#im transmasc not transfem but i am having BIG FEELINGS
isdalinarhot · 11 months
dalinar and sadeas. press their coochies together and frot/scissor with such a fucking vengeance. like the thrill is glowing in their eyes. and the end result is a little coupon that says. dalinar you are so good at being an absent father. sadeas you are a bonus code but maybe just maybe you can be an absent father too. depending on how things work out. god imagine if adolin and renarin were sadalinar kids and they had to deal with 2 absent fathers and 0 mothers growing up. theyd be so fucked up
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mejomonster · 4 months
Being nonbinary and dressing feminine sometimes despite very much not being a woman is. Its like hello strangers hello new friends im making please dont immediately steamroll
#contemplating a lot#rant#feel free to ignore#i just. so like. im very nonbinary#which i suppose many nonbinary people are#to the point im like. well i cant go to a transmasc support group or a transfem support group cause i doubt either would#see me as someonr who fits (wish my city had a general trans meetup but we arent big enough i guess)#i know I KNOW theres a bunch of cisgender fucks who think nonbinary = woman and it drives me up a Fucking wall#i know theres (even more ouch) a portion of lesbians and queer ppl who see nonbinary as woman-lite or feminine man#and just dont fucking put in the effort to grasp what being outside man or woman (or overlapping) could be#(probably ovdrlaps w ppl who refuse to grasp pansexuality or bisexuality)#and like. when i was young? maybe i wouldve seen myself as a trans man#but when that didnt totally fit i felt well. maybe bigender then. nonbinary. yeah that fits i suppose#or maybe i am a trans man who just doesnt want to change myself for societal pressure#but i do relate to being a woman too? so nonbinary feels best. but i certainly dont feel like a woman#im okay with she he they. but if i tell strangers theyll usually default to ONE so i just say#THEY so strangers dont immediately try to basically pretend im not nonbinary by sticking to another pronoun they feel is easier to them#and if i say They the fact remains: are these new strangers or friends dicks who dont respect my gender even tho they#accomodated to sayibg they? do they say she in private to friends. do they refer to me as a gender im not when im not present#idk i have been... interacting with a lot of straight dudes lately. and im like? im bi and nonbinary so im like. well if ur straight dude im#not sure u would even Wanna date me? u are aware im a dude too? are u okay with that? can u respect that???#which has NEVER happened to me before. cause i only dated bi guys nonbinary peeps like me or nonbinary lesbians#ive never dated a person i feared may actually not see me as I Actually Am and have accepted iy
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nekropsii · 4 months
i think theres a really big issue in the community specifically surrounding the people who headcanon dave as some sort of trans where both sides of the coin seem to hate each other? like both sides are at fault here, ive seen blogs demeaning people who like transmasc dave and then like you said other people just completely disregarding transfem dave. guys. can we stop. let people headcanon what they want without blatantly attacking them, this goes for all parties in this issue. i dont get why people act like this. the fuck happened to all trans people being equal and then we get both transmisoginy and harassment of people liking either of the trans headcanons?
jesus man. im tired of it
Respectfully, I do not think this is a “Both Sides” situation.
The concept of transmasc Dave is objectively one of the most popular headcanons in the Homestuck fandom, and it has been for years. I think I can excuse people who headcanon transfem Dave for “hating it”, because as I have been trying to fucking say this entire time, people keep correcting me on my own posts about transfem Dave on my own blog, and belittling me for thinking this way. And since I’ve asked people to maybe interrogate why they feel the need to correct me and patronize me and to stop fucking doing that, I’ve been getting inundated with people trying to mansplain and traumadump to me how me saying to not correct me and patronize me for having a transfem headcanon is oppressing them and that trans men also have it bad, as if I literally ever insinuated that they do not have it tough.
You do not get to “Both Sides” me on a discussion about my experience when I have never - and I mean NEVER - received this level of heat for headcanoning a character as literally anything else. I have NEVER gotten “corrected” for headcanoning a character as gay, or transmasculine, or black, or a lesbian - only now, when I headcanon a character as a trans woman, am I getting people correcting me, condescending me, telling me some really fucking personal traumas to explain to me I’m “in the wrong” for being upset about the correction and condescension, very obviously making assumptions about my sex, gender, and what I’ve been through in my life, making negative assumptions about my intelligence, and putting a fuck ton of words in my mouth.
I am speaking from my own experience here. I am sorry if that hurts anyone’s feelings, but that much cannot be taken from me. From my experience, this is not “Both Sides”, this is very clearly one side with far greater numbers giving another flack for not assimilating, and when that other side tries to say what’s going on, they’re treated as an aggressor, and treated like a petulant idiot child.
Before anyone puts any more words in my god damn mouth:
I literally never said no one could HC Dave as transmasculine, or that they were wrong for thinking that way. I have outright said the opposite, that it is fine and that I do not care. HOWEVER, I sure as hell am experiencing people telling me that I am wrong for HCing her as a woman.
I literally never, and I mean NEVER, said or insinuated that trans men do not suffer, especially under the patriarchy. I am not an idiot, I know how the patriarchy works, it hurts literally everyone that doesn’t conform to an incredibly, incredibly narrow white non-queer cishetero male ideal. I am also not an idiot, I know that transphobia will exist no matter what you identify as, and it will suck absolute horseshit. Neither “side” has it “easy”, every type of transphobia has an uncomfortably, terrifyingly high body count. I never fucking said trans men do not have it hard. Stop putting those words in my mouth.
Literally all I said was that it’s fucking weird that I’ve never been treated this way until I headcanoned a character as a trans woman, and maybe to interrogate that because people sure seem comfortable acting this way, and that-
This is Transmisogyny.
And if there’s anything else I’ve learned from this, it’s that-
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aristotels · 7 months
wait you arent trans? huh
you arent the first person to be surprised lol, and now i wonder if people think im transmasc or transfem when they think im trans. ive heard both assumptions. :P
in any case, whatever you think, its not a big deal, but here a more detailed explanation
i dont consider myself trans, tho i technically would fall under that umbrella i think; i am agender, i am not cis, and since i dont even perceive my gender (aside when talking about materialism and class opression of women), i just dont feel like i fit in either cis or trans categories.
in any case, even though im uncomfortable when my sex is brought up and when i am perceived and treated as of certain gender (i already talked about how this seriously bothers me regarding stand up comedy), at most its annoyance and anger at misogyny. my gender is not very important to me, i do not perform it, and i dont think about it in context of me as a person. aside, from, as i said, opression that affects me as an opressed class.
in general, i just see gender as a very annoying thing that i gotta drag around. and since i dont perceive myself as a person with any kind of gender, then cis/trans just... in my self-perception dont apply to me. cis or trans from what. from nothing to nothing.
was always like this btw, i thought i was transmasc when i was a child and a teen, turned out what i yearned for was state of neutrality; my yearnings didnt have anything to do with masculinity, but were aimed at the monologues, philosophy, literature which interested me, and often was from male perspective and gender.
but even back then masc pronouns in my language didnt feel right for me, what i used was "we" until parents trained it outta me lol.
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proxythe · 6 months
Any headcanons for the sees members?
Also plus piercing/ lgbt hcs as well 🫣
yessuh let me think … u gotta stay with me here bc i’m so bad at just thinking of regular headcanons
- im ngl ive been big into aki being a glasses wearer lately … like he seriously needs them but never wears them. just stubborn and blind as hell
- this is a popular one but i feel like i haven’t said it in a while: minato & kotone being twins. they obviously look nothing alike canonically but i try to give them very similar features when i draw them (like their nose and mouth) as well as a little beauty mark by their lip
- i love aigis wearing kotone’s clothes. i usually draw this represented by aigis wearing pink to imply its not her own clothes (cuz we all know she normally loves a blue outfit) but i think it’s super cute to imagine. oh & in general i like to give aigis a lot of baggy casual clothes instead of her usual dresses and whatnot. i just like to picture all of sees fashion senses rubbing off on her in different ways
- yukari is scared of ghosts but not horror movies, while junpei doesn’t believe in ghosts but horror movies scare him. im not sure at all if horror is ever brought up honestly i can’t remember but i always thought it would be funny that yukari is so jumpy about ghosts but she’s unimpressed with horror movies, while junpei teases her about ghosts but then a horror movie will have him up scared for a week. trust, he stays denying it scared him
to not make this long as hell, i’ll stop there and get to the rest of ur ask… cutting it bc i always feel like a long ass post will look so cluttered
for my lgbt hcs i kinda fluctuate but its fine:
minato/kotone: bisexual … basically canon for kotone, but i see it for minato as well. i’m pretty open to any kotone gender hc, i personally never thought about it for her. minato tho i think i mainly enjoy nonbinary or transfem minato 😭 but it still is the same that im pretty open to any gender hcs for him as well
yukari: lesbian. immediate answer. i’ve brought this up before feels like forever ago but i am a transmasc yukari enjoyer. it sucks because when i thought about it the first time i remember i had a really big explanation for it that had me hype as hell but now i can’t remember and i just passively enjoy it LOL
junpei: he’s all over the place. i think the cishet ally junpei is really funny just bc it makes me laugh when the whole lgbt friend group just has the one straight guy BUT i also enjoy junmina in every sense so i think i dabble in a little bisexual junpei sometimes …
fuuka: she kinda just gives me unlabeled vibes in sexuality. i had an initial sexuality hc for her but junfuuka started growing on me so i changed it in my head … but i really really love trans girl fuuka i think it’s one of my fav hcs for her <3
akihiko: i feel like i view him gay but i also refer to him as bisexual when i think it’s funny LMFAOOO one thing i keep consistent is that i think he’s trans. basically canon to me. i know the boobs and gorgeous face combo throw some people off but i never imagined he’d want to cut them off so i don’t depict that
mitsuru: lesbian & trans woman. i think oomfs have made transmasc mitsuru grow on me too but i personally mainly view her as a trans woman. also basically canon to me. it’s another one that just comes so naturally that i forget it’s not true
shinji: i don’t imagine he would really care about labels. i think he’d fall in line with being a guy, he/him, whatever but like deep down i don’t think he’d really give af. same with sexuality. he likes who he likes i don’t think he’d make a big deal of it. his gender and sexuality is summed up to “i got bigger things to worry about than this”
LMFAOOO sorry long ass section but for piercings i think it’ll be shorter STAY WITH ME!!!!!!! tbh i think most would just be a normal ass ear piercing so i’m sorry in advance …
- first off… i can see yukari and mitsuru with regular ear piercings. yukari maybe a cunty belly button piercing but i think only like post canon/p4au yukari would get it tbh
- mitsuru with a nose piercing maybe … i honestly can’t imagine mitsuru would ever have many besides the regular ear ones but i can see her with like a stud… i feel like it’s one of those piercings a person would never realize she had unless they looked really close at her face. it’s on her emo bang side so it gets covered
- i can actually imagine junpei with some normal ass ear piercings. but that’s as far as he’d go bc i think the piercing gun/needle would make him cry a lil bit
- kotone seems like she’d do ears as well 😭 if im leaning into a Way more emo minato then i can actually see him with a few like ears/lips/etc. but regular him i don’t think he’d do any … im so sorry omg
- i draw/imagine shinji without any but ive seen people depict him with a tongue piercing before. i lowkey fw it. it’s hidden so i think he’d like something like that … otherwise i can’t imagine him with much
i’m sorry from the bottom of my heart for the lackluster piercing hcs bc i also enjoy piercings a lot visually but realistically i felt like sees wouldn’t really do much 😭😭 they’re too boring !!!
anyways this was long as hell but super fun so thank you for asking !!! i love going to my mind place
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twsthc · 1 year
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thanks again for submitting stuff on twitter! i tried to include everyones hcs somehow but also keep it true to my own hcs. again this took forever so sorry for any writing/grammar inconsistencies
⚠️ warnings: i typed the word "transmascpilled" with a straight face, light chapter 3 spoilers!!
last updated: oct 6, 2023
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Riddle: Unlabled Questioning Asexual, Transfem (she/any)
because of her parents i think her identity was the last thing on her mind
after going to nrc they found out about... expression?! crazy i know
started to cautiously experiment with his identity, but isnt very open about it and is still figuring himself out.
Ace: Cupioromantic Bisexual, Cisgender (he/him)
is always getting "crushes" on people (he cant tell the difference between platonic and romantic love)
after pining for someone for like a week he gets a little "OHHH" moment
asked cater about it, got laughed at, and was directed to the lgbt wiki
despite this he can feel romantic attraction! he just feels very little. is deuce's qpp/possible romantic partner
Deuce: Pansexual, Gender curious (he/him)
hasnt really thought about his identity much but after some research (an Am I Gay Quiz) he realized he was pansexual
still figuring out his gender
type of fellow to say "HIS PRONOUNS ARE THEY THEM" /j
Cater: Queer, Transmasc NB Genderqueer (he/they/any)
@/heartslabyulian on twt explained it better than me but the resistance against his mom and sisters about "being like them" (feminine) is so transmascpilled
also i think theyre just having fun expressing themself like who cares? wear a skirt, dont bind, grow out and dye your hair, use fem terms, literally just go crazy
Trey: Cisgender Bisexual (he/him)
male/nb preference
pretty confident in his identity but isnt opposed to experimentation
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Leona: Unlabled, Intersex GNC Transfemneu (she/him)
lions are one of natures queerest animals
i think he wouldnt care too much about gender presentation
i was inspired by that gay lion in kenya (as well as the real lion king) and have come to the conclusion that leona kingscholar is bisexual (bangs gavel)
Ruggie: Pansexual, Agender/GNC Transfem (he/she/they)
read a fanfiction where ruggie used she/her and i havent been the same
expresses herself how she wants but doesnt really align with any gender
im conflicted if he would be agender or nonbinary SIGH
Jack: Panromantic Asexual, Gender curious (he/him)
still figuring out his gender just give him a minute
sex repulsed ace, hes really uncomfortable w the topic and thought of sex
all he knows is he likes boys alright
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Azul: Bisexual, Intersex Transfem (she/he)
i think one of the reasons azul wanted us to get that picture from the museum so bad is not only cos hes self consious of his younger self but because he looked "more masculine" and he just really hated it
me when im in a depressed and self conscious competition and my opponent is azul ashengrotto [insert enel one piece shocked face reaction image]
Floyd: Unlabled, Genderfluid (he/any)
doesnt care for labels he just wants to have fun in the sun!!!
type of guy to go "im a boy but a girl but a Man but a pretty princess but also a mud eating warrior but also--"
just like me fr
Jade: Aromantic Asexual, Agender (they/he)
fucking battery
look i get its probably stereotypical to hc the typically "stoic" guy to be triple A but just hear me out: i dont care (also jade isnt even stoic he is such a silly guy!!)
its MY headcanon account and EYE get to choose which anime boy i project on
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Kalim: Lesbian, Transfem Genderfluid (she/he)
she has lesbian eyebrows okay?
always sliding around from fem to masc, his outfits often reflect how hes feeling
blink and she switches from ultra pink miniskirt sparkly frilly femme girly teengirl into a baggy pants oversized band shirt beanie wearing 7/11 mountain dew big gulp drinking Creature. seriously iconic
Jamil: Bisexual, Nonbinary (they/he)
they dont have time to worry about their identity
he has BILLS to PAY
but seriously they never got the time to do any self reflection when they were younger and after their OB they were able to fully come to terms with and explore their identity
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Vil: Queer Polyamorous, Genderqueer Transfem (she/her)
said this already on twitter but she/her vil is so real
figured herself out even before NRC
i dont have much to say about pomefiore as a whole tbh like theyre just Gay it just makes sense?
Rook: Pansexual Polyamorous, Agender (they/them)
this is the one hc i will never ever budge on
i cant explain myself. rook is just agender okay.
the panpoly bit is because he sees beauty in everyone and wants to share beauty with everyone (and he wants potential romantic partners to share beauty with each other as well)
Epel: Gay, Trans man (he/him)
also took an Am I Gay Quiz
asked vil about her identity and for advice on finding himself and stuff
he came out to leona as trans during practice and leona was like "okay? me too? now do 30 pull ups?" and epel was so happy
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Idia: Bisexual, Nonbinary (he/they/xe/it ++)
i think lilia canonically uses he/they pronouns for gloomurai. im not fact checking this i will just saw someone on twt say it once and choose to believe
probably found out he was bi after playing an otome game
list of neos: xe/it/exe/cy/vi/byte/if/gore
Ortho: Experimenting (he/it/neos)
someone on twitter said ortho was that ""cringe"" baby queer who is constantly changing his identity and trying out different pronouns
and it reminded me of myself when i was 12 and named myself ""moth"" 😭 so its canon now
idia is supportive and uses his heaps of money to buy new pride flags/pins for whenever ortho comes to a new conclusion
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Malleus: Pansexual, Agender (any pronouns)
doesnt care about gender constructs, but in a way thats like "human gender doesnt make any sense so you can perceive me any way you want and it literally will not matter i dont care"
didnt even realize that going by different pronouns and wearing fem clothes was considered to be out of the norm until being introduced to human society
Lilia: Unlabeled, Agender (no pronouns)
again for fae gender isnt a construct as much as it is for human societies
id imagine lilia doesnt really mind using he/him pronouns after learning about those constructs but really doesnt care for them
Silver: Lesbian, Nonbinary (he/him)
when lilia took silver in, lilia didnt want to get too close to him, so lilia just used he/him on silver as a bitter reminder that silver isnt fae (contrary to raising silver without pronouns like he would typically for a fae child like malleus)
but then lilia got attached anyway LOL but the he/him stuck
kalim and silver are nonbinary lesbians in love
Sebek: Questioning, Questioning Nonbinary (he/him...?)
hes like "STUPID HUMANS AND THEIR GENDER" but at the same time is secretly questioning if its okay to use she/her pronouns, wear a wig, and put on makeup
because his dad is a human he got pronouns and grasped the concept of human gender constructs but was also able to experience his moms side of not caring about it
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chainmail-butch · 5 months
Idk idk idk its late and im not sober butlike. Theres cis butches, nonbinary butches, genderqueer/blur the line butches, transmasc butches... so your blog was the first time I saw transfem btuch talked about and I was like thank fucking god. OF COURSE there's trans women who are btuch this just rounds everything out so nicely and its great. I am so glad theres trans butches in this world and it genuinely makes me feel so much more validated as a transmasc btuch and i love in general when trans women have a funky gender thing going on cuz im just like oh so you're like a girl but not exactly and you're masc but in like a dyke way so what youre saying is you're jsut like me fr. Btw
I also feel weird and torn about your post about trans women treating your gender weirdest cuz I have a freind who transitioned and went stealth years before I met her and she used to be so weird about me being masc like she sent me ARTICLES. Fucking articles about how btucues should wear women's clothes and a bit of makeup so they look better and it was so annoying and when I found out she was trans and came into that during like 2013 I was like ohhhhhh someone had instilled this idea that you must conform to a specific look to be worth having around and you thoguht you were doing me a favor (she grew out of it though so we're gucci, I kinda just called her weird for saying those things so i think she worked thorough it herself) and sometimes the stuff you say reminds me of that idk maybe there's a word for the internalized something or other ?
Sorry if this isn't comprehensible im a little high and I cant read it over because its too many words so sorry have a good night! or morning! Or something I think
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I was going through it last night and this meant a lot to me.
I think a lot of it (gender non-conformity/Issues with masculinity in those who claim womanhood) is rooted in misogyny, and I think the internalized something or other here is internalized Misogyny/Lesbophobia/Transphobia.
A lot of people are visibly upset when a big butch dyke walks onto the scene even if they themselves don't understand why. I think its the same or similar to the gut reaction that people get when they encounter trans women. Which is why, I imagine, your friend thought she was being helpful.
I hope you had a chill night
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peaceandlove26 · 1 year
ok this is probably silly and pls let me know if you plain just dont want to answer but ive identified as transmasc for a LONG time as you did and now im wondering if im a lesbian. do you have any advice for unpacking all that?
hi there!
so this is difficult because everyone’s experiences are different so there’s no clear answer on how to figure it all out. so this is just My Experience i am NOT an authority. and also if any terfs try to use this as an example of why trans men are fake or whatever i will KILL YOU
i don’t really know how to put this in any linear or coherent way so sorry in advance
first: i don’t know if this is really a good resource bc i found it on reddit. but. something i found really helpful was the lesbian masterdoc. this goes over comphet, which is something i never had a good understanding of until reading the ways it actually manifests. it was a hard read because of just how Real it got for me. the gender section is also really helpful for this particular issue (theres stuff in there for both transmascs and transfems iirc)
as i came to terms with my attraction to women i became more and more comfortable identifying as one. idk why! i guess i felt so out of place in my body (i was a teenager) and in society (i was a weird lesbian) that i misplaced those feelings as dysphoria. or something? idk i slowly became more and more okay with being a girl as i became more and more okay with being a lesbian. (by the way you can ABSOLUTELY be a lesbian and not be a girl. nonbinary lesbianism is awesome)
and speaking of being okay with being a lesbian. that’s HARD! at least for me! my whole life i’ve desperately wanted to Not be a lesbian because subconsciously i thought it made me weird and gross and perverted, because that’s how lesbianism was treated by my peers growing up. bisexuality was fine, weirdly, but “lesbian” was too dirty to even say when i was a kid. a big part of my “journey” was accepting that lesbianism is normal and good actually and i shouldn’t hate myself for liking girls and not guys. this is something i still struggle with but it’s getting better!
but yeah again the lesbian masterdoc was helpful and also i found the subject of this video, while personal, to be very similar to my experiences. maybe you’ll resonate too!
good luck in figuring yourself out and remember there’s no rush! you have your whole life to figure it out!
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saltbind · 9 days
okay i really got carried away and i dont mean to vent in ur asks but ur post about being uncomfortable with the way fandom misgenders sam and leans into the misogyny of the show is so relatable i had to say something on it. feel free to publish this ask or to add ur own opinion, i dont mind!
i think now i am less uncomfortable with girl sam headcanons and i even enjoy transfem sam hcs in the later seasons,, but especially when i was first joining the fandom seeing the amount of misgendering and girlifying of sam made me so bone deep uncomfortable. because i saw the way sam was degraded and feminized in canon and i related to him so much in a transmasc way instead
then to go into the fandom and see people leaning into the misgendering and calling him a woman for being a man who *checks notes* is nice to people? has long hair. likes to be clean?? felt like it was just perpetuating the sexism of the show. it felt incredibly invalidating to say the least,, and to say a lot more, it made me feel uncomfortable being trans in the spn fandom.
even now its incredibly hard to trust anyone in the spn fandom to not be transphobic or hold transphobic values. someone can have 'terfs dni' in their pinned post all they want but are they really challenging sexism, bioessentialism, or transphobia by calling men women for acting slightly feminine? are trans people supposed to be comfortable around them when they see a man with the slightest amount of ass, with a tiny bit of hip and waist visible, and pointing at him laughing and calling him a woman? (also its made worse by the fact that sams not all that feminine? hes a very masculine big buff guy. the way the show misgenders him is almost comical when paired with that fact, but the way fandom perpetuates it and doubles down on it is something else entirely.)
its hard because i understand that people are going to relate to the show differently to me. i relate to sam in a way that ties into my trans male identity. other people might relate to him and the way hes treated as feminine because of their feminine identity. to some people it could be liberating and an expression of their own identity to focus on sams femininity and i dont want to ruin or make people feel bad for enjoying that. but this fandom makes me feel like im fucking crazy for being uncomfortable with sexism and transphobia sometimes.
i completely get all of this and feel the same honestly!
one of the things that makes me relate so much to sam, whether he's written a cis man or a trans man, is that he's masculine in ways that are non-typical in the environment he's in. especially when it comes to headcanoning him as trans - it's important to me that he has these traits that can be read as feminine and has asserted his identity as a man anyway. it's important to me that he's unapologetic for the ways that he defies expectation and i'm always going to prefer headcanons that center his masculinity as a big part of his identity.
sometimes it can feel like people see the 'feminine' traits sam has and make the same jump that i used to see when it came to autistic-coded characters. feminine traits = trans woman, autistic traits = ace or agender. and while it's true for some people, i think that making that jump in every instance you see can be really disillusioning for people in that community who don't fit into those boxes. it can make you feel like there's something wrong with you for being trans in a particular direction when you still have traits that are 'typical' for your assigned gender or vice versa, or make you feel like you have to adhere to an identity that doesn't quite fit because everyone talks like it's a given for your personality. when i was younger i really did think and feel like i was ace when i wasn't because of just how many people were convinced the characters i related to were. turns out autistic people can just have very different relationships with sex and i'm very normal for an autistic person! i was never ace, i was just really disconnected with the allistic way of looking at sex.
it's the same with trans headcanons for me. a lot, and i mean a lot of characters that people think of as trans fem have been characters that for me have been huge comfort characters or kin characters, both in this fandom and in others. often for the same reasons that i personally see myself in them - those atypical traits that make me feel like oh that's a guy who's like me! - and every time i have found myself going the other way, and ending up really firm on my own trans masc headcanons. you don't have to be the dictionary definition of masculine to be a man. you can be masculine in ways that are different to what is expected of you and those ways are still just as important and valuable and manly.
again, this isn't necessarily a rebuke to trans fem sam headcanons. this shit is personal and i fully understand that. the above are my personal reasons for my headcanons and the way i am about them.
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justalilpearlie · 1 month
I don't ship majormoon or hell even see pearl as trans, but I don't get the hate for trans man pearl x cis gay scott when I've seen ppl do this to other characters in the mcyt fandom even in the traffic life series and everyone loves it.
I think it's because it's a canon gay character and they think you making pearl trans as an "excuse to ship them" even if that was the case, which I think is not, you are still respecting Scott boundaries of not shipping him with women, idk it's just confusing how ppl are fine with it until you bring Scott into the mix.
Also we need more gay/straight ppl shipped with trans characters canon or not
Sorry I saw you get hate on that on the Scott shipping bracket, and as a trans person myself it felt really disrespectful
thank you so much anon yes exactly this 🙏🙏
All the labels I give Pearl are my labels too which is what bugs me the most about this
And I have a high school au thingy where I made her go like.
lesbian -> (straight?) trans man -> bisexual trans man -> gay trans man -> gay bigender -> bisexual? bigender -> what the fuck is going on man aaaaa labels are so hard -> gendervoid verinix and queer!! (But its easier to say ftm/bigender mlm. Still could like women but its so not often that prefers to call himself a gay man 98% of the time)
My main reason to ship majormoon was because LL scott reminded me of my current partner
I still am not that big of a fan of DL majormoon cause. On the opposite end of the spectrum. DL scott reminds me of a shitty ex of mine.
But either way ofc I cant ignore it cause its a big part of their story! But thats why I tend to focus on spreading positivity about the ship in all its other aspects
If other people get to have fun, project, have headcanons and etc. Why cant I?
Cause I dont give Pearl short hair? Cause i dont change anything abt her design? Cause he still uses she pronouns? He/She slash She/He users also have the She there for a reason.
I dont change anything abt Pearl's design myself and let him present femenine/androgynous and keep the long hair in most of my art is. BECAUSE AGAIN THATS ME!!
I personally dont have body disphoria *most* of the time. I have social disphoria yes. I wanna be treated as a man and I dont want anyone I didn't explicitly allow to to she/her me cause yes Im bigender but i mostly feel like a man. But I have *zero* plans to medically transition.
I love how I look, I love how I dress, I love wearing make up and I love how my voice sounds. I dont personally fw long hair cause that *does* make sme disphoric, but for Pearl I think it fits her. I think he deserves to keep his hair long for as long as she decides to do so.
In general. Let people have their trans headcanons and ship them with whoever they want
a straight cis person dating a straight trans person doesnt make them a gay couple.
a gay/queer cis person dating a gay/queer trans person doesnt make them a straight couple.
Trans men dont owe you masculinity.
Trans women dont owe you femininity.
Nonbinary people dont owe you androgyny.
Transmasc =/= trans man
Transfem =/= trans woman
Pronouns =/= gender
I thought we all mostly knew this but just in case a little reminder
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
i am also a big transmasc roxy fan! but i genuinely dislike the canon interpretation of him and i dont think they should have ever made headcanons like that true.
im a transmasc man that holds onto a lot of feminine things like clothing and makeup, and i think making canon harms a lot of enjoyment from all kinds of people.
transfem headcanons might not feel completely comfortable, and it's not fair to them either.
would it not be better to leave that kind of thing unofficial, to let *all* fans enjoy their own headcanons? rather than make a decision for a character that never had that intention in their making at all?
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dykerica · 2 years
Could you please elaborate on either your transfem or lesbian Ethan Morgan headcanons? I love them!
(also these became more like serious gender things rather than silly goofy ones so if you want those instead hmu)
first! i hc ethan as autistic + lesbian basically 100% of the time, and i switch between transfem + transmasc depending on how i'm feeling tbh
for both of the gender hcs i stay with ethan never feeling a big connection with his birth gender growing up and also not really understanding the insanity surrounding feminine vs masculine gender roles / stereotypes / actions etc (this is where the autism hc gets relevance). so i think child ethan was extremely gender apathetic which leads to a "more masc" presentation in general because people tend to view neutral = masculine when it comes to things about gender.
i do think (going the transfem route) ethan realizing she's a girl/girl adjacent is like kinda chill almost? its probably a realization that happens closer to highschool if not during her freshman year, because while i don't think ethan would ever be presenting super feminine i do think she's always admired it / loved it from afar basically. i do think eventually it just kinda clicks for her, lots of relief about like no longer feeling the need to be a Macho Man but also some like "am i not girl enough bcus of all my stereotypical nerdy guy interests?" this is when ethan is introduced to the existence of the magic the gathering -> trans girl pipeline and it's def a process but i think the fact she's never really understood why certain things are gendered makes it a bit easier. she's a girl and she likes girls <3
i don't really see ethan ever presenting super feminine, like she'll grow her hair out and go on E but she's not really wearing skirts and dresses around town UNLESS she's playing dressup with jane bcus jane got SO EXCITED to play dressup with her big sister that ethan just couldn't say no. also i don't know if there's like an already existing widely spread transfem ethan name hc (?) but im fond of eve personally.
FOR THE TRANSMASC LESBIAN HC: i think ethan being aware he's transmasc is something on the outskirts of his mind since childhood, especially once Jane is born and there's a very stark difference between their behaviors as "little girls". However i don't think ethan was ever like "oh yeah im not a girl im a MAN" which leads to this weird like "okay im not a man but im super comfortable presenting more masculine and im not really a girl either but i still feel slightly connected to "girlhood" despite never really doing it quote unquote right". this is when ethan discovers the amazing concept of BUTCH LESBIANS, so he changes his name / pronouns and goes on T. like he's very girlboy, boygirl even, girl who is a boy who is a girl who is a lesbian. his first crush was on Thorn from the hexgirls, also Daphne, also Gwen from TDI. Benny and ethan have to promise each other to never like the same girl ever again bcus they almost killed each other in middle school over who got to ask her to a dance. Anyway boydyke lesbian Ethan is a grey area but its also very important to me i love him very much <3
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The KPS:
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"Hello and heya!! My name's Vivian. Vivian Vex. (She/They) Transfem butch/futch/femme Cyborg/Cybernetic Succubus, but who I am doesn't revolve around sex and violence (anymore). It revolves around humor, VERY dumb memes like that barely qualify legally as memes, MLP, Fallout, Halo, and loving and supporting the people around me, not least of all my 15-year Partner and love of my life, Zander<3 I'm a surrogate mom to a lot of people, and will do almost- and will do *anything* to protect trans kids, trans people, or any marginalized folk. I love you. And I'm proud of you. I'm glad you're here<3"
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"Hiya!! :3 My name's AlexZander Maxwell Belmont, (They/He/She/Cat) transmasc genderfluid catboy/catgirl/catenby! I'm a mage from the tropics, and beneath my 'Smol evil catte bean >:3' persona, I'm very soft-spoken, and try to be kind and understanding towards everyone, as does Viv, my Wife and love forever<3 I like Half-Life, fresh fruit, Halo, and being outdoors! prrrbt prbt :3"
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"Good Evening, I assume. My name is Professor Yarrow or Wilson (depending on my mood) Turingley Hrothwell. Pronouns are He/They. I'm chief of research and development, and head of Psychologistics at the Kintsugi-Pentimento Society. I enjoy tea, research (particularly into plurality and other mental matters) and spending quiet moments with my loved ones: My partner Zander, and my wonderous GNC son Jonas. Warm regards, Yarrow/Wilson."
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"Hai!!! :D My name's Pinkie Pie, and I'm a kinda ace-spectrummyy bisexualish lesbainish pony with she/her and im trying out pink/pink pronouns!! Im the most recent member of the system, and i love everypony here! They're all so nice and friendly and supportive, oh, I really like sweets and parties and Twilight and soda and baking and making friends and candy and everything! Everywhere! If I could, i'd give everypony in the whole world a biiiiig hug!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU, DONT FORGET TO SMILE AND DO STUFF THAT MAKES YOU SMILE! LOVE YOUUUU!!"
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"hey. my name's Jonas. Jonas Kujo. some of my friends call me Shen, or sometimes Jojo. Aroace, he/they pronouns please. im a pretty soft, quiet dude. but... i love trans people. my people. I'll do anything, and fight anyone for you. Pinky promise. i have a fire in me that won't go out. I'm a JoJo. and I'm gonna save the world."
Not pictured/without comment: Smiley, a Yes Man fictive who helps out when other folks are under a lot of emotional toil, and has repaired me several times after stress damage<3 -Vivian
"Howdy! Ah'm Workhorse, an Applejack fictive, she/her. I'm just now startin' to stretch my legs, but y'all might hear from me soon. Take care, y'all! :D"
Raer Gorebeest, It/Its/Itself, is a Wendigo who enjoys drawing with crayons, scaring people, biting things, and and many other violent possibly triggering actions, but don't worry!! It's actually very sweet and lovey, and kinda just a big kid! -Zander
All others didn't want a spotlight, but are still as much a part of the family as an others. Feel free to ask about us and stuff, we're pretty open, friendly folks.
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sucrows · 1 year
Hi!! I just read your nazuna post and I love it <3 curious though, do you have any other transmasc hcs for other characters? Or was that just a one time thing for the drabble
I love considering any and every character as trans when the whim hits me tbh, butttt I do of course have favorites so I'm going to make a list of who and why for both horny and non horny reasons: (under cut because i got too invested lmao)
Nazuna: Ok we already know i just have the hots for him BUT theres also other reasons. One of the big factors in Nazuna's misery in Ex Valk was because of his voice changing and no longer being able to sing his old parts. Can you imagine the angst potential in that being because he started T? ESPECIALLY if he were stealth? Like, I highly doubt he would've been able to get away with it but, if he were, then his voice changing would've been something occurring due to something he actively chose to go through. Would he feel like him choosing his joy in transitioning is the same as choosing Shu and Mika's misery? There's just so much to consider there
Mayoi: I also have the hots for them and every character I have them for is schrodinger's gender where they're whatever I want at the moment. Otherwise, he's a weirdo! A freak! I love that for him! I enjoy his funkiness and think he should embrace it with his gender. A lot of trans people are already outcasts so fuck it! he's already an outcast why not embrace it. Not to mention it would add another layer of depth to his insecurities. Transmasc, trans man, transfem, trans woman, nonbinary, agender, genderfluid, all of it!! any of it!!!
Kuro: Ok, weird one, hear me out though. It stemmed after I read this on ao3 (AFAIK the author does not have a tumblr). He feels pressure to be good for his unit, his friends, his family, etc etc- but one of the things he isn't good at is basically anything "feminine". He's a very stereotypically manly person in appearance and its often what he's recognized for. What if though, he just... starts longing to be what he's not? Maybe he spends time in groups and circles with more women because of his more stereotypical feminine interests and he finds himself feeling a bit too at home there. Maybe he gets a few opportunities to wear a cute, pretty, or beautiful getup and he's like... oh... i like this. Just!!! Agh!!! I like the idea of transfemme Kuro a lot.
Hiyori: Ignored youngest daughter raised to ignore her own feelings discovers he's happier as a man and goes on to do his own thing but still feeling an obligation to the family that raised him even though he was pushed aside in favor of his older brother? Once again, angst potential. Oh also, he's already really fucky with his appearance in not being scared to wear prettier, more feminine shit in a way that implies he know what he's doing and i love that. Could just be him being cool as fuck, or that tboy swag. Either way, I like it.
Ibara: oh i just think it's be neat, otherwise though, we've all seen the unbloomed bogie time card. Similar vein as Kuro, he was raised in a an environment filled with nothing but men, men, and more men. He probably didn't even consider it an option for a really long time that he could be anything but a man. The way I see it happening is through a convo with someone who is already out and trans and hearing about their experiences. He thinks the experience they describe sounds to similar to his background thoughts on his gender and then it suddenly hits him that "oh no... am I?". He would probably stay in the closet a longgg time and then one day just come out all at once.
Oof I don't have to much energy for the rest of these but some others im fond of: Natsume, Shu, Niki, & Ritsu.
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ponycules · 2 years
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hello! i am ponycules and this is my mlp sideblog for all gens (though im partial to g1 and g4).
my big queer mane 6 headcanons are down below ↓
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she/they transfem bigender demigirl
bi greyce greyro polyam
twilight would describe her gender as "part girl, part something else". what else? she's not so sure herself. a partially masculine and partially androgynous second gender? whatever, they think that bigender demigirl works just fine.
theyre bisexual and dont get sexual crushes or desires very often. they get romantic crushes a bit more, but has to be friends with a pony first. she could call herself demiromantic, but prefers greyromantic. she was the last to realize that everyone was interested in dating eachother, thus creating the twilicule (not her name idea) (everyone else agreed on it because she brought them all together).
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he/she transfem butch
lesbian greyro polyam
applejack prides himself on his gender presentation: not in an appearance way (like rarity), but in more of a "proud to be unapologetically himself" way. she won't change the way he presents for nopony, and she likes being masculine.
he loves women, especially his primary partner rainbow dash, though he doesn't get crushes very easily if ever. it took a while for her to start dating the other four mane six members after the twilicule was formed, even with the constant flirting between the six of them, and she's not looking for any more partners.
rainbow dash
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he/they transmasc (sapphic) boy
gay (wlw) polyam
rainbow dash is one of those trans ponies that knew from a young age that he was different, and was known by others as a tomboy. first he thought he was a trans man, and then learned about butch lesbianism. after a lot of soul searching, they concluded that they were a trans man, just in a wlw way.
part of their gender nonconformity, rainbow prefers to call himself gay instead of a lesbian, as he feels the term implies womanhood even if it doesnt mean to.
pinkie pie
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any normative pronouns + neos (pronoun hoarder) agender xenogender multigender genderfluid genderhoarder
pan objectum polyam
pinkie doesn't have a gender, but that doesnt mean she can't have fun with it! she is a boy and a girl and both and neither and none of the above. he likes to hoard neopronouns (like fun/funs, party/partys, pony/ponys, i could go on) and xenogenders (like genderfun and smilegender) even when they dont necessarily relate to their gender. honks pan and loves all ponies, and tends to get crushes easily. it loves everyone a ton! they even fall in love with objects, and is dating quite a few of them.
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she/they (gem/gems sometimes) afab intersex transfem femme genderfluid
lesbian polyam
rarity, though being assigned female at birth, identifies as transfem because of growing up with a typical "male" puberty due to her intersex condition. their relationship with gender is complicated due to this, but they like to mix around their presentation depending on how they feel that day (though always keeps a well-kept beard). she uses she/they normally and gem/gems when wearing drag or very extravagant outfits. she considers herself femme no matter what outfit she wears.
rarity is a lesbian and a hopeless romantic, always wanting to go on dates and meet another love of her life. she deals with a lot of comphet and guilt about relationships, but her girlfriends are always there to comfort her. other than the twilicule she's crushing on sassy saddles and coco pommel.
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she/they/it/bun/flutter transfem
asexual bi lesbian polyam
fluttershy isn't too interested in labeling her exact gender experience other than "transfem", but she does like expressing herself through pronouns. bun/buns for buns favorite creatures on earth, flutter/flutters for flutters cutie mark and name, and it/its because it finds those pronouns beautiful in their own way.
theyre attracted to all genders, but fluttershy finds that their attraction to women is most important to their identity, so she ids as a bi lesbian. shes not interested in sexual relationships. buns in a qpr polycule with tree hugger, who is an aro bi nonbinary lesbian; and discord, a chaosgender omnipanbi gay lesbian draconequus
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clembian · 6 months
hi‼️💥💥💥im thinking abt ctubbo n chommy again [and always..]i’m ur the Beeduo Guy but perhaps you have any headcanons abt those two .?looks at you with my big sad brown eyes
ohhh ghost we r like this🤞 they r so on the mind lately.. ill just give ssome random thoughts w some hcs cos they rsooo important 2 me but also.sniffle.
i lovee the idea of preteen/kid cclingy running around the server gettin up to mischief (partially inspired by the stunts id get up to as a kid) but also they r both trans. ctubbo and ctommy r transmasc and transfem respectively 2 me so i feel like theyd have a moment pretty similar to 'dude do u think its normal to wanna be a boy sometimes' 'yeah i think everyone thinks like that' (i alwayz jump between lmanburg and post doomsday for when ctommy came out but i feel like tubbo realized a lot earlier ? and there was just so much shit going on that ctommy like did Not have the time for that) (this almost turned into a cschlatt and ctubbo rant but i reigned it in :3)
i was listening 2 always gold by radical face cos its soso good and specifically i was thinking abt the lyrics "but i am fine with where i am now, this home is home and all that i need, but for you this place is shame" and i was sortof exploding over it cos like. its so themT_Ttommy still living in (whats left of) thr main smp area. so close to thr ghost of nlm and lmanburg before that and cdreams territory before even that !!!!!!!!!!and tubbo couldnt stay 💥💥he moved to snowchester to get away from it all but tommy stayed in the same home he built at thr beginning because thr familiarity of the horrible shit was better than unfamiliar new (but potentially better) shit.
sorry im a big fan of the idea that they went through a post-Everything period of avoiding each other bc of the guilt(⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞdidnt mean 2 makeit angsty
^^tying back 2 this but likee.. landslide by fleetwood mac as a cclingy song. very much thinking sbt this song as representing the part of their lives where everything that happened is nothing more than a bad memory walking past lmanhole(long taken over by nature) or a distant look in their eyes on a bad day,, them aging and building their own lives.. stevie nicks save me.. <- so much love in my heart 4 older cbench..
i also wonder how much nature would take over the parts of the smp that dont get visited much anymore. (wizard mind beaming u the image of the church of prime kept clean while most of the surrounding area is overtaken by wildlife) do u think that one day the bench will have been there so long that without someone to keep them in check, the prairie grasses will cling to the legs and grow around them
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