#malevola de vil
kahmontavanni · 1 year
A Busca - Malvie
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
So intrigued by Ivy's mother
She's Nahua (specifically Mexica.) Her parents had originally moved to America after WW1, during the Roaring Twenties, and they lived a decent life until Black Tuesday (the crash that led to the Great Depression.) Tlalli Iyollo was born only a few months after the crash. Her family was lucky enough, all things considered. Her father had saved up enough money outside of the banks to hold them over until he managed to buy a really nice house seized by the bank at the outskirts of Brooklyn, where they lived. He managed to keep them afloat by renting the home's many rooms to people who would otherwise be homeless. His wife helped by teaching children in nearby Hoovervilles (she'd been a teacher before the crash but lost her job because she was Mexican,) which bought in some money but also helped maintain the house, because some people would repay her teaching their children by offering favours and a lot of those people were skilled workers and tradesmen.
Tlalli babysat and tutored starting at around ten, employed by the people in the neighbourhood who hadn't lost everything in the crash, and she continued to do so until she was sixteen. Her mother and father both found work with FDR's Works Progress Administration and continued renting rooms. The house became a kind of halfway point as families worked their way back on their feet- they would pay Depression-rate rent and save up the money from their new source of income until that income could get them a place to live. Tlalli got a job at the house of one of their neighbours, who was an older woman who just needed help keeping up with keeping her house clean, chores done, and maintenance of the home after her husband's death, and she made some pretty good money doing this. Once she was eighteen she got into nursing, and she used her previous education experience and childcare experience to become a nurse who sees specifically to children, both entertaining them and helping tutor them so they didn't fall behind in their studies. Her night job was using her nursing, teaching, and childcare skills to babysit an autistic boy in the neighbourhood while his mother worked and his father slept. He usually slept all night, so she could usually get some sleep there, as long as she woke up in case he needed her.
When she was nineteen, she met Cecil de Vil. He wanted to hire the autistic boy she was babysitting for some kind of commercial, and she would go along with him to filming so that his parents could work. He very quickly learned that she was not going to deal with his bullshit in trying to mistreat the kid she looked after, and he found her interesting. Annoying, but interesting. When he got word that Malevola's previous caretaker had quit, sick of Malevola's attitude, he decided to see if he could get in the old woman's graces by hiring her a new one who seemed very good at her job. He offered the job to Tlalli, knowing that her father was sick and her family needed money, to come to Britain and work for Malevola at four times her current wage.
It wasn't an offer she could refuse. It wasn't like they were in danger of being homeless, but her father would die without treatment and treatment for the consumption and the damage it caused was extremely expensive. They needed that money. So she reluctantly took the job and he got her British citizenship so she could work there.
Her name was forcibly legally changed to Ainslee on this citizenship document. Gods she hates that name now.
She put up with everything they put her through for a few months, until Cecil decided to start getting more out of her. He'd demand extra work and remind her that her family needed the money, holding that over her head. I don't think I need to spell out how that started progressing.
Diego arrived in the family first, son of some estranged de Vil sibling she never got the name of, and she took care of him while pregnant with Ivy. When Ivy was born, she gave both babies names from her native language, secret names that were her little rebellion against Cecil. Malevola turned out to love the babies, which solidified Tlalli's job and finally gave her some security. It gave her room to start putting her foot down with Cecil, and he didn't like that.
So, he talked to Cruella about it. He wound her up, knowing what could happen once he set her loose on the people he wanted gone.
Tlalli's parents were dead within the month. She no longer had an escape route.
Everything just got worse from there, but gods, this post is so long
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De Vil Fashion & Business Empire in the 1920 AU
I'm going off the track with them and I know it. However, I don't care.
There is the whole family, from Descendants and that animated 101 Dalmatians show. Basically. Cruella. P. H. and Cecil, her brothers. Malevola, their mother. That weird judge thing that is related to them somehow and everybody is too tired to care. And of course, the four cousins: Carlos, Diego, Ivy and Hunter.
Freaking menaces, the lot of them.
Rebels and megalomaniacs. See where the reflectors shine? Yeah? There is a chance you will see the familiar black-and-white underneath it, and quite possibly behind the machinery too.
Anyway, imagine they are like low-key bulvar stars. (They have they fashion empire, haven't they? It's not that implausible.)
And they are loving it. Every damn minute.
And when managed properly, it doesn't even interfere with their life on the streets, in the criminal underworld and in various gangs.
As in the addition to their fashion empire, they sell various techno gadgets, several of which lethal when used correctly.
That's Carlos' favourite part of the family business, by the way. Just, yes. He can play with sharp things, if he wants. He deserves it ♥️
Just like Ivy deserves a tiny bit of arson ♥️
Ivy's an actress, and Diego has a band. He qnd Freddie Facilier almost killed eachother over who is the better musician, and it was an extremely terrifying time for everyone else involved in the criminal underworld.
Are they gigs legal? Yes, of course. All of them? Well, hold your horses now-
But it doesn't matter, really.
They have a bribed judge, who might or might not be related to them, and everyone is too scared to figure it out. Either way, this man is the only reason Ivy isn't in jail yet.
Oh, and Carlos, who is perpetually stuck reminding her to be less flashy with her crimes and also draging her away from the fires.
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silverloreley · 2 years
Hi again! I was wondering, one of the reasons you headcanon Bruno as Carlos' father is because of his name. Carlos is a Spanish name, yet Cruella is British, so it would make sense for Carlos' father to be from a Spanish-speaking country. But Carlos has a cousin, Diego (presumably the son of Cruella's brother Cecil), who appears in the first two Isle books. Why do you think he was given a Spanish name too? Did Bruno have some influence over his nephew's name? Did Diego's mother speak Spanish?
Well, my explanation for Carlos' name is very Watsonian, mind you. From a Doylist point of view, the name was likely picked because Cameron Boyce was half-black and a Spanish name fit him better. Therefore we can deduce Diego's name was possibly picked to fit the pattern.
That said, well, yes, it could be that Diego's mother is a Spanish speaker or even, a thing I suggested in the past, that there are Spanish roots somewhere in the de Vil lineage, some grandparent or even Cruella and Cecil's father, who knows?
From how I rebuild the de Vil family tree (for Descendants and Descendants only!) I consider the first Cruella the one portrayed by Emma Stone, she later had children of her own, one of which fathered the Cruella of Glenn Close, who is the mother (or grandmother if we add Malevola to the line) of the one we have in Descendants (who would be the same one as the cartoon, I guess, although they look nothing alike). Who's to say where in the family line a Spanish husband could have entered? Glenn Close's Cruella seemed against marriage but that doesn't mean she could have not had kids.
So, something like that:
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Or, skipping Malevola, this:
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(I did them in, like, 15 minutes with family echo and it's past midnight here, sorry if they are unclear. Estella-Cruella is the Emma Stone one, Cruella (LA) is Glenn Close's)
And I know that wasn't the question, but we have at least two parents unaccounted for (the one Estella's child married and the current Cruella's father), plus one in the top scenario, which means Diego and Carlos can easily have one Spanish-speaking relative somewhere up there.
All that to say I don't have a precise idea about Diego's mother yet, lol. Perhaps one of the minor villains from Avalor? (I remember very little of the show though, save for Shuriki, who is very much not Diego’s mother)
It would also be very cute if uncle Bruno had some tie with the choice, maybe he's even Diego's godfather or something? Unlikely, though.
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xcruelladcvil · 2 years
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─◇ what does the world know about cruella de vil ? 
(ie. the wikipedia page)
ooc note: this is in-character public knowledge that other citizens of elias could research/already know about cruella's past.
> the early years.
the daughter of famous fashion designer and former model, malevola de vil, cruella rose to the top of fashion’s heights as a teenager. at eighteen years old, she released her first fashion line, with the help of her mother’s connections and her father’s financial backing ( her father, known mining tycoon, ernest de vil ). and in a matter of months she gained fame for her fresh designs and innovative ideas. 
between the ages of 18-23, it seemed like she did nothing but work and party. 
one of the things she’s most known for is being one designer who still relishes using real fur and real leather. her house had to go undergo a lot of investigations with ethical sourcing, but they all passed with flying colours.
“i live for fur, i worship fur. after all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn't?” ( cruella de vil, quoted outside the house of de vil, london, 2009 )
she had a famous photoshoot with annie leobovitz where cruella posed with various animals, and she donated money to various animal welfare organisations to show her support.
> a falling career.
however, in the same amount of time, there were other designers rising as well. most of cruella’s 20s were spent fighting to stay on top. 
“the main problem she’s encountering here is … well, it’s not that her designs aren’t good, it’s just that everyone else’s is just as good or even better. it’s an especially difficult time to be a rising star in fashion. are you still rising if everyone around you is too? cruella simply can not stand out. the house of de vil is doing well, but it’s not exceptional. she’s still famous, but not notorious. it’s a tough nut to crack.” ( vogue journalist andy sachs, in an interview during paris fashion week, 2011 )
slowly she picked off each designer one by one, each strategic defeat of her contemporaries feeling like a timebomb ticking away. and still, it didn't feel like enough to cement her at the top.
“i want to swim in a pool of gold and furs. i want to bathe in silk and dye my red heart to the perfect shade. is that too much to ask?” ( cruella de vil, vanity fair quote, 2011 )
what made it even worse was that anita was rising to the top too. 
in her late 20s, she started doing animal prints. zebra stripes, cheetah patterns. she got a little bit of attention here, as she was playing with these patterns in a fresh new way. but there was a creative block. things started to get repetitive. lots of people in her network began to lose faith in her innovation. for years, she had a dry spell.
and then, aged 32, the announcement was made: spots. and it was all downhill from there.
> downfall, accusations of animal cruelty, london fashion week ‘stunt’
no one knows exactly what was happening in the house of de vil at this time. whistleblowers reported cruella was trying to drive home the idea of actually skinning dalmatians, sourcing them through dubious means. many stated that cruella’s designs were impeccable, inspired, really. but cruella was known for her furs. and she wasn’t about to stop anytime soon. 
quickly, the house lost its sponsorships and cruella’s network began to fade. no one wanted to be associated with rumours that everyone knew in their hearts to be true. cruella de vil has always had a shadow of suspicion around her, but now the veil was being thrown off. she was uninvited from london fashion week. stores took her designs off their racks. investigations were launched once more over the house of de vil’s ethical practices.
for two months, no one heard from cruella nor the house of de vil. 
then at the fashion show of anita darling, she came back. 
“ it was … it was positively barbaric. we already heard there was some sort of kerfuffle happening in the dressing rooms — of course now we know it’s because cruella had people splatter all of anita’s outfits in black. ” ( anonymous witness, london fashion week, 2019 )
“ — there was an abnormal delay. and then lots of screaming. cruella came out in a dress with a huge train … i think the train was a messy stitch of all of anita’s previously released designs … and then she dumped all this paint onto the runway. god ! you should’ve seen everyone’s faces. she must’ve got the good stuff ‘cause i couldn’t get it out of my hair for days. black and white all over the place. ” ( anonymous witness for the ny times, london fashion week, 2019 )
after the stunt, cruella and her team disappeared. reports saw her showing up in her country manor, named ‘hell hall’ by the locals (real name: hellman hall). while police reports were drawn up and charges made, all charges were dropped within a month and no further action seemed to be taken against cruella de vil. 
> resurgence ( late 2021 to present )
cruella de vil effectively disappeared off the news radar for nearly two years.
in late 2021, a surprise interview came out with vogue. in ‘the de vil repenting’, she was interviewed at her hotel room in london, and it detailed how she had been in rehabilitation and seeing various psychologists and psychiatrists since 2019. 
“ cruella appeared as if muted; her iconic black-and-white hair was swept back with a hairscarf, and the black of her clothes seemed dull. it had to be a conscious choice. for the first fifteen minutes of the interview, it felt like i was speaking with someone completely different, and what this means i don’t know. but then she smiled, at some inane joke about taking a vacation on the greek islands, and there was the cruella we all remembered: sharp and unsettling, but still unbelievably magnetic. ” ( paragraph 1, ‘ the de vil repenting’, 2021 )
in the interview, she expressed how the past few years had been difficult. the death of her mother had been part of her ‘breakdown’ leading up to 2019’s london fashion week. 
“ i feel terrible for my darling anita … she was the one bridge i never wished to burn. but i can’t blame her and her family for how they may feel towards me … i accept the blame, but i do wish to move forward. ” ( cruella de vil, quoted in ‘the de vil repenting’, 2021 )
following her mother’s death, her father also fell ill months later. 
the sudden reminder of mortality, according to cruella, inspired her to finally make a change. she knew she wanted to come back to fashion, but she was working on the best way to marry the old cruella and the new cruella. 
“ i’m still the same old me … i don’t wish to change all of me, there has to be some part of me that’s good after all … but i know i cannot continue hurting everyone the way i have in the past. fashion is my one true love, i could never part with it. but i know now there is no future in fashion with animal byproducts. which is why i’m taking my time … i’m talking with the best experts … i will be better. ” ( cruella de vil, quoted in ‘the de vil repenting’, 2021 )
the vogue interview ‘the de vil repenting’ coincided with the house of de vil’s return to the runway, in a small fashion show in london. 
since then, cruella has released only a handful of new pieces each season. she seems to be taking it slow, truly showing a thoughtfulness to the production of fashion in a way we haven’t seen yet in the house of de vil. 
her next move is moving to the city of elias, california, and building her new main house of de vil there. 
time will only tell if this ‘good will kick’ will stick. 
> personal life.
cruella de vil has been married twice. one to a rock star, in las vegas, and they divorced two days later. one to a famed mountain climber, married for three years, then divorced. 
she currently has a rescue pet (breed: chinese crested) named ‘adam’. 
she is now based in elias.
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zonerobotnik · 10 months
The different versions of Cruella's mother.
All were horrible.
Malevola de Vil.
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Lady De Vil.
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Dementia de Vil.
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Madeline de Vil.
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Huh, I've never even heard she had one before the new movie, I thought she was made up. Though, it looks like they could never decide on a name for her.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
De Vil family aesthetics part 1;
De Vil Timeline, Mad de vil headcanons, de vil headcanons, hunelim headcanons, de vils I lived, what happened to the badun cousins, And this, this, this, this, this, this, and this are all just apart of the extended de vil family in my extended descendants fanfic universe. Also, yes I know the Cruella I used isn't the Cruella from descendants but I never really use that one because I think this one looks more like Carlos. Hope that clears it up. Enjoy the aesthetics. Hope you like them.
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Cruella De Vil (mother of Carlos de vil, lover of James Charming, and aunt of Diego, Hunter, and Ivy de vil) aesthetic.
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Cecil B. De Vil (Cruella's brother and the father of Diego de vil) aesthetic.
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Judge Dimsdale De Vil (1631 ancestor of Cruella who is still alive because of a curse. Hates dogs and chickens. Crap ton of jobs) aesthetic.
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Princess Ivy De Vil (distant relative of the de vils who tried to overthrow her sister and was imprisoned for it. Also known as the evil princess/the cursed princess) aesthetic.
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Queen Charlotte De Vil (distant relative of the de vils who's sister tried to overthrow her. Also known as the Just Queen and The Golden child. She had her sister cursed and imprisoned for her efforts) aesthetic.
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Dintia "Dementia" De Vil (grandmother of Cruella De Vil, mother of Mallory "Malevola" de Vil and Malachai "Malice" de vil, and wife of Oscar "Count" de vil. She's an architect who got her nickname because of her early onset Dementia) aesthetic.
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Oscar "Count" De Vil (grandfather of Cruella De Vil, father of Mallory "Malevola" de Vil and Malachai "Malice" de Vil, and husband of Dintia "Dementia" De Vil. He walks around wearing a cape, is allergic to the sun, and runs a car business. He's an alcoholic) aesthetic.
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Malachai "Malice" De Vil (Older Brother of Malevola de vil, father of P.H De Vil, and uncle of Cruella, Divus, Cyrus, Cotton, and Cecil de vil. The good hearted, mama boy of a mastermind who planned out most of everything for that generation of his family. He's a vegetarian theater kid. His mother's death hit him so hard that he became a bit emotionally detached from his sister, which made her a bad parent in turn before he came to his senses) aesthetic.
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Mallory "Malevola" De Vil (neglectful mother of Cruella, Cecil, Divus, Cyrus, and Cotton De Vil. Wife of Dupree De Vil. Fashionista who open a fashion business with her husband) aesthetic.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 years
In which the entire extended de Vil family theorizes on why Hunter de Vil has blond hair-the only de Vil in living memory not to have black-and-white hair.
Carlos: He's adopted.
Diego: He's wearing a wig.
Cecil: He dyed it.
Cruella: He got into my fur-curing chemicals! HOW DARE YOU?
Malevola: True de Vils have black-and-white hair. He must have been dropped on the doorstep as a baby.
P. H.: A science experiment gone wrong.
Ivy: He shaved it all off and it grew back weird.
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Cruella: *getting up from the dinner table*
Malevola: And where do you think you’re going?
Cruella: I need to get out of here before I put your head through a wall.
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psychic-refugee · 4 years
Woot, new chapter! And we finally find out who Carlos’ father is!
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
I believe the phrase is: “Go Off Cruella”
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httpmique · 5 years
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icons booboo stewart descendants 3
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michie-olive · 7 years
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/michieolive/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/michieolive Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/MichieOlive
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askauradonprep · 5 years
M-Carlos 4
“That’s horrible!” Jane gasped as soon as she heard the story. “Ever since the day the barrier was dropped, I felt something wrong about Carlos.” She admitted. “I thought that was me being scared about meeting Cruella.”
“Dude can you describe what that old lady looked like?” Evie asked the dog as she knelt to the dog’s level.
“I don’t know.” The dog whimpered. “She looked wrinkly, and face with frown lines.” He whined.
“Anything else?” Ben asked, concerned.
“She’s yellow?” The dog answered.
Knowledge is Power Known by the owner Reveal to us Memory of the Past
A green cloud began to form above Dude’s head as his memories from a month prior showed the occupants of the room.
Everyone watched as Jay and Carlos were sleeping soundly on their respective beds when something yellow glowed inside the room.
Soon enough, the yellow glow turned into a yellow old woman. The glowing old woman began to disintegrate into yellow lights and coated Carlos in his sleep.
“Malevola de Vil.” Uma and Mal gasped. 
“Crap.” Jay and Harry gulped.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Jane and Ben asked worriedly
Dizzy simply held unto Evie tightly as the older girl whispered reassurances to the young girl.
“This could get tricky.” Mal faced Ben.
“Why?” Ben was confused.
Scratch that, the Auradonians in the room has never seen the VKs this frightened since the Barrier was torn down.
“Malevola is Cruella’s mother and Carlos’s grandmother.” Uma began. “She has no desire to take over anything or even rule the world.” She continued. “That did not stop her from being one of the most feared villains on the isle.”
“How so?”
“We don’t know, she just has that effect on everyone else.” Uma answered.
“Well what could be her reason to spell her grandsons?” Jane questioned. “As I understood, Diego’s also having a mean streak.”
“Honestly?” Uma began. “We don’t really know.” She answered truthfully. “Us pirates do not want to get on the de Vil’s turf, neither does Mal and the others.” She explained. “Heck Carlos avoids it like he once avoided dogs.”
“There are dogs on the Isle?” Ben asked.
“Ben?” Mal chastised. “Focus.”
“No, Carlos mentioned that dogs aren’t present on the isle.”
“Don’t forget how she doesn’t like any of her descendants, except for Ivy.” Evie supplied, ignoring the King. “Not Cruella, not Cecil and certainly not her grandsons.”
“So we don’t have a motive or intent?” Ben asked.
“Not unless…” Jane trailed off.
Mod Note: Ahhh, Malevola. She’s....fun to interact with, yes. XD
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finalnocturne · 7 years
Seven Deadly De Vils
An AU situation that my girlfriend and I came up with while RPing. Cause we all know Mal is a fairy, Evie's mom was a witch and Evie's studied the books, and Jay is the son of a sorcerer who was turned into a genie. They all have some kind of magic. But Carlos and Cruella were completely human with no magic. So a little name associating, character from the book, evil talismans from the second book, Once Upon a Time, and a handful of OCs later and this emerged.
Centuries back one of Carlos De Vil’s ancestors made a deal with with devil for what else? Power, money, affluence. Everything that rocketed the De Vil name to what it became. In exchange, the De Vils would forever have to spread corruption upon the earth. To do so there would be seven De Vils to carry the name every generation. One to take on the powers of a deadly sin.
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Carlos De Vil - Envy Like his mother, Carlos is the sin of envy. While his mother may have given him an inferiority complex due to her treatment of him, having no other outlet for her sin, Carlos could cause it in others, even if he didn't always notice. On the Isle no one ever outright admits jealousy. But he was the prodigal genius of Dragon Hall no one out did him in intellect, not even Mal. Off the Isle, with his powers free from the barrier, he discovered the power of his "words of persuasion" a green smoke he could breath on to others to cloud their minds to all but his words. The more envy, even the smallest amount, in many people would feed into his powers and bolstered his confidence and put some attitude into his "De Vil strut." Cruella bolstered the envy she emitted through jealousy of her style and furs. Carlos doesn't flaunt his sense of style nearly as much, he spreads his envy more with his intelligence and the people he's close with (i.e. King Ben, Mal, Jay, etc.) they're his friends, not someone else's.
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Ivy De Vil - Wrath The other five De Vils were snatched up from their parents by their grandmother  Malevola De Vil, the matriarch of the family, and raised them herself on the De Vil estate after her previously favorite child dragged their family name through the mud all over some spotted rats. Needless to say, Ivy's not a big fan of her Aunt Cruella. She's manipulative and two-faced. She's able to convince everyone but her own family that she is the sweetest girl to walk the earth. Of course, that's only until the annoyance, rage, and frustration kicks in. Then she unleashes all her vengeful wrath on whoever gets in her way, unfortunately for them, that's usually one of her cousins.
Diego De Vil - Pride The only other De Vil of their generation on the Isle. Diego struts through Serpent Prep like he's the hottest thing since Scalding Cauldron Coffee. He and his band have music basically monopolized and his band mates to bolster his ego whenever he feels like it. He's awesome and he knows it. Yet, being trapped on the Isle with the magic blocked, much of it festered inside him all these years and resulted in a low self-esteem if he doesn't get regular affirmation of his awesomeness.
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Edward "Eddie" De Vil - Sloth Not so much "laziness" as the emotion of "meh" incarnate. The youngest of the generation enjoys any activity that takes very little physical strain such as watching TV or reading. Eddie's powers will drive others down to the point of having no care for doing anything. This partially lead him to the decision that when he can, he wishes to study law. How good would he be if he could cause the opposing council to a state where they put so little effort into their side of a case? Unfortunately, being shut up on the estate with little opportunity to spread the sin, puts Eddie at risk of his powers turning in on himself and driving him into a deep depression. At least big sister Madison isn't about to let that happen to him if she can help it.
Victor De Vil - Lust It wasn't so bad when he was younger, the lusts and wants of a child were little to worry about. But as Victor became a teenager and his powers mixed with his raging hormones, keeping his urges contained was near impossible. Similar things happened with the rest of the cousins but, his showed the most. Not that he really minds, or makes much attempt not to flaunt. He worries what could happen if his powers would turn back on himself like they  do some times with Eddie. So he takes any opportunity to get to servants or delivery people and lure them into his web for an outlet.
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Madison De Vil - Greed Every generation has one member that muscles in an makes themselves the pseudo-leader of the generation of sins. Malevola (Pride) did it with her generation and holds matriarchy to his day, Cruella (Envy) did so with hers until she was sent to the Isle of the Lost. Madison took to the position and lording over her family like a dragon takes to its treasure hoard. Watching others fight over insignificant material things brings her a lot of joy. That's usually because while they're doing that, she's snatching away the real treasure of the situation for herself. Much like Carlos with his envy, Madison's greed manifests in surrounding herself with treasured people. Since some of these treasures are her cousins and brother, she doesn't have to worry nearly as much about her powers turning in on herself.
Landon De Vil - Gluttony One of the biggest pet peeves one can have in thier situation is misunderstanding and thus misrepresentation of their particular sin. In Landon's case, it annoys him to no end that gluttony is only seen by pop culture as over eating. Food may be common, but gluttony is the state of over indulgence and people can indulge in many more things other than just food. In Landon's case, his indulgence is high fashion, shopping, and all things decadent. He doesn't get many chances to go see the latest designs on the runways but will jump on the opportunity any chance it makes it self known. Not really a designer himself, none of the five Auradon-born De Vils really are. He is in sheer bliss the times he's allowed off the estate grounds to shop, other than that he has to go about such things online. It at least keeps the five of them at the top of the fashion game.
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