#malec fanficiton
multistanisms · 2 days
Confessions of Obliviousness || Shadowhunters
FANDOM: Shadowhunters
PAIRING: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
SUMMARY: The fake dating angle that Alec and Magnus have been using has made things complicated. With Maryse heading back to Alec’s hometown, there’s a lingering fear of the end…or is there an end at all?
TAGLIST: @no1likemybbgcharlie, @spookidema
The media went wild in the week after Family Day at the university, and before they’d realized it, almost a month had gone by. Alec and Magnus had spent a lot of time with Maryse, helping her find a lawyer and then filing the necessary paperwork to run against her future ex-husband. Everyone was asking if Robert was abusive, or if he had really changed and was accepting of the lgbt+ community and Maryse ran with politics like a pro. She never belittled her ex, but she did make sure people knew she was intent on making a positive impact. The news conference where Maryse would officially state her intent to run was in the afternoon and Alec was sipping coffee and watching the news coverage on the tv as anchors talked about the pending public statement.
“You know, we don’t have to go.” Magnus spoke quietly, making Alec turn to look at him. “We can say a test came up or one of us isn’t feeling good.”
“The thing is...I don’t want to back out.” Alec admitted quietly as Magnus got his own coffee and came to sit by him. “Mom was the first person not my age to accept me. To open her arms and say she still loved me. She tried to keep in contact with Izzy and I and last week she stood up to dad for the first time ever. You helped us do that, you know.” He went quiet for a long moment, just holding his mug.
“While I admire you giving me credit, Alexander.” Magnus sat up to set his cup on their coffee table. “I think all of you had it in you. You just finally reached your breaking point.”
“Because my dad thought it was okay to imply you were a killer like your father.” Alec stated bitterly. “As if you are anything like that cold, demonic, monster of a man.” He didn’t notice the way Magnus’ eyes softened, the sheer love in dark eyes as Magnus reached over to lay a hand on his leg.
“Hey, it’s okay. Honestly, he isn’t the first person to react that way.” Magnus replied. “But going out there makes us public, you know,” he said. “And it would put us in the spotlight together.” His thumb brushed over Alec’s knee for a moment. “Is that...okay?” They’d done well with this...act...for this long but could it hold up under the scrutiny of the press?
Alec seemed confused for a long moment. “I mean...is it...not?” He asked softly. “I thought…” he flushed and looked away, as if he could hide the blush if he didn’t look directly at Magnus.
“Talk to me, Alexander.” Magnus urged, hand moving up the ravenette’s leg to hold his hand, lacing his fingers with Alec’s and watching him. “What is it?”
“I...I forgot.” Alec answered quietly.
“Forgot?” Magnus presses, tilting his head so he could see the other’s face.
 “That this wasn’t...y’know. Real.” Alec admitted, and Magnus felt as if he’d been slapped.
“Alexander...were you so nervous when Isabelle suggested it because you...have feelings for me?” He asked, his entire body relaxing as Alec but his lower lip.
“I mean, I knew it was going to end eventually, I just...didn’t want to think about it. And the other night you slept on the couch with me and I let myself hope that-“ He was cut off as Magnus laid a finger over his lips, blue orbs looking up at last. When the hand pulled back, he tilted his head. “Magnus?”
“We’re both pretty oblivious, Alexander.” Magnus answered, his smile one Alec couldn’t quite place. He’d seen it before though, several times in the last few weeks. Magnus moved closer, his hand carding through raven tresses and then down, his thumb tracing along Alec’s jawline. “I was dreading the day we would have to stop...us. I thought I could have just gone back to being friends, but I knew better after a week.”
“The art exhibit?” Alec asked, knowing exactly what Magnus was referring to. When Magnus nodded, he gave an amused smile. “Why that night?”
“You, Isabelle and Maryse all came and the way you just enjoyed every piece, even mine-“
“Your art is beautiful, Magnus.” Alec countered.
“I love my art, but all three of you had so much fun and then we were all walking through the garden back to campus and you took my hand and everything was just...right. After that I cherished every single moment because I knew at some point it was all going to end, but I didn’t want it to.” He replied. “I was scared to say anything to you about how I felt, I didn’t know that you felt the same.”
Alec reached to thread his fingers through Magnus’ hair, giving a quiet laugh. “Magnus...I love you.” He admitted. “I loved you before this. I was terrified it was all a really good act but then the night of the concert I let myself start to believe it.”
“When I brought you the bouquet?” Magnus half laughed, leaning closer and laying his lips over Alec’s. “I love you, too, Alexander.” He said when he pulled back. “More than anything.” A startled noise escaped him as he was pulled in and Alec held him as he kissed him deeply. He supported himself with one arm as he held himself up against the back of the couch, giving in and kissing back just as passionately. When his lungs burned for air, he pulled back, breath uneven as he slowly opened his eyes. “So no need to pretend we’re pretending anymore, right?” he asked, still clearly disheveled from just one kiss.
“No more pretending,” Alec answered, laying a hand on Magnus’ cheek and brushing his thumb along the skin. “Let’s get ready to go be with mom and we can finish this later.” he promised. “I’ll even order food.”
"I think that sounds like a wonderful plan, Alexander." Magnus agreed, even as he was reluctant to pull away. "First we meet with your mom, then we spend the day by ourselves."
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demy85 · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @kasper-tag
No-pressure tagging @foodsies4me @miss-mouse @malecgibbo92 @liron-ao3​ @echele-78​ anyone else who wants to play!
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
To be honest I only have posted 8 works so far ... there won’t be that much variety here  😏
Most Hits: Looking for you is my second fic I posted on Ao3 and it's not finished yet. There are 12 chapters so far and it's sitting at 2,988 hits!
Most Kudos: Looking for you again, with 74 kudos!
Most Comments: Looking for you who would have guessed 🤭, with 87 comments!
Most Bookmarks: Looking for you once again, with 17 visible bookmarks! But there are some more shown in my stats 🤫
Most Words: Looking for you It's currently sitting at 50,154 words... we'll have to wait and see how much more there will be
Least Words: Poetry collection YAY 🥳 finally something else... this is a little collection of poems which where written and published by Alec (ok ok ... some of them I wrote years ago for myself.) It's belonging to a series I wrote and have finished recently. If you wanna check it out, here you go Time is passing by, but forgetting you I could never
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gothic--fairy · 7 years
Fic about Magnus comforting/worrying about Alec while go by through his bond breaking in 2x20 please!!
A Broken Bond
Malec Drabble #9
Magnus was still trying to find a reason for the strange demonic behavior when he heard Alec scream. Or, perhaps, it wasn’t really a scream. It was a struggling release of breath, as if a large hand squeezed Alec’s lungs and knocked all the air out of him. A painful exhale that made shivers crawl all over Magnus’ skin.
“Alexander,” Magnus turned around, watching Alec bent over the table, supporting himself with one hand while the other pressed against the Parabatai rune under his shirt. “are you okay?” 
Alec didn’t answer right away. He was breathing heavily and it seemed there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room, his knees buckling under the weight of pain coursing through his body. He looked up, but his eyes were blank, hollow, gone to a place no one could ever follow. 
“His Parabatai rune.” Izzy spoke up as Alec lifted his t-shirt, soft strokes of black ink slowly catching on fire and tormenting his soul. 
“It’s..” Alec tried to say, but failed as another wave of suffering cut through him, realization making his features turn desperate and dejected. “..Jace.”  
And he screamed, his legs finally giving up under him, falling to the ground. Magnus was next to him in an instant, steady hands on his shoulders, as he writhed and squirmed in pain. 
It was the first time Magnus has ever felt this hopeless. Watching people you care about gradually disappear was one thing, but seeing Alec getting lost in the tormentous despair as the rune on his hip washed away and faded every second was far worse.
“Alexander..” he called, reaching for Alec more firmly.
“I.. I can’t feel him.” It was a voice of a broken man, a helpless whisper sounding in between hurtful intakes of air. “He’s dead.” 
The hand keeping Alec up couldn’t hold him anymore, but Magnus was there, bringing his arms around him. He could see Alec’s emotionless expression, not because he didn’t suffer anymore, but because it was a kind of sorrow which leaves you without a single tear, an empty shell broken into millions of shards, spilled and never to be brought together again.  
Even Izzy came closer, weakly reaching for Alec’s hand, unable to tear her gaze away from the silvery scar on Alec’s hip. Magnus pulled them both closer, feeling the muffled screams and sobs as Izzy pressed herself on his shoulder and the gentle trembling of Alec’s breaking heart against his chest.  
He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing that could be done. Not a spell to repair a soul, not a word to mend what’s been shattered. 
“Alexander?” he tried again, seeing Alec’s expression change, morph into a stiff, numb mask of a soldier. 
“We need to go.” He said without a trace of anything but cold calmness. “If-if Jace is.. Clary might be in danger, too. We have to find her. I.. I can’t lose anyone else.” 
They stood up, Alec immediately pulling out a map of Idris, trying to find the most probable place, where Valentine would complete his plan. Izzy’s hand were still shaking as she and her brother worked in a sync Magnus has never seen before. Both of their faces were stern and rigid, only Alec’s eyes gave away his true emotions. 
Stepping forward, Magnus created a portal as close to the Lake Lynn as he could. Just before they walked through, he reached out and held onto Alec’s hand, their eyes finally locking at last. Maybe, if he squeezed hard enough, a part of his strength would pass onto Alec, help him and let him know Magnus was there. Maybe, if he tried long enough, he wouldn’t have to lose him to the unbearable grief of a broken bond.  
Here it is! Though, maybe it didn’t turn out as comforting as I intended? Oops. It just seems I’m a type of a person, who can write about heartbreak way more easily than about happy moments. Is that even healthy, hh? 
Hope you enjoy it! ;)
Read on Ao3. 
Prompt Me/Ask Me. 
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radientwings · 7 years
Malec Celeb AU Drabble
Nominations and Other Such Ridiculousness (Part of Hollywood’s Finest)
Alec stared at the TV, utterly uncomprehending. What the hell just happened? Surely this wasn't actually real? The presenters started to blur before his eyes in his shock, their next words falling on deaf ears. Even his phone pinging with a sudden influx of text messages couldn't bring him out of his daze.
There was just no way this was was happening. Obviously, his lack of sleep was getting to him, making him imagine impossible things. He couldn't have heard Viola Davis say what she just said, right? 
No, no. Safer to assume this was just some dream concocted by last night's alcohol. (Why did Magnus' cocktails always have to be so tempting?)
In the end, it was Magnus' reaction that solidified this ridiculous reality for him, though. After a moment of prolonged of silence, both of them still staring flabbergasted at the screen, Magnus suddenly jumped up from their bed with a shout of shock and glee. In the next second he grabbed Alec's face between his hands, pressing his lips fervently to his. The younger man had barely recovered enough to respond when his fiancé suddenly pulled back, hands moving to his shoulders and giving Alec an excited shake.
"Alexander, you did it! I knew you could!" Magnus announced, smiling widely.
And Alec, with his ever perfect eloquence, could only respond with, "wha-?"
Magnus hardly noticed though. "We have to call Luke right away; he's going to want to start planning for the ceremony, you know how he likes to be involved with everything. Oh! And the family! I bet they're chomping at the bit to talk to you... But your mother! Ha! She must be seething."
Alec let Magnus' voice wash over him, his phone still going crazy in his hand. All because of one little bit of news. He could just imagine the articles being written this very second.
‘Oscar Nominations Surprise! Alec Lightwood Nabs a Spot on the Best Actor Ballot for Fallen.’
Yeah, he couldn't believe it either.
Fallen was supposed to be a small indie movie, with its biggest claim to fame perhaps being screened at Cannes. A clandestine story about a fallen angel finding his way in the mortal world, it could have easily been a flop. Instead, it had blown up with critics and audiences alike. The effects, while minimal, were gorgeous and the story a strong emotional center. People particularly like the fact that the angel, played by Alec, fell slowly in love with a mortal man. Fallen showed their consequent lives together, with the mortal man aging while his angelic partner stayed forever young.
It was a surprisingly human story, despite the fantasy of it. That's what made Alec want to do it in the first place, back when Magnus had sent him the script before they were even really together. It had taken them a couple of years to get it made, but as soon as Magnus joined as executive producer things really started to move forward. 
And now they were here. He hadn't even thought the movie or any part of it was being considered as all the other awards had thus far skipped over them. He just couldn't seem to wrap his around this. The movie's popularity was baffling but an Oscar nod? Absolutely unbelievable. The Academy didn't always have the best track record but even Alec couldn't his happiness at bay.
I'm an Oscar nominee. Holy shit.
Alec suddenly surged up from the bed, startling Magnus. Not giving him a chance to recover, he tangled his fingers in his fiancé's sleep-rumpled hair and tugged him forward to kiss the living daylights out of him. Unlike Alec earlier, Magnus responded readily, leaning eagerly into the kiss.
He wasn't quite sure how long they stood there, necking like teenagers, but Alec suddenly wanted to take this victory celebration a step further. Unfortunately, Magnus pulled back before he could make his intentions fully known. He pouted slightly at the loss. 
"No need to look so disappointed, darling, we'll get to that in an minute," Magnus chuckled, eyes twinkling with happiness and pride. "But first, you need to answer some of your messages. Your phone sounds it like it's dying." 
Alec winced, just noticing the incessant pinging again. He picked the blasted thing up and did the sensible thing.
He switched it off.
"They can wait," he announced, wrapping his arms around Magnus. Izzy and Jace might get mad, but they could hold their horses with the rest of the world.
"Why, Alexander, I never realized you were such a romantic," his fiancé replied, nipping playfully at his neck.
"Hey! I have my moments!" Alec said, indignant. He found he couldn't muster any real annoyance though, not with Magnus so firmly attached to the sensitive spot under his jaw. He stifled a groan.
"Yes, you do," Magnus whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "Now, how about we get to one?"
With that, Alec felt himself getting shoved back towards the bed. He went gladly, pulling Magnus on top of him. Their lips hovered over each other, teasing. 
And then Magnus's phone started wailing.
"Oh, come on!" Alec exclaimed.
Magnus could only laugh.
Well, until his mouth was entirely too busy doing other, more enjoyable things.
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What I want to happen in that scene where Alec is standing on the ledge of the roof in the 2x08 promo. 
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w0onderalice · 6 years
me, waiting for my story to get 1M reads the second I post it:
Tumblr media
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sterekorgtfo · 6 years
Raphael Santiago is Hades. Simon Lewis is Persephone. This is a retelling of the original greek legend.
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fluttbydream · 7 years
Currently working on a Malec piece I the Shadowhunters series. I should be working on my Dark Waters series, but this is where my muse is taking me right now.
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TMI Fanficiton Page!
Hi all! So as some of you might know, I write fanfiction for The Mortal Instruments! I am haleyb333 on both fanfiction.net and AO3!
Most of my writing is for Malec, though you’ll find the occasional Saphael fic as well!
I decided to make a page on my blog for my fics! They are in alphabetical order, and each has the summary with it plus the links to both FF and AO3!
If you like my writing, please come let me know, and maybe reblog this post to help me out a bit? 
My inbox is always open for writing requests and feedback and whatnot! 
Thank you to everyone who helps support me in my writing! You all are the best!
My fanfiction page can be found here!
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A message in flowers - Chapter 4
Hi guys!
I’m so very sorry this is late, but I’m hoping you like this chapter enough to forgive me though! Next week, I’m going back to the regular posting-schedule.
You can read it on AO3 HERE and chapter 3 HERE Anyway, I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with how this chapter turned out but before you ask: No, Jace and Lydia will not be a couple. I think it's important to have characters that can feel attraction to another person without them automatically getting together with them. Jace and Lydia will remain amazing friends and nothing more. Jace is in this story a man with a small crush (that's slowly fading) and not some typical creepy "good guy" that is trying to force Lydia into being with her even though she's told him "no". Jace is also a hopeless romantic that is repressed in the TV-show bc of his shadowhunter-life, and you can never convince me otherwise! (a)
Chapter 4
The second Alec came back home, or what the Royal family of Idris called “home” during the months of summer when Idris was too hot and too filled with tourists for them to be in their real home anyway, he ran up the stairs to his room and put the flower-bouquet down on his desk before throwing himself on the bed with a smile he still couldn’t keep off of his face. He contemplated calling his sister, but quickly decided that he’d see her in a couple of hours for dinner anyway so he might as well take this opportunity of good mood and call his best friend who’d been forced to stay back in Idris over the summer.
Picking up his phone, Alec gave one last attempt to school his features into something less giddy before dialing the number.
“Jace speaking,” was the almost immediate yet slightly distracted answer on the other end and Alec felt himself smile at the familiar voice of his friend.
“Hi, am I interrupting anything?” he asked and his smile widened at the happy sound Jace let out at his words.
“Oh my god, Alec! It’s been forever! What on earth have you been up to?” he demanded and Alec chuckled at him.
“Jace, I’ve only been here for two weeks and we talked just a couple of days ago” he said. He could almost see his friend’s dismissive gesture at his words.
“Well I missed you. There’s a new guard here and she’s hot Alec and I had no one to bother about her because Izzy has been too busy with that dinner thing and you weren’t here either!” Jace whined and Alec heard the small ‘oof’ he let out as he threw himself on the bed. Alec couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the other’s antics.
“You mean to tell me you’ve managed to fall in love during this small amount of time?” Alec couldn’t help the fond smile that spread on his lips at that. Jace had always fallen in love so easily and then just ended up crushed just as easily, leaving Alec to clean up the mess left behind when his friend’s heart was crushed once again.
“No. Well, I haven’t fallen in love per say, she’s just amazing and hot, Alec. I could have fallen in love with her, I’m pretty sure, but she’s not interested in me in that way” he sighed and it was a testament to how well Alec knew his friend that he was able tell the second Jace shrugged his shoulders in an accepting manner.
“How do you know she doesn’t like you in that way? Also, how do you know you’re not in love? You sound pretty smitten to me?” he asked, frowning slightly in confusion.
“I asked her out, and she said no. I was brought up to respect a man or woman’s wishes, Alec. Only douchebags push for something after being told ‘no’ once” he said, and Alec smiled at his words. Jace may be a hopeless romantic and sometimes overly sure of himself, but he was always respectful of the people he pursued. It was a rare quality nowadays, and it made Alec proud to call him his friend.
“And love… You know you’ve met someone who immediately steals our heart, when you find yourself unable to think properly around them. When you spend hours upon hours just thinking about them. When just the thought of making them smile is all that matters. You know you’re in the risk of falling in love when you find yourself wanting to know every little thing about them and to share every secret about yourself in return”, Jace explained and Alec couldn’t help the image of a smiling Magnus that conjured itself in his mind. He thought of how he’d explained about his mother’s reluctance to accept his sexuality, how he’d been unable to concentrate on anything other than how graciously Magnus had moved around the shop. His hand traveled down to lay over the pocket where the business-card with the shop-owner’s number on it lay.
“And you didn’t feel that for this girl?” he asked, already knowing the answer but curious to hear the words all the same.
“Well, no. Lydia really is amazing, don’t get me wrong. She’s strong-willed, she’s an amazing fighter, has a beautiful heart and she’s hot as hell, but no. There were butterflies the first time I saw her, but now… I mean I think it’s because she said that she didn’t feel that way and I just kind of had to accept that? It’s not like it disappeared right away and sometimes I find myself wishing things were different, but it’s kind of fading away, you know?” Jace said, from the sounds of it he was rolling around in the bed while talking, not one to ever be able to lay still. Alec smiled at his words.
“You’re a really good guy, you know” he couldn’t help but say, and apparently that’s what tipped Jace off to the fact that something was different with him, because the next words out of his friend’s mouth were:
“Yeah, I’m awesome and anyone would be lucky to have me, I know. Now, would you care to explain to me why you are suddenly so interested in how it feels to fall in love?”
Alec could hear the smug smile in Jace’s voice and groaned out loud because of course Jace would know, he always did. His friend laughed at him.
“You met someone, didn’t you?” he said and Alec covered his face with his hand to fight of the blush creeping up his face. He nodded, before remembering Jace couldn’t see him and made an affirmative noise instead.
“Hah! I knew it! You never want to listen to me talk about girls otherwise! So, who is he? Where did you meet?” he asked, sounding more excited about this than Alec was entirely comfortable with.
He had only just met Magnus, and wasn’t even sure the other man would still like him once he got to know Alec. He really didn’t want to jinx it by telling everybody just yet. It seemed Jace had understood the meaning of his silence, though, because before Alec could even open his mouth to say anything, his friend continued:
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it just yet, just let me know when and if you want to talk and I’m here to listen! Just, please remember that you deserve to be happy, no matter what Maryse says, okay? Don’t give this up just because she wouldn’t approve.” he said and Alec couldn’t help but wonder if the other man could read his thoughts at times, because he always did this. He always managed to understand exactly how Alec felt without the prince having to say anything.
“Thank you” he just said, a grateful smile spreading on his lips.
“Anytime, brother”, Jace answered and there was a sound in the background before he continued:
“I have to go, they are calling us out for training. I’ll see you in a few weeks though, okay?” he said and Alec made an affirmative noise before hanging up the phone.
He stared down at his phone for a while after, wondering just how much time needed to pass before he could text Magnus about their breakfast date in the morning. What was expected in these situations? Alec hadn’t gone on many dates and never on a breakfast date, so he really was at a loss on this.
Then the bouquet on the desk caught his attention and he smiled a little.
Well, I guess I better get those in a vase in time for dinner, he thought and made his way down towards the kitchen. ***
Alec spent the next couple of hours trying to read his book, but his mind kept going back to Magnus and he couldn’t help but wonder if it had gone an acceptable amount of time for him to text the shop owner now. A look at the big clock on his wall told him it was less than an hour left until he’d be called down for dinner, which meant it had been about three hours since he’d left the shop. Alec decided that it would be okay for him to at the very least write Magnus a message to make sure the shop owner had his number as well, so he picked up his phone and typed out a quick text to the number he’d saved into his phone as soon as he’d finished talking to Jace.
[To: Magnus Bane - 18.06]
Hey, Just thought you might need my number too.
/ Alec
He sent it before he had time to change his mind and put his phone away as soon as he was finished, not daring to look at it any longer. Picking up the book again, Alec decided to try and read some more before dinner, but was interrupted by his phone buzzing before he could even open the first page. He picked it up to find a message from Magnus. Smiling, the prince unlocked his phone to read the full message:
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.07]
I was just wondering when I was going to be hearing from you. I’m glad you decided to make good use of my number.
Alec smiled down at the text and was just about to type out a response when his phone buzzed with two more messages in a row.
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.07]
It would have been fine if you had changed your mind though, just so you know. I’m very happy you didn’t though.
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.07]
Unless you did?
Alec couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his lips at Magnus’ obvious nervousness. The man had seemed so calm and collected, it was quite a relief to see that he was capable of being just as nervous as Alec was. He hurried to type out a response though, not wanting to keep Magnus waiting.
[To: Magnus Bane - 18.08]
I haven’t changed my mind, no.
He sent his reply and frowned a little at how short he sounded. Maybe Magnus would think he was upset with him? Alec really hated texting, he’d never been good at it and people always told him he sounded grumpy in them.
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.09]
Well then, that is great news, my dear! When and where am I to meet you tomorrow?
Alec panicked for a minute, he really hadn’t thought this through at all. Where on earth should they go for breakfast? He really should have planned this before contacting Magnus. Maybe he could quickly call Izzy and ask her where a good place to eat breakfast would be? He hadn’t even noticed that he’d been thinking and panicking about this for quite some time, and was startled when his phone buzzed with another message:
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.15]
I know this great little breakfast cart in the park where they serve my favorite tea. If you don’t have any special place in mind, I’d love to take you there?
Alec really could have kissed Magnus in that moment, just for saving him from the awkwardness of having to admit that he hadn’t ever been on a breakfast-date and thus had no clue what a good place to go on one would be.
[To: Magnus Bane - 18.15]
That sounds good! Send me the address? Does 9 am work for you?
He read through his message and gave a satisfied nod before sending it. He needed to get into the shower before dinner, so he threw his phone on the bed and got undressed as he walked towards the bathroom, a smile blooming on his lips.
Alec didn’t know what he’d been expecting when he got downstairs for dinner, but it sure as hell wasn’t for his mother to engulf him in a hug. He stood frozen as her arms circled him and tried really hard not to flinch as she reached up to press a kiss to his cheek. This was so out of character for her and Alec wondered who type of creature had possessed his mother to turn her into this… motherly person?
“Thank you for the flowers, Alec” she said and Alec suddenly had to hold back a laugh because his mother had just hugged and kissed him to thank him for a bouquet that meant ‘fuck you’.
Clearing his throat, he nodded at her in acknowledgement.
“Where did you get them, anyways? They look so fresh and, frankly, quite amazing”
He looked up to see his sister sitting at the table studying the bouquet that he’d put in the middle of the dining-table a couple of hours earlier.
“‘Magnificent Bane’s’ just down the road” he said and then watched in horror as she gave him a calculating look before studying the bouquet closer. Alec hurried to sit down on the opposite side of the table and, trying to drag her attention to another subject, he asked her about her day. Isabelle ignored him in favor of of studying each flower though and Alec felt a rising panic flare in his chest when she finally looked up at him with a surprised and slightly amused look on her face.
“They are..”
“... very professional? Yep, they are very good at flower-things!” he interrupted before she could finish he sentence and Isabelle smiled knowingly at him before nodding.
“Yes, that they are. I’m using them for the floral-decorations for the dinner next week. Catarina is very good at what she does” she said and Alec thanked whoever decided to give him an understanding sister that she hadn’t blown his secret. He nodded in agreement. Not that he had any idea weather or not Catarina was any good at her job, he was just very grateful to have the subject over on safe waters.
“So, Alec, have you given any more thoughts to what we discussed this afternoon?” his mother interrupted their conversation and Alec stared at the bouquet in front of him as if to get the message across clearer to her. He was just about to say that he would still not be bringing any of her girls as a date to the dinner, when he realized that he would be bringing a date. Magnus.
“Actually, I met someone and I kind of asked them to be my date to the dinner. I hope that’s alright?” he said, careful to avoid naming any pronouns. He knew that his mother was bound to find out sooner or later, but he was kind of hoping that their father would be there to ease her anger when that happened. And maybe, you know, remind the Queen that Idris actually didn't have any law stating that the crown prince or princess had to marry a person of the other sex in order to be able to take over the crown. That was just a personal request of his mother and Alec could care less about what she wanted in that department. Once, he'd been prepared to do anything just to make her proud. But ever since he'd come out and she'd immediately started treating him as if he was worth less than the dirt on her shoe, that desire to please had disappeared.
His mother seemed delighted by his news, however, almost as if she thought he’d been cured from his homosexuality over the course of just a few hours. It really was amazing how disgusted Alec could be by his own mother’s smile.
“Oh! This Catarina from the flower shop, I presume?” she smiled at him and before Alec even had a second to reply, not that he had any idea what he would have said if he had gotten the chance, she continued:
“That’s wonderful! I told you that you’d meet a nice girl some day and all of this nonsense about liking boys would go away. I’m so happy for you! Isabelle, make sure you put your brother up with a plus one, will you?”
His sister seemed ready to intervene and tell their mother off for, once again, disregarding her brother’s sexuality, but Alec gave a small but firm shake of the head as if to tell her to please not do that and instead she just shrugged and proceeded to tell them about her day, obviously trying to keep the subject far from Alec’s love-life.
By the angel how I love my sister, he thought.
The dinner went on without any spectacular events and Alec found himself back in his room an hour later, completely wiped out and ready for bed. He saw his phone lying on the bed and realized he never checked for a response from Magnus before going down to dinner earlier. Unlocking it, he found three messages sent at different times:
[From: Magnus Bane - 18.16]
Can we make it 8.30 am instead? I have to open up the shop at 11 and would hate to have to rush.
The second one was just the address to the breakfast-place they were meeting at, the third one, however, had Alec smiling down at his phone.
[From: Magnus Bane - 19.50]
I assume you had something important to take care of. I had a long day and am going to bed, so I do hope 8.30 will suit you. If not, then I will be waiting for you from that time anyway.
Goodnight, Alexander. I’ll see you tomorrow
He hurried to type out an answer, hoping Magnus hadn’t fallen asleep just yet.
[To: Magnus Bane - 20.04]
I’m sorry, I had to take a shower and then go down to the family-dinner. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. 8.30 is great for me, I’ll see you then!
Goodnight, Magnus
He put his phone down and stripped down to his boxers before going into the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he got back out, his phone was lighting up with a new message:
[From: Magnus Bane - 20.07]
You’ll have to tell me how your mother took the bouquet tomorrow, I can’t wait to hear that!
Sweet dreams, Alexander
Alec blushed at the last words and typed out a quick:
[To: Magnus Bane - 20.07]
Of course
Before pressing send.
He was just crawling under the covers to settle in for the night, when his door burst open and his sister stormed in.
“I just spoke to Catarina, I can not believe you bought mom a ‘fuck you’-bouquet and are bringing Magnus Bane to the dinner!? Who are you and what have you done to my brother!?” she demanded and Alec couldn’t do anything but stare at her in shock.
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tmifanfiction · 8 years
Author: MortalAcademy Pairing: Malec Rating: T Word Count: 2,786 words Summary: Alec has been ill for the past few weeks and Magnus feels helpful not being able to make his boyfriend feel better. That is until Magnus comes home to a surprise encounter.
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geekbronze · 10 years
Album Fic: Song 1, I've Got Your Number
An idea nephilimgirlbooks came up with. I decided on the album Chunk of Change by Passion Pit because it's always been the album I listen to when I'm a Malec mood.I've always imagined this album to be Magnus' and Alec's relationship at Alec's perspective.
This is just a lil AU, sorted by song.
Okaaay, this turned to be a pretty long chapter-thing, so I decided I'll make a post for each song. Woopsies. This short fic will probably fast forward a bit with each chapter.
I’ve Got Your Number
Have you seen me cry? Tears like diamonds. Down and down they fly, faster and faster like the speed of our love. Batting a thousand, but a homerun crack at love. This is where I tell you that I know love’s what I need to work at.
It had been five weeks since that faithful day in the coffee shop, and two weeks since Alec and Magnus started seeing each other. Alec was beyond ecstactic that someone like Magnus would ever even give him a second glance, and the fact that Magnus was one of the most captivating and amazing people he had ever met.
But still, an anxiety tugged at Alec's busy mind. He was still in the closet, and didn't even know how to go about coming out. He wasn't enough for Magnus; he never was enough to anyone. And what if Magnus and Alec were on completely different terms with each other? Alec wanted a committed relationship, which utterly terrified him, but what if Magnus was just looking forward to holding a short relationship of lust? There was too many unknown or undecided factors, and Alec hated the unknown and undecided. And on top of all his busy thoughts, it was the day of Max's death five years ago; this day was always bleak for the Lightwoods, regardless of the circumstances.
So Alec found himself alone sitting in his apartment, becoming rather upset. He scolded himself. He couldn't cry. There was no solid reason to cry. But his frustration with himself didn't stop the tears from coming. He sat down on a chair, putting his head in his hands. Music blared out of his sound system, drowning out all the white noise around him. The song changed, and an electronic beat and a whiny voice blared out. Passion Pit. Magnus loved this band. He actually made Alec listen to their music, and Alec had grown to appreciate many of their songs.
Always felt so scared of all this needing, everyone that I met has been somewhat mistreated.
And scared of all the needing he was. He needed to be the big brother. He needed to fulfill his loved one's needs. He needed to eat. He needed to sleep. He needed to hear someone say they cared every once in a while to carry on through life. Why did he need so much, when his life was so little? He was just another face that sometimes felt down. Wasn't everyone that? He wasn't special, so why did he try to convince himself that?
He didn't even notice the door opening, or hear the soft footsteps coming over to him. He was oblivious to everything around him until a pair of warm arms wrapped around him.
"Hey," a soothingly deep voice whispered into his ear, "What's wrong?"
Alec's head snapped out. Magnus. Oh shit, this was so embarrassing. He was sitting in his apartment alone, crying like a hound dog and blasting music that could probably be heard throughout his apartment complex.
"What are you doing here?" Alec managed, his voice not angry but soft, curious, and a little humiliated.
"I've been texting you. I got worried, so I decided to make a surprise appearance. I guess it wasn't the right time though?"
Alec reached for his phone in his pocket. He had 11 unread messages, all from Magnus.
"Sorry. Sorry. Um, today's just not a good day. It's never a good day."
"And why's that?" Magnus asked, his voice sweet.
"It's been five years since my younger brother Max died, and uh, I guess I just started overthinking."
Magnus enveloped him in another hug but didn't say anything. Alec liked it that way. Magnus seemed to understand when he could speak and when he was better off staying silent. Alec loved that about him; his siblings would usually try to pry and he always hated that.
"Well, at least you're drowning out your sorrows with good music, and not that heavy rock stuff you like so much." Alec couldn't help but smile. The first time he and Magnus had met they had had an argument about which music genre was better: alternative rock or alternative electronic. They were very similar, but Alec refused to listen to "that beep boop shit" and Magnus said alternative rock was too gritty. By the end of the day, Alec was enjoying some of those boop beep songs and Magnus was jamming out to some the Strokes classics. Although they closed the gap between their two music tastes, they still liked to pick at each other.
"Shut up." Alec mumbled, standing up and turning down the stereo. "So, what were you planning?"
"I wasn't planning anything, I just wanted to sit around with an adorable special someone." Magnus tried to say flippantly, but Alec saw past the lie. He gave Magnus a pointed look. "Fine. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with me."
Alec's heart fluttered. Even after three weeks he got so excited when Magnus said he wanted Alec's company. Magnus Bane wanted Alec of all people.
"I'd love to." he replied with a contagious grin.
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tmifanfiction · 8 years
Hi, do you have any royal malec fanfiction?
I’ll make a list below! 
Share The Pain by Inrainbowz (1/1 | 1,163 words | Rated T)
50. Knights AULydia knew. They all knew, she believed, what was going on between Prince Magnus and Sir Alexander Lightwood. That’s why she was going to deliver the news to him in person. And yet, now that she was here, she couldn’t bring herself to knock on the door.Because she knew, and she was bringing him a lot of pain.
Religious Obligations by Astoria Gracewell (arh581958) (13/? | 36,916 words | Rated T)
The Lightwoods have long since been cursed with corruptibility. In the year of the Angel 1645, Robert made a deal with the devil himself. In exchange for the security of his position, he took an oath to give one of his children. Now the Prince of Hell has come to collect. 
Forever, My Prince by Malteser24 (1/1 | 12,633 words | Rated T)
Alexander Lightwood is the Crown Prince of Idris, eldest son to King Robert and Queen Maryse. As the heir to the crown, he is betrothed to Lady Lydia Branwell, daughter of a high-born Baron. Their match is one smiled upon by all throughout the kingdom, for what is not to adore about a young couple, calm and gentle and undoubtedly prepared to rule the lands fairly when the time comes.There are, however, two people who do not smile upon this union. Two people whose hearts are entwined in a forbidden love, doomed to be apart despite how desperately they yearn for each other.
Of Land and Sea by emisonmalec (3/? | 5,974 words | Rated K)
Merpeople and humans dislike each other, but this does not stop Alec Lightwood from dreaming about the idea of being human and living in the human world. After he saves a young Prince - Magnus Bane - from drowing, he makes a deal with a powerful sorceress to become human. Alec will need to get Magnus to fall in love with him in three days or he will lose his soul and belong to the sorceress for the rest of his immortal life.Part 3 of Magnus and Alec - Disney Version
A Royal’s Choice by ChloeDCrystal (8/? | 9,572 words | Rated K)
Magnus Bane is a royal in the 16th century, who’s being pressured to find a spouse before he rules the kingdom, and/or gets “undesirable”, as his father puts it. He’s narrowed it down to two options, but is stuck on where to go from there.
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