y/n. i shouldn't have done that. can we just forget it about it please? i don't want to ruin anything between us. you're the most important person in the world to me and i can't lose you over these stupid feelings and i'm so sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable at all i-"
your inebriated mind is playing catch up, rolling her words in your head over and over again trying to figure out why that sounded like she was saying she had feelings for you? that couldn't be right. sana was the it girl. she was the girl that everyone wanted. she was the girl that sat through your nerdy rants about space and eels. the girl that bought you ice cream when your first boyfriend broke up with you in grade 3 because he didn't like the way you cut your hair. the girl that cried when she found out you weren't going to the same high school because you were moving away, but then managed to get her parents to enroll her anyway and spent the next 6 years taking the 2 hour commute to school just to be with you.
and holy shit. sana was in love with you.
"sana..." you interrupted her rambling, "i... i kinda have a massive headache right now and i'm more than a little drunk but… this isn't going to change our friendship at all."
her eyes are wide and shining, looking at you in fear, you grab her hands and squeeze them over the console, "i promise i'm not leaving you but i don't want to give you an answer yet when i'm in this state. but if it helps, i'm pretty sure i'm the one that kissed you first." you grin, and she lets out a shaky breath.
you let go of her hands and shyly rub the back of your neck, "i kinda need to get inside and get clean but i'll call you tomorrow if that's okay?"
she's nodding, wiping at her eyes hastily.
you open the door and step out, closing it softly behind you. but you lean back down and gesture for her to roll down the window which she does.
"and sana... thank you for tonight. seriously. i don't know how i can ever show you how grateful i am for you being there."
she purses her lip and is firm again, "stop it. i'm glad i was there. and thankyou for letting me be there for you."
you smile gently as you wave and head towards your door, she waits for you to get inside and the door to shut before she pulls out and drives home, heart thumping, thoughts messy.
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you wake up in the morning with a pounding headache, stumbling to your kitchen to pop a few painkillers and squinting as you adjust to the morning sunlight spilling through your windows.
thank god you remembered everything that happened last night, you set your lips in a line as you got ready. you had a strict plan for today, and nothing was going to ruin it.
you quickly get dressed, thumbing out a small letter and grab your keys, driving over to marshall's house was step one.
once you arrive, you slam your car door loudly, taking satisfaction in the fact it probably woke him in his self-induced hangover he was no doubt soothing. you stalk up his front door, rapping on the wood loudly and tapping your foot impatiently as you wait for him to open the door.
it's not him though, and you scoff at the sight of a half naked girl, probably barely legal, pushing her aside despite her weak protests, and letting yourself into the space.
you storm up to his room, flinging open the door, grabbing the vase next to the bed, and dumping the water all over his sleeping head.
he wakes up with a start, "WHAT THE FUC-"
you slap him across the face, bringing his attention to you, "we're done." two simple words and you're back out the door, going down the steps, and back into your car.
you're halfway down the street when you spot him in the rearview mirror clambering after you in his underwear, soaking and pathetic.
you can't believe you had stayed with that man for as long as you had.
the relief you feel after your first action of the day is freeing. you're chasing after the feeling you had last night when you were doubled over laughing like madmen with sana on the side of the road. adrenaline pumping as you pull up to your local florist, purchasing a big bouquet of pink hydrangeas and then grabbing 2 coffees and a few bakery goods, shoving everything back into your car and speeding away again.
you arrive at sana's front door in record time, knowing her, she was definitely awake already and probably anxiously waiting for you to call. you grin as you grab the flowers, the letter you wrote before you left the house, and the breakfast you've gotten for the both of you, placing it down on her front door mat and arranging everything nicely so it looked picture-worthy.
then you ring her doorbell and duck, running over to her side fence that you knew she always left unlocked, entering her house through the back door, and sneaking back towards the front.
sana's bent down over the flowers and you can see the slight crease between her eyebrows from her confusion as she reads the letter you've left in the middle of the hydrangeas.
i'm sure you don't need me to tell you what pink hydrangeas represent because you're a huge flower nerd and i love that about you but i'm going to write it out anyway to show you i did the research.
in japan, hydrangeas are used to show you're sorry. and i'm sorry for not realising sooner, for letting you suffer for so long on your own. they also represent heartfelt emotions and gratitude. i'm eternally grateful for you sana. you're the most important person in the whole world to me too. i'd also commit manslaughter for you.
in europe, hydrangeas mean vanity and arrogance. i'm sorry i was so self-involved with my stupid boyfriends. to tell you the truth, i always thought you were too good for me, and that you'd realise that one day and leave, so i clung to anyone i could find, waiting in fear of that day. that was selfish of me, and i see that now, because you could never leave someone you love. because i realised i feel the same way about you, and i could never, never leave you.
pink hydrangeas are the most romantic of the bunch. (they’re also your favourite colour) i'm obviously trying to tell you that i love you too in a more than platonic way. and this time i'm not drunk or hyperemotional, i'm certain.
you silently creep up behind her while she's reading your note, and then grab her waist lifting her up into the air as she squeals, turning her in your arms and planting your lips on hers.
she's caught by surprise, lips unmoving against yours, until she realises it's you and wraps her legs around your waist, arms around your neck, and kisses you back.
you can finally taste her. and there's no way to describe it. you don't know why it took you so long to realise your feelings for her, but you'd never felt the way you feel about her for anyone else. you'd chalked that up to being best friends and that that's the way all best friends feel about each other, but best friends don't sigh into kisses. best friends don't feel like their hearts would explode with each soft press of skin against each other. best friends don't love each other the way you loved sana.
you break away when you feel wetness glide along your cheek, and salt touch the tip of your tongue. "sana?! oh my god i'm so sorry, i shouldn't- i should've asked first- oh shit i'm so-"
she's chuckling brokenly and you can't tell if she's laughing or crying or both but she pulls you back in, melding your lips together again speaking against your mouth, "i'm sorry. i'm just so happy right now."
you smile against her, kissing her again, you think you'll never be able to get enough of this feeling. "i'm sorry it took so long for me to catch up."
you feel her laugh against you, "i'm just glad you've still got some love saved for me."
"always." kiss. "it's all for you from now. i love you."
"i love you too idiot."
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icepoptroll · 23 days
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@rtcpickyourpoison day 4: Ricky - Karaoke/Drag Night
I've seen a lot of art of Ricky and Noel being the perfect drag queen duo and I'm in total agreement. Their fabulous costume changes and wildly imaginative songs in canon are proof enough for me that these two would absolutely kill it in a drag performance, ignoring the haters and putting on a great show!! Starrypoet is such an awesome but oft-forgotten ship.
I felt like doing something with Ricky's love for who he is, his creative endeavors, and his bright spirit. Noel was also fun to explore here in that he's both very loving and very firey. I imagine that, after reaching adulthood, Ricky would become a comic book writer/illustrator and Noel would work in a drag bar, and they'd both take great interest in each other's work. It's bring your boyfriend to work night at the club!! hehe
Image description under the cut.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Shown is Ricky and Noel's reflections in a lighted mirror. The adjacent wall is made of bricks and there is a garment rack with various dresses hanging on it in the background of their reflection. There is a long, wavy, pink and purple wig hanging on the mirror. Ricky is smiling a bit shyly, wearing a voluminous, long purple wig with bangs. He has on pink cat ears, a sparkly silver necklace, a black leather strap wrapped around his arm and a pink bodysuit with black tiger stripes. His makeup is hot pink and bright purple with purple false lashes, glitter along his cheekbones and black tiger stripes painted on the sides of his face. Noel is wearing a dark bob wig, a sparkly dark purple gown, and four strings of pearls around his neck. He is wearing sparkly purple eyeshadow, glitter on his face and body, and dark red lipstick. He is leaning over and kissing Ricky on the head, saying, "Ugh, Ricky darling, you look absolutely sickening!!" Ricky's narration explains, "I knew that, in the context of a drag culture colloquialism, Noel meant "sickening" as a compliment.
Panel 2: Ricky's narration continues, "But I don't think I was meant to take what this other performer said as a compliment." Noel is in the background walking past, now with long, dark, violet gloves on, as a drag queen in a curled blonde wig, pearl jewelry, a black and white polka dot dress with red frills and red high heels walks by Ricky, who is sitting in his wheelchair, smiling and waving, wearing silvery fingerless gloves of uneven lengths. The drag queen says, "Okay, I'll bite. Who invited the make-a-wish kid?" Ricky goes on to explain, sarcastically, "Oh yeah, she got me. That was so funny that last time I heard it I laughed so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur."
Page 2:
Panel 1: Ricky continues, "She went for the low-hanging fruit. Noel went to bat for me." Noel comes up, pointing to himself. He says, "Uh. That would be ME. Got a fucking problem?"
Panel 2: The other drag queen gestures to Ricky, who looks on, bemused and annoyed. She says, "Monique. Honey. Baby girl. Look at him, I mean, seriously? Do I even have to say it?" The dressing room mirrors are in the background.
Panel 3: Closeup of Noel's face. He looks angry as he says, "Ha! After your shit performance tonight I wouldn't bother saying ANYTHING more about him. Save yourself any further embarrassment." Ricky explains, "I didn't mind the comments all that much."
Panel 4: Noel is getting up in the other queen's face, pointing an accusatory finger up at her as she crosses her arms defensively. He says ". . . Aaaand another thing!!" Ricky continues, "Noel did warn me some of his colleagues could be kind of mean sometimes. And, as he would say, I looked "fierce," and I knew it."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Ricky's narration continues, "And, I guess you could say Noel actually sort of WAS granting me a wish." HE propels away to go do his own thing, looking back with a sense of concern and weird curiosity as the other two argue. Noel says, "I can't even, you're just mad that Ricky is a cute young thing, and underneath your makeup YOU look like the damn crypt keeper!" She replies, "Crypt keeper??? Oh, you little. . . "
Panel 2: Ricky continues to explain, "Noel works as a performer at a drag bar and he told me about lip-syncing being a big part of drag shows. While I am unable to sing, I've always loved lip-syncing to my favorite songs." Noel continues to yell, "This is some shady shit. Even for YOU."
Panel 3: Ricky is surrounded by drag queens against a sparkly hot pink background. His narration continues, "So I told him I would love to try it, and he brought me to work with him, did my makeup, and gave me some tips. We even developed a persona for me: Savannah, with the Fiercest Smize. To 'smize,' I'm told, means to smile with only your eyes. I was so excited, though, I wound up smiling with my whole face." A queen with light skin in a sparkly green dress, big wavy brown wig, and floral accents stands in front of Ricky, a hand laid over her chest. She says, "I LOVE silent acts. So mysterious!" A queen with tan skin and dark hair in a high bun dressed in a sharp gold dress and matching jewelry says "Her hair is EVERYTHING!" as she examines Ricky's wig and looks up at her friend, a tall chubby queen with dark skin and a purple afro, with purple jewelry and a sparkly purple body suit. She smiles and nods approvingly. Ricky goes on, "No one else seemed to mind my being there. In fact, people liked Savannah."
Page 4:
Panel 1: Noel and Ricky hug. Noel says, "No one will EVER dull your shine, love. You're beautiful and you know it. Let's get to work, okay?" Ricky says, "I knew."
Panel 2: Ricky and Noel are performing. Noel is dancing at Ricky's side. Ricky is lip syncing, holding a microphone and leaning back, his other arm spread out. The song he is lip syncing to is True Colors by the Studio Killers:
Show me your true colors
In their blinding brightness
Show me your true colors
Like they glow in the night when you are dreaming
Forget about the others
The unbearable lightness of our being
Even spy satellites won't see this coming
Our love that's hiding in the dark
Reach out and I promise you soon we'll be lovers
'Cause it's our true color
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asystol · 3 months
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their debut showcase was the first stage nakyung’s been on since iz*one disbanded and she was just shaky with nerves the entire time.
the members were all equally nervous though so they all comforted one another.
with a few exceptions, some of her iz*one members did come to the showcase and visited her backstage!! due to schedules, some weren’t able to such as j-line besides sakura 😕
yunjin also came as they were pledis trainees together!
for those that couldn’t come, she, of course, got a kkt from them congratulating her for her re-debut <3 iz*one girlies aside, she also got messages from idols like chungha, itzy’s ryujin and chaeryeong, fromis_9’s nagyung, and chuu.
it made her super emotional as she missed them a lot and wishes they could’ve all still been together in a group but also she really likes where she is now. she’s more than content with her present and future path.
nakyung had changed so much from her iz*one days, she thought fans wouldn’t like her anymore or forgotten about her since it’d been so long😭
but she did get a lot of support from fans all around the world and in korea
her intro ment. <3 “hello, i’m kiss of life’s nakyung. it’s nice to finally be on stage again and i’m so excited to be here with my members. thank you for being here. we’ll work hard so please take care of us!”
she was soo overwhelmed by the amount of support and the change from what it used to be but she was certain she’d get used to it again.
as every stage went by and their fanchants got louder, she got visibly so much happier !!
she made sure to read every letter she got from a fan, even if it made her lose sleep. she was determined lmao
for her solo song, it’s named heart attack <3 she had a lot of fun with this song and she didnt participate in the lyrics (PUBLICLY!!) but she had fun filming the mv and even performing it when she did
her solo lore is about how she ‘fell in love’ with performing. the mv focuses on her chasing after her idol dream !!
heart attack was reallyyy well received by the public!! it gained kiof more attention, especially with intl fans
she made sure to do shhh challenge with chaeyeon, chaeryeong, newjeans’ danielle, zerobaseone’s hanbin and matthew, and literally anyone she managed to meet during music shows
also she was promoting kinda at the same time as bts’ jungkook and was lowkey freaking out every time they were in the same vicinity. somehow it felt different seeing him than any other time back in iz*one.
i feel it’s also important for everyone to know that natty is the reason she joined s2 lol
also her hair was blonde/honey blonde very important idc
nakyung showed up for kiof’s episode on ITSLIVE !!! like she was rehearsing over everything she was so excited
she also went solo on youngji’s nothing much prepared and it was fun, she doesn’t like drinking alcohol a lot so she’s kind of a lightweight which is how she announces to youngji and the viewers that she collects her bias’ photocards 💀
she regretted it so much the next day.
they also got to perform shhh at seoul fashion week?? crazy
as the era came to an end, she was sad about it but knew this was only a new beginning. and it could only get better.
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the mv starts with nakyung entering a karaoke bar with her friends, arms linked with another brunette girl.
the scene leads to her performing on the karaoke stage as the song ‘heart attack’ starts, a surprisingly upbeat song for the dark atmosphere of the karaoke bar.
she’s having fun! the crowd, however… is not enjoying it. her friends are torn between cheering her on or having secondhand embarrassment before the brunette girl she was with pulls her off the stage and out the karaoke bar. the song abruptly cuts off before the first verse ends
she’s confused and slightly angry, wanting to go back and finish her performance but the friend pulls her back. the viewers can’t hear what the friend is saying, hearing muffled sounds of water instead. but nakyung is visibly getting more upset and angry, tears rising to her eyes but refusing to fall.
she takes off, walking home in the dark in angry and upset silence until she catches sight of an audition flyer for a company. she tears it off the wall and the scene ends.
the scene starts with nakyung nervously staring at a door before following an older man inside. a camera is facing the wall, three people, one man, two women, are behind the camera, facing her.
with a deep breath, she bows and introduces herself. this is the first time the viewers have heard her voice. the woman tells her to start when she’s ready.
nakyung starts to sing heart attack again and the background changes from the room to a large stage, now changed into different clothes than before.
the viewers are shown a large crowd, all holding red lightsticks in the air but too blurred they barely even look like lightsticks— all you can see is the red glow.
nakyung is dancing to the choreo along with other girls dressed in simple black clothes; her backup dancers.
the scene switches to her in a recording studio, still singing heart attack. it turns to the staff behind the window, nodding in satisfaction.
the scene switches again to nakyung holding fansigns, talking to fans and signing albums.
the viewers are shown nakyung performing on stage in the same red outfit, the song and fanchants coming to an end as she smiles at the crowd/camera.
the viewers hear the crowd roar with screams before the scene switches, changing back to the green screen and same room before.
the woman raises her brow expectantly, “well? are you going to start or continue wasting our time?”
nakyung stares at her before bolting from the room, tearing her audition paper off her body and aiming to throw it in the trash but it bounced off and fell to the ground.
as she runs out of the building, she bumps into another girl. it’s natty. they stare at one another before nakyung runs off again.
natty turns, looking at the paper and picking it up. it focuses on the name— 이나경.
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nakyung trips as soon as she’s out of sight from natty. when she gets up, her knees are bleeding. she hisses at the pain and walks faster to get home.
a car passes by nakyung, splashing water on her from the previous rain. she gasps in shock, looking up and making eye contact with julie who is looking back in concern before the car turns the street quickly.
she has a solo shot of her, still wet and shivering only in a shirt and skirt, walking past belle, who is on the ground with her head in hands. she hesitates as if debating on whether to ask her if she’s okay or not, but ultimately continues walking away. belle looks up in time just to see nakyung walking away, back facing her.
she’s seen looking up at the fireworks in awe along with the rest of the members.
somehow she’s made her way back to the girls and back to where the audition was— showing up just in time to watch julie’s car hit natty. her mouth drops open, watching natty try to walk it off.
the mv ends but i imagine julie offers her a ride home seeing she’s soaked and cold </3 she also felt bad
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along with julie, nakyung walks through the door in the morning. she’s putting the groceries away, noting that the fridge is empty. she turns her head, making eye contact with belle as she walks in the door.
nakyung nudges julie, nodding her head to the bruises and scrapes on natty’s body. she shakes her head, watching as julie just wraps the bandages over her limbs.
nakyung hugs natty around the shoulder as they start having a mini fashion show, getting a black dress thrown at her head.
she’s changed into her jean dress, pulling belle by the arm when she stops in the doorway.
the next scene, she’s on the other side of natty and looking off.
nakyung’s back is facing haneul, but she turns around when julie does. she spots the boy following after haneul, immediately taking off after them with the girls.
nakyung reaches the boy first, shoving him back and letting natty push him into the stall while belle grabs the trashcan and dumps it over his head. she turns and follows behind natty and haneul.
nakyung’s running with belle and julie, and sits in the middle of the backseat with belle and natty.
nakyung adds the heart on haneul’s finger with nail polish.
at the gas station, she tries on sunglasses and grabs a keychain to … “buy” before heading to the gas pump with natty, handing her a candybar.
in the parking lot, natty pulls nakyung up to dance. she dances to the correct part of the choreo, following the rest of the girls to the railing at the end of the song.
nakyung meets natty and the rest of the girls at the top of the stairs, eyebrow raising expectantly with a small smile on her face before they all get into position.
쉿 (Shhh)* TITLE
안녕,네버랜드 (Bye My Neverland)
Sugarcoat (NATTY Solo)
Countdown (BELLE Solo)
Kitty Cat (JULIE Solo)
Play Love Games (HANEUL Solo)
Heart Attack (NAKYUNG Solo)
잊지 마 You’re so special
One thing I know about you [ 0:25 — 0:29 ]
It’s so sweet
날 따라 당당하게 네가 상상한 대로 [ 0:48 — 0:53 ]
알잖아 We want it more [ 1:27 — 1:29 ]
I wake u up up up UP [ 1:48 — 1:51 ]
Just like this
내 꿈은 On your lips [ 2:00 — 2:05 ]
[NAKYUNG/BELLE/HANEUL] And we going hard, Cuz we are [ 2:28 — 2:35 ]
날 따라 당당하게 네가 상상한 대로 [ 2:48 — 2:51 ]
Bye My Neverland
시계 위로 달려 장면을 넘겨
멈추고 싶지 않아 [ 0:45 — 0:51 ]
난 더 숨고 싶거나
감추지 않아
Don't wanna stay more [ 1:35 — 1:40 ]
So, I won't stop my time
아파도 자라고 싶어 난
I get a little bit lonely [ 2:16 — 2:23 ]
(Ooh, yeah) [ 2:53 ]
I’ll never come back [ 2:55 — 2:56 ]
Heart Attack (NAKYUNG Solo)
[ 0:00 — 3:14 ]
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brokendoor16 · 7 months
Okay. So I'm aware that we LOVE love of my life for S3 post-angel depression Crowley, but hear me out. What I actually NEED in S3 is a (ridiculously, impossibly, drunk-to-the-extent-that-would-kill-a-mere-mortal) post-angel depression Crowley doing karaoke to Bohemian Rhapsody. JUST IMAGINE THE FUCKING MOOD SWINGS IN THAT SONG-
As a brief demonstration, I will now pick a lyric from each verse (I'm so sorry guys, this is what happens when I don't sleep so now it's all of your problems):
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy- delivered in the MOST fucking overdramatic way possible, probably throwing his arms around a looking up (to curse Heaven- AKA try and figure out if Aziraphale's about to watch him embarrass himself again)
Mama, just killed a man- standing up from his chair (this scene is taking place at the closed coffee shop, I've just decided this), with an IMPECCABLE Freddie Mercury impression and kinda staring into Nina's soul (she's both amused and terrified)
I don't wanna die // I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all- slurring his words, slumping back into a chair, sounding utterly depressed and also done with life. Maggie is deeply concerned and trying to count up how much wine he's drank.
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?- completely manic. At the peak of drunkeness. At some point he has got up on the table and is now pointing at Nina like he's expecting her to actually DO the fucking Fandango (tbh he probably is)
BONUS LINE FROM THE SAME VERSE: Thunderbolts and lightening, very very frightening me- again, peak drunkeness. Slurring his words so hard you can barely tell what he's saying. Stumbling off of the table but still stupidly manic.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?- looking up (let's be honest he's probably fallen over and is hauling himself off of the floor) at Maggie and Nina, hammered out of his mind but oddly endearing (according to Maggie, at least. Nina has plenty of words about the whole display and 'endearing' is most DEFINITELY not one of them)
Beezlebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me- practically fucking SCREAMING, barely able to stand up but somehow with an inhuman amount of energy and finding himself the funniest being to ever grace the earth because BEEZLEBUB
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?- suddenly recovering a whole lot of strength. And anger. Standing up, potentially smoking, staring directly upwards and SCREAMING (he's not doing well guys)
Nothing really matters // nothing really matters to me- there's no more energy. He's on the floor and too drunk to get back up. Probably just slumps over clutching a wine bottle (did I mention he's been using it as a mic?) and goes to sleep. Maggie, Nina, and Aziraphale (IF he's watching) and deeply concerned. He wakes up with a banging headache and an intense feeling of embarrassment.
So yes. That was my TED talk on why Crowley should get drunk and sing Bohemian Rhapsody in S3. Thank you for making it to the end of this train wreck, and I sincerely apologise. I'm very sleep deprived.
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
30 days til’ Christmas
baking christmas cookies with song mingi⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Chilly winter afternoons with Mingi usually consisted of being wrapped up in warm blankets and staying in. But staying in also meant having everyone around.
You loved the guys but sometimes you just wished it could be you and Mingi. Your relationship was lacking alone time. Mingi quickly caught on to this so the next time he invited you over, he was the only one home. "What's going on? Where is everyone?" you asked cluelessly.
"They went out to eat and I wanted to take this as an opportunity to spend some alone time with you,” he replied as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Hmm, I’ve missed you baby, but I won’t miss Wooyoung and Jongho singing karaoke and shattering my eardrums,” you joked. Mingi's laughter followed.
"Cmon' I got something good planned for us mama," he said as he ushered you into the kitchen where baking ingredients sat on the table as well as cookie cutters and holiday-colored icing.
"We're baking?! You? Baking?" you questioned excitedly.
In this relationship, Mingi was the cook and you were the baker. There was no in-between. Mingi was amazing at cooking, you, not so much. Baking was your true calling, Mingi can't even make a cookie right.
"I know I suck at baking, but I also know you love baking just as much as you love Christmas," he answered.
What did I do to deserve this perfect man? You asked yourself. The two of you got straight to work making your holiday sugar cookies. Of course, you were a pro at this but Mingi wasn't so bright... "Why did you add so much vanilla extract?" you asked seeing that he poured enough to make 50 sugar cookies.
"Well I'm just adding to taste," he answered unbothered. You put your palm to your head and laughed to yourself.
"I love you," you confessed suddenly as you pecked his cheek.
The two of you attempted to make the sugar cookies together with you ripping your hair out because of how bad Mingi was at baking. The cookies thankfully ended up cut out and in the oven. The two of you cleaned up waiting for the cookies.
"You're like the Gordon Ramsey of desserts, you scare me," he started as the two of you sat on the couch together to catch a break while the cookies were baking.
"Well how was I supposed to react to you getting like a million shells in the batter?" you asked, poking him playfully.
"It was like two shells, and all is well," he rebutted. You let out a long sigh and rested your head on his shoulder.
"I missed this," you admitted as you took his hand, he planted a kiss into it.
"Me too, I should get the guys out more often," he chuckled.
Just then the oven beeped signifying the cookies were done. The two of you got up and took the cookies out. "These look beautiful Mingi! We did such a good job," you cheered as he hugged you from behind.
The two of you got straight to work and began to decorate the cookies with icing and sprinkles. Your ears were filled with Mingi's laughter and the crackle-pop of the fireplace. You were focused on making a reindeer cookie. You could feel his eyes on you as you worked diligently. He was admiring your skill and focus. He was looking at your eyes, while they were focused on something else yet he felt an overwhelming sense of love.
Seeing his girl doing what she loved brought him great joy. "Do I have something on my face?" you asked as you finished the last details, put the piping bag down, and looked Mingi in the eyes.
"You do now," he quipped as he swiped some icing on your nose.
"Mingi!" you squealed as you attacked his cheek with some icing. The two of you laughed together while finishing up the rest of the cookies. You took the first bite and almost vomited in your mouth.
"Mingi these are terrible," you cackled. You couldn't stop laughing. You didn't know what was wrong but you found it so funny how they turned out. Mingi took a bite afterward and spit it out in the trash.
"Oh God, those suck," he chuckled.
"You know what we should do with them?" you asked mischievously. Like he had read your mind he answered,
"Give them to the guys and say they taste amazing?"
"Yeah," you giggled.
Mingi probably got dragged into Hongjoong's room afterward, but his reaction was priceless. You even got it on camera!
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 15!!!
Okay, this is gonna be a long one, but I promise it's important. There was just a lot that I had to get in here. Also we had our first ever tie! So I chose between the two. Alright, let's do this. Enjoy!
Beginning || Previous || Next
The bar in question is rowdy and rustic. The crowd that has already gathered is loud, probably drunk, and honestly makes you wish you had some anxiety meds with you or something because the button in your pocket is a single thread holding you together when you could really do with a rope. You look over to Aziraphale, who’s grimacing at the scene. Oh good, so you’re not the only one who isn’t a fan of this place. You notice Crowley studying the bar – no doubt trying to get a sense for their selection.
“Over there,” Anathema shouts over the noise. You follow her pointing arm to see Sardis, already at a table and waving you over. Well, at least you definitely have a space to sit. That’s something.
The four of you approach Sardis who waves you into the seats around him with an enormous smile.
“Welcome!” He says grandly, “To my favourite place this side of town.”
“Your favourite place,” You repeat with skepticism, “Is a dive bar?”
“Oh not just any dive bar Little Moth,” Sardis winks as he speaks, “The best karaoke bar this side of the bayou. Personal opinion, of course. But I am an angel after all so feel free to take that as gospel.” He laughs loudly at his own joke. You chuckle uncertainly. Aziraphale shakes his head. Anathema rolls her eyes. Crowley looks like he could vomit. Basically, Sardis is the only one amused. Once he finally stops laughing, he looks around at you. “Such sour faces, my friends. But of course you have, I’ve forgotten my manners! Let me get you some drinks before the festivities start.”
“The festivities?” asks Aziraphale, “I’m sure you don’t mean...”
“The karaoke, of course!” Sardis smiles before leaving the table with a wink. “Be back in a sec!”
“I am not singing,” Crowley states firmly.
“Nor am I,” Aziraphale frowns.
“We may need to consider it,” Anathema says after a pause, “He has information that we need, and we may have to play his game to get it.”
“I mean, I don’t exactly…dislike him...but he's weird,” You, the dimensional traveler, observe.
“Oh absolutely weird,” agrees the witch.
“A very weird one indeed, yes,” affirms the angel of the Eastern Gate.
“Weird as all fuck,” confirms the demon.
Sardis returns carrying a tray with five drinks and lays it proudly on the table in front of them.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I took my best guess,” Sardis announces as he hands around the drinks, “Sherry for the angel, whiskey for the demon, margarita for the witch, and I played it safe and got you a sangria.” He lays the alcohol in front of each of you. You take a sip and holy crow is it ever delicious. “’S that good, Little Moth?” Sardis asks you as he takes his own seat. You nod, and his smile grows. “Good, glad to hear it.”
“Thank you kindly, Sardis,” Aziraphale ventures, taking a sip of his sherry, “Now, perhaps would you mind telling us what you know?”
Sardis laughs again. He laughs a lot, you notice. Probably having the time of his life with all of this.
“What I know is that I’m not saying anything about Jesus until you sign up and sing me a song.”
Honestly, you need to take a deep breath at that. The irritation is building. First he wouldn’t say anything until you came here, and now he won’t say anything until you sing for him. He keeps changing the goal posts on you. Anathema had said you might need to play his game to get information from him, but you honestly didn’t think it would feel so...condescending.
Anathema’s phone suddenly starts ringing. She pulls it out of her pocket, and you briefly notice the What’s App logo and Newt’s face lighting up the screen. After a brief apology, she excuses herself from the table and leaves the bar. Well. Lucky her. You sigh and stand.
“Yeah okay fine, I’ll be right back.”
“Where’re you going?” Crowley asks. His question has bite, but you’re sure it isn’t anger – he just doesn’t want everyone to end up leaving him with Sardis.
“I’m going to sign up,” You say, “Sing a song. Karaoke, right?” You look at Sardis, who nods appreciatively.
“There now! Little Moth gets it!”
Crowley and Aziraphale both gawk at you, but you’re already turning and beelining for the sign-up table.
Now here, dear Reader, let’s take a moment to talk about the Anxiety Loophole. In ordinary circumstances, you’d be lucky to talk to a crowd and sound normal about it (not to mention the possibility of nausea and such), but the Anxiety Loophole is a magical and gracious thing. In a situation where there is something that must be done, and everyone around you is too scared or embarrassed or anxious themselves to do it, suddenly it becomes possible for you. You may never dream of asking for your food to be sent back at a restaurant, but if your friend needs more ketchup and is too nervous to ask for it, you will put the chef in a headlock if you have to in order to get it for them. Or, say, if an angel and a demon have expressly stated their discomfort with singing in public, and another angel with vital information demands a performance before telling you said information, signing up for karaoke suddenly seems like a piece of cake. Besides, you figure, most of the people in the room are drunk. So you pick something easy, something loud, something most people here probably know already. That way, they’ll do most of the work for you, and then you’re singing with them, instead of for them. Are you a genius? Yes, yes you are. Take the praise, Reader, you’re going to want that confidence in a few minutes.
You return to the table, having put your name and song on the list, and take a seat (and a very large sip of your sangria).
“There,” You declare, “Now how about we talk about Jesus while we wait for my name to be called.”
“You’re not actually serious about this,” Crowley asks. You look to Sardis.
“I am if he is.”
Sardis’ eyes widen in surprise before he smiles again. “Oh, I most definitely like you, Little Moth.” He leans his chin on his hands. “Tell me, what has Metatron had to say about you?”
Oh good. You’re actually getting somewhere.
“Nothing good,” You admit with a frown, “He tried to turn me into salt once, and then trapped me in a bathroom and tried to manipulate me.”
Sardis hums and nods in affirmation. Then he turns to Crowley and Aziraphale.
“And tell me, what have the two of you done about that?” he asks them. The both of them practically jump in surprise.
“W-well,” Aziraphale starts and stops.
“Ngggk,” says Crowley.
“Well you see, it’s a bit more complicated than…”
“So nothing then,” Sardis concludes.
“Wait,” You say, “That’s not fair.”
“Have you given Little Moth any way to defend or protect themselves?”
“They don’t need to!” You all but shout, “They’re with me basically all the time!”
But Sardis doesn’t seem to hear you. He stares at the celestials with an offended glare. Neither Aziraphale or Crowley seem to know what to make of it, but he doesn’t give them much of a chance to before he reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a card, and hands it to you. You take it from him, worried that if you don’t he might get upset with Aziraphale and Crowley and really it’s the Metatron’s fault, not theirs. Put the blame in the right place. Your hands are starting to shake a little as you look at the card.
“Oh!” You exclaim, relaxing a little. Actually it’s not all that bad. It’s a punch card of sorts. It reminds you a little bit of Furfur’s card from the 1941 minisode, but instead of being a Miracle Blocker, it’s a Miracle Enabler numbered 1 to 12. You notice that each number is perforated – meant to be torn off so that you don’t need to carry around a hole punch. Clever, actually. You show it to Aziraphale and Crowley.
“Oh my,” says Aziraphale, “That really is clever. I’m rather embarrassed to admit that the idea never came to me.”
“Huh,” Crowley adds, helpfully.
“Yeah,” says Sardis, “You probably never had to think about things like, what if they ever turn off your miracles Up There. Probably helps that your only mention in the Bible isn’t about how shit you are.”
You look at the card thoughtfully for a minute. You think about all the genie questions you’ve seen online.
“Go on, Little Moth,” Sardis coos gently, “Try it out.”
You glance at him and then back at the card. Well he’s not giving you any hints about how this thing works, so probably best to just follow your instincts. After taking a second to think, you rip off the number 1 and make a wish.
The number has disappeared from your fingers and reappeared attached to the card.
“Oop,” Sardis says, “Looks like that didn’t go through. What were you trying to do?”
“I was trying to make it so that I could do miracles without the card.”
Sardis starts to laugh. “Oh you have a clever mind! I like the way you think!” His laughter continues for a moment before he calms himself, though you notice it takes him some time. Then he shakes his head.
“Listen,” he says to you, “Humans just can’t do miracles. For you to be able to do them without the card, you would have to change your entire species. And this little thing just isn’t built for that sort of miracle. Try again, something smaller this time.”
Your brow furrows in concentration as you stare back at the card. Something reasonable that wouldn’t need a big change in order to work. Oh, wait a minute. You rip off the number 1, and make a wish. Suddenly, you notice that you are holding a second Miracle Enabler, full up.
“There you go, Little Moth,” Sardis sighs approvingly, “Now that’s how you do it!” The first card goes in a place you can easily reach – your jeans pocket, perhaps. The second one you fold up and place in your sock. For emergencies.
“What did you mean about your mention in the Bible?” Aziraphale ventures, apparently sensing that he isn’t in trouble anymore. Sardis raises an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you read Revelation?” he asks.
“Well yes, of course,” Aziraphale replies, “But I don’t recall it saying you were...well...bad.”
“Shit, Angel,” corrects Crowley, “He said it calls him shit.”
“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead,” Sardis quotes, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you received and heard; obey it, and repent.” He shakes his head. “Does that sound like a glowing report to you? No, see, I invited that asshat John over for brunch one time, okay? ONE. He gets the runs, blames it on the bacon. Next thing I know, I’m getting hate mail, supposedly from Jesus, with passive aggressive notes about people who haven’t soiled their clothes. Yeah, no, I know exactly whose message that was.” He huffs angrily and sips his drink.
“So….” You interject cautiously, “You stayed down here because...oh, because Heaven endorsed it?”
“Enthusiastically,” he confirms, “I’m just a minor angel – ha, barely that. More of a guardian. They don’t care about me as much as the message.”
You nod, Gabriel’s trial coming to mind. It’s all about the message.
“We know all about that,” You say gently, “They threatened to erase Aziraphale’s name from the Book of Life. Well, anyone really, who uh, helped Gabriel escape judgment.” Sardis raises an eyebrow at that.
“Oh yeah? What did that bureaucratic ass do?”
“He fell in love with Beelzebub and said ‘Nah’ to Armageddon Part 2.”
“Psh, oh yeah, that’ll do it,” Sardis says, taking another sip, “Not that any of them could erase anyone. Not really. You need to know someone’s true name for that.”
“Hold up,” says Crowley, “The Book of Life isn’t actually real?”
“Oh, it is,” says Sardis, “I know it for a fact. You see, one of the things of being an Original Angel of the Church,” he says the title mockingly, you notice, “is that you end up with a gift. Something to give the worthy when they ascend. Mine happens to be knowing everyone’s true name.”
“Wait a minute, wait,” You say, “That’s...that’s...”
“I know,” Sardis says, “Look, it’s like this. Most books that you read, the words are 2-dimensional, right? The Book of Life sort of has more than 2 dimensions to it. And it records everything. Now look,” he takes a packet of coarse sugar, “This is a soul,” he opens it and pours the chunks onto the table, “Each soul can be different people throughout its existence, and the Book, for accuracy purposes, records your name in whatever life you're living,” he picks up one crystal, “on the first dimension,” he places it on top of the paper pouch, “and your true name on the dimensions that lie underneath.” He sits up triumphantly. “So before you can actually erase anyone you need to know their true name, and before you know that, you need to know how to read the Book, and before that you need the gift to be able to perceive the different dimensions.”
“Which you have,” Crowley concludes. Sardis nods.
“Which I have, yes. Unfortunately, I also have the misfortune of never being able to be anywhere near the Book of Life. So I’m basically the angelic equivalent of a dolphin who knows all the secrets of Super Mario. I know it, but fat lot of good it does me. Or will ever, for that matter.”
You’re about to say something else, but your name gets called to the stage.
Oh. Oh right.
Oh shit.
You walk up to the stage and take the microphone uncertainly as the intro music for Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off starts to play. You chose it because you know some of the actions to it and I mean, the lyrics are so simple that you’re hoping the drunk crowd will start singing along with you.
“I stay out too late,
Got nothing in my brain,
At least that’s what people say,
That’s what people say,”
A random drunk person in the back cheers.
“But I keep cruisin’
Can’t stop won’t stop movin’
It’s like I got this music in my mind sayin’
It’s gonna be alright”
The entire bar claps three times. Oh wow.
Basically, your plan works. They all can’t help but join in for the chorus, and you end up having a lot of fun with it. Their enthusiasm is so validating, and after a minute or two you don’t care if it’s because of the alcohol or if they actually think you’re good. You just sing the song and you have a fabulous time of it. Honestly, it's hard to have a bad time singing and dancing to that song. You forget about saving the world, you forget that Crowley and Aziraphale are watching you, everything just fades away for a few minutes except for the lyrics on the screen in front of you and the energy of the people in the bar. For a few minutes, you’re just having fun, and that’s the most important thing about this, dear Reader.
When the song is over you return to the table. Anathema is finally back, and you notice she’s finished her drink pretty quickly. Good thing you ate before coming. Sardis is clapping for you.
“That was excellent! Great job, Little Moth! Here, have another one on me.” He waves his hand and a second sangria appears IN A FISHBOWL. Oh...Aziraphale and Crowley better cover you later, a hangover while one world-saving duty would suck.
Anathema clears her throat.
“So,” she says, you notice her voice shakes a little. Probably because she downed that drink so fast. “About Jesus.”
“Ah yes,” sighs Sardis, “The prodigal son himself. Well, I will tell you that he is here, though not in this city. Came down in a plane and everything.”
“Ha!” You say, pointing triumphantly, “I told you!”
Sardis chuckles. “Yes, what a day that was. Landed in Los Angeles thirteen years ago.”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“Los Angeles,” says Aziraphale, “Well that’s awfully on the nose, isn’t it?”
“Wait a minute,” You say, “So he’s an adult then, right? Not a baby?” You’re hoping. Your fingers are crossed that maybe he arrived in the states when he was a toddler, or a small kid.
“Oh no, not a baby, but not an adult either,” confirms Sardis.
“Don’t say it,” You beg.
“What’s wrong?” Aziraphale asks. Crowley looks like he’s on alert. Even Anathema looks a little unsure what to make of you.
“Okay actually just say it,” You decide, “How old is he?”
“He’s thirteen.”
“Oh shit,” says Anathema.
“Is he at least one of the nice thirteen year-olds?” You ask hopefully.
“Well,” says Sardis, “He’s definitely white this time, and his family is rich so, what do you think.”
You drop your head into your hands.
“Um, I’m sorry,” Aziraphale interrupts, “But, ah, what exactly is the problem here?”
When, dear Reader, was the last time you were around a 13-year-old boy? The age when they are all about proving how masculine they are, the age when they like to play rough in places where they really shouldn’t be playing rough, be mean for no reason other than because it makes them feel like a badass, jump and hoot and holler and laugh at anyone with sense because they get a kick out of adults getting angry with them. There is no force more annoying or enraging than a 13 year old, of any gender. But now add privileged and spoiled to that and you have a force to be reckoned with. You briefly relay this to Aziraphale.
“So,” You conclude, “The person who we need to convince to save the world, the person who needs to take this seriously or everyone dies terribly, the person who we need to care, has all the makings of the one person who is the least likely to care on the entire planet.”
“Ugh,” Anathema groans, “Why did they have to do it like that? I thought Jesus was supposed to be all about the outsiders and being kind to each other and things.”
“Well,” suggests Aziraphale, “I suppose that was probably the first time around. This time, they’re probably a bit less concerned about the, ah, morality of the whole thing, and more concerned about the messiah bit.”
“Right,” Anathema says with a disillusioned sigh, “And the fastest and easiest way for anyone to become a messiah in this world is to be rich, white, and male.”
“Cutting corners, I believe humans would say,” concludes Aziraphale.
Sardis nods, a frown upon his face. The previously cheerful angel isn’t laughing anymore as he raises his glass and says “To the world.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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cornishkat · 9 months
All I Want - One Shot
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Bob Floyd x F!Reader
Warnings - just fluff, fluff and more fluff for Christmas.
Summary: Allegedly Bob has been flirting with you but both of you being idiots it takes Phoenix to give you both a little push.
“You do realise he is flirting with you”.
You almost choked on your drink as you stared incredulously at Phoenix who was sat across the table from you.
“Don’t be so ridiculous, he is not, why on earth would he be flirting with me”.
Making a dramatic sigh Phoenix put her head in her hands and shook it,
“Are you kidding me, he is crazy about you and that is him flirting.  And I know that you feel the same way about him so don’t even try to deny it to me”.
“How I feel about him is irrelevant, he is not interested, and he is not flirting with me”
As Phoenix opened her mouth in protest but Bob came back from the bar with drinks and sat down with you both.  You hadn’t lied to Phoenix about how you felt about him but there was no point in talking about it with her, she was convinced he liked you and just wanted the two of you to admit your feelings and get together.  But as you looked across at him now, smiling while wearing a truly awful Christmas jumper.  He turned his eyes to meet yours as he felt you watching him and his smiled widen.  Did he like you, was Phoenix right had he been flirting with you when you just thought he was being friendly.  As you felt heat spread through your cheeks you looked away, focusing your eyes on your drink in your hands.
“Right time for some singing, I hope you have all got your songs in.  It is time to get Christmas started”.
“Phoenix no one needs to hear me sing, please do not inflict that on them”.
“Bob, I gave you plenty of warning you knew there would be Christmas karaoke.  Y/N/N have you got your song in?”
“Not happening Nix, can’t we just get Rooster to play some songs on the piano and all sing along”.
No, we agreed on Christmas Karaoke, I tell you what if you sing Y/N/N I will let Bob off the hook”.
Bob looked at you pleadingly with his big blue eyes,
“Please Y/N/N”
“You owe me big time Floyd”.
“Anything you want, just please don’t make me have to get up there”.
Shaking your head, you turned to Phoenix to see a smug grin on her face,
“Not a word, let’s get this over with before Hangman sings another song”.
You watched Phoenix go to wrestle the mic off Hangman, taking a deep breath and shook your head at Bob.
“Thank you for this, I mean it anything you want Y/N/N”.
“It is a good job I like you Bob and I will hold you to that”.
Phoenix was bouncing up and down and grinning as you joined her, and she handed you the mic.
“OK song is ready to go”.
“What have you put on, I thought at least you would let me pick my own song” “Believe me what I have picked is perfect”.
And with that she bounced back to the table and sat next to Bob, as the music began to play.  You smiled and shook your head as you recognised the music and realised exactly what Phoenix was up too.  But there was no backing out of it now, so taking a deep breath you began to sing.
I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you
As you sang you made eye contact with Bob, his eyes held yours and widened as he realised what you were singing.  Even with Phoenix digging him in the ribs and prodding at him he never broke the stare.
I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you You, baby
Stepping forward you reached out your arm and pointed at Bob and watched as a blush spread through his cheeks but still, he didn’t look away from you.  Well even Bob could not be in any doubt that you were singing just for him, it was up to him now and if he didn’t do anything about it you could always try pass it off as a joke even if it would hurt like hell.
'Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do? Oh, baby, all I want for Christmas is you You, baby
The rest of the team were clapping and cheering as you finished the song and lowered your gaze before placing the mic down.  Blushing slightly, you walked back and grabbed your drinking glancing at Bob from under your lashes.
“You were amazing, told you the song was perfect”.
“No idea what you are talking about but isn’t about time you got up there seeing as you have bullied everyone else into it”.
“I’m going, but I’m not sure how I am meant to follow that”.
Phoenix heading up to sing meant you and Bob were left alone at the table,
“Y/N/N you were unbelievable, you voice is beautiful”.
“Flattery will get you nowhere Bob, let’s talk about you saying you would do anything I wanted if I got you off the hook”.
You could see him swallow hard as he started to blush again, it made you smile, it was so much fun flustering him.  
“I meant it, anything you want.  What do you want Y/N/N”?
“Did I not make that obvious in my song?”
“I didn’t want to presume, and I never thought you liked me”.
“How could I not Bob, so anything I want?”
“Anything you want”.
Taking his hand, you led him across the bar, so you were stood next to the piano, he looked at you slightly confused as you stood in front of him.  Smiling you raised your eyes up above your heads at a large sprig of mistletoe.  Bob nervously licked his lips and slowly stepped into you, dipping his head and gently lifting your chin.  He was giving you every opportunity to stop him if you wanted to, rising onto to your tiptoes you rested your palms against his chest and pressed your lips to his.  It was soft and sensuous, and you placed your hand on his neck to pull him closer to you, as he deepened the kiss it took your breath away and you had to eventually break apart to catch your breath.
“Wow, I really wasn’t expecting that”.
“Y/N/N please tell me you mean that in a good way, because I really want to do a lot more of that”.
“Oh, I mean it in a very good way, and I really want to do some more of that too”.
You saw relief wash over his features as he rested his forehead on yours,
“So, what now?”
“Take me home Bob”.
“Yes Ma’am”
You almost managed to make it out of the Hard Deck unnoticed but just as Bob opened the door for you, you heard Phoenix's voice from across the bar.
“About time, I told you I was right”.
Blowing a kiss at her you stepped out into the evening air with Bob’s hand in yours.
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you look like you love me
Fandom: Bullet Train
Pairing: Tangerine x Original Female Character
Characters: Tangerine, Lemon, Original Female Character [Clementine]
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 4606
Summary: I'm drunk and I'm ready to leave and you look like you love me.
Tags/Warnings: Kissing, Gun Shot Wounds, Near Death Experience, Not Canon, Tangerine Lives, Arguing, Guilt
Notes: the girl mindlessly scrolling through tiktok is me x
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‘No fucking chance,’ Tangerine said firmly earning a groan from his party.
‘Oh come on!’ Clementine whinged, a pout on her pinkened lips.
‘No,’ he said again.
‘Oh go on, don't be a spoil sport,’ Lemon said, rolling his eyes as Tangerine glared at him. As he took a sip of his pint he watched Clementine fold her arms across her chest, her pout growing bigger as if she were a child not getting her own way. Tangerine said, ‘oh don’t be like that.’
‘I just want to sing karaoke,’ she said, leaning up but not uncrossing her arms.
‘Sing it with Lemon then!’ he reasoned, gesturing at the man beside him. He’d leant back now watching the pair of them verbally spar. He knew there was no point in getting involved, they could, and would, hold their own and it was preferable they were taking chunks out of one another rather than setting their sights on him. In fact Clementine’s presence in their life had been a welcomed relief, someone else to bore the brunt of his brother's somewhat varying temper.
‘Oh I intend to but I want to do it with you too,’ the blonde replied before sighing and pleading, ‘oh come on it’s just a bit of fun.’
‘Not for everyone else in here considering I can't even sing,’ Tangerine retorted.
‘It’s karaoke you don’t have to be able to sing,’ she said. Tangerine scowled, his moustache twitching at the movement. It was always like this with her. She never let anything drop, always picking away at things until they ended up fighting or worse he gave up. Sometimes he had to for his own sanity but he couldn’t help it she just got under his skin.
But right now he had the energy to spar with her. This was their celebration of a job well done and though she had been the one to choose the establishment, a cheesy American style dive bar that hung bull horns from the walls and played honky tonk tunes despite being in the south of Berlin rather than Nashville, he was still determined to enjoy himself. The beer was good at least.
‘I don’t even know any country songs,’ he reasoned, ‘this was your fuckin idea remember.’
‘You must know one song,’ Lemon said, finally chirping up if only because the idea of seeing his brother on stage aglow with embarrassment made him giddy with excitement.
‘Do I look like a fuckin’ cowboy to you?’ Tangerine said, the vein in his forehead bulging as his brother weighed in.
‘Now that you mention it,’ Lemon said, gesturing to his brother’s moustache with amusement.
‘Do you want me to stab you?’ Tangerine grunted.
‘I’ll pick something easy I promise,’ Clementine said, hoping to steer the direction back towards the task at hand rather than letting the boys get bogged down squabbling, ‘please Tange.’
‘No,’ Tangerine said firmly, ‘I’ve already let you have your way with having us come to this fuckin’ dive as it is.’
‘Only because you had to,’ Lemon said, ‘it was one of her wishes.’
‘Yes thank you Lemon,’ Tangerine said, offering a tight smile his brother’s way though as he looked back at Clementine he found she was no longer pouting or pleading she was smiling, that infuriating, dazzling smile she had when she was about to get her own way or more importantly do something Tangerine didn’t want her to.
‘No,’ he shook his head, catching on faster than his brother who looked confused.
‘I’ve found my next one,’ she sing-songed, giggling as Lemon started laughing.
‘You’re not serious,’ he scoffed.
‘Deadly. Wish number four is for you to sing karaoke with me,’ she confirmed, making him groan which made her immediately wag a finger at him, ‘ah, ah, you know the rules. All wishes must be fulfilled as asked without protest or whining.’
‘Clem,’ Tangerine started but she was on a roll.
‘Or we can call the whole thing off and I’ll go back to-’ ‘Yes okay fine, fuck!’ he griped, running his hand over his mouth to stem his irritation. But just as she started to celebrate he pointed at her and said, ‘but you’re using them up quick and once they’re gone I don’t to hear want a fuckin’ word you hear?’
‘Loud and clear,’ she smirked as she rose from the table, swaying as the alcohol in her system rushed to her head, ‘I’m gonna go and tell the DJ we’d like to sign up. Back in a minute.’
As she sashayed away smugly he felt Lemon looking at him with a smirk on his face. Tangerine merely held a hand up to silence whatever was going to come out of the other man’s mouth, taking a long drink of his beer as he watched her talking to the DJ in his booth.
One song that’s all he had to do. One song and it was another wish over. One song and she
only had one more insane request left though as he thought about it he tried to remember why he’d agreed to this wish system in the first place. 
‘I need a drink,’ Tangerine sighed. They hadn’t even gotten off the ground yet, he could still hear the pilot doing his rigorous take off checks from the cockpit just ahead of them, but he needed something to take the edge off. He’d been edgy since they’d finished the job, adamant they needed to get the first flight out of Osaka. It was probably the best idea, after all having a hand in the demise of the White Death and his entire family was probably going to catch up with them at some point so why not give them a head start? But it wasn’t just that. He’d thought he’d lost Lemon. For good. He’d looked at his brother’s corpse and his world had collapsed in on itself making him stupid and reckless. If it hadn't been for Clementine he probably would've been dead. She had saved his life and almost gotten herself killed in the process, the bullet they’d pulled out of her thigh living proof of that. 
So yeah he was a little antsy even if she wasn’t, sprawled out on the plush couches of their private jet as she yawned, ‘get me one will you.’
‘Your legs not working are they not, love?’ he quipped intending to get back to their normal selves by bantering with her as he normally would only when he noted her bandaged up leg he felt a twinge of guilt rush through him. Clementine didn’t even seem to notice the correlation, accepting the banter at face value as she said, ‘I'd say it was the least you could do seeing as I saved your arse. Twice if my memory is correct.’
‘You say that like we’ve never saved your arse before,’ Tangerine said as he got to the bar.
‘You have to admit you would’ve been toast back there mate,’ Lemon reasoned. As they locked eyes Tangerine felt his guilt swirl deeper in the pit of his stomach, the memory of Lemon’s limp and lifeless body flashing before his eyes once more. He dropped his gaze to the range of bottles on the bar looking for something that would take that feeling away.
‘No he’s right. He’s saved me enough times,’ she said pushing herself up and hobbling over to the bar. Tangerine frowned as he watched her wince but resisted the urge to help her figuring him trying to lead her would go down like a lead balloon. Instead he opted to ask, ‘what are you doing?’
‘Making us all a drink,’ she said, finally behind the bar and nudging him out of the way with her good hip, ‘I assume you needed me to do that for you too. Or do you think you could manage that all by yourself?’
‘Very funny,’ Tangerine scowled as she giggled, grabbing a fancy bottle of scotch from the bar and handing it to him to pour. He did as he was told, though only because that was the one he’d been eyeing anyway though that only made her beam a smile as she headed back to her seat and allowed him to pour. He did so quickly, swigging a full glass before he made up three drinks and took them over to where they were sitting.
‘Aw you’ve even made it just how I like it,’ she said, taking a sip, ‘you’re learning so well.’
‘Would you pack it in?’ he grumbled as he took a seat on the other couch with Lemon.
‘Not my fault you’re so easy to wind up,’ she smiled.
‘I’m not easy to wind up,’ he retorted, ignoring Lemon’s snort as he continued, ‘you just don’t know how to shut up.’
‘Well you can always make me,’ she bargained, sitting up from where she had been lolling and leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees.
‘Oh yeah and how the fuck do I do that?’ Tangerine said as he laid back against the seat, resting his foot on his knee as he watched her.
‘How about we make a deal?’ she said, watching him cockily as she sipped at her drink. Tangerine watched her. Her hair was up today, pulled back roughly in a clip though she’d allowed a few tendrils to fall around her face, and she was wearing a t-shirt and leggings though he suspected this was more to do with the fact she was bandaged from the thigh up, he knew that because he’d been the one to do it. Still it made her look out of place amongst them, both in crisp new suits. Not someone you'd associate with making deals, even silly little bets like this one.
‘Go on then,’ he said as if the idea bored him entirely though he could feel interest stirring inside him.
‘Okay I’ll stop teasing you if you,’ she stalled clearly thinking on her feet, ‘if you…if you be my slave for a day.’
Tangerine rolled his eyes. He didn’t know why but he’d been expecting something more serious, less childish, but at this rate she was more like Lemon when it came to teasing and games. It was only one step up from Thomas the Tank. Clementine hastened to continue, ‘half a day?’
Still nothing.
‘An hour?’ she bargained. Tangerine merely stared at her.
‘Sounds like a no to me bruv,’ Lemon chuckled as he took a sip of his drink.
‘Well I’m getting something out of it,’ she pouted.
‘How about you celebrate the fact we’re going to keep you on seeing as you’ve actually proved yourself useful and be happy with that,’ Tangerine said. Clementine smiled and placed her glass on the table in front of her.
‘You know it’s okay,’ she smiled, ‘if you’re feeling vulnerable because a woman saved your arse. It doesn’t threaten your masculinity if that’s what you're worried about. Right Lemon?’
‘Course not,’ Lemon chuckled, ‘it shows enlightenment and understanding.’
‘That's what Ladybug would say,’ Clementine giggled though she stopped as Tangerine jumped up and started walking away from them huffily, ‘where are you going?’
‘For a slash so I don’t have to listen to you twats any longer,’ he huffed.
Although he was barely out of the living area of the jet before Clementine was up and following him forcing him to stop and look at her as he questioned, ‘what are you doing?’
‘Coming with you,’ she said as if it were obvious, ‘I figured you’d need help with that too.’
‘You fuckin’-’
‘I can hold it if you want,’ she mused, smiling wider as she saw a tinge of pink on his cheeks though it disappeared as he snapped, ‘alright fine! What the fuck is it going to take for you to let this drop?’
Clementine grinned.
‘Oh I don’t know,’ she said, moving to flop back onto her seat, her legs up on the dark leather of the airplane seats. The seatbelt sign had clicked on but none of them seemed bothered about adhering to its request. Tangerine was just hoping whatever she was baiting for wouldn’t take long, he really did have to use the bathroom.
‘So the slave thing is definitely off the table?’ she questioned. Tangerine said nothing because his face said what he was thinking anyway, not that Clementine paid much attention to the scowl, she was used to him by now and instead she looked to Lemon and said, ‘what do you think?’
‘Well it’s gotta be something worth your while,’ Lemon said seriously. Clementine nodded in agreement as Tangerine folded his arms and asked, ‘I’m sorry, why are you helping?’
‘Yeah I know what you mean,’ she said ignoring the brunette, ‘something simple he can do hmmm…how about wishes?’
‘Wishes?’ Tangerine scoffed, ‘do I look like a fuckin’ genie to you?’
‘Now that you mention it,’ Lemon quipped but Clementine refused to let them get steered off track as she whined, ‘oh I'm not asking you to make me a billionaire or find the love of my life am I? Just simple things.’
‘Like?’ Tangerine pressed.
‘Like I get to pick where we go for dinner,’ she said.
‘What radio station we pick,’ Lemon added, earning a nod of recognition.
‘What bar we get slaughtered at after a gig,’ she said, ‘that kind of stuff.’
‘And that’ll shut you up?’ Tangerine asked.
‘Yep,’ she grinned, ‘but you have to fulfil your end of the bargain without moaning.’
He deliberated on it for a moment looking between the pair of them, they looked like excitable children waiting to see if their dad was going to agree to take them for a happy meal, but he supposed that was better than they could've been looking. Clementine had saved him and he did want to thank her. And he supposed something silly like this was better than something far worse so with a sigh he said, ‘fine. You get your wish.’
‘Wishes,’ she corrected, ‘let's say ten.’
‘Two,’ Tangerine bartered.
‘Seven,’ she said, bouncing his offer back at him as she stood from the couch, holding her hand out for him to shake.
‘Three,’ he replied.
‘Five,’ she said. Tangerine hesitated and then shook her hand.
‘Five,’ he confirmed, ‘now can I go for a slash in peace?’
‘Of course!’ she beamed moving to sit next to Lemon as they broke into a rapid conversation about what her first wish should be. Tangerine rolled his eyes and headed to the bathroom though he couldn’t help but smile at the happiness in her voice.
Tangerine was brought back to reality as he felt a thump on his chest and looked up to find Lemon staring at him gesturing for him to join Clementine who was now standing on the small stage. The middle-aged DJ watched as he crossed the room, handing him a microphone with a curt nod before he returned to his station and announced to the room, ‘please give a warm welcome to er Tangerine and Clementine!’
There was a smattering of applause from the twenty or so people in the bar as he took to the stage. He tried not to focus on them which was fortunately easy to do because as he acclimatised himself he found the lights glaring on the stage almost blinding. He could barely see into the club, in fact the only thing he could focus on was Clementine. In her signing up she’d now procured a brown cowboy hat and microphone like his. In her blue sundress and boots she almost looked the part which made him feel stiffer in his slackened suit. She didn’t seem to care what he looked like though, pulling him closer towards her by the arm as the music started to play so that he could see the small screen set up in front of them which displayed the words.
MALE BLUE/FEMALE PINK was all that was displayed across the small screen as the intro played. To his disbelief Tangerine could feel his heart start to beat faster in his chest. How was it he could stare down the barrel of a gun and not flinch and yet karaoke had his palms sweating? He wanted to duck out even leaning in and asking, ‘am I supposed to know this?’ in the hopes that she’d be merciful due to his ignorance.
Unfortunately though she didn’t, simply offering him a reassuring smile and a pat on the bicep as she said, ‘you will besides that’s what the words are for.’
‘Don’t need to know a tune then?’ he asked sarcastically.
‘It's only one verse and it’s mostly talking I promise,’ she said reassuringly as her words started to load.
Fortunately the first verse was all cast in pink and he watched as she started to sing or rather, speak with a tune. She was right, he had heard the song before, it was always playing from her phone whilst she scrolled mindlessly through TikTok in the back seat. Whilst Lemon unwound by playing video games and he by going for a run she found endless banal internet videos a source of relaxation. Of course he didn’t begrudge her way of coping, it was just that it often started the moment they were back in the car which meant he was forced to hear it and it had led to no end of squabbles between the pair.
So I walked right up, And I pulled him to the side, I handed him a beer and looked him right in the eye, And I said, ‘Baby, I think you're gonna wanna hear this.’ Then I told him. 
She was watching him now no doubt hoping he'd clicked on to why she'd picked the song by
the way she was grinning. Tangerine rolled his eyes. 
‘Excuse me, you look like you love me,’ she sang, ‘you look like you want me to want you to come on home.’
The song was cheesy, country and not his style at all but he couldn’t help but smile at the way she was beaming. And he supposed she was right; his part was minimal and didn’t involve much singing so he had to give her credit even if he was shaky and uncertain as he rhymed off the next verse.
By the time they were coming to the close he even ventured to sing some of the chorus with her, earning a hoot from Lemon somewhere he couldn’t see. Granted he let her experiment with the final run which procured her an enthusiastic round of applause which she lapped up, pulling her sundress from her hips so that she could curtsey. Tangerine merely nodded in recognition and got himself off stage as quickly as he could but as he got to his table he felt her swinging off his neck. 
‘Well done Tange!’ she cheered, moving herself to his side but keeping her arm around him as she looked up at him with a grin.
‘Well done yourself,’ he chuckled, slipping his arm around her waist to steady her, the alcohol and the high making her sway, ‘right set of pipes on ya who knew.’
‘Well that’s why we have to try new things isn’t it,’ she grinned, ‘right Lemon?’
‘Oh for sure!’ he beamed, ‘though you know I'm not going to let you have all the glory right?’
‘You and me are already signed up,’ Clementine vowed.
‘You think you can top it bruv?’ Tangerine asked.
‘With my eyes closed,’ Lemon snorted, ‘what did you pick Clem?’
‘Islands in the Stream of course,’ she said as if he was ludicrous to think anything else, ‘we should be up next.’
‘Excellent, in that case let me nip to the toilet,’ Lemon said downing his drink before he headed towards the bathrooms. Tangerine moved to let him past, knocking into Clementine who grabbed onto his shirt to steady herself. 
‘You really did good,’ she smiled, deep blue eyes looking into his own. Tangerine felt his heart thump again.
‘You too,’ he agreed.
‘Oh yeah fancy round two?’ she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
‘Don’t push it,’ he said, rolling his eyes as he knocked her cowboy hat off her head in jest.
Tangerine never did get back on the stage that night. One because he was sure his heart wouldn’t take the anxiety of it but mainly because the drunker they got the more Lemon and Clementine took to the stage until eventually they were asked, or told, to leave the premises stating they were hogging the mics and needed to let others have a go. It was just as well as by the time they got back to the hotel the pair of them were barely standing, allowing Tangerine, who was just as drunk but somehow able to hold his own, to shepherd them up to their rooms.
He’d barely steered Lemon into their shared room before he was flopping down on the bed fully dressed, already snoring as Tangerine removed his shoes. By the time he’d finished he realised he’d lost track of his other ward and found her flopped on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
‘Alright you let's get you to your room,’ he said as he peeled off his suit jacket and threw it on the back of the desk chair. Clementine looked up as she heard him speak before she yawned and said, ‘actually I'm alright here.’
‘Oh no’,’ he said, moving to pull her up by one arm, ‘not a chance, come on.’
‘Do I have to?’ she whined though she allowed herself to be manhandled off the bed, his hands finding her shoulders a moment later as he steered her through the hotel room and out the door until she was standing at the door of the room opposite.
Once outside she moved her bag from where it was draped across her body and stuck her hand in, no doubt fishing around for the hotel key. Tangerine tapped his foot as he waited. He supposed he could have just left her to let herself in but given the way she was swaying on the spot he didn’t want to risk coming out in the morning and finding her curled up against the dark wood of his hotel door.
‘You know you were really good on karaoke tonight,’ she said as she rooted through the small black bag. Tangerine was going to reply something snippy but as she locked her hand around the key she looked up at him and her face was earnest, a smile on her face as she offered the compliment.
‘I didn’t do much,’ he said suddenly feeling bashful, ‘it was mostly you.’
‘Yeah but you didn’t have to do it,’ she said as she turned to slot her key in the door.
‘Thought your wishes were mandatory,’ he ribbed.
‘Oh they are,’ she giggled, though once again when she looked at him there was something behind her expression he couldn’t place, a sincerity he never normally attributed to their relationship. It grew deeper as she dropped her voice, as if offering him a secret as she said, ‘but you were a good sport. I mean you didn’t have to agree…you didn’t have to let me join the pair of you but you did and…well I've been enjoying it.’
‘Me too,’ he admitted, watching as her smile grew, ‘if you tell Lemon I’ll deny it.’
‘Noted,’ she giggled.
Tangerine shifted. He didn’t know what it was, her words or the way she was looking at him but he wanted to offer his own sentiments, one without joking. After all even if he had been bending over backwards to fulfil her wishes he hadn’t thanked her yet not properly and so he said, ‘but I am happy you’re with us…in fact I’m grateful you were I would’ve been fucked if we were on that train alone.’ 
As he said that her face flickered with worry and she dropped her gaze so that he couldn’t see her face as she said, ‘can I tell you something?’
‘Course,’ he said quietly.
‘I was scared you were gonna die,’ she admitted. Her eyes were glassy when she finally looked up at her, gnawing on her lip before she said, ‘so when I saved you I wasn’t really thinking…I just knew I didn’t want to lose you and…’
Her breath hitched as she got to the middle of her sentence, taking whatever worries she’d been mulling over from being spoken into existence as she neared the verge of tears. Tangerine was sure it was just the booze talking but he felt the instinct to comfort her anyway, pulling her in for a hug as he said, ‘ey, I'm alright. I’m here aren’t I?’
Tangerine stroked her hair soothingly waiting for the tears to subside which they did after a moment or so though they left her eyes reddened as she pulled back and wiped at her nose, mumbling, ‘m’sorry.’
‘You okay?’ he asked, placing his hand on her cheek.
‘I’m fine,’ she nodded, ‘I just…I don’t know what I'd do without you.’
‘And Lemon?’ he asked, the way she’d singled him out making him feel as if he was under that spotlight again.
‘Tange,’ she said quietly as if he was missing the point.
Tangerine stared at her, those riveting blue eyes, and all of sudden he could feel his heart beating like it had been on stage. Only this had nothing to do with stage fright. This was due to the fact the words she spoke were truer than anything he'd ever heard. Because the truth was he didn’t know what he'd do without her either. She had become part of his family, part of him without him even realising.  Of course he loved Lemon and he had assumed that the love he had for her was the same but now, staring into her soul he felt like he’d been missing the point.
As if she’d truly had to walk right up to him and spelled out how he felt for her for him to get it.
‘Clem, I, I don’t know how to do this,’ he said hesitantly. After all, what if he had misread his feelings? What if he didn’t feel the way he thought he did and they did something they regretted. She was a good asset and he wouldn't want to lose her.
‘I do,’ she said, moving to wrap her arms around his neck as she pulled him down to kiss her.
His hands moved to her waist, holding her as she pulled him towards her and kissed him with a ferocity he didn’t know he’d been missing. It was like an explosion going off not only as sparks cascaded through his mind but because of how everything seemed to slot into place, their teasing, tension, care and passion blending into one perfect moment.
He was breathless and dazed when he pulled back, all of it taking him by surprise, and yet he still managed to smile as he found her grinning at him. He watched as she moved from his grasp, pushing her bedroom door open before she turned around and said, ‘okay, I’ve decided.’ ‘Decided?’ he asked, still struggling to make his brain work
‘What my last wish is,’ she said, offering a hand out for him to take, ‘wanna find out?’
‘Oh definitely,’ Tangerine said, moving into the room at rapid speed and kicking the door firmly shut behind him.
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racergirl-112 · 1 month
Push Me Over - Chapter 3: Do I Make You Jealous?
18+ MDNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warnings: Language
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A Few Weeks Later
After being on and off set for certain scenes over the next few weeks, Dani and Hugh had managed to be professional with each other and nothing else. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be, maybe not. 
One night after wrapping early, Shawn and Ryan had asked the main cast if they wanted to go out and have dinner and maybe do some karaoke. Dani jumped at the idea and immediately said yes. 
“Hugh, are you going tonight?” Dani asked as they began to walk to their trailers. 
“I was thinking about it. Are you?” 
“I mean unless my cult meeting got rescheduled, then yes,” she answered with a laugh. 
“Damn, you and your character literally have the same smartass attitude.” 
“As advertised,” she replied, fake curtsying. 
“Sweetheart, you are too much.” 
“Yeah, whatever you say. I’m not too much,” she replied, opening the door to her trailer, before smiling at him as she walked inside. Before he could leave, she popped her head back out. “Oh by the way, here is my number if you ever want to talk.” She handed him the piece of paper, before shutting the door. 
“You’re just enough,” Hugh replied under his breath, wanting to see where the night would go. 
Dani had gotten back to her condo to find the perfect outfit for that night. Even though it was May in London, it wasn’t as warm as she was used to in the states. She decided on ripped black skinny jeans and a white off the shoulder crop top with her sneakers. They said it was casual, so she was taking advantage. 
She arrived at the restaurant where everyone was meeting, finding out she was the last one. 
“Over here,” Ryan yelled, motioning her over to where everyone was seated. She walked over to the table and saw everyone, especially Hugh, in a skin-tight black t-shirt with black jeans. She sat down, across the table from Hugh. 
As everyone made small talk around them, Dani was checking her phone and had a feeling she was being watched. She glanced up and saw Hugh staring in her direction. Since so many people were around, she looked down at her phone and saw he had called her earlier with his number. She clicked the text option and sent him a text. 
Dani: Creep much? 😉
Hugh: I just like the view if you want the truth. 
Dani:The basket of french fries? I mean I like them too, but I haven’t even had guys look at me like that LOL
Hugh: Sweetheart you and that smart mouth
Dani: I told you it was as advertised. 
Hugh: I’d like to know more about it…
Dani looked up at him and he gave her a smirk that sent a feeling through her body that could only be described as chills and lightning at the same time. 
Hugh: Did I strike a nerve? 
Dani: Why would you say that?
Hugh: Sweetheart, the look on your face says it all. 
Dani: Believe what you want to believe
Hugh: I will. Maybe I should show you. 
Dani: Is that so? I’m intrigued. 
Dani downed her drink before flagging down the waiter for another drink, ordering a double margarita. She looked over at Hugh who had a wicked smile on his face. She barely knew him, but fuck if he made her feel some sort of way and she definitely wanted to know what he meant by “showing her.” 
After everyone went back to making small talk, Ryan paid the bill and they moved on to the karaoke bar. Luckily, they had rented it out, so they could have their privacy. 
People took seats throughout the bar, drinks in hand ready to take on karaoke. Hugh sat down next to Dani, catching her off guard. 
“Do you have a soft spot for me or do you really just like following me around?” she joked, taking a sip of her drink.
“Is both an acceptable answer? He asked, raising his eyebrow. Dani was taken aback by his response and turned on even more so. 
“I guess,” she answered, trying to play coy. Before Hugh had a chance to get closer to her, her name got called for her song. She glanced over at him, getting out of her seat. “Wish me luck, Jackman.”
“You don’t need luck, sweetheart,” he replied with a smile.
Dani got up on stage as everyone started to clap and cheer for her. The first notes of Somebody to Love by Queen flowed from the speakers as she began to sing. Even though her Uncle and Ryan were in the corner smiling, her eyes were on Hugh and his on her. He was mesmerized by her. Not only could she sing and hit the notes, but she had the stage presence. 
“Somebody to love,” she trailed off as the song finished, a smile crossing her face. The whole club erupted in cheers as she jumped off the stage and over to where her Uncle and Ryan were. 
“That’s my girl,” Shawn said, hugging her. “I knew you still had it in you.” 
“Thank you,” she replied as Ryan gave her a hug as well. 
“Dang kid, you went off and grew up on us,” he joked, wiping away a fake tear. 
“You two are embarrassing.” She walked over to the bar to get another drink, a figure sidling up next to her. She thought it was Hugh, but it was another actor on the cast. 
“You did amazing up there. I’m Scott by the way,” he said, reaching out a hand. 
“Danielle, but I go by Dani.” Over Scott’s shoulder, she saw Hugh and he didn’t look too pleased. Could she be making him jealous? Baby let the games begin.
As she nursed her drink and Scott continued to talk and she acted like she was interested in what he was saying, people began chanting for Hugh to get up on stage and sing his song from The Greatest Showman. He kept laughing it off and saying he wasn’t going to do it, but finally after enough persuasion, he got up there. The music began to play and his voice flowed from the speakers. Like she had done to him, Dani was under some kind of spell. She excused herself from Scott and got closer to Hugh as he continued through the song, owning the stage. Everyone was cheering and clapping for him as she just watched him. He noticed she was looking at him and began to sing to her, making her heart race. He reached out his hand for hers and she let him take it, pulling her up on stage as he sang to her. The song finished as he was focussed on her and not the room around them, cheering and clapping. “Hugh,” Dani mouthed, pointing to the crowd cheering as he turned around and gave a bow. 
“Thank you,” he said, as he helped Dani off stage. Shawn and Ryan came walking over. 
“Seriously, have to be Mr. Showoff or Showman,” Ryan joked. 
“Even getting my niece involved. Nice touch,” Shawn added. 
“Always got to make me look better than you two.” Hugh scanned the room for Dani, but didn’t see her. “Excuse me, gentleman.” He walked towards the bathrooms and low and behold he found the one person he was looking for. 
Dani was walking out of the bathroom after trying to calm herself down after being what seemed to be the muse for Hugh on stage. Not wanting to think too much into this little crush of hers, she had gone to the bathroom to breathe and throw some cold water on her face. 
“Did I get your attention?” she heard the familiar voice say from behind her. 
“What do you mean?” she questioned. “You mean pulling me on stage and singing to me. I really don’t get it.” Hugh pulled her further down the hall and into an alcove where no one could see them. 
“Dani, think about it,” he started as his hand cupped her face. 
“I thought I was just some kid,” she started, starting to feel the confidence and buzz of the tequila she had been drinking all night. 
“Sweetheart, you have no idea.” Before she could process the moment, Hugh’s lips grazed her own. “Tell me you don’t want me just as bad as I want you. If you don’t, we can stop.” Dani couldn’t keep her body from reacting to his words as she fully committed to the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. The feeling of his fingers brushing against her bare skin. The feeling of his noticeably hard dick, straining his jeans. 
“Hugh,” she breathed, breaking the kiss. “Should we really be doing this? We barely know each other. Plus, you said you just got divorced. Maybe, we’re just drunk.” His thumb caressed her face. 
“What do you want?” he asked. 
“Maybe to get to know you better. I need to go.” She kissed his cheek before walking away from him. Hugh knew in that moment, getting Dani may be harder than he thought. 
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deedala · 2 months
☀️ weekly 🌴 tag 🌴 wednesday 🌊
hello it is thursday!! not wednesday, alas, we persist. big thanks to a one lil miss ✨🌟🌙 @celestialmickey ✨🌟🌙 !!!! for writing this weeks game and for tagging me!! + @gallapiech @blue-disco-lights @heymrspatel @jrooc @mmmichyyy @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @crossmydna @energievie @palepinkgoat 💖💖💖
name: deanna 🌱
pronouns: she/her
what year did you graduate high school? lets play a game actually, what do you think? did i graduate in 1998, 2002, or 2006?
tell me where you live without *telling* me where you live: woody harrelson and i know the same amusement park like the back of our respective hands
tell me what you do for work: digital coloring book
caffeine source of choice: brew my own hot coffee in which i pour oatmilk and french vanilla dairy-free creamer
do you have a skincare routine? super sensitive skin, had to do accutane in my 20s *and* back in 2019. dermatologist has me on a very strict routine of gentle salicylic acid facewash and oil-free fragrance-free sensitive-skin formulated facial moisturizer. nothing else allowed!!
how often do you do laundry? every single fucking day of life and if i dont i will be overcome and i will suffer
favorite flower: poppies!! (iykyk) but dandelions are a close second
your go-to karaoke song: i've never gotten to do karaoake for reals but i think it would be an absolute blast (and hysterically cringey) to sing wuthering heights by kate bush!!
what kind of phone do you have? mint green iphone 12
do you wear contacts/glasses? i wear a single contact lens because i had to have a bunch of surgery in my left eye in my 20s and one of them involved replacing my lens with an implant (hi im bionic, i have a serial number) that is a corrective lens giving me 20/20 vision (apart from the blind spots where my retina is destroyed) SOOOO i literally can only wear that one contact lens in my right eye to fix my (extremely bad) vision on that side. glasses dont work when you've got 20/20 in one eyeball and -7.25 in the other.
what color is your hair right now? its a 10
you’ve just been handed $10,000 cash, what are you spending it on? theres a lot of shit in my house that needs to be fixed. or maybe we can use it as a down payment for buying a new house? (probably not the market is so insane in my city because of the university and the landlords) but i guess...in fantasy world where this happens...yeah we use it to help ourselves buy a new house lol.
how many pets do you have? none
have you ever been on a train? many many trains! some in america, most of them in europe
and finally, tell me something about yourself people might be surprised to know: god im so uninteresting... i love olives and pickles and cilantro and mint but not garlic and i cannot taste spicy things (i deeply wish i could, ive tried so many times and all i get is like bitter charcoal numb tongue)
and now i'll tag some folks under the cut who maybe?? havent played yet?? maybe want to play????? if not consider this me handing you a dandelion + poppy 💐 under the cut!!
@darlingian @spookygingerr @mybrainismelted @creepkinginc @suzy-queued
@sleepyheadgallavich @thepupperino @iansw0rld @gardenerian @ardent-fox
@catgrassplantdad @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @wehangout @captainjowl
@the-rat-wins @loftec @spoonfulstar @callivich @sam-loves-seb
@howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @softmick @burninface @sickness-health-all-that-shit
@sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lee-ow @themarchg1rl @vintagelacerosette
@xninetiestrendx @michellemisfit @steorie @samantitheos
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blankvort · 5 months
tangentially animal-related hcs 4 the mean girls crew bc i am now responsible for giving a goldfish daddy issues
inexplicably allergic to dogs and always in the first four stages of grief about it. don’t @ me about the medical semantics i just want her to suffer a little
tried to get a job at petco the second she turned eighteen but learned of the above information in the most destructive job interview since janis’s application to be the local coffee shop’s cool gay barista (they were worried that she’d swear at fighter-jet-takeoff volumes if she touched hot coffee) (she did, but only because they started playing a shitty pop cover of one of damian’s fave show tunes) and came out of the building a puddle of mucous and tears
grossly fascinated by the grossest of primitive functions. her insta page is all dope and authentic until you find a selfie taken using the back camera 0.5x with the corpse of an effervescent snail and a bunch of reels telling you how to narrow down what bird species are destroying your garden by the splay of their shit
has a miniature aneurysm whenever movies get stuff wrong about animals. artistic liberties are granted to janis alone. like sure if she’s in the theater she’ll sit through the movie fisting popcorn down her throat but as soon as she gets out of there the entire mall becomes a soapbox for dissecting the bullshit sexual dimorphism of giving female animals eyeliner
thus while i know the headcanon of her loving the lion king is basically canon i think she’s absurdly secretive about it. like she’s burying her merchandise and blu-ray copies under her bed in the dead of night while secreting more sweat than should be possible. she could come out to her parents and elope to antarctica no problem but liking the lion king which implies that lighter manes = stronger lions is a death sentence
probably got banned from a bunch of zoos for interrupting field trips 
had one of those angel/wolf/dragon/whatever hybrid phases as a kid like all good artists. did those like. not quite furry but not quite human animal art commissions on twitter for a while for the funnies but discovered a lucrative market and never turned back
does not know how to hold human or animal babies. like she’s good at taking care of them in terms of general physical and intellectual nourishment but that limp wrist is not supporting any necks properly
mercilessly makes fun of the whole “would you love me if i was a worm” trend. she doesn’t even love most humans what makes you think she has any answer for you regarding that other than that she’d turn you into a super deep art piece museums would purchase for exorbitant amounts
that being said she feels like a vivarium girlie to me. she’s nocturnal like a pillbug and post-canon constantly tries to convince the plastics that her pacman frog is poisonous
feeds her meticulously decorated ant farm gourmet meals every day. anyone else gets microwavable mac and cheese at best
this one probably won’t make sense unless you’re a jenny nicholson fan but she has a fake id for buying wine and turning the corks into those hallmark craft animal sculptures (and selling the open wine bottle to mrs george in back alleys)
his grandma owns the most omnicidal chihuahua in the state of chicago. it’s how he learned to dance with such mental and physical dexterity. how else would he have survived visits to the nursing home
^ attempted to adopt the chihuahua’s children to have his own bruiser woods moment. turns out, even with his classically trained tenor voice, puppies and janis respond to the “drop it” command much the same way. that is to say they do not drop it and the puppies ran away with ninety nine per cent of his anastasia-inspired music box memorabilia
has a love-hate relationship with cats the musical. like memory is one of his top ten karaoke songs but he’s not going to admit it until he’s several fruity seltzers into the night. wishes all the actors in the movie had been replaced with real cats picked off the street before anything else was approved
played milky white in a scammy local production of into the woods and so so so embarrassed about it. he had to be on stilts the whole show
stuck a fish in regina’s backpack sometime in sophomore year but found karen feeding it and talking to it about her worst fears and greatest dreams felt too guilty to continue with the next phase of his plan (sticking a very hot picture of janis in regina’s backpack) (karen probably would’ve tried to talk to the photo too)
musical specific but i think she didn’t Exactly do a matching animal costume with gretch and karen because 1) what can you dress up as when your friends are going as a cat and a mouse. cheese? 2) had cady not moved into the neighborhood, she’d have gone as a sexy lion to ease into the prospect of. you know. with shane oman but going as a sexy lion when your shiny new homoerotic frenemy has a lion pin on half her clothing isn’t quite a non-questionable choice
had a warrior cats phase she keeps under lock and key in the very depths of her closet. her closet is an iceberg of issues that goes shein -> homosexuality -> warrior cats and climate change is doing a number on it
fried a couple of janis’s ants alive with a magnifying glass sometime before middle school. she’s never flirted normally in her life
the bulk of janis’s furry commission clientele. she has so many emails for alternate accounts that she could get every american president ever suspended from twitter if national security let her. that’s including the dead ones
remember the nigh-rabid chihuahuas damian had. yeah she’s been raising those in secret for a few years now. mrs george doesn’t notice because regina hides them in her hair and extensions are, like, totally in or whatever
had a horse girl phase. all her drawings of horses came out like this meme tho. the art freaks nickname was born out of jealousy
chose to be a sexy cat for halloween to match with karen because she has no sense of identity. also because she remembers regina’s warrior cats phase
actually a guinea pig person. i’ve never met a guinea pig person but she feels like one. they’re both in dire need of daily interaction and likely polyamorous
but also peri-canon gretchen could not keep a pet alive she’d spend every cent of the wieners fortune on buying the animal’s love
speaking of. her family bought a stable to fuel “her” horse girl phase. she just wanted to make regina happy and couldn’t stay on a saddle if there was an escalator that plopped her right on the horse
cares about the puppy bowl more than she cares about the superbowl
instinctively pets cute animals. if they bite her then she deserved it
chose to be a sexy mouse for halloween because tom and jerry was having a media marathon and she’s into that sort of power dynamic
believes in unicorns more than she believes in horses. this is because she had a horse girl phase for the hottest of seconds before realizing that none of the ponies at the apache trail sale had horns and thought they had their horns cut off for aesthetic reasons
animals love her so much. survived a jellyfish attack because the jellyfish sensed she just wanted to pet something shiny and absolutely respected that. pests of all shapes and sizes evict themselves stat when karen says her mom doesn’t appreciate her hundred thousand dollar lotions being invaded by peril-bringing insects. strays follow her 24/7. gretchen is jealous (of the animals)
thinks tigers are very sick zebras
thinks blobfish are cuter when they’re all flesh putty out of their natural habitats but would also break into a zoo if she thought the animals were being mistreated
was banned from australia at the age of eight because she tried to have a sleepover in a kangaroo’s pouch
mean girls insta described him as a golden retriever so i’m also hcing him as being allergic to dogs <3 equality
becomes deeply fearful of all fauna after falling into a research rabbit hole for the sake of connecting with cady. what do you mean buffalo are some of the deadliest beasts on the planet and not just a type of chicken wing
kevin g
a preteen vsco girl in her granola advocacy era stuck in a teenage boy’s body. he has saved more turtles than any natucate volunteer by repurposing his rejected business cards to make a selfie stick long enough to stick him in the same selfie as gretchen wieners. the selfie stick has been in progress since daycare. he has also gone to the hospital more than any natucate volunteer do not trust this man with shop class equipment
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silly-inky · 1 year
Inspired of of Hisy-fit's (skulls-soul's) post about these two (link at the end of the post) and a few of these interactions where their ideas
TW: implied drinking/ alcohol consumption
So from the post itself we can see Peach is a lightweight
So I have a feeling that if peach is going to be drunk, Bowser is definitely going to join her. He’s going to be like “hey you wait until I catch up Princess"
But with his sheer body mass and regular champagne, the man would have to down like 20- 30 bottles if we are also contributeing to the fact he isn't human
Luigi and Mario ( Luigi and Mario are both married the respective drunk parties in this) trying to find out where did all the champagne bottles go walks into the dining hall that’s inside the mushroom kingdom to just find both peach and Bowser in us swimming pool of empty champagne bottles
Bowser: Look *hick* loooook Peach! Peach. Peeeaaachhh! Looook I'm floating in a sea of champagne!
Peach: that's *hick* nothing.. watch this! *gets up to dive but just faceplants on the floor*
Bowser: no waaaayy.. that's awesome! *does the same*
Peach: I'm going to steal Toads- tooadsswor- toadsworth? Yeah, toastworths glasses! and see if I can get Donkey to wear theeeem~! hehe
Bowser: I'll- I'll hold him down if he- if he doesn't coop- corp- .... c o o p e r a t e....Work with us!
Bowser’s: you think I could- you think I could get a kiss if I flirt with that guy (vaguely points at Luigi)
Peach: not as fast as I can- I can get a kiss from him(vaguely points at Mario)
Bowser: your..on Missy!!!
Just imagine poor Mario and Luigi just suffering because their spouses are flirting with them and being stupid but it’s also totally working and the only reason why they haven’t kissed the other yet is because they reek of alcohol, Mario relents bad gives Peach a quick kiss, before he can pull away however she pulls him in for a deeper kiss, after a minute she let's go and screams at Bowser
Peach: SEE! I kissed the handsome man before you~! "*in a very teasing kid like manner*
Bowser: Nuh uh! I saw you keep him there!!
Peach: still counts ya big scaly sore looser *sticks out young at him*
Bowser: now that is juussst rude.
For some reason, bowser and peach wake up in matching PJs (that reason being that they forced the seamstress to do so since there a team and they should match) and in the same bed because they wanted a slumber party
Luigi and Mario are making breakfast and there’s like a glass of water and migraine pills
Both peach and Bowser look ashamed because they ask the question “ what happened last night? everything kind of gets fuzzy after diving into the floor”
There is definitely not a video of them singing karaoke together that Toad took
Bowser’s singing the soft parts that have the vocalizations while peach surprisingly is doing the rap
She has the rap part of the certain song memorized to heart an it's hilarious in this form
At some point Bowser and peach sing a song that’s like for Mario and Luigi and the camera pans over to the two brothers blushing as well as tomatoes
I can imagine Bowser serenading Luigi with his immaculate singing voice he knows Luigi likes his voice when he's singing the deep parts of the song
Luigi starts giggling like a schoolgirl, while Mario’s over here teasing him
Peach: Looks like you've got a fan
Bowser: I know, I’m so going to ask him out.
Peach: aren’t you too married? *points to the wedding ring he’s wearing then to Luigi who is wearing a matching one*
Bowser: oh. My. Glob. You’re right! I’m the luckiest man in the world! I mean look at him!
Peach: I wish I was married, (proceeds to look at the wrong hand which has no ring)
Bowser’s pointing at Mario’s hand: Well it seems your crush is
Peach: NOOO *runs to Mario to grab his shoulders* YOU’RE MARRIED??? 🥺
Mario, trying to hold back, is laughter: yes? To you *he takes Peach's hand in his own, and with his free hand, pointed out the ring on her finger*
Peach: :O :D
Bowser’s in the background: mine is still better
Toad showed them the video while they where recovering, Both Peach and Bowser feel super embarrassed watching the video back. Before Toad leaves he makes sure to say
Toad: oh yeah and Peach, you asked Mario to marry you again
Peach: aw, well I guess that is very sweet
Bowser: what about me? Did I say something totally romantic? I mean I must have Green is keeps blushing every time he sees me
Toad: well... It was romantic in that sort of sense.. He sort of asked him if you guys wanted.. to.. Make babies..?
Bowser and Peach in stunned silence
Bowser: and what.. Did he say..?" under his breath he's promising himself to make it up to Luigi for that
Toad: I don't know, you'll have to ask him, he just sort of whispered in your ear and went back to talking with Mario, but whatever it was left you a blushing mess
Toad halfway out of the door: oh yeah, and your kids videod a lit of your shenanigans as well, don't worry, thankfully all the flirting stuff was done the karaoke parlor, which they weren't allowed into because of their last stunt they pulled in there
And with that Toad leaves the room
This absolutely kills Bowser as he wants to know what Luigi said, an Peach is very curious, so when Luigi comes in with some more water for them, Bowser asks Luigi, he whispers it to him an then leaves the room.
Peach turns to Bowser who has turned as red as he did last night
Peach: well?! What did he say??
Bowser: well let's just say that even though we can't actually make more kids, he wouldn't mind taking me up on the offer now that I've sobred up.
Peach: oh. My. Glob! That is amazing, hahahaha. You know we really need to hang out more like this, I'd love to share my juicy secerets if you share yours.
Bowser: I'd like that, but perhaps no alcohol next time..
Half an hour later the koopalings burst into the room "Dad! Aunty Peach! We've got something to show you!" They all then giggled as Iggy began to play a video he had taken with his phone
In the video you could hear Iggy talking to Mario who was out of shot
Iggy: pfft, you okay there uncle Mario? Looks like you've got a little something on your face
The camera then pans to Luigi, scrubbing at Mario's face with a washcloth trying to get something off of his face, with a closer look with the camera his face is covered in kisses left from Peach, you could tell it was her because of the signature pink colour
Mario: haha, don't get cheeky you little scamp
The video then ends. Leaving Peach as red as Bowser was before. Bowser let out a big harty laugh while wrapping an arm around her
Bowser: looks like I'm not the only one that was daring with my husband last night
Peach: hush..
Anyways hope you enjoyed and here is the post that skulls-soul made on their profile
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morningshush · 5 months
Sirius Black would absolutely have a love-hate relationship with ABBA — they are literally singing about his life:
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The album ABBA was released April 21, 1976, when Sirius was in his fourth year and he
1) finally kissed Remus:
So I made up my mind
It must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don’t know how
But I suddenly lose control
There’s a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, whoa
Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
(Mamma Mia)
2) told Severus to go to the Whomping Willow during a full moon…
Where are those happy days
They seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good…
So, when you’re near me, darling, can’t you hear me
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me, S.O.S.
You seem so far away though you are standing near
You made me feel alive, but something died I fear
3) realised the he loved Remus and told him:
Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe me
I love you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
I can’t conceal it, don’t you see, can’t you feel it?
So come on, now let’s try it
I love you, can’t deny it
'Cause it's true
(I do, I do, I do, I do, I do)
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The album Arrival was released October 11, 1976, when Sirius was in his sixth year.
First of all, he’s the dancing queen:
Night is young and the music’s high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
(Dancing Queen)
Secondly, he’s run away from home and Regulus joined the Death Eaters:
I’ve seen it on your face
Tells me more than any worn-out old phrase
So now we’ll go separate ways
Never again we two
Never again, nothing I can do…
Like an image passing by
My love, my life
In the mirror of your eyes
My love, my life
I can see it all so clearly
Answer me sincerely
Was it a dream, a lie?
But I know I don’t possess you
So go away, God bless you
You are still my love and my life
Still my one and only
(My Love, My Life)
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The Album was released December 12, 1977.
About Sirius and Remus:
I was an impossible case
No one ever could reach me
I'm a bashful child beginning to grow
And you make me talk
And you make me feel
And you make me show
What I'm trying to conceal
If I trust in you
Would you let me down?
Would you laugh at me
If I said I care for you?
Your smile, and the sound of your voice
And the way you see through me
Got a feeling, you give me no choice
But it means a lot to me
(The Name of the Game)
Also I have no idea if there were karaoke-bars in England in 1977, but in my head the marauders go to a karaoke-bar and they encourage Lily to go up on stage and do a song, which she is reluctant to but then caves in and starts singing Thank You For The Music with the loveliest voice and most enticing eyes and James m e l t s
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Voulez-vous was released April 23, 1979, the year Regulus dies.
Remus to Sirius:
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh, so sad, so quiet
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you’ve broken a feather
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Super Trouper was released November 3, 1980.
About Sirius and Remus:
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, andante
Go slowly with me now
I'm your music, I’m your song
Play me time and time again and make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, andante
Oh, please don’t let me down
(Andante, Andante)
In the summer of 1981, Sirius got sick of the war and decided to take Remus with him for a weekend in Paris:
The summer air was soft and warm
The feeling right, the Paris night
Did its best to please us
And strolling down the Élysées
We had a drink in each café
And you, you talked of politics, philosophy and I smiled like Mona Lisa
We had our chance
It was a fine and true romance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain…
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass
By the Eiffel tower
I was so happy we had met
We took the chance
Like we were dancing our last dance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand
Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day
Worries far away…
(Our Last Summer)
They toasted to many more summers like those, but it really was their last…
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The Visitors was released November 30, 1981. A month earlier, Lily and James were murdered, Peter disappeared and Sirius was imprisoned.
Sirius in Azkaban:
One of us is crying, one of us is lying
In her lonely bed
Staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead
One of us is shaking with a heart that’s breaking
One of us is lonely, one of us is only
Waiting for a call
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small
Wishing she had never left at all
(One of Us)
Do I really see what’s in her mind?
Each time I think I’m close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake, I let precious time go by
Then when she’s gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt I can’t deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go?
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Well, some of that we did, but most we didn’t
And why, I just don’t know
(Slipping Through My Fingers)
Knowing Me, Knowing You is Remus walking through Grimmauld Place after Sirius’s death:
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house
Tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye
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half-an-hour-hence · 9 months
Some random headcanons for the ghosts if they were alive today (part 3)
She works at the supermarket with Thomas, and is the most positive and popular employee they have. She always dishes out compliments to every customer, and wishes everyone a good rest of their day. Also she has stickers and badges all over her name tag and lanyard.
Kitty and Mary have an allotment together. They grow their own vegetables and make delicious meals with their produce. Sometimes they make too much, so they give some to their friends to try.
She absolutely loves to do karaoke. Whenever everyone gets together for a night out, they always end up in some karaoke bar because Kitty insists. She gets the Captain to sing 90’s hits with her. She is very good and very loud, and the other half of the duet kind of mumbles his way through the song.
Kitty watches romance movies and reads romantic novels and then posts her reviews on social media. She has separate film reviewing accounts on both Twitter and Instagram, and she also frequently uses Letterboxd (she gives almost everything she watches 5 stars)
Humphrey also came into a lot of money through his family, however in contrast to Fanny he doesn’t work. But he is rather good at painting portraits, which he sells online.
He has an on and off relationship with his girlfriend, Sophie. I like to think that although their relationship is tumultuous at times, it’s a lot better than it was in the canon universe. This is mostly due to Robin’s friendship with Sophie, and the fact that he sat Humphrey down and had a long conversation with him, which has resulted in the nice, peaceful time that the couple are experiencing now.
He lives in turtlenecks in the winter. And he wears stylish, expensive sunglasses all year round (mostly to show off)
He likes to have a coffee with the Captain in Annie’s coffee shop. They meet up regularly to have a chat about their love lives, their jobs, and other people’s business.
Pat still works at the bank, but he’s also a part time delivery driver, as well as a scout leader. Although it’s a lot of work, he loves all of his jobs and never complains (except for scouts. He complains about scouts a bit).
He often gets his friends to help him organise unique activities for his scout group to do. Mary helps with Arts and Crafts, the Captain assists with Remembrance Evening, Robin brings kid-friendly experiments to try on Science Day, and Kitty organises the end of term celebrations. Pat is always grateful for their help.
He used to be married to Carol, but they got a divorce when he discovered that she was cheating on him with his best friend. He gets Daley on the weekends and sometimes over the half term holidays, and he always insists on spoiling his son with outings and gifts.
Pat collects memorabilia from different shows/movie franchises/bands from the 80’s. He has a large collection that’s actually worth quite a lot of money, but he would never sell any of it.
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