#malvie halloween
telli1206 · 2 years
This is for my dear @villainsnest, who asked for a WIP snippet 😘💖
And for you Sofia, a bit of the next chapter of The Wedding Date that I’m trying (and failing) to finish:
Stand your ground.
Evie forces the reminders through her head as they walk. She’s trying to ignore her body’s response right now. A strong girl thinks before she acts, and that’s what she needs to remember. Because despite her own rational thoughts, Evie’s heart is still racing. It’s like a damn hummingbird, fluttering so fast she can barely catch a breath. Her brain feels frozen, but somehow her stomach is burning at the same time. How is that even possible?? It’s almost too much, and in any other situation she’d feel the need to lie down or maybe even just sit for a minute, but right now she can hardly find the strength to care.
Because Mal is with her. Following her. Holding her hand.
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thebluestbluewords · 5 months
Blue’s Descendants Fic Rec Roundup: personal faves
this list is not all-inclusive, just some of the highlights that live in my brain absolutely rent-free after three years and a Lot of obsessively reading through everything in the ao3 tag.
The Lady Is A Vamp by objectlesson
Jaylos, 13k. 
The genderqueer fic that absolutely wrecked me a few weeks ago when I ran across it for the first time. It’s got confused teenagers who don’t know how to sort out their feelings for each other, fashion descriptions that make me want to sell my soul to the writing gods, and a brilliant Jay POV that captures so much of what I like about teenage love stories. It’s a great fic that’s just long enough to get really invested in, and the eventual payoff of the get-together is great. 
(Note that the image links in this fic are broken, but the descriptions of the fashion are still great!) 
Redemancy by PorcelainAlice
Polyamory, Mal/Evie/Jay/Carlos/Ben and Jay/Doug, 11k, unfinished. (but I promise you it’s worth the read anyway) 
This fic has been living in my head rent-free since I first started reading, and even though it’s not a pairing I would usually go for, it’s one of the most interesting Auradon worldbuilding fics that I’ve read for this fandom. I love the deep dive into Doug as a character, and the ways that this fic delves into dwarf culture and how being part of that magical world makes Doug an outsider at Auradon Prep is absolutely brilliant. There’s a few really lovely scenes with giving food as a way of giving affection, but the fic also goes into food as a means of expressing culture, and it’s so well done that I would love this fic even if it were only those scenes. (But seriously, the whole fic is lovely and the worldbuilding is top tier, please read this and scream about it with me) 
Long Live, Havin’ Some Fun by WorkingChemistry
Mal & Evie & Jay & Carlos, 8k, unfinished. 
I’m always a slut for omegaverse, and this fic is one of my absolute favorites. It has all of the casual violence and terrified affection that I love from this fandom, and it hits basically all of my personal omageverse trope buttons with the scent marking, pack dynamics, and non-sexual relationships. The relationship between the core 4 is left somewhat ambiguous, but I think it reads super well as queerplatonic. Reading this fic inspired me to write uhhh like 200k of my own omegaverse fic, which in turn is why I started this blog, so this is TRULY the most influential of my personal Descendants fic rec roundup.
Dog-Eared Page by objectlesson
Jaylos, minor Benlos, 23k 
Mostly-canon, this fic hits a lot of the awkward teenage crush feelings that I adore in descendants fics. I came for the Ben/Carlos, but stayed because it’s such a well-written look at the Auradon Prep dating landscape. Also, hot. Fair warning that this one is quite NSFW, so if that’s not your jam maybe give this one a pass. 
you’ve left your ghost until tomorrow by paperclipbitch
Malvie, 5k. 
Halloween fic! There’s knives and petty rivalry that’s maybe not so petty after all, because sometimes your teenage rivalry with the princess whose mother got your mother exiled forever IS the most important thing in your lives, and there’s some really lovely details about Mal’s art that make the world feel so much more whole, and Evie is a badass as she always should be, and it’s a joy and a delight to reread this fic every year. 
while the getting is good by Walutahanga
Gen, 34k, unfinished. 
The VKs take a different route to escape their parents. The barrier breaks anyway. Mal has more magic than she can handle, Jay has magic too, and there’s a lot of really nice moments where we get a glimpse into the inner workings of the Auradon adults and how they manage the politics of the situation while trying to help. It’s a really great worldbuilding fic that delves into the logistics of running a mashed-up fairy tale kingdom that’s actually more like twelve smaller kingdoms in a trenchcoat, and there’s also some AMAZING good-guy coach moments that made me adore him even more. I’m a sucker for fics that show the adults trying to help, and this is one of the best. 
you find yourself down the hall again (the lights gone dim) by soldiersummonersaint
Jay & Coach, 3k 
I’ve already talked about how much I adore fic where the Auradon adults are really genuinely doing their best, and this is one of the PEAK good-guy Coach fics for me. It’s got some really evocative moments that make my heart ache for Jay, and it’s just a lovely fic overall. 
How To Love You Today by sparrowmoth
Jaylos, 2k. (I believe this one is archive-locked, so you’ll need an ao3 account to read)
Adorable werewolf!Carlos fic. The first fic set in this verse is one of my all-time faves, and this sequel is equally delightful. 
Short Skirt (Long Jacket) by Butyoucancallmemeg
multi, 13k. 
This fic is one of the best Evie characterizations I’ve ever read, full stop. Grifter!Evie is canon in my heart now, and the relationship with her mother is exquisite. I also love the emphasis on Jay and Evie as friends in this fic. They both know how to perform, how to flirt and make a good show of things and charm their audience, and it’s such a great read. The whole series is fabulous.
Like Riding A Bike by Glitter_Lisp
Harry/Uma, 2k 
Kidfic! I’m not always one for kids in fic, but this series consistently blows me away with how good the parent-child relationship between Harry and CJ is. The perfect level of precocious child and well-meaning protective parent. The series is focused more on the parent-child relationship than the Harry/Uma relationship, but it works so well. I love a hot pirate (or tattoo artist) parent who is so incredibly dedicated to keeping his kid as happy and healthy as possible even when other things are falling apart. Also, I would die for cool uncle Gil. 
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mushroomrooms · 2 years
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Halloween 2022
Magic Girl Theme with Koda and Malvi
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descendants halloween week - day 6
prompt: scary movies
pairings: jay x carlos ; mal x evie
rating: T for references to sex
part 1/other part: @bloodshotmalvie‘s piece found here
Halloween night was not going according to plan.
Jay had wanted to stay in with his boyfriend and the girls, eating candy and watching scary movies, but all it took was ten minutes before Mal and Evie had decided to make things more interesting.
“Fuck, it's cold out here.” Carlos pulled his jacket tighter around his shoulders, his breath making white puffs in the air.
“They couldn't have at least waited for the first person to die?” Jay grumbled, shaking his head. “Or gone back to their room?”
“From the face Mal was making,” Carlos said wryly. “Apparently they couldn't wait another millisecond.”
Jay only grunted.
Hearing him, Carlos slipped his hand into Jay’s, squeezing. “Hey. It’s all good. We’ll just go out for ice cream or something.”
“Ice cream?” Jay scoffed again, which was unfair because he really did like ice cream. It was cold and sweet - exactly like old thrown-out Auradon magazines on the island had described.
“Come on.” Carlos gave him a look, his eyes practically glowing under the campus streetlights. “You’re not that mad, are you?”
“No.” And he wasn’t - not really, anyway. “Sex is cool and all - trust me, I’m a big fan.”
“I know.” Carlos said it under his breath, but Jay caught it anyway and threw him an apologetic smile.
“Don’t be jealous, Pup, you know I like you best. And I’m getting better at dissolving that cover. You know that.”
“Yeah.” Carlos squeezed his hand as they walked along the path towards the little downtown. “But you could care less about that movie - you even said it was lame. Why get so disgruntled about them going at it? It’s not like that’s out of the ordinary or anything. Remember last week when they almost did it in the middle of dinner?”  
He was right. And the truth was, Jay didn’t know why he was so bent out of shape about the girls interrupting their movie night to have a little fun of their own; in fact, if it had been any other night, he probably would’ve egged them on.
“I dunno.” Jay looked over at his boyfriend and let himself dwell on the dark eyeliner and splatter of sparkles across his nose from an early Halloween costume. “I guess… we always have sex. But we don’t always get a chance to just hang out, you know? And act like a normal couple.”
At that, Carlos smiled - his face lighting up just a bit. “Yeah. Well, tell you what, we’ll go and get some ice cream, and then head back to finish the movie, alright? From the way Evie was teasing, I bet they won’t go very long. They can crash while we cuddle up or something.”
And really, that sounded pretty good to Jay.
The ice cream shop was well-lit and mostly empty. Jay figured on a cold October night, most students had opted to go out and eat candy rather than ice cream, but he didn’t mind; the empty shop was rather nice.
He and Carlos grabbed two stools at the bar, ordering heaping sundaes full of chocolate and fudge. Not even five seconds after the server slid Carlos’ order over to him, his boyfriend already had a large smear of chocolate on his lips and nose.
“Didn’t you already eat half the chocolate candy from earlier?” Jay teased, handing him a napkin.
“Shhh.” Carlos stuck his tongue out. “This is the one night a year I’m allowed to binge it.”
Just seeing Carlos’ bright smile was enough to ease Jay’s irritation away. He really couldn’t blame Mal for falling prey to Evie’s charms; they loved each other just as much as he and Carlos did. Maybe if he didn’t use sex as a tool, maybe if he didn’t crave affection and simple love, he would’ve understood sooner.
“Hey, ‘Los?”
Carlos grinned, sucking chocolate off his fingers. “Yeah?”
“I love you.”
Now, Carlos’ smile really did light up the whole room. “Me too, Jay. I love you, too.”
By the time the boys had returned to their dorm (one thousand chocolate-covered kisses later), they found Mal and Evie sated happily on Jay’s bed.
“Yes,” Carlos grinned. “They did it on yours and not mine. That’s your laundry problem now.”
“Really?” Jay rolled his eyes at Mal, flipping her off. “You couldn’t even put down a towel?”
But he knew Mal would just use her magic in the morning, so he let Carlos pull him over to the other bed.
Maybe the night hadn’t gone exactly as he’d planned, but it still turned out pretty alright in the end. And really, Jay had his two best friends smiling like idiots in the bed next door, some (yes, very lame) scary movie playing on the TV, and his boyfriend tangled up beside him.
Who was he to complain?
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cjhooks · 6 years
Monster/Halloween High School AU
Happy Halloween!!
So me and @poorunfortunate-huma​ brainstormed a certain AU during spooky month, and though we didn't have time to write I will say headcanons for todays festivities and I have a small edit
[inspired by Disney’s Zombies and Ant Farms Halloween Episode]
- Auradon Prep, the school that allows the downworlders and monsters from the Isle of the Lost to learn how to be human and gain an education alongside the humans of the United States of Auradon. Although integrated in class, segregation appears at the very doors, a wall of glass separating the humans from the magic and ‘evil’ powers of the Isle. Only inside the walls can monsters interact with humans and learn to become like them.
- From the Isle meet a range of downworlders, one particular pair being Evie, (daughter of the vampire enchantress Evil Queen) and Uma (daughter of the Sea witch and siren Ursula) who are usually tied to the hip causing trouble around the school campus, and both the ones to break hearts of many humans who find their powers of enchantment and beauty something jaw dropping. 
- The most troublesome downworlder, Harry Hook, son of the demon Hook. The boy despises the human hatred for hell and always is caught scaring first years with flames or draining soul threats as he walks the halls in all matter of black eyeliner and red tipped hair. Rather fond of Uma and hails her the most beautiful monster he’d ever laid eyes on (ignoring Evie’s scoff and comment of Uma's powers being that to attract with beauty) 
- Jay, son of the Isles Alpha werewolf Jafar loves Auradon Prep for its range of sports, from Tourney to R.O.A.R he's always up for it. However it brings to the surface his worry of wolfing out and becoming banned from the team. Bringing him to seek help from Carlos De Vil, son of the Cruella and one of the most skilled Warlocks of the Isle to treat spells to calm him, but it finds Jay finding the boy rather magical not just in terms of spells. 
- De Vil’s spells don't just require the help of a werewolf but also that of Mal, daughter of Gorgon Maleficent, sister to Medusa. Mal is rather scared of her own capabilities, wanting to hide her snake hair and make sure she can’t get expelled for turning a classmate to stone. She's usually glued to a sketchbook, as drawing a universe that her stone gaze cant hurt is something she holds onto. Yet her sense of mystery grabs the attention of Evie, who can’t hide her interest with her flirtatious comments which actually over time let Mal realise she doesn't have to hide under some human facade.
- Gil, son of Gaston the zombie finds it hard enough losing limbs around campus, but also cant help but find Chad Charming, popular human kid of Auradon Prep something that makes his rotten heart skip a beat. A Z band makes him feel more human than the others, usually only a lost foot, bright green hair and pale skin to worry about and actually catches Charming’s eye.
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bambeelana · 6 years
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My inktober day 1! Evie from Disney Descendants. I absolutely love the Blueberry Princess so much! Thank you @leaxliz for helping me pick out which drawing to post! I miss watching these movies with you! #inktober #inktober2018 #inktoberprompts #poison #poisonapple #eviedescendants #disneydescendants #disneydescendants3 #disneydescendants2 #evilqueen #snowwhite #halloween #illustration #sofiacarson #bluehair #inktoberday1 #inktoberchallenge #malvie #lgbtq https://www.instagram.com/p/BoaWreeh0WZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bvcei0a0jael
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alifeoflesbionage · 7 years
Malvie where Mal is secretly really scared of horror movies, but doesn't admit it cause Evie' s excited for a Halloween horror marathon please *for the ship short fic thing
Sorry this took me so long. Apparently I am incapable of writing simple stories. Everything always has to be so complicated! Who is good at writing things less thank 1k words? NOT THIS GIRL. Buuut anyway….I hope you enjoy it! Malvie is always so fun for me to write!
“Which one should we watch first?” Evie asked as she dropped a teetering stack of movies on the desk. Mal’s eyes wandered from the paper, to the movie, then to Evie’s face.
“What’s with the sudden horror obsession?” she asked and quirked a brow up at Evie.
“Because it’s Halloween! Haven’t you noticed all the creepy decorations around?”
“I wouldn’t call construction paper jack-o-lanterns and tissue paper ghosts creepy,” Mal grumbled and turned her attention back to her homework.
“M, come on!” Evie reached out and pushed Mal’s book away. Before Mal could protest Evie had grabbed her hands and pulled her up out of her chair. “Halloween was always your favorite holiday back on The Isle-”
“Yeah, because people know how to celebrate Halloween there. None of this cutsey costumes and haunted houses that wouldn’t scare a baby.” She crossed her arms and stared up at Evie with an impressive pout.
Evie rolled her eyes. “Since we can’t go torment kids I thought we could watch people on TV tormenting kids. You can pretend it’s you.”
Mal couldn’t help her laugh. “How thoughtful of you.”
She got up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Evie’s cheek to hide the pink that crept into her cheeks. Evie blushed and wrapped an arm around Mal’s waist. With one arm still wrapped around Mal, she used her free hand to scoop up the movie, and steer them both toward the couch in the corner.
“E, come on, I can think of a dozen other more fun things we could do,” Mal protested as Evie dropped her onto one side of the couch. She grabbed a fistful of the back of Evie’s shirt as she tried to dart away and pulled her backwards. Evie landed on the couch with an “oof”, and before she could get away Mal snaked her arms around Evie’s neck and leaned in close.
She let a tantalizing smile play on her lips as she leaned close enough that they could feel the heat of each other’s breath. “All sorts of fun things.”
Evie’s breath hitched, and she knotted her hand in Mal’s shirt. For a second Mal thought she’d won until Evie pushed her back and sprang back to her fit. “No, Mal. I’m going to make you have fun on Halloween if it kills you.”
“I think my idea sounds like more fun,” Mal grumbled. She slouched back into the couch and watched Evie slide one of the DVDs into the player perched on top of the TV. Looking very pleased with herself she turned back to Mal and sank down onto the couch next to her.
“You can put that pout away now,” Evie teased as she pulled Mal to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Make me.”
“I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m ignoring it.”
They both looked back to the screen as it faded to black and the movie began. Ten minutes into the movie, and Mal was glued to Evie’s side. With every scare she buried her head in Evie’s shoulder and tried not to scream; though, there were several involuntary screams that made embarrassment color her cheeks.
Evie’s fingers danced up and down her bare arm in comforting swirls, but it was not enough. By the half hour mark she was curled so tightly into herself that her joints were starting to stiffen and hurt. Her mouth tasted like blood from where she’d been chewing on the inside of her cheek, and she had her head buried in the safety of Evie’s shoulder more than she ever looked at the screen.
The sound stopped and Mal looked up to find Evie had paused it and was watching her with obvious annoyance.
“You know what, nevermind,” she grumbled as she pushed away from Mal and stood.
“E?” Mal watched confused as Evie turned off the TV and marched across the room.
“I know this wasn’t your ideal Halloween, but you don’t need to be mean about it,” Evie snapped as she spun back around.
“What are you talking about?” Mal demanded.
“You have spent the entire movie taunting me, playing like you’re some scared, wimpy kid or something. Yeah, I know nothing scares you. That doesn’t mean you have to ruin the fun for the rest of us.”
Anger burned bright in Evie’s cheeks as she glared at Mal, and Mal had to look away. She stared down at her hands still shaking in her lap as heat creeped into her own cheeks for an entirely different reason. Tension crackled in the air as she felt Evie’s eyes bore into her.
“I wasn’t pretending, okay,” she muttered.
“Right. Sure.”
Mal looked up, her eyes clouded with embarrassment. The anger melted from Evie’s face, and she stepped forward.
“You’re not scared of anything.”
“Well, I’m scared of horror movies. There. Happy?”
“Why would that make me happy?” she rushed back to the couch and caught Mal’s hand in hers. “Why didn’t you just say something?”
“Uh, I don’t know, because I’m big bad Mal  from The Isle - Maleficent’s only daughter. I’m not supposed to be scared of anything.” Mal refused to meet Evie’s eyes, but held tight to her hands.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, M,” Evie murmured as she guided Mal’s chin up so they were eye to eye. “I know about all of your soft squishy bits.” She cracked a smile and winked at Mal.
“Oh my god, Evie,” Mal laughed and shoved her hand away.
“That’s better,” Evie chuckled. She reached over the couch and pulled Mal into a bone crushing hug.
“You don’t have to hide this kind of thing from me, though, okay?”
Mal nodded and pressed a kiss into Evie’s shoulder. They stayed that way, Evie running her fingers through Mal’s hair and Mal listening the steady thrum of Evie’s heart. Neither wanted to be the first to let go.
“Should we go see what trouble the boys are getting into?” Mal asked as she looked up at Evie.
“I think they’re throwing water balloons at trick-or-treaters from the second story windows.”
A grin cracked across Mal’s face. “Now that sounds like my kind of fun.”
Mal twined her fingers through Evie’s and they rushed out of the room to see what mischief they could cause, the stack of horror movies abandoned and forgotten.
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
Descendants Fic Masterlist: Oneshots
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2023
Note: Drabble is defined as 500 - 999 words
Because This Must Be • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2.7K | Carlos-centric, min. Jaylos | Angst (Hopeful Ending)
Heart-Shaped Box • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.1K | Jay-centric, Jay & Jafar | Angst, Grief/Mourning, Trauma
More Than Survive • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Carlos-centric | Angst & Fluff, Happy Ending
Wish I Had An Angel • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1K | Jay-centric | Djinn!Jay AU, Angst (Hopeful), Dark Humor
All The Things That You Are • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1K | Jaylos | Snake!Jay AU, Domestic Fluff, Humor, Cuddling
Bad Case of Loving You • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.6K | Jaylos | Sexual Humor, Fluff, Crack, College!AU
Evening Song, No. 1 • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.8K | Jaylos | Vampire!Carlos AU, Fluff, Light Angst, Humor
How to Love You Today • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2.3K | Jaylos | Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Werewolf!Carlos
I Think I Always Knew • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.5K | Jaylos | Domestic Fluff, Humor, Pining, Minor Angst
Keeping a Snowball Warm • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Jaylos | Fluff, Love, Winter Feels
Midnight Blue Sky • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1K | Jaylos | Deaf Jay, Nonverbal Carlos, Romantic Fluff
Safe From Heartbreak (If You Never Fall) • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 6K | Jaylos | Hurt/Comfort, Caretaker!Jay, Fluff & Angst
Stitch the Stars to Hold the Night Sky • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | TBD* | Jaylos-centric | Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending *This fic is currently being rewritten. Word count to be determined
The World Changes, We Do Not • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.8K | Jaylos | Fluff, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously
Together in Electric Dreams • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.8K | Jaylos | Futuristic AU, Android!Jay, Angst, Happy End
We Lose Our Minds in a City of Roses • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1K | Jaylos | Fluff, Humor, Late Night Feels, College!AU
Your Baby Ain’t Sweet Like Mine • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2.2K | Jaylos | Fluff, Humor, Werewolf!Carlos, Halloween
Evening Song, No. 2 • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2.1K | Malvie | Vampire!Mal, Witch!Evie, Fluff, Angst, Humor
Siúil a Rún • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 3.1K | Malvie | Em. Hurt/Comfort, Angst (Happy Ending)
Slow Love Slow • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Mature | 1.4K | Malvie | Fluff & Angst, Em. Hurt/Comfort, Humor
Grey Skies Move Slowly • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.6K | Jaylos, Malvie | Vampire AU, Fluff & Angst, Bittersweet
A Heart is Not a Plaything • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.5K | Rotten OT4 | Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery
Dragon Anatomy 101 • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2K | Rotten OT4 | Fluff, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously
Love You Like The Movies • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Mature | 1.2K | Malvie, Jaylos (OT4) | Domestic Fluff, Implied Sex
Once Upon A December • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 2.6K | Jayvie, Rotten OT4 | Em. Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Humor
The Battle of Fort Hearts • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.2K | Marlos, Rotten OT4 | Domestic Fluff and Humor
Wishing (Will Make It So) • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.9K | Rotten OT4 | Angst, Friendship/Love, Open Ending
Cereal Killer Soundtrack • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Marlos | Liminal Spaces and Liminal Emotions
Look What You’ve Done to Me • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Marlos | Domestic Fluff and Humor
Red Days, Blue Nights • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Carvie | Resurrection, Dark Devotion, Mild Horror
Remember You As Mine • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | Drabble | Jal | Angst & Fluff, Em. Hurt/Comfort, Kissing
Stars Are Pulling at My Hair • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.5K | Carvie | Romantic Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
The Same and Different • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1K | Marlos | Fluff, Minor Angst, Unresolved Feelings
This Funny Dangerous Game • [ AO3 | Tumblr ] Teen | 1.4K | Jal | Protective!Jay, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff, Angst
➼ Descendants Fic Masterlist: Multi-chaps
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
The Huge Fucking List of All My [drarreckyninja] [Nonanimated] Fandoms & Ships
The Originals - Klelijah
Forever - Wahlgan
Gotham - Nygobblezsaszdahl
Riverdale - Joavin; Jarchie; Choni; Beronica
Once Upon a Time - Gold Hook; Swan Queen
Ant and Dec - Decant
Harry Potter - Wolfstar; Drarry
LazyTown - Sportarobbie; Trixanie
The Flash (2014) - Coldflash
Psych - Shassie
Full House - Kadstone
Smallville - Clex
Veronica Mars - MacVallace
The Andy Griffith Show
The Love Boat - Dopher
Two and a Half Men - Jael; Aleg
NCIS - McNozzo
Criminal Minds - Moreid
Kyle XY - Keclan
Glee - Brittana; Klaine
Perception - Dewicki
Family Ties
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Back to the Future - Mammett
Umbrella Academy - Kliego
Numb3rs - Charry
Growing Pains
9-1-1 - Buddie
Suits - Marvey
The Outsiders - Ponycake
Will & Grace - TruFarland
That ‘70s Show - Beric
Sky High - Strongpeace
The Facts of Life - Warnerczek
White Collar - Baffrelle; Baffrey
Shadowhunters - Malec
High School Musical - Chyan
Sanders Sides -  Sandart; Logicality; Prixiety; Dukeceit; Remile
MacGyver - Macdoc
Young Sheldon - Missycus
The Big Bang Theory - Shelnard; Howraj
iCarly - Cam; Frencer
Shyland - Shane/Ryland
It Takes Two
The Challenge
New York Minute
Hannah Montana - Joliver
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spander
Supernatural - Destiel
The Mentalist - Chane
Boy Meets World - Shory
Rizzoli & Isles - Rizzles
Melancholy Fantastic
Moving On
Sherlock - Johnlock; Mystrade
Elementary - Lockbell
Jeopardy! - Kames
House - Hilson
Community - Jean
Stranger Things - Byler
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory x The Santa Clause - Wonkafrost
Twisted - Dacey
Victorious - Robbex; Cade
Twisted x Victorious - Jeck
The O.C. - Syan
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) - Stobotnik
Backstrom - Valenmeyer
Marvel Cinematic Universe - Frostron; Stucky; Spideypool; Widowshock
Castle - Rysposito
Leverage - Sparkison
Grimm - Monick
Friends - Jandler
Happy Days - Ronzie
The Dead Zone - Juce
Barney and the Backyard Gang
A Nightmare on Elm Street x Friday the 13th - Frason
Child’s Play - Chandy
Stand By Me
Gilligan’s Island
Alex Rider - Harrider
Under the Dome - Barnior
Highway to Heaven - Markathon
Home Alone - Harv
Lizzie McGuire
Quantum Leap - Beckavicci
The Uninvited
Desperate Housewives - Gabree; Anstin
Red Band Society - Lordi
The Suite Life
Schitt’s Creek - Brose; Texis
Phan - Phil/Dan
Are You Being Served? - Lucumphries
Drake & Josh - Drosh
Crossing Jordan - Nug
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
This Means War - Tank
Instinct - Dandy
2 Broke Girls
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Verucolet
Lucifer - Lucidan
Wizards of Waverly Place - Alevie
Scomiche - Scott/Mitch
The Last Day of Summer
Jennifer’s Body
Daddy Day Care
The Good Son
Christmas in Wonderland x Unaccompanied Minors - Matherine
Station 19 - Trant/Gravis
Star Trek - Spirk
Casper x Beetlejuice - Kydia
Charlie’s Angels
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
How I Met Your Mother - Barned
The Librarians
So Little Time
Merlin - Merthur
30 Rock - Kevon
Pirates of the Caribbean - Turrow
Let Me In
Little Women
The Vampire Diaries - Donnie
The Thundermans
The Chronicles of Narnia - Casmund
The Maze Runner - Newtmas
4+ futuristic fandoms that I barely started
The Addams Family
The Descendants - Garry; Benlos; Jayma; Malvie
The Beverly Hillbillies
21 Jump Street - Toug/Penson
It’s a Wonderful Life
Little House on the Prairie
Anne of Green Gables
Leave It to Beaver
The Bad Seed
Pretty Little Liars - Haleb
The Waltons
Better Watch Out
Knight and Day
Freaks and Geeks
Kindergarten Cop
Jingle All the Way
Raise Your Voice
Camp Nowhere
My Two Dads - Moey
Baby’s Day Out
To Grandmother’s House We Go
Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble
How the West Was Fun
Billboard Dad
Passport to Paris
Switching Goals
Winning London
Holiday in the Sun
Getting There
When in Rome
The House is Burning
Last Day of Summer
Would You Rather
Person of Interest
The Good Wife
Law & Order: Organized Crime
True Blood - Complotte
Nurse Jackie
Cheaper by the Dozen
Modern Family - Lanny
Lie to Me x Castle - Alexily
Brothers & Sisters
News Channel 5 Nashville
A Cinderella Story
JoJo Siwa
James Bond
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Sound of Music
Baby Driver
Mean Girls
Good Luck Charlie
Orange is the New Black - Chause
Big Little Lies - Zigbella
A.N.T. Farm
Zoey 101
Heroes - Mylar
Breaking Bad - Heisenbitch
Uptown Girls
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
Teen Wolf - Sterek
The Nanny - Cniles
Our Gang
The Little Rascals
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Odd Squad - Orenchid
The Brady Bunch
The Smurfs
Little Miss Sunshine
Covert Affairs - Walkerson
Dark Angel
Dawson’s Creek - Jacey
The Golden Girls
Life with Derek - Dasey
House Arrest
The Good Doctor - Shea
The Sixth Sense
Because of Winn-Dixie
The Breakfast Club - Allindy
3rd Rock from the Sun
American Gothic
How to Get Away with Murder - Coliver
Baby Daddy - Benshua
Blank Check
Scales: Mermaids are Real
Septiplier - Jack/Mark
Girl Meets World
Big Fat Liar
Dog with a Blog
Grey’s Anatomy
Fine Bros Entertainment
Lemonade Mouth
Charlotte’s Web
Turkey Drop
The Young and the Restless - Maressa; Niktor
The Good Place
7th Heaven
Yours Mine & Ours
Party of Five
Pretty in Pink - Anduckie
Grease - Olzuko; Dannickie
The Princess Bride - Fezzigo
Jungle Cruise - MacWolff
Knight Rider - MITT
iZombie - Raine
Dead Poets Society - Anderperry
Malcolm in the Middle - Malcreese
Three's Company
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Little Vampire - Tonolph
Vicious - Fruart
Get Out
The Crucible
Superhost (2021)
Bad Teacher
The Librarians x Hawaii Five-O (2010) - Camy
Mary Poppins
Family Affair
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daggery · 3 years
Gif Maker Appreciation Tag
rules: answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
@iridescentides @deweyduck tysm for tagging me! ❤️❤️❤️
Link a gifset you’re really proud of:
definitely the malvie gifset. i feel like if i could solidify this type of gifset as my Style tm i would be satisfied but unfortunately that requires making more gifsets like this one lmao
Link a gifset where you tried something new:
this huma set i tried out channel mixer and i like how it turned out on the individual harry and uma panels esp
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity:
not a gifset but a little graphic for inej ghafa love of my entire fucking life!!!!! hoping to gif her more from the show in the future when i have more time!!
Link a gifset that you want more people to see:
glowy eyes mal gifset, even though it’s simple it was a gifset i had tried to make several times before but wasn’t happy with for whatever reason until now. gifmaking has rly exposed the way im a perfectionist help. but i do feel like i’ve improved!
Link a gifset that you had fun making:
LOTS of fun making my halloween descendants set, i made it in one day which almost never happens. usually finding the scenes to use is so boring but it was fun to find clips that matched the halloween theme
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series:
haven’t made one yet. i did make a simple descendants giffing meme for myself some months ago, but i haven’t posted it yet because i. dont want to commit to it
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile:
jay eyebrows >:) and i’m still unapologetically obsessed with my xiaohei and wuxian gifset bc it makes me smile but also want to cry in a good way they’re just so found family
Link a gifset that you made for someone else:
the malvie and huma ones^^
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs:
gonna go out on a limb and tag a non mutual to say i love @wespers jamie’s creations!! they were one of the first gifmakers i followed and even though i havent tried out pale coloring yet, you can probably see a bit of the pale gifset format insp in my first(ish) gifset. so yeah they were an inspo for me to start making gifs and i rly love their recent shadow and bone sets!!! (currently in my queue) <3
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs:
@moorsgrimhilde / @malviesbitch sofia is singlehandedly keeping the descendantsedit tag alive with her gifs not to mention how bright and vibrant and pretty they are and i just think thats iconic of her
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs:
@deweyduck i associate her with like, bal, barbie and ALSO!!! this one ducktales gifset whose colors really stood out to me, it’s so pleasing to look at
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love:
@mobei-juns making xiaohei and wuxian sets (latter one currently in queue!) for legend of hei <333 the best shifu-student duo.
@oretsevmal kat’s shadow and bone gifs i adore them, the coloring and text on the malina one is so pretty. also descendants gifs!! i get so happy when i see them
@inejkazjesper the CUTEST jayvie roadtrip au gifset ever. i love gifsets that use clips from videos other than the original movies to create something unique
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets:
@hersilentlanguage i love the text on this jaylos edit with the placement and colors and just nailing the vibes overall, all of their graphics are a+++
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game:
@iridescentides the way i reblogged this gifset again and almost immediately others also reblogged it to reminisce abt everyone collectively freaking out over it as well.. this gifset was literally a community bonding event. also need to mention your colors i literally dont understand how you do it!! 
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from:
@hersilentlanguage i haven’t actually posted anything yet BUT i do have an idea or two for future things hopefully :)))
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!): 
i can count the number of gifmaker mutuals i have on two hands so everyone’s tagged above :)if you’re tagged do this if you want (invitation extends to you too sparrow for your graphics!) ❤️❤️
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iridescentides · 4 years
tagged by @halloweened! thank you so so much bucky
📣 rules: answer the questions and tag some people you want to get to know better or catch up with!
❤ three ships: zutara, malvie, samcedes
🎶 last song: necessary by picturesque
📺 last film: hairspray bc i have an essay about it due today
📚 currently reading: i have never read anything in my life. i dont even have eyes actually
tagging: @daveklaus @candicepatton @summercohen @lukereggies @smilecapsules 
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telli1206 · 3 years
malvie + spiders <3
Thanks Sofia! Sorry I'm a little late with this one, but I had a cute idea to make this Halloweeny/fluffy 💖 I hope you like it!
"Mal, NO."
Mal pauses, her arms still suspended mid-air as she cranes her neck to look at Evie. She's clutching at a thick, faux-cobweb that she's in the middle of hanging, and Evie's glaring at her crossly from her spot in their doorway.
"What? What'd I do now?"
Evie scoffs and stomps her way across the room, snatching a ridiculously huge styrofoam spider off her bed on her way and whipping it at Mal. Mal blocks the blow with her hand, chuckling quietly and biting back a smile. But Evie just stares back, an intense frown darkening her usually bright, happy face.
"Don't play dumb now, Mal Bertha! I know I told you that I didn't want you decorating our room with these!" She picks up the spider again from its new place on the floor and waves it menacingly. "I hate spiders so much - they're going to freak me out! Do you want to make it so I can't sleep at night??"
Mal pretends to think for a moment before grinning saucily. "Well, yeah actually, I do. But not for that reason," she teases. She waggles her eyebrows, and Evie can't resist cracking a small smile at that. But her features harden again almost instantly, and she folds her arms and cocks her hip as she continues to frown at her girlfriend.
"Oh come on, babe!" Mal groans, setting the cobweb down to fully face Evie. "You know I wanted to spook-up our room, and you were fine with it! I swear I wasn't trying to scare you on purpose."
She grabs for Evie’s hips, gently pulling her closer, and Evie doesn’t resist. She keeps her head down, though, refusing to meet Mal’s gaze.
“Babe. Princess. Evie,” Mal persists, tilting her head to try to catch Evie’s eye. “I promise, I didn’t mean to upset you. I thought these spiders were so fucking...obnoxious and big that you’d never even think that they were real.”
Mal yanks the spider out of Evie’s hand and throws it behind her before grabbing Evie’s chin and tilting it back up to look at her. The pretty bluenette fakes a full pout on bright red lips, and Mal chuckles before matching it with one of her own, then leaning in to press their foreheads together.
“Can you ever forgive me for scaring you oh so terribly? I can take the spiders down if you want me to.”
Evie’s blinks, her pout fading to a blank stare as she watches Mal carefully. After a few tense seconds, she presses a soft kiss to Mal’s lips and breaks into a smile.
“I wouldn’t want you to undo all your hard work for me,” Evie sighs, glancing around the room at all the already hung cobwebs, dangling from every corner.
“But...” she adds, chewing on the corner of her grin. “I might need to sleep in your bed for a bit. I mean, at least until you take them down. If, that’s ok with you. So I’m not terrified when I wake up every morning.”
Mal’s smile spreads wide at that, and she raises a suggestive brow. “I think that could be arranged, princess. For as long as you need.”
She pecks Evie’s nose, prompting a giggle, before doing the same to her lips, over and over until Evie pulls back, breathless and panting from laughter. She pushes against Mal’s face, forcing her to take a step back before letting her hands drop. But Mal still leans in again to steal another kiss, smugging proudly at Evie’s now smeared red lips.
“You know Eves, you’re not giving me much incentive to take those spiders down. Ever,” she teases, and Evie just rolls her eyes and smiles.
“We can’t have those up for Christmas, you dork. That would look awful.”
Mal perks a brow. “I’m just sayin’, don’t be surprised if one day you come back and those suckers have on Santa hats and string lights.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Evie groans.
She yelps when Mal swoops an arm around her waist then, pulling her back in and smashing their bodies together.
“Don’t ever underestimate my need for cuddle time, Eves.”
Send Me A Halloween Prompt!
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ao3feed-malvie · 4 years
Something Wicked This Way Comes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31U2C9A
by regretfully_yours
Supernaturals aren't so different from humans.
They both can needlessly hate and partition into groups, casting out others based on fear or stereotypes.
The Florian family has watched over Auradon for centuries, keeping the peace by expelling questionable supernatural beings to the Isle of the Lost. Villains, criminals, the accused, and so forth were sent over to an island not found on any map and largely forgotten aside from the occasional check-in or supply delivery. A recent spike in rouge supernatural activity inspired the new leader of the Florian's to recruit from the Isle to help deal with the problem. He hopes to reform those who come over through work that protects the city, so they can be given a chance to live on the mainland.
Mal views it as conscription, but her magic zings now that she is off that stupid rock. Evie sees her service as an opportunity for a better life. Carlos wavers, he is distrustful of the deal offered to them and yet has only experienced three full meals a day while on Auradon. Jay is fine with anything as long as his friends remain by his side.
(TL;DR: Supernatural AU with elements of Descendants canon ft. Malvie and Jaylos just in time for Halloween.)
Words: 2627, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Descendants (Disney Movies), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Evie (Disney), Mal (Disney), Jay (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Ben (Disney: Descendants), more will be added as we meet them, Fairy Godmother (Disney)
Relationships: Evie/Mal (Disney), Jay/Carlos de Vil, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, I am incoporating bits of canon into the AU, daemon mal, demon mal, possessive Mal, dinjin jay, Protective Jay (Disney), mage evie, Established Relationship, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Soul Bond, Claiming, Protective Mal, Everyone Is Gay, True Mates, Mal and Carlos are more instict driven in some cases bc of what they are, Magic, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Hurt/Comfort, new creatures/ beings will require more tags, Non-Consensual Kissing, kind of dubcon at one point, Mind/Mood Altering Substances
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31U2C9A
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kanmae-west · 4 years
Tumblr media
Sounds like our shoot shall be published by @malviemag!!!!!! How exciting!!!!! I’m so happy and honored to work with makeup artist / prosthetic creator @elizabethcolours, and photographer / headdress inventer, @shelly_erwich. Proud of us!!!!!!! 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 . . . . . #photoshoot #altmodel #tattoomodel #seattlemodel #lindseyferrari #medusa #bodypaint #halloween #halloweenfashion #halloweenphotoshoot #serpentine #happyhalloween #halloweencostume #costumes #mythology #greekmythology #siren #prosthetics #prostheticmakeup #headdress #malvie #malviemagazine #published #publishedmodel #prosthetics #prostheticmakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/CHgoYsSJjcK/?igshid=17n7nzy44ah3h
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descendants halloween week - day 1
prompt: vampire
pairings: jay x carlos ; mal x evie
rating: T for sexual references/language
cameron boyce had somewhat long incisors and it inspired this little ficlet. i miss you, cam. thinking of you always. 
The deciding of Jay’s costume for the Auradon Prep Halloween Party had been very last minute.
“You look good,” Carlos told him for the hundredth time, fixing his own eyeliner in the mirror. He’d gone a bit heavier on the stuff tonight, and it stood out against the pale white foundation he had on. 
“You look sexy,” he blurted back, raising an eyebrow. “I like that makeup.”
“I’m shocked,” his boyfriend deadpanned, applying the final touches to the fake blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. “Stop gawking, Jay, or we’ll never make it out the door. Do you want Evie to be on our asses about being late or not?”
“Not.” Jay returned his attention to the mirror in front of him. “‘Los, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m ready. That’s the whole point of this costume, right? I don’t have to do anything?”
Huffing, Carlos set the vial of fake blood on the bathroom counter and turned to Jay, messing with the shredded shirt and dangling the sleeve off his shoulder. “It has to look - hold still - more disheveled. Mess up your hair. Oh, shit, not like that - give me the brush.” Carlos snatched it from him, artfully teasing Jay’s long strands until he was satisfied. “Now hand me the foundation - not that one, the darker one.”
After several more minutes of fussing and adjusting from Carlos, Jay thought he looked pretty damn good. The smudges of dark foundation streaked across his mostly bare chest and cheeks like mud, and the shirt definitely looked more “ruined” after whatever Carlos had done to it. There was one last thing, though - the defining element of his costume - that needed approval.
“Hey, Pup?” Jay turned his neck, pointing to the two red bite marks on his neck - perfectly spaced and fang-like. “This look alright?”
Carlos’ lips curled into a wicked grin. “That,” he laughed, “is the best damn part.”
“Christ.” Jay loved the look in the freckled boy’s eyes, how he eyed the bite like it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “Never took you as the possessive one in the relationship.”
“A fatal mistake on your part.” Carlos leaned into the mirror, baring his teeth. He hadn’t needed to buy fangs from the costume store, as his own incisors were prominent and pointy enough already. Jay loved his boyfriend’s natural kind-of baby fangs; he liked to tease Carlos that he was a real vampire sometimes.
“Ready?” Jay motioned dramatically to the door. “I got like a hundred ideas for pranks to play on these sons of bitches. They’re too soft; they have an entire holiday dedicated to scaring people, and they always default to giving out candy instead.”
“As long as I get some chocolate,” Carlos laughed, “I’m good.”
The girls met them at the bottom of the stairs, raising their eyebrows. Evie looked stunning as always, dressed as a ghoulish Snow White - her makeup corpse-like and dark, as if the princess had never been awoken with True Love’s Kiss. And although Mal had initially complained about dressing up as a princess, she didn’t look any less terrifying in her zombified Aurora costume - right down to the golden curly wig on her head.
“You know,” Jay commented, gesturing to her getup. “Audrey might take some serious offense to that.”
“Well, let her,” Mal shrugged. “I heard she’s coming as my mother with a sword-in-the-heart just to torment me, so I’m just meeting her challenge.”
“And I already cleared mine with Snow,” Evie added, looking a little breathless. “She said it was a spookily perfect idea.” She’d been speaking - tentatively - with her step-sister, and so far, things had been going pretty well from what Jay had heard. He was just glad he didn’t have to beat any princesses up for disrespecting her.
“Well, I said you should go as a Sexy Snow White, but I was outvoted,” Mal shrugged, the comment earning her a nice solid punch from her girlfriend and an indignant “Mal!”
“Changing topics,” Evie laughed, still blushing fiercely as she stepped forward to inspect them both. “What have we got here? Carlos was very secretive on the phone this morning, and I’ve been bugging him about it all afternoon. All he said was ‘there’s more to it than meets the eye.’”
“You little shit,” Jay muttered to Carlos with a smile.
“Well, I’m a vampire,” Carlos grinned, showing off his costume. “And he’s my victim.”
Jay pointed to his ripped ensemble and the bite on his neck. “He got me.”
Evie’s eyes were bright. “That’s adorable! And Carlitos, your makeup is stunning.” She came closer to inspect the bite on Jay’s neck, turning around to motion Mal closer. “Wow, who did the makeup on this? Carlos, was this you? It looks so realistic!”
Even Mal looked impressed as she peered in, ruffling Carlos’ curls. “Pretty solid, Spots. You might just be as good as Evie with a brush.”
“You wanna know a secret?” Carlos batted his eyelashes, smiling angelically at the girls. “Jay got that hickey last night. It’s not makeup - just a fuck mark.” Then he grabbed Jay’s hand and took off towards the doors at a run, laughing like an idiot in love.
“You wild little fuckers!” Mal called after them, hiking up her skirt to follow. “You planned your entire costume in one day around a hickey?? I’m surprised the people next door don’t hate you both!”
“You bit the shit out of him, Carlos!” Evie shouted, her heels clicking on the cement as the girls burst through the doors behind them. “What, is that like a kink or something? Dammit, those sharp little almost-fangs of yours did that, didn’t they?”
“Maybe I’m a real vampire after all!” Carlos joked over his shoulder with a laugh. “And what Jay and I do in the bedroom is entirely our secret!”
“You better not take that makeup off tonight,” Jay told him under his breath as they ran. “I meant what I said earlier; it’s sexy.”
“Round two, huh?” Carlos laughed, slowing to a stop just as they reached the entrance to the party - the girls a few yards behind them. “Too bad we don’t have another costume party tomorrow night. We’ll have to cover up the marks with regular old foundation in the morning.”
And this time, it was Jay’s turn to flash an evil smile. “Who said anything about covering my hickeys up?”
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harryuma · 4 years
day 1: vampire (chil) 
day 2: ghost  (cjevie & hevie) 
day 4: werewolf  (no central pairing but a mention of audrevie) 
day 5: witchcraft (audrevie)
day 6: scary movies (umal)
day 7: free prompt (malvie and a little bit of jaylos) 
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