#mama is also what i call my mom so it hits extra hard for me
distortingbones · 2 years
can't stop thinking about you could've raised a better girl like. god that's it isn't it. that's what it is to be someone who doesn't realize they may be trans until adulthood, but who has always felt a connection to the "other" gender. 45 years old telling their proverbial mother, you could've raised a girl if only i had understood myself sooner. you could've raised a girl if only i'd had the words for what i felt. you could've raised a girl if only i wasn't forced into maleness from birth. you could've raised a girl if only you'd seen me and listened to me and been the mother that i needed you to be. and i think i would have been better as a girl, and i wonder if maybe i wouldn't have been a disappointment to you if i'd been raised as your daughter instead of your son. and yes, i could have been a better son, but only if i were somebody else. maybe i should have tried harder to be a better son to you but maybe you could have been a better mother to me. maybe i would be a better girl now if you had raised me that way.
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
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Ha, okay i'll bite. @soft-and-exhausted​ Trigger warning for stupidity and...bears...i guess..under the cut
#and my step brother who fought a bear in a cave up in canada once
So keep in mind that i only ever met this step brother once - he was six years older than i was and had long since moved out by the time my mom got together with his dad, so all these stories were told to me second hand by my stepdad (who was the BEST btw) and i'd just sit there listening in teenage awe at the vaguely godlike figure my step brother represented. He was (is?) a quaterback down south somewhere, he was a total asshole with a huge ego that was unfortunately somewhat warrented because he also just was That Cool. One time he got lost in the desert for a few days (because he got angry and went on a ‘walk’) and scared the shit out of his dad, but that's another story.
ANYWAY from time to time he'd go up to the vancouver area of canada to wander the wilderness or whatever it is egotistical manly men do up there (fishing?) because...i dunno...i guess washington's wilderness wasn't wild enough for him. And from what i remember he always did this alone - probably because of the whole asshole thing (he had a ‘difficult’ personality). He also wasn't completely stupid, he and I both grew up in roughly the same area of the northwest and its hard to grow up there and not absorb at least a little bit of hiking skills. At some point in one of his canada trips he found himself in a cave - i can't remember if he was sheltering there overnight or for a storm or what. But as it turns out this cave also had *gasp* a BEAR. Who would have thought!
Yeah the bear was not happy. My step brother did not die, nor was he maimed, but he was hurt. The way his dad tells it, it was a full on battle for the cave, and his son didn't have a gun or anything (bear spray doesn't work just as a fyi for anyone reading this looking for real tips), but he stiILL WON. Which is insane. And did not help with my step brother's ego, I'm sure. We were all obviously very glad that he did not get eaten. But also the whole story smacked of stupidity and easily avoidable dangerous situations.
To contrast, my dad the hiking fanatic who has been over aLL of washington including rainier...has met a bear close up exactly ONCE. Unlike my step brother, my dad hikes alone (or with me) because he is shy and desperately terrified of most conversation. But it is definitely still a choice and not one i would reccommend. My dad didnt even tell me this story till long after it was over and he brought it up on a different hike we were taking together, completely casually as if near-death-experiences were normal. Apparently he'd been hiking alone on either mt defiance or granite (i cant remember which) and he only made it to the fields of bear grass. You must understand, when hiking in the northwest the mountains are literally covered in pine trees so it isn't until you hit a certain elevation that the tree cover starts to thin. And at that elevation you also get this magical beautiful plant ‘bear grass’. I bet you can guess why people call it that.
So my dad is walking along, fully aware that its bear season and the bear grass is high, so he's being extra cautious. And sure enough he sees a small dark lump a few feet away from the trail near a bush. His first reaction was ‘aw cute a baby bear’ but then his intelligence kicked in and he started looking around and sure enough he saw the mama bear...on the opposite side of the trail. In order to continue to the top of the mountain my dad would have had to pass between the mama bear and the baby bear.
Yeah my dad is not stupid, he turned around and went the fuck home lol. Be like my dad, don't fight bears. Live to climb the mountain another day.
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capncassas · 2 years
Syverson | A Dog Named Kevin
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Summary: Your mom is coming to visit, but the new puppy keeps making messes all over the house - until you find out it isn’t the pup but the big beast himself.
Word Count: 863
Warning: Fluffy Smut, mostly all implied, still 18 +.
Please don’t repost my writing anywhere, but do feel free to like, comment and re-blog, I am a fragile bean who needs love and support. If you would like to be added to my tag list send me a message.
Tag List: @littlebirdofrivia @smile-sugar @ughdontbeboring @peachatori @daddys-littlewhitegirl
“Damn it, Kevin.” You’re trying to get the house straightened up before company comes over, that company being your mother and the new puppy can’t seem to stop messing up every single rug in the house. In between vacuuming, dusting, and polishing the furniture you walk into the kitchen and find the rug in front of the sink tossed across the room.
The rug in front of the back door is tossed askew, then the one at the back door is too.
It’s hard to stay mad at the cute little pup, that one floppy ear cocked toward you as you run around the house in what Sy calls your, ‘house cleanin’ clothes’.
It was once a navy-blue sun dress with spaghetti straps and bright yellow daises printed all over it. You’ve also outgrown it a bit since you first bought it. It used to reach your knees about five years ago when you grabbed it off the rack at Wal-Mart, now it hits your thighs and you have to hang onto the fraying hem when you bend over otherwise your whole ass is on display.
Now days the skimpy little dress is thin and faded, hugging every dip and curve of your body, it emphasizes all those sugar hills as Sy likes calling them.
“Are you kidding me?”
You’re headed back to the utility room to move clothes from the dryer and transfer another load when you see that the rug at the back door has been kicked all the way from the door to the entrance of the hallway.
Sy’s been working in the yard all day, he loves motivating that new zero-turn lawn mower he got with his income taxes around the yard.
Of course, you can’t complain, Sy shirtless doing yard work is one of your favorite things.
Just as your bending over to pick up the rug Sy opens the screen door and whistles. “Damn, baby. I’m tempted to go back out just so I can come back in just so I can see that all over again.”
Your back is to him, dress riding up the back of your thighs so the bottom of your butt cheeks visible and a little something extra. That peach he loves so much. You sigh, straightening up and tugging the dress back down. You’ve been married for five years and he can still make you blush.
“Babe, will you take Kevin for a walk or somethin? No sooner do I get somethin’ clean he’s making another mess… I know he’s just bored and needs to burn some energy off.”
Sy leans his elbow on the frame of the door, grinning. “What’s he doin’ that’s got you all in a tizzy, sweet cheeks?”
You long since stopped expecting Sy to understand the way your mind works or the way that when you clean something you need it to stay clean for longer than five minutes.
“He’s running around playing and keeps throwing the rugs all over the dad-gum house and mama’s gonna be here in an hour and I just want the house to look nice when she gets here.”
Ah yes, the infamous visit from the mother-in-law. You went into a house cleaning frenzy every time.
“Alright baby, calm down…I’ll take him for a run.” Sy said, giving a whistle and you heard Kevin start hauling it from wherever he was in the house and skid across the kitchen rug on his way to the back door.
As soon as Kevin and Sy are out of the house you straighten all the rugs and attack the kitchen floor, re-sweeping and mopping before Sy gets back with the German Shephard puppy, carrying him in his arms. It looks like he’s ready for a nap so Sy drops him off in his bed and walks back out to the kitchen finding you bent over the dining room table, polishing the wood, glancing toward the back door thinking you heard a car to see that the rug… is crooked.
“Dwight William Syverson…”
Before you can get the next set of words out, he’s behind you, gripping your hips as he pulls you back against him.
“Yes misses?”
“Did you mess up that rug?”
“I messed all of them up.”
He roars a laugh as you twist around to glare up at him.
“Why would you do that?”
“Cause I love watchin’ you fix’em and it makes my dick twitch when you get all riled up over things not bein’ just the way you like them.”
There’s that grin that made you fall in love with him in the first place as his hands trail around your back and grip your ass, easily lifting you up onto the dining table, leaning into you as he begins to kiss down the side of your neck. “Been thinkin’ about doin’ this to you all day.”
Gulping, your already leaking as he tugs you closer.
“Sy, mama’s gonna be here in like fifteen minutes.”
You can feel him smiling as he kisses your shoulder, sliding one of the spaghetti straps off your shoulder before he grabs his belt buckle, unfastening it.
“Then we better get started, darlin.”
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raven-san, can we please have a wedding crashing where jade needs to marry this girl from another crime family to consolidate power and become the next head of the leech mob :)) but floyd's like I'M BORED and annoyed that his brother's being snatched up by a random chick, so he asks basketball bros, and azul, to help save jade?
This one is super long, so I added some extra sections and placed the rest of the wedding crashing below the cut!
***Spoilers for Jamil and Floyd’s Unique Magic!!***
"I object to this wedding...!"
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Pre-Wedding Jitters
A call comes for the twins in the dead of night, without warning. It’s their parents with exciting news: they’re naming Jade as the next Don Leech. The catch? The Leech mob’s in the middle of a merger with the Worm mob, and he’ll have to marry Don Worm’s daughter to secure the deal.
Jade, ever the dutiful son, is honored by his future title and calmly agrees to the arrangement. On the other hand, Floyd’s annoyed by the idea, and can’t keep quiet about his irritation. He calls out to his twin in the darkness.
“... Ne, Jade.”
“Ee, Floyd?”
“Are you really okay with going through with this? You’re just gonna do what they said? Even though you don’t know the Worms at all? Even if you’ve never met that girl before?”
“It is a request coming directly from father and mother. How could I refuse them? And, furthermore... If I do not undertake this task, then it would fall to you, the next choice to inherit the title of Don Leech. I cannot allow that to come to pass--fufu. You do so enjoy your freedom, yes?”
“... Jade, you’re so dumb sometimes. What’ll happen to your freedom, then? Will you get so busy with being the big boss and being married... that you won’t have time to play anymore?”
“... Perhaps. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
That thought doesn’t sit well with Floyd--not at all.
“I trust that you will make your own fun of the situation,” Jade reassures him. “You always do.”
As the weeks pass, Floyd sees less and less of Jade around, since he has to prepare for the wedding. Jade reassures him that he’s doing just fine, but Floyd can see right through his lies. He can tell that Jade’s more frazzled than usual--there’s a lingering to his words, and a longing in his eyes, savoring every last bit of autonomy he has before his fate is forever sealed.
Floyd hates it. He hates being lied to by his own brother, and he hates feeling powerless to stop the wedding. Floyd’s so angry that he develops this murderous aura in the weeks leading up to the wedding, which makes everyone around him shy away.
One day, he gets sick of being in the water--it’s a reminder of the wedding to come--so Floyd plays basketball on land to vent. He ends up chomping down so hard that he deflates a ball, then dunks another basketball so hard, he breaks the net.
He sprawls out on the ground and angrily shouts at the sky. His basketball bonks him on the head... and that’s when an idea hits him: maybe he can’t stop the wedding alone, but no one said he couldn’t phone some friends.
Assembling the Dream Team
Floyd first dials up Azul, who agrees to help after some whining and signing a contract agreeing to pay Azul handsomely for his services (... although truthfully, the octopus does want to help Jade, but doesn't immediately agree to do it because of his pride as a businessman).
Floyd also calls his old basketball buddies for help! Jamil and Ace are much more adamant than Azul, but Floyd strongarms them into pitching in. ("Umihebi-kun, Kani-chan, if you don't help me rescue Jade, I'll get suuuper mad, you know? I don't think you'll like me when I get mad. Moray eels are strong hunters, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me to track you guys down and give you a good squeeze~" "OKAY, OKAY, WE'LL DO IT!!")
Together, the four boys meet up to scheme of a way to disrupt the wedding without jeopardizing the Leech mob's future. Floyd actively leads the discussion, allowing his hidden genius to come to the surface.
Ace doesn’t contribute much to the strategy (laid out by Azul), but he does keep the spirit up with some jokes. Meanwhile, Jamil provides snacks for them when they work late into the night (though he keeps passing semi-glares to Azul whenever the octopus compliments him or tries to be friendly).
In preparation for the crashing, Azul brews some potions to give Jamil and Ace so they can take on temporary merforms. After all, the wedding will be underwater, in the Coral Sea, and they’ll need tail fins.
The date of destiny draws ever closer... and Floyd's never been so excited to cause chaos in his whole life.
The Crashing - Team Azul & Jamil
They split into two pairs on the day of the wedding—Azul and Jamil, and Floyd and Ace. Floyd uses his position as the future son-in-law to Don Worm to arrange a meeting between himself and the don... except Azul and Jamil will show up instead.
Don Worm shows up to the meeting in his finest clothes (which is very little, given that he’s a merman), sounding a bit annoyed the sudden summoning. “Make this quick, I’ve got to go see my baby girl’s big day... Wait. You fellas aren’t the F. Leech boy.”
“No, we aren’t, sir. We are his representatives... Proxies, if you will,” Azul insists, giving his warmest and most welcoming smile. He uses a tentacle to tug on Jamil’s tail, forcing him to smile too. “You see, there is an important business matter we needed to discuss with you on behalf of Floyd.”
“Hoh? And what would that be?”
“I believe my business associate would be better off explaining the matter than myself.” Azul gestures to Jamil, who has his head down.
“Oi, what’s with you? Don’t you know who I am, boy? It’s rude to not look your elders in the eye when they are speaking to you!! Show me the respect I deserve, from one professional to another!!”
“My apologies, sir.” Jamil looks up, locking eyes with the mob boss. “... Is this better?”
“Yes, that’s...”
“Snake Whisper.”
Don Worm suddenly goes glassy-eyed and slack-jawed. Azul claps at the sight, showering his partner with compliments. “As expected of the talented Jamil-san! Even one look from you can bring a mafia lord to his downfall. Truly, your Unique Magic is most impressive!”
“Save your flattery for later.”
Azul’s lips curl into a smirk as he whips out a golden contract from his briefcase and offers it to the don. “Now then, if you wouldn’t mind, sir... sign on the dotted line.”
The Crashing - Team Floyd & Ace
Ace and Floyd rush to the wedding venue, their tails cutting through the water like knives as they swim at a breakneck pace. Ace can barely keep up with Floyd, who surges far ahead.
“H-Hey, should we really be barging in like this?! Don’t mob families have weapons and other dangerous stuff? Is there a backdoor we can take instead? Hello?! Floyd-senpai, are you listening to me?!” (He isn’t.)
The open, underwater comes into view, and Floyd barrels in without any hesitation, tearing right through some decorations and knocking over the wedding cake with his tail. A loud CRASH! echoes through the waters, drawing eyes to him.
Jade stares at his brother from the altar—wide eyed, but a mirthful smile on his lips. Floyd waves to him, and then to his mom and dad in the crowd of guests. “Hiii, Jade! I’m here to pick you up now.”
The Worm girl starts sobbing, wailing something about how her special day’s been ruined, and where is her papa to put an end to this? At her signal, security guards, and some of the rougher looking guests—Worm family associates—lunge at Floyd, claws and teeth out. A few of them have produced wands, and what seem to be guns—loaded with harpoons.
“Bind the Heart!” Objects and stray magic go flying in all directions, hitting both people and wedding decorations. Cloth tears, columns crumble—but it’s one man against many, and he can only bind so many hearts before the blot starts to stack.
Ace makes it just in time, sending their foes and their weapons hurtling through the water with a blast of wind. “This is why I said to be careful, dammit! Your Unique Magic’s such a crapshoot—don’t just use it whenever, or you’ll be sushi!!!”
“Ahahahah! Kani-chan’s being all heroic today! That’s so cute. Don’t worry, I can play my part, too...!!”
Using his tail, Floyd hooks around a drifting merman and chucks him straight into another. They collide with a CRACK!—but Floyd barely registers it. He’s already bolting off, grabbing heads and smashing them together, slicing through others like a knife through butter.
There’s a crazed, frenzied look to him, gleeful laughter cutting through the waters and mixing with the Worm bride’s screeching. I forgot how scary Floyd-senpai can be, Ace realizes. (Jade and Floyd’s parents are cheering for him from their seats.)
Jade looks quite proud of his brother, even laughing along to the brutal slaughterfest. His bride stares at him incredulously. “Stop that brute! He’s ruining MY special day!!”
“No,” Jade replies calmly. “I don’t think I will. This is far too amusing to let it end so soon.”
She lets out a frustrated scream and launches herself at her groom, hands going for his throat. The Worm girl is slammed back with a strong hit to her gut, courtesy of Jade’s tail.
She flies back, slamming into a column—and feels a tail wrapping around her and squeezing tight. Constricting her to the point where it was difficult to breathe. A livid mermaid glares down at her, teeth bared in a snarl.
“No one lays a hand on my children,” Mama Leech declares. “No one.”
From the corner of her eye, the Worm girl can see that Jade has cast off his bow tie and flitted over to Floyd, embracing happily in a battlefield adorned with red ribbons trailing through the water. Her vision is abruptly blocked off by a broad-shouldered merman wearing a grimace.
“Now then, what shall we do with this one?” Papa Leech wonders aloud—though from his tone of voice, he has nothing good in store.
The Aftermath
“You’re all fish bait when daddy hears about this...!” the Worm girl warns, her words raspy. “Th-The merger won’t go through...! There’ll be war between the Leeches and the Worms...!”
A loud throat clearing comes from behind. “Fortunately, that won’t be happening.”
Azul and Jamil make their appearance, the octopus merman smugly showcasing a contract. “Ashengrotto—Azul Ashengrotto, legal and business extraordinaire at your service, Don Leech and Lady Leech.”
Papa Leech grunts. “What’s that you’ve got there?”
“This?” Azul’s smirk widens. “Why, it’s a prenuptial stating that, in the case that an act of violence is enacted by the bride toward the groom, the marriage is considered null and void... and the bride’s family assets are to be claimed by the groom. Signed by Don Worm himself.”
“Wh-What?! Impossible!! How did you get daddy to sign such a stupid deal?!”
“Oh,” Jamil says nonchalantly, “we have our ways.”
“So... Uh, Jade-senpai’s still gonna be the next Don Leech?! And he’s gonna be in charge of an even bigger and richer family... How is that any better than the situation before?! You’re just giving him more resources for committing crimes!”
At that moment, two hands come down on Ace’s shoulders, causing him to freeze up.
“Kani-chaaaaan! Everyone!! Thanks so much for your help~”
“Yes, you have my sincerest thanks, Ace-san, Jamil-san... Azul.”
“It is my pleasure to assist such VIP clients. Ah, but there remains the matter of my promised payment—” (Jamil and Ace internally groan at Azul’s words.)
“Payment?” Don Leech scoffs. “After the ballsy operation you boys pulled off today... I’m more inclined to give you job offers instead of a one time sum. How do you lads feel about being hired as the Leech family’s personal lawyer, interrogator, and... well, whatever the heart one is good at.”
“My, my! Such a generous and lucrative offer—“
“There is no way I’m accepting that, especially if that means working with Azul.”
“Oi, I’ll have you know I’m good at lots of stuff!! I’m the one that saved Floyd’s tail fins, is no one gonna acknowledge that?!”
“You did amazing, sweetie!!” Mama Leech chirps—her tail grip tightening until the Worm girl passes out. Ace leaps back in fright. “As a reward, why don’t you let me give you a hug?”
“Ahahahah! Everyone’s getting along so well, Jade. Isn’t this fun? You wouldn’t be able to enjoy this if you had gone to get hitched.”
“Fufufu. You are correct, Floyd. How sad it would have been if I were to miss out on touching moments such as this. From the bottom of my heart... I thank you for thinking of me, and for rushing to my aid. I could not have asked for a better brother.”
... What Floyd doesn’t know is that this was all according to keikaku Jade’s own machinations. He would never take the order to marry lying down—but he couldn’t outright defy it without immediate consequences, either.
Thank the Great Seven Jade has reliable puppets friends to help him out of a pinch. I’ll be certain to put the additional funds we have gained to good use... Perhaps to start a little mushroom farm.
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Falling For You But You Are Worlds Away: Chapter 1
Summary: After a close call with a reporter that resulted in Simon getting hurt, Linda makes a difficult and heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, Wilhelm returns to Hillerska, hoping to at least rekindle his friendship with Simon, only to find that even that was no longer possible.
Title inspired by Taylor Swift's "Come Back, Be Here."
Note: So... after several weeks of obsessing... I finally did it... I finally wrote Young Royals fanfic. And, I really shouldn't because I have Grad school and a part-time job and I barely have time to breathe.Speaking of that, I probably won't have a consistent update. There might be times when I disappear for several weeks. Please be patient and understanding with me, I'm still trying to balance school and work.
AO3 link
It was supposed to be a normal day of running errands – a trip to the grocery store, dropping off mail at the post office, and maybe getting ice creams as a treat on the way home. But, no, Simon should have known better than to think that his life would somehow go back to normal during Christmas. After all, the prince had denied his involvement in the viral video and Simon had broken up with him to give both of them some space. This all happened only a week ago.
But, even after all that trouble and heartbreak, here he and his family were, being chased down their own street by paparazzi with their stupid cameras and fake sympathy.
“Simon, won’t you tell us your side of the story?”
“Is Prince Wilhelm lying? Are you in a relationship?”
“Mrs. Erikkson, how did you react when you found out your son may have been involved with the prince?”
“Don’t say anything,” his mother hissed in Spanish, clutching Simon and Sara’s arms tighter against her side.
The plastic bag of groceries was digging into Simon’s skin and he wished he could adjust his grip but he didn’t dare slow down. Those hyenas at his heels could catch them and he didn’t want to give them that satisfaction.
But, then, Sara let out a startled scream. A reporter had grabbed her arm, making her drop the groceries. Clementines rolled out of the bag and onto the pavement.
And, just like that, Simon saw red.
“Let go of her!”
He ripped his arm from his mother’s hold and lunged at the reporter, pushing him away from his shaking sister. The reporter, a middle-aged man who had probably been doing this for a long time, released Sara. But, before Simon could pull her away to safety, searing pain exploded at his cheek. He tasted the blood before he even realized what had happened.
His mom and Sara screamed.
The other reporters began to yell at the first one. Things like “What is wrong with you?!” and “Fuck, you can’t touch our sources like that! We’re gonna get sued!”
His name was being called. It sounded like Sara.
But, Simon, feeling dazed and tired, just stared up at the bright blue sky. He didn't even realize he had fallen to the ground. It was a nice day, though.
It should have been an ordinary nice day.
“Thank you, officer, we really appreciate your help.”
“Just doing our job, ma’am. Please don’t hesitate to call us over if you see any more suspicious individuals around your home. We’ll send someone over, immediately.”
“Thank you.”
Linda bid the police officers a good day and shut the door. With them gone, she finally lowered her mask and allowed the weariness of the day to manifest in her bones. She leaned back against the closed door, letting out the breath she had been holding.
No matter how many times she had dealt with the police, it never failed to make her exhausted. She should be used to this by now.
When she and the kids still lived with Micke, it wasn’t uncommon for neighbors to call the cops to complain about her ex-husband disturbing the peace. Mostly because he was yelling at her and the children. Sometimes, even hurting her. (He never touched the children. Linda never let him. The one and only time he almost laid a hand on Sara was finally when Linda finally gathered her children, important documents, and a few meager possessions and fled into the night.)
Linda believed that they were past all that. That in this new life she built for herself and her children, they would never have to call the police to their home or worry about their safety ever again. But, after what happened to Simon today, she could no longer hold on to that dream. Not for the time being.
She knew what she had to do to keep her son safe, even if it hurt her. Even if Simon would resent her. She hoped he wouldn’t. That he would see that she was doing this for him.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Linda straightened her shoulders, lifted her head, and began to make her way back to the living room, where she could clearly hear her children bickering on the couch.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sara asked her brother.
“I’m fine,” Simon answered, sounding annoyed. “He didn’t even hit me that hard.”
“You could have hit your head!”
“But, I didn’t.”
“You should have left him alone.”
“He touched you!”
Sara pressed her lips together and looked away as she dabbed ointment to her brother’s bruised lip. Simon flinched, which made his sister’s lips quirk to an amused smile.
But, despite her children looking seemingly okay, joking around and teasing each other the way they always did, Linda couldn't stop looking at that dark mark marring her son’s handsome face. 
Clearing her throat, she stepped into the living room.
“Mi amor, how are you feeling?” she asked, sitting on Simon’s other side.
“I’m fine, mama,” he replied, immediately. “It’s just a scratch, it will heal in a few days.” He grinned. “It makes me look badass though, right?”
Sara snorted. “More like reckless.”
“A reckless badass.”
“Mi amor,” Linda interrupted, gently, not wanting them to start bickering again. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Simon straightened up, looking serious. Linda’s chest felt heavy as she took his hand in hers and stroked it. Sometimes, she wished her children were still small and had no other care in the world except for what candy they could get at the grocery store that week.
“It’s about school,” she began.
“I’ll transfer back to Marieberg,” Simon said, misunderstanding where the conversation was going. “I don’t mind. Sara can stay at Hillerska, she has friends there now, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides, Rosh and Ayub are excited to have me back.”
Linda shook her head. “I don’t think you should go back to Marieberg either.”
At that, Simon’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean? I should go to another school? There aren’t any others close by.”
Linda sighed as she looked her son in the eye. “When the… video… first came out...”
Simon flinched and looked down at his feet.
“... I thought about how to… protect you. Especially after what happened today-.”
“Mama, I can handle it,” he interrupted, still unable to look at her. “I was fine today.”
“No, you weren’t,” Sara interjected. “You got punched.”
Simon glared at her. “They’re just reporters, I can handle them.”
Linda squeezed his hand. “It’s not just the reporters, Simon. It’s also… the others. Remember that boy from the other day? He followed you home! He could have hurt you!”
Simon's eyes flashed in anger at the memory. “But, he didn’t, you drove him away. And I would have been fine, I could take him.”
“That doesn’t stop me from worrying!”
Linda ran a hand through her hair, frustrated and cursing her son’s stubbornness. Unfortunately, that was one thing he inherited from Micke.
“Anything could have happened and I can’t protect you! Not at school, not at the grocery store, not even here at home! And do you know what that does to me?! I worry about you every time you’re out of my sight, Simon!” 
Unbidden tears brimmed at Linda’s eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong. She was making the right decision.
“A few weeks ago, I called your Tia Elena. She already knew what happened, the news reached them...”
“Oh, God!” Closing his eyes, Simon groaned and fell back against the couch.
“… and she actually suggested that… you go to live with her for a while.”
Almost immediately, Simon’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. “What?”
“I wasn’t sure, before, because I don’t want you to be away from us. But, after what happened with that boy from the other day and the reporters today… I think this is the best thing for you.”
“To send me to America?! That’s the best thing for me?!”
Simon pulled his hand away from her hold and stood up, presumably to stalk off to his room.
Linda tried to blink away the tears. “Simon, mi amor, please! This is the only way to keep you safe!”
“You’re sending me away! From you and Sara and my friends! My whole life is here!”
“It’s only until this all dies down, I promise. You can transfer back to Marieberg next school year. But, just for this term. Please, Simon.”
She watched Simon’s stiff back as he processed her pleas.
“W-What about a visa?” he asked and the hope in it broke her heart. “Don’t I need one of those? And they take time, don’t they? By the time they process it, school’s gonna start and I still have to travel and-.”
“You have an appointment with the U.S. Embassy the day after tomorrow,” Linda interrupted. “Your Tia Elena took care of everything. She even sent some money along to help with the fees.”
“Oh.” Simon’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “W-Would they even have room for me?”
“There’s only her and Ana now ever since Ricardo left them. And she says you can work at her store to earn some extra money, if you want.”
From the corner of her eye, Linda spotted Sara, who was unusually quiet. Her daughter was staring at her brother, her face unreadable. It was difficult to read Sara these days. But, Linda hoped that her daughter understood why she was doing this.
Sara didn’t want to leave Hillerska and that was fine, she had gone ahead and applied for that Grant to be a resident. But, even if Simon applied for a Grant too and became a resident, he would still get chased by reporters. He would still get recognized and followed by creeps and people who wanted to do him harm in Bjarstard. But, in America, with Linda’s older sister, he could be safe from the scandal.  
“Is there really no other way?” Simon asked, softly.
Getting to her feet, Linda moved towards her son and wrapped him in her arms.
“Mi amor, I know this is difficult for you. It is for me, too. I want nothing more than for you to stay here in Sweden with me and your sister. But, I want you to be safe. I want people to stop stalking you and bothering you about something so… traumatic. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to go to school and live your life in peace. In America, no one knows who you are. You can live normally again, go to school, and even… date someone new.”
Simon flinched in her arms and she regretted her words.
What Simon had with Wilhelm was truly special, something for the books, the kind of love story you often watch on T.V. and read about in books. She had never seen Simon as happy as he had been when he was with the prince, even if they thought Linda didn’t know. (Of course, she knew! She was his mother!) It was only a shame that their story ended in a tragedy that not only broke her son’s heart but also brought negative and unwanted attention onto his life.
“Simon, please,” she begged. “Just for a few months, I promise, mi amor. And, then, you can come home and life will be back to normal, I’m sure. Please.”
Time felt like it was slowing down as they stood there in the middle of the living room, Simon slowly breaking in her arms and Sara only watching helplessly.
Finally, her son let out a breath. “Okay,” he said in a soft voice. “I’ll go.”
Linda burst into tears and buried her face against the fabric of Simon’s orange sweatshirt.
Despite her own heart breaking into pieces at the thought of being away from her son, she was also so incredibly relieved.
The Christmas break was too long, in Wilhelm’s opinion.
He spent most of it making required public appearances, sitting in on council meetings, and attending royal parties. He went about his duties like a robot, his emotions numb and something in him broken. His mother thought he would get over it if she threw enough things at him to keep him busy enough to not think of Simon. But, obviously, it didn’t work.
Simon was the first thing on his mind when he woke up in the mornings and the last thing he thought of before he slept at night. He had tried texting but his texts went unanswered. His calls would result in just ring after ring after ring until voicemail picked up. He spent many hours just scrolling through Simon’s Instagram, not seeing any new posts. Rosh, Ayub, and Sara had all blocked him so he couldn’t even see any posts of Simon, if there were any.
During the yearly Christmas party hosted by the Royal family, it was normally Erik who had to socialize and make nice with all the nobility and distant relatives who came. But, this year, Wilhelm had to do it. And it was fine, at first. He managed to remember some names and those he didn’t remember, he managed to sidestep with a polite “sir” or “ma’am.” But, then… But, then!
His mother introduced to him the daughter of a Duke whose name he couldn’t remember. With the way his mother smiled and practically pushed the girl to his side, Wilhelm knew exactly what she was doing. It ruined the rest of the party for him, as well as that poor girl’s Christmas. Wilhelm was so annoyed that he ignored her when she tried to make conversation. Eventually, he caused her to break into tears when he bluntly said that he didn’t care who designed her dress.
The Queen tried to scold him, called him a disgrace, and demanded that he get himself together. Wilhelm only shot her a blank look, excused himself, and left the party.
There were no more attempts at setting him up after that.
So, when Christmas break ended and it was time to return to Hillerska, he was relieved. He dutifully packed his things, including the small Christmas gift he got for Simon. He was hoping that even if they couldn’t restart their relationship, they could still be friends. Wilhelm would take anything Simon was able to offer him right now, even if it wasn’t what he wanted.
“Your Royal Highness,” Malin called through the door. “You’re supposed to be at the church in ten minutes.”
“Thanks, Malin!” Wilhelm called back to her.
The prince looked over his appearance in the mirror one last time, making sure his school tie was tied properly and his jacket free of lint. Not that Simon would care about those, but Wilhelm wanted to look his best, for once. He even got a haircut over break. He wondered if Simon did, too. He couldn’t wait to see him.
Feeling the anticipation brimming inside him, Wilhelm made his way out of his room. He joined the others in leaving Forest Ridge to head to the church. Ahead of him, Henry and Walter waved, pausing to let him catch up to them.
Despite their initial impression on Wilhelm, they really did mellow out the more he got to know them. And when the video came out, they were the only ones who didn’t look at him weirdly (at least, not blatantly to his face) and never once asked about the video. They even texted him a Merry Christmas over break. He would take their company over August’s.
And, speaking of the devil, there was his traitor of a cousin now, pushing through the other boys to get to him. Wilhelm quickened his steps, not wanting to get caught in a conversation. He had successfully avoided him during the Christmas party at the palace after giving firm instructions to Malin and Johan to ensure that he didn’t get close to Wilhelm.
Luckily, his bodyguards were most likely doing exactly that as Wilhelm made it to the church and slipped into a pew without August catching up to him. Henry and Walter slid in after him, chatting about their holidays.
“Wonder what they’re singing this time,” Walter wondered aloud.
“Hope it’s something good,” Henry added.
Wilhelm only smiled, his annoyance at August finally melting away and replaced by excitement to see Simon and hear him sing again. Christmas break was too long.
Finally, the whole church had filled up and the Headmaster signaled for everyone to be quiet.
The choir entered.
Wilhelm spotted Felice and gave her a small wave. She had remained a great friend to him throughout the break.
As the choir began their song, Wilhelm scanned the heads, looking for that familiar head of curls. Someone else was doing a solo this time, a girl he didn’t know and her voice was nice but it wasn’t Simon. Why wasn’t Simon doing the solo?
Wilhelm couldn’t even hear the song or decipher the lyrics. His eyes desperately scanned all three rows but he couldn’t spot Simon.
Where was Simon?!?! Did he miss the first day of school?!?!
But, Sara was just a few pews ahead. She wouldn’t leave home without her brother.
The excitement that had earlier filled him turned into fear.
Did Simon quit the choir?!
Not caring about how it looked, Wilhelm scanned the pews across from them and the pews behind him, trying to spot those curls. But… he couldn’t see them. Not one strand.
The choir had finished singing now and the Headmaster had stood up to welcome them to another semester, go over the rules of the dorms, and list the school administration’s expectations from their students.
All of it went over Wilhelm’s head.
And, finally, they were dismissed to go to their first class of the day.
Wilhelm shot up and, muttering apologies to Henry and Walter, made his way out of the pew. He ignored the “hello’s” sent his way and hurried to the front.
Sara and Maddie were chatting with each other as they made their way down the aisle, all excited smiles and talking about how wonderfully Felice sang.
The girl slowed down and froze upon seeing him. He saw the anger flash in those normally calm eyes. Then, she turned her gaze away and walked past him.
Wilhelm was not giving up.
He turned around and gave chase. “Sara! Sara, wait! I just need to ask you something.”
“I have nothing to say to you, Prince,” she seethed, not stopping.
He hated to do it but he gently grasped the arm of her school jacket. “Please, I need to ask you. Where’s Simon?”
Sara pulled her arm away, glaring at him. “Why do you ask?”
Wilhelm swallowed. “He didn’t sing with the choir. And I can’t find him anywhere and I just-.”
“He doesn’t go to Hillerska anymore.”
Wilhelm’s heart stopped. “What?”
Sara shrugged, turned on her heels, and walked away. Maddie shot Wilhelm a pitying look before hurrying off after her.  
His chest felt tight. And it seemed like there wasn’t enough air for him to breathe.
Simon... left?
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bitchiha · 4 years
i need some fluff huhu. can i have naruto with mom reader hc or imagines? thank u 😍
A/N: ive never done anything like this before but I like this idea 10/10
Also special credit / mention to @softnaruto because we talked about some of these ideas but w Iruka not a mother figure lol
✎ Being Narutos Mother Figure *sparkles but they’re on fire bc this is chaotic*
Overall, before I get into the details, I’d say this is a very chaotic task lol. You’re probably half dead after dealing w his ass for so long, but seeing this boy that you thought of as your own son grow up before your eyes is so rewarding. It’s great, so wholesome 100/10.
You and Iruka definitely co-parent
Naruto would be constantly protecting you from Jiraiya. Like he doesn’t want the man near you. Runs over to you whenever Jiraiya is nearby and starts screaming “Missus Y/N, run! Pervy Sage is here, I’m doing you a favour, believe it!” No but in all seriousness, take Narutos advice because I know Pervy Sage is tryna hit it.
You end up having to talk to Jiraiya eventually though because you need to know what’s going on with Naruto and the Akatsuki and what you can do to help. Naruto will watch over the interactions like a hawk. Will whip a chopstick at Jiraiya if he tries anything on you, “Back it up pervy Sage! I said three meters apart, there’s no excuse!” So you’d have to meet eachother in secret because you won’t be able to discuss much when the blondies around.
Also, the amount of times you’ve chased his ass around the village after he got into some major trouble is too many times to count. He’s running as fast as he can away from you because he knows you’re gonna whoop his ass lol. Probably even uses his shadow clones, but you know better than to fall for those stupid tricks. No but fr, it’s a really good workout tbh you probably ran a marathon.
You treat him to ramen whenever he comes back from a mission. Sometimes Iruka comes along as well and you both alternate who pays the bill. Naruto always challenges you to a ramen eating competition. Luckily Iruka is there to hold you two back because he knows neither of you are financially stable enough to endure that damage to your wallets.
Literally everyone; Konoha 11, kakashi, iruka, Jiraiya, Tsunade, etc... always threaten Naruto by saying that they’ll tell y/n he’s not cooperating. It works like a charm everytime. There’s no way he wants to hear you lecture him for a good 2 hours. He’d rather get rasenganed into the face than listen to your horrible attempts at being wise.
You always ruffle Narutos hair when you see him. It’s like your signature sign of affection. You also call him “kid” all the time or “youngster” even though you’re like the same age as Kakashi and therefore not old yourself.
He calls you miss. He sometimes calls you Aunty y/n. Refuses to just call you y/n because he wants to be respectful, he looks up to you as a figure of guidance no matter how much he’ll deny it. So no matter how many times you tell him not to call you miss, he will.
Lots of walks! Like you’ll wait for him with Iruka at the village gate when Narutos supposed to return from a mission. It’s like parents picking up their kid from a field trip aweeee. You’ll pack some snacks for the three of you and he fills you in on his missions. He’ll always be like, “Awe no way! Thanks Missus Y/N. You’re the best!” When you give him all the food you packed.
He always comes to you for advice or to rant to you about Sasuke, Sai, Sakura and literally all the other Konoha 11. Lol, but he will rant about you to Iruka and Jiraiya all the time, little does he know you do the same.
Would purposely set you into mama bear mode on Sai for his own amusement. Like he just gets a kick out of watching you confront Sai about calling Naruto some absurd obscenity and watch poor Sai just stand there like: (°_°) lol what do I do? Naruto is snickering behind a tree because he just made that all up. Yamato probably has to intervene when he sees it. Will have to woodstyle justu you when he realizes you’re in mama bear mode.
Hes such a troublesome rat. You love him though. He’s your troublesome rat-son.
Naruto is used to you being hot headed like Tsunade when he gets into trouble, but if you ever take the disappointed route instead, he will cry lol. Like he hates that you’re actually disappointed with him, he didn’t mean to trick you into yelling at Sai, please forgive him.
All celebrations are done with Kakashi, Iruka, Naruto and yourself. Since you all don’t really have any real family to celebrate with, you’ve made your own. It’s so chaotic tho lol.
These events are always ‘surprises for Naruto’ so the cooking is up to you and Kakashi, but Kakashi is so fast at cooking he doesn’t even let you do anything. You have to physically stop him so you could do some of the work. Meanwhile Iruka sets up decorations for the event and he’s probably singing festive songs LOOL. Plus he can’t sing so it’s an extra headache ontop of you yelling at Kakashi to let you do some work.
Then you all surprise Naruto with your half burnt food (while you were fighting the food most definitely lit on fire) and extremely cheesy decorations. Oddly Iruka even decorated the floor. Like wtf. Anyways, Naruto doesn’t really care about how bad it actually was, he was just happy to have people around him that cared enough to invite him to a celebration.
The food is inedible so you go to Ichirakus instead and somehow persuade Iruka into paying for all four of you <3 this happens every holiday so he ends up just saving his money in preparation for it.
Naruto tries to be a matchmaker for you LMFAO. He tries to get you and Iruka together which ends so awkwardly omg, then he’ll try and get you and kakashi together which was even more awkward and DONT get me started on Yamato omg.. He was so nervous he just stared at you the whole time like a googley eyed tree frog or something. Each time you catch onto Naruros little Cupid schemes you tell him to buzz off and that you’re not interested, but he doesn’t listen.
Your other holiday celebrations may be badly executed, but you actually host the best birthdays for him!! You pair up with Tsunade, Shizune, Kakashi, Iruka and Sakura to throw him really memorable birthdays. They may not make up for all the ones he missed celebrations for already, but you do your best to make these extra memorable.
At the end of the night after every birthday party, you walk him home and pat his shoulder sadly talking about how he’s growing up so fast. You probably end up crying because you're sad the little doofus is maturing somewhat. You tell him that and he laughs. Once you’re at his apartment door he’ll grin tiredly and give you a big hug. “Thanks again, aunty y/n.” You probably cry again on the way home bc he actually hugged you. That’s so sentimental omg. That is roughly about what happens every single birthday.
For your birthdays he treats you to ramen and gets you some weird kitchen gadget or something. Figures you’re an adult and they probably need these things. You don't, but you appreciate the gift anyway. 
He buys you flowers every Mother’s Day. It makes you so emotional. You definitely cry. “Awe missus y/n! Not again. You’re so emotional.” He probably starts crying too though lol.
It breaks his heart to see you cry omg. Poor baby is like a lost puppy when you cry. Like not you’re over exaggerated crying, but your said painful crying. Once, after hearing some distressing news about the Akatsuki, you just break down. Naruto has become a son to you after all and you want to protect him so badly, but how can you do that when you’re up against powerful rouge ninjas? You cried in front of him for the when you two were having your weekly dinners at your place, all the sudden you just burst out crying and it hurt him so much because he knew it was because you were so worried about him.
Honestly, he probably ruffles your hair —like you do to him — in attempt to cheer you up. “It’s okay, Aunty y/n. I’ll take care of it, everything will be okay, believe it!”
Oh yah also, speaking of weekly dinners! You guys definitely get together at least once a month or if it’s a good time, once a week to have dinner. We all know Naruto only survives on ramen, so you try and cook him healthy food, but my god he resists so hard. Then you give him that warning look and he chows down that salad so fast lol.
It would be 10/10 he's a great kid
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backtothestart02 · 4 years
Hot to the Touch - 7/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Fake dating trope, anyone? Here it comes! (Only one chap left of this story!)
Commissioned by @andie1223
Also for @izzyllewis for our fics-for-icons arrangement.
Chapter 7 -
Another couple months passed, and with the change in season came a shift in Barry and Iris’ relationship. Barry never initiated these changes, because he was afraid he might lose her if he tried to change anything that might solidify them as more of a couple than an ongoing booty call. It was hard not to get excited though when she made changes.
He was quiet about his reaction to her suggestions every time, just taking it in stride as what she wanted to do. He was a complete doormat when it came to her, and maybe that was a bad thing, but so far he couldn’t see any downside to the way their dynamic was progressing.
First, it was little things. Like, Iris would suggest meeting up earlier in the day too on occasion. She’d say it was because she was extra horny that day, but in truth it wasn’t just that. She missed him. Barry was immediately okay with that, as she suspected he might be, and when he didn’t press for a relationship, she started bringing lunch with her to their afternoon trysts. They’d usually start getting it on halfway through the meal, but that was fine with both of them. They seemed stuck in the honeymoon phase of whatever relationship this was, and they found no problem with that.
Next, and this was kind of a big one, Iris started talking to Barry about his day. At first it was just to see if Becky had made another appearance, and if she should be doing something to combat whatever she was throwing at Barry. But after it became clear that Barry hadn’t had that many more interactions with his ex – all which were flops on Becky’s end – Iris found she genuinely liked knowing what the rest of his life was about other than just how good he could fuck her. Eventually, Barry returned the favor and started asking Iris about her days too. She found she liked the attention and fully opened herself up to gushing and venting about any and everything going on with her.
By the time Thanksgiving break arrived, they were so close and connected, it felt agonizing to be apart for even a weekend.
“So, what are your Thanksgiving plans?” Barry asked her, as she watched her button up her blouse from his recent face dive between her breasts.
Iris shrugged, smiling as she sensed his stare, almost tempted to unbutton her top again just to see the look on his face.
“Strained,” she admitted, to which Barry frowned.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, my mom and dad split up when I was 13. I told you that. My mom took my little brother, and my dad kept me. Things are tense between them when we see each other on the holidays already, but a few months ago my dad started dating again.”
“Ah. Let me guess. She’s coming to Thanksgiving.”
“So, both your mom and your dad’s girlfriend will be in the same room?”
“Uh-huh. And my brother is very much a mama’s boy, so he probably won’t be on his best behavior. He’s had some anger issues in school due to the split. The fact that our dad chose to stay divorced and start dating again instead of trying to work things out with our mom hit him hard. And he takes it out on me because he’s afraid to take it out on our dad, afraid of what he’ll do.”
Barry frowned. “What might he do?”
“Well, my dad wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s been reaching out to Wally for years in fact, but my brother rejects him every time. I don’t know what he expects at this point.”
“Hmm. Sounds like you need a buffer.”
She smiled, swooning at his implied suggestion.
“Thanks, but I am the buffer.”
His brows furrowed in confusion.
“There’s a possibility Cecile, my dad’s girlfriend, will bring her daughter, Joanie. She’s about Wally’s age and obviously very protective of her mother. I don’t know what the situation is with the dad in their family, but if she brings her…” She shook her head, overwhelmed.
She laughed. “Yes, chaos, exactly.”
“Sounds like you need a distraction at the dinner table.”
Iris gnawed at her bottom lip.
“Well, I was thinking of asking Linda to join me, but then…her family goes up north for the holidays, and I don’t think she has a good excuse to not join them this year. Especially after she’s done so well academically this semester.”
“And where does your family have their holiday get-togethers?”
“At my dad’s house in Central City.” She paused, debating, then asked. “You?”
“My parents’ place in Central City.”
“Anyone difficult coming to yours?”
“Just my granddad probably. He adores my mother and loves that my dad is a doctor, but I don’t think he’s real impressed with my accomplishments so far. He thinks I can do so much more than be a CSI with the brain I’ve got, but I don’t really care. It’s what I want to do.”
Iris was immediately turned on by his confidence.
“You really don’t care?”
“Well, of course it’d be great to get his stamp of approval and have him be proud of me, but I don’t need it. My friends Cisco and Caitlin support me and so do my parents.”
“And so do I,” Iris chimed in, smiling brightly and warming Barry’s tummy.
“Iris West,” he propositioned, looking at her gravely. She was still smiling as if all was right in the world. “Will you be my fake girlfriend for Thanksgiving dinner?”
She thought she’d be mortified. She truly believed it would feel like he was pushing her into something she was not ready for and maybe never would be. But this was fake dating, and only for one night. Surely she could manage that. And it would make their prospective dinners easier to endure by far.
“Barry Allen, I would love to.”
That got her a kiss full on the lips, and she giggled helplessly.
The words I love you floated onto her tongue, but she stopped them before they pushed past her lips. It made her still though, and she fought to come up with an excuse so Barry wouldn’t find her sudden tension too odd or related to his recent request.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Uh…nothing. I just remembered something.”
His furrowed brows told her she better come up with something good, and fast.
“I…have to bake a pie.” She paused. “For Thanksgiving.” She paused again. “Sweet potato pie.”
“Sounds yummy. Can I help?”
She smiled, and they both relaxed again.
“And get a free taste before everyone else?” She shook her head. “Uh-uh. I don’t think so.”
He grinned and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“The only thing I want a free taste of is you.”
He lowered his head and nuzzled her face before swooping in for another kiss. Iris wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, moaning against the sweet pressure of his lips.
“You can have that any time,” she mumbled, and deepened the kiss, losing herself in him for a long while until they had to come up for air and go their separate ways.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.”
He grinned like an excited schoolboy caught in a candy store.
“See you tomorrow, girlfriend.”
She laughed at that, waved, and let herself out of the bookstore. A few minutes later, once she was out of sight, he left too.
Iris West was going to be his girlfriend - even if only for one night.
He liked the sound of that.
Barry and Iris didn’t meet that night at the bookstore, because they both needed to pack up and drive to their perspective families’ homes. A light snow started to fall within an hour, so the drive to the West and Allen houses took even longer.
Iris was grateful when she finally arrived at her dad’s. She parked in the driveway next to his car, gathered her purse and overnight bags and headed towards the house. She was proud of herself for wearing her fall boots, since the snow was starting to accumulate on the ground. She slipped on her gloves and hat before approaching the house and then knocked lightly on the wooden door. She had to do it a second time and started to worry because of it, but then the door swung open and a bright smile spread across the man before her.
“Baby girl.”
“Hey, Dad.”
She smiled, stepped up into the house and hugged him tightly.
“Oh, I haven’t seen you in ages.” He pulled back to take her in and then stepped aside. “You must be freezing. Come on in. I’ve started a fire in the fireplace. We’ll have you warmed up in no time.”
Shrugging out of her light jacket and other snow-covered items, Iris set her bags at the foot of the stairs and followed her dad into the living room. The place was usually a mess with the man was left there all by himself, but there was not a single speck in sight. The house was immaculate. It had been cleaned with vacuum, broom, and mop, dusted and organized. Iris hadn’t seen it so nice since before her mom moved out.
“Wow, Dad, this looks nice.”
He stopped and looked around, as if he hadn’t been responsible for the entire thing.
“I had some extra time on my hands and figured it would be nice for the holidays if my belongings were actually put away and not just stacked in the corner of every room.”
He chuckled lightly, and Iris joined him.
“You thought correct.”
“So, you want to get into something warm and we’ll watch a movie? I’m all set up for tomorrow, so we can just relax tonight.”
“Sounds good…”
“Why do I get the feeling you have something you’re not telling me?”
She laughed a little nervously.
“It’s not much, really. I just, um, I have a boyfriend now?”
His jaw dropped.
“And I was kinda hoping it’d be okay to bring him to dinner tomorrow?”
“When did this happen?” he asked, astonished. “I mean, of course putting one more seat at the table is no big deal, but I thought you would’ve told me you met someone. Especially after what happened with…”
She nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
“I just thought you swore off all relationships for the indefinite future.”
She laughed. “I did, but…”
“This one got under your skin?” He smirked.
She felt herself gasp and realized just how true her dad’s words were.
“Something like that.”
He smiled. “Well, I can’t wait to meet him. What’s his name?”
“Barry,” she said. “Barry Allen.”
“And what’s his five-year plan?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Dad.” She rolled her eyes, and he chuckled.
“I’m kidding of course.” He paused for a moment before asking, “But what’s his major?”
She laughed. “Dad!”
“I can’t help it. Your dad wants to know! Will you tell him?”
She shook her head, her eyes alight with laughter.
“Fine, fine… Well, actually…” She frowned. “I don’t even know what his major is.” She laughed. “Something sciencey though. He wants to be a CSI.”
“Oh…very interesting. We don’t have enough of those around. He’d fit in real nicely at CCPD after he graduates.”
“Daaad.” She rolled her eyes again.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He held up his hands in surrender. “No more future talk. Why don’t you get in some comfy clothes and I’ll put in a feel-good movie for us for when you get down. Dinner’s almost ready. We can eat that while we’re watching.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She got up and walked towards the stairs, then stopped and faced her dad who was busily searching for a specific movie in the cubby beneath the TV. “Thanks, Dad,” she said, and he lifted his head to look at her.
“For what?”
She shrugged. “For being you.”
He smiled, and she returned it, then headed up the stairs with her bags and put on something warm and comfy for the night ahead.
Barry yawned when he woke up in his childhood bed the next morning. He’d had a nice evening with his parents, watching home movies and finishing up some last-minute cleaning in the house. His parents were ecstatic to see him, and even more surprised about his announcement that he was bringing a girlfriend to the house for Thanksgiving dinner. They didn’t mind, of course, and they were excited to see who he was bringing, but he decided to keep it a secret until she showed up. He said he’d be going to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner first and would introduce her properly after that.
As the day waned on, Barry started to feel nervous about his “date” at Iris’. He’d waited months to be on an official date with her. And even if this was just pretend and her whole family would be present with them, it still felt very real.
He wondered then if they should’ve discussed how they met and decided to start dating, what they liked about each other, etc. They most definitely should not include sex as part of the story. On Thanksgiving of all times with other controversial things in play, especially at her dinner, that was simply out of the question.
He needed to call her and sort this out.
He pulled out his phone, selected her name in his contacts list and waited for her to pick up.
“Hello?” came a man’s deep voice, and suddenly he worried that she had a boyfriend back home who wanted to know who this ‘Barry’ was calling his girlfriend.
Chills erupted over him, as well as some slight anger. At himself and borderline at Iris. Why would she have a boyfriend and secretly be sneaking around with him for the past three months? It didn’t make sense. Of course it didn’t. What was he thinking? Why would he jump to that conclusion immediately?
“Dad!” He heard in the background on the phone. “Give it to me.”
The deep voice sounded fainter when Barry heard it again.
“I just want to talk to the young man. Find out his intentions!”
“Dad, no! Give it to me! Not on our- Daaaad!”
And that’s when Barry breathed a sigh of relief. It was her dad.
He smiled.
“Barry?” Iris’ voice came on. “Barry, are you still there?”
“I’m here.” He chuckled, smiling brightly.
“It’s not funny,” she said.
“Eh…it’s a little funny,” he said.
She rolled her eyes and smiled.
“So, what’s up?” she asked, walking into another room. “You aren’t cancelling on me, are you?”
“No, not at all!” he was quick to say. “I was just thinking….um…”
“Maybe we should discuss our backstory?”
“Our backstory?” She sounded confused.
“You know, how we met, why we decided to start dating, some cute story the family will want to hear…”
“Oh. Right.”
By the sound of her voice, Barry sensed she hadn’t even thought of it.
“I just thought of it now.”
“Well, I think it’s simple enough.”
“It is?”
“Yeah. I mean, just take the sex out of the equation.”
His laugh was strained. “Meaning?”
She sighed. “Meaning, we met at a bookstore and hit it off at a party.”
“And for a cute story?”
She licked her lips. “Um… I sent a cute text to you in the middle of the open house?”
“A ‘cute’ text, huh?” He smirked.
“Stop!” She laughed. “They don’t need to know the details.”
He laughed harder.
“Barry Allen, I swear, if you don’t-”
But he couldn’t stop laughing. She waited until he was under control.
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
“It’s all right.” There was a smile in her voice. “So, see you later?”
“Five o’clock, sharp.”
“See you then.”
“Goodbye, Iris.”
“Bye, Barry.”
Iris sent Barry the address to her dad’s place half an hour before dinner started. She didn’t know what she expected, but Barry showing up fifteen minutes later with a golden-yellow bouquet of flowers for her certainly hadn’t been it.
“Barry, I take it?” Her dad asked, coming up behind Iris at the front door.
Barry’s eyes bulged at the size of the man, even though they were roughly the same height. He nodded and held out his hand to shake it.
“Mr. West.”
They shook hands.
“Call me Joe,” Iris’ dad said. “I like to keep things casual in this house, especially during the holidays.”
Barry grinned. “Joe.”
“Oh, come on in,” Iris said, grabbing Barry’s arm and pulling him into the house.
She showed him where to take off his shoes, and she took his coat to hang up in the closet at the end of the hall. She gave him a short tour of their home, and as politely as she could, introduced him to her mother, brother, her dad’s girlfriend, and her dad’s girlfriend’s daughter. There were a few other relatives too, but Barry wouldn’t remember their names or their significance later, so Iris only very quickly introduced them before circling back to the fireplace and standing there with Barry until dinner was ready.
“Is that everybody?” Barry joked.
“Everybody here,” Iris said, reaching for his hands to play with his fingers.
Barry lowered his voice and started to lean in.
“I’ve missed you, Iris.”
She caught her breath in her throat.
“It’s only been a day.”
“Still missed you,” he said, and pressed a kiss to her cheek to avoid being scolded.
Apparently it was too far even at that.
“Eww, Gross. PDA,” Wally said in a monotone voice. “Mom, Iris is making out with her boyfriend.”
Barry lifted his head and raised his eyebrows. Wally was playing his Gameboy in his hands, only faintly aware of how close they were and what had actually transpired.
Francine walked over and gave the two of them a look but seemed to understand that her son had exaggerated.
“Put the game away, Wally. We’re with family today.”
“Some family.” He rolled his eyes. But he got up and stuffed his game into his coat pocket in the hallway closet and proceeded to linger in the kitchen, looking for something to eat.
“Iris,” Francine started, but Iris cut in.
“It was a kiss on the cheek, mom. Brief and insignificant,” she said, even though her heart was still racing from the brush of his lips.
Francine nodded, pretty much convinced.
“And what are you majoring in, Barry?”
He smiled lazily, expecting the question.
“I want to be a CSI,” he said. “I like forensics.”
“Oh, very interesting.” She paused, and Barry knew it wasn’t as interesting to her as she had said. Still, it hardly mattered. Iris was beside him holding his hand. “How did you two meet?”
“At a bookstore,” Iris smoothly said. “We bumped into each other in the same section.”
“And what section was that?”
Francine turned with curiosity to her daughter’s boyfriend who had offered up the latter genre.
“Romance, Barry?”
He blushed fiercely.
“Who doesn’t love a good love story?”
She smiled slowly. “Good answer.” Then she walked away.
Iris was on the verge of laughter when Barry finally looked back at her.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
She looped her arm through his and led him into the dining room. Dinner was just about ready.
The rest of the West Thanksgiving dinner went relatively smoothly. Barry and Iris shared the rest of their ‘couple story’ better than they had with Francine, and despite the obvious tension between other members of the family, it appeared that with a non-related member there, they were less inclined to start a full-out brawl in the middle of the dining room table.
Everyone approved of Iris’ last-minute sweet potato pie, and Barry in particular praised it highly.
When it was time for them to go in order to make it for at least part of Barry’s family’s Thanksgiving dinner, everyone was pleasant enough and wished them well as they headed out the door.
“Very good to meet you, Barry,” Joe said, and Barry reached out his hand for him to shake again, but Joe brought him in for a big bear hug instead. “Mind if I call you Bear, for short?”
Barry’s jaw dropped. It was the same name Iris herself had casually called him a time or two.
“Sure,” he said, a lazy smile on his face.
Joe’s grin stretched wide across his face.
“Bye, you two. I’ll see you later, Iris?”
“I’ll bring her back, I promise,” Barry confided, and Iris was just a tiny bit put out. She wanted some time with just the two of them together, but of course she understood. Barry probably wanted time with his family too.
They waved and got in Barry’s car. Within 15 minutes they were at his parents’ house. Only two other cars were in the driveway, one belonging to Barry’s parents and the other to his granddad. There was another vehicle parked across the street, but Barry and Iris didn’t pay it any mind until they walked into the house and found a familiar blonde chatting it up with Barry’s relatives.
“Oh, Barry, you’re-”
Becky’s voice abruptly stopped. Immediately, Barry knew what had happened. Becky had invited herself over, claiming that she and Barry had gotten back together and had just decided to arrive separately. His parents hadn’t known any differently since he hadn’t given specifics.
Now he really wished he had.
“Who is this?” Barry’s dad asked when he saw Iris standing beside his son.
“This is Iris,” Barry forced himself to say. “My girlfriend.”
Barry’s whole family frowned and then turned to Becky, who was not pulling off being shocked as well as she was trying to.
“But Becky here said-” His granddad started.
“I haven’t seen Becky in two months,” Barry said, deciding to be frank. He was livid over what Becky had been trying to do. “At which point I made it clear to her I was with someone else and not interested in getting back together.”
Iris looked up at him and smiled softly. She’d been so upset at that initial meeting because she didn’t think she could envision herself dating him when that was exactly what Becky was offering. But now she realized her jealousy had been completely unwarranted. Barry really didn’t like Becky, and he really liked her.
Maybe she should consider…
“I think I better go,” Becky mumbled. The rest of the family said nothing as she gathered her things and headed out.
Barry was on the verge of confirming what a great idea that was, but he knew his mom would give him hell for being so bluntly mean, so he kept it to himself.
Once she was gone, the tension increased tenfold. That was until Iris approached the table and took a seat.
“You know, I thought I was stuffed from eating at my dad’s, but this food looks too delicious not to taste. May I have some?”
Barry’s mother brightened immediately.
“Yes, of course, dear. Let me get you a plate.”
Barry came and sat beside her. They held hands under the table and smiled at each other briefly before consuming some of his mother’s food.
To Barry’s great surprise, his granddad seemed more interested in Iris than in belittling his choice of a future career, which made the whole night much more enjoyable than any of them could’ve expected.
As his granddad was leaving about an hour later, he turned to Iris.
“Iris is a much prettier name than Becky,” he said, and lifted her hand to kiss the back of it. “It was good to meet you, Iris.”
Iris felt heat flood her cheeks.
“Th-Thank you, Sir.”
He smiled, nodded, then waved to the rest of the family and was on his way out.
Barry and Iris sat with his parents by their fireplace for a while longer before Iris mentioned that she should probably be heading back. Barry’s parents shared how much they enjoyed her company and how they hoped to see her again, and how sorry they were for Becky’s deceit in their absence.
Iris brushed it aside, smiled and hugged them both before heading out the door with Barry and riding with him back to her dad’s place.
“Well, tonight went well,” Barry said, once he had parked in the driveway.
“I thought so,” Iris chimed in. “Better than expected anyway.”
“Both our families like us.”
“Which is an important thing.” She chuckled.
He leaned his head back on his headrest.
“I’m so glad you were with me tonight, Iris – at my parents’ place. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten Becky to leave if I hadn’t had you with me as proof that she wasn’t actually my girlfriend.”
“Happy to be of service.” She smiled prettily. “And, you know, if you ever need me to fake being your girlfriend again for the sake of getting rid of Becky, I am at your disposal.”
He chuckled. “Thanks. Same for you…if you need a boyfriend at a family function for whatever reason.”
She grinned. “’Kay. Thanks.”
He stared deep into her eyes and cupped her face. Just as he started to lean in, Iris interjected.
“My dad-”
Barry lifted his head, but he couldn’t see Joe West in any window on the front of the house.
“I think we’re in the clear,” he said, grinning as he looked down at her.
Relieved that there’d been confirmation of no onlookers, Iris grabbed a hold of her fake boyfriend’s face and pulled it down to her, kissing him soundly.
“Oh, thank God.”
Barry moaned. “You can say that again.”
“It feels like ages since I’ve kissed you.”
“And to think we’ll have to wait any longer until-”
“It’ll just make the reunion all the more special.”
“Or you could sneak away and we could hook up at my parents’ house tomorrow.”
She pulled back, her eyes wide.
“Barry Allen!” She smacked his chest.
“What? They’ll both be away!”
Iris opened the door and stepped onto the pavement.
“I cannot believe you. In your parents’ house?”
“Unless you want to do it here?” he offered. “Your dad works tomorrow, doesn’t he?”
She laughed. “You are…unbelievable.”
“So…see you tomorrow?” he asked, stepping out of the car to get her answer.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
She spun around.
He grinned wide.
“But not at our parents’ houses!”
He laughed.
“Okay, okay, you choose.”
She rolled her eyes again.
“Goodnight, Barry.”
His laugh lessened into a smile.
“Goodnight, Iris,” he said softly, then watched her walk into her dad’s house before getting back into the car and driving himself home.
*will be posted on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz- Playing House
Leave a request!
Life has been treating you better than you could imagine. Having moved in with Oscar after your parents kicked you out not too long ago was the best thing that’s ever happened, considering the circumstances, your boyfriend keeping his word and taking care of you. He was making sure you had everything you needed and then some.
School had just let out for the day, you and your group of friends walking out of the building together chitchatting away until you spot Oscar’s famous red car. You give a quick goodbye to each of them, hurrying over to the car and sliding in all the way to the middle of the large seat to be up against him,”Hi.” You smile and give him a kiss on his cheek,”Are we picking up Cesar today?” You ask him after he greets you back with a kiss of his own, opting for your lips instead. The engine starting up, Oscar wasting no time in speeding down the road.
“Nah, he wanted to walk home today with his friends.” He answers, keeping one hand on the wheel, his other arm snaking around your shoulders,”So did your mom call you today?”
You sigh and nod solemnly,”Just for a few minutes before first period started. It’s still kind of awkward between us, she also said my dads mood is just getting worse everyday.” You inform him, getting quiet for a few moments before continuing,”I’m glad we’re attempting to talk more though...I do miss her.” You admit,”I know she said some horrible things about you in the past, so I’d understand if you’re upset that I’m talking to her again.”
“I’m not upset Y/N, she’s your mom so I understand. If you feel the need to have her in your life I’m not going to stop you or be angry about it.” He defends,”You do what you feel is best for you mami.” He answers truthfully, causing your heart to swell with how amazing he is and how he cared so much about your happiness.
“Thank you...for being so understanding. I love you.” You grin and scoot yourself on to his lap. Your feet on the seat and your back now leaning against the drivers side door, Oscar protesting for you to stop,”You can’t be sweet and expect me not to love on you.” You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck,as he strains to see the road. You playfully place quick sloppy kisses on the side of his face, ear, and neck, Oscar finally caving in and laughing at your antics.
“We’re going to crash and your going to fly through my windshield and then I’m not going to be so sweet any more.” He chuckles as you continue your assault on his face, his free hand gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter.
“Fine, fine.” You laugh moments later and carefully remove yourself from him, sitting back down in your original position,”I can’t help myself baby, you’re just so cute.” You tease and lightly pinch his cheeks, Oscar rolling his eyes and stopping your actions with his hands.
“Aye nena, por que estas asi conmigo?”(Aye babygirl, why are you like this with me?)
“Shut up, you love it.” You say with your own eye roll and playful scoff.
“Hmh, you think I love it.” He says, glancing at you before shaking his head and chuckling in defeat as he turns on to your guy’s street.
“See? I was right.” You smile, Oscar not replying, a smile of his own resting on his face.
After pulling into the driveway minutes later, you pick up your bag and head inside, going straight into the bedroom to get out of your clothes.
“Can we order pizza tonight babe? A meat supreme with extra cheese from Giovanni’s sounds so good right now.” You suggest to Oscar who followed you in,”Please.” You add, pulling off your jeans and tossing them into the hamper.
“Yeah, we can do that.” He agrees as he leans against the doorframe with crossed arms,”You wanna go ahead and order it? Cesar can pick it up on his way home.” He says watching as you tug on a pair of shorts.
“Yeah, I’ll call right now.” You agree, pulling on one of Oscar’s too big t-shirts. Feeling comfortable you grab your phone and call the familiar number that you order from all the time,”Hey Dina! It’s Y/N...yeah our usual order.” You laugh as she cuts you off,”15 minutes? That’s fine, Cesar is going to swing by and grab it. Just use the card on file and charge it since I’m not sure if he has any cash on him...Okay, thanks!” You say and hang up excitedly,”Oh my god I can’t wait, it’s going to be so amazing.” You squeal and clap your hands in delight.
“Chill out baby. It’s just food.” Oscar laughs amusingly as you walk by to head into the living room, giving your butt a hard smack.
“You, chill out.” Jumping in surprise when you feel his hand land against you, a squeeze followed after.
“I just can’t help it, you’re so cute.” He says smugly, copying your words from earlier as he pulls out his phone to text Cesar about the food.
“You’re so hilarious.” You reply dryly, your butt slightly stinging as you plop your self down on to the couch to lay in front of the squeaking fan. If there was one thing you missed about your house it would surely be central ac. It wasn’t so bad here, the small widow units helping out to keep the house from turning into a sauna.
“Don’t be greedy with the fan.” Oscar says as he picks up your feet and sits down, letting them fall into his lap.
“It’s not being greedy if I was here first.” You say softly hitting him with your foot.
“Exactly, you were here first so you decided to hog up the whole fucking couch and air.” He replies pulling on your toe in return.
“Ow!” You yelp,”You know I hate when you do that.” You complain and pull your feet back quickly.
“Then don’t hit me with your big ass feet.” He laughs and grabs your legs to place them back on top of his,”Fair is fair mamas.”
The playful banter doesn’t stop until Cesar comes in with the food a bit later,”Sorry! There is a piece already missing. I ran into one of my classmates on the way back. She was going on and on about Ruby and helped herself.” He explains and puts the box on top of the coffee table in front of you and Oscar.
“That’s kind of weird but whatever...was it that Jasmine chick you told us about last time?” You ask curiously as you sit up and reach forward to open the box, Cesar nodding yes to your question as you grab a slice.
“You just let her take it?”Oscar laughs and grabs his own slice,”Man up hermano.”(brother)
“Leave him alone, what was he going to do? Steal it back? It’s a slice of pizza. Not that big of a deal.” You defend the younger Diaz brother, folding the cheesy goodness before taking a bite.
“I would have.” Oscar shrugs, beginning to eat his own slice, Cesar offering you a sad smile,”Ain’t no one taking shit off my plate.”
“Trust me, we know you would Spooooooky.” You smirk, drawing out his name in a amusing tone, trying to ease the bad vibe that formed.
“I’m just gonna take this to my room. I gotta finish up my homework. That cool?” Cesar asks, standing up with two pieces of pizza in his hand. Oscar nods and waves him off, not bothering to look up as he eats.
“He’s not like you, and you know that.” You sigh softly,”It’s okay for Cesar to be the ‘nice’ boy. He doesn’t have to be hard or tough.” You tell Oscar before taking another bite.
“Nice boy ain’t going to get him anything around these parts except for beat up. He’s lucky he’s still a kid, but all that’s going to change in a couple of years when he starts growing up.” Oscar says, putting down his slice to look at you,”Don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong but just let him be a kid. Let him be the nice little boy that he is. Let him hang out with his little misfit friends and let a random girl take a slice of pizza from him. Freeridge is going to make him grow up soon enough, that’s inevitable, but don’t help speed up the process.” You explain,”That’s all I’m trying to say baby. I get it, he’s your brother and your trying to do what you think is best for him in the long run but just try to see my point of view.” You explain to him, finishing off your slice before going over to straddle his lap,”You’re a good brother and you’re so good to me and the people you care about, but you had to grow up way to fast Ozzy. I just want him to be him for a little while longer.” You say, looking deep into his eyes as you wrap your arms around him,”I know I don’t have much of a say here but I just wanted to give my input.”
“As long as you’re my girl, which will be always mamas, you’re always going to have a say in what goes on in this house. You are a part of this family.” Oscar tells you with a deep sigh,”I get what your saying, but I still can’t help but worry. What if something happens to me? I’m not going to be around to protect him or even you.”
“What’s wrong with you? Don’t say stuff like that, nothing is going to happen to you.” You say interjecting,”Ever.” Wrapping your arms around him tighter and burying your face into his neck.
“I’m not trying to make you upset Y/N...we just gotta be real here. We both know what I do and what it can lead too.”
“Stop. Please. This is about Cesar, not you and what if’s.” You mumble into his skin.
“Aight, let’s just move on from both subjects completely. Yeah?” He says, his hands moving up and down your back comfortingly.
You sniffle and blink back a few tears that wanted to fall, not moving from your position as you nod your head in agreement.
“I promise that I won’t let anything take me away from you bebé.” Oscar says, even though he knew deep down that his words were likely going to be broken, he just wanted to comfort you right now.
You don’t respond and just let him hold you for a while until you regain your composure,”I’m gonna finish eating.” You tell him with a deep breath,”Go talk to Cesar.”
Oscar nods and scoots you off his lap before leaning down to press his lips to yours lovingly,”Be right back.”
You smile and give him one final peck before reaching for a new slice, it was a bit cold by now but you didn’t mind. As you sit there and eat, all these thoughts run through your head about how today went. Your phone call with your mom, loving moments with Oscar, the playful fighting, the whole conversation about Cesar which led to Oscar’s lifestyle choices. It was just crazy to think that this would be your new normal for forever now. You couldn’t even be a real teenager yourself, because you had grew this strong attachment to both Diaz brother’s causing you to become a mom, wife, and girlfriend all in one. In all honestly you kind of liked it this way, because no matter what the day brung you would always have this house and two boys to come home to.
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greekgrad12 · 4 years
It Takes Two: percabeth!au
Mattie Jackson and Hayley Chase meet at the start of summer and discover that they are each other's identical clone. With a little more investigating, the two girls discover that they are, in fact, twins. Things only get crazier when they find out that their adoptive parents were once in love. Now, they have to work together to reunite Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase before Mattie’s dad ends up dating the new camp counselor and Hayley’s mom gets married to a kid hating, gold digger.
And what better way to do that than to switch places?
i rewatched It Takes Two and decided to make it percabeth :)
read on ao3 
Percy Jackson had just finished packing his last duffel bag when he heard a very familiar voice yelling outside his apartment window. A voice that belonged to someone who was supposed to be in the next room over packing her own bags. A frustrated sigh left his lips as he opened the bedroom window looking down towards the street. Just as he suspected, a crowd of children were scattered on the road, some taking up the spaces around the chalk-drawn diamond, others sitting on the sidelines. And right there on the makeshift home plate stood none other than...
"Matilda Sally Jackson!" Percy yelled down from the fourth floor to his daughter, "If I were to walk into your room right now, would your suitcases be packed?"
The ten-year-old girl turned and gave her dad an exasperated look, "Ah come on, dad! Ten bucks say you only just got done!"
"Thankfully, I'm not raising you to be like me," He teased, leaning on the windowsill. He was very much aware of the red tint on his daughter's olive cheeks, even from the distance between the two, "I'm hopefully raising you to be better. Now come finish packing, we're leaving in two hours!"
Percy and his daughter had a great relationship, unlike Percy and his bio-dad or first stepfather. Yeah, he didn't have the best luck in the fatherhood department, but that was why he wanted to do better for his daughter. And he was. Percy spent every day trying to be a good dad to Mattie. He taught her his mother's famous cookie recipe, braided her hair every morning before school, and attended every single swim match she had. Granted he was also the coach, but still.
Mattie didn't have a mom. Well, not one that she remembered anyway. Percy and his ex-wife, Lydia, were on thin ice for a long time. One of their main arguments being, Percy wanted kids, she didn't. Percy knew from a young age that he wanted a family, so there was no use trying to argue that. Somewhere along the way, they had reached an agreement and Mattie was on the way. Halfway through the whole process, Lydia changed her mind. This lead to the fifth argument of the month and to their inevitable divorce.
This also lead to the decision that would change the rest of Percy's life. Would he still adopt baby Mattie?
Yep, adopt. Lydia didn't want to go through the whole pregnancy ordeal and Percy was more than happy to adopt. He knew what it was like to grow up in a tough home and if he could prevent that from happening to another kid, he wouldn't hesitate. Mattie’s birth mother was a 19-year-old girl who was apparently going through a hard time. Truthfully, Percy didn’t know much about her, but it wasn’t due to a lack of effort. When bio-mom picked Percy and Lydia to be the parents of her unborn child, she was in the final stages of her pregnancy and she didn’t want to meet them. The only thing Percy heard about her was that she moved out west somewhere only a week after Mattie was born.
As a social worker employed at Goode Middle School, Percy had the advantage of being college friends with many of the adoption agents. This helped speed up the adoption process tremendously. At first, he saw that as a blessing, but after the divorce, it seemed that Percy was under even more pressure to make his decision.
It took some long talks with his mom to convince Percy that he could still do this; be a single dad. But it was his little sister, Estelle, who convinced him he would be great at it. After all, he had partially helped raise her and she turned out okay. She ate all of their mom's blue cookies, but she was okay. Plus, his family would be right by his side. So, Percy went along with the adoption. He hasn't regretted it once.
Yes, Mattie was adopted, but two you could never really tell. Mattie was daddy's little girl from the very beginning. From their beach days together to their daddy-daughter dates to get cheeseburgers at the local diner, the two were inseparable. By some twist of fate, the baby girl had even grown up to have a shade of green eyes like her dad's.
And that wasn't where the similarities stopped. Mattie was a rambunctious and sarcastic kid. There are times when Percy isn't sure what to expect from her, but more often than not, Mattie was the most helpful and patient kid a single dad could ask for. Still, as easygoing as she could be, Percy knew how proud his daughter was. After being embarrassed in front of her friends, Mattie Jackson had something to prove.
"Just let me hit this ball downtown! Grand slam, home run, guaranteed," Mattie was a lot like her father, but she had ambition. She was a tough girl. A smart girl. She reminded Percy of-
"Okay, fine," He started, "but if it's anything less, you're making me a mug at camp."
The girl shuddered at the idea of having to participate in her least favorite camp activity but nodded nonetheless. She stepped back up to the plate. Mattie was athletic. She hopped around from sport to sport, mainly just for the experience, but there was nothing she loved more than swimming. Her father's love for the water was one of the many things the girl had picked up from him.
But right now, Mattie's focus wasn't on the water. Percy watched as she scrunched her nose up, waiting for the pitch. The boy at the pitchers' mound, one of Mattie's friends, Cody, was taking his sweet time with the ball. Right when it looked like he was about to throw the pitch, he instead turned to his team and signaled for them to back up.
Percy couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips. He wanted a World's Best Dad mug, but at that moment, he wanted his daughter to show those kids who's boss more.
The ball was pitched and the next thing Percy knew, he was hearing the sweet sound of a crack made from the balls' contact with the bat. He cheered as his daughter took first, and again when she rounded the corner for second. The ball had landed somewhere far down the street and the rest of Mattie's team were assuring her it was safe. She made it to third and right when Percy was sure he wouldn't be getting his mug, a car pulled up and parked right over home plate.
Mattie slowed down and stopped right in front of the old car. A confused look was shared between the other kids, but she knew exactly who the vehicle belonged to. And while she was happy to see it, Mattie was pissed that she couldn't reach home from under the car.
"Mattie, your dad called me half an hour ago telling me that you two were just now starting to pack. What are you doing out here?"
Before the girl could answer, Cody's voice rang out at her side.
"Loosing," The boy mocked as he tagged the girl out with the ball.
Mattie turned towards him and glared, "There is no way this counts!"
"I want my mug to be blue," Percy teased his daughter as she walked back into their apartment, "with World's Best Dad written in big letters."
"You and I both know that you don't need a mug to know you're the best dad. Plus, I suck at clay molding," The girl complained, "Not to mention that it's the most boring activity at camp."
Her father smirked, "Well you should have thought of that before you agreed to the bet."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mattie grumbled, "Can I just pay Rachel to do it for me?"
"No," He laughed, "and don't even try to go behind my back and do it anyway, because I will find out.”
"Okay, you two, settle down," Sally Jackson-Blofis' laughter rang out in the small apartment. As much as Mattie was a daddy's girl, Percy was a bigger mama's boy, "I came by to see you before you leave and drop off some cookies for the trip."
Mattie's eyes couldn't have bulged out of their sockets more when her grandmother pulled out the plastic tub of blue cookies. Just as she went to grab the box, it was pulled out of reach by her father, "Oh, no you don't."
"Oh, come on, dad!" Giving the best puppy dog look she could muster, Mattie looked up at Percy, "Just one?"
Percy had to look at his mother for support. There was little that his daughter couldn't get away with when that look was thrown his way, "Nope. Not until you're done packing."
"Seriously?" His daughter whined, "Wasn't calling me Matilda in front of all my friend's punishment enough?"
"You know, I was this close to naming you Janet," He mocked, holding his pointer finger and thumb so close they were barely touching.
Mattie's big eyes narrowed into a glare as she stuck her tongue out at her father, "Fine, but don't be surprised if your mug doesn't have a handle."
"I think you're just doing that to make the sculpting easier for you."
A small grin appeared on her face and she shrugged, "Maybe."
Percy rolled his eyes at the girl and chuckled as she walked back to her room. He turned back to his mom and saw her wearing the same endearing look she always has when she watches the interactions between her son and granddaughter.
"You've definitely raised a little you," Sally laughed.
"Well, in that case," Percy grinned and opened the Tupperware container holding the cookies, "I'm sorry for hogging the shower as a kid."
Sally took the container out of his hands before he got the chance to pick out a cookie, "And I'm sorry for not allowing you to be a hypocrite."
"What? I'm done with my packing!" Percy promised as he reached for the container.
"Even the extra blankets? You know how cold the bunks can get at night."
Percy was quiet for a moment before letting out a defeated groan, "You know, I was really proud of myself for a moment there."
"You should still be proud of yourself, honey," Sally grinned, "You're a great dad, and you and Mattie are going to have a great time at camp this year, just like you always do."
Camp Half-Blood was a summer camp that Percy had been attending since he was nine years old. His bio dad had attended the camp in his youth and it was one of the few things that Percy had left of the man after he died. When his mother remarried, it was a safe place away from his first stepfather, Smelly Gabe, a man that Sally Jackson only married because, at the time, she didn't have the funds to properly provide for her son. The camp had a big influence on the man Percy became. The experiences he had, the friends he made, the place where he felt closest to his father.
The girl he fell in love with.
Even years after he grew too old to be a camper, Percy found himself volunteering every summer as a camp counselor. A few years later, he was offered a paid position as an official counselor and the camp social worker. Chiron, the camp activities director, was more than happy to have him back. Especially, when he started bringing his daughter with him.
He couldn't help but smile at that, "Thanks, mom. I'm really excited about this year. You know, Camp Half-Blood was remodeled this past fall. Everything has been upgraded, I can't wait to see it."
"I'm sure it will look great. You've been complaining about the faulty flooring in the pavilion for years."
"There's been a giant crack going down the center of that thing ever since the earthquake back when I was still a camper. That's completely dangerous!"
His mother laughed and raised her arms in defeat, "Trust me, I agree. Still, with all the changes, I'm surprised that the camp could afford all the modifications."
"Yeah, I think the head of the architect company in charge is an old friend of Chiron's. Apparently, they will be coming down and checking out the camp, you know, to see how their work panned out, I guess."
"Well, you'll have to thank whoever they are for fixing your pavilion," Sally teased him as she grabbed a cookie out of the container and took a bite. Percy's mouth fell open as he stared at his mother with a look of betrayal, "What? I don't have to pack anything. Plus, a made them, I don't need justification."
"You are a cruel woman."
An hour and a half later, Percy and his daughter were packing their bags -and the extra blankets- into the car and heading towards Long Island Sound. With barely thirty minutes into the trip, half of Sally's cookies had been devoured and they had played a very enthusiastic game of Eye Spy.
"So," Mattie started as she reached for her fourth cookie, "is this the year you finally tell me who A.C. is?”
When Mattie was seven, during her first year at camp, Percy was adamant about showing her everything from his time at camp. Including all his favorite spots and activities from his time there. They visited the horse stables, where Percy told his daughter stories about his favorite horses and how he was one of the best riders. He took her to the strawberry field where they picked strawberries with her uncle Grover, just like the two had done when they were boys. But he was most excited about taking her to the dock and swimming in the water. Some of his most precious memories were made at that beach, on the dock. It was a special place for him. A place where he used to sit with her and escape from the world. A place where a first kiss was perfect under the Fourth of July fireworks. A place where carved initials still stood to this day.
When Mattie first found the letters carved at the end of the dock, she knew immediately that they weren't new. The marks had faded with time. When she realized that the first set of letters in P.J. + A.C. looked familiar, she decided to ask her father, Percy Jackson, if he knew who made the marks. Percy had never been a good liar. That was the day Mattie found out everything about her father's days at Camp Half-Blood. Everything, except who A.C. was.
"Mattie," Percy sighed, eyes staying on the road, "I've told you a thousand times, she's just an old friend. I haven't spoken to her in years, since before you were even born. I don't understand why you're so interested in this."
"Because friends don't carve their initials together on a dock for the world to see," The young girl persisted, blue crumbs falling from the side of her mouth, "That's what couples do in movies and stuff."
"Well, that explains it then. This isn't a movie, T," Truthfully, Percy wasn't sure if he was trying to convince her or himself more, "Besides, the camp went under construction this year, I'm sure the old dock was torn down and rebuilt. It was old."
Although, he would never admit this to his daughter, Percy was hoping, and wishing, and praying to anyone who would listen that the dock stayed the same. Percy would be lying if he said that he wasn't anxious about seeing it again. The thing was old, and he knew that the safety of the campers outweighed the feeling he still got in his stomach when he saw their initials carved together.
Maybe he could have called Chiron. Asked him if the new camp architect would spare that last plank of wood at the very edge of the water. Asked if he could keep it. One last memory of the childhood love he would never admit to never getting over.
What a ridiculous idea, he thought. Still, he always got like this in the summer, especially at camp.
Despite the fact that he was avoiding eye contact and staring towards the road, Percy could feel Mattie's frustrated gaze staring him down, but he held his ground. He was never going to see her again. The last time he saw her gray eyes staring back at him was at eighteen years old, their last summer as campers. She lived in San Francisco, California and would be going to UC Berkeley in the fall. He wasn't surprised, she was a genius. But Percy? He would stay in Manhattan and go to college on a swimming scholarship. They would try and stay in touch like how they did growing up. Busy schedules and adulthood would cause them to fail. Percy would still think of her, but he'd still get married to another woman. Percy would try to make it work, but he would still find himself wishing Lydia were her, and hating himself for it. So he tried to stop, but he couldn't help wondering. Wondering what she was doing. Wondering what could have been. But they hadn't spoken in years.
There was no point in telling his daughter how wonderful she was, because he knew Mattie would fall in love with her, just as he did. And they would never meet.
So, no. Percy would not tell his daughter about the girl he spent every summer with. He would not tell her about the girl who made fun of him for drooling in his sleep. He would not tell her about the girl who would sit with him at the dock and draw building structures while they talked about nothing and everything all at once. He would not tell her about the girl who's comfort book was Matilda, and that she made him read it, and that him joking about how she probably had superpowers like the character, because she too was a genius, made her blush. Percy would not tell his daughter because it would hurt too much.
Percy would not tell his daughter about his first love, Annabeth Chase.
part two :)
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kylo-hen · 4 years
Physical Education
A/N: This is my first fic I’ve ever published please be gentle lmao. Feedback is welcome though, I have no clue what I’m doing and it shows. 
Clyde Logan & Sadie’s Teacher!Reader
Warnings: None I can think of other than probable grammatical error and fluff
Summary: Sadie decides to bring her Uncle Clyde to career day and he hits it off with her teacher. 
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Physical education
      Teaching is not a learned skill. It’s not taught like math or science, and it’s not something you can take as an extra-curricular in high school. Yes, you can get better over time and with practice but sometimes it just comes down to whether or not you have the gift. Patience.
     When I was younger, I used to wait in line at the bus stop dutifully like my mama taught me, hair tied up in an updo that probably took mama way too long to do in the ungodly hours of six am. She used her steady practiced hands to guide my hair into the place she wanted, and that’s when I learned I came from patient people. She would listen to my stories with rapt attention, nodding when needed, and interjecting her own wisdom only when she knew it was right. She was the most patient woman in the world and I learned everything I knew about teaching from her.
    When she passed, I knew she just wanted me to be happy, she never pushed me to be anything less than that. She waited out all the phases, the trials and errors of my college years, the rough patch of rebellion in high school, and even the short time after college when I had refused to do anything but take care of her in her final months of life. She urged me to go and work more than part time at big earl’s dinner down the road, she urged me to use my gift.
     After she was gone, the funeral was finished, and the casserole pans returned to the PTA moms who lent them, there wasn’t much tethering me to the once special town that I lived. The memories there were more bitter than sweet and I couldn’t bring myself to stay. So, when the time was right and the dust settled, I applied to teach in all parts and I promised the first job that gave me a green light would be the one to take. That’s what got me to where I am today, a third-grade teacher in Boone County, West Virginia.
    I enjoy teaching third grade; they have such big hearts and rarely ever is there an issue of behavior more than an over-excited kid in class. They look at the world so with wonder in every instance and my job is to facilitate that growth. This being my first year at Boone County Elementary school came with a rather big learning curve, with everyone knowing everyone else in town it was hard to break into the system the town had somehow set up. There was an unspoken understanding of respect and honor to some, not that those always earned it, and that others were destined to repeat the past.
    Sadie Logan was one of those poor souls labeled with a curse of some kind. The kids in her class mentioned it at all given occasions when Sadie proved herself smarter and stronger than them. Sadie was smart as whip, funny as all get out, and had a big heart full of love for the people in her life. She sat with me in my room before class and I taught her all sorts of things from checkers, to long division. When the spring came around so did the third-grade class’s career day, which Sadie’s usual excitement for school seemed to double.
     The morning after the day was announced and the forms were sent home, Sadie came bursting into my room with her usual intense excitement, “Miss L/N!” she called out.
    “Is that Miss Sadie Logan already?” I teased while she hung her backpack on her hook that lined the wall opposite of the board, “I could have sworn It was too early to have a monkey in class!” She flipped around with a loud laugh and a piece of paper in her hand.
    “I’m not a monkey, Miss L/N!” she approached my desk proudly, “I gotta question ‘bout career day though!” She swayed back and forth as she waited for me to respond.
    “Alright then Miss Sadie, shoot.”
     “Well, I told my mama ‘bout it and she wanted Moody-” at the mention of his name I felt my skin start to crawl. He wasn’t my favorite parent having already disrespected me on meet the teacher night back in October. His wandering eyes and condescending attitude made me want to cry by the end of the night. I just hoped he wouldn’t rub off on sweet little Sadie.
     “- to do it, but Moody said he can’t just stop workin’ for some stupid fair!” She sighed exasperatedly like he had personally offended her, which I’m sure he did, “which is st- it’s silly, Miss L/N! So, when my Daddy came by to pick me up for ice cream, I asked him!” she grinned ear to ear, I hadn’t met her father but Sadie spoke so highly of him I couldn’t imagine him to be anything less than a proper gentleman.
    “So, your daddy’s gonna’ be the one comin’ in?” I asked softly, after she paused taking a big breath.
     “Well, not quite! I talked to my daddy and he can’t because he’s gonna be workin in the mines that day and he don’t have enough time off to be able to come!” I frowned at her words, I was really hoping to have her father come so I could tell him how great Sadie was in and out of class. I also know how happy she would be to have her dad there to sit with her at lunch and tell stories and play with her at recess. “But don’t worry! He came up with an even better plan, but I gotta’ ask your permission first!” She beamed up at me in the thought of her plan.
    “Now what did your daddy think up for ya’?” I asked, excited to hear more of the shenanigans he had planned for the two of them.
    “Since he couldn’t come and Moody couldn’t either! And mama don’t have a job!” I gave her a look, telling her to respect her mama whether she had a job or not. “what? S’not mean if I’m just bein’ honest Miss. L/N!” She defended herself.
     “I know that Sadie, but it’s your tone a’ voice.” I spoke softly to the girl, “Your mama works hard to make sure you’re happy and healthy and that’s very important.” I explained and she seemed to take a moment to let the words sink in. “So, if your daddy can’t come and neither can Moody, and you don’t want your mama to come, then who’s comin’ in for ya?” I asked putting the girl back on track.
    “Well, My Uncle Clyde said he could do it!” She bounced excitedly, “And he’s real cool too! He was in the army and now he has one arm and he’s super tall and sometimes he puts me on his shoulders and walks me around and I can touch the clouds!” She rambled on about her uncle excitedly. Sadie had mentioned her uncle Clyde in passing, she knew he was a veteran, that he liked goin’ with Sadie and her dad to the fair, and now that he was super tall. A warm glow in my heart began to bloom at the idea of meeting someone from her dad’s side of the family. Sadie was such a good kid that the side of the family must be a good one.
    “That sounds like a great plan! What do you need to ask permission for?”
     “Well, my mama said that since he wasn’t my… legal guardian I had to ask.” She spoke like her mama made her rehearse it before dropping her off this morning. “So, is it alright if my uncle comes instead?” She pleaded with me.
     “That’s just fine with me Miss Sadie.” I spoke, taking her slip from her to sign off on the change of plans, as I finished my signature the bell rang and with it the rest of the class began to filter their way into the classroom. “Why don’t you put this in your take home folder and find your seat before we start the pledge?” I smiled down at her and she beamed back before heading to her desk. With Sadie in her seat and the rest of the class milling about, the day began.
    Career day came around quicker than I’d have liked. I had pushed of decorating until the morning of, which I’m currently regretting as I stand on a chair desperately trying to pin up the second half of the banner, I had made last week. I had already hung some streamers, set up extra seats, and re-arranged the desks so they’re in a semi-circle. I also lugged my old card table from my garage for the refreshments the parents were bringing.
    With not much time left before class I found the second half of the banner was going to be a bigger stretch than I was anticipating. Beads of sweat began to collect on my forehead, I thanked all that was holy I had extra deodorant in my desk just in case.
     If I stretched just a couple inches further the banner would be perfectly taught, as I pushed one last time to secure it, I heard the door open behind me.
     “Miss L/N!” Sadie shrieked in excitement, bounding into the class, unfortunately for me when I tried to swivel to greet her, I miscalculated the end of the chair. Once I was about halfway facing the girl my foot began to slip, and I braced myself for the impact of the floor beneath me.
    Instead of the floor meeting my impact I was embraced by a solid chest and the aroma of deep pine, leather, and a smokey bonfire. I felt the firm arm that circled my waste, it was warm and sturdy like my mother’s hands in my hair when I grew up, or my grandfather when he would come by to fix stuff around the house before he died. The feeling was like waking up on Sunday and it smelled like the first feeling of fall. When I opened my eyes, it was even more enchanting.
     When Sadie mentioned her Uncle Clyde, she should have said he was younger than her father. She also could have warned her how attractive he is. No, that would have been weird. Clyde looked down at me with concern in his whiskey colored eyes, a deep furrow in his brow, and I couldn’t help the heat that crept up from my spine into my chest and face. The awkward shame of being a complete clutz in front of this incredibly attractive man.
      “You alright ma’am?” He asked in a soft voice, oh god his voice, that only made me want to hide under my desk than confront the fact I’ve made an absolute fool of myself.
      “Yes,” I stammered out, re-gaining my upright footing on the ground and straightening out my clothes only to realize the man standing in front of me is well over six feet tall. I stared up at him with wide eyes before I realized he was waiting for me to say something, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Logan this isn’t how I expected to meet anyone today,” I looked around to make sure no one else was here but Sadie, “My name is-“
      “Miss L/N,” He finished for me with a small polite smile, “Sadie talks ‘bout you a lot, she loves your class.” He compliments and I felt my heart grow at the praise.
      “Well, I love having Sadie In my class, she’s a bright lady, and please, call me y/n,” I clarified, which wasn’t something I was planning on doing with parents, but he wasn’t Sadie’s guardian.
    “Well then, y/n, you can call me Clyde,” He extended his arm to shake and I took it happily. “Do you want me to hold the chair while you finish up with the banner? It’s too nice to be hangin’ from one side.” He complimented again which was sending shockwaves of joy through my veins.
     “That would be really helpful Clyde, thank you.” I replied, carefully stepping up to the chair and grabbing the end of the banner. With the steady help of Clyde, hanging the banner was a breeze. Once it was set and I stepped off the chair, with another helpful hand from Clyde, I was able to breathe fully.
    Sadie, who had been sitting in the back corner of the room I had set up for a comfortable reading center, popped up. “Uncle Clyde, what’d you pack for lunch?” She was dead set on the odd question.
    “Aunt Mellie packed us the same lunch Sadie bug, so I reckon’ I’ll have what you’re havin’.” He spoke in few words but I hung onto each as if they would be the last he ever spoke in front of me.
    “Miss L/n?” she turned her attention to me, “Are ya’ gonna eat lunch with Uncle Clyde and me?” She spoke, sometimes on special days teachers sit with their students at lunch, but today was not one of those days.
    “Not today Sadie, I’ve got to stay in here and guard the room from the hallway trolls!” I exaggerated for her delight. She giggled and when I looked up, I saw Clyde had a soft endearing smile on his face that made me want to jump head first into him.
    “We oughta’ leave her to that for lunch huh Sadie bug?” Clyde offered and Sadie nodded earnestly plopping back down in the corner to finish her book. Clyde looked back at me bashfully, like I had caught him in a private moment.
    “It’s real sweet for you to be here today.” I started as I walked to the refreshment table, “Would you like a coffee?” I offered him. When I turned back, he snapped out of the daze he was In and nodded silently as I poured him a cup into a cheap Styrofoam cup. “I don’t know many uncle’s who would step up like this. Cream?”
    “Erm- no. No, thank you.” He stammered and I handed him the cup, “Us Logan’s tend to be a tight knit bunch.” He affirmed my beliefs.
     “That sounds nice.” I hummed, sipping my own coffee from earlier.
    “That’s what families do.” He stated, underplaying the significance of his situation.
    “Not all families,” I murmured mostly to myself.
    “Hm?” He asked for clarification, I hadn’t even realized he heard me.
     “Oh! Nothing, sorry, I was talking to myself really.” I felt the embarrassment rise in me again. When I looked up at him to say something the bell rang. “Well, hope you enjoyed the quiet, I doubt you’ll be gettin’ any more of that here.” As if proving my point, the class, and their respective parents filed in for the start of the day.
    The whole morning was filled, one by one people explaining their job, how they got it, why they like it, and what the best thing about their job is. That’s followed by a series of questions from the students which almost never have anything to really do with their job.
    Clyde was the last to go, explaining how he was in the army, why he joined the fight, he told a story about one of his friends he met in Iraq and that he’s a bartender now. After a couple minutes of explaining what a bartender is, and what he does now that he’s not in the army, the kids finally asked about his hand. I expected him to get a little agitated maybe, or shy, but really, he took the questions in a stride.
    “How do you pee with one hand?” one of the kids questioned, his mother immediately blushing out of the second-hand embarrassment, but before Clyde could answer or the mother could reprimand him, I interrupted.
    “Mr. Bradley, you know better than that sir.” I began softly, “Remember last week we talked about boundaries, well you’ve gotta apologize for breakin’ Mr. Logan’s boundaries.” I reminded him, and he let out a disappointed apology at the man.
    “S’alright, I actually get that one a lot from people a lot older than you.” He joked and some of the parents in the back laughed it off. “’Sides I got this fancy arm here now.” He lifts up his sleeve to show off the dark green prosthetic. It looked incredibly high tech and impressive, but all I could wonder was how that metal would feel in contrast to his skin.
    Before I could go any deeper into that thought the bell rang and it was time for recess. I stood in front of the class, next to Clyde, and announced “Alright friends! It’s recess time, I want you all to line up with your parent’s behind Mr. Logan here, and we’ll go out.” I grabbed my keys and stood just in front of Clyde watching the mass of students and parents file into a nice line.
    Once everyone was set, I led the class out the classroom, down the hall and out a side door to the playground. I led them to a big oak tree next to a bench in the shade. “Alright friends! I know all my smart children know this but once the recess monitor blows the whistle we meet back here!” I announced, mostly for the adults. “Now, make sure you’re all careful and nice to each other, if your guests want to play, they can but if they don’t, we have to do what?” I asked, waiting for their response.
    “Respect their choice.” The class answered in a monotone fashion, just ready to get on the playground. So, I dismissed them and in a varying degree of excitement the crowd dispersed. Most parents went off with their kid but Clyde seemed to linger back.
    “Mind if I hang back for a bit?” He asked politely gesturing to the bench I was already seated on.
    “Not one bit,” I allowed and he sat with a gruff sigh, “I’m surprised you’re not bein’ pulled in a million directions. After the boys found out you were in the army, I thought they’d be buggin’ ya to play with them.” I wondered aloud, watching the young kids kick around a soccer ball in the field.
    “I think that’s Sadie’s doin.” He answered shortly, only elaborating when I gave him a confused look.
    “She talkin’ bad about you behind your back?” I asked.
    “No, I think she was hopin’ you and I’d be friends.” I stiffened, my quick little crush on him must be obvious for his third-grade niece to try and throw me a bone.
    “Oh, Clyde I’m sorry, if you don’t want to sit with-“ I began, but he cut me off.
    “Don’t worry Darlin, if I didn’t want to sit with ya’ I wouldn’t be.” He affirmed in his sturdy assured manner of speaking. I subconsciously moved closer to him. “I hope you don’t mind my askin but, what brings you to Boone County?” He asked innocently.
    “Well Clyde I’d tell ya’ but I think it would take me a couple drinks first.” I avoided the answer, knowing if there was any chance this man liked me back it would be squashed by me crying on him at the playground.
    “That does seem to be my specialty darlin’.: He replied smoothly, gaining a confidence I hadn’t seen in him earlier. Maybe he was being polite, but I hoped he was just getting more comfortable with me.
    “Well, then you should have no trouble making drinks strong enough to get my secrets from me.” I rebutted; it was a little too honest for my liking but the way Clyde was looking at me made me want to tell him all my little truths.
    “I’ve got different ways of gettin’ secrets out of a lady and gettin’ you drunk ain’t one.” He responded with an understated grin, it’s like he knows what he is doing to me.
    The rest of recess was spent under the sturdy oak tree on a bench talking to Clyde about trivial things. He didn’t bring up anything from my past that he may want to know and vice versa. I was curious how a man like him could be single until it hit me that he never really specified that he was in fact single. The thought of Clyde having a wife or girlfriend at home waiting for him made my stomach turn all throughout the lunch period. I thanked God that I was able to regroup in my room rather than stand in the cafeteria monitoring the kids.  
    I spent most of the period cleaning up the room and setting out a craft that would take a good portion of the rest of the day since the kids weren’t going to their usual elective class. This helped even my mind out of funk Clyde put it in. Just as I felt like my brain, and its hormones, mellowed out there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, Clyde stood there with none other than Sadie on his shoulders.
     “Hope ya’ don’t mind Miss L/n!” Sadie said excitedly, “Uncle Clyde and I finished lunch early and snuck out!” She let out a mischievous laugh.
      “Well,” a chuckle slipped past my lips, half in shock and half amusement of their antics, “Since you’re still with Clyde I can let you get away with it just once.” Clyde’s cheeks burned at my statement and I shot him an innocent smile. He ducked through the doorway enough to get Sadie through safely, then brought her down careful not to drop her.
      “Sadie, since you’re here would you out a worksheet at every desk for me?” She nodded and worked diligently to do what we asked. I turned to Clyde who was unceremoniously eating a cookie from the table of refreshments. “So, what brings you from the cafeteria? Mrs Lowells Cookies?”
    Clyde, not expecting to be seen mid-cookie, chokes a bit, “No-“ He pauses to regain composure, “No, I er- I didn’t want you ta be lonely in here?” His questioning tone and red cheeks told me it wasn’t the full story, but like we did under the oak, I didn’t push him.
    “Oh? That’s awful sweet Clyde, was its Sadie who offered to keep me company?” I asked knowing that it was most definitely not. Sadie was a social butterfly, and lunch was her domain in the third-grade class.     “Hm? Sadie?” Clyde smirked, knowing full well I was onto his schemes, “Of course Miss L/n, what are you trying to insinuate here?”
    “Nothing Mr. Logan,” I took a step closer to the man, being mindful there was still a child in the room, “What did you think I was insinuating?” I challenged his notion and was met with a blossoming blush and shy smile.
    “Nothing improper,” he raised his hand to show three fingers, “Scouts honor darlin’.” At that a burst of joy exploded in my chest. Clyde Logan was a gentleman through and through and it made me want to burst.
    “Alrightie then Scout, how bout’ you help little Sadie pass out papers, lunch is just about over.” He broke his gaze and it felt like the world around me faded back into view. I wondered how many women sat across his bar and felt the same. Am I just another girl falling under the spell of a charming, well-mannered, one-armed, bartender? I turned to look at him passing out the papers with all the seriousness of a drill sergeant in basic training. It was incredibly endearing.
    Yet again, the bell rang and the moment of wonder between Clyde and I was interrupted by the trickling stream of students.
    The rest of the day was surprisingly chaotic for a worksheet and a craft. Two bottles of glue were spilled, both by adults, and there was a cotton ball fight that led to two students’ clips being moved to yellow and two parents sent to the hall to cool off. The headache that was reverberating around my head after a day spent taking care of the students and the parents must’ve been the biggest one in a long time. As I was cleaning up, I found that Sadie had left one of her drawings on her desk, which was odd because Sadie always made a point to take hers home for her dad.
     I took the paper and put it on my desk to save for her, and once I was satisfied with the state of the room, I decided to see what the drawing was. On one side of the page was a nice tree over looking some flowers and a house, a skilled drawing for their age, but that was nothing new for Sadie. On the back however, it was a very different message.
Miss L/n, my uncle Clyde thinks you’re pretty. He works at the Duck tape bar every night except for Mondays (or whenever he gets sick).
p.s.: you should marry him so you can be my aunt.
I never did take Sadie for a match maker, but then again I can’t complain when I’ve got another reason to go visit a particular bartender, and hope that he felt the same chemistry I did.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Again, first fic so please interact or leave some feedback! Would love to hear if anyone wants more!
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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nine: take you home
storypage | playlist | taglist | thoughts
“I wanna take you home and I ain't talkin' about a two mile ride back to my place. Oh, this ain't the same old song about two hearts hooking up one and done, on a Friday. No boy, I'm talking about a map-dot town, nobody knows that'll tell you everything you need to know about me and why I talk like I do and why I'm falling for you and why I take it slow. I wanna take you home...”
A/N: thank you so much for following me on this journey of telling Ginger’s and Niall’s story! i’m glad they are bringing you joy and hopefully making realize to have courage to follow your heart. big love to everyone who comments, asks, reblogs, and likes each chapter. i see you. thank you.
GInger was mad.
After two weeks, things had gone back to normal...sort of.
Stella was still hoarding Ginger’s house and phone. Ginger was still working from home due to “cutbacks” at the office. In reality, the higher ups liked the fact that Ginger could get her job done from outside the brick and mortar building. And if Ginger was being honest, it was a little freeing, but she desperately missed Sheila and had set up a meeting with her manager for a bit of negotiation. 
But in this moment, Ginger was pissed. She was currently losing to Niall at her all-time favorite game: Scrabble.
Niall had just scored thirty-one points for a two letter word and Ginger was not having it. 
“QI is not a word, damnit!” She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms and let her anger stew. 
“Says it right here in your dictionary,” Niall held up the thick pocket dictionary and pointed to the word QI. “Just playing by the rules.” He was smiling, trying to contain his fit of laughter bubbling in his abdomen. 
“Well…” Ginger was thinking of anyway for that word not to be on the board because it wasn’t fair. It was cheating. “Well… your placement is bullshit. It’s wrong,” Ginger leaned up to the table and rearranged her seven letters once again. She couldn’t believe she was losing.
“It’s totally fair, Gin! Triple letter!” Niall picks up the Q letter once again to show Ginger that it was in fact still there and his word was in fact legal. “You’re just a sore loser.” If steam coming out of ears was a thing, Ginger would be a steamboat. Her face and neck were red and he knew she was flustered. Ginger could not lose, they both knew this, and yet, Niall kept smiling at his losing girlfriend and couldn’t wait for the imaginative argument to ensue.
“Shut your face, Horan.” Ginger mumbled before putting down “U-I-Z” next to Niall’s Q. She began counting on her fingers how many points she had just scored. 
“Twenty-two,” Niall looks up at Ginger, his brow scrunched as his smile is still plastered on his face.
“How do you do that?” Ginger asks as she adds the new number to her total answer. She was in charge of keeping up with both and currently, she was losing by a total of twelve points. The new sums made Ginger want to quit the game and go to bed. She never loses. 
“I dunno, I just do. Kinda like how you never lose?” Ginger looked up at Niall with murder written in her eyes. If she could reach across the dinner table and wrap her hands around that arrogant neck of Niall’s and apply slight pressure- just enough to make him see black spots and to get him to listen- she would be fine. But that’s called premeditated murder and Ginger didn’t not want to go to prison over a Scrabble game. 
“Also like how you’re not getting any tonight…” Ginger casually says as Niall is leaned over the board. He pauses before placing an unknown tile on the board and Ginger is trying to see what he’s trying to spell. “Please use American spelling…”
“You wouldn’t…” Niall breathes. He hasn’t moved a muscle since Ginger’s threat left her mouth.
“Play your word or forfeit, Niall.”
“You’re fucking with me…” Niall places the tile, but his eyes are still on Ginger. She hasn’t broken character and he’s praying he is calling her bluff.
“Not tonight I’m not…” She wanted to laugh, but she wasn’t going to lose at this game too. Niall pushes the board off the table causing Ginger to scream and he sits back into his chair and pouts. 
“You’re a fuckin’ sore loser. Remind me to never play you again.” Niall huffs before standing up. He looks down at Ginger who is laughing into her hand. “You made me make a mess. You’re a...butthead.”
Ginger smiled as she crouched down to pick up the game board and wooden letters. She had won in a way, and when asked, she could say that she had never been beaten at Scrabble. 
“So…” Niall is leaning against the wall of the dining room. He carefully looks at his nails before speaking again. “Remember in Hawaii when you said you wanted to go home?”
“Yeah,” Ginger answers, still not looking up from the few tiles left to pick up.
“You weren’t talkin’ ‘bout LA, were ya?” Niall quirks a brow up as he feels his heart beat faster. 
“Um, not exactly,” Ginger straightens up and places the game back on the table. Niall was up to something...again. “What are you up to?”
“I got Tara to book me jet to Atlanta in three days, I think.” Ginger, while she wasn’t doing anything, stopped where she was. Her body was in shock. She was going home? With Niall? After all these years of school and work, Ginger may have gone back to Georgia once or twice a year. Travel was bad around the holidays and while she enjoyed spending the much needed time together, it was the plane ride to and from that kept her from visiting as much. 
“I want to meet your parents, Gin.” 
She had gone into complete shock. No guy wanted to meet Ginger’s parents. They usually had already ran by the time Ginger had gotten that far into the relationship, and yet here with Niall, he had made all the arrangements to do so.
“Are you sure?” Ginger asks, finally able to speak. She steps towards Niall and a smile plasters across his face. “They’ll love you….but what about-”
“Don’t worry about it, petal. I’m boyishly charming, remember?” The excitement of going home finally hit Ginger. She wraps her arms around Niall’s neck and kisses him, deep and long. Their tongues roll against one another and she feels butterflies floating around her stomach.
“You never cease to amaze me, Ni. I’ve got to call my mom,” Ginger pulls away and grabs her phone off the table. Her fingers begin to tap the number in, but she stops as she notices Niall walking away.
“Hey, butthead!” Ginger calls out. Niall’s head pops around the corner.
“If you’re renting a vehicle, make sure it’s a four-wheel drive.”
Niall nods as Ginger puts the phone up to her ear, a smile painted across her freckled face. He did that. He made her happy. He finally heads to the bathroom when he hears “Hey mama, guess what…”
Niall is a simple man. He likes what he likes and he dislikes what annoys him, and at this very moment what was truly annoying him was Ginger’s stuff scattered around the bathroom. He keeps his bathroom neat, everything in its place or he used to until Ginger temporarily moved in. Now instead of a neat and organized sink, there was red hair on the floor, toothpaste stains on Ginger’s toothbrush, and face washes that never worked on her. The toilet now had a decoration of tampons on the tank lid and the shower was overrun by shampoos and conditioners alike. And even though it gave him the slightest bit of anxiety, he was happy.
“You ready?” Niall asks as the jet takes off. His stomach always did a thing when the plane first took off and one would be used to it by now seeing how he’s flown across the world multiple times, but it hadn’t and he squeezes the arm rest until the stewardess peeks her head out and lets them know they’re safe for unbuckling. 
“You know…” Ginger says, pulling Niall out of his flight panic. She’s on her knees in front of him. There’s a twinkle in her eyes and seduction in her voice. “I never really thanked you for doing this.” Her fingers walk up his leg and his heart stops as he swallows hard. He rest his head in between his thumb and forefinger as he looks down at the woman drives him crazy in lust. 
Ginger’s fingers stop at the brim of his pants. She pops the button through the hole and giggles to herself as she slowly unzips the zipper of Niall’s pants. She looks up at him, slightly biting her lip, as her hand trails up his torso only to grab a fist full of brown locks to pull him down to meet her eager lips.
They were soft and plump and tasted like watermelon. Her tongue overpowered his and he let the moan he had been building up collapse into her mouth, and she moaned back. She wanted him to touch her, to flick her nipples with his tongue, to have his calloused fingers rub against her clit. But what she wanted more than ever was to take Niall deep into her mouth. Her free hand slipped under the elastic of Niall’s briefs and began to tug against the semi-harden dick. 
Ginger let go of their kiss and let the grasp go from Niall’s hardened cock long enough to pull his pants down. Ginger smiled as she thought of Niall grasping the back of her head to push her down further inside her mouth and like the thought had floated through the air, Niall’s dick twitched.
Ginger’s tongue slid up the shaft, teasing the frenulum with the flicking of her tongue, only to hear the raspy “oh fuck” come from Niall. Her lips engulf his tip and the wet, warm sensation drove Niall crazy. He wanted to fuck her mouth, to cum down her throat. The extra saliva that fell from her mouth was used a makeshift lubricant for her hand. Ginger pushed her mouth down Niall’s stiffened dick, her tongue wagging against the skin. She bobbed her head up and down creating her own rhythm, nice and slow, along with her hand. Niall’s hand rested against the back of her head as she continuously licked his dick. 
Her warm mouth hollowed out as she took in the wrinkled skin of his balls. Flicking her tongue between the two testicles, she began to slightly suck one of them and playfully flicked both of them with her wet tongue. She herself felt herself become wet at the raspy voice calling out her name. She wanted to ride him until they landed. She wanted him inside her until they couldn’t take it anymore.
Niall’s dick twitched again and Ginger found her jaw hurting slightly. Her hand continuously pumped the soft pink skin. Ginger, after the several weeks of being together, had not gotten used to his thickness. She stretched her mouth and began to suck harder against his cock. Her tongue worked feverishly along the shaft and as she dipped her head up and down, Niall began to swear in Galeic.
Ginger pushed her mouth down further and felt the tip of Niall’s cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged and tears came to her eyes as she pumped her mouth against him. His dick was wet from her mouth and he felt his body become heavy as his stomach wind up, like spring coiling tightly as Ginger looked up at him. 
Her pussy ached to be touched when she saw Niall breathless. His eyes were screwed shut and his brow furrowed. He was on the verge of coming undone. He raked his fingers in Ginger’s hair and thrusted his hips in her face, pushing his dick further inside her mouth. “Jesus Christ...fuck….Ginger…” The small tears stained her face as Niall came in her mouth. The small spurts tasted salty and it made Ginger gag further. She wanted to swallow just to get the taste out her mouth. Letting Niall fall out of her mouth, Ginger smiled as she swallowed down his undoing. 
“You’re welcome.”
“Niall, have you ever driven on a dirt road before?” Ginger sat in the passenger seat of the jeep as Niall drove down the interstate. “The irrigation systems will be going by the time we get there.”
“Yes,” Niall answers, not quite sure if he had or hasn’t. He couldn’t really  remember any dirt roads in his life.
“Dirt driveways don’t count.” Ginger laughs and Niall begins to thumb the steerwheel. “At least let me drive when we get to town.”
Laurel Springs hadn’t changed in the eight years since Ginger left. It still had the mom and pop shops downtown along with the theatre that had been built in the early thirties to help the local economy while the war was going on. The cobblestone streets that surround the library still needed replacing, but the one thing that Ginger could point out that changed was the amount of churches had grown.
“We’re in the Bible belt, what do you expect?” Ginger said as Niall sighed after the fifth church she pointed out. 
“I could spit and hit two…” Ginger rolled her eyes and followed the four lane state road that led out to her family’s farm. It was at a stoplight on the edge of town that Ginger was honked at. Niall, confused, turned around to see nothing in his rear view mirror. “What the-”
“Hey Ginger!” a southern drawl pulled Niall to the driver side. It was a small framed brunette woman frantically waving at the two of them. “When did you get to town?” 
“Just now,” Ginger called out over the window. It was Alex, Ginger’s high school best friend. They had grown apart their senior year of high school, but Ginger still very much cared for Alex. “Going to visit my parents.”
“Oh, that’s nice. Is that your boyfriend?” Niall was leaning over and he found himself waving at the woman. 
“He seems to think so.” Ginger and Alex laugh as the light turns green. 
“Love to catch up while you’re in town. Love you, baby girl.” Alex speeds off and when Ginger rolls the window up, Niall is beyond confused. Ginger hits the gas and answers all of Niall’s unspoken questions.
“That was Alex. My best friend from school. Also my ex-girlfriend.” Ginger side eyes Niall as he nearly chokes on his own spit.
“Ex-girlfriend? I didn’t…”
“It was a one time thing. Most girls experiment in college, but I had already been there when I was in high school. She was after John Doe…” Niall shakes his head like he understands, but the further south they drive, the little he knows about Ginger. 
“Why do people keep waving? Do you know everyone in this town?” Niall asks as the fifth person that passes them waves.
“No,” Ginger giggles, “it’s just something us southern people do.”
The dirt road that leads to the Blake Farm was just off the state road. It was a narrow red road that was walled by fields on either side. The overhanging metal irrigation system was currently watering both sides of the fields and the cold water had hit the vehicle. 
The overgrown grass the ditches sprang to life as Ginger drove down the road. She was humming to the music that was playing and Niall knew this was Ginger’s happiness. The red barn at the end of the road had come into sight causing Ginger to brake. 
“My parents… can be a little overbearing, but they come from a good place. Just let me do the talking.”
“You mean word vomiting?”
“Shut up.”
The two story brick home was a lot smaller than Niall imagined, but the smell of fresh cut grass was exactly how Ginger described their farm. Penny’s bright colored flowers were planted in her small garden in the front, and the vegetable garden that Jack insisted on having was in the back. The small front porch was white with a large dog barking in the glass door. 
“It’s Texas, our German shepherd.” Ginger smiled as Niall unloaded the car. He somehow felt like he was in hillbilly hell. 
When the two had gotten their luggage from the Jeep, the glass door swung open and Texas bolted to the missing family member. Texas whined and cried as she found her best friend home again. Ginger let the dog lick her face and jump on her as she tried to hug and pet her companion. It was oblivious to Texas that there was a stranger standing next to Ginger. 
“Texas, get in here. Stop harassing the neighborhood,” Jack called out, but Texas didn’t listen. It was when Ginger told her to sit that she finally submitted. 
“Hold your hand out, and tell her that she’s a good girl,” Ginger coaxed Niall. He was half afraid that the dog would reject him and he would no longer be able to play guitar, but when the soft words came from his mouth and when he brushed the soft brown and black fur, Texas was his friend. 
“Well, it’s about time you showed up,” Jack was wrapping his arms around his daughter when Niall straightened up. “Haven’t seen you since two Christmases ago. Your mother she’s…”
“Worried sick,” the pair said together. They began to chat to make up for old times, as if they hardly speak to each other. It was the small clearing of Niall’s throat that broke their conversation. 
“This is Niall, dad. He’s…” Ginger lost her words and the awkward silence of judgement felt heavy on her shoulders. 
“Aren’t you that boy who was in the English band? The one that Ginger was obsessed with? What were they called? One Direction?”
“Obsessed?” Niall quirked a brow up at Ginger before offering his hand to the aging man. “Niall Horan sir, and yes that’s me.”
“You don’t sound English. I’ll tell you what those news people always lie.” 
“Dad, he’s Irish,but can we go inside? We’ve been traveling all day and I want to see mom before supper.” Jack laughed and took Ginger’s luggage. She stepped inside her childhood home and felt the happiest she had been since before leaving.
Niall felt a small slap on the back as Jack and Niall were walking up the stairs. “I hope you feel like you’re home. Ginger’s a good girl, she’s been through a lot, and-”
“Sir,” Niall cut off Jack, his shoulder aching from Ginger’s bag. “Your daughter is the best person I’ve ever met.”
“Did you rehearse that?” Jack points a finger at Niall with a toothy grin.
“Yes sir, I did,” And the two laugh before walking inside of the house. The anxiety he had built up on the way over washed away as he saw Penny and Ginger hugging in the living room. 
~~~~~~~ “Your parents,” Niall started to say as he closed the door behind him. They had spent the last two hours talking about Niall’s career and getting to know the man that had swept their little girl off their feet. “Are amazing. They really care about you.” It was the first time that Niall had felt anxiety free. But when he closed the door, he had a chance to get to know the Ginger he never knew. 
Trophies of rec softball and soccer lined the walls on shelves and pictures taped on the far right side of the room. A single poster of Niall’s former band mates was taped on the side of Ginger’s dresser. And he smiled at the thought of a seventeen year old Ginger listening to their debut album. 
“So who was your favorite?” Niall asks as he looks at himself in the poster. He had grown up since that picture was taken in 2011. 
“Don’t even…” Ginger sighed from embarrassment. “I was not obsessed.”
“You’re living every fanfiction dream right now. Lucky you…” Niall turned with a devilish look on his face. Black eyes lingering on GInger make a shiver drop through her spine. 
“Lucky me,” Ginger breathes in. The aroma of Niall’s familiar scent takes over her. She wants him more than she did on the plane. Niall takes Ginger’s chin in between his fingers and whispers Ginger’s wish.
“Sit on my face.”
@oyesmendes​ @klairelavarias​ @dontgiveupthedayjob​ @hannahollan1181 @kare38 @verorax​ @stayclose-holdsteady​ @halfpinthoran​ @angrynarry​
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Episode 15 Thoughts
I love the parallel convos. But oh god they make my heart break.
Engin needs to talk to Ceren asap.
"The problem is that I considered myself worthy of an angel like her." *sobs* But you are Serkan!
"Half of my soul is her" I'll just be over here crying forever now!!
This man I swear his selflessness because he loves her so much.
Oh god he's looking at her star!!
The look on his face as she's berating him, he's so in love with her and her passion and fire!!
"In life you cannot replace me with anyone" oh Eda he knows, he knows hon
Eda telling Aydan that "he broke me to pieces" while Aydan is crying and telling her she will move past this. *sobs*
Ooofff Eda that was harsh "ask yourself how you raised such an insensitive son who does not know how to love." Especially because he loves her so much!!!
Alptekin knows he deserves Serkan's scorn.
Moving out?!
He cant even bring himself to pack up her stuff.
Even the world?!!!
He cant bring himself to take off the ring. It's the only thing he has left of her.
Oh Eda trying so hard to distract herself and be chipper
"Hair and stubble in a mess" you say Seyfi? That sounds incredibly sexy, I'm okay with this.
Oh shit! It's not enough that her heart is broken but now she finds out about Ayfer's lies.
I really really don't trust Efe!!!
Too convenient that he shows up to "rescue her"
Engin protecting Serkan from everyone bothering him about Eda.
Efe offering her her dream job, and the opportunity to get under Serkan's skin
Serkan is so upset that not only is she working for Efe but that Eda's giving up studying in Italy.
Efe is way too conveniently playing the white knight to Serkan's unfeeling robot.
Of course we have Eda and Ferit vs Serkan and Selin on opposite sides.
Dammit Selin did you have to point out the ring!!
Yowch Selin talking about Serkan breaking women's hearts.
Serkan telling them to help Eda and Efe, because he wants Eda to have the better design
Ooo the guys walking towards the girls love this shot.
Lmao "did fifi start working here too?"
Also side note but damn is Serkan looking extra fine today in that vest!!
"Eda pretended not to see me?" Oh Serkan sweetie
Oooo Selin wants nothing to do with Ceren
Erdam trying Adam play it cool with Fifi
Oooo Eda wearing the ring again just to bother him.
Staring at Serkan's hands often there Eda?
"So no other woman distracts me from my work" lmao mmmhmm sure Serkan that's why you're wearing the ring
Serkan has to keep his hands in his pockets around her to keep from pulling her towards him
Alptekin ugghhhh you should have told Ayfer!!!!!!
You idiot!!
Smart Serkan knowing that Efe would offer to buy Ferit's shares.
Seyfi knowing how Serkan and Eda work lol. Knowing that them working together and fighting will just bring them together again.
Eda has to know from the way he watches her that everything is not what it seems.
Engin stepping on to ask where they are going since Serkan can't
Lmao "I don't want to talk to Erdam"
Serkan you are not the only one missing Leyla
Yes Ayfer take Efe, keep him away from Eda.
Mmmhmmm also from Mardin, with family there? Either a distant cousin or related to one of Grandma's friends
Uggghhh both of them working alone and totally thinking of each other!!! * sobs*
Face timing him just to see his face, oh Eda honey
Serkan hiding the flower because he cant look at it but he can't bring himself to get rid of it
Oh no you did not bring up Serkan breaking up with Eda, Efe. Forget Serkan fighting you, I'll fight you!!!!
Serkan can never say no to his mom.
Oooo yes Seyfi going to the office to spy on Eda and Serkan.
I'm on Serkan's side about not talking to Alptekin. They already didn't have a good relationship and this made it worse.
I feel for Aydan hurting because Serkan is going to move out, but he does need his own space. She didn't think he would marry and stay there the whole time?
I think he will move into that house that he was having Eda design ideas for.
The new picture will be just as marked up as the last was.
Eda making a plan for school yaaaassss!!!
"The woman saved me from my own cruelty, from my terrible condition" *sobs*
"Now I realized how much I need her." Just stab us in the heart why don't you!!
Serkan is totally picturing Efe's face on that punching bag.
Lmao Engin hitting him with the towel!
Good on Eda for getting the university to agree to a payment plan.
Ooo Serkan is jealous that Eda was willing to use Efes name and not his
Leyla and Seyfi as friends? Yaasss the duo we deserve!!!
Serkan watching Eda throw everything out! Ouch!!!
Someone go dig it all out!!!
Sirius!! Go get Mama's stuff from the trash!!
Engin just wanting to hug Piril
Serkan thinking she poured him coffee but its for Efe
Efe charming everyone even Aydan
Lmao at jealous Serkan sending Efe away. Oh honey you're so bad at staying away from her
"If you are not ready, you should not have accepted me into your life" Damn Eda!
Serkan is so proud of Eda and her presentation/work
Oh Serkan, throwing the presentation because he doesn't want Eda to lose!
And Eda knows he's throwing it too, because she remembers what he was saying in the car.
Engin us so terrible at hiding his relationship with Piril, lol Serkan's smirk.
Yaassss team camping trip!!
I'm glad that Ayfer and Eda made up, but
Yaaaasss Serkan coming to go camping! Casual clothes Serkan!!
"I only came because you are here" we all know exactly who that's directed too
Efe go away we want Eda vs Serkan
Leyla not wanting to pick a side lol
Oooo Selin has to ride with Efe
Lmao Serkan still calling her "Eda honey"
Lmao the look on Serkan's face knowing Eda wants to drive!
The teams should just agree to lock them in a closer until they solve their issues
I'm okay if Efe and Selin end up together, both are competitive enough for each other
Serkan back seat driving
Gorgeous view there!
"What if something happened to you?" Eda don't you get it, it's never about him its always about you!
Selin go away you just ruined things!
Serkan knows where Eda would go of course!
You end it there??????!!!!!!!
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32. Part 2
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Since I’ve deleted my Instagram my mother has been trying to contact me, I’ve been ignoring her since. I just don’t care to hear her or to hear her negativity, but she has been ringing me nonstop stop so let me see the issue, I guess I have let her suffer long enough “hello” answering the call “Christopher” using full names now “what’s up?” Watching Robyn as she walked in the living room with her laptop in hand “you deleted your Instagram, you got me worrying. You have me searching Rihanna’ Instagram and she hasn’t posted since New Year, why!? What is happening?” I have to laugh, I find it funny that my mom is worried now, I mean she wasn’t worried when I was on drugs and high as fuck “am I more dangerous sober?” I have to ask “no, I’m just worried” she is such a liar “well I deleted it because I need to clear my mind of negativity, I need to rebuild myself. I need to think of myself and that is with the support of Robyn. She is helping me in this challenging time where I am now sober, I can now feel the change. I now know how much I am struggling to live a normal life because all I knew was being shit to myself, all I knew was to accept shit. I now know my self-worth and Robyn is helping me. She has taught me to love me, and you know what mom. I cry, I cry because nobody has ever wanted to me to feel. Maybe I did it to myself and I am a grown adult, but nobody ever stopped me and said you are worthy, you never did that. You never wanted me to be a father” I said as it is “how dare you say that Chris! I did my best, you are a obsessed with Robyn so of course you are going to listen to her. I did what I could for you Chris, you were too far gone” shaking my head “I was always here mom, but anyways. I’m just thinking of me and my family now. Ain’t nobody gonna bring me down, not even my mother” I had to add that “I’m sorry” my mom said but I don’t want to hear it so I disconnected the call on her.
“Your mother?” Robyn said “yeah, she was fake concerned or whatever. I’m not going to let her ruin my mood or ruin the vibe I’m on. I feel good about me and I know my family can actually ruin that, I’m trying to mentally get myself there to see your family. I hate being fake, but I am for you, I just feel disrespected by your brothers, but it is what it is. I will do my best but forgive me if I disappear” Robyn nodded her head, she doesn’t look best pleased but accepting of it and I can only appreciate her accpeting it “you still want to cook tonight?” I laughed, not sure why but I think it’s because I don’t think Robyn family will want that “but your family won’t want to eat my food?” She pulled a face at me “they will, up to you. I can if you want, we have chicken in the fridge, I’ve been thawing it” I guess I may do it “why are you working anyways? Do you ever stop!?” She is annoying that she does this “stop for what; I have to check my emails baby” frowning at her “but you also need to relax, women have leave to spend time with their baby you know?” Robyn cooed out “you care but I need to actually do this, you should sit with me and then you can also learn. Come” getting up from the couch and walking over to Robyn, sitting next to her “so this is about you being managing director, they emailed me about it. Well my publicist team, I’m just saying how I want it to be announced and the reason why. I mean it’s because I feel sorry for him” I gasped “I’m joking, but I am also setting up for the show in the fall probably too” these emails look hard, like there is a lot going on “you really need to just relax Robyn, you probably work too hard. I feel like you made this empire based on you alone. Like you felt this was it for you, I get it through but I want to help you, I feel like you need it and stuff” Robyn grinned resting her head on my shoulder “thank you” pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Robyn lifted her head up “so what did the mother say? What shit is she speaking now?” I chuckled at Robyn saying that because honestly my mother is always saying something stupid “she was concerned on why I deleted my IG, she was just being nosey, but she got burnt because I told her. I goes you are a shit person. You heard me; she was shocked but at times. I feel like they didn’t want me to be sober. I am more dangerous like this, but I wanted to ask. Can we like cover the tattoo but put it on the documentary, like it’s a new chapter thing?” I want to ask her that, I hope she says yes “I can do that for you, I was thinking at the end it will be pictures of us, like family portraits, get Dennis to take them but those will be the pictures they see, show it’s us now. It’s not me and my team. It’s me and my family, just to finish it off. I want this to be so raw Chris, we deserve it, we deserve to have our time you know?” Nodding my head “I agree, I think people will be so shocked. They are going to either hate or just love us, but I think they will love us, they have to love us” I laughed “I love us” I cooed out “so, you will make dinner for us then yes? Just to make sure, I will be around. You don’t need too though, I can do it” stretching my arms out groaning out “I can do it, I guess but I hope they don’t be hating” I am a little nervous about her family coming, I don’t want drama and I am kind of happier to be in my own bubble, that is all I want. I just want my wife and daughter “you know what, Jay Brown is gonna get what is coming to him, that’s on god” looking at Robyn’ screen to see the issue “do you have any ventures happening, if not we have the New York studio free, we can arrange it for you and Fenty” I read out; he is so shady and still is being that why “he hates me when I have done nothing wrong to them, they want to make you busy. They want you to go to New York and then take you away from me” Robyn cooed out “that sounded so cute but baby, nobody will be taking me away from you. I am yours” Robyn looked me in the eye and meant it “I love it when you are makeup free” Robyn burst out laughing in my face “I felt your saliva hit my face there but I mean it, I love it” she looks so beautiful without makeup.
Robyn is wanting this to be perfect, she got Fenty in her dress. It’s Fendi, she has her little bowtie on looking all pretty “who does she think she is? Look at her mama” I said laughing, placing my hand on Robyn’ butt and kissing the side of her cheek “get off” she said before I squeezed her butt, she be telling me off about that because her booty sore “you know my booty is sore” nodding my head understanding “you can hold her, take her from me but my family should be coming now” I find it so awkward taking a newborn baby from someone “just let me do it, just hold your arm out£ Robyn chuckled, she knows I don’t like it. I rather Robyn lay her down and then I pick her “it’s ok Chris, everything is new to us both” she is so precious and I get nervous a lot “there we go” I grinned at my daughter, Robyn fixed her bowtie on her head “she is beautiful Chris. I cannot believe we produced this, how!?” Robyn spat, I shook my head “I don’t know, like she is the most beautiful girl in the world. She has a angel face” bringing Fenty up to me and pressing a kiss to her forehead “you love kissing our foreheads don’t you, you trying to say we got big foreheads” shaking my head laughing “and she will appreciate the big forehead, so they are coming yeah” Robyn nodded her head walking off “I am just going to put some lipgloss on” looking at Robyn’ butt as she walked off, she is thick. Like she was thick before but now, she is just so thick.
The excitement from Robyn right now, I can’t deny her of her family. She is so happy to see them, the smile and giggles. It’s like she is glowing right now so I want to be extra good for her, I will do it for her. She has been waiting for them, but the wait is over “I can’t wait to see my mother!” Robyn did a little run, following behind her. We put Zeus away because his big self will either put himself in the middle of everything and he might want to start barking at people, so we put him away until everyone is settled down, turning the corner Robyn let out a little scream of excitement “they are here” she is just too cute, I can’t even blame her to be honest. If my family showed me so much love and cared for me, I would be the same. I don’t want to be the one to pull Robyn away from her family, that is not me. I stood a little away from the door because it’s cold out there, Robyn opened the door, and it was all screams. The first person I see is Noella as she ran into Robyn “oh my god! I missed you!” Noella shouted hugging her “auntie!” Majesty hugged onto her legs, smiling a little seeing them embrace Robyn. I am sure Robyn said just her mom, dad, brothers but this is not it, I mean I can clearly tell it is more then that but I will be calm, I can do this.
Noella gasped with her mouth open as she walked into the house “Chris, awww oh my god. I won’t touch her because I am so cold but oh my god. How are you?” Noella touched my arm “I am ok thanks, it’s good to see you here” smiling at her “Chris Brown, can I see baby?” Noella frowned at her daughter “Uncle Chris, you stop being rude. We need to warm up before we touch baby, now come on” Noella can’t stop staring at Fenty “hello son, come here” Monica reached up to my face, leaning down to her she kissed my cheek “she has grown, I can tell. She has come so much more into her face. She is beautiful, awwww oh my god” they won’t touch her because they are cold from outside, I don’t think Fenty will appreciate it either “wow, she got Fenty forehead” Rajad said “she got the trait, my niece is beautiful. Congratulations Chris” Rajad said “thanks” I mumbled “oh shit, Robyn. Why is this!?” Rorrey pointed with his arm around Robyn “this is Fenty, the Fenty” Robyn said laughing “the Fenty, she got momma mean mug. Oh man, I can’t wait to hold her” This is really a family affair. Like we got them all, the out here bringing Lionel frail self but to see Robyn like this, she is so happy, like she seems emotional about it all “Fenty is the best baby ever, she is so good to us. She does like to wake up at random times though” nodding my head in agreement “but Chris does all of that for me, he is too good” Robyn complimented.
They are all cooing at Fenty, I mean of course Rorrey is taking over like he is the man of the house. Ronald is incredibly quiet; he is just watching on but Rorrey is just all up in Fenty’ face. He didn’t speak a word to me like Rajad did, he did the decent thing and said something but not him “man, she is just so beautiful” I am already bored of him, I really will get Zeus to bite him. I can just imagine it now, him just screaming like a bitch, Zeus will listen to me. I am going to make him bite this dickhead “Chris” Robyn said, blinking several times looking at Robyn “Rorrey said something” letting out an oh, I was daydreaming about my dog biting him “yeah” I said “I heard you helped my sister, my mom came up. The highest praises, it’s a scary thing to do. We was scared for her and you helped her, thank you” nodding my head, he still ain’t said sorry “well it’s the guy you disliked that did it” Robyn side eyed “I don’t think any man is worthy of my sister” he’s caught me in the mood “well she wanted me there, don’t mind me. I am going to go in the kitchen y’all gonna be hungry if not” getting up from the couch, looking at Robyn “I am good, it’s ok. Y’all have fun, you ain’t seen the baby and stuff” Robyn is giving me a pleading look but I am ok, I am just trying to be nice “you turned into the housewife then” Rorrey joked “I think your sister is the wife but for her, I do this” I need to stop myself, but he is ignorant.
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Two Cats, One Heart (Chat Noir x reader)
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Summary: Y/n Ross and Adrian Agreste are childhood best friends, they’ve been through thick and thin, including losing their mom, and dad. Since then Y/n’s mom made her live with Adrian at his mansion and forever leaving her life. Watch as their lives Change as they become the new heroes of Paris alongside Ladybug and see how Romance sprouts between the two models.
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 
Adrian and I were shooting a photoshoot at the park. I had just finished my solo shots and now Adrian was taking his solos with the photographer.
"Magnifico! Super! Come on now, I want to see hunger in your eyes!" The photographer, Vincent exclaimed as one of the make-up artists were fanning me so I won't get my blush smudged by the sweat, it was a really hot day. I only wear a small amount of blush and concealer to make my skin shine while it's on camera since I'm, quote 'a naturally élégante beauté'.  While I was getting fanned, both Adrian and I noticed Marinette, Alya, and a little girl. I quickly grinned and waved as Adrian did the same before Vincent snapped at him to pay attention.
" Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile when your mom brings in spaghetti! Okay! And now, Oh no! Mama dropped the spaghetti! And now, you have to eat the spaghetti off the floor! Oh yes, you're angry! Show me angry, yes, yes, yes!" Vincent exclaimed happily as he went all around Adrian taking pictures.
"Marinette!" the little girl screamed as both Adrian, my make up artist, and Vincent looked at the little girl.
"Ngh! Silenzio!" Vincent said in frustration. I saw marinette and the little girl leave to go somewhere as everyone went back to what we were doing.
"What do you think upset that little girl?" I asked my make up artist, Natasha.
"I'm guessing she really wanted that balloon since she's dragging that classmate of yours there" Natasha said as she quickly tied her long red hair up so she would feel cooler. I looked at the extra fan on the table-meant for Adrian- and picked it up fanning Natasha who looked at me with a grin. "You never really get the concept of your the star and I'm the mere employee working for you"
"Your not just a mere employee, your like a big sister, best make up artist I've ever met. plus, if your going to fan me till I go back to photoshooting, I'm fanning you."
"No buts, your human, you get hot too" Natasha sighed and rolled her green eyes.
"Oh no, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! Ugh, we need more energy! More romance! We need...a girl!" I sighed as Natasha helped me up without wrinkling the grey oversized shirt I was wearing tucked into blue shorts as she grabbed my shoulder and looked at my face seeing if something's off before smiling satisfied as she pushed my hair back that was curled by Antonio, my hair stylist. Vincent looked at me impatiently.
"Well? Ms.Y/n, Hurry! My time is too precious to waste"  I got up and walked over to Adrian and who amusingly grinned.
"You heard him, N/n. Don't let his 'precious' time go to waste" He said teasingly as I scoffed and rolled my eyes with a smile. Before I could sit my self next to Adrian, A new akuma began attacking as we both gasped and ran our separate directions. I went over to my tent-where I get ready for the photoshoot- and looked around to look for Alpha.
"Alpha! Come on! paris needs Lady Fox!"
"Paris can wait! The premiere of The Flash can't!" I heard his voice from somewhere in the corner of the room, in one of the boxes. Where can he even watch- I gasped and checked my pockets. He took my phone!
"Alpha!" I yelled warningly. I thought for a second before grinning as I went over to Natasha's desk-she keeps all my snack in a drawer- and took out a packet of brownies I had asked her to bring and opened it as I held it up high. In just a 2 seconds- new record for Alpha- he got attached to my hand trying to pull the brownie out if it. I smirked at Alpha with a raised eyebrow as I let him take the brownie.
"Just to make things clear, my brownie is my number one priority over the flash premiere"  I rolled my eyes as I brought up my bracelet.
"Whatever you say. Alpha! Tails out!" I peaked my head out of the tent to see if anyone is around before I quickly got out of the tent and casually walked side walked before jumping over the fence to see Chat Noir with the akuma.
"Hey Ice Queen, what's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?"  Chat said with a smirk as I amusingly watched from afar.
"My name is not Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!"
"Listen. I'm feline more generous than usual today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, 'kay?"Chat said with a smirk, sliding down the metal fence. Stormy weather, unamused, threw a gust of strong wind at Chat making him fly back all the way to the streets as I chuckled and jumped over there and landed seeing Chat laying on the ground face first. I laughed as I walked up to him and stretched out a arm to help him up.
"Honestly Kitty, I thought all Cats land on their feet" I said teasingly as Chat dusted himself up as Ladybug joined us.
"Why thanks,mon renard, but I had it covered." Chat said as he kissed my hand as I slightly gasped with a small dust of blush before I took my hand and pushed his face back up by his nose.
"Nice try, but silly charms won't win me over that easily, Kitty" I said practically purring as I recovered from the blush completely.
"No time for flirting you two" Ladybug said seriously.
"We should be expecting lightning storms like right NOW!"Stormy Weather said using her parasol to darken the sky as a lightening was coming down at us I gasped and my first instinct was to push Chat Noir as Ladybug jumped the other way. I lost my footing as we began rolling on each other before we stopped as he kissed my cheek. I blushed heavily as I looked at Chat's grin as I moved his head over to Stormy Weather’s direction as I tried to calm my blush as he got up and Ladybug helped me up.
"You just won yourself a cat fight!" Chat exclaimed as we held our stance ready for a fight.
"Black Ice!" Stormy Weather used her parasol to coat the streets with thick ice as Chat and Ladybug began slipping around I managed to stay balanced. Guess those figure skating classes paid off. Stormy Weather then sent a blast a wind pushing as really hard as Ladybug grabbed a pole with her yoyo as she grabbed my arm and I soon grabbed Chat's tail to keep him from also blowing away.
"Gotcha, Kitty"I said as the wind stayed for a few seconds before we dropped on the ground groaning. We soon got up to see Stormy Weather headed somewhere.
"A little Cat Noir will take the wind out of her sails!" Chat said but before we began to leave I quickly grabbed his tails and held him back.
"Whoa, kitty kitty. You better think before you leap." I teasingly said as I let go of his tail as he stumbled a little before he began petting his tail.
"You have a plan?" Ladybug and I glanced at each other and smirked. No words needed to be said as we thought the same thing, one of the things that makes ladybug and I get along so well.
"Just follow our lead."  Ladybug said as she took one side of a building as Chat took the other and I took the middle way. When we got to Stormy Weather, Ladybug jumped and spun her yoyo to attack as Chat did the same with his staff from the opposite as I jumped on a car using it as a ramp as I began to spin my staff to attack.
"Not you again!" Stormy Weather said annoyed as she used her parasol to cause a fiery wind shooting us back along with a whole bunch of other vehicles. We managed to land before we all gasped and started dodging the cars about to it us before we managed to get back together before a bus was coming hard in our direction. ladybug pulled as both close and spun her yoyo widely around us cutting through the bus so we remained safe. The yoyo stopped and hit chat's head.
"Ow!" I giggled as Ladybug sheepishly chuckled as Chat looked up at us-kneeling in pain, rubbing his head- with a mad pout. After a minute ladybug stood on a chair sliding open the top window as Chat used his staff to help her out before helping himself up as I then used my staff to help myself up and leap out of the bus as we talked about what could've caused her akuma.
"Maybe she's got some anger issues!" Ladybug suggested as we ran down the street.
"Or she didn't pass her driving test!"
"or she's like my kawami  and got upset because she missed some premiere of her favorite show?" I suggested.
"Hello, viewers! Here's the latest forecast for the first day of summer. Looks like Mother Nature had a change of plans. Summer vacation is officially over!" Stormy Weather said through a cracked screen as we stopped to watch it.
"Already? But I look so good in a swimsuit." As Chat said that ladybug and I looked at him with a unamused look as he just gave us a silly smile and wiggled his eyebrows.
"The cat suit will do, thanks." I said with a wink.
"At least now we know where she is" Ladybug said as we looked at each other and ran to the news studio. While we were entering Chat stopped to see a billboard of a girl and a parasol.
"Hey! That girl reminds me of someone!"  Chat exclaimed.
"It's her! The akuma must be in her parasol!" Ladybug said as I nodded. While the screen continued to show Stormy Weather we went up to the door and saw it locked before we all stepped back and kicked the door open quickly going into a fighting stance to see nobody was there.
"It's a recording!" I exclaimed looking around. We saw Stormy Weather behind us laughing as we quickly turned around before she shot a lightening at a large lighting above us before we all jumped out of the way as she got the lights off in the entire building leaving it in pitch dark.
"Frosty the Snowgirl is getting away!" Chat exclaimed as I looked at him with my night vision. As foxes are predators who hunt at night, it's only natural for me to have night vision. I looked over to see Ladybug tripping. "Oh, Do I hear a damsel in distress?" Chat teasingly said as I held Ladybug arm helping her up.
" Some of us don't have night vision like you two, Thanks Lady Fox"  Ladybug held on to my arm as Chat grabbed my hand.
"Just hold onto my arm, Ladybug. Promise I won't bite" I said teasingly. I saw Ladybug roll her eyes.
"Ah ha ha. let's just get going" We led Ladybug up the stairs. "Okay, that's enough. I think I can manage to--" Ladybug said pulling her arm away from us.
"DUCK!" Chat exclaimed as Ladybug narrowly missed the fire extinguisher Stormy Weather had thrown.
"--follow your lead on this one." Ladybug changed what she was about to say as she reached for my arm again as we continued up the stairs following Stormy Weather outside to the roof.
"You airheads! You fell right into my trap" Stormy Weather exclaimed as Ladybug let go of my arm as Chat and I kept our hands intertwined unknowing to us. "There's no way out! Party's over, fools!"
"Let's see--" As I began to raise my hand as I saw my hand still being held my Chat as I threw him a look as a small blush coated my face as he nervously chuckled and let go. "Let's see about that, Stormy!" I finished off shaking the blush off.
"Lucky Charm!"Ladybug exclaimed.
"A bath towel? What am I supposed to do with this?" Ladybug said as she held a ladybug spotted bath towel.
"Great. So, we're about to be obliterated, but... At least we'll be dry." Chat said sarcastically.
"Hold your whiskers" I said as Ladybug looked around with her Ladybug vision.
"Hail!" Stormy Weather yelled as it began to hail while Chat and I spun our staff covering Ladybug.
"So what's the plan for getting the akuma back? our arm's starting to get a cramp!" Chat yelled out.
"See that sign over there? Check it out!" Ladybug grinned to Chat.
"All right! Cataclysm!" Chat activated his special power as I kept spinning. " Hey, Coldilocks! Is that all you got?"  Stormy Weather attacks Cat Noir with lightning, but he dodges. He uses his Cataclysm to make the billboard fall down, its aim toward Stormy Weather. She blasts a hole in it and Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around Stormy Weather's ankle. Ladybug takes off running under pipes and against a crane before jumping over an HVAC. Opening the towel, Ladybug soars in the air, pulling down Stormy Weather. The speed at which she falls and the angle of the crane cause her to lose her parasol. I  caught it and  tossed it to Ladybug.
"Get out of here, you nasty bug." Ladybug said as she snapped the parasol in half releasing the akuma. " No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug catched the akuma with her yoyo. "Gotcha!" Ladybug closed her yoyo purifying the akuma. "Bye bye, little butterfly." Ladybug said as she released the pure white butterfly. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug threw the bath towel in the air as it spread around paris fixing the damage we caused during the fight,as if it never happened as Stormy Weather turns back to herself.
"Uh, what am I doing up here?" Aurore asked confused on the roof ground.
"Pound it!" We all exclaimed fist bumping.
*** I changed back to myself as I ran as fast as I could to make it in time for the photoshoot. I can't worry Adrian.
"Step on it, Y/n!" alpha said from my bag, peeking out.
"I am! Now shush and go back in!" I made a quick turn and saw Adrian who quickly grinned as he spot me.
"N/n! your okay!" I came up to them panting.
"y-yeah! I am!"
"You should've hidden somewhere nearby, N/n" Adrian said chuckling. I would've, but Chat was here so I had to change back to myself somewhere not nearby. Stupid Cat.
"Yeah hehe"  The rest of the day was spent with the photographer taking pictures of me and Adrian, some posing, some Adrian and I were teasing one another leaving us in fits of laughter. This has got to be one of my favorite photoshoots so far. Can't wait to go tell Maya about this!
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justjessame · 3 years
Home Sweet Home Chapter 4
I could hear the lyrical sound of Aria’s giggles ringing from the kitchen as I came down the stairs barely twenty minutes after Harvey had taken her downstairs to get breakfast started.  The scent of vanilla and cinnamon mingled with the sweeter fragrance of maple syrup warned me of a sticky welcome waiting for me in the form of French toast and a happier toddler.  
Sure enough, she was in her booster seat with what I felt certain was her second piece of perfectly made, just messy enough breakfast bordering on dessert with a far jollier disposition than what she left me with upstairs.  
“Mama, look,” she waved her fork, holding a piece of her toast and I bit my lip, hoping that she’d stabbed it tight enough to keep it in place until she got it to her mouth.  Either my prayer, or her will to keep every piece for herself was strong, because it made it to its proper end and her grin was infectious.  
Smiling, I moved closer and leaned over to rub my nose against hers, pleased to see it was still free of sugar and goop.  “You’re gonna be so hyper and ready to play with Grandma,” I murmured, pulling back as Harvey’s body molded into mine to helpfully place my plate on the table beside Aria’s before he joined his two girls.  “I’m sure Daddy wanted to make sure you two had so much fun, that’s why he picked French toast.”  Our eyes met over our little girl’s head and his were twinkling with the mischievousness that told me I was correct.  “I’m surprised you didn’t think to add powdered sugar for an extra kick,” shaking my head I took a sip from my juice before skipping the syrup and adding just a bit of butter to my slice.  
“Considered it,” Harvey admitted, making me giggle.  “Thought it might be pushing it just a bit.”  His nose crinkled and that did it, the giggle grew and Aria, not quite sure what was so damn funny went with it and joined my laughter.  
Breakfast with the three of us wasn’t all that rare, but after what Harvey had dealt with in Chicago, we lingered a bit longer.  I lingered longer, needing the reassurance that we were still alright.  That he was real and fine.  That Aria’s daddy and my husband was - I didn’t really understand why it took this particular case to force me to face the reality of what Harvey actually did for a living, for a calling, but it was a harsh dose. 
When we heard my mom’s voice calling out, Aria had forgotten that she was sad that Grandma was coming to visit.  She forgot that Grandma coming meant less time alone with Daddy.  She clapped and was nearly as excited about her visiting as she had been about the big ‘monee’.  
The same could not be said of Harvey.  “Here we go -” his eyes closed, as if he were mentally preparing for the worst, or praying for strength and I sighed.
“There you are,” Mom said, coming into the kitchen with a grin, her eyes focused on Aria.  “There’s Grandma’s little peacock.”  She held out her arms and Aria held up her own as Mom clucked her tongue.  “I see SOMEONE thought starting out the day with copious amounts of sugar would be the best way to jump start tiny little minds.  Guess you and I are starting OUR day with a bath, Aria.”  Mom shook her head and smiled down at me once she got our little one settled in her arms.  “Today’s a regular schedule, isn’t it Everlea?”  I nodded, suddenly thinking that MAYBE Harvey was right.  “That color really looks lovely on you, sweetheart.”  I was about to remind her that Harvey was RIGHT THERE, but then she sniffed.  “I suppose that YOU are going to be underfoot today?”  She barely glanced at him, but a shift of her eyes included my husband in the conversation.  “After that mess you all made of Chicago yesterday, I’d have thought YOUR people would be on hand to clean it up.  Isn’t that what you brag about doing?  Cleaning CRAP up?”  
My eyes widened, how had I missed this?  It wasn’t even that hard to see.  Dear God.  I glanced at Harvey and his eyes were on me in a clear message of ‘told you so’.  “I get to paper push today, Evelyn.” He was being polite, and short.  “As soon as I’m done, you can head on out and me and MY girl can have Daddy and mini me time.”  
“Mimi Me time!” Aria picked up the thread and ran with it, forcing Mom’s eyebrows to try to meet in the middle.  Shit.  
“Chicago was a poo-show,” Mom was adamant that we NOT curse around Aria, and she was the poster woman for it.  Little did she know, Aria might be a parrot about most things, but we’d managed to figure out the code for how to keep her from NOT repeating THOSE words.  “Surely you’ll be up to your poo colored eyeballs in paper pushing to clean it up.”  
I was watching them lob verbal hits back and forth, because Harvey had a comeback locked and ready for her.  “Why, Evelyn, I didn’t know you paid attention to the color of my eyes.  I’m flattered.”  That damn dimple of his coming out even as he followed up with more on the likelihood of work taking all day.  “As for the paperwork?  How hard is it to write ‘big animals wrecked city, fix it, now’?  I’m not a genius, but even I can type that over and over.”  
It was like a tennis match of words, and I was in the middle of it, but my eyes managed to make a detour to the clock and I knew I had to go.  Standing up, which forced a time out, I kissed Aria first.  Telling her to be good for Grandma, let Daddy work - which got a smirk from Mom - and then I turned to Harvey.  The look in his eyes made me want to shake my head, but seeing that he was right, my mom really did have a grudge against him, for some reason had me react in a completely different way.
Instead of a nice, staid, we’ve-been-married-for-long-enough-to-be-comfortable type of goodbye kiss - I stepped up to him and when our lips met the same passion flared up that had in the shower, or the bathtub, or our bed.  If my mother wanted to freak out because Harvey had helped me create our daughter.  The same little girl she was holding and who she couldn’t spoil enough, I’d like to add.  Then this kiss would sear into her brain that the love and passion that went into making Aria still burned bright and wasn’t ending any time soon.  
“Honestly,” Mom muttered, when we finally broke apart, but our eyes were still locked on one another.  “Do you think that’s appropriate for Aria to see?”
“I’ll see you tonight,” I promised Harvey, ignoring my mother for a beat.  “We’ll continue THIS -”
The rough skin of Harvey’s thumbpad brushed the skin under my eye.  “I’m holding you to that.”  He looked like I felt like parting today felt wrong and was harder than it ever had been.  “I love you.”  
“Love you, too.”  With a sigh, I pulled away to face Mom who had let Aria down.  I guess her arms got tired.  “Yes, Mom, it’s appropriate for Aria to see that her parents love one another.  There is NOTHING wrong with a child seeing displays of affection. It’s not like we were having sex.”
Mom sniffed at me, as if our kiss - which was admittedly bordering on a makeout session in the kitchen - was far greater than a display of affection.  “You’re going to be late, Ever.”  
“It’s MY office, Mom.”  I was moving toward the door anyway.  “Thank you for coming over,” I kissed her on the cheek as I passed her.  “Be nice to him?  Please?”  
“No promises, Everlea Grace.”  Her tone wasn’t nearly as stern though, so I had hope that I’d come home to a house still standing and my family intact.
The best part about leaving my position as the attending physician in the emergency room and starting up my own practice wasn’t just that it was less stress or the shorter hours.  It was the small group of people I’d brought together to create a clinic that felt warm and comforting, while also managing to give our patients the confidence in our expertise.  
I was thankful that the day went as smoothly as I expected from a regular day, no surprises, no upheaval to my routine.  As I hung up my stethoscope after my final patient was on her way out the door, having gotten her next appointment scheduled and I double checked that I’d sent her prescriptions through to her pharmacy, I was debating whether I should call home to see if I was walking into a disaster area or if Mom and Harvey had called a truce.
“Everlea?”  I’d been grabbing my bag and keys from my office when my receptionist, Kendra, ducked her head through the door.  Looking up, she took it as an opening to continue.  “Harvey called while you were with Mrs. Callahan.”  I waited, hoping it was something benign, and not a call telling me he was off to make another shitty bed.  “He wanted me to ask you to pick up a bottle of wine, whatever your mom prefers?”  She shrugged her shoulder and I nodded.
“Thanks, Kendra.”  I pulled my bag across my chest.  “I think Mark is still in Exam 3 with Mr. Randolph -”
She grinned at me.  “Yeah, it’s his monthly, so it’ll take a while to get through the list.”  Mr. Randolph did like to be thorough when he had his monthly visit.  “Don’t worry, Everlea, we’ll lock up.”
“I know you will,” I assured her.  “I just wanted to make sure I remembered.”  Shaking my head, I thought how long the past twenty-four hours seemed.  
“Hey,” my eyes met hers.  “Harvey’s practically indestructible, Everlea, and he’s home, right?”  
I sighed.  “I know, I know.”  Moving toward the door, Kendra moved with me, following behind so she could lock the entrance behind me so no one wandered in after hours.  Letting Mr. Randolph out was nothing compared to telling someone we weren’t a walk-in clinic.  “I can’t seem to shake it this time.”  
“Well,” Kendra took her time before she spoke, obviously thinking about my predicament.  “I guess, if you think about it, it was bound to happen eventually.  I mean, the stress has to compound to the point that it gets too heavy at some point, right?”  
Another sigh and I nodded.  “I guess, but I really wish it hadn’t.”  
Kendra was chuckling as I crossed over to outside.  “No one wants that kind of stress, but you and Harvey will figure it out -”
“We always do,” I supplied, my smile returning, thinking about how that was Harvey’s line.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
5sos Christmas Playlist–‘Merry Christmas, Darling’ Ashton
A year later for Ashton! I got carried away, but with Ashton I always do. Please let me know what you think and if I should do Luke and Michael a year later as well! :)
Word count: 1450
Warnings: slight tension, implied smut near the end
I’ll Be Home For Christmas (Part 1)
Another year has gone by and all the kids are another year older, all except Mylo who is only five months old and experiencing his first Christmas.
The house has gotten a little extra loud now and with four kids it definitely became more hectic. Fletcher always make sure to help out as much as a five year old can. His role of big brother never ceased to amaze you.
Right now, you and the Irwin troops are are getting ready to go to Michael and Crystal’s house for their Christmas Eve party. Mylo is teething so he’s being very fussy while you’re trying to change him into his outfit that matches his brothers. Ivy is on the floor vying for your attention as well, the Terrible Twos were hitting her hard, and she also had to get dressed yet. 
Both Ivy and Mylo let out loud cries and you feel like you’re about to lose your mind.
“I know babies, hang on,” you sigh trying to keep your voice calm and soothing. “Fletcher!”
“Yes mama?” he asks running into Mylo’s room. Henry is right on his heels; wherever Fletcher goes, Henry is sure to follow. 
“Can you find Daddy for me? I think he’s in the garage or basement. Tell him mama needs him, please.”
“Okay mama!” he jumps then grabs Henry’s hand. “Gotta find Daddy, Henny!”
You smile as your two sweet boys run to fetch their father. With a big breath, you bend down to hoist Ivy into your other arm then plant your feet to stand back up. They’re both still being very fussy and you’re trying to hush them down when Ashton appears in the doorway panting.
“What’s wrong? I was loading the car.”
“I appreciate that but I need you to take one of them, please,” you say frantically. 
Ashton takes Ivy who is already reaching for him. He sighs while bouncing her and wiping her wet cheeks. 
“Now what?”
“Now what? Really, Ashton?” you laugh shaking your head, “Can you put her in her dress? I need to change Mylo and get dressed myself.”
“So do I and I’m not even halfway done loading the car.”
“That can wait! I want them dressed before we go,” you grab Mylo’s outfit from the top of the dresser and place him on his changing table. You give him a gummy ring to suck on to soothe his mouth. 
“Do they really have to match?” he sighs again.
“It looks nice for pictures.”
“They’re both going to spit up on them or something anyway,” he mutters still bouncing Ivy lightly in his arms. 
“All right fine, let’s all just go in dirty clothes,” you snap pulling Mylo’s arms from his onesie. “Since you don’t care if our family is presentable.”
“Y/N, that’s not what I meant.”
“Can you just please dress Ivy? Her dress is on her dresser.”
“I can help, Daddy,” Fletcher says quietly. 
“Thanks buddy,” Ashton ruffles his son’s hair. “But I got it. You and your brother can go play until we leave.”
He gives you a disdainful look and you return an annoyed one right back. 
All four of your children are in the living room cuddled up on the couch watching a Christmas special while you and Ashton are getting changed. You just need help zipping up your dress when you hear loud thumps coming from Ashton’s closet. 
“Your tie is on the bed,” you call to him clasping a bracelet on your wrist. Ashton gave it to you for your birthday, it had each birthstone of your children on it and you wore it daily. 
“Thanks,” he sighs brushing past you. His aftershave ghosts by you, a familiar scent that feels like home but you can sense the irritation beneath it. 
“Can you zip me up?” you ask quietly spinning around. He zips you quickly and you sigh, tension is high between you right now which has been happening a lot more lately. 
Having four children who are so close in age has been tiresome, it was expected and you’re both trying to get into the swing of things. The elder three have their routine but with Mylo as the new addition, you’re still trying to get him on course. It’s all overwhelming and added pressure of the holidays isn’t helping, everyone’s routine is out of whack. 
“Thanks,” you huff then leave the room to finish loading the car. You both needed to cool down and the best way to do that is not to say something either of you would regret in the heat of frustration.
The car ride is silent except for the noises from the kids in the back. Ashton is surprised that everyone had their jackets on and that the car was loaded when he came downstairs. He belted and buckled the kids silently as you handed him each one, a well oiled machine even if tension was high. He wasn’t even sure why he was irritated in the first place. 
The rest of the night you and Ashton were on opposite ends of the room from each other. Ashton is talking with Luke who has this grand idea to make a Christmas album when he noticed you holding Mylo while the other three played with their cousins. 
Ashton knew Mylo was teething but he only wanted your comfort. He spots you trying to sneak a bite of a snack but Mylo let out a distressed cry which distracted you and the food was forgotten. As you were trying to comfort Mylo, Henry and Ivy ran up to her equally upset.
“Mama! Ivy hit me!” Henry whines pointing his finger at his younger sister. 
You heft Mylo higher on your other hip then bend down to their level. 
“Why did she hit you?”
“She took dinosaur!” Henry pouts looking like you. 
“He took it first mama!” Fletcher shouts running to their party. His curls flopping as he came to a halt.
“Henry,” you use your ‘stern mom’ voice. “Did Ivy have it first?”
Henry looks down ashamed. 
“Say you’re sorry, if it was her turn,” you tell him. 
“Sorry, Ivy,” Henry apologizes. 
“And Ivy Rose,” you turn to your daughter holding her wrist, “we do not hit our brothers. No hit. I’m going to take the dinosaur if you can’t share, you can have him back later. Now, go play nice.”
The three run off laughing again as soon as they reach their cousins and Ashton is overwhelmed with love for you, his wife. 
You do so much, he knows you do, but he’s never taken the time to really watch and appreciate all that you do. You’re the best mother who puts the kids and Ashton first, always before yourself. 
Santa comes later after dinner, the four kids all sit on his lap nicely for a picture. When he lets out a hearty “HO, HO, HO!” Ivy shrieks then Mylo follows because of the loud noise. Ashton takes Ivy while you grab Mylo exchanging a smile as you comfort your two youngest. 
On the way home, the four siblings are passed out and you’re humming along quietly to the Christmas music. 
Once all four little Irwins are tucked in their beds, Ashton pulls you into your room and shuts the door, his lips on yours in a feverish almost desperate kiss. 
“What was that for?” you gasp, eyes wide while his strong fingers unzip your dress. 
“I’m sorry I was in a mood earlier,” he huffs slipping the dress from your frame, his forehead is on yours. His honey green tea eyes have darkened in warmth as he gazes at you. “I love you so much, Y/N. And I don’t tell you enough how such an amazing mother you are. You do so much and beyond.”
You avert your eyes down shivering at his gaze and his words. He tilts your chin back up. 
“You’re an exceptional woman, I’m so lucky to have you as my wife and partner. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother to our children.”
“Ashton . . .” your voice breaks from emotion. His hands are rubbing up and down your back, your waist, below the waistband of your laced underwear. 
“I mean it, angel,” his voice is deep leading you to your bed. 
He places you down gently, you toss your strapless bra off and onto the floor. Your own hands untuck his shirt and unbutton the front displaying his broad chest and muscled tummy with the perfect amount of flesh to squeeze onto. 
“I love you, too,” you whisper dragging your hands up his torso and into his hair pulling his mouth on yours. 
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
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