#maki; fresh fruit
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Transmasculine Apple White pride edits!
Still open for headcanon requests and now you can request pride edits for a specific character like this.
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monzamash · 3 months
to be loved — carlos sainz
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carlos sainz x you — “i can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me.” requested by @dancininseptember masterlist
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The short stroll from your office to the apartment never really bothered you. In fact, you typically enjoyed the fresh air and the chance to enjoy the city you loved. But it was early February; rain was threatening the Spanish skies and the frost bitten breeze stung your already tear-filled eyes. It was a crappy end to an even shittier week, your energy wasted on people who didn’t deserve it.
You practically flung yourself through the door of the apartment and shed all remnants of the day – coat, beanie and scarf, all strewn haphazardly, and in that order, on the floor of your small entryway. It took every ounce of energy you had to kick off your heavy boots, each one hitting the wall much harder than you intended. Maybe it was an unconscious way for you to let out frustration, the scuff marks on the white wall a stark reminder of your last straw.
The smell of fresh bread and bolognese sauce hit you as you slunk down the hallway, your tummy grumbling on instinct. You hadn’t eaten since yesterday, a terrible habit you had fallen into lately and Carlos had noticed. He was home more during the cooler months, easily picking up on your little habits that both endeared and worried him. So he made sure, while he was close to you, that you came home to a warm meal every night – because looking after you was his calling in life.
“That smells incredible.”
Carlos briefly glanced over his shoulder and gave you a bright smile before turning down the stove and grabbing a washcloth to clean his hands. You loved him like this; soft and relaxed, in his element. The kitchen was his playground and you remember the sigh of relief that left your lungs when he told you he loved to cook on your first date, because you weren’t particularly gifted when it came to the pots and pans.
“Hope you’re hungry,” He sang, circling the island in the middle of the kitchen to say a proper hello to his beautiful girlfriend, “How was your day?”
A rigid sigh fell from your lips as you fell into his arms, the loving embrace triggering tears to spring to your eyes for the third time today. Carlos held you tight and brushed his hands down your back, comforting you through the sobs wracking your aching body.
“Ay, mi amor,” He soothed, “Breathe for me please.”
Carlos guided you through a couple of deep breaths, chests rising and falling together in synchronicity until your sobs subsided, air finally filling your lungs again. A tight squeeze around your waist brought you back to the man holding you in his arms, worried eyes searching yours for a sign that you were okay as you pulled back and gave him a soft smile.
“I’m okay, I’m sorry.” You sniffled, head shaking.
Carlos tutted as he thumbed away the trail of tears from your face, “Do not say sorry, my love. Talk to me…”
Anger replaced sadness as you told him about how your sister had completely disregarded your feelings for the millionth time, accusing you of only caring about yourself while she’s all alone and stressed about wedding planning. Carlos has managed to get you to sit up on the counter beside him while he finished dinner, but not before pouring you a glass of red wine to nurse while you purged all the negativity from your day.
“She called me a bitch and then uninvited us from the wedding, which by the way I didn’t want to go too to begin with,” You huffed, hands animatedly flying around while he tried to keep up with the drama.
“And all I said to her was that work has been stressful and that us trying for a baby hadn’t been… fruitful, I guess. She flipped out when I said that because her dickhead fiancé doesn’t want kids and she thinks she can change his mind…”
You took a sip of wine and noticed Carlos' eyes rolling like they always did when the topic of your sister came up. He was as sick of her shit as you were, unapologetically scoffing at her selfishness. Making you feel bad when all you needed was someone to confide in was one thing, but lashing out on you was something he couldn’t stand by and watch. He knew he couldn’t do anything right now; maybe he would make a stern phone call tomorrow once the dust had settled.
So instead of getting upset, he put down the wooden spoon coated in the most delicious sauce you had ever tasted and nestled himself between your swinging legs. His warm chocolate eyes stared into your soul as he planted his palms on your thighs, tethering himself to you.
“You know I can take care of you, mi vida,” He said, voice deep and barely above a whisper, “No matter the problem, you won't need anyone but me, I promise.” 
For the first time in weeks, you felt your heart slow down and return to a normal rhythm as Carlos pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You softly moaned in unison and gripped the grey shirt hanging loosely from his shoulders, pulling him in closer – not that he had any plan on going anywhere.
No, all he wanted was for his girl to feel heard and to be loved because all he needed was you.
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a/n — loved writing carlos again. inbox detox is still open !!
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dog-gerz · 1 year
Genin Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Sakura, Rock Lee accidentally kissing the reader
Aaaa this is so cute!!!
Dear anon, you are now my favourite for requesting thisss 🥺💖✨
Warnings: very romantic and fluffy you’ll literally explode. Sasuke may or may not be ooc???? Idk skskksks
A/N: I changed Sakura's a little bit, i thought an indirect kiss kind of situation would be cuter for her!
It was another day of dumb low rank missions that had him bored and annoyed to the point of almost losing his mind. He was itching for a fight, a good rescue task or whatever that could give him a sense of action and could shake off that lethargic feeling off his body. He also wanted to show off to you whom had been paired up with him that day. To say he had a crush on you was an understatement. He was most definitely head over heels for you and the only thing he wanted was to look cool… and he wasn’t gonna make it while helping villagers to harvest their crops or rescuing lost pets.
It was then, when you two were taking a break that he had what he believed was a brilliant idea to show you what he was made of. Both of you were resting under the cold shade of an apple tree and the fresh fruit was what you craved the most in that moment. “Did you know that the fruit that grows higher is the most crisp and fresh one? Let me show you.”
Feeling overly confident and making use of his newly learnt chakra flow abilities, he ran through the bark of the tree, quickly reaching the top, and standing upside down in one of the branches. Looking smug, he crossed his arms. You were looking at him amazed, but also worried at how dangerous the action looked. “Be careful! An apple is not worth you getting hurt!” It was cute how you cared about him, that made him feel even braver. “Don’t worry! I’m a pro at this!” He didn’t even finished his phrase when a loud crack erased the smile off of his face. It took him seconds to fall, together with the tree branch, on the ground. “Oh my god! Are you okay?” Quickly, you rushed and kneeled next to him, he had fallen hard but luckily a pile of fallen leaves had softened his landing. Still, he hit his head a little too hard.
With great care, you nestled his head on your thighs, cushioning him and checking for serious injuries. He suddenly felt embarrassed, after all, it was the first time you two were that close. On a whim, He didn’t calculated the distances right and rose up fast, knocking heads with you, crashing his lips against yours on the process.
It was completely accidental, yet it felt like heaven. How sweet your lips tasted, how soft they felt against his own. He swore they were like feathers, or the delicate touch of the wings of a butterfly.
Blushing furiously, he avoided your touch like you were burning him, apologizing profusely. But it was the dreamy look in your eyes that made him think that perhaps you liked it… cuz he’d be lying if he said he hated it.
Nervously, he looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting his bandana, his hair and his clothes for the millionth time that afternoon. He wanted to look his best, and being ever the perfectionist, it didn’t matter how many times he stared back at his reflection, it still wasn’t right.
Despite that, he had run out of time and the knock on his door made it obvious. A familiar voice on the other side called out for him and fed his anxiety. “Oi, Sasuke, come out! The others are waiting for us!” Yelled his energetic orange friend, waiting for him outside.
It was festival day in Konoha and all the young genin had agreed to go around the stalls together to then watch the fireworks at the end of the day. He wasn’t really into that kind of stuff, but as soon as he heard you and your team were coming too, he almost jumped and joined the party.
They all met up outside of the academia to walk downtown together… and there you were, all dolled up, looking gorgeous on your kimono. You greeted him with a smile and walked right next to him, making small talk about what you were most excited to eat and enjoy.
The atmosphere was great, festive, lively. The sweet smell of the candied apples and choco bananas and the warmth of the fried food filled the air, making your stomach grumble.
Of course you rushed to one of the food stalls with a sweet treat in mind to share with your friends. It was a box of Pocky that caught your attention, so you quickly bought it, happily hopping back to find your place next to Sasuke.
He wasn’t fond of sweet stuff, but he couldn’t say no when you cutely held one of the chocolate sticks to him, jokingly placing it on your mouth, signaling him to take it from you using his own mouth. It was in a sudden rush of confidence when he obliged and bit it off almost completely, placing his lips on top of yours for a faint moment, that felt eternal for him.
If he had a ryo every time he had kissed someone on accident, he’d had exactly two, which is not much, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
The soft feeling of your lips and the sweet taste of the chocolate lingered on his mouth for the rest of the day.
It was no secret that you liked Neji, everyone knew… everyone but him. He was adorably oblivious and that made you desperate but also, you found it terribly cute.
The truth was he liked you too, but he’d walk through hell barefoot rather than letting you know. Could he be blamed? He was stoic as a statue, talked to you as if he was talking in riddles, and trained most of the time, to actually show he felt something for you… or that he felt something at all. He was scared of being vulnerable and laying his soul bare for you and get rejected in the worst case.
That’s why your friends had to take the matters in their own hands and plan something so one of you could confess their feelings to the other.
It wasn’t perfect, it was improvised at best, but it was all they had. They all put it into work some day where you all agreed to train together and hoped for the best.
The makeshift master plan consisted in somehow placing you together during the train session, give you a little time alone so somehow you'd end up confessing or something, and gift both of you with a happily ever after. It was so dumb and childish, but again, it was the best idea out of a sea of terrible ones.
So they made it work, and the initial phase was a success. They managed to put you together and give you some private time... but what they did not expect was the complete and cold silence that installed between you as soon as you were left alone. Neji stayed as quiet as a rock, as he always did and you were so terribly nervious that you didn't know what to say. To you, the young Hyuga was like a complicated puzzle, almost imposible to solve. It made you anxious to never know what was going through his mind.
This, of course, made everyone else groan and facepalm colectively. How could two souls be so obviously in love and at the same time be so oblivious about it?!
"Ok, enough, i've had it!" Yelled Naruto in frustration, walking towards you and him, against everyone else's protests and claims for him to stop. He ended just pushing you, desperate for you to actually do something. What he did expect? not even him knew that, he was so frustrated that he didn't even think about the consecuences.
Neji reacted fast and catched you so you wouldn't fall, but all his stoic demeanor crumbled when he felt something soft and warm resting against his lips. Thanks to Naruto's careless action, you two had kissed accidentaly.
Let's say that it was more than enough to break the ice between you two.
Spring came by, and with its delicate blossoms, the opportunity for love was also born. This way she mustered all the courage she had and invited you on a date.
She wanted to show you the pretty cherry blossoms that inspired her name, in full bloom, spend some time with you and maybe even hold your hand!
That afternoon you strolled between the trees, walking slowly through the petals that danced in the wind. Of course they were pretty, but non of them compared to the sight you had in front of you, because she was the pretiest flower you had ever seen.
On the way, you both bought a sweet bobba tea drink and sat on a bench to enjoy the scenery.
She was cute, a little bit shy, while talking to you, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make a move and place her hand on yours. She felt nervous but oh so brave, specially when you looked at her like there was no one else in the world.
You, noticing how fidgety she was, suddenly felt sly and leaned on her, close, very close, and removed a playful petal that had tangled on her silky pink hair. After that, you leaned even more, and she was ready to let it happen, catching her breath on her throat in anticipation. She ended leting out a loud sigh when you, mischieviously, wraped your mouth around the plastic straw of her cup, having a taste of her sweet drink.
Sakura blushed furiously after noticing your smile after what you had done, feeling both angry at your smugness and incredibly embarrassed. Why did an indirect kiss felt even more corny than the actual thing?
Rock Lee:
Lee came to you one day with a new idea for training. He was constantly pushing his limits and aiming for perfection, so it wasn't rare for him to come up with weird training techniques to improve himself.
And of course he dragged you along when trying them all.
That's how you ended up in the training court, blindfolded and completely lost.
"Okay, this new technique will sharpen our senses and prepare us for even the most hard to read attacks!" he explained to you full of excitement, also blindfolding himself. You, confused, started to blindly walk, extending your hands to the air so you wouldn't bump into a tree or something. "I'm not sure about this, Lee... Is it really gonna work if we can't see anything?" You asked, wobily making your way without even knowing were you were going.
He assured you that he had everything covered, that he'd take care of you. His senses were sharp, but yours not so much. You ended up wandering in the court, completely lost meanwhile he gave you vague instructions to find your way and actually participate in the training.
Not so fun now, right? You made grabby hands, trying to follow his voice, trying not to laugh but at the same time promising your self that you'd totally strangle him as soon as you found him. And you didn't imagined you'd do so soon, bumping hard into him, grabbing him by the clothes trying not to fall and dragging him along with you.
You ended up falling with him on top of you, completely blind and with your lips crushed together.
It was an accident, totally not expected, but completely welcomed by him, of course. You never imagined your first kiss would go like that.
I totally cracked my head open writing these lmaoooo I wanted to make them long so I really hope you like them!
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linkdedruid · 10 months
can we get a college au study date with nobamaki/gn reader? some cute fluff, sharing snacks, some light physical touch like leaning against them :>
I just did some headcanons because I'm not 100% confident in my characterization! This is my first time writing both of these characters, but I really enjoyed it! Hopefully, I did them justice!!
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Study dates are very common with you and your girlfriends!
You have a certain table in the back corner of the library that's your favorite
It's isolated, but you still have a nice frosted glass window to let in some natural light during those long study sessions
Occasionally, one of you will be done studying before the others and snuggle up to the other two since the library is so cold
The all-nighters you've pulled where all of you end up asleep with you heads either in the table or resting one each other's shoulders are too many to count
Nobara is a cosmetology major
Maki is a criminal justice major
You all met in the mandatory freshman class for College Skills
You bonded over all the stupid group project you all got randomly assigned to do together.
Snacks and drinks are a must have when you're spending hours in the library
Nobara prefers sour candies like sour skittles and warheads
Nobara like aloe drinks and sparkling flavored water
Maki prefers to make her own nutrient-rich trail mix (and makes sure it won't leave residue that'll get on the pages)
Maki sticks to filtered water with fresh fruit slices in it
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wisheduponastar · 10 months
Confessions over breakfast (691 words, M/M)
For Day 26 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Fake Dating
Shuichi isn't sure why he signed up to Danganronpa : Salmon Mode. But he has been enjoying his time here, even if it's only because of a certain someone. And after he's barely awake, that certain special someone brings Shuichi breakfast.
Read on Ao3 or below
Shuichi still regretted signing up for… whatever he had signed up for. In fact, had he even signed up for ‘Danganronpa - Salmon mode’? He honestly couldn’t remember doing so, and it wasn’t exactly like Monokuma was a trustworthy source of information. Especially considering how odd the bear was… and how he seemed to defy all technological common sense. Even the Ultimate Inventor seemed surprised by his existence.
But this place hadn’t been too bad, so far. People had actually started to make friends. It was fairly obvious that Kaito and Maki liked each other, even if they didn’t exactly admit it. Other people had made friends as well, Miu and Keebo had been hanging out together - and he had actually found friends in this place as well; Kaede and Kokichi. Although, of everyone, he’d certainly been with Kokichi the most - out of everyone at least. They’d had a tea party together, played rock-paper-scissors for almost an hour, and Kokichi had even stabbed himself (maybe accidentally).
So when there was a sudden knock on his door, Shuichi could immediately tell who it was. Straightening up slightly, Shuichi called out, “Come in, Kokichi.”
“What if I’m not Kokichi?” the person at the door called out, before opening it. It was Kokichi, of course, with a large grin on his face and food in hand, “How d’you always guess it’s me?”
“You knock… very uniquely.”
“Aww, you pay that much attention to me?” Kokichi waltzed over, placing down the tray of food and then sitting on Shuichi’s bed, legs dangling off it, “I’m flattered.”
“It-it’s not that.” Shuichi said, averting his eyes slightly as he looked towards the desk instead. The tray Kokichi had brought up was surprisingly packed, with quite a bit of variety. Some more healthy breakfast options with yoghurt and granola, even some fresh fruit, and then also pancakes - and more traditional japanese cuisine.
“I suppose you memorising my knock is a detective thing as well as a obsessive lover thing,” Kokichi mused, “Kirumi made everything, by the way.”
“She did?”
“Well, I prepared the yoghurt and granola.” Kokichi suddenly pouted, “Apparently cause of the knife game, I’m not allowed around knives anymore.”
Shuichi let his eyes wander slightly to the finger Kokichi cut himself on, remembering the fear he felt when Kokichi cut himself. “Maybe it’s for the best?”
“Nuh-uh. Noooo way,” Kokichi darted up suddenly, taking some fruit before sitting back down, “Will you steal a knife for me Shuichi?”
“Absolutely not.”
“My beloved won’t even do it for me?” Kokichi’s eyes began to mist with tears, “Waahhhhh! You’re all so horrible!”
“Have a pancake.” Shuichi offered, holding out the plate and smiling as Kokichi immediately stopped crying - instead reaching out to grab a pancake and devour it. For a few minutes, the two ate in silence - companionable silence.
Eventually, Kokichi broke it, calling out, “Shuichi, can you pass me my juice?”
“Can’t you get it yourself?”
“I’m comfyyyyy.” Kokichi leaned back slightly more, as if to emphasise the point, “Besides, it’s what good house-husbands do.”
“Well, I can’t be the house-husband,” Kokichi sounded scandalised, “I’m too busy running the world, y’know.”
“So that means I have to be a house-husband why?”
“Well, you don’t have to be a house-husband…” Kokichi was looking at Shuichi from the corner of his eye now, “As long as I have you, I’m pretty much satisfied.”
“I-” Shuichi tried to convince himself the reason he couldn’t speak was because of the piece of pancake he’d just inhaled, not because of the fact he was incredibly red, “-Thank you, Kokichi.”
“Thank you?” Kokichi echoed, “Y’know, I thought you’d react stronger to my confession.”
This time, Shuichi really did choke on a piece of breakfast, his face also turning incredibly red as he forced out, “W-Wait - that was a confession? As in… you really like me?”
“Well, duh.” Kokichi had sat up now, “Weeeell, d’you like me back?”
“I,” Shuichi stopped for a second, it was odd because he hadn’t really thought about it - but he immediately knew the answer. His heart immediately knew the answer. “Of course - of course Kokichi. I like you.”
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nicomaki-heaven · 10 months
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Nico and Maki giving me (self insert OC) a homemade fresh fruit cheesecake for my birthday
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sneckoil · 1 year
I am sorry about the fruit poll. I understand it represents friends but mango is one of the worst fruits and I am am unfortunately weaker than my beliefs
did you know that in the philippines they put fresh sweet mangoes inside california maki instead of avocado. it's the most delicious thing in the world
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🕰️About Me!!🕰️. I’m Peruvian I like reading WEBTOONS, manga, novels, Rick Riordan books, and fanfics. I like watching Disney movies, anime, animated movies/shows. I like playing Obey me, tears of Themis, twisted wonderland
    🫖 Limitations of Characters: 7
    🫖 No lemons 🍋 
    🫖 Don’t be afraid to make as many requests as you want (just don’t expect to be finished quickly)
    🫖 If anything is unclear please tell me and I’ll clear it up. Just make an ordinary request. 
    🫖 Be polite if you are rude then more likely than not your order won’t be made
A/N: I think that’s it if not then I will add it. 
We have a many Menu Sections to chose from. Each Section has a selection of beverages. 
🕰️Menu Sections 🕰️
🧋Twisted Wonderland🧋
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Riddle RoseHeart - Rose Milk Tea
Trey Clover - White Clover Iced Tea
Cater Diamond - Unsweetened Raspberry Black Iced Tea
Deuce Spade - Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
Ace Trapola - Hibiscus Tea
Leona Kingscholar- Thai Bubble Tea
Ruggie Buggie - Teavana Hot Tea
Jack Howl - Classic Milk Bubble Tea
Azul Ashengrotto - Lavender Lemonade Tea
Jade Leech - Taro Bubble Tea 
Floyd Leech - Blue Coral Bubble Tea
Kalim Al-Asim - Honeydew Milk Tea
Jamil Viper - Watermelon Bubble Tea
Vil Schoenheit - Ube Milk Tea
Rook Hunt - Iced Lemon Tea
Epel Felmier - Spiced Apple Tea
Idia Shroud - Coconut Butterfly Pea Flower Milk Tea
Ortho Shroud - Royal Milk Tea
Malleus Draconia - Green Tea
Lilia Vanrouge - Strawberry Matcha Latte 
Sliver - Passionflower Tea
Sebek Zigvolt - Matcha Milk Tea
☕️Tears of Themis☕️
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Artem Wing - Black Coffee
Vyn Richter - White Tea
Luke Pearce - Witch Hazel Tea
Marius von Hagen - Blueberry Milk Tea
🍵Obey Me🍵
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Lucifer - Lychee Black Tea
Mammon - Tiger Milk Tea
Leviathan - BlackBerry Jasmine Tea
Satan - Pineapple Iced Tea
Asmodeus - Salted Sakura Tea
Beelzebub - Pumpkin Spice Milk Tea
Belphegor - Chamomile Tea
Diavolo - Iced Passionfruit Tango
Barbatos - Oolong Tea
Mephistopheles- English Lavender Tea
Luke (Only Platonic) - Honey Milk Tea
Simeon - White Pearl Milk Tea
Raphael - Peach Bubble Tea
Solomon - Solomon's Seal Tea
Thirteen - Dragon Fruit Tea
🧋Demon Slayer🧋
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Tanjiro Kamado - Jasmine Pearl Green Tea
Nezuko Kamado - Pink Lemonade 
Zenitsu Agatsuma - Fresh Mango Bubble Tea
Inosuke Hashibira - Wild Berry Bubble Tea
Kanao Tsuyuri - White Tea
Genya Shinazugawa - Brown Sugar Iced Espresso
Aoi Kanzaki - Blue Raspberry Italian Soda
Giyu Tomioka - Classic Iced Tea
Kyojuro Rengoku - Blood Orange Tea
Tengen Uzui - Caramelized Brown Sugar Boba Fresh Milk
Shinobu Kocho - Blackberry Banana Breakfast Shake
Muichiro Tokito - Cotton Candy Milkshake
Mitsuri Kanroji - Sakura Bubble Tea
Obanai Iguro - Black Sesame Boba Tea
Sanemi Shinazugawa - Espresso
Gyomei Himejimo - Earl Grey Tea
Kanae Kocho - French Rose Tea
Murata - Coffee
Sabito - Peach Iced Tea
Makomo - Strawberry Milk Tea
Yoriichi Tsugikuni - Mint Tea
Yushiro - Peppermint Tea
Tamayo - Purple Tea
Muzan Kibutsuji - Classic Black Tea
Kokushibo - Red Velvet Milkshake 
Doma - Rainbow Refresher 
Akaza - Kashmiri Pink Tea
Nakime - Black Milk Tea
Hantengu - Saffron Tea 
Gyokko - Rainbow Smoothie 
Kaigaku - Blue Raspberry Milkshake
Daki - Thai Pink Milk
Gyutaro - Green Coffee
Enmu - Chocolate Dream Shake
☕️Jujutsu Kaisen☕️ 
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Gojo Satoru - Blue Moon Milkshake
Itadori Yuji - Hot Chocolate 
Megumi Fushiguro - Charcoal Lemonade
Nobara Kugisaki - Italian Raspberry Cream Soda 
Sukuna - Rose Tea
Maki Zenin - Jasmine Milk Tea
Mai Zenin - Jasmine Tea
Inumaki Toge - Purple Cow Milkshake
Yuta Okkotsu - Iced Coffee 
Junpei Yoshino - Lavender Mint Cream Soda
Nanami Kento - Mango Milkshake
Mahito - Boozy Blue Lagoon Milkshake
A/N: This is what is here so far I’ll add more later. Also if you like my writing but don’t like the fandom request! I even do WEBTOONS or myths (Greek, Norse, etc)
🕰️Main Dish🕰️
Headcannons - Croissants
Short Story - Bagels 
Scenarios (Croissants + Bagels) - Macarons
Oneshots - Donuts 
🕰️Side Dishes🕰️
Angst - Dark Chocolate Cookies
Fluff - Ice Cream Sandwich 
Alternate Universe - Galaxy Cakesicles
Hurt/Comfort - Chocolate Gâteau
Romance - Pie
     Poly - Apple Pie
     Character x Character - Cherry Pie
     Character x Reader - Pumpkin Pie
Platonic - Orange Crush Pound Cake
🕰️Order Types🕰️
A typical order for headcannons/croissants is 1-9 beverages, 1-2 side orders.
A typical order for short story/bagel is 1-4, 1-2 side orders.
A typical order for scenarios/macarons is 1-3, 1-4 side orders.
A typical order for oneshots/donuts  is 1, 1-5 side orders. 
Note you can only pick Romance or Platonic you can’t choose both.
Ex: Hi, I would like to order/request character/beverage and genre/side dish in format/main dish; (be specific of what you what)
A/N: Free feel to modify as needed, make sure to leave a two things specified and the rest blank.
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I was planning on going through the list and picking the top ones to make the bracket with, but I didn't want to deprive you of any of the list (106 items long!!)
So it's going to be a bigger tournament than I expected!
At the end, the three winners will go head-to-head and we'll be able to crown a first, second, and third place winner.
The (randomly generated) first round of matchups will be:
a raccoon standing on its hind legs and making too much eye contact vs. imagined dragons
<3 vs. backwards baseball cap
A single small pellet of cobalt-60 vs space heater
Necklace chain (no pendant) vs sweet potato maki
Jellycat Amore Dog vs Syzygy
Seagull with a whole chili dog vs Wojtek the bear
Tomorrow vs A leaf with a tiny bug-sized bite taken out of it
Roasted parsnips vs bread
Thursday the 12th vs the first email account you ever made
Those ergonomic mice that are sideways and tall vs A Geiger counter but for great pussy
LOL vs Batfish
Lightly sweetened whole grain cereal vs green gummy bear
Nikita Khrushchev's shoe vs The molasses flood
Noticing a new freckle vs Petrichor
Window that brings in a slight draft vs big fluffy bathrobes
Greeting cards vs the little fake hands you put on a finger
A rat holding a strawberry in its little hands vs the giant catfish in the Chornobyl reactor cooling pond
The Cuban missile crisis vs LipSmacker flavored lip gloss
Couch cover vs uquiz for what kind of kitchen utensil you'd be
Orange tic tacs vs Paw print set in concrete
Plastic animal figurines vs empty snail shell
Permian-Triassic Extinction Event vs single unmatched sock (its mate has been lost)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) vs leggings with a run in them
Florida Man vs Funables Fruity Snacks, Mixed Berry Fruit Snacks, Family Size, 40 Count
Bath beads (shape of dolphin) vs wet log in the ground, home to moss and fungi
The shoes that Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw at George Bush vs Pi Day
The Chornobyl elephant's foot vs Matryoshka dolls
Pigeon vs candy necklaces from the 1990s
Swinging so high on a swing set that you become briefly weightless at the top of the arc vs ring pop
Sex dice that can only deliver confusing combinations vs the state of Florida
Queen Elizabeth's corpse vs sheet of cat stickers
SALE! 2/$2.99 Fresh Hass Avocado vs orange slime made by an 8-year-old and then left to dry out in the back of a closet for years
The color puce vs pill case
A nuclear-powered ramjet vs Chromodorus Willani
Red lava lamp vs glow in the dark stars to put on your bedroom ceiling
Ufo porno vs Lego three in ones
Disposable chopsticks vs garlic bread
Generic grocery store brand apple juice from concentrate vs skeleton
Three haunted porcelain dolls vs a duck with perfectly formed human hands instead of wings coming out of its shoulders
A bus pass with $7.33 on it vs The last of the gift wrap paper (not enough to wrap a present)
The SL-1 reactor in Idaho vs 1 yard of fleece
Glasses without lenses vs the rabies virus
There are a few byes that we'll come across in round 2:
Tapetum lucidum (will face the winner of matchup #1)
1 can of Goya brand black beans (will face the winner of matchup #4)
A dog who is normal in every way except that it can identify any plant by its scientific name (will face the winner of matchup #5)
Duke the Bush's Baked Beans mascot (will face the winner of matchup #6)
Jumbo binder clips (will face the winner of matchup #9)
Mead (will face the winner of matchup #12)
The smell of a Sears auto department (will face the winner of matchup #15)
The composer Fryderyk Chopin's heart, In case in a jar of booze in a church in the middle of Warsaw, Poland (will face the winner of matchup #16)
Sour cream (will face the winner of matchup #17)
A 2005 Honda Civic with a vinyl wrap of Sasuke on the side (will face the winner of matchup #20)
73 dachshunds (will face the winner of matchup #21)
$9.99 headphones from CVS (will face the winner of matchup #22)
The French language (will face the winner of matchup #25)
The number 11 (will face the winner of matchup #26)
The Weather Channel on August 28th 2005 (will face the winner of matchup #27)
World peace (will face the winner of matchup #30)
Glass swan sold at a gas station (will face the winner of matchup #33)
Discarded McDonald's toy found on the sidewalk (will face the winner of matchup #36)
Lube that just. too slippery to be useful (will face the winner of matchup #37)
@hillbilly---man's Archie comics phase World War II veteran who hates sharks (will face the winner of matchup #38) *I changed this one because quite a few of you don't know me and don't care about my Archie comics phase. Apologies to the submitter!
Roasted garlic (will face the winner of matchup #41)
White LEDs (will face the winner of matchup #42)
The placement of all of these was done randomly, but I'll try to seed future rounds based on performance.
The first polls will be published tomorrow
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ryqoshay · 2 years
How to Handle a Nico: Sundae Sunday
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki, NozoEli Rating: G Words: 324 Fandom: Love Live Parent Fic: How to Handle a Nico Time Frame: Sometime after the former 3rd years have graduated, but before former 1st years have Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Sundae Sunday
Author’s Note: Bonus 3rd entry for Oct 23rd
Summary: Nozomi and Eli bring treats
“We’re home!” Nozomi announced into the apartment as she and Eli entered.
“Welcome back.” Nico’s voice came from the living room.
“We brought treats.” Eli said.
“Thank you.” Maki responded.
“What’s this? Nicocchi is studying?” Nozomi feigned surprise as she and her girlfriend found the other two girls at the table with textbook open.
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Maki smirked.
“Hey!” Nico protested. “I’ve been studying a lot lately!”
“Only because Maki-chan has been visiting a lot lately.” Nozomi pointed out. “Isn’t it shameful to have a high schooler tutor a college student?”
“No more than the last dozen times you asked.” Nico grumbled.
“Well, in any case, I’m sure you’re both ready for a break.” Eli said, putting a large bag on the table.
“Parfaits?” Nico inquired, noticing the name of her roommate’s favorite shop.
“Build-your-own Sundaes.” Nozomi corrected.
“I thought you two were obsessed with parfaits.”
“No more than you two are obsessed with crepes.”
“But crepes are delicious.”
“So are parfaits.”
“Girls, girls. You’re both pretty.” Eli interjected. “Can we eat now?” She started pulling packs out of the bag.
Maki chuckled at the reference to the movie the four had recently watched.
“Ooo, strawberries.” Nico noticed one container.
“We got extra strawberries.” Nozomi indicated a second pack. “We all love strawberries.”
Eli continued to set out containers of fresh fruit including mangos, kiwis, bananas, peaches and cherries. Several small bottles of syrup came next, with classic chocolate, butterscotch, matcha, and rum raisin. Then, packs of pastries like fancy wafers, biscuits, crumbled cookies and mochi. And finally, two sizable tubs of ice cream, one vanilla and one chocolate.
The spread was far more than was needed for four individuals to consume their daily caloric intake in sweets, but it was fun to indulge every so often.
The four young women settled into a comfortable conversation as they assembled their sundaes and began to enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon.
Author’s Note Continued: Writing this made me want to stop at Culver’s.
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rygoespop · 1 year
Thomas and Friends: Tales from Sodor (Story 23): Emily's Sushi Delivery
Narrator: Emily's Sushi Delivery
Scene opens with Emily, pulling Freight cars of Cream Churns, through the Nagano Countryside
Narrator: While working with her friends on the Japanese Railway, Emily was delivering Cream to the Ice Cream Factory
Scene transitions to Emily, puffing into Tokyo, where she sees a Chef
Narrator: One day, as Emily arrived in Tokyo, she sees a chef
Emily: Hello, my name is Emily! Who are you?
Chef: I am Chef Kaito Igawa, I am one of the renowned chefs in all of Japan! I have recently opened my Restaurant
Emily: Well Mr. Igawa, it's nice to meet you, so what do you do?
Chef Igawa: I'm glad you asked, I namely serve up some good sushi, here, maybe your crew would like this *he offers Emily's Driver and Fireman, a plate of Maki Rolls*
Emily's Driver and Fireman both took a piece of Maki Rolls and ate them
Chef Igawa: Well?
Emily's Driver and Fireman gave it a thumbs-up
Emily: Well that's surprise
Chef Igawa: I wish the rest of Japan would try my sushi, I'm making a new variant, the Fruity Rolls, Maki Rolls filled with Fruit
Emily: Yes, I agree
Narrator: Then suddenly, Emily had an idea
Emily: Mr. Igawa, what if I were to help you serve the Fruity Rolls around Japan, by a Special Coach
Chef Igawa: A Special coach? I'm interested, tell me about
Emily: Well, back on Sodor, one of the Narrow Gauge engines, Peter Sam, he helped the Refreshment Lady by converting an old coach into a Tea Shop on wheels
Chef Igawa: I see, well lets do it
Scene transitions to Emily, puffing down the line of Nagoya, now pulling a special coach which now serves as Chef Igawa's Restaurant on wheels
Narrator: As soon as Emily's idea came true, Emily is now helping Chef Igawa, by pulling a special coach, which has been converted into a Sushi Restaurant on wheels
Emily: First stop, Nagoya! *she puffs into Nagoya*
Chef Igawa: Fruity Rolls, a Thousand Yen per customer
The customers lined up, and they purchased a pack of Fruity Maki Rolls
Narrator: Soon, the customers began to buy a pack of Fruity Rolls
Chef Igawa: It's working Emily, they are enjoying it! Next stop, Osaka!
Emily: Right! *she blew her whistle and puffs off to Osaka*
Scene transitions to Emily, puffing into Osaka with the Sushi Stand, James was there with 2 Oigawa Express Coaches
Narrator: As soon as Emily arrived to Osaka, she saw James
Emily: Oh, hello James!
James: Hello Emily! What are you doing?
Emily: Oh, I'm helping Chef Igawa with his Sushi Business, so I'm pulling the Sushi Stand
Passenger 1: That's a good idea, we are a bit hungry!
Chef Igawa: Then the sushi stand is here!
All of James's Passengers, even his Driver and Fireman, all got out and walked to the Sushi Stand
Chef Igawa: Fruity Rolls, only a thousand Yen!
The Passengers, along with James's Driver and Fireman, all gave Chef Igawa a thousand Yen and they got their sushi, and had a nice picnic
James: My, they sure are hungry
Emily: Yes, and I'm surprised by that!
Chef Igawa: Alright, next up is Oigawa!
Emily: I got to go, bye James! *she blew her whistle and puffs off to Oigawa*
Scene transitions to Emily, arriving at Oigawa, Percy and Molly were there
Narrator: As soon as Emily arrived at Oigawa, Percy and Molly were there, they were delivering freight cars of Fish and Fruit
Emily: Hello Percy, hello Molly
Percy: Oh, hello Emily!
Molly: Hello Emily, what are you doing?
Emily: I'm helping Chef Igawa with his sushi restaurant, by delivering Sushi on the rails
Chef Igawa: By a stand on wheels! Who's hungry?
Percy's Driver and Fireman, and Molly's Driver and Fireman got out and walk over to the Sushi Stand
Chef Igawa: Here you got, fresh Fruity Rolls *he gives Fruity Rolls to Percy's Crew and Molly's crew*
Percy's Crew and Molly's Crew had a nice picnic break
Emily: Say, Percy and Molly, do you think I can borrow some of the fruit and fish?
Percy: Of course!
Molly: That's what Friends do
Scene transitions to Emily's Driver and Fireman, taking some of the fruit and fish from Percy and Molly's freight cars, and in the Sushi Stand
Narrator: Soon, Emily's Driver and Fireman took some of the fruit and fish from Percy and Molly's freight cars, and add them in the Sushi Stand
Emily: Thank you Percy, and thank you Molly
Percy: Your welcome
Molly: Where are you off to next?
Chef Igawa: Nara!
Emily: Nara is the next stop! Goodbye Percy, Goodbye Molly! *she blew her whistle and puffs off to Nara*
Scene transitions to Nara, where Thomas and Rosie are there, there was a Sumo Practice going on, evenly Kyo Yamashiro was drawing for a new Manga
Narrator: Meanwhile at Nara, Thomas and Rosie were busy with the Sumo Practice, they brought freight cars of salt for wrestlers
Thomas: It's crazy how much salt is needed for them to purify the ring
Rosie: I know! *she got an idea* Hey Thomas, let's have one of our own
Thomas: Your on!
Kyo Yamashiro: I sense a new manga idea! *he quickly begins to draw Thomas and Rosie, as Humans in Swimwear, and Sumo Attire as well*
Rosie: Dosukoi! *she biffs a Freight Car of Salt to Thomas*
Thomas: Heh heh! Dosukoi! *he biffs the Salt Car back to Rosie*
Rosie: Get ready for the counter! *she biffs it back to Thomas, unknown to them, the car was diverted*
Emily: *sees Nara* I see Nara! Now we can make this delivery and- Whoa! *she bashes into the salt car, and she was covered in salt*
Thomas: Oops! Sorry Emily!
Rosie: We didn't know it was heading to you!
Emily: It's alright, maybe a nice wash will do
Thomas: *sees Chef Igawa in the Sushi Stand* Oh, hello there? Who are you?
Emily: Thomas, Rosie! Meet Chef Kaito Igawa, he's one of the chefs in Japan, I'm helping him with Sushi Deliveries by pulling a Sushi Stand
Thomas: Oh, like the Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop that Peter Sam told me back on Sodor
Emily: Well, yes
Rosie: Ah, I see
Kyo Yamashiro: Well, I finished my new Manga on Thomas and Rosie already, but I sure am hungry! *he walks up to the Sushi Stand*
Thomas's Driver and Fireman, along with Rosie's Driver and Fireman, evenly the Sumo Wrestlers all got in line, and they all got their sushi packs
Chef Igawa: Thank you, for choosing Chef Igawa's Sushi Stand on wheels
Thomas: Wow! I'm surprised everyone is enjoying it!
Rosie: I agree, and we're sorry about the salt car
Emily: It's fine, nothing like a wash can wash it all off
Chef Igawa: Emily, it's time to head back to Tokyo
Emily: Right! I'll see you all back at the Sheds! Goodbye Thomas, goodbye Rosie! *she blew her whistle and puffs off to Tokyo*
Thomas and Rosie: Goodbye Emily!
Scene transitions to Emily, arriving back at Tokyo, where she dropped off Chef Igawa
Narrator: Later, Emily dropped off Chef Igawa back at his restaurant
Chef Igawa: Thank you Emily, you helped me deliver sushi by a stand on wheels *he bows*
Emily: It was no problem Mr. Igawa
Mr. Igawa: I'm offering two gifts, the first one, is the golden sideplate, The Sushi Maiden *he gives the Golden Sideplate, titled The Sushi Maiden to Emily's Driver*
Emily: Oh, thank you
Mr. Igawa: And a Box of Sushi for your crew and the other crew of your friends *he gives a big box of Sushi to Emily's Fireman*
Emily: Thank you, Mr. Igawa *she puffs off to the wash at Tokyo Yards*
Scene transitions to Emily, at Tokyo Yards, getting washed to wash off all the salt
Narrator: As soon as Emily was getting washed, her new golden sideplate was added
Emily: My, this looks very good on me, I wonder anyone back home on Sodor would be surprised by this
Also, in the yards and observing, Mr. Yamashiro was there
Mr. Yamashiro: Ooh, this will be another perfect manga *he begins to draw Emily in Manga Style*
Scene transitions to the next day, Mr. Yamashiro has made 2 Mangas, one of Thomas and Rosie as humans, under the Title Blue and Cherry Sumos, and the recent one is on Emily, depicting Emily as a Human, in an Emerald Kimono and Golden Bow, titled, The Sushi Maiden
Narrator: The next day, Mr. Yamashiro made two new Mangas, and they were a success
Emily: Wow, I'm surprised our adventures yesterday would be turned into popular mangas
Thomas: I'm surprised by that too Emily
Rosie: *giggled* Yeah, me too
Chef Igawa: Oh well, at least they'll have something to read while waiting for Sushi
Hiro: And It's a good idea
Emily, Thomas, Rosie, and Hiro all chuckled as Steam Clouds rolled in
Story End
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suginami-division · 2 years
😄 Random question time!
To all the members of Suginami Division: How do they do their grocery shopping? Do they come prepared with a list, only buying things that are on it? Do they sometimes deviate from it? Or do they just buy whatever they want? Do they use coupons? Do they have a set limit on how much they spend? Or is money not an issue for them?
Ryuko’s diet mainly consists of instant food and bread. He hates eating the same thing every day though, so he’ll go out of his way to expand his variety of instant foods, trying out every brand and flavor of food he can find. With how much he tries eating, he is absolutely capable of making a tier list of instant ramen brands.
He shops monthly, usually when he gets paid so he can budget it out to the most important thing to him: Food (Ryuko claims he could live without power or water, but that’s a half-lie). If he gets extra money to splurge with, he’ll try and buy other ingredients that he can just add into the cup and cook it together with the normal instructions. Typically this consists of mostly meat products like ham, but sometimes he’ll try and use vegetables. If Ryuko could, he would use coupons but he struggles with the math part of it. At best, he will use “free” coupons because his one brain cell can comprehend that.
Maki’s more meticulous about grocery shopping, choosing to make detailed lists so that he can cook some fun meals for himself. Unlike Ryuko, Maki’s much more talented at cooking and loves to try out recipes he finds in books, especially antique cooking books. Surprising his friends with his unique dishes is one of his favorite things to do for people who come over, although that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, Maki has a hard time and buys instant meals like Ryuko, but it’s very rarely.
His budget is a little more than Ryuko’s instant food life, but it still isn’t a lot. That’s a big reason Maki will utilize coupons to get deals at grocery stores. But more often, Maki goes down to local shops to buy fresh stuff from locals, since he prefers to know about the food he consumes and the people behind it on a deeper level.
Overall in the Suginami team, Maki is probably the best cook of the group.
Shuu tries his best. When he first moved out, he tried his best to cook proper meals for himself and be healthy, but with his job taking him away from home most of the time, Shuu found that grocery shopping was a waste if all his food was just going to rot in his fridge. Instead, Shuu’s grocery list consists mostly of snacks and drinks, both for himself and the clients he has over. Since he doesn’t necessarily spend a lot on food, he simply goes into grocery stores to buy whatever treats and refreshments he wants. At best, he thinks about different possible allergies, since he knows not everyone can eat the things he likes (like Ryuko’s allergy with kiwis). On special occasions Shuu has bought fruit instead to act as both a snack and centerpiece for his office, but more often than not, clients or friends of Shuu will give him fruits that they have grown themselves.
Thank you for the ask! (First Suginami question!) \(^_^)/
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this is going to be a headcanon blog. i will also do moodboards or stimboards upon request! i go by many names but on this blog you will mainly know me as maki or zee. my main pronouns will always be in the blog's description. my main blog is @sunken-queer and my mogai blog is @goosemogai so check those out if you'd like. my carrd is https://makiscottage.uwu.ai/
i'll keep it simple for once and leave out all my problems, but i do have many irls. i do want to keep this blog double friendly (as in i can do a character more than once and do characters i am that have different labels than how i actually am) so i also won't list those here for comfort, but it should be rather easy to find my irls if you're curious. feel free to ask me to put tws for sources or doubles.
BYF: i support all system origins(and i'm a quoigenic plural host), i support contradictory identities(i am transmasc girlflux) and mspec lesbians/gays, proshippers will get blocked, i don't really have a source blacklist(except real ppl) but if something that makes me uncomfy comes up i won't do it
other dni items can be found on my main blog
maki; forever in our hearts - important posts
maki; talking to strangers - answering asks
maki; reminiscing - self-submitted hcs
maki; duty completed - hcs sent via asks
maki; fresh fruit - general non-hc pride edits
maki; other - anything else i dont have a specific tag for yet, such as moodboards and stimboards
no more than 5 characters per request and no more than 50(?) labels per character. you can add alterhumanity, pronouns, mental health, neurodiversity, and disabilities as well. lmk if this is for a fictive or irl! /nf
moodboard and stimboards can be for aesthetic, color, indentity, character, or pretty much whatever you can think of.
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hueylengyong15 · 3 months
My top three memorable moments of February.
Since the second month of the year is over. I decided to do this post what I did in February.
Making my own ice cream sundae at Le Meridian Hotel:
After dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year, I decided to make myself an ice cream sundae by scooping out medium scoops of Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry, adding a fudgy brownie, gummy bears, three of the Hershey's syrups including chocolate from the fountain, Golden Smarties, strawberry, marshmallow, and a Kit Kat wafer to top it all up.
I wanted to add the chocolate bark, but it was enough for me, as I would get a sugar rush and have cavities in my teeth. So, I decided not to get any more toppings as my mom would scold me when she got back from Taiping.
As I sat down to eat my dessert, I tried the brownie paired with the ice cream coated with the toppings I selected. The best part was selecting my own ingredients on what I could come with instead of copying someone's DIY bowl of ice cream.
Once the Reunion dinner was over, I was full of eating my sweet treat, I remembered not to add a lot of ingredients to the Sundae and learned to take only the things I could finish instead of wasting them.
Hopefully, next year I will learn my lesson about what I can eat instead of throwing away my food into the trash and being mean to the unfortunate people who can't afford to eat at a nice restaurant.
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2. Trying out Senjyu Japanese restaurant in One Utama for the first time:
On Thursday after Valentine's Day. I decided to watch the Cantonese version of Disney Pixar's Turning Red. Once we got to TGV Cinemas to get the tickets, we found out that there were no regular seats available to watch the movie as there were only Junior seats available. After hearing the news, I was sad, that I didn't get a chance to watch the Cantonese version of the movie as there were too many kids playing on the playground.
To cheer myself up, I decided to eat at Senjyu, the newest Japanese restaurant that recently opened one month ago. Once we got to this place, I ordered the Spicy Salmon Mayo Temaki Taco with Shimchi Yakiniku Don set with a citrusy and icy Lemonade Bliss drink.
The taco which was made with rice and seaweed coated in a tempura batter had an excellent crunch that paired perfectly with the spicy salmon and the shredded tamago had a good texture that reminded me of a burrito mixed with sushi that gave it a nutty and irresistible texture.
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As for my dad, he ordered the Hotate and Salmon Mentai kettle rice set. The Japanese Scallops were delicious and not so spicy including the salmon seared with Mentaiko sauce that makes it a perfect pairing when being eaten in one bite.
The Sashimi was one of the best side dishes that we ate with our meals. The Salmon was tasty and great while the cut-up fruits and Chawanmushi were savory along with the flower-shaped carrot, grated imitation crab, and eggy custard which was on the sweeter side when being served hot and fresh.
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Overall, I gave this Japanese restaurant eight stars due to their homemade high-quality recipes, and peaceful ambiance. And next time, when I eat at the Japanese restaurant again, hopefully, I will try their Gyoza dry ramen with Unakyu Sushi Maki.
3. Lunch at the Teddy Cafe:
Four days ago, I decided to go to the Teddy Cafe for a Sunday lunch after working on some of my assignments. After arriving at this place in the afternoon, I saw a white teddy carrying a gift box with a bouquet, a miniature teddy in an ice cream cone, and two pink teddy bears with a lemon wedge hat holding a white heart with a happy little cub waving hello to the people who come into the cafe.
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The decorated restaurant which had many teddies was excellent as it was suitable for people of all ages to enjoy eating at this cafe. I also liked the dressed-up teddy toys in different outfits such as Snow White, the Prince, Kawaii style bear, and many other clothing for the cute bears.
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As we found a table, we ordered the Nachos with Tom Yum Gravy, teddy-shaped garlic rice with grilled chicken, Mango, and Lime blended ice bear drink, and the Teddy beef burger with fries.
The Teddy burger was adorable to devour, especially with the fries and salad. The beef patty was juicy and went well with the veggies, cheese sauce, and mayonnaise. As for the Tom Yum Gravy, it had a spicy kick especially the tomatoes and lime were not too sour and made it a good combo with crispy Nachos.
The grilled chicken, garlic rice, and garden salad with sweet soy dressing sauce were sweet, tasty, and not so garlicky. The Mango and Lime drink topped with a marshmallow bear was excellent as it reminded me of Ice Bear from the show, We Bare Bears.
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Once we finished our lunch, I ordered an ice cream dessert for two called Teddy on Island. The strawberry ice cream and syrup are very sweet and delicious.
On the other hand, the chocolate waffles were crunchy and delicious when paired with the mixed fruit and the two happy vanilla ice cream bears. I loved the left side of the two waffles being the dirt and the sweet cream being the sand.
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After finishing our dessert, we decided to go home to rest before class tomorrow. This day was the best because I got to see a collection of teddy bears which people of all ages enjoyed. Hopefully, I will come back to this place to have a cup of 3D bear coffee with a bowl of mushroom soup when I have time.
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quickdeaths · 4 months
"Harukawa-san, Happy Birthday... ! I hope you're having a great day so far. Ah, I thought I would bake something for you, h-hehe: here you go... !" With a bashful, but happy smile on his face, Shuichi holds out a dessert box to Maki, wrapped with a red ribbon. If she opens it, she will find a big chocolate cake slice, topped with dollops of whipped cream, and raspberries sitting on each whipped cream dollop. It even had a tiny chocolate piece in the center, that says 'Happy Birthday!' on it. And not only that, but he also paired a small teddy bear and a red Sakura flower keychain with the dessert box, too.
"I remember you liking chocolate flavors, yeah? So I thought I'd make you a chocolate cake... ! I hope you'll love it once you try it! As for the keychains, I thought they were very cute, so I wanted to buy it for you, eheh." (Happy Birthday, Maki~!!! 🍰🌸🐻!!!)
Maki Harukawa's birthday wasn't Maki Harukawa's birthday. It wasn't the day she became an assassin, and it wasn't the day she left what pale imitation of a family she'd had behind. It wasn't, to the best of her knowledge, even the day she'd been dropped off at the orphanage. As far as Maki knew, it was a day picked randomly, something to be written down on government documents, but not anything to be acknowledge or celebrated. Yet, in the front of the classroom, there it was - [This Month's Birthdays] written in bold chalk, with only her name underneath it. An open invitation for anyone and everyone to look at her and offer a smile or a wave or an unwanted gift.
"Saihara." It was a regular day, not any better or worse than any other. Still, Shuichi was holding out the box with an expression that, to Maki's understanding, meant it would be complicated if she refused. "Sure. Okay." She took the box, pulling apart the ribbon and opening it up to look inside. A chocolate cake, with fresh fruit. There was a richness to the scent alone that Maki knew might not agree with her stomach, so used to leftovers and cheap, prepackaged meals as it was, but it was also true that she wasn't the kind of person to turn down chocolate when it made itself available to her. For her own palate, and for the fact that the orphan kids would never forgive anyone who turned down a free dessert.
Shuichi's words, as Maki wordlessly looked over the dessert, quickly drew her attention back to him. "You made this?" That was surprising. The image she had of Shuichi in her head was the sort of person to make a mistake in the kitchen, then panic and make it worse, until someone like Kaede or Kaito came to fix it for him. Maybe that wasn't the kindest way to think about him. "Huh. It looks really good," she admitted, closing and sealing the box once more. She'd have to find somewhere to eat it, since taking it back home wasn't an option. Even the orphanage would probably just invite more questions than she was willing to answer.
The keychains, too, were carefully inspected, discerning eyes looking over them. Keychains jingled when clapped against each other, making them pretty inadvisable when one didn't want to be noticed. Besides, it wasn't like she had keys or a collection of phone charms that they'd easily slot in with. "You're too nice to other people, Saihara," she murmured, digging the small pencil pouch that held some of her school things out from her bag, and clipping the keychains onto the zipper. "You should be more careful that the people you're spending time and attention on are worth it, and that they appreciate it. You'll get taken advantage of, if you aren't." Kaede's birthday was next month. She'd probably have a much bigger reaction to something like this, with a lot of obvious gratitude. But Maki was Maki, and her birthday wasn't her birthday, and so this was as much as she could manage. "But thanks, anyway. The cake does look really good."
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chaoslulled · 6 months
her arm extends, hand presenting a simple white box. inside there was a little cheese cake, fresh strawberries delicately placed on top of whip cream. “ happy birthday sensei. ” maki spoke without much of a smile, something he’d grown use to by now.
surprise slides over his features before he can manage to actually hide it like he normally does.  bright blue eyes blink for a moment before he gingerly reaches up, taking the box from her fingers.  out of everyone, he hadn't expected maki to remember his birthday.  he's gotten a little less annoying about it over the years  ––  truth be told, after everything with geto, things stopped being a little fun if he's going to admit it to himself.  but this?  an unexpected emotion rises up in his throat, closing it up for a second before he gingerly flicks the top open, mouth instantly beginning to water when the cheesecake comes into view.
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he can't help himself  ––  he snags a strawberry slice off of the top and pops it into his mouth, moaning around it at the taste, blue eyes falling shut.  they quickly pop back open though once the sweet fruit has been devoured, and he gives maki a wide smile.
" thank you, maki.  this is very sweet of you.  it looks delicious. "  he shifts his weight on his feet for a moment, debating, and then gives her a more tamed down smile.  " c'mon, lets get you a slice of it too.  it's no fun to eat birthday cake alone. "
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