#makes zero sense to me
sttoru · 9 months
not to go back to this convo bc ik we all sick n tired of these ppl but it’s kinda crazy to me how adults that write smut about the jjk minors will have ‘mdni’ as a warning every time…. like bffr yuuji wouldn’t even be able to interact with the sheer filth they’re writing about him 🫤 you’d think that would be enough of a reality check for them
cw. discussion. do you get personally offended by opinions? don’t read.
honestly, i have like three asks unanswered about aging up bcs i just forget to respond (and idk what to respond w) but this ask reminded me LOL anywaaay back to the topic; it is absolutely baffling. i’m not going to lie — me personally, i do not understand it at all: the concept itself in general is weird to me. i know they’re fictional, but just.. why? why do some adult / grown people have the need to write about that specific minor character. there are many other ‘adult’ characters to choose from.. i swear. i personally do not understand and never will.
i recently blocked one of those writers because they had it in their rules — that they interact, read and write dark content like ‘underage’ characters. (literally what it said). and ofc i find out they write smut for yuji and megumi (mind you, not even saying or putting an effort into aging them up). but okkkk. i blocked em and left em alone in their own space. that’s the best you can do as well 😵‍💫
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Reason 156853214577 why Netflix are the worst - cancelling Lockwood and co after 1 season.
It only needed a second season to finish adapting the books. This is Julie and the phantoms all over again 🤬🤬🤬
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plantdad-dante · 6 months
Book #150 - The Last Days Of Judas Iscariot by Stephen Adly Guirgis
(yeah, sorry, this is just a bunch of rambling.)
The author emphasises very heavily that this play is him contemplating faith and religion, and it kinda provoked me to do the same. So, uh, here goes (don't come at me).
I don't really have a need for Faith, personally. I never really understood the feeling, or found it in myself. That's just how it is. But I get that other people do. And I get that it's a valid way to engage with the world, no matter my personal relationship to it. Like, getting all up in someone's case about it seems weird and invasive and mean? Which is why I don't really like the "atheist" label, either. Calling myself an "atheist" feels like proclaiming that I have an interest in the question, that I have skin in the game, a point to argue for. And like. No, I do not.
I just listened to my "Religions" teacher in elementary school and silently asked myself why we were talking about Christianity, when apparently there are other religions, too? That apparently believe in different things, and have different holidays, and even - gasp - different gods? Sometimes multiple??? Wow. Mind blown, why are you still on about Jesus, I wanna learn about Islam and Buddhism and what holidays they have!
Like. Maybe I was just beaten with the Cultural Ubiquity sledgehammer that is Christianity around these parts (Europe) one too many times, but it never seemed plausible to me that there is, like, one religion that is completely right about the world and all the others are wrong and will somehow draw the shorter straw in some indeterminate future scenario. Somehow.
Idk, never made sense to me.
Any god is as true as any other, to me. And please take that as you will and leave it at that, because most days, I just find the question of "but how true" exhausting and immaterial to my situation. I don't care! But you better apply it equally.
Do I make sense? Doesn't really matter, I suppose. I liked this play. Scratched the itch next to the JCS itch I get every five months or so (Is it my favourite musical? No, not by a long shot. Do I chew on it like a rabid dog every time it makes its way through my brain? Absolutely, yes.)
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oobbbear · 9 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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threebea · 6 months
Plo: whoops, how clumsy of me I have dropped some inappropriate (wink) literature in the workplace, but zounds! I am needed in the next room. I hope no one accidentally picks it up and reads it! (Hurries off leaving suspicious pamphlet on the ground)
Fox: is your General trying to sneak you porn? (Takes nonplussed sip of caf)
Wolffe: no he's trying to get us to unionize.
Fox: (spits out caf)
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buggachat · 1 year
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Part 178 of my bakery “enemies” au!
baking montage!
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galedekarios · 1 year
the audio to the bugged / cut conversation about gale's mother morena dekarios:
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hydrachea · 8 months
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Do you think god lives in fear of what they've created.
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almond-gallery · 8 months
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operationandre · 1 month
cal having depersonalization-derealization disorder.
throughout zero day, we observe cal zoning out, hesitating, or not understanding certain places or things. in the final words and when they’re building the pipe bombs, he stares at the ground a lot. he seems as if he’s trying to ground himself, to make sure everything is real around him. when he’s making his own tapes, he has weird pauses between his words in unnatural places. he also struggles to understand the consequences of his actions and how to read certain events like in the poetry scene or how he acted before and after prom.
a very significant moment is right before zero day when andre tells cal he couldn’t have done this with anyone else. cal takes almost a minute to fully answer him and his eyes are transfixed on the gun he’s loading. he even messes up the wording. the entire time we see cal, it’s like he’s in a dream.
while these things by themselves don’t seem like much, they paint a picture when joined together. cal doesn’t see himself as a real human. he struggles with seeing other people and things as real. it’s part of what gives him the grandiose ideas that allowed him to plan for zero day. he mentions how people used to duel in the past and the “code of the samurai.” nothing he says is in relation to himself or to his surroundings.
cal thinks of himself as an entity, of something greater than matter and greater than gravity. he is something he can’t touch. he is something that can’t relate to the world around him. he is so detached that he cannot touch the ground.
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
Max and Daniel meet at a club and have a one-night stand. That's the plot. Not as much smut as one would think.
cw: not too graphic sexual content and mentions of alcohol (but neither of them is drunk)
Daniel watches from the bed as the guy comes out of the bathroom and starts pulling his clothes back on. He almost stumbles while slipping into his skinny jeans, and it should be funny, or maybe awkward, how clumsy he is with it, but Daniel can't help feeling a little bit charmed. Just as he had been charmed by his blunt advances in the club, and the way he had laughed too loud at Daniel's bad joke in the car.
He wasn't supposed to be charmed.
Well, to be honest, he wasn't supposed to be in this situation at all. He doesn't usually go to clubs alone, he isn't that young and horny anymore, but he had needed to feel the bass in his lungs and the alcohol in his veins after a few long, awful days, so he had chucked on a shirt and some pants and found his way somewhere he was hoping he wouldn't get recognised. He had ended up in a small club on the other side of the city, and it had taken him a sparkly drink and two dance offers to realise he maybe still was young enough to have fun.
It had taken Max to make him think that maybe he was also horny enough.
Max had slid behind him on the dance floor, large palm against his hipbones, turning him around to throw him a wide smile, eyes crinkling and sparkling in the low lights.
Daniel wasn't planning on going home with someone, but Max had guided him to grind against him while they were dancing, and then kissed him wet and open right there in the middle of the crowd, and Daniel had lost his mind a little.
Daniel had thought about asking him to go to Max's place, he didn't like inviting strangers into his house, but Max had slipped a hand under his shirt to touch his sweaty skin and asked "take me home?" and Daniel had.
Max had chatted and laughed in the car, a hand firmly planted high up on Daniel's thigh, until Daniel had stopped pretending he was following whatever he was talking about and tugged him into a kiss. He didn't like kissing people, kissing men, somewhere he could be seen so easily, but Max's lips had been red and full and Daniel had wanted it.
Max had taken his shoes off at the door and Daniel had felt a tug somewhere too high up and on the left to be his gut. Max had kissed him like he wanted to eat Daniel whole, but touched him like Daniel had been something precious. He had taken him apart more easily than a one-night stand was supposed to.
Daniel never bottomed with strangers, but Max had been hovering over him, eyes so bright and intense, hands playing with the band of Daniel's underwear, and Daniel had let his legs fall open before Max could even ask what he wanted.
Max had still asked and Daniel should have known he was making a mistake. Because when he had come, Max's hand around him, Max's dick inside him, something had been rearranged inside him, something had dramatically shifted. Or maybe it had happened earlier, when Max had pressed a kiss against his stomach while opening him up. Or when he had closed his teeth on Daniel's bottom lip in the car. Or earlier still, in the club, when Max had told him "you look pretty, Daniel", voice rounding his name weirdly.
And now he is watching Max getting ready to leave, feeling like his world was tilting, and he was supposed to learn how to live with that.
He watches as Max shrugs his black t-shirt back on, trying uselessly to smooth out his hair a little, hoping he doesn't look as desperate as he feels to ask him to stay.
Finally, Max pats his pockets to check for his phone and wallet, and then looks up, smiling at Daniel with the same lips that had been pressed against his pulse point not twenty minutes ago.
How did Daniel end up like this?
"That was fun," he says, smile too practiced to look fake. Hopefully.
Max's eyes seem to soften and he nods, crossing the space to the bed again to press a kiss against Daniel's cheek.
"It was good, Daniel." He says it like it's not just Daniel's name, but like it means something more, something Daniel doesn't know yet. Something he'll probably never know, now.
Daniel is expecting him to leave then, is ready to curl up in bed and go to sleep without even showering, disgusting as it is, just to keep their smells together a little longer, a pathetic thought to have about a one-night stand, but one nobody will have to know. And yet, Max hesitates, a hand coming up to rub at his neck, tug at his hair.
Something scarily close to hope starts to fill Daniel's lungs.
"I don't want to, uh, be that person," Max starts, stilted and awkward, ears red. It's the first time Daniel seems him embarrassed, and he wants to lick the blush right off his cheeks. "Could I maybe give you my number?"
Daniel is looking for his phone even before Max has closed his mouth, ignores him as he giggles when Daniel lunges out of bed to grab his abandoned pants, raising his phone in the air like a trophy. Max is fully laughing by the time Daniel hands it to him, but Daniel doesn't care anymore. He already can't wait to call.
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pompadorbz · 8 months
OK SO HERE'S THE RUB. I think that as it currently is, the base uniform for hope's peak looks boring as shit to me. like. yes. it is very customizable and versatile and when they DO stuff with it then it usually looks great. BUT for such a prestigious school I think there could be just a tiny bit more flare to it. So before making any design I made some changes to the hope's peak emblem itself. The design is fine on its own, but I thought it could add to it if i gave it a couple of colour variants, so this is what I came up with!
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Each variation belongs to a specific group, with the coloured versions belonging to the student groups. For the sake of this were just gonna focus on the student emblems so like. ignore the other 2. Here are the uniforms themself!
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I wanted to give a BUNCH of options that range from totally normal to. fashion crime territory if you arent careful. The solid orange options are by far the least popular ones, and the reserve course is really just hung out to dry, unless you want orange pants with a black blazer. I imagine that there are so many pieces because not only can hope's peak afford it, but they have had this consistent issue for years where the one thing they just cannot keep straight is a dress code. So as a result, they allow students to mix and match all they want, so long as they're wearing the emblem to SOME extent. try as they might, they can't enforce the school colours as much as theyd like to.
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fisheito · 5 months
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i am thinking about. From the Earth, Nectar
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
a 2 act tragedy starring me: i’ve been making fruit smoothies in the morning for a few days which has been great because it’s getting me to actually eat fruit for once, only to go on the internet and be told that it apparently releases all the natural sugars so it's actually Not that great for you and i am devastated
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lionfission · 1 year
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Posting this assortment of doodles and WIPs before they get buried in Procreate and die in obscurity 💀
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whynotimtired · 3 days
I don't want to be mean but you all sound batshit when you try to convince milkvans byler is real by talking about pure subtext and color theory and "Mike was checking Will out in this scene!!!" there's CLEAR plausible deniability in your own interpretation of someone's acting. The duffers intentionally kept it all vague enough that most people wouldn't figure it out until they get the chance to shove it into people's faces and if the majority of people look at the scene you're analyzing and go "aww they're finally friends again yay" and you go "Mike was blatantly checking wills ass out in the beginning" when...he was taking a breath to settle and prepare to reconcile with someone he's been "off" with for a year... you end up sounding a little insane. Those types of takes are subjective, and you can make a funny video with zooms implying that that's what he was doing but actively trying to convince someone your headcannon is canon will almost always make you sound deranged.
There's a reason you don't go up to milkvans and go "b-but blue meets yellow in the west" and start talking about the intricacies of making film and how everything is on purpose, that stuff isn't for normies. Analysts love that shit but to someone who just watches the show for fun they hear you say all that and go "you're reaching" because you took someone who is at a zero and shoved them into a thousand without showing them why you ACTUALLY ship byler and just tried to prove that it's real
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