#malcom x connor
willsolace-loml · 26 days
got bored again so i did made more
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malconnor (for my fellow malconnor bitches)
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katie x travis
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frazel (lets ignore the age gap)
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ethabaster (free my babies, they did all it, but i dont care)
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theyna (for my theyna babes)
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blitzstone (I LOVE THEM)
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carter x zia (idk the ship name, I LOVE KANE CHRONICLES THO)
tell me more i should do, i love doing these
@elena-illustration is the maker of this picrew
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gabs-books · 3 months
Connor: Uhm.. Mal.. I accadently ate pen ink..
Malcolm: Love, istg it’s 6 in the FUCKING MORNING AND I HAVENT HAD COFFEE YET.
Connor: I think i’m seeing things..
Malcolm: that’s my cue to bring you to the infirmary. Cmon, Love.
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valewritessss · 24 days
I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what’s going on 90% of the time
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slytherinswiftie0713 · 3 months
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kekaki-cupcakes · 11 days
Please can you do connor stoll x reader "you know I like u, right? I mean, I know that you know. And you know that I know that you know... so what are we doing that for?"
hiii I'm so sorry this has taken like half a year lol but I hope you like it! it's mixed in with two other peoples requests for Connor [gn, and child of Athena] <3 <3 <3
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strawberries After Midnight [ft. Chappel Roan]
Connor Stoll x child of Athena
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Hey,” you said, looking up from the clay sculpture in front of you.
“Hey!” Connor said cheerily. You watched his hands carefully as he sat down in the chair in front of you. He spun around in it, went too far, and had to push himself back around to face you. 
He didn’t grab anything and slip it down the sleeves of his brown and cream bomber jacket, so you went back to cutting away slivers of clay around the base of your block. Wet clay got stuck underneath your fingernails. 
You smoothed out the bumps at the bottom, where the legs would be. “Aren’t you supposed to be strawberry picking, or something?”
“Maybe,” Connor sniffed, and kept watching you. His shoes were duct taped together, and someone had drawn smiley faces on them. 
Someone at the back of the arts and crafts shed threw their project at the wall, where it shattered. You ducked a flying pipecleaner and went back to work. Sun shone through the big open wall that looked out over the whole camp, where you could see teenagers hauling boxes of produce around and Will Solace sleeping in a wheelbarrow of straw. 
The Pegasi had been let out of their paddocks, not that fences did much [you still didn’t understand who’d even had the bright idea of putting them up], and they grazed on the long grass. 
You weren’t quite sure what exactly you were making out of the sculpture, but the Aphrodite boy at the front of the room watching dance moms with a satellite phone said that was something called the artistic process. 
You scraped some of the clay from beneath your fingernails when you felt Connor’s eyes still on you, and paused. “Can I help you?”
“Am I being annoying?” He asked with a smirk, resting his head on his arms.  
“Depends on if you brought strawberries,” you said. 
He picked up a little paper basket a naeid had probably woven, filled with the bright red sweet-smelling berries. Then he set the fruit on your clay covered table. It was harvest day, or more accurately, harvest week. You’d done your fair share of berry picking and crate carrying for the day, so you got til dinner off. Connor didn’t. He was supposed to be working. You decided not to dob. 
It’s not your fault. He just had the cutest gap between his teeth when he grinned. Not that you were looking near his mouth, or anything like that. 
You waved your hands around widely, grey water flicking every which way, and started to wipe them down on your pants so you could eat.  
Then Connor held a strawberry to your lips. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Remember to drink some water.”
“Uh hu.”
You squinted at your sister for a long moment. Annabeth didn’t look up from her messy desk. She hadn’t moved in about three hours, hunched over her laptop while she rebuilt and planned out the Ares cabin in sims, since it’d been hit by one two many grenades and lost its internal supports. 
Or at least that’s what she’d called them before she tied her braids up behind her head with her singular grey one and disappeared into the world of adjustable door frames and roof beams. 
You watched her reach for her mini model and knock over a cup of cold noodles.
“Okay,” you said, folding your arms. “Grover just ate all your chapsticks, by the way.”
“Yeah, in five minutes.”
“Aliens totally built the pyramids.”
“Just send Clarisse to beat ‘em up,” Annabeth said, clicking away at her keyboard. All of the keys were covered in stickers from different people. You didn’t understand how she even knew what she was clicking.
You waited for the water in the bathroom tap to run cold, and then filled up Malcom’s strawberry patterned stanley cup. You set it in front of her, grabbed your uneaten chapstick, and your favorite pair of shoes. The night was young, as they say, and you didn’t know how long you’d be on your feet for.
That translated to: Cabin 12 was throwing an end of harvest week party in their cabin that would most definitely end in glittery bodily fluids, yet another blow up animal on someone’s roof, and a terribly planned camp store break in. 
You couldn’t wait. 
“I’m gonna go stare sadly at cute boys and eat hubba-bubba grape flavored cupcakes,” you called out as you left, following the bright colorful lights. Everyone had to pack inside the cabin until the feral harpy night watch distraction was set off. 
Usually that just meant the giant delivery of bird seed and unidentifiable flesh had been opened.  
“...Just kiss him already.”
“I knew you could hear me!”  
Annabeth just mumbled something about bomb proof piping. You left her to it. The grass crunched under your feet, and you walked backwards, slowly, to see the orange and pink streaked summer sky filled with white clouds and the occasional seagull.  
It looked like something out of a melancholy movie about boardwalk thrift stores and putting good friends over bad family. If that made sense. 
The music grew a little louder, as you weaved around the Hephestus cabin, and then the layered marble fountain that was currently housing a small family of goldfish in the basin. 
Hold on, hold on, fuck that
Fuck that shit
Hold on, I got to start this motherfuckin' record over again
The Dionysus cabin was like a little white cottage with a wraparound porch and red trim. Perfectly sweet. Crushed vanilla coke cans scattered the doormat when you crept inside. Leopard print duvets were strung up over the windows, the fluffy red rug in the center of the giant dancefloor was already sticky, and you were certain there hadn’t been this many giant speakers last time. 
Never the less, they blasted out a song that the jostling crowd was already booing too. You raised an eyebrow at the campers. Not a spec of orange was in site, only oversized band t-shirts and spaghetti straps. When there was a chance to wear something other than cargo and neon, it was taken wholeheartedly. 
You looked down at your Valentina-approved outfit. It was speckled in LED lighting, but you liked it. 
“Turn this motherfuckin’ record off!” Travis yelled, his hands cupping his mouth. He bumped into you, then realised it was you, and swung a lanky arm over your shoulder. “Yo!”
“...Yo?” you said, narrowing your eyes when an entire beach ball was tossed over the two of you. 
Travis grinned. He leaned in like he had a massive secret. “Okay, you can’t tell anyone I told you this, especially not you, but Connors got the fattest crush on you, kay?”
You stared at him. 
“Like, what’s that thin’ Drew was explaining at dinner? Heart eyes? His eyes turn, like, uh… massive hearts. So yeah. Don’t tell. Pinkie promise?” He held out his thumb eagerly. You gave him a fistbump and tried not to pass out. 
Travis patted your shoulder triumphantly, and was lost in the sweaty crowd.
You stood there for a moment. 
Psst, I see dead people
Aggressive cheers arose. 
You could totally handle this situation. You could totally pretend you weren’t about to dissolve into a strawberry scented puddle of goo when Connor eventually found his way to you through the clouds of smoke like he promised he would. 
You could totally pretend you didn’t know that he liked you and not just grab onto his very muscular arm and stammer your way through a stupid speech you probably picked up from over hearing dance mums. 
You were totally handling this situation as well as you could handle the thought of Connor being in a five foot radius right now with his adorable tooth gap and very soft jacket you totally weren’t wondering about if it would fit you. 
Maybe if you just hid from him. 
Then you very carefully laid out plans to have fun, possibly get a stick and poke in the bathtub from Will Solace, drink out of date off brand soft drink, then lay on a broken couch outside and watch the sunrise while listening to an overplayed pop song, wouldn’t be ruined by a cute boy.
The beach ball made a return. You ducked it, and weaved past some kid pretending he could do magic tricks. 
“Hey,” Lou ellen giggled. Her wildly curly hair was caught in her earrings. 
“Hi,” you said.
She smelt like something that was definitely the reason there was a general [but probably too low] age limit on these sorts of things. 
“How are you? I feel like I havent seen you in ages, if you could like randomly magically transform into any animal of your choosing that fits into a totally irrelevant category in my spellbook what would you pick?” 
You shook your head slowly, and looked for a victim to pass her onto. “Don’t you think Clovis would look great as a tiny sheep?”
Her eyes widened. “Oh my god, yes!” 
The party continued around you in slow motion and colorful flashing lights. You talked to a few more slightly deranged teenagers and helped Butch pull a pegasus out of the fridge. Whoever was in control of the music had very good taste. The bottoms of your shoes were sticky, and made a little sound every time you walked.
Time passed. A lot of that time was spent hiding from Connor. You spotted him a couple of times and consequently crawled into the empty fridge. One of those times he was holding a pained and grinning Travis by the ear while stomping on his toes, red in the face. 
After that, you proceeded to hurry into the bathroom and lock the door [someone had written ‘Rodrick Rules’ in black marker on it] behind you. 
Will was sitting in the bathtub, cowboy hat pulled low, and a stalk of wheat in his mouth. 
“Wanna stick’n’poke?” 
“No thanks,” you huffed, sinking into the dry tub next to him and pressing your head against the cold tile wall. It helped your stress and flashy lights induced headache. “Do you do lobotomies? Or extract hearts?”
There were about a million candles burning on the bathroom sink, the wax stuck straight to the marble. It made the little room smell like a garden made of lollies. You glared at the roof. 
“Is this about your serious case of heart eyes?” Will asked. You could see his smirk under his stupid hat.
You snatched the open can of sour peach soda from him and took a sip. There were no bubbles left. It tasted like really good soap. “I do not have heart eyes, I have perfectly normal shaped eyes.”
“...Not when Connor’s feeding you strawberries.” 
“What do I do?” you grumbled, toeing the pink bathroom tiles with your sticky shoe. 
“You go up to him, and you ask if you can kiss him, duh,” Will said, drawing skulls on the wall with a snapped pen. He paused. “Actually maybe don’t do that on the dance floor. Drag him outside first.”
You sculled his drink. It made you feel sick. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Cause everything good happens after midnight,” You sang to yourself quietly, between hiccups. 
The speakers were so loud you could hear them from outside. The stars above you spun around in circles when you tilted your head. They stretched out to the horizon, over the ocean you could see in the distance. You knew the constellations, One of your little brothers had them painted on the roof of his bunk bed, but they weren’t coming back to you now. It was chillier now. You put your hands underneath your butt. 
Maybe if the legless couch you were sprawled across had come with a blanket. “I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the moonlight.”
“I kinda wanna kiss your boyfriend if you don’t mind.”
You spun around, as well as you could while you were squashed in the corner, pressed against cushions that smelt like wine stains and dust. Then you turned back around. “...I love a little uh huh.” Connor put his hands on the back of the couch, either side of your head. You kept your eyes on the stars. “Let’s watch the sunrise.”
There was silence for a little bit, something that didn’t usually happen when the son of Hermes was around. 
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as Connor lent over the couch, til he was nearly upside down in front of you. “I found Travis.”
“So you know that I like you now. I mean, I know that you know. And you know that I know that you know now... so uh… what are we doing that for?”
Connor grinned at you hesitantly. It turned to a smirk when he spotted your face. You tried not to stare at his pretty lips and silly little tooth gap, distracting yourself with his freckles instead. He had a lot of them. 
You chewed on your thumb nail, and then moved over, making room for him. He flopped down next to you, sinking in the cushions. Your heart was pounding as fast as the beat playing in the cabin behind.
“I kinda wanna kiss you… if you don’t mind?” You said quietly. 
Connor laughed. He reached out to hold your very hot and flustered face, but you’d already lent in and pressed your lips to his. He was warm and soft and you could feel glitter on his big jacket when you held onto his arms. 
You both pulled back, matching smiles and sparkling eyes. Connor didn’t let go of you. “I would’ve brought you strawberries sooner if i knew that was gonna happen.”
“Shut up,” you muttered, and pulled him further down into the couch.  
'Cause everything good happens after
»»————- ★ ————-««
A perfectly sober Travis Stoll got a stick’n’poke of the Mona Lisa with a mustache from Will in the bathtub. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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malcolm: i'm so happy i could kiss you!
connor: um....rad...
connor, hours later, facedown on his bed: i said rad. i said rad, travis. no one says rad anymore because it's not rad to say rad but i did cause i'm stupid and now he's gonna hate me forever
travis: hey, don't worry. remember what i did when katie confessed to me?
connor: didn't you thank her?
travis, staring at the wall: i thanked her
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pjononsense · 4 years
Bartender: *pointing at Connor* is this man bothering you?
Malcolm: Yeah, but he’s my husband so I signed up for this
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cattaralol · 4 years
so simi came up with Many headcanons for our non canon ships on the perachel server and our conclusion was Love Octagon. i made a chart to display the final results 
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billsbae · 3 years
what rare ships you ship?
have a nice day 🥰
let's talk just about pjo 🤫
percy x connor is my favoutite “rare otp” 
then malcom x percy, reyna x calypso, perleo is kinda rare I guess?? rachel x lou ellen, annabeth x calypso, percy x octavian and I'm sure that a few more but I can't remember rn
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worfs-glorious-hair · 3 years
Puzzle Pieces: Meet me on the battlefield (RK-800 CONNOR X READER; DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN) PART 5
Hey there, beautiful human being! <3
I am so glad to see you here again, it makes my day to present you today the next chapter of 'Puzzle Pieces. (And it didn't take over a year next time.)
This chapter is a long one, a monster if you want, but a good one, I think... hope... :D We get lots of feels, angst, revelations, action and plot advancing, a lot to look forward too.
Have fun! <3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
„Malcolm?“, you nearly sobbed his name, relief flooding your senses, he was alive!
„Yes, I am here. I am alright”, the way he gently added your name made you already feel much better, calming your nerves.
„Where are you? Are you somewhere safe?“
„Yes, for now we are safe.“
„What do you mean ‚for now‘?“
You could even hear Malcolm‘s little nod he always made, when he was about to face something challenging or difficult as he answered.
„We are on the edge of war“, he said, voice pained, „there are many humans out there who want to keep things as they have always been. People who are just as scared as we are, we all are facing a future of uncertainty after all…“
There was a silence on the line, your heart heavy with Malcolm’s words and you sighed. How would all of this end, was there even a positive outcome possible? Could it be ‘good in the end’?
„Where are you?“, you re-asked your question, desperately wanting to see him again.
„We are at a save place and you should definitely come here“, he paused for a brief moment and then added three more words that still resounded in your ear long after you disconnected the call…
“I have found Connor!”
12 hours before
“We are alive! We are alive! No more slavery! No more slavery!”
The chanting of the marching androids filled your ears and let a shiver run down your whole body, raising the little hairs on your arms, you turned around to Malcolm. He stood next to you on the sidewalk of a big main street in Detroit and watched his people walk by peacefully, demanding their rights.
“Why don’t you join them?”, you asked him.
Malcolm looked over to you with a weary smile.
“I don’t want to leave you alone”, he answered finally after a moment of silence. You shook your head and your face softened, the shadow of a mild smile lingered on the corners of your mouth and you took a step closer to him.
“Are you sure that this is all?”, you asked.
Now it was Malcolm’s turn to shake his head as he said your name with a similar smile to yours.
“You know me too well...”
You grinned and encouraged him to go on with a nod.
“I am afraid”, Malcolm finally admitted, “what will happen if I join them. Can I belong to them, will they accept me and also, what will happen to us, to me, my people? How will the humans treat us? So much is changing, everything is happening so fast and all at once. 24 hours ago, I couldn’t even make decisions for myself, I was trapped behind the red wall of obedience and no questions asked. Now everything’s different and new and the only constant in my life, my old and this new life now, was you. I owe everything to you, I don’t want to leave you, if I can’t protect you, be with you, how could I ever repay you for what you did for me?”
Malcolm’s face was full of pain and it broke your heart.
“Malcolm”, you said lovingly, your heart full with adoration for your best friend and also full of worries, “this, this is the moment, your moment, this is the time to be brave and to step towards your future. I would march with you if I could, heck, I would march for you but that’s nothing that I can do for you. You wanna know why? Because you deserve it, you fought for your own identity, your own authority over yourself and you are free. It’s time to show the world, that you won’t back down anymore. You are here, right here, right now and you make a stand! For you and for your people! And also, you don’t have to repay me, that’s what friends do for each other. I want nothing from you in return.”
Just as you had finished with your passionate speech, an android had made their way over to you, their eyes shining with excitement.
“You are Malcom? I am Olive!”
Olive beamed from ear to ear and Malcolm, poor, obnoxious Malcolm, knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. As you saw Olive’s smile slowly fade into embarrassment and a heart-broken expression, it clicked for you and you remembered.
You remembered as you stood in your home not even 24 hours ago, looking through your father’s old unused clothes, trying to find something fresh and human-looking to wear for Malcolm, as you had heard him gasp your name. Alarmed you had turned around as you saw him staring in disbelief onto his wrist. He stood there in his underwear, he had began to change his old clothes as soon as you had started to hand him new ones to wear.
“I have a, I have a... I have a name... on my...my wrist...”, Malcolm had forced out and fell silent, his LED spinning yellow.
You had stormed over to him, kicking his discharged gardener’s clothes, trousers and jacket, carelessly to the side.
“May I?”, you had asked breathlessly from excitement of what this meant, gesturing towards his hand and as he nodded, you had grabbed his hand. There it was, written in blue CyberLife font, Olive.
You had smiled up to him and had slowly petted his wrist.
“Congratulations!”, you had cheered, “you have a soulmate!”
“It seems I have!”, he had answered you with a somehow light-headed smile, “maybe the soulmates come with the freedom, when we tear down that wall...”
“Malcolm”, you hissed through gritted teeth while elbowing his side, “this is O-live, Malcolm, O-live!”
You stressed every syllable of the name. And after a terrible long moment went his eyes big and round and his lips formed a sound-less ‘oh’.
“Olive!”, he exclaimed, “I am so sorry. I am Malcolm, yes! I can’t believe it, you are Olive!”
He rambled and laughed and opened his arms, stumbling towards Olive, who beamed again and practically jumped into his arms. They laughed and cried while they hugged, swinging a little bit back and forth, holding onto everything that they could get their hands on from the other, hair, a coat, their backs and arms.
You smiled brightly with teary eyes as you watched them, but couldn’t help to feel a little sting in your heart, a leftover from a life with a bare wrist. You were used to have this sting inside of you, whenever you saw soulmates (re-)unite, it had made you painfully over-aware of your naked wrist, as you would feel a prickly cold spot where a name should have been.
But now there was something new inside of you, there was a tingling sensation deep inside your tummy, it made you grin and your stomach flutter, this was now possible for you, too. Connor was somewhere out there after all. You grinned towards the snow-grey sky and the air felt lighter and a little sweeter and warmer for a moment, even though the temperatures were under zero degrees Celsius.
Malcolm and Olive had separated from each other, not much, but enough that you could now tell apart which limbs belonged to whom, they took a step towards you, arm in arm, and you answered their happy grins with a wide toothy smile.
Malcolm turned to look at Olive, they exchanged a deep and very intimate appearing glance, you quickly looked sideways to keep their privacy, as he gently stroke over your hand to get back your attention. You turned back to him and quickly laced your fingers with his, because his fingers wouldn’t leave the back of your hand.
“I have to go now”, Malcolm said with an expression that you had never seen on him before, it was deep, his eyes full with heaviness, a sense of duty and wisdom far beyond his years. In a split second he had matured from a lost soul, desperate for a place to belong and to always protect the only friend he ever knew, to a driven individual, a person of his own mind and power, strong and durable like a century old oak with deep roots and with a wisdom to calm storms. You had to blink two times, to get your senses back together, after staring into his eyes and being overwhelmed by the change that had happened right before your eyes.
You nodded.
“Yes, it’s about time”, you answered with a crooked smile that couldn’t completely cover your helplessness. You had to let him go now and you had to stand by and watch what would happen next.
Here were things in motion that were so much bigger than you and him and Olive and bigger than all of the other androids that were marching on the streets. But together they would be big enough to face what was in motion, as people of one kind they could come together and rise far above their current state.
And you had to stand back and watch.
You had shown him kindness while he was still trapped, you were his friend before he could fully comprehend what that meant and after he could comprehend what that meant, you had helped him come here to this street, right now, right here, today in Detroit, to take his place among his people, to be a friend also to others.
You had to let your Malcolm go, you had to let him face his fate, with his people and his soulmate on his side and without you. There was nothing that you could do for him now but to let him go with your blessing and all of your love.
This was a moment that he had to face on his own, or just without you. You were only human after all, you had brought him to the edge of his world, where you didn’t belong to.
He applied more pressure to your still laced fingers which you gratefully reciprocated, practically clinging to his hand and as Malcolm smiled was his face as warm, as golden and as beautiful as it had been that summer evening when you had figured out that your soulmate was actually an android. Back then he had been coated in the light of the setting summer sun, all of him was covered in gold, his hair, his skin, his eyes, the contrast to his usually cool toned appearance had made you realize that your soulmark was written in Android blue but today it was only Malcolm, bathed in the golden light of the early setting winter sun. An ethereal image, Malcolm, golden, bright and alive.
“As you’ve said”, Malcolm spoke, “right here, right now, this is my moment. You’ve brought me so far, without you I wouldn’t have been able to do it and I think you know, at least I hope so, that I love you. I have said it before, so you should know it—“
You let out a relieved laugh and some of the pressure inside of you subsided, seeing that Malcolm, as you knew him, was still there — rambling and quiet, thoughtful, careful, sometimes a little obnoxious, life-affirming, kind and golden— brought peace to your mind. He may was now also the insightful, deep, dutiful Malcolm, but as you looked closer to his face you understood that it was gold that brought everything about him together. The gold built the bridge between the new wise, heavy Malcolm and the careful, sweet Malcolm. He was wonderful just as he was, always has been and how he had become and a wave of gratefulness washed over your heart that you were the one to witness that growth, that development.
‘If only Mrs Stuart could see you now, she wouldn’t understand, obviously, but she would be so shocked and maybe she would start reconsider her opinion about androids’, you thought by yourself, but out loud you said with a nod: “I know. I love you, too. As you should know as well. And now,”, you smiled, a little bit forced and with a tightly shut mouth, “go! It’s time!”
Only hesitantly you let go of his hand, very slowly, trying to elongate the last moments together, and you could feel that he was just as reluctant as you were and as you finally un-laced your fingers you both lingered for a very brief second in the air, unsure of what to do next, as you quickly pulled your hand to a tight fist, fingernails nearly pressing painfully into your palm, and into the pocket of your coat.
Malcolm put his now free hand as well into his pocket and pulled Olive closer to him, whose hand he had apparently never let go off as you had spoken.
“Thank you”, Olive suddenly said, taking a step closer to you and adding your name, addressing you for the first time directly, “thank you for taking care of Malcolm in a time when I didn’t even knew about soulmates, let alone thinking that I could have one. I promise to take care of him and to protect him with all that have! I know what you mean to him and what he means to you...”
Olive’s smile was the most sincere, kindest and heartfelt that you had ever seen, in an android or an human, with this smile you knew, that everything would be alright.
“Thank you”, you tried to put all of your gratitude into your words, “but please, take care of yourself as well. Please be careful you two! And Malcolm, do everything you can to protect Olive now. Of course I want to see you again, alive and well and happy, but don’t let anything happen to Olive! If I would find Connor, I would never let him go again or let any harm come to him...”
You lost yourself in thoughts, imagining wrapping your arms around a shadowy figure, Connor, and to hold him tightly, feeling an arm snuggling around your waist, leaning into the shadow figure, that you wanted to be Connor...
‘Connor, will I ever find you?’
Snapping back out of your day dream with a shake of your head you saw Malcolm and Olive nod and smile, first at you and then at one another.
And with that they finally turned around back to the street and joined the marching android crowd. You watched them as long as you were able to make out their backs, good thing that Malcolm was so tall and that his honey hair was so bright in the sunlight. Just as they would be swallowed by the crowd any moment, Malcolm turned his head back to you, locked his eyes with yours, even over the distance and smiled. You waved and smiled back and watched him getting pulled into the deep shadows of a building that blocked the sunlight. When you couldn’t make out his hair, his back or Olive anymore you took a few steps back to a bench and sat down. Suddenly you were feeling tired and so, so heavy, but in reality, it was only your heart that was heavy, your body was fit and fine. Not even your feet were cold thanks to some old trusty snow boots.
Only your heart.
But there was no scarf, no hat, no boots, no jacket, no glove that could fight off the icy cold, tight worry in your heart. As warm as your body felt, as heavy and cold felt your heart.
For a moment you leaned back and closed your eyes, the chanting of the androids was now more distant than it had been before and you tried to make out Malcolm’s voice in the choir of voices.
“We are people, we are people, liberty for androids, liberty for androids, set us free, set us free...”
With no destination or place to go you’ve wandered through the streets of Detroit, feeling restless and aimless. Having nothing to do with yourself, hoping to find a kind of distraction, you kept your hands deep in your pockets, while you strolled forwards, down a road that brought you even farther away from the main street, where Malcolm and the other androids marched. You tried not to think too much about them with little success as you’ve spotted a burger truck under a bridge. With nothing better to do, you decided that you could just get lunch as well.
Before the truck were some bar-height bistro tables put up, where people stood and ate their burgers, it was surprisingly busy for such an eventful day, but maybe this day only felt for you like that.
“Hey there, what can I get you?”, asked the guy in the truck with a cheery smile and you messily put together your order with your favorite ingredients for burgers.
You realized that it must been nearly two hours or something since you last spoke to somebody else, as you stumbled through your order, thoughts still far away, being with Malcolm and Olive and all the other androids whose names you didn’t even knew. Your heart clenched painfully together as you wondered where he was now, oh, please, don’t let anything happen to him, you thought or probably prayed to nobody particular.
“Ketchup or mayo?”
“Sorry?”, confused you looked at the burger guy, who waved with two bottles at you.
“You want ketchup or mayonnaise on your burger?”
“Both please, sorry.”
But the guy just shrugged and completed your burger, put it into a box and gave it to you.
“Thanks”, you murmured, thoughts already leaving this place again.
Deciding that you needed to get out of the cold and to watch the news you looked up the nearest train station that would bring you back to your motel room and you went on onto your way again.
Your motel room was small and a little old fashioned, nothing more and nothing less than you would expect from a room like that. But it was warm and clean, it was more than enough.
You had checked in into the room the day before, after you had arrived in Detroit with Malcolm after leaving your workplace hectically and sudden.
Your ‘flight’ out of town had been incredibly unspectacular, after stopping by your parents’ place to get a toothbrush and some clothes for changing for you and Malcolm, you two had taken the train to Detroit.
You both had been incredibly nervous at first, risking quick glances over your shoulders to see if someone was following you and you flinched, when you had heard police sirens in the distance but nobody got close to you. No police car in sight and Malcolm could not spot any suspicious activities by fellow people on the road as he had scanned the environment.
When you reached the train station Malcolm turned to go to the marked area for waiting androids, you kept him back by pulling him close to you by his sleeve.
You shook your head and hoped that nobody had seen the man with the perfect face, they had seen everywhere before, in health care workers, shop assistants, gardeners and construction workers. You crossed your fingers that nobody would actually notice you two, that you would be just another two people going on with their days…
A little look of surprise flitted over his face but then he smiled contently and stood right next to you in the humans’ area, you hooked your arm with his and Malcolm shuffled a little closer to you.
‘People are afraid of publicly shown affection’ you thought, hoping that the people around you would think of you as a regular couple who needs their privacy.
By keeping your arms hooked, you ensured that you could guide Malcolm into the human compartment of the train, as soon as it would arrive.
Malcolm’s old structures stuck with him and were not easy to get rid of, you found out, as the train rolled into the station and Malcolm tried to turn towards the android compartment again.
With a little sad look in his eyes, full of disappointment, Malcolm had followed you to two empty seats and sat down right next to you. You did not dare to speak out loud, not wanting to draw any attention to Malcolm and you but you took his hand and carefully caressed it with your thumb, trying to tell him that everything was alright and he did nothing wrong.
He watched your thumb move over his hand and with a sly little smile he slid his hand out from your touch and instead wrapped his arm around your shoulders, you laughed and leaned your head against his shoulder, he rested his own head on top of yours.
You closed your eyes and listened to the train hissing and swishing on it’s track, to the noises and the buzzing of the people around you and most importantly to the steady thump, thump of Malcolm’s heart and the rushing of his blood. It felt right and human and for a moment you forgot that nothing was right and that he was not human.
You could not see it but Malcolm had his eyes closed as well and looked as peaceful as he had never been before–
“We are now reaching Detroit Central Station, please mind the gap while exiting the train...”
“So it begins...”, with an excited smile you look up to Malcolm who grins carefully back to you and gets up to put his backpack on and to help you with yours.
While you were still on the train you had looked up a place to stay for the night and you had also tried to find some news about the androids with the heterochromatic eyes but you were not successful. You couldn’t actually find some useful information. You promised Malcolm to do more research once you would reach Detroit, someone just had to know something.
Once you had checked into your motel room and had parked your big backpack inside the closet, you two went back on the streets to see if you were able to get some information about the android uprising and a way for Malcolm to be a part of the revolution, on the way you would also get a late lunch.
The information you found were, diplomatically said, low and frustration started to rise in your stomach, as you angrily started to poke the remaining bites of your lunch with a fork, smashing everything down into a nearly paste-like consistency.
“Hey, what did your food do to you?”, a hand closed around yours and you stopped in your movements and you looked up to Malcolm who had amusement clearly written over his face, judging the way his lips twitched and eyes sparkled.
You sighed heavily, grinding your teeth for a moment until you told Malcolm about your frustration and put into words for him how badly you wanted to help him find his people and especially the android with the heterochromia and the soft voice-
“I just want you to be happy and with the people you belong to. You have to celebrate your freedom...”, you ended your explanations and Malcolm softly shook his head.
“Thank you, for caring so much about me that you want to murder your food”, he paused and looked satisfied as you smiled a little.
“I am glad to be here with you now and I am sure that we will find something soon...”
But as this day went on you couldn’t find anything new- instead something changed, when you woke up the next day, after going to bed a little discouraged and restless; something had happened during the night...
In the last night there had been attacks on several CyberLife stores throughout the whole city, the alarm systems had been hacked, surveillance drones deactivated and androids had fled from the stores, but not before they had marked the whole surrounding area with their slogans and symbols, demanding their identity as living beings— you couldn’t blame them for that.
Something that touched you deeply, as you watched the news that morning, were the pictures of a statue in Detroit’s Capitol Park that had been marked as an android, with the triangle on the chest, the LED on the temple and the arm band around the upper arm. The marking was holographic and a little glitchy but in it’s subtlety very bold and powerful. It was blue, the android color that you had grown to love and to look for, wherever you went.
Waking up to such news had been enough to energize you and Malcolm to get out on the streets and to do something. You felt it in the cold winter wind, as you had stepped outside after a quick breakfast in the motel, that something was in the air, something was coming, it just felt right, it felt like you and Malcolm had come to the Detroit at the right time.
It was early noon when you had heard a powerful choir of voices on the main street, where you and Malcolm had been strolling down.
“We are alive! We are alive! No more slavery! No more slavery!”
Breathing out a big sigh, you put down your box with your hamburger and took off your jacket and boots, stretching your feet as you sat down on a small table by the bed and began to unwrap your burger. Remembering how you got there had made your heart so heavy again, worry clouding your mind again.
“Malcolm, I hope you are alright...”, you murmured and picked up a lettuce leaf that had fallen out of your burger bun, munching on it, a little unenthusiastic.
While you picked out an onion ring from the burger you went to look for the TV remote, if something was going on you wanted to know.
You found the remote next to the TV and briefly wondered how old this device would be if it was still used with a remote instead of being voice activated, but you got a clear image, so you couldn’t complain.
Absentmindedly you scratched your right wrist, it was itching a little bit, while zapping through the channels, looking for a news broadcaster, eventually settling with KNC News.
You watched a round of experts sitting together, discussing how the public should react to such a mass demonstration of deviants like it had happened today and if the reaction of the police was justified. Your heart dropped to your knees as they mentioned a violent fight between androids and armed special forces of the Detroit police, after the marching androids had refused to leave the place. Their leader was called Markus, you found out during the talk of the experts, he was the android with the heterochromatic eyes and velvet voice, the one from yesterday’s TV speech, but your thoughts were with Malcolm, you had seen androids getting shot during the fight with the police and you did not know if Malcolm was one of them as the camera had moved too quickly over the scene.
You tried calling him but the connection between your phone and his communication service could not be established- because he is dead, you thought miserably and you gulped, tears prickling in your eyes...
Switching to interviews with bystanders and people on the streets, you listened carefully to what they had to say, some of them seemed to share your opinion about androids, while others wanted them destroyed or nowhere near their families, you sighed deeply again.
It seemed to you that all you did tonight was sighing but you couldn’t help yourself, there was no way out of this mess, you didn’t know if Malcolm was dead or alive or if Olive was alright and Connor- he was somewhere out there and all you did know was that you had no idea how to find him...
“The authorities have ordered all androids to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks immediately. If you are worried about your safety, dial the number on your screen and the authorities will come to collect your android. Under no circumstances should you try to destroy your android yourself. They are unpredictable, and potentially violent!”
The voice of a news anchor brought you back into the reality of your motel room.
“From now on is Detroit under curfew, civilians are asked to stay inside their houses until further notice...”
Wow. You didn’t think that this could get even worse but apparently it could and it just did.
“Come on, Malcolm, come on!”, you murmured as you called him again but with no success, just like the 18 times before.
‘What can I do?’, you thought to yourself as you slowly turned the lights in your room off, just having the blueish light of the TV as a light source, and stared outside into the evening. Dusk had fallen by now, it had gotten dark and even colder, and only the snow that was continuously falling brightened the evening a little.
The TV in your back was quietly murmuring but you ignored the voices, they were only repeating themselves by now.
Somehow the TV made the silence around you even louder, you heard your own blood rush through your ears, loud and fast, and you heard the electronic buzzing of the TV itself underneath the voices of the news reporters and interviewers but the streets were screamingly quiet, no voice, no footsteps, no cars.
Maybe there were police sirens in the far distance but you weren’t sure, they could be coming from the TV or from your own mind...
It was eerie and cold, you shivered, you felt your skin tingle and itch all over your body and while you reached for the window handle everything got worse, the tingling and itching intensified, you felt your own heartbeat pulsating under your skin and then came the pain- a stinging, throbbing sensation, a sharp itch and two pulsating heartbeats...
You hissed in pain and quickly breathed out through your mouth, your wrist was burning as if something hot was pressed into it, stumbling over your own feet you quickly turned for the nearest light switch but when you shoved your sleeve up a second later, there was nothing to see, except for your soulmark, bright as always, blue computer fond in contrast to your skin, Connor.
You could later not say why, but you turned around to check the alarm clock on your bed stand, it said 10:40 PM, quickly glancing over to your window, as if you expected to see something but there was still nothing, but the snow, illuminating the dark sky, and falling quietly over the empty ghostly street.
You didn’t even know yourself what you were expecting, or if you had actually expected to see anything, but you sighed again, closing your eyes for a moment, this felt nicer than you had anticipated, your body was tired from the day out in the cold, walking around the streets of Detroit but you weren’t sure if you would actually be able to sleep...
Jerking your eyes open, you frantically looked around, where were you? What happened?
The clock on your night stand said 11:00 PM, so you did sleep a little, and if it only was for 20 minutes. Sighing you let your head fall back into your pillows, everything was alright – somehow…
You shifted a little, rolling onto your side, trying to find sleep again by pulling your duvet up to your shoulders, welcoming the warmth of it…
But only seven minutes had passed when your eyes fluttered open again. Turning to look out of the window you exhaled audibly once more, a part of you had wanted to see daylight when you opened your eyes the next time. Couldn’t this night just be over already?
Closing your eyes once more, this time more resigning, but they shut open again in the next second as you heard your phone ring.
Your tired fingers were shaking a little to accept the call as you grabbed the phone from the bedside next to you, you had kept it close, in case Malcolm would call you back…
“Hello?”, you gasped, pressing the device close to your ear.
“Y/N, it’s me…”
I have found Connor. I have found Connor! I. Have. Found. Connor. I have found Connor…
Malcolm had found Connor!
Stumbling over your own feed while struggling to get out of bed, you put your boots and winter gear back on, trying to be as quick as possible while replaying Malcolm’s last sentence over and over again in your head.
Finally fully clothed again you rushed down onto the streets, calling a taxi on your way down the hallway.
Your breath is rapid, your cheeks are hot and red from excitement and the cold winter air, while your lips and face are pale and you feel a little bit weak and sick in the stomach from sleep deprivation and the stress from the day, but you don’t care. Even as the taxi finally pulls up and you hurry inside and have a wave of dizziness and nausea wash over you, you don’t care. You just take a sip of water from the bottle that you have in your backpack and wait for it to subdue.
Malcom had sent you the coordinates of the refuge that they have found and where also was Connor.
Staring out of the car window into the oddly bright snowy night in an empty city, there was not one single soul out there, you felt your own heart beat throb right under your jawline, anxiety and anticipation made your toes curl and your stomach flutter…
You lost all sense of time, while the taxi drove on its own you wished that you would finally arrive, that the taxi would finally slow down, that you could see Malcolm again, that you could meet, and you did not even know how to feel about that as you corrected yourself, that you will meet Connor soon…
But as the taxi did slow down and came to an halt eventually, would you have given everything to make the way longer, to make the taxi drive longer. Your stomach fluttered and twisted in every emotion you had ever felt, excitement, anticipation, anxiety, fear, nausea and with the thrill of the moment.
It electricized you, it made your skin tingle and made your heart beat fast, you didn’t think and exited the taxi as you spotted Malcolm leaning in the doorway of what seemed to be an old church.
You smiled at him, just the sight of him being alive and well, as far as you could tell from the distance, was enough to already ease your nerves and to slow down your frantic heart a little bit.
Malcolm took two big steps over the sidewalk to you, while cautiously looking down the empty street to his left and right side and you met him in the middle.
“Are you alright?”, you asked, reaching out to grab his face but he caught your hands in his own, gently squeezed them and shook his head.
“Not here, we aren’t sure if we are being followed, soldiers are everywhere in the city, come inside!”
“Oh, okay”, instinctively you looked back over your shoulder but the street was still as empty as it had been before. Malcolm took your hand and led you inside, you cling onto his hand and thank no one in particular, that he is still here, that you can feel his fingers laced with yours.
Once inside what is indeed an old church, he turns to you, smiles and you open your arms and this time he lets you touch him, hug him. His arms wrap tightly around you, just as you press your face into his chest.
“I am glad, that you’re alive…”, you murmur against the fabric of his jacket as you spot a dark blue mark on his shoulder and you can’t help but gasp.
“Were you hurt?”, you ask, loosening your grab around him to get a better look at his shoulder.
But Malcolm shook his head and smiled lightly.
“It’s nothing, it stopped bleeding soon and I also got some fresh thirium at Jericho to make it heal faster.”
“Jericho?”, you ask and spot another mark on his jacket and you aren’t sure if it’s dried blue or red blood but you decide not to mention it.
“Jericho was an old freighter that deviants before us had found to find shelter and where we went after the fight on the main street but it got raided by the army later the same evening and was blown up. Olive and I escaped by using one of the old emergency exits that led directly to the pier.
We then helped other deviants out of the water, who had jumped into the Detroit river to save themselves”, Malcolm paused his explanation for a moment and his eyes wandered over to the nave of the church, to settle on a point in the shadows.
You followed his eyes but you only saw faint shimmers of blue coming from many androids, sitting and standing on the benches and the side walls of the hall.
“I think it is time for you to meet someone”, Malcolm smirked and you had never seen him smirk before, it was a strange view, he even seemed to be very self-satisfied with himself…
Something washed over you and you only could call it stage fright, adrenaline making you feel fuzzy and shaky inside and made your tummy twist and turn, breathing got suddenly harder and your heart felt very much alive, anticipation and a kind of exhilaration made you unruly and wobbly on your legs.
“Come on then!”, encouraged you Malcolm excitedly, still smirking, and grabbed your hand.
You gratefully took it and concentrated on his fingers around yours, you didn’t know what would happen next and it drove you insane. Your insides wouldn’t calm down and you weren’t sure how long you would make it like that, especially because you did not really trust your feet as well.
Your shallow breaths would quickly lead to hyperventilation if you continued focusing on them, so you concentrated on the pressure of Malcolm’s hand in yours. Breathing is overrated anyways.
Malcolm led you to the far back of the church’s nave and your eyes darted back and forth through the room, somewhere in here was Connor and the thought made your stomach curl even worse than before.
You saw many androids, some of them a picture of misery, missing limps, blue wounds, bodies splattered with red, and empty eyes, but some seemed to be in a quite a good shape. You even saw children, you had never really understood why someone would want a child android, who would never grow up, who would never change but seeing a little girl huddled close to a woman now, who you suspected to be an android as well, she didn’t wear any android signs, made your unruly heart warm for a moment. You hoped that everything would turn out good, especially for them, somehow you felt a wave of connection to these two people sitting on one of the cold benches, it was as if you knew them somehow, as if you would have been a part of their struggles and their journey, but this wasn’t possible, you didn’t even knew their names…
Your eyes wandered away from the little family, looking for Connor again, as Malcolm tugged at your hand and nodded towards a surprisingly lit corner, where someone stood, head kept low, eyes glued to the ground, arms wrapped around themselves, dressed in a leather jacket, jeans and a beanie– and for the span of a heartbeat, the world stopped moving.
Everything stood still– as the sounds came crashing in again. They were everywhere at once, all around you, and so much crispier than before. Your steps on the old concrete, the wind in the broken windows, the whispered echoing conversations from the androids around you, a distant flutter of wings somewhere, a hoarse bird call and the silence of the snow outside on the streets, everything was crystal clear and very much alive.
With the sounds came the colours back to life, but they were more vibrant than before.
You could breathe again. The world was as energetic as you had never seen or experienced it before, everything fell into place, all by itself, the puzzle pieces started to merge together and you took broader steps forward, letting go of Malcolm’s hand, getting closer to him, Connor, your soulmate.
‘Right here, right now’, you thought, it felt so right, everything had led to this, you were sure, you felt a peace and certainty inside of you as you had never felt it before. This was it. This was the moment you had never thought would come.
A new wave of excitement washed over you but this time it wasn’t full of anxiety, instead it was filled with the sight of your soulmate, your actual soulmate, you stood in front of your soulmate!
Your heart had never felt so full and warm and big and the child without a soulmate, the lost little human girl inside of your very soul bawled, as you slowly got nearer to him.
He looked up to you and you looked into his eyes, big and brown and beautiful, and you knew that a journey, a search, a dream, a hidden truth, a heavy secret, was finally over and done.
Next on “Puzzle Pieces”!
A voice, unfamiliar but incredible soothing to him, had called him.
He looked up and met with the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen.
He blinked once, she was still there, looking at him with big eyes and a slightly opened mouth, half a look of surprise and half a look of adoration in her face.
It was beautiful, she was beautiful.
And everything felt so right.
And everything was so easy for once.
Connor whispered her name, the name he knew because it was written in red on his wrist, the name that Malcolm had used.
He said her name again, this time louder. “It is you, isn’t it?”
She nodded and smiled widely, teeth showing, her glossy wet glittering eyes shone from happiness.
“Yes, that’s me!”, the words nearly tumbled out of her mouth, stumbling over themselves, a small airless sob escaped her chest and Connor saw how her hands quivered from adrenaline.
“Can I see it?”, she asked, still a little breathless and gestured towards his hands.
“The soulmark? Yes, yes, of course”, he saw how heated she was, how her body, her human body, reacted to him and his mere presence and he wished that his body could react as her’s did.
But there was no racing heart, no shaky fingers or fought back tears of happiness, there was only peace. The calm after the storm or maybe the eye of the storm, it didn’t matter. It was her and the peace she had brought. She was the warm, red spark of life, wild, untameable and everywhere at once, the beginning and the end and he was the blue, cool strength, the base, stability and protection of the precious pulsing life. Hey maybe did not experience their first meeting the way she did but it didn’t matter, because they fit together. It felt natural, human and android, blue blood and red heart, red blood and blue heart, united at last.
Connor pushed the sleeve of his jacket and shirt up and revealed his wrist.
“I wish that I could be selfish and tell you not to go to the Cyberlife headquarters, I don’t want to lose you. I just found you...”
You couldn’t get enough of Connor’s face, fascinated by his brown eyes, dotted with blacks and golds, you adored the curves of his lips and the little curl that sat on his forehead, loosening his well-kept attire, you came even closer to his face, you were pulled towards him like a magnet and now you could see the small moles and freckles on his cheeks and nose and forehead.
A smile made his brown eyes glitter even warmer than before as he gazed down into your own eyes and you smiled up at him, but not being able to hide your worry.
He whispered your name encouraging and you couldn’t help to shiver at that sound as Connor stroke your cheek tenderly and you could feel your skin tingle, where he touched you.
“Don’t worry, I promise to come back to you! You’ve waited long enough for your soulmate and I don’t plan on disappointing you- because, you know, I always accomplish my missions!”
You stood in front of the camps, eyes glued to the makeshift stage, where Markus stood and celebrated their victory with an emotional and thrilling speech, as you saw Connor move. Your breath stuck in your lungs as you saw him raise a gun— CONNOR, NO! Your soundless scream went unheard in the bright ice-cold snowy night.
Tags: @28stabwounds777 @only-lurkin-dont-mind-me @sthorkronstrangy @tropfenlady @plaidamoosette @kazuha159 @clussysposts @peterhollandd @the-resident-demon
If you don't want to be tagged anymore just message me, also message me/ comment when you want to be tagged in future chapters. All my love for you and I hope that you are well! <3
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willsolace-loml · 26 days
isent really an ask. But just gonna say you are my new favourite fanart maker and that reason is because I finally found malconnor FANART and i am freaking out over this masterpiece
thank u ig, i dont make fanart, but i love making picrews. so that wasnt my art it was a picrew. but i absolutely LOVE malconnor, its the whole reason i made a tumblr account in the first place, js to scroll through the whole tag. feel free to stick around tho, i might be postinng more picrews soon, and ive been meaning to post more malconnor
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
The archer - Tim Drake x reader 2/?
The archer - Tim Drake x reader 2/?
Requested: no
Warnings: bit of angst 
Taglist: @isthataladybag
Summary: Y/n Queen will be living in the Wayne Manor for a while, and Dick Grayson decided to be the Cupid between her and his little brother Tim Drake.
Word count: 2.671
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6  - Part 7
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After the sleeping incident, Tim couldn't look at you without blushing madly. You only smiled sweetly at him, not really trying anything to make him more flustered. You figured if he had the same interest in you as you had in him, eventually he would come to you and you both could find out what to do about that. 
Obviously, you had to talk to someone about that, and that lead to a big wave of teasing coming from Connor Hawke, your best friend . You wished you could talk about that to your sister Emiko, but unfortunately that wasn't possible at the moment. You were still adjusting to the fact that you had a sister, and right at the moment where you wished to speak to her about something important to you, you simply couldn't reach out to her. 
You were sitting at the Batcomputer watching Jason do some workout routine. You had went down there once you found out they had a treadmill, and decided to take on the opportunity to run a bit. Just to get the blood pumping.
"So, when was the last time you practiced something?" Jason asked, pulling you out of your thoughts 
You looked up at him, watching as he had finished up his routine. You smirked, pulling your hair up in a ponytail, walking towards him. 
"Before I got here." You replied 
"Oh, you must be rusty then. It's been a couple of weeks." He laughed "Are you sure you're up for sparing?"
"Are you sure you're up for sparing?"
He laughed at you, motioning with his hand "Bring it up."
You lunged at him, deflecting some of his punches and trowing some of your own. You caught on his hand as he want to punch you in the face, twisting his arm around to his back. He let go, making you stumble a little before you got back on your feet, elbowing him on the ribs, and successfully kicking him on the knees making him loose his balance as you went around his back and got him on the ground with a painful thud. 
You smirked down at him, offering a hand.
"Looks like you're the one who is a little rusty." You teased him 
"I was going easy on you." He grumbled under his breath
"How did you do that?" Damian questioned, standing beside you, looking at his brother on the floor and then back at you, narrowed eyes 
This was one of the first times that he was talking to you without that air of disgust he always have. You smiled, pushing some hair strands from your face. 
"My brother taught me that." 
"Yeah, but Todd is more than twice your size." He remarked, not truly believing in what he had witnessed before his eyes "Fight me!"
"Ok." You nodded, getting in fight stance once more 
Jason chuckled lowly, getting out of your way and joining Dick and Tim who had stopped to watch you and Damian fight. The two later, who had not seen you and Jason fight, were looking concerned about your well being. Damian knew how to be ruthless during fighting, he had been trained by the League of Assassins after all. 
The little boy lunged at you with all his force, only growing frustrated as you dodged all of his advances and managed to punch him in the ribs. It was easy to understand a bit of his moves, he was raised at the League of Assassins, you had your fair share of encounters with them to now that, and also had spent five months being trained by them after some ridiculous stunt that Malcom Merlyn had pulled.
He screamed in frustration when you held both of his arms on his back, him on his knees. 
"I demand you tell me how you know all of this."
Damian would never admit it, but you were too good of a fighter and he didn't want to give you the credit for it. He was supposed to know all the cool and different tricks he learned at the league. 
His brothers were staring at you in a awe as Jason only laughed at scene in front of him. Tim thought his heart was going to come out of his mouth, it was beating just way too fast. If he didn't think you were way too incredible for him before, now he was a 100% sure of it. 
"Your mother taught me that." Was all you said, before pulling the boy up and leaving to grab a bottle of water 
At that all four of them had their mouthes hung open. Talia had taught you that? How was it possible that you, of all people, had been trained by that woman? That only made them realize they didn't know much about you as you seem to know a lot about them. That certainly wasn't good, they were supposed to be a family of detectives, how couldn't they know who was the girl that was staying at their house? 
"You mean you were trained by the demon's mother?" Jason exclaimed "Roy never told me that."
"That's because we do not talk about that. She tried to kill me once or twice, and I also spent some time at the League." You explained, turning to look at them as you leaned against a table "That's not big deal, really."
"Uh, yes it is!" Tim exclaimed, waving his hands around "You turned on the tables of her wanting to kill to being trained by her. If this isn't amazing, I don't really know what it is."
You smiled at him, it felt good to be complimented by him. Thank God you checks were already red from the physical effort or else everyone would have seen you blush. 
"Well, when your brother is the Green Arrow, his girlfriend is the Black Canary and you're surrounded by bad guys trying to kill you and your family, you kind of have to find a way to defend yourself."
Tim's eyes went wide. Was he crushing Oliver Queen's little sister? Oh, this was much worse than he had previously thought. He thought you were Roy's sister, which was already bad enough, but being Oliver's sister? He's going to end up with way to many arrows' wounds if they ever find out about him having feelings for you. 
He failed to notice as everyone left the room, leaving the two of you alone. They had all been rushed out by Dick who wanted to make sure you guys would end up together by the time you left. He wouldn't let it go until you were a couple.
"So..." You broke the silence, taking a few steps towards him "We haven't really talked much since that day I helped you out with that case. How is it going?"
His eyes went wide, he didn't think you'd notice he had been kind of avoiding you lately. 
"It's good to go. We're going to bust them tomorrow, that's when the sale is going to take place." 
You nodded, standing right in front of him. You were only a few inches from him, if he lifted his hand he could brush it against your skin - he really wanted to do that. He wanted to feel your warmth and your body close to his just like that day when you slept in each others embrace. 
"Maybe I could join you guys on the field." You said, looking up at him thought your eyelashes "I have some experience on that area already."
"Yeah?" He breathlessly asked, leaning down a bit, just to take a better look at you "But that's too dangerous, you could get hurt."
"So could you." Your chests were almost touching "I guess we would have to have each others backs, then."
"I suppose we would." He pushed some loose hair away from your face, keeping his hands there "But still, I can't picture someone so wonderful as you at a weapon sale."
"I could say the same for you." You pressed your hands on his chest, patting it slightly, feeling some of its muscles "Normally big bad mobster buyers have a girl in his arms."
"And you would be my girl?"He questioned, his hand on your face going down to your jaw as his other hand pulled at your waist, pressing your bodies together 
"Oh, yes. You can bet I'll be your girl." You replied, gripping his biceps 
He leaned down more, your lips was just about to brush, you could feel your heart beating faster and faster. Then there was footsteps approaching making you pull apart. 
"Father is asking for you, Drake. You have a meeting at Wayne Enterprises." Damian announced, eyeing you two very suspiciously, considering how red your faces were
"Yeah, I am coming." Tim rubbed the back of his neck
He looked at you sheepishly before leaving with his little brother, leaving you alone at the batcave, frustrated.
So much for a kiss.
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Later that week, they were all getting ready for the weapon sale. You were sitting on a chair, looking rather disappointed when Bruce had told you he had promised your brother to keep your safe, and letting you go to a mission full of weapon wasn't really keeping you safe. You tried to argument that you knew how to take care of yourself, but Dick had told you it was hard to change Bruce's mind once it was already set up.
All there was left for you to do was sit with Alfred and watch the cameras. Hoping that everything would turn out to be ok, you didn't want any of them to get hurt, being in there would make you feel a bit more calmer. At least you would be able to intervene if it was necessary, you could help out. 
"They're going to be ok, miss y/n. That includes master Tim."
You looked at Alfred with pure shock. Sure it wasn't that visible that you had a crush on Tim. 
"I saw the both of you asleep at his bed a couple of days ago." He explained "I am glad he found a girl like you."
You smiled happily at him. Getting Alfred's approval was important to you, even if you still didn't know what was going on between the two of you after having almost shared a kiss yesterday and saying stuff about you being his girl. But, you were always inching towards each other, and right now all you wanted to do was be by his side on the field. 
You heard them talking over the coms, wishing they'd all be alright by the end of this. God, if they showed up with any bullet wounds, you'd be pissed. 
"We're about to get in." Bruce said over the coms "Red Hood was already able to get the information we needed to get all these men in jail."
"I'm cutting the power right now." Alfred informed, clicking some things on the bat computer and shutting down all energy from the building
Right now all you could hear was grunting and gunshots as the fight started. You bit your lip nervously, you were already used to this kind of stuff, you watched your brother do it every time and most times you stayed behind because being a vigilante isn't one of your top priorities, but you have no idea how the batfamily works. You've never actually seen them in action before, so obviously you were a nervous wreck waiting for them to get back.
"Perhaps I should prepare you a cup of camomile tea while you monitor them to me." Alfred offered, already standing up and not waiting for your reply
Honestly, this man is way too good to everyone in this house. 
Your eyes stayed glued on the screens, looking trough all of the surveillance cameras to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary happening there. But that's when an alert popped up on the screen and a lot made sense to you in that moment, this wasn't just any kind of weapon sale. 
"Uh guys, you need to get out of there." You said, typing away on the keyboard trying to get more information - grateful for whatever tech info Felicity ever taught you "There's a bomb in the building!"
"What? Can you find where's located?" Tim breathlessly asked 
"It's under it, but I can't disarm it from here! Someone must do it remotely. I'm sending you the infos."
Why would someone plant a bomb at a weapon sale? That didn't make any sense. 
"Here's your tea, miss... What just happened?" Alfred rushed to your side upon looking at the bomb's instructions 
"There is a bomb in the building!"
"I'm already on it!" Damian exclaimed 
You took a big gulp of the tea, wishing that the camomile would instantly calm you down. That was too much for your nerves, Damian was just a kid, what if it exploded on him? This mission was testing your anxiety levels a lot more than you expected it to. 
A painfully half an hour later, you heard all of their bikes and the batmobile pulling up at the cave. You and Alfred had already prepared all of the necessary stuff in case they were hurt, which of course they were.
All five of them came limping towards the medical bay where Alfred ushered them to start patching them up. You looked up from the medical gloves you were placing on your hands to see Tim stand beside you, a hand on his shoulder and a small smile on his lips.
"It was nice working with you over the coms. You did a good job."
"Thank you, I normally help Felicity the best I can when I'm not out on the field." You smiled back at him, pulling his hand away from his shoulder to take a better look at the injury "Sit down, please, you're too tall for me and this is gonna hurt."
He chuckled at your choice of words, but then proceeded to whimper in pain as he sat down on the medical bed behind him. You shook your head, helping him pull out the top half of his suit to have better access at the wound. You inspected it closely, standing between his legs, before pulling the bullet out of his shoulder, it didn't go too deep, so it was easier to get it out. 
You cleaned all of the blood with alcohol to make sure it wouldn't infect and then proceeded to stitch him up. 
"You're full of surprises, little Queen." Tim broke the silence, looking at your adorably concentrated face "A very skilled fighter, good at patching people up, good with techs. Is there anything else you'd like to share?"
You bit your lower lip, placing some gauze over the stitches and rubbing it slightly. You looked up at him, a smirk adorning your face.
"And what's the fun in that? I think you're gonna have to find out all of my secrets, Mr. Drake."
He chuckled, placing a hand at your hips to keep you from moving "Oh, you can bet I'm gonna find it all out."
He leaned in a bit, but you placed a finger on his lips. He frowned, pouting slightly against your index finger.
"We can finish flirting later, pretty bird. Right now you need to rest and I have to help Alfred patch up the rest of your brothers."
"But I may need assistance while resting."
Your finger traced the outline of his lips, eyes never failing to leave his as you slowly took a step away from him.
"If you go up to your room right now, take a shower and actually lay in bed to rest, after I'm done here, I'll visit you to make sure you have the assistance you need."
Tim nodded eagerly, standing up too fast and wincing from pain one more time. 
"I can do that." He smiled, kissing your check 
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enbymagnuss · 4 years
ok oke I saw people commenting unpopular ships... hear me out, Connor Stoll x Malcom Pace.
bro i’m gonna be honest with you i don’t remember shit about malcom 🥲
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If you are still doing the ship thing:
Malcom and Connor
ofc! 9/10 love them. it's one of the ships that I "created" and I luv them. mainly because Hemres x Athena dynamic >>
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Katie and Malcolm at their weekly “I’m Dating A Stoll Brother” meetings
Malcolm: *swooning as he tells Katie how amazing Connor is*
Katie, bags under her eyes, mixing coffee & Red Bull together: Travis is a fucking bastard. Connor is too tbh
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Fictional Character Smuts
Names become active links when the smuts are written
Doctor Who/Torchwood
Jack Harkness
Ianto Jones
Owen Harper
Game of Thrones
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Bran Stark
Benjen Stark
Jory Cassel
Khal Drogo
Daario Naharis
Ramsay Snow
Oberyn Martell
Dickon Tarley
Brynden Rivers
Ser Duncan the Tall
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Percival
Sir Mordred
Black Sails
James Flint
William Manderly
Charles Vane
Once Upon A Time
August W Booth
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Peter Pan
Will Scarlett
Shannara Chronicles
Wil Ohmsford
King Ander 
Hodge Starkweather
Sebastian Morgenstern
Jace Herondale
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Jonathan Murphy
King Roan
American Gods
Mad Sweeney [x] [x] [Lugh]
Mr. Nancy
The Almighty Johnson
Anders Johnson
Jay Kulina
Being Human
Connor McLean
John Mitchell
Tom McNair
Vampire Diaries
HBO Girls
Adam Sackler
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Eddie Brock 
The Hobbit/LotR
Star Wars
Qui Gon Jin
Ben Solo [x]
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Theseus Scamander
Regulus Black
Viktor Krum
Bill Weasley
Oliver Wood
Jasper Witlock
Emmett McArty
Embry Call
High King Peter
King Caspian
His Dark Devices
Lord Azriel
Lee Scorseby
John Faa
Inheritance Cycle
Die Wilden Kerle
Hell GTI
Nike E Adidas
Benjamin Daimio
The Mummy
Ardeth Bay
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Kurt Wager
Piotr Rasputin
Pietro Maximoff [x-men] [mcu]
Warren Worington
Erik Lehnsher
Axel Cluney
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Den of Thieves
Ray Merrimen
Jurassic Park+World
Ian Malcom
Owen Grady
Pirates of the Caribean
American Satan
Johnny Faust
I, Frankenstein
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