#making . tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich and i KNOW i need to work on school but what if i didn’t. what if i. oh… i love you and you
once-in-a-blood-moon · 4 months
I saw you rebogged the valentine's day soulmate!
Might I humbly request a 'tell no lies' mixed with 'no harm done' with Solomon with a female mc. I mostly enjoy the hijinks of that concept, everyone terrified of Solomon's cooking while mc is seemingly unaffected or a stray spell that hits mc that should hurt them but all is fine. And while everyone knows Solomon is shady, even he notices that he's a bit more honest towards mc, no matter how much he tries to keep his mirth about him!
AHHHH I'm sorry I got carried away. I just love your writing so much I absolutely can't wait to see what you do. Even if it isn't my request! Hope all is well!
Solomon - Tell No Lie/No Harm Done
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Solomon x GN! reader
Prompts: It’s impossible to lie to your soulmate + soulmates are not able to hurt each other physically.
AN: Hello, dear sweet anon! This was an interesting request because I'd never thought of combining the prompts, so this was super fun to work with! I would like to make quick mention that I had every intention to write it for the requested female reader, but the way it flowed, I never used any defining pronouns other than you/yours, so I really hope that's okay! :) Once again, thank you for being patient, I know it was a long wait. And thank you for your kind words as well! Take care of yourself, anon! 💕
Warnings: Implied established soulmate connection/relationship, cameo of a Barbatos, hehe
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Cocytus Hall was filled with a mouth-watering smell as you slaved away at the oven. It was nearing lunchtime, and you had decided to prepare a nice meal for both yourself and Solomon. He’d been cooped up in his room researching, so you were on your own in the kitchen today.
On most occasions, Solomon would join you to keep you company as you cooked. He knew to keep to himself as many of his cooking creations quickly turned disastrous, often ruining the kitchen – which you both would be stuck cleaning afterwards. Still, you yearned for his arms to wrap around you from behind like they so often did.
Today’s lunch was simple and something near and dear to your heart: grilled cheese sandwiches paired with tomato soup. A comforting meal from your home realm. You knew Solomon would be ecstatic to have some human realm food too since it’s been awhile.
The sandwiches sizzle in the skillet, and you’re about to flip them, when a knock raps from the front door. You quickly turn the burners off so nothing burns while you’re gone before making your way through the Hall. Once in front of the door, you turn the handle and open it to see Barbatos standing there with a cordial smile.
You return the smile as you greet him. “Afternoon, Barbatos. What are you doing here?”
“Good afternoon to you as well. I came by to conduct my routine inspections, as per usual. I hope I arrived at an opportune time.”
Oh, that’s right. It’s a new month, so of course he’d be stopping by soon. You give a shake your head to reassure him of his worries. “You’re fine, you’re not disrupting us or anything. I was in the middle of making lunch, but you searching through the other rooms won’t bother that.”
You step aside to allow him entry, to which he bows slightly before walking in. “And Solomon? He’s not...assisting you, is he?” he scowls as the sorcerer’s name passes his lips. It’s enough to miss, but you think you saw him shudder at the thought of Solomon in the kitchen. You quickly wave him off with a slight chuckle.
“No, no. He’s been in his room all day. So, no need to w-”
Before you can finish your sentence, a loud bang that seems to shake the whole building erupts from the kitchen. Both you and Barbatos startle, glancing to each other with similar thoughts…
You instantly being running through the Hall to the kitchen. Barbatos’ steps are quickly trailing yours, expecting to see disaster, but upon arrival – there’s no sign that anything had happened. Solomon’s stood in front of the stove looking into the pot that had the tomato soup in it with his hands placed on his hips, as if he were confused. He must’ve smelled the food and snuck in while you were away.
“Solomon, what was that noise?” you ask in a frantic tone, rushing over to check the soup. The once thick and smooth, red liquid now looked purple and chunky. Solomon sighs, rubbing his forehead.
“That would be me. I thought adding chili flakes would give the soup the kick it needs, but I seem to have misread the label and added popping fire salamander flakes instead.”
Barbatos watches from the doorway, narrowing his eyes incredulously. “How on earth did you misread that? Did you bother to read at all?”
Solomon looks over his shoulder to dispute Barbatos, but stops once he realizes he’s right. He sighs once again. “I guess it was more of a mix-up than a misread…” To his credit, they do look similar. So, it was an honest mistake.
You grab the wooden spoon that had been in the pot and lift it out to find the end burnt off from the substance that used to be soup. Another cooking utensil ruined due to Solomon’s influence. You shake your head as you place it down on the counter for now while trying to figure out how to salvage this mess. You’re about to reach for another spoon, but Solomon stops you, gently grabbing your wrist and pulling it away.
“I’ve got this. I’ll just use my magic to stir it, and once it’s good and stirred, the soup will be perfect!” He’s a little too optimistic for an outcome both you and Barbatos know will be disastrous.
“Wait, Solomon-” but it’s too late. Solomon casts a quick spell into the pot, though the contents don’t begin to stir around like you thought it would. Instead, it begins to bubble ominously.
You glance to Solomon, who watches it a little more intently than you do, wanting to see the result of his magic. “Uh, Solomon? What’s it doing?”
“I’m not...sure...”
Before either of you can react, the spell is rejected from the bubbling substance, and it bounces out and hits you at full force, knocking you backwards onto the floor. Both Solomon and Barbatos rush to check on you.
“By the gods,” Solomon says panicked as he kneels beside you, helping you sit up slowly, “are you alright? I had no idea that would happen.”
Barbatos kneels on the other side of you, eyes wide as they flicker around your face in concern. You take a moment to regroup, not feeling any different than before. You feel fine, actually. “I’m okay. Just a little shaken.”
“I’m sure you are,” Barbatos says, though he seems skeptical that you’re truly alright. “It appears some of the “matter” has splattered onto your face as well.”
“It’s just soup, Barbatos.” Solomon corrects as he wipes a little off with his thumb before licking it. His eyes light up and he smiles with an “mmh” coming from his throat. “That’s tasty. I think I really added to it.”
You wipe some off your cheek as well, tasting it, raising your eyebrows in mild surprise. “That is good, Solomon.”
Barbatos lifts an inquisitive brow, not believing a word of this for a second. But if someone other than Solomon thinks it’s good, maybe the sorcerer really did pull off the impossible. Barbatos raises back up to his height, walking towards the pot as he slides his glove off and dips his finger in the pot to get a taste as well. The moment the soup touches his tongue, he grimaces. The substance is too thick, sticking to his throat like glue. How did you manage to swallow it?
“Do you often eat Solomon’s cooking?” the butler asks, turning back to catch Solomon producing a handkerchief from his pocket and delicately wiping the mess off of your face.
You give a small nod as you respond, “yeah, I’ve always enjoyed his food.” That response alone makes Solomon smile proudly.
Barbatos blinks a few times in confusion, but relents as he realizes it’ll never make sense to him. You are an anomaly. No doubt about it. “Well, I suppose you and Solomon are more aligned than I thought previously,” he studies the way Solomon gazes at you, taking care of you as if you were the most fragile thing in the three realms. He sees the bond between the two of you. A bond no one else is allowed in on, let alone know intimate details about. “Much more.”
Solomon picks up on Barbatos’ words and clears his throat as he folds up the dirty handkerchief. “Of course, we’re aligned.” He directs his next words to you exclusively, speaking from nothing but his heart, “we’re aligned in mind, body, and most importantly...our souls.”
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hi there love!
I know you know who I am by that sentence and I could ask this without being anonymous but I don’t feel comfortable doing that I think you’ll understand why after reading this…
Okay so, recently I posted a fic who was asked about one of daddies waking up little reader with kisses on her 🐱 ect, you know what I mean ?
And I just had some hate about that because people didn’t read the warnings nor the warnings tags which made me really insecure and it also made me feel bad about all kind of things.
I don’t regret posting it because I love pleasing people in posting their requests but it just made me feel.. low, you know ?
And I wanted to know if you would be comfortable about writing a fic for me ?
I let you write whatever you want, let your mind flies but I just want to see in the fics lots of fluff by daddies, comfort, kisses, I need the reader to feel really little because I need to feel little right now and because of the hate I don’t know how
Thank you so much for even considering it, love! You’re an amazing writer and I know I already told you that but I tell you again now. Your fics are amazing and it always make me feel good
I love you!
Anonymous 💜
My love. I got you <3
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Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f! reader
Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, nicknames, reader is named but name scarcely used, sad baby, means internet words, angst, comfort, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
You shouldn't have gone onto the computer without your daddies. You always regretted it, and today was definitely no exception. But you'd been bored and forgotten.
You'd seen the stupid click-bait article but had been unable to resist. The lies, the insinuations, the straight up nastiness from people who had never met your daddies, let alone you, was astounding. That people felt it was okay to be this mean, this condescending, this nasty about someone else, while they were sitting pretty, safely behind their crumb-filled keyboards. You didn't want to think about it. But it kept drilling its way into your mind.
You tried everything to take your mind off it- watching Tangled, playing with Jellybean, coloring, drawing, building Legos, but nothing was working. You finally crawled into your closet, buried yourself under a blanket, and cried.
When Steve and Bucky came home, they were unnerved to find that their precious hyperactive angel didn't come running to greet them. They found you pretty quickly, getting you out from the closet and holding you close. They'd seen the iPad on your bed, and from a brief search history figured out the trigger pretty quickly.
Steve held you so tight in his arms, after wrapping your favorite yellow blanket around you. He rested his cheek on the top of your head and murmured soft things into your ear.
"Baby, you know what you read isn't true. These people don't know us or you. They are being mean because they think they are allowed to have a say in our lives. But that's wrong. They don't get a say. It only matters what you say, what I say, what Daddy says. And Daddy and I love you so much that we don't ever, EVER, want to be apart from you. We know that you're the best thing that ever happened to us. You make us so happy. You make so many people so happy, and that's just by being you. We don't want anyone else, and we don't want things to change. We love the way you sparkle."
As Steve was holding you, Bucky was making one of your favorite comfort meals- grilled cheese with tomato soup. You all had an impromptu picnic on the living room floor. Steve transferred you to Bucky's lap so he could spend some time reassuring you. He gently fed you bites of the sandwich and spoonfuls of soup.
"Papa is right, you know," Bucky said, wiping the tiniest bit of soup off your chin, before feeding you another bite of sandwich. "You're our best girl, baby. There's no one else, there never will be anyone else. And anyone who thinks that we're all wrong, never mattered in the first place. They don't get to decide our lives. They don't have any power over us at all. And they never will. You keep sparkling on, just like you always have. Okay?"
When you gave a shy, soft smile and a nod in return, they smiled their best Daddy and Papa smiles at you. Neither one of them put you down for the rest of the night except at bath time, and even then they always had one hand on you. You got to eat cookies in bed with them while they read your two stories each.
And you realized- your sparkle is what makes you unique. The way you laugh, and play, and giggle, and create- that's what they loved about you. And absolutely no one could take that away. You were- and would always be- loved for your sparkle.
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remusslove · 1 year
Reader taking care of remus and making sure he eats, maybe he has a busy\stressful day and she wants to be sure he has a proper meal instead of only having coffee and chocolate all day
This ask reminded me of this song :( Remus x reader softies are stored in my heart forever<3
My masterlist im working on!
“Remus did you eat today? Your transformation wasn’t even two weeks ago and your back to only focusing on work and stressing yourself out” you said after inviting yourself into his empty dorm. The rest of the boys were at a quidditch game while Remus stood behind so he could catch up on his astronomy homework.
He wanted to role his eyes but the worriedness coating your soft voice kept him from scoffing. He looked to his left as you appeared with a cup of hot chocolate and his favorite small dinner, grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. He sighed deeply looking into your eyes with a grateful smile covering his face. His tired but soft eyes told you all you need to know.
With a soft giggle and a quick run through his hair you pressed a kiss on his forehead. “Once your done eating work on this and go to sleep I’m going to take a quick shower. Walking away you felt scarred hands on your wrist. “I love you so much.” Remus whispered. You grinned “love you more rem.”
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where Harry find out his love is sick when he comes home
More of my work
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Harry was back home after long tour, back to his love.
He had such amazing things planned for her birthday, a whole week of vacation in Costa Rica as she had been wanting to go there. He had everything figured out, a place rented for them to stay at, planned out adventures he was going to take her to.
He did not expected to find her sick when he came back, not when she didn't tell him anything. Well, she wouldn't want to tell him or else he would have flown back to her the moment he hang up her call. And it was just a mild fever, cold and sore throat.
She had fallen sick over the weekend when she was out with her friends after a long time. She believes it's the cold coffees and milkshakes she had and the changing climate didn't help either. She wasn't entirely alone at home though, she had her cats with her to keep her accompany.
"Why didn't you tell me, love?" Is the first thing Harry asked when he found her laying on the sofa, with one of her cat at her feet and other lying on tip of her purring loudly.
"I knew you'd put everything on hold and get here. I'm fine though." She said, sniffling on her stuffy nose. Her eyes were watering as well due to blocked nose.
"Doesn't look like it, come on let's go to the doctors." He suggested.
"I'll be find Harry, please, you just came back." She pouted.
"Not going to work on me this time," he pointed out, "I'm gonna go take a quick shower and we're heading to see doctor, yeah?"
"Okay." She nodded, there was no point in arguing with him. He looks a bit mad as well as he was unaware of her uncomfortable situation.
He sat in peace after he took her doctors, had her fed and tucked in for her nap in their bedroom. All years he have spent with her he'd come to know that she hayes to go to doctor whenever she's sick for whatever reason.
He got bored from reading his book he picked up at the airport on his way back home, he wouldn't lie it was very boring and yet he couldn't keep it down. So he put on a documentary on Netflix keeping the volume on low as he rested himself too. He would slide under blanket with YN but she wanted him to get sick from her so he opted to stay in the living room as she naps.
But there he saw her, walking down the stairs wrapped up in the blanket they both share at night, box tissue he left on her side table in her hand.
"Did you change you mind?" He smirked watching her walk to him, he didn't get a answer as she just opted to lie next to him and snuggle up. "Oh love, why don't you take a nap? You'll feel better." He quickly gathered her in his arms as he got under the blanket with her. He needed it too as it was getting colder.
"I can't sleep." She shared.
"Do you want to watch something?" He asked.
"This is fine." She shrugged, even though she had her back facing to the TV, face buried in his chest.
"Did you emailed your boss about today?" He asked.
"I did," she nodded, "I had many paid leaves pending anyway so he said I don't have to go for this week and next."
"You overwork yourself," he pointed out, "you need to rest and take time for yourself."
"Will do that from now."
"Yeah? You better," he chuckled hearing her huff. "I missed you so much." He kissed her forehead.
"I missed you too!" She said. "My throat hurts so bad."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, babylove." He cooed to her, "you're going to be fine. Now how about you sleep for a little, yeah?"
"You'll be here?"
"I'll be here when you wake up, I promise, besides I can't move either. You left me with no choice as you're lying on top of me." He chuckled, making her smile too, "c'mon now take a nap. The more you sleep the better you'll get."
"Mhmm." She nodded.
She fell asleep there, listening to the dinasaur documentary Harry put on half-way through.
At night Harry made her some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich she was talking about to make one day as she saw it on Instagram. He made her wish come true, pulled up a recipe for the soup and followed it through step by step as his love sat on the counter watching him. Even though he struggled with the compliances, like the hand blender he didn't know they even had but the soup turned out amazing!
He made a nice bath for them both, and read to her like he usually does. YN fell asleep rather early at night due to cold medicines making her sleepy.
N O T E:
Okay, hear me out. This was short. Like very short at only 860+ words, it's like the tenth of what I usually write. But I've been sick, hence this baby was made. I hope to finish something better by the end of this week.
I've been very sleepy with the meds I have to take 😔 I hate that so much!
But I hope y'all like this little fluffy mid week update. <33
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend
Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 9 months
Greetings M :) Sending you a request for the prompt: "Hot Chocolate and marshmallows - modern AU" with Fingon x reader please? Thank you!
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Pairing: Modern! Fingon x Reader (second person POV)
Themes: Soft/Fluff
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 600+ words
Summary: Fingon looks forward to enjoying a cup of hot chocolate after coming home.  
Minors DNI
Divider by @estrelinha-s
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Fingon peeled off his wet jacket and hung it on the wall-mounted rack by the door, looking about as miserable as he felt. The weather was particularly vicious this evening, with snow falling relentlessly and the wind having a sharp bite to it. All in all, it was a most wretched journey home.
At least the water ran hot while he showered, and the soap smelled faintly of orange while it glided over his skin. Ten minutes was all he took, but those ten minutes were glorious. When the last of the icy chill was driven out of his body, he stepped out of the shower to dry himself off and put on a pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater. And while the scents of fresh flowers on the mantle and the pine from the Christmas tree were invigorating, it was the scents from the kitchen that truly enticed him.
“Ah, what scents.” Fingon made himself comfortable in his usual seat at the breakfast nook. He took a deep breath and sighed dreamily. “Tomato soup. Grilled cheese sandwiches. Chocolate?”
“Hot chocolate and marshmallows for later.” You set his dinner on the counter and took your place beside him, giving him a discrete, measured look. Even in a pair of old jeans and a sweater, everything that was Valinorian about Fingon shone through. Tall and sharp, and with that sleek, waist-length dark hair of his, he stood out wherever he was and in whatever he wore. “I swear you are as skilled at sniffing things out as that beast your cousin calls a dog.”   
“Tyelko will not take kindly to Huan being called a beast.” Fingon swallowed the first spoonful of soup and closed his eyes. Fresh tomatoes. Herbs. Spices. It was just what he needed after a long day at the office and a miserable commute by train. “And you are an angel for making this for me.”
“I will make sure to remind you of that when we go gift shopping,” you remarked merrily. 
Soup went down the wrong way when he laughed. “Make sure that you do,” he managed between a fit of coughs. It cleared soon enough, and he returned to his meal. The soup continued to be a feast for the senses, as were the sandwiches that followed. The bread was crisp and warm, and the cheese melted in his mouth with each bite. Fingon then helped himself to more soup, and brought a second serving for you as well.
Dinner passed in companioble silence for a while. You then asked Fingon about his day and about his journey home. He grumbled about work and about the new troubles with his half-uncle. Then he complained about the project that had to be completed before he left for home. Finally, he turned to the weather.
“It started snowing an hour before I left work,” he continued, “and it continued to snow during the train ride home, and it was still snowing when I walked here. And it looks like it is going to keep snowing until tomorrow morning. At least I do not have to worry about going to work tomorrow or the days after that.”
"Well, I know of something that could put you in a much better mood than the soup,” you decide and return to the stove. The smell of soup slowly gave way to the sweet redolence of cocoa and chocolate and milk. Fingon pushed the bowl away from him, so eager was he to accept the steaming mug of hot chocolate you poured for him. He clapped his hands with glee when you sprinkled tiny spheres of white marshmallows on top, then grated nutmeg over them.
“Hot chocolate,” you smiled indulgently, “and marshmallows. Just like I promised. Because I am, as you say, an angel. Remember that when we do go gift shopping.”
A great deal wiser this time, Fingon waited till his laughter died before taking that first sip.
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realityhelixcreates · 10 months
Beta, Theta, and Me: Iron Dust
Chapters: 12/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Avengers (Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing, Homelessness,
Relationships: Loki x Reader (But not right now)
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki(Marvel)
Additional Tags:  A/B/O, Sorta, More Of An Exploration Of Life And Self Expression Within An A/B/O Framework, Loki Does What He Wants, But Loki Does Not Actually Do What He Wants, Antagonistic Bosses, Loki Has A Throne Now, But It’s Not What He Wanted
Summary: A discussion of the red planet.
Coincidence was a hell of a thing. It could pass as luck, blessings, or curses. It could make a person believe in fate, for all the horror that concept held. In your case, it kept leading back to Mars.
Walking past a magazine rack on the way to the closest bodega, confronted by the big rusty orb on the cover of a science magazine. Speculation on Twitter about some billionaire stunt rocket plan. Getting back on to youtube after a year gone, and the algorithm not knowing what to do with you, and so dropping a whole video about the planet on the front page.
So you watched a bald British man with glasses and a beard speak at length about the legendary red planet, and you wondered. Just how plausible was it? Loki moved more freely now. It was clear that he no longer needed you in the bath, and he hadn't asked you back for a while. It was just as well. He had been sharing access to his body under false pretenses, and if he no longer felt comfortable with that, it was better for him to withdraw, rather than pretending that there was something there that wasn't. Being a maid, helping Loki out while he healed, were things you could do. Any more than that though...you'd just never been capable, no matter how much you tried. It was better not to hope anymore, even if you sort of missed the intimacy of scrubbing his scarred back. It was better not to be put in that position anymore, if it was only going to breed disappointment. It was always going to happen. Loki was always going to get better, and need you less. That was the goal, after all. And you would move on, get another job, get on with your life. But you couldn't help but wonder. About what else might be possible. About Mars. Something inside humankind led you toward exploration. You wanted to know. Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches, with tomato soup and roasted potatoes. Loki didn't need help eating anymore, but still preferred that you share a table with him. That was fine; you needed companionship just as much as Thor has said Loki did. “So...” you said over a plate of cookies. “Tell me about Mars. How can you possibly make it work? I saw a video today that says its core has stopped moving. The center has cooled off. There's no magnetic field. The whole planet is irradiated. What can you do with that?” A cautiously pleased expression smoothed Loki's features. “Well, it is a case of finishing what your star system started, right? We surveyed each of the planets on our way into the system-and my, this star is crowded, isn't it? There is great potential all around, and Mars is no different. You are correct that the core is no longer spinning enough to produce a strong magnetic field. But the core is not solid. The planet is not solidified; it does have a liquid core, and at least part of the mantle is still liquid as well. There is seismic activity. There is weather. There is water. We can work with all these things
You know our technology is different than yours, yes? I'm not certain I can explain it so that you can understand.” He held a hand up at your scowl. “Not for any lack of intelligence on your part. Do you think you could explain to an alien exactly how your electricity works? How your coal becomes lighting, and how you harness that lightning into wires, and how it knows how to make a light bulb glow, or a refrigerator cool, or a clock to tell time? I can no more tell you how we tamed light, but we did. It is an even more pure form of energy than your electricity, and produces no waste. It can be concentrated into an even greater force than your neglected nuclear energy, though...I feel there is some overlap. With a large enough focusing device, we can burrow deep into the planet and heat the core back to melting point.” “Bullshit.” You interrupted. “There's no way. It's way, way too big.” “From a human point of view, perhaps. We are used to planning on the scales of centuries, of planets and moons. This may be unthinkable to you. To us, merely challenging. And if we can build something on the scale of our original Bifrost, we could actually do it quite quickly.” “Well...What about the rest of it? The atmosphere? The soil? It's all...” what was the word they had used? “Regolith. Not real soil, just tiny rocks. And radioactive.” “Oh, we know how to clean and regulate things like that. Atmosphere as well, and water too. Here, you have seen the late, great Asgard in your magazines, have you not. Or online?” “That flat earth-looking thing? It wasn't really like that though was it? Planets are round. There's no other way for them to be.” Loki leaned back. “There is where you misunderstand. Asgard was a realm. That does not mean the same thing as planet. Asgard was as much a built thing as this tower, put together with resources from around its star system. We are very well versed in this kind of thing. Atmosphere can be tricky, but that is where the light comes in. You see, we've figured out how to arrange photons in such a way that they become a semi-solid-enough to hold an atmosphere in. It was one of the reasons Asgard was called the Shining Realm.
And before you ask, no, we are absolutely not going to share this technology with Earth. Not yet. You people cannot even free yourselves from fossil fuels, and your first notion upon splitting the atom was to destroy cities. You'll blow up the entire galactic arm. No, you must wait.”
Well. You couldn't really protest that. He was absolutely right. Humankind would trip all over themselves with tech like that, like homicidal children.
“So we will start with little bubbles around our habitations. Build mostly underground. To begin with, anyway. We will gather the tholins your star system has in such abundance, and add them to the regolith within these bubbles. We will also filter every single scrap of organic material, leftovers, waste, shed skin cells, hair, fingernail clippings, all of it, and add that in as well. That is what makes soil, after all. Dead things. There are many types of extremophile bacteria and fungus on this world. I'm sure they will thrive in our dirt pits. We might even be able to transport garbage from this planet, and use it in ways you are unable. You already dump your waste on other countries, after all, it's not as if anyone here really wants it.”
“What about humans?” you asked. “On Mars.”
“What about you, you mean? Well, there would of course be 'special habitat' just for you.”
“You mean, like I was in a zoo?”
“All your needs met. Plenty of enrichment for your enclosure.” He chuckled. “Admired by all who saw you.”
“We used to keep other humans in zoos you know.” you said glumly.
He laughed aloud. “Disgusting!”
“Agreed. Is that what you have planned for me?”
“Not at all. I was merely teasing. No, you would still attend to me as I saw fit, and that means you would inhabit the very best hole in the ground. Metal walls and furnishings, plenty of light, mineral pigments. Mars is rich in its own resources, much like Earth. They were clearly very alike once. We will be able to create water features indoors to control humidity.”
“That sounds kinda wasteful.”
“Not so wasteful as the blood erupting from your nose from the extreme dryness. No, do you not remember what I just said about recycling everything? That includes the very air we breathe, and the water within it. I do not mean to make it sound as if this will be anything other than a grueling, challenging endeavor for as long or longer than you might be alive. Whether the pros outweigh the cons will be up to you.”
You leaned back in your chair.
“So...cons. Let's see.” you began ticking off on your fingers. “Very restricted movement. Like, there's no way I could just pop out for a nice stroll. I won't see the sky, or sunlight much at all. It'll be really cold all the time. Food and water will be restricted. There'll be basically no commodities. And it'll still be really dangerous on top of all that. Kinda sounds like it'll suck, actually.”
“There is certainly all of that.” Loki admitted. “What pros can we come up with then? For one thing, you will not die in the endless parade of natural disasters brought on by climate change. You will be on the cutting edge of a new frontier. I hear humans like that. To be the first of your kind to set foot on that world. How long have you all stared at that little pink dot in the sky and dreamed? Wondered? Does it not quicken the blood to know it is within reach?”
You couldn't really deny that. Though you knew it was a dry, dead place of endless cold and red dust, it was still...
And if it really could be transformed...you might live long enough to see that begin. To see the first flower on Mars.
“Also, you would no longer be under the jurisdiction of any Earth authority. So there is that.”
“Nah, just a fucking monarchy. As if that's any better.”
Loki spun his hand in a circle, a gesture he'd had to pick up instead of shrugging.
“I can name a few ways in which it would be better for you, specifically. For one thing, no Asgardian ever goes unhoused. It would be a blemish upon our entire society! No, for every body, a bed, for every hand, work of some kind. We do not leave our own behind like that. The sickness of your society will not be able to reach far enough to catch you. And as a part of my entourage, no one would dare trouble you.”
“I don't know if I want that.” you said. “I mean, being safe just because I'm associated with you. My value as a person can't only be tied to you.”
“You think it is?”
“The way you're describing it. That others would treat me well just because of who you are.”
“Ah. Personal worth. Naturally. Well, Asgard is not a utopian society either, even as I have described it. However, the differences I've laid out still stand. We are older, more advanced in many ways. We are also a different species, with a different evolutionary path. Many of the things you fear simply are not a thought for us.”
“How do you mean? The things I fear?”
“You hate this mockery of meritocracy your world has been built on, do you not? That the Alphas of your species run everything, dominate everything, and it isn't because they've been trained to. It isn't because they've earned it. No, it is merely because they are Alphas, and nothing more. Most don't even know how to lead. They view control and domination, and endless battle between themselves as 'protection'. They aren't taught anything, they're just expected to be able to do it by nature. No one asks if that's what they want. No one asks if someone else might be better. They are poisoned by the very power structures they fight to keep in place.
We don't do that. Our Alphas pack-bond. We form a network of support and protection. Rivalries exist, and the power structure is hierarchical, true. But this self destructive competitiveness, where your Alphas can barely stand to be in the same room with one another seems barbaric from our perspective.”
You wanted to argue, but 'barbaric' seemed a tame description in the face of human history. You didn't have all that much trust for Loki's description of his own people's merits. It sounded just too much like 'Our glorious culture vs. their savagery' type talk.
Then again, they were evolutionary different. And could it really hurt that much to try something new?
Maybe. If things got out of hand here, you could just walk out. There was no walking out of fucking Mars. That was a real commitment. But the thought of reaching the red planet before anyone else, before any billionaire, any Avenger, even NASA...it was so tempting. To track down the rovers, dust them off and wave at the cameras. To make everyone know you meant something. It was so, so tempting.
But what would it really prove?
That you were important? A pioneer? An explorer? You weren't.
You'd just be riding the coattails of someone greater, who let you tag along.
You were only here by coincidence. You'd just gotten yourself out of the gutter. It wasn't the time to be getting stars in your eyes.
Loki seemed to catch on to your inner conflict. He reached for another cookie.
“You do not have to make any swift decisions, you know.” he said. “The work will be years in the planning. We aren't leaving soon. You will have time to examine all your thoughts on the matter.”
“Good, because I definitely have some.”
“Care to talk them out?”
You shook your head.
“Not yet. Let me try to get my mind organized first. I might figure some things out on my own.”
Loki leaned back in his chair.
“Take your time. You have plenty.”
Which weirdly made you feel like he might be lying.
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rosenallies · 1 year
I really liked the one where sasha has a bad day and the other two comfort her, so anything else like that would be amazing :) todays a hurt/comfort kind of say and i just love the drag racer au so much
“Sasha?” Came a soft voice from behind her as she stood over the counter attempting to push aside her troubles so she could just make dinner.
She subtly wiped away the few tears that gathered in her eyes and turned around, both Anetra and Marcia standing there in front of her, their brows drawn together in concern. She feigned a smile. “Do you guys have any ideas for dinner? I’m not coming up with anything,” she chuckled.
Anetra and Marcia shared a look. “Sash, why don’t you let me worry about dinner? Maybe Marcia can draw you a bath while I cook?”
“What? No, I’ve got dinner,” Sasha said, shaking her head, attempting to turn back around, but Marcia grabbed her wrist.
“Please, Sasha. It’s clear you’re having an off day. Just-just let us help you for once, please.”
She sighed, tears welling up in her eyes as she choked out, “okay.”
“Good, I’m gonna make grilled cheese and soup, okay?”
Sniffling, Sasha nodded.
“And you’re coming with me,” Marcia announced, tugging her to their upstairs bathroom by the hand.
Sasha had offered to help, but Marcia had banished her to the counter, making her sit and telling her not to move as they fluttered around the bathroom, gathering soaps and bath bombs and salts, everything you could ever need for a relaxing bath.
“You don’t have to do this, you know? I can draw my own bath.”
“Hush, I want to do this for you. You deserve to be taken care of too.”
The thought of being taken care of made her squirm a bit, but as Marcia helped her undress and helped her into the steaming water, she felt herself relax.
Marcia ran their fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. “Enjoy your bath, love, I’m gonna go finish up your chores, ok? I’ll come get you when dinner is all done.”
Foregoing any protests, Sasha nodded, sinking deep into the water.
While Sasha relaxed, Marcia and Anetra made sure everything was taken care of. Dinner was made, the house was clean, the cat fed, everything that Sasha always insisted she take care of was taken care of.
“Knock, knock,” Anetra said as she entered the bathroom, Marcia following. “Dinner is on the table.”
Sasha felt so much more relaxed, her head clearer and her body calmer as she nodded, letting Anetra help her out and Marcia help her into her robe.
Anetra pointed to the vanity stool and ordered for her to sit. Gentle fingers work their way though her hair, plaiting it into a single braid down her back. Marcia then helped her dress, gentle hands pulling a shirt over her head and shorts over her legs.
“There we go, all clean and comfy,” they said with a smile.
Connected by their hands, the three of them made their way down to the kitchen where 3 grilled cheese sandwiches cut into triangles and 3 bowls of tomato soup sat at each of their respective places at the table. Sasha was definitely the cook of the group, but something about a simple and warm meal was always comforting.
“Thank you both for taking care of me tonight,” Sasha said as she sat, the others on either side of her.
“Anytime you need it,” Marcia promised, squeezing her hand, “do you want to talk about anything?”
She shrugged. “Just a bit overwhelmed today, but I already feel better.”
“Good, we’ll take care of you whenever you need us to,” Anetra said, “you always always take care of us, it’s the least we could do.”
Overwhelmed with emotion, tears blurred her vision as she nodded. “Thank you. I love you both so much.”
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: None.        
A/N: None.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 2456
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
The rest of the day was calm, both Jake and Annie took a nap together in her room, and later that night, Andy made them some grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup for dinner. It was almost 8:30 when Annie took Jake to his room.
“Alright sweetie,” Annie said while tugging Jake, “sweet dreams” She kissed her forehead, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Can I ask somefinf?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Is you stay here forever?”
“I’ll tried to stay as much as I can, I promise.” She caressed the boy’s check, “but it also depends on your dad and you, you’ll grow and you won’t need me anymore.”
“Daddy likes you.”
“Really?” Jake nodded “how you know?”
“He say he is happy you here, and he say you pritty.” Annie smiled at the boy’s confession.
“Well, thank you for sharing that with me. One more kiss” she leaned in kissing the boy. “Good night, baby.” Annie walked to the door.
“Can you be my mommy?” It was a whisper but clear enough for her to hear it, her heart flutter at Jake’s words
“We’ll see what happens, ok?” Jake turned to his left hugging his teddy bear and closed his eyes.
Annie went downstairs, Andy was on the couch, an empty bottle of beer in his hand while he watched the news.
“Jake’s out. Do you need another?” Annie pointed to the bottle.
“Yeah, I can get it.”
“I’ll get it for you. I don’t mind.”
Annie went to the kitchen and came back with a new cold beer in her hand, and sat next to Andy.
“I was hoping we could talk.” She said handed him the bottle.
“Of course,” Andy drank from his beer, “About what?”
“I want to know how is the dynamic going to be from now to… well, when I leave?”
“Honey, you don’t have to rush into finding a new place, you can stay as long as you need, Jake is happy to have you here. I am too.” He smiled.
“Yes, thank you. Is just I wanna know how much do I have to pay you?”
“Pay me?” Andy was confused now “Why would you pay me? You work for me, I’m the one who pays you.”
“Andy, I can’t be living in your house and not pay for anything.”
“Yes, you can.”
“No, I can’t. You want me to stay here, rent free and then pay me for taking care of Jake?”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Andy, no. If this is what you want I will leave. I don’t feel comfortable with that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, is just weird.”
“Alright” Andy turned his body on the couch to get closer to her. “You’ll pay me by taking care of Jake during the mornings and taking care of the house. I’ll pay you every week like I’ve been doing it for the past months, no more, no less. How does that sound?”
“No, let me pay something, please.”
“God! You are stubborn!”
“I’m not!” She crossed her arms and pouted.
“You look ridiculous right now.” Andy laughed and crossed his arms imitating her “Alright, same thing I said before and I let you pay one bill. You choose which one, plus 1 dollar per month for your room.”
“You’re treating me like a child, and stop mocking me!”
“Then stop pouting. So, do we have a deal?”
Annie stood, put her hand in her pocket and took out a dollar.
“My first rent, Mr. Barber.”
“Thank you Miss Johnson, always a pleasure to make business with you.”
“Wanna watch a movie or something?”
“No, I’m kinda tired so, I think I’ll take a bath and go to sleep.”
“Oh! Before you leave” Andy stood and went in the bathroom next to his office and came back with a small pot in his hands. “You know how Jake bruises like a peach?”  Annie nodded, “Well this,” he opened and show her the ointment, the strong smell stung in her nose. “It smells bad, but I’m sure it’ll help with your bruises.” He took a small amount in his index and middles finger. “May I?”
Annie wasn’t sure what Andy wanted to do, until he went to reach for her arm and she flinched.
“Honey, just me. You know I won’t hurt your, right?”
“I’m sorry, too soon.”
“I understand, you don’t have to apologize. I just want to help you. Put your sleeve up and hold it there.”
Annie did as she was told, not missing any of Andy’s moves.
“I will touch you now.” Andy noticed she looked away. “Honey, eyes on me.” She turned to see him when she felt Andy’s fingers over her bruise. The ointment was cold, the strong smell vanished as Andy rubbed it on her arm. His long thick fingers, gently massaging her arm. “There.” Andy gave the little pot to Annie “Put this on every morning and night. The bruises will disappear faster.”
“Can I put it anywhere in my body?”
“Hmmm, let me see.” Andy read the instructions, “It doesn’t say, it only says, cutaneous use. Why?”
“Well, you know I have bruises in other places… like…down there…”
“Oh!” Andy was nervous now “I… Maybe you should stay away from that area. We don’t know if it safe to use it there.”
“Maybe I should google it, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s fine, not uncomfortable at all.”
“For a lawyer, you are a terrible liar.” She leaned in and gave him a small kiss “Good night, Andy.”
“Good night, honey.”
Andy stayed in the living room a bit longer watching a movie Sebastian recommend him, but half way through the film he fell asleep. He didn’t know how much time had pass since he slept. Another movie was on the screen by now. He stretched his arms over his head, turned the TV off and took the empty bottles to the kitchen. He checked all the doors and windows were close, before headed to his room. He turned the lights off and then he saw a shadow outside his house looking to him from the living room window. Andy close his eyes, and then the figure was gone. He was sure he saw someone, walked to the closet by the entrance door, took his baseball ball and walked out of the house. He walked around it but didn’t find anything or anyone. “Maybe I was still asleep.” He thought. What Andy didn’t know is that the shadow was real, and Stacy was staring at him from the other side of the street.
 Sunday morning. Annie’s eyes fluttered open, she stretched her body and then she felt something on her right side, when she turned she found Jake hugging his bear, completely passed out, his hair a total mess over the pillow; she kissed his forehead and walked out of the room careful not to make any noise to wake him. She walked to Andy’s room, the door was slightly open, she popped her head a bit to see Andy’s figure covered by the white sheet; she smiled and went to the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, she started to take everything to make pancakes, milk, flour, eggs, bacon; she put a new pot of coffee for Andy. She was looking for a bowl to make the batter but couldn’t find any.
Andy woke up, rubbed his eyes and headed to the kitchen. He was walking in scratching his head when he saw Annie in her tip toes trying to reach the top cabinet, she went to put her knee on the counter, the baggy t-shirt she was wearing was lifted at her bottom showing her bright pink cheeky panties.
“What are you doing?” Andy said making Annie slipped from the counter.
“SHIT!” Annie tried to grab from anything unsuccessfully and landed on her ass.
“Hey,” Andy rushed to her “You ok? Didn’t mean to scare you, I forgot you were here.”
“Yeah, I was trying to take the bowl out, want to make pancakes.” Annie lifted her gaze and found Andy’s naked chest right in front of her, a chain on his neck hitting his skin, he was wearing only his black boxer briefs.
“Come on” Andy helped her to get up and Annie couldn’t take her eyes off of his tall broad frame.
His chest was cover with a thin layer of hair that went down his abdomen and lost at the waistband of his underwear. Andy lifted his arm and took the bowl for her.
“There you go.” Andy put the bowl in the counter next to them.
Annie kept looking at him, staring at the tattoo he had on his chest. Her hand went to touch the one on top of his left pec right where his heart was, a tattoo of a baby’s footprint. Her finger tips trace the tattoo sending Andy shivers all over his body.
“Honey…” Andy’s voice was deeper than usual.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos” both her hands were on his chest now “is this Jake’s footprint?”
“Yes,” Andy answered nervously “I got it the day after he was born.” Andy took her hand and kissed her knuckles, he took her chin and made her look into his eyes. “Good morning” he placed a kiss on her check “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“I think I should go and put some clothes. Like I said I forgot you were here.”
“No, no, it’s your house, you should be able to be naked all the time if you want, I don’t mind.” Andy laughed at her nervous voice.
“I won’t take long, be right back.” Andy turned to leave “And don’t climbed on the counter again.”
As Andy left, her eyes went straight to his rounded, tight and perfect ass, and bit her lip.
“I’m so screwed.”
 After breakfast Annie and Jake went to her room to organize her closet and Andy was in his office working ahead for a new case. She had the clothes scattered over the floor and bed, and Jake was handing her the item she requested.
“We should also tell your dad to take us to the supermarket, there are a lot of things missing in the pantry.” She turned around but Jake was not there. “Jake? Sweetie?” She went to check on the bathroom but no sign of him. Annie shrug her shoulders and went back to her closet.
Jake came down the stairs to his dad’s office, holding something he found interesting and odd between Annie’s belongings. Andy was so invested in his laptop he didn’t hear when the little boy came in.
“Hey, thought you were helping Annie with her clothes.” Andy didn’t look at his son while talking, too invested in the evidence he had all over his desk.
“Yes! But, her clods are wird.”
“Well, she is a woman, her clothes are different to ours” Andy didn’t quite understand why was this coming from, is not like Jake hasn’t seen a woman before, he has a female teacher, he knows Pam, and he has girl classmates.
“I know dat! But we not haf dis!” The little boy put his hand up and then Andy turned to see Jake holding a peace of lacy underwear, more specifically a red lacy thong.
“Where did you take this?” Andy said taking the thong in his hand.
“It was on the floor, but daddy why I not haf one of tos? I wanf one!”
“Oh boy, ammm this is for women and you are a little boy, but I’m sure when you grow you’ll see more of these. Now, we are not supposed to take something is not ours right?”
“Yes, daddy. I’m soggy.”
“Is alright. Now give this back to her.”
“No, I no wanna!”
“Jake, you took it, you give it back.”
“No!” Jake pouted “she gonna be mad, you take it!” and then Jake ran out of the office.
“You little shit! JAKE!”
Andy came out of the room, despite being just 3 years old, Jake was fast. Andy climbed the stairs two steps at the time and went to Jake’s room but didn´t find him there, so he move to Annie’s room.
“Hey! Are you done for the day?” Annie almost finished with the organization in her room.
“Yeah. Jake interrupted me.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, he was here, and then he wasn’t, I thought he was in the bathroom, I didn’t know he went to disturbed you.”
“He is not here?” Andy said walking in the room and sitting on the bed.
“No, I told you, he just left, maybe he just hide downstairs. Did you yell at him?”
“Of course not! He took a piece of clothing of yours and I just asked him to turn it back.”
“What did he take?”
Andy unfold the thong he had hidden in his left hand, he showed it with both his hands. It was obvious for Annie that Andy was embarrassed, the redness in his face said everything. She snatched her thong out of Andy’s hands. It was an awkward situation.
“Thank you! I will put them where Jake doesn’t find them.”
“They’re nice.” Andy said cheekily “You have more?” he flashed a side flirty smile and wiggle his eyebrows.
“Shut up! God! This is so embarrassing.”
“Maybe we should get used to it. We are going to live together for a while… I hope. Besides you already saw me in my underwear today. So I guess we are even.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She sat next to him “Do you think is weird I feel like home?”
“No, I’m glad you feel that way.” He took her hand. Both looked at each other leaning closer.
“DAD!” Jake came in shouting, and they separated, Andy saw Annie turned to the other side “Are we go now?”
“Going where?” Andy asked.
“I told him if he behave I’ll take him for ice cream and also we should go to the supermarket. Could you take us? I still have to go for my car to Sharon’s. Maybe tomorrow Jake could go with me, we can take the bus. If that’s ok with you.”
“Yes!!!!! The bus!!!!!”
“Just be careful. Don’t go near his place.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
“Perfect. Let’s go to the supermarket then.”
Andy carried Jake to his room, and Annie was left there wondering of what would have happened if Jake hadn’t interrupted them. A kiss perhaps? She didn’t know. What she did know was that the butterflies she had been feeling since she started working for Andy were getting stronger; and living with him was not going to make it any easy.
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easytobevegan · 1 year
Easy Vegan Meals for Children and Picky Eaters
Got a child that you need to feed or pack lunch for and don’t have much time? Have a picky eater living with you who’s trying to go vegan? Maybe you have a combination child/picky eater (like I was) living in your household? Well, this list of food is perfect for you! While not always the healthiest, sometimes just getting someone to eat can be challenging enough, so there’s nothing wrong with some simple, somewhat unhealthy meals every now and then. Many of these dishes can easily be made healthier by adding veggies! Here’s a collection of easy meals for the difficult eaters in your life. 
Macaroni and “Cheese”: Whether it’s boxed vegan mac or homemade, macaroni and cheese is a beloved classic for people of all ages and eating habits. Some boxed and frozen vegan mac and cheese that I’ve personally tried include Sweet Earth Cauliflower Mac, Field Roast Mac N’ Chao, Daiya Cheddar Style Mac & Cheeze, and Annie’s Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar. You could also make a quick batch of mac and cheese yourself by boiling your pasta noodle of choice, making a roux with all-purpose flour and vegan butter, and slowly adding in your nondairy milk and vegan cheese shreds of choice (I personally use oat milk and either Follow Your Heart or Violife). If you’re looking to make your own cheese sauce, there are plenty of vegan recipes out there, such as this one from Nora Cooks or this one from Love and Lemons. Add broccoli, cauliflower, and/or some sauteed greens (such as spinach or kale) to make this classic, homey dish a little less unhealthy. 
Tacos: Whether you use a packaged spice mix or make your own (like this one from Vegan Richa), you can’t go wrong with a simple taco. Hard shell, soft shell, lettuce wrap, taco salad - whatever you do, it’s up to you and sure to be delicious! I personally like to use black beans (and sometimes chickpeas or TVP) as my meat substitute. You could also add other veggies to the dish, such as mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers - anything you want, really. Top with lettuce, tomato, vegan cheese, salsa, and/or pico de gallo for some added flavor and texture.
Sloppy Joes: In place of meat, use tvp, lentils or mushrooms. If you can find a canned sauce that is vegan friendly, that will work just fine for a quick meal, but homemade is best, in my humble opinion. Not sure where to start? Try this recipe from Nora Cooks!
Grilled Cheese: Get two slices of bread, a couple slices of vegan cheese, and enough vegan butter to spread on the outside of the bread. Put the cheese slices on top of the bread and then put the bread slices in a pan over medium heat until cheese is melted and bread is toasted. Add some tomato slices or fresh greens if you’re into that or serve the sandwich with some soup (I like tomato soup best). 
Pizza: Who doesn’t love a good pizza, am I right? If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that serves good vegan pizza, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting it as a treat every now and then. Frozen vegan pizzas that I’ve seen in stores where I live have been limited to Daiya pizzas (which I haven’t tried, so I can’t comment on taste), but I know there are others out there. You can easily make your own pizza by buying vegan-friendly dough (either frozen, premade bread or package mix), jarred pizza sauce, vegan shredded cheese, and toppings of choice (such as spinach, mushrooms, pineapple, etc.). Looking to make a pizza from scratch? Try this one from Love and Lemons or this one from Nora Cooks. 
Spaghetti: Jarred sauce and spaghetti noodles, what could be simpler? You could also add some vegan parmesan on top, some vegan meatballs or tvp to the sauce, and/or a bunch of vegetables for added flavor and texture. Making your own sauce is really simple, too! Here’s a recipe from my mom that I use whenever I’m craving spaghetti (note that the link also has recipes for lasagna and chili) -  Spaghetti Sauce.
“Chicken” Nuggets: There are plenty of frozen vegan chicken nugget options out there now, from Morning Star to Gardein to Impossible, etc. If you want something without all the preservatives and processing that goes into making fake meat, you could try making your own. These recipes from Nora Cooks and Sweet Potato Soul look yummy! Serve them with some homemade fries, baked potatoes, or roasted vegetables for a filling and delicious meal. 
Quesadillas: Another yummy Mexican dish that you can whip up easily. You can make a simple one by purchasing tortillas and vegan cheese shreds to melt inside. You can also add whatever veggies and spices you want. If you’re looking for recipes to follow along with, these from Love and Lemons and Nora Cooks look delicious!
Baked Ziti: More pasta, yay! Warm, cheesy and saucy, what could be better than baked ziti on a chilly day? This vegan baked ziti from Nora Cooks uses ziti containing wheat and a cashew sauce, but it does have gluten free and nut free options listed! If you want to add some healthy factors to it, mix in some greens (like spinach or kale) or other vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower or zucchini).
Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich: Simple yet delicious! Great to take to school or work for a quick lunch. Have it with some raw veggies or fruit slices to add some more nutrition to your meal. Want to take your sandwich to the next level? Try this PBJ Coconut Bacon Sandwich from Elephantastic Vegan!
Fried Rice: Rice and vegetables - couldn’t be simpler! While you can certainly find frozen vegetable fried rice that is vegan friendly in many grocery stores, there’s just something satisfying about making it yourself. This recipe from Nora Cooks is so good! 
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
Soup (part 1) - Chef
Ian was standing in their kitchen surrounded by an enormous amount of bowls and pots as Mickey got out of the shower and entered the kitchen. Mickey smelled the familiar smell of tomato soup and fought to keep the smile from his face while walking towards his partner. Ian was making his favorite comfort food.
"Missed you." Ian said with a smile as mickey was crowding into his space. "Mmm... I bet." Micky's eyes were soft and affectionate as he ghosted a gentle hand over Ian's back.
Mickey stood on his toes to watch over his husband’s shoulder and pulled a disgusted face as he looked inside the pot. “What the hell is that, Red?”
"Tomato soup," Ian replied, leaning a little so that Mickey got a better look, "It's a work in progress."
“Why is it so...?” Mickey questioned.
“Chunky? I don’t know.” Ian shrugged, a bit frustrated. “I followed what it said on the packaging.”
"I'm no genius but I don't think they meant for the cream to curdle like that"
“Don’t blame me! I never had a proper childhood.” Ian threw his hands in the air.
"Neither have I, but let me tell you, lover, this is for sure ain't fucking it."
From behind him Mickey reached over to grab the packaging. "What are you doing?” Ian froze.
"Taking over this holy fucking mess" Mickey said as he squeezed between Ian and the stove. Mickey's scent penetrated his nose, his lungs, his mind. As he started humming to himself, Ian's heart went into overload.
After lowering the heat and whisking until the soup looked smoother, he add a bit more of cream as he whisked. Finally, he twisted in Ian’s arms and grabbed the front of his sweatshirt. “How-” Before Ian could even finish asking his husband, he was pulled down by his neck and kissed. Softly, Tenderly and yet full of passion.
It wasn’t fair that Mickey was so good at cooking. He was already hot as fuck, the funniest person Ian knows and crazy good at math, why did he need to be good in the kitchen too? Ian thought to himself.
"I fixed it for you, You're fucking welcome." Mickey said smugly. He yelped as he felt a slap to the ass but Ian couldn't help but smile and kiss him sweetly.
"Thank you, baby." Another kiss. "What would I ever do with out you?"
"Eat curdled soup?" Mickey muttered between their lips.
“Mick...” he warned just loud enough for mickey to hear.
“Stop it with that,” Mickey chastised under his breath. "You're turning me on, Gallagher, and you'll make me forget about your stupid soup."
"Mmmm... It was suppose to be your stupid soup." the taller man's hands traveled down his husbands back and squeezing his ass. "Mmh... I'm so lucky." He continued, leaving kisses up and down the shorter's neck.
“Come on Red, I, um, I need-“ he trailed off with a moan, not finishing his sentence but pointing over his shoulder to indicate he wants to check on the soup. "Can you make the... umm grilled cheese?"
Ian pulled away, "Sure thing, Chef!", he exclaimed, "Glad I can be of help."
"Shut up and make me a sandwich, bitch!"
Ian grabbed Mickey's neck, nudging to look at him "One bitch sandwich coming right up, Chef!" Warm lips pressed a kiss to his temple.
"Make two. I'm not sharing."
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it" he replied with a knowing smile.
After the were done eating, Ian started clearing up the table and filling the dish washer. Mickey brough their empty glasses, setting them on the counter and looped his arms around his husband.
"I could have done it myself, you know” Ian argued.
“I know. But you don’t have to.” Mickey just wrapped his arms around him tighter. "I kinda like cooking together."
Ian turned around and flipped them, pushing his partner against the counter, "By cooking together you mean you cooking and me trying to distract you? Because I can definitely get behind that idea."
"I have an idea of what you can get behind..."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeah."
"Let's go Mr. Gallagher! I want to give my compliments to the chef properly..."
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openingnightposts · 1 year
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imbonewary · 1 year
Shifting Sans Chapter 13 "Lucky 13"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 14
The smell of warm, savory tomatoes invited me into the Snowdin house as I followed Frisk inside.
“I didn’t have much time to make anything fancy,” Papyrus lamented, heading straight for the kitchen. “So I’ve made some tomato soup and grilled cheese BLTs.”
“Just threw that together, huh?” Frisk teased, flopping onto the entire couch. “Smells good.”
“Frisk, don’t take up the whole couch,” Chara chided and Papyrus froze, plate of sandwiches in hand. He glanced at me and I shrugged with an easy grin. He relaxed, but only a bit, as he delivered the plate to the table, next to a glitter covered rock on another plate. Just like the pet rock my brother fed sprinkles to...
I guess Papyrus knows I know about the kids now. Focus on the present, Sans Serif, not the past. 
“I apologize, Papyrus,” Chara said, appearing in the middle of the room. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s… fine, Chara,” Papyrus couldn’t quite swallow his huff, balancing three bowls of soup. Among his confusing mix of emotions, why was he feeling disappointed? “Come on, we have to eat somewhat quickly so I can deliver Alphys her lunch as well; she's waiting on us.”
“Sounds good to me,” Frisk rolled off the couch and headed for the table with a hungry look.
“Maybe don’t eat so fast this time, though,” Chara advised, floating behind him. “Alphys can wait a few extra minutes while you eat properly.”
“You just don’t like feeling stuffed,” Frisk replied, sticking his tongue out at her. “Maybe you should stay out of my body if you don’t like it.”
Chara sighed in annoyance, with an undercurrent of guilt.
“Papyrus, we have some good news for you,” she changed the subject. He looked up, having just finished setting the table. “Frisk and I no longer have access to the reset power.”
Papyrus blinked at her a few times.
“You… what…?”
“That’s mostly why we wanted to see you today,” Chara continued while Frisk watched in open amusement as he grabbed a sandwich. “We wanted to Save after breaking the barrier but weren’t able to, no matter how hard we tried. We’ve just been so busy we haven’t had a chance to speak with you about it until now.”
“You can’t… it’s gone?” Papyrus breathed and I couldn’t help but think of my own reaction to the news. “You don’t… o-oh my god, it’s… been a part of my life for so long, I… I’ll need a minute to… to process this.”
He sat down heavily at the head of the table and just… stared into space while his emotions felt like the equivalent of shallow breaths, dull and distant but swirling quickly, all while Frisk continued to watch in amusement as he munched on his sandwich. I sat on the long side of the table with him, putting Frisk between me and Papyrus, as I pulled a bowl of soup towards me, reaching for a sandwich.
“Well, while Papyrus uh, processes that,” Chara said. “Serif, you mentioned you wanted help coming up with names, right?”
“oh, yeah,” I glanced at Papyrus, he remembers I’m from an alternate universe, right? “I should come up with a list of people that need to be renamed but uh, I dunno how much help Pap is gonna be at this point.”
Papyrus looked at me with wide, blank eyes, barely registering my presence. “Serif?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Right, I forgot you retired before I picked my new name. Heya, I’m Serif the Skeleton,” I waved. “Since I’m living with your Sans it made more sense for me to take on a new name while I’m here, being the visitor and all,” I explained, catching him up on my thought process. “And since everyone I used to know seems to have some kind of counterpart here, it made sense to rename them too so I could talk about them more freely without letting on that I’m from another universe entirely.”
I Finally got a chance to take a bite of the sandwich and oh my god it was delicious! Crisp lettuce, crispy bacon, and sweet tomato slices between melted cheese on toasted bread…
“Mm! This is really good!” I praised, taking another bite.
“Of course it’s good!” Papyrus preened, apparently shook out of his former stupor. “I am the one who made it, after all!”
“Welcome back, Pap,” Frisk snickered between bites, dipping his sandwich in the soup. Oh right, I almost forgot about the soup.
“Y-yes, well,” Papyrus cleared his throat, blushing slightly.
“Cut yourself some slack, buddy,” I said, washing down the sandwich with some soup. Yummy. “If your experience with resets was anything like mine it’ll take some adjustment. Don’t push yourself just ‘cause you think you have to.”
“And you’ve got us to help you too,” Frisk smirked, exuding mischief. “Lucky you, huh?”
Papyrus growled, positively bristling with a deep-seated hatred. This reaction only seemed to amuse Frisk further while Chara gaped at him, appalled. While the exact reason was lost on me, it was obvious Frisk had said something triggering. 
“Frisk!” Chara recovered first. “I thought you knew better than that!”
“Just because I know doesn’t mean I care,” Frisk responded, still smiling. “Besides, Pap can take a little teasing.”
“Playing with triggers is not “a little teasing”, kid,” my permanent smile had dropped. “But uh, what part of that should I not be repeating?”
Papyrus sighed, rubbing his face with a hand, while Chara looked uncomfortable and Frisk finished off his sandwich, happily sipping his soup. I’m really starting to resent this kid.
“I guess now is as good a time as any to share part of my story,” Papyrus said tersely, glaring at the ground. “I mentioned I’m the clone of the former Royal Scientist. Well, I’m the thirteenth and most successful attempt he made at cloning himself, even though I’m still not a Boss Monster like he was. I became his assistant and favorite test subject, called 13 whenever we were in the labs and “Lucky” anytime I had to interact with the general public. Upon escape, I chose the name “Papyrus” instead.”
“Ah, as a fellow favorite test subject, I feel your pain,” I cringed slightly as I nodded, trying not to think of my own time in the Labs. Great pun potential but best to avoid that for now. “Thanks for trusting me with that.”
“I’m one of the most well-known Lab survivors,” he replied with a shrug. “You’d have heard about it eventually. And your… Royal Scientist got to you too, then?”
“Yeah, arranged an “accident” for my parents to trick me and Pap- I mean, my younger brother,” I quickly corrected. “As test subjects, using him as blackmail to keep me in line. Not fun.”
“I see,” Papyrus nodded in solidarity. I think we may actually have something to bond over, sad as it is. “So, what was all that about new names again? I was distracted.”
Distracted. That’s one way to put it.
“Right, so just like I have the new name "Serif",” I allowed the subject change. “I decided to rename some of the more important people from my past life too, so I can talk about them more freely without anyone getting suspicious, or having to constantly take ownership of them like saying “my Alphys” and “your Alphys”.”
“Right, that makes sense.”
“And I’ve already got a name for your Gaster,” Frisk piped in and both me and Papyrus flinched at the name.
“Frisk,” Chara said in warning. He waved her off.
“Since he tricked you, what about “Guile”? It sounds like it could be a cool, regular name, right? There's an old video game I like with a character named Guile.”
“Guile,” I tried out the name. It didn’t feel too bad, at least. “Ok, I think I can live with that, especially if it means I don’t have to hear his actual name as much, let alone say it.”
“Frisk, give me your phone,” Chara said, holding out her hand. He did, smacking his lips as he finished his soup. Fingertips glowing slightly, she began typing away at the touch screen. “I had a thought for Serif’s younger brother but I need to look it up first. Papyrus is a font, of course, but it got its name from the type of paper used in ancient Egypt. I’m looking up the name of the plant it's made of..."
“Huh, good thinking kiddo,” I praised and I felt her delight as she smiled, along with jealous streak from Frisk. Well, maybe I’d praise you, too, if you weren’t such a little shit all the time.
“Cyperus papyrus,” Chara read. “Also called papyrus sedge, paper reed, Indian matting plant and Nile grass.”
“Cyperus sounds pretty cool for a name,” I nodded. “I can live with calling my little brother Cyperus.”
We all collectively jolted at a loud alarm sound from the phone formerly in Chara’s hand, as she’d dropped it on Frisk’s head in surprise. Frisk fumbled but caught the phone, despite the head injury, and answered it, speaking a little too quickly.
“Hey, hi, yes, hello!” he verbally fumbled. “What, no, we totally didn’t forget to call you, Sans! Ha ha, what a silly thing to say!”
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bladelasdragon · 1 year
Sofia wg
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Sofia walked through the large, empty halls of her castle, a princess alone with only her several guards and servants to keep her company. She was wearing a dress, not nearly as elegant as others she had, but still rather fancy nonetheless. It was pink and it’s many flairs and fabrics which hung from the side dragged as she moved about the area. Her hair, while usually being done up into an extravagant form, was currently messy and reeked of bedhead.
     Despite only being seven, Sofia was trusted to not cause any trouble while her parents were gone. They were off to meet with some of other high-ranking elites across the land, boring royal stuff that she had no interest in partaking. Without them, however, she began to realize how vast and vacuous the castle truly was. So much space, such little taking it up…
     Speaking of vast emptinesses, Sofia felt her stomach growl, and decided that now would be as good a time as any to get some lunch. She made her way towards the dining hall, pondering what kind of meal she should have today. Usually her parents would choose the meal she would eat, however now that she was alone, she could have anything she wanted! It almost felt a bit overwhelming, so many choices to pick from, it would be a miracle if she could pick just one.
     Opening the doors to the dining hall, she noticed the several chefs who worked for her slacking off. A quick slam of her foot and huff from her nose caught their attention, staring towards the hungry girl.
     “Hey, you lazy peasants! Get off your butts and make me some lunch!” She demanded sitting down in the large chair normally reserved for the King.
     The chefs all clamored to get back into the kitchen, only one sticking behind to ask what she would like to eat.
     “I dunno… Just get me all you have and don’t stop until I’m full.” Sofia ordered, brushing him off. “Now, get to it! I’m not paying you to loaf about!”
     The head chef nodded and rushed into the kitchen to relay the order to the rest of the cooks.
     Ten minutes pass and Sofia is given a reasonable meal of grilled cheese, tomato soup and a chocolate milk, however Sofia seemed less than pleased. “This is it? I’m going to need more than just a snack, you know. Bring me more!”
     “Of course, your majesty.” The head chef bowed, heading into the back to go collect more food for the hungry princess as she wolfed down the sandwich slices ravenously, barely putting a dent into her overall appetite. It was very delicious, of course, it was cooked by the best chefs in the land. However, as far as her stomach was concerned, it was barely a drop in the water.
     Sofia felt her belly growl, and she patted it comfortingly. “Don’t worry, tummy. Those worthless chefs will get us something worthwhile.”
     The head chef heard this, and sneered in disgust behind her back. He entered the kitchen and saw all of his cooks working tirelessly to satisfy the spoiled brat. The head chef called out to all of his cooks to halt cooking momentarily to make an announcement.
     “My fellow chefs! You have worked under the banner of an oppressive monarchy for too long! Today, we take our vengeance upon these snobby, greedy royals!” The head chef stated aloud.
     One cook called out to him. “How? What are a bunch of chefs going to do to take these royals down?”
     The head chef smirked, and pulled out a strange vial. “This was given to me by a local alchemist. It is said to contain a potion powerful enough to make any who ingests it insatiabally hungry! Princess Sofia wishes for us to feed her until she’s full… But this will ensure she will never be full again!”
     “Wait, so we’ll just have to work twice as hard to satisfy a girl who can’t stop eating? What good will that do us?” Another cook questioned.
     “I’m glad you asked. If this potion is to work, then we will be able to corrupt the King and Queen as well, joining their precious daughter in a cycle of endless gluttony!” The head chef exclaimed, followed by an uproarious huzzah from all the cooks!
     Thirty more minutes pass, and Sofia is becoming impatient. She was just about to head into the kitchen herself to find the chef and complain when she was greeted by a quite massive pile of food before her, placed down by the head chef with a smile on his face.
     “Enjoy, your majesty. If you need any more, just give me a ring.” The head chef smiled, before slowly walking away.
     Sofia just snapped her fingers and pointed at him. “Don’t leave yet. I’ll be wanting more after this, and I don’t want to have to wait on your slow butt again.”
     The head chef was beginning to wonder if they needed the potion at all, considering how seemingly starved she was already, but was willing to stay behind, if only in anticipation for her reaction to the potion. If she was this hungry now, who knows how much that could amplify after eating the tainted food!
     Sofia looked over the meal she had been presented with, it certainly was more food than she had been offered before featuring an entire platter of grilled cheese sandwiches, picking one up and biting into it. “Couldn’t even bother to make a different type of food, you dolt? Whatever, you’re lucky these are passable…” She sneered, taking an aggressive bite out of the sandwich. As soon as she did, she noticed a significant difference in how it tasted. Upon swallowing, she felt her stomach growl even louder, the sound comparable to a feral wolf.
     “Is everything alright, ma’am?” The head chef asked with a smug look plastered across his face.
     The princess glared at the food, shoveling down the food even quicker than before, finishing it all in minutes. “Rrgh, your food is so terrible it’s making me hungrier! Get me more food, now!!”
     “With pleasure!” The head chef snapped his fingers, several more cooks filing in with several plates of food for the young princess to eat. Turkey, burgers, steaks, pasta, and much more, all spread out across the length of the table, all for her to enjoy.
     Sofia didn’t know what came over her, but her teeth seemed to sharpen and eyes flared up with raw fury. Her arms were like turbines, ripping out all the food they could reach and sliding the food it couldn’t reach closer to her.
     “Hrrrmphh… What are you idiots standing around for… Ulmph… GO MAKE ME MORE!” Sofia demanded, all the chefs jolting back towards the kitchen to oblige with the request. The head chef stayed behind for a moment, appreciating that his plan was working so perfectly.
     Sofia was growing fatter by the second, it seeming like the potion not only affected her appetite, but her metabolism as well. Weight began to grow underneath her frilly dress, tightening it and slowly showing off more skin than would be appropriate for someone of such high royalty.
     Sofia didn’t seem to notice her weight gain, however, and continued gorging herself on all the food she could. Sofia had never been one to care about her personal image, let alone when she ate, and a mixture of the appetite-minimizing potion affecting her better judgment as well as her own self-entitlement blocked her from acknowledging the obscene amount of weight she was packing on.
     Once the cooks came back with another round, Sofia had already been finished with the first meal, and she wasn’t going to let them forget it. “You imbeciles can’t even get me more food on time! I’ve spent a whole five minutes not eating, are you trying to starve me here?!”
     The cooks stifled their chuckles, surprised Sofia hadn’t realized what was going on, returning to her feasting without a second thought. Not before shooting another evil glare at the cooks to get back to work, which they did immediately.
     “You certainly are hungry today, your graciousness.” The head chef mentioned, walking over towards the growing girl. He could see fat folds beginning to form beneath the fabric of her dress, her fat butt filling out the chair and pressing up against the back and sides, Sofia caring little about it.
     “Hrmph… Not my fault your food is about as filling as air! Tell your stupid slackers to make even more food, and make sure they’re more filling than this garbage!” Sofia snapped in between bites, not even waiting to swallow. In fact, she was funneling more food into her mouth as she spoke, a dangerous move but one that wasn’t causing her much trouble.
     “As you wish, my princess.” The head chef bowed, happy to comply with every one of the girl’s wishes. He re-entered the kitchen and gave the order, telling them all to double their efforts, reassuring everyone in the confidence in this plan.
     So, food continued to be sent out, one after the other, each time the portions getting larger and larger per the request of the ever-growing mass of blubber which was Sofia. Her clothes tore apart and ripped at the seams, stretching out further as she stuffed herself with food, guzzling down all types of feasts by the minute.
     “Hurrlpp… BRRRUUUUURRRP!!!” Sofia let out a room-shaking belch, her massive belly reaching nearly six feet high jiggling violently, the only clothes left on her being her tight underwear. Her panties were getting eaten by her massive asscheeks, each cheek similarly round and squishy. “Gruh… Still hungry!”
     “Your highness, I’m sorry to say, but…” The head chef smirked, happy to relay this news faster than he anticipated. “You’ve eaten all the food in the castle!”
     The chef was expecting plenty of responses, however the one he received was not exactly what he expected. “Seriously, you stupid chefs don’t even have enough food for ONE kid? Fine, go out and take some food from the peasants. I need food, NOW!”
     “Of co-- Wait, what was that?” The head chef asked, raising an eyebrow.
     “Bring me the food from all across the kingdom! I’m hungry for some REAL food, not this non-filling mediocre garbage! Once my daddy comes back, I’m going to make sure you all get thrown into the gallows!” Sofia shouted, slapping her giant gut and hearing it roar in starvation. “Now get me some food, or else you’ll be dinner!”
     The head chef gulped, realizing what he had created. He backed away, and rushed into the kitchen to relay the orders to the rest of the crew, leaving the obese princess alone once again.
     Sofia’s gut growled, and she looked down at the table. Her tongue slid across her lips and she smiled deviously…
     “What? From across the kingdom?” One guard asked.
     “We can’t just steal food from the citizens!” Another stated.
     The commotion coming from the guards was loud and worrisome, however the leader of the guard slammed their spear down and shouted loudly. “Listen up! I don’t want to hear your moral squabbles with this, you’ve been given orders from the current standing royalty here, and it is your job to obey! If you disobey direct orders, you will be sent to the gallows! Is that clear?”
     The other guards nervously agreed, saluting with sweat dripping down their faces. After the captain gave them the go-ahead, they all marched into town, the sounds of their heavy boots rhythmically stomping on the ground echoing across the vestibules and archways, a warning to all who had food.
     Bakeries were ransacked, homes were raided, even farms were ravaged. The citizens begged and pleaded to keep even a little, but most were ignored, while some more violent ones were taken into custody.
     Giant carts filled with all the food in the kingdom were transported towards the castle, all for the insatiable princess to devour, a long line of food making it’s way into the castle with all the peasants just watching in disbelief, in utter despair that their princess would so callously steal all their food to fuel whatever greedy desires she had.
     The food line stretched for miles, almost as long as the kingdom itself, all leading back towards the castle, where the leader of the pack was reaching the dining room to hand over it’s first delivery of food.
     “Hello, Princess Sofia. We have your food rea--” The guard captain stood in place, shocked at what he witnessed as soon as he looked up from his paper.
     Princess Sofia was gulping down the remnants of a chair, with no other furniture or decorations left. No banners, paintings or even cabinets were safe as she had easily devoured each and everyone of them, adding onto her already massive girth.
     “About time, you lazy jerks! Even this furniture tastes better than this schlop you keep feeding me, now HAND IT OVER!” Sofia demanded angrily, reaching over desperately towards the mountain of food that, while agreeably massive, was barely as large as Sofia was.
     “Of course, Princess. Wheel in the food!” The captain demanded, as some servants of the castle brought it in for her. But instead of grabbing the food and eating it one by one like a normal, rational human, Sofia just lifted up the entire wheelbarrow and chomped it all down in only a few bites.
     “More!” Sofia shouted, the guard becoming slightly more concerned. They continued to send in more carts filled with food, each one suffering the same fate as the first. The Princess devoured cart after cart of food, each time her weight flooding the room and pushing back against the walls, threatening to knock down the very walls themselves, all the while Sofia demanding more, and MORE, and MORE!
     “Urmph… Ulp… More, more… Need more…” Sofia moaned, grasping towards empty air, hoping to grab onto another cart of food to stuff herself with. When she wasn’t able to, she snarled and made a vain attempt to move her head to see past the several rolls of fat surrounding her face. “Where’s my food? I’m still hungry!”
     “You ate it all.” The Captain stated. “There’s nothing left for you, or anyone else for that matter, to eat.”
     Sofia frowned harshly, and in a fit of rage she grabbed the captain and swallowed him whole. “If you can’t feed me, I’ll eat you instead! I’ll eat this WHOLE WORTHLESS KINGDOM!” She vowed, ripping pieces of her own castle apart and gulping them down viciously, her gargantuan, flabby body crashing through the rest of the building around her, resting her head against her gigantic ass as debris fell down, opening her mouth while dragging any loose objects towards her mouth chomp down and seep into the rest of the castle, soon consuming every last bit of the castle. Well, at least that wasn’t currently flattened beneath her.
     Her frustration soon turned to a catastrophic glee, hearing the sounds of panic and fear across the entire town. “You’re all nothing but morsels compared to my enormity… Feel grateful your meaningless lives are given some small purpose is feeding my ever-increasing beauty!” She stated as she slammed her massive gut onto the kingdom, ass up in the sky and bouncing around ceaselessly. She opened her mouth and began to inhale, sucking up building, people, trees and everything else which resided inside her kingdom, swelling her massive form even further.
     “Hrrngh… It’s just not enough… How much will it take, you stupid belly? Maybe I need to eat this whole planet before it’s satisfied.” Sofia wondered to herself, her fatness crushing half the kingdom now, and still growing.
     From all across the world, people could feel the quaking of the earth as it was slowly devoured by a gluttonous, insatiably obese Princess, siphoning all mass on the planet into herself, be it solid rock or molten lava, it seemed her stomach could handle anything. She blew up into a massive balloon swelling with thick lard, a miracle her underwear still held on so tight to cover her.
     Sofia could feel the surface of the Earth grow smaller and smaller, not only due to her enlarging body, several rolls of fat billowing outwards and demolishing anything that did not get consumed, uncountable objects and people being trapped and squished between thick fat folds. It was also due to her rapid consumption of the planet, stopping only when every last bite was resting within her massive belly, her enormous belly sloshing and gurgling in the empty abyss of space.
     “There goes the planet… UUURRRRPPP! And it was just as unsatisfying as it was when I was living on it!” Sofia complained. “If ONE planet didn’t satisfy me, then I guess I’ll just need to eat more until I find one that DOES!”
     Once again inhaling, the planets in the solar system the Earth once resided in came barreling towards her mouth, not to mention asteroids, stars and miscellaneous space dust. All now dedicated fodder for Sofia’s intergalactic growth, on a quest to find a meal that will satisfy her insatiable standards, with a stomach like a black hole.
     Even when she ate the entire solar system, multiple galaxies, nebulae, and eventually the whole of the entire universe, slurping it all down like one long noodle in the largest bowl of spaghetti, it seemed she would never be satisfied with any amount of consumption, infinitely gorging on space for the rest of all time.
Sallr scouts wg
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Breaking news! There seems to be a monolithic ooze spreading through the city of Tokyo which seems to be mildly sentient, feeding itself to the citizens of Tokyo! There seem to be no ill effects aside from rapid weight gain and immobility, the city council has advised anyone within the city get indoors, lock all your doors and bar your windows, and be sure to block out any signs of leaking until further notice…”
“Come on, we need to hurry!” Sailor Moon shouted, running in front of Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter. “Who knows what kind of devastation that monstrous blob is causing to the citizens!”
“It seems we’re gonna experience what happened first-hand…” Jupiter mentioned, pointing towards an enormous ball of lard. As the group got up closer, it seemed to be a young girl, no older than 8, made much fatter than she ought to be. Her stomach groaned and ached, clothes torn asunder leaving just scraps.
“Urrgh…” The girl groaned, with Sailor Moon resting her hand against her fattened side. “S-Sailor scouts… I would be more excited if I weren’t so full…”
“I’m so sorry this had to happen to you, little girl. Do you know where that monster went?” Moon asked.
The girl lifted her expanded hand, pointing towards south where they saw the giant ooze rising above the rooftops, letting out a guttural, slimy howl.
“Thanks. Let’s go, Scouts!” Moon said, as she and the others ran off, except for Mercury, who stayed behind.
“Don’t worry, little girl. Once we’re done, we’ll find a way to get you back to a normal size. Promise!” Mercury smiled, as she ran off to catch up with the other scouts.
The girl smiled as she watched them, wishing them luck internally.
The scouts soon reached the monster, scaling a rooftop to get a better vantage point. It was then they began formulating their plan.
“Alright, so how are we going to take down that monster? Obviously physical attacks won’t work, so we’ll need to get a bit creative.” Moon explained, slamming her fist into the palm of her hand.
“How about this, I’ll water down the creature turning it into a more liquidy form, while Venus and Mars evaporate the watered down creature with their fire!” Mercury suggested, looking over towards Jupiter. “Jupiter, once the creature becomes water, you can use your electricity to stun the beast so it won’t be able to escape.”
“Got it!” Jupiter nodded, as the team broke off into segments to perform their specific tasks. All except Moon, who seemed to be left taskless.
“Hey, what about me?” Moon asked, rubbing the back of her head. “What can I do to help?”
“Oh, you have the most important job, Moon!” Mercury smiled. “You need to distract the creature while we set up our trap!”
“Distract? You mean…” Moon asked, gulping down hard. “Y-you mean…”
Mercury placed a hand on Moon’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you don’t get TOO big!”
“Alright, you better. Besides, this is all for the safety of the people. If I need to be fed so nobody else has to, then so be it.” Moon bowed her head solemnly, and flew off to go face the beast.
Mercury smiled. “That’s what heroes are for.”
“Hey, Monster!” Sailor Moon shouted, catching the attention of the hideous blob. Up close it was easier to notice all the disgusting details; The orange, clear hue of their skin, the strange spots and clumps inside of them. As it bowed down it had what seemed to be a menacing snarl on its face.
Moon felt she was being crazy, but her sacrifice was needed for the rest of the world’s safety. “G-go ahead and feed yourself to me, as much as you want! Let me consume your delicious gel!”
The monster roared and shoved a thick tendril down Moon’s mouth, pumping her full of his orange jelly. She could feel it spill into her stomach, filling her up and growing inside of her. Moon groped her swelling belly, each fold of fat growing on her body rather swiftly. It was a miracle she was able to chug it down so seamlessly, the creature clearly wasn’t trying to choke her, simply to feed itself to her.
Moon kept fattening up to the point her skirt rode up her waist much more than it already did, revealing more of her panties and enormous rump which stretched out said panties to the limits. Her thick thighs pressed together and ripped off the band to her skirt, leaving her lower body completely exposed. Her shirt was also tightening its grip around her chest, her belly completely revealed and covered in rolls, squishy and comforting like a soft pillow.
“Hrrgh… Mrrphghh!” Moon would feel more embarrassed if more people were around to see this, it was lucky everyone had evacuated. Her gaining still made her feel rather uncomfortable, her fat spreading across the street like flowing water.
However, as Sailor Moon was being pumped full of this ooze, she couldn’t help but notice that the beast was shrinking in size. This made Moon confused, but she had no time to consider this as the other Sailor Scouts had activated their trap!
“Here we go, time to be destroyed, foul monster!” Mercury shouted, summoning a large ball of water to lock the beast into.
The creature swam around in the large orb, dissolving slowly into the water.When it tried to escape, Jupiter came in with a mighty thunderbolt which electrified the water. This stunned the beast, as expected.
“Yeah, go Scouts!” Moon shouted, jiggling as much as she could in her nigh-immobile state. But she had celebrated far too soon, for when Mars and Venus flew in to evaporate the beast with their fire, it had an unstable reaction with the electricity, and exploded!
Water rained throughout the entire city, and the beast was only mildly wounded and dispersed. It wouldn’t be long before it’s parts reassembled and was back to fattening.
“Gah, the plan failed!” Mercury shouted, coughing up soot. “Let’s regroup!”
Moon made an attempt to fly up, but she was just too heavy for even her magic girl powers to lift her up. Jupiter came in with the rescue, though, using her martial skill to lift the immense girl.
“Well, that plan didn’t work.” Mercury sighed. “We need to think of a plan B before that beast re-emerges, what are we gonna do?”
“Maybe we all need to work together, I don’t know how much good Moon was just sitting there being fattening into a giant ball.” Venus jabbed.
Moon huffed. “Well, for your information, I think I have a plan. You see, I noticed something while I was being fed by that creature; It was getting smaller.”
“Smaller? You mean, it was shrinking in size? How?” Jupiter asked.
“I’m pretty sure this means that the creature is feeding itself to it’s victims. That means there’s a finite source, which means if we all pitch in and consumed every last drop of him, we’ll stop him and save the city!”
“So you’re saying we should all take the fall so the entire world doesn’t becoming massive blobs?” Mars asked. “What a stupid plan!”
Mercury placed her hands on her hips. “Well, I mean… If nobody has any better plans.”
“What? Are you seriously considering that?” Mars asked frustratingly. “We can’t all eat that thing, it’s enormous!”
“Actually, despite how fattening it seems, it’s hardly filling at all. I think that’s so it can stuff more of itself down people without hurting them.” Moon explained. “It’s just gonna take a lot of dedication.”
The other Scouts sighed, with Venus chiming in once to say. “Alright, I guess we don’t have anything else. But we’d better find a way to reverse it all after!”
“Of course. I made a promise that I would undo all this damage, and I don’t go back on a promise.” Mercury stated, crossing her arms confidently. “Now let’s go eat that monster!”
The monster soon reformed, and was prepared to continue it’s rampage across the city when it was greeted by the same five girls who broke him apart. In a frenzy he rushed towards them, leaving behind a sticky trail of slime and goop.
“Trust me, he’s more appetizing than he looks…” Moon mentioned while being held up by both Jupiter and Venus, noting how much more disgusting the creature looked when charging in a threatening manner. “Just fly over, latch onto them and start gulping!”
The four other girls followed Moon’s lead. Jupiter and Venus dropped Moon on top of the Monster’s back, her weight causing her to sink down into his body. It stung a bit, however she was able to open her mouth and begin slurping herself a crater to rest in harmlessly.
The other four picked various spots around the monster, keeping a distance from one another so they would cover more ground. The creature could sense that they were being swallowed down forcefully, much more than he was able to regenerate, and made desperate attempts to kick them off.
While the scouts were swallowing down entire mouthfuls of sweet, goopy gel, they were face with fighting off slimy tentacles which attempted to slap them off like fleas. Each one used their powers in attempts to ward them off, not hoping to destroy them in any sense as they had learned such was futile.
Eventually the beast became too weak to fight back, and simply allowed the girls to finish it off. However it was still quite massive, nearly five stories high. Each girl seemed to have similar shapes all around, while Moon remained the largest at well over two tons. Her shirt had ripped off and left her in just underwear, while the other scouts still had their shirts of, but no skirts. Venus even had her panties pop off, leaving her much more nude than anyone else.
“Gllph… How much longer do we need to do this…?” Mercury asked, looking at her surroundings. “It barely feels like it’s shrinking at all.”
“Don’t stop until it’s completely gone! Ulmph…” Moon responded, now using what little mobility her pudgy hands could do to shove the goo into her mouth. “We need to consume every last drop, or else it will regenerate!”
Mars laughed. “Hey, I’m not complaining! I’ve been waiting for an excuse to let myself go, and now I’ve found it!” She slapped her globular gut, sending ripples throughout her body.
“At least one of us is enjoying it.” Jupiter let out a pout through her heavy gulping, groping her belly and shaking it about. “It’s going to take me for-EVER to lose all this weight! My beautiful body is gone, I’ll be a laughingstock when I get back to school!”
“If we ever go back to school again, I think we might be too big for school after all this.” Venus mentioned. “There’s no other way, we might as well enjoy it!”
“Venus is right. Regardless of how we feel about our weight, we need to do this! It’s better we be fat, immobile blobs than everyone else. That’s why we are Earth’s mightiest defenders!” Moon tried to pull off her signature salute, but her flabbiness restricted her movement far too much for it to be effective.
So onwards the girls chugged, gorging themselves upon the beast which once threatened this land. Now all it threatened were their waistlines, mobility and social standing. Or more like social sitting, at this point.
“BRRRUUUUURRP! Umffh… I think that was the last bit…” Mercury grunted, licking her lips.
The girls filled the streets, Jupiter and Mercury’s booties were pressed against two buildings, and all of them were squishing into each other. Their heads were lost in a sea of their own obesity, from above it all looked like one big conglomerate of fatty flesh. It was impossible to tell one from the other, even their distinguishing clothes were nothing but shreds at this point.
“Urp… Are we sure? Is there any left?” Moon asked, calling out through her bloated cheeks.
Each of them looked around, and there didn’t seem to be any reforming ooze monsters. This made them celebrate, jiggling about joyously for their victory. Though they may be much fatter than any girls their age should be, they still took pleasure in knowing that humanity is safe. Well, except for Mars, who actually really enjoyed this weight regardless.
“Man, I just wish there were more of them! So I could eat them up, too!” Mars licked her lips greedily, clenching her teeth with excitement.
Suddenly, Mercury’s expression changed to one of fear. “M-maybe ten times bigger, and five times more of them?”
“That’s oddly specific, but yeah, that would be much more appropr--” Mars cut herself off and turned to see a tidal wave of similar ooze monsters barreling into the city, destroying the land beneath their gooey bottoms. “Oh…”
“You just had to open your mouth, huh?” Jupiter snarled. “Anyway, let’s be prepared to fight them off! We took down one, we can take down more!”
The creatures surrounded the Scouts in a slimy dome, and stared down at them judgmentally.
“Blargargh… Chraaach… You have eaten one of our kind… For this, you must pay the ultimate price!” One of the creatures shouted.
“Oh my god, death?!” Moon gasped in fear.
“What? No, of course not! We’re going to make you so fat, you crush the land you fought so desperately to protect!” Another creature cackled, before several thick tendrils shot out from the monsters and began to pump each and every Scout with more goo than they ever had been before.
Their gaining was much swifter, crushing the buildings surrounding them as well as cars, trees, and other such structures. Their flab flooded the city like a mighty glacier, their bellies squishing into their butts and butts into their faces, and their faces buried under their enormously obese neck fat. Their fat piled onto one another and eventually they just became one big fat mountain, crushing all of Tokyo beneath them.
“Hurr hurr hurr! More, more!” The monsters chanted as the Sailor Scouts continued to expand across the country of Japan, their fat ravaging the land, causing earthquakes everywhere and sinking into the ocean around them. Their mountainous bodies were certainly doing much more damage to their home than what the original monster was doing, but unfortunately there was nothing that could be done. They could only eat and eat as their captors laughed at their plight, swelling as they covered every last inch of Japan underneath they rotund behinds and bellies.
Soon, they had done it. Each Scout had reached half the size of Japan, and some even began seeping into China. But at this point, the once mighty blob monsters had shrunken down to tiny specks of ooze on the girls’ shoulders. They stopped feeding them and made an announcement.
“You five are fun! We’ve never had such mortals with as gluttonous an appetite as all of yours! Once we have reformed, we shall return, and continue feeding you until you’ve outgrown your pitiful planet! Then we shall do the same thing again, over and over until every star in this universe is snuffed out by your fat!” The creature shouted, but in such a high-pitched voice that it really lost all intimidating aspects.
Moon let out a burp, and felt the specks teleport away to regenerate and someday return. She let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, girls. I guess eating our problem wasn’t the solution after all, now we’ve just made the situation worse…”
“I can’t believe it. Our home, crushed beneath us! We’ve become the monstrous oozes!” Mercury shouted, starting to tear up. “Whatever shall we do?”
“Hey, don’t worry, Scouts! We should always look on the bright side, right?” Mars stated. “Instead of thinking about the several million lives we just ruined, and the entire country that’s now been flattened by our gigantic asses, why not consider how nice it’ll be just being enormous blobs?”
“How is doing nothing all day and eating yourself into further obesity ‘nice’?” Jupiter asked.
“Well, for one, we won’t have to worry about saving the world every week. Because there’ll be no world to save, it’ll just be us! Getting fatter, spreading our fattiness across the galaxy… Doesn’t that sound fun?” Mars spread her fat arms across the sky, dissipating some clouds like smoke.
Venus smiled. “Well, now that you put it that way… Maybe being a blob isn’t that bad after all!”
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to see the galaxy! Now we can even be as big as the planets we’re named after!” Mercury added. “Maybe even bigger!”
Moon bounced around in a cheerful manner, her jiggling weight causing everyone else to bounce as well. “It’ll be sad to see everyone gone, but at least we’ll all be happy together!”
Jupiter smiled. “Well, if I’m going to be in a group of fatties, I might as well try to be the biggest!”
“Now you’re all getting it!” Mars cheered, holding her hands up in the air. “I can’t wait for us all to get growing again!”
So, all the Sailor Scouts seemed to be very happy with their new lives as blobs. By the time the giant slimes returned, they, too, were shocked to find the girls were much more eager to be fed by them. This didn’t bother them much, as it only allowed for quicker feeding. The girls resumed suckling on the tube-like limbs of the gelatinous beasts, and grew fatter… And fatter… And fatter… Forever.
Tiny kong wg
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Tiny Kong was running around Frantic Factory searching for the last Golden Banana, having no such luck in her quest. Every nook, every cranny, nowhere in or out of sight was that elusive, shiny banana.
     “Ugh, this is hopeless!” Tiny complained, sitting down on top of some steps, resting the palms of her hands on her chin. “I’ll never find that last banana! Maybe I really did find them all?”
     As Tiny tried to remember all the bananas she collected in this level, she could hear someone’s voice shouting over the intercom. “Attention all intruders; Please disregard the giant padlocked door. It is definitely not the Golden Banana, and is actually, uhm… Dang, what do those stupid Kongs hate? Peppers! Lots and loooots of spicy peppers, so just stay away from there!”
     Tiny’s gaze then lowered to notice the giant padlocked door the voice was referring to happened to be right behind her! Maybe someone saw her and assumed she was going to try and break in? Well, they would be right, because she wasn’t about to take the word of some stupid voice! But first, Tiny would need to get tiny, enough to slip through the cracks and entirely bypass the door.
     “Lucky I keep a spare shrink-pad in my pocket!” Tiny Kong said as she shuffled through her pocket, pulling out the very device she mentioned. She slapped it onto the ground, hopped on and began the process of shrinking, reducing her height to be no taller than a dime.
     Through the crack of the door she went, realizing just how small she was very quickly as it took her a half hour just to reach the door, and another two hours to make it to the end. By the time she actually entered the room, she was exhausted, unsure if she’d have the strength to make it back.
     “Huff… Nnghufff.. Man, all that running really worked up an appetite… I’m starved!” Tiny mentioned, only to be surprised by the sight of a gargantuan cupcake, compared to her it was the size of! It was only a brief surprise, however, as she quickly realized this was a normal cupcake, but just blown up to be supermassive compared to her.
     But none of that mattered now, she needed something to eat, and this cupcake was perfect! She dug right in, ripping straight through the wrapping and stuffing herself with the giant cupcake. “Mnuph, mmm, banana flavored! My favorite!” She moaned, stuffing in bite after bite of delicious, mouthwatering cupcake. “Buuurrp… Gimme, gimme more… S-so hungry!”
     As Tiny Kong devoured the cupcake, her own body started growing again, but not in size, rather in weight. As one might expect from eating such an enormous treat. Her overalls began to tighten, constricting her weight as it spilled out from any crevice it could, desperate to pop off. Tiny Kong didn’t mind at all, only noticing how big she got when the clothes she wore finally gave up and burst, leaving her mostly naked outside of her shirt and panties.
     “Yeep!” Tiny gasped, laying in a pile of her own obesity and food crumbs. “Wow, I really ate a lot, didn’t I? I wonder if I can still move…”
     Her small, yet obese body struggled to move,  but she was able to just barely lift herself up off the ground and waddled out in search of the Golden Banana. “Hhuuurp… N-now, where is it…?”
     “Oh, don’t you realize, Kong?” The familiar voice spoke once more. “What you just ate… Was one part of the Golden Banana!”
     The lights flickered on and what was revealed was a massive warehouse filled with banana-related products. Rows upon rows of  banana cupcakes, several gallons worth of banana shakes and ice cream, and to top it all off, a giant banana cake as tall as King K. Rool himself! A decent challenge when she was her normal height, but with Tiny being so small, the task seemed insurmountable.
     “Y-you want me to, BUUURP! Eat all this food? So I can reassemble the Golden Banana in my tummy?” Tiny asked, an eyebrow raised. “Seems like a weird plan…”
     “It’s your choice to make, Tiny! Eat all the food, and remain her immobilized, or leave and give K. Rool another chance at greatness with the power of these Golden Bananas!” The announcer shouted.
     “You know these bananas aren’t magical, right?” Tiny wondered.
     “Or, well, you know! Whatever K. Rool wants with these things!” The announcer snapped back. “Make your choice, Kong! Eat, or retreat!”
     With that, the intercom shut off, and Tiny Kong was left with this dilemma. But, to her, it seemed less a dilemma, and more a question of how she’d possibly eat all this food! “They think I can’t eat all this food? Hah! They’ve clearly never seen me at Thanksgiving…”
     Tiny Kong gluttonously ate the other cupcakes, each one becoming easier to eat than the last as she chowed down on the treats. She was taking bigger and bigger handfuls each time, swallowing and gulping, chomping and biting, letting out tremendous belches followed by further rippage of her clothing. “Mmmbwwwaaaarrrp… C-can’t stop, need banana…!”
     The cupcake supply was far from dwindling, but their numbers were receding fast, each one getting yanked away and stuffed into the awaiting maw of a bold, diligent ape. And while the cupcake supply was depleting, her body mass was only increasing, swelling up and filling up the nearby area with her flabby monkey body. She was even having some trouble reaching the last cupcakes, only able to by wobbling her body back and forth to just barely drag the cupcake towards her. “Ghhuuh… BWUUURRP! J-just a few… More… HHNNGUUUUAAAARRP!”
     Tiny King felt her panties explode off her body, revealing her nude, fat ass flood the factory floor, all of her limbs now covered in rolls upon rolls of blubber. At this point, she was so large she’d no doubt fill up the whole room at her normal size, but at this weight she was just about the size of a watermelon, her loud belches, though earth-shattering at her level, were more like air escaping a balloon.
     “NNGGHHUUUUUUAAAARRP! H-huff… C-can’t move, I can’t move!” Tiny struggled to move from either side, finding herself completely unable. It was then the tubes began to move themselves towards her mouth, one connected to each vat in the room.
     “Here, ya filthy Kong! Lemme help ya out a bit…” The announcer stated with malicious intent. “Don’t want my sweet lil’ fatty getting hungry now, would I?”
     Humongous tubes stretched the mouth of the tiny, yet massive kong as giant bulges of cream, sauce, pudding and more came rushing down into her body, stuffing up the already heavily obese Kong with even more pounds upon pounds, tons on tons, endlessly gulping a mixture of the most fattening substances known to man. At least it tasted good, though… If a bit overbearing.
     Tiny Kong resumed chugging for many hours, or at least what felt like as much, perhaps even longer as she had no way of counting the time that’s passed. She just perpetually swallowed, her indescribably tiny head lost in a sea of her own adipose. She couldn’t imagine how big she was in comparison to the building, even the world, yet she only kept growing larger, and larger, fattening to the extreme while her weight pushed up against every wall.
     “Urlmp, glmp, gulp, ulp…” Tiny Kong’s eyes were shrouded in her own folds and the massive tubes, pumping in an endless slurry of banana-flavored desserts and fillings, never ceasing, neverending, and the pleasure she derived from it battled just as long with how much she despised it.
     And yet, with the final gulp of the ice cream, she was free from the tubes, and released another earth-shattering belch. “Hurrbp… Bbwurrb… BWWWWAAAAAAAAAARRRRPPP!!”
     “Sounds like SOMEone is done with their drink!” The announcer cackled, lowering in a new device, although it looked very familiar. “Before we get into the cake, I’d like to do one more thing…”
     “Wh-what… HHHOOOOOUUURRP! What is that…?” Tiny asked through belches and wheezes.
     “You’ll see, Tiny! Or should I say… REALLY Tiny!” With that, the announcer blasted Tiny with a focused blast from the shrinking pad, reducing Tiny Kong’s height even more! She was shrunk down further down, down, down until she was even smaller than before, too small to even be spotted! “Haha! Look at you… ‘Cause nobody else can! AAAHAHAHAAA!”
     Tiny King pouted, but wouldn’t have much time to complain as she felt a massive cake getting shoveled into her mouth slice by slice. Not only that, but also all types of other desserts as well. No longer was this voice restricting themselves to banana-flavored foods, instead opting to feed her whatever he could find, as though he were enjoying this a lot more than he really should.
     Tiny Kong began to regrow, the mountains of massive food flooding into her mouth. If she were normal size she’d be outgrowing the entire factory, and was smaller than pocket lint. But thanks to all the weight she was gaining, she was slowly becoming visible again, filling up the room with all the food she was eating, growing up larger, and larger, and LARGER!
     This process seemed neverending. The food she ate just kept coming, and as soon as she came close to reaching the limits of the room, the announcer just shrunk her back down again, and started the process over, and over, and over. She lost track of how much she gained, how much she ate, or how small she was. Certainly small enough to be considered subatomic, you’d need very powerful microscopes to see any part of Tiny that wasn’t huge rolls of fat.
     The announcer just laughed, happy that he was able to finally get rid of at least one of these stupid Kongs, placing them in this endless torment of growing and shrinking, growing and shrinking, no doubt larger than even the entire universe at this point. “Again and again, over and over, you’re just never gonna stop, are ya? Will you ever just give up, and BURST? Or would you enjoy that…?”
     Tiny Kong didn’t even bother to retort, not like anyone could hear or see her, or even care about it in the first place. As she was about to shrink down once more, she heard a strange cracking sound. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize what's happened; The device broke, and Tiny would soon grow to her normal size.
     Her body rumbled, slowly growing once more, it being not as quick as her shrinking. This was likely due to how much height was required to place back on, and not to mention weight. The room crumbled and broke apart as Tiny quickly spread into the rest of the factory, breaking down machinery and squashing everything and everyone beneath her gigantic booty.
     “W-w-w-woah, hey, stop! Uh, undo! Reverse? HOW DO I CONTROL THI-xtchhhhhhhhhhh….” The announcer was quickly muffled and destroyed alongside everything else in the factory, soon Tiny Kong would breach the other walls of the building and burst out of that as well, spreading her girth onto the rest of Kong Island.
     None were prepared, least of all the rest of the Kong family and K. Rool, as their homes were enveloped in youthful Kong fat. A similar fate was to befall the entire island itself, as well as the ocean and land masses which lay far off in the distance. The Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, all of it flooded and crushed underneath the massive weight of one hungry ape. It was also around this time her growth seemed to be speeding up, the entire planet now suffering as it soon buckled beneath her mighty rear and cracked into pieces like a walnut!
     Tiny could feel it on her ass, and yet she still wasn’t done growing, engulfing more of the galaxy, getting planets and stars stuck in her folds, entire galaxies dismantling after getting replaced by entire lightyears worth of obesity.
     “S-stooop, pleeeease!” Tiny pleaded, only able to feel herself growing, not even knowing how big she truly was. “I don’t even want the banana anymore, GGUUUUHHHRRRRP!! I don’t wanna grow, I wanna stop, I wanna sttoOOOOAAAAAAAAUUUUURRRRBBPPP!!!!!”
     But Tiny never would stop. The shrinking pad being broken not only caused her to grow back to normal size, but never STOP growing. Her weight expanded further into the deepest reaches of space until it started to fill the void, nothingness surrounding Tiny as she tried to look around for anything, anywhere, but all she could see was herself, bound in a cavern of blubber and flab. But even if she were to see through it all, she would see nothing. Absolutely nothing.
     Tiny had fully consumed all of existence with her fat, leaving her to inevitably resume her indecipherable, inconceivable growth for the rest of eternity. “B… B-b-b-bbuuuuaaaaaAAAAAAAUUUURRRRRPPP!!!”
Spike WG
Spike was off on an errand for Twilight Sparkle one morning when he noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders heading off outside of Ponyville towards the old mountain range. It was a rather dangerous place for three fillies to be heading off to on their own, so he decided to go over and ask what they were doing.
“Hey, where are you three off to?” Spike called out, waving his hand. “You aren’t planning on going to that scary mountain over there, are you?”
“Scary? Pssh, there’s nothing scary about it.” Scootaloo scoffed.
“Besides, we’re only stayin’ near the base. We’re collecting crystals n’ gems to try’n get our Jewelry cutie marks!” Applebloom explained.
“Yeah! I already came up with a few designs myself…” Sweetie pulled out a few papers from her saddlebags, showing crudely drawn wristbands and necklaces, no real clear concept of how they would make them, but simple enough that it at least felt possible.
Spike rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I still wouldn’t feel right leaving you three unsupervised. Maybe I should come along, in case you run into anything dangerous and need someone to help protect you!”
“We should be fine, Spike. Besides, um… Aren’t you also basically a kid? How’s a small dragon like you gonna protect us from a big, burly adult dragon?” Scootaloo asked.
Spike puffed out his chest boldly. “I may be small, but I’m still strong enough to defend! Or, maybe I could just get Twilight to come and help. I’m sure she’d love to-”
“No! No, that’s fine, you can come along! Just don’t tell anyone where we’re going!” Sweetie Belle hushed him up, afraid of what her older sister might think if she found out. “Besides, your dragon instincts might come in handy for finding precious gems.”
“Yeah, just make sure not to eat any!” Applebloom joked, turning around and gesturing Spike to follow.
Spike followed close behind the trio, but not before writing a quick letter to Twilight telling her where he would be. She could go an hour or two without extra paper and quills, right?
Spike followed the crusaders all the way down into a deep gorge, located right below the mountain. All the jagged rocks and steep cliffs surrounding the massive basin made Spike feel incredibly nervous, even more so than the crusaders themselves.
“What’s wrong, Spike? You ain’t a bigger chicken than Scoots, are ya?” Applebloom chuckled, giving Scootaloo a playful nudge, who returned it with a slightly greater force.
“Hey, c’mon, I thought we were past that!” Scootaloo retorted.
Spike gulped, wiping some sweat from his forehead. “Y-yeah, I’m fine! Don’t worry, I’m still ready to protect you from whatever you need saving from!”
“Well, I think Spike is very brave for coming along with us!” Sweetie smiled, brushing up against Spike. “I think we take for granted how cool it is that we're friends with a dragon, even though he’s not as big, he’s still eager to help defend us from scary monsters!”
“Exactly! E-except, I’m at least a little big, right?” Spike pinched his fingers together, only to be met with light chuckling from the trio, only doing a little to boost his self-esteem.
Eventually they all made it to the center of the gorge, where Applebloom turned to the rest of the group after hopping on top of a small rock for elevation.
“Alright, everyone! We’re gonna split up in order to cover more ground, be sure to fill your bags with as many gems and crystals as you can, and meet back here in a few hours!” Applebloom announced. “Sweetie, you go with Scootaloo. Spike, you’re with me.”
“Sweetie has been taking gem-finding lessons with Rarity.” Scootaloo explained. “If we split up like this, we should be able to find gems more quickly.”
“Sounds good... But, what if we need help, like, if someone gets stuck and needs to call for help?” Spike asked.
Sweetie Belle slapped Spike’s back reassuringly. “Don’t worry, we won’t be too far! We’ll only be searching for an hour before we head back.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine, don’t worry!” Applebloom added. “Now, let’s go! I don’t wanna dawdle too long here, else my sister’ll get awful sore!”
“Me too, I can’t imagine what Rarity would do if she knew I was here…” Sweetie mentioned while heading off with Scootaloo, who seemed much less worried about how long they spent there, though still had a sense of pressure.
Applebloom and Spike walked around the gorge with Spike sniffing out and digging up various minerals, some crystals, some gems, but many of which were various other useless rocks.
“Gah, more copper. Hey, maybe we could also sell metal and ore, who knows, one of you might be a blacksmith!” Spike offered.
“We tried Cutie Mark Blacksmiths before, but…” Applebloom shuddered at memories of them looking too close into a kiln, with their manes catching fire and watching it all sear off. “We had to wear wigs the rest of the summer…”
“R-right. Let’s just focus on gems then…” Spike acknowledged, digging for a bit more until his nose picked up on a rather strong scent. He got up and followed it all the way to the entrance of a cave, not too far from where Applebloom was resting.
“What’s wrong, Spike? There somethin’ in that cave? Is it another dragon?” Applebloom asked, gazing into the darkness of the vast opening in the mountain.
“N-no, but… There is something. I’ve never smelled anything so good in my life, it’s like… It smells like nothing I’ve ever smelled before! But it’s in that cave…” Spike wandered closer, squinting to see if he could see what lay within.
Applebloom pushed Spike forward. “Don’t be scared, Spike! Let’s go in and look, it might be a whole heap of gems inside!”
“I dunno, this seems a bit weird… Maybe we should just go back, we have plenty of gems already, right?” Spike asked, backing away from the cave entrance.
“Well, you can go back, but I’m going deeper in the cave. So if anything happens to me, that means you’re responsible, right?” Applebloom walked backwards into the cave while maintaining eye contact with Spike. “Wouldn’t want anything baaaad to happen to me, right?”
“Applebloom, please come back! There might not even be anything in there, or worse, a dragon!” Spike insisted.
“Yea there might, and it’d be a shame if you left me to fight it off all on my own, right?” Applebloom snickered, forcing a flustered Spike to finally scamper back inside to follow the headstrong filly.
Deeper into the cave the two creatures ventured, Spike’s scent picking up stronger and stronger the further into the cave they progressed. It wasn’t long until they found the end, where their prize was awaiting them; Atop a stone monument, covered in a pile of gold and gemstones, floated a red, pulsing crystal in the shape of a heart. It resembled the Crystal Heart which came from Cadence’s kingdom, but what was something like this doing so deep inside this mountain?
Applebloom didn’t seem to be one for questions, as they quickly started filling her bag with treasure. “Oh, sweet Granny Smith, this is the motherload! We’ll be able to make so much jewelry with these babies…”
Spike, on the other hand, was focused solely on the floating crystal heart, where he scaled upwards, climbing the mountain of riches to reach the top. It’s where his nose was leading, no doubt, as he grabbed it and took a nice, long whiff of it.
“Good job, Spike! Now bring it down here!” Applebloom called up, but Spike was still enthralled by the crystal, almost hypnotized.
“I… I can’t… It’s so mesmerizing, it’s so… T-tasty…!” Spike opened his salivating jaw and began to wrap his jaw around the crystal, taking a large bite out of it. “Nomph! Gglph… S-sho good…!”
“Spike! What’d I say about eatin’ the gems, we could still use that!” Applebloom complained.
But Spike couldn’t stop now, he was too far deep. He crunched into the glassy relic once more, gulping down several more bites of it as Applebloom tried climbing the mountain, but being thwarted by physics, unable to find any solid ground without it slipping beneath her hooves.
“Stop, Spike, stop! Y’know, those gems prolly ain’t even that healthy for you, who knows what kinda long-lastin’ effects they’re gonna-”
“BBBWHHUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRPPP!!” Spike belched, a bout of fire expelled from his mouth as he did, turning to face Applebloom so she got the brunt of it.
Applebloom coughed, the lingering smoke proving to be quite the hazard. “Cough, ugh… Sp-Spike, don’t… Don’t tell me…”
Spike got surprisingly huge from that crystal. His once petite, only slightly chubby frame now touted a large stomach hanging in front of his legs, dangling peacefully from his chest with two slightly puffed up moobs on top of his belly. His butt was also somewhat visible from the front, equally rotund and jiggly.
Spike liked his fingers as he rubbed his stomach, another belch making it’s way up. “Oh, man… BWHUUURRP! That really hit the spot…”
The look on Applebloom’s face was rather blank, but Spike could only imagine. He held up his hands in admission of guilt, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me! I know I shouldn’t have eaten it, but- Oooumlph!”
Applebloom shoved another gem from her saddlebags into Spike’s mouth. “I-I know, but… Jus’ look at you! You’re as big as a pile of hay, n’ I just gonna see you get bigger! So eat up, stuff ya pretty little mouth!”
“B-but I’m not- OULMPH!” Spike was forced to swallow another couple gems, chewing and swallowing them before the next pile came in. No matter how much he resisted, Applebloom continued to stuff him with more of the gems and gold she found, eventually digging up from the pile itself as Spike’s body only continued to grow in size.
His belly began to spill outwards, pouring onto the surface below him with his ass leaning heavily against the pedestal the crystal heart once rested upon. Applebloom simply climbed up on top of his belly as he toppled over backwards onto his butt, rolls of fat bouncing around with Applebloom sinking deep into his folds.
“You’re so heavy, so beautiful… I could lay on top of your fat belly all day!” Applebloom moaned, rubbing up against all his smooth, doughy fat, even kissing it at times. She was getting way more into it than Spike was comfortable with, so while he had a moment of freedom, Spike voiced his concerns.
“A-Applebloom, what’s gotten into you? Oh no, what if it’s that crystal! It lured me in with it’s attractive essence, and now it’s inside me!” Spike groped his fat belly, only to feel a hoof being stuffed into his mouth. His eyes went wide as he watched Applebloom shove another hoof into his mouth, stuffing her entire body into his mouth!
“I-it’s not enough… I need to be a part of you!” Applebloom moaned, a smile spread across her face as Spike finally got a good look at her eyes… Swirling red with glowing heart pupils. It was obvious now that the crystal he consumed was having some strange effect on Applebloom, perhaps even all ponies who laid eyes on him!
But worst of all, it was tricking poor Applebloom into force-feeding herself to Spike, who could only watch as her head got slurped down into his stomach, along with the rest of her body and tail. Spike gulped and patted down his massive stomach, feeling the country filly be reduced to nothing but fat on his stomach.
“H-huurbp… BWHUUURRP!” Another belch erupted from Spike’s mouth, a bow flying out with a spew of flames which burnt it up to a crisp as soon as it escaped. “O-oh no… How will I explain this to the others?”
Spike slid down the mountain of uneaten treasure and slammed his fat ass onto the ground below, causing a huge glunking noise to emanate from his overstuffed tummy. It ached and groaned from all the movement, and not to mention the stuffing, as he struggled to heave his enormous body out of the cave.
“O-okay, it’s fine… You weren’t responsible for that, you were just… Controlled by some magic gem!” Spike mentioned, slowly shuffling his way out of the cave and towards the light. “Oh, Applebloom, I was supposed to protect you from dragons… I just didn’t know the dragon I was supposed to protect you from was me!”
He jostled his belly, hoping that Applebloom might still be alive somehow, maybe Twilight would be able to fix this… But he had such a sinking feeling in his massive gut that this was going to be irreversible. The most he could do now was protect the others.
“Hey, Spike! Where have you been, we’ve been looking all over for you!” Scootaloo called out, Spike’s pupils dilating into tiny dots as soon as he heard that voice.
“W-wait, don’t look at me!” Spike cried out, but it was too late, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were looking directly at him. Honestly, at his size, it was hard not to be seen. Perhaps a tactic used by whatever malicious force was inside that gem he ate.
“Don’t look at you? Why would we, when you look so damn good?” Scootaloo grinned, heading up to Spike and brushing up against him. “Man, I dunno where all this blubber came from, but it looks GOOD!”
“Yeah Spike, you haven’t been eating all the gems, have you? If so, I think you should eat moooore~” Sweetie Belle encouraged, joining Scootaloo in circling the fat dragon.
Spike sweat nervously, his stomach growling unwillingly. “N-no, please, I’m so full already! Let’s just get out of here while we still can, I don’t want to-”
“Don’t want to do what? Eat all these delicious, glittering jewels?” Sweetie tempted, levitating a huge, purple amethyst into his mouth while she kneaded his large, boastful belly.
“They’re all for you, who cares about some dumb jewelry business when we have a nice, big ball of fat to play with!” Scootaloo hopped on top of Spike’s ass and helped feed him as well, fitting perfectly between the slit of his asscheeks.
Once again, Spike was growing, his fat body blew up like a balloon as he surged across the stony ground and more rolls poured out of him like a leaky faucet. His arms and legs were beginning to look like cinnamon buns, with his claws only barely visible past the several rings. His head also getting trapped under huge scarves of lard, with Sweetie and Scootaloo only eager to feed him more, no matter what it was.
The last gems to enter his mouth was not the last food Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had to offer, as they stuffed their saddlebags into his mouth and even their capes. But still it wasn’t enough…
“You’re still so hungry, aren’t you? Not big enough, you wanna be so much bigger, huh?!” Scootaloo said, reaching over and squeezing Spike’s blubbery cheeks.
Spike shook his head. “N-nooo… I’m not hungwy anymore, I never was! J-just please, don’t feed yourselves to me, don’t… Not like Applebloom…”
Sweetie and Scootaloo didn’t even seem phased by the fact he admitted he ate Applebloom, and instead focused on the eating part, as they had been for a while now. “Oh, you want to eat us? You’re so hungry you’d devour us one after the other, you don’t even care what is it!”
“N-nho… I do, please… I want to stop eating, I’m too full!” Spike pleaded. “I-I know you’re still… BBWHUUUURRRP! H-hhhuufff… Still in there, somewhere… Just please, you need to take me to Twilight…!”
Scootaloo crawled around and shook her head. “Uh-uh! I’m not letting you eat her before me! Let me in there, I wanna be a part of Spike!”
“No, let me! I wanna be eaten by Spike! You wouldn’t even taste good!” Sweetie complained, both of them now fighting to be devoured by Spike first, neither realizing it isn’t at all what Spike wants!
Yet in the end, both fillies managed to shove each other deeper and deeper into Spike’s mouth while they tussled and argued, both getting sucked up, swallowed, and digested into fat, like all that entered Spike’s gigantic belly.
“Bbhwuh… BBHUUUUUUURRRP!” Spike belched, echoing across the entire gorge. He lay there nearly immobile, a purple pile of blobby dragon fat, barely able to move at all. He tried to wobble his legs, but he was so exhausted from eating that he couldn’t even stand up.
“Hhuff… Gghufff… S-Sweetie Belle…? Scootaloo? Twilight… Anyone… Oh, gosh, what’ve I gotten myself into…?”
Without anywhere to go, or much else to do, Spike fell asleep, passing out for hours before his eyes fluttered back awake. His vision adjusted to Twilight Sparkle staring him down, smiling in that same strange way that Applebloom and her friends had.
“Oh, UUUURRRP! No… T-Twilight, not you too…” Spike pouted.
“Yes, Spike. Not just me either… While I was flying you back to Ponyville, everyone saw you.” Twilight smiled. “They were all taken over by the crystal’s influence, and well… I assisted them in what they all wanted to do.”
Spike gulped, rubbing his now massive belly which could flatten an entire building, slammed right in the middle of Ponyville. “I-I didn’t… D-did you…?”
“I fed them all to you, like snacks. Every last pony in town, and that was only an appetizer. I did it while you were asleep so you wouldn’t try to wriggle around in protest, it was rather cute watching you peacefully slumber while consuming every single one of your friends…” Twilight giggled, kissing Spike on the nose. “And now you’re beautiful, but you could be so much more beautiful… So much bigger~”
Spike pleaded, but was unable to get any words out before he felt himself blooooomph up… His weight doubled, and only happened again, spreading over buildings and trees. Each second he seemed to blimp up larger, with a familiar purple sheen radiating from his body, Twilight’s magic obviously amplified by the crystal’s influence.
“You’ll grow so big that nothing is left… Consume everything in your path, Equestria, planet, the solar system, galaxies, the whole universe! Eating and growing until only fatness remains… Then I’ll feed myself to you, and you’ll be left alone… Alone… Alone…”
“No, I don’t wanna be alone, I don’t wanna, I don’t…!”
Twilight shook Spike’s fat, wobbling body, waking him from his nightmare. He looked around and saw that he was back inside the gorge, still no Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo or Applebloom though… But Twilight was there, at least.
“T-Twilight, I made a mistake!” Spike shouted. “I-I was leaving with Applebloom and her friends, we were looking for crystals and-”
“Yes, I got your letter, that’s why I came over here. This place is too dangerous for young kids, you should know that!” Twilight mentioned. “The gems here have dangerous properties that mess with ponies' heads, especially younger kids. It’s a good thing I’m using a warding spell, but these kids might not have been so lucky.”
“I… I know, but… I just wanted to make sure they were safe. I wanted to look brave…” Spike sighed.
“It looks like you came here just to stuff yourself with gems, young dragon. I’m gonna have to punish you for that, no dessert for a week!” Twilight scolded, levitating Spike into the sky. “I hope you didn’t eat anything dangerous, but in case you did, it should wear off after 24 hours. Now, was there something you wanted to tell me? Where are the other girls?”
Spike, unable to bring himself to explain, just sighed. “I dunno. When I passed out, they were gone, and I assume they ran back home.”
“Well, we’ll find them later. For now, why don’t you just get some rest?” Twilight offered, escorting the heavy dragon back to Ponyville. “We’ll worry about losing all that weight tomorrow…”
“Th-thanks, Twilight…” Spike let out a sigh of relief, until a slight giggle escaped her mouth.
“Unless, of course, you like being fat…” She turned her head and revealed her glowing, red eyes and bright grin. “I can help make you fatter… Fatter… FATTER!”
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kisari-v · 1 year
On that note I made food tonight, so here's a list of some of my favorite college food staples
before you continue, know that this is a long list:
-pasta with sauce
-caccio e Pepe but I used parmagean and garlic powder with milk and flour too
-buiscuits and gravy (the biscuits are from a can the gravy is homemade)
-ramen noodles with egg and maybe some green onionor seaweed and hot dog or ham
-ramen noodles with sirracha mayo and cheese sauce and maybe egg and hot dog
-eggs in a basket
-tamago gohan (japanese styled egg over just cooked rice, then you stir them together and the really hot rice cooks the egg for the most part while you stir)
-peanut butter and jelly (enough said)
-discontinued homemade dunkin donuts sandwich with pesto, cheese and fire roasted tomatoes (I owe this sandwich my life)
-guacamole and tortilla chips (this bad boy keeps you full forever)
-Onigiri with salmon and spicy mayo (a lot of work but only needs three ingredients if you don't count salt)
-pancakes (yay food!)
-tim hortans biscuit sandwich (sausage, egg, american cheese, ketchup)
-ham and cheese sandwich
-pan con frijoles (refried black bean paste and eat with sour cream or queso fresco, or grated parmesean if your desperate on top with whatever bread you have. It's also amazing on sandwiches or as a toast topping. preferribly cook with onions and garlic)
-hotdog and egg pizza (eggs mixed before you put them in the pan. cut hotdogs into small circles and place like you're putting pepperoni on a pizza. zigzag ketchup on top and eat with a fork and knife. add toasted tortilla that was cut into triangles for extra crunch.)
-grilled cheese and tomato soup
-miso soup with green onion and tofu and seaweed
-steamed pork buns
-Crisp Sandwich (sandwich made with butter and chips. Preferably barbeque or Salt and vinegar. It kept me alive for a week so you can do it, but not recomended to live on. Tastier than you think if the bread is sturdy enough. Target bread is not but dollar tree bread suprisingly is think enough and tastier too)
-japanese curry with potatoes, carrots, and either beef cubes or breaded pork and rice
-butter chicken
-chicken tika masala
-mashed potato patty fried in a pan with a fried egg on top. my mom's lazy dinner night specialty
-salmon with pesto butter on top with mashed potatoes ( I miss being able to eat costco salmon)
-alfredo sause and pasta with beef
-beef stroganoff but I made it with alfredo sauce, barbeque sauce, and worschechire sauce instead and something else that I can't remember but god it was good and filling.
for sweet tooth moment:
-pancakes with m&ms to make you feel special
-peanut butter and nutella (or chocolate frosting if you're desperate) sandwich
-toast with nutella
-chocolate frosting sandwich
-australian fairy bread for fun (you can use vanilla frosting if you can, it's okay, it doesn't have to be the butter if you're desperate)
-corn bread
pancakes with syrup (it works as a treat if it's not breakfast
-kids sugar cereal
-steamed red bean buns
-cookies (preferrably chewy bakery styled ones but the hard dollar tree ones will do)
-cheap off brand ice cream
-any drink concentrate you put into water (always iced)
-matcha latte
-coffee with milk and sugar
-just straight up milk my beloved
-orange juice
-berry smoothie with greek yogurt and sugar (tim hortans style my beloved)
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
oh my god i need to rewatch my own private idaho….
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
Yes, Mr. President || Camp David, Part II
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art by @multiverse-mxdness
happy tuesday my loves <333
story summary: Scandal! AU– your mentor, David Rossi, has recruited you to make Senator Aaron Hotchner the next President of the United States. Once described as a political nun, the Senator helps you see that maybe you can mix business and pleasure.
Read previous chapters of this fic here!
contains: steamy content, discussion of trauma and food consumption, gunshot mention
wordcount: 2.1k
“Go home,” Morgan says when he finds you unlocking the door to the office after your last day at the White House. He surprises you– you drop your keys to the floor.
“I just came from there,” you said as you fumbled to pick them up and get the door unlocked.
“I know you did. You probably stopped in for a change of clothes and maybe a piece of toast if I’m lucky, and then you rushed over here, right?”
“Actually, I had a bowl of cereal,” you correct him as you swing the door open. He slips in in front of you before you can make it out of the foyer.
“Mama, go home,” he repeats.
“Derek, I’ve been gone for weeks,” you tell him, trying to get past him, but he’s firm on this.
“And the building hasn’t even burned to the ground,” he smirks.
“That’s not what I mean. I have a responsibility here–”
“I’m absolving you of it,” Morgan interrupts. “You just went through something traumatic, and you haven’t stopped to breathe once since then. Go home, take a bath, have a glass of wine during the day, feel the sun on your face. Everything will still be here tomorrow.”
“There’s no winning this argument, huh?”
“Nope,” Derek asserts, popping the p smugly. “You can come back tomorrow. You need a day.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. “Tell JJ and Emily I tried at least?”
“Sure,” Derek chuckled.
You’d never admit it to his face, but Derek was right. You got home, slipped into a pair of sweatpants, and slept for hours. It’s dark out when you wake up. You’re ravenous, and completely disoriented. You stumble out of bed and head towards the kitchen in search of sustenance, settling on a grilled cheese and a boxed tomato soup you have in the cupboard. You’ve just flipped the sandwich when the phone rings.
“Hello?” You say groggily.
“It’s me,” Aaron says into the line. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “I just woke up.”
“It’s 8pm,” He points out.
“I was sent home from work. Something about resting after trauma. Who needs it,” you joked dryly. “How are you feeling?”
“Better today. I’m still exhausted, but getting better,” he tells you, and you know he must be feeling pretty bad for him to even admit to being tired.
“You’re allowed to rest too, you know.”
“Maybe we should have a little slumber party, do it together,” he remarks, and you laugh.
“You’re insane,” you tell him. “I should tell you something,” you realize.
“You should tell me everything,” he smiles.
“When you were… unconscious,” you choose your words delicately. “I told Derek about us. Derek from my firm. I just… I was scared, and—”
“You don’t have to defend yourself, angel. You were scared, and you needed someone. You did the right thing.”
“Well, I just thought you should know,” you tell him.
“I’m glad you have someone. I have something I should tell you, too,” he confesses.
“Sorry– I should have let you go first,” you apologize.
“That’s okay, angel. I just wanted you to know I asked Haley for a divorce two nights ago,” he says, as calmly as if he was remarking on the weather.
You’re momentarily stunned into silence. “I’m sorry,” you say, out of instinct.
“I’m not,” Aaron says, confused. “Are you?”
“No. I don’t know why I said that. It just felt like what I was supposed to say,” you laugh, a mixture of nervousness, hysteria and glee, and Aaron can’t help but join you. “But really, are you okay?”
“I am,” he tells you. “Haley’s always going to be my first love, you know that. But I’m not the man I was when I met her. I mean, god, I wasn’t even a man, then, we were kids. These things just happen. There isn’t always a good guy or a bad guy.”
“How did she take it?” You ask, biting at your thumbnail.
“Haley’s fighting me, and she got Rossi involved,” he sighs. “They’re saying that it’s bad politically.”
“That’s because it is bad politically,” you tell him, shaking your head even though he can’t see you.
“Sure, but they don’t seem to get that I don’t care about the politics.”
“You’re the President of the United States, and the de facto head of the party. Caring about the politics is part of your job.” You remind him.
“Running the country is my job, caring about politics is what you do when you want to keep the job.” Aaron says, a confession woven in between the lines that makes you gasp. He can’t not run for re-election, not after everything you did to get him there.
“Would you rather a republican take your place in two years?”
“No,” he grumbles.
“Okay, then.” You say. It’s a foregone conclusion. “I can wait, Aaron. I mean it. We’ve already waited two years. I can do a few more.”
“That’s not the point. I’ve waited my whole life for you. I’m done waiting,” he says emphatically.
“You have to be realistic—”
“No, I really don’t.” he scoffs.
“Listen— at the very least, you need to think about re-election more. I’m sure the doctor has told you not to make rash decisions in your current state, right?” You remind him.
“Yeah,” he grumbles.
“That’s all I’m asking. Think about it.”
“It’s infuriating, the fact that you’re always right,” he tells you.
“I prefer to think of it as part of my charm,” you smile.
“Do you have plans this weekend?” He asks, and you nearly laugh out loud.
“All of my plans for the foreseeable future got canceled when you took a bullet to the head, so no.”
“Great. We’re going to Camp David.”
“Who’s we?” You ask.
“Just us. I’m going with some staff on Friday morning, and then it’ll be just us for the weekend. Rossi’s feeding it to the press as some crunchy fresh-air recovery thing. So it’ll be every weekend for the next couple months.”
“Every weekend, huh?” You smile.
“Yeah. Ask me who thought of it,” he flirts.
“Who thought of it?” You oblige him.
“I did. All by myself,” he says smugly.
“What a smart boy. You should run for President,” you tease him.
“Nah, sounds boring,” he scoffs, and you both smile.
No amount of rest could cover the lapse caused by the past few weeks, but you admittedly feel better walking into work the day after Morgan had sent you home. He’s even nice enough not to say “I told you so.”
It takes you most of the morning just to catch up on emails and invoices that have come in since you were gone. You also have a veritable mountain of cards, flowers and gift baskets on your desk– people wishing you and the President well, and notes praising your display of patriotism for going back to the White House in the midst of a crisis.
Truth be told, it didn’t feel patriotic at all. You weren’t motivated by a love for your country, or a desire to serve— you were scared. You were motivated by fear, by your need for control, maybe even by love— but not the love that all these people were thinking of.
You’re distracted by your train of thought when there’s a knock at your door, and you realize that your eyes are wet.
“Come in,” you call out as you dab away the tears.
“Hey, it’s good to have you back,” Emily says with a warm smile as she enters, closing the door behind her.
“It’s good to be back,” you tell her with a forced cheerfulness.
“Is it?” She questions you.
“I’m sorry?” You say, surprised.
“I don’t mean to imply anything,” she clarifies. “It just seems like… Clearly you care about the President. He’s a good friend. I was surprised that you came back. That you didn’t stay on at the White House.”
“I like working for myself,” you tell her, trying not to get too defensive, lest she figure anything else out.
She opens her mouth, and you start to mentally prepare yourself for whatever she may say next, when JJ flits into the room, saving you with her presence.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re back!” She cries out, crossing the room in an instant and throwing her arms around you. “This whole thing has just been terrible. Will wasn’t even there and he’s been so torn up since it happened. I’ve been so stressed I haven’t stopped baking for a second, and Will’s too distraught to eat any of it— I’m going to live in a gingerbread house if I’m not careful,” she rambles with a little laugh. “It’s so good to see your face. I missed you. I was worried about you. Do you want to go get dinner and drinks this weekend? You need something to take your mind off things,” she asks.
“Oh, I can’t,” you tell her. “I’m busy this weekend.”
“Busy? With what?” She asks.
You should have expected that, but you’re still caught off guard. You panic– you don’t have any excuse, and you know it. “My landlord is thinking of putting my condo on the market,” you lie. “He’s coming by to take pictures and I need to do a deep clean. I’ve been so busy, it’s been a while since I really scrubbed everything down,” you lie, poorly. JJ falls for it, but Emily seems less convinced.
“Oh no, that’s the worst! You should just buy the place yourself,” JJ advises. “Maybe next weekend for a girl’s day, though. We’ll get you out so the landlord can do some showings. Em, you should come too,” she offers.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you agree absently, trying to get a read on Emily without her noticing– you come up empty.
You can’t explain it, but there are butterflies in your stomach as you drive up to Camp David. It’s silly, you know, but then again, Aaron has always made you feel a little silly. It’s part of his charm. It’s the quietest you’ve ever seen it— the sun is setting by the time you arrive, the President’s staff long gone, just a few agents and the President on the sprawling, expansive property. You drive your car right up to the President’s cabin, where he’s seated on the steps waiting for you, in a pair of blue jeans and his old Georgetown Law pullover.
“Hi,” He smiles, rising once you park and coming to open your car door, ducking his head in to peck your lips. “How was your drive?” He asks.
“Not bad,” you tell him, sliding out of your car and retrieving your bag from the backseat. “How was work today?”
“It was good. It’s nice to work in the fresh air,” he tells you, trying to take your bag out of your hands, but you bat him away as you walk into the cabin.
“Aaron, quit it. You just got shot,” you remind him.
“God, that was weeks ago,” he teases with an over exaggerated scoff as he follows you inside.
“How are you feeling?” You ask, looking him up and down. He looks… relaxed. But then again, you’re seeing him in casual clothes for maybe the 7th time since you’ve known him, so it could just be the novelty of it that you’re picking up on.
“I feel great. Even better now that you’re here,” he says, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, nudging his nose against your neck and pressing a long, warm kiss there.
“Seriously, Aaron,” you say, with a lovestruck little chuckle he can feel against his lips. “You’re feeling okay?”
“I mean it,” he tells you. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” you assure him, lacing your fingers with his where his hands sit over your belly button. “Did you see Doctor Gallagher this week?”
“I did,” he tells you with a smile. “It was a good visit.”
“It was?” You ask– there’s a story here, but you haven’t quite put it together yet.
“Yeah,” he says. “I continue to recover remarkably,” he preens, “and I’ve been cleared for physical activity.”
You stop short at that— you know what he’s implying.
“Oh, have you been?” You tease.
“Yep,” he says smugly, smiling down at you all the while.
“And the doctor understands… our level of physical activity?” You smirk.
“He may have recommended a more… measured approach,” Aaron reveals.
“Measured, huh?” You repeat.
“Come on, are you going to make me beg?” Aaron scoffs. “Please, for the love of all that is holy, take off your clothes.”
tagging: @shmaptainhotchner @call-me-mrsreid @dadbodhotch11 @the-modernmary @arsonhotchner @ssamorganhotchner @choppa-style @ssahotchie @rousethemouse @angelfxllcm @skyler666 @mintphoenix @gspenc @g-l-pierce @wheelsupkels @chelseagirl77 @ashhotchner
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