#makai ouji michael
bloemrijk · 9 months
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Okay Asian companies, keep the Solomons coming. I actually would love to see the chaos of a cross over with these three men. It would be so chaotic with OM! Solomon being the cause of death for his 72 demons with his cooking, WHB! Solomon’s demons exhibiting a lot of abandonment issues, and MO! Solomon being able to do what OM! Solomon seems to struggle with.
Okay, to be fair to WHB! Solomon, he could also have a pact with Lucifer.
And I highly doubt there is enough fan artists/writers who are active in all three fandoms who would also engage with shenanigans with me.
Honestly, can we also point out that MO! Michael and WHB! Michael are downright terrifying?
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God’s law and temper? Damn right. They are pure rage personified. Satan, sit back and take lessons.
Thank god in WHB I can bully him.
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mysaldate · 5 months
Makai ouji fanfiction
So I was recently (during the last run of Folger's exchange) gifted two WONDERFUL Makai ouji fics and I need to share them with everyone in my circle who still loves this series!
On the off-chance that we were to meet again
Michael is forced to take a "vacation" on earth with his powers sealed and runs into Camio. Honestly? I left two comments so far and I will probably leave more in the future. It is SO good y'all! It has the good old classic "this is before Camio met Maria" like all the Camio fics with non-Maria ships used to have back in the good old days, it has omakes at the end, it's SO perfect!
Camio def has some unresolved feelings about his uncle kicking Lucifer's ass and things end a little awkward but honestly? That's what's so great about it! Please give it a chance even if Camio/Michael is usually not your cup of tea, it's a lovely bite-sized fic that manages to be filling for the brain and the shipping tingles.
He said: "a pretty bird, you can't sing; but i'll buy you diamonds and ruby rings"
More of a character study, relationship analysis if you will. Baalberith thinking about his relationship with Sitri and how he kinda fucked up but wouldn't change anything. Disclaimer says no romanticizing which I appreciate but with the way it's written, I doubt anyone would mistake it for that in the first place, despite it being from Baalb's POV.
Baalberith/Sitri is just a fucked up mess and that's the best part about it, but there's definitely something extra sinister about this one, about Baalberith admitting to himself that the reason he treats Sitri the way he does is specifically to taint him, to make him too broken to be desirable for anyone else. Absolutely incredible. Chilling in the best way. Chef's kiss.
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charmingicons · 3 months
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free to use.
credit not necessary.
[ download ]
note: these are old, just thought i'd share anyway!
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caelcstis · 2 months
i think it's sometimes easily forgettable how FUCKED heaven is in makai ouji if michael were to actually go to sleep. the main angels we see are primarily dedicated to the apocalypse (michael, uriel, raphael, gabriel and depending on what texts you read, zachariel is part of it as well). gabriel is dead, michael in delulu town: population ONE, thinking she's just sleeping until it really has to be smacked into him that she's dead, gone - not coming back, ashes, there's literally nothing in her COFFIN but a white lily (her nickname). uriel's half fallen, raphael couldn't give two fucks for the most part on politics bc he hates conflict and zachariel for the like FIVE SECONDS WE SEE HIM, seems to be the biggest prick and instigator next to michael and metatron lmao. IF MICHAEL SLEPT?? WHILE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WAS THE APOCALYPSE?? THERE WOULD BE NO BATTLE LMAO. THREE OUT OF THE SEVEN OF THEM ARE GONE, OUT OF COMMISSION, MORALLY CONFLICTED, AND THE OTHERS ARE??? USELESS LMAO.
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lifetrimmed · 3 months
Well I am back with more Makai ouji, a different character this time tho lol.
So you got Michael, THE Archangel Michael, right? My best boy. My beautiful darling. My amazing scrunkly. He is listed as a main character despite not even appearing until episode 8 in the anime/second musical/chapter 21 (volume 4) in the manga and having by far the least screentime of all the mcs (even some side characters get more lol). And ho boy is he something. So there's a rule in the MO world that the more powerful a demon/angel is, the more time they have to spend in limbo, sleeping. This sleep is a century long and comes about once every couple hundreds of years for high ranked demons. Michael. Never. Slept. He has such massive trust issues that he wouldn't let Heaven in anyone else's hands because everyone he once trusted is either dead, betrayed him, or is incompetent.
The original group was Michael, Lucifer, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael. Lucifer, obviously, betrayed him, that was the first problem. Then Uriel failed his orders because he got too attached to a human, thus betraying him too. Raphael has no interest in politics. Gabriel (a lady in this series btw) ate the apple of sin and had a child with a former pagan god which was the first strike as it's heavily implied Mich was in love with her, and then she died! And Mich is still in denial about it 2-3000 years later. Still holding on to the hope that she's just sleeping for too long and she will definitely wake up. He's constantly on the verge of disappearing because of his lack of sleep. Literally living on spite alone. And oh boy is he moody, insecure, and constantly lashing out... And!! It leads to even more people turning their back on him and betraying him! Which gives him even more trust issues and insecurities!! It's honestly so tragic to me because he needs help more than anything but instead he ends up spiraling even deeper down because of his own actions that were taken because of that spiral in the first place!
His former confidant is actively plotting to kill him, the other current leaders of Heaven (except Raphael who is still there, acting like he's high all the time) barely hold any respect for him, Uriel picked a human over him again, the woman he loved is dead AND her child looks like a walking copy of her (to the point where even Raphael has to do a double take to realize she didn't rise from the dead), there's a Heaven-wide conspiracy against him that actually comes to fruition later, he ends up exiled and barely holding on, having to rely on the same people who, more or less accidentally, set this all into motion, faith in him is waning all over the world, and if that all wasn't enough, the apocalypse is coming. And you know what, it never gets better. He doesn't really get a happy ending. He dies knowing he was never anyone's first choice, that he most likely won't be missed, just glad that at least he got to see a world where Lucifer died, even if just for a second.
And yeah, I did write him a tiny afterlife fic back in the days of the fandom being still alive where he met up with Gabriel and got to have his happiness, but then new chapters came out and wow!!! Gabriel was pretty shitty actually!!! I don't think Mich really knows the extent of it because he was very happy to offer her kid a chance to go home and visit her (denial be strong baby...) and all. I just want him happy. I want him to have genuine friends. He showed he can be so caring and protective and forgiving even to people who annoy him. Even to people who started his end without meaning to if they can't defend themselves. I know that seems like it doesn't match up with what I said about his personality but please!! He's such a broken and layered character!!
EYYOOO sorry I took a bit while... And I hope you don't mind me merging my reply for your two asks into one? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) And I pick this one to post cuz it's more tragic LMAO
Michael is the one who acts aloof and looks down on everyone in the anime isn't he? Mannn the characters with those traits always have the most depressing story jsgsjsgs
But that fic and the story update omg, If I were you I'd be so disappointed and crying oof (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
I remember some bits about camio from your rambles in the server~ Him having a wifey! The pizza classes with his not-boyfriend!! But for some reason the one thing I remember the most about him in the anime was when his face looked like a sad puppy when someone stroked his cheek HAHHAHAA ...It was camio right?? I hope I remember it correctly (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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usernamemybeloathed · 20 days
An update on what I am working on:
Home to Roost - I am very much in the editing phase of Alex’s dark night of the soul, and as much as I'm loving the angst with a side of hurt/no comfort, I cannot wait to get Kent in.
A crossover fic involving Michael (Makai Ouji) and Riddle Rosehearts (twst). It will be a one-shot, and I'm having fun writing it. Might take a while for this one to cook.
Eagerly awaiting the Inktober prompt from the Grapefruit Sky server. Hoping to do at least one. Here's a link to last year's effort, it's an Alex and Evelyn centric story about baking.
My other crossover fic, the Stardew/twst one. It's hit a bit of a block after chapter 1, and as longfics go I don't think it'll be the longest, but I like the ideas I'm having. Hope to get a new chapter up soon.
A story for a twst rarepair zine, which I am very excited to be contributing to.
Multiple ongoing wips, including a bad-ending hanahaki disease fic starring Sebek, a verrry dark Vil/Deuce/Epel (which might never see the light of day tbh), a Rook/Vil one shot in which I try to make sense of Book 5 and what their friendship/relationship looks like after that (imo it's too simplified in the story, but that's where fic writers come in), and to finally finish this Vil/Jack two-parter.
Oh, and it's college football season, so I'm going to be distracted, then likely disappointed. Last year was supposed to be lit. It was not. Week 1 and the team look good but who knows! #WeAre
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calimera62 · 3 months
Tag Game: Writing Pattern
Tagged by @allen-kunekune, thank you :)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Les meilleurs ennemis (Astérix)
Astérix observa avec amusement Jules César, dont les lèvres se tordirent dans une grimace confuse.
The Damned and the Blessed (Makai Ouji / Black Butler)
William was preparing himself to bed when he heard the sound of tree branches cracking. It was soft but distinctive.
Sac de plumes (Angel!verse de modocanis)
À l’instar de ses semblables, Asmodée était habitué à employer ruse et coups retords pour parvenir à ses fins. Telle était sa nature.
Atone (Makai Ouji)
Michael’s curiosity increased as days went by.
Le serment d'Hypocrite (Kaamelott)
Certains jours, Elias de Kelliwic’h n’était pas mécontent de travailler à Kaamelott.
Mauvaise rencontre (Percy Jackson)
Il était à peine vingt-trois heures lorsque Gabriel Ugliano quitta le bar Au Joyeux Marin de Montauk, le goût de la bière dans la gorge; loin de ressentir l’euphorie que lui procurait l’alcool, il ressentait une profonde frustration.
Thérapie conjugale (Angel!verse de modocanis)
Si la vie d’Abalam avait été un film, il y aurait eu un arrêt sur image au moment exact où le poing de la justice divine, en la présence de Michael, allait entrer en collision avec sa gueule, avec un gros plan sur la grimace d’horreur de celui qui allait se prendre une dérouillée et qui n’en avait que trop l’habitude.
Der Vampire (Tanz der Vampire)
Alfred woke up the next morning feeling rejuvenated: gone were the headache, the shivers, the dizziness, and the exhaustion, he was more alert and in very good health.
Du Désordre aux Enfers (Angel!verse de modocanis)
Uriel reposa sa tasse de camomille extra forte destinée aux troubles du sommeil et de l’anxiété sur son bureau, sans égard pour les documents qui y étaient entassés dans le plus grand désordre.
Light of my life (Cesare)
He was supposed to be a meant to an end, a tool to use restlessly before throwing away; things, he discovered, were not that simple.
I don't know if there's a pattern in the way I write or start my fics. If there's one, I can't see it ^^; However, it was fun to do!
Tagging: @modocanis, @naehja, @flo-nelja, @istadris, @garnetrena, @saemi-the-dreamer and whoever wants to do it!
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years
Hello. I just discovered your blog, and I wanted to ask you something regarding Devils and Realist. Mind you, I have never read the manga nor watched the anime. Is Dantelion a teenager or an adult? I'm asking because I've seen people ship him with William, who's 17, and from what I can gather, William seems to be a reincarnation of Dantelion's past master. I just hope that this isn't a Seb*ciel situation is all I'm saying.
Hi anon, welcome to hell, aka my blog.
I'm going to be honest with you there, it's questionable at best. I cannot give you a definitive answer on "is this ship morally acceptable?", but I want you to be able to figure that out for yourself, so I'm going to give you all of the facts as I know them. With minimal spoilers.
(However I can very easily say that this is not a Seb*ciel situation. We're not talking about p*dobait written by someone who depicts children in gross and undefendable ways at every single occasion. We're also not talking about content that can and has been used to groom children. So if your concern is about real life influences and consequences, don't worry- this is inconsequential compared to the disgusting sins of Kuro.)
So, what do we know about Dantalion/William?
Starting with the "this is weird!!" parts:
William is 17 at the beginning of the manga, and Dantalion thinks he's Solomon immediately. At that point it has already been implied (and guessed by William himself) that D and S were lovers. We never see Dantalion in his human (don't quote me on that the lore is messy) youth, and though his human form is supposedly of an appropriate age for the setting (17-18) it's barely different from his true form (yeah, the millennia-old one, which does canonically look youthful, but also if he's as scary as canon says he is I'm going to assume it's youthful as in under 30). Demons sort of canonically care more about age than physical appearance (I'm making this assumption based on Lamia. Dantalion seems to be the only one who minds.) which... complicates things. William is canonically a completely separate person (and soul) from Solomon, so yes that's a 17-18 year old, 100%.
Now the "I mean... I guess it works?" parts:
William turns 18 in the manga, and the most popular (and heavily supported by canon, with things like "Your soul should know") interpretation is that Dantalion only really likes William near the very end of the manga. You could even argue the only somewhat romantic thing between them happens in the very last chapter (but that's only if you don't count the countless moments when Dantalion misses Solomon so much William just has to witness his intense yearning). None of the romance is confirmed, the only person who's canonically attracted to Dantalion is Gilles (I refuse to add Lamia. It's depicted both too childishly and too politically to matter.) but even that is arguably not true and that's... a whole other issue I'm not going to get into right now. Makai Ouji is not a romance, the main plot is political intrigue with lots of occult BS.
And finally the "this could go either way but it needs to be considered and interpreted because it's relevant" parts:
This manga (and anime) is very queerphobic (this is not up for debate. dare question my words and I will get angry.) in many (unintentional, I think) ways and its "unapologetic" depictions of "in your face" queerness are bad (Gilles. he's so bad he makes Grelle look like good trans rep. and I love him but this is terrible.), but also it does not shy away from representing unhealthy relationships that could very much seem queer (Michael and Uriel are just one example among many). But it has always depicted Dantalion and William as healthy. (Which gave me whiplash reading the manga because Dantalion and Solomon were mutually destructive. The contrast is baffling.) All of the canon romances are m/f (Gilles/Dantalion is one-sided and only seen a few times. and again, could not be an actual thing). Lots of romantic tropes and typical subplots apply to Dantalion/William.
And my very simplified opinion (for your own peace of mind, or need to unfollow/block me):
ngl I'm just here to see Dantalion yearn for Solomon, some dead guy who never treated him right. Dantalion/William? whatever I don't fucking care I don't ship it. if you ask me (sorry if you don't get that reference), shipping them is like shipping inukag, but I was an inukyo bitch. (like sure, I could like the alive, currently canon version... but why the fuck would I? also similar age gap) I think the romantic moments are peak romance because the angst is spicy as hell. and Dantalion says the cutest shit (again, "Your soul should know" fucking haunts me, this dude wants Solomon to be there so fucking bad it's lovely and sad). but as I've said, it's technically not canon? like, even the gayest interpretation of Makai Ouji is that these hoes still don't date. honestly if Dantalion/William really bothers you it's still readable, just skip the very last page of the manga and you'll be fine? even the end isn't that bad. if you want to avoid questionable/triggering things in Makai Ouji this ship isn't what you should be worried about. worry about the homophobia, transphobia, (we're talking Kuro levels and above) issues of consent (but it is depicted as bad. there's just a lot going on.), weird amount of whiteness????, and other things. but again, it's readable, the anime is worse than the manga tho (it's really not that bad still).
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deathfavor · 10 months
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One of the key differences in Lucifer ( and what contributed to his pride ) was the concept of free will. Lucifer gained a strong sense of free-will that angels AREN’T supposed to have. Everything is supposed to be only for God, for Heaven, for orders, etc. They have some free will in that angels have likes and dislikes and things of that nature, but it tends to be a far more collective mindset so to speak. It’s for GOD’S will , for HEAVEN’S will. For Lucifer , it’s a very INDEPENDENT mindset. It’s what HE chooses and things, whether it agrees or disagrees with others and their ideas.
One of the many things that contributes to how Lucifer is different from the other angels in that he was often kept in the presence of God in the throne room. He was exposed to secrets and concepts and knowledge even Michael and other seraphs weren’t. Several different texts cite as Lucifer being surrounded by beautiful things that any mortal would desire, but he was almost exclusively kept to the throne room except for certain occasions such a dealing with problems or dances, and I personally include him in high ranking angel council meetings. As such, along with the constant exposure to God , the secrets and creations, the fact he was CREATED to be both wisest and most beautiful , Lucifer gained a sense of his own free-will beyond what God even knew of. And that free-will brought with it pride.
HE broke free. HE is his own being. He’s better than the others because he has his free-will ( and admittedly being more beautiful and created to be the best ). And that free will means he can change and choose to do what he wants , he can question things , have his own opinions. Independence. Independence that was never accounted for, never planned for.
And this is without even factoring in he’s the White Rider of the Apocolypse. Which , as Makai Ouji says , both serve God as his personal knights , but ALSO serve as a balance in that God cannot interfere with the Horseman (c. 91). It is why he couldn’t stop Lucifer from falling or act out, why Lucifer couldn’t be struck down when anyone else should be. It gave Lucifer divinity that could not be striped away or removed from him. Lucifer knew that and used it to his advantage to try to bring down Heaven, both in the rebellion as well as later when attempting to use Solomon’s soul to break his chains to God as a Horseman and as destroy God’s kingdom. He is destroying the current hierarchy , which he explicitly says when “ To put my role into words , it is to rid this world of God’s legacy. The world where God stands at the top will end , it will be reborn as a new kingdom with a new hierarchy. “ He sees his own plans for the Horseman, not just power balance.
Even fallen , he’s still chained in that he is a Horseman , and unlike the other 3 horsemen , he isn’t mortal. He is stuck with this burden as he exists unless he can escape. But his free will allows the manipulation of events by his hand like a game of chess. His free-will let him do these things , his greatest ‘ flaw ‘ was the free will , because the free-will led to his excessive pride , his own plans , his own thoughts and opinions.
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makaioujiimagines · 4 years
Hi Lexie! Good to see you again! Can I ask an one like that? That William Michael son and grows up in the heaven. Samael and his demons break in into the heaven, and Samael manages to kill Michael's son almost, but Michael saves it in the last moment. Thank you
Hey, I’m 5 years late, and I’m incredibly sorry. Really, I know this has been sitting in our inbox since back in 2015 when I was still active on this blog, and I’m so very sorry for not answering this. I don’t know if you’re still out there, anon, but if you are, please take my most heartfelt apology, and enjoy my (hopefully) improved English and writing.
The loud bang echoed all through the heavenly gardens. The sky itself shook and the field of white lilies went up in flames as the light, filthy air of hell started filling the area. William wasn’t quite sure what happened. Having grown up under Michael’s protective wings, he only knew demons from stories and fairy tales. He was not even permitted to visit the human realm just yet, let alone meet any of the creatures themselves. His days were spent peacefully studying in one of heaven’s libraries, accompanying his father to the seraph meetings, and watching after some of the gardens.
There was nothing about his life that could have prepared him for his current predicament.
He was thrown back by the explosion, his wings flapping uselessly in the thin air to try and give him some kind of support or at least slow down his involuntary flight but it hardly had any effect. His back hit the pillar of the gazebo where Gabriel rested hard and stars danced in front of his eyes for a moment. There was a searing pain in his lungs. One of his pristine white wings was in agony too.
Weakly, he raised his head to the source of the sudden intrusion. A group of… humans? No, they couldn’t have been. William has seen many humans in the Garden of Eden before. Humans didn’t have such malicious air around them. Humans didn’t have horns protruding from their skulls. And he certainly has never seen humans whose hands would be spitting fire and lightning. The realization came to him just a moment too late. One of the creatures – demons – was already strolling in his direction.
His relaxed pace and posture could have brought some relief to the pitiful angel if it weren’t for the frown settled on his face, the elaborate eyepatch that served as a proof of his previous victorious battles, or the dark and dangerous claws that were more animalistic than human. His frightening aura gave away that he was clearly no ordinary demon. A cold shiver went down William’s spine. He was well versed in magic and he trained with many high-ranking angels, but could he really hope to stand up to a demon like this?
Either way, it was no time to be sitting around. The blond sprang to his feet as fast as his dizzy head allowed him to. With a quick glance inside the gazebo, he confirmed the lily on top of Gabriel’s resting place was alright. Michael always spoke about her like she was the most precious thing to him. There was no way he could allow a demon to disturb her peace.
“You don’t seem familiar.” The demon suddenly came to a stop just a few feet away from him. “But you appear to be fairly strong. I wonder if you might be the reason for the sudden shift in power?”
He spoke in an amused tone, almost as if he were mocking him. Of course, he was likely much older than William, superior in every meaning of the word. But the young angel would not let himself be talked down like that by anyone. His hands sparked with gold as he returned the demon’s glare.
“I do not recall doing anything to shift the balance just yet. Would you like to be my first stepping stone to a higher rank?”
That drew a smirk on his opponent’s face, one that looked more than satisfied. Something sparkled in his one good eye for a second before he suddenly disappeared from sight. The angel relaxed. Surely the demon must’ve got scared by his determination! He was probably on his way back to hell where he would be safe.
William breathed a sigh in relief, completely missing the magic beam that was coming in his direction.
“Annoying pests…” Michael almost cursed under his breath before remembering they weren’t in the human realm this time around. No, instead those bothersome demons came to fight him in heaven, thinking they stood any chance at all. However, letting his frustration show would do no good. He let his sword disappear, looking over the last remaining bits of those filthy creatures trying so desperately to fight for their pathetic lives. He was lucky that not both Uriel and Jeanne were present at the moment. More and more he was starting to feel his strength running out. Though of course, he could still easily fight off a horde of lesser demons.
He kicked off the filth clinging to his feet and turned to Raguel who has just run up to report his findings. “So? How does one of hell’s armies get into heaven without anyone noticing them on the way?”
There was bitterness in his voice and it was obvious why. If the heavenly guard didn’t notice an entire legion of demons, there were clearly bigger things to worry about than just this one random attack.
Raguel bowed politely, keeping his distance from the archangel as he answered in a calm voice. “It appears they busted in through the lily garden. The gates remained tightly shut the entire time.”
Michael’s frown darkened. “Has anyone been there to confirm the damages?”
The slight twitch of Raguel’s wings didn’t escape him. Leaning forward, he took a hold of the brunet’s hair. His voice was calm this time around, only hiding the raging storm on the inside. “Is there a particular reason why that didn’t happen?”
“There is… a barrier. We can’t break it down no matter what we try.” The angel’s voice shook, his eyes squeezed shut tightly. “It appears to be young master William’s doing…”
All the anger suddenly dissolved. As if struck by an invisible hand, Michael stumbled backwards, away from Raguel and what he seemed to be telling him. He was tired. The fight before has exhausted him too much to take on whoever the leader of the demon legion was. Yet, there was no hesitation as he spread his wings and took off to the garden at a frightening speed.
He reached the garden protected just as Raguel has reported. But the formerly firm barrier was now flimsy and fragile. A single touch was enough for it to break. Michael stepped in fearing the worst.
The garden was silent. The light crackling of dying fire was the only sound filling the air alongside the smell of ash and the sweet scent of lilies. Dread settled in the pit of the seraph’s stomach. Has he come too late..?
Just then he saw them. William. And a demon choking him in the air in the lovely gazebo that became Gabriel’s grave. Michael felt numb. Was he going to lose another person so important to him? He drew his sword again, making his way closer. His head felt heavy and empty at the same time. Every step was exhausting as if he was using up the last bits of his strength. The demon noticed him only when he was almost right by them.
Already bruised and panting, it was a miracle he managed to dodge Michael’s slash, dropping William in the process. There was no mercy to be found in the angel’s eyes. This time, he would protect what was important to him.
When William came to, he was back home in his comfortable bed. Michael was sitting next to him, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. If he didn’t know his father better, he would���ve thought the other was sleeping. He wasn’t sure what to say – or if he should say anything at all for that matter. Instead, he only silently reached out to take Michael’s hand.
The archangel’s eyes snapped open at the sudden contact and before William could so much as blink, he was being embraced tightly by the albino. For a moment, he remained tense and unsure, but finally, he returned the hug, a few tears falling from his eyes.
“I’m sorry, I thought I could stop him, I just- I wanted you to be proud of me.” He murmured quietly, only feeling Michael’s hold tightening on him in response.
The chief angel shook his head then, finally pulling away and gently ruffling William’s hair.
“Of course I’m proud of you. In your whole life, there has never been a moment when I wouldn’t be thanking God for giving you to me.”
“But I made you worry!” William frowned a little, confused about Michael’s benevolence. Wouldn’t he be right to be angered?
“You’re silly, William.” When Michael smiled at him, he suddenly felt like a little child again. Though this time, not in a bad way. “Of course I worry about you. That’s a normal thing, not anything to be scolded for.”
A small moment of awkward silence passed as neither of them was sure how to continue such a conversation. Eventually, it was Michael who decided to speak up.
“So about that barrier of yours…”
“I didn’t want him to run off and make it even harder for everyone else.” William cut him off, avoiding his look. It made the father sigh as he gently took the blond’s face in his hands.
“I figured that was the case, and you did a wonderful job at that. But you must promise me to never do it again.”
There was another quiet moment, though this time, it was filled with warmth. William gave a nod and finally, even his lips turned into a small smile.
“I promise.”
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marstheluminary · 7 years
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a redraw kinda of that one chapter divider art, ya know that one
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mysaldate · 6 months
2, 5, and 18 for the violence ask game
It can be for any fandom you like
Let's go! *cracks knuckles*
2 – a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Let's do a few fandoms then! However, I will preface this by saying I don't usually have a strong top/bottom preference. Arguments, though, I can make!
TWST: Vil wouldn't bottom due to his deep-rooted trust issues (which are pretty justified tbh). I also feel like he has issues with control so him bottoming isn't very likely for me to see. Jade wouldn't usually bottom because he's a control freak and a massive sadist. I could maybe see him bottoming for Floyd or rarely Azul but other than that, eh, not really. Azul wouldn't top because first and foremost, I don't believe he would have sex with most people in the first place. And by the time he's comfortable enough about that, I believe he'd have enough trust (and ego) to let himself be pampered.
AFK Arena: Respen is absolutely a bottom, a bratty bottom but a bottom still. I don't have any deep or profound reason, I just don't see him topping. He's kinda too irresponsible and a bit lazy to top lol. Gavus is a bottom too. Anyone who doesn't see what a massive bottom he is never bothered to actually read about his character and just goes by first impressions. The gap moe is very strong with Gavus. He's a malewife, he's rash, he's emotional, he's irresponsible, he's way too hot-headed, and doesn't think about things enough. He's like the definition of a bottom.
Makai ouji: I don't ship Michael much, definitely not in a sexual way. That said, I'm going to say he wouldn't bottom because of his massive trust and control issues and his angry cat energy probably makes him a very selfish lover too. Not to mention my biggest ship for him is with Sitri, which leads me to... Sitri is not a bottom, he's the bottom. Boy is so submissive and timid and just... aaaaa
5 – worst discord server and why
Honestly, I don't know. There used to be one TWST server, not sure if that one is still up, but it had a very annoying rk/vl fan who took it upon themselves to "convert" me to a ship that was a literal trigger at the time, and would hijack every conversation I had with anyone in there to talk about that ship instead, and when I asked them not to, they ran to the mods and accused me of shit and because they were friends with the mods, I got kicked. There's also the server I first started playing DnD in where the DM, his wife, and their mutual friend would repeatedly try to SA my character and gaslight me into thinking I was the problem for not wanting that to happen to my poor poor girl.
18 – it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
TWST: Sebek. Everything about Sebby is amazing and people are sleeping on him because he's not conventionally attractive and has gap moe which apparently people are afraid of these days. Some also see him as a "rival" when it comes to Malleus, ugh. AFK Arena: Lorsan. No, Journey doesn't count, Journey sucks and did him so dirty. He's a precious little baby people-pleaser bunny and not a slacking idiot hated by everyone in his life. Fuck Journey. Makai ouji: Like... this series existing. People sleep on this amazing manga, it's so good, it's so perfect, it's literally so awesome. I need more fans please I beg of you go read the manga or even just watch the anime please.
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pandaacolor-blog · 7 years
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Miguel/Mikel/Michael (Makai ouji)
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candysweetposts · 3 years
Day 81
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Today's anime: Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
Character illustrated: Michael
I love every representation of the archangel Michael in media, but with this one, I have a love-hate relationship.
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nyctopheliiac · 2 years
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‘ now is not the time to be carelessly moving. above the ground, the executioners of god - the four horsemen, are moving. the four horsemen are knights directly under god and are executioners for the adjustment of population. with them moving, we are unable to do anything. it would mean going against our father’s rule. ’
makai ouji: devils and realist pillar 76
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winged-gentleman · 7 years
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A Michael for @cruelseraph uvu
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