#Mostly Fluff
sidsinning · 1 year
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Villainess AU update! (Finally,,,,)
Excuses don’t work on the birthday boy
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steviewashere · 7 days
The Great Cornholio
Rating: General CW: Implied/Referenced Animal Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Animal Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Mild Angst, Fluff, Steve Harrington is Impulsive, Steve Harrington is a Little Shit, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Soft Steve Harrington, Soft Eddie Munson, Adopting a Dog, Beavis and Butthead Reference, Cornholio the Dog, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Domestic Steddie, Domestic Fluff
🐕—————🐕 There’s a disrupting clatter of noise coming from the front door of their apartment. Eddie stops immediately what he’s been doing in the kitchen—wiping down counters and putting away the dry dishes from the rack—and listens in. Shushing. Scraping? And then…a whine.
“Steve?” He calls out.
All of the sounds immediately stop. Unnervingly so.
“Uh…Steve, you alright?” He calls out again. “You didn’t get into another fight again, did you? I think we’re out of rubbing alcohol, so it’ll be a bitch to disinfect any wounds you got.”
Subtle shuffling comes closer to the open doorway of the kitchen. Eddie turns to look. Steve’s standing in his work clothes, vest over his polo, jeans straight down his legs, shoes still laced. He’s flushed bright red. Nervously fiddling with his fingers. He shifts from foot to foot and peers up at Eddie through his eyelashes. Mirth glints at him.
“What’d you do,” Eddie sighs.
Steve smiles at him. All his teeth. Squinting his eyes so hard, they nearly look closed. “I got us something,” he giddily states, “you’re going to love it.”
Eddie gestures for him to get whatever this thing is. And waits, dish gloves up to his elbows, barefoot and in his pajamas, half-tired, not showered. He had a day off from work, the automotive shop around the corner, so what if he does chores and nothing else? But he’s especially exhausted. Just wants to relax. And knows, whatever Steve’s done, will tarnish all of that.
A couple minutes later, Steve comes back towards the kitchen. Vest gone, shoes off. Hands behind his back. Squirming left and right as his grip subtly—or not so subtly—changes. Slowly, carefully, he reveals the contents of his hands. And staring back at Eddie is a dog.
It’s a smaller breed—whatever breed it is. Soft looking, white fur. Ears that fold over like airplane wings. Big, brown, bug-like eyes. Pink nose, straight tail, short legs, and six toes on the front left foot. The dog’s cute, Eddie can objectively notice. It doesn’t mind being held, considering how Steve’s holding it close to his belly like it’s a toddler. And it’s not barking at him, like most dogs do the first time they’re introduced to him. This one’s rather mellow. Very relaxed. Though, that may just be from nerves.
“I got a dog,” Steve says. His voice goes a little high with his happiness. Smile bright and big and unmistakeable. Eyes excited and warm.
Eddie already knows he won’t turn this away.
“I can see that,” he states. “Is it our dog or—“
“His name is Cornholio. Like in Beavis and Butthead. And I’ve got all the supplies in the trunk,” Steve begins explaining, barreling over Eddie’s question. Okay, so it’s definitely ours, Eddie notes. “Cornholio here is housebroken. He knows how to sit and lay down. He’ll be sleeping with us in bed, I’m not making him lay in a dog bed by himself. And I’m going to buy him his own turkey to eat for dinner. And—“
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie interrupts. Immediately, Steve stops talking. And his smile fades. Looking more like…Well, it’s in bad taste, but he looks like a kicked puppy. The longer Eddie takes to collect himself, though, Steve appears as if his entire family has been slaughtered in front of his eyes. Eddie rubs a, now gloveless, hand between his eyebrows. “We didn’t talk about getting a dog? What led you to do this? How much did he cost? Have you factored in the possibility that either of us could be allergic?” Calm down, he scolds himself. He takes a quick, steadying breath. “I’m not…We can keep the dog, Stevie. But I—I’m not prepared for a dog.”
Steve cradles the dog closer to himself. Looks down at the top of his head and kisses the fur between his ears. Cornholio looks up with his big brown eyes, his tail wags as much as it can where Steve’s holding him, and he licks the underside of Steve’s jaw. “I just thought it would be nice to have a little buddy around,” he murmurs lowly, a little sad. “There was an ad for the humane society in the newspaper this morning and I thought, y’know, what if I looked after work? Just for the shits and giggles of it, but then I saw him. 
“And he’d been there for three years. He used to be left alone at his old house for weeks on end. Just left with scraps and the bag of dog food. Whatever he could find. He was lonely and sad and…Somebody finally called for him to be taken in.” Steve shrugs as much as he can with the weight of the dog between his arms. Looks up to Eddie, his eyes just as big as Cornholio’s, wet and tired. Meekly, he adds, “He made me think of myself. When…When my parents would just leave me all alone.”
Oh, Eddie thinks. His chest feels heavier. Head foggier. Eyes stinging.
“And you wanted to give him a better chance than what you had,” Eddie says, though he meant it like a question. It comes out a little breathy, too much of a realization to be anything more than that. Steve nods slowly, gently.
“He was only $50. I’ll return him if it’s a prob—“
“No, no,” Eddie rushes. He forces himself to move forward. Stand close and in Steve’s space. He peers down at the top of Cornholio’s little head, his tantalizingly soft fur. So, he scratches his nails over the baby’s scalp. He peers up at Steve again. At his impossibly sadder eyes, just a second away from bursting into tears. His free hand comes up and cups Steve’s left cheek. Thumb gently swiping over his cheekbone. “I think that you picked a good one, sweetheart. This baby’s adorable,” he coos. “Look, he’s even got my eyes.”
Steve scoffs. “Your eyes? He’s my son!”
Eddie hums. “Actually, he’s our son,” he murmurs. Smiles small to himself at the way Steve preens at those words. “And his name is Cornholio, like in Beavis and Butthead. And he’s going to eat turkey with us every night. And he can sleep between us in bed to ward off our nightmares, yeah?”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
He shrugs. “No, maybe just a little scrambled. But…I’m also an impulsive person, so this matters none.” Cornholio’s fur is incredibly soft under his hand. And he looks up at the two of them with all the gentleness in the world. And, maybe, Eddie thinks he could die happy here and now.
Steve leans in a little closer. Rests his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder as they both peer down at the little white dog. “Huh,” he mutters, “I guess he does have your eyes.”
“See?” Eddie asks softly, grinning. “Match made in heaven. How about we take him on a walk? Show him our picnic spot?”
Abruptly, Steve gasps. “Oh my gosh!” He crows, “We can take him on our picnics with us! And he can meet all the dogs at the park! And he can lay in our laps! And—“
Chuckling, Eddie swipes a soothing hand down Steve’s back. He’s bouncing in place, probably five seconds away from lift-off into the ceiling. He kisses Steve’s temple. Murmurs, “I’ll make some sandwiches, alright? Go get his collar and leash.”
Steve positively squeals.
And Eddie was right. This does ruin the plans he had on his day off, but he figures this is better. Way better than anything he could’ve done for himself. There was no way he was going to turn down the opportunity to see his boy happy.
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months
The Rescue of Magistrate Ancunin
Astarion x gn!Tav (could be read as the beginning of a romance or a friendship)
I started this like weeks ago but I wasn't happy with it so I left it alone. And then I came back fully expecting to delete and re-write half of it, but nope! I like it now!
This should have been more angsty but it sure is not
Warnings: blood, injury, fear of death, descriptions of dying, swearing, descriptions of pain, angst
Word Count: 2,202 (fun!)
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Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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Boots kick in his stomach, his face - anywhere they can reach - mixed with fists and nails. Astarion tries covering his head, but it’s in vain. The air is torn out of him over and over, until breathing becomes too difficult. Everything is excruciating. Pure, unbridled agony washes over him, replaced only by short bouts of numbness.
He can no longer feel his fingers or his toes. They’re just cold. So cold.
His nose breaks with a sickening crunch. He chokes around a gasp. Tears pour down his face, snot and blood dripping from his nose.
He’s going to die here.
They’re going to kill him.
And he’s terrified.
At the edge of his senses, he can hear the clicking of boots against cobblestone. The Gur hear it, too. With one last good hit each, some spitting on him as a further disgrace, they rush from the scene. He can’t move. The longer he lays there, the more the pain goes away. There’s a warm liquid beneath him, all around him - he can almost pretend it’s a warm bath.
The clicking gets faster as the boots run toward him. Soft hands turn him over to his back, but it hurts so fucking bad. He wants to curl up into a ball, let death wash over him and remove his fear and his pain. The hands don’t let him. They brush his hair, matted with blood, from his forehead.
It takes too much effort, but he tries to look anyway. His vision won’t focus. The person’s speaking, he thinks. Their mouth is moving insistently. He can’t even begin trying to read their lips.
They lean over him and press their hands to his chest. It hurts. He tries lifting his arms to push them away, but he can’t even feel his arms anymore. He tries mouthing the word “Stop”, hoping he can find enough air to speak. Alas, nothing comes out. And he’s so tired.
For one brief moment, his vision is clear. He can see their face. Their eyes are closed, but they glow beneath the lids. Another glow, the same pale blue, surrounds their hands. He tries to commit their face to memory: their hair, the shape of their nose, their brows. But before he can get a clear image, darkness crawls in from the edge of his vision. The last thing he is aware of before he slips away - into unconsciousness or death, he isn’t sure - is their voice, whispering spells under their breath.
The cleric casts spell after spell - anything they can think of. If they try moving him in this state, he won’t live past the end of the street. One incantation after another spills from their lips, desperate. In the back of their mind, they pray to their goddess to spare this man from this fate. Too many people have died on these cobblestones with no one to help - they will not let him continue that cycle.
By the time they’ve spent all their spells and opened their eyes, a ring of flowers and grass grow around him, risen from the blood as though it was fresh dirt, climbing through cracked stones. Shaky hands carefully examine him.
His ribs are no longer cracked, and blood no longer fills his lungs. When they lean down to listen, his breaths are slow, but constant. He was by no means fully recovered - he was injured too much for that - but he’s stable enough to move.
They brush away some flowers that tangled in his hair and wrap his arm around their shoulders. Once they had him sitting up, they wrapped their arm around his waist and did the monumental task of carrying his dead weight to his feet. They weren’t weak by any standards, but they also weren’t in the habit of carrying full-grown people. Not to mention how weak they were now they’d cast everything available to them.
His feet dragged as they supported him down the road. They could continue to treat him at their house, where he’d be safe from another attack.
The flowers were the only witnesses to a figure in the shadows that scoffed and disappeared into the night.
Astarion’s eyes slowly opened. The afterlife looked much different than he expected. The room was a bit shabby… Maybe this was one of the Hells? His head sluggishly flops to the side when the door opens with a creak. Is this… a god? He expected something a bit more… spectacular.
They didn’t seem to notice him as they went around the room. They peeked underneath anything with space below it, muttering frustratedly under their breath. With a huff, they opened closet doors, shutting them quietly despite their exasperation.
He would have spoken, but his mouth was so gods-damned dry. So instead, he cleared his throat. It barely made a sound - a small grunt if anything - but they jumped out of their skin and looked at him.
“Oh! You’re awake!” They shook off the jitters as they rushed to the nightstand next to the bed he lay on, pouring him a glass of water from a pitcher. They carefully supported the back of his head off the pillow and held the glass to his lips. “Here, drink this.”
He did as they asked without much thought. All he could really think to do is stare up at them, even as the blessedly cool liquid soothed his throat. Surely, this couldn’t be a god. He’d never been one to believe, but he’d never heard any stories that had gods take care of visitors. Certainly not those that discussed gods of death.
After letting him drink for a moment, they took the glass away and set it back down, easing his head back on the pillow. They smiled at him, warm and welcoming. Where in the Hells was he?
They chuckled. Oh, had he said that out loud? “You’re at my house. You’ve been asleep for a few days now.”
He blinked slowly and cleared his throat again. “Why?”
“You don’t remember?” They tilt their head at him, watching, as though they’d seen this before.
“I remember… heading home. And…” He scowled. “The Gur.”
“Is that who attacked you?”
Right. He was attacked. He grunts and forces himself to sit up. Their hands hover over him, ready to catch him if it’s too much, but they don’t touch him. He looks down at his body. Other than some nasty bruises, he’s perfectly fine. He feels nauseous just remembering how he couldn’t breathe - yet here he was, breathing perfectly fine.
“How did you…?” He touches his nose, surprised it isn’t broken. He looks at them again. They almost laugh at the bewildered look on his face. “I thought I was dead.”
They wince slightly. “No, fortunately I found you just in time. A moment later and you would be. I can alert the officials about the attack, but they probably won’t catch those responsible.”
He groaned. The thought of his own predicament becoming a court case gave him a headache. “Great. They’re free to roam without consequence.”
“Hm. I’m sure their luck will run out.” He looks at them from the corner of his eye. “Oh, do you believe in karma?”
“No, not really.”
They smile despite this. “For your sake then, I hope they get some repercussions for their actions.”
“If you really believe, then you’d think this was karma getting back at me.”
“Why? What did you do?”
He sneers as he says it. “I handed down a sentence they didn’t really like.”
They look at him for a moment. He can’t tell if they’re assessing him or just formulating an opinion. They choose their next words carefully. “It’s against my faith to believe that a violent action against another is just.”
“And what do you think? Outside of your faith’s rules.”
They frowned as they thought. “I think… I don’t have enough information to form an opinion.”
He hummed. “Fair enough.”
They offered him a polite smile and turned to search the room once more. They peered under the bed, squinting into the darkness, before huffing and looking somewhere else.
“What are you looking for?”
“Hm? Oh, my cat, Pumpkin. She loves to sneak into the guest rooms, and for some reason, she loves sneaking in here, specifically.” They paused, realizing something. “Actually, she only started coming in here so often once you showed up. She may just like you.”
He hummed noncommittally. Cats did seem to like him, but he did his best to avoid them. It wasn’t professional to have fur all over his clothes, especially during court.
“You said you passed down a sentence,” they said as they rifled through a pile of blankets with no luck. “Are you a judge?”
“Magistrate,” he corrects, haughtily. “Magistrate Ancunin.”
They stand straight and turn to him. “Oh! I never introduced myself.” They smiled sweetly. “My name’s Tav. A pleasure to finally meet you,” they teased lightly. “I didn’t really know what to call you while you healed. It’s nice to put a name to a face.” Their smile dropped as they sighed sharply, turning with their hands on their hips to look around the room. “Now, where is that damn cat?”
He almost chuckles as he watches them re-check the wardrobe, lean down to peer under furniture they already looked under, and pick up each blanket in the stack with such vigor they nearly came unfolded.
A slight movement caught his ears. As they opened drawers and shuffled spare clothes within, he looked at the pile of pillows beside him. At a glance, they seemed perfectly normal. It was a large bed - the pillows on the side he wasn’t sleeping on were set up just as they ought to be. But, as he continued to look, something shifted the pillow. A minute motion. He carefully pulled it back.
“This cat you’re looking for…”
They hum, not looking at him. “Pumpkin.”
“Yes, Pumpkin, what does she look like?”
“Oh, um, orange. White belly. Her tail was bit off by a stray dog when she was little, so it’s rather short now.”
“White paws?”
“Blue eyes, sort of brown in the center?”
The only sound in the room was the creak of wood as they tried peering on top of the bookshelf. Then silence. They slowly turned around as their mind finally caught up.
Astarion, still holding the pillow back, watched with a slight grin as the aforementioned cat rolled on her back, stretching out with paws reaching toward the sky. Even from across the room, they could hear the loud purrs she emitted.
They let out a long suffering sigh as they stepped off the bottom-most shelf and made their way to the cat’s side of the bed. Bright blue eyes looked up at them, mouth curled in the cutest way. They sighed again. “You’re terrible, you know that?”
With a sweet mreow, Pumpkin rolled back over and, before he could react, jumped into his lap.
“Ah, I don’t- Hey! Wh-What are you doing?!”
Tav laughed as he floundered, hands raised like he had no idea where to put them. Pumpkin brushed up against his chest, her short tail just brushing his shoulder, before she began kneading into his lap. Her claws pulled at the handmade quilt, and he was all-too-relieved he had the protection. Before she could curl up, Tav rounded the bed and swooped her up by her middle, tucking her into their arm like a baby. The cat mrowled in displeasure.
“Like I said, she really likes you.”
He frowned, brushing his shirt of fur on habit, even though the pajamas he wore were not his own. “Delightful,” he droned. “If you don’t mind, when can I leave this place?”
They took the rudeness in stride - they’d been asked the same question in far meaner ways before. It was part of the job, they supposed. “You’re welcome to leave today, if you feel well enough. I’d warn against going out at night, until it’s safer, at least. I’d be happy to lend you some clothes.”
“What happened to mine?”
They gave him a soft look, like a mother afraid to tell her child disappointing news. “I’m afraid they were too soaked in blood to be salvaged. I saved what personal effects I could, but…”
He blinked. How did he forget he was there because he was nearly beaten to death? Funny how one forgets something so major when looking for a cat and having idle conversation. He cleared his throat. “Of course.”
Pumpkin wriggling in their arms, they pull the door open and turn back to him. “I’ll bring some clothes right up, Magistrate Ancunin, and your belongings.”
“Astarion.” He looks away, chin up, trying to keep some modicum of professionalism. “You can call me Astarion.”
He can hear the smile in their voice. “You’re welcome to stay for supper, if you’d like, Astarion.” They pull the door closed behind them as they say, “Though Pumpkin may try for your lap again.”
After a pause, he lets himself relax in the silence of the now-still room. A dumb grin slides across his face. Surely the court could await his return a while longer?
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@hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @lynnloveslokiredacted @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog
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lots-of-pockets · 1 year
Everything’s gonna be okay (part 2)
Pairing: Scarlett x you
Words: 1429
Warnings: some swearing I think
Summary: after Scarlett’s sickness, you both sit down and talk about your relationship status.
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Three days pass before Scarlett had finally begun to get over her cold. You'd taken care of the entire time, just as you had promised, and other than the sniffles and the occasional itch in the back of her throat, she was somewhat back to her normal self.
You say somewhat, because despite the fact she was feeling better, she still wasn't quite acting like the Scarlett you knew. That reason was pretty self explanatory considering the circumstances, but you couldn't quite find it in yourself to call her out on it because that would be pretty hypocritical of you.
You were treading almost cautious circles around one another, neither one of you wanting to be the one to bring it up first. You knew you'd said you would, but it was easier said than done.
Scarlett was curled up on the couch, bundled up in a thick blanket whilst she watches whatever movie was on the tv. You had taken residence on the opposite side, your phone in your hand as you scroll aimlessly through your social media. It was obvious that neither one of you could find the words you wanted to say, and were using your chosen distractions as a suit of armour.
Your eyes, however, would often flicker over to her, just to be sure she was doing okay. And you would sometimes feel her eyes on you too, telling you your silent implication was reciprocated and that she was feeling the awkwardness too.
It was only as the movie finishes and a commercial begins do you finally find it in you to talk.
"Why'd you do it?" You murmur, locking your phone and setting it down onto your thigh. You hated how meek your voice sounded. It was almost as though you feared her yelling at you all over again.
Scarlett looks over to you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It takes only moments for her facial expression to change into one of understanding, and you watch as she hesitates for only a second before sitting herself up and muting the tv, shifting her body around to face you and letting out a quiet sigh.
"I..." she swallows away the tightness in her throat as her hands absentmindedly twist a loose thread of the blanket around her finger. "I was angry." She could barely bring herself to look at you.
You nod, knowing this. You hadn't been able to forget the look of pure hatred on her face as she'd told you to get the fuck out. It was permanently engraved in your brain, and you were sure it would be for the rest of your life.
On that day, Scarlett had been in a bad mood from the second she'd woken up. You didn't know why, and no matter how many times you'd asked, she'd adamantly refused to tell you. It had left you walking on thin ice around her, keeping to yourself and not saying a word in fear you'd say something to make her snap.
Things weren't exactly picture perfect before this day though. For a month prior, her busy schedule had left you little to no time with each other. You went days without seeing her face, kissing her, touching her, and you guess that was the cherry on the cake that made you reach your breaking point.
"Why?" You ask, unsure eyes flickering up to meet her own. "Why'd you get so...mad at me?" You try to keep your voice as unaccusing as possible.
Scarlett bites her bottom lip softly as she lets out a heavy breath through her nose. "I wasn't mad at you," she shakes her head. It was almost as though she was trying to convince herself her as much as she was trying to convince you.
“I was never mad at you. I was mad at everything else. My job. My lack of schedule and personal life. I was mad at the world and I just needed someone to blame. You were just...there, in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a shitty thing to do and I regretted it the second it happened. I'm so, so sorry."
You stare at her for a second before letting out a quiet sigh, your eyes flickering down to your lap. You didn't know what to say. You weren’t mad at her, at least not anymore. You’d forgiven her almost the second it had happened because deep down you knew she hadn’t meant it. She’d just been stressed and overwhelmed and you’d been the closest target.
"I went out in the rain, after you," she continues unsurely when you don't say anything. The trembling voice, however, does not go amiss, and you feel the tears swimming in your own eyes.  "I looked for you, for over an hour, but you were gone. I called too, but..."
"...but I didn't answer." You finish for her, and Scarlett lets out a quiet breath as she nods her head.
"Yeah." She murmurs hoarsely as she sniffles and clears her throat. "I'm so, so, sorry Y/n."
You knowingly nod your head. It takes you a few seconds for you to find your words.
"What we had together in those last few weeks was not at all healthy,” you start, trying your best to ignore the way you see Scarlett's bottom lip beginning to quiver in your peripheral vision. You hated seeing her upset, especially when it was you who had caused it.
"You took all of your frustrations out on me, even when it wasn't my fault and I tolerated that for a while because I knew you were upset and I didn't want to add to that. But what you should have done is talk to me, or ask me to give you space. I would gladly have done so without hesitation. We were partners, Scarlett, but you didn’t treat me like one.”
A single tear streams down her cheek, and as she wipes it away, more fall in its place, "I know. I'm sorry."
"I don't want you to cry," you murmur, scooting closer and cupping her cheek with your hand. You tenderly wipe away the tears with the pad of your thumb, "and I don't want you to be sorry. You've apologised before, and I forgave you. I just wanted to know why."
Scarlett nods as another tear steams down her cheeks. You press a soft kiss to her hairline before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Her body was warm against your own, and you hear yer let out a soft sniffle as her head comes to rest on your chest just beneath your chin. You cup the back your your head, the pad of your thumb grazing over the shell of her ear as her own hand tightly clutches the material or your shirt.
"In the future," you start as you lay your cheek against the top of her head, "in the future, you need to communicate with me. You need to tell me what's going on when you’re upset because I can't read your mind."
"Does that mean..." she tightens her arms around your midsection, and you nod as you press your lips against the top of her head. Before the break up, your relationship had pretty much been picture perfect. You rarely argued, communication was healthy and though you didn't get a lot of time together, it meant the time you did get was both cherished and special.
It was only in the last few weeks did that change, so you didn't see why you couldn't try again. You didn't want to waste the two amazing years together over an argument that could very much have been prevented.
That would be a stupid move on your part.
Scarlett buries her face into your neck, the tip of her nose cold against your skin. You instinctively tighten your grasp around her body, hand slipping beneath her shirt to rest against the bare skin of her back.
"I love you," you hear her murmur, and you smile tenderly. You didn't think you'd ever hear those words again.
"I love you."
Thank you guys so much for reading! ✨
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rainbowrelyea · 8 months
This my first time writing fanfiction, so please be gentle! I also decided to try a different writing style than my usual, so I hope it’s still enjoyable! Anyways, here we goooo….
Oh look I’m on AO3 now too
Supercorptober Day 3: “Kara”
When she first meets Kara, she remembers thinking “what a beautiful name”.
And then Lena remembers how her breath caught in her throat when she looked into the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen, and she knew in that moment Kara was not anyone she was going to forget anytime soon.
At first, Kara was just interviews and polite conversation over tea and coffee. But she was also a very attractive woman and easy on the eyes, so who could blame Lena if she secretly looked forward to their occasional interactions?
Lena soon came to find that Kara was unlike anyone she had ever met. Kara was genuine in a disarming way, in that way that almost seemed too good to be true - but time and time again she proved that she truly had no ulterior motives - she quite simply just wanted to be Lena’s friend. Lena, self deprecating as ever, couldn’t understand why Kara was so determined to nurture the tiny seedling of their fledgling friendship, but she found herself helpless to resist Kara’s radiant smile and the joy that it brought to her life (or the way her heart beat just a tiny bit faster every time she looked at her).
Before long Kara was weekly lunches, and kombucha dates and spin classes, and text messages with silly stories and pictures that sometimes made Lena laugh until her sides hurt. And then there were the hugs - so many hugs. Lena didn’t think she had ever been hugged so much in her life, but suddenly she couldn’t imagine her life without them, without getting to feel the way she felt when Kara’s arms were wrapped around her.
Kara was warmth and comfort personified, like snuggling up in a soft blanket in front of a fire on a cold day.
Kara was shy smiles and playful smirks and cheek splitting grins. She was long rambling sentences and clumsy stumbles and the endearingly awkward way she always fidgeted with her glasses. She was pizza and ice cream and movie nights, silliness and laughter and bad puns that Lena loved even though she pretended not to.
Kara was a cardigan-clad wrecking ball who unexpectedly smashed down every wall Lena had painstakingly erected around her scarred and wounded heart, walls she put up long ago to keep herself safe… but somewhere along the way Kara had become her safe place, her sanctuary. She felt protected and cared for… and for once, truly loved. Perhaps not in the same way she ever so slowly found herself falling for the charming blonde, but loved nonetheless.
(Because Kara was also the butterflies in Lena’s stomach, and she was stolen glances and sweaty palms and Lena’s nervous habit of biting her lower lip. She was the rapid beating of Lena’s traitorous heart, and affectionate smiles that tried to say what Lena could never find the courage to put into words).
Kara was sunshine, pouring light into all of Lena’s darkest places, banishing the shadows lurking in her soul with gentle but confident assurances of better days ahead. Kara was hope and perseverance and finding the silver lining in every cloud. She was everything good and true in Lena’s life.
Until she wasn’t.
In the blink of an eye, Lena found herself struggling to stay afloat in a raging sea of doubt and confusion, suddenly questioning everything she thought she had ever known. And the one person who could possibly save Lena was the one pushing her head under the water, drowning her in lies and betrayal.
So Kara was Supergirl. She was a goddamn fucking superhero. A so-called symbol of goodness, a supposed paragon of virtue.
Supergirl was “hope, help and compassion for all”.
How ironic.
All Lena felt was hopeless and helpless, all other emotions gone numb aside from the simmering hatred and rage threatening to consume her.
Kara was now nothing more than secrecy and deception. She was cowardice and regret and misplaced trust. Kara was the dull knife blade twisting in Lena’s back. She was the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing, an imposter hiding behind a carefully crafted mask.
Kara was Lena’s heart fractured into a million jagged little pieces, ripping her insides apart and leaving her raw, exposed, vulnerable. Broken and bleeding.
Kara became silence. The aching hole in Lena’s chest, an emptiness that nothing could fill.
Kara became endless nights finding the bottom of a bottle of expensive scotch, and crystal tumblers shattered against walls when the pain became too much to bear.
Lena wanted so desperately for Kara to become a distant memory, nothing more than a warning to her future self, packed away in a tiny box in Lena’s mind. But no matter what Lena did, Kara was still there, like a stubborn stain on a white shirt.
As time went on, Lena began to liken the feeling to the experience of getting a tattoo. Her emotional tattoo of Kara was a swirling design of pastels mixed with bold and vivid colors, rife with personal significance and symbolic of so many deep and indescribable emotions, both good and bad. And even though it was initially inscribed on her soul with gentle hands and a delicate touch, it still left her heart red and raw, covered in angry scabs that were so easy to pick at even though she knew it would only cause her more pain. But it would heal eventually, as long as Lena allowed it to. The pain would slowly fade away, leaving behind a permanent manifestation of memories both beautiful and bittersweet.
Simply put, as Lena had come to discover, Kara was unforgettable. No matter how much Lena tried to hate her, the truth was she loved her too much to ever let her go. And once Lena finally came to terms with that truth, she decided it was time to stop fighting what was clearly a losing battle.
Lena was finally ready to heal.
Lucky for her, Kara was ready to heal too.
And like dipping her toes cautiously in the edge of the water before diving in, little by little Lena let Kara back into her life.
Kara was different, and yet the same. Kara was layers for Lena to peel back one by one, finding her old friend still there alongside another Kara she had yet to meet.
Kara was forgiveness and second chances. She was the return of weekly lunch dates, and getting to know each other all over again. She was hope renewed, both of them learning to trust again and learning to be honest with each other.
Kara was previously untold stories of Krypton, and Lena’s realization of how the burden of Kara’s trauma weighed so heavily on her broad shoulders. Kara was deep sorrow, and fierce protectiveness, and a deep-seated sense of duty and determination to never let Earth or her loved ones befall the same fate as her former home. Kara was vulnerability, opening up to Lena about her past regrets and deepest fears. Lena learned to recognize the distant pain in Kara’s eyes, how well she hid so much of herself from everyone. And Lena learned to comfort the real Kara, in the same way she realized Kara had always been there to comfort her in her own darkest hours, even when Lena had taken it for granted.
Kara was the overwhelming urge Lena had to learn to speak and read Kryptonian just so that Kara would feel less alone. To be someone she could proudly share her culture and heritage with.
Kara was once again the destruction of the walls around Lena’s heart - but unlike before, the walls come down slowly, brick by careful brick. And this time, Kara’s walls came down too. When they finally had no more walls between them, together they took the bricks and built a bridge between their souls.
“El Mayarah,” as Kara would say. Stronger together.
Kara was once again light and laughter and the one person who could always make Lena smile. She was cuddles on Kara’s couch and spontaneous adventures and Lena finally overcoming her fear of flying. Kara was the confidence Lena needed to start a new business and make her own mark on the world.
Kara was all the affection and longing in Lena’s heart that never truly went away, and only grew stronger the deeper Lena dove into the surprising complexity that comprised all of Kara’s personas.
Kara was still butterflies and blushing cheeks, but now she was also the internal battle between Lena’s overwhelming desire to know if her love for Kara could ever be reciprocated, and Lena’s desperate need to never lose Kara as a friend again.
Kara was the impossible dream Lena finally dared to dream. She was a leap of faith, a trust fall, a plea to the heavens for a blonde haired angel to be the one waiting to catch her.
And now.
Now Kara is the first name Lena says in the morning and the last name on her lips at night. She is the shoulder Lena cries on, the strong arms that hold her close and keep her safe. She is promises and candlelit dinners and sweet whispers in her ear.
And now, as they lace their fingers together, and Lena stares lovingly into those beautiful blue eyes before pressing a gentle kiss to Kara’s impossibly soft lips, Lena can say she knows without a doubt who Kara is.
She is the missing puzzle piece that completes her, the glue holding all of Lena’s broken pieces together. She is the daily warmth and affection that fills Lena’s mended heart to overflowing.
Above all else, Kara is and always will be home. Just like she will always be Lena’s perfect partner at game night, and she will always be the person who takes Lena’s breath away, who makes her feel like the luckiest woman alive. And if there is one thing she knows for certain, it’s that Kara will always be the love of Lena’s life.
Kara really is a beautiful name.
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Fight Me (1/1) (jegulus)
Regulus was mad. He was so mad in fact he was at a loss for words. And if Regulus was mad and he wasn't lecturing you, you knew you messed up big time.
Yet here they were, Regulus angry beyond speech, and James mischievously stubborn. Neither made a sound.
They sat across from each other as the world moved around them. The scene was beautiful really, so the pair of them staring at each other, equally matched in this challenge was rather obvious in the romantic and soft ambiance.
They were at a fancy restaurant, one of those where you had be on a wait list just for a reservation. There were deep velvet hangings and crystal chandeliers. Candles lined the walls in carved out nooks in the intricate stonework. Each table was oak and every chair ornate with engravings and armrests. The scotch was older then both of them, and really the food was impeccable.
If you looked at their faces you'd think they both hated everything about it. But no, they were just arguing and neither was ready to concede.
The only time they spoke was when the waiter came around, James and Regulus taking turns responding kindly to them; it was not the waitstaffs fault that they were locked into a clear battle of wills and wits. When the cheque came, they paid and silently exited the establishment, silently drove in the car, and silently walked up to their flat. The energy and tension was palpable.
Regulus entered the flat first, and began to walk up to settle for the night, however James stopped him by gently grabbing his wrist. Regulus turned, head held high thinking he had won, but James didn't speak. No, James just reeled him in, so they were nearly nose to nose. His golden brown eyes meeting the silvery storm of Regulus'.
And they will fight about who kissed who first, and whose hand was in whose hair first, and if it was Regulus who stepped back into the wall or if James pushed him up against it, but somehow they ended up in bed together.
All they had left was a path through the flat of clothes that were ripped off and thrown carelessly away as wandering hands begged to touch. Bite marks and love bites, bruises and red scratches from nails that dug into the skin as they trailed down the other's back. A mess of the sheets and of themselves.
And somewhere in it all, they lost what they were even fighting about in the first place.
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missmahgenta · 6 months
(Fnaf movie) Christmas headcannons because why not
-Mike dislikes celebrating Christmas ever since his brother got kidnapped, and nowadays only celebrates it because of Abby
-That said, he feels bad that he can’t give her what he thinks the ideal Christmas would be. Their parents had sold most of the Christmas decorations by the third celebration without Garret, so the house looks barebones
-Still, he always makes sure to get a tree, even when he can’t afford a nice one (which has been the case for most of holidays where there was only the two of them).
-Abby LOVES making ornaments to put on the tree, and she’s very dedicated at making them. She loves when Mikes tags along, even though they look ugly
-Mike is not the best at cooking nor baking, and somehow even when following a simple cookie recipe word by word, something always goes wrong. It’s kind of amazing really
-After waking up from her coma, Vanessa kinda just starts tagging along the Schmidts at Abby’s insistence, not that Mike would oppose or anything, but he felt that if he was the one inviting her over, she would refuse because things are still a bit awkward between them (girlie just doesn’t understand why they still want to see her after everything, and doesn’t understand why they didn’t leave her to die like she feels she deserves). And her presence is pretty much demanded now during the holidays
-Christmas with her father was always weird. He loved keeping up a good image, and he would go all out, specifically at Freddy’s. He and Vanessa would decorate the entire place from top to bottom, and hell, he would even get his employees some gifts (they were barebones and cheap, yes, but hey, a gift is a gift)
-At their home, things would be more subtle, similar to a beige mom decor, but like, with subtle shades of yellow and purple. Christmas themed songs were not allowed inside that household, but if Vanessa behaved well, he would get some dumb Christmas movies for her to watch, occasionally tagging along just because.
-William would go all out on her gifts tho. Piles of toys and clothes and whatever she showed interest during the year, everything for his little girl
-And he would, at the same pace, destroy one of them every time she mildly displeased him, and he would make sure she was watching.
-After Freddy’s closed, Vanessa would make a point to get the animatronic little gifts. They were still children after all, and all children love receiving gifts
-Nowadays, Vanessa feels extremely weird getting any sort of gift, and just like Mike, wouldn’t celebrate Christmas if it weren’t for Abby. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy celebrating with them tho, in fact, she makes a point to make it as magical and as Christmas-zy as possible
-She made sure to get ugly sweaters with scarfs to combine. Like, absolutely hideous ones. The kind you wouldn’t wear outside of the occasion.
-One thing she can’t do to save her life is cooking, just like Mike. She is not allowed at the stove.
-And since no one knows how to make a good Christmas supper, they just decided to eat at Sparky’s, which is surprisingly empty during that day, save for that one talkative waiter that Abby finds funny
-They make a point of continuing Vanessa’s little tradition to give gifts to the animatronics, and she feels happy that she doesn’t have to do it alone anymore
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muns0nslov3r · 7 months
joseph quinn loves how cute you are with his cousins. during christmas just cuddling with them while you all watch a movie, or talking all sweet with them when they show you something, or playing dress up or games with them. it drives joseph insane, seeing how sweet you are with them. it drives him so insane, he’s driving your poor pussy insane with little whispers that make your baby fever run wild. him pounding your pussy each night, growling that it’ll stick. that he’ll make it stick no matter what. after fucking, keeping his cock deep in you cuddling you while you calmed down in his arms. night after night, he tried and tried. one day, you texted him while he was out with some friends.
“my period is late.”
you texted him, joseph’s insisting thought was that you were pregnant. when he came home, and bought you a pregnancy test, he saw you in the bathroom. sobbing while you sat on the toilet, he looked down to see bloody panties of yours as he felt his excitement melt away. “oh baby.” he said as he held you close, after that.. you both had a nice warm bath. being in his arms as you felt tired from crying.. your eyes heavy and droopy as you stared up at him, soon shutting. once your period was done, he was on you like a hungry animal. the endless pounding each night, yeah some nights you didn’t. to have your poor cunt heal from his wild thrusts, once again. he got the text.
“my period is late again”
joseph prayed and prayed that you were actually pregnant, but once again. came home to you crying while bloody panties sat on the ground, joseph didn’t want to give up. but you both took a break from it for a while, four weeks later. you ended up roughly fucking again, drunkenly. you woke up the next day, a hangover like normal.. that slight sickness.. but it was more overwhelming. you found yourself vomiting into the toilet, joe was out at work again. you had been laying on the couch while watching tv, eating this snack you were weirdly craving. you didn’t think about it, sense you now just finally thought that you just couldn’t get pregnant. out of boredom you decided to take a test, seeing it was positive. staring at it in disbelief as you sobbed, taking two more. all positive, taking a photo of them and sending them to joseph. who soon an hour later got home, rushing to you as he looked at the tests. that day you both celebrated and sobbed, everyday you both cuddled anytime you guys got to. the baby shower was amazing, the gender reveal party was fun. you were so close to popping, it was now anyday. your little baby girl was so close to being here, during one of the ultrasounds.. your little baby didn’t show up on the screen. soon found out you had a miscarriage.
you and joseph were both shattered, seeing joseph miserable made you miserable, and joseph seeing you miserable made him miserable. it felt like a piece of you both was just ripped away, because it was. you both stopped trying for a baby, until around 5 months later.. you both shamelessly tried again. after a date joseph took you out to, you found out you were pregnant after a while. you both were scared, worried that it’ll end up being a miscarriage again. the baby shower was fun, same with the gender reveal. until it came up to the birthing process, it was stressful and painful for you. joe was worried sick for you, as you ended up having to have a c- section so you wouldn’t hurt you nor your baby. once joseph was finally able to see you and his baby, he cried. holding his sweet baby girl in his arms as she cooed, she had a lot of hair.. just like joseph’s hair. you joked that was why you were getting a lot of heart burn during your pregnancy.
joseph and you were blessed with the sweetest little thing, your guys little miracle baby. her name, was mary. she had the sweetest eyes, the cutest little gummy smile, and the most adorable curls.
she was you and joseph’s beautiful little girl.
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blehcupidd · 10 months
Hello Gorgeous
Agent Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Wife!reader
Summary: Your husband, Jack, has been out on the field recently. He was constantly travelling around the globe, leaving you and your four year old daughter on the ranch.
Warnings: fluff, angst but not really, no use of y/n, hottie cowboy is your husband, grammar and spelling mistakes (I'm dyslexic), you have a 4 year old daughter called Sophia, after the events of Kingsman Golden Circle, Jack isn't meat ;), slight sexual innuendo, reader is a housewife (don't we all want to be Jacks housewife???), Reader is referred to more “feminine” terms such as mom, mommy, wife that sort of stuff
A/N: Short little one shot. I wanted Jack to be happy. Also writing this I got distracted by roblox colour or die, and I won so :). Then I got distracted by work at a pizza place; this is probably what people mean by me having adhd. But I'm in denial, so I wrote this the day after :)
Pedro & Characters Masterlist
During the four months, your husband was away, you and your four year old had done multiple things to distract each other. In the beginning, you were just distracting Sophia with her dad not being home. This shortly changed when you started to miss him, meaning you had started hugging your little girl more often. Sophia had no objections to this. If her daddy wasn’t there to hug her, then she would have her mommy.
With the summer heat coming down onto your ranch, you made sure to spend every moment outside or have the curtain open. The driveway was filled with the multicoloured drawings of chalk Sophia had drew, accompanied by your handwriting for the “Sophia, Mommy, Daddy and the horses’ names”.  Along the edges of the driveway, there used to be plain old boring grey rocks. The vast majority of the rocks were now coloured in many different mixes of paint.
Since Sophia was born, she was constantly being creative. This had carried on through to her being almost five. You and your husband learnt that to distract or make Sophia happy was to get the paints out. It's what you had been attempting to do throughout the four months. There hadn’t been any tears, not even when your clumsy girl had bumped into something, only the amazement of a purple bruise forming. Whilst your mothering skills were going overdrive being alone with some animals being bigger than you, and a small inquisitive child. Keeping the latter away from being unsupervised was hard with a massive land going so far out.
Today, you were brought with a surprise. Sophia was down in the dumps.
You had tried countless times to find what the problem was, but your mother's intuition only went so far. You started the morning with Sophia’s favourite; french toast, with extra sugar. This was enough to get a small smile and what the two of you were doing today. With Sophia always wanting to be creative and messy, she chose fingerpainting.
Setting up a blanket with a mat for the activities, Sophia brought the paints and paper. When Sophia was pressing her adorable small hands onto her ‘masterpiece’ it slowly clicked what the issue had been. Sophia had made a drawing of her dad riding on a horse with her or attempted it. Nevertheless, she was showing how she felt instead of telling you. Wiping your hands down, you shuffled towards your daughter.
“Is this what the problem is?” You quietly asked as you wrapped your arm around her and pressed a kiss to her temple, much like what her father does to the two of you. “Are you missing Daddy?” Knowing that she had been caught she pouted her bottom lip and nodded.
After wiping the paint off of her fingers you lifted her into your lap, practically surrounding her with your body. “It's okay to cry, baby.” You comforted her, giving her more kisses. “I miss Daddy too, and when he comes back you can go out on the horsies again.” Giving her another kiss you started to see the smile that could light up a dark night sky. “There's that gorgeous smile!” As the smile got brighter, you came up with a solution to the horse problem. With being married to a cowboy, you had never learnt how to ride a horse. This was harsh for your little girl who wanted to do nothing more but ride them, even with her dad away, but the thought of you falling even with Jack there terrified you.
“How about we have our horsie fun?” You asked, seeing the confusion written across Sophia.
“Mama, you can’t ride the horsies. Silly!” Sophia was trying to figure out what you were thinking.
“Who said I was riding?” You got a shriek of enthusiasm from Sophia as you bounced your legs up and down. You carried on until the only thing you could hear from your baby was laughing her head off. “Let's finish our paintings and give them to Daddy when he comes home, how does that sound, sweetheart?”
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Pulling up to the drive, Jack could see the pretty drawings he knew his little girl had spent time drawing. The sight of the rocks had also changed, there were pretty colours. He felt happy that his girls had kept themselves occupied in his absence. Walking through the ranch, no one was in. Checking in all of the rooms, and he couldn't find his girls. 
Walking outside he could hear the laughter of what could be compared to angels singing. Looking out he saw the most beautiful sight known to man, his girls laughing and enjoying themselves. He was pulled out of his daze by himself and his inner voice, telling him to go see them. 
“Hello, gorgeous.”
A familiar southern drawl spoke, alerting you and Sophia. His eye contact with you was broken by his little cowgirl running full speed at him. “Daddy!”
“Hiya, what’s my cowgirl been doin’?” He asked repositioning her onto his hip, still walking towards you.
“Me and Mommy drew you pictures!” Only this is when Jack noticed the paint on his clothes, as well as his princess's clothes and face.
“Oh, that's wonderful,” the mess didn't stop him, Sophia was happy and that's all that mattered. Taking a seat next to you, he instantly received a bundle of kisses. “I missed you baby.”
“I missed you more.”
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Making dinner that night was the best feeling in the world for you and Jack. Sophia had her chicken nuggets whilst you and Jack had spaghetti bolognese. Stirring the bolognese, you felt a presence come up behind you. Sliding his hands along the sides of your waist, you were pulled into him.
“I really did miss you, Sugar,” Jack muttered into your ear. That's when you felt something growing against your ass. “Really missed you.”
“You can show me how much you missed me when Sophia is in bed.�� You spoke into his neck, gazing your eyes up at your cowboy.
“Don't tempt me with a fun time, mama.”
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scribbling-punk · 29 days
Super Luthor
Screeching tires. 
Metal scraping and screeching against metal. 
SO much blood.
Then, a smattering of blue and red, pretty emerald eyes staring out from behind a curtain of jet black hair that tickles her cheek as she is gently lifted into strong arms.
She is lifted from the burning wreck with an ease that feels inhuman, the crumpled car left behind on the ground and drifting further and further away. Her gaze is blurry, but she catches a glimpse of fluffy looking clouds against a backdrop of light blue, the buildings she’d been driving between suddenly miles beneath her and no more than gray-ish ants that litter the sidewalks.
That’s all Kara sees before the whole world seems to waver and she blacks out.
She’s lying on her back, her head throbbing and her mouth dryer than the Sahara. There’s a warm hand holding onto hers and Kara gives it a little squeeze, startling whoever it is. Kara can hear them talking to her, but she can’t quite make out who the voice belongs to. 
It feels like she’s stuck in a deep fog, her senses struggling to break through.
“Kara!” Lena’s voice cuts through and Kara groggily forces her eyes open. Lena is staring down at her, her brows furrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line. “Oh thank Rao you’re awake, we were so worried,” Lena states, sighing with relief.
Kara frowns, looking around at the room.
Kelly’s on the bed next to hers and attempting to get out of it, but being firmly warned by Alex to stay exactly where she is. Kara’s relieved to see that Kelly doesn’t seem too badly injured, just a few minor scrapes and bruises. It doesn’t stop guilt from gnawing deep into her gut, though, Kara’s heart painfully pinching as she catches sight of a fleeting grimace on her sister-in-law’s features.
“We crashed?” Kara asks.
“Some maniac cut you guys off at an intersection, he was too busy texting to notice you guys,” Lena replies before Kelly can even speak. She shoots Kara a stern look, “you need to rest. “You’ve got a pretty bad concussion, but you’re gonna be fine. Kelly is fine, too. Just a few bumps and scrapes.”
Kara blows out a sigh of relief and leans further back into bed, but she frowns.
There’s still a few things that don’t make sense.
Read Super Luthor early on Patreon.
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Alone Without You (Satoru Gojo x Reader)
TW: A tiny bit of angst? Not really? Otherwise no TW <3
Word Count: 526 Sorry it's so short once again!
This was the late night cuddle/rambles with Gojo that won the poll and I had to write it the same day the poll ended cause I got excited, lol! Anyways, I really hope you enjoy it and lmk if maybe there should be a continuation?
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You were accustomed to this. Laying in bed alone while your boyfriend worked late. You weren’t ever mad about it, just a little lonely. Tonight was no different than the rest. 
”I’ll be home for dinner tonight!”
He had promised you that before he left. You knew that he wouldn’t actually be home for dinner. Regardless, you had gone through the trouble of making his favorite food in the small hope that he might actually make it. Of course, you ended up eating alone, again. After that, you had showered and gotten changed into your favorite set of pajamas. So now here you were, laying on your side of your shared king sized bed, staring at the ceiling. The room was completely silent and yet you had completely missed the sound of familiar footsteps walking across the floor. You were so focused on the ceiling that you even failed to notice the bed dip.
“Y/n… I’m sorry I didn’t make it for dinner” The familiar voice snapped you out of your daze and you turned your head to face two beautiful blue eyes and messy white hair.
“It’s alright… I saved left overs for you…”
You offer Gojo a tired smile and he swears he can feel his breath catch in his throat. He had never managed to make it home until after you were asleep up until now. However, seeing you now with that tired smile glued to your face, he vows to make it home to this as much as possible from now on.
“Thank you, I really appreciate the effort you put into me, even when you know I won’t make it home in time…” Gojo means it. He had postponed dating for so long. Not just because he was prioritizing training, exorcizing curses, and his strength, but because he knew that because of his position, he would struggle to be there consistently for a future lover. And yet here you were, being so patient with him… what did he do to deserve you?
“S’nothing… m’glad you’re here…” Your words begin to mush together as your exhaustion starts to get the better of you and Gojo notices. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into him, tracing his fingers softly up and down your back.
“I’m glad I’m here too… did you miss me?” You meet him with a tired giggle and tilt your head up to look at him.
“I always miss you…”
You press a careful kiss to his collarbone and close your eyes. You were ready to sleep now. You lifted your leg and wrapped it around Gojo as well as your arms. It was like you were trying to melt into him. He found it adorable and kissed the top of your head.
“Good night beautiful…” He was met with silence. For the first time in forever, you had been able to fall asleep in his arms. It gave you comfort. Therefore, you had passed out faster than you ever had before. When he noticed this, he let out a soft chuckle and closed his own eyes. 
You know… he could get used to this…
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leapdayowo · 1 year
Goop!wally au
Joke book (1/3)
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After Barnaby had a good spook from their first encounter, he realized Wally was pretty harmless and curious. Maybe he found a new person to test his jokes on!
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neilanuruodo · 3 months
An Aberration's Guide to Surviving in Baldur's Gate
Omeluum, weary of the struggle of existence as a lone illithid in the Underdark, decides to try its luck in the city. It arrives in Baldur's Gate with nothing more than its host's memories of and passion for tea, a few possessions, and enough money to (hopefully) start up a small shop. That, and a diamond-hard core of determination. It isn't looking to become fabulously wealthy, merely make enough to get by and fund its attempts to develop a supplement to replace the brains its biology requires it to eat.
It certainly doesn't expect to make any friends. After all, who would be so foolish as to trust an illithid?
The companion story to "On the Properties of Tea," this story explores the events through Omeluum's perspective. While there is a good deal of overlap, there are things it experiences, or notices, which are somewhat different than Blurg's perspective. Like the other, there are currently three chapters out, and more to come!
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stray-tickles · 10 months
Read on AO3
Summary: A tickle fight breaks out, but Caleb can't participate because he needs to concentrate on his spell. No, really.
Jester hadn’t met any other tieflings before, besides her mama. Hadn’t met many other people, really, until she’d gone off travelling and found her group of friends. She hadn’t known what she’d expected to find out in the big wide world, but Molly was one that she’d never dreamed of.
Her mama had told her how not everyone felt the same as they did about things. How humans and half elves and orcs and goblins were a bit odd about touch in a way that she’d never understand. Jester had never been one to resist the urge to cuddle, to hug, to poke and play with those closest to her.
Molly, apparently, was the same. Jester had barely squeaked out a few giggles at his teasing prods to her belly when she pounced, fingers slipping past the edges of his coat to wriggle at his ribs and draw out delighted snorty laughter.
She giggled at how quickly he folded. “You could have asked, Molly.”
He definitely flushed at her words, illuminated by the edge of Caleb’s dome. “No- pfhaha- no fun!”
Jester could hear the others talking in the background, their voices coloured with amusement. Molly was curled up into a weak ball, twitching at her tickly assault, otherwise not resisting but to hiccup with laughter.
“You have such a good smile Molly, I should tickle you forever, then it would never stop!” Her fingers climbed to burrow into his armpits and earn a loud shriek. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Molly was laughing and kicking too hard to speak, but he managed a nod amidst his squirming.
Jester chuckled evilly. “Hehehe, did I find your worst spot, huh?” She continued to wriggle her now trapped fingers in his armpits, loving how dark purple he got. “Is this your tickly tickle spot?”
A soft voice just behind her made her jump. “Try his tail.”
Jester stopped in surprise, looking around to see a somewhat awkward looking Yasha, eyes fixed deliberately on the rain falling just past the edge of their little dome.
Molly wheezed for breath, feeling very warm and buzzy. “Traitor!” He shouted weakly, rolling onto his back for completely unrelated reasons.
“Oh?” That seemed to get Jester’s attention back on him. Presently, Molly wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or not. “Is she right?”
Molly swallowed nervously, that giggly anticipation swelling up in his stomach. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
She giggled. “I’m gonna find out!”
He could feel himself grinning, and made no move to get up. “Best of luck to you!”
Jester glared playfully and made a grab for his tail, which Molly smugly twitched away at the last second. He was chuckling by her third attempt to catch it, and was just about to say something mocking when he felt something that sent a shock up his spine.
Jester’s tail, which had apparently wormed its way under him to the giant weak spot that was his lower back.
His eyes locked on to hers with horror, noting her smug satisfaction. So it had all been a trick. “You little- SHIT!” Molly was interrupted by a loud shriek when Jesters tail started wriggling like a worm against his back, and also, horribly, allowing her to finally catch his tail, which she assaulted with fingers that fluttered so lightly he felt like he’d die.
And okay, Molly could admit that he loved this, loved the play and the laughing and the warmth and the touch, but that didn’t mean he could handle it.
He managed barely a moment of squealing laughter before the thrashing began, twisting and rolling around to escape her tail from poking and wriggling against his back as he cackled wildly, tugging frantically at his own tail if only for the chance to catch his breath.
Then Jester’s tail found the hem of his shirt, and the moment it touched bare skin Molly shot straight out of her grip with a scream, right out the side of the protective dome.
Jester burst out laughing, only laughing harder when Molly returned a moment later, plastered with rain and catching his breath.
“Oh, you think this is funny?” Molly asked playfully, then surprised Jester by pouncing past her, somehow tackling Yasha to the ground.
“No- Molly wait-” She managed, before clasping both hands hard over her face and giggling.
Jester cooed at Yasha’s flushed face and soft laughter, then let her eyes scan over the rest of them for her next target.
And, well. Their wizard’s ears were very red.
She grinned. “Oh Caaay-leb…”
He glanced up from his bedroll, jittery as usual. “J-ja?” Then caught the look in her eye. “Ah- no, no, nein!” He yelped, scrambling backwards away from her. “Nein!”
Jester snickered, following him and wiggling her fingers playfully. “Are you like, super ticklish or something?”
Caleb curled in on himself, locking his arms at his sides. “Nein!” Oh gods, this was bad, he could tell from Jester’s smirk this was bad.
Then a familiar clawed hand squeezed at his side and it became worse. “AHA- noplease!”
Nott snickered. “But Caleb, you just said you’re not ticklish!”
He was trapped between them, and Caleb knew, knew he was going to perish. “No- wait! The spell, I need- I cannot lose concentration!”
A lie. One he was honestly quite proud of given the circumstances, but one that they could very well see through.
Instead, Jester shrugged, a disappointed pout on her lips. “Ugh, right.” She paused. “You can recast it though…”
Nott batted her away, clearly cowed by the thought of letting the rain in, and the two backed off, leaving Caleb sitting on the soft base of the dome, watching Jester leap onto Fjords back and dig her fingers into his stomach in a way that had him cackling in seconds.
This was… good. This was what he’d wanted after all. He was not being attacked, not made to laugh like a fool, to shriek and squirm like Nott was after her attempt to get Beau backfired. He didn’t want to feel like that, even if they did look happy and close in a way that made Caleb’s heart ache. This was… better.
It wasn’t like he could bear to look any of them in the eye once they found out how godforsaken ticklish he was anyway. It had never been a trait that had felt like it fit him. Caleb was awkward and stuffy and dry, it- it didn’t suit him to drop to the ground giggling from the littlest wiggle at his stomach.
It was silly.
Besides, it had been years since anyone had felt comfortable and playful enough to tickle him, Caleb wasn’t sure it would even work, if he remembered how he was supposed to react.
He’d never known how to react to things properly. He felt his lips twitch up slightly. That had always been what felt so… easy, about being ti- touched like that. He had no choice in his reactions, no chance of saying the wrong thing when he couldn’t speak for laughing, his self-consciousness unable to bury his smile in the face of that bright sparkling silliness.
Ah, gottsverdammt. He wanted that.
He glanced over to Molly and Yasha, who had now switched places, Yasha’s fingers worrying at Molly’s ribcage enough to have him in fits of giggles, flushing dark violet and grinning so big it looked like it hurt. Caleb’s arms tightened around his sides, his sympathetic smile getting a little wider. He could almost feel it, Yasha’s fingertips softly but persistently plucking at his own ribs, melting away his resolve in a moment, turning his bones into goo.
Caleb cleared his throat in a way that he hoped was just attention-grabbing enough, and unbuckled one of his books from its holster, finding that for once he wasn’t able to concentrate on the words on the page in the way that was normally so distracting for him, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was normally distracting. That he couldn’t maintain concentration while reading.
They all knew that.
Which was why it was so disappointing when they were all so distracted by their playful roughhousing to notice. After a few minutes, Caleb half-faked an irritated sigh and summoned his lights. It was getting to dark to read, which would be a problem if he was trying to read. It did have three globules of light circling his head though, and that had to be enough.
It was, to his eternal chagrin, not.
Mollymauk was curled up in a giddy giggly ball by the time Caleb realised that this wasn’t working, and decided to tuck himself into his bedroll and pretend to sleep. At least this way he didn’t have to look at them.
He didn’t quite notice Fjord’s now wheezing giggles come to a halt, nor the soft footsteps creeping over to him. In fact, Caleb didn’t notice anything at all until a hand snuck under the edge of his bedroll and a nail drew a very quick, very ticklish line up his foot.
“Scheisse!” He sat bolt upright, feet curling up to him and a hot flush laying claim to his face. It only grew hotter when he saw the mischievous grin levelled at him.
Jester giggled, hopping onto his knees. “Hiiiii Caleb.”
He swallowed. “Uh- H-hallo, Jester.” Oh dear.
She leaned closer, grin widening, and actually this might have been a mistake.
“So, you like, totally need to focus so the dome stays up, right?”
Caleb cleared his throat. “I-ah… Ja.” He barely resisted the urge to push himself backwards.
Jester pretended to think. “Is it super hard to concentrate when you’re sleeping?”
The question spurred a smug snicker from Molly, who was still giggly and floppy, snuggled up to Yasha.
“U-uh… ja.” Oh dear, he was getting jittery.
Fjord snorted an exhausted laugh. “Quit messing with him and get to it.”
“Ja!” Caleb blurted, then flushed red. “I-I mean nein, no!”
Jester laughed delightedly. She loved the game. “Sooooo… don’t stop messing with you?”
“Jester bitte!”
She grinned widely. “Maybe I should just let you go…”
By the way her eyes glinted, Caleb knew she had noticed his hesitation, his startled silence at her words, his lack of real protests. She knew that he wanted this, and the thought had him shrinking back and squeezing his eyes shut.
Jester held back a giggle. Well, if he was going to leave himself open like that…
Soft hands latched onto Caleb’s sides, followed by surprisingly gentle claws scratching at the fabric of his shirt and skin and he let out a loud squeak, flopping onto his side. He was already smiling, he could feel it, trying desperately to muffle further squeaks and giggles that the niggling, playful feeling elicited, shit.
Jester’s smile grew bigger. “Aww, Caleb you have such a sweet smile!” She cooed. Caleb’s hands came up to cover his reddening face, and her fingers shot up under his arms, getting a loud snort and breaking through what little control he had.
Caleb’s elbows snapped down too late, only trapping Jester’s hands in what was, apparently, a very ticklish spot, though he didn’t have the time to think about that given he was trying and failing to control his stuttering laughter. One eye cracked open and he immediately wished he hadn’t, when he saw the fond, knowing grin that Nott was giving him from her bedroll. She knew, of course she knew, and the thought had him burrowing into his own bedroll.
That playful laugh melded with his own squeaky giggles for a moment. “Where do you think you’re going?” Jester teased, even as Caleb burrowed deeper, away from her delightfully horrible claws. Not to escape, even in his growingly delirious state he didn’t want to get away. But there was nothing quite so delightful as being chased.
Fingertips vibrating under his arms already had Caleb cackling helplessly and writhing like a fish on a line, but when Jester’s littlest fingers started delicately scratching at his top ribs at the same time he screeched.
On the edges of sanity, a chuckle broke through. “Oh, this I gotta see.”
Caleb wasn’t sure it would be possible to curl up into a tighter ball than the one he was in, but he tried his best, as he heard the footsteps coming closer.
It was a mercy that Mollymauk only moved the blanket aside enough to whisper in his ear. “Doing okay there, Widogast?”
Even his breath tickled, Caleb lamented, keeping his helplessly laughing face as hidden as he possibly could.
Molly laughed quietly. At a guess, none present had seen Caleb laugh before, or smile beyond that wry smirk he sported once in a blue moon. And this, this was something else. Who would have thought their wizard could get so melty? A quick glance to Jester confirmed it, they were definitely doing this again. Regularly, if he had any say in it at all.
He let his claws trace down Caleb’s neck experimentally, eyes widening at the full body shiver that ran through the wizard. Oh. This was too good.
Caleb… wasn’t sure if he was capable of thought, anymore. Jester’s hands had migrated to poking and squeezing at his abominably sensitive ribcage, and Molly, damn him, was tracing and scratching at his ears and neck, laughing just close enough that his warm breath brushed Caleb’s skin as well, and everything was tingles and static and tickles.
He hiccupped. “Please- ehe- ohno please!”
Jester’s hands slowed, Caleb could just about make out her disappointed pout. Mollymauk’s teasing claws only continued to trace and skitter around his neck and ears, wiggling teasingly under his chin as he leaned closer. “Please what?”
Jester caught on quickly. “Oooh, please keep tickling you?” She started gently kneading his stomach, getting wheezing laughter and a fiery blush in response. “Oh my gosh, Caleb, you’re ticklish, like, everywhere.”
Caleb whined, past the point of doing much other than curling up into an utterly ineffective ball. “J-Jehester please, Molly!”
Molly’s claws had migrated to wriggle under his arms. He leaned closer, amid the wizard’s incoherent begging. “Do you want us to stop?” He murmured, to quietly for any but Jester to hear.
Caleb knew the answer to that question. “Nein!” He squealed. “Nein!”
Molly pressed a long kiss to his cheek, smiling. “I thought not.” He grinned, then with a parting pat on the head, leapt away to wrestle one of Caleb’s legs from the blanket.
Knowing now that he was safe to, Caleb kicked playfully, as if he had any chance of deterring Mollymauk whatsoever.
He squeaked unexpectedly when Jester wormed her fingers around him to scratch at his lower back. She laughed. “Molly he’s almost as bad as you here!”
He grinned in return, getting a good grip on Caleb’s ankle. “If he were any worse, I think he’d die.”
Caleb cackled his agreement.
“Now, I hear humans have more toes than we do.”
Caleb looked over at him in confusion, panting for breath. “Nein, I do not think-” Then he caught the evil smirk and flushed bright red.
Molly chuckled. “Well, I should count to be sure.”
Caleb mumbled incoherently into his hands, reaching to pull his pillow over his face and shrieking when Jester made as if to dart her fingers under his arms. She snickered. “Aw, I think he’s almost done, Molly!”
“Hmm.” Molly cocked his head at the blushing, giggling lump known as Caleb Widogast. He did seem pretty far gone. But he also seemed happier than Molly had ever seen him, tickle drunk and all.
Always nice to end these things gradually. “Guess I’ll have to take this slow then.”
He noted that Caleb didn’t protest.
He did giggle uncontrollably with every toe that Molly caught between his fingers, wiggling teasingly and scratching a nail up each. Cute.
Caleb was well past the point of doing even as little as curling up in a ball. His mind had become giggly mush, and all his body could do now was shiver and laugh, burying his face in his thin pillow to hide from the world, from anything that would end this sooner than it absolutely had to.
“Hm, you know, I think I’ve actually forgotten how many toes tieflings have.” Molly said, pretending to think, only to quickly knock Jester onto her back and grab her leg too. He smiled wickedly. “Let me check!”
Jester squealed delightedly, already laughing. “Molly!”
He only grinned back, swiping a nail up her sole and getting a loud laugh and sending Jester flopping back onto the ground, right next to a still giggly Caleb.
Molly quickly sat atop both legs, keeping them both pinned and laughing. “Okay, now count with me, you two!”
Jester snorted and burst into loud laughter the moment Molly started wiggling her toes, as much from the silliness as from the tickles. Caleb wasn’t much better, hiccupping with giggles and unable to even try hiding his wide grin from the world. Cuuute.
His eyes cracked open for a moment, squeezing shut again when he noticed Jester’s affectionate gaze on him, arms coming up to cover that smile again.
Oh, no, definitely not, Jester decided, and rolled as close to him as she could with Molly still tickling her like that. Caleb flinched with a loud laugh when she reached for him, only to melt completely into her embrace once he realised what she was doing, burying his face into her shoulder, unable to get rid of the smile for anything.
Molly stopped a moment later, grinning up at the two of them and barely needing Jester’s grabby motion to convince him to join the cuddle pile.
Jester smiled and pressed a kiss to that mess of red hair. Maybe not every human was as different from her as she’d thought.
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idontknowreallywhy · 9 months
This one accosted me while I was trying to write something else (which appears to be A Pattern for me and writing… well… anything actually). It is very much inspired by many enjoyable conversations / informal therapy sessions with @astranite who shares my “what’s really going on with Scott” headcanon, and at the same time helped me figure out what might be going on with me too. Thank you for everything and for helping me nudge this into something shareable.
It’s also inspired by @sofasurf’s amazing set of fics about Scott’s struggles in the early days post Jeff disappearing. It’s absolutely right that after an initial crisis his brothers and grandma would have put in measures to stop him needing to work so hard and bear it all alone and I love how she tells that story.
And yet… we have Scott who 6 years later is still up late sat at that thrice-darned desk.. brothers aside, he’s CEO of a company that would employ a lot of competent people to sort out all the nitty gritty paperwork. So why is he still frequently found asleep there 6 years on?
This is my attempt to figure out some of the Reason… and not in any way a side quest distracting me from my own Big Document nemesis. Nope.
It is, however, 99% projection for which I hope you’ll forgive me. Hopefully it’s not too out of character.
Sort of an emotional hurt-comfort thing. The ending is very silly because that is apparently how I roll.
Scott shook his head irritably as his eyelids drooped and flung out his hand to grab his mug… which promptly took a nose dive off the desk.
Allowing himself to face plant the polished wood for a moment he acknowledged he was, at least, lucky it was empty. Something he really should have remembered as that would have been the 5th time he had raised it to his lips only to be disappointed at the lack of caffeinated wake up juice within.
Not that it was doing any good. He scowled. It never did. The miraculous transformation from ‘Sleep of the Dead’ to ‘Alert and Ready’ that the brown stuff could bring about in Virgil and Brains remained a mystery to him. Drinking it kind of kept him grounded though, maybe that was just habit by now. Nevertheless… he shoved his chair back and stood up, glaring at the chunks of ceramic on the floor: a job for future Scott. He went to get a new mug.
Re-entering the living room, he surveyed the scene. All was quiet. Deep breath… stretch out shoulders… he tilted his head from side to side to shift the tension in his neck with a satisfying series of cracks.
1am. No problem.
He was nearly done and then he could get to bed and get a solid 4 hours oblivion before his morning run.
Back at his desk, he took a fortifying gulp of focus juice, put on his determined face, picked up his tablet and swiped up to open the annual report again. He blitzed through another three paragraphs, noted down 4 questions for the board, one for the accountant and one further point to follow up with Jack, the Tracy family lawyer, before his eye was drawn to the broken mug scattered across the floor.
Probably shouldn’t leave that.
Gordon might wander by in those flimsy deck shoes and mortally wound himself.
He laid the tablet back down, pointed at it and muttered” don’t go anywhere” to the document that had been tormenting him. Blinking rapidly as he realised quite how little sense THAT had made, he crouched down to nudge the scattered fragments into a pile he could scoop up into the waste basket.
From this angle he realised there was a lot more than just decimated mug and coffee splatters down here… there were crumbs galore, odd, sticky patches and… yes he was pretty sure that the mysterious patch of shadow tucked away under the back corner of the desk was the better part of a club sandwich. He shuffled over, crablike, and reached underneath to retrieve it, sniffed it cautiously and was just concluding it was unlikely to be worth the subsequent food poisoning when John’s hologram popped up in front of him. He didn’t even glance up to see the inevitable raised eyebrow.
“Don’t even say it, John.”
Obediently his space-brother remained silent.
“I’m nearly done. I’m just signing off the annual report for the board meeting tomorrow.”
“From… under the desk?”
Blue eyes were cast upwards as Scott strode over to the kitchen to dispose of the rancid but weirdly tempting sandwich. There was no liner in the food waste caddy. He tutted and placed the plate on the counter top to deal with in a minute.
“Obviously not, I just spotted that Gordon had left something gross lying around and we don’t want a repeat of the taco incident.”
“Okay, and what are you doing now?”
Scott looked down at the cleaning bot in his hands.
“I… well it’s clearly not been working, the place is a health hazard so I was just going to see if I could…”
This time he did raise his eyes to meet the eyebrow of judgment.
Holding up the bot for John to examine, he grinned at his little brother and shook it gently.
“Look it has googly eyes! I bet that was Gordon.”
“Unlikely to be causing the malfunction. Get Brains to take a look at it tomorrow. Or Alan, he needs the practice.”
“True. Oh, did you see the note his teacher sent through?” Scott returned the bot to its housing and jogged over to his desk to pull up the email in question. He sat down and started to type a reply.
“I saw it. It’s non-urgent.”
“Yes but while I think of it I might as well…”
“It’s 1:27am. Why don’t you just sign off the report and get some rest. It’ll keep.”
A melodramatic huff and the offending document was returned to the screen.
“You’ve been reading this for the last four days, Scott. What’s the issue? Can I help?”
“There are just so many points I need to follow up before I can put my name to it.” Scott highlighted a particular paragraph. “What if the data this is based on is inaccurate? I haven’t seen it!” He stabbed at another “These assertions here… is it ok to say that? I need to check the industry standards for…” he gestured vehemently “six or seven of these baseline metrics. The grammar in the narrative paragraphs feels clumsy. And I haven’t even started proof-reading it for typos yet!”
Scott took a deep shuddering breath and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms, weaving his fingers into his hair and gripping slightly harder than was comfortable as if that would ease the headache he knew was starting.
“The accountants have checked it, the divisional heads have checked it, Jack has been all over it at least twice. Virgil and the engineering team went through it with a fine tooth comb last week, they’ll know the baselines. I’ve checked it myself. Even EOS had a look.”
The response was barely audible.
“But what if… it’s not good enough? If someone missed something and… I didn’t spot it…”
“You don’t have to spot everything Scott. We pay smart people very generously to spot things. As CEO you are allowed to rely on them.”
“Please… can you trust us?”
Holding his breath to fight a wave of nausea, Scott flipped to the final page of the document and added his digital signature.
With ninja-like speed John had saved the file and forwarded it to the board.
“It’s done, big brother. Go and sleep in your actual bed for a change.”
A swift shake of the head and muttered curse as big brother realised he’d gnawed through his bottom lip again.
“Can’t.” He stood up and paced the room.
“You know, maybe you shouldn’t have caffeine so late. Even Virgil…”
Scott’s snapped explanation that it made no difference whatsoever and that John KNEW that was forestalled by a series of beeps followed by a low hum as the cleaning bot started trawling across the floor.
“Yeah, I asked her to see whether a firmware update would sort it.”
The brothers watched in silence as the little machine zigzagged around the room, bumping from one obstacle to another in an apparently haphazard fashion.
“It doesn’t seem very efficient does it?”
Scott sank suddenly to the floor in an effort to hide the fact his legs had turned to jelly.
“No, but it’ll get there in the end and everything will be done and it will all be ok.”
He snorted at his brother’s lack of subtlety and rested his forehead on his knees, concentrating on breathing evenly. He was fine. It was all fine. Again.
A few minutes passed before he noticed a faint high pitched giggle and his moment of peace was interrupted by the cleaning bot repeatedly bumping into his hip. He lifted his head to glare at it only for his eyes to make contact with the outsized googly ones jiggling wildly with each collision. His shoulders shook and he pressed his lips together to try to contain the rush of emotion rising up in his chest.
As John turned to lecture the AI about when it was and wasn’t appropriate to annoy older brothers, the bot froze, all unblinking innocence gazing up at him. Scott let slip the smallest chortle then, after a beat, exploded, throwing back his head with howls of laughter, tears running down his face
It took him a while to compose himself enough to notice he was now lying on his back on the living room floor, John smiling down at him like some benevolent heavenly messenger. Smugness permeated through EOS’s voice as she enquired whether the Commander was much better now. He hiccuped. Then nodded. As he peeled himself off the floor and patted the cleaning bot absently, Scott found himself seized by An Idea.
And so it was that as Gordon awoke with his dawn alarm to find a 6-day old sandwich with giant eyes watching him from his bedside table.
The screech of a horrified squid echoed through the villa and was swiftly followed by the slamming of doors and the thundering of feet as most of its occupants tore to the rescue of a brother in distress.
The eldest brother remained precisely where he was, warm and comfortable, listening to the chaos and bemused voices. He smiled to himself and drifted back off to sleep.
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Family Time (1/1) (jegulus)
"Des fois vous êtes tellement stupide." Regulus muttered as he took over for James in the kitchen. "Ohh that sounded sexy, what did you say?" James asked as he let Regulus move in front of him, and then gently wrapped his arms around his middle, and leaning in to kiss Regulus' cheek.
"He called you stupid dad," Harry said from the door way. He was sipping on some tea, leaning against the frame, when both Regulus and James jumped and turned to look at him. "Also could you stop being gross over the chicken?" He scrunched his face.
"Oh hi son," James said, laughing fondly. "I thought we were supposed to pick you up in an hour?"
"Papa, how does he not lose his head?" Harry rolled his eyes, and walked into the kitchen, only to get in the way as he reached for one of the cookies Regulus had cooling on the counter.
"Harry, soyez gentil," Regulus instructed but his tone was filled with fondness and love as Harry nudged his shoulder before moving to flop himself down in the kitchen chair.
"Dad, I told you a hundred times practice was cancelled today." Harry explained.
"Oh right right, yes no practice on Sundays," James said as he turned to look at the calendar on the fridge.
"Well what do you say we practice in the yard then? Clearly I'm no longer busy," James said motioning with his head as Regulus now fully had his sleeves rolled up and was thoroughly massaging a spice rub onto the meat.
"Okay!" Harry said jumping up to run and get his broom he had been polishing from his room.
James flipped back over to hold Regulus from behind again. He kisses his neck and nibbled gently on his ear, before whispering hotly; "I'll guess I'll have to schedule you in another time then."
"I've got you booked for Tuesday at 6, love," Regulus said with a wink.
"Eewwww okay enough Dad let's go before I vomit," Harry groaned after walked back into the kitchen. His parents both laughed and then James made his way out the back door with their son.
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