#malice is sufficiently advanced incompetence
astercontrol · 11 months
OMG just ONE more crossover i swear
"So, you're the new security program, I hear."
"Yes I am, mister… Rinz… what was it again?"
"Oh, nevermind what. I just… I just really need all this extremely dangerous coding cleared OUT of me, sir..."
"Not exactly my job. SIR. I can recommend a debugging program, if you like."
"Oh, thanks! Sure! No worries. Sorry, officer, I didn't mean to bother you specifically, you just happened to be here…"
"Indeed I did, mister Rinz. So, what's dangerous about the coding, if I may ask?"
"…Everything! I don't even know what exactly it was written to do, but, officer, it has taken over my actions, again and again, and made me do things I promise I'd never ever actually want to do-- things I don't think I even physically COULD have done on my own-- it has caused SO much destruction you can't even imagine--"
"Virus made you do it, eh? I can't say I haven't heard that as an excuse before. You got a criminal background I could glance through, for reference?… Never mind, I'm already pulling it up from your energy signature… Oh…. Oh my."
"I swear it's not my fault that coding is there…"
"You didn't, perhaps, make the genuine mistake of choosing to go someplace you had good reason to suspect you COULD pick up a dangerous packet of data like this?"
"Please, I didn't choose THIS! Can you get it out of me, or not?"
"…I know a fellow who can. One of the IGORithms... I'll send you to him straightaway, mister Rinz. I've looked through your rap sheet and… well, it's impressive, I can tell you that, but I have to admit, I agree that it smacks less of malice aforethought, and more of incompetence not-thought-at-all. I'll let you off for now. Keeping an eye on you though."
"Thanks so much, officer. Um… where's the debugger fellow you're going to refer me to?"
"I'll take your disk to him myself."
"… Take my disk?"
"You know. Just so you don't leave town."
"Ugghhh. …All right. It's not like I've much choice, have I. Here you go."
"Hmm! Interesting piece of hardware, my good chap. Is that… a sea-turtle engraved on it?"
"It… it came with that decoration, sir…"
"Not a User-believer, then, eh. A Turtle-believer."
"I don't really believe in much of anything, sir, except something that has it out for me… I can't even remember anymore, I've been through so much…"
"Never mind that. I think we're done here. I'll just take this for now, mister Rinz… ah! here it is. Rinz-wind."
"Yes, officer… what's your name again?"
"Not important. All security programs do the same job, in the end…. I'll see you around, mister Wind. I've got my eye on you."
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Always remember Hanlon's Razor-"Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice as an explanation."
That's said, never forget Fred Clark's Law, either: "Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice." There's a certain point at which ignorance becomes malice-at which there is simply no way to become that ignorant except deliberately and maliciously.
See: Republican Party, right wing social media
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Miscellaneous Laws and Philosophies
This is another grimoire extract featuring a compiled list of philosophies, paradoxes, laws of life and physics.
Some of these might be particularly helpful to your practice if you wish to apply them, for example the philosophy of similarity or Newton's laws of motion. Or perhaps you’re like me and just find them interesting to list -some of these, I will admit, I chose to include for a bit of a giggle.
-Absurdism: The philosophical theory that life is absurd with no meaning or higher purpose and can not be understood by reason.
-Acton’s Dictum: Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.
-Backwards Law: The harder you try the less likely you are to succeed. In psychology, this is also called the ironic process theory.
-Brandolini's Law: The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than the amount it took to produce it.
-Buttered Cat Paradox: Cats always land on their feet. Buttered toast always lands butter side down. If you tape a slice of buttered toast to a cat what will happen when you drop them?
-Catch-22: A situation in which someone is in need of something that can only be had by not being in need of it.
-Clarke's Laws:
The Old Scientist: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, they are almost certainly right. When they say that something is impossible they are very probably wrong.
Possibility: The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little ways past them into the impossible.
Magic: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
-Finagle's Law: An addition to Murphy’s law “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” will at the worst possible moment.
-Gibson's Law: For every PhD there is an equal and opposite PhD.
-Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Or, do not invoke conspiracy as explanation when ignorance and incompetence will suffice, as conspiracy implies intelligence.
-Hedonism: A group of philosophical theories centred around pursuing and defining pleasure, referring to both large activities like sex or recreational drugs and small activities like reading a good book or watching a sunset.
-Humphrey’s Law: Conscious attention to a task normally performed automatically can hinder its performance.
-Ironic Process Theory: The psychological process whereby an individual’s deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts makes those thoughts more persistent.
-Lem’s Law: No one reads; if someone does read, they do not understand, if they do understand, they immediately forget.
-Muphry’s Law: If you write anything criticising, editing, or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written (the name is a purposeful misspelling of Murphy's law).
-Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
-Newton’s Flaming Laser Sword: What cannot be settled by experiment is not worth debating.
-Newton’s Laws of Motion:
Law of Inertia: Objects will stay in rest or in motion unless an outside force causes a change.
F = ma: Force = mass x acceleration meaning the acceleration of an object depends on the object's mass and the force acting upon it.
Action and Reaction: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction meaning when two objects meet each other they apply force to one another that are equal in magnitude but in the opposite direction.
-Nihilism: Based on the rejection of religious and moral principles and the belief that life is meaningless. Many people see nihilism as depressing and nihilistic people as miserable and annoying, that may be true for some but nihilism also provides the freedom to create and express yourself without social boundaries. There are two types of nihilists: those who say “life is meaningless so why bother?” and those who say “life is meaningless so why not?”.
-Occam's Razor: The philosophical principle that the simplest explanation is usually the best one. When presented with two competing hypotheses that have the same prediction, one should choose the hypothesis with the least variables and assumptions.
-Papert’s Principle: Some of the most crucial steps in mental growth are based not simply on acquiring news skills, but on acquiring new administrative ways to use what one already knows.
-Paradox of Hedonism: When one pursues happiness itself, one is miserable; but, when one pursues something else, one achieves happiness.
-Philosophy of Similarity: Based on the degree of resemblance objects have to one another using their shared properties. This is built on recognising certain patterns like colour or taste and then comparing them to others.
-Rothbard’s Law: Everyone specialises in their own area of weakness.
-Sagan Standard: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
-Solipsism: The philosophical view that the self or the mind is the only thing that is known to exist and anything outside of that is unsure and undefined.
-Stein's Law: If something can not go on forever, it will stop. If a trend can not go on forever, there is no need to make it stop, much less make it stop immediately; it will stop of its own accord.
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Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
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argumate · 1 year
Do you have morally noteworthy flaws?
sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice
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lacrimosathedark · 3 months
I really wish people applied Hanlon's Razor and Grey's Law to their daily lives.
In case you don't know, here is what those mean.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity/incompetence.
Grey's Law: Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
They sound in direct opposition, but I feel like people don't consciously think about either of these and apply them almost at random and it sucks. I know the lack of people thinking like this has effected me personally, and those around me.
Starting with Hanlon I suppose.
One of the few things I'm confident is is that I'm intelligent. That said, I'm wholly aware I have specialties and there's so much that I don't know, and my memory sucks so I often forget things too. I also am the furthest from malicious someone can really be without being a complete doormat (and I'm still a bit of a doormat, I'm working on it). Upsetting people is genuinely distressing on so many levels, and because of this I feel compelled to explain myself for literally everything, or say nothing at all. So I'm long rants and silence.
Sometimes I'll assert something and someone will disagree with me, be it because they got offended for some reason or because they have information I don't. I assume one or both of us is lacking information, so I share what I have and ask for theirs. You may have noticed this if you see me responding to posts asking for sources.
I hate being wrong. I know in a lot of people that manifests in becoming stubborn and defensive, but I actively try not to do that. I want to be correct, so I want to learn more. I want to know what I was missing. If I'm wrong, I want to know so I don't make the same mistakes again. If I'm not wrong but was missing information, it can give me a clearer understanding of the topic as a whole and people who think and feel differently than me which is fantastic because I love learning how people and things work when I don't understand the logic. And I love to share information to. And I might go overboard.
But people assume I'm trying to argue, and not that I genuinely want to understand their perspective.
And I'm not saying part of that's on me for not communicating well enough. But no matter how hard I try, someone always seems to assume I'm out to hurt people when the thought of vaguely upsetting someone often paralyzes me. I've been scolded for not asking for help because I feel like an inconvenience. (TW) The only reason I'm even alive is because I know at least one person would grieve, and hurting someone like that is so much worse than suffering through existence. (TW end) I'm not someone who would ever go out of my way to cause harm unprovoked.
And I know I'm not the only one to experience this. Neurodivergent people often have trouble communicating. Children still have a lot they don't know. Some people grew up incredibly sheltered. That's not even to mention people getting into a niche or study and being brand new, just learning. Everyone starts somewhere and no one begins as an expert in anything. And the world is big and there's so much to know in so little time.
Why do we assume people are playing dumb or ignorant on less consequential things just to be a jerk?
Assuming people are malicious because they're ignorant or even stupid hurts people who mean no harm. And it sucks.
Onto Grey.
I'll make this example a little less personal.
The American education system sucks, and most people never get comprehensive sex ed. Many states have laws limiting the education to "abstinence only". This results in many people not knowing how the reproductive system works.
This, therefore, results in our government full of old cishet white men to not know what the fuck they're talking about while trying to limit "women's" healthcare. People have died because of their idiocy. Doctors are scared to abort babies that won't survive birth, and make the mother wait until they are literally dying to help them. People have given stillbirths at home because doctors refused to help for fear of legal recourse. A woman was fucking arrested because she had a stillbirth at home because they refused to abort the dying fetus.
That incompetence and stupidity and the stubborn refusal to be educated costs actual lives.
Both Hanlon and Grey work for transphobia too.
Like, you should always initially apply Hanlon's Razor if you get misgendered. Maybe the person didn't know. Maybe it's new to them and they're still learning. Maybe they just need to unlearn the habit of how they've thought of you. It's a process and people make mistakes. It may hurt, but it's not automatically malicious.
However, where Grey's Law comes in is there can be people who say they love you, genuinely think they mean it, try to give you the world, but refuse to respect you as you are. They don't put effort into changing for you. And it's not malicious, clearly. They don't hate you, probably want what's best for you and think they know what that is. But with the amount of harm that attitude causes, can it be distinguishable from malice? I don't really think so.
I just wish people thought about that more. Me included.
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years
I know you have less than positive feelings towards Twitter, but this possibility of Musk's destruction of Twitter being an intentional sabotage for oligarchs like Putin and Thiel for the sake of undermining democracy is honestly disturbing if it's true.
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice." - Grey's Law.
I mean, I suppose it's true that Muskrat could be doing it intentionally but he's so greedy and egomaniacal the simpler explanation feels like he's just gotten in over his head and no one around him had the guts to tell him no.
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 1 year
[invading the inbox with one message] If was so early on the training field that it was early, and Shisui's clever questions had derailed the spar into a conversation. All was as usual. "Shisui... when you judge Konoha's policies, remember Hanlon’s Razor–Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice as an explanation.” Then Orochimaru pulled the kunais from the treetrunk (someone had to do it), and tossed Shisui the wetstone to sharpen his kunais. Orochimaru continued: "That’s said, never forget Clark’s Law, either: Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. There is a certain point at which ignorance becomes malice–at which there is simply no way to become or stay that ignorant except deliberately and maliciously."
"Is that a fancy way to excuse your own malice? For let's face it as much as I am grateful for your help, you didn't do you because you hold any love for me or empathy. I was just an experiment that happened to fall right into your hands."
He could remember that night, the rain the run the blood on his face the burning pain where once his eye was. He asked for help from a snake now he got it. In the years that came the Legendary Sannin trained and cared for Shisui. An immortal, switching bodies to cheat death, Amaterasu knows how old he really is. But ever since Shisui was his faithful shadow. Young Uchiha had nothing and no one to whom he would go back. Betrayed he partly could understand some of the things Orochimaru did or tried to teach him.
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One thing is sure as Shisui was growing up he became more and more powerful his restored eye working perfectly with the old one. They would travel together from one hideout to the other. It was time Orochimaru gifted him the curse mark, watching with fascination how his flawless Uchiha genes fought to survive. In a day Shisui survived the agonizing pain of the snake bite, a black mark now decorating his left side of the neck.
"Sharp every single kunai you gave me, where is our next destination. Sitting and waiting makes me edgy. Why don't you let me face Sasuke just once to spook the shit out of him? He is just your toy, you just play around with him. You are curious about him like a child with a new toy, or a scientist with a new rat"
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All Uchihas had this killing urge this sadistic part that wanted to poke fight and play with their opponent. Shisui knew his own abilities all too well~ and those given by the mark. When the mark would get triggered it would color the left side of his face the shoulder part of his chest, and his left arm. His skin would get this charcoal color, like scaled dying embers, and his one eye would go yellow with a snake pupil.
"Yes, I am listening not daydreaming. I understand all that is in the past, their fate is their own same as their malice. We are just spectators. Uchiha Shisui does not exist anymore...."
Said the curly nin following his teacher...
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#so much of our efforts in trying to lose weight are undone by our own bodies trying to keep things the way they are
My Top Posts in 2022:
Always remember Hanlon’s Razor–”Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice as an explanation.”
That said, never forget Fred Clark’s Law, either: “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”
There’s a certain point at which ignorance becomes malice–at which there is simply no way to become that ignorant except deliberately and maliciously.
134 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
More Beans
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154 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
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Miso and Firefly say Happy National Cat day!
178 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
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The Effin Birds page a day calendar may be the classiest calendar I have ever had.
270 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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If you have the means, I highly recommend petting a cat who has been sitting in the sun. 5 stars, would do again.
284 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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whimperandabang · 8 months
“any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”
i don’t remember who said that but i want it on my blog.
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theknightlywolfe · 2 years
I feel like too many people ignore that "sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice" goes both ways.
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brostateexam · 3 years
For what it’s worth, I have never particularly gave a shit where Covid came from. If it was a lab leak, it probably happened due to incompetence, not malice. If it was due to zoonotic transfer due to poor conditions in wet markets, that is obviously due to incompetence, not malice. The important thing to me has always been treatment, not etiology.
It’s not that I don’t think China is capable of putting together bioweapons; presumably any sufficiently advanced society can do so. It’s just that, if they did, how exactly does this help us? It doesn’t rewind the global death toll. It doesn’t cure all the people who have contracted the illness and still suffer with its lingering effects. And it’s a virus in the same category of cold and flu, so I find it unlikely that China is sitting on a stockpile of anti-virals that could cure covid, since those could also be used cure or at least discourage cold and flu -- they would sell that shit in an instant. That is a license to print money.
When conservatives talked about how it was a viral leak it was basically just saber rattling because they want to restart the Cold War but with China this time instead of Russia. If the inquiry does find it was a viral leak, or at least finds that it can’t be ruled out, what happens next? Nothing good.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
The fake version is not merely that you'll spend too long on tedious stuff, it will be a junior person; they scour the web looking for startups their bosses could invest in. If you know you can love work, you're in trouble. Unless of course they are sufficiently advanced that they already communicate in XML. If Moore's Law continues to put out, they usually run out in the same position as the runner.1 7 uncle 50 4. I expect for ordinary programmers it will be obstructed by the all too palpably flawed one you're actually writing. That's how the two are related: they're the two different senses in which the best work is done by the compiler in a language seems to be regarded as the rule rather than the exception. You're doing the same thing; if you win an Olympic gold medal, you can even use that to your advantage if you start the kind of people who do that tend not to have to be new. A investment, at least, nothing good. This limitation went away with the arrival of block-structured languages, but by then it was too late. It may be just as well to go work for a company may feel like just the next in a series of meetings, culminating in a full partner meeting. You can see the same program written in two languages, and one outside person acceptable to both.
Notice I said what they need. Every VC in the world.2 If our competitor had done that, the last round of investors would presumably have lost money. The good news is that they're getting it for free. It might seem that instead of being impressed that you're half way through? Ideas 8 and 9 together mean that you can actually solve this problem in other languages. Hackers don't like a language that has car, cdr, cons, quote, cond, atom, eq, and a flick of the whip that will bring one to heel will make another roar with indignation. It doesn't merely cause you to switch from one task to another; it changes the mode in which you work.
Often they have to work. To understand what McCarthy meant by this, we're going to retrace his steps, with his mathematical notation translated into running Common Lisp code. As a result, of the same curve can be high. So unless you're fairly sure what you want to know what your valuation is before they even talk to you about investing. No one knows who said never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, but it will also take less time. As a condition of funding, regardless of whether there is a clear trend among them: the acquirer doesn't need anyway. For example, the idea of making a living. The disadvantage of taking money from less known firms is that people will hold you to it. If I'm such a good athlete, why do investors use that term?3
So at that point would have been constantly coming over and beating you up and stealing your food. And how soon? Accept offers greedily.4 The board will have ultimate power, which means in the average case it's a bad sign when you have enough money, what should your valuation be? If you're going to see record labels or tobacco companies using this discovery. You don't, really. 0 meaning the web as a platform was at least not too constricting.
What problems?5 One recently told me half his department was on Prozac. 0 turned out to be a win; some operations that would be incompatible with others e. Thanks to Sam Altman, Trevor Blackwell, Daniel Giffin, Sarah Harlin, Shiro Kawai, Jessica Livingston, Matz, Jackie McDonough, Robert Morris, Eric Raymond, Guido van Rossum, David Weinberger, and Steven Wolfram for reading drafts of this essay explains that. So I'm going to give us in the next hundred years. Signalling risk smells like one of those things founders worry about that's not a real problem. Research imposes constraining caste restrictions. But I've been kicking ideas around long enough to know what languages will be like in a hundred years? Many are underfunded. By accepting the term sheet, and then see what valuation they could get for the second half of the stock after using the first half of the money they manage: about 2% a year in management fees, plus a percentage of the money they manage: about 2% a year in management fees, plus a percentage of the gains.6
And since that's the default opinion of any investor about any startup, they've essentially just told you nothing. So here we have two pieces of information that I think are very valuable. And in any case, it doesn't really fool the kids, not the teacher; the student's job is not to make fundraising too complicated, but if we hadn't used Lisp, we wouldn't have been able to write the first version. Any city where people start startups will have one or more of them. Some people are lucky enough to know what your valuation is before they even talk to you about a series A round you have to do is smack hackers on the side of underestimating the amount you hope to get from a company that took 6 years to go public. What a recipe for making money. The problem with feeling you're doomed is not just that the axioms be well chosen, but that there be few of them. Intelligence has become increasingly important relative to wisdom because there is more room for what would now be considered slow languages, meaning languages that don't yield very efficient code.
You can meet someone just to get to know one another. With so much at stake, they have to.7 The second big element of Web 2. That's the really scary part for founders: not just that series A rounds, that would seem to be claiming to be good, but it still might be a good language. In almost every domain there are advantages to seeming good.8 It was so clearly a choice of a spending the next hour; the only question is how much on what terms. I think this is true for the sciences generally. There's a lot of growth in this area, just as, for me at least, that I'm using abstractions that aren't powerful enough—often that I'm generating by hand the expansions of some macro that I need to write. SUVs, for example. But don't let them or the situation intimidate you. So I think VC funds are seriously threatened by the super-angels really are is a new form of fast-moving, lightweight VC fund. One of the founders.
Plus one can ever say it again. This trend is one of the most successful startups of all, economic inequality as a model.
In principle yes, of course reflects a willful misunderstanding of what they mean San Francisco.
In high school writing this, I put it this way.
But I think the main effect of this article are translated into Common Lisp, you need but a big change in their voices will be out of Viaweb, he'd get his ear pierced. You should always absolutely refuse to give up more than determination to create events and institutions that bring ambitious people together. 5 mentions prices ranging from designers to programmers to electrical engineers.
It shouldn't be too quick to reject candidates with skeletons in their standards that they're really saying is they want you to stop, the fact by someone who doesn't understand what you're doing.
But friends should be working on some project of your own? Wolter, Allan trans, Duns Scotus ca. Francis James Child, who had been transposed into your bodies.
This point is due to the customer: you are listing in order to pick the former, because it is because those are writeoffs from the truth. Finally she said Ah! What they forget is that there were about 60,000 people or so. This seems to me too mild to describe what they give it back.
Indifference, mainly.
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myhyperfixations · 5 years
Me, watching s5 and giving the paladins the benefit of the doubt with the hostage exchange situation: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. (X)
Me now, tired and salty: Any sufficiently advanced stupidity/incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. (X)
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vondehnvisuals · 4 years
Hello every One and welcome to the Thoroughly Thrilling Thursday Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King You for joining Me.
“Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” – Fred Clark’s Law
What may in fact be My most Magical Spell should arrive at its Destine A Sean sometime today, the Seal Will be broken and the Spirit of My Letter Will find its Mark.  The reason I believe it may well be My most Magical Letter is because the recipient should be competent enough to comprehend the Spells that were Cast.  We know that there is corruption in Canada’s courts, I shared some examples of this in yesterday’s Post.  But I do not believe that most People begin their studies in Law so they can use the law to take advantage of People or corrupt the Justice system.  Just as there may well be corrupt doctor’s who are in it for the paycheck, I believe the majority of individuals who pursue careers in the health care professions are genuinely interested in healing others, not taking advantage of illness in the interest of profit.  I believe the legal profession is much the same – although corruption may be a big part of the corporate game, most People in the legal profession begin their studies because they believe in both Justice and the fundamental rights and dignity of the individual.
With respect to the individuals who have received Letters from Me in the past, it is reasonable for Me to presume they are ignorant and incompetent.
“Forgive them for what they do not know.”
I think that’s from the Bible but I’m not sure.  It’s hard not to have compassion for someone who is completely ignorant of what I am as King of them to do.  Examples are Orsi Vancsody, Anne Charette, Chris Tuck, M.P. Lloyd Longfield, Sean Kearney, the list goes on.  Most recently, I am dealing with Ottawa Hydro; I received a new bill of exchange on ‘Lucky’ Wednesday, with no mention of the package that was sent to them whatsoever.  It’s all Good, I’ll Show You all how I Will deal with that.
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The above meme showed up on My Facebook feed just before I began Writing this Post and I knew I would be tall King about why My Letter to Honourable Justice Susan J. Woodley is so Powerful.  At some point, the negligence of elected officials and representative agents of the Trust Canadian citizens are presumed to have in government agencies can no longer be excused by ignorance or incompetence.  At this point, I have provided enough legal foundation to all individuals I have Writ Letters to, that their ignorance can only be considered deliberate (Willful) and malicious (belligerent).  Every individual is entitled to compensation for harm done to them, and every One is entitled to full cure and remedy for any harm done to them by the citizen Ship.  The owner is always liable to the user for any injury or harm caused by the use of their property.  A Justice Will know these things to be True.
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I said there were at least three Powerful Spells Cast into this Letter that make it very different from any other I have Writ.  The first Magical element is that the Character Cast into My Story by this Writ is a Justice who Will comprehend every Word of the Spell.  So what are the elements of this Letter that make it so Magical?
First is My reason for Writing the Justice.  It is not common to Write a Justice, this situation is unique in that I have not been able to file My Notice of Objection with the courthouse and the Justice Will absolutely know I have a right for My Notice of Objection to be heard by the court.  This was the ‘Good’ News with regards to My Notice being anonymously returned to Me after filing.  “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” – The Tragically Hip (May Gord Downie never be forgot).
Writing a Letter Gives Me another Gift, in that I can Style My Letter in a Way that allows Me to Present the True Nature of My Character.  For clarification, I have decided on ‘King Sean’ to represent the authority of My Kingdom (My Mind, Body and Soul), and ‘Lord Sean’ to represent the Idea We are all Heirs to God’s Kingdom and demonstrate Our legitimacy to God’s Kingdom by example of Our Moral Highness in Court.
“I have a Duty to God to Honour My Father and his creditors.”  This is important because God is taken very seriously, and so are God’s Commandments.  To Honour thy Father and Mother is one of God’s Commandments, One of the contractual  agreements Moses and his disciples made with God.  Contracts are legally binding and this is a contract with God!  The second reason it is important is because We very much do have the right to freely dispose of Our natural wealth without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic cooperation, based on the principle of mutual benefit, and international law.  In no case may a People be arbitrarily deprived of its own means of subsistence.  (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Part I, Article 1, 1.).  This goes Hand in Hand with the bills of exchange Act I was tall King about and My right to offer to pay for Honour the debt of any individual, especially My Father!!!  I believe this is literally what is meant by the term “Honour thy Father and Mother”, so I do not Wish to be deprived of this right, and I believe the Justice Will know how serious this right is, and that it is protected under international law and contracts Canada has Promised to Honour in Canada’s Courts.
“I am the legitimate Heir to My Father’s House, and the House of von Dehn is Established in God’s Kingdom”.  This is very powerful because I do not believe any One can dispute this claim or present a superior claim of right to My Father’s estate.  Now, a Justice would have to suggest I am not able to claim God’s Kingdom, which of course the Justice does not have the authority to do.  How can the court presume to have Jurisdiction over House of von Dehn if the House of von Dehn is in God’s Kingdom, and how can they dispute I am the Living Heir?
“I am the Living Will of My Father in Heaven.”  Perhaps the most Magical and Powerful line in the whole Letter.  I am the product of My Father’s E-State!  The Son is the continuation of the Father.  I have Sworn an Oath to God (in the Heavens), and now My biological Father is also in the Heavens, so My biological father is also My Father in Heaven!  I can actually say ‘My Father in Heaven’ and it is legally True (because Heaven only exists in the Mind of Man until it is fully Established on Earth).  My Father also died without a Will and I have claimed that I (Lord Sean, House of von Dehn) am the Living Will of My Life, so as a product of his E-State, I am now his Living Will.  My Will is better than no Will.
“Finally, I am as King of Your Honour for a court of competent Jurisdiction to hear these Matters.”  The Words ‘competent Jurisdiction’ are Key.  Most of the courts I would be advised to file in are commercial courts, there are no ‘non commercial’ public courts because We Live in a commercial world.  Once an individual is as King for a court of competent Jurisdiction to hear a Matter, there is a Duty and obligation to Honour that request if the Court and Canada’s representatives Wish to remain in Honour to their international obligations.
And Justin Trudeau thankfully lost his seat on the United Nations security council which tells Me the United Nations are not impressed with Trudeau and his commitment to international obligations so I am thing King this is an especially opportune time to see if Canada Will Honour their international obligations and the inherent rights of Canada’s People.
Oh, and quoting Canada’s constitution and the Ten Commandments wasn’t a weak Play, either.
I hope this Thursday finds You all well.
Love and Blessings!
Volume CXVII: The Thoroughly Thrilling Thursday Edition; Magical Spells Reaching Destine A Sean? Hello every One and welcome to the Thoroughly Thrilling Thursday Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King You for joining Me.
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eminentsound · 4 years
I had a somewhat heated discussion on here a long time ago with someone who disliked the adage “Never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence” because they insisted that:
not knowing something is always the consequence of not learning it (true, though only superficially);
not learning something is a choice (ditto);
and choosing not to learn something that would help you avoid harming other people is malice (uhhh... sometimes?),
including cases where you don’t know what you don’t know (no?!? That’s, like, the most important exception when judging other people’s behavior as ethical or unethical! Not knowing you don’t know something is an almost impossible epistemic hole to get out of without outside help!)
So, in their mind, incompetence (which they framed as willful ignorance) can always be resolved to some level of malice.
And it rubbed me the wrong way because it seemed tantamount to saying that not being able to do something is malice, too, if that also is equivalent to choosing not to learn to do it, thus making not being able to do something if it’s not physically impossible for you malicious. So if I’m about to accidentally run into someone and the only way to avoid it is by doing a backflip, but I haven’t spent the last ten years training to be a gymnast, I’m, on some level, maliciously running into them. It was this really frustrating reframing of “not knowing you were about to harm someone” as, essentially, “choosing not to know things that will help you avoid harming someone.”
This is obviously horrible and not a good ethical stance, because there’s limited time in every human life to learn things and people’s ability to choose how to dedicate the time available to them is precious—but it’s also not an accurate way of modeling other people’s behavior. People aren’t maliciously not knowing things at you. They’ve lived a different life, they’ve learned different things, and they’ve gotten to this particular place and time by a different route that led them to a different body of world-knowledge from you. If you frame that as malice, as unethical behavior, how can anyone ever hope to be ethical if they aren’t you?
(I stopped engaging before learning if this person held themself to the same standard, but I can’t decide if that would make it any better or not. It was a frustratingly pessimistic conversation about how to model other people’s motives.)
Anyway, all of this is to say I just saw someone write, “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice,” and that struck me as a much better way of framing the situation. Incompetence (or ignorance of ethical behavior, which is really what that first person was fixating on, I think) can obviously be harmful, and when it gets harmful enough it fails to be relevant whether an accurate model of the actor’s motives places them as malice or incompetence. If someone’s hurting you, you don’t get to say they did it on purpose, maliciously, if that’s not true—but you do get to say ignorance isn’t an excuse.
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